The Huntingdon Journal. tam k3lttTpausthola. Clay as Manure. Clay constitutes a large part of our till age land, and it contains matter of the highest importance. But this matter is locked up, so that clay as we find it, par ticularly in its original or raw state, is of little value to the farmer, generally a thing not desired. Yet, as we said, it con tains very valuable properties, and many of them, principally of alkalies, such as potash, lime magnesia, etc. These let loose and brought to a state fit for the use of plants, will afford a large fund of most useful mineral manure. iiut how is that to be obiaimed ? Ex posed to the elements, sun, rain, frost, etc., a slow change will take place, and the ben efit will be marked at once, but not strong ly ; the chemical effect is slow but contin uous if left to the influence of the weather; hence clay soil is said to be a lasting soil, as it is constantly giving up its manurial properties, for the benefit of the plant.— But there are other properties among which are its mechanical effect, giving texture to the soil, and its absorptive prin ciple, which is very great when in highly pulvernlent condition, attracting moisture and the various gasses and holding them, thus adding to its fertility. The general object, therefore, in the treatment of clay, must be to aerate and expose to the elements, particularly the frost, and prevent packing while working it, that is, not working it when wet. To get an 'immediate effect, without wait for the action of elements resort is some times bad to burning. This liberates the valuable manurial elements without expell ing or evaporating them. Sufficient ex periment has been made to decide that in some cases it is profitable to treat clay in this way. It supplies the necessary min eral or inorganic matter largely. Much is to be done yet with our clay soil to ren der it highly effective and useful. PASTRY FOR PIES AND TARTS.—Take three cups of sifted flour, one tablespoonful of white sugar, One tablespoonful of salt, oac cup of lard, and half a cup of cold wa ter ; stir with a spoon and roll out for your pies. This is for three pies, and you can enlarge it as you wish. Do not put your hands to it nor roll it except to spread it out thin, if you wish it short and crispy, and not flaky and tough. Miscellaneous. 100,000 ENVELOPES JUST RECEIVED ATJOURNAL STATIONERY STORE. Also, BLANK BOOKS, all kinds, ENVELOPES, every description. Call and examine our stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. SOMETHING NEW. FIRST NATIONAL BAKERY. OPPOSITE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Here is the place to buy your BREAL, CAKES and GROCERIES, and to get the worth of your money. Fruit, fresh and canoed, the best COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS, 'CHEESE. CENTENNIAL SAUCE, CENTENNIAL CELERY SALT, CONFECTIONARIES BEST QUALITY, JELLIES, FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Wheat, Bran and Rye Bread, baked daily, Cakes for parties, baked to order. All orders will be de livered if required. Give us a call. july29-6moa.] WILLIAM SMITH. MILNWOOD ACADEMY Will resume work on September 2d, 1874. Students are prepared for College, Business or Teaching. Winter term opens on Monday, Jan uary sth, 1875. For particulars write to Ju1y29,1874r1yr.) WILLIAM R. KENNEDY WITH GEYER & CARPENTER, WHOI,ESALS DEALERS IN TOBACCO, S'E GARS, SNUFF, AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES, No. 7 Worth Third Street, PHILADELPHIA J. 11. GEYER, V. C. CARPENTER EYE CUPS SPECTACLES RENDERED USELESS Dr. J. Ball t Co.'s Patent Eye Cups restore impaired vision, cures near sightedness, some times blindness, and many other diseases of the EYE. Furnished by Ray. S. A. CREVELING, M'Vcytown, Mifflin county, Pa.. Sole agent for Mifflin, Huntingdon, Blair and Juniata coutics. June24-limos. LEWIS RICHTER, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, in old JOURNAL building, Fifth street, Hunting don, Pa. Good fits guaranteed in all cases. A ug.l2-Iyr. MARBLEHEAD WOOLEN FAC TORY. NEAR M'ELEVY'S FORT, Huntingdon county, Pa. The subscriber takes pleasure in informing hie friends and the public generally that he manufac tures BLANKBTS, CASSIMERS, SATINETTS, Jeans, Flannels and Stocking and other Yarns, and everything usually manufactured in a Coun try Factory, which he will exchange for Wool or Cash, at fair prices. B. A. GIBBONEY. Aug.19,14-Iyr. 60 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ! 60 Choice BUILDING LOTS, in Taylor', Ad- dition to West Huntingdon," for sale, Apply to JOHN F. MILLER. ICLE, MY CHRIST lAS GIFT! TQLIDAT OpO)QDV LOLIDAY PRESENTB "JOURNAL" STORE Hlli [AT Here you can get the finest Papetries ever brought to Huntingdon, 1t —ALL TINTS New Style Square Repp, J Pine's Octavo Note, with Baronial Envelopes to match. Pine's Victoria Court Paper—finest manufactured-2.50 per Box. French Court Paper—Alexandria style— 2.00 ~ Cambridge Papetries, 1.50 ,c Brighton CC ~ - - - 1.00 PIRIE'S— It Ditto Wove, INITIA EJ rk ) ? AP I-:IZS Cleopatra Court Panetrie, Diamond Court l 4 Irving Initial, St. James, . : Pacific : : ;wt. EMBLEM PAPETRIES, CENTS PER BOX. -ea IE3- NOVELTY (Legal Fold), 35 CENTS PER BOX. -GA Linear Papetries, of all Tints and Prices, with Envelopes to match. _Harvard Papetries, 40 cents per Box; Yale Papetries, 40 cents per Box. ANTIQUE, LADIES' OCTAVO, At prices ranging from 8 cents per quire to 35 cents. In addition, we have all kinds of WRITING, BILL, and, in fact, almost every kind of paper in use. IF' Ch rt 3E3E X Ma X) EIL 30 IV ! CHROMO BOXES. These are the most handsome papetries known for children. PICTURES ! I Imported -\' ENGRAVINGS, ( For the Holidays. R. S. KUHN, Shad© Gap, P# PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ! PLAIN AND REPP CARDS, P& up in handsome cases. Neatly printed to order. [may13,1874-Iyr. These are very fashionable, and no more handsome or acceptable present could be made to a young lady. STRAW FOR FRAMES. ASSORTED COLORS. POCKET BOOKS 1 A large and complete assortment. No charge for showing them BOOK SLATES! Size, 7 Xll inches. An extremely handsome gift for a girl or boy, You can make no more acceptable gift than a good magazine or paper. Leave your orders. EVERYTHING IN THE STATIONERY LINE! REMEMBER ! VIE JOURNAL STORE, ctrtlfr /W. Opposite the Post Office, is the place gstr TO GET THE MOST USEFUL HOLIDAY GIFTS! .18f ~~ IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Alexandria Repp, Princess Linear, White, 30 cents a Box. BIJON AND LITTLE PRINCESS PAPETRIES, HANDSOMELY DONE UP IN A large assortment of Come and see them. ALL THE MAGAZINES AND LITERARY PAPERS ! ill II M 9 6 S 1' consisting of ONION, COMMERCIAL NOTE, PICTURES In great profusiOn. to . ) I We have a large stock of the Spring trade bonyht for cash, at panic prices, which consists in part of 45 cents per Box. 45 " ‘i 30 " lg 40 " C 4 40 " QUADRILLE, SERMON, All kinds of VERY PRETTY. Miscellaneous. F UNITURE THE largest, best selected and cheapest stock of FURNITURE, ever offered to the people of Hun tingdon county, at BROWN & TYHURST, At No. 525, PENN Street, HUNTINGDON, PA Parlor Suits, Walnut Chamber Suits, Dressing Case Suits, Cottage Chamber Suits, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Single & Double Enclosed Washstands, Thirty Styles of Rocking Chairs, Cane and Wood Seat Chairs, corner Cupboards, Sink*, Doughtrays, Extension Tables, Dining & Breakfast Tables, Picture Frames, Mouldings, Mirrors, llattresses, &c., &c., &e., and a general variety of everything in our line. We defy competition in style, quality, quantity and price. We buy for CASII, and can success fully compete with city prices. Give us a call and examine our styles and prices before purchasing elsewhere. March IS, 1574-3 mos. STEAM ENGINE AND AGRICUL TURAL IMPLEMENT FACTORY. No. 1004, Washington Street, lluntingdon, Pa., J. A. POLLOCK, Proprietor, Manufactures and furnishes Machinery for all kinds of machine work. Special attention given to fitting up a cheap class of Machinery, designed for small manufacturers. Second-hand Engines and Machinery at low prices. Drawings for Machinery and Patterns for castings made to order. ENGINES and MACHINERY set up, and CYL INDERS bored out without moving from bed, in any part of the country Agent for Kreider, Zindgraff Co., Millwrights and Machinests, who build and completely furnish mills of every kind. Employing mechanics who thoroughly understand their trade, satisfactory work will always be produced A Blanchard Spoke Lathe for se.; at a very low April22.tL HUEY & CHRIST, SUCCESSORS TO lIRYDER Sz CO. To those interested in the purchase of a strictly PURE RYE WHISKY, for medical purposes we offer BAILEY'S PURE RYE, price $2 to $6 per gallon, and will ship in pack ages to suit purchasers. We also handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, price from $1.50 to $1.75. We import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, and also manufacturers of DR. STEVER'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Send for Price List. lIUEY k CIIRIST, 121 North Third Street, Philadelphia, June24,lS74-Iyr. G OODS FOR THE MILLION AT THE WEST HUNTINGDON BAZAR, Corner of Ninth and Washington ,S:rcets, This establishment has just received a large and varied assortment of seasonable goods, consisting in part of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, _DRESS TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS, HOSIERY, and all articles usually found in a first-clues store. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine goods and prices. Don't forget the place, corner Ninth and Wash ington streets, West Huntingdon, I'a. G. W. JOHNSTON & CO. 0ct.15,1873. DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS S. S. SMITH & SON, No. 6'1(3 PENN STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Trusses, Supporters and Shoul der Braces, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Carbon Oil Lamps, &c. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes Also, Agent for The Davis Vertical Feed Sew ing Machine. Best in the world for all purposes. Aug. 20,1873. VINEGAR BITTERS, PURELY VEG ETABE. FREE FROM ALCOHOL. Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bit ters aro a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are extrac ted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit ters 7" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a lite-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bitters in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as Tonic. re lieving Congestion or Inflamation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bit ters act cu all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the inflamma tion (the tubuecular deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a permanent cure is affected. If men will enjoy good health, let them use Vin egar Bitters as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in every form. R. 11. MoDONALD & CO., Druggists and General Agents, San Franciseo, California, and cor. Washington and Charlton Ste., New York. Sold by JOHN REED & SONS. 0ct.8,1873. .Vbisky is unchangod. Sales of western iron bound at 981 e. FOR ALL KINDS OF GO TO TETE "JOURNAL" BUILDING FURNITURE OLD BLOAD .Tol' CORNER CLOTHING FOR THE MILLON! On Allegheny Street, two doors East of Union Depot, have jest received one of the largest assortments of Clothing ever brought to Huntingdon. Their stock consists of all the NEW STYLES of SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING, Gentleman's FURNISHING Goods, HATS AND CAPS, TRUNKS AND SATCHELS, And everything pertaining to Clothing Busi ness. They sell everything RY LOW FOR CASH. Give thew a call, un.l ascertain for your self. May2o-firnos. GRAND EXPOSITION SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS NEW STORE. next door to the Pot Office, Hun tingdon, who has now in More the largest and most desirable stock of peusonnble goods, for that has ever bPen opened in Ilnnting,ion. The BLACK CLOTHS, DOE SKINS, ENGLISH, SCOTCH, FRENCH DOMESTIC AND FANCY CASSIMEIIES, which will be made up in the be_t style and in his peculiarly neat tit and durable manner. If you want a good suit of cloths cheap, Call at H. GREENBERG'S. If you want a good Childs suit (from 3 years up,) Cull at 11. GREENBERG'S. If y(•.0 want a good Boys suit, Call at 11. GREENBERG'S. If you want a good Youths suit, Call at 11. GREENBERG'S, If you want a good Suit made to order, Call at H. GREENBERG'S. If you want a nice line Gents Furnishing Goods. Call at 11. GREENBERG'S. Also, Cassimeres suld . by the yard, At H. GREENBERG'S, Tilors Triuidlings of nli kind* fur sale, At 11. GREENBERG'S. ALL GOODS WARRANTED as REPUESENTED Apri130.1873-Iy. B EATTY & PLOTTS' GOLDEN-TONGUE PARLOR ORGAN IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY EMINENT MUSI CIANS AND DISTINGUISHED MEN OF HONOR TO BE THE LEADING INSTRUMENT NOW IN USE -THEY SAY PARLOR ORGANS were awarded FIRST PRE MIUM and DIPLOMA over Needham do Son's and J. Estey & Co's Organs at the Carbon County Fair, held at Lehighton, Pa., September, 1872.—Lehigh too Weekly New., Oct. 5, 1872. Cummittee.—Prof. Charles F. Ilorn, Prof. Win. Moran, and 11. D. llerdy, D. D., lion. Z. Long, President. Miss's. BEAT., & PLorra—Gents: I have received the Organ sent by your firm to me, and had it examined. It gives ample satisfaction. THE BEATTY & Prorrs celebrated Golden Tongue Par lor Organ is by tar the best Parlor Organ in use. I have carefully examined it, and find its tone, workmanship and durability to be the beat I ever saw, and I can wits pleamure recommend it to any in want of a firist-clasa par lor oigan. PROF. 0. 11. UNGER. MESSRS. Manx et PLorrs—Gcn:s: Having had one of your Gulden Tongue Parlor Organs, fur six months past, I thought before recommending it, to give it a fair, square trial, and am happy to testify that it surpassed all that has been said or advertised about it. I have had Professors of music, and celebrated organists come and try it, and one and all say that it is one of the sweetest and beet toned instruments in the market. It has taken the shine out of all others around here. lam perfectly satisfied with it. You may publish this if you see fit, as my organ can be tried by any ono wishing to do so, in proof of what I say. A. 8. R. RICHARDS, Late of the Tamaqua Charier, now at New Bethlehem, Rs:, BCATTY it Ptorre Gulden Tongue Parlor Organ. are in struments thatare winning for themselves a good reputa tion far and wide. The career of the firm is full of inter eat and shows what application to one branch of business will do. Their energy, zeal and unyielding de termination have onablal them to win.— Washington (N. J.) Star, March 27, 1874. TUE BEATTY & PLOTTe parlor organs pre highly praised by good judges, fur th.•ir swettness of tone. —Palslon ) Omit Oct. 4, 1573. I have had BLLTTT k PLOTS'S' Organ since August 14th, 1872; it gives the highest vatisfation, and has proved all that it Wa3 recommended by the proprietor, JOB HENRY. The BPATTY & PLOTTB' celebrated Golden Tongue Par lor Organs are pronounced unsurpassed by any now !A fore the musical world, by all who have had the pleasure to examine therm Testimony from all parts of the coun try speaks in favor of them, going to show their superior ity over all others.—Ashland, Pu., Bullctin, Dee. 5,1073. Laury's Station, Pa., Jan. 27,1874. Beatty & Plotta' Parlor Organ, of N. J., seem to give full satisfaction to all purpoess all over; and I must say by the experience I have of one of these organs—which have had in my possession for nearly two years, and is in excellent condition—l would advise all who wish to get a good and substantial parlor organ to see the above named party, before buying anywhere else. DAVID ScIII.IKER, ..basic Tea che . BEATTY & PLOTTe Parlor Organ I like better than the Standard, and gives Letter satisactiou, as I find by experi ence in lily profession. PROF. FRANK MAYER. Tamaqua, Pa., D , c. 16, 1873. Those desiring a beautiful ornament fur their homes, as well as an instrument of unsurtasged musical excel lence will find it in the Beatty Platte Golden Tongue Parlor Organ. It gives entire satisfaction, and, in tact, is the leading instrument of the day. JULIA C. WIIITENIGIIT, Organist. 11East's. BEATTT & Pi.orrs, of Washington, New Jersey, are happy. They live in an atmosphere of music. Music soft and sweet, music strung and warlike, the shrill notes of the warrior, or the lute-like tones of lore are thrilling and ever sounding in their establishment, and their famous Golden Tongue Organs are a household necessity all over. —ltmagua(la.) Courier, March 28, Mt PARLOR OROAR.—Wo call attention to the advertise ment of Beatty & Plotts, manufacturers of Parlor Organs, in another part of this paper. These organs are fast superseding all others on account of their good qualities. A number of these instruments have been sold in this county, which give general satisfaction. These instru ments are highly recommende4l by the best musicians in the uouutry.—Sunbury morican. . . To DANIEL F. BEATTY have received my organ all right. It pleases me very much. I never played en organ that gives me better satisfaction, the case looks splendid. I have a friend waiting for one. Please send me another No. 60 at once for him. He advocates your organs above all others. Enclosed please find check. Very respectfully. Address Apri129,1814-2yrs, BLATCHLE Y'S IMPROVED CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Durable, Efficient and Cheap. The best Pump for the least money. Attention is especi ally invited to Dlatchley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be with drawn without removing the Pump, or disturbing the joints. Also. the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers and the Trade generally. In quire for Blatchley's Pump, and if not for sale in town, send direct to CHAS. U. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 506 Commerce street. Philadelphia, Pa. April 29,'74-Eimos. PRINTING G 0 TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE orall kinda of printing. Ready-made Clothing COMES TO THE IIESCUE ! FOSTER & CARMON, 11. CIREENBERG'S MEN AND BOYS sii;ck consist of Miscellaneous CELEBRATED BEATTY & PLOTTS' St. Clair, Pa., Dee. 6, 1873. JOHN SINET. ldahanoy City, Pa. , Ocl. 16, 1873. New Belhlthent, Pa., A'. . 21, 1873. Leiury's StsVion, Pa,, Jan : 27. 1874. Slaiington,!te., Feb. 6, 1574. S. Clair, Itz., April 7, 1874. JOHN MILLS. BEATTY & PLOTTS, Washington, New Jereey. Travellers' Guide PIIII.ADELPIII.I ra:Arw;g: WINTER ARRAN,,EMENT. sorammeß o, Int Trains leave Harrisburg. as ',Zoo", For Now York, at 5.2 n. 4.10 a. m. and 2 roo ami tri p. For Philadelphia, at b 20,1.10, 9:IS a. Es. 2.00 arNI3.IO p. For Ramling, at 5.20, 1.10, 9.4 i a. m. 2.00, 240 ...A 7.40 p. m. For Pottsville, at 5.20,1.10 a. m. and 340 p. e. sad via Schuylkill and Suequehanna Branch at left?. tn. For Allentown, at 6.;i0, 1.10 a. le. 2.00 3.00 and p. e . The 520, R.lO a. in. and 2.( , 0 and 1 7.40 p. m. through rare for New `fork. The 0.10 a. m. and 2.00 p. in. train. L.* throngh rat. for Ph,laAelphia. S CND.' PS Fa New York, at 3.20 a. ro. For AI lon tow n and Way t3tat!ons •t. 5 . _01 a. in. For Reading, Philadelphia and Way at 1.4 p. Et. Trains f, Ifirrisbary, Z.•,,e as foll.ors Leave New York, at 2.00 a. m . 12.4 1 1, 510 ari.l I; p. m. Leave Philadelphia, at 9.15 a. m. 7..40 awl 7 IS p. m. Leave Ileadiug, at 4.30, 7.40, 11.20 a. m. 1.50 &IS am! p. m. l ease Pottmille, at 545, 9.00 a. m. and LJII p. tn. and •ia Sclinylkill and Sualmdsanna Bran , h at 1 0,i a. tn. Leave Allentown. at *,:.30, 5.50, a. tn. 12.1 i, 4 Y 9. and 8.55 p. m. The 2.30 a. in. train from Allentown and the .1.3 1 . a. to. train from Reading do nut rnn on Mondays. SUNDArS Lesee New York at 5.30 p. m. Loaye Philadelphia at 7.15 p. n. Leave Reading at 4 30, 7.40 a. m. and 10 p. m. Limee Allentown at 2.30 a. m. and 5.55 p. 1111. 'Via Morris and EiSla Railroad. J. I. WOOTTIL Govral Superiebiadast. Jan.14,1874-tr. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY SUMMER .1 nE.iNgEWENT. flri.l after SUNDAT,June 2ith, tram' w• ;I lowr4 narrilLurg a 4 follows : NORTHWARD. ERIE MAIL 4.25, a. in.. to Ere, Elmira, Conan daixtia to thn Faller. NIAG) RA EXPRESS 1') 40 a. rn.. to Enflarnanef the Fail. via. Emporium and v., i'ariaissim r.L.mtßA Exrimis 1.. r p. m Wdliamsliort and Elmira. 5.01) p. ni , to Williantspirt and Lock H/1,111. SOCTIIWARD . FAST LINE 7,10 a. m.. Daily. !SALTO. Atl - 1.11 A. 55 a. as., daily except MAIL p. m.. daily. N I /MARA EX PE EAS p. m ., daily eieept Trains North leave ilaily ',opt Snostay. Fur further information, tickets and teagraire .hacks, apply at the ticket officer in the Penmyleaisia Ilmr rieburz. FAST LINE I). M. BOYD. Ja General Pa. Agent. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TIWR O► LeA•IJQ OF TRAINS Summer WESTWARD Y•'l . STATIONS. "I is I s ife7 r.K.ILN.:A. N. A. M. 6 02!—. 111 35 7 5 09' 5 17 5 20 5 40 2 39 12 10 : a lle 1 50u5...... _ 0 14, 6 90, 17' 6 31; m 1 05 ;Birmingha 6 34'3 20 113 311T7rnua 6 51: G 57; 1 7 02' 113311 43 Zell's Mill,' 7 40.366 2 20 P Xl' Mama P.M.i.A.M.;?. M. A M.. The Past Line Westward, leaves Wwntisgdon at • P. x., and arrives at Altoona at 9 .10 r. w. The Pacific Express. Eastward, leaves ilaattae.oe at 5.54, a m, and arrives at liarrisborz 11.25 • ix. The Philadelphia Esprit's, Eastward. leaves ilinethas don at 19.53 p. no , and arrives at Earrisbarg at 2.13 a a. STAGE LINE From Spruce Creek tdi Centre Hall. *very day, (except Sunday), Icarin.; Spruce Creek at 'clock, A. X., and returning at 3 o'clock, r. jauy,-7013J 11. ItcMANI4ILL. Miscellaneous. T HE BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEWS. EDINBURGH 'REVIEW, ( LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, tire.) WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW (Eacisge;ieni, ♦RD BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, RIPRINTED IT TIIE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 YULTUI ST., NER-TOlll, By arrangement with the English Publishers, who reeeise r. libersi compensation. These periodinsis constitute a wonderful mis cellany of modern thought, research, awl criticism. The cream of all European books worth review ing is found ho:-e, and they treat of the leading events of the world in masterly articles written by men who have special knowlelge of the matters treated. The American Publishers large epos all intelligent readers .., this coantry a liberal sup port of the Reprints which they have so lose sad so cheaply furnished. feeling sure that so aspen diture for literary matter will yield so rich a en turn as that required for a subseriptioa 10th... the LEADING PERIODICALS Or GREAT NISTA IN. TERMS. About one-third the price of the originals. For any one Review $4 00 per yr. For any two Reviews For any three Reviews 10 00 •• For all four Reviews 12 09 " " For Blackwood's Magazine t n 0 •• •• For Blackwood and one Review 7 00 '• •' For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " For Blaekwood and three Reviews 13 00 •' '• For Blackwood and the four Reviewsls 00 •• •' Postage two cents a number. to be prepaid by the quarter at the (Ace of delivery. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per can:. will ne allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: n ureop ics of Blackwood or of ea. Review will be most to one address for 312.00; four eopiee of tit* few - Reviews and Blackwood for US. and so on. To clubs of ten or more, in addition t. it...above discount, a copy gratis w,ll be aPored to the fet ter up of the club. PREMIUMS N ew sul.g.,riptiona f aprlyin4 early ', for Os* rise IS7-1 may have, charge, the last volume, fur 1673 of su.h periotli.ele is they way subset:Ow fur. Or instead, new subscribers to any two. tbrec or four of the above periodicals, may base one of the above periouicals, may have one of the "Four Reviews" for 1873: subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews." or one pet of Blackwood's Magazine fur 137::. Neither premiums to subscribers nor iiiseonnt to clubs can he allowed unless the mane• is remitted direct to tho publishers. No premiums give• to Clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on applicati..n. TilE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISIIIN:i en., 10 Fulton St-, New-York. Feb.18,1874-Iyr. e T HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF PAPER ! Of every grade and quality. IN HUNTINGDON, Is for Sale at J. R. DURBORROW & CO.'S., In JOURNAL BUILDING, Fifth St., Huntingdon, Pa. Our stock of papers consist of Flat caps, Folio Post, Demy, Letter and all the West qualities of NOTE AND INITIAL PAPERS. Boots, Shoes and Leather_ REMOV ED TO 'MK 4 •RTII E Corner of tin Pi towie.L. Itespeethilly inters' in* skives* et Sussiagera and vicinity tbat IN ter just neared from Ilia eity • ay. sad optendid atadi of SOOTS AND SUOL-. WIT! AND CA.73. Carport Sismik Trek 4 - . 4..,r•••- Ail 4( wlileis :44 u ?T1T...4 r. 441 ✓greedy re doted pness. ra, re t !h.... /4244 Ow Nam... 4. OW customers 444 the pahlie reetailv are J im mi e d u, eslL Jsa. 4. '7l. . _ J OWN WITil lies just opoood op 1 .arge sad •oral of DOOT3. S U') L. ands large supply of beery wort, vosestvie far nos sal bnya. at vary !ow ?r:eoe. I haw* at 111 bees so aaanestest of lIANDSC`ME 804 Yr, AND AFTOF.4 on 'sod. whirl wttl ho hypos.. rinommb ble raze* ss tho market .111 mini* et. 317 Ash Ws. selecto.f with ir-st ear.. sea Ise t.rioll.ingty rotosses , l ail 'weir!'" is sty ficithafalomos. Partarsis ostanttioo rid to du smoofasso of oostosior onrlt. srpi •yr wrs Sioessfsto.o guarastool is sit ,r•kre. Jas. 4, '7? FRESH AfIRIVAI. F 1100 T -4 .1 II 4- Inv , . .kT SILkiFER . : 4 NEW ST9RE. CIIILAPEIR TliiN In:cilF.A:7..-; fits= ii ARRIVAL OF sulaseriher respietteily ead.rue old fri es 4. vs st..abirrs. e bat ha Lee port re- LPRING:sad 5t3011112G00D 4 .4 'tire.' frosts flaw Luc • ;arty suoi soil mimeo"( oft* it taw elm. *woo of N 101101.411$ C. Dirlltl. owe 4now aloe of As It AAsinifile a-hi& brim pot rweesevil a :aril" ow. of LooKoof pee broom Rwrisiamser raesesb-ser4+4o. are - rap*. of aN load" • owe 'wow rar.arty, graidwirm. arse se -bthine. cunn OIL :.11,111P. A. J. CASSAIT, liosser.l 11.•• ager. NON W../.01/1 .411 d which be it prepiimi s trif• ;weer thws soy Altar establishment is sews_ &keg s prisevcsl shosmakeir, owl !swiss be.* esesidershils ecTw4- 'sok be loiters liwporif Oise by. week assess at illarrai ill the wicisty. vire him a eon. at !kw EASTW A It D. CHEAP ROOT AND MOE !ITORF., 21; . 1 1 D ZW! YPer r• t • °2 ig di r I 21 .• I E' •.s. ►... •. • 9 V 5 11 . Cs••••••• wnrk n "...ler. 'wit • owe ss4 dersla. stasta.r. 3 :9 , 05 7 4 13 4 5N.. n 6 4 49 51. 4 IS 7 6/ 7 34 4 . 727 4 11 ... 7 22 4 OS J. 4. 71. JOHN C. 3111.1.F.R 7 12 3 32 . .... 7 n 4 3 45 OS 6 56 .3 6 . 500 3 30 147 326 610 6 In 3 In 4 IS 4.31.,P.111. ►. M. (Sseemonr to I'. 11. 3liiles A Xa. DEALER IN EVERY L'AATIIEL:. :3110K FINDIN4A AND HILL STREET. Jas. t. I it7l- I y. 1871 CARPETS:: CARPET: 4 :: CARPETS:: SPRISO STOCK A T LO WEE? PRIf*ES JAMF.3 1. BROWS L► ! , ,rasiastly rareisisi •►[ his wit Esestifia: ?Worms of Curt*. r. fess, OW Malt of ,ho ses.astaaterors. 111,4 atiwrit seasgeWer RRLSSELR. VIVIFTIAN, wont. forliele, CoTT.I44R. T.1:41 1.04 R 4 4 r rtre CARPRT rNAit CoroA AND VINTON E.ITTTIOO,, TLeOll. FMB AND TABLE Wis.low Maim sea nature.. . reeves Nap. Deer Xsts. littrs Carpet 71a.M some Ilise ill. I imam a isressity ef fiersisbast Clossmike, sad Led's' at ray Priors. awe Tersiehisig Cessiffitelhe te rail A 54 ow ipiede ores esposes/y tor their pimplier. Boyers will rim. sailha imitier seri•44l Sy rill' be the reraw. Carrie sad nil Cloth Steve. ter say of the seer" ipsols. I .11efy etnetertisies is prices *sob variety at bessitithii psessruse. I bare ohm doe Agretry Orr tie Ariipmeml Plies so SACIIII4I. 1111111110V11170. sr well lisems se the Wee ?sally 31arriteser ua :be world can at the CAlt PVT 'Thai gm. owit tNeee. JANILS A. ROWN. 744.14.1172. CALDWV.LL'S WINE AND IRON BITTERS! FoR ?HS cru ..Ir Ilyipergia, lad i iris Richey oi3.raank N EI:VOUS A AS A MORNING APPETTZKZ, THET lIAVE S.) ft stoolatoly purifies Ho Woad. It epeolfsly ewe sees all asornid ebasgss is !b blow& it ,evireglip digestion. nyipiering it natural sof ewe. ft ISM. Wiles lbw , * slogs spas pirsotre Novi pulls It onpr., , es appetite. sad ramose* ail disogroomol• reading afire eaCag. Pare;, ON T. !JOLLA& PER 7.,)TTLfL 1'.11,i)WEL1.% 4 3)1"e; If rl' RV. r.r f',.ash•. 1-. vAL:,..TELL'A 31.%.:NETit* rilLolittLaitt. An internal awl •sternal moody. C.% LDWIELLI LILY BALM Ter beentitrisi :be C 0 NI P I. EX ION. itrwovfx.; EltrrTif)N7 4 . rNerax. 1:01 - 611N1 ot4. TAN. Sr. Tie Lay Balm will wipewiFly nisswew 'be Wein isb. stet 'valet mothseeer trasepareary. e time mei $ pearl hie Wain Ito the attoglaseetit , — It resumes se vetoes. it ea the beet awl 7•Pet artiet• ever Whew! to the prohlte. 174 r teeters* we lb. ;Awl of web battle. Prim JO eeata per %etch, C_ CALDWELL Proprietor owl Jlllnewbsrherer. sept.:. I 311 - 1 INA. S. T. To mi rfTll=lll raptssiri.v.esta —vim. ow aeon., .• merlon), firm rd r %be Meg nla. 11•••••/- el lamb. sr, aro •••risva 4111rftl1 !WA of ibeewaiwastsi Amid Pam* 1111• Ow& emilloof lbws . r. M. ed ille fesserail Ow non 111 Mow M. 11141111111•1411.1, spao p . mow If weer/ eillew re poirfolle 0111MONallo fisue fif Ow • • ii•••••NS WIND, op Se Illip sliarse .1116se ihrillte.olk mod ••••••• • beereeem• wad emperme• flurellimme I 110.0. •••••14• Sur tormour nod go•••••ifte • ••••••1 ••••••• rim! _ — iserrad se Oa Mb ae els we ear paid Jo allde caseamen. fee•ll flaw ease .0 =treewar me ewe NNW • iIIINIMINS ago wive Me $ Awl sr pos.lllre ware ea wrnlyd mem PIIWILIBT. A aii_7,:neaPiely4.lll, lea w_ se., CAN'T BE BEATEN ' JORN N. irssrsßoor I.P..tril WILLIAM .1 FRIG A LA DI E3' I 111ra.. rnoVir RID 41/01te. • WH.1.1.4311 Arum, BOWS AND MiOE. 4 : , W. 14 0.1 t 4. Dimisonal, iitNTINGD 4 V. pi. 910 VA RI ETT 01' Bl LTI %.;. UNTINGDON. PI. I'ARYKT STOKE. 1117NTiSGDON. . 3:51 Hell Street. OIL ruvrit4. .44 * I'A PER. LfVET: CONN. ONT. GENMAL PitiIATILITroV. Or r -640w1s Arad • f.r. , -ri... . raFotovAL*--Naw *00,0.4 BIM 1 trOR liorr:swg .serbograt TUMMY Wirmll. So. WI Niue amme. dispees of Lie :drip dm* of DRY ;Of)D9l i.l 74 1 - T raIODP. r t &pair.' HATS. CAPS. 11007 N tIgD mow. ••••”^rtioise is %is 3isi. NoW ZY• T^K tits T SST 011111.11 F. moo sari ow go. gmbese ed lo ,- 111:31J i ter Illvairtati.m. I* a. left to Sae a Git %SD Dann P r, a F. Te rIP 11 D P GW1:1 tsFoßviT ti fi rrsue TM 1,1 II 1,- H. 1.0 Jrnorcs IL D II !IN UNDID RThrIC 111 !SIM 00)011•4 THAT e.13 - r RtAT IN eTIE_IPNV. 4 4 .%5D grALlri el LI. AND ) r Iva. I. -71 erne" two..( si limb, goat gM esammelOrroory. Opi 10. ?Ares awe slislimap ars • reirait. sta 4....410.1105p, sof ANIIPPP. Arm say 'Nam !we no *res. 'NOM. MOM Ma 'wen pr*llent' le irp smite, llimakfai lbw pare poweirimp, L iimplrillblkip ggR welboonsew *I low gig% ; 1. GLAZIKR Rao D*4 LS Ref nt 41131 VILA IL Mt 71.11A.1011111 T G01)1,5 1 . 50710700 Rs mor.4. 11110101. liar.*, .4, in; TU der.. ',..ohimis Madlissome se4 IF 0 *wet sow 11110110. W /OW Jr. 0. lIIIIR w 111111"1 BILK tit: CANDY Maxi lorlef IT . earl A FLA 211154. *sisswise. u. f. M. Coma mai YM buihnow .• /Allies. Xmas. Tobago% cvpro. Tore is wise ••• vioty, 11= mi ttm as T - 41wwwrise el I2a bilidla Vain mid Maw Weis. Owe eiisses isostasses lhosinesilkas. Aso so& room so soma Die ssoNoll, so; pi.. 'Amp. The Nods appllB4 s low or qmssiliss 01 las pilaw amis CAS DT 311.11t/MlOlllll lieries pursed lbw ammitose I a eft t 4krai sirsolle~sur. sio spa poipswe um fhwessib 1.0.1 &aim* vista sit liark.l eiremire ad Pastry ~.. 41... Awl, se4 Owe asill 5ne,....,.. sillimelelk bidbovir =r a 111.11111011 n. Sip. 111, Ihsialli.. Alailaselbs. 7 to. foot I JIM. I ir. IL4IOQtrANTIBE von ma ellllllll. TO Y.& 'Brim Arm ate D 4. 1111... f. Ter4gv Yki• MIL le 4. 131.....1. Mak... is boa di Or mere 4 ir •It I /11111111.1111. PIS SWIM Imes rr 12 SIMMS 111/1111M1110. 100111 M !Alfa MI& earberisia imp C.m. Mobs gleser. so assima, S. Afews'e Timmy rimas, dl.vio Air lifiese..l nowllo 111, st Min ink IN POMP .% NT TO SCILDEIL4 sEir PLANIN4 MILL T. Ssaiiisill •Om iliariso jog ressybris4 s. assiles ell flea&allat MM. MS MI issiLse is. Fs- se psignme Is NI at warm Dow.s Ilassrerk, al Salk soh fa rare sae 060 . CZINISS, SPewarsosswodisa Sae se. Illaries Steak Abrams sof iron W.eli .11.. e.. *raw ma we nisomm. Mr term.. Illimbasfp ...wry Ilmortpel• all toiesill we Is tie Mr voirambia lbeir e 4 Wag alliniod se OP swim asp of Or Nam Rao sm. sa4 taint dr asysy timporlir Saditive • dleigares ammiirlell rta 4111P1M1110 'iv Sftdia. Mr mire posprolor 46 tie Ihrom Weir • rai briNipir s 4 irearrot r proproull =Lb aposielliselear tio4 ielditi 411widerip •i• yr to owe ilk anima. 11111 ries primpelv MAL iabeao 1. Itr Jas. -T STEW ART a! CO 4.914, rarsekse, aY..q 4.... 11111100. limidissikese C.maitar, Mops& Mime llapellimpt 1101 MR. Dow 11.0 i. Await Bohm Illsomo. Polk ad Oar Iliesam all bitsabort Nes Abe .....y tow viseity Ina an 4 t - moviag 4insloa. ar .•aft aar lam? oboe% to OP inmer. 00 Ina alwarsaarengleir. ttt wig: asiirmodl MEW lit MIA R 1114eriuldre. Ps_ sit ismive war vourdlisor Prim elbis rlwi Lemaar token, as essl~/ he i Oki 4 waft is.. 11_ MIT VACTralt•virrrErGa • ir m• ICI 111 IV • A ter •aso 7 • • a Asa Aso et #lllllOlOl-4 .14 odor IrPETr SIR. vim, •bM. St •Ur JOURNAL 4TATIDNIIRT ATI,II ems TU THR JOrllol.ll. etIVICIE ?nit TOWS fr it PRINTING wee nee Weft if p.m woe Ira asmisk VI re weed war Ueda. Tr yes wise yeeeing 01111.011, if pee awe roe west Illissbv4 um be& Jr - yew wpm earivellapro ow", ppftwort. If pee owe eislamse • s empermor- N. ammemp. Asa a reey sommalhir asemi 2 141 0 . 1 peer wawa OP sieve amemil dhow cfr UMW I Sr 1 r e rumen.' 0 4111, rellosik 4. ratc a 40 - : aimek...... 7. elar 116.1.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers