VOL. 49 Election Proclamation [Gob SAN' 1 CORI:01(17E, , LTl7.] 1311 Of 7 LA 11 ATION-N . OTI CE OF sT:T:NER.I.r., ELECTION TO Dr. HELD u 1 1 IT AS7)-11 7 , NO IT ER .11, 13 i 4 Pursuant to the. Constitution of the Commonwealth of l'clinaylvania, adopted by a vote of the people on the 36th day of December, A.D. 1673, I, AMON HOUCK, High Sheriff of the county of Huntingdon, State of Pennsylvania. do hereby make known and give notice to the ELECTORS of the connty aforesaid, that an election will lie held in the said county' er Ittintiusdon, en the TUE:SDAY next following the host rifonday of November, 1574, lining the 311 day or NOVEMBER next, at which time the following officers are to be elected, viz : TWO PERSONS for thy' office of Judge of the supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. OSE PERSON for the ofll7e of Lieutenant tlormier of of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON for the office of Auditor .i,neral of the Commonwealth of Pen :idyls:llli, INC PERSON for the office of Secrytery of Internal Affair.) fur the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. t: PICP.SON in conjunction with th- , c..untii of Ju niata, Huntingdon, anydor, Perry. Fulon and rranklin, for the office of B:•presoututive in Oil Congres3 or tiro United Stat.. ONE PERSON in conjunction with the counti. of Huntingdon and Franklin, fnr the oftioe of Slat, Sena tor for the Guntrtmwoalth of POI nsylvat.in. TWO PERSONS to represent said oniaty in the G.. norai Assqtnbly of Vennvivania. _ _ ONE PERSON for the ontce of filet Sticriff of said county: ONE for the office of Commissioner of said I'Eui for the unico of County Surveyor of said county. ONE PEI:SO' fur fl, office of Pour Director fur said county. ON:t PP.ItSON for tha office of County Auditor for !Mid county. In pnrsitnnce of the 11P-W4 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I also hereby make known and give notice, toot the play, of holding 111 ,, aforesaid general election in the Neveral election district. within the said oninty of ilanttngdon, are to follows, to wit : let district, COTIWORCII of the township of Ilendenon, at the Linton School Maus,. disbiet, e11.1111....ed. of Bali, towns'.4. at please.' Hill School tion-le, near.fereph Nelson's in said township. ad district. • composed of no . ninth of Warriorsmark townAhip, a.; is not inclnde.l in the 19th tr:et at the Sdhool Hon, adjoining the town of Warriorionark. Lth district, composed of the township of Hopewell, at the homo of Lori Monet, in said township. 4th district, composed of the township of BAIT., at the lieu e of I,irinoon, in the lawn of tiaulsburg, in said township. Otte district, ct,mposod of Ili, borough of Shirleyslerg and all that part of th , . township of Skirh,y not itedu•le.l within the limits of district N•i. 2t, as hereinafter men tioned and (herr' tied, at the Ibmse of David "'raker, di mmest In Shirlrysburtr. 7th district, oietupo&ed of Porter and part of Walker township, and as much of West township an is included in the following bonuttnrirs, to wit : Beginning at the south west corner of Tobias Kauffman's farm on the batik of thu Little Jilted-ILL 'Riser, to the laver end of Jackson's Mar rows, thence in a northwraterly direction to the most southerly part of the farm 111, by Michael Maguire, thence north f ,rty degreos went to the top of Towel's Mountain to Inters's.* th, lino of Franklin township, thence along the said line to the Little Juniata throve down that same to the place of beginitin:. at VIA Public School llovisa opplsito the tierman Itefartuol Chnrch, in the le.erough of Aley.moria. Atlt *Wilt, cetnpatA (4 Up, towtottlp FriVikli PI, nt Om public ttclionl Mu 4e, In 11,0 village of rrautlinvil: , •, In ;44,14 tftw brit 4nll caturnamil 1 1 ,:l nt b tn inn ficlant,l near the 1.:n . 4' Sleeting i10t544., in PAM . _ . loth ilintr:et, comp iv.,l of Stiriqgflehl townßl, p, nt th linn.e. near h igh ;11., , 1 , 1,01, in 41114 tuwn.hin . . JIM di,frlct. einnicrlml ,rt , t.ovinahlp, at (iratit Melt I in Ow b r I,.tplutrrn, iii said lump still, dlotrict, cookiNrw , l 4,f L'rady t ,w44414;1., C'ios ire in moil townohly. l'ltti diotrirt, common] of township, nt puliiic oebool tow, No, 2, In oaid towriohip 14th illotrict, compoinol of that part nr Vet township, not inclinird ill the 7111 Aryl with illotricto, at the orhoot on the farm now owned by Moo I.wl44,(forniorly owtoal try .141,1C4 Ennio,' in 'dd town oily, lath thotrict, , ionnswwl nr Walker tnwn.lifp, of tio•lionoi of o , •oJattiln 'trolly, hi 31:e4nittellstowii. 4111,4trict,4,4ininiard of the Leo/midi, of TA, at ii , thool Immo, in raid townolifp, 17th &Whit, c..isivroa I 44 Unool.t t•owtiotilp, nt Cantro 'Union Nrhool I fnuon, district, cornimurl rd Cromwell townoltip, at tip, Hook k4,1t00l !louse, In said township. tvtit titstriet, stunposod borough of 11:rusitighoto. wills the sorerst tra44 of land near to and at toobod to tar now swats! and oo..stpitsl by Thomas M owons..lw, K. M'eshitn, Anttrow Rolston:6. John thuisititor, and Wil liam Gortsitner, and tho tnu•lydland now owned by tia,rge sad John Shortiltorpr, known as ths Porter tract, sittint« in the townntilp of Warrforunark, at tiro pubtiv eritooi boars In 'aid borough. • 20th distrirt, compos-1 or co township of Om, at Ma schwa how.. ia In said township, 214 district, corals,. I or llu t..wosltlit of .hs•it sn, at the pabile rwlicart 'Mame of Estwan! Liaise, at M'Alevy's Vurt, In .41 township, 22,1 district. Sir, t.,trrio.op of CV, at Co publit! school Imola to tiwttsvil io. 23 , 1 thotrict, composod of Mt towitship of Penn, at Hog pahiit aclatal houttu abroli one•fuat th of a north-west of Pleasant Graf.. ith district, einsipose.l :vs,' created to f01i0,., to wit : That all that part of cilitrley township, lyingand being within tb. following deaerlie.vl Louud arter, (swept the borough of Mt. Unkind namely : lleelu uing at the iiiterseetion of Colon and tthirty township line with the Juniata river, on the s,utn side therriot; thence ftiong . said Union township line fir Ow distance of three tulles front said river; thence eastwaidly, by a straight line, to the point where the main rod front mill to (Jennany s aney, crows the summit of Sandy Midge to the Juu!nta river, said theuea np said rivertnthe plsee of heelnnin g, shall hereafter form a separa.sa r ioesi o u district; that the qualillod voters of said election district shall hereafter hold their general Ord township elections in the public house iu Mt. Union, in said township. 25th district, cutup-soil of all to c.; ti rritory lying north eastward of a line beginning at the Juniata riverand run ning thew , ' in a direct line ahem the centre of Fourth street, in the Bcrough "fllnnli:“.A..n, to the line of Onei da townKlL;p, eon/al.:tin.. ' the First W a rd of tall t at the vonthea it witelow of time Court Nemec. 2t;th district, composed of all that territory lying west of the First Ward. aid east of the centre of ii,venth etreet, composing the Social Ward, at the Cunroll , at No. 503 Washington rtreet. 27th district, computing all that territory lying north and west of the Second Ward, and south of a line begin ning at the Juniata river and running thence eastward in a direct lino along the centre of Eleventh street to the line of Oneida township, constituting the Third Ward, and also those portions of Walker and Porter townships for nterly attached to the East Ward, at the office of Jauuw Sintiwon. No. HI Mifflin street, in said borough. Pith district, cotuposed of all that territory lying north of the Third Ward of said borough constituting the !fourth Ward, at the public school house lately erected in said ward situate on Moore street. 2.)th district, composed of the borough of Petersburg and that part of Writ township, writ and north of a line between lienderson oral We.it township, at and near tile Warm springs, to 61... Franklin .townsliip line an the top of Stacy's Itountain, ro Moo to inclndo in the new district the honset of David 11'ald3:nith,.),,Th Lonzneck.w.Thonitti !Lamer, lungs Porter, and J , din Wali, at the school )touite in the bos.jugh 39th district,.....postst of limo tovrtullip of tha house ,of Join Poiglinal,Od Vac laud of Ileary leen berg. • - ' • . . . . . . ar..t di4,:et. composed of Carlini township, recently erected out ore part of the territory of Tod township, to wit: commencing eta chestnut oak, on the summit of 'Terrace mountain, at the Hopewell township line opposite the dividing ridge, in the Little Talley, thence south 52 deg. east I:Gd perches, to a stone heap ua the western sum mit of Broad Top Mountain ; thence north 67 deg., east 112 perches to a yellow pine; thence south 52 deg., east 772 porches to a chestnut oak; then south 14 deg., east 351 percher to n chestnut at the east end of Henry S. Groone's land • thence south 31 1 A deg., east 294 perches to a chest nut Osk.,on the summit of a spur on Broad Top, on tlo. western Aida of John TerraPs farm ;s south 85 deg., east perches ; to a stone heap on the Clay township line, at the public school house in the Tillage of Dudley. 32d district, composed of the borough of Cu - Outwit, at at the public school Louse ' in said borough. Lid district, composed of Lincoln township, beginning at .a pine on the sarmnit of Tussoy mountain on the line be tween Blair and Huntingdon counties, thence by the Ili vision line south 58 deg., east t:ci perojies to a black oak in middle of township; thence 42% deg., east 332 perches tea pine on summit of Terrace; thence by line of foil township, to corner of Penn township,; thence by the lines of the township of Penn to the summit of Tuesey Mountain; thence along said summit with lino of Blair county to place of heginnii,. at Coffee Itun School House. 3" district, composed of borough of Mapleton, at time Grant School said borough. . . . 35th district, compost:A of the borough of Mount Union, in the srbool house, iu borough. . ._ _ _ 30th district, couipused of the borough of Broad Top City, at 11u, publicechool house, in said borough. 37th district, vonpo,dl of tho borough of Three Spriogs, at the public school limise, in said borough. 38th district, composed of Shade Gap borough, at the public school house, in said borough. .3.lth district, composed of the borough of Orbismia, at the public school house, in Orbisonis. 40th district, composed of the borough of Slarkleeburg, . at the main public school house in said borough. The Election Polls Mail the wards, township4„borougbm, and districts of tho sonnty shall he uponod at 7 o'clock A. and closed at 7 o'clock p. be. The isth Section of Art. 8, of the Constitution, provides: :lccriON 15. No person shall be qualified to serve as an ;election officer who shall hold or shall within two months have held ant office, appointment or employment in or nudes the government of the United States or of this 18Mte, or of any city, or county, or of any municipal Loan': commission or trust in any city, save only justlece of the pace, and alderman, notaries public and iu military aortic ,a of the State ; nor shall any ..:t.,tMn offic, be eligible to ary civil office to be filled at RR election at which lie shell serve, save only to such inberditette municipal or local officers, below the grade of city or county officers as shall be desigmited by general law. Ad out of Assembly ontitleil "an act relating to the elections of thin Commonwealth," passed July 2,149, provides as follow., : "That the Insp,,cb it, and inag.im eLnil meat ae the ros pextivo places appointed bar holding the election in the district at which they respectively belong; before 7 o'clock In the morning of the let Tuesday of November, and each said inspector shall appoint one clerk, woo shall be qua:— Med voter of such district. Iu case the person who shall have received the second highest nami.er of votes for inspector shall not attend on the day of the election, then the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for Judge at the next preceding election ehall act as inspector ill his place. Anil iu case the person who shall have received the highest number of votes for Inepector shall not attend, the person elected Judge shall appoint an inspector in his pLice, and in case the person elected Judge shall not atteed, then the inspector who received the highest num ber of Settee shell eppoiat a Judge in his place ; and if any vacancy shalleetetinue in the board for the specs of one hour after the time fixed by law for the , penis gof the election., the voters of the township, ward or dis trict for which such officer shall have been elected, present at such election shall elect _one of their number to till the vacancy. It shall he the duty of the several assessors of each dis trict to attend at the place of holding every general, receial .r township election, during the whole time wild elrclies is kept open, for the purpose of giviuginfurmation to the inspectors and judges, when celled on, in relation to thoright of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, or retch other matters in relation to the assess ment of voters as the said inspectors or either of them shall front time to time require. RPECIAL ATTENTION is hereby directed to the tth Article of the New Constitution. 6zOnon 1. Myer, finite oitizen twenty-one years of age. possessing the follow. 1g :cotalifieatiuns, shall be entitled to vote at all elections. 1 2 .1 44 ty !it • 1 ~~.>~~.,--, _tea:—Y Election roclau First.—llo shall hare a cal of at least one month. Se: ond.-11e shall have rlsid,..d is 1%, n;ato 01:,‘ Or if having previoualy lawn a (inn!in.leluct, native born eitiz.n of the `tat,,, he shall have i s e.•:•i A. 1 ,1 returned, then sit ntanth , ,) iin:nediatCy pre,,!1.7 the ehwtion. Third.-110 littin: 1'0 , 41 , 1 in 111^ 0!0•:::Th Avh,re he shall otfot to vote at le,t two into,,,li ately preceding tho clecth.n. Folittli.-11tweLty-two3n•arsolag,o,,": nutrar•l, ski!! have paid within two yoars a St t..• r cr , ilnty tam', which shall hato hoea at 10,,5t two leaFt otw month By Se.aion 1 of ap.: i • : L :•• a :Li 6. pl lows : That the v -Hr, couti., Commonwealth, at ail t• n 1: a special elections, are hereby tap.l re quired to vote, by ticket,, print.] or ; tea, c , printed or partly written, severally eh-. as follows Ono thin shall embrace Cie trim, i.f i voted for, and to ho labeled vuisiao ;" tick et alkali embrace the name , : of :ill cou, •. ir incliviinl; office of Senator end Inembi•ri , a A, ..mtbly, if voted for, and inemboro of v, , :. I aria hn labeled, "county,' one ticket shall eiobra,,e the none iif ail town,biti voted for, awl he coin ticket alkali enibrace toe canine of ad I., ,, retigli voted fur, and S . :011 be "1.,"0:101 ;" ;loot e.rb iliac shad ha depemited in separate ballot boxes. SE.CTION For v. ti no 1. be derived to have Knined a reii,L•nc• , reatio, hi; pre,etie, or lout it by ~f his while cm ployed ia the ciTcire. either military, of titic State or of the Unit,-.1 ir,r wii:h, eieclgeil iu the navigation of the !there of thia State or of thn United mat..., or on the it /4/1 •••':ll+•it'tu dent of any institution while kept in any poor lion, or other a..ylum at putill' 11, rrhello confined in public prison. Si.CTlv:i 4. All elections by tie idleeus 1, I,y Every ballet shall be iia,..arel la the e r .;., is which it shalt be r,eeive,l, ;1,1 roan.ier :::,• election stlivers (Ito st the !mole of the elector who vrt•iilitS I,llal. Aay elei.:er nice write his name upon his ticket sr cease th 4 same h s t written thereon and atte;bl.l !...y a citizen iif the di•trict. The election officers shall be sw,ru or aiiirined net to el'.4- clot.e Low any elector shall have vested do st. as ..vlttn,ses in a judicial pr—,e4in=•. SZ,TION 6. Wherever any of thb, Commonwealth shall I, iu mr,..try under a requisition from i.e Pro,iiktil of States or by the authority of ti:i4 electors lacy exercise the rigid of s , ifilage in a!' e!ecl.ioaS by p• ,e, eie ~.• pre a4 ferry ar. Sc et tuair ii-na! t,f 5E , ..T19!: 7. All law-, r•••:aboiay: ;!e, of ..I.—iions by the citiz,i or I, the , :c . . Jn be uniform throughout La St,te Isar nu a!v.t:tr dr prived of the Frit:ay...., c.r .•1 it:s tint being regi•tered. STATI , IN Any per , ,i w;t offiev, he guilty of britory., viqiati3ll of OHy • 4 : 1•I!! I • - in}; an orico of tr ,, ' ' Pr.ont in this nry! eny porstm c‘mvi , t I , lawn Oal. in I; by lov.r. he deprived , • , • : •I•n t,ret of funr years. AII , I itiSf) to tit'. f is cm., in tick H 4110 Y S. At Ow 0144,1174,7 of 0," 1,1;-, a' it 4-144411 1, the 4'..4ty of the j:4lg , A ~f 4414-4-ti-m respe , tive4ll44ll-44-ts I. 41 , ~; 1144- insp:--t9r44. dlit..4 it. Ainll le. to 411 e44-t- , -1y the rezigt4Fry of vot4-4r4. a:4;1 to 444,1, t;4:4 throw re-;441,41 44.4, 144.4 r ; 911 , 1 it Phfai To• littt duty th , , 4th , r ri 1 I ngpf, WI,: to t•r crite 5ta,14444444144,1,4P4,444 pr,.-erit4--; at sold e:4-rti , ra. . . 5:,71071 !I. All th • eit?i, .11 , 4 :hall 1;0. lot ; .rvf•ry ball,t, Voted ,Lail 1)1111/1...m.1 in which a•,,, 1,u14;,r ri ,- urd,l rivE44 , n, tit' Ikt of voters Gpt.u-it,. thu man, of tlii• eln her trim Oi, nn p•, , •ived, hml nay i•••1 , •r rm.., morn t;oketro, levertti ti.•k.r.t4 011111 , 1 , 11 ho thin numb, 4...,, ,, , , 00•!;0r, wit!! 11, own t•, trio /141/1., ui ;!o, rotor. iloyric,or icy v• rite hi., mom. rho f';111.. , • :,•• Ai 14 lhesnnn, and flltestoll by ii c 114,11 of a d. iom in Ono:ail 11 PN pro• , ,•1•:',1-1 1%1 1/01, tfr be 1. , %••;: Plllll/.C111114 by 1 . 11 , 11 , 111 r••! , :t a:ly 1 , tqw.,ru nMrtri•••l not -'• any Vi/le4l, t WI 1111111,,f.i in it PI. , 11 , 1.11,1 All jsiti.;",/, isr , ootora, cl••rk., and 07,- 04.1'40t any held imdnr ittl4 net, , d/all, t'o fulling upon th e ir dttrion+, lat duly ,trurth or arlrrrw,l in him amid' other, Tin , . Alm!! lo• rwort, by t he tnit.rity iropprtor, if rho:, I lin Mtirh nifinirily tor, a n d In fa./ 1.11 Pro• hr r,,, minority than by a jiniiwn of the ,41,1oromp, nrei the i11..11/14,/ilr.l, iiimrio•nr., unit rf,rll4 rbull ho *worn by or sir firming oilinif Ito drily nrvle ion owl by tl,e uftl,ur, Mo oworn, awl attemt , , , l by 11 ,, Who whin wolf, !rimy Jitil4o or minority rfinw , or 1242 to tt,t , ttr tlift utti••••r4 of thicition in tip• tioantwr or If silty ‘w .trdi nit withoin being 111 , 4 duly ',worn, or if any ofrwor 0:1,1itolt Mbnll RIZu (1w Pivot of oath "warn, nr if any judge or minority limpronir ths,t any oak, kaorti wit, it dt•••ny,l n ow, ~,,, Stllli 111,4 iP/ISV/.11,11, 11,1, l.r olitoor4 Poolow I,llw - 111 , d hot 1: iii iii« 1:14 ,, ' Ce.11 , , , 11 11. , I. j ahaa give offielal notice l a t :aka e!:: tar,: that by ao ie t entit'e- I "A...'4''' r nepe'd• Ineoptl to thin act relative In the ae.se,,..a. of 1%1. a a n:„,,„- wealth, approved Jae, :le, U. I ! That It 14 provided fit etc*. Om any p.n.°. who., MI datable % the right to vets at the salii eisction, shall pro. diseeat least one genii: bad vot , r d , tr i te floss to the se:fide:l,, of the claimant in t winch lift claim , ' to he a voter, hir a pirio l iif 1::an; t v. , . months next preeeillnlStalff e!ftellblia 11 . 1 merit orafbred and sub 'Ail. a 0 iittee tall anal partly printed affidavit to the facts stateJ by haul, ~!rich nllhGavit, *ball (jclilhot Clt,taly tc hero Ow .1•' , or the verso. so idelming to a rater; awl the person a... eh-timing the right to rata shall iila', take and 3 the it written -r partly written and partly print.sl nit bei;l, stating to the best of WA Il.capAri,;;ge and belief, Mire, ...ad when he wal Issa ; the he hag 1.1 , 1 , 41' ti ell/Zell .1 . th. led Slates fee one mouth, and of th. I hi of Pennsylvania; that he has resided In the Commonwealth otie year, or of furuserly a qualified circle or a 1,011 T ,, lsOltl citixim thereof, and has removed thererimia and returneff ; that he has residad tivecein six months ilex plan ,•ling said ode [else ; that he toil rosido4 le tle• district In %thief) he claims to he a voter for the ; „ two initial, immediately proceeding said . Co.! h. ebt, inuved ink, the district for the pail., .• • ~- e. that lit has if 211 years of age and :;: . 1. ':• .1.• a.r County tax within two years, which - ~• least two months awl paid uC least obe 1414/II I;; . ; ate,ll.l , JU ; Ira natutaliacil citizen d rillrd • ,rtie when, where anti by what mart Ile Wa4 1 and 411 's, 11 also prod his ea:nit...ate of net uraiiant...... 1. :imitation ; that iiabl affidavit shall al, state wil where the tax claimed to be paid by the when, where and to whom pa:.l ; ant th, to:: receipt thelefor shalt': produr.:l tar examination, un less tileat3Saut slut!! Itt f,iD IIIIii;;LVIt that It iltli I at, lost or destroyed, ur that lie never received :may but if the person so claiming the right to vote shall bike arid Intl.:rib:3 AP affidavit,. that be is a native-horn citizen of the Coin] States, or if Wall shrill state he fart in his affidavit, mad adaall predate.. evidence that 11, 11..4 been natnralized, or that he is , male! to citizelisliip by reason of his father's naturalization ;l and shall further state in his affidavit that lie is, at. the time of leaking the affidavit, between the ageA of twenty -eels and twenty-tw years ; that lie has born a citi,ei of the United month, and has respfrd in the state one year, or, if lair,:- live-horn citizen of the Mate and reinoved there...n an :l returned, that he has resided thereiii lilo,loll neat preceding said election, and in the cleztbut district inno. - mediately two months prveedinii: soch election, 1, t eta id be entitled to vote. although he shalt not have paid taxes ; the said affidavits of all pennon: making 'nett the affidavit of the witnesses to their residence citall preserved by the election hoard, and at the dote of the election they shill be enelosed with the list of voters, tally list itn.l other papers required by law to be filed by the 'lei urn Jtalgea with the Protlionotary and Altai! rental a en file within the Prothonotary's office, subject to (•%lllil:- nation,as other election papers are; if the electionoillenes ahati final that the applicant possesses all the lease„ qualifications of a voter he shall be permitted to vote, and his name Shall be ;tabled to the list of taxable: lay the election officers, the word "tax" being added where the claimant claims to vote Oa lux, and the word "age'' 101,1, he claims to vete on age; the same words being: added by the clerk in each case respectfully on the lists off,: ',no:. S voting at such election. Also, that in Section llth of iia! , l Act, it is proviled I:int it.shall be lawful fur any qualified citizen of the disti at, notwithstanding the name of the proposed voter is con tained oathe list of the resident taxables, to challenged:a) vete of such 'arson; where,, son the same proof of the right of suffrage on ii new required by law deal he pub licly made and acted oi l by the election hoard, and the veto admitted or rejected, tiecortling'to the evidence es ery person claimiug to be a taatatiali.ted chir,itaa shall be reqadred to produee his natal - ulna:Aloft certificate at the election bef43 voting, except where he has been furtive yeare, consecutively, at voter in the district in which he offers his vote ; and on the vete of such pei•son being re, ceived, it shall be the duty ofthe elerti,n rtiicers to write or Staelp Olt such eertilieate the wins! - voted," with the day, mouth and year ; and if any etecti.e. offic , .rs shall receive a second vote on the 051,15 day, _by virtue or the iattne certificate, excepting. Where !Kai, I: , • , I Io rate by virtue of the naturalization of their fedora, t bey and the person who shall offer stich see.ael vet., up a, offending shall he guilty of high mialemeanor cud on conviction thereof, tee •or Imprisoned or both. at the discretion of the Court; but the line shaii not 1.7:- ceed five hundred dollar, in each CO,,', nor the latent more than one year; the like punishment shall inflicted on conviction on tie: of et.tioa shall neglect or relnse to mete, orcause to bit made, t',e endorsement required as atoresa id en said mit certificate. Also that in Section 12 of viii is provr.i:ol that if any election officer shall refuse or neglect to require such proof of the right of manage as iv pre •i - riip by this law or the lawsto which this is a supplement. from any pors”n offering to vott whose name is not on the lint of onsenn,.l voters, or whose right to vote is elivilenged by any qual ified yid, present, and shall ailtnit herlt person to vote without rtspriring such proof, evory p.m.n to offending Nhan, upon cntvietion, giitity of a mistletoe:nail., and shall be sentenced for every 1.1 , 11 OiTOOFP, to pity a flue not exceeding live did iars. or to undergo an imprisonment nut MOD) lima ono yettr, or tither or both, at the discretion of the Cour:. SECTION 11. A:: main its till, close, the °livers of electleit 'Mall mooed, to count all the votes cast fur ell,ll emplicinte voted fir, and make a full return of the saint in txiplieate, with a r;ternalteet in addition, in all f whiel, the voice received by ~-,-h eendld,te :;hail i.e given after his or her moue, first iu words and again in figures, and Aril Le Aiirned by all of .said officers and cer 7 titled by overseers, if any, or if n it Co certified, theover seers and any officer refusing to shot er certify, or either of them, shall write upon each of Um return his or their reasons for not signing or certifying. them. The vote, as irate as counted, shalt also be publicly and fully declared front the window to tile citizens prevent, audit hrief state ment showing the votes received by such candidate shall be made and signed by the electiun officers ne soon as the vote's counted, and the same /Mall be immediately' posted up on the door of the election bona& fur inTirnottion of the public. The tripliestte returns shellhe enclosed in envel opes and he 11,1110 d in presence of the °ti eer,. and one en vel pc, with the unsealed rem.] sheet, given to the jailgo, which shall contain one list a voters, Mlly-paper, and oaths of officers, and another of said eineloties shall be given to the minority inspector. All judges: living within twelve miles of the prothonotary's ofdre, er within twenty-four miles, if their residence he in /'fawn, viil.tgta or city upon the line of railroad ',mho:: to the county seat, shall, I.s. fore two o'clock post tneridan of the day after thee:action, and all other judges shall,. before twelve o'clock mei IMM of the second day after the election, deliver said romrn, together with return sheet, to the prothonotary of the court ofeouniion pleas Mille county, which said return sheet shall be filed, and the day and hour of filing mark ed thereon, and shall be preserved by the mitlionotary for public Inspection. Attwelve , o'clock on the said Second day following any election, the prothonotary of the court of commen pleas shall present the said returns to the said court. In counties where there is no resident president President judge, the ititsociate judges shall perform the ditties imposed upon the court of centres pleas, wide!' shall convene fir said purpose; the returns presented by the prothonotary shall be opened by stud court and coin puted by such of its officers and such sworn assistants as Election Proclamation. c,-iit: Arai arToint, in the presence of the judge or jade:, of said court, and the returns certified and eertiii e,ttes under the seal of the court as is now r,luired to be done by return judges ; and the vote as so tau - matt:A mei certified, Phan be made a matter of record -in said tanrt. Tito sessions of the said court shall be open pablir. And in ease the return of any election dia triot simll be initsing.when the returns are presented, or ease pf complaint of a qualified elector under oath, ,harging palpable fraud or mistake, and particularly spec ryi !I- , the alleged *rand or mistake, of where fraud or ntistale is apparent on the return; the court shall examine the return, :mid if in the judgment of the court it shall let necessary to a just return, said court shall hall') sum tunry lyrist the election officers and overseers, it any. of tie, election diuriet complained of, to bring r rtliwi tit i,:to c,,urt, with all election papers in their rn , = ,, ints eel if palpable mistake or fraud shall be dis cprore,l, it Mll!, tatem such hearing as may bo deemed ne cessary to enlighten Ow court, be corrected by the court and so errtill, ; hut all allegations of palpable fraud or mistake shall he decided by the said court within three dd.ys alter the day the returns arc brought into court for computation ; ard the said inquiry shall be directed only to palpable fraud or mistake, and shall not be deemed a judicial adjudication to conclude any contest now or here after to lit, provided by laW ; and the other of the of said triplicate returns shall be placed in the box and sealed np with the ballots. Al,o Section 17 of said ,ta,t, It is provided that the re spectivo aseesAer,, inspectors and judges of the election hare the rower to administer oaths to any cialinim , . the right to be assessed or the right of on:T . :Age, or in regard to any other matter or thing requi red to be done or inquired into by any one of said officers under this act ; and any wilful false swearing by any per son in relation to any matter and thing concerning which they shall be lawfully interrogated by any of said officers or overseers shall be punished as perjury. Savriox 5. Electors shall in all oases except treason, flay and breach or surety of the peace, be privilleged from arrest during their attendance on elections and in g ,, M;r to and returning therefrom. :,;11.:71 , N S. Any person who shall give, or promise or Cf:',r to give, to :at elector, any money, reward, or other valuable consideration for his vote at an election, or for withholding the cant.., or wile shall give or promise to give such consideration to any other person or party for such elector's vote or for the withholding thereof, and any elector who shall receive or agree to receive, far himself or 1.,r Anether, any money, reward or other valuable con eitleratlon for his vote at an election, or for withholding tle,ama ch.:ll thereby fori.dt the right to vote nt ouch elertion, and any elector whose right to vote shall be chal -1,,g..d t.,r such cau, bef,rr the election officers, shall bo required t swearer :Alm that the matter of the chal !env i untru-i d•.-fire his vote shall be received. Fr.,11 , ,N 19. Any asimasor, election officer or person ap n,inted a. an Gverseer, who shall neglect or refuse to per form any duty enjoined by this act, without reasonable or legal canny, shell he Filhjt,Ct to a penalty of one hundred dollar::: and if any as,es.or shall knowingly assess any rotor who is not qualified, or shall wilfully a:".•,4, any tomb who is Tditied, lie :shall he guti ty s taiedometnor in office and on conviction be punish ed Ly i ffile , bet exceeding ono thonsand dollars, or im ial,crimm not exceeding two year., or both, at the die c; the court, :old oleo he subject to an action for dat.iag, uy the-party aggrieved ; and if any person shall attor, add to, ileac, or destroy any list of T. - der, made out es directed by this act, or tear down or Or• i.ua, from the place where it has been fixed, w,:u tr.:du:eta or iniechlerous intent, or for any improp er par,, , , the .a lo offending shall be guilty of .a ml,..leinettoor,add on conviction shall b opu ntehed by a . . . . ,•,:: ;:ow usoee liondred dollars orlintorisonme - ni, not ex,e-ling two yearg, or both, at the discretion of the t•, and if tiny licrsoo shall, by violence and intimida ti in, drive, or attempt to drive from the polls, any person or by tho court to wise oyomierit of an eiection. in any way fully prevent said overseers 11, V,•.; enjoined upon them by this act, e, • shall bo gniitynifedemminor, and i! ,n of shell tie pntslAted by a ?inn not o:,' ,, i;fq doilurm, or by imprisonment fli t year., or both at thodiscreition of tho c.i.f.:. Any I+, site on the day of any election, vi-it a twilling place in any election district at which lie is Ivo. nations! In and shall time intimidation or violence for the piii-;irese of ',munition any of of election from tie• (luting required of him 17 law, or for porpo, of preventing any gnalified voter of the dis tor his right t , ) If(ft^, or from exercising his ri.tlit t., clinllion, any paste,, offering to vote, ench per tan.. tem.!! te• deeni•••l guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon nommomi i thereof, shall be pnnistml by a One nut ea. red disci: one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not ex !soling two yeitrs, or both, nt the discretion of the cr,art. Any clerk, overowur or elt,tiose oilicer, who 'ball d",,ichis•••• how any etector shall hove yotod, unless required V, 4! fu bo guilty ~ f a mis alvo,,r.nr,r, and upon conviction thereof chaff be v'oktoul by a lino not e • gnu tholptund dollar., or uy Ins otkcitnent rse,t exc.-if:mg two years, or 'both, In the rll.,rm icm of tie, rourt, el r. 4, on It,' of Aveor more riticens of any i; i.i.ttisix Firth that the appointment of nver., ”ra is a r” t,,,nable precaution to 'tenure the pur:ty talreeu ~ r the ilietion in said ; ft hit the duty of the ~ n ut of coition plus.. or the proper County, iris Ili , ' low jelk.o. of tbn safil your* al& to net sit ti , time concurring, P. Appeint two Juklielefig, oollerand intelligent n. .d tlls ga!‘f rlintt it l betook/lug to different political pas Ile., es slits 441,4 eleetion to ouportion the proceedings of the afrun. thi.reof, tend to make report of the aittio• its they may lie required by such court. OW Coral , fro,ro in 0 ,911, qualified to serve upon election Locals stiol distil hays. the right to Le preoeut with this 0f eji,•)1,,,, during this whole time the same fa rev,t counted, and the return. made out and “111 , , , er; to km•pft lbit or tit , ' rotors, r; to challenge any punt.. uttering to vete, unit leant ',gate him and his witneatiem wider oath, Is, regard tis Ida rl bi of suffrage at said election, and to exatajnis his papers produced ; cud the oflicore of said Wel ism are re istifesi w .ford to said overseers ' so selected nod every ronvostinnce and facility fur the disk and if said election officers shall refteso perc,:t ovoroo”ro Vs he present, and perform e stout. , us •SAM, Seth or Oftlel•114 shell he guilty of a mooliinsisanor, and on conviction thereof shall r.art. , chug ono thousand dollar., or imprison hiet.t nut eding one year, or both, at the discretion of Burt: or if the 10VerSI.Nril ' , lull be driven away front this ;so% by Violent , • sir intimidation, all the voter polled ;il rib.. May be rejected by the proper is)isig wolor edit elocaott, or a part or ;:ter of vote., aforesaid inlay be counted, as such trit,:d may n..A../..try to a just and proper dispo rltion of the cane. I etty ',ball pr, vim'. ur attempt to prevent any ofittor of an Medic!, under this act from holding inch 00. ur it, or threaten any violence to any such Mil e,. anti eliall interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the eze..nt:ou nf,in deny, shall block up or attempt to btotik Om window or 14,11114 . to any window where the eattst :say b« h•olti.,t, .pr shall riotously disturb the peace of !stet, eleetion, or shall use or practice Inthnidattoo, ti.rerie, tort Ur violence, with the design to influence un duly or liVf•r&WA any eleclor, or prevent him from voting, sir tu rain the freedom of choice, such persons on coo ,: • be lined iu any sum nut exceeding five hnn .:,, to be imprisoued fur any time nut loss than ;,.•r rasre than twelve months, and if it slain beshown to the court where the trial of such offense shall be had, tie :t th , • person as offending was not a resident of the city, ward or district where the said offense waacommitted, e.ei nut entitled to vote therein, on eunviation, he shall sentenced to pay a ftne not lax than one hundred nor nu;rs then one thousr.nd dollars, and he imprisoned not lees than six months nor more than two years. "If any person or persons shall make any bet or wager upon the result of an election within the Commonwealth, or shall on, to make any such bet or wager, either by Verbal prod:a...talon thereof or by any written or printed rert:,eint tit, or invite any pursue or persons to make snub. bet or wager, upon conviction thereof heor they shall forfeit and pay three times the amount so bet or offered to be bet. ifeWllon ofnrere will tnte notlee that the set entitled "A I'l2t ther 64pplement to tae Election Livia of this Com ilisqiialifying deserters from the army of the 4; 11 10:1 :'...tatest from toting, lute recently boon declared un r.ustitutitmal 1.. y tl.e Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, is now null and void, and that all persona formerly disqual itiP4 are now lawful votrra, if otherwise qual i 11,1, i;he. 111. It he the fluty or ovilty mayor, sheriff, detinty ehlri alitermanjusticeof the peace, and constable or deputy constable of every city, county and township or district within this Commonwealth, whenever called upon by any officer of an election, or by any throe qualttled electors thereof, to eteqr any window, or avenue to any window, at the place of the general election, which shall Glistructed in each a way as to prevent voter. from approaching the save, nod on neglect or refusal to do on such requisition, said officer shall ho deemed guilty ors memoir in office, and on conviction, shall be fined in itoy bum not less than one hundred nor more than ono thousand dollars; . add It shall be the duty of the respect ive of each ward, district or township witiiin common tote present in person or by deputy, at the piece of holding such elections in said ward, district or township, fet• the purpose of preserving the peace, tug afure,ii•L ac. I N. it shall he th^ duty of every peace officer, as afor.mfd, who shall be present at any such disturbance at de,:ibed in this act, to report the same to the next court ef quarter se,eions, and aiso the namesof the ep t:.es,e; a ho can prove the sante; and it shall be the duty eel to cause indictments to be preferred before the' gran a jury eysinst the persons so offending. ;Ay. LIX. If it .11111 be tatude to appear to ary court of qu,rt..r Ai:FM(IIIS of thisflotami.nwealtit tbatany riot or dis tarl..,,o occurrod at the tinmand place of holding any elec tion niplur title .t, and the constables who arc enjoined by law to al tend at sacra c:ertions have not given inforniatiOn tlierool; ac:airiling to the provisions of this act, it shall be the Aut.c of said court to cause the officer or officers, so ne gl-ciing the duty atbirtisaid, to Its proseeded against by ins iiictiiieat for ;t misdemeanor in office, and on Colt riction there,,f, tht. !mi.! ‘,1:1,r shall be clued in tiny corn not ox cet•,lin;!ono hundred dollars. :c. 11 I. IL Nliall ba tho ditty of thu several courts of qmteter 4esshms of ad , Commonwealth, at the next term of emu: aft, :my election shall have been held under the act, 1.3 cause the rensietiva constables in said county to be examined on oath, as In whether any breaches of the pertee plitee at the Oteeth,tl within their respective town s:6p-, war& or (11,4.621,, and it childl he the duty of said eon respectively la make r. turn thereof as part of tiedr r,duru at suiticOuth my hand at 11 intiugaon, the :loth day of E. , pt..rest.,•:. Anna D.• nini'one thoneand eight hundred ea l c ave nty-f,nr and the ia , i,Teudencts of the United • Ftrat4.e ttinc•ty-c I . _ :1;7.120 I :tort. IS7 )ME TO jOUIC. , TAL OFFICE I'oll YOUR J()IPRINTING. , :tto bills, If you want bill heads. • • If you want letter heads,. It* y rt want visiting cards, If you want business cards, It' you want. blanks of any kind, if you want envelopes neatly printed, • If you want; anything printed in a workman like manner,-and at von , . reasonable rates, leave your orders at the above named office. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of R. F. GARVER, deed.] Letters of Administration having been granted to the unlersigned, on the estate of B. P. Garver, late of Shirley township ; dececad, 'all persons knowin-: themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment and those having claims to resent them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN X. LUTZ, - Administrator. LOVELL Atty's. 5ept.23.74. 'I)ICTURF.S I P - 110ICTUREQ t f IcTuREN-/ • • • A full line of CUROMOS and other PICTURES, very cheap, at the 'JOURNAL STATIONERY STORE 4 11_ ... .. a 5 , .; - ,p , .3. I 411, . HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1874 SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Lev. Fa., to me directed, I will expose to public sale. at the Court House, in Huntingdon, on MONDAY, the 9th day of November, 1t74, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described real estate, to wit : - All that certain property, known as the "Barree Forge," with the lands and tenements thereto attached and belonging, situate in the townships of Porter and West, in the county of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvanie, bounded and described as follows, to wit : All that certain tract of land, composed of four several tracts of land, described together as one tract, as follows, to wit : Situate in the township of Porter, and county of Huntingdon, and State aforesaid, begin ning at a spruce, thence south twenty-four de grees, west ninety-nine perches to a black oak; thence by land of William Wilson south twenty four degrees, west sixty-two perches to a pine; thence south thirty-two perches to a chestnut oak; thence south forty-eight degrees, west thirty-six perches to a post; thence by David Caldwell's land south fifty-four degrees, oast twenty-three perches to a post; thence south twelve degrees, west fifty eight perches to a hickory; thence south nineteen degrees, cast fifty-seven perches to a dogwood; thence south thirty-five degrees, west fifty-nine perches to a red oak ; thence south live degrees, west sixty-five perches to a white oak; thence . south forty-five degrees,xest eleven and five-tenth perches to a stone; thence by James Hunter's lands north seventy-six degrees, west seventy-seven perches to a hickory; thence south twenty-seven* degrees, west one hundred and fifty perches to a gum; thence south nine degrees. east seventy perches to a poplar; thence south fifty-six degrees, west ono hundred and two perches to a chestnut; thence by a survey in the name of Hugh Cone north seventy-six degrees, west three hundred and nineteen perches to a post; thence north twenty ; one degrees, east forty-eight perches to a white oak ; thence north twenty-one degrees, west fifty eight perches to a hickory on the bank of the Lit tle Juniata river; thence down said river the sev eral courses and distances as follows: South eigh ty-one degrees. east forty perches to a black oak; thence north fifty-four degrees, east forty perches to a red oak; thence north two degrees, west forty perches to a hickory; thoneenorth twenty degrees, west thirty-four perches to hickory ; thence north forty-four degrees, cast eighteen perches to a hickory• thence north seventy-one degrees, east thirty perches to a hickory, thence north thirty two degrees, cast three hundred and fifty perches to a post; thence north thirty-nine degrees, east two hundred and twenty-seven perches to a post.; thence down said river the two following courses and distances, to wit • South forty-seven degrees, east sixty-three perches to a pine, and south sev enty-five degrees, east one hundred perches to the place of beginning, containing fourteen hundred and twenty-four acres one hundred and fifty perch es (1424 a, 150 p.) and allowance of six per cent. the same being composed of four original surveys, to wit: One in the name of Robert Erwin ; one in the name of John Copp ; one in the mune of Andrew Cone and one in the name of Edward B. Dorsey. Also, all that certain tract of land, composed of three several traete of land, described together as one tract, ac follows, to wit: situate in the town ships of Porter end Morris, in the county and State aforesaid, beginning at a white oak on the south hank of the Little Juniata river, thence by survey in the name of William Eakins south reventy•nine degrees, west thirty-reven perches to a Mack oak ; thence south thirty-eight degrees, west sixty-two perches to a hickory; thence south sixty-three degrees, east sixty-ono perches to a chestnut oak; thence by Thomas Johnston's land south twenty-six degrees, west seventy-four perch e= to a chestnut oak ; thence south eighteen de grees, west thirty-six perches to a black oak; thence south eight degrees, west forty-four perch es to en elm; thence south thirty-one degrees, west thirty-six perches to a spani- oak; thence south twelve degrees, west one hundred and four teen Aerobes to a poet; thence by James Sterret's land north eighty four degrees, west thirty•shs perches to a white oak; thence north eight de grees' east sixty•four perches to a pine; thence north sevente , n degrees, west sixty-three perches to a white trek; thence south twelve degrees, west fifty-four perches to a birth ; thence by Joseph Brown's land north sixty-one degrees ' welt two hundred and forty-four percher to a black oak ; thence north seventy-eight degrees, west thirty one perches to a white oak ; thence by Manor Easel north :six degrees, east ono hugdred and thirty eight porches to a white oak; thance north seven teen degrees, cast one hundred and ninety perches to a chestnut; thence north twelve degr''e , east one hundred and eighty-two perches to IS hemlock on the bunk of said river; thence down the same, the several eourses.and distances thereof, seven hundred and thirty-seven perches to the place of beginning, containing ten hundred and eighty seven acres, sixty-nine perches (107 a. C 9 p,) and allowance of six per cent. being composed of three original surveys in the names respectively of ,Ann Brown, Mary Brown, and Elizabeth Brown. . . • - Also, all that certain tract of land, with the Islip) frame mansion house, eventy tenement houses, barns, forge, furnace, grist mill, brick stoic room, dwellings and other buildings arid im provements thereon erected, composed of twenty several tracts of land, Seecribed together as one tract, as follows to wit : tiltuate in the townships of Porter and West, in the county and State afore- I said, beginning at a white oak on the bank of the Little Juniata river, thence north sixty-three de greee, west six perches to a white oak; thence north eighty-two degrees, east twenty-two perches to a white pine; thence south fifty-four degrees, east thirty perches to a hickory; thence south thirty-six degrees, east twenty-two perches to stone; thence south twelve degrees, east thirty perches to a birch; thence south six degrees, east forty nine perches to a white pine; thence south fourteen degrees, Irma sixty-six perches to a hem lock ; thence south thirty-two degrees, east twenty nine perches to a spaniels oak; Menet: south sixty one degrees, cast one hundred and nine porches to a hemlock; thence south sixty-feur degrees, east twenty-five perches Jo a hemlock; thence south forty-two degrees, east twenty-one perehes to a stone; thence south twenty-eight degrees, east 40 perches to a birch; thence south thirty-five de grees, east twenty perches to a chestnut; south fifty-five degrees, cast twenty-two perches to a chestnut oak; north twenty degrees, cast one hun dred and 'ninety-ono perches to a post; north twenty-three degrees, west two hundred and nine tysone perches to a post; thence by a survey in the name of Joseph Welsh north sixty degrees, east one hundred and forty-five perches to a gum ; north forty-one degrees, east thirty-live perches to a birch; thence by a survey in the name of Mar garet Speer north fifty and one-half degrees, east four hundred and seventy-five perches to a post; thence by a survey iu the name of Alien Speer south fifty-two degrees fusty minutes, east two hundred and thirty-two perches to a post; thence by same and surveys in the name 4 OtherielSpecr, Sarah McCracken and James tleCracken north forty-five degrees, east seven hundred perches; themes: by John Brewer's land south twenty de grees, cast one hundred perches to a —; thence by the same north seventy degrees, east four hundred and fifty-seven perches to a stone heap; thence by John Batteu's land north twenty degrees, west one hundred and. twenty-six penises to a post; thence by John Dannahan's laud south fifty-eight degrees, east one hundred and fifty perches to a guru; thence south thirty-six perches to a birch; thence north fifteen degrees, east ninety eight perches to a white oak; thence north fifty degrees, east one hundred and sixty perches to a white oak ; thence by Thomas Hamilton's. land north eleven degrees, west sixty perches to a white oak; thence north seventy-three degrees, east one hun dred and ten and three-quarter perches to a post; thence north thirty-five degrees, west ono hundred and thirty-seven perches to a post; thence by Esther Moore's land north sixty-four degrees east two hundred and thirty and one-third perches to a post; thence south thirty degrees, east one hun dred and twenty perches; thence by Philip Sid kites land south twenty-eight degrees, east three hundred and sixtyperches to a white oak; thence' by Alexander McConnell's land south fifty-eight degrees, west seventy-two perches to a dead chest nut ; iench north sixty degrees, west fifty-eight perches to a chestnut; thence north forty-five perches to a chestnut oak; thence south seventy two degrees, west two hundred and thirty-four perches to a chestnut oak; thence south one hun dred and sixty perches to a hickory ; thence south eighty-five degrees, west eeventy-five perches to a spanish oak; thence south forty degrees, west sev enty-five perches to a chestnut oak; thence south forty-seven perches to a hickory; thence south forty degrees, west twenty-six perches .to a maple; nerth twenty degrees, west twenty nine perches to a chestnut oak ; thence by William Batten's land, south forty-seven degrees, west twenty perches to a hickory; thence south eighty-seven degrees, west eighty perches to a chestnut oak; thence south forty degrees, west three hundred and twenty-five perches to a chest nut oak; thence by George Wilson's land north thirty-three degrees, west one hundred and six perches to a white oak; thenc- south forty-eight degrees, west two hundred and thirty perthes to a white oak; thence south thirty-three degrees, cast seventy-two perches to apost; thence south sixty five degrees, west fifty-six perches to a chestnut oak ; thence south fifty-five degrees, west thirty eight perches; thence south twenty-five degrees, west twenty perches to a black oak; thence south thirty-fire degrees, west one hundred perches to a pine; thence north sixty degrees, west twenty-One perches to stones; thence by lands of James Ma -1 guire north sixteen degrees, eighty perches to a gum ; thence north twelve degrees, west fifty-six perches to apoplar; thence north forty-five de grees west one hundred and fifty perches to a pop lar; thence south seventy-five degrees, west forty 'perches to a white oak ; thence south thirty de grees, west seventy-five perches to a white oak ; thence south fifty-two degrees, west one hundred and eighty perches to a white oak or chestnut oak ; AMON lIOUCK, Sammy. Legal Advertisements Legal AdvertisemenL thence south furty-t wo to a white oak: then , - 1 ,. .7.y.-••• • :1. east eighty in,relp. , land of twenty-five pe;,•bea t,. t ly tb - gre,s, cc. •s: !,.: pErehea acc degrees west, cigl. theirce er•litli perches to a ell, degrees, west sevent. 1 , 1 r. t. , tooth twenty-severe caner; , to a chestnut oak : then, ~.1 west thirty-six per,Les J. : ••. fifty degrees, - tle Juithlta river; the,- , courses and distal:cc, ~ • - ginning, eontainin;;. and filly-one ;tares :,;:d :I 11 p.) and allowanet, c.I . posed or twenty i •• . of Da,vid Cald Ormsby . ..Henry Aquilla Greene, No: ,•: . • • Edward Grecne, Sarah I ~.• Greene, Robert lrrin.":' • r • • Greene, Abraham Gm, • :.. in the name of •.• with nil and r'.nsr.tt', H • • • , loge, It'aye. • • . . erties, • . • and appurtnances. ~•••; •.••:. .• ••• • • • ing or in anyv..i..e sions and remainticr. thereof. v•• • : . . Seized, taken in . • • the property or t:. 1).4, • r , t tireene end tin • • . o'Cloek, p. •r, • - • . (tbe 11111,) ra • . knocked • • 11. - 1- . 411's 04.,14 - , 1, r I I. I . • • - f4iIERIFFS KJ By di-tut-of •,.."•-• • • and Ljy. Pa. t 44 ,!:•.•• • :••:. 1.••"•! - lio salt, at tir• '1110N1)A •.:' •,• the foliolviog 41 , :••• :•••, , • .'• •• All tlut. certai•l ;;; „ . of t's t) feet anti a cl , pth • • .• pier e of gruut, , l, of lluntin:: I ,•,. ; • • said county, strert amt ' dre , l aryl tlfty •• • t• half of 'Jot n. borough of Moth. • lot of - Showalter, ar,i IV. S. Kidd, toge:.lle: with • . . snitl builitin4 aril the r cent and appotter,ant to a: 1,.; : ing there', nu .1 to flw tokr:n :n • . • property A.S. Butler . wife, owners or rel•ut• .1 contractor. ALSO—AiI or and interest inn wirtei , , !.•, :•• • the borough of linroiri ;,;., • • • fifty feet on , 1.:- , right angler , : • east by lot of rie heirs• . . south west I-y cart by lot of 3irsi. erected a two-rtory - . . . dwelling house, :,,; mode. tieizu;!, takeit lL ex,•.::, • property al . . . ALSO—AII of • and intoreet in a hotNo nn 1 '; ••• Fraohl.n ; - . • ; one acre of land. 119‘ ins t!, •-••• ; ; how, stl)die Sind 0' e le - . latll.ll. I,f 3.1. G. Mon on the west. geize.l, 01.1, in property ,yr w ;!.• A ntitl lnl, r .•• pruun•l, • _ tinkl•••, • . • ',' • , • tip. , t • . 1 • - buatsol, •••, by Web. , r, , • • of 11 ,, yer, , then •,•1 a I •• , part frame :10.1 part Iwo , •., and Oilier - Seized, tak . cn in un , , • : • . • property or Lucy W. litoun, • Lc. 11. 1,. Brown. A148()-3. 11 tit' r'• ' and interest in nlith.••••t.ti•, ,•••r• .lil: '.:t• • r • ituate in t!.•• . r• • - • iluntingdon, , •r •. 28 and ;',l/ in Cie Von 4 , : s.l: having th , ..rt ell cic•;•:•I a t„. ~• (used Hi a store ro9to), nn I and lot No. 3 1 .) hari. g C:er , un • frame litvelling Innis., iil f'•! 2 . and fronting 4.n A4,tnan , i• r • streets,. with ur_lier C., saute two lots of grontul :. • • Linens beeaaie vested in .! • •, . :IN whore in,perty I; '1 V.. : • ; • • sold to Zachar;ali tte. Seized, taken in •i - • property uf Sunitr I 1,. 1;;.,. - his wife. ALSO—AiI tlet't ti t t: and interest in all that .• • • . - anent and lot or groun.l, •.: •• : ' • '. ' iiition , o tilt borough •. ,•• • - lag 50 foet. ••••••, : . '• runniug back at • :.•., ,• •• ".• baying rheiviin tin house, frame 7.• • - etlGri the nor!!! I•- i;... • .. , the south by .10' 7 in Dori:mire ' , tingdon. Seized, take! i t• . • - property of ::. ALSO—AII of di..!.: .( 7711 7 1111: 7 . ' ," and interest in all ti: e?rr.:i • ground, situate in G.- ' • •. .7:,7 •• t.• 7. • . county of Ilunting4lf,r, 1' : • : -- 1• • .. ' • the eastern siclo 4:r S •z: H...• • bounded ar.4l d.:ier:i.,•; . . • • the western :cornet , 4sn : ' Fisher, thence , t t.. : : , . Reilroott (.7oerit:te:. •:• •• . • • ttblic roust t• . • t • 7 Ack :her, • :.: t - • - . Ridge 2145 It•et, - • : • • • line or lint'i ot the hill : (hence • ed 50 feet B inch,: to • - of Thomas Fisher: the . • . more or )ass, -to. the pi r • H.: • . thereon erected a .• • • : r improvements. - • Seized, taken in txt.,,Vi •-•, • property of F 1 1 ,111“,! 11 , 0••!, ALSO-All of • F . .. and interest in a ettrt,i::, •,•• ••t.) . • .:1 the borough of Mount r; . Pa.., fronting 50 feet on eirley • • back at right angles In ~; • on the west by lot ot' the east by lot of M. Smith. 11. i • .1, on erected a tern-stvry ..:.,:e frame stable and otherien., • ••••:,,. Seized, taken in ex',ontl;...: .• • • ' .• • • property of John S. Coulter. ALSO—AII of . and interest in all tliqt ' . nate in the boroueli uf • . . • ing fifty feet, more or k•ss, ,•:, ,:;• • • road, and running hack alei,; .1; hundred and fifty feet, tn , ,re or le,. t.. . bounded on the tooth g. ..t I.y I'.r,•ly st:-. • •. !• South east by lot of 1tir..11.1r.1 •• - on erected a two-story .1w 111..; Seized . , taken h. • :.. • : property of G. 11. Si.zgart. ALSO—X!! or • and interest in a ,ertain tram ,•1' • H West township, linating , l,,, •.!aaty, . on the oast by lend- , of R. Hunter : ou tile north by • ; right, on the sout h the •' and on the west by no obi Toro!. • :!' acres, more or 1C34, th,C.l log dwelling houses ana a rmali Also, all of defendant's rgh , , tir, i :,::(••••rt in a certain lut of ground. eia.aazo , • :• of Petersburg, ilunting!itln ~;. .7 .: on King street, bounded on tit, .• an alley, and another lot be;onging LLO i• 1 dtcen dant, being lot No. 12 in l'.te I.oan of : • •,.. haring thereon erect.“l •.' dwelling house, and other . . . Also. - all of defendant', r; •i.:. t:!:.• ;..' • in a certAin lot of. ground situat, in t:ie of Petersburg, Huntingdon eount:, , • Pa.. fr ,, u:Aks; on Wa,bingtori s.treet, joint! oa ILO s,•l!th t,3 toy of Mrs. :•12 Crcsswel!. on Ow h 7‘y Saynnd Watson, haring thereon L2l:l,:eti dwelling house. Also, all of defendant's ril:Lt, title ana ititere.t in a certain lot of ground sitnate in the I,orotizh of Petersburg. Hunting:lon county, Pa., fronting on the west side of King Etre, t, lionn‘lcd on 11,.• north by lot of L. lifetimes, On tho south by an other lot of said defen.lant,-(,J. C. Walker,) hav ing thereon - erected two frame dwelling liquses. Also, all of defendaneirielt, title and interest in all those three certain adjoining lots of ground situate in the borough of Petersburg, Huntingdon county,'Pa., fronting on the west side of King street, bounded on the south by an alley, on the north by another lot of said defendant, (J. C. - ; , . I :J\~ (,r : I.L .:~L is !nt,•:•. ~': ~l'•;~~• •• . • • • • 1 •.... ;fp► r, ". ~~i ' i ~ ... .. ~ ... .'l. .. ~ t . r , c. . '.. .. ~ ~. J .'~..~ -..t J.. s•i I:1; • •r) .r :‘ • _" ':; • • : Joh,: "... 7 - • , , . . .. ~, _ • • .1 . •• f c. . :; .j . . . i; ~ ~ ~ .r. ~. ,:..., • • , •• ,• 1i .1. ' . 1 •. f .. . , , ;Am, •. y.. , - ~,...,. . G; , ,.rg. byrwilee, (*Aram l'..et#r. rhn Warr-' 50:14.0 , 1 Weir. fattier. vrt t. t; t.,t• • . I , • qt ;•,3PN: • ;, .• I . . !I. ! 441:. I •r!:. "T).- ! r' 41. 1; ; r, rann , ”. r 1,•• : 1 . 4, r' • ••• 7' . ' 7111 ; • '7. • - • ,• t .•• • ' . , . • " • •,•• . , tau, . 4• ' • i a! •: ,••^ 1.!••• A. 1,14 n r I seal , • , ••• ••. .!.1 ~! • . , • l• i.. • Detvol flarkiwn. asermi . ;. 4 • atintia;vi.'re,,,pl 4 tiree 70,411 , • • sr( sad • t• r or c.,,Przistas , _ - y • • • •••• medo . . • . • t• or pe.;•ot• - -..ttod,, foe : • r ,:a wk, thai a Colin :•,, • In me Wrongly nt . • • :1 1 •••:. •tAy • .4 r - .: .r. • t ip4 - !..-rere,, , . • • lre • • •ra 14 it +hail ; :.• • 0,1'..-toooron•lCenotaiiee er.rtb • prosp•r ro• • nil. • ' ••••. , ;1 ti.•,r , • • ' I.r•ance4. to ••• . •• at. Or, ••1 • o r . a i • if 11.4 • a ra re .~,. . ~ 2:1 heren- • ; ; Jud4 , -- • . - • • 11.:etineden. • . • 1. I .111 i 1 , .11114.111.:r I :•• 16.10 niy *herr -;• 111`;e.t. wilt 1., iteld Ist liv•rt . l'lnnt:re.,(..n. , n the nd A A. D.. 1.11. fin. fir.. „r a 4 • • • ••• • IS II .• r.main unleferetteed orbr,. the, .' • •• F.,•!••• all .. reyntre.j. : i"tlt dar "rPet.•her • •. ioa I 1.. : krel eight humlitral . • " • ; fn , rpen.:/.3...1 AXON 1101.A.A.:14aurs : 1: Ti )1 - E 1 7 1: Ifs _l:i r. lirr,l4. by an ~f :e•! :••t Cae . Llsek ! • .v!y t ;:.•; • :.i;•-,t into ti:, river. Detanvisre iln•I qt;el,anna rail their tr;;,ntarica for tho rr.4.elttien :;!..; of ti,h.oz, to th.• of rre.latory int* treat tore:inv.. and fa utter germane nv,roreo, trt;hty .iay of 313 y. :In Sheri Ti. ( 4 ,11:104 havinz jnri• art r:).. • rof the diamantling of lest and whereas inTerareion bas r••;u_iirl rni, that fish baskets exist is the flaystown I:nineh at or wear %i tuner Dowling,. al4o oJo at ur ncer 6aniuel tiruhVe, and also on. at or sear - Dysatt's un s!r,inin, in 1.1 if I coanty of ltuntin,Tion. I thertt,re de fare the !miff Isabel* a cora:nun roii,.an,:e. her-by notify the onset , or owners 03:reuf the if not remote,' or trisninn tied ;n tin days the tame will he removed or t0,:r.t.:,1 = directed by thf; mew ioled set. AlvinN itoreTz. ().•:.; I. siberif. GO Ti) THE JOURNAL MICR orall kinds of printing. ournal. I 'at at, S!l,c . 'w t?:•• •t:•:!t •. . nting • ! .4 r ,; t:!! . r. 1: rs• ;-4- : • r.;!.. .: :. • • •nti•.n i 'it !jr. ii' ;-, •.•;11:1•.• in the -!: .- :,n•{ . • .1 t !h.. n. , rn .. • . . •: L:tiv • I fr .t • .1' • ; or • • : • ..r• • • . t i Any .•• v t f. • a` !.• •r • ... • ~',.F ~. ~ N • p. 7 zi 1 s'...•n .Ise pr.. ~, .. ~i.~ »p.n ~i .. . • • • From the lir,ife,rd Pte7ert.-- General M'Cancfless' Black Letter :3 the War Der rtment. iPet;:“era::e frsier4 ameh :hr:: fur 14ectrtar; ni la. t, ma! Ac.C.r - -. , •1 he: military reror , l. 1117: thin r:a.m i.) t tr.)? OLIO'? thew npiorw , ;. 14 about as, In , wasivtant ::33 itz , ii . givdis. D .. 31Cat:t0,-,* emar.r in :let-halm:. 24. The arp•in: . n.. - 1 , ,•!' 1:r . - • --••• 7-4 .., 420011 , ja m v..!ll7l:Cer; ::pith l. 4 6l. li t er r. 3,1 r i. it s Y. 4 r,•,17:1 : lir.% !or wit ar, ero•lit 31)iv inenrrert by tswfw. ! who wprer.l • to thit • p s , ropr x, ris i a . b. irp 4 s ou . :ante .I:ney ..1 s'ne : d geiliNgt • --. im • W.+4 attZi.;= f. , r . a ,., • rn rho ; ::,.17 ::.• •i. rtri. • , rnpi - t;lf at= irlf fie., lop sionia 17 • • ••••.-:ri • on. 34, of.girt3r7.7 Fir l e u p hi e .Two -as 2t sr r . ~g r, v paoe j r imas rninn an.l &tient Ito =PI* 1 hf , cntnr.rirnsi..n prociamatioa lead kern 134 a lm a L•51:.•1 , i:g p :Irv+ ;.e pror - tte Iry 310 , - : :••vi r : ;lire 27: - • ."., 7 • - es lar .7: • Ciat 1 6, 3 „ • ~,,,;•.,„„m i i ime mop & 7: h•••I p.,,, 444 pea,..„ t''.' n. I. !-:"3 r?e""ir,_ h hitott zfri .r.mt • over, •• t • :yeti their Jah.egarat ••Ta7Pay- - - I: • • .••••• Out cam* waielt ••••; :•• • • ',Evi:e..s Posits- at He :; ..sh,it S siii Ivo "' st .-4. : 5pe 11y 67 .11/ :,/ ' -• • :'71.-Ty M • rte hay evnlY ropre am -Pr - ;: - • : • htrt irk? t-.- !n n" w.: f , Hiomat go „.,tertyt • • ft:4 - rkovgon•• I u. a -I;:eic X . t:ant i itan•L.;:. aro! nt ;NMI 1110 k.iikerHe 11,4 imps" ads P r ' rna "" r- 'an'i frt if•• ato :):stafirtit mush Awl" ▪ ;•- r to ravor t!.. ammier • •-•:"'..11 Olar rent, in ... - .;err, it) o:oil war i;IT pre.evrar, in ,f 16r. • !'!" r i ~. I 41, rabw,e ro.t only a:: '.1.• ;:36; .10 -3 34 3 .7 7, .•.t a 1 . hr n r w st .)ait , .fr..f . r.l Ira 7il sot Tone*...,i • 1. , /. • .41lopet Z. !!!.. • •; • • • !" , r ,,, hinder ao for (b* ‘' l e •- %•• , . :. : RP ireilamotaPl Sad his v • -n/ j ';* 56 ' 4 ' 4441 " . t . 1 . . • Aro% •r•l. - r • , -r"gt• ••••••12')-Jillinit". - 7 • ; =to-4 2 1)7. 1-10, 11• . ‘ • • 7 -ttr:;..."441' •• - '7l the price : lieter '*"*zvica "t rev*, I , lrty nc p• :!:* !: • !At ler ! A :uti•n B.er.? 3 ,, 7-0. 7 7 re ihe h Porrr-r. P r,•-:4':,,-r-!4 t i e AN ; w •:i.f•r. t:.. _• rctterli: Alain fiN,Ne • r„ • ', • - :n P. !!:::+fin. elan Ira, L4O ••I yr.:. 3 rtri ••if3,1 , 1 , 5*.' • : figilt.3g Be-t .1 t.sca :.sale, Ir -re s f t 3:1 I ••• - , :a floc. .1. Cr.! •. •:sr. -1~ `~-t - 44 . •• ' • ~r prrrit• 77,-v 1 . : t'3rt7 the ••*.nriniest - men in lbw • : ce.i.-4Sti %awl thas . • • - :: • • .TIM •..i.sr. •,f :Sfo wsr. t !,.. - • - •L • -•• et . liv , "..•"' -I•*.tr tn . . rrob - I n, ne:4:34te 3.4. tot N - ,*serin..; t'.be w'4,14 i.r • .7 4:.! tie • - :oiara • • .1 r in•l • ..1 • • ••••4 a ; pa ••• • • • - • • • - T! it I :3N '• .•-r• • 7 soli ' jt.• • hrt. , • tho - • ve • e of 3 , 0 1?"1 , T10.. , ' f!r t x 7. 4froll Th. 'll4 . • -•fm7 r.wvitters, ti•r', - V 1;4!) to.r: . ;• • • r 3 7 • - ":17 'ir --! vis! we.. • 11,,t 9 / nmilown: imen• .4n eq . -,rdie.••••riw• .• ~,, ►' n) r ,t: :•rp rmsf-4, , ,f •••!" e, • 11 - 1. r iTvah 411'ir.44 Pr. - 4 0 ,1'4 yr— pp pr....prat ". 0 r, 11 , 1.1 ; awn.' w.iTe los • " 1 ' •••, Mo. ; * - • • . . • Ar.w. vs-,• TADVI 4 . 1 ;•—• • .!,t r y 7oPtip. •. t~~:.. t:;stzkl f.• Net , r". W ItirdV; ••••••• it, eijor•-•. •:,, ,f - bit• . +i • • riP•vor.i ••••, • And •-if P•-try 7t.s , ahh. vo4 Mrs '.t- op. ay, .; ;. !•-:• 3 net b•• Ir •:- •r-s ••• - - ftwisorriro. r:' frit% 4!it• treTin•-:. dot •,... - ••• • operiotom • Nemo' tr. ' , J.?. to!trir, mr•trts.'" 111. •• - 43`-'1•411.. . Th. " b .10 1/t.rri s s erc , rrtilb S.* r•viciPttpo 7, • . 4 0 /1111Mi .b• ;.! ; .etry c.tarsty Ot trn-. Amor- . r w•7•.i aghtradiforkip.- h.! r.77Pri 3 t-•-estp•my , f "Car% 1.,/r • - :arios kr • -bay -. • • •. • , • • • . •1 , :t: • 1;cl:rt. j:.ttt•-•1 t- f •- -• 7► • N1 • !34.7 • ;! • 7-r kr 7i;-r trc-Peri - -r -• -'-..• • -.1.e • !!!'orllll4l ft-• 14.1teree- ivy F • * at #0,410 OW, bee : rervaipp:nn r.tav-a••• a -rftr•tt 4 etragrirsfreo 1'• trrlytsirti-t r.. ratet• g•-7,estoPot y•e /le 1/13 O P t a : t..••,..torinet io •h, Umber 1 1. 9 rOdia l i o .' 03 lir guriCna a 2 Igr:r. • and notreitrai i '5" , a --rritors to taw try boort *Sorb sa. girfar. r r Wtr - • • that Ire/ of the r. Psy :So .f • • • • , •• lt:•tt thi. 'owl vole •Oh•-t-••• ••rt • ' • -••• • ' T • i!',~ . . l fa* pr-. 0•• .••rot is4war,, ..:"inirorr .a v 7.) t•tr,t- rh • Key/•••.... f. 0.• tS -5 7.•• •• tk.•lo Ip,- •; ig !;- , ttyotrtr7z. Thr 4.47 Piny le.' •!'•'••'.o 'act". •; , it•• :•3 , • se '63? ?6"a. • IPs•%:th. *WI* 111 "Wag alas. 744111 1 1,7 ! • • .• !.• 7 ..tt •r. . -; 4 3 33.14, - 111.4 •.#;,r =.3 - ' 7 -rottiti....• -er etip • y I r sbriele. rr+nt "7"ttr7•3 • r •••.,•;. et.:•,..z4 fog •:ott• woo. taboott • - -,ftw Wz r ..4 1 7 '7. rikra• -•: :r.t a rart:-.4 C.,••• tr•••it :•-t trt. I Tat! :',-..arwerietwr :,.. 4.lr' --a .7 • • p •se .• .1. 171.. W rair. ;:srvitioa. v.r. trier!,-•1 thr,o.lls Korpt.. :•• ;vs hi 4 star; rsf k n ,, w 1.4 1. ,, a „,4 : •: • • . aft ::.ef • rine owl astrivia; tart! anir.:27-4 in The Wne. , l - :.* I.kaisto :lira sNO Insi.lent_ t r. • • 1 : • : 3 , r! I '7 . - •••► 9 T • : e.rt a kneeing ", -I*- - n; , . 1: x. 7 ,1 1 7 . •"it . per: j stn. ev- Tte—io Perry es. wtry. mime linv is • • tax,. lie =moms r h i, - - 7 parel 2 rre nr 7110.14 •:AIPWSO.7O .; f•t%er 77 , Tr fi r*wirrry sei4 - r. ' •, ..-,,,, r . icanrit yr. stat..- I . . ri.:ht :14 re h • Vier,- • • ,;I:*7. f• ; . r::," • !nil 42n -.--n: •:. :n7:nrwt • in any .rrt. isit,!er th, ! : ;e7 W iv a I ..11- Perry. nri.l Tore the ries of Inn et." rnlenee in Perry .-reseity ar 114,,L. it a 3ii in Ir. we rntiJ .nano Cie i enr :h;+ euum:y by 12 , tiein;.• glee anuterica 4 fttei,'. ell] it, 17 an harrier te..at. Pnt the Geier five emetic, elearisimeg iris& Perry this enniszri.-...inttal twain. any we know the *saes ism semi dee is the seie , re-tom why ws enw end bore refer to the Ilarrisbarg Patriot s esistabe. We Lila there is s meet eseelent prns- pea film Gourd Wilier. if be Hee!. will be agnin shoat tranaleis enaaty. 2t Wish in gt , ,o upon the 2seestbliag rtir the Ceogreme fro be elected this -..e2r. .VI •-the signs 4 the times - we think isilieste the omen probability that melt wiil be the resent lay Inv nut . : 4 t - Ttscetnit In. the Jotart.t: 3r 7 - I'l , Itz Tiara. ;.• re nelll gre Ars. _ -07 ft .1 . tetrme+- • ' lir sell • ?yr 2111 of s - a.ri * .Patikaa MPS is uor I! , !.tr •--- • - - !Q j'.ll ,ftt av-i 4 33. • r plow:* • I I - "-•r t.-• ;iv,: sf N. ?init.,. eel *lP* rawarsy .!•.r thir ff-2.4oashito, re : Teee Sakirs n - • f.fr 7 ' iT MT' i-vv , "emit ; ""' - - • if , Jo Ns. :-• p - • - ir • • sr , s,. 141.. Toin, • - !wt.., lio.r vowil 4 010.1. s !rt.. • - - - • - 1 • ;lb i;rw r: •F VS 4111*. • _ spa " • iPoks- t- 1 • - ,~:. . -,~;. J u l Aibiry. "•• S.. ii.ar" 1 4'll 70 e r 1 44 ' - --- - • -.#1,11441.4 *it its -b. Ar.' .~h •-s- • • 42.; orb oriAnspore it ',A I • v.: • -•-. 4•13. daisis • : 21-7 Air. 7•00 g-- - r 't • •• - eitirb !hero try -.. • - • foci -a. Anntrli vethimmir rkt ollerewor by 'bp appplirests ems tai UP - iamb se • spe , say: air airy irs. 3,r+. -"watt ass Cora. 161,16. 4 - IP .1 - • Aar. vs 31- + • , taw Na 4isTryr es * foil s od deriftfia nvrlKiipilaria, ; , 1017 "41114 11110111141 1 / 1 411. refierse t ' starn24.o---,o4:as - spm. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers