The Huntingdon Journal. K. DURBORROW, HUNTINGDON, PENN'A. Wednesday Morning, July 15, 1874. Circulation LARGER than any other Paper in the Juniata Valley. Laws Relating to Newspaper Subscrip tions and Arrearages. The following In the law relating to newapapers and anbecribers. 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the con trary, are considered wishing to continue their sub scription, 2. if subscribers order the discontinuance of their peri odicals, the publishers may continue to send them until all arrearagee are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office to which they are directed, they are held responsible until they nave settled their bills, and order ed them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former di rection, they are held responsible. L. The Courts have decided that "refusing to take periodi cals from the office, or removing and leaving them un called for, is prima jade evidence of intentional fraud. 6• Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it, whether he has ordered It or not, is held in law to be a subscriber. 7. If eubserlbers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher, at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it; otherwise the pub lisher is authorized to send it on, and the subscriber will be responsible until an express notice, with payment of all arrears, is sent to the publisher. Republican County Convention. The Republican voters of Huntingdon county are re spectfully requested to assemble in their respective wards, boroughs, townships, and election districts, at the legal places for bolding elections, on Saturday August Bth, 1574, and elect delegates, according to the apportionment fixed by the ilepublican County Committee on the llth ofJune, 1574, to meet in County Convention, in Yenter's Hall, at Huntingdon, on Tuesday, August 11th, 11574, at 10 o'clock in the foienoon, to place in nomination, Two persons for Assembly. (Sue person for High Sheriff. One person for County Commissioner. One person for Director of the Poer. tine person for County Auditor. One person for County Surveyor. Also, to elect three Conferees U. meet like number of Conferees from Franklin county, to put In nomination one person for State Senator for the 'l3d district. Also, to elect three Conferee,, to meet like number of Conferees from Franklin, Fulton, Juniata, Perry and Snyder counties, to put is rumination one person for Congress for the 18th district. And to transact such othor business as may be brought before the Convention. The ward., borough., toy nehips and election districts are entltlod to delegates as follow.: The following le the basis of repreAentation DELEGATES. I Marklesburg Borough, 1 Morris township, 2 Mt. Union Borough, 2 Mt. Union District, 1 Oneida township, I Orbisonia Borough, 1 Penn township, '2 Petersburg BoraJib, 1 Porter township, 3 Shade flap Borough, 1 Shirley township, '2 lithirleystoirg Borough, I Sprintrield township, 2 Tell township, 1 Tod township, 2 (Urn iptinp Borough, 1 !Union township, 2 *taker township, I Wserlonustark township, 3 Upper West township, 2 Lower West District, 1 DILMATES, Alexandria Borough, 2 Barroe township, 2 Birmingham Borough 1 Brady township, 2 Broad Top City Bono. 1 Carbon township, Cass township, 2 Casitsills Borough, 1 Clay township, 2 Coalinont Borough, 1 Croniwall township, 2 Dublin township, 2 Franiii• township, 3 Hindmost township, 1 liopswsli to...whip, 1 ltuntingdon,lot Ward, 2 u , 14 3 M ad « 2 " 41b 1 Jackson tow:whip, a Janata township, 1 Unoola township, Maplttoe &mash, I Total, 73 . Zeortions to Towashlps and Districts.—Polla open at e o'clock, p. a., sad close at tf o'clock, p. m. Elattioaa is Ward. and Immaghs.—Pollm qwn at 7 o'- clock, p. m., and close at 0 o'clock, p. tn. J, HALL HOWER Marino lispujilicau County Cor o ssiturt. linuttaipJon, luso 22, 1174. Pow ad „ e Beware! Read the Provisions of the New Constitution on Corruption ! Officers Must Swear that they Have Not Used Corrupt Means to Secure a Nomination or an Election ! If they Have to e to be Forever Disqual ified for Holding Office in thin State ! Any Person Convicted of Violating the Election Laws Shall be De prived of the Right of Suf frage for Four Years! We copy the provisions of the New Con stitution upon corruption 64 that no one will he able to say that he had not timely notice : vu, isscnoi 1. Ng, corinntrtiim. diction 1. &eaters and Rapreeeouttlree sod ail Judi. els!. State ao4Cettoty Aker., abati before entering on the denim entails , Nepali:tweet/Lem, take sad subscribe the fu I /owls.; wadi orallmatient ‘1 do eetelalaly mom (or affirm) that I will eupport, obey and defend die Cesetitsdeo of the United dates and She Cosedtntiest of this Conunenwealtb, and that I will ditcher, the dada of iny Mc* with fidelity ; roar mars MOT YA4D or commosixv, OS TIOAUSSO TO PAT Oi OONTRISDTX, Man OTSRATTLY OS INDISEVTLY, ANT MONET OS OVXBX VALUMALS IMO, X 9 PIOCURX KY NOMINA TION Olt ELUTION (or appointment), except for ilexes sary and proper isionoef aspresslif sietkorised by law ; TMAT I HAVE NOT KNOWINOLT VIOLATED ANT ELECTION LAM 07 VILA COXMONIVIALTII, Oa PEOCCISD IT TO BB DONE ST CXXSai u MY MAL/ ; that I will not knowing!" receive, &wily or indirectly, any money or valuable thing for the pirfornamsee or non-performance of any act of duty per taining to my office, other than the compensation allowed by law." Asd also : Wier Tow 6. Any person who shall, while a candidate for qfflee, ER MINT Or IPRIDIRT, sun, OR YIoLATION OP ANT RUCTION LAW, SHALL RE FOREVER DISQUALIFIED FROM HOLDING AN OFFICE OF TRUST OR PROFIT IN THIS 00111141NWEALTH ; AND ANT nuon owner- ID or Main VIOLATION OF THE ELUTION LAWS, SHALL, IN ADDITION TO ANT !REALMS PROVIDED NT LAW NT DEPRIVED, or THE LIGET of EITTIRAui ASEOLVTRLY TOR A Thor /OCR SIOTION R. .dosy person who shall give, or promise, or offer to give to an elector, any money, reward or other valuable consideration for his vote at an election or for withholding tht same, or mko Ma/ girt or promise to give such consideration to any person or party for such elector's vote, or for the withholding thereof, AND ANT ELLCTOR WHO /HALL iIC/2WI OIL AOHZIIO ZECEIVE, 701 HIMMEL/ OIL NOB ANOTEIE, ANT CONK; ILZWARD, 01 OTHER VALUABLE COlBl5- 11ATION PO! MB TOTS AT AN ILOCTIOII, Of for withdrawing the same, shall thereby forfeit the right to rote at such elec tion,and any elector whose right to vote shall be challenged for such causes before the election o f ficers shall be required to swear or affirm that the challenge is untrue before his rote shall be recorded. MONEY WANTED ! Those of our patrons who are in arrears to us for subscription, advertising or job work, or all of them, will, we hope, make it convenient to call, during the approach ing Court, and settle their accounts. We need money to meet the demands upon us for late additions made to our business.— We hope this appeal will not be in vain. We need the money badly or we would not ask for it. Please help us out. We have been very lenient with many of you. To those who have always come to time we return our warmest thanks. em, Ex-Governor Marshall Jewell, of Connecticut, at present Minister Pleni. potentiary toAussia,i , haa been appointed Postmaster-General ; -in place of Represen tative Hale, of Maine, who refused to serve. sisr- The Gnssite Committee, to the number of a dozen, perhaps, skulked about town, on the 3d inst., but things were not all lovely, and they went home with a big flea in each ear. They don't see as much money in it in the future as in the past. 119_ The Government, through Mini Ker Cushing, has made a formal and peremp tory demand upon the Government of Spain for indem - nity, for the lives of the Virginius captives and the losses sustained by the families of the Burriel victims. This demand is in accordance with the procotol signed at the time by the Spanish Minister at : Washington, and the delay in making the iletes.ed originated in a spurt of leniency owing to the distracted state of affairs in Spain: The amount of the indemnity will be fixed probably by arhi -fiation as provided in the procotol. The Spanish Minister has left Washington and sailed on his return to Madrid. This, however, has no connection with the in demnity affair, although contrary reports prevail. lie ilk ... sad/ned by his Govern ment to duty elsewhere, according to pre vious arrangement. SW The reduction of the national debt in June was over two million dollars. The monthly reduction of the debt will be larger in the fiscal year just commenced than they were in the twelve months just closed. The amount of revenues from the internal taxes and from the tariff will be larger, while the expenditures of the Gov ernment will be about thirty millions less than last year. EDITOR .. The Union Republican Congres sional Committee was re-organized at the close of the late session of Congress, with a member from each State in the Union, an Executive Committee and a resident Committee in Washington. The Union Committee have prepared an address to the Republican party, which is now nearly ready for general circulation. Hon J. M. Edmunds of Washington, D. C., has been re-elected Secretary of the Executive Committee. ger The .Monitor intimated, a couple of weeks back, that it was opposed to linking teams with Gum, Woods & Co., but in the last issue it lakes to the water clearly. However, -Mountain and Mohammed" are bound to come together one way or anoth er. It is very evident that the ilfonitoi does not like to take crow straight, but we have no doubt it can be served up in some seductive way that it will not prove so repulsive as it seems at present. A very bitter bill, you know, may be very success fully sugar-coated. liar Without dwelling at length on the subject, our readers may rely with confi dence upon the announcement that the Independence of Cuba is not far distant in point of time. Recent successes in the Island, by the native patriots, and the thor ough prostration of Spanish power there, and inability to afford relief in men or funds from Spain, are among the causes which have led to a train of circumstances which cannot ftil to result, in an early Declaration of Independence in the Island. In the name of humanity this issue will come none too soon. As a natural result, a few years will elapse when the Island, by general consent of its own people, will become a part of the American Union. um_ The Polito:nice Gazette for July summarizes what the new Postoffice bill accomplishes, as follows : 1. Prepayment of newspaper postage after January Ist, 1874. 2. Gives free delivery to all news, papers, to subscribers of daily, semi-week ly, weekly, monthly, or quarterly, within the county in which they arc printed and published, from July Ist, 1874. 3. Fixes the salary of all postmasters of the fnurth class (all under $1,000,) at a commission, from July Ist, 1874. 4. Fixes the salary of the first, second, and third class offices on a new basis. 5. Makes a uniformity in all matter other than newspapers, as third class, limited to four pounds at one cent for each two ounces. The Lancaster Rrview says: The mean eat trick we can think of is to give a little boy a few pennies on Sunday and induce him to go into a candy shop and buy in violation of the Sunday law, in order to manufacture evidence to sustain a prose• cution. Such tricks characterize some of the Harrisburgers. Let the Sunday law be observed in good faith, but in an hon orable and manly spirit, Professional in formers are mean people. We have meaner men in Huntingdon county. Here they send people under the pretence of wanting a little whiskey for camphor iu an urgent case of sieletess, in order to get foundation to prosecute.— Others arc sent to coax for suppressed copies of papers "just for their own use," pledging honor that no one else ';hall see it, and all done to get ground for a prose cution for libel.—Gtobe. Yes, and we have still meaner wen than any of the ones referred to in the above. Men who will circulate papers which they have promised to suppress, alleging that "just one or two in a district will be suf ficient," and then they arc mean enough to think people ought to swear as they dic tate, regardless of truth and consequences. rex, The Monitor occasionally, with all its earnestness and gravity, endeavors to essay the facetious. In the last issue there was an attempt of this kind in a para graphical reply to a correspondent of the NI Y. Times, who is represented as saying that "the Republican party must unload." The Monitor thinks it is unloading rapidly , and intimates that the Democrats are ta king up what it has thrown overboard. We have no especial objection to this, but it is not barely possable that that poor, old, ring•boned and spavined concern will break down at the first heat? It has not been running for a long time, you know. It has been quietly awaiting the breaking down of the Republicans, and when they have loaded up too much, it has occasionally walked around the track and won a heat, without an effort, but let it trot out on the course fairly with only half a load, and it will be distanced. We expect it to have a grand old time carrying Guss, Woods & Co., through in this county, this Fall That part of our load it can take, as far as we are concerned, cheerfully. We would like to see the party that could carry that load ! r,,. In accordance with the Congres sional retrenchment regulations, nearly seven hundred male and female employees, in the Departments at Washington, were discharged on the lbt of July. It was a dark, sad day. Not a few of the female clerks fainted when they received their official notice in a sealed envelope to the effect that their services would be no longer required. At one time four phy sicians were called in to administer to those who had broke down under the shock. One woman, a widow ; died, leav ing 'bur helpless children. A male clerk in the Patent Office lost his reason, and slyly fixing a bayonet upon a broom han dle, he divested himself of nearly all of his clothes, and weapon in hand commenced cutting and thrusting at the male and fe male clerks, until the police was called, who conveyed him to the guard house, where he was held till his friends were notified and took him in charge. It is be lieved that on becoming calm, and with proper attention, he will be restored to his reason. But these are exceptional cases. Many received their dismissal without any regrets, and said that they would soon make their coneaition better than it had ever been in the Government service. Each was paid two months' s salary. ttfk.underzook's fate is decided. He will be hanged unless saved Ey Executive clemency. The Supreme Court, sitting iu Philadelphia, delivered their opinion in the case on July 2d, concluding as follows : "We discern to error in this record, and therefore affirm the sentence and judgment of the court below, and order this record to be remitted for execution." R We are confident that no case of cough, cold, hoarseness or influenza, can withstand the counter-irritant and tonic properties of Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. It can be had of all druggists and storekeepers. ne c ,. Chronic Rheumatism relieved at once by Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, in ternally and externally. Special Notices. CENTAUR LINIMENT, There is no pain, which the Centaur Liniments will not relieve, no swelling they will not subdue, and no lameness which they will not cure. This is strong language, but it its true. They kayo produced more cores of rheumatism, neuralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swelling, caked breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, ear-ache, Le., upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &c., upon the animals In one year than have all other pretended remedies since the world began. They are counter-irritant, all healing pain reliever.. Cripple. throw away their crutches, the lame walk, prmionous bite 3 are rendered harmless and the wounded are healed without a scar. The recipe is pub- 'jelled around each bottle They sell no no article ever be fore sold, and they sell because they do Jnst what they pre tend to do. Those who now suffer from rhumatinm, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will aot use Centaur Linimunt, white wrapper. More than 1000 certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic rheu matism, gout, running tumors, &c., have been roceived, We wilt send a circular containing certificates, the recipe kc gratis, to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth ene hundred dollars for spavined or sweenied horses and mules or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners—those liniments are worth your attention. No family should be without them. 'Whits wrapper for family sae;" Yellow wrapper for an imals. Bold by all Drugglata. 50 cent., per bottle; large bottler, tl.OO. J. B. Roar, at Co., 63 Broadway, New York CASTOILIA is more than a substitute for Castor Oil. It Is the only safe article in existence which Is certain to aos- similato the focal, regulate the bowels, ruro wiud-colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take, Children need not cry and mothers may rest. For sale by JOHN READ k SONS. 0ct,15,1573-Iy. WHY WILL YOU SUF FER. HOUSEHOLD To all persons suffer ing from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps in the limbs orstomaeh, liilliour 'Colic, Pain in the bowels, i or vide, we would say, Tar Horst:you, PANA CEA and FAMILY I.IXI - ie of all others the remedy you want for in ternal and external UN. It has cured the shove complaints in thousands of eases, There is no mis take about it. Try it. sold by all Druggists. PANACEA -AND FAMILY LINIMENT. Ju1y16,1873-Iy, AUG UST FLOWER, The most miserable hexing% in the world are those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint, More than seventy-five per cent, of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effect, such as sour stom ach, sick headache, habitual costiveness, impure blood, heartburn, waterbrasb, gnawing and burn ing pains at the pit of the stomach, yellow skin, coated tongue and disagreeable taste in the mouth, corning up of the fowl after eating, low spirits, ke, tin to the drug store of S. S. SMITH k SONS, and get a 75 cent bottle, or a satople bottle for 10 cents, Try it, t;. ti, GILEEN , Juuelneow,litnas, Woodbury, S. J. NO EXCUSE FOR BEING SICK, No person can use Boscbee's German Syrup without getting immediate relief and cure. We have the first ease of Coughs, Colds or Consump tion, , r say disease of the Throat and Lungs, yet W hear from that bas not been cured. We have distributed every year for three years over 230,000 sample bottles "v'ea or cnattur" by druggists in all part. of the United States. No other man ufacturer of Medicine ever gave their preperations such a test as this. Go to your Druggist and get a bottle for 75 cents and try it—two doses will re lieve you. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE of an old Nurse. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never fail ing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, re lieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother andebild. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in World in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrheea in Children, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS & PERKINS is on the out side wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. July I (3,1873-Iy. THE MOST WONDERFUL DISCOV ERY OF THE 19th CENTURY. Dr. S. D. Howe's Arabian Milk-Cure for Con sumption, and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. (The only medicine of the kind in the world.) A substitute for Cod Liver Uil. Per manently cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, Loss of Voice, Shortness of Breath, Catarrh, Croup. Coughs, Colds, &c., in a few days, like magic. Price $1 per bottle. Also, Dr. S. D. Howe's Arabian Tonic Blood Purifier, which dif fers from all other preparations in its immediate action upon the Liver, Kidneys and Blood. It is purely vegetable, and cleanses the system of all impurities, builds it right up, and makes Pure, Rich Blood. It cures Scrofulous Diseases of all kinds, removes Constipation, and regulates the Bowels. For "General Debility," "Lost Vitality," and "Broken-down Constitutions," I "challenge the 19th Century" to find its equal. Every bottle is worth its weight in gold. Price $1 per bottle. ALSO, DR. S. D. HOWE'S ARABIAN "SUGAR COATED" LIVER PILLS. They eleanse the Liver and Stomach thoroughly, remove Constipation ; contain no calomel nor any other injurious ingredient, and act quickly upon these organs, without producing pain or weakness. Price 25 cents per box. CONSUMPTIVES should use all three of the above medicines. Sold by S. S. SMITH d SON, Druggist, Sole Agents No. GIG Penn street, Huntingdon, Pa, Dn. S. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor, 161 Chambers St., :New York. N0v.5,1573-Iyr. CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE and Sick from no other cause than having worms in the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, and free from all coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CURTIS Sc BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Druggists and Chemists, and dealers in Medicines at 25 cents a box. Sold by JOHN READ & SONS. J41y16,1873-Iy. New To-Day. TAKE NOTICE. Application will be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, at August Term, 1874, for a decree to authorize the School Board of Orbisonia Borough to borrow money, and issue bonds for the same, for the purpose of erect ing a new school building. 13ey order of the Board. S. D. RUTTER, Prest. G. IV. C. JAMES, M. D., Scc'y. [,4t.' AUDITOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of JOHN MORNINGSTAR, dee'd] The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or phans' Court of Huntingdon c,unty to distribute the balance in the hinds of J. Simpson Africa, esq., Executor of John Morningstar, late of Hun tingdon borough, dee'd., will attend to the duties a his appointment, at the office of Simpson lc Ar- Iluntingdon, on Friday, July 31st inst., at 10 o'clock, A. w , when all parties interested are required to present, their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said eitate. G. B. ARMITAGE, And. July 15, 1874. New To-Day. MISS SUE HAItNISII, ORNAMENTAL lIAIR DRESSER; Opposite the Jackson House, No. 325, Railroad St., Iluntingdon, Pa. Great attention paid to all kinds of Hair Work, such as Switches, Pompadour Platte, Frizettes, Curls, Puffs, and ladies' Braids and Gents Watch Guards. All real hair—no itation. All kinds of hair goods kept on hand. Strangers, by calling before purchasing elsewhere, will save 50 per cent. All orders promptly fill ed. Ju1y15,1874-3mos. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. [Estate of Dr. Ti. F. GREENE, deceased.] Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned, rositling in Saltine, on the estate of Dr. B. P. Greene, late of Three Springs, Huntingdon county, deceased, all persons know ing themselves indebted are requested to make immediat • payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. MARY E. GREENE, Ju1y15,1884-61. Adininistratrtx. ACCOUNT of 11. S. Miller and George Kimberlin, Supervisors of Oneida township, fur the yenr)S73,_ _ _ ACCOUNT OF 11. S. MILLER. Amount of Duplicate S3SG 47 Amount collected from It. Drenning on duplicate of 1872 B6 00 Dy work done and material furni,hed......s6os 00 Exonerations Amount paid Auditor,, , 3 CO SOlO 10 ACCOUNT OF GEO. KIMBERLIN. Amount of Duplicate $359 21 Order on .1. I'. 6tewart lO 81 Exoneration:. Book and making Duplicate 1 2:: Work :lone and material furnialie 1. i 499 31 JACOB MILLER, ) HENRY WILSON, t r Auditors .1. W. WA LSMITII,) Ju1y15,1874 ROAD Expenses of Jackson township, for the year ending March 31st, 1574. Atnount of Duplicate $2lOl 09 Cush and orders received l6l 86 By work done Clll4ll paid Supervisors mervicer , . Orders $2r62 05 SCIIOOI, EXPENDITI'RES OF JACKSON Township, fur (ho yeur ending June 15t,1874. Amount of Duplicate.. State Appropriation... Balance at Settlement Amount paid on ord rr *2335 82 Treasurera percentage 23 36 Amount not paid to Trea,urer 606 26 Balance on hand 103• s29rdi 47 JOHN CI'MM INS, JOHN A. IVILSON, Auditors WM. lICSTON, Ju1y15,1674. PHILADELPHIA & READIN(.I ILAILI:OAD, suM.llEll ARRANGEMENT. .Icxt 15, 1h74, Trains leave Harriturg, as Allows Far New York, at 6.7:4 Ai° a in. and 2 00 and *7AO p. tn. Por Philadelphia, at b 2.5, Is.lo, 9,15 a. tn. 2.00 and 3.ft4i p. Yur Iteading, at th 24, 6,10, 9,46 a tn. ZOO, 320 and 7.40 ji, PI, Yur l'uttaville, at 6,2.5, al° a, In, and 3,,0 p, m, and via 80,101101 and Swaim.!tants* Branch at 2.40 p, For Allentown, at L;i5,5.10 a. tn. 2,1,0 3-bu and l'Au p, Tito L2b Sin a, tn. and 2fal and 0 7,40 p, tn. trains hare through ear% fur New York, The ft . Silt a, tn, and 2.(14.0 p. tralmt hare throngh I urorfor "Philadelphia, SUNDA l'N; For New• York, at rah a, no. Vor Allentown and Way 14tatione at 6,'Lf, a. m. Fur Mauling, Philadelphia and Way Stations at 1,45 p, tn. Train, fur II irri,burg, Ifaue a, p.a., ',aro Now York, at 900 a, In, 12.44►, :SO and *7,45 p, in, Loa. Pl ladelphia, at 9,15 a, in, 11,40 awl 7 15 p. m. L aa ba it, a 41 1 4, at 4,30, 11:20 it, 9,10 and 10,20 p.m. Leave Pottsville, at 5,55, 0,00 a. ftl, and 1,30 p, tn. and via Schuylkill and Brun , li at 11 05 a. tn. I,cave Allentown, at 230, 5.60, 14,54, a. in. 12.25, 4.30, . , and tfr 5 p. m. Th• 2330 a, rn, train from All , •ntown and the 4.3') a. in. train from Beading do not run un 3fundaya, 8 UN DAYS: Leave New York at 5.30 p.m. Leave Philadelphia at 7,15 p. Leave Reading at 4 30, 7.35 a. tn. and 10.20 p. m. Leave Allentown at 2.30 a. tn. and i 5.55 p. in. •Vla Morris and Roes. Railroad. J. H. WOOTTEN, Cc rural Superinlsndent, Jan14,1A744t COLLEGIATE AND COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, New Haven, Conn.—Fortieth year. Preparatory to Coliege, the Scientific &Moola or BukineK with ayotematic and thorough phyaical training by military drilling, gymnau ticii, rowing, &c. Catalognex sent on application. WM. 11. RUSSELL, Principal. ONE MILLION ACRES OF SPLENDID MICHIGAN LANDS FOR SALE, The Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad has 'wen finish ed ; is 33() m ies long, and its entire land grant earned! In Farming Lands to Actual Settlers, fur Individ . . uals or Colonies SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR 1874, 100,000 acres have been sold already. The lands are well timbered, making the best kind of farms. Strong soils of great producing power. Easily reached by rail or water. GOOD MARKETS. Unalroad runs through the grant. Mich igan 18 one of the least indebted and most prosperous btates in the West. Its schools are unequalled. Its finan cial standing No. 1. No difficulty in transportation. Peace and prosperity are in its boarders. Lands from S 4 to SS per acre. Time sufficient. Interest 7 percent. WM. A. HOWARD, Land Commissioner, _ . Urand Rapids, Michigan, P. R. L. PIERCE See'y Land Department. RICH FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. TEN YEARS CREDIT, INTEREST ONLY 6 PER CENT. SEND FOR "THE PIQNEER," A handsome Il Instrated paper, containing the Hoax- STEAD Law. A NEW NUMBER just published. Mailed free to all parts of the world. Address 0. F DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. R. R., Omsna, Nut. WATERS' CONCERTO ORGANS are the most beautiful in style and perfect in tone ever made. The CONCEIT ro STOP is the best ever placed in any Organ. It is produced by an :extra set of reeds, pe culiarly voiced, the EFFECT of which is MOST CHARM ING and SOUL-STIRRING, while its IMETATION of the HUMAN VOICE is SUPERB. Terms Liberal. WATERS' Philharmonic, Vesper & Or chestral ORGANS In UNIQUE FRENCH CASES, are among the best made, and combine PURITY of VOICING with great volume of tone. Suitable for PARLOR, CHURCH or MCSIC HALL WATERS' New Seale PIANOS Loire great power and a fine singing tone, with all modern improvements, and are the BEST PIANOS MADE. These Organs and Pianos are warranted for 6 years. PRICES EXTREMELY LOW for cash, or part cash and balance in monthly or quarterly payments. Second-hand imam. menlo taken in exchange. AGENTS WANTED in every County in the U. S. and Canada. A liberal discount to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, Schools, Lodges, Ac. IL LUSTRATED CATALQGUES HORACE WATERS & SON, 481 Broadway, Dew York, P. 0. Rox 3d67. CASH WAGES A splendid paying busi ness for your leisure hours or your entire time, at home or traveling; young or old of either sex. A splendid OUTFIT }TEE and complete outfit RENT PREZ tO those who will act as our agents. No capital required. We must have an agent in every town. Write at once, and secure the agency. Address ALDEY, HALL & Co.. 6 N. Howard street, Baltimore, Md. E. K. THONIPSON'S SWEET WORM POWDERS are doing more good than tongue can tell or pen write in relieving children and adults of intestinal parasites or worms. Children seven months old have discharged large wonne after a few doses. Not injurious itt the least. Pleasant to take, containing no calomel. Put up in glass vials, with name of proprietor blown in the glass. En quire of your Druggist, and take nothing else; or send to 1 , 1 K. THOMPSON & CO., Titusville, Pa. Box 1185. Price, 25 cents. TITUSVILLE, PA., November R, IS7I.—E. K. Thompson'. DANDELION AND MANDRAIE PIUS have acted like a charm in curing sick headache, pain in the bones, cold and con stipation of the Vowels, and induced a well regulated ac tion of the liver. CRARL.II REST. Pills sent 1,7 mail on receipt of 25 cents. Druggists and dealers should send for listand prices. g $9O per Eo. day home. Terms ;free. Address, Wa c C," Po Maud, Me. nONSTANT EMPLOYMENT.—At hooter. Male or Fe- I) male, $3O a week warranted. No capital required. Particulars and valuable sample sent free. Address, with & return stamp, C. BUSS, Williamsburg, N. Y. [Julyls-4t New To-Day LIST OF GRAND JURORS For a Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at the Court house in Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, Pa., the second Monday (and 1 ...0th day,) of August, A. D., 1874 ; John S. Gehrett, Ulmer, Cissville. William Madden, justice of the peace Springfield. Thomas B. Cromwell, farmer. Springfield. Henry Cornpropet, farmer, Barree. Samuel Hatfield, iron master, Porter. Nieliolas Isenberg, auctioneer, Alexandria. William Bathurst, teamster, Huntingdon. James harper, farmer, Dublin. William E. Corbin, farmer, Juniata. Robert Given, farmer, Walker. Bennet Wakefield, farmer, Brady. John A. Nash, printer, Huntingdon. Levi Wright, farmer, Union. James Horning, farmer, Went. Ephraim Yingling., farmer, Tad. John Ronan, miner, Carbon. Thomas Shultz, farmer, Morris. Richard Bryan, gent, Huntingdon. Lee T. Wilson, gent, Huntingdon. Jacob Goodman, farmer, Briley. W. 11. Miller, merchant, 00bisonia. A. I'. Isenberg, weighmanter, Carbon. James A. Brown, merchant, Huntingdon, Philip Locke, farmer, Springfield. SAMUEL Bnooas, Jury Comm.'s. GEO. W JOIINRTON, LIST OF TRAVERSE JURORS For a Court of Common Pleas to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, the second Monday (and loth day; of Augur t, A. D., 1874, James Huey, farmer, Brady. ,Janos Myton, farmer, Went. Porter Zen tinyer, (moved out of Co ; W. Mark. George Freidley, butcher, Huntingdon. Parries T. Green. butcher, Barree. William Moore, farmer, West. Michael J. 3lartin, farmer, Tod. Cunningham Martin, farmer, Walker. Robert Cum mir', farmer, Jackson. Robert S. Henderson, teacher, Mapleton. Robert Fleming, farmer, Jackson. F. J. Neff, farmer, Warriorsmark. Wileen Weaver, farmer, Hopewell. George P. Wakefield, farmer, Shirley. Joseph Grove, farmer, Cromwell. Jeaac McClain, farmer, Tod. Christian Gansimore, farmer, Warriorsmark. D P. Hawker, potter, Shirley. John 31. Johnson, farmer, Barr../e. John Price, laborer, Mapleton. Joseph Logan, farmer, Juniata. Nelson Taw, farmer, Jackson. Robert Fleming, farmer, Dublin Jackson Barry, forgernan, Franklin. Rudolph. Ferrer, conductor, Huntingdon. Ir. L. Smith. farmer, Union. N. McDivitt, farmer, Oneida. 11. B. Grove, farmer, Penn. Amain Greene. farmer, Caoiville. G. W. Cohael, farmer. ('lay. Graft. Miller, brewer, Huntingdon. Samuel Foust, farmer, Henderson. Richard Ashman, merchant, Three Springy. Samuel Peightal, farmer, Walkor. Levi Pheasant, farmer, L nion. Paninel Rider, gent, Warriorsmark. Jacob G. Hoover, farmer, Penn. John Enyeart, farmer, Shirley. H. B. Brumbaugh, editor, Pent , David Cunningham, laborer, Porter. Josue Goodman, rarp,iiter, H un tingdon. Jacob Little, dealer, Jackson. J. C. 110.1,1 y, merchant, Shade Gap. David Ciimey, farmer, Dublin. Elisha Shoemaker, farmer, Oneida. Jamey Zeigler, tinner, Spade Gap. David lterk.tresser, fanner, Shirley. John J. Wigharnan, plasterer, Coalmont. BROngm, Jury Comner: . tiro. W. JOI11180:4, $472 47 $370 02 $2662 95 sli/76 CI , 26:1 37 271 00 , 150 57 ,$2445 79 26(1 67 251 01 LIST OF TRAVERSE JURORS For a Court of Common Pleas, to he held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, Pa., the second Monday (and 17th day,) of August, A. D., 1)71: Frank D. Stearns, merchant, Mt. Union. J ames Smiley, carpenter, Huntingdon. J. Wesley Wright, farmer, Union. Abraham Elite, farmer, Tod. John B. Smith, farmer, Jackson, William Fleck, farmer, Hopewell. Abram Grubb, jr., farmer, Penn. Berl. F. Foust, merchant, Brady. Robert Huey. farmer, Jackson. William !rickey, farmer, Jackson. Joseph Parke, farmer, Can. Joseph Rupert, farmer, Brady. Michael Ealy, farmer, Oneida. George Patterson, farmer, Tell. Samuel Sprankle, farmer, Morris. William T. Pearson, inn keeper, Broad Top, James Harper, farmer. Cromwell. P. I'. Dessees, iron master, Cromwell. .1. A. J. Poritlethwaite, carpenter. Mt. Union. John R. McCartney, farmer, Ilendereow. William Wilson, farmer, Tell. Andrew 13. Garner, farmer, Penn. James McElroy, clerk, Porter. Isaac Gorench, blacksmith, Brad,. James A.ollmon carpenter, Huntingdon. John Oswalt, farmer, Juniata. John A. Shnitz, farmer, Henderson. David lineman, farmer, Morris. Joseph Walght, farmer, Warriorsmark. Johnaton Archey, clerk, Franklin. D. W. Womeledorf, farmer, Juniata. William Geinelliger, farmer, J,mnista. Peter K. Varnish, farmer, Morrie. George D. Porter. farmer, West. John It. Thompson, merchant, Warriorsniark. Jesse Rutter, farmer, Springfield, William Hoffman, carpenter, Huntingdon. G. W. Shultz, farmer, Lincoln. Joelma Goonell, farmer, Cass, Thomas Kelley, farmer, Cromwell. George McAlevy, clerk, Jackson. Thomas 11. Adams. merchant, Mount Union. Jacob F. Hoover. farmer, Penn. Hugh Lindsey. printer, Huntingdon. John M. litoneroati, carpenter, Warrior's Mark. John Hall, clerk (moved away,) Alexandria. Samuel Isenberg. carpenter, Alexandria. William Jackson, farmer, Jackson. Banc as, Jury Commes. Our. W. JOaVIIOII, $2066 47 lEG ESTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is -A-al hereby given, to all persons interested, that the following named persons have settled their ae cuuntx in the Register's Office, at Huntingdon,and that the said accounts will be presented for con firmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 12th day of August, next, (ICI.) to wit: 1. First account or Lewis Bergans, Wm. Mun dorff and Solomon Si! k nitter, Administrators of John Silknitter, deceased. 2. Account of Jacob tirossman, Administrator of John Grossman, deceased. S. Account of James Magill, Executor of Wm . Magill, deceased. 4. Guardianship account of Wm. If. Spielman, Guardian of Martha Finley, minor child of John Finley, late of Dublin township, deceased. 5. Account of Chrictiac Buck, Guardian of George Chronister, minor child of Moses Chronic tcr, of Warriorcmark township, deceased. 6. Guardianship account of Thomas Montague, Guardian of Wm. Foreman, minor child of Nancy Foreman, lute of Dublin township. deceased. 7. Final account of John Minick, Executor of Conrail Mathias, late of Dublin township, deceased. 8. Account of Thomas 0. Milliken, Administra tor of John Milliken, late of Barree township, de ceased. 0. Account of Stewart Foster, Administrator of Rebecca J. Foster, late of West township, deceas ed. 10. Account of Samuel l'eightal sod Jas. Ward, Trustee to sell the real estate of John Peightal do erased. 11. Accounrof John Boss, Administrator of E. B. Blackwell, late of Petersburg borough, deceased. 12. Final account of Dr. John McCulloch, Ad ministrator of Thomas McCulloch, deceased. 13. First and partial account of Dr. John Mc- Culloch, Executor of James M. Stevens, deceased. 14. Account of Christian Buck, Guardian of Dorsey Chronistcr, minor child of Moses Chronis ter, deceased. 15. Account of Thomas S. Johnston, Adminis trator of Robert King, late of Huntingdon borough deceased. 18. Account of John A. Gayton and Henry C. Shaver, Trustee to sell the real estate of Henry Shaver, late of Shirley township, deceased. . . 17. Second Administration and Trust Account of Samuel T. Brown, Executor and Trustee under the will of David Snare, deceased. IS. Account of Abraham Myers, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Abraham Grubb, late of Penn township, deceased. WM. E. LIGHTNER, REGISTER'S OFFICE, Register. Huntingdon, July 15, '74 NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the following Inventories of the goods and chattels set apart to widows, under the provisions of the Act of 14th of April, a. d., 1851, have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, and will be presented for "approval by the Court," on Wednesday, August 12, 1874 : 1. Inrchtory of the personal property of James Fleming, deceased, as taken by his widow, Harriet Fleming. 2. Inventory of the goods and chattels of Dan iel Stauffer, deceased, as taken by his widow, Hat tie Stauffer. 3. Inventory of the personal property of Wm. Chapman, deceased, as taken by his widow, Al feretta W. Chapman. 4. Inventory of the goods and chattels of Owen Fagan, deceased, as taken by his widow, Ann Fa gan. o. Inventory of the personal property of Lewis H. Knode, deceased, as taken by his widow Sarah Knode. 6. Inventory of the goods and chattels of W. A. Fraker, deceased, as taken by his widow, C. A, Fraker. _ 7. Invcntory of the personal property of Miles Davison, deceased, as taken by his widow, Ellen Davinson. 8. Inventory of the goods and chattels of Geo. W. Miller, deceased, as taken by his widow, Lu cinda Miller. 9. Inventory of the personal property of Peter Shaffer, deceased, as taken by his widow, Eliza beth Shaffer. 10. Inventory of the goods and chattels of Os borne Laird, deceased, as taken by his widow, Eve R. A. Laird. 11. Inventory of the goody and chattels of John Bisbin, deceased, as taken by his widow, Spa Bisbin. 12. Inventory of the personal property of Peter Brumbaugh, deceased, as taken by his widow, Mary Brumbaugh. 13. Inventory of the personal property of Benj. W. Nale, deceased, as taken by his widow, Jane Nale. 14. Inventory of the goods and chattelsof Oliver W. Taylor, deceased, as taken by his widow, Sin darilla Taylor. 15. Inventory of the goods and chattels of Geo. A. Black, deeeasid, as taken by his widow, nettle Black. W. E. LIGIITNER, • Clerk cf Orphans' Court. Orphans' Cerwe Office,l July 15, 1874. i FOR ALL KINDS Of GO TO THE "JOURNAL" BUILDING TRIAL LIST FOR A1761 . 5T TERM 1574. John McComb vr. William Lon.•.. S E CON D WEE li John McComb vs. Peons Railroad Compaby. Thu . 's' Cromwell vi. Thouial Wilson. Edmund Trimbath ve. E. A. Greco t Co. Hon. John Scott, for u,e, is. Stewart Fooer. Adam Ileeter, it al, Samuel L. Glaiqcow. and Harriet his wife. Ja1y13,1874, PRUCL A M ATlON—Whereas, by a pre cept to me directed. dated at Huntingdon, the lbth day of May, A. D., 1,74, ender the Mode end oral of the lion. John Dean, President Judge of the court of Common Plea., Oyer and Terminer. and gwnersljnii or; of the'24th Judicial Diatrict of Penimaylvanis, erempo ied Of Iluntir.gdon, Iliair and Cambria cowstieti; sad the Huns. Anthony J. Bearer and David Clarkson, his owniel - Judges of the county of Iluntinicilon,joetices assign ed, appointed to hear, try and iletsrinisse all and every indictment made or taken her or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the Plate are mute capital, or felonies of death net ether ofiensceoe, crimes and moesienteanore, which hare born or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated, for crimes aforesaid-1 am rornmanded to make metal.- pose,. niation throughout my whole bailiwick, that • Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pless a ii Quarter Amain.* will he held at the Court Hon., in the homes i ck of Hoot ingdon, on the wristlet Monday land Pttb day; of Armed, 1 , 74, and those who will prosecute the mid prisoners, he then and there to prosecute them as it Phan to not and that ail Justice* of the Peace, Coroner and C.diatableo with in mid county, be then and there in their proper perernme, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their rorariie, lions, examinations mad remembrances. to 4. Mow Minna which to their offices respectively appertain. Dated at llnntingdon, the ISth day if Joly in the rear of our Lord one thonoand eight hit mired snit seventy-fear and the 97th year of American hodependeme a . AMON tiorrx, PROCLAMtTION—W heress. by a pre cept to me directed by the Judges of the Com • mon Pleas of the county of Huntiudirai, bearing ran ibe firth day of May, A. D., 19111, 1 am commanded to ash. public proclamation thronabent my whale belliwiet e stl P.m. • Contt of Common P.. will be heM at the reset . in the borough of Itnntingdon, on the 3.4 binsitay, (a d 17th .lay,) of August, A. D., 1474, for the trial oral! male in said Court which remain andeterminet before the sesSi Judges, when and where all jirors, witness's', and in the trials of all hones are required. Dated at Huntingdon, the 15th day of Jnly I. the ye r of our Lord, one Moorland eight hunched wad eiesesty four and the 97 t h your of Americas Independence. AMON 110005„ Pasam. New Advertisements. LIIJERIFF' SALE. /k-- 7 By virtue of writs of Fi. F.., and Lev. 9.2., to me directed, I will expose to public saki, at the Court House, in Huntingdon, on Monday. theNtlt day of July, 19; 1, at 19 o'clock. a. m the Mb., ing described real estate, to wit : All that certain mesdiage an.l lot of ground. innate in Went Huntingdon, now a part of the borough of Huntingdon, eounty of Ilantingdon and State of Penn,ylvaniz, fronting fifty feet no Mifflin street, and extending in depth* at right angle* to the came one hundred and arty feet to .a fifteen feat alley, being tot No. 319 in the plan of raid town, havin4 filo reon erected a two-dory dwelling hotle. Seized, taken in execution, and to besold as the property of James A. Mitchell and Wra. F.. Light ner, guardian ad litem of the minor ehiliireei of Lonira Mitchell, late wife of the said James A. ALSO—AII of defendant's right, title and in terest in a certain lot .r ground, situate in the western part or !he borough of Huntingdon, Pa.. fronting on Mifflin street 50 feet sad ', en i ng back at right angles 150 feet to en alley. joined on the south by lot of A. Dunswortb, on the north by lot of C. 1 H. C 'vender, being lot No. lfl"► in the town plot of West Huntingdon, having there on erected I. two-story Frame Dwelling House, a two-story Frame store House. and other improve ments. Also, MI of defendant's right, title and inter est in all that certain lot of ground, situate in West Huntingdon. in the borough of Huntingdon, on the north east corner of Penn and 11th street., and fronting 0 feet on the said Penn street and running back at right angles then-from. joined by lot of Henderson Hamilton on the north, and the said 14th street on the south, l feet to a Meets feet alley, being lot No. 9 block 1 in the Wharton, Miller & Anderson addition to the said borough. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John L. Etter. 7r - Bidders will take notice !bat 29 per emit of the purchase money must he paid when theprn perty is knocked down. •r it will he pot op again fur sale. Julyl,lqN. JOHN ATKINSON & I'o.. HUNTINGDON. PA., Manufacturers of YELLOW PINE Bl MIRING LEMISF.P., Frame Staff, Roofing and Plastering Lath, and Dressed Flooring, on hinds and mode la order. Seasoned Bosnia and Plonk always isa band. Prices low. Mills on Warrior's P.idgo sew Warns Springs. )11171- Saw. T HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT Of PAPER ! Of every grade and quality, IN HUNTINGDON, Is for Sale at J. R. DURBORROW & CO.'S., In JOURNAL BUILDING, Fifth St., Huntingdon, Pa. Our stock of papers consist of Flat caps, Folio Post, Demy, Letter and all the best qualities of NOTE AND INITIAL PAPERS. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. [Estate of Ater Brambetwil, deeeseed.) Letters of Administration baying been granted ti the subreritters living near James Creek pest office, on the estate of Peter Brumbaugh. late of Lincoln township, ile ,,, sed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make im mediate payment, and those baring claims egainat the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. P. BRUMBAUGH. JAMES KEITH, Junel7. Admibigtrator.. E YE ('UPS. SPECTACLES RENDERED USELESS. Dr. J. Ball Co.'s Patent Eye Cups rector► impaired vision. cures near sightetiness, soot times blindness. and many other diseases of the EYE- Furnished by Hi:v. S. A. CREVELING, M'Veytown. Mifflin county, Pa. Sole agent for Mifflin, Huntingdon, Blair amt Juniata colones. June2l fim is. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of MAR Y YY ERS, doreasecij Letters testamentary on the last will of Mary Myers, late of Penn township, Tlonting.ion coun ty, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to the estate will make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. H. ITINTRODR. Mark lesburg, June24.lSl 1. E tecutor. CHRIST, SUci'lliSs4)RS TO KAMPIt A Co T .hose interested in the purchase of a strictly PURE RYE WHISKY, for medical purposes we over BAILEI"S PURE RYE, price it 2 to per gallon, and will ship in pack ages to suit purchasers. We also handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, price from $1.311 to We import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN. and also manufacturers of DR. STCEVER'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Send for Price List. HUEY A CHRIST, 121 North Third street, Philadelphia. June24,1374-Iyr. CHEAP! CHEAP:! (111KAP!!! PAPERS. %.J ALBUMS. v PLi7IDS. Buy your Psper, Buy your Stationery, Buy your Blank Books, AT THE JOrRNAL HOOK 4 MTATIONER T PION: Fine Stationery, Books for Children, Gimes for Elegant Fluid!, Pocket Book, Pal. took., And an Endless Variety of Niee Things, AT THE JOURNAL BOOK I ST/ TIoNKR r STOKE. PRINTING VOR FINEA ND FANCY PILDITLYG -AL: Go to Om JiSraigAL Oilles. New To-Day. FIRST WEEK T. W. M TON. Prothonotary, AY! PN HOUCK. School Stationery, CALL AND SEE New = = I I I - LING A BROTHER. N..itN W.V1108705 STREET. Ni'!c7l'4l/ON, P WMufu!wrer• of Cin f LA. •w•! h... 1•41,1• .110al•r• FoREP:N AND pmerj - Tir ritriT4. NUTA. se.. ae.. ae. at city pri,e. Order. hy 11111111 Win nevi,. 'Fr...pi stfirsti,ms. nrr.r I /it 'VTR Wit . _ - .10y I :mt,tt: pi K .% 4ittaLEY4nrit.:. P FIRE PROOF :+7ONEWARE. iRrrN STONE FRFIT .1411. 4 . VITRA MTV , . fur .fraino. 1-. STt)ER 1 airae a. rb. public a Stoneware Pimp, esorantt sm. will not weir Ilariag put ap s !MVP aseatatv sit ni wh,eh hare gives enema esttafsettene, le.. than the w.w.len pimp. If ant tatt.firtnry. 1 SI. "ger a ,;?4,IIOPWIIMP Inrit ra. fsig whi.-11 has moo maul, east nil hp eat seep tbrasilll. sada rsioseislly far rapists; /reit. Away .4.**4/. Improve. by roe. %aro hare i* ems Ns T imm nor, tb..ot 6 ty tbosoae4 sn a...r ;a *se awl bevy Or.. emirs satisfartiaw. PR IVA TE %MILL+ es* or4er , Sirres fries* 'b. Pottery. Jars or any-ober story. Jaar3- Ives. ELFAANT 11V.CEIPT ft )k4 AT TIM .10110141. MANX Wr+►R AND :47.VITP4ERT SWAB M-INK Rfghtll 114100111R41, T • finoN,l JOU R i-4._ Krentrr NAOS 4 . RILL ROOK 4. P ,, rltltT 11 0 0 4, K 4 . r , %.44 puirm4l. Trim itew.s4. iIF.III•PRINIfuIf 3 4111/+.Df 1.R14A. F 1. FT s 4, 114 , 1111).. T44+, f.IRRf..4/. 11.1111141114. 1111/4171 $1.47.11 MRII 3 ITT4CIIIIIWII7 4 . ritrnrsAA. Jr no MINT!, PESTI/ICI TES. wrirrame R. F.~Bal/TD.(and PRePlif4r.R7 %ATKA WRITI.VG P.IPIR. rap. totter rap. Liiral, Wirt F.p.r. Aorisati, Not., Rine. illaiairlabig.. Ileitis,. awl Frniele Paper.. 11:11T 1.4) P Arahi.r, rare, revery. Oriviasp 4•M. Lies, Haft Dark &of. rms.*. 311.1irwias. fonpri, Danr allaari. Pert. , awl PeaPila. Tonoril Parr.., rraTaia. ffrosaro. .I , ,nae•. Paper rictr , ra. ?spar 11.14ar. f'lipe. Rill- Filo+. labeitswie, rob. awl EvgßSßtrfry inorl,D o.%vs wen. COIFI AND 911 •- f EMI PRA Y$ /14 4 . YAM 1100.1", -AVAL awl a floasiant4 awl :toe ober earl_ .r4l_ at.'., for *al. , at Ona WHITEADI. A MUD ORBISONIA, PA.. R lenieemi• HAKIM ARE, ergEOPIFARY...iftix r SAILA. figNUAL M V. 11 - HAN heel, ski .lass: Its*. /at. rootlet one.. Toss Nor Warsaw owl Carnal" Norm itams lsiie, "sikt est sod *mashie. 4inrst, *NA Weems, owl aorta-awl. film Al Awe Digit. Corift•Ser Took, risee., Ise as, left sa gem 4revriss foinves. iseshilooplossikasessoisms. saes, le. Psis,/ miss* steel ono. row All. ;mist twselliss. Table ratios? is • am* no. riety. Poek4 Knives, Wows of IA shim Ouse Loeho, Pereira. Aboosesior "tows MI 110144 r. AM", Teel,. afore. sad li.ts issess, perm Amy el., 'orb,. rah,. tries , rnothm. ~ft. OW lIP Wag. Trohirtg ?.olds. rises. bests. Ostnies sets. /a., IMssirr Solt.. copper saill *nos flowles. Oierrist, novelties sod parlor. milli or .46.4 r sr tie io Trims so of an hisds Loehr.* attruss. Litspo, of sll palters,. Mors sae ?aloft. *4 r Whs. Tabie Clod* alleals-lir ga chmessistsre. Risissorsow *Assns.. IPSO roll. Mew sal Ise& lreteseses, rolensses. Willeoeseww. Corpse.. Loos es.l !boss. 4 tie best mesello - t..w, fiAtieisse. la. We wosPf weressise rep now swisessee weshiesere. dist int sr* "cepa is volorgioi sow %Was& with s slow 4 seli*** Or ow posses esemlew Kook. Dry .1004.. awl is 64 sorrylbrsis ssollsO is tows or rosstry. tbsesitlei the as. 111111111, Mani for rest favors. weille Ise oft," oft is cull to fore baying .lorslions sinistsseis. our 40411. R. are doteramino4 •.41 at roesseehts "A... Vas airrstr for thy 41310111111 %EWEN* Ifirllllllo2. wiIITMIDE A NERD. W(1111111 RR 1111131. Ss(...sw Jo, 10.1471. 1 / 4 "tYTI('E TO TAXAOLE. 4 . A The Trimmer., of Illostiegine Cawley will sttes4 st the rim. mad phew spowilh4l,os rho V.l. lowing list. far Met of soffotttleg A 1115410. County sad Militiaairs: Janista tnini•bip. iharli• .Phw..1h........f•fy It. llootiogisio.lsoWoni.lsosiossresollss. Jely Ilowtiovilob,U4 - Au, 14. " Jo l: nobtiogebs. Stb ** •." AV, Ve T W. WONTRallfiltT. r.saly Inmogrumr. L Aer CHANCY. FA AN EA,gY FORT, - N E : FIFTH AND coNCEST IN MD 4)F THE PUBLir LI BaART K ENTUVIC T Jr - LT Vs!. IS7I. LIST ..r .arr. one Grand CAA Q. Oraspi Coe Gift MI Sane II RIIA nos Miser roommates Mae • sallpillS so moo awry - stommord r ay IOW Illeimeisiis wassarp. TIN* 4...111 w samosiome se owl" Appoosimm sad 111* primp bow Ade Nora*.. Mae re ibiresse ey. Pa* db. :verb 4 ioloril sir soll se empoihns. No I- ilkiinag sambr. emote see am at A l C 4 1r." 111111 MIR M. SIP nob 4110. be mak -....- Wei. WI lowa ow* Good Cash Alt MAD 30 rime Gies KIM Neal 1 1 , Casib Oleo Owe Mei Lee tire Gies •00 7.19 rape Gies MAD 34) Cale Gies tiro se.* POOP lOU Canis Gifts lje it •aA Cash Kif. Ih MOHO CEPA Gift. UP ma, 'LAW, t:4".., .41 r J.. ammmt.6 rlglel ..r. ?VII Wry. Tirkrea.- 2/ is Warr* ...... 4 1 , Tearlio, nrell. Irospro 11 lits.lo Tirli-or Our . ttliTicket. - Sae le 11 , ,r tirlh-t• Nhrewumeise. leirwa TOW i 1111.111111LITTI, .•••1 Illhesor. 116111 r Library basbing. Lra...100. Br. or T U. RATA ♦ CO.. Ilteeftre Aram tM may. 3. T. 100,000 ENVELOPLS J 1 .37 RECEIVED ATJOr RN ALSTATIoN ER T nORL BLANK BOOKS. all Cott,. - ENVELOPES. every fiescriptine. Call and examine our stork gaols before party ehmewhere. 111. N)Tu■ STOW WT. COMO" a. swore S'rEWAWT A BLACK. ROTAS, SUM 4 OR AMR" P No. 511. WAXIIrtaTOI ATRITT. Nl - 3 , 71i. of. Pt_ .1 liberal Faeroese refirined. and meeiedeetlene guaranteed. way &Ism t ppßon - gh **Wan. Novas A 11. T •• limp& et ILiummeise. • n•Anse. ea 4 Tworbwre orrle.4 ft. tem adiMOO. PHU rV V.D 4rmont, arortso PT ■RI+RF.D AT E. H. BUTLER k fr) PHIL .IPSZ PHI I. P . r•NANimorlLv Aporrim MT Tlllll CI PST KNTI• 101 l 0, Puir.Toss. HELD As PLRAIIPIIIIII. .115.1,11 2. MX IP Pr aloe s.. •f •be "war !Lhasa, 4 Morale ee. t•w Vi , A. !IRA TR RDARD HV WORT %MN for the Pillory" Mom& is -too *aft it Vinson. IT Tff, 110.1ilbf 7I girr.troir *I New Ted ney. I.mersOmr. ino.. savoy •vt twr eroot omen tai aka V iTr MN LI; 4 'VW rt.. 4 .4porlimpi 4.piwor .01 Oforrive. AMATA I P WITN TAR ?TIM lir? OM PitfrrA 111.Wimpir• rroi Lown.q. w • ;awirwraff Wasioillr. Aro Primary 44,epageglIg. ala thwe tairrowfka• Awirriger. err II OP 111044,11 re %Po 1•1110.0 4.4rappjp soli Mir Itairerlre Yiew Pirehreo • 1re.4.1r. %me Ihmillimp 4' ll=l ll lllm, .11=19 ...111.• .. 4111 tw flopess. aM Sop. ;rip 46.4.,....1111ma . 40 TIM INV tlfinitr . 11111ADRIL+ 1111 P +Pti.Lifr+ The L.onit sea latigrilassease 4.0... TRII NWT 16., lawgyms r_ &wow a mow., "IP lloor 9411. .Wirsitia• AIM "MO Oaleap. M. INomplows 40 %Po eissolium MO lbwOw. vv. OP Sys essoollwee Aftstsrip Oppilbr goo liare,ese Pr.omportai !rib, . Nit SIM Pr 1111 Jr ATIGAIII Iber 'we lisiseerse "MOINIP. 010.04 4•110111 F 011•4001. ripts. 401111.1.11 free Or seat Oft* *mar Ibr istweireSslß. Arm RA."O. .4, rumor/eft sevor iirempoup. alls, .vrapipmenew •-elb frsallosto wn ea. 4141, otsmaisli Mat Aft Vb. Irmitoverogp.4 v.. ,Amie "rent our • derro • far woodman ...nor 4 - assissall. 411 Pee. 4..emst.AlM A L. *Dr .2.0 - 0 14Pror •• Sr& rt Lt LENS , TIP 1111111111 4.40111, iewedits. :41..... APOOSik &mow. awasmirst Wyss.% aiseriii Its LOONS VOW Irll4llollo VOWS AP, *WTI 0111100111; eamigefrase Loam/ fairemr. bib tuagot 11.111.10•Im P.m Vbs. 11110411.04itilb he al aft_ iPa larmer M ow fir... 111, . fie . lbw *ow n to MEI no R frallmor ti oft- Salliam 111 Abe Asa oilier p. 46 - Iror . Al LAMMAS off IWILIMMIN VW* L oW obirono. sof moot moftft. Sift tip. the Some 3 emir go roll' a. so amp spiftwee. +POW X. 01114, 11kopXO-Oars.. Genet 4 Rs TAR .Vlllll IL r. 0 - lilt[ 11111 A rO. eimaxes 011 P• 41111111 • 1111,111161. 01111111111111110 is tsitias s sort., 4 Ow bow 4 Simi Ass arm paid sew is OW duallibliest Os iitiagagar 8 morolis 0111, e of. ores Apia., is Am «mato 4 Ob. 411.. a 1111. its LS W 719. GINS;11.110. 4IUL4. I Ni. II dm. •h. •..t -I, 1-1011 T DEED an !le %sib MIAMI. CAPS. MOW NNW Ilea . fee ha. of and* .• glaillb bp bremilipolp 4 lamb 4 X AcKEXEL a11a1131411. MOW Isiskrai Sopa WILLIAM H. ILIONIDT rye GICTIKS It cAsrigsTas TOILIATCP. ANGARA. 4Nryir 1111.11 WV STU' L 'go. 7 %aft niti‘l *raw. 3. S. earns. S. e. DIVITICL AMC& ISt Vemell wee r Ifni 1101117wf. Ilkatitageseh Fs . 14mier se /MO emererrimmm rums. senor. Nilo. issuaat. Arr Ate. fir* Calliallandi 'NM No sumais. b4lllll. j OAS_ • Mllialleralk fit Ada. 41011 M. Ivaboy. allsom aim 1....11w 1 eillo. left Vimlaw Putty. P b onspo Ihwriansi, taws mad V.... 11114.4 Weft &.i* NM Skov 1111.111ftw use, *ewe fir Ile SHINIIIHNIII 11111411. on% Ilksaflwy• IMOD NOS 01411 F allks ris. of wrimir NIP fl b. skew swag -alt IWO irad. ginahenift tom Torn Al OrVitir MS two'• 0 P1111117,‘,-, ft yea oust aft Nib. if yes awl 1111 ISM W pre woe Mier wk •.• moo siellemelavek :f p.• IMO - ankh Zr rap owe WWI* dew 111•4 if rye INNS = IF = r a rilloe. If roe • amollim. tiV mow` me vary smosillap NOM% awe jruer mire al Me. amid, 4.116., WAAL :40 Lari 4; Mt MLA Ilk ri...avikaw liamaar w amalk taip.pansima bola k olltmaaanr- r swam saww onnap. mod skim landk auramaya lava km= away alir wok I. IP. 141 116,11 NE Ono* kipaa• flowlism s—l;-.,. .timmsdris .5...1 111 Jllllllll.lllll 7 soy SS. Pr&
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