VOL. 47 The Hunfingdon Journal J. R. DURBORROW, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. O f fice Me Cornet of Fifth and Waohinyton otreeta. Tee Itesrisonos Jouttsm. is published ever:; Wednesday, by J. R. D175005110w and J. A. Nara. under the firm name of J. R. DURDORILOW & Co., at $2;00 per annum, Is ADVANCE, or $2,50 if not paid ior in six months from date of subscription, and $2 if not paid within the year. No paper discontinued, rulers at the option of the publishers, until all arrearages are paid. Regular monthly and yearly advertisements will I e inserted at the following rates: 3m 1 616 1 9 mi ly i 3m l 6ln •f r O ° o l , VO7) 10 : C O 1 6 011 41 ; 9 1r1 Ll. ' o 2; ro Gd 6 00!10 00 14 00 18 00 • 4 " 34 0056 00 65; 01 GOO 14 0023009,100 06018 00 00 30 00 1 col 36 00 1 00 00 80 100 1 Incl.' 2 - !! Special notices will be inserted at TWELVE AND SCALP emirs per line, and local and editorial no tices at FIFTEEN CENTS per line. All Resolutions of Associations, Communications of limited or individual interest, and notices of Mar riages and Deaths, exceeding live lines, will be charged TEN CENTS per line. . Legal and other notices- will be charged to the party having them inserted. Advertising Agents must find their commission outside or these figures. All advertising accounts are dos and collectable when else ativertisemeat is once inserted. JOB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain and Fancy Colors, done with neatness and dispatch.— Hand-bills. Blanks, Cards. Pamphlets. Sm., of every variety and style, printed at the shortest notice, and every thing in the Printing line will be eiects ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. Professional Cards Teo F. GEHRETT, M. D., ECLEC -A-P• TIC PiIYCICIAN AND SURGEON, hav ing returned from Clearfield county and perma nently boated in Shirleyshu:g, offers his profes sional services to the people of that place and sur rounding country. apr.3-1872. DR. 11. W. BUCHANAN DENTIST, No. 228 Rill Street, ITITNTINGDON, PA. July 3,'72. "nit F. 0. ALL EMAN can be eon -/--F suited at his office, at all hours, Mapleton, Pa. [march6,72. CALDWELL, Attorney -at -Law, n• No. 111, 11,1 street. Office formerly occupied by Messrs. Woods [apl2, 71. DR. A. B. BRUMBAUGH, offers his professional services to the community. Oflice, No. 523 Washington street, one door cast of the Catholic Parsonage. Dan.4,'7l. EJ. GREENE, Dentist. Office re- ALA • moved to Leister's new building, Hill street P^ - ttingdon. [jan.-1,11. CI L. •ROBB, Dentist, office in S. T. , LA • iiiirwn's - new building, No. 520, Hill St., Huntingdon, Pa. [0p12,11. H•GiaZIER, Notary Public, corner • of Washington and smith streets. Hun tingdon, Pa. Dan-12'71. TIT C. MADDEN, Attorney-at-Law -A-A-• Office, No. —, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa. [ap.19,”(1. :IF FRANKLIN SCHOCK. Attorney. C/ • at-Law, HUNTINGDON, PA. june26,'72-6m, SYLVANUS BLAIR, Attorney-at t./ • T......,-}..Erntmgasti, rs. vine; ina street, hree doors west of Smith. [jan.4"7l. T R. DURBORROW, Attorney-at- TY • Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon county. Particular attention given to the settlement of estates of dece dents. Office in ha JOITRXAL Building. [feb.l."7l j W. MATTERN, Attorney-at-Law • and General Claim Agent, Huntingdon, Pa., Soldier? claims against the Government for back pay, bounty, widows' and invalid pensions attend ed to with great care and promptness. Office on Hill street. [jan.4,'7l. J. 11Am. AIcASER. R. ALLEN LOVELL; L OVELL & MUSSER, Attorneys-at- Law, • HUNTINGDoN, PA Special attention given to COLLECTIONS of all kinds; to the settlement of ESTATES. ; and all other legal business prosecuted with fidelity and dispatch. in0%6;72 MILES ZENTMYER, Attorney at- Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend promptly to ail legal business. Office in Cunningham's now building. 1014 M & M. S. LYTLE, Attorneys -A- • at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend to an kinds of legal business entrusted to their care. Office on the sooty side of Hill street, fourth door west of Smith. Dan.4,'7l. - I._? A. ORBISON, Attorney-at-Law, -&-luo °Moe, 321 Hill Arent, Huntingdon. Pa. [uuty3l,7l. JOILT scow. S. T. DROWN. J. 11. SAME!: QOOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, At torneys- at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Pensions, sad all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against the Government will be promptly prosecuted: Office on Liill street. fjan.4,7l. W. MYTON, Attorney-at-Law, Hun • Ling ion, Pa. 01Ece with J. Sewell Stewart, Eq. [jan.4,ll. •WILLIAM A. FLEMING, Attorney- T at-Law, Iluntingdon, Pa. Special attention given is collections, and all other legal business attended to with care and promptness.' Office, No. 229, nil! street. [ap 19,71 . Hotels. TtIE TRAVELERS' REST HOTEL, agsville Huntingdon co. Pa: The ondoralgried would re pest inform the travel— log public that he bas opened t he above named Hotel and is prepared to accommodate travelers. He hopes that a liberal !share of patronage will be extended. y. 2 t,'72.) GEOR aE M. GREEN. MORRISON HOUSE, OPPOSITE PENNSYLVANIA E. E. DEPOT HUNTINGDON, PA J. H. CLOVER, Prop. April 5, 1871-Iy. WASHINGTON HOTEL, - S. S. Bownov, Prop'r. Corner of Pitt & Juliana Ste., Bedford, Pa. mayl. VXCHANGE HOTEL, Huntingdon, - 2 -A Pa. JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor. J,,nuary 4, 1871. Miscellaneous. I. urn. I A. ICERNZDY. I . I DAVID XINGU B ARTOL, KENNEDY & CO. [Lately Franklin Manufacturing Company.] Manefaetures Flooring, Siding, Doors, Sash, Shutters, Blinds, Moulding, Scroll Work, Counters, Shelving, Wood Turnings, Hobbs, Spokes, Bent Work, Forks, Rakes, Brooms, Pick, and Hammer Handles, all kinds of Furniture, Le. Our Machinery the very best quality and giving our entire being of attention to the business we areable to roan ufateture all of the &bored named articles, as well as many others, in the best style and always promptly. All orders addressed to BARTOL, KENNEDY & CO., -Huntingdon, Pa., will receive our immediate attention. Price list furnished when desired. Lumber taken in exchange for all kinds of work. Jan. 31. 1871. A. BECK, Fashionable Barber R• and Hairdresser, Hill street, opposite the Franklin House. All kinds of Tonics and Pomadi kept on handand for sale. [1449,11-6m . . .. _ . . . . . . . .. . ~..:. _•,,.. ''T.. 7 , ,11: r i ;7 ; 7 ', • . . , • - -r - i , :F. 1 s r • ; - ':!-i•'- . :.- ... i z ',..- - 0 i Ts' ~,,, ..... ,I - - gl, ~,, -,.th -,. P - a - 1 :.< ~ , 11. , a _ ..... .. .1 p g , ..i , .1,.., • '- 0 4 I 1 t ' , , . g 4 r . z ~ - .. ~ . ? - , : .t '-,' , 1 . lie .. . ..,.., ~ L.. _ , ._:,... - , . . [OFFICIAL.] LAWS J. A. NASII, OF TUE • UNITED STATES [GENERAL . NATURE—No. 70,] AN At 7 making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the ser vice of the government for the fiscal year end ing June thirty, eighteen bundredand seventy two, and for former years, and for Other pur poses.._ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the United States of America in Coegress assembled. That he following sums, or so much thereof as may he necessary, be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for the service of the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, or for the period and purposes hereinafter exprersed, namely : iIOLTSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. • For cartage for the House of Representa tives, three thousand dollars; and construct ive cartage shall not hereafter be paid for, but all articles delivered on the trip shall be paid for as one load And for a deficiency in the appropriation for folding documents, including pay of folders and material therefor, thirty thousand dollars. To pay the official reporters of the Globe in each house the amount which the Comptroller of the Treasury may fi .d severally due them for services during the sessions of the Forty second Congress, under the eighteenth section of the act entitled "An set making appropria tions for sundry civil expenses of the govern ment for the year ending Jane thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and sixty-seven, and f r other purposes," approved July twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. That the Speaker is hereby authorized to employ a clerk., at &salary of eighteen hundred dollars per annum, and no appointment on the doorkeeper's rolls shall be made to take the place of the person hitherto detailed as clerk to the Speaker, and from March first to the close of this fiscal year, six hundred dollars are hereby appropriated for his salary. SENATE. That the payment of mileage of Senators for actual attendance at the session of the Senate convened on the tenth day of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, by proclamation of the President, is hereby authorized. For miscellaneous items, fifteen thousand dollars. For labor, seven thousand five hundred dollars. For furniture, three thousand six hundred dollars. For expenses of beating and ventilating apparatus for fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, four hun dred dollars. For compensation of John C. Knowlton, for service as messenger in the Senate during the month of April, eighteen hundred and sixty nine, one hundred and twenty dollars. To pay Rives and Bailey for complete sets of the I ougressional Globe and appendix, fur nislied to Senators who had not previously received them, under the act of July fourth,. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, three thou sand and five dollars For clerks to corn:oat-es, pages, horses, and carryalls : ten thousand dollars. CAPITOL POLICE. For captain of the police, two hundred and eighty eight dollars ; for two lieutenants, at three hundred dollars each ; and twenty eight privates, at torso hundred and eighty four dollars each ; in all, eleven thousand six hundred and forty dollars. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. For contingent expenses of the Library of Congress, rendered necessary by the copyright business of said library, five hundred dollars. s the ftewa-mr-41.34,2410.- Committee o - liThis Library to balance sundry fractional overdrafts in the fJllowing fends : For the fiscal years of eighteen hundred and seienty one and eighteen hundred and seventy two, two hundred and fifty seven dollars and" eight cents, the same to be placed to the credit of the funds named in the amount specified to each. Fund for purchase of books, twelve dollars and ninety eight cents ; fund or pur chase of law books, twenty five dollars and Seventy nine cents; fund for purchase of periodicals, two dollars and sixty five cents ; fund for exchange of public documents, six dollars and seventy cents ; fund for repairs, etc., of buildings in botanic garden, seventy five dollars and seventeen cents; fund for improving botanic garden, one hundred and twenty five dollars; fund for contingent ex peuses of library, eight dollars and seventy ape cents. To pay Rives and Daily for the reporting and publication of the debates and proceedings of the Forty-first Congress, under the joint resolution approved Starch three, eighteen hundred and sixty nine, and contract of April fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty nine, so far as may have been provided for by law. two thousand seven hundred and seventy six dollars and ninety eight cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. For extra clerk hire necessitated by unusual labor in preparing for the session of the tri bunal of arbitration at Geneva, five thousan dollars. For publishing the laws of the third, session of the Forty first Congress and of the first session of the Forty-second Congress in pamphlet form, five thousand dollars. For publishing the laws of the first session of the Forty-first Congress in newspapers, two thousand one hundred dollars. For publishing the laws of the second session of the Forty-first Congress in news papers, six thousand one hundred and twe.ve dollars. Foarsox INTERCOURSE.-For salaries of en voys extraordinary, and ministers plenipoten tiary, and ministers resident, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth. eighteen hundred and seventy one, forty two thousand dollars; and for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eigh teen .iundied and seventy two, fifty thousand dollars; and in settling the accounts of John P. Hale, late minister to Spain, the accounting officers of the treasury shall allow him salary to the first of January, eighteen hundred and seventy, at which time his health was so far restored as to be able to travel, and the sum necessary to pay the same is hereby appropri ated. And the secretary of State is hereby authorized to allow the payment of such sums as the President shall approve to the consuls of the United States at Algiers, Boulogne, Lyons, Marseilles, Nantes, Nice, and Rheims, as compensation fur extraordinary services during the late war in Europe Provided, That the total sum so expended shall not ex ceed the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated by the fourth and fifth paragraphs of the act entitled "An act mak ng appropria lions for sundry civil expenses of the govern ment fur the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy two, and for other purposes," approved March third, sigh teen hundred and seventy one. For contingent expenses of the United States consulates for blank books and stationery, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy one, fifteen thousand dollars ; and for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy two, fifteen thousand dollars. For pay of dragoman at the consulate at Constantinople from April first, eighteen hun dred and sixty six, to March thirty first, eigh • teen hundred and sixty seven, lour hundred dollars. For improvements and alteration of the Protestant cemetery in Malaga, Spain, five hundred dollars. To reimburse the consul of the United States in the city of Mexico for the care of the Protestant American cemetery during the past year, for - the current fiscal year, and to pay salary of keeper, fire hundred dollars, one thousand one hundred and five dol are. For the annual proportion of the United States of the expenses of Cape Spartel light, on the coast of Morocco, two hundred and eighty five dollars. Fier .dditional expenses of the United States legation in France, cnnsequeat upon the re moval of the seat of government from Paris to Versailles, eight hundred dollars. To defray the extraordinary expenses of the American minister to the kingdom of Italy occasioced by the removal of its capital from Turin to Florence and from Fiorence to Rome, six thousand dollars. To enable Bobert C. Schenck, minister to Great Britain, to pay his private amanuensis, as provided by joint resolution approved Jam- uary eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy one, from the date of the approval of said joint resolution to July, first, eighteen hundred and seventy one , one thousand one hundred and eighty oilers. For repairs to the consular building at Tan giers, three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may he necessary, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, to be available until the end of the next fiscal year. _ _ _ For the relief and protection of American seamen ir. foreign countries, one hundred thousand dollars. INQUIRY RESPECTING FOOD FISHES. For continuing the inquiry into the cause of the decrease of the food-fishes of the coast and of the lakes, three thousand five hundred dollars For preparation of the illustrations, tables. and so forth, of the report of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, five hun dred dollars. UNITED STATES MINTS AND BRANCHES- Buss= MINT, San Francisco California.—For wages of workmen and adjusters, twenty one thousand fire hundred dollars. IiRANCII MINT, Carson City, Nevada.—For sala_ies and expenses, (deficiency during fiscal year ending. June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy,) three thousand dollars. For wades" of workmen and adjusters, for fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy taro, six thousand dol lars. For contingent expenses, to wit, for sundry mkeellaneous items, including wood, &Janos!, -nd freight, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy two, twrlve -thousand four hundred dollars For contiugent expenses of the same char seer, for the fiscal years ceding June thirti eth, eighteen hundred and seventy, and June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy one, three thousand dollars. For this amount of deficiency in the construction of the assay office, Boise city, Idaho Territory, two thou sand ninety two dollars and five cents. INDEPENDENT TREASURY. Contingent expenses under the act of August sixth, eighteen hundred and forty six: For the collection, safe keeping, transferring, and disbursement of the public moneys, one hun dred thousand do lars. To pay deficiencies in the salaries of officers, clerks, and others in the office of the assistant treasurer in New York city for the pre ;eat fiscal year, nine thousand three hundred and four dollars. TE ,RITORIAL G OVE SIENTB. DISTRICT OF DOLCIIIIIA.—To pay the gover nor, secretary. and ti :es members of the board of public works of the District of Columbia such turns as may be due them for salaries from the date of their commissions to the first of July, eighteen hundred and seventy one, Utica thousand eight hundred and fifty one dollars and fourteen cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary. To pay the memtie - s of the boird of health from the date of their appointment to the first of July, eighteen hundred and seventy two, at two thousand dollars each per annum, tw• lee thousand one hundred and ninety two dollars and fifty six cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For compensation to the president and members of the council of the District of Co lumbia, for the session commencing on the eighth of November, eighteen hundred and seventy one, two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. For deficiency it appropriation for legisla tive expenses of Montana Territory, for thc fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sPveuty two, the same to be expended in publishing the laws and journals of the last session of the legislature of said Territory, the sum of five thousand dollars. For printing and binding house and council iournats of the fifth session of the legislative assembly ot montane. awl Luny, Mar -Lt..Au. , four hundred dollars. For compensation of- members of the fifth legislature of Montana Territory, eight hundred and seventeen dollars. For rent of office, salary of messenger, fur niture, zsrpet, postage, and other incidental expenses of the secretary of the Territory of New Mexico, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy one, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars and eighty two cents. For expenses of the secretary's office of the Territory of Arizona, rent of office,fuel, lights, printing, postage, storage of furniture, and so forth, three thousand dollars. For expenses of the secretary's office of the Territory of Wyoming, fuel, lights, stationery, postage, and sa forth, one thousand two hun dred dollars. For miscellaneous printing, and printing journals of council and house of the nineteenth annual session of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Utah, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars and forty cents. For deficiency of appropriation for legisla tive expenses of the Territory of Dakota, for the fiscal years ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy one, and June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy two, viz : For printing and binding, four thousand three hundred and seventy five dollars.; fur office rent, four hundred and twenty five dollars; for incidental expenses, twelve hundred dol lars ; in ail, six thousand dollars. INTERNAL REVE For stamps, paper, and dies for the use of Internal Revenue, two hundred and fifty thou sand dollars. CAPTURED AND ABANDONED PROPERTY. For payment of necessary expenses incurred in defending suits against the Secretary of the Treasury, or his agents, and for defence of the United States in respect to such property, and in the recovery of property claimed to have accrued or belonged to the Milted States through the suppression of the rebellion, and for settling the accounts of agents employed in recovering sueii property, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, thirty thousand dollars. UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY. For repairs and maintenance of the comple ment of vessels used in the Coast Survey, per act of March second, eighteen hundred and fifty three, thirty thousand dol.ars. For pay and rations of the engineers for the steamers used in . the Coast Survey, no longer supmied by the Navy Department, ten thousand dollars. PUBLIC BUILDI‘ GS 7 RO UGHO UT THE UNITED STATES. For the completion of the building for cus tom house at Astoria, Oregon, twenty thou sand four hundred and forty two dollars and fifty cents, and for fencing, grading,sidenialks, sewerage, and other matters indispensable to its completion, five thousand six hundred and eighty six dollars and forty cents; in all, twenty six thousand one hundred and twenty eight dollars and ninety cents. For continuing the work on the new State Department building during.the balance of the precast fiscal year, two hundred thousand dollate. For extensinp and repair of the building fur custom house and post office at Baltimore, Maryland, fifty thousand .dollars. For completion of the building for marine hospital at t)hicago, Illinois, seventy seven thousand three hundred and eighty three dollars and eighty nine cents; andfor grading and fencing, thirteen thousand nine hundred and eighty seven dollars and five cents and to make good the damage done to the building and loss by fire, fourteen thousand and sixty dollars and fifty cents; in all, one hundred and five thousand four nundred and thirty one dollars and forty four cents. For continuation of the construction• of the building for custom house at Knoxville, Ten nesse, one hundred thousand dollars. For completing the building for custom house at Portland, Maine : ten thousand eight hundred and fifty one dollars. „ For completing the build.ng for post office and court house at Portland, Maine, fifteen thousand three hundred and ninety eight dollars. For putting a new roof on the custom and post office building at Newport, in the State of Rhode Island, to be so arranged as to afford an additional story, and for remodeling the interior of said building, and such other re pairs as may be necessary, the sum of eleven thousand two hundred and forty one dollars and seventy five cents. For additional machinery for the appraisers' stores in Philaddphia, Pennsylvania, five thousand five hundred and fifty-nine ollars and fif.y live cents. _ _ _ For gra4ing, paving, sidewalks, and fences HUNTINGDON, PA., NOVEMBER 27, 1872. of the approaches to the building for custom houso at Saint Paul, Alin..esote, fifte , n thou sand nine hundred and eleven dollars and fifty cents. For rent of the office of asistant treasurer of the United States at Saint Louis, Missouri, oae thousand five hundred dollars, or somuch thereof as may be necessary for the remainder of the present fiscal year, and for fitting up the office, one thousand dollars. To reimburse the city of Detroit, blichignu, the amount expended in laying a wood pave ment in front of the marine hospital property in said city, eighteen hundred dollars. To supply furniture for the new custom house at Machias, Maine, three thousand seven hundred and sixty s.x dollars. TREASURY, MISCELLANEOUS. For rebuilding the light stations at Manistee, Michigan, which were destroyed by fire on the eighth of October, eighteen hundred and seventy one, ten thousand dollars. For repairs and preservation of public build ings under the control of the Treasury Depart ment, fifty thousand dollars. For re arranging the heating apparatus of the Treasury building, according to plans to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, nineteen thousand eight hundred and forty do lors, which shall be available to the close of the year ceding June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy three. For furniture and repairs of furniture for. public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department for the fiscal years prior to the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, three thousand two hundred and fifty three dollars and eighty five cents. For repairs and preservation of public build ings under the control of the Treasury De partment for fiscal years prior in the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars and nine y two cents. For re-establishing lights and other aids to navigation on.the southern coast for the fiscal years prior to the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight dollars and ninety cents: Provided, That this and the tw•o immediately preceding paragraphs do not involve any appropriation from the tr asury, but are merely an authorization to the proper officers to make upon the books of the treasury ,transfer entries to settle certain accounts. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to settle the accounts of collectors of customs acting as superintendents of lights, outside the districts for which they were appointed, for expenditures already made in pursuance of law, and which will nut involve any actual expenditure, a transfer on the books of the treasury of such sums as may be necessary is hereby authorized. For vaults, safes, and locks for public build logs under the centrol of the Treasury Depart ment for fiscal year ending June thirtieth nigh-. teen hundred and seventy two, fifty thousand dollars. That the salary of the Second Comptroller of the Treasury shall, after the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy two, be five thousand dollars per annum. To pay John P. Bruce the amount app4o printed to be paid him by the act of July fif teenth, eighteen honored and seventy, for printing for the third session of the legisla ture of the Territory of Montana, but whiz!' has not been paid but is now directed to be paid to him, and his receipt shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for payment of the same by the accounting officers of the treasury, seven hundred and ninety six dollars and ninety cents. To pity John Gordon, messenger in the Post Office Department, for extra service from March fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty three t, March third, eighteen hundred and filly seven, five hundred dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay certain gaugers employed in the thirty second district of_the State of New York, un der the late collector of internal revenue, T. F. Dailey, fees earned by them during part of the month of March, eighteen hundred and seventy, seven hundred and four dollars and twenty cents. _ _ For the payment of the salary of the secre tary of the Territory of New Mexico, as super intendent of public buildings and grounds for the years erding June thirty, eighteen hund red and seventy one, and June thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and seventy twe, two thousand dollars ; and so mach of the second section of the act of July twenty seven, eighteen hund red and sixty eight, (Statutes at Large, chap ter CCLXXII,) as grants a salary to the secre tary of said Territory as superintendent of public buildings and grounds, is hereby re pealed, the repeal to take effect at the end of the current fiscal year. To suable tho. Secretary of the Treasury to pay the annual salary of the United States marshal of Nebraska from the date of the ad mission of the State, at the rate of two hund red dollars pcirannum, one thousand one hund red dollars, or so touch thereof as may be ne cessary. To Pay 0. P. Rockwell, late moil contractor in Utah Territory, balance dne him, one thou sand three hundred an: ten , dollars and sixty three cents WAR DEPARTMENT. MILITARY ESTABLISIIMENT.-Per the pay de partment, for the allowance to the officers of the army for transportation of themselves and Their baggage, when travelling on duty, with out troops, escort, or supplies, ninety thousand dollars. QUARTICEMASTEIX'S DEPARTMENT.-For regular supplies, consisting of fuel for officers, enlisted men, guards, ho.pitals, store houses and of fees, and for forage in kind for the horses, mules, and oxen of the Quartermaster's de partment at the several posts and stations, and with the armies in the field; for the horses of the several regime .ts of cavalry, the batteries of artillery, and such companies of infantry as may be mounted, and for the authorized number of officcr's horses when serving in the field and at the outposts, includ ing bedding for the animals ; of straw for sol dicta' bedding ; and of stationery, including blank books for the Quartermaster's depart ment, certificates f r discharged soldiers, blank forms for the Pay and Quartermaster's depart ments, and for printing of division and depart ment orders and, reports, three hundred thou sand dollars. For the general and incidental expenses of the Quartermaster's department, consisting of postage on letters, and telegrams or dispatch es, received and sent on public service ; extra pay to soldiers employed under the dire ction of the Quartermaster's department, in the erec . Lion of barruks, quarters, • storehouses, and hospitals, in the conetruction of road, and other constant labor, for periods of not less than ten days, under the acts of March second, eighteen hundred and nineteen, and August fourth, eigh teen hundred and fifty four, limed jog those employed as clerks at division and deparimeut headquarters and hospital stew ards on clerical duty ; expenses of expresses to and from the frontier posts and aimies in the field ;of escorts to paymasters and other disbursing officers, and to trains where milita ry escorts cannot be furnished ; expenses of the interment of officers killed in action, or who die when on duty in the field, or at posts on the frontiers and other places, when or dered by the Secretary of War, and of non commissioned officers and soldiers ; authorized office furniture ; hire of laborers in the Quar termaster's department, including the hire of interpreters, spies ; and guides for the army ; compensation of clerks to officers of the Quar termaster's department; compensation of for age and wagon musters, authorized by the act of July fifth, eighteen hundred and thirty eight; for the apprehension, securing, and 'le livering of deserters, and the expenses inci dent to their pursuit ; and for the following expenditures required forthe several regiments of cavalry, the batteries of light artillery, and such companies of infantry as may be mount ed, viz The purchase of travelling forges, blacksmiths' andshoeing tools, horse and mule shoes and nails, iron and steel for shoeing, hire of veterinary surgeons, medicines for horses and mules, picket ropes, and for shoe ing the horses of the corps named ; also, gen erally, the proper and authorized expenses for the movement and operations of any army not expressly assigned to any other department, three hundred and twenty five thousand dol lars. Barracks and quarters: For rent or hire of quarters for troops, and for officers on milita ry duty; of storehouses for safe keeping of military stroes ; of offices ;of grounds for camps and cantonments, and for temporary frontier stations; for construction and repairs of temporary huts; of stables, aad other tnii tory buildings at. established posts; tn. coa- etruction and repair of hospitals ; and for re pairs of buildings occupied by the army, six hundred and twenty five thousand dollars : Provided, That hereafter barracks and gutters, and all buildings and ,tructures whatever of a permanent nature, shalt be constructed upon special authority, to be given by act of Con gress. except when constructed by the troops ; and so such structures whose cost shall exceed twenty thousand dollars shad be erectea or continued in erection unless by such author.- ty so specially - granted. _ Clothing and equipage For purchase and manufacture of clothing, camp and garrison eqabage, and for preserving and repacking stock of clothing, camp and garrison equipage, and materials ou hand at the Schuykill arson al am. other depots, one hundred thousand dollars. Fur the preservation of army clothing and equipage, fifty thousand dollars : Provided, That there shall be ho claim upon the Unitco States for the use of any patent for the man tier of or material for doing the same. Ordt_ance and ordnance stores : Por pur chase of ordnance and ordnance stores, to continue the armament of certain southern forts, one hundred thousand dollars. For establishing and maintaining national milit+ry cemeteries, fifty thousand dollars ; and the appropriations for collecting, driiliug, and organiu:ng volunteers, heretofore consid ered as perinauent, appriSpriations, are hereby contmued.and made.available for the service of the present fiscal year only, so far as the same may be necessary to pay the usual cleri cal service heretofore paid out of said appro priations in the Wr.r Department. MISCELLANEOUS. Per the payment of any balance due, or to be fcund due, during the present fiscal year, to may State for costs, charges, and expenses contemplated and provided for in and by the act approved July twenty seventh, eighteen hundred and s xty one, being an act to indem nify certain States for expenses incurred by them in enrolling, equipping, and transporting troops for the defense of the United States during the Into rebellion, one million dollars. SIGNAL OFFlCE.—Observation-and r-port of storms: For inanu.acture. purchase, or repair the meteorological and other necesaary instru meets; for telegraphing reports ; for expenses of storm signals, announcing probable ap proaches and force of storms; for instrument shelters; for hire, furniture, and expense of oft ces maintained for public use in cities orposts receiving reports; far maps, bulletins, and so forth, to be displayed in chambers of commerce and board of tradO rooms, and for distribution ; for books and stationery ; and for incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, sixty one thousand and fifty dollars Provided, That no part of this appropriation, nor of any appro priafion for the several depatments of the government, shall be paid to any telegraphic company which shall neglect or refuse to transmit telegraphic communications between said departments, their.ofilcers, agenti, ent plo es, under. "the - ptOthficiiii. of the second sect!on ot chapter two hooded and thirty of the statutes of the United States for the year eighteen hundred and sixty six, and at rates of compensation therefor to be established by the fostmaster general. Tc furnish traiasportation to insane volun teer soldiers at any time entitled to be admitted into the government hospital at Washington, one thousand dollars. nr expenses of the hoard of e;siturs at the Military Academy at West Point, two thousand doltars. Piblie buildings and grounds in and around Washington, under the Chief of Engineers of the War Department : For repairs and im protements, viz: For survey and map in an fortune° with the provisions of the joint res olution of July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, one thousand live hundred dol lars. F,r grading and paving circle at the inter section of Vermont und Massachusetts avenues fur fiscal years ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, and June thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and seventy one, five thousand seven hundred and eighty nine dollars and eighty two cents. For stationery for the office, ono hundred and twenty roar dollars and thirty .wo cents. For rep;irs on the Executive ' Mapsion, ten thousand throe hundred and forty fire dollars. For additional compensation to the assist•mt door keeper at the Executive Mansion, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy two, three hundred and sixty doll.irs. Fin. the Executive avenue and adjacent grounds, recently inclosed, for grading, pay. ing, and otherwise completing the work der ing the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and sixty nine, :tad June thir tieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, twenty five thousand two hundred and nineteen dol lars and twenty five cents. Contingencies of the army prior to July first, eighteen hludred and seventy : For fees of at torneys at law employed by the War Depart ment; expenses of suits incurred previous to act of Jane twenty second. eighteeo hundred and seventy, creating the Department ofJ as tice ; the costs and charges of State peniten tiaries for the care and maintenance of United States military convicts confined in them ; the pay of detectives and scouts ; and for conipen cation of provost marshals employed by the Secretary of War in eighteen hundred and sixty two, fifty thousand dollars. Freedmen's hospitals and asylum: To reim burse the en=missary department forsupplies furnished the Freedmen's bureau prior to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy one, thirty four thousand dollars. Military convicts at State penitentiaries : For payment of costs and charges of State penitentiaries for the care, clothing, mainten ance, and medical attendance of United States military convicts confined in them, ten thou sand dollars. To enable the Secretary of War to pay for additional clerical services heretofore employ ed by him in the invest.g,ation and settlement of accounts for abandoned and captured pro petty, one thousand dollars. NAVY DEPARTMENT. NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. Marine Corps For rent of quarters for of ficers, where there are no public quarters, cue thousand five hundred and thirty nine dollars and thirteen cents. ' For forage for horses belonging to field and staff officers of the marines, one thousand four hundred and forty seven dollars and thirty four cents. For indispensible miscellaneous articles for the use of the marine barracks at Brooklyn, New York, and for other posts seven hundred and thirty one dollars and sixty cents. - This item and the two preceding items are for the fiscal year ending Juno thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and seventy one. For hire of officers' quarters n here there are no public quarters, eight thousand three hund red and fifty four dollars. For forage for horses for field and staff of Seers, three thousand live hundred and forty dollars. For pay account for per diem to marine band, one thousand five hundred dollars. This item and the two preceding items are Lir the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, e:ghteen hundred and seventy two. For completion of the survey of a route for a ship canal betwe.m the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by the routes of Tehuantepec and Nicaragua, with reports upon the same, twen ty thousand dollars; and to complete the survey of the Darien route, five thousand dol lars. INTERIOR. DEPARTMENT. PENSION OFFICE. To reimburse the contingent fund of the Pension Office for eXpenses incurred in re moving the papers and files of said office to the Seaton House, and in refitting rooms in said building, the sum of ten thousand five hundred and fifty seven dollars and seventy eight cents. To pay six clerks of class one and six clerks of class two, to be employed in the examina tion of claims for pensions to the survivors of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, which the Secretary is hereby authorized to employ for one year, and no longer, fiftc.n thousand six hundred dollars ; and this up propristioa is evadable for said purpose for one year, and no longer. For deficiency for fuel and lights in the In terior Department, one thousand two huu dred and eighty two dollars. LAND OFFICE. For contingent expenses of district land offices for the fi cal year ending June thir tieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, five thousand dollars. To supply deficiency in the appropriation for the expense of depositing public moneys for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and seventy one, eight thous md dollars; and for a deficiency in the appropri ations for clerks in the office of the surveyor general of California, five hundred dollars. PATENT OFFICE, To provide for the plates of an Official Ga zette of the Patent Office abstracts of the drawings of patents issued, thirteen thousand titre hundred and thrity three dollars, to be expended under the d rection of the Commis sioner of Patents: Provided, That one copy of said Gazette s all be furnished to each n ator, Representative, and Delegate to Con gress; and one copy each shall be sent to eight such public libraries as may be desig stated by each Senator, Representative, and Delegate, and two copies to the Library of Congress: Provided further, That a subscrip tion price of not less than five dollars per an num for said Gazette shall be charges to each subscriber ; and all sums received from such subscription shall be, on or before the fir t day of each month, paid into the Treas ury. FOR THE PUBLIC P,INTING. For the additional expense of printing and stitching the Patent Office Official Gazette, with the abstracts of specifications and draw ings, five thousand four hundred and twenty five dollars. CENSUS. To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the expenses of the ninth census, twenty thousand dolars, and such sum as may be necessary to pay the remainder due census take a. for taking the eighth census : Provi ded, That the amcunt of money paid them un der this appropriation shall not exceed in all twe-ty five thousand !loiters. PUBLIC WORKS. Columbia Institute for the Decf and Dumb For furnisbiug and fitting up the buildings - of tha institution, nix thousand dollars. For repairs of buildings of said institute during fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eigh tees hundred and seventy two; three thousand five hundred dollars. To commence the proper fitting up, in a fire proof manner, of the vacant apartments in the Smithsonian Institution building for the proper distribution and exhibition of the government collections of natural history, geology, and mineralogy, five thousand dol lars. For the preparation and publication of the maps, charts, geological sections, and other engravings necessary to illustrate the final re port of the United States geological survey of the Territories, by Professor Ityden, ten thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. For the payment of clerks in the office of the surveyor general. of the State of Louisiana, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the repair and impro ement of the Con gressional cemetery, to be expended under the direction of the warden and vestry of Wash ington parish, District of Columbia, three thousand dollars. For the completion of the United States court horse, at Charlestown, South Carolina, one hundred and two dollars and eight cents. CAPITOL EXTENSION. For the purpose of buying and putting in a new boiler, water tank, and steam pump in the south wing of the C..pitol, ten thousand collars ; and the disbursing clerk of the In tenor Department is hereby required to dis burse al moneys appropriated for the United States Capitol extension and improvement of the grounds, and to receive therefor an aunu al compensation of one thousand dollars, to be paid from said appropriation. from October first, eighteen hundred and seventy one : Pro vided, That in the adjustment of the accounts of F. W. Clemons, late disbursing agent of the Capitol extension, the accounting officers of the treasury are hereby authorized and direct ed to allow him the sum of eight hundred dol lars, to be paid from the appropriations here tofore made for expenses of the ninth census, as compensation for increased responsibili y and labor in disbursing said appropriations from October first, eighteen hundred and Bev enty, to September thirtieth, eighteen hun dred and seventy one. For additional lamps and service pipe in the east and west parks, Capitol grounds, four thousand dollars. INDIAN BUREAU. For this amount, to pay to the Seneca In dians the interest due ou the sum of forty thousand dollars, held in trust tor them as provided in the treaty. of February twenty third, eighteen hundred and sixty seven, from June eighteen hundred and sixty eight, the date of the ratification of said treaty, to No vember first. eighteen hundred and seventy cue, the date when interest on stocks pur chased with said sum of forty thousand dol lars commenced to accrue, six thousand sev en hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty three cent4,.which amount shall be paid di rect to said Seneca Indians, and not to an agent, attorney - , or other person claiming to act for them. For this amount, to replace the sum ap propriated by the a..t of July twenty eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty six, under the pro vision of the sixth article of treaty with the Seminoles of March twenty first, eighteen hundred and sixty six, and ninth article of the treaty with the Creeks of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty six, for the erec tion of agency buildings on the reservations of said tribes, twenty thousand dollars. For this amount, to enable the Secretary of the Interior to supply the KIM tribe of In dians in Kansas with subsistence, to relieve their immediate and pressing wants, the same to be reimbursed to the United States, from the proceeds of the sale of lands of the said Indians, when the same shall have been sold under existing treaty stipulations, ten thous and dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for subsisting the Navajo Indi ans in New Mexico, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy two, sixty thousand dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to subsist the Apache Indians of Ansonia and New Mexico clueing the re mainder of the present fiscal year, who shall be upon the reservation and .peacefully re main there, or who shall otherwise maintain peaceful relations with the United States, one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. For this amount, er sy much thereof as may be necessary, for the subsistence, civilization, and care of the Arickaree, Gros Ventre, and Mandan Indians, at Fort Berthold agency, Dakota, during the remainder of the present fiscal year, forty thousand dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the subsistence of the Indians at the Milk River agency, in Montana, (inelnd lug eight thousand- Sioux now collected at that place,) for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy two, one hundred thousand dollars. For this amount, to be expended under the direction of ths Secretary of the Interior, in providing subsi tence and clothing for the Osage Indians, and aiding them iu establish ing themselves in their new homes, to be re imbursed to the United States from the inter est on the net proceeds of the sale of their lands in Kansas, as provided by the second article of the treaty with the Great and Little Lizages, of September twenty nine, eighteen hundred and sixty five, and the twelfth sec tion of the act of July fifteen, eighteen hun dred and seventy, fifty.thousand dollars : Pro vided, That no person shall receive any part of the money appropriated by this act for any services or pretended services as attorney, counsellor, or agent, for any tribe, or Indian, or Indians, for whom any part of these ap propriations are made. Any person violating this provision shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined iu double the amount so received. For.this amount, being the balance on ac count due the Quapaw tribe of Indians for a certain tract of .and in the State of Kansas, containing seven tLousand six hundred and thirty two hundredths acres, ceded by said tribe to the Iltited States in accordance with terms of the fourth article of the treaty with Senecas, Mixed Senecas, and Shawnees, Qua paws, confederated . Peorias, Kaskask las, We. And Piankeshaws, Ottawas of Blancher's Fork and Roche de flmuf, and certain Wynn dotts, concluded February twenty third, eigh teen hundred and sixty seen, (S - atutes, vol ume fifteen, page five hundred and thirteen,) four thousand five hundred dollars and forty cents. For this amount, to be taken from any funds in the Treasury of the United States Belonging to the confederated bands of P. o rias, Kaskaskias, Weas and Piankeshaws, to make good to the Quapaw tribe of Intihms the estimated value of eighteen thousand fiv, hundred and twenty two and fifty hundredths acres of land lying south of Kansas, ceded by them to the United States under the terms of the fourth article of the treaty with the Sen eons. Mixed Senecas and Shawnees, Quapaws, confederated Peones, Kaskaskias, Weas and Piankeshaws, Ottawas of Blanchard's Fork and Recite de Bceuf, and certain Wyandotts, concluded February twenty third, eighteen hundred and si sty seven, (statutes, volume fifteen, page five hundred and thirteen,) whit•lt . .ands were, by the twenty second article of said treaty, grantod and sol to the confeder ated bands of Peorias, Kaskaskias, Weas and ciankeshaws, at the same rate as paid by the gorerument, twenty one thousand three hun dred dollars and eighty seven .;eats. JUDICIAL. DISTRICT COURTS OF TILE UNITED STATER.- For salaries of district judges fur the - fi.ical year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy two, fourteen thousand three hundred and twenty tire dollars. Fur defraying the et penses of the courts of the United States, including the District of Co:umbia ; for jurors and witnesses, and ex penses of ,itein will It the truited States are concerned, of prosecutions for offimses con mitted as the fruited States ; for the safa kcep.ng of prisoners; and for the expenses which may he incurred in the enforcement of the act of iebruary twenty eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy one, for the tour mouths ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy two one million dollars. To enable the commissioners on revision of the statutes of the United States to expedite the work and furnish clerical and other assis tance, and supply contingencies, the sum of nine thousand dollars is ln.reby appropriated, to be paid from time to time as the ivork progresses, upon vouchers approved by all ahe commissioners: Provided. That this ap propriation shall continue avail.ble until June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy three. To enable the clerk of the Court Of Claims to pay attorneys', commissioner's, and mar shals' fees for the years ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, and June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy one, eight hundred dollars ; and for attorneys' and commissioners' fees, paid by the clerk of the court in excess of the appropriations for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, three hundred and forty one dol ii.rs and fourteen cents. To purchase books for the Department of Justice, two thousand five hundred dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury in his discretion to pay the judgment entered by the circuit court of the Uuitel States for the northern district of Florida, in the case of Theodore T. Edgerton against Jesse W. Cul peper, deputy collector and inspector of cus toms at Cedar Keys, district of Saint Marks, Florida, ou the seventeenth day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy, for the sum of twenty seven thousand tour hundred dollars, with costs, twenty six dollars, and interest at the rate of six perconturn from date of judg ment until paid, a sufficient sum is hereby ap propriated. That the Secretary of the Treasury be au thorized and directed, in the adjustment of the accounts of William E. Parker, *Dated Slates Marshal for the eastern district cf Tex as, to allow eight hundred and twenty five dollars and seventy five cents, money paid by said Parker for the traveling expenses of Thomas 11. Duval, judge of the western die trict of Texas, t'or holding two terms of the United States circuit and district court at Galveston, rind one at Brownsville, in Texas, under the direction of Mr. Justice Swayne. SEC. 2. That the proper accounting officers bo, and hereby are, authorized and required, in the settlement of all accounts for the ser vices of laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed by or on behalf of the Government of the United States, between the twenty-fifth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty eight, the date of the act constituting eight hours a days's work for nil such laborers, workmen, and mechanics, and the nineteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty nine, the date of the proclamation of the President con cerning such pay, to settle and pay for the , same, without reduction of hours of labor by said act, when it shall be made to appear that such was the sole cause of the reduction of wages, and a sufficient sum for said purpose is hereby approprrtated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 3. That all persons born in the district of country formerly known as the Territory of Oregon, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States at this time, are citizens of the United States in the same manner as if born els-where in the United States. SEC. 4. That the appropriation for build ing a pier at Lewes, Delaware, contained in sections twelve and thirteen of act approved July fifteen, eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending Jnne thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy one, and for other purposes," be, and the same, is hereby, continued until Tune thirty. eighteen hundred and seventy three. Sec. 5. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to the lawful owners, or their legal rep resentatives, of ail cotton seized after the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty five, by the agents of the government unlaw fully and in violation of their instructions, the net proceeds, without interest, of the sales of said cotton actually paid into the treasury of the United States: That the receipt thereol shall be taken and received in full satisfac tion of all claims against the United States for or on account of the seizure. of said cotton; and a sufficient sum for such payment is here by appropr.ated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated And provided further, That the foregoing provis ions shall not apply to any claim now pending before the Court of Claims, nor to any claim not filed in the Treasury D,p,trtinent within Rix months after the passage of this act ; and the sum of twenty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for the payment of the necessary expenses of defending the United States iu respect to c.ainis of said proceeds, to be ex pended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. Approved, May 18, 1872. [GENERAL NATURE—No. 73.] AN ACT regulating the int,de of making private couttacts with Indians. Be it enacted by * the Senate and House of I?epre • seminar. of the United Staten of America in Von t/1..8 assembled, 'hat hereafter nu contract or agreement of any kind shall be made by any per son with any tribe of Inaians,or individual Indian 'or Indians, not a citizen of the United States, for the payment or deliv.ry of any money or other thing of value, in present or in prospective, or for the granting or proeuring any privbege to hint or her, ur any other person or persons in eonsieration of services for said Indians relative to their lands, or to any claims growing out of, or in reference to. annuities, installments, or other moneys, claims, demands, or thing. under laws or treaties with the United States. or official acts of any officers there id, or in any way connected with or doe from the United States, unless each contract or agreement be in writing, executed and approved in the man ner hereinafter directed. Sac. 2. That all contracts or agreements between such parties and fur such purposes as named in the first section of this act shall ho in writing. a duplicate oenopy in which shall be delivered to each party thereto, as hereinafter provided. Ai. such contracts snail be executed before a judge o. a court of record and approved in writing thereon by the Secretary of the Interior and Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Such contract or agreement shall contain the names of all parties in interest. their residence and occupation: but those made with a tribe by their tribal authorities, the script of authority and the reason for exercising that authority shall be given - specifically. Such con tracts or agteements shall state the time when and place where made, the particular purpove for which made, the special thing or things tee be done under it, and, if for the colleetion of money, the basis of the claim, the sourer from which it is to be collected, the disposition to be mode of it when collected, the amount or rate per centaur of the tee in all cases; and if any contingent matter or con dition constitutes a port of the contract or agree ment it shall be specifically set forth: Provided. That all such contracts shall have a fixhd limited time to run, and shall be invalid unless so limited: And provided. That fetch contracts shall not be as signable, in whole or in part, unless the mimes of the assignees and their residences en I oecupations be entered in writing upon the contract, and the consent of the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to such assign wet be oleo indorsed thereon: And be ii father Proeeded, That the judge before whets such con tract or agreement is executed shall certify MEM- NO. 47. illy the time when anti place where such eantrnet it agreement was executed, and that it teas in his oreskuce, and who are the interested parties theie •o, ns stated to him at the time, the parties present :milting the same; the source and extent of author- .ty claimed at the time by the contracting parties o make the contract or agreement, and ',Meth, made in perroll or by agent or utter:l6.y of either ~arty or parttes. ,EC. 3. 111.. t no money shall be paid teeny agent ,tr attorney ay en officer...l the Milted Mi., MI- .y v.ich:outitract or agr!eklllot, othrr than he fees due him him tor services ro Lend there -alder; but the mon,' s due the tribe, Indian. or Ltialiallll, 110 the Cos: may be, shalt be paid by the Coiled State, through its own officers or agents, •0 the parry or parties entitled thereto: Auvided, f hat notummy or thing shalt be paid to any per s.uu for services under such Mint raca or agret •ontil such person shall have first filed with the Cemmioositouor oi Indian Auai:s n rsvorn statement, ,liovv:ni; each particular act, of sort ice under the euutract, givong date and met in detail, and the ,ecretar:. of the loterior and Commissioner of [adieu Agairs •bull determine the:, from whether, in their judge went, ouch contract or tog oement uas been complied obit ur In filled; if so. the same may he paid, and if out, it shall 100 paid to pro portion to the service: rendered under thecontoact Prue-idea, That al tub commie s or agreements hereafter made .0 ViOlatillll of the pro. ipitinr et this act are hereby declared null cod void. and all money-or other thing of value paid to any person any Indian or triue, or any one else .or or en hos or their bebalt; on account of such service,. in excess of the amount . ; pfloved by said Commis siomer and Secretary ter such services, may be recovered by scot iu toe name 01 the t lined States, on any roar', of the Milted States, regarolese of the amount in CUM ruversy, 000 11311 of which shall be paid to the person ruing fur ills mime, and the other hall shall be paid into the treasury of the United :hates or the use or the Indian ur tribe by ur fur whom it wet paid; 11.11 d the person so re ceiving sold Inoue), and his eiders awl abettors shall, to addition to the formiture of said um, be sui,jcat to prosiculion for misdiminnor in any court of the linited&ates,r..4l, on conviction, shall be fined nut loos than one mourned dollars, and imprisoned nut less than six months; and it shall he the duty of all district attorneys of Milted States to prosecute each C.ts when applied to do so, sou their lai•ure and reiusal shall be ground fur their removal trout offlue; and any Indian agent or other persuu iu the employment of the totted States who alien, in violation of the t revisions of this act, advise, sanction, or in any wily aid in the making of such contracts or agreements, in making sueh payments as are here prohibited, shall, in addition to the punishment herein imposed on the porous making said contract or receiiing said money, be, on conviction, dismissed from the service of the United Sates, and be forever dis qualified from holding any 0ff10..,e of profit or trust setter the same. Approved, :.Say 21, 1872. [0 Esmat. NATCRE—NO. 07.] AN ACT to provide for the issue of bonds in lire of destroyed or defaced bonds of the United Be *enacted in the Senate and Home of Repre sentative. of the United State. of America in eon !rem amenibled, That whenever it shall appear to the oecretary of the Treasury, by clear and une quivocal proof, that any interest-bearing bond ion United States hoe, without bad faith upon the part Of the owner, been destroyed, wholly or in part, or so defaced as to impair its value to the . holder, and which bond shalt be id. ntified by num ber and deseription, the Secretary of the Treasury shall, under such regulations and with such re strictions us to time mud retention for security or otherwise us he may prescribe, issue a duplicate of such bond, having the same time to run, bearing alto interest no the bond so proved .to have been destroyed or defacee, and se marked as to show the or,ginsd number of the bond destroyed and the date thereof: Provided, That where such destroyed or defaced bonds chat! appear to have been of such a etas. or stories us has been or may, before rutth ap plication, be called in for redemption, instead of issuing duplicates thereof they shall be paid, with such interest only as would have been paid if pre sented in accordance with tech call. SE. 2. That the owner of such destroyed or de faced bond shall surrender the same, or so much thereof as may remain, and shall tile in the treas ury a bond in a penal sum double the amount of said destroyed or claimed bond, and. the interest which would accrue thereon until the principal thereof is due and payable, with two good and sufficient sureties, iesoh-nts of the United States, to he approved by the Secretuey of the Treasury, with condition to indemnify and earn harmless the United States from any claim upon the said dr stroyedor defaced bond, Approved, June I, 1412. [GENERAL NATIIRC—No. 125.3 AN ACT increasing the rates of pension to certain persons therein deseribed. Be it enacted by tire Senate and Howe of Sep reseidaliees tithe United Stoke of Amerit a in can ;pees assembled, That the not entitled "An act sup plementary to the several acts relating to pensions, ' approved June sixth ' eighteen hundred and sixty six, be so amended that from and atter the passkee of this act all persons entitled by law to a less pension than hereinafter specified, who, while ju the military or naval service of the United States and in line of duty, shall have lost the sight of both eyes, or shall have lost both hands, or shall have lost both feet, or been permanently and total ly disabled in the same, or otherwise so perma nently and totally disabled as to render them ut terly helpless, or so nearly to as to require the constant personal aid and attendance of another person, shall be entitled to a pension of th.rty-one dollars and twenty-five cents per month; and all persons who under like eiieunistances shall have lost one hand and one foot, or been totally and permanently disabled in the same, or otherwise so disabled us to be incapacitated for-performing man ual labor, but not so touch as to require constant personal aid and attendance, shall be entitled to a pension of twenty-four dollars per month; and all persons who under like circumstances shalt have lost one hand, or one foot, or been totally and permanently disabled in the same, or otherwise so disabled as to render their incapacity to perform manual labor equivalent to the loss of a hand o- toot, shall be entitled to a pension of eighteen dol lars per month, from and after the fourth day of June, eighteen hundred and .renty- two. Approved, June 5, 1812: [Gtx.m,ATcreE—No. 75.) AN ACT•to establish an additional land district in the Territory of Dakota. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilonae of Rep renentatires of Site United Mateo of America in Con gress astrenabled, That there be, and hereby is, es tolis..ed id the Territory of Dakota, an oddities.: land district, to he bounded anti described as fol lows, and known as the Dakota laud district, viz Beginning at a point en the north bank of the Missouri oeer, at the intersection of the line be tween ranges fifty two and filly-three: thence north, along said range line, to the tarty-sixtit parallel of north latitude; thence west, along said parallel, to the line between ranges fray seven and lily eight; thence south, along said range line, to the Missouri river ; thence easterly, along the north hank of said etre:tip, to the place of begazin:ng. . , SEC. 2. That the land office forsaid districi shall be located at Yankton. the capital of said TerritO ry; and the President of the United States is here by authorized to appoint a reginter and a receiver for said land office, who shall receive the PEER` sal ary and be governed by the same regulat.ons as are provided by law fur the registers and the re ceivers of the wher land aSlces in said Territory. Appro% e 1, May 21, 18;2. net NATURE—NO. N.] AN ACT to prohibit the retention of Foldiere dis charges by claim agents and attorceyr. Be it enacted bg the Serrate and florae of Repro eentatires of the United States if America in aro greet, (resembled. That any claim agent, attorney, or whet person engaged in the collection of Maims for pay, bounty, pension, or other allowanens for itny soldier, sailor. or marine, or for any commis 'bitted officer of the military or nevat forces, or who may bare been a soldier, sailor. uterine, or officer uf the regular or volunteer forces of the tin ted States. and honorably discharged, who shall retain, without the consent of the owner or owners thereof. or 811411 refuse to &liver or account for the sante upon demand duly made by theowner or owners thereof, or by their agent or attorney, the discharge petters or land warrant of any such soldier, sailor, ur marine, or comtnissioned„ oCcer, which may have been placed in ha hands fur the purpose or collecting said claims, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor. and shall. upon conviction. ma punished by line not exceeding five hundred or by imprisonment not exceeding sic months, or both, at the discretion of the quart, and shall thereat , er be debarred from pros. curing any such claim in any executive &lair:went of the go,ertiment. Approved, May 21,1811. [G culla 1. NATURE—No: 104.] AN ACT amendatory of an act entitled "An act donating public lands to the several States and Territories wYch may provide colleges for the benefit of agricultural and mechanical arts." passed July second, eighteen hundred and sixty two, and acts amendatory thereto. Be it enacted by the Senate and Haute of Rrpre senteetrer the United States of America in eon :pros asaembled. That the lands grunted to the State of Oregon, for the establishment of on oari recultural college, by net or Congri grist of Ju'y. secontl.eighteen hundred and sixty two, and nets amendatory thereto. maybe selected by said Statet from any lands within sold State subject to home stead or preemption entry under the lows of the United States; and in any case where land is se... lected he the State, the prise of which is fixed by law at the double minimum of two dollars and fifty cents per ncre, such land shall be counted as double the quantity toward satisfyinz the grant. SC, 2. That any such selections already Julia (Concluded on,fourth page.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers