_ -- - VOL. 47. The Huntingdon Journal. United States Laws. the postal administration of the country ,___ _ and in conformity with the regulations J. R. DURBORROW, - - J. A. NASH, [OFFICIAL.] established or to be established in that PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. L _A_ IV' S country. _ Office on the Corner of Bath and Washington streets. OP THE ARTICLE 12. .'''. Hoirrixonox JoueNAL is published every UNITED STATES At the close of each quarter three cop- Wednesday, by J. R. DURBORROW and J. A. 'gasp, ies of an account shall be pikpared and under the firm name of J. R. Dunnoartow & Co, at PASSED AT THE transmitted by the office at London, ex -52,00 per annum, IN ADVANCE, or $2,50 if not paid FIRST SESSION OF THE FORTY- hibiting the balance found due on the ex for in six months from date of subscription, and SECOND CONGRESS. $3 if not paid within the year. changes of orders during the quarter ; No paper discontinued, unless at the option of -- which balance, after proper verification, the publishers, until all arroarages are paid. CONVENTION shall, if due by the United States office, ADVERTISEMENTS will he inserted at Tex CENTS per line for each of the first four insertions, BETWEEN be paid at London; but if due by the and cuss casts per line for each subsequent inset- The General Post Office of the United British office, it shall be paid at New Lion less than three months. Regular monthly and yearly advertisements will States of America and the General Post York, and always in the money of the be inserted at the following rates : Office of the United Kingdom of Great country to which the payment is made. Britain and Ireland. If, pending the settlement of an account, 3telenil 9 mlly 8m 6m 9m ly one of the two postal administrations shall iTo7i, - 27,0 •T'io l 5 oat 600y1900is se s m s 80 The General Post Office of the United ascertain thal it owes the other a balance 2 400 800 ,10 00 12 00 i 4 r 24 00 36 60 60 65 g n gon i n 0011,1 00 1 1800 e34soso es to go States of America, and the general post exceeding one thousand pounds sterling, 4 " 800 14 00,20 00124 00 ~ office of the United Kingd im of Great the indebted administration shall promptly 5 " .060 10 00120 00130 001 col ...0 00 GO 00 80 100 Britain and Ireland, being desirous of es- remit the approximate amount of such bal- Special notices will be inserted at TWELVE AND tablishing • h .• fordersThis ac- A. HALF CENTS per line, and local and editorial no- dn exc an, = ,e o money ance to the credit of the other. aces at FIFTEEN CENTS per line. between the two countries, the undersign- count, and the letters which accompany All Resolutions of Associations, Communications ed, riages and Deaths, exceedin g duly authorized for that purpose, have such intermediate remittance, shall be in of limited or individual interest, and notices of Mar five li nes, w ill b e agreed upon the following articles : accordance with the Fornia,C. D, and E, charged TEN ewers per line. ARTICLE 1. annexed to this convention. Legal and other notices will be charged to the ARTICLE 13. party having them inserted. There shall be a regular exchange of Advertising Agents must find their commission money orders between the two countries. Until the two general post offices shall outside of these figures. The maximum of each order is fixed at ten consent to an alteration, it is agreed that, All advertising accounts are due and collectable token the advertisement i 8 once inserted. pounds sterlin g , in all matters of account relative to money : when issued in the United JOB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain and Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, orders which shall result from the execu- Fancy Colors, done with neatness and dispatch.- and when issued in the United States, at tion of the present convention, the pound Hand-bills Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, &c., of every variety and style, printed at the shortest notice, fifty dollars in the national paper currency sterling of Great Britain shall be consid and every thing in the Printing line will be execu- of the latter country. ered as equivalent to four dollars and eigh ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest ARTICLE 2. ty-six cents of the gold coin of the United rates. States. The British post office shall have power - ARTICLE 14. Professional Cards. to fix the rates of commissio Kingdom ney Each exchange office shall certify its orders issued in the United and the United States post office shall have the orders to the other in amounts designated regard CALDWELL, Attorney-at-Law, same power in to all money orders in the denominations of the money both of Dehro. 111, 3d street. Office formerly occupied issued in the United States. Each office the dispatching and receiving country at by Messrs. Woods & Williamson. [apl2,'7l. shall communicate to the other its tariff of the rate of conversion established upon the charges or rates of commission which shall basis of gold by article 13 of this conven- Dll. R. R. WIESTLING, be paid in advance by the remitter, and tion. This conversion shall be checked at respectfully offers his professional services the receiving office of exchange. y even ,be repaya e. It shall not, in an t able. to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office removed to No. 8181 Hill street, (Sacra's is understood, moreover, that each office is ARTICLE 15. Be:0m.) (apr.5,11-Iy. authorized to suspend, temporarily,_the All payments for money orders, whether DR. J. of money orders in case the to or by the public, if not in gold, shall be offers his professional services to the citizens course of exchange or any other circum- made to the nearest practicable equivalent. J. C. FLEMMING respectfully of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office second floor of stance should give rise to abuses or cause ARTICLE 16. Cunningham's building, on corner of 4th and Hill detriment to the postal revenue. Street. may 24. The value, in gold coin of the United ARTICLE 3. States, of deposits in paper money made DR.. A. B. BRUMBAUGH, offers his Each country shall keep the commission in that country for payment in Great Bri professional services to the community. charged on all money orders issued within thin, shall be determined at the exchange Office, No. 523 Washington street, one door east it, but shall pay to the other country one office of New York, according to the rate or the Catholic Parsonage. [jan.4,'7l. per cent. on the total amount of such or- of premium on gold on the day of receipt V J. GREENE, Dentist. Office re- at that office of notification of such depos ders. -s•s• moved to Leister's new building, Hill street, Ye-itingdon. [jan.4,'7l. ARTICLE 4. its. On the other hand, the value, in No money order shall include a fraction. United States paper currency, of money (1 L. ROBB, Dentist, office in S. T., al part of a penny or of a cent. orders certified in the list sent from the A-- 4 • Brown's new building, No. 520, all St., exchange office of London to the exchange Huntingdon, Pa: [apl2,'7l. ARTICLE 5. office of New York, shall be determined T GLAZIER, Notary Public, corner The service of the postal money-order (also atNew York) in accordance with the - • of Washington and Smith streets, Hun- or system between the two countries shall be premium - on gold on the day of the receipt a a tingdon, Pa. Dan.l2'7l. performed exclusively by the agency of of such lists. offices of exchange. On the part of the ARTICLE 17. - ••C. MADDEN, C. MADDEN, Attorney-at-Law. United States, the office of exchange shall Orders which shall not have been paid • • Office, No. -, Hill street, Huntingdon, be New York, and on the part of the Uni- Pa. [ap.19,1 within twelve elve calendar months from - the ted Kingdom, London. month of issue shall become void, and the JSYLVANUS BLAIR, Attorney-at- ARTICLE .6. sums received shall accrue to, and remain • Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Office, Hill street, Any person in the United States deli- at, the disposal of the country of origin. three doors west of Smith. Dan.4'7l, ring to remit to the United Kingdom a The British office shall, therefore, enter to sum of money within the limits prescribed the credit of the United States in the T R. PATTON, Druggist and Apoth r-, • wary, opposite the Exchange Hotel, Hun- by article 1, may pay it intoany post office quarterly account all money orders entered tingdon, Pa. Prescriptions accurately compounded. in the United States designated for such in the lists received from the United States Pure Liquors for Medicinal purposes. [n0v.23,'70. purpose from time to time, by the post- which remain unpaid at the end of the __THALL MUSSER, Attorney-at-Law, master general of that country. Such per- period specified. V • No. 319 Hill st., Huntingdon; Pa. [jan.4,'7l.son shall at the same time give the name On the other hand, the United States and address of the person to whom the office shall, at the close of each month, :1 R. DURBORROW, Attorney-at- amount is to be paid in the United King- transmit to the British office, for entry in V • Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will practice in the door, and his own name and address. the quarterly account, a detailed statement several Courts of Huntingdon county. Particular Any person in the United Kingdom de- of all all orders included in the list dis attention given to the settlement of estates of deco- siring to remit to the United States a sum patched from the latter office, which, under dents. Office in he JOURNAL Building. [feb.l,ll. of money, within the same limits, may pay this article, become void. it into any money-order office of the Uni- ARTICLE 18. ~ JW. MATTERN, Attorney-at-Law ted Kingdom, giving at the same time the Repayment of orders to remitters scull • - and General Claim Agent, Huntingdon, Pa., name and exact address of the person to not be made until an authorization for such Soldiers' claims against the Government for back whom the amount is to be paid in the repayment shall first have been obtained pay, bounty, widows' and invalid pensions attend- United States, and his own name and ad- by the country of issue from the country ed to with great care and promptness. Office on Hill street. [jan.4,'7l. dress. where such orders were payable, and the - The receiving postmaster in either amounts of the repaid orders shall be duly - F r- ALLEN LOVELL, Attorney-at- country shall, in accordance with the rules credited to the former country in the "•• • Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention established by his postal administration, quarterly account. It is the province of given to COLLECTIONS of all kinds ; to the settle- anent of Estates, Ac.; and all other Legal Business notify every such payment to the dispatch- each postal administration to determine in prosecuted with fidelity and dispatch. ing exchange office. the manner in which repayment to the re- Ad- Office in room lately occupied by R. Milton The postmaster of New York, upon re- Speer, Esii. r i 4 miner is to be made. -sn ' '7l ' ' ceipt of every notification of that kind, ARTICLE 19. MILES ZENTMYER, Attorney-at- shall make out and forward to the payee The orders issued by each country on Law, Huntingdon, Pa.. will attend promptly in the United Kingdom a money order the other shall be subject, as regards pay to all legal business. Office in Cunningham's new payable in sterling at the post office in that melt, to the regulations which govern the building. Lia11. 4, ' 71 . country designated by the remitter of the payment of inland' orders of the country 0. Buciw , AN. order, it being understood that the money a- ALLISON MILLER. MILLER 4 BUCHANAN, orders so remitted shall be sent, in the first on which they are drawn. ARTICLE 20. instance, to the controller of the money DENTISTS, order office in London, and shall not be The general post office in each country No. 228 Hill Street, subject to postage. be authorized to adopt any additional rules HUNTINGDON, PA. ARTICLE 7. (if not repugnant to the foregoing) for the April 5, '7lily. greater security against fraud, or for the By every mail the exchange office of better working of the system each country shall send to the exchange generally. 10* M. & M. S. LYTLE, Attorneys- All such additional rules, however, must office of the other country a certified list A- • at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend to be promptly communicated to the post of all kinds of legal business entrusted to their care. of sums payable in that country, and re- Office on the south side of Hill street, fourth door ceived since the dispatch of the previous five of the other country. west of Smith. Dan.4;7l. list. ARTICLE 21. 4 As soon as any such list shall have The present convention shall take effect RI A. ORBISON, Attorney-at-Law, reached the New York office and been ve- on the first day of October next, and shall -1-1/• Office, 321 Hill street, Huntingdon Pa. r j • 71. rifled, this office shall make out inland continue in force until twelve months after [may 31,'71. ' ' money orders in favor of the payees for the the date at which one of the contracting Jo'. SCOTT. S. T. BROWN. •J. M. BAILEY amount specified in the list, and shall parties shall have notified the other its SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, At- promptly forward them to the payees or to intention to terminate it. torneys-at-Law, Huntingdon, Pan Pensions the paying office, in conformity with the Done in duplicate and signed in London and all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against regulations existing in the United States, on the thirtieth day of June, in the year the Government will be promptly prosecuted. for the payment of money orders. of our Lord one thousand eight hundred Office on Hill street. Dan.4,'7l. The list forwarded to the United King- and seventy-one, and in Washington on the dom shall be accompanied by the relative twenty-seventh day of July, in the year of rir W. MYTON, Attorney-at-Law, Hun- -A- • tingdon, Pa. Office with J. Sewell Stewart, letters of adviceone thousandeighthundredand Esq. of the orders entered our Lord Esq. Ljan.4.'7l. therein, together with the orders them- seventy-one. selves, as already settled in article 6. Af- [SEAL.] JNO. A. J. CRESWELL, WiLLIAM A. FLEMING, Attorney_ ter comparison with the list, the advises Postmaster General of the United States. at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention shall be dispatched - to the offices drawn [sEAL.] W. MONSELL, given to oolleotione, and all other legal business upon, and the letter inclosing the orders Her Majesty's Postmaster General. attended to with earn and promptness. Office, No. 229, Hill street. [,,, i iiv r i . posted for delivery. 'hereby approve the aforegoing conven- The lists, by means of which each office tion, and in testimony thereof I have caused __. . Miscellaneous. shall be according to the Forms A and B, U. S. GRANT. annexed. By the President : ECHANGE HOTEL, Huntingdon, ARTICLE 8. [SEAL.] HAMILTON FISH, Pa. JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor. Sezretary of State. The lists dispatched from each office of January 4, 1371. WASHINGTON, July 27,1871. • exchange shall be numbered consecutively, GO TO THE JOU RNAL OFFICE commencing• with No. lat the beginning A. , For all kinds of printing. of each year, and the entries aloe in these List No. • lists shall have consecutive numbers, those in the lists from the United Kingdom !Stomp of New York Oity.l NEAR THE RAILROAD DEPOT, commencingeach calender month with ' I • i COB. WAYNE and JUNIATA STREETT No. 1. Of each list dispatched from New York, UNITED STATES HOTEL, a duplicate shall be sent, which duplicate HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. shall, after being verified at the British M'CLAIN it CO., PROPRIETORS. Mdls-tf office, be returned to New York. ROBT. KING, Merchant Tailor, 412 ARTICLE 9. Washington street, Huntingdon, Pa., any list fail to be received, in oral shareof patronage respectfully Pa., a lib- solicited. due course, the dispatching office shall, on A piill2, 1871. receiving information to that effect, trans- SIR : I have the honor to transmit to --- ---- mit without delay a duplicate of the list, you herewith, in duplicate, a list contain- LEWISTOWN BOILER WORKS. duly certified as such. ing a detailed statement of the sums re- SNYDER, WEIDNER it CO., Manufac- ARTICLE 10. ceived in the United States since my last uteri of Locomotive and Stationary Boilers, Tanks, dispatch (List No. -) for orders Pipes, Filling-Barrows for Furnaces, and Sheet Each office of exchange shall promptly Payable in Great Britain and Ireland, Iron Work of every description. Works on Logan communicate to the other the correction of street, Lewistown, Pa. amo tinting in te aggregate to $-. any simple error which it may discover in All orders promptly attended to. Repairing Be pleased to examine, complete, and done at short notice. [Apr 5,'71,1y.. the verification of the list. When the return to me thotriginal copy of this list, list shall show irregularities which the re- with your acknowledgment of its receipt ceivin,g office shall not be able to rectify, A R. BECK, Fashionable Barber indorsed thereon. that office shallapply for an explanation - 4 --L-5 and Hairdresser, Bill street, opposite thel am, respectfully, your obedient ser- Franklin House. All kinds of Tonics and Pomades from' the dispatching office; and this ex- van , , kept on hand and for sale. [apiB,ll-8m planation shall be afforded without delay. Postmaster, New York.- ARTICLE 11. To the Controller Money-Order office, London. COLORED PRINTING DONE AT lJ the Journal Office, at Philadelphia price. The Huntingdon Journal. Duplicate orders shall only be issued by HUNTINGDON, PA., JANUARY 31, 1872. Z o z a , 2 -i tj. Inopio oirisueeturg i li 44 , E.a. o 3 .1. 0 11 0 i al PPM Pi 14 Q -onset Jo alioS IQ pied 4 t W 01 - luotaked Jo ma O g - ti "...a.P1 1 11.11....V " It S •piog6anna panun ui loplo Jo onm .!.., a 75 1:1 - 4clpael Jo Lap no pia no air 1 01 Z E., moN ls ;Ira Jo else Id .S. r. t : „ pow; S :7.zopl a3 o:o a Tn g oury w 4 0 z it 0 -4 o ' 4 r., `e. • Y. e, 04 s .4 1 . z . • g '9 A kli -giggled azoom oogjo Id CI • o Jotuo hapo2alngq 93 1110 E. W z •aopio iiingitio Jo 01001 . 0 14 Japan InnlSpo Jo iagnmx •Jop.lo mown! 'lain! Jo zognmu Inaun3 I MONEY-ORDER OFFICE, London,— —, 187—. SIR : I have examined this list of money orders from No. --• to No. —, inclu sive, for sums received in the United States for payment in the United Kingdom, amounting in the aggregate to $ , and which is to be paid to the net amount ofd —s. —d. The said list was found to be correct, with the following exceptions : ' I am, sir, your obedient servant, , Controller. . . To THE POSTMASTER MONEY-ORDER EXCHANGE OFFICE, New York, LIST OF MONEY ORDERS ISSUED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND PAYABLE IN THE UNITED STATES. .-_---- -------- ,1:4 .... , 2 1,' mixecnog .F. 1 3 . '.' e. ..., E 1. , y,, ... g 0 015 • t , ' ,l !, E.... 1 .2 2.° :g ', 3.4 .., g o IA ‘A pausal amp V• • ..s' C ) -10 oraoq Jo ioqumN 1 • .P. P A . 24.,- Z.:i Sayo.una aollad g s' .., .1 g ~, n O l Jape) JO on/BA •p s , W • ra q ill —-- PlOO e 0 ... t . 0 El IIIII•loP. 0 .1 0 . 1 1.A i • Z t?.. "O" a a is mo , p.% u H 1 5 o i ,eni =O4 ... ..1 1-1 ; 1 s 2 'em s In "8 = , 6 t. 5 :4; 1 ., Synnoo 1 1: ..,-- oe s s.d .. j. .... wig 10 :1 g.l. §-g .. - .5. .N . - -, :".g _ v I°P. rgrill lOW:MU° 0111130 UM S 0 JONO 10C1121.10 JO 019([ ~...A-..., . &loam iocoma A..... 1 i 0, iv. 4 91. J. .4. 1,1 /4 . l. ig ) 4 gnaw renormain ....„--..— y -, uT joaequnan Tua.un3 . 1 ••• ,`„," 174 e I la .t. i i ... A 1-4 4 1 i t ono 0)041 1 • .t 1: il.:-.,. ,t MI 1 0 obi °IS . , 41 , -4 I %"i, =. 11l 4 . _ . I t; " ' frn s , vt 11 1 ,1 gt 1 t ,q Z Aft g 4,; 'Z'3 1 •• gi; 8 I h . : i. 4 ..., z i l g • i lart Jo 0 1 0 11 '''.4 4 1 a ;911,00,4 1 i 1 4 - t li . ; 1s 6 1 = ---,-, j. -- ti .1 ,4 . 1 1 ;!..: .::,' • •F• J o 'A z .% x .6 xl l• .s F.X ' , ' i A IMP soKomAl go .F . •,.... 1 v , q g, ~1 . i , : . 4 . tZ , ;. I ..t 1,.. g'a . 4 1 d 1 I .E' .1 a - . d • Slap. 8 jo.tequmg Y t 0: 1 a • VII 10 , *ln 1 1, 17.1 ,1 .1. 1 .21 go i .4 1 3 4 4 , i E, i t .4 I a- 1 ., •E g e • A , *.-.: a r ' S R I Ll .F. ...:::7 ° J. 1 ".... ° 1.N ri? v IP A PM Jo cilia O• I yel l Jo .no qtaux ei E .1 sea • i e . i 1 I ....1 . .6. . aa g 1 .42 P lt " • I a .. rin.,4 t 3 I . .....; ..0 ~. JOQUIDM i g 1 lin 3. °PM . 5 MI So .9..14 go BALANCE To Credit of British Office Amount of international orders issued in the One per cent on amount of such issue Amount of void order. of British Wee so per tabie Amount of international orders repaid in the I United Kingdom as per table Converted lit sterling. United States credit to be deducted. Balance to credit of British office. Paid on account by the office of the United States Amounts. 1 £ ri d . Balance remaining BALANCE. Me Credig of United States Office. Amount of international orders issued in Me l United Kingdom One per cent. on amount of each Mena.. Amount of void order. of United State. Pone as per table Amount of international orders repaid in thel United States as per table Converted Into doliare British credit to be deducted Balance to credit of United Slates office Paid on account by the office of Greot Britain maul Balance remaining.- .. . The within account exhibits a total bal ance of , which, after deduction of the payments on account as therein stated, leaves a balance remaining of due the office. (Signature of proper accounting officer of the British office.) The above statement of account is ac cepted with a balance of due the office. • Jluditor of the Treasury for the Post Office Department. WASHINGTON, lB7—. The payment on account of - hav ing been receipted by special vouchers, the receipt of the balance remaining of is hereby acknowledged. 187-. No. —. MONEY-ORDER OFFICE, London, 187—. SIR : The list of international money orders which the exchange office has transmitted to the New York exchange office from to , 187—, amount to the sum of £ , equal to $ The list transmitted by the New York office to the office during the same period, amount to $ Difference On account of which the British office has already paid the follow ing sums, viz : 18- - 18- - 18- - 18— Difference remaining..... In accordance with the terms of article 7of the convention-of --, a bill of exchange on New York for $-- is heiewith transmitted, the receipt of which you will be pleased to acknowledge in due form. To the POSTMASTER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES, Washington. No.- POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Washington, D. p., SIR : The - list of international money orders which the exchange office of New York has transmitted to the exchange of fice of from 187—, amount to the sum of B—, equal to £ The lists transmitted by the ex change office -- to the New York office durinr , b the same period, amount to £ Difference. On account of which the United States office has already paid the following sums : —lB— ' 18- - 18— Difference remaining £ In accordance with the terms of article 7 of the convention of , 18—=, a bill of exchange on London for is herewith transmitted, the receipt of whioh you will be pleased to acknowledge in due form. Superintendent Money-Order Office. To the POSTMASTER GENERAL, &C., _ London, England. [GENERAL NATURE—NO. 11.] AN ACT for convening the next legisla tive assembly of the Territory of New Mexico, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the legislature of the Territory of New Mexi co be, and is hereby, authorized to con vene on the first Monday of December, A. D., eighteen hundred and seventy-one; and that an election for the members of both branches of said legislature be au thorized to be herd on the day of the next general election, under the existiag laws of said Territory. Approved, April 20, 1871. [GENERAL NATURE—NO. 15.] AN ACT to establish certain post roads. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of rlmerica in Congress assembled, That the following be, and are hereby, established as post roads : INDIANA From Martinsville, via Oakfarm and Nash vine, to Elkinsville. From Franklin, via Bargersville and Cope, to Martinsville. Approved, April 20, 1871. [GENERAL NATURE—NO. B.] AN ACT for the restoration of Comman der George A. Stevens, United States navy, to the active from the retired list. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of america in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and is hereby authorized to nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate appoint, George A. Stevens to the active list of the navy, with the rank of lieutenant commander. Approved, April 19, 1871. [RESOLUTION OF GENERAL NATURE.] A RESOLUTION authorizing the ap pointment of a Commissioner to an In ternational Congress on Penitentiary and Reformatory Discipline. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of america in Congress assembled, That -the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint a commissioner to attend an in ternational congress on penitentiary and reformatory discipline, proposed to be held in Europe; but the said appointment shall not authorize any expenditure of money from the treasury for expenses, and must be accepted upon this express con dition. Approved, March 20, 1871. [GENERAL NATURE—NO. 12.1 AN ACT ooncerning the compensation of the collector of customs for the district of Willamette, in the State of Oregon. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That sec tion one of the act approved June four teenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, en titled "An act to establish the collection district of Willamette, in the State of Or egon," shall be, and is hereby, amended as tollows : Strike out all of the said sec tion after the words "to reside at Port land," and insert in lieu thereof, "and said collector shall be allowed a salary at the rate of one thousand dollars per an num, with the fees alowed by law, and a commission on all customs money collected and accounted for by him, such salary, fees, and commissions not to exceed at the rate of three thousand dollars per annum." Approved, April 20, 1871. fading fax the *Win. The Revising of the Civil Statutes , We have read an exceedingly able and well written article on "The Revised Stat ides," as published in the Legal Opinion, of this city, in its last issue. It waa pre pared in answer to a circular letter of a committee of the Legislature, calling on the legal profession of the State for sug gestions and advise as to the work of the revisors. The whole work of the Com missioners has incurred the vituperative lanimosity of a member of the Philadelphia bar, who has made it the subject of a se ries of communications published in a Phil delphia paper. This writer not only op poses this, but any revision. He condemns any touching of the statutes, even though it be to simply collect and collate the va rious laws on the same subject, and place them in order, harmonizing their arrang ment, so that it did not take a Philadelphia lawyer to tell what was the statute law of Pennsylvania on any given subject. The truth is, and it is beginning to be well and generally understood, that the old prac titioners of the law, who claim that they have mastered the intricacies and obscuri ties of the statutes as they now exist, are hostile to any change of Purdon's Digest as it is. They are opposed to any law which would even expunge the repealing, re dundant and discordant acts which go to make up the unweildy size of the Pardon of to-day. They would discontinuance any pruning as an in intolerable inovation, that would reduce the pages of that time honored bilok from 1447 to 1446. They are satisfied with it the way it is. It has answered their purpose very well for very many years, and such a change would take away tiom them some' of the advantages they enjoy over the younger members of the profession, and, more than this, it might make the statute law of the State so plain, that many of the intricate and vex atious suits continually arising as to the real meaning of a law would not arise. These old fogy lawyers are opposed to any change in the world. They prefer, in fact, the good old days of the stage coach and canal packet to the bustling, busy, sharp, noisy and quick step of the present . , with our forty miles an hour railroads and light ning telegraphs. We are not of those who agree with these ancient lights of their profession, and, as all are interested in the law, we think it should be as plain and simple as can be. A man should not have to fee an attorney to tell him what the statute law of the State is. No ono can read the article re ferred to in the Legal Opinion, and not be satisfied that there is a necessity for some revision of our State's statute law. The writer says: "Our statutes are the accre tions of one hundred and seventy years, during all which time there has been no general revision. In addition thereto we have one hundred and ninety-one English statutes, the accumulation of five centuries, which are in force in this State. Frag ments of these, scattered here and there, have not been supplied by our legislation, and are yet living law. The digest of these statutes is a book of 400 pages. These fragments of living law are as a few grains of wheat bid in a bushel of chaff. Pur don's Digest contains over 1,600 pages, and each year adds thereto about:forty pa ges. More than two-thirds of this bulk of nearly 2,000 closely printed pages of stat utory law, is composed of redundant enact ments, obsolete law, and superfluous ver biage. Can any one doubt that it would be a vast benefit, not only to the profession, but to the public, to reduce all this in a compact digest of six or eight hundred pa ges, with a complete index, and at the same time make the statute law more sim ple, plain and perfect." We would be glad to publish the whole of this article, but our space will not afford. Whether the work of the present revisors is so done as that it should be adopted by the Legislature, as a whole, we are not pre pared to say, but we are fully convinced that some revision should be made to make the statute law of our Commonwealth plain enough for the information of the general public. The attention of the Legislature should be directed to the accomplishment of that end.—State Journal. - 7 , 18-. HONOR your business, or your business will not honor you. Prevailing Prayer. There was a boy at Athens, according to the old story, who used to boast that he ruled all Athens, and when they asked him how, he said : "Why, I rule my mother, my mother rules any father, and my father rules the city." He who knows how to he master of prayer will rule the heart of Christ, and Christ can and will do all things for his people, for the father bath committed all things into his hands. You can be omnipotent if you know how to pray, omnipotent in all things which glo rify God. Oh, for more grace to grasp almighty love in this fashion ! We want more holdfast prayer ; more tugging, and gripping, and wrestling prayer, that saith, "I will not let Thee go." That picture of Jacob at Jabbok shall suffice for us. The covenant angel is there, and Jacob wants a blessing from him; he seems to put him off, but no put-offs will do for Jacob. Then the angel attempts to escape from him, and tugs and strives; so he may, but no efforts shall make Jacob relax his grasp. At last the angel falls from ordinary wrestling to wounding • him in the very seat of his strength ; and Jacob will let his thigh go and all his limbs go, but he will not let the angel go. The poor man's strength shriv els under the withering touch, but in his weakness he is still strong; he throws his arms about the mysterious man, and holds him as in a death grip. Then the other says, "Let me go, for the day breaketh." Mark, he did not shake him off, he only said, "Let me go ;" the angel will do noth to force him to relax his hold ; he leaves that to his voluntary will. The valiant . Jacob cries, "No, I am set on it, I am re solved to win an answer to my prayer. I will not let thee go except thou bless me." Now, when the church begins to pray, it may be at first the Lord will make as tho' he would have gone further, and we may think that no answer will bo given. Hold on, dear brethren. Be steadfast, unmove able, notwithstanding all. By-and-by it may be, there will come discouragements where we had looked for a flowing success; we shall find brethren hindering, some will be slumbering, and others sinning; back sliders and impenitent souls will abound; but let us not be turned aside. Only let us be persevering in supplication, and we shall gain a broad, far-reaching benedic tion for ourselves, the churches, and the world.—Spurgeon. For Whoever it Fits There are nearly as many bad wives as bad husbands. Many men who work hard and try to do well in life are neglected and abused by improvident women. They are condemned to eat the poorest dinners, when they provide the best the market afford. On heavy bread, soggy vegetables, mud dy coffee and tough pie -crust, how can a woman expect her husband to b 3 pleasant and loving ? Such men often drink whisky because their food distresses them—as it would any one who had not a cast-iron stomach— and the habits of intemperance are some times in this way begun, through the wife. It costs more to cook poorly than to make food good and palatable. If a woman runs home from a neigh bor's just in time to throw a pie together, bake it, and bring it to the dinner-table hot, she commits a great offence against the health of the family. . If a man has only an hour to go home, get his dinner and return to business, it should be ready for him promptly on time, else he will eat very hot food in the great est haste, and start oft' for a rapid walk, all of which; is very bad, and will soon show its effects upon the strongest man. When her husband gets peevish, low spirited and forgetful of the little acts of love and kindness he taught her to expect in days agone, a woman who is such a housekeeper need not sit in twilight and wonder at sad changes. Had she acted her part with half the zeal and industry of her husband, all would have been well, and she could still sit in the sunshine of earlier days. It is very hard for a man to caress the hand which for years has been feeding him slow poison. American Wonders The greatest cataract in the world is the Falls of Niagara, where the water from the upper lakes forms a river of three-quarters of a mile in width, and then, beinc , sud denly contracted, plunges over til l ; rocks in two columns, to the depth of one hun dred and seventy feet each. The greatest cave in the world is the Mammoth Cave, in Kentucky, where any one can make a voyage on the waters of a subterranean river, and catch fish without eyes. The greatest river in the world is the Mississippi, four thousand one hundred miles long. The greatest valley in the world is the Valley of the Mississippi. It contains five hundred thousand square miles, and is one of the most profitable regions of the globe. The largest lake in the world is Lake Superior, which is truly an inland sea, being four hundred and thirty miles long, and one thousand feet deep. The longest railroad in the world is the Pacific Railroad, over three thousand miles in length. The greatest natural bridge in the world is the Natural Bridge over Cedar Creek, in Virginia. It extends across a chasm eighty feet in width and two hun dred and fifty feet in depth at the bottom of which the creek flows. The greatest mass of solid iron in the world is the great Iron Mountain in Missouri. It is three hundred feet high, and two miles in circuit. The largest deposits of anthracite coal in the world are in Pennsylvania, the mines of which supply the market with millions of tons annually, and appear to be inexhaustible. FLORENCX, the comedian, tells a capital story of a waiter at one of the London taverns who was sadly given to drink. A party of young men determined to re form him, and one day they read an im aginary paragraph from the paper relat ing to a terrible accident, in which au inebriate on blowing out a candle, was kill ed by the flames igniting with the fumes of his breath. Jerry pricked up his ears at this, and requested that the paragraph might be read again, which was done to the evi dent horror of the poor man, who imme diately went in search of the prayer-book. Returning with this, he expressed a desire to take a solemn oath upon it, bemoaned the fact that he had been a sorry tippler, and was bringing him to ruin, and then swore that never again, so ong as he lived, would he attempt to blow out a can dle. NO. 5. How is this for H. I. H.? The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. But the Lord cannot take away ; at least, he never has, with such glib voluminous volubility as do the keepers inns, tav erns caravansaries at Niagara Falls. Witness: The grand Duke Alexes, his Imperial Highness. has been traveling in this coun try for some time with a view of learning of our institutions. Among other places visited was Niagara Falls, where the water tumbles continually, but the prices never ! On the way from Toronto, or some other Canadian port, to that civilization to be found more extensively developed in the United States than anywhere else, he had occasion to pass through Niagara Falls. Himself and suite were hungry. So they stopped at the Spencer House for dinner They found on the table plenty enough such as it was ; and good enough what there was of it ! For one dinner for the Grand Duke and his suite the modest Spencer House price of $1,500 was charged ! The Duke looked at the bill of fare and at the fare as per the bill. at the dimensions of this second class house and landlord, whose charges beat any thing ever heard of in the Rus sian army, and said with a faint smile "That's the best I've seen for high." The Spencerian landlord smiled faintly and asked the Duke to come down. The cashier of the Grand Duke was disposed to come down with what was reasonable, but would not consent to such an outrage ; whereupon the landlord proposed to attach the baggage of the party, but finally con sented to settle in full on receipt of $l,OOO, which amount was paid, when the royal party wended its way. The landlord eardendly was mistaken —he thought the Grand Duke wanted to buy his hotel instead of stopping for one meal ; but owing to not having a proper interpreter, did not make himself quite understood. Keep Warm in the Cold, We hear much about the danger of -coddling," and of the hardening effects of exposure, and much that is very true; yet many people think that in order to "hard en themselves" they should be clothed thinly during exposure, and that the tough ening process consists in feeling cold. This is a great mistake. Between the sensation of chilliness and the fact of being in the cold, there is the greatest difference in the world. To suffer from cold is injurious, except when the feeling is momentary and is followed by a brisk reaction, as in the tase of the glow that a healthy person feels after a plunge into cold water. But to become cold without reaction, is always a strain upon the constitution. Persons who go thinly clad during the winter sea son, or who neglect to adapt their clothing to the sudden changes of weather, put their health in risk. Thus a frequent cause of illness is the habit of sitting un protected upon the doorsteps daring the cool summer evenings, of which we have so many that follow a hot day. Do not be afraid of "coddling" yourself on such occa sions by adding a light shawl or overcoat to your dress when you feel chilly. You will toughen yourself fast enough in the winter time. But to accomplish this end you must keep yourself, either by exercise or by dress, always comfortably warm.— Under these conditions you cannot expose yourself too much.—//earth and Home. An Incident The following little story is told at the expense of a young lady school teacher in an eastern town, who is very properly anxious in regard to the preventation of small-pox in her school, and therefore strictly enforces the rule that whenever a case of sickness is reported in the family of any one of her pupils, the pupil must bring a certificate from the family physi cian stating that the disease is not conta gious, failing in which the pupils must remain away until all danger is over. A few days ago she was informed that one of her pupils, a little girl of Teutonic extrac tion, had sickness in her family. On be ing questioned, the girl admitted that "she had sick at her house ;" that her mother was sick, and that she had "marks on her face." She was accordingly sent home. She returned in a few days, however, and reported that her "father was sick." She was again sent home, with orders not to come again without a certificate from the family physician. The next day she re turned to school and shyly siding up to the teacher, with her finger in her mouth, and her little bonnet swinging by the strings, she said : "Miss—, we've a leetle baby at our house, but mother told me to tell you that, it isn't catchin'." The teacher said she was very glad it wasn't "catching," and told her pupil to take her seat. How to Build a Life Ruskin, in one of his Oxford lectures, says : "I pray yon with all earnestness to prove, and know within your hearts, that all things lovely and righteous are possi ble for those who believe in their possi bility, and who determine that, for their part, they will make every day's work con tribute to them. Let every dawn of morn ing be to you as the beginning of life, and every setting sun be as its close ; then let every one of these short lives leave its re cord of some kindly thing done for ohters —some goodly strength gained for your selves : so from day to day, and strength to strength, you shall build up indeed, by art, by thought, and by just will, an ec ecclesia of England of which it shall not be said, "See what manner of stones are here," but "See what manner of men." Speak Kindly. Speak kindly in the morning, it light ens the cares of the day, and makes house hold and all other affairs move along more smoothly. Speak kindly at night, for it may be that before the dawn some loved one may finish his or her apace of lifefor this world, and it will be too late to ask forgiveness. Speak kindly at all times, it encour ages the downcast, cheers the sorrowing, and very likely awakens the erring to earnest resolves to do better, with strength to keep them. Kind words are balm to the soul. They oil up the entire machinery of life, and keep it in good running order. MODEST.—"Never mind the obituary ; Judge," said a Montana culprit when the court became pathetic in pronouncing the sentence. "Let's fix the time for the funeral." A FLOURISHING basins penmanship.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers