The Huntingdon Journal S. R. DURBORROW, HUNTINGDON, PENN'A. Wednesday Morning, Nov. 29, 1871 THE JOURNAL FOR 1872! A Rare Chance to Secure the Leading Literature of the Day! CHEAPNESS COMBINED WITH SUBSTINTBLITI Every head of a family, in the country, should subscribe and pay for his county paper. He that attempts to raise a family without giving it the advantage of a newspaper, in this en lightened and christian age, is criminally neg ligent. We think that every man, without exception, raising a family, should spend from styli dollars to TWENTY-FINE dollars a year, according to his means, for this kind of edu cation, and we hope to lice to see the day when there will not be an exception to this rule in Huntingdon county. We want every body in the county to take the JouaNAL, we don't care what party you belong to—Republican, Democrat or Temper ance man. If yon are a Republican, we are with you heart and soul; if a Democrat, you ought to know what we have to say about you, no that you can act and vote intelligently, and if you are a temperance man, we assure you that no one will administer severer blows upon the whiskey business than the JOURNAL will, and if the whiskey men don't like it, why let them do as they do with whiskey that is distasteful, take the less of it. We believe newspapers, like preachers and school teach ers, should be on the side of morality and good order. But the Touassi will uphold only that which we, in our humble judgment, think to be right, regardless of consequences. The development of the county, iu every re spect, will be its constant and undeviating aim, and in this respect it will be to every ma 's interest to subscribe for it. We want to build up Manufactures, Mechanics and the Arts on every hand, and by subscribing for the Jona- NAL you assist and encourage us in our design. The next year will be an eventful one; a President, Vice President, Governor and Con geese are to be elected and a Constitutional Con vention will be selected to remodel the Con stitution of the State. We have outgrown the old one, and if you want to keep posted you must have the papers. Take the JOURNAL first, and if you won't take it, in the name of intel ligence, take some other one, but don't be without the news. _ _ . For the purpose of distributing good Litera ture, in connection with the Jou atm., which we think good enough of itself, we have ar ranged to furnish the following-named leading periodicals, jointly for the remarkably low price stated below : Phrenological Journal and Life Illustrated. 2 00 Appleton's Journal 4 00 Eclectic Magazine, 5 00 Galaxy 4 0 The Aldine and Chrome,. 5 00 American Agricultural:et 1 50 Hearth and Home, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 4OO o Chimney Corner, 4OO " Bye and Olds' Weekly, 250 Iln,lget of tun " PlPMallt Hours l5O " " Magazine, 3 00 Scribner's Monthly 4 Gedey's Lady'R The Atlantic Monthly 4 00 Our Toting Folks Every Semi day 5 00 The North American Review, 6 0,, /I a me 's Weekly r 4 001 " Bazar If any of our subscribers will come for and pay up for 1871 and 1872 we will give them the adveutage-urttre're—r/nrrates, Of if any of our subscribers, who have paid up, desire to take advantage of these rates and will signify the same to us, we will give them the same terms. We do this so that there may be no dissatisfaction, and to place good and cheap literature within the reach of every body, Look at the above rates and then en close the price (naming the Magazine) spt in the last column, to us, and by due course of mail you will receive the JOCIIN4L and the Magazine specified, Send money at our risk when enclosed in the presence of the post master. Address, J. R. DURIIORRUW & CO., Huntingdon, Penn's. Un- Lieut. Gov. Dunn, of Louisiana, died on last Wednesday. 16.. New York had 43 new cases of email pox reported last week. INS. Gen. Howard recommends the clo sing of the Freedmen's Bureau. Mir The attention of printers is called to the advertisement of "Solon," under our local head. j Rev. Alfred Cooktnau, who died a week or two ago, was a graduate of Dick inson College. Congress asseinbles on next Mon aay. The session will, in all probability, be a lengthy one. le_ The Russian Grand Duke was the great sensation at Washington. He arri ved there on last Wednesday. He has returued to New York. am. Victor Emanual, King of Italy, has established his government at Rome. After a lapse of fourteen 'hundred years Italy is united once more. aft. The President has appointed Geo. Boker, Esq., of Philadelphia, Minister to Constantinople, in the plate of Wayne 'McVeigh., resigned. i The conscientious return judge of Franklin county, under the seductive in fluences of a peremptory mandamus, has signed, or will sign, Weakley's certdicate. ges. The Harrisburg Patriot is con stantly prating about ghosts. It must be owing to some one, connected with that establishment, being predisposed to see goblins. wk. The great Credit Mobilier case, which was tried in the Dauphin count) court, was reversed by the Supmule Court. at Pittsburgh. The State will lose heavil) by this decision. pp ,The Republicans of Bedford county. in Mats Meeting assembled, have declared for. Colonel Frank Jordan, present Secre tary of the Commonwealth, ior Governor. His nomination will be strongly urged. W o assure the Pittsburgh Pose that we are not opposed to the nomination of Col. Thomas A. Scott for President.— On the other hand we are in favor of it, because we believe that he would not be a strong adversary. sig.. We have the authority of H. G. Esq:, of this place, fur saying that the report that the head-waiter of the St. Cloud Hotel, Philadelphia, died of small poxiis false. He died of pneumonia, and at his private residence. 'There has not been a case of small pox at the h,tel. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER WASHINGTON, D. C.. Nov. 24, 1871. THE INDIAN DIFFICULTIES IN ARIZONA, EDITOR The shooting of a hundred Apaches in April last, three-fourths of whom were women and children ; the mission of Vin cent Colyer to Arizona, and his return with reports favorable to the Indians; and the subsequent report by telegraph, of the murder of F. A. Loring, of Boston, (a young author of great promise.) and others of the stage coach party passing through Kirkland Valley, Arizona, have given the Apache Indian question a prominence which has attracted the attention and en listed the feelings of officials here and the communities generally throughout the country. In his preliminary report. to the Secre tary of the Interior, and in his interview with the President, Mr. Colyer narrated the enthusiastic manner in which he was everywhere received by the Apaches, who, when informed that he was on a mission of peace, came to him, by scores and hun dreds, bearing white flags. When assured that they would be protected, they ex pressed their willingness to go up in such reservations as might be selected, and re main there. Mr. Colyer expresses strong eonfid, ace in their peaceable disp sition ; but says that they have been the victims of inhuman treatment. They are pushed from place to place by the advance of the white settlers, and are deprived of their corn lands and hunting grounds. The Indian Chief Soute, of the Apache Mu hawes, came in with sonic of his people, so prostrated by hunger and sickness, that he could not stand, and was permitted to lie down. This was at Camp Verde. overlooking the Rio Verde, and about 25 miles north of the U S. military pat. Gen. Graver and staff, and Mr. Colyer were present. After the Chief Soute wi:s fed. he ruse parti.mlly, and resting upon his elbow lie replied as fellows to the question why they could not provide food as formerly : " Listen : Sec the vrhitc man's ranches along that valley below. Many years me and my men plant ed Indian corn there; but white man come and told In Ban to go, or be shot with rifle. So in all the good valleys. Now, see three white men, (pointing to the mountains,) coming down with their rifles. Many white hunters go all over the mountains and get all the deer and game. Deer very scarce, and very wild now. Indian can't get near enough to kill with bow and arrow. Got no rifle; nu powder. White man uot give any. Says Indian will shoot white man if he gets plenty rifle." General Graver corroborated the story of the Chief, as indicating the true cause of the hepless condition of the Apaches and other tribes in Arizona. Mr. Colyer is now preparing his regular official report of his mission and what he accomplished. Your correspodent bad a conversation with him to-day. In reply to an inquiry as to whether the murder of the stage coach party was by Indians or white men, he replied : "Probably by In dians," and continued, "I rode over the same road by stage a month ago. In pass ing through Kirkland Valley, near Vick enburg, the stage stopped at a tavern, and we found the family greatly excited, over the murder of an Indian. The landlord declined to give the details of the affair, but asked for seats in the stage for his wife and daughter, as they must leave or -roil the rick of being murdered that night by the Indians. The stage was full, but arrangements were made for the women to obtain seats. After travelling some dis tance the women were drawn into conver s aim). by their fellow passengers, and told the stvry as follows : 2 75 4 00 4 75 4 00 4 75 3 25 5 75 'The Indian was standing in the front door of the tavern when three white men came up the road on horseback, awl demanded a Herring's rifle which tile Indian held in hiA hand, No, was the reply, this is my gun—my property. Jump off and take it, says ono to another, upon which one of the riders dismounted and reached for the 'ills. The Indian stepped bank. The white man sprang for ward and seized the rifle, and with the butt end knocked the Indian down in the door of the tavern. We screamed, and begged the party not to murder an Indian in the tavern, or his tribe would retalli ate by murdering the inmates. The Indian was dragged out and killed, and buried there in the yard, when the party mounted and rode off with his rifle. The day following, a straggling party of the same tribe of fedi:ins, the Apache Moliswes, were coining up the road, soliciting work from the farmers along the route, as is their COPOLII. When within a mile of the tavern where the Indian was killed, three farmers, who supposed they were coming to attack the tavern. fired into the Indians, about twenty in number, and wounded or killed several of them, who were carried oil by their asso ciates in their rapid retreat." "This is the st,ry," stir} Mr. Gayer, "as tad me by these women. As the Apache Mohawes had up to this time been at peact and were not included with those against whom General Crook was conducting his campaign; and as this branah of the tribe numbered some 2,500 people, the settlers were all in a state of consternation and alarm, and were hourly fearing an attack. The reported attack upon the stage may be one of the results." In reply to an inquiry by your corres pondent, as to the reports from California that the Chief Chochise and his men were leaving the reservation upon which he had placed them, Mr. Colyer said that it was not so. Contractors, traders, and saloon keepers were pecuniarly interested in keep ing up a war with the Indians, and draw ing and retaining troops in the country.— The two papers published in the-Territory are in their interest, as is also an influen • tial member of the Associated Press in California, who sent telegrams, East, in the interest of the contractors, traders, and saloon keepers. Mr. Colyer showed your corresp-ndent a telegram just received from the Indian Agent at Sante Fe, saying that Chief Cochise and his men are en the reservation, as Mr. Colyer left them. Your correspodent inquired if the Indi ans were disposed to be industrious if an opportunity to work was offered. Mr. C. said they were. Col. Green, of the Ist U. S. Cavalry, says : "The Apache Indians furnished 100 tons of lty, for which he paid them in dour. They brought it into his ramp, in White Mountains. 15 tons a day. They supplied the garrison with all the wood they used, bri ging it in at the rate of 3 cords a day, using their hands and a few old broken axes to oreak it off, and the hay they cut with old knives. The whole was brought in to the post on their backs." Mr. Colyer's report, when submitted, will be strengthened by testimony from officers of the army any others, in support of the peaceable and industrious disposi tion of the Apaches Mr. C. has had many years' experience among the Indians. He has been with the Chiefs and among the tribes of nine-tenths of all the Indians in the United States, including Alaska. Be is a member of the Board of Indian Com missioners, and is its Secretary. And it is fair to s.y that his statements in refer:- ence to the Apaehrs ate entitled to as much credit, at least, as the statements from interested parties in Caliti,rnia, com iug through the telegrams of the Associa ted Press. It is s:tnply a struggle for mastery between the adrccates of war and extermidation, and those in favor of the peace and conciliation policy of the Presi dent and Administration. N. H. P. Senator Scott and the Vice-Presidency. The following appears in the morning papers here with the approbaation, it is stated, of Senator Scott: The friends of Senator Scott, of Pennsylvania, feel more confident than ever of securing his nom ination for the Vice-Presidency iu 1872. on the Republican tiiket. It is their in tention, however, to be guided by the feel ing manifested at the Convention. They insist that if Pennsylvania is to have the Vice-Presidency, Mr. Scott seems to be the only available man in the State in pub lic life who has kept from political disseti sons aoiong the Curtin and Cameron fac tions and therefore his name would be en d used by both of these respective classes. Of course any movement looking to the nomination of Senat.d. Scott for the Vice- Presidency will meet with strung oppk,si- Con from Cameron." The above is found in the Washington dispatch to the Pittsburg Uommercial of Saturday. There has been a general fed ing in this State, as well as among the members of Congress and officers at Wash ington. that Pennsylvania deserves au appropriate recognition for political ser vies, :;ucl for reas ins that are obvious to any one acquainted with the politics of the State, such recognition could no more effectively given than in the person of her promising S:-n itor. We cannot credit the gratuitous assertion that such a movement would meet with strong opposition from Senator Cameron. _ - There is no other man is Pennsylvania who h is held important offices us long as Senator Csweron. and we bAieve that we may sorely say, that there is no other pub lic man in the State whoseofficial acts will bear closer scrutiny, and though the Sena tor has been spoken of in entnection with that office himself, we understand that he h is declined to allow his name to be used, and those who mihnot injure hint in any other way, resort to just such misenble means as the para,:raph in this dispatch, to represent him as opposed to every other man. but himself. Although it is not a matter that should influence the people in the least, we have reason to believe that our senatorial representatives have always worked for the good of the State and the Republican party in it, and there is no good reason to believe anything contrary will be done in the future.—Meadville Re publican. Arrival of the Grand Duke Alexis New York, Nov. 20. The announcmont yesterday morning of the safe arrival of the lightship of the Russian frigate Svetland, with the Grand Duke Alexis on board, created great excite ment and a general feeling of joy through out the city. It servedat once to dispel the fears of his safety entertained by same, and to communicate to our citizens the welcome news that the long expected imperial visi tor had come. The delay of his arrival beyond the anticipated time has heigh tened the excitement concerning his visit to America, and will undoubtedly tend to increase the enthusiasm with which he will be greeted after he has landed on our shore. It is expected the Grand Duke will be landed in the city about 2 o'clock this afternoon, when the military will be in readiness to escort him to the Clarendon hotel, City ball, Grace church and other prominent buildings will be appropriately dressed with bunting, and as his imperial highness passes up Broadway the Trinity church bells will chime the Russian na tienal hymn. Clarendon House alone will display the imperial flag of Russia. The Russian squad' on loft Cronstadt on the 21st of August, sailing fur Falmouth, England. where they arrived on the 9th of September. Here they were delayed some time by taking in tresh provisi , ms, and nn the 20th of September they sailed fir Madeira, where the fleet dropped an chor on the sth of October. Here the Grand Duke spent five days, when they weighed anchor fir New York. The Svetland left Madeira on the 10th . ..• inst., in company with the go g ati r e and Abreck. Ou the third day out the Abreok was signalled and directed to rendezvous at New York, the Svetland taking a south westerly course to meet the trade winds. Everything went along yell until the sth. of .Novesnber, when they experienced a gale in which the Bogatire carried away her foretop gallant mast. On the 6th the Svetlaud and Bogatire loot sight of each other, the Sve and experienced very he :vy weather until-the 18th, when they were able to make a lunar observation and found they were in the latitude of Cape May, when they made direct for New York. The ves-el was under sail a great portion of the time, baring run short of coal. Another Horror, Steamer City of New London Burned— The Boat a total Wreck—A Number of the Passengers Lost—Terrible Sup ferings of the 4urvivora, NEW LONDON, Nov. 22.—The City of New London, which left New York last evening, with freight only, on her regular trip to Norwich, was burned to the wat er's edge in Thanags river, just above Al ly's Point, and below Norwiek gbe was filled with freight. The flames were first discovered issmng from one of the ventila tors. Captain Brown was on deck and or dered the boat. anchored. Efforts were immediately made to extinguish the flames and after a short time were apparently succepsful, A rigid examination discover ed no traces of five. The anchor w,:s pist - ed. and the boat proceeded up — the river. When about three .files below the city, abreast the mouth of Poquetanock Cove. fire was discovered in some co. ton which was on deck. The donkey pumps were started, and the captain and engineer, aid ed by the crew, in less than one minute, had three etreanta Qn Ph? grc% • „. Despite all theirexertioes the are spread with groat rapidity, and soon enveloped all the forward - - tart of the boat. The captain seeing that all efforts to extinguish the fire wese useless, ordered the boat benched, but the engineer could notstart the engine. The donkey pumps were, however, still kept at work until the engineer notifies the captain that he feared an explosion of thg boilers, in which event all would be lost. The -read of the flames had in the meantime cut of all communication with the boots and rendered the life preservers inacessible. The passengers and crew then threw themselves into the water, clinging to such p 'diens of the cargo and boat as had fallen overboard. _ _ .••••••••• • Those who were unable to swim had much difficulty io reaching shore. Some were ricked up by the boats from floating pieces of the cargo in au exhausted condi tion and taken to farm houses-in the vicin ty, where they were °aced for and resus citated. Some half dozen of the crew and passengers are still missing, and it is fear ed are lost among whom is C. B. Rogers, the well known manufacturer of this city. A train with a fire engine was taken d rivo from the city, but too late to be or service. The wreck was drifted down stream and to leeward about quarter of a mile be ow Haiden's Island. where it has been abandoned by the crew, and lies fast aground just below rtiquotanock cove. Trains are runn*r, down hourly, si,n4 vig ilant search is making for the missing men. United States Laws. E 11 W OP TUE UNITED STATES PASSED AT THE • FIRST SESSION OF THE FORTY SECOND CONGRESS. Convention between the General Poet Opt te of America end the General Poet 011Ioe of the United Kingdow of Great Britain and Ireland. The General Post Office of the United States of America and the General Post Office of the tit& ted Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, be ing desirous of establishing an exchange of money orders between the two countries, the un dersigned, duly authorized for that purpose; have agreed upon the following articles. Aartecu 1. There shall be a regular exchange of money orders betty°en the two countries. The maximum of each order is fixed at ten pound ster ling, when issued in. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and. when issued in the Uni ted States, at fifty dollars iu the national paper currency of the latter country. Aur. C 2. The British Post office shall have pow er to tix tne rates of counuission on all mon:y or ders issued in the United litittlom ; and the Uni ted States Post Office shall have the same power in regard to all money orders issued in the United States. °Mee shall communicate to the oth er its taril of charges or rates of cotmnission which shall he established under this convention, and these rates shall not, in any event, be repay able. It is understood, moreover, that each office is authorized to suspend. temporarily, the ex change of money orders in case the course of ex change, or any other circumstance, Should give rise to abuses, or canoe detriment to thepostal rev enue. ART. 3. Each country shall keep the commission charred on ail money orders imued within it, and shall pay to the other country one per cent. on the the total atztuuut of such orders. Anr. 4. No money order shall include a frac tional port of a penny or of a cent. ART. 5. The service of the postal money-order system between the two countries shall be per termed exclusively by the agency of offices of ex change. Ou the part of the United States, the office of exchange shall be New York, and on the part of the United Kingdom. London. ART. 6. Any person in the United States de siring to remit to the United Kingdom a sum of money within the limits prescribed by Article I, may pay it into any post-office in the United States designated for such purpose from time to time, by the Postmaster General of that country. Such person shall, at the same time, give the name and address of the person to whom the amount is to be paid in the United Kingdom, and his own name and address. Auy person in the United Kingdom desiring to remit to the United States a sum of money within the same limits, may pay it into any money-order office of the United Kingdom giving at the came time, the name and exact ad dress of the person to whom the amount is to be paid in the United States, and his own name and address. The receiving postmaster in either country shall, in accordance with the rules es tablished by his postal admiuistration, notify every payment to the despatching exchange office. The postmaster of New lurk, upon receipt of every notification of that kind, shall make out and for ward to the payee in the United Kingdom a money order payable in sterling at tha pesteffice in that country, designated by the remitter of the order, it being understood that the money orders so ye milted shall be sent, in the first instance, to the controller of the money-order office in London, and shall not be subject to postage. ART. 7. By every mail, the exchange office of eich country shall send to the exchange ; office of the other country n certified list of sums , payabM in that country, and sent since the despatch of the previous list. As soon as such list has reached the New York office, and been verified, this office shall make out inland money orders in favor, Of the payees, for the amount specified in the list, and shall promptly forward them to the payees or to the paying Oiii4C, in conformity with the regula tions existing in the United States fur the pay ment of mousy orders. The list forwarded to the United Kingdom shall be accompanied to the rela tive letters of advice of the orders entered therein, together with the or.rlers themselves, as already settled in Article VI. Alter comparison with the list, the advices shall be despatched to the offices drawn upon, and the letters enclosing the orders pinned fur delivery. The Usti, by means of which each office of exchange communicates with the other, shall be aceoriling to the forms A and B annexed. ART. S. The lists despatched from each office of exchange shall be numbered consecutively, com mencing with No. 1, at the beginning of each year, and tho entries, also, in these lists, shall have consecutive members, those in the lists from the United kingdom commencing each calendarinonth with No. I. ' ol each list despatched from 'New York, a duplicate shall he sent, which duplioate shall, after being verified at the liritish .01114, be returned to New York. -ART. 9. Should any list bo rcceixed in duo course, the desritehing ogee ehall, on ieoeiv ing imormation to that effect, transmit, without delay, a - Carteate of the het, - - duly certified as such. ART. 10. Each office or exchange shall promptly commumeate to the other the correction of any simple error which it may diseover in the verifio ttou of the lists. When the lisle shall show irreg ularities which the tyceiving office shall not be able to reality. that office shall apply for an ex planation from the despatching Mike; and this exianation shall be afforded without delay. ART. 11. Duplicate orders shall only he issued by the postal administration of the country on which the original orders were drawn, and in 00/1- finality with tho regulations established or to be established in that country. A, t. 12. At the close of each quarter, three cop ies of an account shall be prepared and transmit ted by the office at London, exhibiting the balance found due on Om wschanges of orders during the quart:a:, which balance, after proper verifieatien, shall, if due by the United States office, be paid at Loudon; but if due by the British office, it shall be paid in .ICcw York, and always in the money of the country to which the payment is made. If pending the settlement of an accent, one of the two postal administrations shall ascertain that it owes the other a balance exceeding one thousand pounds sterling, the indebted administration shall promptly remit the approximate amount of such balance to the credit of the other. This account, and the lettere which action party such intermetli ate remit , ances, shall be in accordance with the., Forms C, B, and B, annexed jo this convention.. Art, 13. (Tail the two General Post Offisea shall consent to an alteration, it is agreed that, in all matters of account relative to money orders whin) shall result from the execution of the present con- - vention, the pound sterling of Great Britain shall be considered as equivalent to lour dollars and eighty-six rents of the gold coin of the United States. _ . 14. Each exchange office shall certify its orders to the other, in amounts designated in tin denominations of he money both of the despatch ing and receiving country, at the rate of conver sion established upon the basis of gold by Article XIII of this convention. This conversion shall be checked at the receiving office of exchange. Art. lb. Allpaymeurs for money orders, wheth er 'to 011 , the public., If not to told, shall be made to the nearest practicable equivalent, Art. 16. The value of gold coin in the United States, en deposits in paper money made in that country for payment in Great Britian, shall be determined at. the exchange office of New York, according to the rate of premium on gold, on the day of receipt at that other of notification of such deposits. On the other hand, the value, in Uni ted States paper currency, of money orders certi fied in the lists sent from the exchange office of London to the exchan g e office of New York, shall be determined (also atNew York) in a , tordance with the premium on gold on the day of the re ceipt of such lists. Art. 17. Orders which shall not have been paid within twelve calendar months from the month of issue shall become void, and the sums received shall accrue to and remain at the disposal of the country of origin. The British office shall there fore enter to the Credit of the United Staten id the quarterly account, all money orders entered in the Into received from the United States which retrain unpaid at the end of the period specified. On' the other hand, the United Stat s office shall, at the close of each month, transmit to the British office, for entry in the quarterly account, a detailed statement of alt orders included in the lists des patched from the latter office which, under this article, become void. A . rt. 18. Repayment of orders shalt rtqt he made until an authorization for such repayment !hall fired have been obtained by the country where such orders were payable; and the amounts pf the re paid orders *hail be duly credited to the former country iu the quarterly account. It is the pro vince of each postal administration to determine the manner in which repayment to the remitter is to be main. Art. 19. The orders issued by each country on the other shall be subject, as regards payment, to the regulations which gorern the payment of inland orders of the country on which they are drawn. Art. 20. The bieneral Post Office in each noun try shall hp autneriPA to adopt any additional rules (if cot repugnant to the foregoing) foi the greater security against fraud, or fur the better working of the system generally, All such addi tional rules, however, mud be. romptly communi cated to the Post Office of the other eeentry, Art. 21. The present convention shall take ef fect on the first day of October next, and shall continua in force until twelve months after the d a t a a t which one of the contracting parties shall have notified to the other its intention lo a • - J.' nate it. Dune iu duplicate, and signed in Lontleyton!tie thirtieth 'ay of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and, and in Washing , ou on the twenty-seventh day of Jane, in the year ufpur f i ord one thousand eight hun dred and severity-ono, W. MOUSED..' [Seal of Her Majesty's Postmaster General. JNO. A. J. CRESSWELL, Postmaster General of the United States. [Seal of the Poet (Mee Department of the Uni ted States of America.] I hereby approve the aforegoing convention. and in testimony thereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be aMzed. - E GRANT. [Seal oftheiTuiteti States of America.] j}y the President lienwroN Fists, Seetetery sf State, Washington, July 27, 1871• , partingeg. DAUGHERTY—EASTEP.—On the2hth of No. vein her, by the Rev. J. A. Peters, Mr. John W. Daugherty to Miss RachaelEn.step, both of Alex andria. COOK—SMITH.—On the 19th of November, at the residence of the bride, in Cole Valley, by Rev. J. M. Mason,Mr. Solomen Cook and Miss Mary S. Smith, all ollnntingdon, co., Pa. SIIAFER—LEFFORD.—On the 14th of Novem ber, by the Rev. J. A. Paters. Mr. Samuel S. Sha fer, of Indiana county, to Miss Lettio C. Leffurd, of Porter township, this county. [lndiana county papers please copy.] CUNNINGHAM —KNODE.—On the 16th of 'November, by the Rev. J. A. Peter.. Mr. William R. Cunningham, of Porter twp., to Miss Emma J. Knode, of West top. grntlu, LIVINGSTON.—At bin residence, in Clinton county, lud., John Livingston. in the sixty-second year of his age. The dee'd was formerly a citizen of this county. GEIISINGER.—On the 10th inst., of heart dis ease, Mrs. Jane Geissinger, wife of John Geissing er,*aged 61 years and 22 days. She was converted to God in early life and uni ted with the M. E. Church of which she remained a faithful member until called to the church tri umphant; the call was sudden On Friday of the 10th inst., while busy engaged in her domestic af fairs, the Bridegroom came, she fell beneath GI. shadow of the cross and in A few morae - As the spirit of a noble cheistian mother had passed from earth. tier example as a devoted christian has graced her family and surrounding community with endearments which were exhibited by many in imprinting their last tribute of respect upon the silent lips of their mother in Israel. She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn her loss. L. New Advertisements FOR RENT OR SALE. A fast-class brick dwelling house with nine rooms, No. 521 Washington street, Bunting don, Pa. If not sold on rented before Thursday, December Ith, it will be offered it public sale, or for rent, to the highest approved bidder, at 10 o'clock on that day. Apply to JAMES A. BROWN, nor2o-2t --- FOR SALE.— ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY CHOICE BUILDING LOTS in West Huntingdon, Pa. FIFTY of these lota will, for a short time, be offer ed at low prices, ranging from $lOO to $l5O. Terms easy. Apply to or address nov2o-ti It. ALLISON MILLER. Huntingdon, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE [E!tteof John Ifrin ! cleF'd.] Letters of Administration having been granted to the endersigned on the estate of John Irvin, late of Franklin township, Huntingdon county, dec'd., all persons knowing themselves indebted ore re quested to make immediate payment, and 'hose having claims to present them duly anthentieated for settlement. JOHN D. HIIHGES. nov29, i. 871, TN the Court of Common Pleas of .&Hun tingdon County. George Crawford ra. }No22, ' Aug. Term 1871. In divorce. Harriet Crawford. To Harriet Crawford, respondent: In pursuance of an order of publication in the :above stated cage, you are required to attend at said Court, on Monday, the Bth day of January, 1872, to answer the complaint of the libellant, wherein he charges you with adultery, and to show cause why divorce a vineuto niatrimonii cbould not be decreed. AMON HOUCK, Sheriff. Sheriff's office Noc29-4t TN the Court of Common Please of Hun -A- tingdon County. Josiah M. Nathans, VB. No. 70, Aug. Term 71 Anna M. Nathans. In Divorce. To Anna M. Nathans, respondent.—ln pursu ance of an order of publication in the above state d case, you are required to attend at said Court, on Monday, the Bth day of January 1872 to answit the complaint of the libelaint, wherein ho charge, you with desertion, and to show cause why divorce a rinculo matrimonii should not be decreed. AMON 1101:101, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, N0v.29,1871-4t. AFARM FOR SALE.—A tract of farm and timber land, in Oneida and Hen derson townships, 25 miles from the borough of Huntingdon. is offered for sale. on reasonable terms. containing about ONE HUNDRED ACRES, be tween 50 and Oa acres Ortvhich are cleared and under cultivation. The up land is of a fair grain raising quality with some fifteen acres of fine meadow bottom, and the balance is principally covered with a good quality of timber, mostly whit. pine and hemlock, with a good saw mill scat, and never failing water power thereon. The Improvements are a neat two-story frame house and frame stable, with other outbuilding, and conveniences, and a young thriving orchard of choice fruit trees. For further particulars, and terms of sale, in quire of the undersigned, at Huntingdon, or on the premises. novl9-tf. R. MeDIVITT. VALUABLE FARM LAND AT pI7I3LIc SALE, The undersigned, Executors of tho Will of John Weal:lan, Esq., late ofthe borough of Huntingdon, deceased, will offer at. Public Sale; at the Court House, in Huntingdon, on Tuesday, the 9th day of January, 1872, at ten o'clock. a. in., A TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, situate in Porter townthip, Huntingdon county, containing 240 acres, more or less. About 70 acres of the land are cleared, under fence, and in a pretty good state of cultivation. (now farmed by Mr. Samuel Moore,) and the remainder is well timbered, ad joining lands of George Lamp, deceased. A. P. *Wilsom deceased, W. P. Orbison, Esq., Thomas Whittakoes heirs, and others. The public and leading road from Huntingdon. to Hartslog Valley passes through this tract of land, ALSO, Three adjoining Tracts of Land, situate in Porter township, contenting, respectively, 16t, 102 acres, warranted in the name of Wm. Smith, D. D., and 109 acres, warranted in the name of John Patton, adjoining lands of R. B. Bryan, Joseph O'Kain, Hahn Brothers, A. P. Wilson, Esq., deceased, Thom. Fisher, and others. On the premises are a LOG DWELLING ROUSE, FRAME BARN, and a good spring, in tenure of Samuel Moore. A part of this land is cleared and under fence, and the balance well timbered. The public roads leading from Huntingdon to Harts lag Valley and to Alexandria pass through those treats, These tracts will be sold as one body, or sepa rately, as purchasers may desire. Persons desiring information respecting the above described lands, will please call upon either of the undersigned, or npon J. Simpson Africa, Esq., in Huntingdon. The conditions will bo made known on the day of sale, JOHN K. M'CAIIAN, JOHN CRESSWELL, [Executors of John M'Cahan, deceased.] N0v.29,1871,—t5. SIX REASONS WHY You should insure in THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INS., CO., D2l Chestnut St., Philntlelphia, gl r.'O OO 2 s 1g g a 7's ?' 0 22 ; § 4 lot. Because it is one of the oldest companies in the country, and past the day of experiments. 21. Because it is the Only Purely Mutual Compa ny in the State. Every policy holder is a member of the Company,entitled to all its ad vantages and privileges, having the right to vote at all elections Mr trustees, and thus has an influence in its management. 3d. Because it has the largestaccumulateil fund of any Life Insurance Company in the State. 4th. Because by economical management its ratio of expenses to total income is less than that yf auy Company in the State. (See official Insurance reports). sth. Because it has declared Afore Pividends in Number, and of a larger average :Percentage, than any Company in the United States. Ear example: Polley No. 11, for $5OOO, has been paid to the Widow of a Philadelphia Merchant, upon which 23 Dividends has been declared averaging 57 Per Cent. Had these Dividends Been Cud to Purchase Addition. To Thi• Policy, $6016.00 Afore Would Bar. Run Realkea, Making rho Policy Worth • 511,046.00. Oth. Because it is liberal in its management, prompt in its settlement, safe beyond contin gency, and its rates are as low as any good oonntany in the country, Principal geatures.—Stnalf expenses, absolute se curity, large return premiums, prompt' pay ment aflame, and liberality to the insured. Samuel C. Huey, President, Samuel E. Stoves, Vice-President, John W. Hamer, Asst. Vita Pres. and Actuary, H. S. Stephens, Secretary. R. ALLISON MILLER, Agent, nov29- Huntingdon, Pa. A R. BECK, Fashionable Barber ..LAL• and Hairdresser, Hill street, opposite the Franklin Houle, All kinds of Tonics and Pomades kept on hand and for sale. [apl9;7l-6rn Travellers' Guide. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP RAILROAD. Wintar Arrangamont. On and after Saturday, November llth, 1871, Passenger TraMs will arrive and depart at follows UP Tansa. DOWN TRAINS. dim STATIONS, P. M. A. 11. 1 1 A. 31.1 P. M. Ls 5 40 1 LE 0 10 Huntingdon. 'as 000 AR 4 38 5 471 820 Long Siding 8 49i 429 8 001 8 34' McConnellstown B3l' 413 6 071 841 Pleasant Grose I 8 271 406 6 71' 9 63.11arkletburg 8 14, 351 033 0 061 Coffee Run 8 021 336 640 9 14; Rough and Ready.-- 7 53 1 328 054 928`Cove 738 313 7 00 9 33 Fishers Summit 7 33 3 08 • 731 10 00 easton 7 001 252 747 10 18 Riddlesburg 6 431 231 7 54 10 26 Hopewell. G 37 1 26 812 10 46 Pipers Run 620 2us 8 311 11 061Tatetville 6OO 14 8 8 471 11 2elßlootly Run 548 131 862 11 251 Mount Dallas 544 130 8 591 11 321Ashcom's Mills 5 371 122 001 11 36; Lutzville 533' 118 909 11 4'P Hartley's 31111 s. 529 114 9 16 11 471.1.104 mm ........... ea 9 ::3 11 541BetlforA [OUP'S hIIN BRANCH. ,Saxton, I .11 7 10 , AB 6 55 6 50 Le 6 40 Ls rz 10 01; it 7 23! 7 25 10 20 Coalmont 7 4 1 25 Crawford. An 7 50 at 10 35 Dudley Broad Top City... , JOUN 111 Huntingdon, Sept 21, 1871. B,'Surr. READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER AnitANGEMENT MONDAY, Novi:lume 15nt, 1871. Great Trunk Line from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, heading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Ashland, Shamokin, Leuanun, Allentown, Utah., Ephrata, L.ttz, Lancaster,,duatbia, 00. Trains brave liarrisourg tor New Yolk as follows at 2.45, 0.10, 0. tn., and 100 p. m. , connecting wan similar tradis on Peunsavania ha4road, and arriving at New York at 10.07 a. m.,3.42and J.. 0 p. at. respective.y. Sleep ing Care accompAny the .141, a. to. train without change. returning: Leave New York at 0.00 a m. 12.30 noon and 5.00 p. m. Philadelphia at 1.30, 8.3 a a. m., and 340 p. m. Steeping ?.:ars accompany the 0.403 p. m. train from New Yo, without change Leave llarrisburg for Reading. Pottsville, Tamaqua, 31i nersvil :e. it shland, Shamokin, Allentown and Philadelphia at 810 a. m., 200 and tub p. m. , stopping at Lebanunand principal way stations; the 4.05 p. tn. traincounecting fur Pnilatielphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. Fur Potts vilio, Schuylkill Ilaven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad leave Ilarrisburg at 6.1./ p. tn. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Reading for Allentown, 4..aston and New York at 4.31, 10.10 a. mand /Alb p.m. Returning, leave New York at 6.00 a. m.,12.30 Noon and 5 Liu p. m. and Allentown at 7.20 a. m 12.25 Noon, 2.15, 4.25 and 0.35 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connectins• ' with similar train on }last Penn. Railroad, returning from lteading at 0 2.1 p. m., stopping at all sta tions. Leave Pottsville at 0.00 a. In. and 11.30 p. m., Herndon at 10.00 a m., Shamokin at 5.40 and 11.15 a. m.. Ashlandat 1.05 a. m., and 12.43 uoou, Mahanoy City at 7.51 a. m. and 1:20 p. m., Tiuuagna at 8.35 a. tn. and 2.10 p. m. for Phila delphia, hew York, Reading, llarrisbuvg, Leave Pottsville via ,chttt !kilt and Susquehanna Rail road at 5.15 a. m, for Ilsrristiurg, and 11.45 a. m., for Piregrove and T:emont. lceaaling Accommodation Train leaves Pottsville at 5.40 a m., passes Reading. at 7.30 a. m., arriving at Philadel phia at 10.2.0 a. m Returning leaves 1 hiMdelphia at 4.45 p. m., passes Reading at 7.35 p. m., arriving at PoiMville "!p. m . _ . . Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottstown at 7.00 a ua, returning, leaves Philadelphia Dr 4.15 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a m., and 8.15 p. m , for );'phi stn, Litiz, Laacaster,Columbia,gc. Returning leave Lancaster at 8 20 a. m. ana 3.25, and Columbia at 8.15 a. m. sad 3.10 p. m. Pe atiomen Railroad trains leave Perkiomen Junction at 7.25, 9.311 a. m., 3.00 and 6.45 p. in.; returning, leave SchwenksviLe at 8.45, 8 10 a. an., 12 50 Neon and 4.45 p. m. connoci:ing with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave liticenixville at 9.10 a. m., 305 and 5.55 p.m.; returning, leave Byers at 8.50 a. m. , 1`1.45 noon, and 4.20 p. m. , connecting with sim ilar trains on Reading Railroad. " - robrcokdale Ron - Colobrcokda/e Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. m. and 1.15 and 6.30 p. m.. returning; leave Mount Pleas aat at 7.15,11.21 a. m. and 2.54 p. m., connectingwithaim ilartrMospAyeading lta;Load. Chester Valley Riiirroad tmias leave Bridgeport at 8.30 a. m. 2.00 and 5.20 p. in., returning, learn Downing; own at 13.00 a. ni., 12.50 noon, and 5.10 p. m., conreeting with similar trains on Beading _ _ Ou Sundays: leave Ne; York at 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and 3.15 p. m., (the 3.00 a m. train running only to Reading.) leave Pottsville at 8.00 a. m., leave Oar eaburg at 2.45 a. m. and 2.00 p. m. ; leave Allentown at 8.35 p. m.; leave Reading at 7.15 a. in. and 0.50 p m. for Ilarrisburg, at 4.34 a. m. for New York, at 9.40 a. m. and 4.15 p m. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets. to and from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. u0v.29,71.] Asst. Supt. d Eng. Mach ry. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS. Winter Arrmgment. WESTWLED g,, - 1..:4;.4 STATIONS. ' P.M.IA. M. A. M. P.M. 1 A./LIP. M.: P. M i 56'6 Itlll 14110 41. Y. Hamilton 1160114 00' i u 4 6 IF 11 21 la 53 It. Union 953 3 531 3 " .3 _'6 It 87 3 114 lalirtne "i 2. 6 iis. k 9 37 1 3 .37! 5 35 6 4 . ,U 53 11 50 'IUNTINf DON 9 24.3 24 . 11 15 3 51 7 02'12 11 12 20 l'etersburg 9 0613 OS 6 03 7 10 12 21 12 32 Barns 8 58,3 00 6 10 7 17 12 28 12 40'Sprucs Creek—. 8 51'2 53 10 50 6 . .5 7 23,12 421 1 OColltrmingham........ 8 39 ... 42 6 T.: 7 35112 501 1 1+ Tyrone 8 32 2 35 10 34 6 44,7 45. 1 01' 1 22 Tipton 8 = 228 6 5017 50 I 071 1 30iFostoria 8 IR 2 21 4 56,7 54 1 11 1 1 39'Beil's Mills 814217 10 19 7 1518 10 1 301 2 041Altoona 7 55 • 00 10 05 P.M IA M. P. M,A.X. A.M. P.N. P. N. All trains East and West, with the exceptl.o3 or the Pa cific Express East, which is followed closely by the Harris burg Acemizmodation, mop at anntingdon. The Fast Line Westward, lams ILlatingdon at 7 58 r. n, and arrives at Altoona at it 05 r. >• . Th'e Pacific Express Westward leaves Huntingdon at 45 A N. and arriyot at Altoona at 9 05 a. . _ The Soqthern Eupress, ,, Weguard, leaves Huntingdon at 407 A AL, and arrives at Itoona at 519 A. IL Cideinnati'Express, Westward, leaves Iluntilgdon at 19 a. st., and arrivev at Altoona at :1 45 A. M. The Fast Line, Eastward. leaves Huntingdon at 12 50 a and arrives at Harrieburg at 3 55 ►. at. The Cincianati Express, Eastward, leaven Huntingdon at 7 05 P. 11., and arrives at liarresburg at 10 35 P. 11. Legal Notices V . XECUTORS' NOTICE. A-4 [Estate of Hon. George Taylor, deceased.] Letterstestamentary on the Estate of Hon. George Taylor, late of the borough of Huntingdon, de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of said de ceased will make known the same properly au thenticated. without delay to MARGiRET S. TAYLOR. MATTHEW TAYLOR, JOHN F. MILLER. Huntingdon Nov. 22, 1871-61. Holidaysburg Register, and Herald, Ebensb urg publish six weeks, and send bills to this office. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. (Estate of John Corbin, decocoadj Letters of Administratiun laving beet; granted to the undersigned, on the estate of John Corbin, late of Barret township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. SARAH STEEL, A dmin ist ratri x. N0v.22,18719 A DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. 11 [Relate of Abram Corbin, deceased.] Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of Abram Corbin,. late of Barre° township, deceased, nil persons knowing themselves indebted to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. SARAH STEEL, Adnlinistratrix. N0v.22,1871. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration having been gratited the undersigned, upon the estate of Samuel Carothers, late of Cromwell township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted, are requested to make imittediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for set tlement. MART cARO.TITERS, Admiuistratrix. Nov. 0, ?VIA LAND FOR SALE. Four small adjoining tracts of Land at pri vate sale, in Clay township, Huntlngdon county, two miles west of Three Springs. The East Broad Top Railroad is located on part of it. One tract containing one hundred sad one acres; seventy live of which are cleared and the balance is timber land; the improvements are a Frame Dwelling Those and Bank Bern and other outbuildings. A spring of never failing water and a variety of fruit trees and grape arbor arc in the yard ; also thirty eight acres adjoining; thirty acres of which arc cleared and the behove well timbered with a dou ble house and stable thereon. and a spring in the yard; the third is a Saw Mill trout of four acres, adjoining the above; good timber, very convenient ; the fourth tract is thirty-nine acres of which four are cleared, and the balance is well timbered. Any person wishing any tut tiler information in regard to the above can call on Jonathan Miller living on the land. They also offer eight lots iu West Hun tingdon. We will sell low as we intend going to another part of the oountry. Any person wishing any other information CJo2,rtaing• the lots can call on Samuel Pheasant who is part owner and liven on the same on MiMin street. JONATLIAN MILLEIt & CO. N0v.16,1871-3.0. .IST OF LETTERS ItEliJ -4-4 in the Poet Office, at Huntingdon, Pa., No comber 2Z, 1871, when called for say -advertised' and give date. Boughton, Joseph Cogley. It. S. 2 Decker, Sallie Dean, Ili nnsh bleb is, William Gorman, John Gray, Ellen Green, Mary Horton, aura tingle, Elizabeth Jambe, J teeb JOllO3, Isaac Johnston, W. Johnston. W. R. Lytle, Reuben Mo re, Thomas M'Aclren. A man.ia Rh.ide, Susan Rider, 31.111 e Shahs, Benj. Warms, Edward Waldron D. S. Williams Mollie 2 BRICE X BLAIR, Postmaster. New Advertisements. Q HERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. to me directed, I will expose to public sale, at the Court House, in Huntingdon, on Friday, the 22d day of December, 1871, at 2 o'clock. p. m., the following described real estate, to wit : All that certain tract or farm situate in Union township, bounded by lands of Asa Corbin on the north, and on the east by lands of John M'Comb, on the south by lands of Dell's heirs, on the west by lands of John Shoop, containing 194 acres more or less, about &I acres cleared and under cultiva tion, having thereon erected a Log House, Log Barn and other outbuildings. Seined, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George S. Myerly. D. R. P. NEELY, n0v.22,1871 ts.] Sheriff. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that n special meeting of the Stockholders of the Equitable Savings and Loan Association, of Huntingdon, will be held in the Court House, Ilun tingdon, Pa., at 7 o'clock, p. m., Friday, December let, 1871, to consider the propriety of dissolving said Association. J. S. CORNMAN, Nov. 22, 1871.-2 t [President. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. 10 Years of a Public Test Has proved DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR To have more merit than any similar preparation ever offered the public. It is rich in the medicinal qualities of Tar, and unequaled for diseases of the Throat and Lungs, performing the most .remarkable cures. Coughs. Colds, Chronic Coughs. It effectually cures them all Asthma and Bronchitis, It has cured so many cases it has been pronounced a specific for these complaints. For Pains in Breast. Side or Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Disease of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Liver Complaint, It has no equal. It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Prevents Malarous Fevers, Gives tone to your system. TRY DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR flan proved itself in thou sand of cases capable of curing all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Cores all Chronic Coughs, and Coughs and Colds, other remedy. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Hu owed cocci of Consumption pronounced DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR cases of Asthma and Bronchitis T> pronounced a specific for these PURIFY YOUR BLOOD DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Wherever Poke Ruot grows, it has a local repu tation as a Brood Purifier,andfor the eure of Rheu matism. With all this local reputation, and the praise of distinguished Physician% (Drs. Coe, Lee, King, Wilson, M. Hunt, (Iriffits, Copland and oth ers,) who have tested it, medical powers; it has been neglected by the profession at large, as much through a want of a proper appreciation of itsmer its, as a knowledge wf the proper way to prepare it for medicinal use. Dr Oliver Crook, (a physician who devotes his entire time to the duties of his profession), has fully tested the active medicinal qualities of Poke Root during the last 25 years, and unhesitatingly pronounces it to have MOUE mEntr—for diseases depending on a depraved con dition of the blood,—than any and all other arti cles named in the Materia Modica. Under his in structions our Chemists 'have combined the active medicinal qualities of Poke Root with the best Tonic Preparation of Iron, and we offer this pre paration to the public under the above name. October 4, 1871-Iy, FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT WM. MARCH & BRO.'S. Having purchased the greeted variety of goods ever brought to Huntingdon, they are pre pared to give great bargains to those who patron ize their establishment. Their stock sonsists in part of lIIISLLNS, cALICOgs, DELAINES, QINORAMS, FLANNELS, &e., at reduced prices. Also a choise selection of Merinos, figured and ; Alpacas; Mohair; all wool Del4iioes ; Lusters, Poplins; also a com plete assortment of Gentlemen's wear, such as CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, SATINETTS, JEANS, COTTONADES, at astanis4ingly by price We de not consider it any trouble to show goods, and would be pleased to have the ladies and the public generally call and examine our new stock, which we are determined to sell at the lowest sash prices. In connection with otir other business we bare established a first-class LUMBER YARD, where all kinds of lumber for building purposes can be had at reasonable rates. Basra., Lath, Shingles, &c.. &e., always on hand. Estrays ESTRAY COW. Came to the residence of the subscriber, in Franklin township, on or about the middle of September last, a dark brindle cow, head almost black, legs white, no marks. The owner is reques ted to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. W. D. INGRAHAM. N0v.22,1871-3t.. 'TRAY STEER came to the residence lit 770 f the subscriber, in Franklin township, in August, MO, a Brindle Steer, with a white faco, rising two years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges. and take him away, or he will be disposed of as the law directs. n0v15,71-3t. W. B. IfeWILLIAMS. S;„ITRAY BULL. U Caine to the residenee of the subscriber, in Walker township, about thelst of May last, a RED BULL, with white spots on each Bank, two years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dis posed of as the law directs. WM. HAMER. Nov. 10, 1871.-3 t. ESTATE NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the es tate of Wilson S. Utts, late of Union tvrp., Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing in same township. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN W. WILSON, Oct2s-6t. Administrator. THE NEW YORK BRANCH S 618 Hill St., Smith's Building, Hunt We would respectfully call the attcntio ers to our annexed price list. We are ceiving goods from the largest mane:act, thenfore sell t nods cheaper than e••er. wanting the BEST GOODS AT LOWEST P will do well to call and examine our stock of FALL AND WIA TER DRY 0 A fincassortment of Blanket Shawls, Be. Flannels, Cassimers ' Ladies' and Gents' ur Woolen Goods, etc. Furs at all prices. F Goads a specialty. Silks, Merinos, Poi pacas, ltepps, Delaines, in all the populu and lowest prices. LOOK AT OUR PRI( Best Calico, Sand 10 cents a yard. Fine Alpacas, all Colors, 25 and lio cents. Fine Poplins, 30 and 40 cents. Best Kid Gloves, from 90 cents up. Paper Collars, only 10 cents a box. Linen Towels, only $1 a dozen. Table Linen, a good article,3s cents a yai All Linen Napkins, only 65 cents a dozen All Linen Napkins, very large, only $1 25 Lace Collars, very pretty, 10 cents. Fine French Albums, 75 cents. BreakyustStiawls, only GO. Best Muslims, 10, 12 and 14. Balmoral Skirts, very heavy, $1 00, Ladies' lose, 10 and 12 cults a pair. Fine 0 for 25 cents. Cassimer and Jeans, from 25 cent. up. Undershirts and Drawers, only 50 cents. Single and Double Shawls at bargains. Linen Crash, only 5 cents a yard. Honey Comb Bedspreads, only $1 7:7.. Blankets! Blankets! very cheat ! • . Jenny Lind Corsets, 0n1;75 cell is. Ladies' Traveling &Oche's, only 81 00. ALSO, a large assortment of Sash Ril colors. Together with a numerous assoi Hoopskirts, Shawls, White and Linen Go Collars, Tidies, Cambric Edgings and Is Trimmings,Shirt Fronts, Gloves, La Gent's Unerwear, Ladies', Gent's and Hosiery, Soaps. Perfumery, Toilet Gins. Nail and Tooth Brushes, tombs, etc.. All goods warranted as represented. N to show goods. Call and be convinced th selling the Cheapest and Beat at the NEW YORK BRANCH 8 (smith'. Build No. 618 llill St., Bin novl-Im 1871 CARPETS!! CARPETS!! CAR: FALL STOCK. AT LOWEST PRICES JAMES A. BROWN Is constantly receiving at his Beautiful Patterns of Carpets, fresh looms of the manufacturers. His stock c BRUSSELS, INGB VENITIAN, WOOL D COTTAGE, BEN LIST and RAG CARPETS CARPET CHAIN, COCOA AND CANTON BIATTIN. FLOOR, STAIR AND TABLE more effeotnally than any Window Shades and Fixture., Drugget Rugs, Door Mats, Extra Carpet Thread a ing. I make a speciality of furnishing and Lodges at City Prices, and invite Ft Committees to call and see goods made for their purposes. Buyers will save money and be better e going to the regular Carpet and Oil Clo for any of the above good.. I defy col in prices and variety of beautiful pattern I have also the Agency for the Origin HOWE SEWING MACHINE, 'MEE , so well known as the best Family Machin world incurable by physician.. Has eased so many Call at the CARPBT STORE and see the JAMES A. BF cemplaints. nov. 1. 1571 MARCH & BRO., this seasoi made a specialty of Fun, and the is consequently tho largest and hest ever c any inland town in the State. These Fu. in prices from $3 up to $25. Ladies call amine our handsome styles. GRAND EXHIBITI( ,SOMETIIING NEW IN 11UNTINC A FIRST CLASS LADIES' SHOE STO D. lIERTZLER & BRO. N 0.403 Allegl opposite Broad Top Depot;havejust arri the East with a large and well selected Ladies', Misses, and Children's Dees: Gaiters, Ac.. comprising all the latest styl day and acknowledged to be the best selec of hand-made work everbrought to ilunti. Since wo make ladies' wear a speoialty, not fail to please the most fastidious. F. Quality and Price we defy competition. We also manufacture to order all kinds .> and Gents' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac., of material the market produces, and at the possible notice. Persons from the eouutr accommodated with, user own manufaett giving a few hours notice. All kinds of repairing neatly done. In a more mature age we hope to re friends who favored us in our infancy. For pastfavors accept our sincere Oust D. lIERTZLER 4 El 4113 Allegkei Opposite r.. T. D. octll- Hunting T E ( 4 INQUIRER " BOOK BIN] LUTZ k JORDAN, Proprietor: All kinds of binding done on short neer% reasonable rates. Old books rebound mill good as new. Albums repaired etc. INTERESTING TO EVERYI The American Agriculturist, Harpers' M The Galaxy, Lippincott, Atlantic Month!: nor's Monthly, Godey's Lady's Book, Dem( die's Repository, Peters Musical Ma Chureh Magazines, and all other Maganinc up in handsome volumes at the very lowest Papers. Harper's Weekly, Harper's Bazar, Ilea Home, The New York Ledger, Weekly, S Night, Sunday School and Church Papers, other papers bound into volumes on shorten Sheet Music and Musical Monthlies put handsome volumes which make an orname PARLOR AND CENTER What young lady hasn't enough music 0 to make a nice volume, To have your binding done. Gather up y. tie, papers and Magazine.. Brio; in your backed books and album., and leave them REV. W. B. WAGNER, No. 622 C St., near 7th St., Huntingdon, F Who is our agent, and he will forward Cher and wo will put them in any STYLE OF BINDING You wish, and return them to our agent, vs deliver them without any trouble or ineonv to you. Rates, Ac., can be seen with the Agent. cash on delivery. sagest! New Advertisement. CARPET STORE, HUNTINGDON, PA., 5254 Hill Street. OIL CLOTHS, and a large stook et WALL PAPER, BEDFORD, PA. Magazines. Music. NOW IS THE TIME residence of
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