Huntingdon Journal. eschy Morning, August 16, 1871 )ING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE. 40CAL AND PERSONAL. MEETINGS. RI. LODOR, No. 300, A. Y. M., meets second Mon ng of each month, in Brown's building. as &rota IL R. A. CHAPTER No. 201, meete the day ovening of each month, in Brown's building. A Loam, No. 117, I. 0. 0. F., meet 9 every Friduy third floor, Leizter's building. . . . Hoa Can . ; or I. 0.0 F., Meats every second and iesdays, third floor, Leister's building. won Tatar, No. aS, I 0. of it. M., meets every • evening, third floor, Leister's building. Max's Callum, Assomartos meets the brat and aday evenings of each month, in Smith's building. t,G. A. It., meets third Monday of each month in °mien meets the first Friday evening of each CGDON LODGE, No. 149, K. of P., meets every Sat sning, in Smith's building. IGDON Tenets or lloNon, No. 71, meets the fourth A each month in Good Templar's Gull. .91811 IAN CLUB meets every -- Thursday evening, (GOON COUNCIL, 0. U. A. 31., meets first and third of each month In Good Templar's Hall• CHURCHES. Church—Washington street. Rev. J. PLAN rrvices on Sabbath :10% n. m.,7 p. m. c—Washington street. Bev. I'. 13 O'Hauoasx. (rat three Sundays in every month. Real Lutheran—Minn street. Rev. J. J. Rana. m Sabbath : 10% a. at.. 7 p. m. Reformed—Church street. Rev. S. D. 3U Sabbath 7p. m, ,fiat Episcopal—Church street. Rat; M. K. Four.. 3D Sabbath 10% m., 7p. m. ant Episcopal-11M street. No Pastor. tartan—Hifi street. Rev. G. W. Zaursea. Ser htbbath: 11 a. in., 7 p. m. lention—Home-Made and Stolen icians are busy. streets are dusty. •our subscription. :eel dealers are busy. T county has diptheria. sburgers register their dogs. iimrods are after the squirrels. .own is thronged with strangers. subscribers are rolling in by the dozen, rises to be abundant—The potato crop. • fell in Green county on the 20th of n county into have another Democrat • season for trout fishing terminates on i inst. [eagle is erecting a new brick house on street. ansville, Blair county, has had three ary fires. uccessful operation—The new steel .t Johnstown. J. Patterson and family are on a visit ata county. is a girl near Blairsville who has been nce for two weeks. clank walk on Mifflin street, in West pion, has been extended. Vm. Long has had a new pavement put i front of his residence. weather, for several days past, was up t shirt collars an hour. . street was a perfect sea of water dur. heavy rain of last week. . forget the Republican meeting at the louse this, Tuesday evening. n corn, of fair quality, is selling, in rket, at fifteen cents per dozen. kes the skins of 2,000 horses to cover e balls manufactured annually. •st class organ has been purchased by hodist congregation of this place. oman and a little child, in Luzerne died from the bite of a rattlesnake. ton's "Paris in Flames" exhibited in ce on Friday and Saturday evenings. ,opc our country friends will drop in to luring court Our latch string is always zen's" communication is withheld for sent. We fear there is too much libel s neat and trim—Our job office. We tdy to receive orders and fill them the girl was scalded to death, in Mt. e other day, by falling into a kettle of water. od and substantial board walk has been the south side of the road leading to 3 store. mo3t refreshing drink, in the shape of ter Beer, is to be had at L. Reichtei's, I untingdon. teen cabbage heads growing from one the latest vegetable curiosity developed :..aster county. ure city, named in honor of Col. A. K. e, is a small village on the Sunbury and own railroad. JOURNAL contains a third more reading tter than any other paper in the county. 2 00 per annum. ee fight came off; on Wednesday even aong the Timbuctoo residents of Muddy No particulars. job office is now in complete order, and prepared to do all kinds of printing at iotice and cheap rates. Health Committee should give their at t to a filthy chicken-coop on Mifflin near the corner of Fourth. ertisers will bear in mind that the cir m of the Jonme.i. is five hundred more ny other paper in the county. :r and ague is very prevalent along the ngo Valley. At Sharon, in particular, mber of "shakers" is very large. nan named John A. Wearer has been A in Cambria county for attempting to it a rape on a little girl 12 years of age. teen copperheads were killed this season immediate neighborhood of our friend In Nightwine, in Henderson township. airMri lila - altid - "%VI Eta 'b Luria lb I Led thiti n on Tuesday afternoon of last week, considerable damage to the corn crop. ladelphia has 763 lawyers, 1,073 physi and 21,555 domestic servants. The sr of loafers and politicians is not given. Millerites have fixed September as the of their new departure. Delinquents, notice, and govern yourselves accord- Central Pennsylvania Agricultural So_ will hold its third annual exhibition at na on the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th days 3tember. , ound of turnip seed contains three hun' thousand two hundred and eighty-eight . Count them'yourself, if you can't take , ord for it. iton calls its Foundling Hospital a "Ref 'or Anonymous Infants," while Chicago hers a "Ranch for babies born on the ?ean plan." ne scoundrel broke into the Baptist Is, in Blacklick township, Cambria coon ne night recently, and drank the wine ded for a sacrament occasion. ,00na is to be speedily supplied with stain water, which is to be conveyed from ?rings in the vicinity of Kittanning Point, ranee of five and a quarter miles, is the fashion now-a-days to dress as t for church as for the opera, and any oonnet or particularly elegant costume is ly reserved for a Sunday's display, e Be.y Thomas H. Manna of Pittsburgh, ~ has distinguished himself among his ml brethren by refusing to exchange his )0 salary in the City of Smoke for a $6,000 y (gold) in San Francisco. Such loud as that seldom go unheeded. THE MRS. CLARK SUICIDE AT THE UNION DEPOT HOTEL, PITTSBIIIIOH—The Way an Iron City Coroner does Business—Sharp Practice.—The facts in the case of Mrs. Clark, of Six Mile Fein, Bedford county, who corn mitted suicide at the Union Depot Hotel, Pitts burgh, on Sunday evening, the 30th of July ult., are pretty well known to our town read ers, but our numerous readers in the coal re- gions, who depend upon us for the local news, are not so well informed, we, therefore, publish all the facts, in connection with a statement of Mr. Clark, to a correspondent of ours, which we expected to publish last week, but which we did not receive in time. The report which we copy is from the Pittsburgh Dispatch and is corroborated by the reports published in all the other Pittsburgh papers. The Dispatch says : The deceased arrived on Friday evening from the East, and informed the clerk then on duty that she desired lodgings for the night only. She was furnished with a room. During the morning of Saturday she left the hotel, but returned again about two o'clock in the after noon and told a clerk to register her name again, that she would remain over night. She then deposited some money in the hotel safe and was shown to her room. Yesterday morn ing the chambermaid tried to get into Mrs. Clark's room, but THE DOOR WAS LOCKED. The girl went away and returned again about two o'clock, but finding the door locked she determined not to call again until after dinner. In the evening, about half past seven o'clock the girl again found the door locked when she visited the office and asked if the occupant of room "seventy six" was in or out. The key was not in the office, whereupon Mr. Borland, an attache of the hotel was dispatched to see if there was anything wrong. He accompanied the chambermaid to the room and placing a step ladder against the door he looked through' the transom and found Mrs. Clark suspended by the neck from a post of the bed. The un fortunate woman was cut down by a physician who was summoned immediately, but all ef forts to restore her to life proved unavailing, although the vital spark had not yet fled when she was first discovered. Following is the testimony elicited at the inquest held on the body last night. Robert B. Borland, sworn—Am a runner for the Union Depot Hotel ; this evening (Sunday) at about half-past seven o'clock the chamber maid came to the office of the hotel and re ported that she could not get the door of room "seventy-six" opened; I looked over the tran som; saw the deceased between the bed and the wall, where she appeared to be standing; the chambermaid was with me when I made the discovery; don't know when she came here ; have seen her face before. John Nichols, sworn—Am Clerk at this ho tel; the deceased arrived here night before last (Friday); saw her for the first time on Saturday afternoon ; after breakfast on Sat urday she paid her bill ; never seen her before Friday ; she left a package in the office which she said contained three hundred dollars; the check for the same we have not got yet ; know nothing more of the deceased. It is reported that Miss Christy, who occupies room seventy eight heard noise in room seventy-six about four o'clock this morning. Anderson Murdock, sworn—Am clerk at the Union Depot Hotel ; the deceased arrived on -Friday night on the mail or fast line from the East ; she took lodging only; it was between one and two o'clock in the night when she ar rived; on Saturday morning sly paid her bill and went out ; about two o'clock in the after noon she returned, and said to register her name again ; she said her name was Mrs. Clark, that she was from Huntingdon, and would stay until Monday; this was the last I saw of her; she did not complain of feeling sick; there was nothing sent to her room while I was on duty. Annie Herron, sworn—Am chambermaid On this floor, (the third); came to the room about half-past eight this (Sunday) morning; could not get in, and did not come back again until about twelve; the door was still locked, and I concluded not to come back again until after dinner ; visited the door of the room about half past seven, and finding it still locked, I went to the officer and told Mr. Nichols ; he said that he thought the occupant of the room was still there. Mr. Borland then said that he would go up to the room and try and open the door ; we came up together and knocked three times, but received no answer; Mr. Borland then got the steps and we looked over the transom and saw deceased between the bed and the wall. Dr. Umbstaetter, sworn—Am a practicing physician ; attended this inquest at the request of the Coroner; when I arrived here I found the deceased suspended by the neck from the post of a bedstead; her hands were clasped together; her knees did not touch the floor; as soon as 1 arrived I cut her down with a knife there was a gurgling noise in her throat,which convinced me that SHE WAS NOT QUITE DEAD YET ; obtained medicine and all the restoratives gen erally used in such cases; placed her on the floor and endeavored to restore respiration ; she looked better for a few seconds, but then sank away ; was of opinion from the first that she would die; cannot tell how long she was hanging to the bed post. This concluded the testimony, and the jury returned a verdict of death by suicide. The deceased appears to have been a woman of about thirty-five or eight years of age ; she has dark brown hair and eyes. When found she was dressed in a spotted berege dress, and wore a neat lace collar, fastened with a gold breastpin. On a stand, near her bedside were found a lady's gold watch and chain, a brooch and some other trinkets, together with a pair of scissors, ON WHICH THERE WAS BLOOD; and about sixty cents in currency and nickels. Two pawn tickets, numbered respectively 23,- 396, and 23,401, were found in a little purse . . in her pocket.' The first ticket showel that she had borrowed thirty dollars, and the sec ond was for three hundred and eighty-five dol lars. Both tickets were issued by Emanuel De Roy, 153 Smithfield street. After the inquest had been concluded, the hotel check for the money package was found in one of dq,ceased's stockings which had not been removed. The fatal noose was composed of about three yards of strong, black linen binding, about half an inch wide. The deceased was evident ly moat determined to die, from the fact that in order to tighten VIE NOOSE AROUND HER NECK, she was compelled to lift her legs, from the knees down, from the floor in order to accom plish her purpose, the distance of the knees of deceased, when she was found, not being more than six inches from the floor. The body, as it lay in its muddy sheet on the bed, presented a mast ghastly appearance. The lower jaw was encircled by a red mark, showing where the fatal rope had done its work. The eyes were 'sunken in their sockets, and the palad expression of the face, as the Coroner's jury gazed upon it in the dim glim mer of the single gas light that illumined the room, was imprc33ire in the extreme. Knowing that Clark was in the employ of Capt. E. H. Turner, at Duval Colliery, Six Mile Run, Bedford county, we addressed a note to him to ascertain the facts. He waited until Mr. Clark returned from Pittsburgh and then sent us the annexed statement. Capt. Turner is intimately acquainted with the par ties, he having been instrumental, to some ex tent, in bringing them from Scotland. There is still some mystery in regard to bow Mrs. Clark becar•e the possessor of so much jewel ry, but Mr. Clark says it was given to her by a relativ. in Canada. Capt. Turner says: Both Mr. and Mrs. Clark are natives of Scot land, and were brought to this country at an early age by an uncle. Nothing is known of them until some three years since, when they lived in a Western city. lam not at liberty to speak of any thing from that time until some two years since, when they were married in New York and started on a visit to England, Ireland and Scotland, in which latter country they opened a sort of public house, which they kept for some time, but finally sold out and came back to this country, a little over two months since. On landing, they came to Du val Colliery, where they have resided ever since, he being employed as a coal miner. It appears that Mrs. Clark has for some time befit subject to attacks of mental depression, the chief feature of which was the idea that she was pursued by an old woman and two men. During her residence here it became known that she possessed many valuables, among which was an India shawl, worth $5OO, sever al diamond rings, diamond breastpin, ear rings, gold watch and chain, bracelets, shawl pins, set with precious stones, and a variety of valuable jewelry. A short time since bhe determined to build a house, and in order to raise the money, con cluded to pawn a portion of her jewelry. Ac cordingly she selected some $2500 worth. re:- marking that she “could easily raise $lOOO on them," and on Thursday, July 270, started for Pittsburgh, her husband accompanying her to Riddlesburg, where she was to take the cars, but arriving too late for the train they return- ed home. The following morning she again started, alone. Before leaving home, however, she reqmsted her husband to bid her goodbye, as she would never return, and seemed much , depressed. Mr. Clark, thinking it would soon . pass away, gave her - an affectionate farewell, and went to the mine. On returning home in the evening he found a letter she had left for him, stating that she would never return, but • that he would hear from her on the following , Tuesday. On :Saturday, however, be received a telegram from her, dated at Pittsburg,.desi ring him to telegraph or write to her. Two days after this (Monday evening) he received . a telegram announcing her death. • I should stop here, but there seems to be an after-piece to this tragedy which I give you as I received it from the parties. The morning after the telegram of her death, her husband, Mr. Clark, accompanied by Mr. Watson, (also a miner and lately arrived in this country,) started for Pittsburgh, which they reached on Tuesday night, and the next day had his wife buried. After the funeral on Wednesday he called upon the Coroner to re ceive the property of his wife, he being sole survivor, as there were no children. That official first charged hies $2O, and then drew up a receipt for the articles, which Mr. Clark signed; the Coroner then banded him the jewelry and pawn tickets, but still retain ed the diamond ring which he was wearing, and seemed loth to partwith. Ile then offered to buy the pawn tickets if he would give him the ring, but Clark steadily refusing, he finally drew off the ring and gave it to him. They were then invited by the Coroner to take a glas:, of ale, and were conducted to a drinking saloon, it being now dark, and while there he requested Mr. Clark to let him look at the ring again. On handing it to him the Coroner, by an adroit movement, knocked it from his hand and it rolled over the floor. A hunt for it by the Coroner and his companions then ensued. The gas was turned off, but Clark's companion detected the glitter of the stones in a corner and immediately seized it. Again was Clark importuned by the Coroner for the ring and tickets, and finally consented to let him have them if he would give as much as they were worth. The next morning (Thursday) ,they again visited the Coroner's office to get Mrs. Clark's clothes, but the Coroner was absent, said to be holding an inquest, and they did not see him until the next morning, (Friday,) when they saw him and received Mrs. Clark's clothes, but wete requested to wait, as the Coroner's wife would soon be there, and want ed to purchase some of the clothes. While waiting Clarke was again importuned for the ring and the tickets. Finally the Coroner re marked, "I think I have offered you too much for the tickets," and commenced to pencil some items, then turning to Clark said, "let me see how much the tickets call for." They were accordingly handed to him ' • he then said, "I think one of the stones in the ring is not very good, let me see it." Clark replied, "I think you have seen it enough as you have worn it three days," but again handed it to him, whereupon the Coroner cooly put the ring and pawn tickets in his pocket I Aston ished at this Clark asked him what he meant; and requested him to give him the things and let him go home. The Coroner's answer was, "I'll be G—d d—d if I give them to you; I have seen Judge —, and you must take out letters of administration before you get them, and that will cost you $20." Clark became much excited, but was taken by the Coroner to the law office of B— dz Me—, on Grant street, where, after aprivate interview between the lawyers and Cordite: they were told they must take out the letters and give $4OOO se curity, but if Clark would sign an article ma king them his attorneys, that they would set tle the matter ! Clark, distracted at the death of his wife, in a strange place, where was he to find $4OOO bail ? He told them so, and begged them to give him his property and let him go home. At this time Watson's suspi cions became aroused and he got Clark out of the office on the street, where they met Mr. K—, who told them that they were sur rounded by a set of sharpers, and advised them , to apply to some respectable lawyer which they did, and the case is now in the hands of lawyer McK—. _ _ This is the stdtement made by Clark, and confirmed in every particular by Mr. Watson, a man whose testimony is unimpeachable.. One thing is certain, Clark reached home this morning minus tickets, diamonds and ev erything except the watch and chain and a few small trinkets, and small as the lot is, with a still smaller opinion of the honesty of the COroner of the Iron City. Surely Allegheny county must be very un fortunate in the selection of its officers. But a short time since two of her Commissioners were sent to the Suite prison for high crimes in office, and here is another officer who, if the above statement be correct, richly merits the same residence. E. H. TURNER. , The Pittsburgh Dispatch, of the 7th inst., contains the following singtilar facts, which we believe were trumped up by the Coroner to cover up his footsteps in endeavoring to withhold Mr. Clark's property : The mystery of the suicide at the Union De pot Hotel, which occured one week ago last evening, becomes a greater mystery every day. The question, who was Mrs. Clark, and why did she hang herself, have now given place to others that at present seem still less likely of solution, to wit : who is Mr. Clark, and by what right does any individual bearing that name claim the jewelry and other effects found upon the person of the deceased at the in quest? In Saturday's issue it was stated that a man representing himself as the husband of the unfortunate woman, and• stating that he had emigrated with her from Scotland, and lived with her at Fairplay, HUntingdon coun ty, desired to obtain her property from the Coroner, and, the latter refusing to deliver it up, threatened to enter proceedings in Court by which he would be compelled to yield it. But proceedings were not entered on Satur day, and now it is stated that Mr. Clark No. I has gone home, the jewelry, &c., still remaining in the hands of the Coroner, who is explaining his retention of the property, tells the most singular portion of the history of this altogeth er singular case. He asserts that, on Friday, besides the Scotchman, two other individuals severally called upon him, each representing that he was the husband of the deceased and claimed what effects had been found upon her body after her deaths. Mr. West further relates that they described her clothing accurately— even to the minutia. of her underclothing, and gave additional evidence intended to show beyond a doubt that they were the veritable widowers. They seemed bereaved in a decent degree, but still the Coroner, as he states, fancied that they were false pretenders, and that their sole objects in calling upon him was to possess themselves of the jewelry which is said to be valued at about $l.OOO. Accord ingly he dismissed them and for the reason that there were ostensibly so many "Mr. Clarks" he refused to recognize as such any of the persons representing themselves as the husband of deceased. Thus the case stands for the present. Mr. Clark No. 1 has, we understand returned to Huntingdon county. If he was the husband of the deceased he will probably soon return with proofs to that effect. What has become of the Messrs. Clark, Nos. 2 and 3, our repor ter was yesterday %nable to find out. He visited Mr. West's residence last evening, and on enquiring for Mr. W., who happened to be away, was received rather suspiciously. On stating that he was a newspaper reporter, the cause of the suspicion, now removed, was ex plained by a statement to the effect that it was supposed he was a Mr. Clark, No. 4 a presumption which he made earnest haste to politely dispel. The case is an exceedingly promising one for interesting developments in the future. If instee d of throwing one of the "Mr. Clark's" out of his second story window, the Coroner had only put him under arrest and taken him down to the Mayor's office, there might possi bly have been a better understanding of its merits by this time. Unless Mrs. Clark had three husbands instead of one, and that each of the men who represented himself as her husband, was or had been such, then a rare piece of imposture must indeed have been at tempted. EDITOR JOURNAL :—I notice in the Pittsburgh papers a number of articles on the Clark sui cide containing statements that Seem to me very strange ; take one instance : The Coroner states that .e did not give up the jewelry, &c., of Mrs. Clark, of Fairplay.— This is not true. Ile did give up all thejewel ry, but by a low trick repossessed himself of the diamond ring and pawn tickets, as I stated in my former communication, in proof of which you can now see the watch, chain, breast-pin, shawl pin and thimble in Mr. Clark's posses sion. How is this, Mr. Coroner? I saw to-day a letter to Mr. Clark from law yer McKenna, of Pittsburgh, who has the case in hand, stating that the letters of administra tion were taken out, and that he intended ma king to-day a formal demand on Coroner West for the property, and if it was not immediately, surrendered, that he would expose him. August 11, 1871. E. H. T. WRIT UROKEN.—A passenger on the Dudley train, as he was passing Powelton, on the Bth inst., thrust his arm out of the car window and it struck a car standing on a sideling and broke his wrist. Passengers should have learned ere this to discontinue this dangersous practice. OLD MOTHER BEDFORD IN A Fu- Roß—How THE OLD LADY SCOLDS I-We week or two since made some suggestions in regard to celebrating the opening of the Bed ford and Bridgeport Railroad which has stir -red up the ire of the Inquirer terribly. Hear it : BEDFORD TO BE WAKENED llP.—There are a great many ways of doing a thing but the way the Huntingdon Journal does it beats any thing out. To hear those fellows talk you would almost think the earth revolved around in their office and they greased the machine and turned the crank. According to their faith, Huntingdon is the centre of attraction and the Journal the bead of the centre. What they don't know is not worth knowing. Phila delphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh are small towns compared with Huntingdon and a little place like Bedford is no-where at all. Occa sionally these Journal-ists and theirbig town, go together and "wake up" a little town, just to keep it from rolling out of existence. One of these wonderful feats is to be accomplished about the Ist of September. The following is the official order : "BEDFORD AND BRIDGEPORT BAILROAD.--S0 much has been said in 'regard to running through to Bedford, by the first of August, that the mind of the public will be disturbed, no doubt, to learn that there is no prospect of getting through on ears to that point before the 25th of August, or Ist of September at farthest, and then we want a regular old jubilee. We expect our friend lips to furnish cars enough to take half of Hun tingdon to that quiet old town, up- the Raystown Branch, and we will waken her up! We expect three or four bands, two or three military compa nies, and great numbers of civiluns to form in pro cession, with Ben Grrrettson and Sam Barclay, and one of each of their old coaches at their bead, moral all over the old place, and bring up at the Poor House cemetery and there bury Giarettson and Barclay and their old coruthes in one common grave, the Bands playing a funeral dirge, and Hon. John Cessna officiating. Hurry up the cakes, we arc coming ! Bedford must wake up ! !"—lluia tingdole J,uroet. No doubt the mind of the public (in Hun tingdon) is disturbed at -the announcement that our railroad will not be in running order before the "lst of September at farthest" and it is not at all unlikely that the Huntindon public mind will be more disturbed if they learn that the road will not be completed to Bedford until sometime after the Ist. That we may not excite any unnecessary alarm in the public mind of the Journal, we will guar antee that if they start on the train on the Ist of September they can have the pleasure of jubileeing at the Bedford county house to their hearts content, but we don't want our friend IPliillips to forward half of Hunting don here at the same time, as we have no doubt some of them wouldn't fancy the ac commodations at the above house and would go home with an unfavorable report. But the coolestyiece of impudence though, is that the Journal should undertake to dic tate to Bedford how she should celebrate the event of the arrival of the Iron horse, or rath er, to cabbage our programme for that occa sion, which had been revealed to the editor while here on a visit. When a fellow comes around at this time of day with a left-handed suggestion of that kind he musn't try to palm it off as original. But they - are going to "waken us up." They forgot hat they have already wakened us up by their twenty years unbroken thundering snoring. For over twenty one years Huntingdon has enjoyed railroad and canal facilities and until within the last three years of that time has been sound asleep, dead to all her interests. Bedford county enterprise, and Bedford coun ty money has made her in most, part, what she is to-day and what she ought to have been twenty years ago. In developing our coal and ore we developed Huntingdon borough and every one of their business men knows that the H. & B. T. R. R. trade has made the Hun tingdon borough trade, and built upThie town of Huntingdon, against the wishes of the huge army of their old fogies. They also know that the building of the B. it B. R. R. is a great stimulent to their business in all its branches. We had to send a Bedford county Editor down there to wake up their old fogy news papers and some of our mechanics to wake up West Huntingdon. Bedford is a "quiet old town," but in point of advancement, in porportion to its advanta ges, is twenty years younger than Huntingdon. We may have taken a nap occasionally, but it was always on a clear, sweet conscience— knowing we had assisted in building up our neighbors. We have learned a lesson from the Prodigal Son, and do not intend to give our children their full share at one time. When Huntingdon properly appreciats what we have already done for her, we will consider the ter nEzettince ^ tem.'" nishing water works. In the meantime, we will look after the Bedford & Bridgeport rail road, which, when completed, will be duly made note of, and the accomplishment of the grand enterprise appropriately celebrated, at which and in which, Huntingdon and all our other dear neighboring sisters are most cor dially invited and solicited to attend and assist. That will do, Sammy, now go to your seat I Headquarters for Boots and Shoes at Homy & Co.'s. They can't be beat for quality or price. [augl6-2w COL. SAMUEL A. BLACK.—The State Journal in casting about for a President of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, says : In looking over the array of slendid railroad men constantly present before the people, we find no man who embodies the same peculiar qualities in a professional way with like ele ments of personal popularity, so essential to take hold of an old enterprise which has been suffered to retard, and lift it up to a fair com petition with other great. ventures, as are pre sented by Col. Samuel A. Black, Superinten dent of the Middle Division Pennsylvania railroad. If we were to consult our personal feelings, we would hesitate long before we suggested the removal of Mr. Black from his present position to place him elsewhere, but as the best men are now required for:work like that of reorganizing a railroad, as a journalist we must point to such wherever they are fouud. No man in the State has had more experience as an organizer of the executive business of railroads than. Mk, Black. In the west, and particularly in lowa, he accomplished some of the greatest results which now distinguish the railroad interest in that region, while in Pennsylvania be is repu tubly known as having put many of our lateral roads in successful operation, after they had languished for years under ie control of in competent directors. He had a large cFperi ence of this order on the Philadelphia and Erie road, and was particularly successful in placing the Bald Eagle Valley road, running from Tyrone to Lock Haven, into profitable operation, and is now popularly known along: the routes of these roads as an able, indfatiga ble untiring official, who yields to no obstacle when in a pursuit of success. With such 'a man at the head of the Cumberland Valley railroad, one year would revolutionize the trade of the entire Cumberland Valley, mak ing Marti burg a depot for the transhipment of its vast resources to all pa of the coun try. For the welfare of the people along the route of this rotid, and for the benefit of its stockholders, we sincerely hope Mr. Black may be called to its presidency. Of cow-go:by such a transition, railroad circles in this city would loose one of its ablest and most popular members, but then the great railroaa interests of this nation would be advanced, and to such results it is the duty of all localities to con tribute. Black, Brown, and Gold-mixed Water-proof Cloth, very cheap, just received, at the mam moth store of Henry & Co. [augl6.-2w 111SCOVERY OF A GREAT QUANTITY OF Inox Ons.—A correspondent writing from Mount Union, under date of July 31st, to the Harrisburg Journal, says : A correspondent writing from Mt. Union ; Huntingdon county, notes the recent discovery of an ore mine on the farm of Peter Shaver, about one and a quarter miles from the former place. Competent mineralogists who have examined the ore say that it is of a superior quality and the prospects for an immense yield could not be more flattering. The ore is a neutral No. 1 hemmatite. The ground which is to be worked at pres ent consists of about seventy acres and up wards, a large portion of which has the rich est deposits of ore on its surface. The vein so far discovered is about eighteen or tweenty feet in width, and the depth of the vein is not. yet known. It may be fifty or two hundred feet deep. There is no certainty as to its depth. Several shafts have been sunk, and veins of ore discovered, from which solid pieces, weighing from fifty to one, two and three hundred pounds have been taken. The ore can be conveyed to the Pennsylvania rail road or the Juniata canal at Mt. Union with teams at a trifling expense. The discovery will be exceedingly fortunate for our furnaces, the town of Mt. Union, and especially for Ma tilda Furnace. The mine is in the hands of one who has the determination to develop all that is in it. A lease of the land has been secured for &reasonable length of time, and it is tholgbX that ore in paying quantities is deposited on tho greater part of it. • Sweet Cider at No. 420, Hill street. IN Ufioze SABBATH SCHOOL PORTER TowssutP.—Some one writing from the uper-end, and signing himself "Eye-Wit ness," makes the very modest claim that the pic-nic described by him was the grandest S. S. pie-nic ever known in lluctingdon county. Now, although it may seem presumptuous in a slender man like me, to venture to gain-say this assertion, yet it must, in sectional pride and in all boldness, here a claim that the Union Celebration held on the sth inst., in Porter township, will, in everything that con stitutes and profitable occasion of this nature, bear the palm. A refreshing shower had fallen the night before, relieving the intense heat of the sea son, and the morning arose bright and beauti ful day. The grove, a remnant of the "forest primeval," a short distance below the Loop Schcol House is Porter township, had been selected as the scene of the day's festivities ; tablet had been put up, seats had been pro vided, and a stand for the speaker and music, beautifully decorated with flowers and ever greens had been ereoted. The Union Sabbath Schools of the Loop, Hartslog Valley and the Warrior Ridge participated. The memb - ersof the latter two with their friends came in large wagons, with horses and wagons gaily decorated with flags, ban ners, evergreens and flowers. When a short distance from the place of meeting, they dismounted, formed in procession, and march ed to the grounds, the Loop school marching out to meet them, and then falling in in the rear of the column. The scene presented was somewhat inspiriting as from the woody slope above we watched them. The tri-colored flag of our Union, the old stars and stripes, floated proudly, yet peacifully in the van, as if recog nizing the grateful trifth, that no longer was it born by loyal arms in front of martial legions marching to the bloody field, but over the heads of an intellignt, Christian band battling it is true in the warfare against ignorance and vice, yet grateful for the blessings of Pence and intent on prolonging her reign. After the schools had been seated, Mr. R. A. Laird read a letter from the Secretary of the Huntingdon Silver Cornet Band, stating that on account of the sickness of the leader they would be unable to fulfil their engagement to play on the occasion. Our disappointment was however almost en tirely alleviated by the fine vocal music furn ished by a very excellent choir, most of whom 1 we learned were from the Hartslog school. 1 The exercises were opened with Prayer by Rev. J. Kistler, of Waterstreet, after which Mr. Laird introduced Miles Zentmyer, Esq., who in an address full of the beautiful im agery of Nature, endeavored to instil the les son of gratitude and love to God the author of Natures beauties. Music by the choir fol lowed, after which Rev. J. W. Plannett, of Huntingdon, was introduced. He spoke more particularly of the Sabbath School cause, of the magnitude and importance of the work, of the obligations all owe to it, and in an ad dress brim-full of earnestness, instruction and interest, strove to arouse a more zealous feel ing in the great work of the Sabbath School. Dr. D. C. Wright, of Harrisburg, lecturer on Temperance, happenning to be present was introduced, and intere•ted the audience by giving a very graphic account of the Mission ary and Sabbath School work in the great cities, drawn from personal observation and experience, in a manner at once eloquent and pathetic. . . . A recess followed Dr. Wright's address, in which the schools, spectators and friends of the schools partook of a magnificent lunch, consisting of roast fowl, pound cake and other good things which our lady friends of Porter know so well how to get up. After dinner had been duly discussed, and a short time spent in social enjoyment, we were again called together to exhaust the programme of addresses. Mr. Kistler, Waterstreet, then addressed the children. He contrasted the condition of the ittle ones then before him, with those in less favored portions of the world. Mr. Kistler, has been a Missionary in Africa, and the greater part of his address consisted of a very interesting and graphic account of the ens toms,•modes of living, cannibalism, &c., of the natives of Central and Western Africa among whom he labored. He closed with an earnest and eloquent appeal in behalf of the Sabbath School children of the State, and those who should be in the Sabbath Schools. After music by the choir, a real live Congress. men in the form of H. Milton Speer, was in troduced, and in an address which proved to be the desert of the day's literary entertain ment, spoke to the children in a clear and forcible manner, at once interesting and in structive, of the goodness of God, and the great subject of human culture and instruc - • - -,Lvers 0 c JD of all the powers of oVegfhViro" , Give me the body that can do and suffer, the mind that can know and reason, and the heart that can love." Lacking the cultivation of any of these powers the educdtion is defi cient. We wish that we could reproduce it entire but suffice it to say, that in all that constitutes a good address to children, which is one of the most difficult fields for the Ora tor, we have rarely heard the address of Sir. Speer equalled. After a vote of thanks to the speakers and the choir, and benediction by Rev. J. W. Plan nett, the audience disperses and ere long wended their way to their several homes. Thus ended a pleasant day, pleasantly, and I trust, profitably spent by the Union Sabbath Schools of Porter, and their friends. All aboard for the Mammoth Store of Henry k Co. [augl6-2w SUPPOSED CHILD MURDER.—OD Sat urday morning last our citizens were horrified on the announcement that a child, aged about nineteen months, had met a vioientdeat at the hands of its step, mother, Mrs. Sarah Parker, residing in the Sixth ward, on the evening be. fore, between the hours of five and six o'clock. As far as we have been able to learn the par ticulars of the sad affair, they are aboutras fol lows : Mrs. Parker, formerly Mrs. Lang, mar ried a Mr. Parker, a conductor on the Emi grant train between Pittsburgh and this point, sometime ago. Mr. Parker was the father of the child, but the new wife did not take kind ly to it, and report says had threatened, when in a passion, to take its life, and oftentimes punished it severely. On the day above named she went to one of her neighbors and stated that the child had fallen into a spasm, and on the neighbor going into the house tne little one was found to be dead. Other neighbors were then called in, when officer Hazzard was called, who immediately sent for Coroner Humes, when a jury was summoned, an inquest held, and a verdict rendered that the child came to its death from strangulation at the hands of Sarah Parker. Finger marks upon the forehead and cheeks of the child indicated that bands had been placed over the mouth of the' chill, but whether strangulation was the immediate cause of death would be difficult to determine as it is also statedthere was a bruise on the back part of the head. Mrs. Parker was taken before Alderman Durbin, who NM mitted the unfortunate woman to jail. She says that she had been punishing the child, and for the purpose of preventing its cries reaching the ears of the neighbors, had placed her, hands over its mouth, and not with any intention of taking life. She was taken to Hollidaysburg on Saturday, where she is now waiting her trial.—Altoona Sun. New and desirable goods just received at tho mammoth store of Henry & Co. ]augl6-2w A MAN KILLED ON TUE RAILROAD.— On last Friday evening, as the Accommoda tion train was passing the coal station at West Huntingdon, a brakeman, on the Union Line, stepped down to get a drink of water without seeing the approaching passenger train, and he was struck by. the engine and instantly killed. His head and feet were crush ed. He is said to have been John Wilson, of Hollidaysburg. Hats and Caps, of the latest styles, very 'cheap, just received by Henry & Co. 2w Persons wishingpeaches for canning will do well by calling on C. M. Africa's, No. 420 Hill street, next door to post office. 5000 bushels land lime, best quality, for sale at ten cents per bushel. Also, 1000 bush eles Juniata fresh lump lime, quality guaran teed, at eighteen cents per bushel. Apply to Robert U. Jacob. [juno 21. Fancy and Common Candies, Nuts, Raisins' Figs, Dates, Oranges, Peaches, Apples, Jewel ry, Notions and Toys, at C. X. Africa's, CELEBRATED "Barnet" coal in the Lump, Ren of mine or Fine for sale, wholesale and retail by Robert 11. Jacob, [june 21. Fresh Water and Butter Crackers at No. 420 4 111 street. ”thraeite coal, -the best va -1000 tons ' ..•tes for sale, whole rities, at lowest marks... fjune 21 sale or retail, by Robert U. Jact.". ANY person desiring an Eotey & Co's., Cottage Organ, at any price ranging from $l4O to $750 can be supplied by applying to this office. Terms: One-half cash, and the remain der in six months in bankable paper. Organ warranted. A good chance for a church or society. tf. HUNTINGDON AND RELOAD TOP RAlL 'wen—Report of Coal Shipped: TONS. For the week ending Aug. 12, 1871 3,028 Same date last year 5,790 Increase for week Decrease for week , Shipped for the year 1871 Same date last year 2762 9 14,975 191,020 Increase for year 1871 FRESH VEGErABLEs.—The market car of Messrs. Africa & Black will arrive every Wednesday evening, wliere vegetables of every kind can be had, wholesale or retail, as cheap as the cheapest. [aug 9—tf. FOR the best Apple Pearers, go to A. It Sewort & Co. Sign of the big Padlock. [I-2t. MESSRS. MARCH & Bao., return their thanks to those who have so promptly com plied with a request for settlement, next week being court week they would again ask those attending court, and all others indebted to them, to call at once and settle, as their old accounts must he settled at once, or left for collection. They prefer settling their own accounts, and do not wish to give either trou ble or add costs, raug2-2t. CAMP MEETING NEAR CASSVILLE.—A camp meeting, under the supervision of the Methodist Episcopal Church, will be held on the old Taylor Ground near Cassville, to com mence Friday, August 25th. Boarding and horse feed will be furnished at the ground. No huckstering of any kind will be allowed -on, or nearer the ground than that prscribed by law. The ministers and members of neighboring charges, and sister churches, are most cordi ally invited to attend this "Feast of Taber nacles." A. W. DECKER, Pastor, llArn you ever tried Nature's Hair Restora tive? You will be delighted with It. Clean, safe, and effervescent. It is driving all thepois onous compounds out of the mrrket. It is as clear as crystal. See advertisement. [ang9-2t. Window Glass and Putty at Patton's. March 22, tf. To NEBRASKA, CALIFORNIA, AND KANSAS, AND TILE B. & M. R. R. LANDS.— The "Burlington Route," so called, lies right in the path of the Star of Empire. It runs almost immediately in the center of the great westward movement of emigration. Crossing Illinois and lowa, it strikes the Missouri river at three points. These three points are the gateways into three great sections of-the trans-3lissouri re gion. . The Northern gate is Omaha, where the' great Pacific road will take you to the And of gold and grapes, sunny mountains, and per petual summer. _ _ The middle gate is Plattsmouth, which opens upon the south half of Nebraska, south of the Platte river, a region unsurpassed on the continent for agriculture and grazing. Just here are the B. & 31. Railroad land, con cerning Geo. S. Barris, the land officer at Burlington, •lows, can give you all informs tion, and in the heart of them is Lincoln, the State Capital and present terhtinus of the road. The Southern gate leads to Kansas, by con nections with the St. Joe Road at Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe and Kansas City. The trains of the Burlington run smoothly and safely, and maks all connections. It run —•' Polqrr . nnd Pullman dining ears, - and should you tatethe journey for the journey's sake alone, you will be repaid; or take it to find a home or a farm and you cannot find either better than among the B. & M. lands, where you can buy on ten years' credit, and at a low price. tf. New Advertisements. For a Court of Common Pleas to be held at ffuntindon, in and for tha County of Huntingdon, on the 21st day of August, A.D., 1871. TRAVERSE JErtoRT. John Booher, farmer, Shirley. Anthony Beaver, eirpenter. Penn. Isaac Brumbaugh, farmer, Penn. Ileury Cook, merelmnt, Broad Top. haac Curl - man, farmer, Todd. Shadr.ich Chaney, farmer, 13arree. • Adolphus Cunningham, flower, Penn. David E. Conrad, clerk, Carbon. Nicholas Creswell, gentleman, Alevailria. Asher Drake roarlimaker, Shirley. .. 'imotlty Daily, farmer, Ihirree. J. I'. Doyle, farmer, Shirley. John Enyeart, farmer Shirley. Istael French, farmer, Springfield. E. W. d lins, merchant, Franklin. Charles (Wee, farmer, 01301111, George Guyer, gentleman, Warrlorimark. Isaac Heffner, farmer, Juniata. - D. P. Henderson, farmer, Franklin. Peter K. ll:welsh, farmer, Morris. Geo. W. Johnston, gentleman, II mitingdou. Geo..Tnekson, farmer, Jackson. Peter Livingstuw, L coact, Barree. Willhon tong, farmer, Huntingdon. Samuel )tiller, farmer, Cromwell. Andrew Myton, farmer, West. Samuel McAlvey, timer, Jackson. James Miller, Sildier, Jackson . Norris, limner, P. Peter Piper, farmer, Porter. Levi Putt, miller, llopewell. Peter Ripple, gentleman, Orbi,:onia, Elislaa Shoemaker, farmer Oneida. J. M. Smith, farmer, Jackson. • John (1. Stewart, gentleman, Mount Union. David F. Tussey, farmer, Porter. (liven under our hands this 241111'6y of April,lBll. D. R. P. NEEI.Y, Sheriff. 3;1, Jury Commisdioneis. TRIAL LIST FOR AUG. TERM 1871 SECOND WEEK. vs. Nicholas TAAVIS Wm. Johnston vs. D. R. P. Neely vs. 11. S. Wharton !krDonald 8; Co. Thos. Weston. Ex. Ilithualt ittoly Canuul H. Dtruglms ifeiiiTiljo. "."-- vs. W. ILitfield Lazarus Moyer vs. Ricks & Walls August Kehler vs. John E. Seeds a al otlaciiii Ilognain vs. John Bare John S. Miller vs. Tlie Penns R R Co ;Jului Keller's Ears. vs. Saur.el Keller's ENrs 'Jacob F. Little vs. Robert Fleming et al Sarah Caldwell's use vs George Warfield Martin & Peterson vs. Port & Coplin JEtua Manufacturing Cu. VS. Wharton& NI g ' William Miller vs. lr n McClure NS. John Hoffer ve. Benj. C. Leonard M. M. MeNEIL, Prothouotary. M. M. Tate Kenzie L. Greene July 19, ISil. pROOLA3I_ITI ON—Whereas, by a pre cept to me ,lireeted by the Judges of the Com mon Flews of The county or Huntingdon, bearing test the =tit day of April, A. D., 1871. I am I,llllll.lllltiell to make public pmelarnation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court W . 0)111111011 Pleas will 18, held at the Court llouse, in the borough of Huntingdon, °Tillie 3d :Holiday, (and 21st day,) of August, A.D., 1871, for the trial of all issues in said Court which remains undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, whites..., and suit , inthe trials of all issues are required. , Va;71:i . lin;;;i7;gil;;;5171K1: 7 1:;; : ilf July, in the year li ef our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy., and the Nth Sear of Amerielui Indepeuilenro. julyl9. D. R. P. NKELV, SHERIFF. IV. BUCHANAN. ALLISON. J. M. BUCHANAN. 509 Hill St., Huntingdon, Pa. THIS is the place to get your fruit jars and tin cans wholesale and retail, also a line assortment of jelly glasses. COOKING STOVES. We have the cheapest, largest and best assortment this side of Philadelphia. We keep Spears' Calo rific ' Excelsior, Penn, Olive 13ranch, Morning Lida, Cottage, Star, and Regulator. We warrant every stove. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, JAPANED WARE, TIN and PAINTED WARE, &c.. &c., kc. Persons going to House Keeping can get every article they need from a clothes pin up to B cook ing stove. ROOFING, SPOUTING, and all kinds of Joh Work done at short notice, Give us a call and we feel satisfied you can save money. july 12. QTRAYED—From the residence of the K-7 subscribers in Huntingdon r on or about Thurs day, July the 27th ult., a bay horse, medium size, and about three years old. No particular marks. Any person returning him or giving any informa tion in regard to hiswhereabonts, will be liberally rewarded. W. T. HOWARD. aug9. Morrison Mouse. A R. BECK, Fashionable Barber A and Hairdresser, Ilill street, opposite the Franklin House. All kinds of Tonics and Pomades kept on hand and for sale. [aplll,'7l-8m New Advertisements. A LIST OF PERSONS USING THE SEWINd_ MACHINE Bought at BLAIR'S BOOK STORE, depot for Huntingdon County. 'VHIS LIST_ 133 IN M. M. R. Artnitn;T, " M0rd...16 W. I,rrettson, " 111 W, Joseph Morrison, " `• John Numer, Ifarry 4.1 " David Dorris Stitt, Sinule nap, Pa. - - " Wax, lairs :11 ills l'tt " Alex. C. Muir, M irharl Stair, Orbisonia. F . nbt._!3 .. itTba;n, Shirl4?:stm,, . , . " R. C. Wallace, " Miss Jane A. Adams, J. G. Glasgow, Tlu Springs, " Levi Putt, Saxton, Pi, Samuel llire, John Fulton, " 31ifis E. C. RZIIIIII, " Mrs. William Powell, intilley, P. 22,95 F. M. Rutter, Itnntlngdon. Henry Robley, " Miss E. Rung, Petersburg, Fa. Mrs. Kale Brown, " " Mrs. Blackwell. " Mr. John McMullen, Cottage. S iOlllOll Troutn : ine,3l;;AlarytiFort. Mn Mary Mah], tt .1111 . 1111ISpaell, " .1. 31. Oaks, Huntingdon. Rey. 3lr. Moore, Tyrone. 31r. J. 31. Isonburg, Alexandria. Mrs. A. 11. Jenkins, Riddlesburg. " John Gregory, Cottage. " Samuel Gr eg ory, Cottage. R.U. " Wm. Miller, PeterslatriL " 11enj..Ineolt, Huntingdon. Roe. 31. L. Smith, Petersburg. 3lr. John Riley, " 3lr. James 3lvton, Manor Mrs. 31. U. Slikknitter, Snow Shoe. S,doulatt Sill knitter , " " L. A Haler, llnutinst.lon. " 3liehael Hailer , '• • • 3tr. Geo. Marsh, Mrs. E.' Westkook, Miss Ratio!, " Slinnie Kuntgelman, Huntingdon. Mrs. Caroline Moat, " 31. Etichson, 31ill Creek. " S. A. Hughes, " '"e•• J. ii. Boyer, Huntingdon. . " P. 31. Dare, 311. Union. " M. A. Shai : ver, Ilnutingdon. lun Hoffman, " Miss Mary Foster, M. Carry Diffebangb, " James Dickey, " William . 11'9y, Spruce Greek. " Hunting.lnn. " David Hark " William Tiictun, " Simon Whit, 31aggin Oinvalt, " J. C. Smiler IftintinnAnn. , . " Thomas " R. C. Craig, Newton Hamilton. Miss Annie It. Parker, Meg. Mary Brown, Mapleton. " Gm W. Johnston. Hunting.lo.n, " James Stewart, Antiwtown. " John Snyder, Huntingdon. Mies Miiry J. Wise, Huntingdon. Mrs. Sandi Itein. Penna Furnace. Miss 3laggie Hebert, Huntingdon. . . " Martha. Ritchey, " " Sarah J. nmi, Petersburg. Mrs. J. 0. Stewart, William McGowan, Shade Gap. " Daniel Rowland, Six 3filo Run. O.G. 31eCrellis, Dudley. " JOllll Saver, Mt. Union. " F. D Stevens, J. G. Covert, Jacob " Henry Snare, Huntingdon. " Christ " " kthary Stewart, Huntingdon. Augu4a4 Fritehy, Saxton. " Henry Smith, MeConiwlstown. " Laden Norris `° Jahn Leister:linntingdon. Henry Ilasse'upli• " Fred Mobile, " Paid Sinn, " Alex. Carnion, - " William Strickler, " J. B. My - ton. Manor Hilt " T. 13. Love, Cottage. " Bridget 3lceal.e, Huntingdon. ?dim M. Morningstar, " Mrs. Emma, Chileunt, Castiville. Hartman Anderson, Dudley. " Calk:win?. Akers, Coalmont. " David Etnire, Mt. Union. " David S. Africa, Huntingdon. Mr. John Barrick, Mr, Henry Noel, " David Mingle, " " ChriAtiafi Peightal, Manor 11111. " Robt. McNeal, Burnt Cabins. " l'iereo Yonne; Water Street. " Sauna' V. Isenburg, Water Street, " William 11. Ricks, Huntingdon. Logan, " Hannah Long, Petersbui, . " Mugnos Koch, /Innting,leti. " John Ise.nburg, Petersburg. " Mary Fletcher, Huntingdon. " Hiram Ayers, Pittsburg. Miss Sue White Petersburg. Mrs.- Neff. Alexandria. Mr, Thnmas Kcrnxn, Junes Creek. Mrs It T. Connel. Dudley. E',hot, Manor it:11. S. J. 11,,eum, Mapleton. Alex.rort, Huntingdon. James 6_ Corbin, Cass.lle. last year than any ouier — i — u - Tiurel r otZ Blllo tL,gaiOr Machine last year was one linndred and twenty-seven thonstnd eight hundred ant) thirty three. julyt2 E XECUTRIX'S NOTICE. [E.•tute tf John Watson, deceased.] Letters testamentary having been granted to the. undersigned on the estate of John Watson, late of Franklin township; deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make imme liatc payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. MARY ANN WATSON, Executrix. July 19, 1871-4. TTOWE IS THIS ? HOWE does it come that people wanting to know HOWE to select the REST Sewing Machine are ra pidly finding HOWE to settle that question by buying the ORIGINAL HOWE MACHINE, with Into improvements, at Brown's Carpet Store, Hunting don, Pa.. Come thou and get a HOWE. July 19, 1571.-2 m ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration having been grant ed to the subscriber living in Cromwell township, on the estate of Henry Wicks, late of said town ship. dee'd. All persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will make immediate settle ment, and those having claims against the sante wil Present them for payment. lisounE w_ 11AFEI.EY, Administrator. ulylf. -6t SMITH IN HIS NEW BUILDING CA LL AND E-VAMINE... .F YOU WANT GREAT BARGAINS GO TO SMITH'S NEW STORE. The best Sugar and Molasses, Coffee, and Tea Chocolate, Floor, Fish, Salt and Vinegar, Confec tionaries, Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, and spices of the best, and all kinds, and every other article usu ally found in a Grocery Store, Also—Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Var nishes, Oils Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alchohol, Glass, Putty, Se., itc. The best Wine and Bran- tly for medical purposes, and all the best Patent Medicines, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention. The public generally will please call and exam• ne for themselves, anal learn my prices. S. S. SMITH. Jan. o'7l FRESII ARRIVAL OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AT SHAFFER'S NEW STORE. CHEAPER TITAN Tilg CHEAPEST. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his Id friends and customers, that he has just re eived front the Earh a large and well selected stock BOOTS AND SHOES ! Fut Men, Women and Children, which be is prepared to Sell a trifle lower than any Aber establishment in town. Being a practical ihoemaker, and hoeing had considerable experi nice, be flatters himself that his stock cannot be ;urpassed in the county. Givelihn a call, at the The undersigned respectfully informs the citi zens of Huntingdon anti vicinity that he has open ed it Variety Store at Nit,:i.l3 7/ill street, where all kinds of goods can be had as clear as at any other establishment in the county. Xis lineof DRY-GOODS, • - - GROCERIES, NOTIONS, is complete, and will bo soli at reasonable prices. He is agent for the Wilson Sewing Machine. 7 B. L. SILKNITTER. GEO. SHAFFER. MILLINERY STORE. CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE, (We'll end of the Diamond) HUNTINGDON, PA, Customer work made to order, in a neat and durable manner. Jan. 4, It 11.11 RIVATE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. Having g.eis into business at this place I propose to sell my private residence at Bedford, Pennsylvania, at private sale. It is unnecessary for me to give a description of it to those who are acquainted with it, and to those who have not seen it, and who desire to purchase neat and complete residence I would say go and examine it. The house was entirely overhauled and renovated but a year or two ago. It is located upon a full lot of ground, 60 feet by 240, on East Pitt street, and the corner of an alley leading to the Steam Mill, which makes it one of the most public places in the town in a business point of view. The lot is under drained by numerous drains, and is second to none in the place. It has produced all the garden vegetables used by my Tamily for years. In addition there is a flower garden and a considerable quantity of excellent fruit. There is a perpetual insurance upon the house. Address rue at Huntingdon or Bedford, Pa. J. R. DURBORROW , Huntingdon, Pa., May 31, 1871. ClO TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE N.. 04 For all kinds of printing. COLORED PRINTING DONE AT the:l,? , arnal Office, at Philadelphia price. New Advertisements.. G RAND DEPOT FOR NEW GO 6 D S D. P. GWIN INFORMS THE PUBJ,IC THAT hs 11i ,' ,. 1 155T OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS TIIAT CAN'T BE BEAT TN CITES I'NESS AND QUALITY. CALL AND SEE. D. P. GWIN. Jan. 4, '7l LUKE REILLY, UANCPACTERER OP AND DEALER TN BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CONFECTIONERY, AND DBALER IN GROCERIES, SYRUPS, &c., &c., &c., lIUNFINGDON, PA Bakery on Moore street, and Store at the Corner of Fourth and Allegheny. Dealers will be supplied at prioes•as low no can he had from Philadelphia. [ap.26;71. B.EE HIVEUBEE HIVE QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS THE MOTTO 06 6 . THE BEE HIVE GR'OCERYI Montuomery St., near the Broad Top Depot, HUNTINGDON, PENN'A. N. B. CORBIN liar just returned from the East srith a large and varied assortment of articles usually found in a first-clara Grocery, cousiatiug in part of SUGARS, TEA, NOLASSSES, COFFEE, CANDIES, CHEESE, SEGARS, CRACKERS, FRUITS„ TOBACCO and everything, else to be found in an establish- - meat of this kind. • SPICES of all kinds, pure and fresh, such as Cinnamon, Allspice, 11f agtard, Lod all other articles usual] :stablishment. fly kept in a first-elaso B A R.ll R Y. I • Ilcontinne to carry on my Bakery, and ant at all times prepared to supply dREAD, CAKES AND PIES, . :casemate prices. The following Fancy Cake. I says on hand or baked to order: Pound Cake, Lady Cake, Citron Sponge a Fruit " Marble " l'arties supplied with confections at short notice Family flour, of superk and for sale as cheap as tl all kinds of cakes and ie and reasonable rates. ior brand, always on hand, the cheapest. In connection with my other business I bare commenced the manufacture of Candies, and am prepared to supply country dealers with both FANCY and COMMON at as low rates as they can be purchased outside of the Eastern Cities. If you want to save money, Make your purchase. at this establishment. TOYS!! TOYS!! TOY ! 7 G )S This department is comp ete and embraces everything in the Toy line fro la Jumping Jack to an Elephant. I can sel To) , caesper than any other house in the county, end all I ask is a visit from the public to substan late the assertion. Thankful to the public for the very liberal pat ronage extended to me in the past. I will exert my best efforts to merit its continuance. Huntingdon, Jan. 4, nil. WK. RAHM'S • CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY STORE, (thee door west of Josiah thenniughanee,) Is now stocked with a choice assortment of at kinds of goods usally found in a 'tore of this kind, consisting of SUGAR, COFFEE,-TEA, PERPER, SAT,T, AC. together with an endless variety of, ad MI, I E AY; TO - re; • all of which will be sold as cheap as at any other store in Huntingdon. A choice brand of Tobacco and Segars always on ' hand. Pure Cider Vinegar on hand at all times. I respectfully ask a share of public patronage, feeling confident that my prices will be Satisfite- tory. W. K. ItHO3l. Jan. 4, '7l. • NEW - GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, at the new cheap store of CONOVER & DECKER, No. 625 Hill street: Our stock consists in part of Dry Gooda,:ero ceries, Notions, Bats and Cops, Boots and Shoes, Wood, Willow, and Queensware. Bacon, Floor, Feed, Glass, Nails, and also a full line of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and we re, spectrally ask a liberal share of pubtie patronage. apr26ly. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, and LOW PRICES, • A r 313 HILL STREET. HUSTISUDOS, PA linty A. Silknitter, has opened n fashion able Millinery and. Dress Making establishment at 312/, Hill street, and respectfully asks a share o f public patronage. Work will be done in the best style, and satis faction guaranteed. All kinds of Patterns for sale cheap. She is in receipt of all the latest styles and is prepared tcrexecate Milani:4s of workin her line in a style that cannot fail to ioleasc the most fastidious. Call and examine. May 24, 1271. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE C'AN DIES, To 1:5, FRUITS, NUTS, &r, is at D. S. Africa's Variety Store, No. 423, in the Diamond. Also. can be had. a tine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, I'EN RNIVES, PObE ET BOORS, TRAVELING SATCHELS, FANCY SOAPS, HAIR OILS, PERFUMERY, &C. Dow's Celebrated Ice Cream Soda Water, In season, at D. S. Africa's Variety Store, No. 423, in the Diamond. March 15, tf. FOR ALL KINDS Of.: PRINTING 0 TO THE "JOURNAL BUILDING Peppers, Ginger,
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