Huntingdon Journal. ►esday Morning, May 10, 1871. .DING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. MEETINGS. :1117.1M3 Longs, No. 300, A. Y. M., meets second Man ning of each month, in Brown's building. moo STONZ H. R. A. enswraw No. 201, meets the today evening of each month, in Brown's budding. TA Lows, No. 117, I. 0. 0. F., meets every Friday third floor, Leister's building. v HOZ CAMP or 1. 0. 0 F, meets every second and Cuesdaye, third floor, Leister's building. ranee 'roost, No. 00, I 0. of R. 11., meets every iv evening, third floor, Leister's o Max's Cultism:l AsnocliTion meets the lint and onday evenings of each mouth, in Smith's building. 33,6. A. It, meets third Monday of each month in louse. CouscaL meets the Brit Friday evening of each TRODON LOD., N 0.149, K. of P., meets every Sat vening, in Smith's building. INODOX TEMPT.. or HONOR, No. 71, meets the froth of each month in Good Templar's VLBSTEILIAN CUM meets every Thursday evening, ' M. C. A. room. MOD. Cousat, 0. 11. A. M., meets first and third of each month in Good Templar's Hall. CHURCHES. st Church.—Washingtoa street. Rev. J. W. PUN- Services on Sabbath : 1' 1 ,4 a. m., 7 p. m. tic—Washington street. kev. P. B O'Hattowt. find three Sundays in every month. ;enc.! Lutheran—Mifflin street. Rev. J. J. Kama. ton Sabbath : tU% a m. 7 p. m. an Reformed—Church 'meet. Rev. S. D. Druz.. ou Sabbath : 7 p. m, abet Episcopal--Chnrch street. Rev. 31. K. Fos.. s on Sabbath : 10%a. m., 7 p. m. stant Episcopal—Hill street. No Pastor. yterian —Hid street. Rev. G. W. Batsman. Ser i Sabbath: 11 a. m., 7 p. m. Mention—Home-Made and Stolen. r—The oyster season. sburgh has 475 manufactories. day last was cold and blustry. ming up—Rash Fisher's new residence. nsylvania has 28,200 acre's of coal 311 want to sell your wares, advertise in e tomatoes have appeared in the Harris- market. are prepared to do all kinds of job work rt notice. less thin five organists " done " this last week. scut a healthy appearance—Our adrer- columns. Sansom has again become editor of the la Democrat. plain and fancy job wor',;, come to the At. Job Office. nstown pays her school superintendent 00 per month. r 1,200 churches were built in the Uni- ates last year. 3 bailiwick was visited by a heavy frost 3nday morning. height of nonsense—The summit of a nable chignon. eafter 2,240 pounds will be the legal t of a ton of coal. aty-four cireus3e9 aro to perambulate vary ties se.mon. devil was out on a piscatorial expedi on Saturday nigbt. Republican State Convention will meet •rishurg on the 17th inst. learn that a boy was killed by the cars, turday last, at Mapleton. maiden speech " not unfrequeutly de. ad by young ladies—" Ask Pa." .cs are now in full bloom, and make the :grant with their sweet perfume. citizens or Reading have stocked the )3 adjacent to that city with bass. Juniata and streams adjacent were con bly swollen by the rains last week. tile girl in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland y, died from excessive rope jumping. . Jno. W. Forney lectures in Reading, on tth inst. Subject—" Old Newspapers." aan with a scolding wife says he has less A* the jaws of death than of the jaws of 3 barns and two stables were destroyed s, the other morning, at Liverpool, Per unty. unsuccessful attempt was made to rob ational Bank at Northumberland the night. • advance skirmish of the grand army of 'Roes have made their appearance here- hop Jones, an eloquent colored divine, ed in the African Zion church, on Mars- ight last. merchants have receirel their new For particulars consult our advertis- Aumns. public schools of this borough will for the Summer session, on Monday 15th init. r s ubscription list is steadily on the in :. Terms, $2 per annuls, in advance. fur more. new members of the Town Council sworn in and entered upon their duties iday eight last. ne kind of a one horse exhibition held in Yenters' Hall on Thursday and Fri venings of last week. keleton was exhumed the other day, by ty of workmen engaged in digging about 3utments of the Lewistown bridge. s estimated that 80,000 people visited count Park, Philadelphia, on Sunday.— umber of carriages, by count, was 894. little girl, aged 7 years, an adopted Iter of Mr. Geo. Couch, of Milroy, fell in : mill race and was taken out a corpse. .eral young men in this place are be ig stoop shouldered in their efforts to in successfully fifteen haired moustaches. Jacob Wise had the end of the thumb, is right hand, taken off by some of the inery in his furniture factory on Satur ant. ,ewistown youth has been arrested for hemy. If the youth of this town were to :ved in a similar manner " Fort Neely" I have to be enlarged. e Post Office D2partmcnt has given or to Postmasters that two persons, dizcon d in business or family relations, can re their mail matter from the same box. large gray wolf, weighing 120 pounds, ;hot near Fairview, Erie county, on Wed iy. Ile had just gobbled a It.mb for :fast when pursued and summarily cu t. ady teacher in this town, we understand, de laying aside her ferule and adopting sethod of kissing her pupils into obedi- Our devil says he would like to he a tar in that school. c best thing for cleaning tinware is com soda. Dampen a cloth and dip it in so nnd rub the ware briskly, after which dry. Any blackened or dirty ware can ade to look as well as new. r devil has the reputation of being the est youth in town. He has become so e of late that he has worn part of the hair is head raising his hat to the fair sex, no ke Uncle Ned, he " has no hair on de top s head, in de place whar de hair ought to bill has passed the Legislature punishing :lespassing or jumping on railroad cars, her coal, freight or passenger, with the ttion of riding free, contrary to ruels. The I , y is not leas than one or more than five :rs for each offense, and in case of refusal ay, imprisonment for ten days. Dead s, take due notice and govern yourselves rdingly. SF:NTENCED.—Starr, who was convicted at the recent Blair County Sessions, of ahoot ing Fay, in Altoona, last winter, was, on Thurs day last sentenced to imprisonment, at sepa rate a;d solitary confinement, in the jail of the county, for a year, less one day. We are indebted to Mr. M . Divitt, reporter, f,r the following report of the remarks made by his Honor, Judge Taylor, before pronoun cing the sentence, and would commend a por tion of it at least to the serious consideration, of the public in these days of frail women, outraged husbands, and pistols, when the mischievous and dangerous sentiment referred to has perverted public opinion and invaded the jury box to such an extent as to render human life of comparatively little value : "You have been convicted, and are before the court for sentence, of the felony of an as sault with a pistol, and it is our duty to pro nounce upon you the sentence of the law. The offense was very clearly made out. It was perpetrated in a manner and with a purpose which showed a manifest and unmistakable intention to take life, and we could not see how a jury, upon the evidence, could do other wise than find you guilty of the charge in the indictment Fortunately, although, several balls were discharged byyou, no mortal wound was inflicted, and, strange as it may seem, it was not long until he was well, and not likely to sustain any permanent injury from it. That you would have been guilty of murder, if he had been killed at the time, is too plain to doubt, and it is fortunate for you that in stead of being here to be sentenced for a fel neous assault merely, you are not here to be sentenced for the highest crime known to the law. You have reason to rejoice that you oc cupy the attitude here aat you do now, in stead of being here charged as a murderer. The penalty for this offense, at the discretion of the Lourt, is a fine not exceeding $lOOO, and imprisonment by separate and solitary confinement, at labor, for a term not exceed ing seven years, and penalties are inflicted, not for the purpose of causing pain, or in cru elty, but for the purpose of vindicattug the law and of warning and deterring all others from the violation of the law. Any unlawful act that intentionally aims at the destruction of human life, the commission of the highest crime known to the law, should be punished with a penalty which would impress upon the rublic and upon everybody, the abhorrence with which the laws views all such invasion of the rights of others, and as you stand be fore us, it would seem, in one view of your case, to he our duty to impose upon you a se vere penalty. You deliberately procured a pistol, sought out Fay at his work, discharg ed the pistol at him, and repeated the assaults with the pistol until all the bullets were dis charged and several lodged in his body, with the intention to kill ; and yet there are some things disclosed in your case which appeal for sympathy in your behalf, and for the leniency of the Court. You were doubtless at the time laboring under an impression—and one which was no doubt true, from the result of the trial of Fay afterwards,—that Fay had been guilty of criminal intercourse with your wife, and had done you that great wrong. You were acting with the purpose of revenge, incited by that cause, and impelled to it by what you have heard and read, uttered by brag garts, that any man guilty of such an offense ought to be 'shot down in his tracks,' that his life should be taken on the spot; what you have read of the verdicts of juries ' even ac quitting men and sending them abroad, men who had done such things, all over the coon try, but especially in the cities, where mur der had plainly been committed. You had heard and read of these, and no doubt stand here to-day the victim of afalse and mischiev ous sentiment which would make the revenge ful impulses of every man the law, and make him the judge and the tribunal in determining the guilt of any one that offended against him, and the executioner of the sentence which he might pronounce; which would allow any one for a fancied injury to strike down anoth er, witheut a moments warning or notice. "You are the victim, no doubt, of this mis chievous sentiment, and but for thatyou would not be here to-day. Surely any man, with the slightest reflection, should have intelli gence sufficient to know that he is not au thorized to make a capital offense of it, and constitute himself judge, jury and executioner. Any one should know that if he undertakes to do that he is guilty of murder, and even should he escape in such instance, through the ope ration of the sentiment which has misled him and impelled him to the commission of this crime, a sentiment which might, and frequent ly has invaded the jury box and led jurors to forget or disregard their oaths so far as to al low the criminal to go free, and encourage him in such lawless acts, even should he, through such a sentiment, escape, be would carry with him through life the conciousness that he had done wrong; that he had the blood of a fellow being, unlawfully shed, upon him audit would disturb his peace, and could not , fail to do so to the latest moment of his existence. "It but a few years since John Moore, under similar circumstances, in the streets of Johnstown, shot down Jordan Marbourg, a respectable citizen of that town, with a large and respectable family. He was tried, before a jury of Cambria county,—not before a city jury, but before a jury of honest, common sense countrymen, and found guilty of murder. Ile was called before the Court, as you stand now, for sentence, and I just happened to place my hand, a day or two since, upon the report of the little speech made by him before being sentenced. When asked what he had to say why the sentence of the law should not be passed upon him, he said I have nothing to say why sentence should not be passed upon me. I must say that I regret very much that those who were present did not prevent me from committing the act. I reflect deeply upon the men who stood by and permitted me to do an act over which I had no control at the time. They should have done something to prevent me. I am truly sorry for what I have done, and would give all the world if it were in my power, to undo that which has been done. lam sorry for it, and I do most earnestly hope and pray that no other man may ever be brought into the condition that I am in the same way." "That was the feeling that he hed on the subject. He was subsequently pardoned, but carries with him no doubt, the regret that he was made the victim of those who had en couraged him by uttering tu his ear, as shown in that case, the mischievous sentiment to which we have referred. "You are the victim of the same sentiment, and we have more sympathy for you on that account than on any other, and feel inclined to deal with you as leniently as we can, in view of everything which goes to plead for lenienel in your behalf." Wharton's Hardware Store is the place to buy anything in the hardware line. Farmers should go and see the Farming implements, such as Corn Planters, Cultivators, Ploughs, Separators, Cutting Boxes, &c., &c., which he will sell at manufacturers' prices. ENCOURAGING.—A subscriber in the fir west sends us the following : PLymocTu, LYON COUNTY, Kesses, April 24, 1871. -Sir : Enclosed, please find Two Dollars for which you will please continue to send your very excellent paper. I have taken and paid for the JOURNAL for several years whi.e resid ing in my native county of Huntingdon. It has always been a welcome visitor in my family. Now as we reside some fifteen hundred miles from the land of our nativity, it is rendered still more welcome. We are very much pleas ed with the enlarged and improved appear ante of your paper. I hope its usefulness will be realized both in the county and in the party in proportion to its enlarged and im proved appearance. I have no doubt that be fore the coming October that the Republicans of Huntingdon county will see the folly of being led off by side issues. We are having very pleasant weather for the time of year. We have had quite a pleasant winter—not much snow but plenty of rain. The wheat crops are looking splendid—it will average one foot in height. The most of farmers have their corn planted. Stock has been grazing on the Prairie for some time. The Cottonwood Valley is one amongst the best in this part of the State, with the Atchi son, Topeka & Sante Fe Railroad running through it, which is now completed to Cotton wood Falls, from which the great tide of emi gration is flowing South and West. The place to buy Paints and Oils is at Whar tou's Hardware Store. Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa. His prices are low, and his goods of the best quality. DECORATION OF SOLDIERS' GRAVES.— Decoration day will be observed with the usual ceremonies at this place. Arrangements have been partially made for the purpose and it is desired that they be completed as far as possible during the present week. Soldiers of the late war are therefore requested to meet at the Court House, 0.1 Wednesday evening next, the I.oth inst., at 8 o'clock. MILTON S. LYTLE, T. W MYTON, W. K. B,RCH INELL, Rev. J. IV. PLANNETT, J. J. Hosnr,.Com mittee. GONE INTO TriE UMBRELLA Buse- NESS.—Huntingdon has a number of speciali• ties which characterize her and give her iden tity. New ones are almost daily established. The last one that we have heard of was setting up in the UMBRELLA BUSINESS. We don't mean mending old umbrellas either. Oh, no! We mean trafficing in umbrellas. The individual who has hit upon this new branch of commerce is one James McCabe, a "fellow of infinite jest and most excellent fancy." He has been very irreverently slandered, as we have every rea son to believe. While going down street the other day we overheard some one "blowing him up" in a manner most unchristian. He denounced him as being a lazy, thieving "cor ner loafer," who only smoked and chewed vil lainous tobacco and spit it on the pavements for ladies to take up on their trains. Now, we contend that if McCabe was born tired he had as good a right to rest on the street-corners, if it did take all week, as any body else, and— and, it was his own business. "But McCabe went into the umbrella business?" Well, just wait we will tell you exactly as it was told us. McCabe did go into the umbrella business. On last Wednesday and Thursday the weath er wasn't dry; no, it was uncomfortably wet, and McCabe, like many another equally honest man, came to the conclusion that umbrellas were public property on rainy days, and find ing that J. C. Blair, at the Post Office, had more than his share be relieved him of three, one of which he sold for fifty cent's, showing conclusively that he uNterstands the art of selling, and dog-cheap at that. You couldn't get such bargains out of J. C. no how. Why he should just take three we do not under stand when he could just as readily have taken them by the half as by the quarter of a dozen. We have heard of honest fellows re ceiviv "three cheers," but never before heard of them Inking three umbrellas ; one is always considered enough. James some bow or other determined that he must have three if he had to go to jail for them—and, he did. The Sheriff will keep him dry. But we don't like this case. It is a bad precedent. Who ever heard of any body buying an umbrella on a rainy day when they were standing around loose ? We do not remember buying an umbrella for half a dozen years and yet by some mysterious succession of circumstances we are pretty well supplied. It must be owing to people forgetting them at our house—can't account for it any other way. We one wet miserable evening visited a pretty and extremely loquacious lady acquain tance, and, as our umbrella was wet, we sat it outside on the door step to permit the water to run off ; when we came out, the water had not only run off, but the umbrella had gone off too. We did not raise any fuss about that umbrella because it may have been the owner who picked it up. The only point that we can see in James' case, is, that it is extremely doubtful whether an honest man would have takes more than one, or at farthest two umbrel las. James may have stretched his honest intentions. We believe he did. We since learn that six umbrellas, which were taken by James, have turned upl This is bad 1 One or two might do but—but six is a little steep I James, we fear you hurt the business ! If people will watch their umbrel las and we have to go out into the rain with out one and get wet we will blame—you. You are a fraud A fact—that Henry & Co are selling goods lt cheaper than any house in town. A LARGE ROLLING-MILL—The La grange (Mo.) American says the contract has been signed by P. C. Brinck, Esq., of Phila delphia, president of the United States Iron Company, by which that company agree with the city authorities of Lagrange to erect and maintain in that city a rolling mill of 25,000 ton capacity annually, and to cost not less than $600,000, to employ not less than a mil lion dollars capital, and to be in running order within two years from the date of the contract. To obtain this the city of Lagrange furnishes the ground, and donates $200,000 to the corn pany. The advantages to be derived from such an enterprise can be easily computed in dollars and cents. This will give employment to five 13,ndred men, to whom will be paid $25,000 per month in wages, making the sum of $300,000 in cash annually, nearly every dol lar of which will b. ;:xpended in Lagrange. These five hundred men will nearly all be men of families, and will require houses to live in, which will have to be erected by La grange mechanics. It is fair to calculate five persons to every laborer, which will be an in crease to the population of Lagrange of 2,500 souls, double the present population of that city. Let other towns and cities in the State make a note of this. This is the kind of an institution we want at Huntingdon. We venture the assertion that we have twice the advantages that Lagrange has, and yet Philadelphians go a thousand miles past our door to erect works, which, when erected, will be run at a *cost of one third more than it would cost to run them here. Why is this? Huntingdon stands ready to liberally encourage any parties who will show a disposition to do the right thing, and the resources are here in such abundance that there is scarcely possibility, with anything like respectable manneement, of failure. And if men can tisk large sums of money in the iron business elsewhere, with the uncertainty of the tariff staring them in the face, why not invest here where money can be made with little or no tariff? Extensive iron manufactories are already in operation East, West and South of us, and others are contemplated, all on the rail roads leading to this point. There are any number of sites within easy distances of the town, water power is abundant, coal, lumber everything necessary to run an establishment, as large as Johnstown for any length of time. Grenadines, and ntw style Dress Goods, very cheap, at Henry SE Co. It. HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION 1-If you wish to buy Table Cutlery, go to Wharton's Hardware Store, where you will see the largest assort ment outside of Philadelphia. Just think, the second invoice in a month. Prices to suit every one. From Common up to the finest "Silver Ivory-Handle." Also, Silver Forks, Silver Tea and Table Spoons, Silver Tea Setts, Cas tors, Napkin Rings ; in a word, anything you want in that line. He guarantees to sell at manufacturers' prices, and flatters himself— by his largely increasing trade—that his prices suit the people. Go and see his stock. Cha ney and Maguire think it no trouble to show the goods. Can't be beat—the stock of Cassimers and Cottauades, at Henry dr Co. It HtiNTINODON AND RROAD TOP RAIL ROAD—Report of Coal Shipped: TONS. For the week ending May 6, 1871 8,368 Same date last year 6,690 Increase for week Shipped for the year IS7I Same date last year Increase for year 1871 WE arc authorized to announce that from and after Monday, the 23d inst., two trains will be run through to Mount Dallas on the Broad Top Road. The best place to buy Cook or Parlor Stoves, outside of Philadelphia, is at Wharton's Hard ware Store. J. H. C Hosiery of all grades, at extremely low prices, 10 cents pair, at Henry & Co. It. , Glass, of all sizes, at Whartoa's Hardware Store. Carpets and Oil Cloths, very cheap, at Hen. ry & Co. It Internal Revenue Stamps for sale by Frank W. Stewart. Ltuy.lo-2t* WANTED.-40,000 1119 Tub Washed Wool 1,000 cords Bark, by lIENRY & Co. May oth, 1871—Om. Parasols and Fans, latest styles, very cheap, at Henry & Co. [lt. CAUGHT NAPPING.—The Chief of Po lice of Harrisburg " run down " some fellow, charged with all manner of naughty tricks, played upon some fair damsel of the good " burg aforsesaid, and arrested him at Cleve land, Ohio. He reached this place iu safety with his " pet " in tow on last Tuesday night, by the 11:12 Express. The Chief concluded that all things were lovely and that alittle sleep would be most refreshing, and " shunt shlept a leetle," when he awoke, he felt lonely—his companion, without even saying " with you r leave, sir," or bidding Lim a gentle adieu, had gone. The Chief rubbed his eyes, scratched his head, then realizes that he had been " caught napping," rushed to the conductor, stopped the train, hastened to the telegraph office and burdened the wires with his grief, chagrin and a description of his interesting travelling companion. It was astonishing to hear the anxiety of mind expressed by that big souled Chief for Isis fallow travel er. Ile could not have been more interested if he had been a brother; a big brother at that; he was so much afraid that he might wander away and get lost like the "babes in in the woods" or get out of the reach of his own kind protection. When the dispatch was received at this place, Sheriff Neely was requested to examine the next train West, for the "lost boy." The Sheriff did so, and in the kindness of his heart, " took him in " gently as a " sucking dove," and the next train brought the gratified Chief , who "went for that heathen Chiuee." We saw them at the station and never did each man appear to appreciate the company of his fellow more than did those two. They were so attentive, so affectionate, so concerned for each others welfare that it was a pleasure to gaze upon them. It is supposed that the Chief "set up " with his "darling " until their safe arrival at "Clichy " or some other equally secure place. The stupid fellow, for taking the next train west, deserved to be caught— " napping." FORMAL OPENING OF TUE N. C RAIL- Rosp.—The M. C. Railroad having been com pleted to Gap Furnace, on Saturday afternoon a special train, consisting of seven passenger coaches, left this place for the terminus of the road. The day was atrociously disagreeable, but in spite of this an immense crowd of peo ple were congregated at the depot and on the arrival of the train from Altoona every availa ble inch of space was quickly taken up by those who were anxious to be on the first train to the Gap. The cars being completely filled, the train pulled out, and halted for the first time at the reservoir where everybody had ample opportunity to .examine and admire that somewhat extensive sheet of water. Here the Social Cornet Band, which accompanied the excursion, discoursed delicious music to the delight of the party. T he next halt was at the Gap, where the train was quickly de. sorted and the company scatted in different directions to see what was to be seen. After a half hour's rambling about, which was spent as pleasantly as the unfavorable state of the weather would allow, the passengers resumed their seats and the iron horse brought us home in good time. Everybody was in the best of spirits and all were of the opinion that the road is as nera perfection as anything human can he, rejecting great credit on all who have had to do with its construction. Commencing on Monday last, regular trains now run between Altoona and Gap Furnance, arriving and departing from this place on the same schedule time as was observed by our trains before the completion of the road to the Gap. This train will continue under the charge of that excellent officer, Conductor Dent. An additionnl train, making four trips a day, and running so as to connect with the other trains at this point, was put on the Newry branch on Monday, with James Cully, of New, as conductor. The people along the Ncwry branch, white sorry to loose Con ductor Dent, are satisfied that they get as good a man—and that is saying much—in Mr. Cul ly.—Hollidagsburg Standard. TILE NEW LEASE OF TIIE PENNSYLVA- Nil CENTRAL—The Committees of the Boards of Directors of the Pennsylvania road, and the Camden and Amboy road and its branches, having agreed upon a lease by which the con trol of the latter will be transferred fo the for mer company, it is probable that at the meet ings of the companies to-day the action will be ratified by their respective stockholders. The Pennsylvania Company agrees to take the property and franchises of the united compa nies, and to assume all their obligations, pay ing ten per cent. per annum upon the capital stock of the companies. The united compan ics comprise the New Jersey railroad and transportation company, the Camden and Am boy railroad company, the Philadelphia and Trenton railroad company and the Deleware and Raritan canal company. The leased lines, which will also pass under the control of the Pennsylvania company, extend over nearly every county in the southern half of the State, and their management will be of great moment to the people of a large portion of the State. The extensive improvements at Harsimus Cove, in Jersey City, which, although long contemplated, the united companies have not been bold enough to undertake, in view of the insecurity of their hold on the western busi .3S, will now be pushed forward. The Ele voted Railway in Jersey City will be built, and the wide cove covered with freight and pas senger buildings. It was the dpsire to have this great scheme carried out; the fear that the New Jersey Central would be leased by the Pennsylvania Company, and the doubt lest the National RailwayCompsny should succeed by foreign aid in running an opposition line across the State, that first prompted the di rectors of the united companies to accede to the proposition to lease their lands. The re sult, while it will, no doubt, he favorable to the companies, cannot in any case diminish the profits of the stockholders, which have hitherto for several years stood at 10 per cent. per annum upon their investments.—Harris burg Telegraph. THE BLOOMFIELD ORES.—The best and purest of iron ores are required for the manu facture of ordinance. During the late civil war the United States government tested the ores of various localities with the view of ob taining the best quality. We have before us a report of General T. J. Rodman, U. S. Army, to General A. B. Dyer, Chief of Ordinance, under date of February 13, 1862, which pronounces the ores on the Bloomfield Furnace property, located in the southern part of Blair and the adjoining territory in Bedford county, as "not likely to be surpassed by any untried variety," and which recommends the pur chase by the government of the ore banks and smelting furnace on that property. The re port goes on to say that the ores are brown hematite and are believed to be adequate to supply the wants of the government for hun dreds of years. About 20,000 acres of land, estimated to yield 12,000 cords of wood, which I would smelt 2,000 tons of iron ore per annum, constitute the surface area of this property. A rail Way known as the " Morrison's Cove Railroad" is now in process of construction from Hollidaysburg to Bloomfield and will soon be completed. At the time General Rod man made his report this property could have been purchased for $230,000, but the construc tion of the Morrison's Cove Railroad will make it worth millions. The Furnace at Bloomfield has been idle fur several years, but the con pletion of the road will revive it, and doubt. less additional furnaces will soon be construc ted at that point. Under the management of the enterprising agent of the proprietors of Bloomfield, Colonel J. W. Duncan, of Pitts burg, the excellent ores of that locality will now be thoroughly developed.— Harrisburg Patriot. .... 1878 ...120,189 ~.. 96,435 23,736 FROM HUNTINGDON TO BIDFORD IN THE RAIN—Big slide on H. B. R. R. on Saturday, —Rain 1 Rain ! Rs. ! And no umbrella! How are we to get to the Broad Top train with a book, a ha; box, and several other perishable articles ? Oh, for McCabe, the umbrella man ! But here comes Dr. B; we borrowed the Doctor and his umbrella, and through mud and over squirting pavements wended our way to car No. 2 and seated ourselves for a monotonous ride. Here we found S., of Bloody Run, whose good natured face always reminds us of a "big sunflower," Judge G., of the new and flourishing village of Gumptown, on the B. & B. Railroad, who is always "happy as a King," Rev. G., of Bedford, whose staid and sober deportment was in perfect accord with his professions, the urbane and accommo dating and accomplished Chief of the H. lz B. T. and B. It B. Railroad, several accomplished and interesting young ladies, a newly married couple—an old rooster and a young hen—and oh, how sweet they were, and several others. Smiling, good natured S. "took us in" first and talked all manner of stuff, told a yarn or two while it rained incessantly. The sweet couple, newly married, were food for reflec tion and ,suggested several ;good jokes which were told by the Judge. At Riddles burg the gushing couple left us. It was a serious loss for scarcely a joke was told for ten minutes afterward. At Hopewell, M., the State Temperance Lecturer, joined us. It still rained; on up the road cautiously moved the train. The excellent engineer kept a sharp lookout for breakers ahead. A sharp, shrill whistle and down went the brakes. Out popped heads on every side. What was up? It was only a few stones down on the track. They were off in a moment. On we went again. Another whistle, shriller and sharper than before. The brakes were plied vigor ously, out went the heads again, others passed to the platform, and in a moment steam was reversed and back we went to the first water station, then came the unwelcome intelligence that there was a considerable slide in Cy pher's cut. A sufficient supply of water hav ing been taken in again we hastened up the road. All were anxious to know the worst. The bridge across the Raystown Bratich was reached, and there in the "cut" lay tons upon tons of rock that had gone down—an aval anche of rocks. The train came to a halt and the masculine portion of the company went forward to reconnoitre. A glance was enough to satisfy any one that car No. 2 had gone as far as it was practicable. Change cars for Piper's Run was next in or_ der. The intelligence was communicated to those in the car and the ladies manifested just the least bit of petulance. One said that she would await some authorative announcement while the other showed a disposition to "blow up" the road. It was provoking. But worse accidents have happened on better roads.— Luggage in hand we left the train and slowly ascended the bluff. The rain fell inces santly. The ladies alone appeared to ob ject to the ascent of the Mount. Up, up we went to the summit and while we were ascen ding quantities of stones were descending into the cut. The slide is from the east side and will require several day's efforts to remove it. We slowly trudged our way to the only house at the station where we sought shelter. Here we found the local freight, consisting of two box and a number of ore cars. A lot of stock had been unloaded and to this car we were invited. Some one was wicked enough to remark that it was only an exchange of one kind of cattle for another and that the ex change wse decidedly appropriate.- TbeJndge denied vigorously that it was the Directors' car of the B. .k B. The ladies concluded that the Judge was a Director and they went for him. We pitied the poor fellow. "You know how it is yourself" when the ladies get after you. Still it rained! The railroad employees brought box after box, and great trunks, the size of "patent dry houses," through the cut and tun.bled them into the local express. They did swear ! The express man was slightly fu rious, but as the train moved off he seated himself up to a mail bag filled with 'pub. does.' and ate his dinner as calmly and collectively as if nothing had happened or as if there had never been any stock in that car. As we gazed upon him refreshing himself we closed our eyes and thought of th e splendid dining ears we have seen, and fancied we were upon one, but when our eyes opened there sat the ladies, some what mollified, the Judge, the Temperance man, Reverned and S, as meek as the lambs which had peceded them in the car. Dolph was jolly I He smiled so doubtfully and bus tled about while he smiled. At Bloody Run we took on Doctor D., who was quite an acquisition to the force. [leads went out involuntary, to get wet, as we ap proached Mount Dallas to learn the number of hacks on hand. And there stood one misera ble rickety old coach for eleven or twelve pas sengers. We had all been reasonably jolly be fore, but this was enough to make a saint swear,. The rain fell in torrents ! Nine went dost , n to the hack to fill the places of six, and three returned. What was to be done? Tele graph to Bloody Run for a hack, but the oper ator said that could not be done. Then some one volunteered to go and send a conveyance. Then again it was resolved to go in a body, and we did. When the train pulled out we were all on board for Bloody Run. The Judge thought it would not be a bad idea to take a little suthin'. The Reverend gentleman thought if he had any thing he might as well produce it. The Judge, without even a blush, pulled out an "imperial quart bottle," which was passed around, but the Temperance Lecturer and the Reverend gentleman obstinately refu sed to indulge. Six of us crowded into a wag on similar to those used by butchers in cities to haul calves to slaughter, and rode three or four hundred yards to Bottomfield's hotel for which the driver, who must have been a grad uate of Bedford Springs, Niagara Falls or Chi cago, charged us twenty-five cents. While awaiting dinner the story went round. Bret Harte and John Hay were read and enjoyed, and "all went merry as a marriage bell." The dinner was a capital one and did credit to "mine host," and to which we in turn did am ple justice. After dinner came "elutey," the hackman, who proposed take us to Bedford, provided we would wait until he was ready.— The Doctor became the spokesman of the par ty because he asserted that we had paid the driver from the station, for riding in his veal wagon, a quarter a head while he paid the fare of two with a quarter and consequently we were not fit to make bargains. He gave "elute) , " ten minutes to get ready and he was on hand in less time. All aboard for Bedford! The rain continued without intermission. Away drove Jehu, and he drove furiously. Then the joke, the anec dote and laugh commenced, and only ceased when we reined up at Bedford. A more good natured, jolly party never took hack. The Judge's bottle was hidden away in the bottom of his satchel, and if it had any thing to do with it, it could only be attributed Mita prox imity—nothing more. PRlNTlNG.—Remember Merchants, Me chanics, ant business men generally, if you want Posters, Circulars, a Letter head, Bill head, Monthly Statements, Cards, Envelopes, or any kind of printing done, that we are pre pared to do it in the best style and at the low cot rates. SPECIAL Nortca.—All persons indebted .to the undersigned, either by note or book ac count, prior to January let, are requested to call and pay the same without delay. All ac counts not settled by 15th of Juue next will be placed iu the hands of an attorney for col lection. 3lay 9th, 1871-3 t. Desalt k Co. Window Glass and Putty at Patton's. march 22, tf. UNION - MEETING OF FRIENDS OF THE Saurarn &now. CAusz.—ln pursuance of a card by the Executive Committee of the Hun tingdon County Sabbath School Association, a preliminary meeting of citizens interested in the movement was held in the Court blouse— K. A. Lovell, Esq., acted as Chairman, G. B. Armitage as Secretary. Opened by prayer by Rev. Zahniser. On motion of Rev. Zahniser it was resolved that the Superintendent of the respective Sabbath Schools of the town con stitute a Commiltee on Programme. On motion it was resolved that there be two persons, (a lady and gentleman) appointed from each church in the town, who shall con stitute the COMMITTEE ON ENTERTAINMENT. TIIOS. MYTON, aiairman. Methodist—Mrs. Esther Lytle, Mi. Jennie McCullough. Presbyterian—George Scott, John E. Smuck er, Miss Ella Orbison. Lutheran—G. W. Saunderson, Miss Julia Thomas. Reformed—Henry J. Swoope, Miss Amanda Port. Episcopalian—Miss Bennie Wallace, Miss Anna Simpson. Baptist—N. B. Corbin, Mrs. A. H. Hight. Ist Mission S. S.—Mr. John C. Miller, Mrs, R. R. Bryan. 2d Mission S. S.—Hu g h Lindsay, Miss -Ken nedy. Ordered that the Presideiit of the Associa tion and the Secretary, together with J. R. Simpson and M. Zentmyer, Esqs., constitute a Committee on Correspondence. •• Henry W. Miller and David Dunn were ap pointed a committee to secure &place for hold ing convention, with instructions to secure the Court House, if it can be had. Rev. Plannett moved that the matter of music be left in charge of Dr. It. R. Wiestling, pith request that he select such persons to form a choir as he may choose. D. Blair, Esq., moved an amendment that Dr. E. J. Greene be added to said committee of one. And the motion as amended was carried. On motion of Mr. Woods, it was ordered that the music committee be requested to select familiar pieces of music for the use of the Convention. On motion of Rev. Kerr the committee on correspondence were instructed to invite for eign aid to the Convention. Ordered on motion, that Col. Wm. Dorris and John Major be a committee to secure, if possible, excursion for those attending con vention, on the Broad Top and Central Rail Roads. On motion of Rev. Plannett it was resolved that on the Tuesday night preceding the con vention there be a Union Prayer .Meeting in the Court House for the purpose of asking a special blessing upon the convention. On motion of Mr. Dunn the committee of programme arc allowed to fix the time to be spent in discussion during the conception. After benediction by Rev. Kerr, meeting adjourned to meet at the same place, one week from to-night. G. B. ARMITAGZ, Secretary. Iluntingdon, May Ist, 1871 A BLOODY TRAGEDY !—A Boy of Six teen Murders a Companion of Thirteen.—Money the Cause.—The Somerset herald says : On last Wednesday evening our town was thrown into a fever of excitement over the horrible tragedy that had been enacted about two miles below town. A young boy by the name of Wm. Shaffer, but better known as Lord Wellington, shot the oldest son of one of our respectable citizens, James Marshall, Esq., who resides about a mile south of this place. On the morning of Wednesday, the boy known as Lord Wellington came into the store of F. Blymyer, and seeing some revolvers lying on the counter, he immediately inquired the different prices, when he was told he needn't know as Ise didn't want to purchase. Not to be put off in this manner, he again inquired, when he was told they were worth $4,25. He then threw down a five dollar bill, took the revolver and purchased seventy-five cents worth of cartridges and left. Mr. Blymyer thinking that he had done wrong, in a few minutes started after the boy but could not find him. About six o'clock in the evening, the report came to town, that young Marshall was lying dead, by a bridge near the residence of Henry Metzler. In a few minutes from one to two hundred men and boys started for the spot, and found the report but too true. The boy was lying on his back, pierced through his breast by a ball, having a five barrelled revol ver by his side, with every barrel charged. A jury was at once impannelled, an inquest was held, the verdict being that young Marshall had come to his death by a pistol shot from an unknown band. The following facts were afterwards learned, that Lord Wellington had stolen the five dol lars from a laborer on the railroad, with which he purchased the revolver, that he and young Marshall had been shooting mark the greater part of the day, and Shaffer confesses that he demanded of Marshall some money which he had in possession and that on re fusing he had shot him. The next morning after the horrible affray Shaffer's pistol was found in a field near by, and Marshall's pocket book but a few yards further on. It is generally believed that he killed him for his money, and it is thought his original in tention was to shoot Jim Acres, one of the bosses on the railroad, with whom he had some little difficulty. Young Shaffer is a youth of about IG, who has been brought up without having any of those Christian influences brought to bear upon him which go so far to make the char acter of a youth. He has scarcely the knowl edge of right or wrong, and to show the total ignorance of the boy, he inquired of the officer who had him in charge, and while conveying him to prison, if they would hang him, for said he, if they will, I want to send for a preacher and get religion. A MAN KILLED.—A Sad end of an Emigrant.—On Saturday the 27th ult., as the emigrant train was about to leave the station at this place, a German emigrant, who had alighted got up on one of the regular passen ger coaches attached to the train. He discov ered Elio mistake and alighted to take the proper car, but by the time he reached it the train was running at such a speed that he could not get on. He remained about Hunt ingdon until Monday. In the meantime he became so much depressed at the thought of being left behind that he became insane. Some persons interested themselves in his behalf, and on examining his ticket they found that it called for Paris, Kentucky, they, therefore, determined to assist him all in their power. On Monday following, when the emigrant train arrived, they took him, against his will and placed him on it. He immediately afterwards became violent and broke a seat or two and several panes of glass out of the car. He was consequently put off at Spruce Creek where an hour or two later he was run over by a freight train and instantly killed. He had just arriv ed from Europe. His end is truly a sad one. White Goods, Linen Goods, Lace and Linen Collars, latest styles, etc., a fine assortment, at Glazier ik Bro 's. [my.3-3t Tn• best thing out Weidas Revoiring Smoothing Iron, for sale at A. R. Stewart & Co. March 8, 2-m. New Sheet Music just received at Green's Music Store. [my.3—ew A large lot of German Accordeons for sale, cheap, at Green's Music Store. [my.3.2u. David Mengle has on hand a fine assortment of Carriages and Buggies, which he will sell at reasonable prices, [my.3-2t A NEW COMMENTARY— Crake, Jz ptanatory and Practical on the Old and New Testaments :—By Rev. Robert Jamison, D. D., St. Paul's Glasgow ; Rev. A. B. Fausset, A. B. Curthbert, York, and Rev. David Brown, D. D., Professor of Theology, Aberdeen. A comentary on the whole Bible in one vol ume. A commentary far in advance of the older works. A commentary compendious and compre hensiec in its character. A commentary containing a critical intro duction to each book of Scripture. A commentary haring over 200 handsome illustratio.. A commentary by far the most practical, suggestive, scientific and populor, and in typog raphy and general arrangement, the peer of the best in the English language. No book ever published in this, or any other country, has been commended by so long a list of the most eminent men and scholars as this. Read a few of the many testimonials given by eminent scholars and ministers, whose learning and ability for judging such an im portant work is unquestioned. Rev. James IPCosh, D. D., President Prince. ton College, says: "I am well acquainted with the commentary by Jamison, Fausset & Brown, and have often made good and profitable use of it. It is highly esteemed in Great Britain and Ireland, and I am pleased it is republished in this country. It is the work of highly com petent scholars who have succeded in bringing out its mines of the spirit as revealed in the scriptures. It is clear, brief, judicious and eminently fitted to be useful alike to pastor and people." Rev. D. W. Clark, D. D., Bishop M. E. Curch—"The commentary on the Old and New Testaments of Messrs. Jamison, Fausset k Brown is just what the people want. Without ostentation, and free from unnecessary ver biage, it lays under contribution its rescearches of scholars, critics and travelers, that hate thrown so much light on Biblical topics iu modern times. It will be found one of the most useful and instructive commentaries yet published--a help not merely to its better un derstanding of the word of God, but also to clearer experience in its Christian life." Rev. G. W. Zahniser, Pastor Presbyterian Church of this place, says have not had time to examine with much care the 'commen tary on the Old and New Testaments" pub lished by the New Word Publishing Company, but I have no doubt however, that it is a work of very great merit. it has received the commendations of such men as Drs. Bodge and M'Cosh and other eminent divines. It well deserves, and I hope will have a wide circulation." Rev. B. B. Hamlin, D. D., P. E. Juniata Dis• trict, If. E. Church, lays : Having examined the commentary on the Old and New Testa ments now in the hands of Mr. Wagoner for circulation, I hesitate not to say that it is all that its title imports—"critical, explanatory and practical." It is remarkable for the sim plicity of its arrangement—for the conciseness and clearness of ita style—for the brevity and comprehensiveness of its statements and ex positions, and especially desirable as compos ing a complete commentary on the whole Bible in a single volume. "Mr. Wagoner is certainly entitled to en couragement no furnishing, in a very cheap and portable form, a commentary ou the Scriptures, which, whether in the ministers study, in the Sunday School, or in the family. cannot fail to render very great satisfaction." To NEBRASKA, CALIFORNIA, AND KANSAS, AND TAI 13. & M. R. R. LANDS,- 1 The "Burlington Route," so called, lies right in the path of the Star of Empire, It runs almost immediately in the center of the great westward movement of emigration. Crossing Illinois and lowa, it strikes the Missouri river at three points. These three points are the gateways into three great sections of the trans-Missouri re gion. The Northern gate is Omaha, where the great Pacific road will take you to the land of gold and grapes, sunny mountains, and per petual summer. The middle gate is Plattsmouth, which opens upon the south half of Nebraska, south of the Platte river, a region unsurpassed on the continent for agriculture and grazing. Just here are the B. & M. Railroad lands, con cerning Geo. S. llarris, the land officer at Burlington, lowa, can give you all informs tion, and in the heart of them is Lincoln, the State Capital and present terminus of the road. The Southern gate leads to Kansas, by con nections with the St. Joe Road nt Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe and Kansas City. The trains of the Burlington run smoothly and safely, and make all connections. It run the best of coaches, Pullman Palace and Pullman dining cars, and should you take the journey fur the journey's sake alone,, you will be repaid; or take it to find a home or a farm and you cannot find either better than among the B. & B. lands, where you can buy on ten years' credit, and at a low price. tf. Mourning Goods, Black Alpaccas, Mixtures for Ladies' Suits, Percales, Lawns, Summer Plaids, &c. For good goods, choice styles and low prices, go to Glazier & Bro.'s. [my.3-3t From 30 to 50 cents a yard lower than they have been—the Black Silks offered by Glazier & Bro. [my.3-3t. Black H ernanis and Grenadines, cheap, at Glazier 3 Bro.'s. [my.3-3t FIFTY setts of Melton jewelry at Henry Co's. The latest thing out. Ladies, just go and see them. May 3-2 t. Those of our lady friends who wish a good Black Silk Dress, will find a large assortment at Glazier & Bro.'s, 309 North Third street, ranging in price from $1,25 per yard upwards. 3t. Gsitros NORWAY OAIII for sale by Glazier & Bro. Price, $1.50 per bushel. [ Bona dust, by the large or small quantities at Henry & Co's. Lap26,4t. 80. dust, by the large or small quantities, at Fleury & [ap26,4t. artia l itO. LAUGIILIN—IIAMER.—On the 30th ult., by Rev. J. P. Long. Mr. &met Laughlin to Miss Mary Ann Flamer, all of McConnellatown. Sit LILTS—SECK LER.—On the 2d init.. of Mt. Union, by Rev. G. W. Zahnizer. Mr. La: id J. Shults, of Spruce Creek, to Miss Mary J. Seckler, of Mt. Union. NANKITELL—BAWN.—On tho 20th ult., by Rev. S. A. Creveling, Mr. Thomas Nankivell, of Millerztown, to Miss Martha A. Bowe, of Shade Valley. LORENZ—HAINES.—On the =.l ult., try Rev. S. p . Steckel, Mr. Frederick H. Lorenz to Miss Mary Haines, all of Huntingdon. RENNER— BURNER.—On 21 et Feb.lB7l, by Rev. DI b' Smith, Mr. Theodore Benner to !lies Jennie Burner, ell of Petersburg, Pa. 110UCII—MARTIN.—On the 15th inst., by John 0. Murray, Eeq., Mr. Robert Houck to Mice Margaret Mar tin, both of title place. LEFFERD—COZUSS.—March 30, by ROT. 11. K. Foster, Mr. Adam Laird to Mum Mary M. COMM., all of Huntingdon, Pa. WAGNER—WEVERLING.—ApriI ls, by the came, Mr. Jacob Wagner to Mies Bunn Woverling, ail of Bloody Run, l'a. McCOY--CORNELISON.—ApriI I:5, by the same, Mr. Andrew McCoy to Wu ZIA Cornelison, all of fluntingden. gentio. CAROTLIERS.—In Alexandria, on the Md ult., Mr. R. Carothers, aged about 26 year.. PHEASANT.—In Mapleton, on the 17th ult., of typhoid facer, John Thompson, eon of John and Matilda Pheasant, agod 10 year., 2 months and 24 day:. TEAL.—On the 27th ult. Miss Mary Ellen Neal, former ly of Harrisburg, aged years. HAWSER.—In Shirleysb mg, on the 26th alt., of Bron chitis, Mr. George W. Hanker, aged b.l }earn, 19 months and 20 days. EFFRIGIIT.—On the 27th ult., Florence, daughter of Frank and Ellen Ileffright. lIEFFRIG UT —On the 2d instant, May froward, aon of Frank and Ellen Ileffright, aged nearly i year.. FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING GO TO THE "JOURNAL BUILDING." ...Dry Goode. CARMON & CUNNINGHAM. 8. B. Chaney having retired from the irm of g. B. Chaney & Co., a new firm has been established under the Ityle and title of Carmon & Cunningham, and the business will hereafter be conduoted by them. THEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, PAPER COLLARS, OF EVERY STYLE AND VARIETY, TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, ALL KINDS OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, EVERYTHING THAT BELONGS TO A GENERAL VARIETY STORE. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER Call at BROAD TOP CORNER, NO. 332, ALLEGHENY STREET, and No. 100, FOURTH STREET, IF YOU WANT CHEAP GOODS, April 19, 1871.-6 m. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT MARCHS.' Having purchased the the greatest variety •f goods ever brought to Huntingdon, they are pre pared to give greet bargains to those who patron ize their establishment. Their stock •onsists in pert of MUSLINS, CALICOES, DELAINES. GINGIIAMS, FLANNELS, 1.., it reduced prises. Also s oboise oldeetiou •f Ladies' Dress Goods. Merinos, figured and plain ; Alpacas ; Mohair; all wool Delaines; Luatera, Poplin.; also a com plete aasortmant of Gentlemen's wear, such as CLOTHS. CASSIMERS, SATIRETTS, JEANS, COTTONADES, at istonishingly low prices. We do not consider it any trouble to ■how goods, and would be pleased to have the ladles and the public generally call and examine our new stock, which we are determined to sell at the lowest sash prices. In connection with our other business we hay. established a first-glass LUMBER YARD, where all kinds of lumber for building purpose. can be bad at reasonable rates. Boards, Lath, Shingles, Jte., &c., always on hand. MARCH is BRO. HENRY & CO'S. LUMBER AND COAL DEPOT. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, Lath, Pickets, constantly on hand. FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, AC., et manufacturers' prices. ANTHRACITE, BROAD TOP, ALLE GHANY, SANDY RIDGE AND PITTSBURG COAL, BY the TON, CAR, or BOAT LOAD. Feb. 15, 1871. TROLLS TIMM. Z. O. USW. TR.. C. MIS. FISHER & SONS, PROPRIETORS of the HUNTINGDON MILLS. FLOUR, FEED, GROUND PLASTER, kG Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FISH, SALT, IC. A Specialty mad• of CARPETS, OIL CLOTH & MATTING& }larch 8, 1871.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers