OlDbe. HUNTINGDON; PA Tuesday morning, Deo. 60870. LOCAL & PERSONAE ➢lcetlfge .31t..Iforiah Lodge, 1.:1,0, A 3" . . 3f.. meta second Monday evening oi each month, in in., n'. Mandina Mons 31. if. A. Chapter, No. 201. meet., tho 'first 1 uts,tay Cs ening of iglu month, in Brown's builting Juniata Lodor, No. lr, 1 0. 0. F., meets ovmy.Ti iday evening, third floor, in heist, is building. Mount Hoe Camp if I. 0. 0. F., no ohs every s~ mil end fourth Tuesday s, in Leistees building, fund ILea. Standing Slone Lodge 110 St, I. U. G. N., Tueshay crewing in third floor of building: Arrapaline Tribe, No. OS, I. 0 of R. meet , tvcf.Y Tlininday evening, third floor, Lc ist, es building. Bleu's Christian Association mods the first and thiid Monday eiemugs each mouth, in Smith's building. Foci 33, , meets 7 bird Monday_ of eons month in Court House. Town Onincil meets the first Friday evening of ends month. Huntingdon Lido., No. 142, If. of P., meets carts Sat nrday esening, in :unities building. Jlectititiven 'Matt, •Lf honor, No 71, 1111 , 0t4 the fourth Monday of each 11101101 to Good Tenitilhr,` flail. 2/dc Club meets ever} Thursday evening, in Use V. g. C. A. soma. - - • • • Ilunllngdon Council, 0. U. 4. 31., meets first And third 'Tuesdsla °reach month in (Rod Tentplars I=l Baptist Church—Wit,hington Street. Rev. J. W. Nan nett. Seri lees on Sabbath : 101.; a. m., L p m. Catholic—WaAntiaton Street. Itev. It. J. Ayla ard. Ser vices first three Sinnla3s in every mouth. Kvangelica/ Lutheran—Minim Street. Itev. J. J. Kerr. Services on Sabbath : 1034 a. tu.,: p. m. German Reformed—Church Street. Rev. S. D. Steeple Sep. ice on Sabbath: 7. p. in. Ilethodist Episcopal—Church Street. Rev. 31. K. Foster Services on Sabbath : 11.114 n. iu., 7 p. tn. protestant street. Bev. A. 11. 1103 le, tiers ices ou Sabbath: 1034 a. nt., b; :;p to. Fresty ttrian—llill Street. ltuv. G. IV. Zahniser. Ser vices on Sabbath: 11 a. nt , 7 p.m. Oil the Wins. Cotton is a bosom friend Powder is a nice thing—in a horn. Pale brandy often makes a red nose. A boy at school spelt Aaron "big A, little s, r-o-n." Another spelt gallery, —big gal, little gal, e-r-y." Ebensburg has already enj.yed sleigh-ri ding. The Capitol building of this State is fifty _years old Gen. Kane, of Buektail fame, is named as a candidate for Republican Governor. • Farmers, advertise your sales, and get your sale bills piinted at tho Globe office. Our friend J. Irvin, Steel has enlarged and otherwise beautified the AAland Advocate. The Bedford Gazette is to enlarge to a nine column paper. The double•baby story we published last -.week is true. A valuable corner property opposite the Franklin House, will be sold on the 13th. The valuable Dorsey property adjoining us, seventy-five feot front, will be sold at public sale on Thursday next. There are more heavy porkers killed and to be killed in town this winter than has 'been for many years. Somebody has been eating morn Of nor -chickens than was caned fur in daylight— ing us the heads. Frank Ileffrigl.t's new three story brick in West Ilunting,don is a splendid improve ment. James n newly elected councilman of Altoona, was killed nhile walking on the track in that place. Another Blair county weeny was token in and dime for to the tune of $31.50 for pine sticks by a New York counterfeit concern. John Dean, al , of ITollhlaysbnrg. had his foot 11111plItated teeently, on account of a severe afflietim at the nokle joint. Mr. Leighty of Bair e.iunty, shot a main moth buy): on the AlleAhenie,, which weigh ed over PJG pounds. 0, my ! Sane of the new winter mai have looking-glasses in them. Whet an "el egant thing" they will be at church ? A ton of apple-seeds is said to Le worth ..V4QO: 'Boys, save the Cores, and irhen you get old, may be you'll have a ton. The roof of , Girard College, Philadelphia, -.weighs 070 tens. The cost of the colleie -was W 33,871,78 as audited. Going to law about n pane of glass cost two citizens of Sunbury one hundred and -twenty dollars. A rock weighing twelve hundred tnns was 'thrown a short distance by a blast, near Cu-- .umbits, a few days ago. . Henry Frybarger, of McVeytown, a man .ofdissipated habits, fell into the canal, near that place recently, and was drowned. Thomas Jefferson never made a speech, he having, as he termed it, "no faculty of thinking when on his legs." Our former townsman, Mr. 11. C. Weaver, is now in Charleston, West Virginia, where, we learn, he intends locating. Success'to him An Illinois postmaster gives . notice as fol lows,i '`After this date everybody must lick their_, own postage stamps, for my tongue's give out, The threo , story Boot and Shoe Factory in 'West ljuntirigd'On is under roof. Anothe r building fora carriage factory will go up early in the spring.., The :way prorerty goes up. ~T hree 'years ago a glntleman.in West Huntingdon sold a Apt for $200., Two weeks ago he houglit, it back, paying $lOOO. Tho jailor, sheriff and. other citizens 0 1 Carlisle have addressed the - Governor, re questing n pardon for Dr. Paul .SchooPpe who is dying of consumption. Judge Taylor, of. this , place, recently re ocelyed'a iiresent of a gold-headed cane, fron his son; Robert, now doing business in Cali forhia. - Our office has gas, the fixtures having been put in last week. 'Are'll try to be no more gas•y than we have been heretofore, Lut 'Sill give our readers as much light as we can. Rev. S. J. Whitcomb advertises in ircetern paper his "little brown cottage" as the 'place to have the marriage knot prompt ly land strongly tied.' At Salt Lake a man went down into a shaft to see what was the reason that a blast didn't go off. An itemizer states that he. came up directly in instalments, with a lot o f pieces of stone. Last week, Law - lune°, Fon of S. T, Brown , Esq., of this place, had is front tooth knocked out by a "Watley" club. A fe w days after Charley. a younger 500, sprained his arm by falling on it whiLit playing. The porter of one of the Chicago hotels, on industrious and very saving man, has amass ad a snug little fortune of twenty thousand dollars from his salary and perquisites during the last fifteen years. "I find, Dick, that you arc in the habit of takingt - m'Y' jokes and passing them off as your own? Do you call tkat gentlemanly conduct?" "To be sure I do, Tent. A true gentleman will always take a joko front a frier; ' ' The new town, West Huntingdon, is n cu riosity to persons not visiting that locality often. It is going up—new buildings and new foundations in every direction. More work-shops is all that is necessary to Make the town what it should be. Of the 11,817 Chinese in San Francisco. there is not one who cannot read and write. Of the Irish population of the city 6,885 can do neither, nine native Americans aro equal ly deficient, hut there is not a Frenchman or German who cannot do both. The Perinsylvimiti - • Railroad, Pittsburgh & ConnellsVille Railroad, and the. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, three large corporations, are fighting to get the Bedford & Bridgeport . Railroad bone. Wo bops the Pennsylvania dog will beat. D. S. Africa's is the place to buy your Holliday presents. Ile lots the largest stock of toys and fancy goods in Huntingdon. Call and see. Candies, Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of good things unhand at all times. 'Whitman's fine mixed can dies are among the good things. ltt Josh Billings will lecture in Yenter's hall, in this place, on Tuesday evening, December 20th. As this may be the only opportunity afforded our citizens to hear and see this dis tinguished American humorist, they should secure seats at once, as a large crowd is ex_ pected. Tickets can be had at the Post Of fice, where a diagram of the hall may be seen. The postmaster general has instructed postmasters to deliver letters bearing the en dorsement of the pension office, or its agents, only to the person addressed, or to a member of his or her own family, or to a legal guar. dian of the pensioner, and undc'r no circum stances, deliver such letters to an attorney, claim agent, or broker. . . Josh Billings abhori eats. Ho says they will harvest a dozen ov young chickens fur ye, and then steal into the sitting room nz softly az an undertaker and lay themselves down on the rug at yore feet full or injured innocence and chicken, and dream ov their childhood days." This is the identical Josh who lectures here on the 20th inst. A new paper styled Our Quarterly, made its appearance in our-borough last week. It ig the product of the brain of our go•abead young townsmen, G. B. Armitage and J. R. Simpson, Esqs., General Insurance •Agents ; It is designed es an advertising sheet, rilt1•0 it did indulge in a "poisoner at our expense. We hope they will profit by their enterprise. PICUDEIt NEAR UItOAD TOP CITY. The rumor which wp published last week in reference to a murder near Broad Top city, this county, has been corroborated iu spine particulars On the night of the 25th of November, the night after Thanksgiving-day, ( t h e Peightal murder, it will bu remember ed,..was committed last year the, day before Than ksgiving,) thebody of Mary Ann Morrison was found thatil used in a fiightful'manner, with life extinct, and lying with her right side on the floor and her feet on the bed. Her face and head were badly man gled, as if a club' had been used, and her left elbow was out of place. A Coroner's inquest was held and the verdict was that she had come to her death by 'violchce. Suspicions rested nu m] William Grif fith, who lived iu the house, and had. engaged the woman as housekeeper, and last week he was lodged in jail at this place to await a trial. Suspicions implicating him are based on the ground that on the above night he went home drunk, baying threatened that be would kill her. Griffith's story is that ,she was kil:ed before he got home, as be stumbled over what he supposed afterwards to be her body; but he did not give the alarm until next morning. The murder base:lased great excite ment in that rvgion, stud /nun , • ut the citizens think Griffith is innocent. I3==l=l2! EDS. Grose:—As you have asked for correspondence from every tinD ship, I thought a few words from Jack son would not come amiss. The stage line between Petersburg and Greenwood Furnace has chau,ged hands. Theobliging to.cl accornmoda,,- tir4.3lr. Jadob Little; of 31ctiuok's FOrt, is successor to J. A. Norris, and will ruu the stage as-before. Tho Methodist church at Eunisville are having a revival at this time and aro doing a vast amount of good in the way of converting , souli . to G0d...! The Baptists also at eornpropst's Mills are holding a bit meeting ' with success. Mr. J. Norris, baying .retired freni_driving-.stage,Js nowgoibg to en gede in the hour and feed business, and•will run his milt day and night.— Hehas secured the' services of S. D. gel:frier as miller, and everybody in this community says That he can't be beat as a miller. Deer,and.turkey Seem. to be picot:: in this neek of woods this fall, as wo hear almost. every day,of ono or the other being killed by the sportsmen., ACCIDENT.—MIS. Lydia Orbison , wifo of Wm. I'. Orbison, Esq., of this place, met with an accident on Tues day 'evening last.' She'.was crossing Smith street and when near Jackson's corn o;. r he .was-"siiddonlS precipitated to the ground, and for a short time was u,neonscious.' In attempting to get up she found she was unable, when a gentleman standing near assisted her to her • residence. On examina tion it was found that one of her an kles was badly bruised. The accident was. caused by a horse which was frightened by the noise of the 'cars, running off .from the railroad station, and in going past her it is supposed the N . s.• keels of the rriage, cangert.her d n five wing:h er d oNwii s 6116:ran over her ankle. She is rapidly recov . ' BAZAAR OF FAsrtioN.--Partionlar attention paid to Dress and Cloak making and all kinds of sewing. Also a full lino of -.Millin ery goods, and Paper Patte'rns, constantly on band. Doffering. Fluting and Pinking done in all their ..various branches. Skirts, sacquesiamtbhildren's clothing stampedin all styles, and at low prices, at Mrc-L.- A. Banter's, corner of Mifflin and Bath streets. Oct. 1S•ly. In, Our friends in n and out of town and all others who may desire to' pro serve tho mortal images of those they love—and who does not feel this de; sire?—will do well to call at Donnell's new Photograph Gallery in Ceuning, ham's build lug near Broad Top corner. Can't. be Undersold • Red Et on t; reae 1.3; - • receives new Ruppliew- tilmoat, ey(l . l)' 119:,:801113 most and frealnmt, and can't be under sold.' MARKETS. I= i'LIILADAI , IIII, Der. 3, '0.70. $150@4.;5 ut1(71.80 $5:00@t5.55 nnonl.4u 876 - 49,10te. • 87@440te. ....... ....... ....... gllrOjbgeta. Pl77Bl3UnOth Dec. 3, 1870. ' 7.80@8.00 $1 30841.35 48(050cts. $0 b0@0,82 Nothing doing Superfine Flour per Lai id Extln Flour per barrel Rye Flour per barrel It ed Wheat per h n •Lel Eye per bushel Corn., Onto per bushel White Wheat Flour, Wheat per bushel ,uhlte Corn per bushel Oats per Lmbei nye per bushel Darla) • FIN Ncw Volta, pcc.3.-001,1 closed at 51,11.% Pnit..ium.rnt.t, Dec: 2, 1870. • The following are the closing prices of De Haven & Bro., 40 South Third Street: U. S. G's of 'Bl, - 112„ 112 " " '62, - - nag " 1 "64, - 1041 106,-; " " '65, - 1061 107 " " '65, new, - 100 1091 6,6, ,67, -100 A 109 k " " '6B, - - 1091 1091 " s's, 10-40's, - 1061. 1061 U.S. 30 nar 6 per cent. Cy. llof . 111 G6ld - . - - 1101 1111 Slicer, - - - - 105 107 Union Pacific It.R Ist 3.1". Bonds 810 820 Central Pactlic R. B. - 905 915 Union Pacific. Land Grant Bonds 705 715 HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY DT lILNEY ,t CO I=2 FLOUR—Superfine Flour, per barrel, $.450 Extra Flour, do G 00 Family flour, do 6.50 GRAIN—Red Wheat, par bushel, 120® White Wheat, do 1.30(4, Rye, do Corn, Oats, Barley, SEED—iirnuthy, Flaxseed, MEI Cloverseed, per 04 lbs. 5 50 COAL— Hard coal, por ton, - 4 50(ie ; 6.00 Broad Top coal, du 3.00a3.50 LUMBER,.per 1000 feet, 12.0000.00 SuINGLEs—Lap, per 1000 ft,, 10.000,12.00 Joint Shingles, do 5.00076.50 MISCELLANEOUS—Bark, per cord, 9.00 Bran, per cwt., 1.00 Ilopq, per pound 40 Wool,. do 40(j45 Hay, per ton, ' moo Hides, o@7 Butter per pound, ' 35 Lard, " o 18 Eggs, per dozen, 25 DENNSYL TI.Mal VANIA. RP IL OF LEAVINQ OF THAT I? APR.A.NGTME - 11711 T IVESTIVARD. k. STATIONS. ; amllton, I Mt. Unfoli,... Thipleton Mill Cr00k,... lion tingdoo, Kteraborg,.. Dairen Sprueeereol., Birmingham, Tyrone Tipton 'ostorm, Beira Mills ' 'IS and 11 award lea.ves Altoona at intingdon at 157 A.M. ess 151stwald leaves Altos, t Huntingdon at 7 05 P M. stmird. leaves A 140140,1 at lon at 8 19 0. St. trsl Dodo Aid !cotes Alto, n lit 10 o'2 Alt iSflfilaalit leaves Huntingdon at Altoona 4 50 A 31 'estwatd, 10105..5 Ifuntingdoll at la Altoona at 8 53 I'. 31. 01'outtvald le.ly no Illintingdon at Altoona at 6 80 A 31, ard 1100,08 Iluntiagdou lit 5 20 1101111 at 0 30 A M. Eaa . Ilu I LIN 1!1\ Is CXPit , 1 3 . M. and arrives ICIFIC EXPRESS Eir, ad pasqvi 10 :OUTIIEPH I XPR A M and rak=es 11111 , CINNITI EXPRESS n 31 rind at rive' , at Pit 1111 111 0009 Cl• 335 The }AST LISP; W 7 hi P.. M. and nn Nwa 1 Ire NefFIC EXKIESY LO A JI and arrive,. at APOIS EXPrt!b.l We9t. A u And arrkos at'Alt( Filling Up for the Holidays . Lewis' fled Front Grocery is fllling up with choice goods for the Holiday season. Groceries of all kinds, of the best, constantly on hand. Also, Toys, Fancy Goods, and (mods of all kinds usually found in a first-class Grocers' and Variety Store. Call and see. 3t I= ' 'l3uituu De,33(040 as td quality;' eggs 25; lard 25; potatoes 80090; dried apples 10ets per lb; dried peaches 15@ 25ets, - per lb; beans 10@l8e quart; su gar cured barns 30 ets; shoulders 18@ 20 side 20@22 ets per lb; driedbeef 80 @V, ets; 'lour $G,50@7,00, per barrel. Green apples 75@100, as tovrality. Ladles Dresses and Boys Clothing lira B: . Annie - McCabe. respectfully in forms the public that she has removed to the house formerly occupied by 11. MoManigil', on Washington street, and is prepared to make Ladies' 'Dresses and , Boys' Clothing, of all She respectfully' invites full share of patronage. ap7 IRP•An elegant assortment of Ladies Furs, embracing 'Wilk Sable ) German Fitch, Siberian Squirrel, Canada Mink Water Mink, French Coney, ,SLe., just opening at.rooms of Nov. 22.6 t. FISEIER & SONS. tar One thousand dollars worth o Montaba Buffalo Robes, direct from Von heaven worth, have.just boon re ceived by us and will be bold '2O lier cent lower than Just ,season. Nov. 25At. ' SONS. lieranAys.—There are few who will not prepare for tbe•,•llolidays,and as they are fast. approaching, we advise our readers' to call upon 'Luke Reilly, the baker, either at the bakery, or at his store at the„Broad Top,eorner. s&- Services in •St. • Jolm'a. Pro. .4iseepal Claureh Sunday next, morn ing and evening. 11:IA. : morning, seven evening. kte - Mrs. Hamer has a fine assortment of Feathers, Trimmings, ate. She is also prepared to make Dresses; and invites the Ladies - to cull. FOR Sa.t.m.—A: Half login West Llun• tingdon, ull fenced. , - Inquire. at ,this office. "- (Dee. t. Dan' wd..L=4 be) ben'etal arid' SO cial Pennsylvania Road Laws, for sale at Lewis' Book Store—price 65 cents. uexp session of tbs,. Holli duyibuig.Stitninuiy .bcigiOs JUrittit+y 4, 1871. nov2o 4t ge—.Tho 10110 , 00M_ Thred.Springs came too late for this issue. MARRIED, the''.l9th of Nov. at tho bouso 'of Mr. Joseph Isenberg, i.)y. Itev, li. •D. Steckel, Mr. Jns. YEialllEr, to 8 Alt All )1.,' FLENNEIti both 'tit 'MeOun nelfstown. , • On the Ist of by.the sante r“ IV tii ., l)A , lrie - siAiti. • A N Mortar, both of Slarltlesburg. Ott the Ist lust., by Rev. James C. Clarke, it,t, his residence, lcutitingtion, :Mr. Wj. M. BORLAND to Miss FLORA Buoim, both of Milt Crgek, hunt. Co. • - • Sidi -Subscribe for the'Globe. .. Professors Becnisas A Do , sst of the American University, aro making nenderful cures - • ' of Cancers, Tumours and Ulcers by their _,, new discovery A painless treatment no ' .-1 ~' knife, no plasters, no caustic burning. ti ; •:' 0 The most remark- A , ,t ~,i able effect 1 CANCE_R_SIof this tl Z lei treatment ts, it sena- •g i 12 rates the chemical elements of cancerous : '. Ey growths, so that they hhril el, die and dia. , , . appear and will not return. All those at: t dieted can call on the Professors Buchanan .1: Don n, • T University; or address, No 51.4 Pine Street, Philada W ISE & TAYLOR, Steam Furniture Manufacturers, Ail St. iiienlinydon, Pa =1 S. 'P. 131?,011 7 .N'S BUI_LDLN , Lase just °prima an int memo sisal of all hinds of Far ni lure of the latest styles and their o xis ttunttecture, eon eights of • ' Parlor, Chamber, Drawing room, liliteben Furniture, Pit.° Parlor Suits, Velvet, hair Cloth, Rep, Perry, and Plush. Fine Chamber Suits. - Walnut, Chestnut, Oak & Maple, in oil, Grained or Yeneered, I%lattings of all kinds, Writing Tables, Secretaries, Book Cases, Breakfast, Dining and Extension Tables, • Sideboards, Sinks, Doughtrays, &c., &e. 70 40 1.00 4 00 1.73 In short, SIO and over thing in this furniture lino manaiebirea to order aml kept constantly on hand and dlsticsed of at CITY WHOLESALE PRICES Our present facilities for manufacturing only enable us to manufacture a hotel article but also for less mon ey hall It I.o4+ibiy can bu bought for in the eastein cities We defy cum pc tit fun, and go ran tee a saving ni litt pr Cl., Oyer any other Purnittue sold in this place or vicinity and will make the asset lion good in every po Ocular.— Give us a call if nothing else end be convinced. Manufactory : Mifflin St, west of Lutheran Church. Wars Rooms: S. T. Brown's building, Hill Street, Nov. 15, 1570-Iyr, r E HUNTING DON Manufacturing Company, o 4 1 IN3 ATT. s now prepared to fill orders for IVEATIIERBOARDING, `FLOORING, DOORS, BIM DM And in short to do all kilids of Carpenter wort:— 10 00 To furnish HUBS, SPOKES and FELLIES, in quantities, and receive orders for BM Ertl MI MEI orders should be addreseed to 1). W. ARTLEY, President, Huntingdon, Pa June 16, 18694. JOIN'MILL4T, (Succesw to C, H. SjlLLtat S SOS,) All Kinds of LEATHER, SHOE FINDINCS, -11UNTINGDON, PA. Ja12.1870 THE * RENOWNED WILL LECTURE IN YENTER'§' HALL, Under the auspices of the Citizens' Lecture Association On Tuesday 'Evening i ' •pee. 20, '7O. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES •• GILT GOLD SHADES; MUSLIN SHADES, • t to BAILEY'S FIXTURES, - A -„ SEINING .*, c '-.k1m...7-yl. TB E.; 110 WE SE WING DI AC 111 N E i s the popular niacb,ne In the vterld. Over 4,000 sold every mouth ! It makes It beautiful Lock :Welt, alike un bath sides. Kill seam. quilt, bent, tuck, cord. hind and broil. Works equally w ell upon linen, woolen and cotton goods Mill silk, cotton or linen Otte:ld. is agent far Huntingdon county Call at lila Carpet Store and sea the tuachines. Oct 11 'TO, Lett' For neat JOB PRIIVTINO, call a he "GLOBE JOB PHINTINO 0FFV.71;." Lt Hun Lipton, Pa nNn SASH, EMEBEI AND TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS T .AT LEWIS!. BOOK-STORE JAMES A. BROWN A GREAT NIF:RICAL DISCOVERY Dr. I.V.ILLD- - - 7:1% . 3 CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Hun , t d. es r t e im d:' ,,y of f T diet.h o us Wonder- ) 4 ? Ta Dea ful Curative Effects. a 3 &I f 3 WHAT ARE THEY? h °-• o 3 ! 4 a t 11 0 I= e g 7 , 8 ,c 3 F 2 5 S. g• ' O V • - :;n: 0 " r a . u ..: • s - • ru , 7 • Li 7, t,4 G F.' r. ,9 • ai o a 72; lig g TLIEr ARE NOT A VILE g O w FA - NCY "DRINK, Pg`4 l Linde of Poor Itian, Whiokcy . : Prtor and Ilefulso Liquors doctoral, spired end r , vzsr.d• cued to please the taste, called" Tonics,""Appstie. MT," " Restorers," z.c., Cirt lend the tippler cu to drunbcr.ncas and :::in, Let are a tree Medicine, acids from the Nat.\ a Docie and Dubs of California, fain front till Alcoholic t 4 thiiiilniitt. Ere GREASE' BLOOD PEIt I FIER. and A LIFE GIVING PIII2VCIPLE a perfect Deno, rice tail Ins igorator cf the F,ystem, carrying off alt poisoi.ots nuatter and restating tl.c blood ton healthy Do person can tsbe these Bitters tenore.h.ff 1. C....a. Con and remelt tong unwell. 41.00 will be given forms Incurtble net, I ie bones are lof destroyed by mineral p0i... . other teeter, dal vzasted Ds; point Of Tcl rf.r natl Chronle E.Lict=s than and Gaut, I) onevsin, or ruff iacnt ions DI It omit tont oust I ta crtnit tent Fesct s r the Motel, Liver, 11.1sIney Itnti 'IAV-C 1311:enn I :NC been most suet,::; EiKls are eaur.ed by V lilt:as:1 Ei tins!, u Nell is ff.:ter:illy riciluccd by (1(.1:14;(.r.:C - t et Cie Mae:mire Oceans. DES 1PE.P.5.1.1. OIL I NP.ILIThaTIGN, ache, fain la the lannadcrs, Coughs, Tiglaus. s r Mc • Dizziness, Sone. Eructations of the Cenece!. Dal testa M the Mouth, Dillon° Attache, Defltialin of the /feat t, Ibilanimatlon of the Lungs, rain In C..: region:, ef the lfidneys, end a hundred other' al ry mptome, bra the offsprings of Dyspepsia. 'Dv p Invigorate the Stomach and stimulat tho tor pid liver and bowels, which render them. of uner,auli„l efficacy in cleansing the blood of all Impraltits, imparting new Ilfe and vigor to, the whole system. FOIL STUN DISEAST.9, Ertiptlons, Totter, Salt I.licurn, Motel:es, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Dells, C:., benches, Dieg-IrormS, Scald-need, fore Eyss, Et y .1; • else, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of the Shin, Ilun:cta ✓ D.usr.ses of the :.Lin, of whatei,er name or mitrr, , , era Ltt rally slog up and carried out of the sy :atm . snort tine by the use. of these Bitters. Cue Lett:a L. noel: eases will cenvincz the most lacrcilulsta Cf Casa ClarAS)'e Cause 033 y:oacesl Elood•vhencver you ih.d 03 in•purities bursting through thm chin in Pimples, Loll., (ions or beret; cleanse it v,lun you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleans° it When it is fat!, and your feelings will tell you when. Ncep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking in the system of no many thousand=, are effectually (learn). ed and removed. For full directions, road car..ll.l!y the circular around cacti bottle, printed fa four i.. • guages—linglish,Cerman, Fiend; and Spanish. J. 'WALKER, l'roprletor. P.. 11.1•ICDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. figenti,:- Can Trarcibco, awl 32 an 131ConiumreU Street, New Tor L. 1::7":201-D I3Y AIL DIWUGISTS AND DEAL:IRS. DR. SCITENCIK.. advises Consumptives to go to Florida in the Winter. slaving fm the last thirty-Ilse yearn devoted my whole and attention to the study of lung disease and corn. sumptiou, I feel that I under stand folio the coulee that ought to be paroled to restore a tolerably hid CllOO of die caved hulls to healthy soundness. Tho first and most important step in for the patient to avoid inking cold, and the best ul all places on this Continent for this pur pose 11l winter, is Flo: ida,lrahl down in rho Plato, WllOOO the temperature is tegllrar, 411111 not satinet to such varb aliens lain snore Northern latitudes. Palatka is a point I. e.dt recournit tot. A . giroil hotel is kept there by Petm• 1,4. winter I bow 804.141 persons there ',h e , lungs hail been b 1,01 111,0. snider the heal. lug iolloenco of the climate and my medicines, u. Tv get nog well. One hundred miles fur thee down the altar in a point I alit prefer to Palatka. as the, trasperlituro is more lessor and the nil . dry and bracing. I'elidenville and En terprise are located there. I should give a decided pie. tore nee :0 Modonlillo. It in two nuleti from liver, er lake, oral it seems almo•t mpossiblo to hike cold there. ,The tables in Florida Might be better, and patients com plain lit tittles but that is good sigr.. as it indicates a to. tui 0 of appetite, and then this is the case they general ly him can in 110.11. And tiles rho lng.; nest heal. .luelc•olis Ili, (been Cove, aud innoy other places in various pat to ul Flo nl.l, can bo safely r ecum mended to consinnytiyes in II inter. My reasons for sa) ; ing sus ore that villeins aro less liable to take cold these Orin ninon there ii - r 1 I. 44 mu; teinpurainrO t and it is lint oneennity 10 ray that uheie a consumptive person exposes to tel quest colds he is certain to die Tlisnnforo valivico is. go nen doles into the brute out of the re.wli of pees ailing erns 1110,1, ~,..t fo e s • Secksonsille ' 0, almost nut other id the hscalities I have Rill hem lit these ulio are troubled mitts a torpid liver, n disordered stomach. deranged bowels, sore throat or cough. but for those u lasso lungs are diseased a 11101 e souther n point, is ear restly recommend( it. For fifteen years prior to 1010, I At°, professionally in New York, Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia every Meek, where I saw and examined on an average tri o Imn drul patients n nsoh. A peelen an exteusive, embra cing every possible phase of lung disease. thy c noun in reg and to tatting cold. A person row take vast rionnti ties of “Selienck's Paluionie Sy up, Senivael Conic and Mandrake Pills," and vet, doe if d,cs rioter sid tatting sold. - • In Florida, mirky everyboly is using Schenck's Man drake Pills, for the climate Is more likely to produce billions - habits thou mars northern latitudes. is ell established tact that natives of Florida rarely die of consumption, 'especially those of tho southern .part: On the other hand; ht Nov England, coo third, at least of the Perlblatton die of this terrible disease. In the :Antes it does not prevail so largely, still th no aro many thousands of cases Oros a. What a vast percent. age of life would be saved if consumptives Woro as oaeily alarmed Ili regard to taking Irehlt cold as they are about seat lot fevers small pox, or. - lintthey are not. They talso'What they torta ft UWOOOIII, which they ate credu lous eliOngli to believe a ill ular of its u few ria3., They pay no intention to it, and hence it lays the touralat ion fur another and another still, until the lungs are diseas ed beyond all hopu fur cure. 3ly advice to persons Whose lungs ern affected even slightly is, to lay ill 0 sloth of Schenck's PulinunieSryup &Amuck's Seancal 'Conic, tool Schenck's )1 andrako Pills and go to Florida I recommend these particular mesh. eines becalm I am thoronghly sieved:dal trick their cerium 1 I.IIOIV that ushers, they aro used in strict accor dance with my directions they will do tiro work that is required. This ncournpli.lied,tosturo till ,sto the rest.— Ihe physlifian glib prescribe - 8 io`r cold cough or night sneats. and then advises the p dicta to nail: or lido rut over p day, will ho our° to have a corpse ankhis hands be fore long. t . , : styplon is to give nip three midichres, in accordance printed directioks, ogccpt In sumo cases sthero,a ft eer use of the Mandrake' Pills is necessary. '31 . 3. Object is to give toms to the stouriscli—Us get up a good upce tite. It is aluays 0 goon nigh ,then It patient begins to glow hungry. 1 havolmpes of such, With a relish fur food soil the gratiticatibwilfluckrelisli comes good blood and with it more flesh; ritrich is 'closely followed by a healing 01 the longs, 1 Iwo the cough loosens and abates. the creeping chills and bloomy, night.sweats lno longer prostrate anilantl4, and the patient gets well provided he avoids takmg cold. Now there aro many consumptives who have not the 111•11/13 to go to Florida. Thu question may be asked, Is there no hope for Snell 1 Ct dimity thei u Is , .fly advice to such it, and ever has bembje Anap. ' warm room during tke"liiiiiii4tivittua temitierlittlrebfubejty soventP° u hudt should lib hi tit regularly at this polo t, by means of a thermometer. Let such a patient taboo lain exercise unfair the limits of the ruomby walking up and down as much as his strength, 11 In order to kcek up a:101001y simulation of too blood. Howe, cured thous. 'ands by thit'systern, and can do so'again. 'Consumption to us easily cured as no other disease if It •is taken in tune, and the proper kind of treatment is Mir:rued. Thu tact stands undisputed on record that schonclOs rulmon. lc Syrup, 3laudrake Pills, arid jitialkned Tonic have cured very many of what seemed io,ho 1191)01e4.5 cases of con sumption. Coe hero yob % t ill, You nail ho almost cer tain to find sumo poor COnStiniptito ti ho hiss been rescued from the very Jan s of death by their 1140. So far as the 3landrako Mk aro concerned, everybody shouldleepti supply, of,thou on hand. Tbey'ect on' the iivsir better than calomel, and leave noun of its hurtful effedis behitill: In fief they are excellent• in all cases nitwits o,p,prgatiso illations° is.required, If you 'have patttiken fieely of fruit and diarrhoea ensues, a dose of this Mandralaqi will cute yeti. If you aro 'subject 'to nick Ileallacho,pkaa doss of tho :Mandrakes and , they will relieve you' in . two hours. I lyon would bbviatelhe diem, bfn chlinge of qater, or the tors free indulgence In Trait, take one of the 31andiakes every night or every other night, and you may then drink sister and water. melon., pears, apples, plumbs, poaches or corn, without the risk of being made sick b 1 then. They will protect those is ho live lutpanly - sitttalioLti ngbinit shuts unit fo iers. Try theirs: `They aro Prifebtly harmless. Thay cam do Son wool oillY• I base abandoned nip prolanlolllll stoke to Boston and New. York, tot comings; 10400 patients at my Mike, No. 15 North Sixth Street. Philadelphia, every :Saitnrtitiy, Irons oa. pi, to 3p. cu. 'lame who n ish' thorough' ex amination u Ith rho Itesprisonseter rd I be charged fivo dollars Thu Respirometer declares rho actual condition of the longs and ILI 04. /lea. /4,3..114,ther they are combiner tfot. ;Tut Idesiee it llislifictly- upileystood that the yo4tio,4f,thopredirtnep depentl3„;entirtly upon their being taken strictly according to directions. I conclusion, 1 will say that when persons take my eillellleB old their systems are brought into a healthy condition the.,eby, they ion nut to !Udall to take cold, 3et no ono s vuh dllAostol longs can bear a Builders change of atmosphere uttlniathe liability of greater or loss tr ill:awn of the trotichial tubes.' Full slits oboes lla all languages accompany my meal citte., no expliLiVilid clear that any one can use them Wyatt, consult Mg one, and cub - be bohghf from nisy drt. •:..".g gis ; • -• ;•'" '; • : JAL stnumcit - ?k . . ,N0:115 N, Sixth Sb Pitilfula• • Ap. is, 1870.1 y, piivq.s FOR 1871; For sale at Lewis' Book Store Lif t abitertistratitb. CENT 11AL BOTETJ, HOT lE . EAST CORNER TOORTE AND SPRUCE ETB I= (formelly of Iluntingdon, Co,) Pll.Oert ..Centrally located nod tho mo,t convenient point for romehouts Isitulg the city. Accommodations (of tlie firetclutic. Al the modern Improvements. Every nt tontionwillhcoxtonde to tiCit.4 jEtns-13. Laki mid ; a . s ,. 41-, nr 391 Y. Ilb St.. l'lneiN:ati. 0. tilt• I:tf 1101 , 141:11 Npuiug anti I lie 0041+4. Tilt. 3 wiltorl,t you ti . .ggl. , l l wilclit to 3,,t1. f1:1,9.1y • AIMS MARY E. AlMirri MISS MARY E STEYEIN-,5 AI i❑ fieop n 11,11 DOA HMSO AND DAY SCHOOL ron LA SEPTWIIIERII4, 1670, At 2,3 Tutputioettn etreet, ADZ- For circalcra, njaply to U.) Principals. jyl9-2m ~ 37,13E2.- 1-1.M.M1417..., at te - . p a Cancer fist ((We, 931 Arch St.; Prof. Dalt.. 2.3.9 W. 9th St., etnCinnati, 0., and Or. Greene, at Charlotte, N. C. 0.. mak. - tus astonishing \ Ureo e r s A I% all P, wl r o i 4 . „ A bY. " ?, 6 ; gr' h " knife or caustic ~,,. ..... , ',:oh:, ulna, the and uith but little 74 V.... el pain. Every root and Ilk. 19 . C) T. ~ gilled and re moved. if tel.. in i„,9 0 V/ Ilmenud can. not return. Ilea are `',..., wt id of boys Pro fessol 3, x ith their 'eo 4. .- bogus treat ments, stealing our 9/1 IR fn aver t 'so ros., No ethers have these treatments. None other should ever be used. For lartiCUlars, send for et renlar.eall. oradd rase as Above. Eept. 20-2tnua co L oylvAr j r. H.E.rr;EXid: (MARBLE FRONT.) Chestnut Street, West of Fifteenth. • PII/LADELPHIA. Tide now nod elegant 10010111 now open o fof the reception of guests. It If of the moos Abero Constructlee, and furnished In a style unser. passed by any of the first hotobt of Europa o. merle. JOHN C127.7111P Prop's.. OEO, FREE.ILAN, Sup'!. -• • • OSADALIS rpflEl Great American Health Restorer, purifies the blood nod cures Scrofula. 9) philig, :Jan Diseases, Rheumatism. Diseases of Women and all Chronic Affections of tiro Blood. Lir.•r and Kid ney, Recommends,' by tho Medical Faculty and thousand of our bestcitizens. . . Read the testimony o" - Physicians and patient• mho have used Rossi tits send Dr our ROHM:till iS Guide to Health or V. manic for this year, mbleh we publish for enstmtous distribution; It mill give you much saleable inforniction, De. It. W. Carr, of Baltimore sass: I take pleasure In rec •mmending your Bendel is as a vory pee alai alterative. I. have seen it used In two cases with happy results-e-eno In case ,of secondary syphilis, in which the patient pre. nounced himself cored after having taken five bottles of y our medicine. Tito other is a case of scrofula oflong standing, which is tepidly im proving under its use, and the Indications are that the patient u ill soon recover: I have care• fully examined the formula by which your Rosa delis is made, and find it an excellent compound of all alterative ingredients. Dr. Spat Its. of Nicholasville. Ky., says ho has used Itosadalis in cases ofscrofula and secondary Syphilis with satisfactory results—es a cleaner of the blood I know no better remedy. - Fair ;lel G. McFadden, Murfrecboro' Tennessee, says: 1 I hove used Berea bottles of Itossibills, and am entirely cur( ii of Blum autism j send me four bot tles, as I wish it for my Mother, who hes act Mi mes sore eyes. . Benjamin Bechtel, of Limn, Ohio, writes, I .offered for twenty years with an inveterxto erup tion over my body ; a short time since I pur chased a bottle of iteeadalis and it effected a I=- JB:et care. FA I liosadal is is sold by John Bead and S. S. Smith, Huntingdon, Pa . and Di uggiats generally. Lahratery, Cl Exchange Piano. Baltimore. - El F0b.53.1 yr. 2 or 3 p [ESTABUSHED 1851.] igbeht Premium, Silva. Me.til, awarded over all titian, at Mechanics' Exhibition, Boston, October, comps 1809. The original and genuine sEr, P.REGULATIN G, WROUGEIT-111.0,"Ailt•TIGHT, , GAS-CONSUMING HEATER \Mit PATENTDD DUST SCREEN, GRATE DAR RESTS, and ,• , • IV.ROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR.. and •AUTOUATIC REGULATOR.. • . •• • For Burning Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or. Wood. -7 10 sizes Tor brickwork, and two sizes l'orlablo Altailir iCTURED OZiLY Br J., REYNOLDS & SON, N. IV: CORNER 13TIt•AVD FILBERT STS These Ileatere aro mado of heavy Wrought-Iron, well riveted together, and aro warranted to bo absolutely gas and duet tight: They arc the only limiters that are man aged w ithont any dampers, and in which all kinds of fuel can ho burned without alteration. CooK4'4lq, RANGES lox; Motels reptaurants, and ftiinilies, ' . . . . . . `Also; a PLAT-TO' HEATING RANGE., FIRE IPL AGE -HEATERS, • ' • LOW DOWN GRATES '' 'li. " ' SLecTi , N 1E1 . 3, , , I. REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS: ' . • Pamphlets giving full description , sent free to any ad drese. , (June PIPER & HERRENCANE,' NanqapkuKeTs of , r: , -a•T 16 .•34 1 areaL , •1; • HUNTINGDON, PA. M,Parmers having Breen' Corn can get it inauufaetureel otvehqree :IT 'caning on us. The SIIOP is located NEAR TIIE LOCK AT STONE CREEK. Oct26-3m SELF BAS TINa WING -MACHINES. ill : i , .11 A Patent Self I3aster has been attached to this celebr led GROVER d: BARyIip39IIIO?I4q4NES. , . The above machines hill wake either the chain or aid Loth etiri4eB):' Call mid co them For Nailer in'for'mation write to or co • L'el;'ter's .. l;till ' dlng, up etniie. Ai 1.11 264 t 1.870,,G1P 6 2tit1ii1870 AT REDUCED'iI.RICES. JAMES N. BROWN, Ta constantly receiving at his new CARPET STORE, IN HUNTINGDON,PA, Beautiful Patterns of Carpets, fresh from the rooms of the manufacturers. Ills stock comprises BRUSSELS,' • INGRAINS, TENITTAN, WOOL DUTCH, COTTAGE'= HEMP, LIST and RAG CARPETS, - CARPET CHAIN, COCOA and CANTON MATTING.% FLOOR, STAIR and TABLE ,C) X la 4P 4 la Clo °I" 3EL Si p WALL PAPER, . , WINDOWSIIADES Mid Fixtfires, Drnagets, 'Paw Rugs, Door Mats, Extra Carpet Thread and Binding snake n specialty of lufniehlng CHURCHES end LODGES, at City Prices, and invito Nilnishing Commit. tees to call and tee goods mule expressly tar their pur• poses. 'Suers will rare 'meaty and be better suited by 'solid to the regular Carpet and Ott Cloth Stara for any of the titan o goods. I defy competition in priced ,And variety of beautiful patterns.' ,CARPETS 25 cents por YARD and UPWARDS. , ' I hdre also the Agency for 06 Original GERMANTOWN, PA HOWE SEWING MACHINE so well known no the brit Family Machina in tho worlit Call al the CARPET' STan'and ree,them. JAngs A. ultowN, Ifuntingdon, Oct. 4,'70 West Huntingdon Foundry, JAMES SIMPSON MANUFACTURES PLOWS, THRESHING MACHINES, FAIINI BELLS, BUD AND gLEIGIT SOLES, WAGON BOXES, IRON KI.TI4IAB) 00EtArtiMMISE4 For Flo naces, Forges, Or;st and Saw Mills, 'ramming and Isrtckyards, . ' • AND JOB WORE IN GENERAL. AncirecEcTunAL & ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. Tron Porticos and Verandahs, Balconies Columns - and Drop Ornament for.wocdo9 portiros and verandahs, I.Vmdow Lintels and SIRe, Cast Ornamoute for wooden Natal, Collar Window Cluarde all sine; Chimney Tope and Flues, Sash Weights, Carpet Strips,' Registers, lioAters, Coal Orates, • Vault Castings for coal and wood collars, Arbors, Treo-boxes, Lampposts, Hitching-Poe!, Iron !tailing for porticos, vorantrahs, balconies, flower beds, Yard and Cornett ry Fences, etc. Purlieu/or 'attention paid to fencing Cemetery Address JAMES SIMPSON, 5e23,08 - linntingdon, HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. EASTON BEAK E. BLAKE& NeNEIL, [Successors to J. M. CONNINGITAM & SOR,] Iron and Brass Founders, HUNTINGDON, PA. IRON and BRASS CASTINGS mode in a Brat class . „._ Foundry. We bare always on band 'ill kinds of Plow and StoVo Castings, Wash I 141;cfL. Kettles, Cellar.windows, Grates, Coal bole : - rrnf ,- "-,./i ; .1 ; . ; . Casting s for pavements, Window weight. „,„ of all sizes And »eights, PipoJolnts, Sled and Sleigh soles, Wagon boxes, Machin. Caatings, for. steam And water, pilot. now. SW (' IM an t plaster mills at all descriptions. HEATERS AND IRON FENCA:S, of the most improved style, oven doors and frames, door sills, and in fwct everything made in Chia Mo. I.IVe bare a larger stock of patterns, and= furnish tas• tinge at short notice, and cheaper than thereon he bad in Cho conntry. timing a good drill, we aro prepared to do drilling and fitting up of all kinds. Office In Limiters' how Both:nog; hill streci,. flouting don, Pa. CLEIII;NTS & CO., Proprietors Mel,. 17, 1.860 GCE= NEW'STOVE AND TIN STORE. BUCHANAN, ALLISON & CO Hate opened a new entre in !enter's new building, in the Diamond, Ituntingdon, Pa., end bore ready forMa tibarge oseortment Of . • • _, Cook .and Parlor Stoves ,. SPEER'S REVOLVING Mu " SPEWS ANTI-DUST, SPEER'S ANTI-DUST COOll STOVES, VIITIPS REGO,t4TOR and ETIREHA COOK §TOV.gS lleo, a ltirgo amoortmont of VIIV 4)46 g0t28120.11411S and egreat variety of Goods, never before kept Ip this place, We also pianufaetuip „ . - TIN WARE ;TO ORDER. 'llepatring t 'lloofing 'anti Spouting dbneat short notice , Ahr Country Stores stipplied with Tin Ware : at ; city Confident of being able to make It advantageous to their customers they respectfully solicit a glum° of public; ratrounge. . ROOM -IN„YENTER'S NEW BUILDING IN TILE DIAMOND, lIIINTINODON, PA Jan. 5, 1670 pm: GEOi SHAEFFER fle.,slust iCitiinc4 from the" tioj l W SPLENDID 8;1'6.01f. B6OTS - SlirdES“ 641TileS Which ho afore to the lospoction or his customers and the public generally. ue will soli his stock atthe most ) REASONABIIE :PRICES, tios6 whO Pureti;es . :6iwWWill =rely 'call again 'BOOTS — cSIIOES MADEiTO•ORDBR; And IttSPAllilgi done In the neateet Most exiedi.. 3fr. , Sehaeffeest• Won't:a- BM steels:if; a fe,vdoors west of the Diamond. ; , !tp. li , 186 Es N Arib . stiothitt EW BOOT. WM.:AFRICA :Warps the ,m 11.4111 that hp tail ;Just • oponea at his old - stand Da the Diamond, yuntiagdon, '; '• ; • • A:Fine Assortment-6f all=kinils of ; AND SHDES'. • rOr Gentlemen, ant • Alt Oisvblch hto will sell at fats • sales and enatt profits. Call and oxamcntrinid.l' L' • Muoitfacturingapd ktivairtyq 'lluuti9gdonj Ap214:1S01:'" " • IZMMOVIDI) TO THE N: E. CORNER' OF DIAMOND. 13 oot SjiWe'lmporium. ....3 - 011N iN.BSTBIROVc Respectfully informs the citizens of Efuntlagdon. and vicinity that ho hasieskreecired front. tho oity a NEW auJ splendid stock of BOOTS SHOES JiATS liosiery, Shoe Findings, earpet:Scick Trunks,&c.,„&c„ &c„ Afcc. all or prepared to ; ell at greatly reduced prices Dorn forge£ the nea , et ,. ...od to thelThimond. Old cute': mere and the pul t l ic ge r :wratiVaretnefted to celI t c , 9 • .I.ltnitingdonj ap.7, leog. Lav_taster:and HdgerstoNni AL ma ra Ja.-ci -Ist GREW W.M. LEWIS, Dealer in Boas; St tiouery led My ! lohirumants;corgor of iA Mau:toad. iTuotindon, Pa A FRESIL STOCK OF M. MARION McNEIL 8L61113 dr McNEIL. M.DVORA:44 El= and LITTLySIELD'a Poi. 'Soleil' 1 letais' Book Store, -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers