TERMS O. THE CILOILE, efrrinicnAlliavalr4 , 3ix. -- moutts":... nage mouths TERMS OF ADVERTISING 1 time. 2 tie odo 1 month ...3 75 $125 $1,50 $175 ... 160 ' •225..:. 1. 2 15 • 3 '25 ... 2 0 5 3 25 4 00 4 75 „ 3 menthe. 6 mouths. 1 YOU' Ono inch, or less ' ' " h 4 00 06 00 $lO 00 Tao inches 6 25 9 00 15 00 ~ Mir= Mein; ' 1.. 860 ' 12 '00.".....%:...20 00 Four incl.. 10 75 16 00 ^5 00 Quarter column, 13 06... ..... -18 00 30 00 e Italicolunin, ' ' ' ' 20 00 ''' 30'00. ..... ... 45 OU Una column, 30 00 45 00.... . . .... 80 00 -., Professional and /Wiliness Caidanot exceeding tin lines, 'One year, $5 00 Admlnfstrators' raid Executors' Notices, 0 Hums, 4.3 50 Alint'ors' Notices, 4 times 2 00 - - fratiay;:on other short Notices 150 Advortlcernents r not marked,wlth thu nUmbor ofinser- Vie deemed', will no continued till forbidand charged ac ording to these terms. Local or Special Notices; 10 acute a line for single in• onion. fly the }ear at a reduced rate. , ..._ Our tpctis fir Ing r prtnning 94 131arins,.11andbps, et. tr.6.1=341 One inch, or less Two iuches , Three Inches,..... r -- '.i - t '' 7- 1 ------1 7 - '- --- t --- -, 3 -- • - tofrYsfOiM'kPoiniss Otaibp. - It. A. B: B.RUMBAUG.II, tl , irdriatidaantervlces - to the eotnintnrti.' the ;ante as that lately occupied by Dr. Luba nn Hill street.' ' ' '• ap1e,1°,66 . . JOIIN , MCCJ - 1,tsoCY0II; 'offers' 'his prof...tonal suryiceu,to,tho citizen. of Huntingdon awl vicnntY• Office on'Llill a street, one door east. of Reed's 'Drug Store. , Aug. ALLISOX &&&&& DENTIST, Inaktmosotl to thy Brick /toy opporite,lho Court Botta, .04r11-1% . - -' • • , ty t ;GREEN DENTIST. _ Citictr removed to Lcister's Now Building, ../1111 alroot,-Lluntiugdou. • • • July 31 -1.8u7. NIORRISON .110 USE, AOTT/ilt-L ( ON, ;1 3 :E/1 7 :41"4. 004 - /%7 8 AMUR Proprietor . npri~ or no., .1?. w: JOHNSTON; aup - 4 . 4.ripf cG INSURoTE: 4 qE.Lyil lIIINTINQDON, PA Officeou Smith street. A. POLLOCK . , .1.11,-81 - raßiVithAL ESTATE AGENJI; ' HUNTINGDON, Will ntbind to niv4iiig in all Its branches, and .111 ,L 11 3 .01.4! roll /teal Estato many part of Ilia United -'a~uit for circular. tlee29-O }it •' ~-: 111 W. ALYTO.N, 1• _ _ ATTO.R.N.E . Y AT LXIV; t7NTINU DON, PA 431 - C flee nitic J. ,Stmet.t.Srr.cr.tr.r, Mhl==l A 2' 1' Ir Al' 111)NTINOISON, 'PA; Office ort Ilia street, threntloUrs Hest bf Fittilth:` ' 75'69 J LULL r`, 613 AM3B.b. E - - ATTOREE 3,78- T- LA IV DON, _ ()Mu.' 11..0r uf1.1.,11..1'b building, On llill btretn. Olisk). OAR.ts krulllifll.) colis.ctcd, , - "GL EN C FOR uTINU 1 - 12.wibier.D' 11utiATI;11.1C1i. AZ,ll %UM M1.1011111)' 011) - ,CiailliS against the Garet Oment - be SiJuLtl , balt lay and 1'0112,10113, eau 111110 then Wain., prul11141) Lvlllt.teitk.r VAS' Ws' OlLlieir la VeraWA Of' ay lat. mit to W. 11. WOODS, 42Tu.11.A hi .1!' L.. 1 LILA 5u.12,1663 .LLL`N ' ja, ATTORNEY AZ' LA fir, 111.1N1'LNG )ON, PA Epeciai attention given to Collections of all kinds; to thu nctl.leineut med. nit outer belt Leas prUbtellted xllO thrpatelt. JOHN SCUTT, SAMULL T. BOWS N, IPVE ibis tirin ittim betirl - SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, ttawy horealt,L cou duct Usti) vectico. -1 , ATTOILVEYSAT LA w, 11117.1711sVUDO-V, PA. I'EN SION 6, and all clAitun.ulsolml.s and tiolumrB hen. 1110 %JON 0111luellt, Lrul Las plumptl) pruaeLated. Lytle & Milton S. Lytle, -- • t -ATTORNEYS' AT - LAW „ • ifil%o _formed a partrairehip under the name and fine . • ' - • 1 & S. LYTLE„ And have removed to the ottice on the south side of Elul street, Worth door went of moult. e . ,,.•!ybey will attend promptly to nit kinds of legal bnel •tadagrileted to their care. . ' ' .31A8IIPACTUftElt OP AND DEALER IN' ~IV tan AN "SLEIGH: - BASKETS, ALEXANDRrA,IIUNTIVIDJN CO., PA. 3"9R, tt •' r • ' ' LOSSES TROIVIPTLY_PAID BE i t ,t -..... RUNTING . DON INSURANCE • = AGENCY. I. G. - B. ARMITAGE, HUNTINGDON, PA. Represent file most reliable Companies in the Country. Kates as low as Is suusistent with reliable indemnity. " sop 2, 'OO. BR In pital Represented over $14,000,0 BLA.A. wNSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACHMENTS, — SUMMONS, RUISLMENAS;". ; ; • SCHOOL ORDERS, •-• LEASES FOR HOUSES, 1:0MION BONDS, I,) , , FXSI4OFAS, NOTES, with a waiver of ti ""ZiTINPAENT. NOTES, with , ° ARTICLES OF AGREEMS ATTACIPT EXECUTION EXECUTIONS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, JUDGMENT NOTES. NATURALIZATION B RS. JUDGMENT BONDS, FEE DILLS, • • ' he $3OO Law. elver of the $3OO Low. NT,"ttith Teachers. 'ES, for Justices of MARRIAGE CERTINICV. .4.And Mobsters of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in;etur Assault and Pottery, and Affray'. CIERE PACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment.' ' COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, 1 7 ,PLOrbugh and Township Taxes. Printed Cu superior paper, and for sale at the Office o i LIie'IttINTINGDON GLOBE:. BLAPIE.cI, of erpry deseription,, printed to order neatly ,at aholt a uce,htd on gubd Paper. 1213221 it. IT. WOOD., MMSEI The Union Bank of Hnntingdor- kLute Bolin Lure. C 0.,) lIUNTINGDON, PA paid up, - CAPITAL, Solicit accounts from Batiks, Bookers and °Uteri. . fiberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. All kinds f •fiechrities, bought and sold for the tonal commission:l— Uolloctions made on all points. Drafts on all parts of ;.Enropo supplied at.the usual rates. . Persons depositing viola and Silver will receive the n snide". return with interest. Toe partners are both Id lolly /fable to the cateut of their wboie property for all Deposita. The unfinlshed business of the Into firm of John Barn At .Co .3.tilLitekeorupleted by The Union Dank of Unntingdon 3 - 141 . .be1:t.r.. 12 , • .. O. D. NORTH, Cashier. ,IJIt'PAIN PAPERS A ;STOOK , SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. oo oo fßil Wlll. LEWIS, HIIG4 LINDSAY', Publishers. VOL, XXV, HOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION: THE PI ILOSORtLY„.O9,DR.- 6:CI,I.ENOKIS GREAT pkipitairAor , learn M know that it diseased liver and btontach neceirbruily disease the entity aygtent 1 The plainest pi incipl es of common sense teach this and yet there are r hundrula mho ridictdo_tbe idea, and continue' in Vie ;Course Which almhst inavitehly hi logs them prematurely, to then grave. Living as tho minority of the people do) at complete variance with tho Inns of nature, it must ha appal out to all that, sooner or Inter, uaturs will•tVvenge herself. Hones wo find that persons st-ho indulge to excess in the use.of very rich or iinDgestdde food or intoxicating drinks,' invailably pay a heavy penalty in the end. The stomach becomes dia. otdeied and refuses to act: tho trier tails to perform its functions, dyspepsia and its attt ndant evils fellow, and stilt the buftertng inch, iduals persist In clinging to the thoroughly exploded idea Of the past, . Dr.. SCHENK'S medicines are recommended to all such: They bring sure and certain relief wherever they are need as directed, and ell that Is necessary to establish Choir reputation with every ailing man or woman In the 'wlfs a fair and imp.trtial trial of them. .Let those who two skeptical on this point, bad who have per niltted tere - sted persona to prejudice them against these now celebrated remedies for consumption, discord their prejudices, And 'be governed" try the principles Kerc-oli and tumult. Echiry.. the systemiellisindered , 'ciref:tout of trd 'tine Beat ufthe disorder full be found in tho stomach and liver. To cleanse and invigorate the stOnitich and to stimulate the liter to healtityuction, use • SpIibNCIUS MANDRAKE' PI LLS.—The dolly increas.; ingdstnilltd for these pills in-tire beid evidence of. their rune, Thousands upon thousands of boxes are sold daily. ,11;hy t ,Sthiply because they act promptly and allicluntiy 1 to,andix bu may not had irconvement to call on Dr, SCHENCK in person are .informed that full and cow, plete 'lir...rat:us for use accompany each package of tint MANDRAKE. PILLS, 1111,NILL\ le SYRUP AND SttA: 'WELD THNIC tri,diciqe „ s lull mere ;COhatirpplion 0010 v 1, the longs aro id fitt.he that s tlib'tfaffent is'entite, be3OlPl the reach of method I e.ief. lt may be asked by those mho ate not faulilliq 'with the virtues of these peat terneliniVillow do Dr. Schanck's nnednunee ease, their is ondertnl cores of consumplion 1" The aux er is u simple one. They begin their 'stork of restotation by bringing the stomach, liver and bowels intone active healthy condition. It is feed •that cares Hiss formidable disease. SUIIIiNCK'S !kIANDIIAKE PILLS act on the Over and stomach, promoting healthy' secretion, arid removing the bile arid slime m hich have result. d from the iliaeLO c or !input condition if those or gans, and i f the system genet ally. This sluggish state of the body, and the consequent accumulation of the no healthy subsl.mco+ named present the proper digestion at food, and. as a 'latentl conse inence creates disease, m With rebid ts to probtrittitin and Coolly in demi, sEttEts UK'S P UKIIONIC SYRUP and SEAWEED TON• IC, ahem taken regularly, mingle mini the food, arid the digestive °risotto, make good and rich blood. and es a wit • in al =sequence, give Ilesh and strength to the patient. .Let the faculty, say mina it may, this is thin cloy true. curs tor consumption. Experiencd ken proved' beyond the shadow 01 a donnt. mind thOusands are to•doy alive awl well m hon loss 3.13 since tNert, regarded as hope. less mim, but mho emu induced to try Dr. SCHENCK'S remedies, and mere restored to permanent health by their wie. inyll'69 nylo bun One of the first steps (ho phylicinn 6110ald take stills t con.lunupti, a patient is to nt6 egos rte the 53 et , Now how is tins to be done t Certainly not by giving CM. that Olhatidlit oil rust rote--sinAtetitem that • impair instead of improve the hand ions or the digestive organs hoc or Medicines ele.tose the storimelt and hotels of all Substances winch are' calculatlsi to irritate .or xenhen them. 'they ciente au uppettte—promote i1e411121111 olgtatten—nulte good blued, and, no a COh O gumbo,. they la %%mate Had strengthen the entire sys tem and mote ealaa.dly those pa to VI Lich ale distend It tins cannekbtilulte.thell the'raSadlltliLltd regarded mi. . . . 311:stl It the pity:deb.' finds it impeslible to nt the it pittient feel heap.), it the thiCeaseit lit . l'dOlic.lllliot partake UFO:oil uouttehtn . , loud awl preimuy digest. it, It Ir littpushible th.tt he Lan gam in flesh mitt strength ; Ail i it is' equally 1 1 111 , 0”111113 it/ hi leg IL ',silent to this 0011,1 ition i.O loug ill the liter is burdened wall dtbeased bile, dud the stomach laden with uulirllliiy 1 , 111110.' Almost the 111:1 111:11.10 to the pli)-sicha In' a cvuxuulptite patient is that Ito Witt ilre,erthe ntediesnes that will n 11.1) the cough, night sti roots and chills, which tau the. 6111 0 to 1011.• Ourthirehoutd nut be deutf, as , the cough is coattail ettOrt pf Pantie to relieve Ron, ntid the night cn e.ila dii i cdiii, are canoed by Ihe 11114,. ihe rcnmUfra Willi:al/3 peso ed de mote Itat ill 111.111 good.' 'llle3 lowan' the ierietioni 01 the 5t001...11, loved° health) iliguAluti. thud tiggrayste tittliel [Will cute Ulu dlseu,u. relies. iNcatly till u Ito have talcs it Ms. ihedicioes, fuse 7.urtinnes Islets Isis directions hare tips allay lord Luredrof Lousumptom, but, la out the Met that Onto° medicittea act }situ is underfut poster upon thy digestiveorgars.4;pittieilts thus curs) apeeotly gust nosh. etehttsittg too ayoteta: of alt unputimes, tiso3 lay Lisa found.stion for n solid, sub. Statitial sit uettlle. iteotormg Menu organs. to heatth, they create au appetite. Tho loud a properly aostuilla• L o d ;she plant/F..) , tit mood to uut only Wel te.teeti, but Os Wade 110.1 and et tong and lit the Emu oisuets 'a eUlithtl[dt et e 3 stem nil 111.,..a, MU.. tie bautebett. 11111 dtt m.uots accompmy ,esctt ut the, medicines, - so that It is um absolutely u. tuea.try,' tbiit -putzelue elotlid Pt put 0ua.013 - , Gatleei they diiSlie to lasso then Mugs ex •tutued. Fur fists purpose lie is tit Ilia of lite, Nu to :tut tit Zixtli St., Coiner ul Consult:n.B, Pisiht., '•rvsrl- Nit tu nom U A. 11. 11111111 P. M. ss 5.1011 of [bola chw go, but tar a toOrOUgh ex lulls the iteAnlollieter tl,e thrtgo is $5. Price of tlie`Patrisuriic o . lllll,4lltroeaatkei TUllle each, sb - per bbt , llo, air SI lb tt half Mu - Y,rll. Ithildiekto Otis .t•e'telts it bux. for odle by MI tit 4gists. AP: P 2 ' JWIN Id. 11/111LT "GOOD BOOKS FOR ALL."; Hero is a list of such tVoilti as tlpialti Ito found i.Lavi •:latipty—ivitliio Mu teach ilt; rtatforlYotkt . iO ontjrtioa, and 111,10050 tho Mind. 'eopws IN ill pa,viutpS ; testa' Ili pi jdt):4itsi of fliV i t o tif llhaectetari Tellll/01I111.111t FAterllal Furore, and especially 111 the:l.lllll44u Ea% DiVilie."-4 111111 nlOlO than 1 / 1 10 Tilurisallti By g. It It ELI., Priou /it tato /21110 volume, 705 pages, pawl. somely bound ? ji fan, iii Genesis and in Geology; or, the Bi blical aceunt el 'Man's CI nation, tented by . 4,1:1010.111C lhuutien et Ina thigna and antiquay. Sly Joseph I'. Tliolopson, DO, LL,U. Uno yol., iOno. $1 ' Wedlock; or; tlle itightltelations of the Sex: , es. .I.nbelteenti the Luxe 01 Conjugal telection, and them lag uhe may and xho may not Marry. For both stxes, lly S It II ells, ' Dow to Read, Character. A . new Illustrated ,handbook of ehrein{legy unit Pliyefognotliy, for sta. dents and exannuers.,With a Chart tor recording the riuro of die dltteient'orgaus of the brain, in the delme- AMU et PlytraCtey, y Ith upwards - pil7o,eng9vyingil. blUslin. $l. Y 5 i Education; Its elementary Principles found-, ed mt the nature et man. By J 61.111Zheini, 71 D. 11 1111 an Appendix, cold Tempeilierents and a brie! ansi3sis of the Faculties. lliusitated. $l FtWilly ritysichnt. A ready Prescriber and Hygienic eleven Co •to the Natal e; Causes, ree, mien, and 'fientin,nt. of Diseases, Acci dents, and casualtle3 or every kind. 11 itn a tilosssry and covens index. lty Joel zhew, MD. bluslin.44 Food and Diet. With Observations on the Dietical regimen', suited for theoidered states of the di gestive organs, nod an account of the Dietaries of some ut the principal Metropolitan and Other establishments tormuipyis, lunatics, crilainals, children ' the sick, Nc. lty Jonathan Pureha, M F' It 6., and 1. S. ildited by pii!rleo A.1,/,.31 11. $l., 7 5 - - - - • Improventent lebtnriri -021,g, ••1100 ru rire," • 111110 to 'ratty," —llOlO to Be e," mid "HOW to Du Bosley.," in one sot. $2 25 an/di/la/Oil o/' Man. Considered in relation to exteinal üb.uata. By Uerrgo Combo. The out) au thortred. American Onion. 1t ith Leerily eugritvings • and a pm mut of am author. ;Moan., $1 7.5 Moral Philosophy. By George Combo. Or ' l .l the dolt. 01111110 cut.itlered ludividuirl, lirifirs tre, and Suetal eafkrulties. .Iteprintrol troll, the Ectin burgh ed., With the authOr's taiest Corrections. $1 75 Mental 'Science.' Lectures on, according to the phthhophy of P113.'010,0., Delherytl before 11 1 0 Anthrypulugreal booty. 'lly rtes'. U S Weaver. $1 Co ..11anayelileal y;.litraney.;`,,el4.slOlogfeal turd Moroi Tre.ituhirt. fly Antrim euerbo, Jl D, A Book for Mode.. ,010blin, $1 51.1 BC/Ifly. An Illustrated Poem. By Annie Chaurbeis Ketchum. rehlished in the elegant Ytyle of Aideu. A beautiful preset.. $l5O iEoop's Fables. The People's Pictorial Edi na,. Beaucithily illustrated N, Ith tamely ei•Gy engra mtuv. Utah, gut, by ,Lled beArrts. 01115 51 Pope's Essay on Alan. With Notes. Beau mull) IllusuAted. Cloth, Gilt, bet clod boards, $1 .Natural Laws of Alan. A Philosophical Cateclumn By .1 U oion Mm°, 51 1/.. fdltelill, IJ eti. KS ! BLANKS E=l =I k'ruit Unitare fin. the Million. A Iland.6ook. Being ii Guide to the cultivation mid rittiingement 01 Finn tints, litht.iiptionn,ol tile beet itrietics. $1 to n I...gimereil letter, or inn V. 0. Order, tor one or tot all the .ibove, and nudtcea S. It. BELLS, Blibliaber, Ssti Utaudttoyi Neu Yuri:. Agent 3 II anted. $50,000 pAPER ! PAPER! I. !!! • Tideieg Paper, Impression Paper,; Drawing Papor, ‘ Dead Purer, - Tissue Bilk Pepe fur Flower*, Perforated Paper, 1 tido! Board, Flat Cap Caner, . Yoolama Paper, LettorPaper; Commercial Note Paper, Li"lire' (Bit Edged Letter one Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Caved Paper, ,n Parke and Sheets, or sale at LEWIS' Book - , Stationery and Maisie Store. rivr€"'" COUNTItY DEALERS can •:."-"' buy CLOTIIINO from ma in liuntingclea at WIIOLEHALE as elleap m they east iu the .431 halo a wholesale stole ltl Philadelphia. U. .lIONA.N. ... , . . : -I ! . ` . ..- 1 ' ' '' ;' "' ; ' ' • ' . r' ' /..‘, . . ' ': . • : ' i • 1i..,..,14.4N.z ., ..C...* te,::,'" '' . 4 .' M ,iti.tB. 4 ?..r , •," k i V,. ‘ / ?Y.'. ~ // ,%. .• ',l . _ . . • , . . . " • . , . . . . . , ~....Z,' . ,,; -', ,- ... %il.• • , -, ''' ' ' ' ' .'... ' ''.-:. '-' 4**/ ( 4.lMr: '4W.") : k.T7 ' 1. , , , 7" . -erM t A.M Nit: ? ‘ . t . i //, .." ' % ~. '' S• ' • I.i:c. : ' ...; , . . ''---''-' ': ",, "; ***...' -, , . . , •-.1 ,,,,,,,, ,. -4';,77. ---N- ,;,, ,, ..,..„ ,-- 8 - :„..,,,.- 1,- IN''*.-':7:717.7:.; 174 ' *- 4 ..----- - _ , s ::' !:-, ----:- ,' ‘. .'-'',..,--;' '.*. - i.''.: , .. :: ,. .:::...... . ~ ..„,... ..,,,,, 44 1 z , - , 1 7 ., ~.-4.---'' ..-, -". - , - 1 ":• ! ~,,, C ;;:. ....;:..:...,,,, ,',.., ' ' ..-..._: . . ':77 7 %N H : i ' li , .. , - 4 ' • • ' ' . ' t la, I , : 5 ..., ',:'. , ....",' II.:,, , , „ i „ • ~ ....S. . ...% , /,, .1 "./ \-' 2 .° . / \ . 4' ' ' s /:‘ . ; 0 ' . . . . . ' , • , *"... : : ......: , : ,'1 : ''. ' ' • : .136 OKS AltE Bb6Kg." HUNTINGDON, PA, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1870. Elt (6lnbc. WUNTINGOON, [For the Glo ' Our Pay and Destiny as n Nation, BY II b. n. THIRD PAPER And now, my good fellow•citizens, you will indulge me in a brief person• ifieation.of this, cruel enemy. °ln temperance I thou cruelest of monsters, pause •forta moment and: number' the .couutless'millions of your slaughtered subjects.. ; No class of men has escaped 'your ravagesi.you have dragged your victims from our legislative halls•,and, from .crr[senate chambers; you have entered our temples Of justice and sent . our„ judges reeling in the. streets; you hayewith Sataunic impudence entered the sanctuary of God; and ruthlessly dragged your suhjeets from the sacked desk.. Thou halt turned' earth 'lnto Buell a charnel house that if visited by an unladen inhabitant of another world, ignorant; of thb - moral history of our plahet, he might be'ready to eonalnde that:ours - was not the creature of his benevoldnt; God ;' but rather tl e crea- ' ture of some Malevolent demon; flung into space, to wander there, a mhekory amidst the benevolent' works of • God. ArithinetiC would fail' to , number thy 'slaughtered subjects; if it were'possi ble toseollect all 'the blood thoh hest shedi.into 'Sea, that crimson 'flood would be more' than sufficient to float all the navies upon`earth. ;"0 full 'of all subtlety audTall 'tnischief,' thou child of the devil, thew enedir;of all right eousness, will , thou not: r•:,ease . to•per vert the right' 'wtrYs of 'the •Lordrz:-- Wilt thou never close thy' gbastilatid insatiate jaws, and say, it is enough ? Foul-fiend, theft shalt - come; to 'an end; there is• One greater than thee and thy father,,and walla llis aid wo will drive thee from thy earthly throng and from thy empire, to glut thy hellish appe tite forever with 'thy ruined su b jects in merited' darkness. Thus' we have glatlced at the magni tude and liorrible, dimensions of this monster with 'whoa we - have to deal. 'lVe have alluded to' dui countless mil 'lion© Of its vietini . s'scattered i l „ t,L o Jo Noah planted the first postdillivian vineyard and got drunk, over lour Li - thus:tilt] years ago,, down to the prbs cot time. BEAT TIIE ALARM And now, fellow-citizens, it is high time to heat the,alarin and call the whole Qo=lll'll4, to arms. Let no one be ()sensed on account of the insig nificance of their influence. God never ,created a being isolated, or out of re lation with every other creature in the natural and moral world. • When in a clear and moonless night you look up into the• concave of heaven, and look, ,and wonder` at the magnitude of the vast Nolume of creation, yoar wonder is increased when science informs you that every star' in the,,grand panora ma is au unmeasured world, and ecsta cy:of delight, must be the rdstftt informed that these glorious and count less:suns ,and ,worlds 'are held in such inyiolableyelation, each to every other, by On laws of attraction, gravitation, and 'other has forees,,that perfect harmony has prevailed amongst them all ever since they came from_ Jeho vah's plastic band. And'irin the Material universe God cares for arta governs all, from a' grain of sand up to the:grandest orb floating ,in fathomless space, dare we conclude that ho would 'be less:pa'rtieular in His moral government, since the material universe in all its magnitude and all its grandeur is subordinate to and only 'the scaffolding to, the building of God's moral kingdom--the former to ho ta ken down when the latter is eons= mated in endless glory. OUR INFLUENCE In this view, every member oft,he human family, from the throne to'the poorest cottage, s and from the first man down till ,time shall be no more, bear an indissoluble relation each to every other, and also a ceaseless itilitence which lays us under responsibilities hiCh wb can never r Icy aside. Our retiponSibiffly co=extensive with all our powers, aid,' our obligation to duty is implied in r; Il .;onr:privileges. Let no man conclude that ho has no influ once, and thertfure is under no moral obligation. It would be easy to show that the movement et - a chat' here might produce mighty movements in Paris, St. Petersburg or China. The bite of a fly has resulted in bringing-a men out. of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, where he shed abroad such a flood of light in the last century as to continue with ever increasing good till our present day. For illustration, a single case out of mutiny' which might be adduced, will suffice. There you 'night see the poor inebriate with, glass in hand ; by strong drink his faculties of soul have gone out - of hitrinony with each other, con science is lulled to sleep, reason fbridds the dangerous draught„insatiable ap ,tntitelcravetp: the • deadly: the poor wretch ,stands An awful equilibri um. You step.- forward, tat(9 your drink to his health ; his appetite thus encouraged by your drink and your smiles of approbation, triumphs over reason—ho drinks the balance—is lost forever—the struggle is over. .116 goes forth a confirmeddrunkard ; he con taminates others, and they others, each forming a centre, and each centre send ing out ceaseless waves of influence, until, could you but read the unwritten history of results, you might learn the ;►wful doom of thousands, resulting from your single smile of approbation over year single glass, which turned --pgRsEvERE. the scale against your'dbltlded "friend:l But; ulas.'whatlit'the'retiord Of- limo When reomptu•ed withl.h4 ) ef eternity ' You 'are Itit'in this World bin :a little' wiiile, and 'rest rissured it Will be'elther •liette? bf Worse hedause yod hai.•e been' here a - Short •time, for Yea:chub& per forin an' act' thy diVcrgentwaves of the influence of Which Can ever 'cease; down, through 'all time and' etei•nity. This. may appear to he severe casuistry; but , , depehd upon it,' it is God's 'unelianga ble mode OF •goVerning 'in his moral universe. Then' let us See' it; that we employ all the weaPoiite which God. has put into one: armory, such as the ballot,'by which he has distinguished Ili above all nations,' the': pulpit, the press, our secial• add religious circles, our colloqdial' intercourse; and.espeek ally in ardent invecationt to God for help, fot• he is mightier by - far than all 'that can he against:tie. " • • The prize for•whieh we' contend is nothing less than the existence of the greatest nation upon earth; your de• feat the most 'disastrous, your success the most glorious. Your battlefield is the world, and if there is any tiuth in analogical retooning; your success in throwing off the moral excrescences now fastening open our 'body politic. You may rest assured that another. century will not pasA over 'us till our nation will number over four'huntli•ed millions, and that there • are children now horn who will five to' see out''' . na tion number over three hundred toil lions ofsouls ; and you may confidently anticipate the perpe,ttiation ofour loved institutions down to the latest genera tion of the.earth. Your 'success will guarantee to the United States the go vernment of the whole world, not by - fire and sword, but • by' divergent waves of your influence, gradually reitehin. the hearts of the :millions, ever 'throbbing for that liberty which • is- the birthright of 'everr'soul.• By such, influence it will: be ,your destiny to melt the ehains'of tyrants, and sap the thrones of all the ,Onspots upon earth. Take, courage, then; remember your, cause. is the cause .el poor, op pressed and trodden doWn humanity, and never forget, that, 'youi• cause be ing good, you fight under the great Captain of our salvation, that he has done somuch for our country, and that he is and ever:will be our tinconquer aide princo and ccaSe/css ' friend, and , strictness'of obedie'heli t.B his command Another molivn'l6a - &ion. might 66 presented for your encouragement, and that is, your safety. ' It is over fifty-six years since your Correspondent declared open ' war ' against this insidious foe, and that up on principles of entire abstinence, and ho never, ceased. He stood alone in the. conflict for fifteen years; he hlis contested every inch of the ground, both from the forum and through' the press; ho has fought till' his weapons are neatly all broken or worn out; Le has outlived n.gencration ; his equals in yeais,and companions in early• life, are all gone ; of that loved little band, who first clustered round him us a en ' all are gone; not' one: of them is left, td cheer and congratulate him now when the'evenitig shades are gathering rouhd his pathway. But others liaise risen up'to rejoice over bur former suc cess in driving the 'cruel monster from our loved and native valley, where in the'distanee•of eighteen miles we drie'd • up abohttwolve distilleries and twelve licensed taverns;Where when ho left it it would have been difficult to purchase 'a 'pint for Medicinal' purposes. 'And though he never ref used for a moment to .defehd the good' cause, he has lived to rejoice over nigh of the fruit of our labor, and as you see, be still lives un .scathed by all the friends Of Bacchus Though his beat thoughts and clearest ideas'havo been expended long since in the temperance cause, and though he may fail to keep up with the prog-' ress of, the age, or render himself en tertainisg to those who are now in ac tive life, and whose opportunity for in tellectual and moral improvement so far transcend his that he should come before you with great diffidence ; but you see none are so ,humble as to be free from responsibility, none so low _as.to be free from obligation ; hence he has deemed it his duty once more to raise the alarm, once more, and prob ably for. the last, , time, to call the at tendon of his friends and fellow•eiti- Zeus to the dangers now tereatening otii loved institutions, and earnestly call upon them to come hp to the ree (die of this the greatest and most high ly privileged country upon earth. Ile now greatly desires 'to, commit this great contest infosstronger and better hands, greatly desiring that your wis dom, energy and success, may justify his long ,cherished hope, that, it was the purpose of high haven to regen erate the world by the instrumentality of the Anglo-American people But in order to justify such high anticipa tions, great courage and ceaseless ef forts must be made. It shall he his last earnest prayer to 'God that 110 will so overrule in his providence and by his grace that these our loved insti tutions shall be handed down pure and unadulterated to the la test generations. alclrtivrow N, Juno 4, 1870.' A , pig aL Sparta, 310 , has rooted' up $2,000 in gold, which theownet buried daring the •war and forgot. The provincial towns and cities all over the country have got the jubilee mania. One freight train, consisting of nine ty-two cars, ,has arrived at Omaha, from the West. A man late ,for the train always looks at his watch to see it he airivod at the depot on time. zlez.subsoribo for THE Lir rir; lIMEMI HOW MAE TWAIN COLLECTED HIS BILL, • This, ends!n!the history of, it .up, to the time that I succeeded to thmprop erty. I wilt :now endeavor, to set my self straight before the nation in every thing that concern's inv — share in the 'Matter.' I took this beef Contract,,and the'bin -for mileage and traMsportation to the Prdsident of the United States. said.i wbat can I do for you ?" I said : • •"Sire': On or'abOlit 'the 10th day of'October, 1801; John Wilson I%lack; erzie, of Rotterdam, coun ty, NeW"Jersey, deceased, 'Con tiiibted with. the General - Govehn rnent . to furn ish to General Sherman the sum io ta! of thirty barrels of beef—L." stopped .me there and dismisged' me trem his itiegenec—kindly, but firmly. The next day I called' to see the Secretary of State. Ho said :' "Well, sir ?" ' 1 said : "Your Royal Highness : On or about the tenth day of October, 1861, John Wilson Alackenzie; of Rot terdam, °berating county, New Jersey, contracted with the General Govern ment to furnish to General Sherman the 'sum total of thirtk barrels of beef" "That will do, sir--41int will'do ; this office has'neithing to do with contracts. for beef." ' was boWed out. .1 thought the matter all over, fitially, - •the following day, I visited the Sect•etary of the Na vy, wh•o said "Speak quickly, sir; do not keep ate Waiting." I said: "Your _Royal Highness: On or about the 10th day of October, 1861, John Wilson Mackenzie, of Rotterdam, Cbe mung - county, New Jersey, deceased, contracted with the Genbral Govern ment to furnish to General Sherman 'the sum total of tliirtybarrelsef,heet" Well, it was as lei as I could Ile had ;clothing to 'clO 'With beef con tracts or General Sherman either. began to'ibink it was-a curious kind of a gOt'ernment It looked some what es if they wanted to get out of paying for that beef. The following day I went'io the Seeretitry of , the In terior. I said : "Your Imperial Highness : On' or about the 10th day of October ' is suflicient;'sirl:--1 have hoard of you before.' ci:OHtai;d y6ur infant. o.us beef'oen_traeLtint of thi s establish nothing whatever to do - WiLlt,"SUOSis. tonee for the army.", went away. But I,Was exaspera ted now. I saidThould daunt them; ivould Infest' every. department: - of this itthinitens Cov,ernment until that eohtratit business Was settledi 1 would Collect that bill, Or fall 'ttsfell my prle deeesSors, trylng. - T Post master Geheral ; I beSeiged ; the Agri• • Cultural Department; I waylaid the Speaker of the ,house Ilepresenta iryt;i;:' They'hii . cynothing to do with contracts for beef. I hioved upon the Comtnissioher of thtt Patent Office. 'I i said : '"Your' augtiet Excellency : Oii or about—" ' ' "Perdition ! baye ,you got'horo'With Yodt ineeriffiarY contrak,Ut'la'st ? We have hothing',to 'do With berefeinitratits for tlio army,'MY dear sir." '':'Oh; .that 'is "all :very ; ,iVell—but s'itht'ebody has got, toI:MY for that beef: It has got ,to beitid'imui, too, or I'll confiscate this old Patent Office and " • everything. in i6=j3i • •• • , "Rut, my dear "It don't make ari' 'difference, sir. The Patent' Office is liable for; tfiht beef, I reckon ; andliable'or not liable the Patent Office has' got; to pay for it." , Novel' mind .details:lt ended in a fight. The Patent •Offica,'wOn. 'But I found out something to My - advita- tage. I was' told 'that the ,Treasury 'Department was the,proper, placo for 'me to go to. I went there. I waited for two' hours and a-half, and then was admitted to "the , First, Loyd', of the Treasury. 'I said : "`Most noblo, grave, and reverend Signor; On or abont'the 10th day of October, 1861, John Wition Mackenz-" "That is sufficient, sir. I have Mord of you. (46 to the fivat, Auditor of thO Treasury." I did so. Belicht me to the second Auditor. The, 'second Auditor' sent nio to the third;and third sent mo to tho 'First ComptrollOr of the Corn beef Division. This began to look like busi ness. He examined his,books and all his loose papers , no minute of the beef contract. 'I went to. the Second Comptroller of the Corn 'Beef Division. Be examined his books and his loose papers, but with no success. was encouraged. Daring that week I got as far as the Sixth Comptroller in that division ; next I got: thro' the Claims Department; the 3d 'week I began and completed the Mislaid Contracts Department, and got a foot hold in the Dead Reckoning Depart- must. I finished in three; days.— There 'was only ono place left for it now. I laid sieg e to the Com missioner of Odds anllinds. • To his clerk rather—he was not there self. There Were, sixteen b'eaUtiful young ladies iu the room writing in books, and there were seven wolIfa• 'cored yoUng clerks ' :thawing them hew. The young women smiled up over their, shoulders, and the clerks smiled back at them, and all went merry as - it Mulling° bell., Two or 'three clerks that were reading news papers looked at me rather hard, but went on reading, and nobody said anything. However, I had been used to this kind of alacrity from Fourth Assistant Junior . Clerks all through my eventful career, frord the very day I entered the office Corn Beef Bureau clear till I paeeed out of the last one in the Dead Reckoning Division,: I had got so accomplished by this time that I could stpmd en one foot from ,TERNS, $2;00 ;IL. year iii advance. the,inernent entered , an office till a , clerk spoke to itte„,witheut changing more tbs:n.two or may be throe times. Sdritoed th'e're till I 'hail "changed feurdifForent - timee. Then I said' to one of the clerks whd .was reading l---; ,"Illustrions IYagrant,,;Where is:the Grand ;turf:sr. „ • , , "What db yOn /. Meiiii 'sir.? Whew do you mean ?' If you mean tliiithief , of the , Hdroau;he is oht."l "Will ho visit, the harem to-day?" The young map, glared , upon me •tt while, and then went on reading his ' paper. 'tut I kneW the ways'of these clerks..' I - knew I Was'safe, if 'he got through :before another New York mail arrived. He only : had two moro papers left, After a while. he finished them, 'and then he yawned, and asked and What rivanted. "Renowned - and' honored Imbecile.' On or - ,abeitt—'•', • • : "Yon,are the ,beef contract man.— Give hie your papers!! . • He took them, and for a long time be ranstiolted his odds and I ends. Fi nally ho found the Northviest'Passage as.l regarded it—he found the long, lost record of the beef contract—he found the rock upon 'which so many of my ancestors had I fip lit: before they •ever got to it. • I•was• deeply ' moved And yet I rejoiced—for.' had survived. I said with emotion, "Give it mo j Oh, government will settle now.? Ho waved me back, and Said there was something yet to be done first. "Where is this John Wilson Mack enzie?" said lie: • I "Dead." " • • '• "When did he die?" "Ho didn't die at all—he - Was killed. "How ?" "Tomahrtivlred." ' - "Whe tiimahliWked ; "Why, fin, - Indian; coarSo.: ' ;You it'was' a superintendent Sunday'Sehool,''did you ?" "No. An Indian, was it ?" "'The same." ' ' "Name of the , "His name ?, I don't know .his nanfe." ;. "Must' have hii . 3 name. Who saw the timtabitWititig done?" "lidon't know. "; • . "Yon. were not iiihsent yourifolf; then ?'' "Whieli. You pan'see tiy my hair, I was absent." • "Then -how do you know thitt kite- time, and I, have every ,reason to hove that be baS been dead evursincei I 'know he• has, in thct " " "11`() Must , have 'the proofs: }lave ,yow got the' Indian ?": ~Of course not." -NGll; you ,must him.,, luve you grit the tonaahaWk,?" "I never thoUght of finch a thing." "You'must•get the tomahawk. You mast produco the Indian and ,tbe, torn , ()hawk. . If MuelrenAle's ,deatb, pan be proven 'hy. these,, you . ean , thon ' go he fore the cornmissioirer aHointed to au dit, clairtis,• with 'some•shOw of-getting your bill under headway. that your - children may possibly dive to. receive the money and enjoy it : But that man's death inusrbo proven. 'er, I h may as' well' tell yon'thailhe Go vernment will never- pay .that'-treriS- 1 portation and those traveling. expenses of thelatuenteld Mackenzie. It, mill/ sibly pay, for, the barrel of beef that, Sherman's'sol l diers dapfured you `riti tet, a relief tbroll&COngrosi , fling - an'approprintion fOr 'thatopuri pose; but it wili,pot pay fbr the twee ,ty-nine barrels the Indians ate." "Then "there is only $lOO duo me, and ihnt isn't certain'? Mue kenzio's travels in Europa, Asia and America, with that beef; after all his trials and tribulations and transporta tion; aftor•the, slaughter of all, those innocents thattried 'to collect that bill ! Young man, why 'didn't the' PirSt Comptrcillar , oftheCorn Beef Division tell me thisr . „ , , 1 „ , "Ho didn't know anything about the genuineness of your elaiM." "Why didn't the' Second tell' mo ? 'Why didn't tbo , Third ? ' Why'didn't, all these 'divisions andg departnients tell me?" . , . "Novo of them-know. ,We do thirigs by routine herb._ _Yon have follo - ived the routine and found out what you wanted to know. It is the best`way. It is 'the only way. It is very regular; and vory'slo'w, but certain!v "Yes, certain d6tith: 'lt has been to most of our tribe. I. begin to feel that, too am 'called. Young men; you love that bright .ereature yonder with the.gentlo bluo,eyes and the steel pens, behind her ears—l see it in your soft glances that yen wish to Marry her— but you aro poor. Hero, hold outyour -hand—here is the beef contract; go, take her and be happy ! May, Heaven bless you, my chilffen !" This is all that I know 'about the great beef contract, that haS ,created so much talk in the community. Tho clerk to whom I bequeathed it,, died. know nothing further about the con tract or any ono connected with it,. I only know that if a man lives long enough, he can trade a thing through the Circumlocution Ofilee'at:Washing-, ton, and find 'out:after rintich labor and trouble`Snd delt9,That iOilt;li he could have found out on the first day, if the business of -the Circumlocution Office were as ingeniously systematized as it would be if, it Were a great private mercantile institution. Florida has a man ,ninti( foot sik incline, high. Ile enjoys good health and is evidently long for this world. Ninetyfivo years ago Friday a week tbe battle of Bunker Hill was fcinght. It, was also.a.Friday. An aspiring peveliet in Maine de scribes a pair of twins, one lire and the otitot sir yenta old r2.11 - mi GLOBE 4'os PRINTING OFFICE. T, "GLOBE f 1,013, 0/"F, /9E" the' trioet chniprefo-e , 1111:1(1 ,ewes the mast ansp)a fachltlew for promptly eieChting the bete style, eceFy variety of Jobirtrntpigi such el HAND BILLS, •-•J CIRCULARS, - • .BILL'IIBIIS • Si • ME JARDS, NO. 50. AND C.TASIIPIZ CpiCIMZRa 6 Wol4 - ' r i f nwls.,lßOOK i STATIatEitYIA '3nJl3lO STOW? "Rosiell," who is traveling' round the world for the Bestow'reftitekr; is noW Jn Japan: lieret"is ' sornetliing -readable-from one of his letters':'-'i; Ilavitsig• *etched Ohl ;nee; ode incivt turned tO,the'-"barberess."' She had a lady , cus'tonier;* w hOs'e' . 'robes and ladylikelderrieado'r' po• 'Aition, , and 'Whose facei add form 4thew ed,ctinsidersible pehscinarlieriuty.'-,She was - Unmarried, for-her teeth 1-verelelis teeing *bite. ',l:fisith'er "efL , the' ladies ' , took any:tither notice • Ortis'Ath'an to glanCe 'tit' us once sideditys:y The ea& tomer, after' ter Clog iitinciala at 'the edge of 'the' . plailhrin; which' is the floor of the open Supanesiehikiabe, and• advancing barefooted to the mid dle of the room, made a IoW bow to the "liarberess" , land' told '-iker".l.i`dilr shit wished .to, be ; dressed , . • ; TVS barberess placed`a,mat,upon„it; i thon removing the rebe,frorri her shouldera ,b,egea u the work 'upon her hair, i ftiantit'll it' sTas Eieftened 'eufficlisn ely"to' • When' the combing, *as 'donektif4the ,hair was gathered back ,fro,re. the face to the crown and tiedrthere.,Then,thd "lOng was waxed and' Oiled until it was stiff.' it Wris nest flattened'ont with the hands •isear the hair and the ondxathered around thisilat picee:in ~purious curls and fantasj4tbrkidsa,he end fastened with st, l Pip, i thp face.aed neck Wiped dry with a tOwel.. began a process for Whdl ly ' unprepared, 'l' had I .riot!'acippOtied ;the,Japanese ;to, bo,:so,i ear, Civilized. The harborese took up,e,fittle bo,;‹,with a fine banaboo . sieve in, Or end, and, af ter teillnk'ihe 'ctistbirlei to 'sbiif: oyes, began to throw I (or'sift)lhelinti rice flour:(or dust) :Ivan ttil 2 ,;youna lady's face and shoulders., Very, soon the skin that was naturally coppper-col ored whiter ThaetPor 'tion 'of. the flour which did'ilet stick was brnshed off with a . Pea . f.her:bi'ush, after which a piece of bark „of some 'kind 'Was rubbed on 'bor'clieektruntil '"red as a. roses was'sle.v , Therilfar the first ; ti me a .polislted , fpfdd'mbf , irorrsoi` steel, serVing,for a mirror,: v,r,as held up ,before ttn.! . .young ,w 1,9 „smiled 'apprO4 al;'iose' to her feKgittliered her dress; 'and marched"•prondly - iiff, leaving the barberess to await/another customer. Vain? of,a Die of Papers:,; ivies- -qt7.Bia -- .pounds eterling, , andziprobablyl -, Would briig double .tbat d prico,if r,v,ersido mended. This is a small sdnri compaF ed with American prided. A complete file of .any . important jourT,ml. fi bears a 'Valttewrifieli, firi ie. hitrdly 'be - compti,ted in mon'ey.'"llane4 Lthe porfiinsde Ibf keeping eldlpapers....: Tbi,rty,three ,y,bars:agol theN;iY He, Id, started , . a few copies Gf each" - issue, he virould ba'C'e Mid 'a rich re*urd. Contplofe file of tliht paper would cost I.vitti tercst at c,ompoliad ratesot,:t.. ~ It -would `noW'retidily - lirinkiktloo:"rhe sum of !$2,300 ' - ‘44 s 4.e6e ntl y -voted by the ,Oomnifon: Connell , of, ..the,city. for the purpose of pur4asingLa set whieh commenced with 18,48, ,and ,which,of courae was' , defiCithit; the first" sewn Voluinah.'''Thejlibiiiiitti in' . the City - Hall informed me -that they Were 'fro. quently consulted; and also said that 'they could be sold at , a, large.advaneln. ~,The only ,e,ompletat. filn'of the iterald ittfolyiptlgn)iare thoiein llennett's, own ,hand,s,an.il these'are'kept . froni 'the tint:Rio 'eye.He does not'wish'tti eipetin'tile'eatlY charadter of his paper:a !Anotherieoln plete:file.was.. in ,the hands of !the pa pal' merchants,,,Psarso_.& _Brooke, who supplied biro with Juaterial,,but thie was lbst. 'When i their WarehousO burned'seVeral•ieaFft'ago:. There'aro statements Tia the elfrly issue, of the .HeraldJwhich can throw light "upon,, important questings„now about to bo brought,into„our _.bour,ts. Lawyers have goneTtiCtlia Rteil tablish men t and SoliCitedllieliriVileo of a- reference, bu't the changed in character. One man foot-, ishly spoke of legal , compulsion, and was politely,told it.":,`,rhe, only way for these'Whb wiah 'te ,00,Setta such archiVe'S is 'idiukiserilie for the papers; and - then` to keep the file nri 'broken'until time ,gives it a value. , - „ ger A letter '.from'Briizil says, rail will see no potatoes, no•corn . , no' fields of grain nor grass about Rib.. 1 .1.1 e, but ter used nearly al4 .oOmes ,frOm Rol land, as well as the cheese %the floe' mostly from the United Slates • the potatoesiiiiiiWqom States; rather than vegetables, are' tho" tabte staples. Rice and mandioca attirtrec:d in plabti.ol potatoes. • : A little•boy five - years of age, whi writhing under the tortures of; 'tits ague,' was told byhis mother to risoMp and talto tt powder , she had Prapared for him. 4"Powder! powder;!' saidiliti; rising upon his elbow, and pat:WV:in a roguish' , smile, f‘motheri , it' ain't gun !" _ At tho box oflipoof Brigham Youneo Theati•c;:obicken's aro Calton for tickets atid 'the' change Made witheggs. • The latest sensation on the turf is` race .between a clothes horse ands night mare The freshet op the Ter Rivet, eicleg sweeping off crops 'arid tiotieo . l4 also took five bridges. • •• , New Yorkers are to try" tbe, effect of Chinese nieOidineS. , An lowa wife pit start% in her II thi: band's beer, thiniting'it'was aiscinio and was surprised bereanse it did not stiffen him. BALL TICK EtBi--L PROGRAAVIES • , • ,LABELS;46OI/: &C.; f Japatese - Dirl's I" IMO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers