TERMS OF. THE GLOBE riPLntiim fn .a.ic; —77 Us *Falb° ninCitivnths TERMS OF ADVERTISING 1 time. 2de 3do 1 month .4 75 $1 26 $1 60 SI 75 1 60 2 25 2 75 4 25 .. 2 25 325 400 475 One . lnCh, or less Two 'tithes, Toile inchee,.... 3 menthe. 6 months. 1 Year Otis inili, or less $4 00 $6 00 $lO 00 Two inches, 625 9 00 15 00 'Envie inches 8 50 12 00 20 OD Pour 75 inches, 10 16 00 25 00 *tarter column, 13 00 18 00 .30 00 titalrcolumn, 20 00 80 00. ..... —.45 60 Vas column, 30 00 45 00.....,....730 00 Piotemional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, Oa• year $6 00 Administrators` and Executors' Noticbt, 6 times, $2 50 Auditors' Notices, 4 times 2 00 Limy, or ocher short Notices • 1 60 AdTerileeigente r not. marked ivith the nambef of loser ens desired, will be continued till forbid and charged sc. lording to these term. Local or Special Noticed, 10 cents a line for single In sertion. By the year at a reduced rate. oi rr. Briers for the printing of Blanks, Handbill., etc. et reasonably low. , Vroftssionatt Nusiness garbs. P . R. A. B: BRUMBAUGH, _,.. Haying permanently located at Huntingdon, offers of - ream:tat service. to the community. Oilice, the lame as Uutt (atoly occupied by Dr. Luden oa dill knot. 'l' -. , ap10,1.866 nit-JOHN' IIIiCUtLOCH, :offers his ,15 innfeverional eerviOes to the Came - of Huntingdon *nu Odice on 11111 idtbet, ono door out of Itcetfa Itrug slure. : - - Aug. 28, '55. ALLISON MILLER, DEIVTIST, kiss rouroveri to the Rd& Row opposite the Court ROMS April 13,1169. J. GREENE, ILLI • DENTIST. A ;;17. - ; Offic • removal to Loteter's New Building, Hill street, Huntingdon. 'duty , . 74„11 ORRISON HOUSE, I li :- OUT* TING -D 0147, PENN' A \ulna . g.7yIILLEII; Proprietor. a•rii 1870. JOHNSTON . , " 11141 7- 47044kINSURECCII AGENT, litthblaDON, PA j_.. A. POLLOCK, &WI FEYORIL. REA - L - ESTATE 4 GENF, lIUNTIIiODON, PA. .Will attead to Bumping Hz all Its braccbez, and will bay and mill Beal Estate Panay part date United Limes. bead tar circular. t1ec:4941 T .W. ioLYTON; • ATTORNEY AT LAW, - • - IfUNTINaIiON, PA. ,‘Fi l • (taco with J. E.Li;ILI. SiIITART,Esq• eaolo-6nt. t j SYL V3N US BLAIR, e ATTORNEY AT LAW; p.UNT/NOPOD!, PA, 011(640¢ itioot, three doors west or Smith, 'yb'69 .1. - 1111.110,1111271.: l essEß & FLEMING, ATTORNEY S-AT-L ATV, 11UNTINGDON, CA Onloo second fluor of Leteter's building, on 11111 atroet. Anomie and other claims promptly collected. iny2oen9 A' GrE'S C ; FOR COLLECTING A zOLI/116118' CLAI3I6, ISOLINTY, PACK PAY AND • a1...1.31UN5. All Who may have Roy claims agnimt the Government er ikmuty, Back Yoy'emil Peusionnonm have tbeir Clllll.llB ?mainly collected by applying either in ',emu or by let ter to W.ll. WOODS, ATTaltiv GY A W; I.III2ITIMILIni, r. amilS,lll4 KA.LLEN .LOVELL, • 1,. . • AT feali.ArEY AT LAZY, ... „ ,- • -" - - -' ItUNTIZICiDoN, pA. ',mild attention given to doile;tiona o[' all ki . as ; to , ay setttetucut of t.iitaited, &c.; anti all oilier legal bust s... prasscuted a Itli'lltlelit3 ginkt divatch. jew.1.14t4 I= =EI f name of this firm has been ehang j_ td frout,LlX/13 JtAtt.INN, to . .13GOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, ender which name they will ❑ercniter conduct their practice** ' ,ATTORNATS AT LA 11 ILUATINGDON, PA. . rem slos,juka all claible of steldmie and soldier!' lick. apluet ibe Liovenunent, wl/1 be prewinly prosecuted. Hay lip tabs -emu. _ M. Lytle :& Milton S. Lytle, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 11UNTINGDON, PA., its's% Yor•med a partnership smiler the name and Ism or - P. hi. & M. S. LYTLE,. And bare removed to the °face on the south aide of DUI street, fourth door west of anti th. The 7 attend yrotoptly to ail hinds ol legal busi ness entrusted to their are. - ' ' e PS E P I ! -- 3411.111TACTCA.t.4 OF AND, DEALCP.IN WILLOW AND, SLEIGH BASKETS, Stall eizee and descriptions, ' iICNTINGDON CO., PA.' 'Jai's 9, 1099-11 - LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID HUNTINGDON INSURANCE 7 ; C: ,AGENCY:- G. B. ARMITAGE, .11VIITqpppy, PA. Represent the mod reliable Companies in the Country. Rates na . low as, is Inisisteut with reliable indemnity : • • • cep A Jo: pitalßepresented over $14,000,0 KS! BLANKS •11LAINTKS! BLA: jukeL": taiNSTADLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTION AITACHAIIiNTS, EXECUTIONS, 1 01119NSe ; . FIXEDS,, ti; :BUBmN'AS, • MORTGAGES, 'SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES,; , , . ;LEASES FOR 110135E8, NATURALIZATION'S KB ONIMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, tW4 II I I MITS7 - ; , 7 .t FIER BILL*, it SVniTei - 01 Itio 'OOO eaV JUDGMENT NOTES, with &waiver of, the Wel Law. ARTICLES' or AGREEMENT; with Teachers. ' ; MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justiche If and Mina of i Vodg, T T,suId.p9III4TMENT, in cast QM Ass e OIERE FACIAS, to recover amount ' of Judgment. wrzrons• RECEIPTS, for State, County, Schoo l t Borough and Township Taxes., Printed - okomperior paper, khd far sale 'at tiltoslWo t the HUNTINGDON OLOB/De , BLANTL3, - 4f evelY kinted Id order, neatly t ad sticatoolce i and on good Paper. 04. HILTON SPEED, W. B. LEAN, EAMES ZTORNII DAVID DARDIVIr The Union Bank of linntingdOli .7- • (Leto John Bare & C 0.,) , .11UNTI,NODCO, PA. , 'CAPITAL, 'paid up, - $50,000" • solicit steconot&Aroin Blinks, Bankers and others. Inte!ml—illowed o'n'tkos.Dopoeits. ,, f .Securities, bought and Hold for the usual commission.— Collections made /ma lli...points.' Drafts on ull parts . of Europe supplied st the usual rates. , . toumiszclepositfug..thad. m 1.6 will receive tlu; os name return with Interest. Tea partners are ludivid ,flaltj liable to the extent of their whole property for all pepoitts. , The'ilutin:ghed business of the late firm of John Bare & bebompleted by The tfuion Bank of liontingdan r ih69-tf C. C. NORTH, Cashier. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS A-..LARGX -18T,OCK :T...syq.) . ENDID AS,SQIMISIENT . • • Nitindoi , Curtain . Pipprs; Jjn•itEOEIVED Aft AT BOOK STORE. 42 00 . 1 00 WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, DiblisherB. VOL, XXV. HOW TO COE CONSUMPTION. TDR PHILOSOPHY 'OF Dlt. SCHENCK'S GREAT MEDIOINKS.—WiII people never learn to know that a diseased liver and stomach necessarily disease the entire system t The plainest principles of common sense teach this and yet there are hundreds who ridicule the Idea, and continue in' the course which almost inevitably brings them prematurely to the grave. as the majority of the people do, at complete variance with iho laws of nature, it mutt be uppercut to all that,ecroner or later, nature will revenge herself. Hence we find that persons who indulge to tacos. in the use of very rich or indigestible food or intoxicating drinks, invariably pay a heavy penalty in the end. The stomach becomes die otdered and refuses to act: the liver falls to perform Its functions, d3spepela and its attendant evils follow, and Mill the suffering Individuals persist In clinging to the thoroughly exploded Idea of the past. Dr. SCHENK'S medicines are recommended to all such. They bring sure and certain relief wherever they aro used as directed, and all that Is necessary to establish their reputation with every ailing man or woman In the bindle a fair and impartial trial of them. Lot those who are skeptical on tins point, and who have permitted interested persona to prejudice them against these now celebrated remedies for consumption, discard their prejudices, and be governed by the principles of reason nod common sense. If the system is disordered depend upon it, in nine cases out of ten the seat of the disorder will be found in the stomach nd liver. To cleanse and invigorate the stomach and to plimulate the ;?ter to healthy action, use SCHENCK'S MANDRANIS FILIAL—The daily increas ing demand for these pa!), In the best evidence of their value. Thousands upon thousands 01 boxes are sold dell/. Why I Simply because they act promptly and efficiently Invalids who may not find it convenient to call on Dr. SCHENCK In person are Informed that full and cone- plots dirtctiens for use accompeny each package of the MANDRAKE PILLS, POLMONIC SYRUP AND SEA WEED TONlC:—These medicines will cure consumption limiest! the ledge eta so far mine that the patient is entire 'lt beyond the reach of medical relief. It may be asked by time who are not famillar•vvith • the virtues of themgreat remedicepllow do Dr. Schanck's , rnotliclnes effect tliUtr wonderful cures of consumption I" •5 o eower Is a atropin one.. They begin their work of restdruitell !'v bringing the stomach, liver and bowels intoan active le:witty conditiod SC . It Is food that cures this formidable diseadd. HENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS act on it,. liver and Nomach, promoting healthy secretion, and removing t_he bile and slime which have resulnd from the inactive of torpid condition et those or gans, and of' the system merit: I!. This sluggish state of the body, and the consequent sec:mutation of the un healthy eubstinces named prevent the crepe? digestion of feud, and,as a naturist cense mence creases disease, which results in prostration and finally in death. t SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP and SEAWEED Tes:tl - when taken regularly, mingle with the food, and the digestive organs, make good and rich blood. and as %nat ural consequence, give flesh and strength to the patient. Let the faculty say what it may, this is the only true cure for consumption. Experience has proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, and thousands are' today alive and welt who a few years since were regarded as hops. less cases, but who were Induced to try Dr. SCHENCK'S remedies, end wore restored to permanent health by their use. m7/ 2.69 One of the first steps the physician should take with • consumptive patient is to luvigorrte the eye tem. Now bow is this to be done t Certainly not by giving medb clues that exhaust and enervate—medicine. that impair instead of improve the functions of the digestive organs Doctor SCllbNCli'd medicinal cleanse the stomach and Wade of all substances which are calculated to irritate or weaken them. 'they create an appetite—promote healthful digestion—woke good blood, and, as a conse quence, they invigorate and ■trengtheu the entire sys tem and more especial ly those parts which are discesed It this cannot be done, then the Mil most be regarded es. a hopeless one. lithe physician finds it impcseiblo to make a patient feel hungry, if the deceased person cannot partake of good uouristang food and properly digest It, it to Impossible that he can gain in flesh and strength ; and it is equally impossible to bring a patient to thie eund ition so long es the liter is burdened with diseased bile, and the stomach laden with unhealthy slime. Almost the first ree,mrst made to the ,physichos by a consumptive patient is that he will prescribe medicines Chit will allay the cough, night sweats and chins, which are the sure ettetulante un consumption. But this should not be dune, as the cough is only an effort of imbue to reltero item, and the night sweats and chills are canoed by the diseased lne,. the remedies ord.narily present,- eel do mute hattu titan good. 1111 o) impair the functions of the atutuach,ltupedo nealtny digestion ; and aggravate rather than cute toe disease. 11= Thea e L , atter all, notlslug like fact. trlaielt to aubsten Hato a position, and it is upon tic., that Or. Etchenck's relics. Nearly all nib have tut, n his medicines In ac t: trdanc• with his ditections have tint only been cured of consumption, but, from the fact that those medicines Oct ith wonderful power upon the di"estiee organs, patisats thus cured speedily gain Nash. ltroansing the systota of all impurities, they lay the foundation for a solid, sub- Summit structure. ISestoring these organs to health, they create tin aptstits. 'Tits food is properly led ;the quantity of blood is not only increased, but is Muds fiCII and strong and In the face of elicit a condition of tics3steni all due.° must be banished. "tuli dnectiuns accompinly each of the medicines, so that it is not absolutely necessary that patients should see Dr. SCIIENCK peronsaily, unless they desire to have their hin g e ex .mined. For, tide piirpoee be in at his of• flee, riu 16 North Sloth St., curlier of Commerce, Phila., every baturday, from B A. )1. until I P. M., I=l Advice is given without therm but for a thorough ex miasma...ls wills the hevpiromehir the charge ja SA. - Price of the Pulrnenic syrup Bud brewed Tonle each, SI.LO per'buttle ' or $7 LU U - 1.011 dozen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sole by all druggists. Ap.l2ly. "GOOD BOOKS FOR ALL" BOOKS WHICH ARE BOOKS." flora is a Hsi of such Winks as should Lo found In ev ery Library—within the reach of every reader—Works to entertain, instruct and improve the mind. Copies is ill be scot by return post, on receipt of price. New Physiognomy; or, Signe of Character, as nutuitested through Temperament and txternal• Forms, and especially so the —Human Face Divine."— With more then One Thousand illustrations. By 8.11 Wawa. Price in one 12mo volume, 762 pages, hand- sonwly bound, $5 Mini, in Genesis and in Geology; or, the Eli, blical account of Mateo Creation, teated by Scientific 11teuriea of hie Origin and antiquity. By. Jo7oph Y. Thompson, DU, LL.U. 0110 Vol, 12mo. $l• Wedlock ; or, the Right Relations of the ea..Di,cloaiog tho Lana of Conjugal seloctlon, and shot, lug who may and who may:Mit Marry. For both sues. By 9lt yens . 55 Bozo to Read Vitaracter. A new Illustrated handbook of Phrenology and Physiognomy, for ate. ' dents and examiners. with athart fur recording the sizes ot the dine reut organs of the brain, halite delimit. ' itiOn of Character, with npwardxof Ito ttograWogs:— : Malin; S,1:61 ; , s Aucation ; its elementary Principles found ed on the nature. of um, ItyJ A Spurzhem, 61 D. With an Appondixrcotiteining the Teinferhanents and I a brief analysis (51 Die Faculties: - 111ustrtit6d: §1 60 Fancily Physician. A ready Prescriber and hygienic Adviser.. ;With - teferenci; to the Nature, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Diseases, Sect : dents, and casualties of every kind. With a Glossary and copious Index.; By Joel Mae*, h D.. Muslin, $} Food and Diet. With Observations on the Dietical regimen, suited for disordered states of the di• • guava organs, and an account of the Dietaries of some of the, principal Oidetrinkilttais and othevestablitddrionti By Jonathan Pereira, M D., ke it 8, and I, 8. Edited ' by Chalice A. Lee,,M D. Ella.. Hand-Book for Home Improvement; vfnpri-, ° I)o " )lu i Irt Y ea t s ° ' n i n k :I. Tat Constitution of Mad; Cobeidered in relation to extol nal °birch,. By ()cargo Combo. The only au thorized American - edition. With twenty ougravinge poitratt of the iiiithor. Muslin, $175 Moral Philosophy. By George Combe. Cr the lintlee of wan considered in . hie Individual, Denies tbluereguhdet34o2, i w e t a ng: e el: ti t: je lt i ez t t t ed t, : . n tro c iti tio t 'l,ioturea on, according ,to the Philoeophy of Phrenology. Delivered before the Anthropological Society. By Am a d Wearer. $l5O .Vanagement of Infancy. Physiological and. Moral Treatment. By Andrew COmb6, M 1,, ' nook for Mothers. Muslin, $l5ll Ilenny. 7 ~ A n Bluptrated .0 - uatn. By Annie i 'riibllalied in the elegant style of Enoch Arden. A beautiful-present. $155 tEsop's People's Pictorial Edi tlou. Beautifully Illustrated with nearly sixty °ogre'- , Tinge. Cloth, gilt, beveled hoards. Only $t Pope's Essay on :Ilan. With Notes. Beau- Molly Illustrated. • Cletb,'gilt, beveled bustde;sl Natural Laws of Alan. A Philosophical ' Catechism. By J(3 bpuizbeim; 51 D. Muslin, 75 cts. Fruit Culture for thus -Iclitind,book. Being a Guido to the cuitivahou and management of Fruit trees. Descriptions of the best varieties. $1 Inclose the amount in a registered letter, or in a P. 0. Order, for one or for all the aboto, and address S. IL WELLS, Publieher, 3bll Broadway, Fiew York. Agents Wanted. . • ,lli-hau pAPAtt.! ,P,A.VER!! PAPER !I ! • Tracing raper, Impression Paper, Drawing . Paper, ' Decd . Paper, Tissue Paper, Bilk Paper for Flowers, • • • perlu . roted Paper, • • • ' • ' I rjstol Board; . . • Plat Cap Paper, ' • ' " - • FOolecap Paper, • Letter Paper, - ' " • • Commercial Note Paper, • • ' • Ladles' Oilt Edged Lotter and Note Paper, _ Ludic& Plain and Fancy Note Paper, ' WhltWand Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Skegti, or sale at LEWIS' Book, stationery and Music Store." 'COUNTRY DEAtlifig-;L: ,burCLOTHING from me to iltnilinidegei - 1911OLESAL1; us chum' as they can tli the "18 bpl7o 19:toluale 001'0 11311Pdelpliiti. , • ~ . H. ROMAN. ~,~~~ HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1870. [For the Globe.] Our Duty and Destiny as a Nation. fly ii. €. -13 "Give ear, 0 my people, to my law ; in cline your ear to the words of my mouth." Shall "the voice of thy brother's blood" cry from the ground to God for vengeance ? AMERICA-DISCOVERY MP.SEIRS. EDITORS :—This our coun• try seems destined by Providence to fill many of tho most important pagee in human history. Whilst the nations of the, old world were rising and falling to pieces—whilst tho four groat em pires of antiquity in the east were suc ceeding each other through rivers of human blood, to glut the ambition of cruel tyrants, this western continent was and had been, for thousands or years, revolving in the womb of time, unknown to the contestants for uni versal empire, and thus shielded from the grace of wicked mon. And thus it revolved, whilst count less occult events which to human view had no connection, but which in the hand of God were all connected, and all converging to accomplish the discovery and peopling this great country of ours. There was the revi val of literature, the art of printing, the mariner's compass, Am., all tending . to some groat event unknown to all but God, who alone could evolve such mighty and benevolent results; and thus 'ten thousand events withoUteen. notion ,to human view formed that invisible and insoluble chain; or rather the warp and woof from, which a sin , gle thread or fiber could not be spared, extending riorn the creation bf man down to the year 1436, when a poor, fragile, weeping babe was born in Ge noa, the son of a wool carder. Of this babe we know but little till we find him in college, and at the age of four teen we find Christopher Columbus in school outstripping his fellow students, and all the schools of that age, in the imperfect sciences of mathematics, as tronomy and geography. Then we find him in command of a merchant ship, next engaged in command of a war ship, from which when it was on fire he had to save his life by plunging into the sea. But notwithstanding his active life ho labored earnestly and. successfully in expanding the then narrow boundaries of geographical and astronomical science. The result of those labors was the full conviction ei ther of a western continent or the pos sibility of reaching the eastern coast of Asia by sailing westward. le became an enthusiast, hie theory was the ab sorbent of all his mental labors, if not the very essence of his soul. But like all men who step forth in advance of tho age in which they live, he became the derision of fools, and was despised by proud senators and princes,to whom he promised a vast empire for the pit tance of a poor outfit for the contem plated voyage of discovery. Alter suf tering from poverty, contumely, perse cution 'and ceptempt, we find him in Spain traveling .upon foot in all the habiliments of poverty, leading by the hand a poor, motherless boy, seeking alms at- a little convent called Santa Maria de Raboda. .Next we find hiin after many repulses, pleading at the magnificent court of Ferdinand and Isabella, for aid to accomplish' Lis grand design. And ,hero, after the poor beggar had touched the heart of that noble princess, and secured her Sympathy, he was doomed to plead his cause before a court council of monks, Who decided that nothing could be more absurd and impious than the idea' of antipodes: . Thus poor Columbus. found himself denounced as either. an impoiter, a fool or' the prince of here.' tics In despair, forsaken, in poverty and alone, ho started again on foot, leaving that ill governed court where his soul had for many years been worne =and 'sorely grieved lietWeen hope and despair, in, order Co offer his 4ndiscoierea empire to 'some more magnanimous pation. But when hie noble friend Isabella had learned that lurwas'gone, ske - iMmediately_serit;af-" ten bhp, had himbroUght-b'aelr, plight-: ed ,her‘ crown !jeWelsi. being :all, slit; conld give - , but by her, influence seVe• ral'- wealthy individuals. assisted in raising means for the outfit of vessels for the doiperate:Onterprisei, and on the 3d of August, 1492, in tho 56th Your . of his age, we find Columbus in hia'poor, fragile fleet, with 120 seamen, casting' themselves upon those un. knowe•seas from which their return wile.nearly hopeless. But after suffer ing from the most intense anxiety from the dangers of unknown seas, the mu tiny of his men, and the most awful stispense with which human bosom ever- heaVed, for over two months, we find him on'-tho-morning of the 12th of October, 1492, taking possession of an American Island, „whence . the main land was: Soon discovered, and Vie ex istence of our country Was proclaimed to the old world. `the God of Providence deferred the diseoVery of the new empire until the power of a cruel hierarchy was being broken down, and unable to take pos session of, those Vnite4l States. - 6003 DESIGNS. God was working out his vast do signs from countless causes.' After the birth of Coltimbils, but before his great discovery, and immediately tifter,there was born in DiroliO — Aliose children, nue4,46 Luther, Calvin, Z wingle, and others, who. When they grew .up to manhood snatched the Bible from. its. tong linprisonmentin trientisteries,toro froth itti sacred pages the seals placed upon l it: by L ltiuthbrltY at:Roirio,ind read' it aStentshed Eortipe: The Pn'O'Pre found it to be theii• own book, and that it Ivas the_ grand Charter or theirrig, r1g,)4, 1 plyq,apO 4 religious ,4 clipuc4 Of darkness iwere rolled back, aiSd the people'*lio had long' sat hi' datkpeas, groaning under the hand or' tyranny, -PERSEVERE.- began, to throw off their chains, and throb fOr that liberty which is ,the birthright of evory human being. Thus after a long night of gloomy inertia, in which our plaoot had revolved in Moral darkness, a mournful spectaclo to othei' Worlds, who once looked upon it as the grandest theatre amidst thu glorious volume of creation, America .was discovered, add die l iblo was again unsealed, and its sacred pages were read by millions of our ruined race. The untutored savage may follow the Mississippi up to its thousand sour ces in the mountains of the west, but can go no farther; but the philosopher can follow the vapor from tho face of the ocean into the clouds; be counts them as they are wafted over the mountains; he can tell why they are condensed into rain drops to fall upon the mountains and valleys, to send out those springs which give drink to the beasts of the field; he counts the mil lions of ritolleta and drippings from the ,breasts of the Rocky Mountains, all converging to form the father of wa -erer; ho can follow the mighty stream to the ocean, witness its magtiltedo, suntient to carry the commerce of the world, and bo can tell why' "all the ri vers run into the sea and still that it is not full." And so the historian can lead us on its pathway up to the birth of Columbus, and that of 'other great benefactors of h u manity. • • But who can unroll theidark pages of occult history beck touts source ? Who can count the finks of that chain extending from the morning•of crea tion up to the throng or OW, or count' the endless succession of alternating causes and effects ? Who but the Om- . niscient God, who seeth the and "from the beginning, can comprehend such a vast volume? Or who but the Om nipotent God, Whose "council shall stand and who will do all his pleasure," is equal to the government of his vast empire? Who but a God of Infinite wisdom is equal to harmonizing•the apparently conflicting events of daily occurrence; to bring all the works of creation and Providence into subordi nation to his moral government, and all converge to his kingdom of grace, and finally to the consummation of his kingdom of glory? But short sighted though we are, we can by analogical reason, clearly per ceive that our national existence was suspended upon a chain of events ex tending back to the first man, that the severance of u single link would have ruined all, and that the hand of God alone could bring out the grand results from occult events, or 'events of small importance to human view, and, final ly, give us a nationality of " such vast importance io,th,e history of the Earth. Accordingly we find that at an eventful period,When countless streams of providoinces, from the time "the morning stars sang together when the ROM of God shouted` joj• ' " di rectly or remotely counected, because all resulted from ono mind, and all contributed to prepare the world for a now people, a new history and a now impulse to intellectual and moral light and Lipman 'liberty; then God sifted the nations of the old world to collect a chospo,seed to plant in this our,be loved land, and guided them by ,his unerring hand to the then inhospitable shores of North America. Could you give tongues to the Plymouth Rock, the river May, ;Jamestown and other early settlements, they could tell Gird• ling tales'of the sufferings of our an cestors for their love of christian lib erty. A MOMENTOUS HISTORY Then : commences one.' of the most momentous histories upon earth's rec ords. It relates how the old European hierarchy followed our fathers in order l e o, strike , down their freedom how, though few'in number and very poor, they , drove from our shores the most powerful empire on earth, in , shame, and forced, thent,fo acknowledge our liberty; ,how that in but little over two centuries we have increased from a few hundreds-to nearly forty millions of Heals, and low we have increased in, wealth and education till we' ay claim to-be the most powerful nation upon the earth, since we justly - claim to' be the most highlp privileged peo ple upon earth,We must not forget that privilege, always implies corresponding responsibility. If we as a nation ne glect our'dtity, we may read our &OM in tho ruinshf. Nineveh, Babylon and Jerusalem, once great -and glorious, but for:hick of.morality.. they, now lie in ruin, forsaken of God and man. But on the contrary if we are governed by witidenri, justice and "mercy,,doubtless our future,-history is- destined, tobe as glorious as the ,past is wenderfpl; and on the presumption of a wise and ben-. evolent government, if wemay judge from the past, we may confidently, an tieipate a populatioe of over foUr hun dred millions before:another century passes away, and that the children_ are now born who, will live to constitute part of a population of over three bus dred millions. With such a popula tion and wlth corresponding wealth 'and wistlorn; we may fairly - anticipate the conquest of "the world,,not by the sword, but by the Bibloovith ita beams of geniallight and liberty, and by the divergent-waves of our practical-influ enCe upon benighted nations, now groaning tinder the iron heel of , cruel tyrants, etill struggling, to keep their subjects In moral and intellectual dark mess. But in' the hands of such a na tion es We' anticipate, 'tb:sir 'chains must melt away,, and their c tikroneti 'Must tetfer''atid fall, never - to- rise again - th 4,oluge - the earth in , As the philosopher how such s re- Publio.rte ours, in all its refinement and itsall glOt7,,Vpiting' front, snub gross degradation as ehardeterized our 4n gl&Sazori, Tetitonic And' Celtia 'enacts tom and he can not tell; but ask the 1,ct'1../ . 'O,HJe Christian and he points to his Bible as the only efficient cause. Ask the phi losopher why the difference between republican Franco and republican A merica, and 'either he cannot or ho will not tell. But ask the christian why the former deluged the land in human blood, and then fell into the hands of a cruel despot, because unfit for self government, whilst the latter has had such an unparalleled success, and ho at once replies that a cruel hierarchy sealed the Bible against the people of France, whilst our fathers carried the word of God in their bosom with his spirit in their hearts, whilst laying the foundation of this glorious republic of ours. Or if you ask why the people of South America and Mexico have struggled in vain for over two hund red years to secure that liberty which is the birthright of every human be ing, and the answer is plain : they have been too long subject to that cru el tyrant seated on the seven hills who forbid the people to road their Bibles. And from similar reasons we fear that Spain, now throbbing for liberty, will struggle in vain. But judging from the past, wo may confidently predict that they are doomed to struggle in vain till like our fathers they tear the seals froni the 'Bible and open it to the people. Great and glorious as we claim to be; wo are envied, feared and hated as a nation; envied by the millions in Ea repo now struggling for liberty; feared alit hated by thO despots . 01 the, old world; who fear our influence, upon their own Subjects, and hate us because we teach equality of rights to all. We are hated worst of all by the prince of darkness, who has labored with too much success for nearly sixteen thou sand years to enslave our race, and we have ample evidence that ho is not wearied in,evil doing, but remains that cunning, insidious' and industrious de vil which ho always wee, and will re. main so till one . stronger than he shall shut him up in chains of darkness for evermore. LVILS Now we have nothing to fear from external foes if we 'make a wise im provement of our ample means of pro tection. Bakalas, notwithstanding all our high-privileges, we haVii ample ev idence of that pervasive moral deprav ity which has characterized all our predecessors; that we have amongst us the seeds of national dissolution, and that the fate of the great empires of earth which rose to power and set in blood, must be our fate, if we do not rise in our might and set bounds to, the growing evil in our land. Count less though these evils are, all of which aro grounds of lamentation, we shall only call attention to four of them which we'decin of paramount import ance, either of which if not arrested is more than sufficient to sap the found ation of our glorious national institu tions, and tainuigii md to the destiny of all the 'nations who have forgotten God. Therefore We would from deep obscurity utter as from the tomb of nations, a warning voice against that tided' of french and German infidelity which is pouring in upon us like a tor rent, which finds to easy a lodgment in the depraved human heart: POPEItY. Then there is Popery with her hier archal chief seated upon the seven hills, now in. ecumenical council, claimin: the, old dogma of infallibility, and our country represented 'at .Rome by a priesthood who would authorize the Pope again to' seal the Bib!o against the, people, and place it upon the list of proscribed books, in order,to extin guish that light which, led our, antes, tors toi.4,merica,and in order that by covering the . peopb3 ,with moral, and intellectual 'darkness they may fall an easy prey to the tyranny ot_a cruel foreign prince, bimsell a subject of the prince 'of 'darktieifs. lerinit hint to curry out, his diabolical lesignE4oo the scenes. of the reign ' of terror' in rranee would tio faini iltustra•• tibn of 'the condition' of our country before half a century.. Will you, fel tizdris,'fold your arms in apathy, of smile over your Bible banished from. ye*. 'sehOols;,ffOrn your facilities, and frontiymii. own heafts, With such dire ful. consequences staring you in the face?, • CORRUPTION IN 'lllOll PLACES Then there is.corruption in high p'a ces. It:' is feared' that this evil is Ia- mentably ihereasing, Are on ,Senate chambers l and legislatiVe' hails' to' be= corne;areneS, whore the people's repre : sentatives are , Sold and bought like' sheep in the,StleMbles ? Are .they enrebuked'Valio Silai3 like .betray' the people by`fals' pretenees and 'guile, Cheat them-out of their'vbtes;and then cheat them out. ,ef their rights Lid their hard'earned"triencY, to be aquae. dared in drhnkenness, debauchery and crime. And Will, you, fellow-citizens, like Children in, pursuit of a gt•asshop per,"be any longer Carried away with old party names, which have long since ceased to haVo - any significance in their 'application to principle? or will you 'hot arise from your, apathy, sound -an alarm, concentrate your force, and . hurl from seats of honor and high responsibility a Sok:of mean and beggarly soundrels, whO would feast and fatten upoc the blOod and sweat of an unsuspecting and confiding con stituency? 'Algae from.your lethargy or it may smiii be too late to save our country front the halide 'of unprinei piod'tlillaius. " „ ; , b'ettutful:tpar We the . mot ana' caressed,. po Opy are not 'always the 'moat enteerrie4 and 163/00. , And IhtiOn' art Aid In leaiii:tbat groat lesaiin of liraotieal viieidoin, 'while lee rookjupward. to the stars, not to trampip on the flowers' that lie at our test. TERMS, $2,00 a year iii advance. Weston and his Fifty Miles. Tließedt Tine Vet--The Walker Cook of Well, Weston has proved after all that ho is no humbug, hating tiebotn ; plished fifty miles in nine hours and fifty-eight seconds, perhaps the great est pedestrian feat on record. A New York paper gives the following graphic descriptibn of Weston's performance : At first he walked at an easy, pace, hut on accomplishing. the first mile, he strode away at the rate of five miles an hour. Lie appeared to be in fine candition, and all his friends were con fident that he *Maid win. Tl3O band played lively airs, and as the day ad vanced the crowd of visitors increased. A belbred gentleman attended to Mr. Weston's wants from time to time, and took every precaution that no tied• dent should occur. At the end of ev', cry mile was put upon the bulletin, and the band played the most appro priate selections. Great drops of -sweat began to fall from the pedestrian's face, after he had accomplished a few miles, and at almost every round he called for lem onade. He gained time slowly, and when he had walked twenty miles ho had several minutes to spare. About five o'clock preparations were made, for the pedestrian to stop _and rast.—, Blankets were spread; and a chair was placed beside the track of him to sit but he paid no attention to his friends and kept on his Course. Final., ly, ho halted, dropped into the chair, and was immediately covered. with 'a blanket. Ho ate rapidly from a bowl of crackers and coffee, and in an in: credible short space ho was on his journey again. A child, with golden curie threw him kisses, and as,ho,rnov. : ed away her silver voice bade him good-bye. By nine o'clock all the seats were occupied, and every car brought more people to the spot. The excitement ,increased every moment and the band played ,with renewed Vigor. Weston continued to increase his speed as the hour of ton approach ed. The police were active, but they found it no easy task to keep back the excited Multitude. - Twelve minutes ahead was announced, and the vast, building rang with cheers. :"One mile more gentlemen" was the cry, and then the crowd swayed to an fro, and the band played favorite selections from Offenbach. Weston seemed to gain strength as he walked; and the waiter bad to run when he wished to communicate with him. Toward the close of the great, feat a smile tfiumina ted the pedestrian's face and an arch of uplifted arms spanned the pathway nearly around the rink.. "Thirteen minutes and fifty.five seconds ahead 1" cried one et ,the judges, as the hero stepped on the platform, and clasped his wife and child. He then walked, four times around the rink backwards making the' following time. The die tance is half a mile; Ist time, 2 min- utes 47 seconds; 2d time, 2 minutes 40 seconds; 3d time, 2 minutes 33 sec onds; 4th time, 2 minutes 37 seconds. Total,- 10' minutes 37 seconds. The limo consumed by Mr. Weston in, walking the ,fifty, miles, was nine hours fifty-eight minutes and fitty-five seconds, according, to the City Survey or's measurement. !After accomplishing .the feat he ad dressed the•. multitude, tolling. them that on the first ofJ uly he would start for Europe where ho proposes to walk four hundred miles in five .consecutive days. • How Sheridan Went to See His Ride. During tho late rnecting,ofthe offl core of the Army ee,the,p4emae : in this city, Mr, Pugh, the enterprising manager • poets, lecturers and:l9,lWe,, tendered to a numhersof the assembled heroes an invitation to ~visit,the bition of Sheridan's Ride, at theA.pad : erny of pine, Arts. ;04, of fliers ,seon stood among tbi3,croWd'Of visitors he fore,tbe,colebratod pieturo, but. Sher idan himself was too mOdest,to,look, at• his own,pidure at, u time when hund,i reds of his fellow-country,mon,,were, discussing , ! both the, c pairiting" and the, man. But helvegld pot ,leave,,the, city without seeing the painting 7 -few„ persons could do that•- • —apdho,,t . herch fore, went alone and earlY,,in the inOrm, ing,to see what Mr. Bueltanan..lßoad',s! idea.of his .rnle o,vould prcqe to bo., How ho liked the picture has not traw• pired. „At all events, he, exhibited no emotion which Made him conspicuous, but without a donbt his heart throbbed 'with a quicker,beat as the canvass re called the,st'irring s'2en s. ' 0,12 leaving the Alan he stopped for a moment be- If'orp a chromo.of :the paipting.,“ The young man in attendance,. ever, ant dons to extend the influence of Att, in. quirod of the vieitor, (without looking up from, the book in Which ho was rapidly entering the sales of chromes,) if he, would like to. buy one of those pictures. capital' likeness, sir, of general. Sheridan, ' ; said he. :;. The Major General put his bands in the pockets of his citizen's dress and mildly, replied that, be did not care,par ticularly for,a likeness of, Sheridan. , !Tut the torso,sir," said the young man. • "That famous black horse.— there is no other picture of him in, ex-. istence." "Oh 4", maid . General ilheridan, own the horse." The clerk looked up ! The plirtqin Post.'el Philadelphdn, •- Nstbu fci intistfinci it in loye; for AlinAlighe'et tiehreD frs*ly tho'hight of .oriiino.l-menning of chig-; non is cabbage.. Heads of cabbage— , of:Oldies t,• •• , • • 4 man iri OciUnoil Bluffs is both a fluor saloon keeper and an undertak er. One b,iteineee helps the ether: NO. 48 The Walk 1 1 1 .1-1 G - 1:16.13M 4 JOB PRINTING OFFICE; T""GLOBE JOB OFFICE { " -- the moat complete °tarty. the country,aipos; = messes the moat pie facilities for promptly er;ecn nee the hist style t evory variety of Job Printing, arab ad HAND BILLS, CIRCULARS. ' ; , BILL FIBADS; , • - tosnus, BALL T.WirtAi CARDS, PROGRAMMEp, • . LABELS, to, CALL AND CLAMMY BPSOMSPig ',nix,. • - LEWIS' ROOK STATIONERY ,A_MRSIOI3T9/I.lp Over a Precipice, From am Eitaton (Pa.) kspreas.) Yesterday afternoon, while several little girls were euga„cred in plucking itild flowers amongst the rocks _boi. daring on the north side of Mau& qcf: ferson, one of them. a dalighiat Of me. Daubi residing on theLehigkyin reach, ing but was preciptated.dort9l tb9,44F ged and almost perpendicular a distance of .about thirty • , feet. l, • For, innately , her dress.'caught:in some bushes, which prevented hpr from he. ing dashed a lifeless, .shapeless mass upon the rough rocks one hundiedvid eighty feet below., Our • readers;; will remember that this ,occurred. at- the place whore the solid, walls of .hill rise almost perpendicularly to a height of about two hundred and twenty•flire feet above the Bushkin, and is consid ered almost impassible by,any,butlthe most daring arid practical, climber. s7 Here the little girl hung for soinOilrask with a hcirrible'deatb awaiting-130'6e low, and the cracking ancrthe bendini of the brikile-bushes warning her - that but a few moments might separate,her from her'doem, while her littio,play 7l mate above could only wring her bands and make her agony - known prayers, and shrieks..:But - no-Thelping hand could reach her from the hill-toff —and only death awaited. fer. ler. 4 the bottom. - At last the cries- of We little one reached .the ears- of Maim Otto.Voight and Samuel , .Schurchiha.' Phillipsbnrgh, who were. -then- jn;,the, yard of the residende of the rorenciiy who at once' ratified across the - Bigh- kill to her relief. : When they •arritiod' at the loot, of the, hill and' saw:; the; fearful condition of the little, sufferer ; and her frail support, Mr. Schurch at once threw off, his' oat, and With liihe daring agility displayed by liis.'cOurw tryrnen when they scale the - cliffs- : or, his own native Switzerland,,•lm i at. once begartito scale the steps Mount; Jefferson, and after Much' Mini; many a scratch in the dangerous cent, ho folded the bleedinglittlelcirriti in his strong arms, and held her firm : ly"thet'e until &here came their , 'assis: tance.' 'Persons Came there•withinpea' , etc., and. the. child was securely fastijiii) ed to a rape lot down from above ; and, gently drawn, to the„topwhen the rope' was in turn fastened to Mr.' SChurch; and he-aided -in making his Perilcind ascent to the top. of 'the hill. The • child was about 11 years of- Age', and sustained several bruises about 09 ,1 head. A deed so daring, so noble' that of Mr. Schurch'a deserves' 'Mere' than a passing notice. ; The chili:Pa eaf eape.was a miraculous one indeed.,• Steam iallis6l6. =I Two young men from! the lcountrY , called in at a . ,Detroit .foundryit few days ago to :get - al 'piece of • casting. - The' 'employes were 'absent . ' at pfctir; dinners, with the exception 'Of'"th'it,':! engineer, who was-oiling up hie engine .f for the afternoon's work._ It yitiv rtip-:,. ning at full speed, ancl,puraping water into' the boiler. :The cOuntry cousins , looked with' interest' at its motions`' and the slow revolition --th'dflarg s tr fly-wheel„ and fell into a, discussion ae to the _relative power of steam and human muscle. One of them finally. offered 'to bet ri'dollar that he- could "grab" . the , h ugh wheel and • held dit.i He stepped- up, to -the, 'engineervand asked permission 113 try it, W4je, l3 readily granted, and ta,king„off; his" . coaerind rolling tip' his sleeves, Graced ' himself!: for, : -the' t effe rt' . NVatchilig carefully until the' right spoke camp,-; around, with, a yell to encourage ' self, licelutelied it: ,He'didn't exac9y, stopthe'w hoel.'--in Aidt; ''Wen t c 'ever''' it withoutetieppingvand Wit dischargl . .! °din a parabolic orbit; through space, coming Ociwß,,i n„a, -slap keap, fu rt h or . part of. the,, f0,W 1 4 7. ; WA 't, picked tip th'or'Olighlf disgnated man; end Siti'lairie WWI% Wait' oblikdif • toiclimbinto. his wagoo - : , rit , :lhelbackru end, quite satisfied, however:,*that 'steam was too much for hitiL ;PP.' P-• ;,ii'!' GREAT SWAlti 1-11.4rr•tiN..Onimv-toOti..i the ,10,0.,ult.,,atiBig,Jelanditownsill,pv, in Marion county,,mf : tb, farm t,4 ckinPbei', a great enalle oedur , red,"Phb parCY'wfig'Vetided' 'Jackson .Brady; Whd led Ti,iti company ,down.: inttr, the tall prairiog grasE r and, surreundini s a, twenty,aerel,. ;lot, ,sef. fire on the outer ,edgeof,,the, c , grass it . 4 P. M. `The gr,aSss hdpneii well; the flarima rolling uplO'fdet'higqr: and as•the fire advanced the:knihkette:•— treated,to thweentre, sometimes' mak-J inn despnrato efforts to,,spripob,rpng4 ) ., 'the flames; . blaze ;being . coo i 'heriy,itlleY'Wei•e'liiiiediii the atteinpt. , A.t..-6.4s l P l . l lt.;`the'groehd 'Witt htirnea'" .over, and Captain Brady went overlhtli= l field of carnage.an,d ,p,ickodipp the l Osi, brie of the greatarmy, of by aetattl coutit,'tliere 'was fotied.tci be . 13,983 snakera of idiliteff: :Ori'blabk * ' racer was nine "feetftand .four incliee , d long and seven:inches int,circumforepeo,fl • This ,may be considered a good.day,'s,,,t workfor this neighberbood; as ; thn„, i snakes . bad' becOnde so tad 'thee - sin:4r childedni were afraid to , gO , •tO and, thereveno attacked some adult's; several having been bitten on, their !, boot, and it had ,become common,, thing'for' fifty rir,a hundred sn'akei tg chess'm'en; Weewii and Children aercisi' this'-prairie. The milk snake§ `iVerif. , • conntantly milking the cows,aml by,interfering with the dairy in that seetien,-- 7 41farfon-(0.) _Mirror A num inayinieve'r do bo ever so unfortunate;• tint' he never be hard up for - candles so lonff as hbiniaketi light of his 'sufferings. ' •_, • • When a womanitrces to catch a rin4 man, it is•evident that she , cares loss abodt.husbanding him.than his cash: bitir Kindness in a language tyhigli liven bratgis uridetstand.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers