"-I- !Cijt HUN TI N 0,0 N , PA Suobeises" and Failure`s LOCATION. Forcing nature to yield that which is evidently 'a poor return for our la bor, is it:heat Poor policy, and yet this is exactly the course many cultivators o:f, the soil are constantly pursuing; for they cannot understand wby a crop 'should be grown at a profit in one lo- Oillity and not in another. If a man reads in the newspapers an account of The immense profits realized bYlocektiin ptirtieg , in the cultiyatio'n of pa - rtinkarkindlof fruit 'cir grain, ho says I n- to •cki' what others have done:and to piove it lie iiiinediately wbtrimenees an inveetigntiod in-.rela tion to the culture, cost, and prospect- Trice in market; and' if these ap-, pear satisfactory, he embarks in the enterprise, with every expectation of realizing a profitable return for the la. bor and capital invested. lint -- -swith the energy 'Usually displayed in such cases, and with abundantcaphal, and,a,soil- and climate_ ;apparently fa vorUble; a disastrous failure, may be • 'and'often is the result, in consequ'ence , of':iny:tclfAvorabfe • location. We use • :the woitd in its broadest sense, for it may apply to climate; soil; 'markets, or even to sections of the country where, laboierscannot boobtained in sufficient , -;lturnbers:to•_do the work required. It is true that more failures result from neghgenco on the part of oultiva- • tors than from other anuses; still there innumerable where no human precaution or care could pre- vent alajlitro — after an enterprise was 7"41nc0 begun. We have only to cite the many failures in grape culture caused by seleCting an unfavorable location for the. vineyard. " Farmers' as' well as fruit growers of ten th&ke a great mistake in underta king to •grow certain crops for the pur poee of competing with those men who -are more favorably situatedthan them selves. A man who has to depend upon railroad communication must not expect to grow heavy, bulky crops. like, potatoes, hay, and coarse vegeta „ Wee, and successfully compete with others who can send these articles to :market by water. But it is not neces sary that we should enlarge upon this ipoint,:fdeeveri"observing man must be aware that upon location depends in a great Measure the success or fail ure of almost any enterprise in either hOrtieulture or agriculture; and what should these lessons teach if not that every farmer should grow those par limit:lr crops which succeed hest in his locality, or, in other words, those that will return the greatest profit? Lot thes,e,Thware in favorablo lopations for growing apples continue to plant trees and extend their orchards until the markets are fully supplied. Farmers who can grow wheat successfully should never discard its culture for the sake of trying some other grain of which they knout - but little or nothing. The advantage that one section of the country has over another. is not half so great as many people honestly believe, but it is the adaptation of pur suits to surrounding circumstances that controls wealth or poverty. ' . . . ONLY 011111STIANB.— John Wesley once was troubled in regard to the disposition of the various sects, and the chances - of eaoh2in reference tole turn happiness or punishment. A dream one night transported him in his un certain wanderings to the gates of hell. "Are there any' Roman Catholics here ?" asked, thoughtful Wesley. tes, fr ' was the reply., "Any Presbyterians ?" "Yes," was the reply. "Any Congregationalists?" ryeF.,, _ _ . Methodists 7" ,by way of a Clincher, asked the pious Wesley. "Yes!" to his great indignation was answered. .•c'ln:ttie payttic way of dream's, ,a end den fra.Miition—and ho stood • beforo the gates of Heaven. Improving his opportunity he again inquired : "Are there any Roman Catholics here ?" "No," was replied. "Any Presbyterians ?" "No." "Any Methodists 7" ".Well, then," be asked, lost in won der, "who aro inside 7" "Christians !" was the jubilant an swer: t iLitet4: ; Ncver Tun in debt—especially .with stioeruakers, for then you carilt, say your sole is your own. BLANKS! BLA. STABIE'S SALES, ATTACIFT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, Sill3P(MAs,, • MORTGAGES, SCUOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES. FUR MOUSES, NATURALIZATION B ES, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, 15A1iANTS, FEE BILLS, . NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AORF.EMENT, with Teachers. • hiAltitl AGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace amt Minister' of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, In case of O ra..nit and ft dtery, and Affray. SCORER FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Dorough and Township Taxes. Printed on superioritapor. and for Vale at the °Mee o the HUNTINGDON, GLOBE. BLANES, of every deactiptiun, printed to order, neatly at short notice, and on good Paper. SPECTACLES. A fine and large assortment always on band SIT .LEIVIS' BOOK STORE. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, ' - For inle at El - M./440K AND STATIONERY STOPS ENRY & CO. will tlo more to au commodato their otistoraerithata any other HMO 4. 46 neighbozhood. mch.2-11f OUR GOLD 'IN FOR THE PEOPLE, ENTERPRISE STORE. All kinds, at very small proff4. Not offered low to draw you on on other goods. Our prices to continuo low, regularly. The best' Silv'er and Golden Drips, gentiine Lovering and other Syrups. New Orleans and other Baking Mo lasses. Kivariety of kinds'of best arwans on band cheap. Boasted and Green, cheap as the cheapest for the same quality. Dams, Shoulders, Sides, Dried Beef, at living prices. The beet N. Y. State Goshen and Ohio Cheese. The best stick and other candies, wholesale and retail. ' The best Flour by the barrel, sack or pound. Cheaper for the same qual ity than elsewhere. Feed By the hundred or smaller quantity 4000 1, 2,3, 4,5, and 6 gallon crocks jars, jugs, and churns, selling cheap GLASS & QUEENSWARE. -A large,atnek ofironatone and Corn• radn warn, in Betts or by the pleee.— Glatoware, Earthenware, Fruit Jars, etc, at Red Front, cheap. Wood and Willow-Ware. A large assortment of Baskets, Buckets, Churns, Tubs, eto., eto., at Bed Front. Dried Poaches and Apples, Raisins Prunes, Currants, Elderberries,—Can nod Fruit and Vegetables, eta. Salt By the sack or bushel. Also Dairy Salt. All kinds of Spices, and a great va riety of notions. Soaps of all kinds and cheap. Pickled Sarmon, Haddock, Shad, Trout, White Fish, Mackerel, Dry Salt, Quoddy Labrador, Lake and smoked Herring, by the half and quar ter barrel, kitt, pound and dozen. All warranted, and cheaper than elsewhere. KS 1 BLANKS ! The best quality of Tobacco, and cheaper than any other store in town. F9r what you want first call at En terprise Headquarters where prices will he kept regularly low. ENTERPRPE HEADQUARTER' RED FRONT. 'Sugars. Syrups. Teas. Coffees. Meat. Cheese. Candies. Flour. Stone-Ware. Fruit, &c. Spices, &c. Fish. Tobacco. RED . STORE. Variety. JWhTINGpON, PA H UNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT: On and after THURSDAY, SEPT. Ititu, 1869, Passes , gar Trains will arrive and Japan no follows: UP TRAINS. DOWN TRAINS. El= 1 ETATIONS. I tiontingdon,. Long Siding _ MeConnelletown,.. Pleasant Grove, Marklesburg , " Coffee Run,— ]tough & Ready,.... ,Cove , 'Melle n; Summit:— 1 ill Saxton, ftl,l4ll4burff: 11opewc11, " BlpeN Run,. Tatnoxllle, Bloody Russ,. Mount Da11a5,...... lIM P.M. to 5 651 6 02 6 17 6 24' 6 40 6 60 7.03 7 18 7 2 4 AU 7 41 , 07 22 38 96 1 01 / 05 10 20 10 43 10 52 11 10 I'l 45 AP 11 n SHOUP'S RUNDltetfiC I.E 10 .30 1 1. 2 aIfefa, -' . ' 10 45 Cifalmont .. 10.60 Crawford, - ' • 1 AR /1 00 Dudley, Inroad Top C1ty,.... - .1 • 22,'69. JOAN pr: L~ gdon Bop PENNSXLVANIA Ed , I TIME OF LEANINQ OF IVINI'El? APRANG WEST WARD. il 1 [MEM I {ll.llm - 1111ton, Mt. Union,... Mapleton, Mill Creek,— Illuntingdon, IPetersburg,... Inarroo, Ma MEI I A.M. 111 9 111 58 5 54 12 05 12 18 6 10 12 3' 6 261 12 10 .....1 II:. 581 I Os 6 58 1 24 1 31 7 20 1 15 1 63 2 00 7 12, 2 21 8 00 P. it A.M. Spruceilreol, Birmingham, Tyrone, Tipton Fostoria Bell'a Altoona,. TWO VOILA F.ipaPstiEastWard leaves Altoona nt 0 05 p U. and arrives at Huntingdon at 10 21 P , F. - The FAST LINE Enstwlnd leavhs Altoona at 12 35 A. 51., and arrives nt Huntingdon la 1 45 A. M. The CINCINNATI EXPRESS Eastward leaves Altoona at 545 I'. 51. nod arriN es at llnutingdon at 7 P SOMMER EXPRESS EM . Y EMIR nal, to Altoona at 10 05A and Urrivont Huntingdon at 11 14 A. 31. CINCINNIII EXPRESS 3% estward leaves Iluntingdon at 3 32 A lannd arriresitt Altoona 4 50 A u The FAST I,llBll—Westunrd, leaves iteatingdon at 7 43 P., M. and arrives at Altoona at 8 55 P. M. READING RAIL ROAD, WINTER ARRANGEMENT: MONDAY, NOVI6 - 3111Eit 22, 1869. G_HEAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and North-West for PHILADELPHIA, New TORE, PEADING, POTTSVILLE, TAMAQUA, ASHLAND, SHAMOKIN LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, EPHRATA, LITIE, LAMS. TER, COLUMBIA, &C., de., Traine lease liar:di:burg for New York, as follows: At 230,535 and 0,10 A. M., and at 12 20. noon, 2,55, it p. In., connecting n nth elmilar trait:son the Pennsylvania lt.lt, and art ivies at New York at 10,10, a. m., and 12,03, noon. 3.35.635 and 100.000 p. m , and 0.00 a. m., respect ively. Sleeping cars accompany the 2.30 and 5,35 n. to , and 12,20 noon truins'aithout change. Leave Harrisburg for Heading, Pottsville ' Tamaqua, )31Inersillle, Ashland, Shamokin, Line Grove, Allentown, and Philadelphia at 8 10 A. 31., and 2 ha and 4 10 P. 31., the 2.55 'topping at Lebanon only; the 4 10 P. 51., train making connections for Philadelphia Pottsville , Colum bia and all intermediate st.ticns between said points on ly. Sot Pottsville, clehayklll Haven and Auburn, via 'Schuylkill and Susquehanna It. It., leave Ilairisburg at 3 40 P 31. Returning, leave Now-Yung at 9 A. 91., 12.00 noon, and 5.00 and Philadelphia at 8.15 A.M.. and 3.30 P St; Sleeping care accompany the 9.00 a in and 5.00 and 8.00 p m trains front New Yolk without change. Way Pashenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. a. connecting with similar train on Nast Penna. Railroad, retaining front Reading at 6.35 p In stopping at all sta tions. Leave Pottasville at 5,40 and 9,00 a In., and 3,05 p. m', llerndon ut D2O a to, Shamokin at 5 40 and 10,40 ant Ashland 7 05 a m, and 12,30 noon, Tamaqua at 8 33 a In and 2,20 P. Al for I idladsphia and Neu York. Leave Pottsville, via. oeittlyiklit and Susquehanna Rail road at 8 15 n, m, for /Dm isbitrg, and 11 30 A. 31, fur Pine Glove and Tremont. Beading Acconnuo. Passenger Train leaves Pottsville at 6,4 u a tn, passes Beading. at Lao a in, m a lying at Phil adelphia at 10,24 a in returning, leaves Philadelphia nt 4,44 P. 01. tossing pending at 7,40 p. m., arriving nt Puttavale at 9,30 p Poltroons, Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown a 0,26 returning leases Philadelphia at 4,00 p. in. eolunibla Railroad Trains leave Heading at 7 16 A 51., and 015 I'. Al., for Ephrata, LAU, Lancaster, Col umbia, &c. Pei kismet, Railroad nails lease Perkiomen Junction at 0.00 ato3 10 and 5,30 pin retaining leave Schisenks. Wile at 0,10, 8,12 n 111, and 12,45 noon, connecting, leak similar trains on Reading Railroad. • Colebrookdale railroad Trains leave Pottstown ot 845 a m, mid 0,20 p m, for Mt. arri tmg thorn at 10,22 a. m. and 7,20 p. m, returning, h aro Sit. Plasma at 7,00 and 11,00 a. m., connecting ii ith alnular trains on heading railroad. Cheat. Valley railroad t mine trace Bridgeport at 8,30 a m, 2,05 and 5,02 p in, returning, leave Downingtown at 6,30 a m, 12,45 and 5,15 p tu, cutineetinr, with trams on Beading railroad. On mina.) e, leave New York at 5, 8 00 p m, Philadel phia, 8 it m and 3 15 I'. 51., the 0 a m train mailing only to Reading; leave Potts. ilia b A. 51., Ihmi burg,s 35 a CI, 4 IV and 10, 0 p m, and Beading 1243, midnight 7 15 a. ni for Ilailieburg, and? 20 a. am, and 12.55 midnight for N. Y. and at 9,40 a.m., and 1.159.01. for Pniladelphia. COMMUTATION, MILEAtie, JEtdus, and lACIIRSION TICKETS Maud from all points at reduced rates. v agecliecked through: 100 pounds Baggage allowed ouch G. A. NICOLLB, Beading, Nov. 22,1809. General Superantendenl. BOOKS AND STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, WALL PAPER. i t, 1 f C E .A. P .A. I T I Lewis' Book Store Huntingdon, Pa. School Books and Stationery, Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds,•Notions, Perfumery, Pock- et Books Pocket Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures, etc., etc., etc. [novll.tf. IMMO W. Q. WOODS, =I The Union Bank of Huntingdon (Late John Bare et C 0.,) HUNTINGDON, PA paid up, CAPITAL, Solicit accounts from Danko, lianlceis and others. liberal 'Molest ollosted on timo Deposits. All kinds f Securities, bought and sold for the usual commission.— Collections Millie on all potnts. Drafts on all parts of Europe supplied at the usual lutes. Persons depositing (fold and Silver will receive the In same return a Ith Interest. Tee partners urn imlivid unlly liable to the extent of their ulichs property for all Deposits. The unfinished business of the Into firm of John Dare Jr Co. will be completed by The Union Bank of Dnntingdan y21,1869.tf C. C. NORTE, Enabler. READY RECKONER, A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which are added forms of Notes, Ili % Re ceipts, Petitions, dc., together With a set of useful tables containing rate of interest from one dollar to twelvethou%. and,by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by.lhe week and day. For solo at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. tNVELOPES- By Me box, pack, or feta quantity, for sato at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. V OR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelope au Ali for confidential correspondence, for sale at . LEWIS' .11001 t tt STATIONERY NTOR.E. aMg. 'A. :it. k•eivartT. lEarnAss, MAIL I I A.M. AI. ABlO 101 AB4 20 10 02 i 4 12 946 355 9 07 3 43 9 22 3 32 9 03 3 16 I 855 309 A. R. Stewart & Co. RUNTINGDON, PA., tiA~ 8 36 2 51 Le 8 20k 226 2 od 200 1 40 1 20 1 05 Lel 00 HARDWARE, lin IAR 8 05 PAINTS, 'PUMPS, NB 740 Ls 7 40 /1:12 MEM GLASS, STOVES, titkirls BENT. EASTIYA RD OILS, NAT roait ~cythq, Snaths, Grain Cradies; Sad- dlery and Carriage Goods, Hubs, and Spokes. NAILS AND IRON, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, !~3'®N'~'~77~7'AR~ ' and an endless variety of goods in Melina Wet are receiving goods almost every day from manufacturers, and in view of late DECLINE IN PRICES, and our experience in selecting best brands and reliable qualities of pods, purchasers will find it to their advantage to examine our stock. THE NEW PATENT EGLIPS - 2i COOK STOVE, which throws all others in the shade, is stil increasing in popularity, and pleases so wel that everybody wants BIG PADLOCK SIGN Huntingdon, Jan 1.1,16G0-tr. TUE CELEBRATED GROVER & BAKER Sewing Machines. ggy TUE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IN USE For Beauty and Efastfrity of St telt, For Strength and Durability of Seam that will not rav el. as both threads ate used direct from the spools, and no seams have to In, fastened by band; no waste of thread, For simphe ty and perfection of machinery. It stitches, hems. falls, tucks, braids, cords, and em broiders beautifully. Machines fully iral ranted Red full instructions giver. Sowing machine cotton, silk. &c., on hand. For sale by GREENE & BROTHER, f0b16'69 2d floor holster's Buildlng, Huntingdon, Pa. NIMUR & VIILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Riga UMW Sewing Machines, 4 ,*;- s} Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION, 1867. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing nod to tlio use of :seamstresses, Dressmakers, Tsilore, Manu facturers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Clealcs, Mantillas, Clothing, Hata. Caps, Corsets. Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woo!eu and cotton gouda, with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perferm every species °laming, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, nuke on both Sides of the article sowed The qualities which recommend them are: 1. Beauty and excellence of etitch, alike on both alder of the fabric Rowed. 2. Strength, firmness and durability of seatn,tbat will not rip nor ravel. Economy or Thread. 4. Attachments and wide range of application to purpo =I DAVID D tIIKICIT sea and materials. 5. Compactness and elogance or model and nolo!, . 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. 7. Speed, mar of operation and management, and quiet. nese of MOVEMOIIt. Instructicas free to all. Machines Sept is repair one your tree of charge. $50,000 I= WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. Ie IME. From the kiln of Geo. Taylor, Markleaburg, prov en y chemical analysis to be of the best quality, eon fitantly kept and for sale in any quantlt v, at the depot of the Huntingdon sad Broad T..p Railroad. .'Apply to Henry Lelater, Proprietor of the "broad Top House?' iune?Chtf FIKNIC. IV: STINWAILT DRALEHS IN CUTLERY, LAMPS, ROPES, DRAIN PIPE, THE ECLIPSE. STOP AT THE HEM 11. B. LEWIS, Agent, HUNTINGDON, 1...% WIIAITON & MAGUIRE, • SILL STREET, HUNTIIPIpDON, WhOLESAL;E: RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign Anci.Domestio HARDWARE, CUTLERY, 6,69 Tlle'titten'tido of - MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, is'ineßed to the fact that: WS are now offering a REITER ASSORTMENT of ' ' HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can be lbnnd olsenhero in this part of tho State, at prices' lo Build., times. Our stock comprises nil articles In this line of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE sand WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, An., Ac., together wioh a large stobk of Iron, Steel, Hails, Spikes, Railroad 'and Mining Supplies, .Saddlery,''ROpe, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and. Cross-Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain • Flol low IT arc. Coal Oil Lamps and _Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. =I (VisaLtlier - y, comprisin g KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, 'TEA AND TABLE SPOONS,-SOISL. . ORS, RAZORS, &O; - lIRITTANIA & SILVER pr i s.TED Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and moat improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON HAND ANDY= SALE AT MANUFACTURERS" PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will Pull a general assortment of material for their use consisting in part of .. Carriage Trimmings, Rubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, 'Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather,' Whips, Tongues, Soc . hets, Shafts, &e. . -1131-LALC7IEKISIVE3CEisIaCiS r Om be supplied with AVILS, ALLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, BOESE ANL) MULE SIIOES, Horse Nails ; and all kinds of Iron & Steel CARPENTERS Will find In our establishrount a superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, ' AUGEns, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, lILNGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, ISOM, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &C. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLAST/DIG POWDER, FUSE, uoAli PICICS, AID SHO .7E''Etx•3n.4o3r. Can be accomauxiated with everything in their tine from a Grain Separator to a Whet-atone. 31:3 - Li3lcibez-.es Are especially invited to call and examine oar Mork or. BUILDING HARDWARE and compara our prices with otLero. Agricultural Implements, Comprinitig tho famous Rumll Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Rundeire Fast Plc:ilium HORSE PITCHFORK, Itukcs, EZEI C 9121 flay Furks, Trace end Halter Chain!, Enlist Chains, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cards, Sc., d‘c.,l.c Among the specialties or our House, we desire to call attention to the colebtated OHIO PUMP, The exclusive right to soil which is vested In us. pond for acircubir and gat full particulars of mitt., and waist) yourself of Its superior SCALES. Bottles of all Oros and descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port• able, Hopper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRIC..S. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered In this pinvi A GREAT VARIETY O 1 COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AN.D BRADS, By tho keg. Very !owl neat Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WA GON•BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE . Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, s. tho barrel or gallon, at very low figures call to respectfully solicited, feeling conth dont that our goods and prices gill not fail to pleaso:VX 'WHARTON & MAGUIRE. Iluuthgdon, May 7, 1867. 1 ijila*khizt airtriistntrats. • kW6RE TO . CONSUMPTIVES. - Being a abort and practical treatise on the nature, eneti Os, and symp toms . of Pulmonary, Coniumplian, Brenchifia . andt Asthma; and' their prevention, treatmeat, And cure by inhalation. , ~.ent. by ,mail free, Address Q. VAN lITAIBIBIA., MI D., id West FOurteenth St.;N. itylf:fy, LC. C. Roof PLC9I-11di ct 30313ADE3' , "IMPORTERS AND WUOLESALE DEALERS IN China, Glass & Queensirare, 433 MARKET ST., NORTH sum, BELOW FIFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA June SO, ISG9 • $933C30.'30tS -WIXI ➢Ii\CF&CTIJItED DY SELLERS :BROTHERS, 623 Market St., Philadelphia.,. se224m ' &ISAAC K. STAUFFER, .WAT(JRES and JEWELRY, • No. 148 h.fortb 2d Street, corner of Quarry, 1411LADELP11IA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware conatantly on hand. ' Alfir Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to. Aug. 11-1 y T T. SCOTT & CO., • e NO.ll MAIDEN LANE, AND SCOTT, BARRETT & C 0.,. 10.31 .EINT II AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA IMPORTIMS AND JOBID:113 IN Watches, Jewel6,', ClockS; SILVER GOODS & PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, Watch Tools, Materials, Glasses, & rifir Oldurs addreased to Now York Or Pllthborgli reroive prompt and rarriol latent km. OCV:.7-3111 SPECIAL AEiVO UNCEMENT. j e ECALDWELL &CO. - JEWELERS, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, flare rebuilt, entarg•d and remodeled their oalabligh nimt, destroyed by flue in January lust and hare opened , the eater fur buisitiebs. With an Entire neiv Stock Mannfactupa and Impolite Goods, Superior to any they have heretofore of- fered to the Public Tim. most cord ally invitn nll to visit nod inipect their Storo. JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO MEI LADIES' FANCY FURS, John Fareira, 18 Arch Street, tr LA DINS' and 01111, Dlt lIN'S NVEAIt. Having enlarged, re todele I nod i pr oved old and fa v o rub 1 y ;non ti fur emporium „agc nygnitntent of all the 01/ mu different kinds of nos fans first hands, In Europe:nrid knee lord them made op by the nowt skill ful workmen, I would rempectfuliy-luvite my ft feuds of Huntingdon and adjacent counties, to call and examine my very large and beautiiiiressortinent of Fancy Furs, for Ladies nod Children. I nut determined to soli sit Re low prices Re any other respectable head in the city. All Fine Warranted. No tmerepiesentitioni to effect bales. .1011 N FAREIRA, • 718 ARCH Btreet, above 7th, South aide ' se2o-1m 1•1111.ADELPIllA. 'For Bituminous or Anthracite Coal." =I! J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. CORNER 13Tu AND FILBERT STS PM LAD ELPIIIA, Solo Manufacturera of the Celebrated WROUGIIT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, RAS'CONSUIVIING.H EAT E R WITH PATENT DUST SUDDEN, DRATIi RAR IZESTS, nml IVR OUGHT-IRON RADIATOR TlMse Heaters are made of heavy Wrought-Tron, well riveted together, the only sure prevention against the escape of Gee or Put. They are casi ly managed, without any dampers. Tho Patent Radiator avoids the use and announces of drums, and is permanently attached to the Heater. This is the most durable, simple, econorni. cal, and popular Heating Apparatus ever offet to I for sale They era all guaranteed. COOKING RANGES fur hotels and families, PORTABLE ❑EATERS, LATROBE TREATERS, LOW DOWN GRATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS. We are also moo facto, tog a NEW FLAT-TOP ILEATINU RANGE. '.fend for our Illustiated Parnplilet. ap2l-y DOBBINS' ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH ' Makes a Lasting Shine. Thoea rho black their boots on Saturday night with ordinary blacking. don't have much shine on Sundry, as the polish fades off; but the shire of • DOB33INS' BLACRING Lasts Saturday Night and all day Sunday. IT BEATS ANY MILER BLACHINO MADE. Manufactured only by J. D. DOBBINS, at his immense Soap and Blacking Works, Sixth Street rod Oefinan. town Avenue, Philadelphia, Pp. For sale by Massey & Co., adjoining Lewis' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. uovIS WHY don't you go to Henry & Co. nod by your goods of every description nt the very lowest prices, and savo the trouble of going fro , . ;tore to store to get what you scant. moh2l-tf GET )1111BP,. ST PI 4 READY ROOFINO - • " Suitable for ulf Biiiidliigs; Dliellforgs; ilaine;dburcheer Factories, &c., and for all climates.; equally adapted to flat or steep roofs, and can be applied by any ordinary THE READY ROOFING Ss more durablO Ilmn tin, and does not cost one lmlf ast Much. It Is cheaper than shingles, far more, durable. and fireproof. It Is made of the beariest'fabrlc over used for the purpose, and is put up in rolls ready for shipment to any part of the world. Send for circular and samplos (sent free.) PA% For repairing nil kinds of leaky roofs, chimneys, aky lights, &c. Thia goofing Cement forms a permanent ad• heelvo coating over the whole Surface of all roofs, whelk. er tin, shingle or composition, completely •closing up• leakages, and being composed largely °remand granite, which seta and hardens, and soon becomes an artificial Slate or Stuns covering. ;If For coating Tin and all liinditof metal nud coMpOsition roof. It x ill not run. crack, or peal Off,`but fortis, a per— manent nod perfect protection, wlierorer Placed.' It is furnished nt half the coati nod possesses Ix COi the aura kitty of tho common oil paints used for such purposes. .. • , County rights for sale. . - For Circulars nod an porticotar t Address READY ROOFING COMPANY, 81 MAIDEN LANE, N: Y, CIE visinTD ,STATES Authorized WAR CLAIN. AGENCY tittiIB,ArITNTION !. The'act of Congress OpProweii . /Hoi•ch 2,4671g/roe ter Ilelra of Soldiers a ho thud prisonera of o'er, CONI3II.ITATION FOIt,IIATIONS,.. • - for the time the soldier was so ' held a prisoner,, at the' Woof twenty-fire cents per day, to he paid the foliow , . - ing order: lot. To the widow, if unmarried Ti, the children • 3d. To the parents , to both Jointly if they are living, if rib her is dead, to the survivor; .4th. To the bro thersand Easters. • ; : . - NE W YORK, The net of February 28. "Ma,' provides foi the refund log °file $3OO Commutation Money, where the saute per eon diaitini, nod nes required to cater the nor vice or toridell x subMititte. DIE biIARdED dOLDiEREC: • • - tho net of March 2,1867, afro ocaliesibrc r riterolafri tho paymoat of tha $lOO A ?T/I.#o.)l.ti;lloUN2'Y to sack Eoldiers ,as hare accidentally lost their,dlechar 'gas • All porsoni having any clairan under any of tho above mentioned Acta, or any other kind of chain agalnit, the Ilui:ed Stacy or State Uoveranicatte,can hove ;thorn promptly cmlleeted; by addremsing the ucciersignod. formation and advice cheerfully gilen`teisoldiers or their 0 tends, flee of charge. . r WOODS, Authorized Army mid ttaiy Irar-Ctaim. Ageht, nm)9.21847 11UNTINGID9S, CO.,•Pg i-iTsmz , aumw , pr.T:bc)W #ARBLETAM, ' 3. M. GREET 4 -& it : 0, BEAVER Having . entered into partnerahlp,lnj um the,publle that they are pi erared to exeeate all sty let at Plain and ornamental illarble Work Foch an MONIniNNTS. //F. , 11/STONE9, also Dulllling Wolk. at n, low price* 0.4 any sl.op in the County In dots horn n flktance proniptly attended to. '• ' Shop tai 5111 , 1.11 N street, a few dam ente Cr the !M -amma church rn:h6,1561 1,1"AlIBLE Tie undersigned. ivonia respectfully coil the attention of the citizens of Huntingdon and the lutioldng counties to the stock of beautiful ;nut btu now. on band. Ho is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Mounnientiti'Marillo, Tomb, Tables and ,Stolies of cseiy desired size and (Orin of Italian on Eastern Meade, highly finished, idol carved with appro.. priate &richt% or plain, as niay'gllit. handing Marble, Doer and Window Sills, @u Will be tier ekbed to order. 14. 11'. pledge/1 iiimoelf to lornlall material and work monship equal to any in tho country, at a fair price. Ca and are. bolero you piircliage elarx here. Shop on. th °rum . of Montgomery and Milli u a a. Huntingdon; Pa tt'M. WILLIAM& lfuntingdun. Maj. 16 1855. jam,. of ilia Blmh: bo h nod 811181. mold, hide • PIIII.ADELPA )porter, Notnufacturor of d , •elrrin 111 kind, of LEATHER STORE. MM=l MBE•undersigned would respectfully nnnownou that , in comawith their TANNERY. they hnio Plat opened a splendid a.isortnient of FINE LEATHER, Consisting in part of , . CALF,S.q.LN, KIP, MOROCCO,' ' - BINDINGS, SOLE, - UPPER, SKIRTING, &C., Together with a genere,i aseortrueut of The trade is invited to call and exandue our Store'oli HILL. street, two doors west of the Presbyto. rims church. The higliost prleeprdd for HIDES and BARR. O. 11. MILLER & SON: Ileatingdon, Oct. 28, 1868 I have been requested by the owners of • the ,folloring Soling IthiChi.s to dinposo of them if pooeiblu ut the pricey annexedias they , nisli to procure finger machine& in their plane: . Ono Grocer & Baker Jinehine. loop stitch, in good run ning order, cost soooyal take $5O; ono Irlorence,nochine with tucker c, cost $BO, will take (good order) $53, One Grose• & Baker machine, loop stitch, with box,, cook $OO, 'n ill Lake $45; one Wilcox A: Gibbs, cost - $05,. wilt tutu $3O; ono Grover .4 Baker machine, good running order, cost $O5, will take $4O; one Porker Maclaine, with cover, well finished, cost, • soo, will take $35. one fine (Mover B Baker 51achine, never been rased, cost with tuck or, extra hemmers Be , $7B, will take $7O. Lotted for information and orders for the ce(ebratt4 Singer Machine to be addrosse . d to July 28—tf . J. 0. BLAlR,liuntingdon, Pan SEWING MACHINES . . On ing to thodern . and fo r our Machines we have decidedj to take all kinds of Aluoldnea in exchange for the ORO,. VEIL & BAKER. We will also ekchtingii new machine, for old Grover .4., Baker that are noise Our or out of repair, on reasonable, terms, We torso for sato the following Machines which, lst• have taken in exchange for the Grover & Baker •c.+ 1 SingOr Buntline, cost tils, Mill, tae $45, 1 Pinker no" . " 45, . ". i ; .28, 1 S.inget do ". 80, ii 50, I Wildix & Gibbs do " 50.- : ' " ' 35. 3 Sieges do a . &J, I t ' 4At . I Pinker do. _ " 50,. ii All ordersfor the nburelind for the celebrated G1i0414 ..i& BAK gft Machines. address GREBSE & lIROTIIXR, eel '', Ulster's Building, Umutingdon, Ps.. Z l .l-1= JOB' PRINTING OFFICE', ruillE "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" _Ltho most contplete of any 1, the country, and pos., teases the most ample facill ties for promptly executing l the best style, every variety of Job Printing, such as • 11AND CIRCULARS, J tRDS, 041 . , AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS OD WORE, LEWIS' BOOR STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE xe.,Subscribe for the Glaba We also'Finnufaiture: GRANITE CEMENT, ROOF. iI.UNTINGDON PA NEW' ~U~U~LI ~U( ,~?. BARGAINS. FOR SALE OFIE:4P BILL lIEADS, POSTERS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, LABELS, &0., &C., &O' 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers