The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 04, 1869, Image 1
TER/IS OF TIM QI.ORE Per annum in advance Six months Three months " TERNS OF ADVERTISING 1 time. 2do 3do 1 month ...$ 75 v 1 25 $1 50 $1 75 .- 1 60 2 25 2 75 3 25 ~. 2 25 325 400 4 75 3 months. 8 months. 1 Year One inch, or less-$4 00 06 00 slo 00 Two inches, 0 25 9 00 1...15 00 Three inch. 8 50 12 00 "0 00 Four Inches 10 75 10 00 25 00 Quarter column, 13 00 18 00 30 CO 'half column, "0 00 30 00 ...... ....45 00 One column, 30 00 45 00.... ..... SO 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines One year, " $5 a Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 0 times, $2 50 Auditors' Notices. 4 titnes 2 00 F.stray, or other short Notices 1 50 Advertisements not marked with the number of basin-- tions desired, Will be continued till forbid and charged or :cording to theta terms. One Inch, or less Two inches, Throe inches,..... Local or Special Notices, 10 cents a lino for hiugte in carton. By the year at a reduced late. Our prices for tho printing of Blanks, Handbill., etc bre reasonably low: rofessionat& Nusiness QtArbs. 7 DE BURkITART, u. D , Physi vj • elan and Surgeon, has located in Huntingdon, and deaden his cervices to this and neighboring counuunlty Office on Railroad street, bear the Depot. fe24smo DR. A. B: BRUSIBAUGH, II Haying permanently located at Iluntimplou, offers his professional sort Ices to the commonity. °lnce, the came as that lately occupied by Dr. Won on 1111,1 erect. apIUX66 1? R. JOHN 11.1eCULLOCH, offers his Professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon ex vicinity. Office on 11111 street, one door east of heed's Drug Store. Aug. 2s, '55. 10 ALLISON MILLER, •77.;M DB VTIST, Mau removed to the Brick Itow• opposite tiw Court Hoot° April 18,1869. E J. GREENE, DENTIST. •Office removed to Leisters Now Duildin,g, 4 ZIIII. street. Huntingdon. •Dul7.ll,llinC. r. W..JOHNSTON, r, VE Y 0 R €l,- TIC:SUR ANCE AGENT, LIIINTINCI DON, PA Office en Smith strezt. A. POLLOCK, NIIRTEYORth—REAL ESTATE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA. , Will attend to Surveying in all its branches, and x iii buy and self Hie' Estate in any part of the United etates. baud for circular. de,2o-tf A C. CLARKE, AGENT, • • Who%male assd Detail Dealer la all Mud, of aA..f - azi VCaMKIL, lIIINTINGDON, PA Opposite the Franklin Mitts°, in the Diamond. Cbunlry trade supplied. apl7'o3 T SYLV ANUS BLAIR, • -- - ATTORNEY AT LAW, lIIINTINGDON, PA, Office ott Hill street, three doors west of Smith. my 5119 J. LULL utlasra. 5. F. FLEMING. MUSSER & FLEMING, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAIV,' MINTING DON, I. Offlce second door east or Com t Mute. Pensions and other claim promptly collected. may Al-ton^ I.E. Mtn(); O. D. ARMITAGE. SIMPSON Sr, ARMITAGE, ATTO.RIVEYS AT LA IV, HUNTINGDON, PENNA OFFICE IN BRICK 110 orroarrAim COURT HOUSE. Jan. 17, ISES•Cm. GEENCY' FOR COLLECTING aOLUIERS' CLAIMS, BOU::TY, MACK PAY AI)N lONS. All who may have any claims against the Clovernmot for Bounty. Back Bay and Penannis,can hoc their claims n - omptly collected by applying either is person or by let- Ur to IV. If. IVOODS, .ATTULWAY AT LA II: ❑ U C TING DUN. Pa sagl;lS63 =I =I The name of this firm has been clang from SCOTT tt 'MOWN, to SCOTT, BROWN & B...SAMDY, under which 'name they nisi hereafter cAlduct their practice a. ';:'7I2TOR.WEI'N'AT LA SY, HUNTINGDON, PA. PENSIONS, and all claims of soldierg coldices' Leine agaluct, the tinvernment, will be 1..013 pr.vcuted. May 17, 1165—tf. Ixl COLLECTION ' Op p 'c ti P OF K. ALLEN LOVELL, Mistriot Attorney of Huntingdon County, 111.1ZiT/NODON, PA. CorPlCE—lrt the room lately occupied by D. M. Speer. jan.l.lSti7 P.M. Lytle & Milton S. Lytle, • ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA" Have formed a partnership under the name and firm of P. M. S M. S. LYTLE, And have removed to the office on the south side of UM street, fourth door west of Smith. They will attend pr omptly to all hinds of legal bovi nes, entrutted to their cure. niagf. JOSEPH ABT, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN WILLOW AND SLEIGH BASKETS, Vail size. and descriptions, ALEXANDRIA, 'HUNTINGDON CO., PA. June 9,1899—1 f kr For neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "Gums JOB PRINTING OFFICE," at Hun tingclon, NEW LEATHER STORE. !FIE undersigned Would respectfully F that, In connection with their TANNERY, ey have just opened a splendid assortment of FINE LEATHER, Consisting In part of fRENCH CALI? SKIN, • KIP, MOROCCO, - -.1 LININGS, • BINDINGS, SOLE, UPPER, HARNESS, SKIRTING, &0., so o ther with a general assortment of PRE - AMA. The trade is Invited to call and examine our block, Store on lIILL ,trot, two doors west of tho Presbyte rian church. • The highest price paid for HIDES and BARK. 0. IL MILLER & SON. Huntingdon, Oct. 28, 1868 NEW LEATHER HOUSE, ,THE FIIIM OF LEAS & McVITTY, baTe leased the large Gee story Leather Douse, Dom James Naulty, NO. 432, NOME TIIIItD STREET, PHILADELPIIIA, And Intend doing a hide and Leather Commission Busi- Their none li. P. LEAS, and T. E. MoYITTY, are there, and authorized to carry on the busineas for them—as they are young men of neol moral cliamacter, and fine larsinets •qualificationt.„'rhey solicit the - patronage of 'their brother Tanners in the colinty and elsewhere ,They stlik will continue to keep a good assortment af - Spaulsb and Slaughter Solo Leather on hands, At their Pinner), near Three Springs, Huntingdon Oceinty, Pa. raar3it LEA°, A McVITTY. , . .10 t • , _,•.-..--:.--47-1, - .--._ .. - „ ~ .k.A,`•./ /// -r/•-• • . . ~ , , 74. /..-- • . . . . . , •• ' 5•!-•'"e - ..H K- -• 4 41.4:-....''' ''' - ' 2 ±!:•.•.- - v ,, , , w4- 4 ,v-, --• • - . , ....... ,,,, ),44 - t.l:-• - ,-_•;:,* ; --, -•-• --:..., - ,•• --- • • - N , -:-a'••,zak-., ,,- ----,--.• i. . v„.-;-::, : - -• , - '--.-<N,..- , .... ~ ..4 . , , -,......,.....e 4 , -„...,.. ‘ - i4,-i , : ....- - " , --, - .. ~.., - 74 4 *... , :. , ...,. 5 Zt0.7:,,, , - - * - .7 -- . .--,... . „.. . /:17 '37_, ." - --t.4y,a„T* N , .,7 6 .1.- 4 :'-.:Zly.. 4<• - -e-S-,-"Ve ' ' '"'' :' ' , -. 4 * 54, *.t,,t,,,, r „ , s ' •< , ic -t. " . .t . --'- . 44. t, V II • • ti .4 ;.,.' , -• .4 „. „., ----- -% am,‘ , <, '''' .I';' • , 9.i. A , Zr: - ''‘ . ---., - , , • --- ' \.:.,"'*•;,,, F. `s," .1p 00 1 00 ” i ” . . r. VOL. xxv. arDOR NEW STORE IN HUNTINGDON. JAMES A. BROWN has just opened a largo CAR pE T STORE uu the second floor of his brick building, where buyers will find one of the largest and best 013501IMCIAS of BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, DUTCH WOOL, COTTON, HAG, LIST, VENITIAN and SCOTCH HEMP ( 004,1"13E:t 9 Also, COCOA and CANTON MAT TINGS, and FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Ever offered in central Pennsylvania. It is well known that a merchant woo deals entirely in one line af Deads buying largely firm manufacture. 144 enabled to give his costumers advsntages in prices and a,sortment (in that line of goals) that aro not to ho found In stoles protesting to do all hinds of business. I Alan aim theieforo to audio it the interest of all in want of the alma goods, to buy at the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Store. eS.Dealers can buy of me by the roll at wholesale juices. ap13139 JAMES A. BROWN.., ..$", - MBE West Huntingdon Foundry. JA ALES SIM PSON PLOWS, THRESHING MACHINES, EARD BELL% SLED AND SLEICIII SOLES, WAGON BOXES, IRON KETTLES, ( Ctie.ttiLig For Furnaces, Forges, Grist and raw 31ille, Tamales and nrlckyul de, AND JOB WORE IN GENERAL. ABCIIIYECTURAL t 01;NA:di:NT:IL DEPAP.MIEVP. Irate Porticos and Vmandalis, Balconies, Columns and Drop Ornament fur woolen portions and verandahs, Window Lintels and Sills, Cast Ornaments fur I‘oeden.liatels, it l iar H indow Gonda all slits, Chimne) Tops and Flues, Peal N uigleta, Carpet Strips, Itegistets. Orators, Coal (Dates. Vault Coatings for coal and tvoutl cellars, A am a, Ti ee.boxes, I amp-posts. Hitching-posts, lion Bailing lee pm tiros, ‘craudalis, balconies, flows, beds, Yard and Collect ry Feacts, etc. Porticider atlendion pan) to fencing Ctalctcry Address J.13111S SI3I l'SrN, acdtt,oS Nunn agdon, In. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. EASTON BLAKE. 31. 31.11110 N 31cNEIL. BLAKE & IffoNEIL, [Successor., to J. 31 . . OUNNINOILI3I & SON.] Iron and Brass Fotrnders, HUNTINGDON, PA. ==MI Foul.dry. {lO have al 0 a}s on hand . all t; 7.1„. uuu Co.stin,;4 for NI erllolo, Window weights " of all razes out weighte, PipaJointS, Lied „ nu Otelgh Roles , Wngou hortes, lochino Comings, for, Meant And outer, 6161, eau, tuniao all I plaster mills yr till tlescliptions. I= BEATERS AND IRON FENCES, of the most improt ed style, oven doors and frames, door allls, and in List eter3 thing amde iu thia We have a larger stock of pat tutus, and can furnish cas tings ut :hurt notice. and cheaper than they can be had in the country, tinting a good drill, 14 o are prepared to do dulling and fitting up at nth hinds. Office iu Liest,ne New Building, Hill street, Minting don, ra. Melt . 17, 1569, STEAM PEARL MILL, lIUNTINGpON, PA THIS MILL is a complete success in I. the manufacture of FLOUR, die. It hoe lately book thoroughly repaired and is now in good running order and in full operation. The burrs and choppers are nee and of superior qual ity--canuot be excelled. And O‘o aro gratified to knew that our work tins given entire satisfaction to our custo mers, to whom we tender our thanks. We have in our employ ono of the best millers fu thu county, and a faithful and capable engineer. Thus equip pod and encouraged, we aro determined to persevere in our efforts to accommodate and please the public, hoping thereby to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage to sustain us in our enterprise for the public Intel cat. Slatket prico paid for the different kinds of grain on delivery. Flour and Chop, ou hand, for sole. .. JOHN It. SIcCAIIAN A SON. Huntingdon, Nov. 20,1801 NOTICE TO ALL. HILL STREET MARKET, Opposite Leister's Building. G. .10RIII.SON respectfully in forms the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that to continues the meat mai het business in sit Its va rious branches, and IN It I keep constantly on band Fresh beef, Pork, Pudding and Satitege, salt Beef and Pork, Council liuit and 'Vegetables, Spices of all kinds,estsups and Sauces, Teas, Soaps, Cheese, Salt Lard, to , All of %illicit lie will continuo to sell at reasouaLlo 'niece • Tho highest pi ices paid for hides and tallow. Thomas Colder, at Alexandria. and March S Bro., at Calico Bun, are my agents to purchase at their places. Thanhtul for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. B. G. MuItItISON. Huntingdon, Ap 14, 1669. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID HUNTINGDON INSURANCE AGENCY. G. B. ARATITAGE, HUNTINGDON, Represent the meet reliable Companies in the Country. Rates as low as is :consistent with reliable Indemnity. sop 'tiB. Capital Represented over :14,000,000 OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADS, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS LL AESOWIMEN T AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE A. G. POSIT' I si qrIV .T AITE & CO., General Commission Merchants FOR TUE SALE OF Wheat, r pru, Outs, Bye, Berk, nu;te Eggs, Lard , • Poultry, ' No. 264 South Front Street, A. G. Postlethwalte, Philadelphia J. C. McNaughton. r.. may2l3-ly CZ= PLANI: d McNEIG. JUNIATA HUNTINGDON, PA„ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4. 1869, 61 — le 61obc. NUNTINOOON, PA. A DARKENED NURSERY There's room enough in the nursery now, 'Twos crowded a little before; For when the crib in the corner sat, The rockers came close to the door; But the light was sweet and the air was soft, And the room was tilled with cheer; For we all were charmed to the chosen spot By the voice of the b.:by deur. Where is the sunshine? Where is the noise? Where are the playthings gone? What shall 1 do with my empty arms ? Siitin4r n alone, alone! What Ido with the vacant crib? Where shall I set this chair? Must the little one's clothes come down? 0, let me leave them there ! • Fold the littlo garments, Lay them softly by ; Put away the playthings, Check the choking sigh Turn thee to thy duties, Take up life again, Newly consecrated By this precious pain. Ilroasl-thy face full heavenwald ; Giro thy life to God, Ills sweet peace shall keep thee, If thou "kiss the rod." Letter from New York. NEW Yonie, July 25th, 1860. DEAR GLOBE:—I've been thinking of you and of my long absence from your columns, doubtless toile intense relief of those who search said columns for amusement or instruction ; but in the words of the funny man in Mot ley, "here lam again," With a bow and a scrape I ask admittrinee ; "thank you—take my bat." New York--the city of our land— fair, frail, honest, sharp, cosmopolitan, the American kaleidoscope ever changing, ever new—willing to greet you kindly, to forget, bury and damn you—just the platie to become an ant, to burrow, to horde, to starve, to grope, to do just like ten thousand other ants who live and move, battle, crush, and hurry over'you. IVhat an atom a man is here ?—"Found drowned, an un known man ;" -Died from the effects of the sun, a stranger ;" "Murdered by roughs, it person mamma ;" ''Died from want and exposure, no clue to his identity ;" the morgue, twelve men, rita LS() out a life—noted carelessly—and we turn to "gold" or Brio, and devour greedily. One man—we know so ma ny—"poor devil, it was his luck" (pub lic verdict.) I like this place, it is so truly Demo cratic. They don't ask if his father was a gentleman, or his ma moved in good society, or if he is of "our set," hut"is he honest, intelligent, reliable," if so his place is for him. They give him a start, steady him, and then leave him to fight out his life. You meet men every day here who can count their wealth by hundreds of thousands, and their talisman can be yours— pluck, energy. Twenty-four hours a day. How I was once appalled by the fact—so much time, so little to do— and now 1 know bow little it repro- Sent S—present, past, and so little to show for it—little done, much undone. I hear you say, "Confound the fel low, we don't want to hoar this stuffy moralizing; we can get much better for less time spent from the first soul saving tract in the bands of the pious distributor who curries conviction and utter annihilation for the pleasure it affords him!' "'Nufh sod." I'm off. Choose—news, scandal, rumor, what wilt you have? Shall I don the cap and hells, and by uncouth jest and gesture make evident my claims as Momus' devotee or will you lot me answer by presenting my handiest card, gossip, (may it be trump.) The weather, Wo hero in New York have been blessed as yet with a lovely summer; at odd times hot as Tophet, but a delightful breeze from our waters every evening brings solace and refreshment; between the puffs of my pipe am I sensible of its gentle presence, and think were I at Long Branch "on the beach" what more could be mine, and so am content. Now, what would your good people think of an o'pera selection raising in your midst on year quiet, staid Sunday evening? As I write, one of Otfen bach's gems charms my ear from the lips of some lovely creature whose form is partly hidden by her curtained win dow. 'Tis nothing. Mrs. Grundy, dear, lenient old woman, smiles appro vingly and calls it "sacred music." In fact here one "gangs his ain gait," and so long as his gait trouble me not, nei ther I him. On the Bowery, quaint, queer old thoroughfare, whose tame is wide spread, or in Chatham street, the "home of the Jews," can you to-day purchase an outfit "cheap for cash."— Jewelry, trimming, furnishing, hat, hoot, all sorts of stores, keep Open doors, and the big spirit of tolerance interferes not. On every line plies the street ear, loaded down with human freight leaving fora breathing spell on the Hudson or the Harlem. Jersey with her beer gardens attract. many— the Central Park never tails its vota ries. New York does her pleasures as her business, with a rush, nor do the churches suffer; attentive and appre ciative congregations fill them, doubt less with as much devotion and good results as in our more riarrim minded, staid neighbor, Philadelphia. The belles and - beauxs of the Avenue do their piety in the most approved-garb at Newport, Saratoga, Long Branch or among the summits of the Catskill or White Mountains; giving wo stay• at-homes more room and quiet for our devotions (we dote on our privilege.) Theatres, despite the absence of many of their-patrons, find their 'seats -PERSEVERE.- well filled. Lydia Thompson with her blondes still hold their undisputed sway over us, where we feast our eyes on pretty, dashing women, causing many a bachelor the sin of covetness. Our press launches its thunders at their looseness, but it availeth nothing but an' advertisement. 'Eve's legacy to man—curiosity—holds strongly to us, and from wondering how bad it can be we cud by seeing for ourselves, and wo arc more amused than, shocked, and see no reason why we shbuld be numbered among. their denunciators. For myself, I see nothing hat pretty, dashing, witty women, only' too attrac tive. Booth's beautiful theatre finds ample work fbr its pasteboard dispen cers. Night after night do well filled houses attest the popularity of "Enoch Arden"—a perfect gem - beautifully set. The poem grows upon us as we see its characters moving !loath our eyes, and so well that it comes to us more plain tively than ever. Few hearts but feel the pang in unison with the poor, bro- ken man whose weary "waiting for a sail" brings bins naught but a living, terrible death; woman, whose ever sympathetic heart giv'es to he who seeks it, pity, pays tribute in her tears. Lucille Western at our Academy of Music, or rather Fisk's (who, useful man, eaters for our every want—items, cheap conveyance through our streets, convenient ferryage, instant death, or I a gentle roast upon the Erie—takes you to Newport and gives you the in imitable "llodsworths" to make your passage one of delightful harmony— anything you want, gentlemen,) has been doing the. terrible in woman's lino and successfully. The funny man, Fox, Humpty Dumpties us or other wise, and a jolly place it is to drive off the b'ues or aid dige Lion by facial exertion. I've run this theatrical train long enough, but I could stop for many more equally presentable people. Doubtless you tbink I've given enough of this class, so we will oti again. Lily last station and that genera news. Query, do you want to go to Cuba? If so, come along; I will find you a private p6sition, (you are not ambitious of decorations, good pay (for a patri ot,) the fun of running Uncle Sam's blockade, and the de lig% tt ul certainty of death from yellow fever, or Spanish flies (bullets ) May be you are an admirer of !natu ral history and would like to see the elephant—the gentle creature lives at the Park and oats hay—or his human flrotol v De_ kindly OUld_MlClA.o _ cash; wis - d - om and care for your will post you how to satiate a Unfit ingdon appetite on the cost of a cream (which means lunch.) In fact, dear Globe, knowledge and I have shaken hands and sworn friendship. 1 expect a diploma soon, and then as a Directo ry or walking Chamber's Encyclope dia will I be found invaluable, or unre liable. Evqry seeker will render his own verdict, and I can only say "it was well meant." Not knowing how this effort will be received, and not caring to further de• stroy paper in your service, permit me to bid you a very good evening Should you again desire my presence, a line, or a gentle smile, or insinuation on the face of the Globe, you will ever find a ready rejoinder from N. S. 11E-Charlen Lamb tells his sad ex perience, as warning to young men, in the following language : "The waters have gone over me. But out of the black depths, could I be heard, I would ery out to all. those who have set a foot in the perilous flood. Could the youths to whom the flavor of the first wine is as delicious as the opening scenes of life or the entering upon some newly discovered paradise, look into my des olation, and be made to understand how drcar it is, when he shall feel himself going down a precipice, with open eyes and a passive wi'l to his de struction, and have no human power to stop it, and yet feel it all the way emanating from himself, to see all god liness emptied out of him, and yet not able to forget a time was oth erwise; to bear the piteous spectacle of his own ruin ; could be see my fe vered eye, fevered with last night's drinking, and feverishly looking for to night's repeating of the folly; could he but feel the ,body of death out of which I cry hourly with feebler outcry to be delivered, it were enough to make him dash the sparkling beverage to the earth, in all the pride of its man thing temptation." A TRYING ExpEntmENT —Five young men in Berlin lately made an agree ment for a wager, to see who of them could keep awake for a whole week.— They all held out for about five days and a half, by drinking largely of strong coffee, and keeping up a con stant round of active exorcise and ex citing amusements. At the end of that time two of them yielded to drowsiness; a third soon fell asleep while riding, tumbled from his &addle and broke his arm; a fourth was at tacked by severe sickness, and com pelled to retire from the list; the fifth held out to the end, but lost twenty five pounds of flesh in winning the wager. Long ago, Frederick the Great and Voltaire made a similar ex periment, making use of the same stiniulatit of strong coffee, but they did not succeed in driving away sleep for longer than four days. Wit—Our affections fbr our children and our grand-children garland the heart with the buds and blossoms of a second Spring; they aro the holy band whose miraculous tonal can bid the thorn of mot tality break forth into flowers even in the Winter of our days. TROUBLE.—Never trouble trouble till" trouble troubles you;'for trouble rarely troubles people who never trou ble themselves about trouble.' • "Died Poor." "It was a sad funeral to me," said the speaker; "the saddest I have at tended for many years." "That of Edmonson ?" "Yes." "How did he die ?" "Poor—poor as poverty. His life was one long struggle with the world, and at every disadvantage. Fortune mocked him all the while with golden promises that were destined never to know fulfillment." "Yet he was patkint and enduring," remarked one of the company. "Patient as a Christian--enduring as a martyr, was answered.- "Poor man ! lle was worthy of a bettentate. Ile ought to have succeeded, for ho deserved success." "Did ho not : succeed ?" questioned the one who had spoken on his patience and endurance. "No sir. Lie died poor, just as I have stated. Nettling that ho put his hand to ever succeeded. A strange fatality seemed to attend every 'enter- • pristi."" "I.was with, him in his last mo ment:4," said the other, "and he thought he died 'rich." "No, be has left nothing behind," was replied. "The heirs will have•-no concern as to the admiuistration.of his estate." "lie left. a good name," Said one, "and that is something." "And a legacy of noble deeds that were done in the name of humanity," remarked another. "And precious ,examples," said a third. '"Lessons of patience in suffering; of hope in adversity; of heavenly confi dence' when the sunbeams fell upon his bewildering path," was the testi mony of another. "And high truths, manly .courage, heroic fortitude." "Then he died rich," was the -em phatic declaration. ' , Richer than the millionaire who went to his long home on the same day a miserable pauper in all but gold. A sad furnoral did you say ? No, my friend, it was a triumphant procession ! Not the.bur ial of a human clod, but the memo-. flies attendant on-the translation of an angel. Did not succeed ! Why, his whole life was a series of success. In every conflict he came off the victor, and now the victor's crown is on his brow. Any grasping, soulless, selfish man, with a moderate share of brains, may gainer in money:, art of keeping it,' but not one in a hundred can conquer bravely in the battle of life, as Edmonson has con quered, and stop forth from the ranks of men a Christian hero. No, no; ho did not die poor, but rich—rich in neighborly love, and rich in celestial affections. And his heirs have an in terest in the administration of his af fairs. A large property has been left, and let them see to it that they dq not lose precious things through Use esti mates and ignorant depreciations." "You have a new way of estimating the wealth of man," said the one who lfad first expressed sympathy for the deceased." "Is it not the - right way ?" was an swered. "There are higher things to gain in this world than wealth that *perishes. Riches of princely value over reward the true merchant, who trades for wisdom, buying it with the silver of truth and the gold of love. He dies rich who can take his treasure with him to the nemb lands where he is to abide forever, and be who has toleave all behind on which he placed his •af foction, dies poor indeed. thir friend Edmonson died richer, than: a Girard or an Astor; his monument is built of good deeds and noble examples. It will abide forever ! POETIC SAD:IE69.-0110 of the sad dest and most touching speeches that wo ever read is that of the, venerable poet William Cullen - Bryant at the late commencement' of Williams College.— Being called upon to speak at the an nual dinner, he said: '"lt has occurred to me, since I, in the decline of life, camp to. visit once more this seat of learning in which our youth are trained to succeed us on the stage of the world, that I am in the situation of ono who, standing on a spot desolate with winter and dim with twilight, should be permitted by a sort of miracle to look upon a neighboring region glorious with the bloom of spring and bright with the beams of morning. Ou the side where I stand are herbless fields and leafless woods, pools sheeted with ice, a frozen soil, and the shadows of approaching night. On the nide to which I look aro emer ald meadows, fields of springing wheat, orchards in bloom, transparent streams, and a genial sunshine. With me, it is too late for any furthbr hopefal tillage, and if the plough were put into the ground, its coulter would be obstruc ted by the ice-bound sods. On the side to which I look I see the tokens of judicious cultivation and careful tendance, recompensed by a free and promising growth. I rejoice at the kindly care thus bestowed, and my hope and prayer is that. under such auspices all the promise which meets my eyes may be amply fulfilled, and that from these luxuriant fields a har vest may be gathered richer and more abundant than has yet been stored in the granaries of our land." To TonAcco ell EIVERS.—Sorno arith metician calculates that if a tobacco chewer consumes two inches of a plug a day, for fifty years, be will chew in that period 6,475 feet, or nearly half a tnilo !Of solid tobacco; half an' inch thick, and two inches broad, costing. $2,0051 And ejecting one pint of Bali. va per day for fifty years, the' total O'ottld swell into nearly 2,300 gallons, ti respectable lake almost large enough to float tho• Great Eastern Lin 1" "•• TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance. Night had set in deep, and in a small log hut, situated a few miles from Trenton, N. J., sat five men, four of whom were seated at an old oaken ta ble in the centre of the room, engaged in playing cards, while they,frequently moistened their throats with large draughts from an earthen jug which stood on the table. They were heavily bearded, coarse looking men, and from their dross, which somewhat resembled the British uniform, they were evidently Tories. The other was a stout-built, young -man; clad in the Continental uniform. Ho sat in one corner of the room with his face buried in his hands., "Tom," said ono of the Tories, rising from the table, and seating himself near the young prisoner, for such 'he evidently was : "Tom, you and I were schoolboys together, and I love you yet. Now why can't you • give up your wild notions and join us? You are our prisoner, and if yea don't we shall hand you over to the headquar ters to-morrow, while if you join us, your fortune is made, for with your bravery and talents vou will distin guish yourself in the royal army, and after the rebellion is crushed out, your case shall be'rewarded by knighthood and promotion in the army. Now there are two alternatives, which ,do you choose ?" • 'Neither," said the young man rais ing' his head and looking the Tory straight,in the eye. i‘l "1 am now, as you say, your priso ner, but when the clock strikes twelve I shall disappear in a cloud of fire and smoke, and neither you nor your com rades, not even myself can' prevent it. You may watch me as closely , as you please, tie me hand and footif you will, but a higher . power than yours has or dained that . l shall leave you at that time." "Poor fellow! his mind wanders," said the Tory; "he'll talk differently in the morning." And he returned to his seat at the table, leaving the youth with .his head again resting in his hands. When . the 'clock struck eleven the 'prisontr drew a pipe and some tobacco from his pocket, and asked the Tory leader'if ho had any objection to his smoking. "None in the least," he said, adding with a laugh, "that is, if promise not to disappear in a cloud of tobacco smoke." . Thevounu markmeOn no_reril37._ imineuTarm3P — tfilect his pipe, having done which he arose and commenced pacing the floor. •Ile took a half a dozen turns up and down each side of the room,'approach ing nearer the table each time„ when having exhausted his pipe, he returned to his seat, and, slowly knocking the ashes out of his pipe, said : "There, boys; it's twelve o'clock, and I must leave you. Good bye. v. Immediately all around the .room wore seen streaks of fire hissing and squirming; the'cabin was filled with dense sulphurous smoke amidst which was a clap of thunder. The Tories sat in their chairs paralyzed with fright. The smoke cleared away but the prisoner was nowhere - to be seen. The table was overturned, the window was smashed to pieces and one chair was lying on the ground outside of the .building. The Tory loader, after recovering from his stupor, gave one glance around the room and sprang out of the window, followed by his comrades. They ran through the forest at the top of their speed, in the direction of the British encampment, leaving their muskets and other arms to the mercy of the flames, which had now begun to devour the cabin. The next day two youngmen, dress. ed in the Continental uniform were seen standing near the ruins of the old cabin. Ono was our prisoner of the night previous. "Let us hear all about it, Tom," said the other. "Well," said ho, "last evening, as I was passing this place, two Tories ran out of the cabin and took possession of me. Before I could make any resist ance they took me in, and who do you suppose I saw as a leader of their par ty but John Barton, our old school mate. Ho talked with me and tried to induce me to join thorn; but I told them I couldn't do it; that at twelve o'clock I was going -to escape, disup pear in a cloud -of smoke. But ho laughed at me and said I was out of my head. About eleven o'clock I ask ed him if I might smoke. He said ho had no objections, so I filled my pipe and lighted it, and commenced walk ing the floor. I had about a pound of gunpowder in my pocket, and', as 1 walked strewed it all , over the floor. When the clock struck twelve 1 bid them good bye and told them I had to go. I then knocked the ashes out of: my pipe, the powder ignited and a dazzling flame of fire shot across, around and all over the room, filling it with suffocating smoke., Before it cleared away, I hurled a chair through the window, sprang out and departed, leaving them to their own reflections. You know the rest." iliErThere is a very curious monu ment in Magnolia Cemetery, Charles ton, erected I)y the late Henry Wise, an Englishman, over , the grave of his wile. It is a triumphal arch rep resenting the gate of heaven, ornamen ted with sea-shells and stained glass. A kneeling female figure rests under the arch, with a Model ship and a cas-• ket containing a'bouquet of shells, a Wediflfig handkerehiel,ring and necktie, a small English flag, and other curious relics. The whole is covered with a .canvass canopy. darpets aro Bought by Ole yafd, and worn by the foot ' NO. 4. A Legend of 1776, TO SUBSCRIBERS. Those subscribing for three, six car twelve months with the understanding that the paPe'r be discontinued unlos4 subscription' is renewed, receiving a'fpa v per marked with a t before the 'name will understand that the time for which, they subscribed isup. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through th 9 mail or otherwise. tf. gm,.. All kinds of plain, fancy and ornamental Job Printing neatly ftp4 expeditiously executed at the "GLone office: Terms moderate. Eccentricities of the Flesh, There are some people who are so peculiarly constituted that matterssthe most harmless to the mass of mankind act upon them in the most distressing Manner.' For instance, some persons cannot oat a lobster Salad s without its having a very curious effect upon their complexion. We know a lady Who once indulged at supper time in a salad of t,his kind, and upon her return •to the ball-room her face and neck imnie diately became covered - with,. spots, _ obliging her to retire. Cockles and shrimps have the like effect upon per sons thus peculiarly constituted. A medical filmic: tells us that eating veal gives a, lady. of his acquaintance the nottlerash, and 'that orange-peel 441 produced great nervous excitement.--: Figs again give rise in some people to what is termed "formication" or a sen sation like the tickling_ movement. of ants upon ,the palate.-- The most extra ordinary example of the adverse in - flu-, _eneeTs of a common article of food upon the human stomach is related by a stir goon of ono of our public hospitals t Ho says that a patient of his cannot touch rice without the most extreme discomfort. "On one occasion, when ; at a dinner party, he felt the symptoms of rice poisoning coming- on, apd.lvas„ as usual, obliged to retire from the ta ble, although he had not partaken of ally dish ostensibly containing rice, It appeared,on investigation,lbat'some white soup, which he had commenced. his dinner, had been thickened with ground rico." - In another case, similar symptoms haVe comd on after a. gentle-, man had partaken of bottled beer; this apparently extraordinarY fact was explained by the presence in the bottle of a few grains of rice, which had been placed there to excite a secondary for; mentation. But what is this to the perverse stomach of a gentleman in a case cited by Dtl:Prout, who %Vas pois oned by.eating a mutton chop? Th e. most digestible of all flesh to the ordi nary mortal-was to him positively a§ poisonous as though he had eaten toad stools. It was at first imagined by his physician that his dislike to this kind of food.aroso from mere fancy,-and in order to test him, thutton, disguised, was served to him as other fresh meat, but always with the same result—vici: . lent vomiting and diarrhoea. Indeed, the effect upon him was so great that, had ho been kept upon a mutton diet, Dr. Prout believed he would have died. users jtagazine._ THE ELEPHANT AND THE LOCOMOTIVE correspondent - writing from -Mon ghyr, India , says: A very serious accident, brought about in a Manner - Unknown, and per-' haps unheard of since the establish ment of railways, not only in India, but throughout the world, laappeneff to an evening train between Saheb gunge and Mirzagore, about two miles . from the latter station. At that time the No. 5 down goods train was ap proaching n mangoe tope, in which some seventy elephants were station ed. Tlie red lights glaring in the die. tune°, and the-noise aid smoke of the' engine, would seem to hays caused an, awful consternation among the poor brutes, all of whom more or lees tried to break away from their fastenings: One largo male, however, 'the strong : . est and most courageous of the lot, be came so infuriated that he -broke his chain and rushed forward to intercept and encounter the supposed enemy.—: He had scarcely placed himself on the lino when the train was down . upon [fin]. Ho encountered it with head and tusks; but the animal strength proved no match for steam and Ina chinery—the poor brute was knocked down and killed on the spot, and. the, engine, rebounding, ran off the .liri; and it and eleven carriages were cap: sized into a ditch. The fireman luck managed to jump off in time, and the guard did the same, but the poor driver, named Smith, remained in his place, and received injuries from which it is not expected Ile will recover. LITTLE WOMEN.--The little women isirreprossible. Too fragile to come into the fighting section of humanity; a puny'ereature whom one blow from a man's huge fist could annihilate, ab: solutely fearless, and insolent with the insolence which only those dare show who know that retribution cannot fell low—what can be done with her? She is afraid of nothing, and to be -control led by no ono. Sheltered behind her weakness as behind a triple, shield of brass, the angriest man dare not touch her, while she provokes him tq a combat-in which his hands aro tied. She gets her own way in ,overythimg" and everywhere ; Al. home and abroad, she' is equally dominant and irrepress ible, equally free from obedience and from fear. ,e In one of our cities, a short time ago a western editor was met by'4 friend, who taking him affectionately by the hand, exclaimed. "I am de delighted to see you, how long are you going to stay ?" "Why, I think," said the editor, "I will stay as long as my money lasts." , ` "flow disappointed I am," said his friend "I hoped you were going to stay a day or two." ifir•A chap from tbo country, stop ping at one of our hob* pat down - o dinner. Upon the bill or faro being' handed to him by the waiter, ho said. ho "did not carp about rcaci'n now-- he'd wait until after dinner." m.A.n irritable gardener seeing a boy stealing fruit, Wore if he caught him there again, ho Would lock him up in the ice house and wiirrn his jacket. Ite - The View to which Distance lent Enchantment, is requested to re: turn it at once, to prevent mistakes.