TER/IS OF TIM QI.ORE Per annum in advance Six months Three months " TERNS OF ADVERTISING 1 time. 2do 3do 1 month ...$ 75 v 1 25 $1 50 $1 75 .- 1 60 2 25 2 75 3 25 ~. 2 25 325 400 4 75 3 months. 8 months. 1 Year One inch, or less-$4 00 06 00 slo 00 Two inches, 0 25 9 00 1...15 00 Three inch. 8 50 12 00 "0 00 Four Inches 10 75 10 00 25 00 Quarter column, 13 00 18 00 30 CO 'half column, "0 00 30 00 ...... ....45 00 One column, 30 00 45 00.... ..... SO 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines One year, " $5 a Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 0 times, $2 50 Auditors' Notices. 4 titnes 2 00 F.stray, or other short Notices 1 50 Advertisements not marked with the number of basin-- tions desired, Will be continued till forbid and charged or :cording to theta terms. One Inch, or less Two inches, Throe inches,..... Local or Special Notices, 10 cents a lino for hiugte in carton. By the year at a reduced late. Our prices for tho printing of Blanks, Handbill., etc bre reasonably low: rofessionat& Nusiness QtArbs. 7 DE BURkITART, u. D , Physi vj • elan and Surgeon, has located in Huntingdon, and deaden his cervices to this and neighboring counuunlty Office on Railroad street, bear the Depot. fe24smo DR. A. B: BRUSIBAUGH, II Haying permanently located at Iluntimplou, offers his professional sort Ices to the commonity. °lnce, the came as that lately occupied by Dr. Won on 1111,1 erect. apIUX66 1? R. JOHN 11.1eCULLOCH, offers his Professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon ex vicinity. Office on 11111 street, one door east of heed's Drug Store. Aug. 2s, '55. 10 ALLISON MILLER, •77.;M DB VTIST, Mau removed to the Brick Itow• opposite tiw Court Hoot° April 18,1869. E J. GREENE, DENTIST. •Office removed to Leisters Now Duildin,g, 4 ZIIII. street. Huntingdon. •Dul7.ll,llinC. r. W..JOHNSTON, r, VE Y 0 R €l,- TIC:SUR ANCE AGENT, LIIINTINCI DON, PA Office en Smith strezt. A. POLLOCK, NIIRTEYORth—REAL ESTATE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA. , Will attend to Surveying in all its branches, and x iii buy and self Hie' Estate in any part of the United etates. baud for circular. de,2o-tf A C. CLARKE, AGENT, • • Who%male assd Detail Dealer la all Mud, of aA..f - azi VCaMKIL, lIIINTINGDON, PA Opposite the Franklin Mitts°, in the Diamond. Cbunlry trade supplied. apl7'o3 T SYLV ANUS BLAIR, • -- - ATTORNEY AT LAW, lIIINTINGDON, PA, Office ott Hill street, three doors west of Smith. my 5119 J. LULL utlasra. 5. F. FLEMING. MUSSER & FLEMING, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAIV,' MINTING DON, I. Offlce second door east or Com t Mute. Pensions and other claim promptly collected. may Al-ton^ I.E. Mtn(); O. D. ARMITAGE. SIMPSON Sr, ARMITAGE, ATTO.RIVEYS AT LA IV, HUNTINGDON, PENNA OFFICE IN BRICK 110 orroarrAim COURT HOUSE. Jan. 17, ISES•Cm. GEENCY' FOR COLLECTING aOLUIERS' CLAIMS, BOU::TY, MACK PAY AI)N lONS. All who may have any claims against the Clovernmot for Bounty. Back Bay and Penannis,can hoc their claims n - omptly collected by applying either is person or by let- Ur to IV. If. IVOODS, .ATTULWAY AT LA II: ❑ U C TING DUN. Pa sagl;lS63 =I =I The name of this firm has been clang from SCOTT tt 'MOWN, to SCOTT, BROWN & B...SAMDY, under which 'name they nisi hereafter cAlduct their practice a. ';:'7I2TOR.WEI'N'AT LA SY, HUNTINGDON, PA. PENSIONS, and all claims of soldierg coldices' Leine agaluct, the tinvernment, will be 1..013 pr.vcuted. May 17, 1165—tf. Ixl COLLECTION ' Op p 'c ti P OF K. ALLEN LOVELL, Mistriot Attorney of Huntingdon County, 111.1ZiT/NODON, PA. CorPlCE—lrt the room lately occupied by D. M. Speer. jan.l.lSti7 P.M. Lytle & Milton S. Lytle, • ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA" Have formed a partnership under the name and firm of P. M. S M. S. LYTLE, And have removed to the office on the south side of UM street, fourth door west of Smith. They will attend pr omptly to all hinds of legal bovi nes, entrutted to their cure. niagf. JOSEPH ABT, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN WILLOW AND SLEIGH BASKETS, Vail size. and descriptions, ALEXANDRIA, 'HUNTINGDON CO., PA. June 9,1899—1 f kr For neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "Gums JOB PRINTING OFFICE," at Hun tingclon, NEW LEATHER STORE. !FIE undersigned Would respectfully F that, In connection with their TANNERY, ey have just opened a splendid assortment of FINE LEATHER, Consisting In part of fRENCH CALI? SKIN, • KIP, MOROCCO, - -.1 LININGS, • BINDINGS, SOLE, UPPER, HARNESS, SKIRTING, &0., so o ther with a general assortment of PRE - AMA. The trade is Invited to call and examine our block, Store on lIILL ,trot, two doors west of tho Presbyte rian church. • The highest price paid for HIDES and BARK. 0. IL MILLER & SON. Huntingdon, Oct. 28, 1868 NEW LEATHER HOUSE, ,THE FIIIM OF LEAS & McVITTY, baTe leased the large Gee story Leather Douse, Dom James Naulty, NO. 432, NOME TIIIItD STREET, PHILADELPIIIA, And Intend doing a hide and Leather Commission Busi- Their none li. P. LEAS, and T. E. MoYITTY, are there, and authorized to carry on the busineas for them—as they are young men of neol moral cliamacter, and fine larsinets •qualificationt.„'rhey solicit the - patronage of 'their brother Tanners in the colinty and elsewhere ,They stlik will continue to keep a good assortment af - Spaulsb and Slaughter Solo Leather on hands, At their Pinner), near Three Springs, Huntingdon Oceinty, Pa. raar3it LEA°, A McVITTY. , . .10 t • , _,•.-..--:.--47-1, - .--._ .. - „ ~ .k.A,`•./ /// -r/•-• • . . ~ ..4...tv , , 74. /..-- • . . . . . , •• ' 5•!-•'"e - ..H K- -• 4 41.4:-....''' ''' - ' 2 ±!:•.•.- - v ,, , , w4- 4 ,v-, --• • - . , ....... ,,,, ),44 - t.l:-• - ,-_•;:,* ; --, -•-• --:..., - ,•• --- • • - N , -:-a'••,zak-., ,,- ----,--.• i. . v„.-;-::, : - -• , - '--.-