•e; Is I _ , RUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Dec. 16, 1868. LOCAL & PERSONAL. Meetings yL Moriah. Lodge, No. 300, A. .1". if., meets second 3.lOnday evening ot each month, in Moan's Standing :done 11. R. A. Chapter, 201, meets 010 first Tuesday evening of each month, in Brow n's Juniata Lodge; No. 117, 10. 0. it, meets every Ft May evening, third floor, in Leister's Standing Maw Lodge. No S•:.1. 0. G. 7'.. meets sorry Tuesday evening in third floor of head's building. • Arrapalwc 75mOr, No. CS, I 0 of /I. meets every Thursday evening, third floor, Leister's building riming Men's Owistian Association moots tin neat and third Monday evenings each month, in Brun Ws building. Town Council meets the first Friday evening of each month. Brief Items The clays have begun to lengthen Who wants . the barrel of Eitra Fa mily Flour? • kf The Pteamer Etna netted its owners ovor $BOO last season. ; - The' Altoona Tribune' and Johns town Democrat talk of enlarging. . . The Teacliers' Institute is now in session-in this place. Who .-wants the 'sl.s Family Bible ? Dr. DeWitt Zeigler, dentist, has left. Ehensburand stuck out his shingle ha Philipsburg . , Centre county. Some O'f the Young folks were nut slaying (sleighing) themselves last A little son of \Vm. Kistler, of Perry county,-I.Vits , instantly killed recently by a log rolling over him. Toys and Confectionery, tind Faney Articles by the carload, for sale cheap at Massey & Co's Variety Store. Our columns are crowded somewhat with advertisements this week, and .also the President's Message, as you will readily see. ' Mary Mayes, wife of Albert - Mayes, took sick and died very sud denly at Siglervillo, -Mifflin county, night last week. The season for shootitig •dder ex pires on the Ist of January. The la .dies'.senien _for catching dears eiplros the same day. Who wants the Elephant? The Lewistown Gazette suggests that a circular hunt bo gotten' up by Christmas or New Year's to bag the 'wolves 'and bears that infest Mifflin -county. • • •-• • Mr. Thomas .Roberts, the Scotch Temperance lecturer, will deliver an ther free lecture at the Court House, next Saturday evening. Go and bear 'Tibet ' Our hepedictino friend, Mr. George Warfol, has our thanks for a share of his wedding cafe. George is a good follow, and we Wish him a long life of ,matrimonial happiness., ' tsillor 'earned J. Rudell decamped from hie boarding house* in Hollidays burg with a watch and some small ,change from his landlady and somo - goods from his employer, last week. Mr. Jacob Yost, of Carroll township, came into the office of the Cambria Freeman to nettle for subscription.— He is in his SOth year, and has lived 65 year ia Cambria county. WLo wants the Boy's Fancy Sled? What.makes Tour hair so beautiful? Mrs. S A. Allen's Improved (new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in onebottle) Price One Dollar. Every Druggist sells it. Sanford's Opera Troupe exhibited in this place .inn Monday and Tuesday evenings of last week. Their enter• taininent was highly, appreciated by those who were present. The Troupe tixpectstohe here in January next. Dar A. - largo ,lot of Buffalo Robes fresh from the hands of the Red Men, of the . very best quality are offered to the public by FISHER & SONS. Dee. 2-3 t. Who wants the pair of Bantam Chicks Almost every newspaper - publisher Who has anything to say about himself it all, says :- "We have a great deal of Anoney outstanding on our hooks"— eSueh money, we tear, will continue to stand out against all your pleading Why is this thus ' Several newspapers have declaimed against customers postponing their purchase of Christmas presents until a day before Christmas. The advice is goad, for:buyers on that late day have_longer to wait, and generally pay higher - Prices; while the seller is -over &eased with work which could be at tended to better _. if the sales should be gin at once. If you don't mean to give your at tention to your business, it wou't pay to-advertise. You must have a good stock of, meritorious articles if you Want your advertisement to pay you The advertisement in the newspaper will draw you the custom at first, tut the merits of the article sold and its cheapness will secure a continuance of patronage. - Mr. R. Stockett Mathews delivered an instructive lecture' in the Court Rouse on - Friday evening laSt. The audience was not very large, and the speaker did not acquit . himself as well Re. he Would bevel done had he 'not looked at his manuscript so closely.— The proceeds, after paying the lectu rer, netted $2O, which goes to paying -the expenses of the Young Men's Christian Association. Who wants the mammoth Mintstick !Supposed Svrlndlers. For several weeks past two men from New Yoi k State have been sell ing patent rights for the sale and man ufacture of hay forks. On Wednesday last one of the men came to Mr. Joseph "Shoemaker and asked him to purchase, at the same time showing him a note 130 had received from Mr. McCracken of StOne Valley for 8280. Mr. Shoe maker suspecting that something was wrong redo but the same evening to 313 r. MeCracken's residenoe, and ascer tained from him that ho had given no such note.' Mr. Shoemaker returned, and the next day the patent right agents were arrested upon suspicion, and made to give bail for their appear ance at Court. TOYS, Mrs.—Purchase Toys, Can dies, &c., for Holiday Presents. You should not fail to eall and examine D. Africa & Co's mammoth stock of fine lereneh Candies, Toys, &e. Call and oxautine the largest stock, and best variety in Huntingdon before purchas ing olerwhore. • Jury List--Jaimary Term 1869. GRAND JURORS John Q, Adams, iron-master, Franklin George Burge, farmer, Tell Thomas Burchieell, carpenter, Huntingdon Archibald Cisney, farmer, Tell 'Benjamin Cross, carpenter, - Alexrinaria Starrett Cummings, farmer, jacks= Mark Evans, farmer, Henderson David Eyer, farmer, Warrioremark Tobias Foreman, farmer, - Morrie George Goddard, laborer, Mapleton John Hendereen, farmer, West • Frederick Kuhn, laborer, Morrie Daniel Kyper, farmer, Oneida. John Lea, farmer, Penn Peter Liveringhouso, farmer„Csomwell Phillip Locke, farmer, Springfield William Morgan, farmer, Shirley Graffua Miller, brewer, Huntingdon George W. Owens, fernier; Warrioremark John Owens, J. P. Warriorsmark„ , Read,.llll;urer, Penn ' •i; Washington Read, blacksmith, Carbon Micheal Shearer, farmer, Ton iletny Snyder, laborer, Walker TRATSRSE JURORS—FIRST WEEK. William Appleby, farmer, Dublin Abraham Altman, miller, West_ Abraham Baker, carpenter, Walker David Black, carpenter, Huntingdon__ ' Henry Brindle, farmer, Jackson Thomas Bateman, blaeksmith; Franklin • John Cummings, farmer, Jackson Geo. Cornelius, laborer, Franklin . Thomas Carman, tinuer, Hunt ngdon John Booker, wagon maker, West Joseph Diggeus, farmer, Carbon Reuben Duff; firmer, Jackson John M. Drake, teacher, Clay„, Samuel - Deeker, farmer, Union Devan Hillier, clerk, Mount Union Jonathan Erotic, farmer, Todd John Emmnerick, farmer, Franklin .Joseph Forrest, farmer, Barree Milton M.' Green, farmer, Todd Joseph A. Green, clerk, Porter Jacob Goodman, farmer, Brady David Grove, farmer, Henderson David Gilleland, laborer, Mapleton , Samuel Gregory, farmer, West Uauiel Varnish, farmer, Lincoln Jacob Harker, laborer, Lincoln Alexander Jackson, former, inekson James M. Johnson, farmer, Burros Abner Lloyd, farmer, Lincoln James Linn, farmer, Springfield William Locke, Jr., farmer, Springfield Samuel B. Linn, farmer, Springfield George Long, farmer, Penn Edward McHugh, manager, Carbon - R. G. Morrison, butcher, Huntingdon Nathan McCall, farmer, Lincoln _ Charles Porter, farmer, Porter James Peterson, farmer, Dublin John Peightal, laborer, Barree Samuel Raleton, tailor, Warrioremark John Rung, gentleman, West - Joseph Richardson, farmer, Tell Levi Ridenhour, farmer, Juniata Hugh Seeds, gentleman, Morrie • Anthony Sheetz, farmer, Lincoln James M. Stewart,-carpenter, Barrer, David A. Thompson, farmer, Henderson William Treater, laborer, Tell TRAVERST JUR IRB.-SECOND WEEK. John G. Boyer, merchant, Penn • ' • Henry Beaver, farmer, Lincoln Frederick Berkstresser, farmer, Line()ln - Jackson S. Beaver, farmer. Penn Anthony Cook, laborer, Carl) n Andrew Cat berry; farmer, Hopewell James G. Carothers, farmer, Brady • Edmond Cook, farmer, Cromwell William Fields, farmer, Mt. Union Philip Fisher, tanner, Clay Henry S. Green. farmer, Tod Samuel B. Garner, merchant, Penn Samuel Griesenger, farmer, Clay Wm. P. Goshorn, fernier, Tell B. F. Hazlet, inn keeper, Morris William Harper, merchant, Jackson' Joseph Isenberg, gentleman, Mortis, Andrew Johnston, J. P., Huntingdon Geo. W. Johnston, merchant, West John Johnston, farmer, Porter . David Mte, fence-maker, Crowwell Lorenz . ° D. Krigger, farmer, Lincoln Gen. 111imley, farmer, Cuss John McClure, laborer, Porter Nicholas Miller, Teamster, Penn - J. A. J. Postelthwnit, carpenter, Mt. Union Levi Piper. carpenter, Tell George IV.) Pelee, Winer, Clay , Levi Pheasant, farmer, Union William Quinn, shoemaker, West A. L. Rickets, farmer, Shirley James Road, farmer, Coalmont David Ramsey, carpenter, Barree 11. R. Sharer, merchant, Dublin, 11. H. Summers, farmer, Lincoln John B. Wakefield, farmer, Brady Where Does Your Patronage Go I Some four or five weeks, ago a Phil adelphia firm offered us fifty dollars if we would agree to influence our read ers through our local editorial columns to go to or send to the city for cloth ing, to tho injury of our owe dealers in this place and county. We refused the offer, believing it to be the first duty of a paper supported by the busi ness men of a town and county, to pro tect their interestnagainst foreign com petition. Business men out of our county can advertise in our column's as freely as • they please, but they must not expect to use us editorially to the injury of our business men and our people generally if you desire to build up a town, or make business suc cessful in any part of your county, you must help one another. Keep your money circulating; in your own town or neighborhood as long as you can— it may pass through your hands sec oral times But send it to the city and the merchants or mechanic's profits aro lost to you forever. 110 LISPENARD ST., { New YORK, ORtchar 13, 1867. DEAR SIR is with much pleasure that I say to you that I consider the Plantation Bitters oluntold value. In the fall of 1867 I was taken with the Chills and Fever, with the most severe pains in my chest and head. It was with great difficulty that I could breathe. My lungs were greatly distressed, and there was severe pain in my right side, by spells. I could hardly get up from my hail. I called a Dootor, who attended me all winter without the least benefit. About the first of August, I commenced using your Plantation Bitters—a wine glass full three dines a day—and have used it, most of the time since, and I am now well nod strong, able to do all my own work and the care of a largo family. Yours, &c., It SUSAN WILSOII. 1%/AGNOLIA WATER.—Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and cold nt half the price. tf .lit The N. W. Conferenrx,, of the Al legheny Synod of the Lutheran Church will convene (D V.) in the SL James Ev. Lutheran Church of this place, this (Tuesday) evening, 15th inst. Business sessions will open, Wednesday, a. m., at 8 o'clock, p. m., at 2 o'clock, &c. Preaching by mem bers of Conference as follows : Tues day evening. Wednesday at 1.01 a. mi 7in evening, &c. Open doors all tile time, and all aro kindly invited. Oysters J. Nelson Balt is ready to supply families with Canned and Shell Oys ters and Celery, at reasonable rates. Orders respectfully solicited. Canned Oysters can be had at I. D. Massey & Co's Grocery, or from him direct. It za-All persons desiring Furs of any quality, style, or price, can not fail of being suited by the mammoth stock just opened by FISHER & SoN3, To Be Given Away, A Barrel of Extra Family Flour, A Fifteen Dollar Family Bible, An Elephant, ABoyVEiney Pled, 4..P.air of Bantam Ohioltena, and - A - Marinnoth Mintstiok:' •, A Chance for any one of the Presents if you Purchase to the Amount of only 25 Oents If anybody will opr-as muckwe will in -,'" — ePeaSe'the - nUmber'and OW of our Presents. Any parson purchasing to the am• OUPIL of 25 Cents, or, °vox,. at either LEWIS' . 13061,1 STORE; Cir'MASSEY & Co's Grocery, Confectionery and Toy Store, up to and including the IsT DAY OF JANUARY, 1869, will receive a numbered card for every 25 Cents worth purchased, which entitle the holders to as many chances as they. have numbeifeti .carda;ta re ceite-Otle or more of , the abov'e.pres. ants. The goods on hand consist of Books, of all kinds, Funcy Articles . Musical Instruments, Perfumery, Wall Paper, Groceries of all kinds, Whitman's cel ebrated Confectionery, common Can dies, Fruits of all kinds, the greatest assortment of Toys in the county, etc , etc, etc, too numerous to mention. Our prices will be an low 10 . 19 . 1., lower elsewhere for the, same goods. The lucky 'nunib'erit' Will be announ ced in the papers the following week, Nato's your time to receive it handsome Present,' Cheap. Yl, Lowis & I. D. Massey & Co. Huntingdon, Dec. 14,1868 ;W:ar- GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, Call in one door west of Lewis' Book Store, and you will find a large assort ment of the hest Confectionery, Fruits, Groceries, Toys, &c., &c., too nu merous too mention.- tf 'I. D. AIASSEY'& CO: "Christmas cores. but once a year, And when it comes it brings good cheer." Bo ready for it by visiting Nlassey & Co's Variety Store, anti supplying yottesolfujth everything go:osl andpres ants Tor'yntir little ones. ti- 7- 45-^ The Best in the Market Choice fresh 14unes, Raisins, Currants, Dates, Peaches, Cranberries, Mince Boat, Citron, etc, next door to LowiS' Book Store. , 1.,D. &Co. va„Will open this week a chcneo ettnek.of Wkitinan'g edebrated Con. feet ionery. 1. D. MASSEY & Co To the Public It c „Sleiglis and Buggies for sale by DAVID MINGLE, 2t.* To LET —Two rooms en Alain Street Inquire at the GLOBE Wien. tf E :cafe- On the bit inst., LAURA, daughtor of James and Louisa S. Simpson, aged 2 years, 10 months and 1 day. At Huntingdon,' on the 2d inst., Mrs. JULIA M. Alitxs, wife of John Miles, Esq. , Mrs. Miles was born at Blockley, at the country seat .of her ,father. Mrs Miles was born on the 10th of September, 1703. She was the only daughter of Major Matthew Mc- Connell, who served with distinction in the war of the Revolution, front 1775 to the dis banding of the surly in 1783, except when disabled from naive ditty in the field in con• sequence of a severe wound received in the battle of Brendywine. Ifer mother, Ruth Call, resided at Philadelphia during the Rev olution, where she and her sister ao distin guished themselves in their exertions to re lieve our suffering soldiers that they received the thanks of eh:Continental Congress: Mrs. Miles Was, in many respects, a remarkable woman, possessed of great energy, witli a fine intellect sod cultivated taste; sprightly end genial in conversation. There was a charm in her society which was exceedingly attrac tive; her leading characteristic was unsel fishness; her heart e as always ofen to any appeal from the po ir or suffering, and she was always foremost in all thebenevolent en terprises, especially those of the Presbyterian Church, of which, for more than a quarter of a co. tury, Rho was a consistent member. Dur ing the Rebellion she took n lively interest in the welfare of our soldiers, and as a mem ber of the "Aid Society" rendered efficient service. Her reading, especially in early life, was extensive and thorough, nod having an extraordinary memory, there was scarcely an important event in history. of which she could not give a detailed and satisfactory account, collect in dates and every important particu lar. Since the year 1824 she has resided with her husband in Huntingdon. She tuns the mother of seven children—three of whom survive her. One of her sons—John Blan chard—the Colonel of the 40th P. Y., was killed at Spottsylvanin on the 10th of May, 1864. The last years of her life were years of bodily infirmity and suffering, which she bore with Christian fortitude. She died without pain and is gone it is humbly true toil, to he forever with the Lord. SPECIAL NOTICES. CAUSE AND EFFECT. Colds sire the effect of obstructed porspiration. The symptoms are so geneially imileistood,that nothing need be sold on that point. lint colds at. easily takon•and un less great care 18 exercised a secontV cold will Shea be contracted or lu other words, ono cold will run into an other, and& continued cough catsuo,briogiog oil strain ing and racking of the lungs, nod the production of tn boicled Altlt nigh in toy tllo.all'ii of ricots aro drif ting through theme aymptilint Litwin ilt I,llllll°m.y diwa sos of n dangerous character. yet Om majority think that they are tioubl d with nothing but an oril(uary cold, which will remedy irtalf and pads nosy. fatal delusion —the rock on oluclemsny n life has ben lost Poe to it at once that your cold is attended to. Coo 3118111,141t'S Illfltß HITTER:S,th° lout patent coined) ever• discos need fur Colds and Coughs, and eAurtain protection against the danger of taking them, If it is used regularly two or three times a cloy us it tonic. decl6-bo•l. pAI.NTS FOR FARMERS AND OTIIERS.—The Grafton Minton! Paint Company tun now manufactuting the Best, Cheapest And 11101 i Du- Table taint in use; two coats well put on, soloed with puro Linseed Oil, ulil last ten or fifteen ) ears ; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and con be changed to green, lead, stone, Mob, olive or or CCM, to soil OM taste of the consenter. It is valuable for ❑ou• see, Fences, Barns, a arriage and Cur mai:eta, Pails and Wooden-nate, Agricultatt al Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ships' Bottoms, Cantos, Metal awl Shingle hoofs. (It icing Fite and Witter proof.) Floor Oil Cloths, (ono Manufacturer having used 6.1140 ibis. the past year) arid as a point for any purpose is unsurpassed for bo ly, durability, elasticity and adhesiveness. Price $0 per hid. oral/ lbs., with% s% 11l supply a farmer for years to CUM. Warranted it all C 11903 as 11....0V C. :end for a Cif e Well gives fall particulats. Noun genuine unless branded in a trade tutu k, thaften Mim•rnt Paint. Per coos can order the Paha sod remit the money on re ceipt of the goods. Address IL L. FALLNESTOCIC k CO, Pittsburgh, Agents for Penns.) :UV. gar For solo by the pound or barrel at Lewis' Bask Storm novlBL3in J. J. KERR DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARIM tivtited with the utmoot /111CCOS4. by J. IoAACS. M. D.. and Proleamor of Theeases of the Eye and Aar in the Alecltcal College of Pennsylran la, 12 years exper ience, (formerly of Leyden, N .805 ARCH M., Ttetimonialu ettn ho teen at this office, Thu medical faculty m a invited to accompany their pa, [lents, as ho has nu secrete In 1115 inaction. Artificial ,Eyes Wetted without pain. No chargo for exatuivatiun. Jute 17,1808-13brq. TOYS, &c., &c DIED, ,IMARKETS - ._ , . • , „.,, ,q ~ ~, , . wuotraics 31,1 SET „, ~ , .1 ", ' . : , j , , - _ Pllll9ELValey No 1111868. ' Shperffile Flour at $5, g 5,50: extra at • 56,75; @ ft ftency Western extra family, $8.00(0, 50; Pennsylvania do do $10,75 and fano brands $11,00(013,00 according to quality Rye Mau . $7,50©51,00. , . . . There Is vet little Prime Wheat offering, and this de em ijnlon is in et. atly I eqliest atlnll Mices, but Inferior grades are neglected. Sales of 150$ bushels now red' at $1.9002,00, and 1600 bushels anther et $ 2 12. ' lIA is Mb shanged. Sales of 450 bushels new Western at $1,55. Coto is scare and advancing, yellow at $1,20 Western, mixed at 9ticts@l,oo. Oats are in good request at an ad. vancLO , Sales of 6010 bushels new Pennsylvania at70@7.5 cents. Nothing doing In Barley and Malt $2,00. .PlrMUfleoi, Dec. 11..—Plour.—Tho market is decreased. Wo quote sales of spring wheat Flour at . 513,00,018,50, winter Flour at $8.7410.00 fancy at $ 1 .2@12,50. , Wheat,..red, , 51.73®1,85 arid, for whlte,s $2,08,02,12 Coro from first handset $1,00:41.ye, $1,45 per bushel. Oats 6l@Q2c Barley, 2,05@52,10. Potatoes, reach Blew 6,75 bbl htimslBjh I teed 17e. Butter 130.15 e lb; Eggs 83 don, FINANCIAL. . Now Witt, Dee. 19.—Gold clOied at S4I6U; -. . , •HIINTINGDON MAR:kJ:ITS. , , • COIIIIECTED 10.E21{1.17' Int HENRY & CO. ' KIIOLEsALE miens. Superfine Flour, ...... ......$7.50 Feathers lil lb Exti a Flour, ...: ~ • 8 50 Flaxseed Fato II) Slone • it 50 (lops? lb ...... . ..... .... Bed Wheat, IUU Own, smoksal ...........n. . White Wheat,..... ....... -2,00 hay '6 ton 11,50 Apple Butter yi ga11....1;25 'Aid "0 hark per cot tl 8,00 [Argo Onions 11 bin 100 . Barley 1 2e Mixed Chop .' 20 Butter ', . ................ ..........40 , thos . 65 thenv clot "I,2sltotatoes vsi bus-...... 6001,00 Brooms " t i der • 3,uc04,,0 Plaster per ton • 10,00 Beeswax ?lb , 'lO Rags $1 lb 4 Beans 55 bus 'lOO, lt) e ............ ......... ...... -1,35 Chickens 25.1te Chop 'lB cwt . 2,30 :8 'Lye , RYAN/ bundle. 10 90 ellorts b 1 cet 1,50 Conn try 8 mp C0rn....... -• . . Coin Moat ;Ica L.........2;0 Shoulller DrlA'Apples .......:.2,25 Sides Deed Cherries gam t:...12 rah low— • ,not q lb Pcncl4es , at lb. 'bled Beef ' . . . . nek r r A lb 9 ll'ool - , 4 lb 40@45 • Broad Top Coal ll ton ...0 00 Pork v lb 11 Green Apples 7 f l run $l,OOl Gold tie,tl 11 t0n.... $9,00 CI. erseed "p ntilis Sli.soi Pig Motel le ton ' $33050 Slielllrn ks•B tt4 $2,001 :Ailnl,uutber 1000 ft....51261:30 llgre• •'s gle e , latpa,V do $1001:3 elleele.ll lb 4 .-20 " Joint, •• tii,,,f_46 spi,cIAL,NoTIGEI Messrs, LAZARUS & MORRIS' CELEBRATED , A Periected bpectacies AND • 3 - p3ria—lOrictfasegEi., „ • One of Ole nu en gill ho at The storo of their; {gent, • Mr. AARON! - STEWARD, Watchmaker and Jeweller, HUNTINGDON, PA..,, ONE 7D_A_Y" OST_DY, Monday, January 4, 1869. Ile attends for the purpom of a.a.isting Mr. AARON STEWARD in fitting till: eke in difficult or unooo ea ses. suffering Rom Impaired or ilideased vision are to ;mil them.' ve • of tilts oppintunity. ua . Our Spotaeles and E 3 e-0 hisses ate achnoulidged to be the molt perfect ivtsbitaitre to bight ever 111111111iiin ed, nod bill. alun3sbo relied 'upon ns nllytiling perhnt ea o tilt coinfort u bile ittongthwong and prowling the eyes timid dim "uglily. • We take occasion to notify the public that are employ NO PEDLARS, and to caution them 'against those ple tending to kayo our goods, lot mlo. GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, J CALDCILL & CO, J E WFL I 'llS t V. 9 002 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. In addition to their larg Inner n 1 Itaclt of FIN E W Arre LtEsm I A II ON Dd, J NW. ELRY, ARTISTIC SILVER WARES, PLATED GOODS, &c., &c., Ate now opening . II magnitiernt collection of FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, IN METAI, MARBLE, Decorated Glass, Leather and. GOLDEN ,BROPAZE, In SPLCIAL DESIGNS of OXIIII bite tobto. from oil gnat ten; of Europe. NI tieni.nly it noted fur their CHRISTMAS SALES. Onrvurnngetnouts. both in Europe awl this country, nro such as Rho us unusual facilities Lt the selection and •conetnicnt plwinctien or our stock. it is our WWI. ns sll.lllOl 0111 . 111tPleSt, to secure to our patrons the ben' lit of suLli advantages in- Modern Prices Troughout our Stock, WITHOUT EXCEPTION D. C. 9, 'l.Ol-tr. 727. OHESTNOT STREET = 727 Reduction in the Prices OF DRESS GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFER TO-DAY 50 Cases of Imported Dresa Fabrics, at 25 Cents per Yard, Worth Double the Price RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut street, MEM THE FARMERS' BOOK 149 beautiful illn,teation, I — .o octavo pages. Show lug ju,t %shut Wirt) . Fanner wants to know: 11.0 W TO-SIAKE THE FARM. PAY Send for chcolar gn lug muilc.criptiou. FARMERS! FARMERS' SONS! Experienced nook Agents and others wanted to take this book to every Former in every community. Busi ness permanent. Pays limn $13 , .. to $21./0 per month ac counting to experience null ability. Address, .1.1.301.E1t, MeOl.lltDY it: CO, Philadelphia, to., 0, Chicago. 111., or St. Loins, Mo. t fut,l9 Lossrs PROMPTLY PAID HUNTINGDON INSURANCE AGENCY. ARMITAGE & MoCARTHY, .UUNTIMMON, PA. nepresPnt tin mohe ',liable Companies hi the Coon tt y. Rates as IoW ms is . :0114iStetit I‘ith reliable intlemnit3. Nei, 2, OS. Capital Represented over $14,000,000. I. S. WATERMAN, Pr.OI , IIILTOII. Or Waterman's Cocktail and Tonic Bitters, ivholo,nto nua nous, No. 1106 Market Street, Philadelphia. ho 10,110 pl Opel ties of the. Bitters have !peen cot Wind to by home of our etnimint prod roltig plipocinito, no the best ton is noW 111 Ilse, and lime Cock tEtil lilttelS is am Ilnl -I,ors.ti fawn ito atnoug Judges of n good gin or uloisky coclotni,. nov4-3to. W ANTED--AGENTS-^ t i o"„ra Y r CUSHMAN iC CO'S GR AT, ONB DOLbAR, :STORE. Descriptive cheeks $lO per hundred. Consumers sop plied insect flout she manufactories, istid all goods nor mistral. CI cttlars sent fire. Address CUSHMAN .1. CO., 0t.28.121y. 10 Arch St, Boston. NEW SHAD, DRY SALT DER RING and Markeiel, (warranted.) thied Pean)ien, Cart ants, Prune 4, nait'ine. cit. lon, at PURY CO. ,• STATIONERY - •,; au -E A:. Lewis' Book Store, Hunting clod,' Pa.' 60 .$2 ..5 I t„ , •, ~__ _ _ '{fit .~1 _. ~7 SeVoid Books and,Stationery;PildeOlyipn 'poolo ; Mispellaneous Booke„o,(;gll )(Inds, MI6 k:l4ioks,' Sunday Inks f'a II kiudy, Nnti'ob l'erfnifiei7;" - Id Viihket r Onsichi in en Is; Wall "Paper, 'Window" Slidd 64 'Mid Fixtures; eto.rote.;•eta. • I: '-'4lloVilitf. 10 (L 11 ...,C, .1'1UL:I . ' •• ...,. ... . , • , •'.' • ! . c'''' f,.....„ 7.O Yr . „in ~,,..!„ Lio, „.....,,. f'' .- : .: i • l'' 1 . :'! ': ..; t J , 4. ,•' - :. '• • . •''' •:. - ' f. .:. :, ;_: • _. l 'fi• - 1 ( 1 AT-Fifi!NEIL'S. , CORNER OF .DIAMONO. z . . , • - - • --• •:-. DOE3.BOllB' ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH Makes a Lasting Shine. Iltoeo him black their boats on Fatimilay n Ight with ordinary blacking. don't Intro much Rhino on Sunday, ad the itehsh cade. off; hat the shine of DOBBINS' BLACKING- Lasts Saturday Night and all dzy Sunday. IT BEATS ANY oTurat Ith I.CKING Mannino trod only 1,3 d. B. DOISIIINS, at bin immense Snap and Mackin!". Wssi ha, Stith Stroct and dorman too si Acorns% Philadelphia. p ar side by Ibbyey A Go., aljoinin g howls' Book Stun, Huntingdon, Pa. novIS JONES ROUSE,: PENNSYLVANIA. • Tim milletsignoil In tying leased the ab ice popular and well know n It niter, which Ws been thoroughly repaired null gicatly implored. wi well an entirely refurnished thiough, lit w lilt eleg.tilt new rut nittire,inehiding all the appointments °la litat el4w, llotel. will be really for the reLepti ui of guests, en and alter the 15111 of Nos unibtr, lOUS. 1101 , 4-310. THOMAS FARLEY; PROPRIETOR. BEANS! BEANS!! BEANS!!! obtained n new 1%11103 or WHITE SOW BEANS, will divuso of them (put up to sack.) at tho following totes; I pound, (sufficient to rolso 1 bushel) Postage pre paid. SO cents; 2 pounds 75 cents; 3 pounds $l,OO ; b pounds (I gal) 02,00; 10 pound., &Uccle,' to Express utlico,) $3 00 ; 3C,,bushel $0,50 ; 1 bushel $12,00. at Ist 01 June. drills 211 Inches apart, average from ti to S grains per foot. 'Will ripen in about 60 to 15 0035. I I lie cash invariably to acdompany the order. Name and Post Mice aoldress t legibly n Wen. Send soon, as my stuck is liniited. ; , • Address.3ollN 11..SILENEFE'Ll . Ott. 21, 3 6S—an Orbisoula,'llunting - olon County, Pa. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY H. ROBLEY MEACECANT TAILOit, Las removed to 11111 &toot, Huntingdon dom• east of Hui Post Office whet o ho Is- i' epartid to do till kinds work in his lino of business. lie has Just recoil ed it full line of :CLOTHS, • • , • CASSLIIERS, OVE ROQATINGS, &e., and be Invitee a call from tho public, promising to #mko guodd to order in a wralsmanllko nmuur.r... • - - : „u. IOBLRY, - • , Merchant 'Pallor. Iluntlopdon, Pa., Oct. Ttb, 1808. ". ITEADQUART.ERS ma Choice Groceries, Candies* Toys, &e IS AT D. AFRICA & FAMILY GROCERY. CONFECTIONERY AND VA Rl= srare E, lIUNTINGDON, PA. • Our stock consists of all kinds 'of Groceries ; Teas; Spi ces. Gunned and Dried Si nits. Cider Vinegar, Gamut and Fancy Soaps, of all kinds. flair Oil; Perfumery, ('en Knives. Pocket Books, Sc. Call and Ole mu - stock, nod take a view of our splendid Min Ole Soda Fountain. Don't rut gel the place—north-etut corner of Dimond. Huntingdon, Juno 21-ly - D. AVitl CA & CO. Phi'gulch MI NOTICE. - To HORSEMEN and FARMERS, Tilt R. 808 WS GREAT ROME it POIID It will core the wore. Unite. Cots nod Upon Soros on Horses nod Cattle, front ono to nix d F, ice 50 Cents per box. NO CURE I No PAY I Sold by all Druggit-tzt Ail order. promptly attimded to by coil. Office 54 North Sixth Street, 3d Ploor,. PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. ouigert3, 1011 W D vne, W. U. WOODS, W. D. Leta, J. 1.3114 SOII7II, R. 311Lroal klaten, P. Al. DUE. JOHN BARE & CO., 33 Oa) 3a. 4a. at 7 HUNTINGDON, PA. CAPITAL - - $50,000. Solicit accetiola from Santis, Bankers and othei I. A liberal Interest allowed on time Deposit.. All kinds of Securities, bought tylal eclat for filo aynal comaiisslon.— Collections made on sill points. Plaits ou all parts of Europe supplied nt the 11811411 taxes. Persons depositing dold nod Silver will li3Ccivo the some in return with intermit. TA) value's tech jndivul• unlly liable for all Pcpcwits. jy22,la6i.tf cg,T9-3P.„AYJK.,II' Celebrated Iron Frame Piano's, Wareroomp, No. 722 Azch St., Phila. llas received the Elise Medal of the World's Orent Exhi bition, London, Eng. • The highest Pri7,o3 awarded when and wherever exhibted. [Estsid hilted 1823.) . sept.3o;bB.3lll. \\IMER & WIZYS lIIMIEST PREMIUM YpctiX :VIM Niachilles, Received r the (ally , p:2Lp , , MEDAL at the 'PAit - iSIittPOE,ITION, j 1867. They aro adapted to all kinds of Family Ea..lng, and to the me of Feemstr, uses, Dressmakers, T.4ilms, Manu facturers of Pith ts, Collets, Tin Is, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hats. cap 4, Curvets, Linen Goods ; Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. Thep aof L equally a ell upon silk, linen, mgen and cotton goods, uith silk , Cotton or linen thread. They a ill seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, brithlr WOO end perferm every spoeffs ofsawia g , r a o kin 14auttful end pet feet stitch, alike onc bOili dcs of the th le sewed The (polities nhich recommend them are: 1. Beauty end excellence of stitch, al he ou both sides of the fain is toned. 2. 2t n ngth ? ,Grtuness and durability, of .seam, that will not iip - nor ravel.;! • L • 3 Economy of Thrind: 4. Attachments and smile range of application to purpo • see and materials. 5. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of noustruction. 7. Speed, mar of Weratiou and nutuageal6nt, nnd_aulet• tiers of rhaioneh C.' lastructicns foes to all. Machines 414 in repair ono year tree of charge. 11. B. LEWIS, Agent, EMI CLAZIER & BRO., D r .A.LEIVE, IN pRkG - O . Os,DREs:3 00.0.45, NOTIONS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, HAS AND CAPS, •,.13007'4",and !VIDES,' ORai: • •-• CERIES,QUEENSWARE, WOOD , AND. WILLOW WARE, ,cpc. :Pniticvla'imt.n)ioiirs-Wdi , ;i6'l , ll.:4 , Loi . l.eVadads and House Fu I IliShing Goods. We can sell goods this Winter throughout, at lower 11g. Ince than they have reached fur six years, , Our pi ices are as follows /i • . :; calico and Muslin, from 8 etc. upward. Yard vi ide bleaclual Muslin litiA eta. Yard wide unbleached cts. „ Heavy yard with, Sheeting, 14 to 15 etc. 'lies yaul Bleached Muslin, 15 ' 19 to 20 eta' • 'Wide ,11 twist:Ha Paola - only 10 eta. , _ Best Qualities Prints, 11% to 15 eta. 104 White Wool Blankets, $l,OO pr. Heavy Double Wout. :Goulds, 94,00 $5 00 So. Block lilpitecit; fronr9s - ctvup. Wool Plaid Double Width, 50 eta. Heavy Plaid Poplin, $l,OO Other Goods In proportion. ' Washington street, near the Jail. Please, call nod exnnli»e ; and, if you are not convinced it is to your hotel est to buy front u 9, do not do so. GLAZIER Si BRO. llnutlitgilini, Oct. 21,1865. ''• 1808. 1868. CLOTHING, ;Pi7. LI H. ROMAN. NJ CLOTLI,IN•G-n FOR FALL AND WINTER, RRCEIVED AT 11, ROM A.N!-S- • , • , • • . • • ~ • • ; ; • • ' WIEAP ,671 , 0.TiliNG: For Gentlemen's Cloth ing of the best materialorni made in the beat workmanlike manner, call at R o,:g A N' S, opimmlte t Franklin House in Market Striare, - Ilanting don, Va._ BACK AGAIN!' . . NEW STORE and NEW GOODS! Benjamin Jacobs Respectfully informs his old Blends and the public gem rally, that he has again Incited iu the-borough of llUaTapueON. end has opened a 'very bilge hint entire new • mock nrOoods -iii Saxton's Stein Boom 'opposite Leafs' Beek Stem consisting of , DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTII• ING, HATS and OAPS, BOOTS • and SHOES, QUEENS WARE; and ;EVERY; VARIETT:Or ' 'GOODS . ' Tq be found in the best stores in the.:placo, all 'of ;Odell he a ill sell at prices to milt the times, and hopes to re• ceive a liberal Oldie of pattonoge front a generous isolate. Ben't forget to give me a cull and I stilt try to please )en with Hoods and pikes. - - BENJAMIN JACOBS. Sept. 30, 1868• • • , `,e ' Can't Be Beatenl J JOHN H. WESTBROOK Respectfully Informs the citizens of Huntingdon azd vicinity that he hasjust received tom the city a liztv and splendid stuck of GROCERIES CONFECTIONERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, s,'Cariet - Sacks, . Trunks, (&c• (.6e.ct.c ) 71 &c., • all of which lie Is prepared toren at greatly reduced pikes: Don't forget the old stood In the Diamond. Old custo mere foul tim public genet ally arc invited to call:: litaitingdon,qmt. 28, 1868. . GEO. SHAEFFER flan Jost teturned nom Ow cast with ti.glft SPLENDID STOCK BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, 4:C., Which he offers to the inspection of his customers and the publiogcticially. no will 801 l his stock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchaße once will surel,y . cull again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE 'TOVHDER, and REPAIRING done In the neatest nod most expedi tious manner.. Call upon Mr. Sclicer_at his tiap . iin f ew doors west of the Diamoad.. Oct. 18, 180, N EN BOOT AND SNOB STORE. 'WM. AFRICA: .• Informs the public• that be bas 'Just • opoucd at hie old eland in the Diamond, Run liagden, A Fine Assorting, of all Mails - of BOOTS AND ;,SHOES; - For TJadies, Gentlemen and Children. • of which he will sell at fair prices. Quick sales and small profile. , mid examine my stock. - Manufacturing and Repoli tug done to order as _usual. Iltiatingdon, Oct. 28, 1868. Desirable Building Lots For Sale. rORTY-TIIREE BUILDING LOTS, situate in the borough of MARYSVILLE, Petry CO., Penna., flouting on Main street and extending to the tbisenelinnue river. They are the most desirable located Lots in the borough, being :immediately adjacent to the statoins of the Penns3lvania Central and Northern CCII T hi al Railroads. . . For further information in itire of D. 0 EIB at Marys ville station ' or to BENJAMIN BEIFS, 116 South Front t out, Shiladelphi.t. nol-31n* I-I OOP SHIRTS MADE AT HOME ! 1 1 11 E undersigned has pqmineneod the manufacture of Hoop Skirts at the Millinery Store, on 11111 Street, Huntingdon, and will constantly keep on hand an assortment of all kinds, or make to order any do, bred—thus giving ladies an opportunity of plemlng thotmell es in size and quality. All will Ge made of the best material math, the most, worktuattl Ike manner, The Jodies are requested, to call. 4 1- &'AiBo, DTPAIRINO DONE at short nottco.-all N. —ladies Twitting at a distance can have skirts sent by express by forwarding mammon:tent of hips, waist : length to front, and st)le required, whether for walking, full dress, or g• uncut use. J 0 .3 EPII lIANIO All, se3o,3m Huntingdon, Pa. R A". the highest price will bo pnid in cash rot: Dark by Jai HENRY k CO. Hoop Skirts. Hoop Skirts. Beet 30 Spring, White, ® 76e - . z jet° At HONEY Chebyi - O,r; t1)01110-th-eYget-t ' BAEWLINg!' Atiena=mcicAkt istBvA, ,• ,jrc. ; sl Ad of-Lniizliqgfilli , ',o4,4 T A4oo .-, tray c!) We ai'e ,now -offeringncintirim mense and- well-UssoftediiitlYdkkbf Goods, at' ihdrou&h.li - ieSdect •TP. • 4 pq.. unprecedented ',;j:oxy„pr,l,Cep ; our: superior facilities , enablingius tb '-eOmpete- successfully Witlrtike , • -1;1;;,1' , Our sloCk.cons,istp of Grocerms, Dry Goods, liardWare, ..Queehswnre, Glassware, OHIO* and Cedar Ware, .RUgii • isid , ;Door-Mats, q drocksi:Jugs, Stoves, Tirrsiiare,.lttni,7SteekV6,ilVGli4s, Putty; '9,il,% r Pnif,it'4 . ,,D:rugS,V j oAr, 'B4c, all, ili- { grot Nariety,,,ati pkicesythati,will4mt failto conii t umbfki' :Ws 7 ,Aike also deillink, 'all: 1 1(4114:0; 3 0p these commodities being..suppripr to qny:other firm HmititigdOh. We 'Claim' them a.,,'i.nbl i AttMfan. ;TklijAi,,;'none j can compete with ',us.-.'r' 11 J 79 'We buy ' all kin " i GrAiii, • Seeds, highest' market .:fate's,:'allcli e,We the -highest • prices in , Goods (for Produce :of all - kinds:n -Do -tnbt ITUNTINGtO.I% Pi AIR to aitll'iiiicl'64Alliiyie:crp'sp§k anti, j 1 1 3 ;;; oct2B ;Lte rplIE undersigned' mioulil announce that,lnnonnectionmlth theIrITANNBRY, they hate Just opened a ?p . l.lll . l:alrf . t . m . ontgff rq FINE LEATHER, .Cons la part, of FRENCII CALF SKIN, KIF,„ f • • ' , , . LININGS, . BINDINGS, - •‘''' '"" '"' HARNESS, • •• Tozothor with a general assortmoit - • .• • Tho trade is Invited to ma'am' examint6inr sfoekai Store on LIILL street, two doors west of tl)5 Prestzto rim clitirell. ; . Thu highout price paid for lIIDE3 and ly‘ltK.. • SON:; Huntin g don, 9ct: 23, 1368, , A W,ML' B. Zglq4E.l3l FllflliShing, Fancy, RfiSES GOOD& " Amens, Poplins, Plaids, Del nines,,l.nlyno;llingliams, Prints, lino Cumbria; Muslins, Duulms , One p cainns. IndJA ap,, i A largo alzortment of - ' • Indies' Fashionable Dress - Trimmings. _Silk n ingea, Inittons. Ougles,'Velvet Ribbons, eie:ll Fursibbi Lig Goods, Stockings,,3loteno,otton Wool s do • • NW 'of all Wore, Silk; Thrend, , Cutton;4co.,' tof.all and latest styles, l Under garineyil o f all klatleyj'ar Ift dles. Gents nod Oh(linen. ,• .1;t1t;to Llned; hemline; Napkins. Doylies, ko.l: Fain - ding awl Shirting, Damn and Blenched/Cron:l,B cents,9ll,.. 61raa:vi:acAd s : A largo stock Of the Ititent etilpe. 7 A l laigO'et r oilt Notione, Zephyrs, Yarns, dc, , All aherweri thancthe "Ohonpeet„ , gay-Roorn, oppottto thaTirsi Natio ... nil-Mink, Hinting , d° " , P ". • , 11 7 7 ' , tf.: West liurititigoiloli,,FOgiktiY. • 'IA MEgTINIPSOX'• PLOWS, THRESHING &ACIHI•NES, FARM BELLE, SLED .AND.SLEICTIIEOLES:i • 9 WAGON BOXES, IRON METTLFA, eas,tiziges For Furnaces, Forges, Grist Mid • and Brickyards • • is 2 AND. JOB ,*9.Fac.j7;-,0-4.PE.W+ AIIQIIIT.ECTU ' IIAL OTINJOIEN'iAL Ir'on POrticos and ,Terandalia; " ' " , • Ilalconieii Columns and DropcOrnament. for.wocdeti porticos and verandahs, ' Window Lintels nod Stile, • • ' • "•-• Cost Ornainonts for wooden lyitoln, 'll . . . Collar Window Guards , . •,, Chimney Tops and Flues, • , Posh Weights, Carpet Strips Itogistets, floaters, Coat G cafes, ' - . Vault Castings,for 'cold and wood. cellata, Arbors, Tree-boxes, I.amp-posts, Hitching-pasts Iron Hailing Tor porticos, vernuttalob balconios, flower beds, ; Yard and Ceinctiry Fences, etc.' . , . • • Particular al teniion paid to fencing o.i:li/erg . tocs: Address •- ' • '• • JAMES .431PSMS,' (1-1 CZEI Pal* TICE TO' ALL HELL STREET MARKET; .OPPOSITE 7111: FIRST NATIONAL BANK • G.. MORRISON 'respei3tfu*.irV.- libe, forms the'!citizens oflinutiiigiloir aind viclnft* that he continues the meat iumket business in all its va , rious branches, and null keep constantly on hand Fresh Beef, Pork, Pudding and Sausage, salt r Beef and Polk, Canned Fruit and Vegetables, - Spices of nit kind♦, Catsup? and Sauces, Teas Soaps, Cheese, Sale Dud, An of oWeli ho urn continue to sell at reasonahle'.prices Tho highost prices paid for hides nod tallow. irltotnal COUR, at Alexandria, and March 4 Ilru., at Coffee Iturii are nth agents to purchase at their places. • Tlumhlul tn. past patronage, I solicit a con tlnitakert'Cif tho .1110. It. o.l.loltltlaiON ' Huntingdon, Oct. 23, 1867. rprili NATIONALMALL' • • - -HUNTINGDON, PA • t This -gestaurart situated at the . donhead'ef Franklin street, in thy borenglt of Hunt., tend is open daring the day and evening. ma heat of Wines, 'XX. Ale and Lancaster Beer: The table aill Ineanpplied with the beet fare fur the public, alicl.tim, propriotorn will matte these echo cull on (hem feel nt will be opened foC Festival', Parties, Amusement", etc. • • ItIOIFFEIik'SON.S. Oct. 14, 1761-3 in, I!repyietrds tRf• Per nent JOB : PRINT/NG, call at the "GLont,Jou • PR[NTINr-, intl^.Z,",a Z Ilumc tingdon, Pa. " """ t`baof) , Hc;; . 77 or.? .11 -• • ir •":, r hENOY . 8C CO - 11' f I =I OM DEA.LEII . I"..? IMBIE 4 107 - .1C)17.0..53;: = ME 4,inltingclon, '1%4 =I • I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers