aalle. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Aug. 26, 1868, LOCAL & PERSONAL. Republican COunty 'committee Alexandria—J. H. Kennedy, Myers Miles. Birmingham—Thomas McCohen J. R. Thompson. Brady—David Rimier, Caleb Wakefield. Barrels— Dr. Joseph Wilson, Berton Green. Broad Top City—Charles Horton ' Henry Cook. Carbon—Jonah J. Reed, Samuel Donaldson. Cass—Christian Miller, Benjamin Fink. - Cassrille—A. L. Gnus, A. W. Evans.j Cloy—Samuel McVitty, D. S. Stevens. Cromwell—Luther Illleman,John Kelly. Coalmont— Levi Evans, Richard Owens. Dublin—William Hudson, George Jell leo. Franklin—John Laport, Samuel Wigton. Henderson—Henry B. Miller, John Niglitsvino. Bogen ell—George Berkstresser, W. W. liuyeart. Huntingdon, E. W.—K. M. King, Joseph Carmen. Huntingdon,W. W.—W.F. Johnston, W K. Enrchinell Jackson—Jackson Harmon, John Ayres. Juniata—A. B. Shinerelt, Levi Ridenour. Lincoln—George W. Shontz, John Kellerman. - Morris—P. K. famish, Dr. S. Thompson. Mt. Union Borough—John G. &own t, Robert Myers. Mt. Union District—Benjamin Davis, John C. Snyder. Mapleton—William 11. Ran, Allison Heeler. Oneida—Henry %Gilson, James Foster. Orbisonia—James J. Burkett, Thomas M. Kelly. Porter—Robert Spear, Henry Grans. Petersburg—Wm. Moore, Joe. M. Stevens. Penn—John G. Boyer, S. B. Garner. Shirleysburg—Wm. B. Lens, David Douglass. Shirley Towuship—John X. Lutz, William Piper. Springfield—l:nitride:l Baker,'Jackson Lambertson. Tell—A.G. Briggs, Levi Piper. Tod—Henry S. Green, Jonathan Evans. Union—S. IL Pheasant, T. P. Smith. Upper West—Thomas Montgomery, T. P. Love. Lower West—William Strjkor, James Green. Warriorsmark—Jacob Crider, Samuel Ralston. Walker—James Ward, 31. IL Sangre°. IL C. WEAVER, Chairman. Meeting of Committee The members of the Committee are earnestly requested to meet in the Court Rouse on THURSDAY, SErrs:unmt 3d, at 2 o'clock, r. f.f., when business of importance will be laid before them. 11. C. WEAVER, Chairman. nuntingdon, August 24, 1868. 1:1= Read the poetry on the first page. All but the "lovingly," Bra. Trough. Eee call of Chairman of County Committee. Huntingdon is the place to see beautiful sun-sets. Female counterfeiters are about in the ci ties. Rice is said to be both a preventive and cure of "bowel complaints." The brick work on Smith's large building was commenced on Friday last. The Catholic Church in Tyrone is being frescoed. Pitching hot shell at each other: the Reg ister and Standard of Blair county. The Democrats went to Africa fur a candi date for Sheriff. Valuable real estate fur sale. See adver tising colurtins. A woman in Alexandria, Va., who was suffering from neuralg'a, sought relief from chloroform. She took an overdose and died. ' A fine barrel mare was recently stolen from the field of Michael Achley, in Wayne town abip,-Miffiln county. A cynic thus describes woman—a circle of several yards, with a:pair of yard-arms at.the top. Mucilage put on a mosquito bite is 4aid to relieve it instantly. The best plan is muti late the mosquito. Tht; Presbyterian Sunday Scipio] will bold a basket picnic at Pleasant Grove on Friday next. The general iinpression is that the fall trade will be good. It will be better if the merchants advertise properly. Our fiend and former neighbor W. E. Dorsey has engaged in the Store and Tinware business in St. Cloud, Minnesota. We wish him success. Six tons' weight of newspapers were de stroyed on Thursday last- near Bethlehem, Pa., by the mail ear taking fire on the thro' mail from New, York bythemest. If honest men are only "one in a thousand" how many of them are there in Huntingdon ? A problem for a:schoolboy and his arithme tic.- • . An error occurred in tho-list ' of delegates to the Republican Convention as published last week. A.P. White and Elishn Shoema ker were the delegates from Oneida. A-man Elio will not enbourago opr own mechanics and bbsiness'meb, ehpuld' be.left to the mercy of stranger's for 'his bread and butter. An exchange =asks, ."I"i'hy do women store at eath.nther in" the manner the'y do ?" It might.ai :weir have . naked, "Why do, men stare at women the way they do?' A man in Blair county, raised apricots measuring eix to eight' inches - 1n circumfer ende;:an'd from,trot? jhree.inches'in diame ter: .JOhn Ceisna is the'Reptiblican candidate for Congress r in,the Bedford- district. We wouldn't be surprised if he is a Candidate for President soma day. The report radda'to the Great Council of Pennsylvania Order of Red Men, Shows that there are about ninety_ subordinate Councils in the State, with a membership of ip,odo. The Order of the Junior Sone of America has•inereased over One hundred per cent du ring ths.past.year.., George Nest Blalt'e, of Philadelphia, is the Piesident for the present The Hollidaysburg Register advises'the fire young mon who were recently.adraitted to the bar of this county, to "go to'farming, or to serve an apprinticeship to some' useful trade." It and them for it. - . . The• Pennsylvania railways returned their aggregate receipts at $52,000,000; and their cost at $222,000,000, which represents a ratio of between twenty-three and twenty-four per -cent. Some person NT ith thievish intent, entered the residence of Mr. McK. Williamson, in this borough, on Tuesday night last, but breaking some glass he got frightened and stole away. We stopped at the Poor House on Friday last, and found everybody as comfortable as could be expected. Mr. Logan keeps things in order and has the reputation of being a first•rate steward. Our young friend Orlando L. Swoop has opened out a Hardivare Store in Tyrone, Pa. Orlando has got the go-ahead spirit that pushes a man along, and we expect to hear of him prospering. A gentleman who has been keeping posted informs us that the third Saturday of this month was the twenty-third time in twenty three successive years that it rained on that particular day. - The' total number of emigrants who passed over the Perlsylvania railroad from the let day ofJanuary to the 31st day of July, is given at 17,103. Nearly one hundred have got off and remained here. ' Support your home newspaper, patronize home industry, and you will be a good citizen and a happy man, with plenty of friends, and plenty do. Business men, remember this, when you send your patronage abroad. H. C. Weaver is putting up a brick dwell ing in West Huntingdon. The colored school house of brick in the same place, is nearly completed, and many more frame buildings going up, and going to come. Let 'em come. A drunken man entered Marsh's tailoring establishment ou Friday evening last, and deliberately torn a piece of broadcloth, com pletely damaging it. Showing some pugilism afterwards, he was taken hold of, and landed in the street, Ex. Gov. Curtin has been elected President of the East India Telegraph Company with a salary of $lO,OOO a year. Ills company connects the cities of the Chinese coast, un, der a special grant, and leading capitalists of New York and Philadelphia halo taken the un tiro atovh, Court Proceedings The following cases wore disposed of at the August Sessions : Corn vs Samuel Secrist and Miry L. Secrist, indicted for larceny. Verdict not guilty. James Stevens, indicted fur burglary and larceny, District Attorney entered nollo prosequi. Robert Wilson, indicted for assault and battery on an officer, was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of 85 and costs, and undergo an imprison. ment in the county jail for 3 months. William Chilton, indicted forlarceny was found guilty and sent as a proper subject for the 'House of Refuge in Philadelphia. Sylvester Butler,indicted for cutting down timber, found guilty, but reasons for a new trial were filed. Robert Wilson, indicted for assault and battery, found guilty, and senten ced to ono additional month's impris onment. ' Catharine Silknitter, indicted for assault and battery. Not a true bill, and prosecutrix, Sarah Silknitter,•pay costs. Sarah Silknitter, indicted for assault and battery. Not a true bill, and prosecutrix, Catharine Silknitter, pay costs. Wm. Halo was indicted for assault and battery. Not taken. • Samuel DoArmitt, indicted for es cape, plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs, and ono week's imprisonment in county jail.— Seeond indictment, larceny; plead guil ty, and sentenced to pay a fine of $lOO and costs, and undergo four years' im prisonment in the Western Peniten tiary. John Sturtzman, indicted for assault and battery, was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of 81 and costs. Samuel Kyle, indicted for fornica tion and bastardy. Dist. Attorney,on settlement by the parties, entered a nolle prosequi. Win. Sturtzman, indicted for assault and battery. Not a truo bill, prosecu trix, Kezia Docker, pay costs. Kazin Decker, indicted for assault and battery. Not- a true bill, and prosecutor, Win. Sturtzman, pay the costs. Look to Your Interests We have mon and women in town who work against their own and the intorestsof the town and county. Busi ness prospers—lives—if encouraged. But how many of our citizens aro in the regular habit of patronizing the city mechanics and merchants in pref erence to our own ? The property owners and those too who have busi ness rooms to rent, expect, the business and prosperity of the town will add to the value of their property and the in crease of their rents—but they order from the city merchants and mechan• les the articles wanted for themselves and families, thus denying our own merchants and mechanics the encour agement and support they are entitled to receive from men who desire to be considered good and useful citizens. Some of our merchants, mechanics, and men in other business, are also censur able for denying some of their fellow citizens the encouragement they are. entitled 'to. The local press is an in stitution made use of by everybody— it is often used as public property to advance the interests of the town and country—often a free puffing machine for everybody, to bring dollars to the pockets of everybody but the printer. Yet, there are those in town who, to se. e 0 - ii or two per cent., send their job printing to Philadelphia, and have it done, perhaps not as well as it could be done at home. Such business men should be knoWn to all our citizens, and especially to the printers, and all favors denied them by the press. The man who encourages his fellow-citi zens to the extent of his ability is a true friend to the interests of the town and surrounding country—but the man .who will take and not give, the sooner his place is occupied by another more generous, the better it would be for the largo majority of the people. There is room for a great reform in the busi ness of our town, and we want every body to strike at the root of a practice injurious to the success of our business people and citizens generally. Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad We aro pleased to note that the business transacted on this road during this season is flattering. The amount of travel to the Springs and. between has been almost double what it has been in previous years, and the amount of coal now being carried is from twelve to sixteen hundred tons daily. Besides this . the freight of iron ore from MeConnellstown, Marklosburg and Bloody Run, is about five times greater, with fair prospects of an in crease in this and other tonnage. The road is well managed under the Superintendence of Mr. J. McKillips. Trains aro running regularly and the fear of accidents is dispelled by the as• suranco that the trestles aro kept in good repair. We have found the rail road officials in all capacities, to be ac cominodating in the first degree, and it is a pleasure to go over the road, if for nothing else than a round trip to make their acquaintance. A New Lodge Opened. We were present at the opening of Orbisonia Lodge, I. 0. of O. F. No. 640, at, Orbisonia this county, on Friday last, and had a very pleasant time. The dedication . took - place in the afternoon in the presence of Brothers from. other Lodges, and a number of , the Maoris, ladies and gentlemen, of the neighbor hood. In_ the evening elective offi -cers were installed, and appointments made, as follows: D. S. Baker, N. G; W. S. Thompson, V. G; Jas. Hamilton, Secretary; Samuel Weight, Assistant Secretary; Win, Gilliland, Treasurer; Robert Gehrett, W; George raker, I. 13; Joshua Bucher, 0. G; T. M. Kelly, R. S. N. G; R S. Star, L. S. N. G; Geo. W. Cornelius, .f.Z. S. V. G; Philip Ka bis, L. S. V. G; R. S. Star, T. M. Kelly, Robert H. Gehrett, Trustees. Pardoned from the Penitentiary. The pardon papers, signed by Gov. Geary, of Nicholas Campbell, incarcer ated in the Western Penitentiary, in Allegheny City, arrived there a day or two ago, and the prisoner was releati ed from conanemont. Campbell was sentenced from 11.untingdon county on the 19th of April, 1.8Q1), for a term of three years for larceny arid escape, and consequently would have had over pno year and a half to servo. For neat JOB PRINTING, call a the "GLOBE JOB PROMO Oreteg," at HUI titty,deu, The Soldiers , County Committee Tho following gentlemen, late of the Union Army have been appointed an Executivo Committee for B.untingdon county for the campaign, on behalf of their leader, Gon. Grant : J. R. Simpson, E. W., Huntingdon. Lieut. IL 0. Weaver, W. W. William Wilson, Tell township. Capt. D. R. P. Neely, Dublin " Lieut. Sarni. Cloyd, Cromwell " E. Baker, Springfield " Capt. Jos. Johnston, Petersburg borough.• 11. Benner, Brady township. William Numer, Henderson " Lieut. J. T. Foster, Oneida " Lieut. A, AV. Kenyon, Barreo " Wm. McElroy, Jackson " James Gifford, Porter " Lieut. H, Johnson, Uppe* West" Wm. Stryker, LowOrTost" A. Hall, Tod Amon Houck, Carbon " Geo. Berkstressor, Hopewell " G. W. Shontz, Lincoln " D. N. Garner, Penn Capt. John Brewster, Walker " J. Shenefelt, Juniata " G. Bowers(); Shirleysburg borough. John %.•Lutz, Shirley township. Capt. 11. B. Jeffries, Mt. Union borough. Lieut. P. Shaver, S. C. Holing, " district. S. W. Gettys, Mapleton borough. B. F, Clark, CMS township. James Glasgow, Cassville borough. Samuel BlcCune, Franklin township. Capt. Thos. McCahan,Birmingham borough. H. Yingling, Warriormark twp. W. F. JOIIMSTON, Chairman. A Narrow Escape On Tuesday afternoon last while Mr. Thomas Burchinell's carriage, contain ing five parsons, was eressigg the rail road track near Henry S. Co's Storo, freight train suddenly came along, and struck the hind wheel of the coach. The occupants of the carriage were un injured, but of course badly frightened, and had not Moses the driver, got out and held the horses, which were going backward, the body of the carriage would have been struck, and the four ladies might have been killed or seri ously injured. This is a very dangerous crossing— accidents have occurred, and will yet occur, unless the Railroad Company do something to prevent them. A watchman is needed to notify drivel's of the approach of a train, and we hope the Company will station one there and not imperil the lives of our citizens any longer. Just the Place. We believe that we can say nothing bettor than the above, to denote our feelings when on a trip to Bloody Run, on the Broad Top Road, we hung up our hat at the hotel kept by Mr. C. Snell, formerly of the Jackson 1101180 of this place. his house is pleasantly situated at the western end of that thriving town, and we can commend it as just the place to find ample and extra accommodations for "man and beast," and then the eating—well, it won't do for us to say, as wo might a tale unfold about ourself—but it is tip top, showing that Mr. S. and his lady know just how to cater to the appe tites of their guests. All who stop with Mr. Snell will find him a land lord in the most pleasant sense of that term, and if you stay once you will want to call again. Sound and Sensible. Would you have some genuine en tertainment? Read the Illustrated Phrenological Journal for August— Now Ready—containing Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Ole Bull, Na poleon 111., Bismark ' Ludwig 11. of Bavaria; the Prussian General Moltke; Viseher the German esthetic scholar; Garibaldi, IL D. Stratton, James D. B. Do Bow, and of others; Patterson on Phrenology; Faith in God; Murder of the Innocents; Self-Culture, Brain or Muscle, Ideality and Sublimity, Poets and. .Ppetry ; Are You a Romanist; Living for a purpose ; What is a change of heart? A very interesting Number. $3 a year, or $1.50 for a half year. Ad dress, S. R. Wells, New_York. Robbery in Daylight. On Friday afternoon last, an indi vidual in female attire (we can hardly think it was a woman) entered the dwelling house of Mr. Daniel Newiug ham, in the Diamond, went up stairs, ransacked the pockets of one of the in mates; and ,stole about throe dollars from a pocket book. This is the bold est robbery we have ever chronicled, to be done in broad daylight and in a house in the most public portion, of the town. The thief was seen to enter, but no suspicion rested upon her, as it was supposed she was a visitor. Duty It is a duty we owe to ourselves, as well as those who aro dependent upon us, to preserve our health and strength. Speer's "Standard Wine Bitters" are found tobo an unfailing and valuableas sistan t in maintaining the vigor of the system, and in keeping it in tone. Sold by Druggists and Grocers. Try Royal Baking Powder It is the best in use for cooking, and is -cheaper and much bettor than Cream Tarter and Soda. It is for sale at Huntingdon by Henry & Co., Win. Lewis, Josiah Cunningham, and at Dudley by D. Blair. July2B, .1868-4 t. Aa' Read, Weakly "Sharp-Shooter."— Novel, Practical and Awfully Sharp on Po glee, Quacks, Pharisees and Politicians, "bor ing them. right through 1" Only 50 Cents n year in advance. Send 3 cent. Stamp for Sample. Address, Dr. S. 51. Landis, Phila delphia, Pa. nugl9,lm. MARRIED, At the M. E Parsonage, on the 12th inst., by Rev. R E. Wilson, Mr. ALON ZO CORBIN, of Fulton Co., to Miss SA RAH A. EETTEREIOET, of Centro County. At the Exchange Hotel, in this place, on the 18th inst., by, the same,' Mr. ROBERT A. ARMSTRONG, IO MISS ELIZA: BETH. A. QUINN, all of West twp., Hun tingdon County, Pa. On the 18th inst„ by Rev. Mr. Shad moll, RON% WM. WINTERBOTTOM, of Lewisburg, to Miss ANNIE M. TERRY, of Huntingdon. , The happy couple have our thanks for their remembrance of "Ye Printer," and we in dulge the hope that they may find the state of matrimony a continual period of sunshine and happiness, with no doubts, fears or vex ations to cross their pathway through life, which we hope will be long and prosperous. DIED, In this borough, on the 18th inst., Mrs. Auausra. MEIEILER, aged 38 years, 1.l months and 3 days. At hor Grandmother's in Juniata ONT., August 19th, BESSIE JEANNETTE, daughter of Wm. 11. and Catharino NoQall 7 aged S months ttlid 11 days. filar Successful, because of superior merit. - Mrs. S. A. ALLEN't3 Improved (new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle.) Every Druggist sells it. Price One Dollar. See Hunch of Grapes On Standard in another column. SPEER.'S STANDARD WINE BITTERS is highly rec ommended by physicians for Dyspeptics, on account of its tonic properties, its purity, and its delicious flavor. MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, Aug 25, 1868, Tho Flour market 14 moderately active, at an advance Sapodilla Flour at $7,600 8,25; extra at $0,25; fancy Western ex ha family $10,505_511 ; Pennsylvania do do $12,00 and fancy bs ands $13,00014,00 according to quality. Rye flour 85,50. Prime Wheat in fair demand Choice vadat $2,3002,40 n hit° $2,51/@2,55. 11)0 at $1.65@1,70. Corn 1,21 © 1,25 Bata at 7 le. Barley omit at $5,00. PIT2SuURGII, Aug. 25 —Floor.—The market Is active We quota .ales of sia mg 0 heat Flour at $10,50©10,75, muter Floor at $10,75011.75 fancy at $13614,00. Wheat, red, $2,10e4,15 and Plr white, 42,15,02,20 Corn from Bret hawk. at $1,15. Rye, $1,35 per bushel. Oats 63065 e; 80, ley 1,5 U C 51,85. Votatues reach Blow 3,75 bbl hams 22;,1.1e, Laid De. Butter 350.36 c lb; Eggs 17 doz. FINANCIAL. NEW Form. Aug 23.—G01d closed at $1,44A. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED IVEEKLY BY HENRY CO. WHOLESALE PRICES. Superfinolflour 85,50 FeAlbum ' , O lb. Extra Flour, ...'..... ..... 10,25 Flaxseed Family Flour 11,53 Hope V lb html NY heat,... ..... .. ...... 2,25 1 Bata, smoked White Wheat "35 Flay re. ton Apple Butter V ga110n...1,25 Laid Lark per cord 9,00 Large Onions V bus. Burley 1 20 Mixed Chop Butter 20.0ats Bran V cot 1,21 Potatoes V busis to 1,50 V Brooms doe 3,00E51,50 Plaster per ton 10,00 Bersuar. it lb 30 Bags V lb 4 Beans V bus 500 Bye 1 25 Chickens 9 5 llye Chop V cwt 2 00 Country Soap S)Ltyo Stein 15 bundle. 10 Corn 3.1,05 Shelia re. cut 1,60 Coto Meal - Jen t.......... 2,49lBhoulder 18 Dried A pplt a Vbu 2,00 iSides ' 20 DL wtl Cite" 5.8 rout DI it tl l'eatheh V. lb 15 Reef "• mulls) I nu Lep; 3 lb Bet f ellb 91 Mond Top Goal to tOn Green Apple,' buq $1,50 Cloverseeil Tlb 11)1 $5,00 Enna, ..... Cheese.. ... ~. log2o cts. •gt ib Ego Wool lb 40 Pork 1.1 lb 9 191Ni:cal 11 t0n......... 46,00 Pig Mot ill 11 ton $30®50 Lumber 1000 ft....512(030 Lapsat do.slo©l3 Joist, SPECIAL NOTICES. DUEMATURE DECAY. Thousands go annually into premature graves be cause they neglect to preserve that inestimable blessing —good health. Sulforere from laver Comp! tint, Dyspep sia, Constipation and similar ailments, your disease will talsu its inevitable course and end your days on earth, pet haps suddenly. unless you tako the means to preiont it. But bowel° of false methods and use only a sure pro tection ag dust the cause of these diseases, as welt as the only absolute temuly for them. Fortify yourselves at once by a course of Mishler's limb hitters, and thus ren der your constitution and physique invulnerable to the attacks of epidemic disordersand the ordinary complaints %bids prevail in escry locality. The most distinguished Physicians of the present day ova it in their practice, and positively declare that the whole science of medicine possesses no remedy that is half on efficacious for disea ses arising from a di9Oltit.lsd Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Intestines. &e, ns Mistiler's Herb Bitters. Mold by all Druggists and Dealers. Dr. S. D. Hartman & CO., Pro prietin s, Lancastet, l'a. augl2,lm. TJEAPNESS, 131ANDNESS and CA TARIM treated with the attnolt SUCCOS9, by .1. ISAACS, M. D.. and Profes,or of Disease of the Eye and Ear in the Medical College of rennsytvania.l2 years exper ience, of Leyden, Holland.) N••, 805 MICH St.. idelphia. Teptimonads can be seen at this eilleo. The medical faculty are invited to Accompany their pn iienta, a, be has no secrets is, lits ',lactic, Artificial Byes inserted without pelu. No cliargo for examination. Juno 17, 1583—1 y bat. pAINTS FOB, FARMERS AND OTIIIIIIS.—Tho Grafton 3lineral Paint Company ale now manufactuting the Best, Cheapest and most Du rable Paint in use; two coats well put on, mix, d with mire Linseed Oil, still last ten or fifteen years; it is of n light brown or beautiful chocolate color, nu•l can be changed to green, lead, stone, dtah , olive or cream, to suit the taste of tho consume!. It is valuable foe Hon sex, Fences, Barns, flu tinge and Car makers, Pails and Wooilemwate, Agrieultutal Implements, Canal Boats, VOTIOIi and Ships' Bottoms, Cots Metal and Shingle Boofs. (it being Pau and Water pi.,f,) Floor Oil Glottis, (one Manufact in, having used 5.050 Phis. the past yeai) and as a paint for any put pose is misurpaased for body, durability, elasticity and adliesileness. Price $0 per bbl. of 300 lbs., Lich % ill supply a fiumer:for years to come. Warranted in all cocoa as ohm• O. Send for n cir cular which gives full particulars. Nonu genuine unless branded in a [tails tom k, Grafton Mineral Paint. Per sons C3ll order the Paint mid t emit the money on re ceipt of the good.. Adams DANIEL BIDWELL 214 Pearl street, Ndw York. ."ir For sale by the pound or barrel at Lewis' Book Store. rany6.6m EXAMINATIONS. THE annualoll examinations of Tea era for the ptesent year may be expected as follows : Franklin, Thursday August 2,1, IVari lm mark, Friday 21M. Warrioratnxrk. Mott is, Saturday 22d, Shaffelavillo. Porter and Alexandem bor. Monday 24th, Alexandria. Walker, Tuesday 25th, McConnellitown. Carbon and Coahnunt boy, Wednesday 20th, Coalmont. Lincoln and 110 pen ell, Thurzday 2711, Coffee Dun. Tod, Friday 2911,, Newberg. Penn, Saturday 29th, Marklesburg. Wrqt, Monday 01st, Shaver's Creek Bridge. Barren, Tuesday September 15,t, Manor 11111. Jackson, Wednesday 2,1. 31cAlaveys Foot. 'Oneid t, Thursday Id, Center Union School lime.. Hendevon, F7lday 4111, Union School 1101140. Mondry Ith, Mill Meek. Maificton her ' Tuesday Bth, Mapleton. Monet Union bor, Wednesday oth, Mount Union. Shirley nod 'obit leysburg ' Thursday 10th, Shirleyabttrg. Crotnwel I and Oi bison la her, Ft May 1116, Otbisonla. Dublin, Saturday 1211,, Shade Gap. Tell, Monday 14th, Dollinget ton 11. Springfield, TUOhtlay 18111, Meadow Gap. Clay, Wednesday leth, Scottsville. Cass and Cassville bar, Thursday 17, Cassvillo. Union, Friday IStl,. Pine Grove School llow.e. Jonintn, caturday 10th, 11011 Ci.owu School house. The examinatiou will commence at 0 o'clock, A. 31. Teachers who are tardy in Mt, alliance need not expect admission into the class. • . No timelier need apply tiro examination who will not submit to au examination is all the blanches required bylaw. Persons nho ore known to the Superintendent to use Intoxienting drinks as a beverage, or to be of immoral diameter mill not bo (atmint d. Thoso unknown to tho Superintendent and directors must produce setishictory evidence of good moral character. Applicants ate expected to be examined in the districts itt which they apply for Schools. A cortilicatu from tho proper directors will be required before they C6ll outer the class. Directors are earnestly urged to he prevent at the exam inations, and to make their selections of teachers, as far as practicable, on these occasions. Such a coutso would have a strong tendency to induce teachers to attend and prevent them from trying to evade a public examination. It would also relieve directs"; front much trouble in pro. curing teachers, It is hoped that those directors alto fno• the measure is ill give tho requisite notices in their districts. The special attention of directors is invited to the arti cle headed "Teachers Salaries" found an page 46. Aug. No. Pennsylvania School Journal. It will he seen by the ar ticle referred to that the State Supei intendant suggests that teachers be paid according to their proficiency, and according to their actual success In teaching. The article is most cordially commended. The public are desired and respectfully invited to at tend the examinations, but: teachers who do not come to be examined but expect to be examined at some other place in the county are not in, itid, and if they mu ill con sult ther own interests they will not attend• D. F. 'PUSSES, County Superintendent, aug12,63. Huntingdon County. TUSCARORA ACADEMY. FOUNDED, 1E36. Tho Fall Eebsion of this Plourishing lottitotion o 11l COllllllOll. oL tho FIRST WEDNESDAI"IN SEPTEMBER The object of the Dial ituti t is to prepare young men for tho Reim duties of lifo, to qualify pupils for teaching, and to train thoroughly such as desire to enter College. The twill net ion emit aces the col hire of the mind and heart, so hat their potters may be well directed and ap plied, and a taste for intellectual pursuits and virtuous habits developed. For tut titer information send fur is circular. Applicants will please address, D. D. STONE, A. M., Pr ncipal, or W. A. MoDOWELL, A. M., Associate Principal, Academia, Juniata County, Pa. July 1, 'C8,210. HUNTINGDON ACADEMY. Rev. JOHN HEWITT, Principal. , 111 E (fillies of this School will'be mined on TUWDAY, let day of September, stoat. TERMS PER SWARM OP .41,1:TE1 , L Oldinary English Branches', $lO 00 English 'lnsults's Latin Grammar and Philosophy, $1.2 00 '• and Reading,' Algebra, Geometvy. Philosophy .fro., $l6 00 faZ - •SEE clacut;Ans.nixt • Aug.lo, 1068. Williamsport Dickinson Seminary, FOR ROTS SRSES. This Institution, located at 11 illisnisport, Pa., has every thing in the way of situation, buildings, faculty, instruction, and terms, 'to commend It to the nubile In. Ter. Thie it has long enjoyed. Nest term will corn. stance August 27, Students received at any time. Cat. alogues sent on application„ TLIOMPSON President. nag. 12,'66-St. TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. WTARRANTED to romovo all do. airs for Tobacco. This greet remedy is an ex cellent sppetizer. It purifies the blood, invigorates the system, possesses geret nourishing and strengthening power, enables the stomach to digest the heartiest food, melees slain refreshing, and establishes robust health. SmoLers and Chewers far Sixty Years Cured, Price fifty Cents, pest free. A trentko on the injurious effects of Tobacco, with lints of references, testimonials, Sc., sent flee. .Agents manta Address Dr. T. N. ABBOTT. Jot soy Citp New JUlbOb iLI/4•12,68-/;;Wr WE ARE COMING. A ND WILL PRESENT TO ANY PERSON Sending nln Club In our Orent One Dollar Sale of Dry and Fancy 401-C) (DO7E) issji A WATCH, plcco or SHEETING, SILK DRESS PAT. TERN, &c., &c, &e., FREE OF 'COST. Our inducements during the past few years have been largo. We Now Double Our Rates of PREXIIIBIS. Our friends loin readily antics our Presents for 30 and 60 Clubs are note more than shoal in value to Clubs of 60 and 100 respectively of other firm. AZ - PLEASE EXA3IINE—aI Any person milei log either of the Clubs mentioned be low, eon hove their selections of premiums enumerated, corresponding to the size of the Club. FREE OF ONE DOLLAR! Fora Club of 30. (53.)-01e of the following articles, viz.: Dehilue dress pattern; fancy colored bed spread; 100 view Turkey morocco album; 20 yards sheeting ; striped cashmere Maine dress pattern; honey comb quilt ; all wool square shawl ; set solid : gold bosom studs; all wool fancy cashmere pun ts and vest pattern; gent's hair guard chain, gold trimmings; silver plated cloned butter dish; silverplated 5 bottle revolving castor, on feet; set superior steeled bladed knives and forks; worsted promenade shawl; ladies' long gold plated chain ladies' double gold ring; gentle heavy chased solid gold; ring; solid black walnut work box or writing desk; ex tra quality balmorol skirt; sot jewelry, sleeve buttons to match; violin and bow; gents' cardigan jacket ; splendid ebony D flute, ivory trimmings; superior Turkey moroc co }mopping bag; }adios' high cut balmoral boots. Fora Club of GO, (sl2l.)—Ono of the following articles, via.: Black or colored alpaca dress pattern; poplin dress pattern; one piece of bleached or brown sheeting ; engraved silver plated 6 bottle revolving cas tor; 3 1-2 yards superior eashmeie forpants and vest pat tern , extra bear} honey comb quilt ; two fancy colored bed spreads ; pair gent's calf boots; 4 yds. farmers' good wool Crocking; fancy cashmere plaid dress pattern, best quality bahnoral skirt; tosewood brass alarm clock; Indies' all wool cloak pat•ern ; silver plated cake or cant basket; fur midi or cape; ladies' fashionable wool double shawl; splendid clasped family Bible, 0x.12, record p .ge and engravings ' 3 3 ds. dm.blo width water proof cloak ing; net Ivory handle knives, with silver plated folks; one set lace curtain. 90 $2,25 22 .10,00 10 ® 11 ...... 2,00 10 For a ()lob of 100, (510.)—One of the follow ing articles viz.: 4 yds. double with cloaking or coaling; 2 large, fine. bleached linen table covers, with one doz. huge sized dinner napkins to match ; twouty.five 3 arils splendid hemp carpeting, goesbeolore ; extra quantity black or alpacea dress patterns; extra quality poplin dress patterns; one large piece superior quality extra width sheeting; pair gents' calfboots, best quality ; silver bunt ing-cased patent lever watch; ono dozen ivory handled steel blotted knives and forks; silver plated engraved 6 bottle revolving castor, with cut gloss bottles; splendid violin, box and bow, complete; single barrel shot-gun; Bacon's six-banal revolver; pair superior white wool blankets; nice for muff and caps ; silver plated engraved Ice pitcher, Is ith salver•, coven and ono half yards all wool fancy (wisdom°, for suit; one dozen Roger's best silver-plated forks; common sense sewing and embroider ing n nebino ; two heavy honey Comb quilts ; splendid family Bible, record and photograph pogo. Jbr larger Clubs the rattle increases in the sante ratio. Catalogue of Goods and Semple sent to nay address free. Send money by registered letter: Address all orders to ALLEN, HAWES & CO.; 15 Federal St., Boston, Mass MEESE Wholes/1/o Dealer In Dry and Fancy Coeds, Cutlery, Plated Wm°, Albums, Leather Goods Ac., Ac. Jo 178 w SPEER'S STANDARD WINE BITTERS ! ak..gz,,..!J -i cy .., D -.4 -4.-w Ei ‘:•,•.) _r" -- e ,\,, Ai y 'bi ,--+ 'm li, 1 1 '‘,.. - 1 , 1 '6, 't: ,I'i '' 4> gq tilt ' O I , ANSPUIir4,4I',.%3 WINE, ~, pl E-1 041,01: Ayi r.„ .. , ~-q• ,-.•1-.-._.-_-•,."Q. I . ' 1 i , shs:,e - 4)iUl i Q, 02 l ERB , ,ELlio i / VIGOR \....• __,../ HEALTH \.. 0 E•A STRENGTH - F_B EA UTY . i 1 FOR THE WEAK; FOR TGE PALM FOR TOR STCK 61% FOR TIIR AGED, FOR FEMALES, FOR SPRING USE I II a'• NO BITTERS EQUAL TO THEM I Speer's Standard WINE BITTERS, -MADE OE WINE, HERBS and ROOTS. Span's Colobtated Wine, so well known, with PERUVIAN BARK, CIIAMOMILE FLOWERS,' SNAKE Itilr, WILD CHERRY BARK, GINGER, and such other lIERTIS and ROOTS as s, ill in all cases assist I)l4estion, promote the Secretions of the nystem in tha natund channels, and give ' TONE AND VIGOR - TUC—. Yong and Old, Kale and Female! All use It With wonderful success. Brings COLOR To doalo ultite lip, Bloom and Beauty • To the thin face and care worn countenance: - Cures •FNYNtt and Creates A PPETII2t. Try them. Uso none other. Ask for SPECK'S STANDARD fir- TERS. 'Sold by Druggists nod Grocers. Seo that my signature is over, the cork of each bottle. ALFRED SPEER, panic, N. J., and 243 [headway, Now YOIk. Sold by John Deed, and Samuel Smith, Druggists, Drum tselS ASY-Trade supplied by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & CO., Philadelphia: GISORON A. HNLLY, riGebtiry and by all Wholesale Dealers. July 22, '63-tslB. NEW MARBLE STORE. NO. 902 • • Chestnut Strut ' . J.._11: CALDELLI CO„ J.E WEL L ERS, have been appointed - SPECIAL AGENTS in this city for the sale of the GORHAM MFG. COMPANY'S FINE ELECTRO-PLATED WAItE. We guarantee these goods to ho decidedly superior to anything iu the musket, excelling in design, finish and quality. A largo (meanie:it will he maintained, nod sold at the manufait ti tors' regular FIXED PRICES. Trade Mark Stamped on the of base at each Electra Plato c oadAllirg oo " article. , E . CALDWELL 1 1 . i. CO, 902 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. ittly 727 DRY GOODS. 727 RICKEY SHARP & CO., NO. 72,7 CEIESTNIIT STREWN, Hoye now the most complete an I elegant stock of - 7:O3L'Y' 'arcooclos They kayo ever offered, and, invite special attention to their stock of SILKS, comprising a fall lino of HEAVY BLACK UROS ORKIN and LUST I ERLESS SILKS, FOR Buffs._ Plain Drown and Mode Togottas. Plain Brown ILO Mode Poulto do Soles, A full Due of CHENE MQHAIRS Of the choicest coloring, together with an Extensive Va riety of DRY GOODS, embracing Cloths, Casaimeres, Ilouse-Fttraishlng Goode, &c. RICKEY, SHARP &CO.; 727 Chestnut street, • Julylay Philadelphia. Campaign Badges. Several styles of campaign badges (for both parties) will be kept , con, etantly on band at LEWIS' Bow( STORE WhOICSRIO and retail, a,€)€3. 1ta,,(30 ii /.1 A. R. STEWART, HUNTINGDON, PA., DEALER IN HARDWARE, CUT LERY, PAINTS, PUMPS, •, GLASS, STOVES, OILS, LAMPS, ROPES, SAT FORIBS, Scythes, Snaths, Grain Cradles, Sad- dlery and Carriage Goods, Hubs, and Spokes. NAILS AND IRON ,* LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, DRAIN PIPE, gSTI43=OT3M-VVT.LSOEtiM", and an endless variety of goods in his line. I am receiving goods almost every day from manufaeturers, rd in view of late DECLINE IN PRICES, and my experience in selecting best brands and reliabld qualities of goods, purchasers will find it to their advantage to examine my stock. THE NEW PATENT 3CLIPS - 1 Coo_{ STOVE, which throws all others in tho sheds, is still increasing in popularity, and pleases so well that everybody wants THE EGLIPSE. STOP AT THE BIG PADLOCK SIGN Huntingdon, July 1, 1368-tf. SPRING STYLES for 1868. A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES, @MEM IVreMkTe>ll. 9 at (Successor tow. P. RUDOLPH) V 21062 Off' P2ORIOTI LADIES' DEPARTMENT In this department, which will at all tlmasTaceiro my strict attention, I have a well assorted display of STRAW' GOODS, Dress Trimmings, Cloak and Sacqno Trim mings, Dress Buttons, Gloves, Voile, Zeph) r Knit Shawls, Nubins, Hoods, Sontags, Rand. kerchiefs. Fall (fats, flat and Bonnet Frames, Velvet Ribbons, Corsets, Hosiery, and latest style Sacgaes from $3 to $3O. GENTS' DEPARTMENT Hate and Caps, all styles, from 50.ceuts to $lO, Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, Neck Ties, Col inrs, Hosiery, and every article kept in a first class Furnishing Store. HATS AND CAPS A SPECIALTY. By promptly meeting the wants aun t I hope to meet with such patronage from the public as will enable me to keep continually on hand a large and well selected stock of first class goods, Whilst keeping up to the !hellion in every article, I will also sell cheaper than the cheapest. 0. E. McNEIL, Opposite Loister's Now Building. Huntingdon, Ap. 21, IIdS. N HE7LER & .\\ ISBN'S HIGHEST PREMIUM LOU Vinnal_,. Sewing Machines, *Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOS7.TION, 94367. . . They aro adapted to nil kinds of Family Sewing, and to the nee of Seamstresses, Dressmakers, Tellers, Manu facturers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Slats, Cape, Corsets, Linen floods, Umbrellas, Farasqp, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods, with silk, cotton or lima thread. They. will seam, quilt, gather, horn,' fell, cord, braid, bind, sod perform every species of sowing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the article sowed. The qualities which recommend them are: 1. Beauty and excellence of gild', al.ke on both sides of tho fabric sowed. 2, Strength, firmness and durability of searn,that will , not rip nor ravel.. . • . • 3 Economy of Thread. 4. Attachments and wide range of application to purpa; see and materials. 5. Compactness and elegance 0( . 61,0(4 suld finish. 6. Simplicity - and thdroughness of construction. 7. Speed, ease Of operation and management, and 'quiet. nese of movement. lostructims free to ail. Machines Kept en repair out year taco of charge. U. B. LEWIS, Agent, /MEI 0 1 Et 30 le; Prepared Sinapism or Spread - _,ISTARD PLASTER. . . Trarranted to preserve unimpaired its strength' in any „•I; - climate equaily 'with the Grounc Mustard, The attention of Physicians, the Trug Trade, and the public generally,-is respectfully called to the above spe cialty, designed to meet a want which is believed to have been long felt among the appliances of the sick room, viz: An easy and expeditious method of obtaining the remedial effects of mustard, without resorting to the or dinary erode and troublesome mustard poultice, with its nttondant discomforts. Put up handsomely in boxes of ono dozen each, in three different elzee. Price .75, .57, and $1 per doom. A liberal dirrtount to the Wholesale Trade. Prepared rely by 13. J. CREW, 25 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 15, '6B-3m, spnrm. ITARRISEURG STONE - WARE at manufacitirei'a prices, for sale at j 01.7 HENRY k 01.7.5. 4 1 GREAT liLt ~~ ;3 ,~„ `_ r Cunningham& Cannon's, Corner of Railroad andlidontgomery Ste., E would call special attention to the daily arrival otCI.IOIOE AND DEA.UTIFUL eOO 9, which are offered at Tempting Prices Coin!!sting of geaullfal Enke. of all !bade', all weal Poplins, Alpacas, Melanges, Arrears, Chin - teem, 'a tacit beautiful line of flue Cambrica, Marred Muslim, Wain• gooks, Gingham,, and Chambrays ALSO, a full line of Domestic goods, spat' as HEAT BLEACHED NUSLINS, Fine Brown Studio, 40 inches wide, Bleached Muslin from V.: to 2% yards widc;, Kantucky Jeans, Farman Cianimere, &c„ Act Our stook of SHOES excels anything of the kind this aido of Philadelphia. ALSO, a large and well selected Mock of HATS Ault. able for the Amon CARPETS• We make a speololty of Ws artfolo, nail hays on band a very fine assortmeat of DESIRABLE PATTERNS, which will ho sold lower thatt(TAit bo mold by any othan house outside of Philadelphia. We have also on band largo stock of Fin AHD SAW which r, mare 'wiling, very lOW. In order to be convinced that once litho place to but, call and axamine cur goods and prices. tidio . ploasnro in showing our goods., eren ftyou do not NVlt#l to . buy. Bo 3on will please call and get posted CUN,NINGIIAIVI&CAAMOIT, Jun'e 10, ISBO-tf. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Furnishing, Fancy, NUB GAM Alpaca!, Poplins Plaids, DeLainie, Lawrie, 'Gingham,. Prints, rine Climb:lce, Muslim, Denims, Ana .Linen. Max. sallies, Picquas. India Twllis, &o. A large naeortmant of Ladies' Fashionable Dress Trimming. 211 k Fringes, Bnitons, Bugles, Velvet Itibbone, Furnishing Goode, Stookings, Moreno, Cotton, Wool, do Kid of all Colors, Silk, Thread, Cotton, &c., of all elcoe and latest styles, , Under garments of all kinds, far La: dies, Gents and Children. Table Linen, Maoline, Napkins. Doylies, &o. Sheettrig and Shirting, Brown and Bleached, from 8 cents op, .I`irEIAV7 000[30s. A large stock of the latest styles. A large stock of Notions, Zephyrs, Yarns, Am. Ail 'cheaper than the cheapest, . , 1/63-Room, opposite the First National Bank, Hunting} don, Pa. CHEAP GROCERY STORE. HILL "r3E1.1\7111.311.121L., ST., HIINTINqDON, FA.. • • rpHE undersigned offers for the in+ spection and purchase of customers &largo and Aa sorted stock of,Grocerios, Provisions, Ito. He feels settle. tied thoy eon be accomodated with anything in his lino. His pricos are low, and his stuck fresh and iiorld: keeps the best of ' SUGAR, COFFEE, ' TEAS, SPICES; SALT, - TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND SHOES, • HATS & CAPS, &o: ,• , HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR; FISH; CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NOTIONS of every kind . A select stock of DRY GOODS, together with QIIEBN&• WART, and ail' other articles kept in a well regulated establishment for sale at reasonable prices. Jpir 111 'shire 'is on Hill street, nearly opposite the Bank, and in.• the room formerly occupledby D. Grove. Call and examine. - Z. YriNTZB. Iluntingdori,'sp. 15, 1868 S. B. McCARTHY & BRO., (Nuccessors to itiller . t- Armitage,) Real Estate and Insuraifee Agents, Office on 11111 street, opposite the Court House, 1117NTINGDON; We are now prepared to negotiate for the purchase and sale of Farms, Town Lots, &c.; also, to insure Life. Prop. erty and Live Stock to any amount in the moat reliable Companies of the Hutted States. ' • - • - - SURVEYING AND , DRAFTING . neatly done, on short notice. • • • , Persona desiring to make sale of lands will. please give us a description of the property. location, and terms, and it will receive our special attention. We have now for sale a• " A Farm in the west end of Hisbac_g 111Ias valley I Also, a' farm situate three miles from the borough of Huntingdon. , We respectfully solicit a share of patronage. , , ; bIoCARTHY & ,BRO. ituzlvDtapox, re JOHN• 114R2, 31b NORTH, JOHN BARE & CO., 13 ea, Aa . , CAPITAL - - $50,600. • Solicit amounts from Banks, Bankers and others. A liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. All kinds of Securities, bought and sold for the motel commission.— Collections made on all points. Drafts on all parts of Europe supplied at the usual rates. Parsons depositing Gold and Silver will receive no same in return with-interest. The partners aro indisidt tinily liable for all Deposits. jy22,18118-.4 NTRW SUAD, DRY SALT RING and lackorel, (Warrantod,) - Dried Apples, Peaches, Currants, PrupoE, Raisins, CU, &e., at litltutY & CO's. . • A LARGE VARIETY of articles too numerous to mention, for sale at T i mm tjj, Grocer', Cell end ;et, HUNTINGDON, PA. IMMO I=4-1C)N70130, w. D. LEAP, P. W. BASE. W. IL 1906% B. X/LION SPEW, HUNTINGDON: PA
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