The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 26, 1867, Image 1

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Per annam fa adtancii
. .
eix months.._
Shre• mombs.
. S insertion.. 2.40. 3 do.
066 eqeira, (10 lines,)or Im.s 75 $1 25 fl 00
Two square. 1 00 2 00 1 . 00
Three squares, 225 3OO • 410
3 months. 6months. 12niontlg.
.4 4 .00 $6 00 .
.0150 06
.- 600 '' 900 00
.. 8 00 12 00 ^ OOO
.a 0 00 15 00 - '25 00
-15 00 ^0 09 .30,429.
normre, or Irm
equltres, ......
FLree nnures,
Four equArer
jialf • c01umn,..... ..
On• column,
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines
One year, $5 00
Administrators' and 'Executors' Notices, a" 50
Auditors' Notices 2 0)
}stray, or other hoer Notices 0 El
glig-Ten lines of nonpareil - make a square. About
Might words constitute a line, so that any person can ea-
Lily calculate &square in manuscript.
Advertisements not marked with the number of Inset ,
lions desired, will he continued till forbid and charged ac
.ording to these terms.
O prirs for the printing or Inmate, Tlendbllle, etc
reasosti9gy jaw..
Anna sz fs.u.not..ts.--The prettiest thing, the "swe'slest
lb nig." and the most of it for the-least money. It over
cotoco the odor of perepirat ion; soften. and adds delicacy
se the skin; Is adelightfol perfume; allays headache and
anal:aim - 4am' Is a necessary companion In the
re in the unitary, and upon the toilet sideboard- 1 1
can be obtained everywhere at one dollar per bottle.
Saratoga Spring Wake, sold by all Druggist..
S. T.---1860---X,
?Tema. of eedeatary habit. troubled with weakness,
laialtude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis
tress after eating, torpid fever, constipation, .4e., deserve
to rafter if they will not try the celebrated PLANTATION
;BITTERS, which are now recommended by the highest
medical authorities, and are warranted to pnitince an I'm
mediate beneficial effect. Thim are exceedingly agreeable,
:perfectly pare. end muet supiffliede all other tonic. whore
a healthy, gentle stimulant is required.
They, purify, strengthen and invigorate.
They create a healthy appetite.
They are an antidote to change of water and diet.
They strengthen the syetem and enliven the mind.
They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers.
fly purify the breath and acidity of the stomach
Their Care Dyspepsia and Constipation.
They cure lever Complaint and Nervous Headache.
They make the weak .troag, the languid brilliant,
and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are
composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, wintergreen,
sitesafraa, Twig and herbs. all preserved in perfectly pare
•dt. Croix rum. For particulars, see cheaters and testi
moniese around eash bottle.
Beware of impostors. Examine every bottle. Sea that
it bar oar private D. A. stamp namatilated over the cork plantation scene, and our signature on a One etre'
plats aide label. le— hoe that our bottle I. not refilled
with !Turley, and deleterions •bull. 4,i - Any person
pretending to sell Plantation Bitters by the gallon or in
bulk, is an impostor. Any person imitating this bottle,
ealling any other materiel therein, whether called
Plantation Bitters or not, is a criminal under the D. 8.
yaw, and will be an prosecuted by us. The demand for
Drake's Plantation Bitters, from ladies, clergymen, mer
chants dc_ tsinatslible. The simple trial of a bottle le
the evidence we present of their worth and superiority.
They are sold by all respectable druggists. grocers, phyel
clano,liotels, saloon., steamboats and country storm
tittrolognArriv Water, sold by oil Druggists.
Stove you a hurt dim or a lame horse? too the Mex.
ken Mustang Liniment.
For cuts, sprains, borne. greening, and caked breasts,
the MOlfrall Mustang Liniment lea certain cure.
For rheumatism, neuralgia, stlffjoints, stings and bites,
there is nothing like the Me lean Mustang Liniment.
For spavined hors., tho poll dril, ringteme and sweeny,
the Mexican Mustang liniment never (sib.
For wind-galls, scratches, Llg-bead and splint, the
Alcsiran Mustang Liniment is worth its weight in geld.
Cuts, bruises, sprains and swellings, are so common
and certain to occur In every family, that a bottle of this
Liniment is the beat investment that can he made.
• - -
It Is more certain than the doctor—it saves time in
eroding for the doctor—it Is cheaper than the doctor, nod
should never be dispensed with.
"In lifting the kettle from the fire, It tipped over and
madded my hoods terribly. • • • The Slushing Lini
ment exttacted the pain, caused the sere to heal rapidly,
asid left very little scar.
CHAS. FOSTER, 420 Broad street, Ph Dada.
Mr. S. Litch, of Hyde Park, Vt., write.: "Hy horse woe
..considered worthless, (spavin,) but since the nee of the
N 1 net.: Liniment. I have sold him for $l5O. Your Lin
iment is doing wonders up here."
All genuine is wrapped in steel plate engravings, sign
ed, W Weetbrook, Chemist, and also bee the privet.
IL S. stamp of Demos Barnes & Co., over the iop.
Look closely, and be not deceived by counterfeitt.
Sold by all Druggist. at 2.5, he et., and VIAL
Barakea ,Spring Water, sold by ail Druggists.
It le ti most delightful Hair Dressing.
It eradicatea scurf and dandruff.
It keep. the head cool and clean.
It makes the hair rich, unit and glossy.
It prevent. the hair turning gray and falling off.
It mstores bair upon prematurely bald beads.
This is just what Lena•s Kathairon will do. It is pret
ty—it is cheap—durable. It is literally cold by the car
load, and yet its almost incredible demand is daily increa
sing, until there is hardly a country atora that does not
keep it, or • family that does not use it.
E. THOMAS LYON,Chemiet, N. Y.
,Car ereoga Spring Water, sold by all Dzoggiato
Who would not bo beautiful? Who would not add to
their beauty? What gives that marble parity and dis•
hinges appearance see observe upon the stage and in the
city belle? It Is no longer a.eeerot. They use 'legates
Magnolia Ealm. Its continued viso removes tau, freckles,
pimples, and roughness, from tho taco and hands, and
leaves the complexion emmah,transparent, blooming and
ravishing. Unlike many cosmetics, it owning no mate.
rial injurious to the skin. Any Druggist will •rder it for
you, if not on hand, at to cents perbottle.
W. E. HAGAN, Troy, ff. T. Chemist.
Denies Barnes & Co., 'Wholesale Agents,N. Y
:saraiva Spring Weir, sold by all Druggists.
Heimstreet'a inimitable Hair Coloring is not a dye. All
Instantaneous , dyes are composed of tumor caubtig, and
more ar tars destroy the vitality and beauty of the hair.
This is the original 'lair Coloring, end has talon growing
in tenor ones t %only years. It restores gray hair to ire
original color I y gradual absorption, in a 030.1 remarka
ble manner. It is also a beautiful hair dressing. Sold in
two siree—N cents end sl—by all dealer..
C. II El Eta, Chemist,
Saraiitid. Spring Wider, sold by all Druggists.
LTO!for.77I,CS Cr Pcne .AXAICA 0156 Et —for Indigo,
;Ann, Naiirca, Heartburn, Si:k Ileadrchir, Cholera Morbus,
Ilatulency, ac.„ iirte7,re e. warming stimulant Is required.
Ite careful preparation and entire Purity Make ita cheap
and reliable article for rulinaly purpevee. Sold every•
where, at LP cents per bottle. Aek for "Lroree" Pure Eu,
tract. Take no other.
Saratoga'Spring Misr, sold by all Druggists.
I %it'll, lE66—cowl
1:t5,A1l the above articles for rain by .101 IN READ
sot:. e. a MITH, Huntingdon, Fouls.
.. 1 00
.% 50
1 • '
TAR. R. It. WIESTLING tnostrespect•
fully tender. hie profesnional rerrices to the cltlzent
of iluntingdon and vicinity.
Mks that of the late Dr. Snare. nichl3-Iyr
Baring permanently located at Mutlngdou, oilers
lise professional sere:ce% to the community.
Office, the same as that lately occupied Ly Dr. Loden
on 11111 street. aplo,lB6ti
TAR. JOHN J)IcCULLOCH, offers his
prefessioual services to the Ultimo! of Ilunthigdon
and rieluity. Office oa 11111 street, cue door east of heed's
Drug Store. Aug. SS, '55.
If relieved to the Brick Row opporfte the Conrt Flonee
April 13,1259.
tl • - DENTISt- '
&Pm remorod to opposite the Franklin
Clouse In the old beak building, 11110 .treat, lluntingdon.
April 10, 1866.
The undersigned respectfully Inform tbo citizens of
thioringdon county and the trasellng public generally
that they hare leased the Washington House on the cor
ner ef Hill and Charles atreet, in the borough of Hun
tingdon, and are prepared to accommodate all who may
furor them with a call. Will be pleased to reed,' a liber
al share of public patronage.
May 1, '67—tf.
THE subscribers baying leased this
.1 hotel, lately occupied by kir.illeNulty, are prepared
to accommodate stranger', travelers, and citizen in good
/We. Entry effort shall ho made on our part to make all
who atop with ne feel at home. AULTZ & FEE,
may 2,1866 Proprietors.
3ECiaaatliagdLczen., Pia.
11.A.YE purchased and entirely ren
ovated the large stone and brick building opposite
t te Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. and hare now opened It
for the accommodation of the traveling public. The Car.
pets. Furniture, Beds and Bedding are all entirely new
and first class, and I am safe in saying that I can offer ac.
commodations not excelled In Central Pennsylvania.
11 - 4-I refer to my patrons who hays formerly known
mo while In charge of the Broad Top City Hotel and Jack
bycomillE Mutual Tomlin Comm.
Hu, Magian, May 8, HT Cm
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of
Next door to the Franklin House, in thin Dimond.
Country trade supplied. 0p17.67
WATCHMAKER, Succostior to Geo. W. Swart;
Ilea opened at bit 010 l stand on Hill street, op
posite lirown'sharolware store, a stock °Nall kinds
of goods belonging to the trail°. 17;
Watch and Repairing promptly attended
to by practical workmen.
Huntingdon, April 10-dm
Prompt attention will be given io all legal businossen
trusted to his rare. Military nod other claims of. sol
diers and their heirs against the State ur Government
collected without delay.
OFFICE—In the Itrictr Row, opposite the Court House
Jan. 1.11567
Prompt attention given to all legal ',mine, entrusted
to, his care. Claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against
the Government collected without delay. sel2T4l
°Mee on Hill street. • HUNTINGDON, PA.
Prompt attention will be Oren to the prosecution of
tho claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs, against the Gov
ernment. an 22,150
J. W liAti6RN. WILLIAM A. stn.
Office on Hill street.
Soldiers Claims ag ainst the Ooveruniont for Back Pay
Bounty, WitioWS . an d Pensions attended to with
great care and promotuces. Inr29-ly
Tho name of this firm has boon chang
ed from SCOTT & DROWN, to
under which name they will hereafter conduct their
practice as
ATTOP. NEI'S AT LAW, RUN 17.17:1) 0.2 V, PA.
PENSIONS, and all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs
against the Covvrnment, wilt bo promptly prosecuted.
LI. who may have any claims a
gainst the Government for Bounty, Pack Pay and
'mune., can han their claims promptly collected by ap•
plying either in persw or by letter to
W. 11. WOODS,
Attorney at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.
August 12, 1863
J 31.171 nAnr, W. W. WOODS, P. U. EARL, W. P..IeLACCIII.EI
JOHN BABE, & CO., Bankers,
lEE -, M'ci..
Solicit ere mute fc.llo Banks. linnirers ie. others. Inter
est :Atoned on Deno-(ti. Ail hinds of Securities, bought
nod told for the wont conniiirsion. Special rittention
given to Government Securities. Collections made ou
nil points.
Perrone depositing Gold nud Silver will recri,e the
same in return with Interest.
Oct. 17, 1e64-tf.
Clain and canvae augur cured Hame—the beet in mar
ket—whole or sliced, for sale at •
Lewis' Fautily Grocery
J 3 If you want your card neatly printed on eistel
epee, .11 41,
CIA SSIMERT: S.—A choice lot of
binck and fancy engaimeren et
wlioleeala and retail, at
jtening off at greatly reduced prices.
Cie 61obe.
'Fair enchantress, why so fast?
Tarry, I implore thee;
Break the chain around me east,
Raise the spell that's o'er me!
Wilt thou all my fond hopes blast,
Doom the heart to sink at last,
In the memories of - the past,
Whose fault was to adore thee?
Why has thy seductive art,
In such fetters hound me?
If so quickly we must part,
Why this charm around me?
Let compassion wring the duirt;
Rankling in my bleeding heart;
If wo must forever part,
Leave me as ye found me.
Aught from me wouldst thou obtain,
I could ne'er refuse thee;
'Were thy lips to give me pain,
Ne'er would I accuse thee;
Let me not entreat in vain—
Cower 'neath thy cold disdain—
Give me back my heart again,
If I thus must lose thee.
Napoleon's Three Warnings.
Tho celebrated Fouche, Duko of
Otranto, was retained for a time,
it is
well known, in the service of theßour
tons, after their restoration to the
throne of France. He retired to tho
town of Aix, in Province, and there
lived in affluent case upon the gains of
his long and busy career. Curiosity at
tracted many visitors around this re
markable man, and ho was habitually
free in communicating his reminiscen
ces of the great events which it had
been his lot to witness. On ono occa
sion tho company assembled in his sa
loon heard from his lips the following
story :
By degrees as Napoleon assumed
the power and authority of a king,
everything about him, even in the days
of the consulate, began to wear a court
like appearance. All the old mon
archial habitudes were revived ono by
one. Among the other revivals of this
kind, the custom of attending mass
previous to the hour of audience was
restored, and Bonaparte himself was
punctual in appearance at the St.
Cloud on such occasions.
At one particular time tho punctu
ality of Bonaparte in his attendance
on mass was rather distressing to his
wife. The quick and jealous Josephine
bad discovered that the eyes of her
husband was too much directed to a
window in the gallery, where there
regularly appeared the form and face
of a young girl of uncommon beauty.
The chestnut tresses, the brilliant eyes,
and graceful figure of this personage,
caused more uneasiness to the consul's
wife, as the stranger's glances were
bent no less often upon Bonaparte than
his were upon her.
"Who is that young girl?" said Jose
phine ono day, at the close of the ser
vice ; "what can she seek from the
First Consul? I observed her drop a
billet just down at his feet. Ile picked
it up ;I saw him."
No one could tell Josephine who the
object of her notice precisely was,
though there were some who declared
her to be an emigrant lately returned,
and one who was probably desirous of
the intervention of the First Consul in
favor of her family.
With such guesses as this the con
sul's wife was obliged to rest satisfied
for- the' time.
After the audience of the same day
had passed, Bonaparte expressed a wish
for a drive in the park, and acuordingly
wont out accompanied by his wife, his
brother Joseph, Generals Duroc and
Cambaccres, and Hortense Beanbar
nolo, wife of Louis Bonaparte.
The King of Prussia had just presen
ted Napoleon with a superb set of hor
ses, four in number, and those were
harnessed to an open chariot for the
party. The Consul took it into his
head to drive in person, and mounted
into the coaeliman's place. The char
iot sot off, but just as it was turning
into the park, iL went crash against a
stone at the gate, and the First Con•
sul was thrown CO the ground. He at
tempted to rise, but again fell prostrate
in a stunned or insensible condition.
Meanwhile, the horses sprang forward
with the chariot, and were only stop
pod when Duroe at the risk of his Mb
' threW hinaself out and seized the reins.
Josephine was taken out in a swooning
state. The rest of the party quickly I
returned to the First Consul and car
ried him back to his apartments. On
recovering his senses fully, the first
thing which ho did was to put his hand
into his pocket and pull out the slip of
paper dropped at his feet in the chapel.
Leaning over his shoulder Josephine
read these words: "Do not drive out
in your earrive to-day."
"This can have no allusion to our lute
accident," said Bonaparte. "No one
could foresee that I was to play the part
of a coachman to-day, or that 1 should
be awkward enough to drive against a
stone. Go, Duroe, and examine the
Dame obeyed. Soon after ho re
turned, very pale and tooktho FireL
Consul aside.
"Citizen Consul," said he, "had you
not struck the stone, and stopped our
drive, wo had all been lost!"
"How?" was the reply.
"There was in the carriage, conceal
ed behind the back seat, a bomb—,-a
massive bomb, and with a slow match
attached to it--kindled l Things had
been so arranged that in a quarter of
an hour we shonld.have been scattered
among the trees in the j'ark of St.
Cloud. There must be treachery close
at hand. -- ".l'euetto nmet bo told of this
—Dubois must be warned."
"Not a word, then," replied Bona
parte. "The knowledge of one plot
but engenders a second. Let Josephine
remain ignorant of t.he danger she has
escaped. Hortense, Joseph, Cambac
ores, tell none of them; and let the
Government journals say not a word
about my fall."
The First Consul was then silent for
some time. At length he said "Duroc,
you come to morrow to mass in the
'Chapel, and examine with attention a
young girl whom I shall point out to
you. Sho will occupy the fourth win
dow in the gallery, on the right. Fol
low her home, or cause her to be fol
lowed— and bring inn intelligence of
her name, her abode and her circum
stances. It will be better to do this
yourself. I would not have the police
interfere. Have you taken care of the
bomb, and removed it."
"I have,-Citizen Consul."
"Come,then, let, us again drive in
the park," said Bonaparte.
The drive Was resumed, but on this
occasion the coachman was allowed to
fulfill his own duties.
On the morrow the eye of more than
one person was turned to the window
in the gallery. But the, jealous Jose
phine sought in vain for the elegant
figure of the young girl. She was not
there. The impatient First Consul
with his confident, Duroc, were great
ly annoyed at her non-appearance, and
small was the attention paid by them
to the services that day. Their anxi
ety was fruitless. She was seen at
mass no more
The summers of Napoleon were
chiefly spent at Malmaisoa ; the win
ters at St. Cloud and the Tulllevies.
Winter had come on, aid the First
Consul had been holding court in the
great apartment of the last of these
palaces. It was the 3d of the month,
which the Republicans well call
ed nivoss, and in the evening Bona
parte entered his carriage to go to the
opera, accompanied by his aid-de-camp
Lauriston, and Generals Lannes and
Berthior. Tho vehicle was about to
start, when a female, wrapped in a
black mantle, rushed out upon the
Place Carousel, made her way into the
middle of the guards about to accom
pany Napoleon, and bold forth a pa
per crying
"Citizen Consul I read, read I"
Bonaparte, with that smile which
Burrienno describes as so irresistible,
saluted the petitionsr,ao stretched out
his hand for the missive.
"A petition, madame?" said ho in
quiringly-, and then continued, "Fear
nothing; I shall present it, and see jus
tice dono :"
"Citizen Consul 1" cried the woman
imploringly, joining her hauls.
What she would hare fu cher said
was lost. The coachman, u oit was
afterwards said was intoxic. ed, gave
the lash to h is horses,and olithiy sprung
with the speed of lightening Napo
leon, throwing into his hut he paper
he had received, remarked tolhis com
"I could not well see her .fiture, but
I thing the poor woman is pang."
The carriage dashed rapidly along;
it was just issuing from thebtreet of
St. Nicholas, when a frightfuldetona
tion was heard mingled with:arid fol
lowed by a crash of broken siindows.
The infernal machine had exploded.
Uninjured, the carriage of the Con
sul and its inmates was whirled with
undiminished rapidity to the opera.
Bonaparte entered his box with serene
brow and unruffled deportment. lle
saluted, as usual, the assembled spec
tators, to whom the news of the explo
sion came with all the speid which ru
mor exercises on such occasions.
All were stunned stir stupefied.
Bonaparte alone was porOctly calm.
He stood with crossed aq, listening
attentively to the oratoritlof Ilaydr,,
which was executed on thevenin g .
Suddenly ho remember, the paper
put in his hands. lie tool it out, mid
read those lines :
"In the namo of llettin, Citizen
Consul to not go to the opt 4 to•night;
if you do go,pafts not Omni; the street
of St. Nicholas."
The warning came, in solo respects,
too late.
On reading these Word the First
Consul chanced to raise hi.*yes. F. 4 x,
actly opposite to him, In Mox in the
third tier, sat the you'll , " °
tirl of the
chapel of St. Cloud, .141 ath joined
hands, seemed to utter srqrs of grat
itude for the escape w ichhad taken
place. Her head bad 0 (leering but
her flowing and boa till chestnut
Mur, and lint period wnpped in a
dark mantle, which 1.1.1 Cdstll mem,-
nixed as, identical with tha,worn by
the woman who had ddiverd, the pa
per to him at the carr4o d(lr. "Go,"
said Bonaparte, quietlylbut dickly to
Lances, "go to the bos dirty oppo
site to us on the third Per. .. on will
find a young girl in a dart mantle.
Bring her to the Tuillefies. nust see
her ;" and without raisiag hiyes, but
to make Limnos certaid of tll person,
Ice took the general's I.m, lid said,
pointing upward, "Se l theii—look!"
Bonaparte stopped
' girl was on no
a tii dd a ei -
, The
be seen g Ann e oyed b t ac h om he n d meas o
he hurriedly sent of Lary to in.
te•, Inn'. It was all'in vaL The
boxkeeper had seen 6 uchitn inlxidual,
but knew nothing aboM her. Botta.
parte applied to Poncho tiaupi l hois;
but all the zeal of these ltnyonaries
failed iu discovering her.
Years ran on after the csibsion Lf
the infernal machine, and thestrange'
accompanying circumstances Inded to
make the occurrence more reaakable
in the eyes of Bonaparte. To be Con,
sulfa() succeeded the Empirond vie.
tory after victory marked thdarcer of
the great Corsican. At Itligth tilt
hours of change came. Allid Europl
poured its troops into Frame, am
Compelled the Emperor
to 'lay do w ili
The mss litre's hunt is
ocosel t se°ltl°Vhicl M bad bnolol i m y
nod as gim . e Before meat,
skenover lalftciviliZed e arta
The isle of Elba became for a day thd IfetWhy it 3 a chicken-pie like a gun-
Most remarkable spot on the globe tmith's
shop ? Because it containsand, finally the resuscitated empire feltoul-in-pieces.
, i
~ ..,..yI [
, -
„ . .
; '-, N
' .- 1 : 1...
to pieces anew on the field of Water
Bonaparte was about to quit France.
The moment had come for him to set
foot on the bark which was to convey
him to the English vessel. Friends
who had followed the fallen chief to
the very last were standing by him to
give him a final adieu. He waived his
hand to those around, and a smile was
on the lips which had recently given
the farewell kiss to the imperial eagle.
At this instant a woman broke the
band that stood before Napoleon. She
was in the prime of womanhood; not a
girl, but yet young enough to retain
unimpaired that beauty for which she
would at any time have been remarka
ble among it crowd of beauties. - --Fier
features were full of anxiety and sad
ness, adding interest to her appearance
even at that moment. ''Sire !" said
she presenting a paper at that moment,
"read ! read!" The Emperor took the
epistle presented to him, but kept his
eye on the presenter. He seemed, it
may be, to feel at that instant the per
fumed breeze of the park of St. Cloud,
to hear choristers chanting melodious.
ly in the chapel as he had heard them
in other days. Josephine, Duroc and
all his friends, come haply before him,
and among them the face which be was
wont to see at' the fourth window in
the gallery. The eye was now on that•
countenance in reality, altered, yet the
same. These illusory recollections
were of short duration. Napoleon
shook his head and held the paper up
to his eye. After perusing its con
tents ho took the paper between his
hands and tore it to pieces, scattering
the fragments in the air.
"Stop, sire," said the woman, "follow
the advice! Be warned ! It is yet
time !"
"No," replied he; and taking from
his finger a beautiful oriental ruby,
valuable souvenir of the Egyptian cam
paigns, held it out to the woman. She
took it kneeling, and kissing the hand
which presented it. Turning his head,
the Emperor then stepped into the
boat, which wanted to take him to the
vessel. For long afterward he was pin
ing on the rock of St. Helena.
Thus the three warnings, two were
useless because neglected until the
danger had occurred, and the third—
which prognosticated Napoleon's fate
if once in the power of his adversaries
—the third was rejected.
"But, who was this woman, Duke
of Otranto ?" •
"Oh," replied Fondle, "I know not,
with certainty. The Emperor, if ho
know ultimately BOOMS to have kept
the secret."
All that is known respecting the
matter is, that a female related to St.
Regent, ono of the authors of the ex
plosion of the street St. Nicholas, died
at the hospital ilotal Dieu, in 1837, and
that round her neck was suspended,
by a silk ribbon, the exquisite oriental
ruby of Narolcon.
A soldier whose regiment lay in a
garrison town in England, was brought
before his commanding officer for some
offence. lie was an old offender, and
had often been punished. "bore ho is
again," said the officer, on his name be
ing mentioned: "Everything—flog
ging, disgrace,imprisonment—has been
tried with him."
Whereupon the sergeant stepped for.
ward, and apologizing for tho liberty
ho took, said : "There is one thing
which has meet' been done with him
yet, sir."
"What is that, sir ?" was the answer.
" Well sir," said the sergeant, "Ile has
never been forgiven."
"Forgiven ?" exclaimed the Colonel,
surprised at the suggestion.
lie reflected for a few moments, or
dered the eulpt it to be brought in, and
asked what he had to say to the charge.
"Nothing, sir," was the reply; "only
I am sorry for what I have done."
Turning a kind and pitiful look on
the man who expected nothing else
than that punishment would be inereas•
ed with the repetition of his offense ;
the Colonel addressed him, saying,
"Well, we have decided to tforgive
you !"
The_ soldier was struck dumb with
astonishment; the tears started to his
and he wept like a child. lle
was humbled to the dust; ho thanked
the officer and retired; to bo the old
refractory, incorrigible man? No; ho
was another man from that day for
ward. lie who tells the story had him
for years under his eye, ktnd a better
conducted man never wore the Queen's
colors. In him kindness bent one whom
harshness could not break; be was con
auered by mercy, and, forgiven, ever
fterwards feared to offend.
ne_Rev. Robert Hall, in early life,
loved a most beautiful and accomplish
ed lady by the name of Steele, who,
howoveijilted him and married a man
of fortune. Some years after, a lady,
passing into the vale.of years, but who
retained her vanity after she had lost
her charms, said to Hall : "I presume
if I were a polished piece of steel, I
might receive some of your attentions,
sir." "Though you may not be nonsk
ed steel," replied Hall, "there can be
no doubt that you are polished brass."
merchant in "Vermont advertises as
idlows : "The female who carried off
a lair of black kid gloves from our
doh took also, by mistake, doubtless,
half ‘-f another pair. She is reques
ted mum the odd glove. or to dome
to our s\ore and got the one left, as a
single glove, like a single individual,
is poor stook until mated."
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance
Empalme Eopio.
"Only a Little Tipsy."
"Oh, mamma !" said a bright boy of
nine years, "did you hear the fire bolls
ringing this morning?" "Yes . my dear."
"The city Hall burned down," added
the boy, "and a man who had been put
in the lock-up for disorderly conduct
was burned to death." "Was he, in—
deed 7" "Yes mamma; and a real nice,
kind man. He got in a scuffle last
night with some rowdies, and to keep
the peace till morning they put him in
the lock-up. People are so sorry he is
"Yes, my boy, we have all reason to
be sorry. For a-mtin-tii be hOrned to
death is a very shocking. thing. But
how come the poor man to be in that
scuffle 7 You say be was a nice, kind
man. That seems strange."
"Why, mamma, he was only a little
"Only a little tipsy! That explains
"Yes, he was tipsy. And they think
that in lighting his pipe, towards morn
ng,,a spark fell on• something that kin•
died very quick, and so the building
was burnt, and the man 'in it. lie
shrieked dreadfully to be let' , out, but
they could not get him out till it was
too late."
"Remember that, my boy. When
you grow bigger, and the boys want
you to drink anything like rum or
wine, don't listen to them for a mo
ment. They may say, 'A little won't
hurt you.' Remember that all driirik
ards in tho world began •taking
little at first. The poor man who was
burned to death this morning had no
idea of being a , drunkard. But bad
habits became stronger, and they make
slaves of us before we knoW it. Al
ways remember the man who Icist his
lifo bowies() he was "only a little tip
Not Dead Yet.
Jack Slcidinore, once an inveterate
drunkard, was very suddenly convert
ed from the error of his ways, and be
came an earnest advocate of the tem
perance cause. To a largo audience
of apostles and penitents, assembled
in a country school house in the wilds
of Missouri, he related the cause of his
reformation "thusly f"
While crossing the prairies, he had
given himself up to a free indulgence
of his propensity, having an abundant
supply of the elixir vita). After stow
ing-away a large cargo, With a heavy
load on dock—to use his own expres
sion—ho strolled away from the.train,
and the oily fluid beginning to course
rapidly through his veins, finding nay
iaition somewhat difficult, ho conclu
ded to lie down and enjoy "forty
winks." The sun was broiling bot,and
no shade, but the soothing syrup (Y; P.
Id., not Mrs. Winslow's Celebrated)
soon rendered him blissfully ignorant
of any external discomforts. It was
early in the forenoon When he laid
down; about dusk when ho was roue
ed to a state of semi-consciousness by
as he supposed., the angels flapping
their wings in his Ince. As reason be
gan to resume her sway, ho found him
self surrounded by a flock of buzzards,
who had already made frequent dives
for a morsel, of; as they thought, their
legitimate prey. ."Brethren," says be,
raised up—hic—iind•threw out
my—hie—hands to • the— hic--- buz
zards, you're a leetlo premature. I ain't
dead yet.' The train had gone on, af
ter a vain Search for the it having pro
ceeded a long
distance tile,
where I
left it beforel was missed. I bad a
tramp alone, for two hundred miles,
Without any stimulus, suffering the
torments of the d—d. Take. wuraing,
brethren, enroll yourselves in the cold
water army; drink nothing but pure
liquid from the limpid stream—the on
ly beverage nature ever intended for
USE HIM A 3 YOU WANT 11.1. - M,-A.
man in an ale house at a lato hour,saw
a fellow drunk on an opposite bench.
"Do you wish to got rid of this sot ?"
he asked.
"Yes," answered the landlord, "and
a half crown shall speak my thanks."
"Agreed," said. the other, "Get me
a sack."
A sack was produced, and the drun
kard bundled into it. Aw trudged
the man to the residence of a noted
anatomist, at whose door he knocked.
"Whoso's there ?" said a voice from
"1 have brought you a subject," Said
the man; "so come quick; bring me
my leo."
He was immediately admitted, the
guinea paid, and the sack, with its
contents, deposited in the surgery.—
Scarcely had he got out, when the
drunken man awoke. The surgeon,
enraged at being thus outwitted, ran
out and overtook the fellow, and cot•
tared him, crying, "Why, you dog, the
man's alive !'
"So much the better," said he. "You
can use hint when you want him."
—No man is safe who has once formed
the fatal habit of looking to drink for
solace, or cheerfulness, or comfort.—
While the world goes well they will
likely be temperate, bat the habit is
built, the railroad to destruction is
ready for use, the rails are laid down,
and the station house erected ; and the
train is on the line waiting only for the
locomotive. Well, the, first groat
trouble or hopeless grief is the locomo
tive ; it comes to us and grapples us,
and away we go in a moment, down
the line we have been years construct
ing, like a flash of lightning.
room is a bad place to
got your daily bread, yet they always
have a leaf (or.) too, there.
tho . most complete of any in - the country/ and pos
sesses tho most ample facilities for" promptly executiny In
the Lai style, every varioty of Job Printing, such ee
NO. 51.
ffiumor Ki Midtant,
Popping the Question,
The Chimney Corner has the follow
ing on "characteristic popping :"
Yankee: Jonatban—"Sal der you
love doughnuts ?"
Sal—"Yee Jonathan, why ?" •
"Jonath—"Oh, nothin ; only just
consider me one o' them doughnuts."
Western : Loquacious Individual—
"lloilo, old gal—see here!'l've seat-
terlofistercated all overthe equanimity
of this 'ere Country, looking for just
such a critter as yon. What say, will
yer hitch ?"
Western gal:- . 7 "9, shooks I calker
late'; so let's git up and gi"
Dutch i'llans—"lch will boben you,
Jonathan's. rloves you more better
than does mein lager beer"
Jonathans--"Oh, y; Haus, dat ist
good." ' .
French ; French Gallant:-=:"Oh;Mad:
emoiselle, you will do me ze very much
honor to accept ze band P'
Mademoiselle—"Oh; Monsieur, you
make my face very MUCh rOUV. Ask,
modern. Voulzevous r
Jew: I 'have
five gold watches, almost as . .good as'
new, von good lot, of second:handed
clothing; and 'von good - "camel• hair
shawl; which I will give to yotiif you
will be mine bride ?" •
Matilda—" Dear Hanaman, I .can't
resist ; but let me aeo the camel_ WA.
shawl first." ' '
Irish : Patrick—" Biddy, • darlitig„'
•would yeez like a new house, a cow, a
pig, and'rnyselt in the burg's% ?" •
Bridget—"Och,Taddy, don'tbe taz-:
lug. me ! Ti's the presto we're after,
WHAT TO TARE.—An exchange says:
A lady of our acquaintance, young,and
lovely arid intelligent, called on a cal°.
bratcd physician to do "something'
for a rush of blood to her head.
"I have been doctoring myself,"
said the languid chir one, with a smile,
to tho bluff though kind while
ho was fooling her pulse.
"Why, I have taken Brundreth'e
Pills; Parr's Pills, Strauburg's Pillsl
Sand's Sarsaparilla, Jayne's Bxpecto, :
rant, used Dr. Sherman's Lozenges and
Plaster, and—"
"My •Ifeavens I madam," interrupt,
od the astonished doctor, "all these dot
your complaint no good !"
"No !-then what shalt I. take l'
pettishly inquired the patient: •
"Take !"exclaimed the doctor eye,
jag her from head to - foot—"take I"
exclaimed he after .a moment's reflect
ion "Why tako' off your corsets 1,"
ARIBTOCRAOY.-0110V the parvenu
ladies of Cincinnati, who would, b%
wonderfully aristooratio in all her do,
mestic concerns, was visiting few days
since at the house of Major [all
know the old Major,] when, after tea,
the following conversation occurred be,
tween, the Major's lady and "top' knot,"
in consequence of the hired girl (mu,
pying a seat at the tea table : •
"Why, Mrs. s—; you do not al,
low your hired girl to eat with you at
table, do you ?",
"Most certainly I do. It was. so;
when you worked for me—don't you
recollect ?" .
This was a "cooler" to silk and satin
greatness, or, as the boy calls it; "cod,
fish aristocracy.' After coloring and
stammering, she answered in a low
voice: "Yes, I believe it, was," and
you have a Daily. Sun,'
said a newsboy to Mrs. Partington,
"Will I have a daily son ? Why you
little scapegrace I How dare you -in
sinuate against a lone woman from,
home ? No, indeed—l guess I won't
have a daily sun !, My dear poor man
used to complain awfully when I pre
sented him with a yearly son. A daily
son, indeed. Begone, you little upstart,
imp 1" and the old lady called for the
old turkey fan to keep her from swoon-;
SilirOn ono ocoasion as the Rev.
Mathew Wilds, a Celebrated' London
preachers, was on his way to a meet.
ing of Ministers, he got caught , in a
shower in the place called. Billingsgate,
- where there were a large number, or
women dealing in' fish, who were using
most profane and vulgar language. As
he stopped under a shed in the midst
of them, he felt called upon to give • at
least his testimony against their wick.
edness. _
"Don't you think," said be, speaking
with the greatest deliberation and sol 4
°amity, shall appear as a swift wit
ness againt you in the day of judg
ment ?"
"I presume so," said 'one, "for ths
biggest rogue alway turns state's •evi
deuce ?"
"Mathew, when he got to the meet
ing, related the incident.
"And what did yon say in reply,
Mr. Wilke ?" said one of the ministers
"What could I ?" was the *tractor ,
istio reply.
the depot . is a placard an.
flouncing "No smoking" posted over
an oil lamp. Two Irishmen appear,
oue smoking. "Pat," says .the • other,
ye're transgressin' the Oates of the es,
tablishmeut, ye ave." ,
"How's that?" says the smoker.
"Don't you see there--no smoking ?'x
"Yis; but can't ye see, yo spalpeen,
the remark is addressed to the lamp ?"
llgt—A State constable in Memel:at,
setts was recently puzzled by what
peared to be a motto in a saloon Win
dow which ran thus: "N"oolus Ileeb
Regal On reading the inscription
backwards, be caused the shutters of
the institution to be put up.
uek..Why is the tolling of a bell like,
he prayer of a hypocrite? Because it
s a solcum sound by a thoughtless.
, I'OSTIfttS,
LABBLS, &C., &C., .te