The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 19, 1867, Image 1

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Per nnunm in atirn.nce
!Ix month.
lhrce months
1 Insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
Due equate, (10 linee,)or lees.s 75 $1 2.5 $1 GO
Two 'quer., 150 2 00 3 00
Three squares, 2 25 3 00 4 50
3 month.. 6 months. 12 menthe.
.$4 00 t 6 00 $lO 00
6 00 9 00 10 00
8 00 12 00 ^0 00
Ins ',quart', or leen
fw• millrace
.10 00 1' 00 ". 00
.15 00 ^0 00 ...... ....30 00
.20 00
Four equarec,..
Half a column,
Ono column
. .
_ .
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines
One year, $5 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, , $2 60
Anattone NoticeN
. .
. .
Est ray, or other than Notices 1 L' , )
any. Ten lines of nonpareil make a square. About
eleht words constitute n line, so that any person can mt.
slily calculate &square in
Advertisements not marked with the number of Inser•
'sloes desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac
cording to them terms.
Oor Prins for the printing of Blanks, Handbill., eta.
are reasonably low.
Aosta on Mani:CUL—The prettiest thing, tho • 'sweetest
thing," nod the most of it tho least money. It over
comes the odor of perspiration; softens aud add. delicacy
to the skin ; le a delightlnl perfume; allays headache and
Inflammation, and inn neers.•ory companion in the sit:k
ite- in. in the nursery, and upon the toilet sideboard. It
ran he obtained everywhere at one dollar per bottle.
&motel:ex Spring Wafer, sold by all Druggists.
" S. T.-ISGO.—X.—Tho amount of Plantation Bitters
ante in one year le something etartling. They would till
Braid's - ay six feet high, from the Park to 4th direct.—
Drake's manufactory is one of the luetitutions of N. York.
ft to and that Drake painted all the rocks in the eastern
Etates with his cabalietic.S.T.-1860.—X," and then got
the old granny legislators to peen a Into "preventing dis.
figuring the face of nature," which gives him a monopoly
NVe do not know how this is, but we do know tho Planta.
lion Bitters sell tut no other article ever did. They are
nerd by ail cusses of the community, and are death on
Dysp,•psis—eertnin. They an very invigorating When
languid and weak, end a treat appetizer.
Aaratva.9pring Water, eold by all Druggists.
eID liftiog the kettle from the fire T acel.le.lsoyeelf they
•bend almost to a crisp. The torture teas
unbearable. • e • The Mexican Mustang Liniment
relieved the pain altuoit imautediately. It Leda rapidly,
sod left very little .4.r.
Caen. Farm, 4:0 Broad et., Philadm"
is merely n temple of what the Mustang Liniment
wiLl do. It is invaluable in nil amen of wounds. swellings,
.•pmins, curs braises. spnvieks, stc., eliker upon man or
Leseare of counterfeits. None is geentie unless errep•
pod in Line steel pie to engravings, bearing the signature
of G. W. Westbroek, Cheiniet. and the prironie stamp of
Saratcga :pring baler, NOM by all Drilggilte
All who value a beautiful bead of hair, and Ito preter
va ion from premature baldneas and turning gray, will
net fail to ore cyon's celebrated Katliairen. It makes the
Joule rich, tuft and g lossy. eradicate. dandruff, nod router
tile hair to grow with luxuriant beauty. It is bold ere
rywhere. E. 111.411A5 LYON. Chemin, N. Y.
Surof , yr Spring Water, told by all Dr uggh.ta.
'Sinai DID IT ?—A young lady, returning to country
home after a adourn of a few months in !Cow York, was
hardly recogn,...l by lice itiends. lu place of a rustic,
flushed face, also had a rote, ruby complexion, of almost
nal Ida tr000llona , ; and instead of 22, elle re ally appear
ed but ii. clan told then, plainly also used I lagan'a Mag
nolia Burns. cod would not be Without it. Any lady can
implore her personal appearance very mods by wing
Ibis article. it cau be ordered of any lltaggist for only
1.0 Ceuta.
Stmt - 3a ..sprirg Wager, raid by all Druggist:.
Ilelin,treere inimitable hair Coloring has been mteadi
/y growing in fasor for over twenty years, It acts_iinon
the at the roots of the bale, and changer it to
Ito ettgluel vder by degrees. All inetautaneous dyne
tirade. stet injure the hair. Ileitastreet's it not a dye,
Put Is rex - ruin to it: results, wan/sites its•growth, and is a
twatitittil Drestiug. Itt tee 1."1:1 teats and 81,00. Sold
Sdr,kva Sprtv Mier, sold by all Praggists.
tiqn. :Nausea, Ileartbut n, Sick Headache, Cholera 3luibur,
etc., illicre a wAI sling. genial etinunlant in requited.
cal dui papa/Anon and entire purity flake it
edcap and
telioble article for culinary purposes. Sold oveiya - hero
*ISO CeolB per bottle.
Sarakva Spring Interotold by ad Druggi.tx.
Jul ) li , 156 , 3--eowly
the nhove article. for talc try JOHN HEAD
Nun a. 6. SMITH, Iltintingdoll, Penna.
05ratoitous ,blittfiscnients.
[The,fahoing Card. are published grotaitnusly. Ater.
thants and Lu stness men genera ll y who advertise 'liberally
In the columns of GlAne dr, ji2 month+ or longer, will
hare their Cards inserted here during the continuance of
their adetrlisement. Otherwise, special liusir.ess Cards in•
„sorted at the usual rate, ]
aute, Main st., east at Washington Hotel, Iluutingden
CILAZIER & BRO,, Retail 'Mer
-1 ellauto, Wanitlngten at., near the Jail, II ontingdon.
DR. W3I. BREWSTER, Huntingdon
(Cures by Cllctroputhy.]
1) M. GREENS, Dealer in Music,niu
•.:3l iuntrumente, whines, 11.tuttng.lon.
. PLIOTOGRAPIIERg, Iftgotingdon, P.
Dealer it, Beoke, -vad Mutlaal Intro
aunts, liantingdon, Pa.
Merchant Tailor, liuntindon, ra
Iron Founder, Huntingdon. P.
Mj_'CALIAN & SON, proprietors of
Juniata Ftvam Pearl )1111, Iluotingdou.
„ Plain and Oraamcntnl Marble Manufacturers.
Plain and Ornerneutal Marble lilaaufacturcr.
TAMES HIGGENS. Manufacturer of
u k'urnitura and Cabinet Ware, Huntingdon, Pa.
TAi. WISE, Manufacturer Furni
lure, &c., Huntingdon. Undertaking attendld to
sale and retail deidere in foreign and domestic
'Hardware, Cutlery, tc., Railroad .tree[, If untingdon.
:1431ES A. BROWN,
,Itp Dealer la Rardwara, Cutlery, Palnta, on., aa., Haat
,trigdoa, Pa.
VM. AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and
Y Ediomin the Diamond, Huntingdon, Fa.
TOHN 17. 'WESTBROOK, Dealer in
ity Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Coufectionery, Iluntingdon.
GEO. SIIAEFFER, dealor in Boots,
kiltEg t fluiter, dc., Huntingdon.
ZTENTER, Dealer in Groceries and
. .Provlsions sll kinds, Huntingdon,
OIIM & MILLER, Dealers in Dr . )
JA']seta, Queenewsro, Groceries, Ilinvingdon.
W 3l l;e 3 l i e jl e R D C r il v I QTeeneware, Herdwarr,
&pate, kc. In
• ."
Merchants, Huntingdon. Pa.
L. Dealer in Ready &lade Clothlag, Rata and Cape
Ij. Dealer in Dry Goode, Groceries, !lard ware, Q.eene
, ere. Hats and Cape, Boots and Shoos, &e. Huntingdon
SE. HENRY & CO., Wholesale and
. naafi Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Qusermir nre, nod Provitiong or all kinds, Ilimtingdnii.
fIy the box, peck, or lees quantity, for sale ea
Aid).- Fur neat JOB PRINTING, call at
the "GLOBE JOB PRINT/NC Orrrec,'? nt Hun
tingdon, Pt,
t 2 00
. 1 00
~j ~},~
pR. R. R. WIESTLING mostrespect
fully tenders his professional F• r v ices to tho citizens
of Huntingdon awl riciuity.
Office that of the Into Dr. Snare. melll3.lya
Ha, lug permanently located at Huntingdon, offers
his pndks>Wnxl services to the community.
Office, same as that lately occupied by Dr. Lintel]
on Hill street. ap10,18C.6
DR. JOHN MeCULLOCII, offers his
professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon
end vicioitr. °awe ea Hill street, one dcwor iast of Reed's
Drug Store. Ang, 28,
I) • ALLISON MILLER, ( f o p .
Ha. th• Brick Row oppooito am Court nous.).
Aprill2, ISM).
Cl • DENTIST. tsi
0111 c• rernovoll to opposite the Franklin
House In the old bank building, 21111 street, Huntingdon.
April 10, 1860.
The undersigned respxtfally inform the citizens of
Huntingdon county and the traveling public generally
that they have leased the Washington House on the cor
ner of Hill and Charles street, In the borough of Hun
tingdon. and are prepared to accommodate all who may
favor them with a call. Will be pleased to receive a liber
al share of public patronage.
May I, '67—tf.
THE subscribers having leased this
hotel, I.tely occupied by Mr.fllcNulty, are preparod
to accommodate strangers, travelers, and citizens in good
style. Every effort shall be made ou our part to make all
who atop with us feel at home. AULTZ & FEE,
may2,l Stet Proprietors.
T lIA.VE purchased and entirely ren
i. oratnd the large atone and brick building opposite
the renneylvania ltailroail Depot, and intro now opened it
fur the sercminodatien of the traveling public.. The Car.
pole. Furniture, Bede and Beildiug ore All entirely now
mot first clans, and I nine into in retying that I ran offer tic
conintiolatious not excelled lee Central Venn*ylrania.
Vitml refer to tity patrons who hare formerly known
not while inn charge of the Broad Top City lintel and Jack
eon Dent, JOSEPH 5101tRISON.
Day 16, 1066-If.
LycomißE Mutual Illsurallce Company.
Ito, ttng lon, May 9 1867 Cul
1 •
Wilgreb Ito turd I shit Dealer to all km la of
5i.11 , 5 3 ALa , 3 .DDI ) -1 - 12 . ,-ot
Text door to tic k'rmlklin Hui 4', 11l the Dlllll/111
e oe ry trade 'up ttect ITU k 7
Li_ I, Alllrd 41,1 It, ElleCeS. rto Ceo. D. Swartz,
Its opened at his old stvul on Hill street,op
lost! Brown 'a Itar In at o store, stock of all kinds
of C . tit belongtog to the trade .
Stitch anti Pluck Bei ttring prompt)) attended'- '•"
t pr settcnl nt rkto
It untiu gdan, April .10 torn
Prompt at tention will bo given to all legal bmlnoss en.
trusted to his ear°. Military and other claims of soh
tiers and their heirs against the State or Government
r.direot without delay.
01.410E—lu Ile Wick. ROA; oppomite lho Coin t Itowo
friroN S. LY TLE,
rronipt attention given to all legal business entrusted
to his care. Claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs ogainkt
tbo Clovernineut collected without .lelny. sot 2'r.t's
Mc., on MR street. lICINTINUDON, PA
Prompt attention will lee given to Vito pravemition of
(Inc Ciii.{lll9 of soldiers and soldiers' heirs, against the Clov
erninent. siV22,l6tift
Soldier.• Claims against the Government fur Back Pay
Bounty, Widows' and Inv:,tide Pensions attended to with
great rare and prometness. my29,ly
JOAN EMT; $.OlUn. T. 116011,, JOIN TI. 8.111.1,i
rrho name of this firm has been chit ng
j_ ed from SCOT r E BROWN, to
ender which name they 11111 hereafter conduct their
practice as
PENFIONS, and all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heir.
against tho Government, will bo promptly prosecuted.
May 17, 186:--tf.
A LL who may have any claims a
-1-1.. gal [lnt the Government for Bounty, Back Pay nml
Penhionm, ran intro their claims promptly collected by nm
plying either in i.e.,/ or by letter to
August 12, 1860
/MIN 9,1,, W. R. 'POOPS, r. IJ. PAPP, W. P. MI
JOHN BARE, & CO., Bankers,
I3iziatirlig;clca7a, 1,,,a.
Solicit accmots from Ranks, Banker. it. others. Inter.
ca allowed on liepiwits. Ail hind:. of Securities, bought
and sold for the °moat commisiiou. Special attention
given to Gavel nnient Securities. Collections made on
all points.
Persons depositing Cold and Sliver will receive the
same in return with Inters t.
Plain and canvas sugar cured HaMs—the beet in mar
ket—whole or sliced, for eale at
Lewis' Family Grocery
It you want your card neatly printed on enrol
opes, Call nt,
GASSIMER ES.—A choice lot of
black and fancy o , sth/wits at
whoiesiJa and retail, it
/selling MY at tateatly reduced pricer.
Some remarkable instances of the
power of memory have been roc:circled,
which prove that the faculty can be
cultivated to almost any degree. A
man called on the Greffier Fagel to dis
play his powers, and said ho would per.
form any feat of memory that might be
given to him. He was requested to
read through a newspaper and then re
peat it word for word. lie did so, and
did not omit a single word from begin
ning to end. The listener expressed
his astonishment, when the man said,
"Oh, that is but little, for now I shall
repeat the same backwards." "It can
not he . done," said the Greffier. "It
only waits your patient hearing." He
then begun, and without the least hes
itation repeated every separate article,
beginning at the end and ceding at the
\Vm. Lyon, a strolling player of
Edinburg, had a remarkable memory.
He made the promise one evening tint
he would the next day repeat the
Daily Advertiser from beginning to
end. This he did the next morning,
without a mistake, going - through all
the advertisements, accidents, price of
stocks, law intelligence, &c.
These instances prove to what de
gree the memory can be cultivated;
and there is no better way to improve
a memory that is deficient, than by
commencing to learn to repeat poetry
and prose daily. It gives one also
great control of language. One of the
best talkers of the present day declared
that ho owed his ability to express his
ideas in good langUage, to his deter
mination to commit a great part of
Shakespeare's plays to memory. He
found that he gained a wonderful con
trol of language by so doing. Try it,
young people who wish to be good
lawyers, good writers and talkers.
Rev. T. L. Cuyler thus closes a re
cent article in the independent, enti
tled "Sunshine in Hearts and Home :
W. 11. WOODS,
Attorney at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa
Tell me not that he's a poor man,
That his dress is coarse and bare ;
Tell me not his daily pittance
Is a workman's scanty fare.
Toll me not his birth is humble,
That his parentage is low ;
Is he honest in his actions?
That is all I want to know.
Is his word to be relied on?
Iles 1 00 01 , ,,,eter no blame?
8 low born---
Then rt are nnt - whenee his oaths
Would he from an unjust action
Turn away with scornful eye?
Would he, then, defraud another?
Sooner on the scaffold die.
Would he spend his hard-gained earnings
On a brother in distress?
Would he succor the afflicted
And the weak one's wrongs redress?
Then he is a man deserving
Of my love and my esteem,
And I care not what his birth-place
In the eyes of man may seem.
Let it be a low thatched hovel—
Let it be is clay-built cot—
Let it be the parish work-house—
In my eye it matters not.
And if others will disown him,
As inferior to their caste,
Let thorn do it—l'll befriend him
As a brother to the Inst.
The Power of Memory.
Little Words and Actions.
"We must, before closing, say a word
about the sunshine that is cast over
our own homes by littlo words and ac
tions. Some men—some honest, god.
ly men—so neglect the little amenities
of life that their presence affects us
like a March wind. They forget that
religion ought to regulate those little
things that make up so much of the
brightness or the shadow of daily ex
istence..l know of mon whose entrance
into their own dwelling casts a painful
restraint over their household; and
they aro not vicious or brutal pion
either. But they have no sunshine
about them. They have no sympathy
with the tfoubles, and no ready utton
tivonese to promote the enjoyment of
those they meet. Their children are
shy of them. They give their money
to send the Gospel to gladden far-away
India and China; but they never briing
any to their own homes.
' , Good friend ! begin to sympathize
with your own family before you ex
pend no much upon the heathen. As
my dear friend, Dr. James W. Alexan
der, used to say, 'Begin at home, and
work outward. If you do not love
your own wife, do not pretend to so
much love for the peoplo on the other
side of the globe.' Don't lot 80 much
worry and irritation drizzlo like a
Scotch mist into your own family cir
cle. It is good to givo money to sup
port a missionary to China or Turkey;
but pray begin to support at least ono
missionary of Gospel love and daily
kindness in your own shoos, and under
your own hat! Keep your heart in
the love of God and of your• fellow
men; and then let the blessed sunlight
fall on every human being that you
Ltel.../1 Western paper states that in a
passenger train for Chicago, from the
East, a young father and mother were
traveling with a sick and weary child.
There were also in the same oar half
a-dozen coarse fellowA, who, with their
noise, kept the child awake and cry
ing. At last one became tired of the
little one's wailing, and exclaimed :
"Seems to me that young one is ma•
king too much noise; won't somebody
nurse it?" The color flushed over the
pale face of the mother as she cutting
ly replied : "If nursing will stop that
man's noise, somebody had better
nurse him." The man sank into his
coat collar, and that was the last of
him. His companions, who greeted
the retort of the mother with a cheer,
were also silenced for the remainder of
the journey.
Blind Husbands.
We once heard of an elopement of a
woman—who had a blind husband
and three children—with a young
man who had boarded in her house.
The incident reminds us of how many
blind husbands there aro in the world,
mentally blind—whose blindness is the
cause of infidelity of their wives.
Husbands there are, alas! too plenty,
who are blind to their duties toward
their wives, and equally blind to what
duties their vives properly owe them.
Is makes little difference, in respect
to the result, whether they are
tyrannical or blindly indulgent—
their conduct either encourages disre—
spect or hatred, and away go their
disloyal partners with sonic new 'lov
ers who have taken advantage of their
husband's blindness.
No doubt the poor blind husband in
this case owes his bereavement of his
wife to his bereavement of sight. Had ho
had cyeiiight, those faithful orbs would
have been sentinels to guard his hon
or and intimidate the aggressor—and
jealous husbands, who are indignant at
the wrong committed upon them,
thank Heaven they have eye with
which to defend themselves.
But this physical blindnessisnogreat
er a calamity than the mental dark
ness under which many husbands la
bor and stil think they see ! Poor
fools I You have oyes and yet eee not.
You see not that there is such a thing
as incompstability of dispositions be
tween you and your wives. You do
not see that oven if your natures aro
congenial, they can only be kept faith
ful by congenial habits and those en•
dealing attentions without which the
palled heart of your partner must lose
its habits of clinging to you alone, and
without which the marriage do is like
ly to become as insubstantial as "an
airy nothing" or a rope of sand.
Yon are blind, perhaps, in the oppo
site extreme of' the question, and it'
your wives are of a flighty nature and
over fond of now faces, you may be
still unwise enough to let ever-indul
gence allure them to their ruiner your
own. And so, blind husbands all ! you
lose the idols of your hearts either by
forcing them rudely from their podes.
tal, or by neglecting all care for the
statues, permitting them to totter, and
thus, in either ease, they full and are
shnt tered to pieces.
Many a man has read with a smile,
or a feeling of indifference, some
account of an elopement, and the next
day became himself the astounded vic
tim of another like perfidy. He saw
the rock on which others had split,
and felt satisfied that his own eyes
were open—again to fell that he open
ed them too late—and too much light
now pays the penalty of his having
been too much in the dark,
We advise all persons who love
their partners—men and women—to
soo to it that they aro not blind too
long. Let them consult those great
matrimonial oculists, wisdom and mor
ality, which tend to perpetuate, de
serve and engage love ; these will pre
vent them from neglecting those du
ties and attentions, whose perform
ance lightens and gilds life's fetters,
and removes that mental blindness
which makes their mortal and immor
tal interests unseen or lost.
Praying for a Husband,
A young lady in Norristown heard
that if she would go out and pray three
cousectivo nights, the Lord would tell
her who slio would marry. Now it
happened that hor father had a young
man iu his employ who had consider
able wit and good humor about hint.
One evening ho was out in an apple
tree after fruit, when he beard
some ono praying something like this:
"0, Lord, who will I marry ?" The
idea popped into Doyle's (that being
the young man's name) that he would
have ti little sport at her expense. So
ho spoke in a changed voice, and said
"Doyle," "No, Lord, not Doyle" cried
the aton ished young lady. "Yes, Doyle,
or no ono," again Bonded from the
tree top in a sober, hollow voice. She
arose and entered the house, resolved
to try again the next evening. Of
course Doyle did wish to spoil the fun,
and so the next evening found him sea
ted in the tree lop.
.11e did not have
long to wait befbre the young hus
band seeker came and commeced pray
ing in the same way that she did the
preceding evening, and received the
same answer. The next evening also
found her under the tree pleading to
know her future husband's name, and
again she hoard the answer, "Doyle,
or no one." She arose, feeling satisfi
ed that she must marry Doyle. The
next morning she met him and asked
hint why ho did not put on better
clothes. no said that he was not able.
"Well," said she, "father is rich, aud
ho will lot you have money." He took
that for a pretty good hint, and bought
a new suit of clothes. In a short
time ho offered his heart and hand,
and'wns accepted. After their. mar
riage he told her how her prayers
were answered. If any of the fair
readers of this story should think of
praying for a husband do not get un
der a tree, or if you do, be sure to ex
amine it closely and see if there is any
ono to answer it.
ritV^ We had assembled to pay the
last tribute of respect to a worthy man
who had not, while alive, coma up to
the popular notion of being the head
of the family. Sympathizing lady
friends woro assisting the "afficted
relict" to put on her mourning habili
ments, one of whom produced a nice
ly starched, splondidly trimmed cotton
lace cap. Tho bereaved one spied it
instantly. "Not that soap ! not that
ono !" she authoritatively exclaimed.
"I s'pose I'll have to cry some, and
make a fuss at the funeral, and I
might muss it. Give me an old one !"
... . i , .%..:- .
v k
‘1. 4 ,:: ,:- •;,- -., ..
gthiptrante gopits.
The Victims of Intemperance.
It was on a winter's night that a car
riage, containing two ladies and a
coachman,rolled heavily over the snow.
The travelers had arrived in the late
train, and were endeavoring to reach
their home, which was a country seat,
six miles from the city which they had
just left. It was now midnight. The
road was narrow and lonely, guarded
on either side by thick woods. The
moon shed her radiance over the land
As the carriage came within a short
distance•of home, it suddenly stopped;
for in the• middle of the road stood a
horse and wagon, which impeded its
further progress. The coachmen alight-
ed, and looked-about him. As lie was
nearing the offensive wagon, he stum
bled over n something, which—God
forgive her—was a woman. She lay'
stretched out upon the ground, in an
almost nude condition, with her• arms
thrown widely above her head. The
man shook her, but could elicit noth
ing from her but a few unintelligible
groans. By the light of the moon he
then perceived a bundle lying over op
posite, which bundle proved to be an
Irishman, who lived in a small but far
up ; the road. By a great effort of
strength the coachman lifted the wo
man in his arms, and placed her in the
wagon. After many drunken protes
tations from the Irishman, the latter
was prevailed upon to arise and take
hold of the back of the wagon, thus
steadying himself and also pushing the'
vehicle. The coachman then led the
poor, patient beast, and the carriage
followed slowly behind, the elder lady
having taken the reins. Although the
Whoa were much horror-stricken at
what they beheld, they felt that it was
a time to consult their nobler feelings.
Had they humored their inclination to
dash forward and leave the poor crea
Lures to their• fate, the latter would in
all probability have been frozen before
morning. The little hovel was soon
reached. As the sound of wheels fell
on the ears of the inmates, the door
opened, and a tiny voice cried eagerly
and joyously, "Oh, have you got home,'
And there was heard the scampering
of little feet, and the hum of little
voices. The coachman lifted the
drunken mother, carried her in, and
deposited her on the bed. The drunk
en father, partially sobered by his walk,
staggered in after, and sank upon the
nearest chair. The eldest girl, who
could not have been more than ten
years old, at once recognized the true
state of affairs, and burst into tears.
The six smaller children were evident
ly half asleep and much bewildered.
They stood in ono corner of the room,
in a frightened group. Suddenly one
little fellow, who was in his night,
gciwn, and had rushed in all eagerness
to welcome his parents, sprang upon
the bed where his mother lay, and put
ting his downy cheek against hers, pat
ted her hand caressingly,and implored
I her to speak to him. Her lips formed
but a drunken oath in reply, and rais
ing her hand she pushed him from the
bed. He was caught in the arms of
the coachman, who stood near, wiping
front his sympathetic eyes the tears
that would come. The boy, who was
unhurt, began to cry in a terrible way,
in which pitiful solo the whole chorus
of children joined. The elder girl at
last recovered herself, thanked the
kind coachman, and explained to him
that this used to ho a common occur
runes but that of late her parents had
signed the pledge, and had until now
abstained from intoxicating liquor.
Hero her feelings again overcame her,
and she turned away in an uncontroki
ble flood of tears.
Ail this time the father was laugh
ing tipsily to himself, and was making
hideous faces at the shuddering chil
dren. This, which it has taken me so
lung to relate, transpired in a few mo
ments. The coachman opened tho door
to depart, when the mother of those
seven forlorn little objects muttered
something about bed-time. Seeing that
she was now partly awake, the coach
man informed her that she ought to
be ashamed of herself for being in such
a horrible condition. She nodded stn•
pidly, and he left in despair, and drove
his ladies home as quickly as possible.
What happened afterward in that
miserable hut is unknown to me; but as
I sat thinking about the story, after it
was told to me, a party of young men
passed under my window. They were
singing hilariously, because they were
ufficionlly intoxicated to be in the best
spirits. Out of drunken tones of gay
ety, mingled with loud laughs of deri
sion, there arose the following words
"I want to be an angel,
and with the angels stand;
.4. crown upon my forehead,
A harp within my hand."
There may have been a time when
they sang it reverently, perhaps at a
mother's knee; but now it was yelled
forth with a fiendish frenzy, the tune
being scarcely distinguishable, as each
one sang in a different key, and impro
variations of his own. As it was not
quite dark, I could easily distinguish
among the party one or two faces of
those who belong to the "best fami
lies," and who say that they ate in the
"first society."
Ab, thought I, can it bo that the rich
and the poor have something so close
ly in common? The same temptation
allures both, and both fall a victim to
its snares. Surely that whiob can so
reduce a mother to indecency, and can
make night hideous with tbo revelry
of yowlg men who call themselves re
speetabre, is something possessed with
ten thousand devils—the invention of
a fiend !—Jndependent.
Now Raven, Conn., 1867.
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance.
'OLhoughts for the farmer.
Thinning Fruit.
An article in the Jouinal of Horticul
ture has the following very judicious
remarks on the propriety of thinning
fruit : The flavor of fruit, barring ex
treme sunless seasons, is entirely under
the control of the gardener. A clever
man can command flavor; a dull man,
when he finds his fruit flavorless,makes
idle excuses, which should never be lis
tened to. If a tree trained to a wall be
allowed •to ripen, say the ton dozen of
fruit, when five or six dozen only
should have.been left, they, although
they may be of a fair size and color,
suffer in flavor to an extent- scarcely
credible. flow often has the gardener
Lad occasion to complain of his pears
not being good, although produced on
fine trees trained against walls? He
complains of the season ; but it is in
most cases owing to the trees being al
lowed to bear just double the number
they ought to have done, The follow
ing ought to be inscribed on every
wall, and in every fruit and orchard
house :—By thinning, you make indif
ferent fruit good. By crowding you
make good fruit bad. If very fine and
high flavored fruit is wished for, a tree
capable of bearing three dozen of me
dium sized peaches should ho allawed
to bear twelve or fifteen. This thin
ning is terrible work for the amateur.
It is like drawing a tooth, and every
fruit that falls to the ground creates a
pang ; but it must be done. A small
sharp pen the best instrument
to employ and is much better than
tearing off the fruit with the finger and
thumb. A well-formed peach or nec
tarine three, be it bush or pyramid,
with its fruit properly thinned and
nearly ripe, is ono of the most beauti
ful articles the skill of the cultivator
can produce.
Let any one who is raising fruit try
the experiment this season, by thinning
the fruit on a single tree of apples,
poaches, pears, plums, &e., where the
fruit is too abundant, and he will next
year treat all his trees in the same
How Dogs Kill Sheep.
The March report of the Commis.
sinner of Agriculture dwells upon the
ravages committed by dogs among the
sheep in the United States. In 1866,
five hundred thousand sheep worn
ed by dogs, and their value was $2,-
000,000. The Commissioner says :
"The cost of keeping dogs, most of
them utterly worthless, when calcula
ted for the whole country, assumes
startling proportions. The estimate
made ii the report of 1863, of ten dot=
lays per annum, or less than ono cent
per meal, cannot be considered extrav
agant, in view of price paid for board
ing dogs, the cost of keeping largo
numbers of them in eities, and their
exclusive consumption of meat. As to
their numbers, it is believed_by many
that they will average one to each fam
ily-, or seven
.millions in the United
States. In cities and towns that aver
age would not be reached, while many
a pack of hounds and assemblage of
curs of low degree might be found in
the ownership of a single families.
Possibly seven millions may be too
largo. Ohio, with half a million fam
ilies, is supposed by many to have half
a million dogs, although little more
than one third of that number are
found on the assessors' books. It may
be assumed, in view of all the data ob
tained, as a low estimate, that there
aro five millions of dogs in the United
States, and that their subsistence in—
volves all expenditure of fifty millions
of dollars."
The _Rural Gentleman says "If
sheep aro kept in the same lot with
cows or frit cattle, no dog will disturb
them. As soon as the doge approach
the sheep, they will run to the cattle,
who drive off the dogs. A farmer of
thirty years, in Shelby county, adopt
ing this plan, never lost a sheep by
dogs, although in the same night the
same dogs killed sheep on the farms
North and South of him."
Gapes in Chickens,
There is no doubt but the gapes
comes from little worms, the larvae of
some fly or other insect, which are
found in considerable numbers in the
throats of the chickens and cause their
death. These flies or insects no doubt
abound about foul houses and yards,
so that keeping the chickens in places
where fowls do not frequent, and
where they have not before been kept,
goes far toward protecting them from
the evil. A correspondent writes as
follows: "A year ago I communicated
to the Agriculturist a certain mode of
treating chickens, to prevent gapes.
Since that time I have seen various
modes stated to cure the ailment.
Now, Mr. Editor, I insist upon it. that
'an ounce of prevention is better than
a pound of cure.' rhere is no need of
having gapes at till. Last year I relo
ad nearly ono hundred chickens, and
had not a sign of gapes among them.
My method is as follows : When the
chickenerare in condition to tako from
the nest, I put them with the hen in
a coop with a hoard bottom, eo as to
keep the young ones from the cold and
damp ground. They are fed with In.
dian meal on which boiling water is
poured from the teakettle, well stirred
and allowed to cool. I believe the
whole secret is to keep the chickens
dry and warm when quite young, and
give them cooked food.—American
the meet complete of any in the country, and pea•
the meet ample facilities for promptly executing to
the beat aisle, every variety of Job Printing, mobil
LABELS; &0., &0., &G
NO. 50.
'umor aitbetigrom.
Wno is the laziest man? The furn
niture dealer— he keeps chairs and
lounges about all the time.
THE latest 'love of a bonnet' out, is
said to be very pretty; it is made of
a glass bead and a white . horse hair.
A bashful musician, upon being re
quested to play a tune on his cornet,
turned red and white and blew.
"AND ye have taken the tAotat
pledge, haTe ye?" said somebody to an
Irishman. •
g'lndado Litavo, and am .not asham,
ed of it aithor."
"And did not Paul tell Timothy to
take a little wine for his itoroaclea
sake?" "Sure he did, but my namels
not Timothy and there's nothing tho
matter with my stomach."
ONCE in a church a young man who
carried the collection plate,before start
ing to collect, put his band in hispock
et and deposited his contribution on
the plate; and then passed it around
among the congregation, which num
bared many young and pretty girls.
Thezirls, as they looked at the plate,
all seemed astonished and amused, and
the young man taking a glance at the
plate, found that instead of a shilling,
be had put a conversation lozenger on
the plate, with the words 'Will yon
marry me ? in red letters, staring
everybody in the face. None of the
young ladies, howeveri closed in with
the offer.
A WOMAN says what she pleases with
out being knocked down for it. She
can take a snooze after dinner, while
her husband goes to. work. She can go
into the street without being asked to
stand 'treat' at every saloon. She can
stay at horilein time of war, and get
married again if her husband gets kill-.
ed. She can wear corsets if too thick,
and other fixins if too thin. She can
get divorced from , her husband whati,
ever she sees one she likes better. ,She
can get her husband in debt all over•
until he warns the public not to trust
her on his account. But all these ad
vantages aro balanced by the great
fact that she cannot sing bass, go
sparking; or climb a tree with any
gree of propriety,
A coon joke is related of a couple of
the West Virginia Legislators, which
is worth relating. In conversation one
day on tho subject of the Lord's Pray,
er, one offered to bet the other five dol,
lays that he did not know it. The bet
was accepted, and, by agreement, the
Legislator was to repeat it. He Com
menced as follows:
'Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the liord my soul to take.'
'Well, I declare,' exclaimed the as-,
tonished Legislator, 'you have won the
bet, but I'll he hanged if I thought you
knew it,' and forthwith handed over
the five dollars, to the great amuse.
ment of a number of gentlemen pros_
en t.
TIIERR was a knot of sea-captains in
a storo of Honolulu, "the keeper of
which bad just bought &barrel of black
pepper. Old Captain —, of Salem,
came in, and seeing the pepper took tip
a bandiul of it.
'What do you buy such stuff as that
for 1' said ho to the storekeeper 'it/
half peas.'
'Peas I' replied the storekeeper;
'there isn't a pea in it.'
Taking up a handful as bespoke, he
appealed to the company. They alb'
looked at it, and plunged their hands
into the barrel, and bit a kernel or 80,
and then gave it as their universal
opinion, that there wasn't a pea in it.
I toll you there is,' said the old cap
tain, again scooping up a handful!
'and I'll bet a dollar on it."
The old Boston argument all over
the world. They took him up.
'Well,' said ho, 'spell that,' pointing
to thee word 'P-e p.p e-r,' painted on
the side of the barrel. 'lf it isn't half
p's the 4 ne judos, that's all.'
The het was paid.
DEACON A. while passing through
his lot the other day, stooped down to
tic his shoe. A pot ram, which the
boys had tamed, among other things
was taught to regard. this position as
extremely offensive. He instantly
pitched into the old gentleman's rear
and laid him full length in a fund hole.
Picking himself np, the deacon 4igopy,
°red the cause of his overthrow ? stand
ing in all the calmness and dignity of
a conscious victor. His rage was
boundless, and ho saluted him withthe
energetic language :
'You d—d old rascal l'
At that moment he caught a glimpse
of the benign face of the rninisterpeep.
log through. the fence, be instantly
added : 'lf I may be allowed the ex
TEM boarders in a fashionable houie
were assembled in the parlor one even=
ing, when a rather antiquated maiden
lady, who never seemed to have any,
employment but admiring her jewelry
and dresses, lisped out the remark thf4
eho loved a rainy day, and always
4vgqed herself of it. to arrange Imp
'So do I,' growled out an old sea cap..
tuin. '1 overhaul my drawers and
shirts too, sometimes, and sew on a
button or a string where it is needed-'
Mademoiselle didlnot faint; but there
was an angry rustle of silks al she
swept out of the room, leaving 41 tia.
excfiange a suppressed titter for a good,
hearty laugh.
A Lam' who was married on Friday,
when asked wby • she consummated
such important business on such an un ;
lucky, day, responded that she had
been married on every other day in
the week, and had always made such a
poor fist of it, that she concluded to
test the hangman's day, hoping the
halter wouldn't slip this time.