61obt. HUNTINGDON, TA Wednesday morning, Sep, 14, 1864. Union County Committee Meeting. The members of the Union County Committee are urgently requested to meet at the Franklin House in Hun tingdon, on Monday the 19th inst. Business of importance will be brought before the Committee. Congressional, Senatorial, Representative and Coun ty candidates aro also requested to attend the meeting as far as possible HENRY GRAFFUS, August 10, 18.04 Union Senatorial Conference. LEWISTOWN. Sept. Oth, 1864. The Conferees of the SellatOTlNl District composed of the counties of Blair, Centro. Huntingdon, Juniata, Llin and Perry, met et the Court House in 'Lewistown, on the day of the above data, at 2 o'clock, I'. 11. flu motion W. 11. Lease, of linntingden co., woe chosen President of the Conference, and Jpo. T. Johnston, of Centre, and Geo. W. Patton, of Blair, were chosen Secre taries. Vl.c roll of delegates beteg celled, the following gen tlemeft presented their credentials, end 0. - ore admitted to setts in the Conference: Blair.—Satunel lleGantant, Geo. N. Patton, John II neatly. Centre.—A.ll. Barlow, James Dunlap, Jno. T. John aton. Hantingdon.—Dr. IL L. Brown, Dr. H. K. Koeff, Hon Juniata.-14'..W. Davis, A. G. Shellenberger, John A Gallagtor. 11.11ifiin.—Jno. A. McKee, Robert Patton, Ner. 'Mown. son, rerry.—Wm. mother, Sam`]. Roath. C. Ili:hwy. On motion, the Conference proceeded fo nominate can didate, to be ballotted for, when the following gentlemen were placed in nomination, viz of Blair ; %tit Ilninett. of Perry; D. W. W.mde, of Mifflin ;E. X. Blair, of Ilaatingdon, and E Blanchard, of Centre. On motion. the Conference proceeded to rote viva voce, Tor one candidate at a time. Seventeen ballots wera lia4 without a choice, the Con • faxes voting for the candhi.trett from their own counties, and Tnniata voting alternately for Woods and Blair. Af ter tile lith ballot, Conference adjourned for ball an hoar. Conference re-aneembled and proceed.] to ballot. After net ballot—there being no choice. the voting .Isbout the same—Conference adjourned until 6!,4 o'clock. Conference re-arnembled and proceeded to ballot: On 74th ballot, Mr. Dunlap withdrew the name of Mr. Illanchard. • On the 88th .ballot. ear. Haines racetved a majority of all the votes cast and was declared nominated, whereup on the nomination was made unanimous. The conference proceeded to nominate a second candi date. let Ballot—Hall 9, Woods 4, 'Blair 5. 24 " " 9,4, 5. Sd " ,- 9,4, 5. 4th " " 9,4, 5. sth " '. 10, 4. 4. Whereupon Mr. Hall was doclarod nominatod and the 'rote was made unanimous. . _ _ W. B. LEASE, Pres! Jxo. T. Jorog7o:l,. 1 . - saw ., GKO. W. Perms,.l Nointnatlons. The Congressional Conference of the Vallandighain party met in this place last week and put in nomina tion Robi. L. Yohnston, Esq., ofEbens burg, as their candidate. Bob is well known as a politician—he comes up to the standard 14 party requires—un scrupulous in all his political dealings —and would just as soon be in one party.as another, so he could win. Bob is different in one respect from many others, be can take a defeat as cool as the next man, and we would advise him to commence getting cool, now, as it has been intimated that Mr. Barker has decidedly the best wind. The Union Senatorial Conference met at Lewistown on Friday last, and after ballotting upwards of one hun dred times—Otir. 13rice I. Blair, of • • and Mr. Woods of Lewis- town, having the largest number of votes but not enough to nominate,) some of the Conferees changed ground and nominated Kirk Haines, Esq , of Perry county, and Lewis W. • Hall, Esq., of Blair county, as the Union candidates for this district, composed of the counties of Centre, Blair, Hunt ingdon, Mifflin, Juniata and Perry. Wc are not acquainted with Mr. Haines, but if he is as able a man as Mr. Hall, we are very sure this dis trict will be as ably represented in the Senate as any other in the State. Mr. Hall has already served a term in the Senate and was Speaker of that body, and was ono of the best the Senate ever had. Hall and Haines will be elected if the Union men of the dis trict do their duty. The Vallandighamites have not yet made their nominations for Senate or Legislature. EOM= The Pennsylvania State 'Agricultu ral Society will hold its next fair ht Easton Pa., Sept. 27th, 28th, 29th, and Nth, 1894. The most ample accom dations we are informed are being made. The Grounds and buildings of the Farmers and Mechanics Institute, where the Fair will bo held, are among the largest and finest in the State. In addition to the buildings and sheds already erected, several very large tents have been secured; one for the floral and fruit department and the other for the Fruit Growers Society of Easton Pennsylvania, who will hold their quarterly meeting upon the grounds at the same time. Their ob ject is to discuss all questions apper taining to fruit growing, as well as to which fruits of their own production. Their discussions are not 'beneficial, will add much to the general interest of the Fair. From present indications the lair will be ono of the largest over held in the State. • loa,. Mrs. A. will please ateept our thanks for her good intentions. We are happy to inform her that we are again upon our feet, with fair pros pects of being "about" again in a few days. vel,„ The largest stock and greatest variety of styles of Pocket Books and Currency Holders, outside of Philadel phia, can be seen at Lewis' Book Store- U. S. REVENUE STAMPS.—Persons in want of these stamps can get them at Lewis' Book Store. Orders by mail will receive attention. A fine stock of Spectacles just re ceived and for sale at Lewis' Book Store. SCARCE.—LocaIe LIXECUTOILS' NOTICE. [Eatate of I , lenAriut Green, lieC . 11:1 Letters testamentary upon tho uarnto of Ph,,aut Green, Into of Oneida tp., dee',l.. having been zrunt,,.l to the un,loteigned. All per4ons 11,6:ing Chtli,ll6 a;lainst the paid estate, ore requested to present awn: tor settlement, .41,1 those outing the Jaime. will make I.Youtnt. HENRY WILSON, Executor. Sept. 14, '64. Gt. TRIMMINGS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. MBNCKE & BROTHER No. SU Arch Street. • . Philadelphia. A line assortment of Ladles Dress nod Cloak Trim mings, Bugle Gimps, Shawl Madam, AD. Importers of real fterlin Zephyrs, Embroideries, Saxo oy Yarns, Rule Goods, Fancy Goods, Ac., at the lowest prices. Sept. 14,'64.3m. GOD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH. PROC LAMATIO4N.-NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY,OCTOB,ER, 11, 1864 Pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act rola. ting to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved the second day of duly, 1830, 1, GEORGE W. 3011 N. STUN', High F.herift of the county of Huntingdon, Pennsyvlania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the comity aforesaid. that an election will be held in the said county of Huntingdon, on the 2nd Tuesday, (and 11th day) of October, 18frt, nt which time District and County Officers as follows, will be elected, to wit: Chafrman One person to represent the counties or llanting,aon, Inair, Islifflin, and Cambria, In the House of Represent. ave., Two persons to represent the counties of Huntingdon, Centre. innir, Mifflin, Juniata, and Perry. in tho State Senate, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Two persons to represent the counties of Huntingdon. Mifflin, and Juniata, in the House of Representatives, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to fill the office of county Commissioner of Huntingdon county. Two persons to fill the office of Director of Poor of Huntingdon county. One person to MI the office, of District Attorney of Huntingdon county. One person to MI the °Mc° of county Surveyor of Huntingdon county. One person to fill the olllce of Auditor of Huntingdon county. in pnrananco of said act, I also hereby make known and give notice, that tho places of holding the aforesaid ape. Mal election in the several election districts within the said county of Ilentinplon, are as follows, to wit let district, composed of tho township of Henderson, at the Union School House. district. composed of Dublin township, at Pleasant Hill School House, near Joseph Nelson's, in said township. Cal district, composed of so much of Warriorsmark town ship, as is not included in the lUtli district, at tho school house adjoining the town of Warriortnnork. 4th district, composed of the township of Hopewell, at Rough and Ready Furnace. 511, district, composed of tho township of Barren at the house of James Livingston, in the town of Saulsburg, In said township. 6th district, composed of the borough of Shirleysburg, and all that port of the township of Shirley not included within the limits of District No. 21, as hereinafter men tioned and described, at the house of David Prober, deed, in Shirleysborg. 7 tin distriet,composed of Porter and part of Walker town ship, and so touch of West township as is included in the following boundaries. to wit: Beginning at the south-west cornier of Tobias Coffman's Farm on tine bank of the Little Juniata river. to the lower, end of Jackson's narrows, thence in a northwesterly direction to the onset southerly part of the farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north 40 degrees west to the top of Tussey's mountain to inter sect the line of Franklin township, thence along the said line to Little Juniata river, thence down the canoe to tine place of beginning, at the public school house opposite the (feral/to liefortned Church, iwtho borough of Alexandria. Bth district, composed of the township of Franklin, nt tins house of Cleo. W. Matters. in said township. . Otis district, composed of 'fell township, at the Union =had house; near the Union Meeting house, in said twp. 10th district, composed of Springfield township, nt the school house, near Hugh Madden's, in said township. 11th district, composed of Union township, at the school house, user Ezekiel Corbin's, in said township. 12th district, composed of Brady township, nt the Centro school Louse, to said township. 13th district, composed of Morris township, at public school house No. 2, in said township. 14th district, composed of that part of West township not included in ith and 20th districts, at the public school house on tho farm now owned by Milos Lewis, (formerly owned by James Enflis,) in said township. 15th diShict, composed of Walker township, at the house of Benjamin Magnify, in BPConnellstown. 1011 district, composed of the township of Tad, at the Green school house. in said township. lith district, composed of Oneida township, at the house of Wm. 11. Rankin, Warm Springs. 18th district, composed of Cromwell township, at the house now occupied by David Entire, in Orbisonia. 10th district, composed of tine borough of Birmingham, with the several tracts of land near to and attached to tine came, WWI owned and occupied tiy Thomas M. Owens. Jolts K. McCall., Andress ItobeAon, John 00.illler and Wm. Gensitner. and the tenet of land now owned by George and John Shoenberger, known as .the Porter tract, situate in the township of Warrionsmark, at the public school house in said borough. 20th district, composed of tine township of Cass, at the public school house in Casavi Ile, in said township. 21st district, composed or the, township . of Jackson, at the public house of Edward tatted ; at McAleavy's Fort, In said township. 22d district, composed of the township of Clay, at tins public school holm its Scottsville. 2341 district, composed of tine township of Penn, at the piddle school house in Marklesburg, in said township. 24th district, composed end created. follows. to wit:— That all that part of Shirley township, Huntingdon coun ty, lying and being within the following described h.fun darles, namely: beginning at the intersectioa of Union and Shirley township lines with the Juniata river, on the south side thereof; thence along said Union township line for the distance of three mites said river; thence eastwardly, by a straight line, to the point where the main from Eby's mill to Germany valley, crosses the summit of Sandy ridge; thence northwardly along the summit of Sandy ridge to the river Juniata, and thence up said river to the place of beginning, shall hereafter form a separato election district; that the qualified voters of said election district shall hereafter bold their general and township elections in the public school house in Mount Union, in said district. - 25th district,composed of the borough of Huntingdon, at the Court I louse in said borough. Those parts of Walk er and Porter townships, beginning nt the southern end of the bridge across the Juniata river at the foot of Mont gomery street, thence by the Juniata towmhip lino to the line of the Welker election district, theme by the same to the corner of Porter township at the Woodcock Valley road near tler's school house, thence by the line between Walker and Porter townships, to the summit of the War rior ridge, thence along said ridge to the Juniata river so as to include the dwelling-house at Whittaker's, now Fish er's old mill, and thence down said river to the place of beginning. be annexed to the Huntingdon Boron ~ elec tion district, and that the inhabitants thereof shall ani may vote at all general °teethe.. 26th district. composed of the borough of Petersburg and that part of West township, west and north of a lino between Henderson and West townships, at or near the Warm Springs. to the Franklin township line on the top of Turcey's mountain, so nn to include in the new district the !ratite, of tlootid Waidsmith. Jacob Long:meeker, Thos. Hamer, James Porter, and John Wall, at the school-houso in the borough of Petersburg. • 27th district, composed of Juniata township, nt the house of John Peightal, out the lauds of Henry Isenberg. 2Sth district, composed of Carbon township, recently erected out of a part or the territory of Tod township. to wit: commencing at a Chestnut Oak, on tho summit Ter race Mountain, at the Hopewell township line opposite the dividing ridge, in the Little Valley; thence south fifty-two degrees, east three hundred and sixty perches, ton stone heap on the Western Summit of Broad Top mountain; thence north sixty-seven degrees, cast three hundred and twelve perches, to a yellow pine; thence somlt fifty-two degrees, east Bereft hundred and seventy-two perches, ton Chestnut Oak; thence south fourteen degree+, east three hundred and fifty one perches, to a Chestnut at the cost end of Henry S. Oreen's laud ; thence south thirty-one and a half degrees, east two hundred and ninety-fimr perelieS, to a Chestnut Oak on the Summit of a spur of Broad Top, on the western side of John Terrel's farm; south, exty five degrees, east nine hundred and thirty-four perches, to a stone heap on the Clay township line, at the Broad Top City Hotel, kept by C. iu said township. I also make known and give notice, ns in and by the lath section of the aforesaid act lam directed, that "ev ery person. excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment Of profit or trust under the got crewcut of the United Slates, or of this State, or of any city or corporate.] district, whether a commission ed officer or agent, who Is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or of any city or incorpo rated district, and else, that every member of Congress, and of the State Legislature, and of the select or com mon council of arty city, commissioners of any incorpora ted district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of judge, in spector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector or judge, or other officer of any, such election shall be eligible to any office to be thee vo ted for." Also, that in the 4th section of the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to executions and for other purposes," approved April lath, 1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13th section not be Fr construed nY to prevent any militia or borough officer from serving as judge, or inspector or Cleric of any general or special election in this Commonwealth." Pursuant to the provisions contained in the G7th section of the net aforesaid, the jmigilf of the aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of tho election of their respective districts, and produce . Own eta meeting of one of the judges from each district at the Court Home, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the third day after no day of election, being for the present year on Friday, the bits of August next, then and there to do nod perform the duties required by law of said judges. Also, that where a judge by sickness or unavoidable mei dent. is unable to attend said meeting of judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall' be taken in charge by ono of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said die- trict, and shall do and perform the duties required of add Judge unable to attend. Also, that in the filet section of said net it is enacted that "every general and special election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten iu the forenoon ' and shall continua without interruption or adjournment seven o'clk. In the evening, when the polls shall be closed." GIVES, under my haul, at Minting-don, the- let day of Sept.. A. D. ISSI. and of the independence of the Uni ted States, the eighty-eighth. 050. W. .lOIINSTON., Sheriff. ' SHERIFF'S OFFICE 1 rfunfiundon, Sept. 14, 'GA. .c UST RECEIVED AT LLOYD k USN ItY'S, a largo stock of Latliee' Dress Goode or t le latest stylen. LLOYD d HENRY. • Sept. 7034, 4t. JDENTL. GREENE, IST. tt , -* Office removed to oilman the store of D. P. Goan, is the square, 11111 tartlet, ttutalestleu, Pa. April 13,1861. TJORSE • HAY FORKS, for unload itt^, Bay. 3. A. BROWN, BuritlnOoti, l 6 ogent for the bust Fork In the United States. Call soon. In -'64 Pocket Knives. A new stock just received at Lewis Book Store. ipar For neat JOB PRINTING, call nt the "GLOBE Jon PRINTING OFFICE," nt Hun tingdon, Pa. E XECUTORS' NOTICE [Estate of Joslina Green, den ',1.1 Leiters testamentary 11[1011 On estate of ,laden Green. late of Barren fp_ decesAnd, Ravine boon graoted to the undersigned, All persons to.tving claims sgainq tlr. soil estate. are requestea to present them for in ttlenient, and those owing the same, will RlOlO , unyment to earninn T. Green. .TACOII (1. F, nEEN, GAIIIION T. an EEN. v.x,entorn. Exit Barre°, Sept. 7, 'O4. fit.. VXECUTORS' NOTICE.-- 1,1 [Estate of lion. Tlioa. F. Stewart. ,loe'd.l' • . . . . . Lettere testamentary, on the eittnto of Hon. Tito. V. Stewart, Into of West tp., Huntingdon on. deed.. haring been granted to the undersigned. All persona indebted in the estate ere requested to make Immediate payment, and thr.se baying Maims, to present them duty sutheall htted for settlement. = JUF,NJAMISI lIARTNIAN, Executore. Peterblirg, Sept. 7, '64. 6t.. ALANNELS, WOOL PLADS, CAS- Simpres. Clothes, Kentucky Jeans. ke.. at Sept. 7, '64, 41. LLOYD & HENRY! TyROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS, pach as New Mackerel. If nuts, Side, Shoulders, Dried Bee, Chcexe , to., at LLOYD & HENRY. Sept .7, '64. It. el OTO LLOYD & HENRY'S, TO T !my Goods, cheaper then they can be bad in Phil k, or New York. Sept. 7, '64. 4t. DROWN & BLEACHED MUSLIN, Delaincs. Ticking, Linceys, and every variety of Do. meat icGoods. nt LLOYD A: HENRY. Sept. 7, '64. 4t. IRON, STEEL & NAILS, 0 F ALL kinds, for PRIG nt LLOYD k HENRY. Sept. 7, '64. 4t. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Queensware, Hardware, Cedarwara,of 1,1110114 kiuda at LLOYD & HENRY. Sept. 7,'G4. 4t. Q . ALT BY THE SACK, BBL., & CI Ensile!, et LLOYD & HENRY. Sept. 7, '61.4t CIOFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUP, TEAS, Spices K Orocer/en of oil kind&, nt Sept. 7,'61. dt. LLOYD k lIENRY. CASII PAID FOR WOOL, FLOUR nna all I:lndß of Grain, at Sept. 7. '64. 4t. LLOYD 4: HENRY. FANCY FURS, FANCY FURS JOIIN FAREIRA, 18 ARCS Street • 7th., • PraLADELPIIIA. Importer& Nino allot:hi: , r ofand Deolerin all kinds f FANCY FURS, for Lil ies' and Children's weer. I deNtro to return toy tanks to toy friends of funtingdon and the sor bonding Counties. for heir very liberal patron to extended to me diming . 10 loot row years, and mild say to theft that I ion note in Mare, of toy vnimnortation and Man , kinds ninl qtalltiew of PiRCY : I f i n l r th Lr ' i l ie.7 r aV, Children, that Will ho Worn during iSo Fall and Winter seasonv. Being the direct 'importer of all my Furs from Europe, and baying, them manufactured under my own supervision, enables mu to offer my cuntontern and the public a mud, handsomer Set of Fors for the same money. Ladies pleme giro mo a call before purchasing 4 . "'-itemesnber the number null street: John Foreira, (New Fur Store,) 718 Arch et., Philadelphia. Sept. 7, '64. tom. • N O An Tl el C e leE tio . n for President, - Pyle lilnuagers and Troasurer of the Petersburg and Reedville Turnpike co., will be held at flat onion of the Freedom Iron Company, in Denny township. Mifflin county, Pa., on Thursday the 22nd day of Sept ember next. Sept. 7,3 t. OFFICE INNTIN,IDON & Mono To Mousrtur It. N., & COAL COMPANY, Ang. nO, 1804. A ineetinc of Ihn Stnekholdera of the linntingdon and Broad Top Mooritain Rail Road & Cool company, will be hold at tho Mee of the Company, Philada., On Tuesday, the 13th day of September, 1064, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for the purposo of considering, n joint ngreemont which has been entered into between the Directors of tho Bedford It. It. Co., and the Hunting don and Broad Top Mountain It. R. and Coal company, for the consolidation of said companies and tin urging of tho corporate rights, powers and privilege of the Declined R. R. company into Ilia Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain It. R. and Coal company. At which meeting a vote by ballot in per son or by proxy, will Ira taken for th o adoption or rejection of said agreement, according to the provisions of the act of Assembly of May -PI, 1801, in relation to the consolidation of Rail Hood, J. P. AERT:3EN, See'y Sopt. 7, 'GI. 2t • - fIIZPITANW CO U.Lel' SALE. - • I.J" In pursuance of orders of the Orphan,' Court of Huntingdon comity. the (torte of land hereinufter de scribed: situa o chiefly in Walker totridlip. in said coon ty, mil be exposed to Public Sale on the premises, On Wednesday, 28th day of September, A. D. ISO 4, as tho unaccepted and outsold portions of tho real. estate of tho lion. John Roo, Wool' saki tp., deed., to nit: 1. All that tract marked 1) in the diagram to the writ of Partition or valuation annexed, called, "The middlo tract;' containing 125 acres, 132 perches, about 75 acres of which are cleared and under cultival ion, with a dwelling house and enroll barn thereon, erected. 2. All that tract of land marked 1i in said diagram, containing 214 acres, and S 7 perches. and called "The tip per Tract." About 100 acres of this tract ear cleared, and under cultivation The uncleared portions of both these tracts nro well timbered. 3. Four tracts of woodland, to wit: The tract marked a in said diagram, containing 110 acres. The tract mar. bed IC in said diagram, containing 87 acres. 147 perches. Tion tract natrlrcal I. In and Ilingrun. containing 1.18 acres and $3 perches, having thereon a Lime Kiln and Lime— Stow Quarry. The tract marked M in said diagram, cunt lining 117 acres and 147 perches. 4. An undividril intureet in Sillinnoo Acatleray, in Dublin tp., hn said county. 5. All the interest and estate of Henry St. Kor, in the tract marked Fin said diagram, containing 170 acres, 124 perches, with a dwelling house and harn there on erected ; SO acres or this tract are cleared, and the res• idne heavily timbered. TERMS OF SALE.— One half of the purchase money to be paid on confirmntion of the sale. and the residue In two equal annual pnytneuts thereafter. with the interest to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purcha ser. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock, A. M, of said day. At tendance will be given by DAVID S. KEIL Trustee. Sept. 7, t s. VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. HE undersigned offers at Private sal°, his farm and timber-hind adjoining, epee w deh ho resides, in Juniata tp., 11uniiugdeu county, containing in all about 500 ACRES, about 150 acres of which ate cleared and in a good state of cultivation, 00 acres thereof being rich bottom land, and the remaining cleared part being good red shale up land, with two good apple orchards, and two sets of farm buildings on different parts of the tract. Tho building on one part of [basald tract consists of a stone house, good spring house enclosing an excellent spring of water near the house, other necessary outhallt:ings and a large frame bank barn. The buildings on the other part of the tract are a log house and log barn. It is a product leo grain raising farm and is well located for raising stock. 'llie land not improved is well timbered. a considerable portion of which is good productive land if cionred and cultivated. It can be divided into awe or three tracts and will be sold either in separate parcels or its a whole, as may be desired. A clear title will be given and the payments made to suit thellarelif.M. Any inofrmation will bo given by calling on the un. dersigned on the premises. A. IL SIIIINEFELT. Juniata hp., Aug. 31, 'GI. TEACHER'S EXAMINATIONS, 'The annual examination of Teach era for the present year swill ho held in the several Districts as follows: West, Thursday, Sept. 8, at S. C. Bridge. Brady, Saturday, Sept. 10, at Mill Creek. Walker, Tuesday, Sept. 13, at It. It. St. Sch. U. Darren, on Thursday. Sept., 15, lit Manor 11111. Jackson, on Friday, Sept., 10, at IclcAlevy's Fort. Shirley tp., Tuesday, Sept. 20th, of Mt. Union. Union " Wednesday, " 21st, at Mapleton. Juniata, Thursday, " 22nd, Bell Crown Sch. 11, Henderson, Friday, "23 Units Sch. It. Oneida, Saturday, " 24, Centre Union S. 11. Penn, Tuesday," 27, Marklesburg. Hopewell, " Wednesday, 20, Coffee Item. Todd, " Thursday, 29, Newberg. Carbon, " Friday, 30, G Edition t. Shirleysburg & Shirley tp.Tut,etlay, Oct. 4, Shirleybeg, Ctlnnwell,Wednesday, 5, Orbisonia. Dnhlin," 'Thursday, 0, Shade Onp. Tell, " Friday, 7. Bollingertown. Springfield, " Saturday, 8, Meadow Gap. Clay, " Monday 10, Scottsville. Cass & CaFflrine, '• Tuesday, 11, Casswillo. As the new form of certificate differs, in one respect at least, from that of the old. the county Superintendent would call the attention of applicants to the following P ',lion of the Instructions recently issued by the State Department, in regatil to the coming examinations. 1. Monet. CtiAteAcrial.-13y the now form of certificate the Superintendent certifies to the good moral character of the holder. Hood moral charade, Is one of the boost hnportant requisites. and no remit should ho Stemma to teach whose charaeter is even questionable. if superintendents are not pere.onallv acquainted with the applicant, or lire in doubt as lo their character, they should demand testimony from sumo reeponnible individ uals who era known in the community, before certifi cates are Issued. It. IMcDIVITT, Co. Supt. August 10, 1804. TRAY. Came tá the residence of the sub scriber, residing in Porter township. - "VIS about the 4th inst., a red bull two • years old, and black steer, three years -* I A old. The owner is requested to come for- " ward, prove property, pay charges, and tako thew away, or eln they will be disposed of according to law. I , oltEt.Yr & ISENBERG. Alczandrin, Aug. al, 'f4.3 PULL A DEL PIII4 MARKETS. Sept. 7 Vrti,ey nod Cot on Fondly Flom.. Cornt.loll not 61tin.rkrio $11.00(411,50 i 9,0044.71.1,0 Hy,. Floor CCU° Corn Moil , to $0..00 I...xtra While ll'he.ll . ' 7502,75 Pair and Printo 11,1 .22 75;;;:2,F4 I:ye '31.75 ' Corn. prin+ Vollow i',,1.10 ().It9 AT 11:11 . 1vy 11 tin 31.25 eloversood, roil Mr ;9.60 '.'inodlly .. 0 3,2.565:1.30 1 , 11t.5.,1 ..Z3,50 It oot ...100.112 Ii idea 13 _.......".....---- HUNTINGDON MARKETS. Extra. Family Huor 7e. bbl ,7 .6,30@10,00 Extra 113 "6 Cwt 5, 00 White Wlleat - 7 10 Red Wheat - ' 7 00 • li.yr. 7 10 .. Corn 1 .0 Oat, 75 ' ' Cloverseed 7.00 flaxsood .59 • Crka Apples 7 00 • - Butter 9 Er,,, 15 . Lard 15 " Mani 00 61100143 r 10 Silo, 19 . Tallow 10 WANTED AT ONCE! Several Carpenters and Cabinet Ma here, at high wages. W. 0. HICKOK. Englo Works, Ilarrilburg, Pa Aug. $l, '61.21. 11. K. NEFF, M. D. -RAVING returned from the army, will resume the practice of NI EDIVINB and sue ilEitV, at his old residence on Hill street. lintitikoloh, Aug., ADMINISTRA'TOR'S NOTICE." [Estate of Alex. Allison, deed,' utters of Administration upon the estato of Alm Al lison, Into of Henderson township, Huntingdon county deed, baying been granted to the undersigned, all person, having claims against the estato are requested to present them to the undersigned, and all persons Indebted mil rnaho innnediato PnPuent• HENRY WILFON, nag. 10, lurid-lit Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [F,tate of Hugh M. Parker, deed.] Letters of adminlidration upon the Cobbno of ifugh M.:Parker, late of Jaeltann tg., Huntingdon county, deed having been granted to the undersigned, all person? In debted to the cola le trill make vacuum t and those haviny claims will present them for settlement. LIBERTY J. PATUiP,R., Adnif trator IMICZI2 A L DIINISTRATORS' NOTICE. (Estate ofJohu lt. I , 4ellroy, dec'd.] Letters of Administration upon tho estate of John 11. 3leElros, lam of tp., deed., having been gran ted to the iindersigned, all persons haring claims against the estate nro requeAed to present them to the nailer signed, and all persons indebted will lmaim ininulinto payment. Met 'ROY. Aug. 3,16'61—5t. Administrator. 'WC) 1rm...e1L.3EL14.4M11 17-LSI>. riIIFE WALKER lI.OraSE RAKE is I acknowledged to 1,0 tho • Neatest, AS'implest. Cheripest, and most Edicient Poke now in use, Any boy of trn yeorg old con work it; will not get out of artier, and gl - res liniversal satisfaction. Warranted in every particle/or ; and it ran lro had elo to eight dollars lower than any spring tooth Norse Irak° non . in MO. FOC for On:information apply to tho mannfactorer, D. D, ap2o-3m, Shirinyaburg.linntingdonco., Pa. .AI A W ASSOCIATION. Tim undersigned hero nesocinterl themeelvee together lu the pl . :idled of the law in Huntingdon. Pa.• °Mee in tho one now, and formerly occupied by J. Sowell Stow ort, zuljoining tho Court Ilqueo. A. W. BENEDICT. J. EEWELI, STEWART. JOl3 .0 1961. OUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION ! You all want a CLOTItIS WRINGER, in order to get through your washing earlier, sparo your strength and at tliosamo Limo ease enough in the Wear Of clothes by using a-Wringer, to pay for it in six months. at the present Klee. of cotton. Wrin gors • that hobo taken ton PRE'unsl nem Alt, OrIMUS in the market, for sale at the liaraware Stare oh' Fe 3,1861 JAMES A. BROWN. SPECTACLES . _ A fine and largO assortrapnt alwaj7s on hand _ AT LEWIS' BOOK STORB. CHEAP PUMPS. • TA iNIES A. BROWN, •II n nga , ey ,11,1 Patent Woorlen l'ionpx for eisterom and wells, from 4to t3O feet deep. at about ral” half the usual rriro fur 01.1 fa.shloned pumps. All pinups warranted. Aug . a yoi. UNIVERSAL CODS WIING.III I== No. 1. Large Family Wringer, 614,00 No. 1 a Medium " " 12,00 No. 2. Medium " " ' 10,00 No. 21 " It It 9,00 No. 3. Sm a all " 8,00 No. S. Large hotel, a 20,00 No. 18. Jlkiliam:Laumiry j IT 120,00 No. 22. Large - '' 10,1,,,„! L j 30,00 Nos. 21. and 3 have no Cogs. All oth ers are Vvarranted. *No. 2 is the size generally used in private flimilies. ORANGE JUDI), of the "American Ag riculturist," says of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. "A child ova readily wring out a t &Anil of clothes in few minute,. It is in reality a I:LATHES SAVER! A Tots SAVER! and a Servant SAvEril 'Vito saving of gar ment, will alone pay a largo per contage on its cost. We think the machine much more than "pays for itself eve ry year" in the saving of garments! There aro several kinds, nearly alike in general conslinction, but we con sider it important that the Wringer he fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the rollers, and the rollers upon the crank-shaft slip and tear the Clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. Our own is ono 01 the first make. and it in as noon AS NEIY after nearly FOWL YEARS' CONSTANT USE. Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is War tented in every particular. Ho Wringer can be Durable without Cog Wheels. J. A. Brown, is Agent for Hunting don; Pa. July 27, 1864. MOORESvILLI HIGH SCHOOL FOE YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN The subscriber respectfully announces to his patrons and the public genentlly that the second quarter of tho sittinner session of this Institution will ho open for In struction AUOUST 8, 1864, and continuo eleven weeks.— Also, that tho winter Session will begin October 31st and continue twenty two weeks, Fpeeial attention will ho given to those wishing to pro per° themselves for teaching. Piano unite will he tonight on reasonable terms. Each student wishing to hoard nit the boarding house trill ho required to furnish a sheet and pair of pillow-slips. Terms—Ornolutlf the pay in advance; the balance at the expiration of half the term. For further information, address S. C. 3IcCLAIN, Mooresville, Hunt, co BEE VALUABLE, FARM FOR SALB 1N PENN TOWNSHIP, About ono half DIN from Marklesburg Station, on the Huntingdon h Broad Top It. It., containing over 2'11 7 0 HUNDRED ACRES. About one.half clear and in cultivation; 30 or 40 aares of solicit is good meadow land, has au apple orchard and other fruictrees. A good dwelling loose and bouts barn is erected thereon. Jollies Creek runs through it, and has a good water power' it to a good situation for a tannery•. Rock oak hark being plenty and conVenionr la in a good community, with mills, stores, school houses nod churches. Terms of sale made satisfactory, . Huntingdon, Altg. 31, 'tit Tobacco for sale at Lewis' Book Store PUBLIC SALE OF TEAL ESTATE. Tr he" subscriber will sell at Public Salo, on the premises, in Henilorson township, on SATURDA - 57, 3d day September, '64, at 2 o'clock, P, M., the (Mowing described tract of land, MIIII4II in Henderson township, Huntingdon county, two and n half miles froth Mill Creek, containing 111 ACRES, shout 5 acres of which, are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Tim balanco well timbered. . . The improvements consists of a good two Story log house with excellent cellar ; double log barn and other necessary outbuildings, with a good carpenter shop 24 by 26 feet. Also an excellent spring of water piped to the door of the home, an excellent apple orchard of grafted fruit, and it great variety of cherry. peaches, pears, plums awl grapes. Full possession given the first day of November it de sired. The privilege will be given to put in a full crop immediately after the sale. Conditions of wale tnualo known on day of sato. CATHARINE.' N. GOODMAN Aug. 21,fit CLOTHES WRINGER. Ik. SELF - ADJUSTING WRINGER. NO WOODWORK TO SWELL OR SPLIT. No Thumb-Screws to getout of Order. 'WARRANTED WPM Olt WITHOUT COG-WII EELS. it took the FIRST PREMIUM at fifty-seven State and County Faint in 1003, end is, toilltout an exception, the best Wringer over intuit% Patented in the United Stete:t, England, Canada, and Australia. Agents wonted in every town, and in all parts of the world, Etwrg,tie agent, eon mal:o from 3 to 10 Dolints por (lay No. 2, $6,20 No.l, $7,52. No. 1?, ;43,50. No. A, $3,50 Manufactured. amt sold, wholesale and retail, Iry THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13, Platt Street. Now York, and Cleveland, Ohio. S. C. NORTHROP, Agent. WITAT EVER YBOBYKNOWS, viz :-- That Troll wen grthitniZed will not nisi; That a eimple mach ino is better than a complicated one That a wringer should ho self-adjusting, durable, and efficient; That Thenth-Screws and FiWettings GRIM delay nod trouble to regulate and keep in order; • :that wood soaked Whet water will swell, altrink and split; That wood bearing, Sir the shaft to roe In will wear out' • the 'Putnam 'Wringer, Irich or withciut cog Irlieole W 111 not tour tho elethes ; That cog-wheel regulators are not essential ; That the Putnam IVri n ger has all the advantages, and not one of the disadvnutagos above tanned; That all who havo tested it, pronolliaCO It tine best Wringer ever made; it will wring, a Thread or a Bed Quilt Without al terotioa. Wo might fill the paper with testimonials hot insert only a few to convince the skeptical, if suc h tluire be; and we say to all, test PlannuM Wringer. Test it thor oughly with any and all others, and If not entirely Kai% fnetory, return it. tna In Manufacturing Co: - . OENTLEIVEN : 1 know from practical experience tint iron well 0.'11%11,11 , LN' with zinc will not oxidize or most ono particle. The Putnam Wringer tens near perfect as possible, and I Call elm2rfully recommend it to bo the best in use. Ilevectfully yours, .INO. W. WHEELER. Cleveland, Chin. - :Ninny yenta' exporience in the galvanizing Me:keens enable Inc to indorse the allovo statoment in all particu lars. ,INO. C. 1,1211MT3, No.loo Beektnnn et New York, :lonoory. ISt. We hero tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by proett. cal ,vorking,and know that it will do. It in cheap; it is 141111110; it require., db room, whether at work or. at rest; n child can operate it; it doss Ito duty thoroughly; it EllVt.,i time and it saves wear and tear. No earnestly ad vise all who have much washing to do, with all intelli gent personn who have any, to boy this Wringer. It wilt pay fur itself in a year at stoat. Jill:, 11 1801 TO THE TAX COLLECTORS OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY. As the county treasury Is in giieat need of money to pay relief and other demands a the county, yon MT:here by notified and required to collect your duplicaten and nay the money into the trensmy in strict conformity to the warrant On:remit° attached, or suit will be brought ;Against you. .rouN F. MITT, P. M. BAUM. y.20-3t J. HOUSEHOLDER, Commissioners. N the Court of Common Pleas of I untillgolon county. •In tin 'orator of the Petition of Henry Wile., COM 111 itteo of Preneie littettk,fe, nn - notion to soil or mortgage the real estate of the said hnintie. • , 11 tll April, IStil. petition read and it is Considered by the Court and ordered that n role be, a n d the amen Is hereby granted, upon the tins( of kin of tho Faid lona. tie to show raose why n folio or ntortgago of the real en late of said Impale eliotild trot ho ordered. Itetorneldo to next tern, _ By the Cowl'. W. C. WAGONER, Trolley. Tidy 20, '01,41. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. Diseases of the Nervous. Seminal, Urin ary and Sexual Systems, New and'reltable treatment—in reports by the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—Sent by mull in sealed letter envelopes, free of charm , . Addrveg, 1/11. ITOITHIITON, Acting Sur geon. Howard Asnoriation, No. 2 South Ninth Street,Phil tetelphia, In. IJuly 13, SUMME It RESORT.- BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE, • BROAD TOP CITY, HUNTINGDON COUNTY, DONNA. Thin hotel, one of the finest in the interior of HOW open for the reception of guests. The TABLE will at ways be twilled with the choicest and roost wholesome Provisions the noirhet ;OW:, The STABLING belonging to this House, is good and extensive. awl will be supplied with the 1.11,t provender, and attendod by careful }twitters. - The patronage of the public is 1,11,46111 y indieited. CIIAS. M. ALLMOND S CO., Malingers. CIIAS. M. ALUMNI/. 1,11. NEIILEY. Pc r y- All ether county papers Blurt ono month and send bill to Broad Top for collection. [Jo22-Iro - H I CYCZnaCk. Iricor Male. THE undersigned offer the Farm on which they reside, in West township, Huntingdonaunty, ciMoty, at privnto solo. It is situated three miles from Petersburg, rout the same distance from Railroad and ca nal. It contains threo hundred and fortymine acres and allowance; good buildings. and ;Mont one Manfred and fifty acres cleared, and well adapted for a stock farm. aprillll,lBol-tf. T OTS FOR SALE.—The subscriber j offers for sale a number of town tuts in the village of Coffee Run, Hopewell township, and immediately on the Railroad. Ilho lots are situate on eat:ll . l4de of the Hood, and persons wi4hing to purchase can have their choice of luny lot for sale. (Toffee Run is onto of the best located towns on the Railroad and is bound to become one among the thriving villages in the county. . lads sold loW,und terms made my, so that all may get a home without difficulty. Call soon, as choice lots may yet ha Being located in the heart of Woodcock valley, mid be. sides the abundance of iron ore, nod the facilities for got ling coal and needful supplies in that neighborhood, of ford - rm9on to believe that Iron works will be erected in that vicinity. SIMON COILS. Coffee Run, Joao ro. nevi. M 1 4:303E1L SILAS:L I M LIE DWELLING HOUSE & LOT A . of ground lately occitpled by Mrs. Eliza Poster, shu nted in tho borough of Huntingdon. Sold lot being fifty feet on Chinch Arndt, and extending iu depth nt right an gles eighty fu et towards Mifflin- streot, nod adjoining lot of Jilin Moyer on thu east nod Anthony White on tho west. TLo al>oNo mentioneil property will ho sold at a reason able price. For further information inquire of JAMES LEWIS, Supt. Moe Zr. A E. T. 4. Ifuntingdon, Pa., J y A TRACT OU LAND AT PUBLIC SALE IN SHIRLEY TOWNSHIP. The subscribers offer at Private Sale. a Tract of 300 acres of Land, more or iess,loo of which are cleared and under cultivation, situate in the old line of Huntingdon county, Shirley township, (now Mifflin county,) adjoin• ing the Edward Furnace property on all sides. Thorn is a good ore bank, and between 20 and 30 acres of an apple orchard on the premises. Tho principal part to well tiro , bored, and a stream of water runs through the property. f this property is not sold at privato sale before the second Monday in August, it will on that day ha offered at public sale in the Court House in the borough of Ulm tidgdon. TERMS OF SALE. , —One half the purchase money to be paid on conflrmation of sale, the balance payabla to suit the purchaser, to be secured by bonds and mortgage. LEVI Otl Hunt ingdon, 01027 NANCY HOLDER, OTI C ' ! 1N- El The subscriber having sold bin store and quit bus, 111.8, calls upon all who are indebted to him in any way, to call and make settlement immediately. Huntingdon, July 6,1664. BENJ. JACOBS. BOOKS. BOOKS. The subscriber you'd inform superintendente of b:abbatli schools and the public generally of Blair and Huntingdon counties that ho is prepared to supply Sab bath echools•with Oro publications of the American Sun day school as well as will§ all the publication§ of the Am erican Tract Society at Catalogue priers. Orders prompt ly attended to by addressing him at Williamsburg, ➢hdr COOIItT, Penna. [je7-Im] J. 11. FOCHT. WM. B. ZEIGLER Cigars fo'r sale at Lewis' Book Stofe PUTNAM IT IS TIM ONLY TIELTABLI El=l .1. S. MAI - MIMI. RACHEL 51AtIUIRF FISHES' COUR TEIOS. PISTIER. 71. G. FISIIEII. V, C. FISHER FISHER & SONS HUNTINGDON, PA. EZZICZ STAPLE & FANCY DRY-GOODS, ETC., ETC. - --0,-- A HANDSOME STOCK of GOODS, of all Icinde, Is now open fey the Inspection of tho public, and we cordially invite ell our C{00:11191,3 and the public generally, to call and be cerprinced that we are unequal led In the quality;taste, style, and prices of our Goods. We request the public to pear In mind that we pur chase principally from ftritt hands In New York, pay CASH for all wo buy, and cannot be rivalled In our facilb tics for opening for public use, a stock of General 4.ler- Oirmulise. = ,HUNTINGDON MILLS I=l GRAIN, FLOUR, AND FEED. I=2:2= WE ARE PREPARED TO pUß cllmo all kinds of GRAM for which we will ry the highest eamh prime, Cml will have ter sale at oil theca, FLOUR, FEED, &e. -~!/NI~ PLASTER! . PLASTER ! ! 0- WE HAVE an IMMENSE: STOCK of PLASTER; nu ample supply for this and neighboring comities! }laving a Mill expressly for grinding it, wo prodnee finer and more dosirablo ab* than can urn. ally bo bad. . =3: SALT ! SALT ! I= NVE OFFER 500 BBLS. of SPLEN did °GONDA IG A SALT, unequalled In quality and price. G. A. Salt In sack.; is also kept constantly on hand. - ,, ,,,1, .40. 0,0. FISH. FISH. I=l 10 11blet. No 1 11ACK1111Efr 10 " No. 2 EZZEM 15 Halt Bbis. No. 1 20 " " No. 3 q 10 " " No. 3 s. Quarter Duffels and Kits, of lull utuntssni, also of. !SUMAC. SUMAC. I==l WE ARE AT ALL TIMES PRE- paroa to buy SUMAC; uall pay:cash, or trade, aidesired r= FLAX. ' FLAX. I=l • THE HIGH PRICES RULING FOR Cottop Goods has compelled public attention to be inure especially directed to the culture of Flax. It can be made by BOMB attention, one of the moat valuable products a farmer can produce; an acre readily producing 60 to 60 Dollars worth of lihro and seed,. Great care should be taken by growers to have their Flmx sproad very thin when rolling; when watered suGl64lO on one !Igo, it should ha turned, and subject to exposnra tuttlf .all the stalks got a grey color, and the trot re;hlGy sepaVates from the wood by a gentle rub. R should on a very dry day be tied in bundles, and Is then ready toi the mill. Au a geintral thing too much seed is mown on an sera. llnlees the ground in very rich one Lashel pd acre to sufficient: Tr tfie ground im very strong one and one tour% bushel Is ample. Dec tic 1304 ALEXANDRIA BREATERt 'IIE undersigned having purchased from T. Newell his interest la the Alexau- Brewery, the business will hereafter ho firmliatt carried on under the of E ER. J. 0. COLD & _ CO-, andeastomers public general- " ly are Inforbied.thht . all drcicre will receive " • prompt attention. E. 0. COLDER a CO. ap27,1504 . . S. m. CHNSSSQHAM.• : W. 9. tuanINCHIA F -11. M. J. M. CUNNINGTIAM . & SON,.sitcceasers to J. NI? unninghant, have this day - antered the Foundryy htisineri areflints cant ings.'dtall.irinds, and rapairs at abort notice and on rear. enable tonne. • -* • • • We are tliYitig, 914 tlycal l and scrap Iron at highest market prides: Huntingdon, July 8,184. T HIS WAY ! Tino WAS! A NEW ARRIVAL; OF BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, etc . . JOHN 11. WESTBROOK informs the public that he line just reeelved a now stock of BOOTS and SHOES of all el; zoo and kinds to cult everybody. Also, Date, lloelory,Shoe Findings, Morocco, and 7.irrt/ tog Skins, all of which will be sold at the lowest .64 prices. . . Don't forget the old stand In the Dlainond. Old Gusto: mere and the public generally are Invited to call. Huntingdon, June 15,1864. . . _ Copper, Tin and Sheet Ir - on Ma, .rk. IC a, a t _ HUNTINGDON, Pa. THE subscribers inform the public . generally, that they have leased from-Mr. Benjamin , .reffus his tin shop, in the borough - of liuntingdon, where they intend to keep constantly on hand a moral Oesortniont of Qopper f - Tin and Sheet Iron Ware,. which they will sell wholesale and retail. -- . ".; .. Spouting and Tin Roofing done on short notice. • They will also keep on hand a' general assortinont of Pittsburg and Philadelphia Gas Consuming Cook and Parlor .Btoveit - Odd plates furnished for stoves; Fire Brick, tic., Copper,' Brass and Iron Henke on hand. Extra Stove Polish Stove Brushes, &c. a:- Old Copper, Brass, Pewter, Lead, and Bags, talon in exchange, - aprlll9-6m, W. 9.•WALRER &•BRO BIRNBAUM'S` PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ON „HILL STREET, A few doors west of Lewis' Hodc Store . ; HUNTINGDON; 14. Photographs and, Ambrotypes taken in the Best Style. M.CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS' NEW 'WHOLESALE STORE; GOODS SOLD At Philadelphia Wholesale Prices TILE BUDSCRIDEES HAVE REMOVED From their place of busineee, on 11111 Street, TO THEIR ram BUILDING On RAILROAD STREET, near the Ja4inni.lfonee, TVWere they intend doing A TVIIVIESALE BUSINE.SS. MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, Who buy goods by the piece or package, WILL FIND IT to their ADVANTAGE. - TO GIVE US _Pi! CAth. =I General Assortment of GOOK Such as DRY GOODS, Gancimms, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, TOBACCO, SEGARS; , .10.1D513, Syr NOTIONS, &0., B dCif, Bee• WE WILL SELL Gobi S' s AT THE LOTVEM PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRICE!: A. B. CUNNINGHAM & Co Huntingdon, blch 0,1664. 1864.. 1864; CLOTHING, H. ROMAN: .. NEW ' CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SIIMAIEIe, L . JUST RECEIVED • AT . . ~ • H. ROMAN'S . •• CHEAP CLOTHIN G STOAE.. For Gentlemen's Clothing of the beat material, and made u the beat workmanlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S,-- oppoßilo the Franklin House in Market Square, Ranting. don, Pe.. Iluntlogticn, April 27'61. NEV STOCK OF GOODS, EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO ! CALL AT S. S, SMITH'S STORE, 015 MU, STREET, 1101:Tri0t013; EMCEE' SUGAR and MOLASSES; • COFFEE, TEA. and. CIIOCOLATII, FLOUR, - FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES; CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF 'PIPE WEST, AND' ALL' RINDS; I and every other article usually found In a Grocery Store ALSO— Drugs, Meatkale, Dye Stntra, •• Palate, Varnishes, Oda and Sphi. TurpeOries Olisha and Putty;, • S• BEST WINE and BRANDY for medieid purposes : . ALL THE BEST PATENT MEDI OES CINES', BOOTS' 'AND' SII, • and a large number of articles too numerous to rnentlint The public generally will please call and examine for themeelvea and learn my prkida. 'l3. S. SMITH. Huntingdon, April 21' '64. HARDWARE ANN! CUTLERY IMMENSE STOCk, AND ENAESS VARIET± : OF [HARDWARE; CUTLERY; NOW OPEN AND .E JAS. A. aria Vi , HUNTINGDON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Apt 13, 1964
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers