UNION STATE CONVENTION, The Union State Convention as sembled at Pittsburgh on Wednesday last at 11 o'clock, at Concert Hai General C. R Markle, Chairman of the State Committee, called the Con yention to order. Tho Convention was full, every County and District being represent ed. Hon. George Taylor represented this County, and 11. S. Wharton, rep resented the Senatorial district. Col. Lemuel Tod, of Cumberland, presided, assisted by a large number of Vice Presidents and Secretaries. Several propositions came before the Convention which were discussed aril disposed of, and after a letter from John Covode, withdrawing as a candi date had been read, the Convention proceeded to a ballot for Governor with the following result: AndrewS..Curtin 00 henry Moore,•.. Penny Benj: 11. Brewster, J. It. Moothead,.... A. G. Curtin having a majority of the votes on the first ballot, was de clared the nominee of the Union par ty. Messrs. Taylor and Wharton, voted for Curtin Several gentlemen were named for Su preme Judge, but the names of all butt that of Judge Agnew were withdrawn, when be was declared the unanimous choice of the Con ention for Supremo Judge. RES OLUTIONS Messrs. Toddlm i axwon, Darlington, A. Taylor 'Knd Dickey, the Com mittee on-r- olntions, reported the fol lowing - 6 ;t s ' Co, c loyal men of Pennsylvania, in vention assembled, disclaiming all partizanship, and knowing no cause but that of the country, declare for themselves and their constituents : First, Their inflexible purpose to maintain; by every necessary service and sacrifice, the National Un ion-, as the first, highest, most solemn and most overshadowing of all politi cal duties. Second, That the rebellion which threatens the existence of the Union was without cause, was conceived in wickedness, organized in perjury, and developed by reckless violence, is stain ed with every crime, and detestable in object, and infernal in purpose, and must be suppressed by the people of the United States, at the destruction of whose liberties and the overthrow of those free institutions it is injuriously aimed. That in this momentous con test there arc and can be but I two par ties—one which firmly sustains the constituted authorities of the nation in enforcing the laws thereof, and in pro tecting the principle upon which - the Government rests, and is therefore at once the party of law,. of libm ty, and patriotism ; the other which cripples the constituted authorities of the na tion in enforcing the laws, securing its safety, and preserving its life, and is therefore the parent of mobs, the ene my of order, and a participant in trea son—the class whose detestable prac tices give aid and comfort to the com mon enemy, but as confessed at Rich mond, light up these days of rebel darkness and disaster, and stimulate them to renewed and desperate efforts to recruit their amies, and to whom in part is this day jusl,ly chargeable whatever of vitality the rebellion pre serves, and whatever calamity and affliction the further protraction of the contest may involve. %But for North ern sympathisers with Southern trea son and the hopes which their treason able existence inspires, the rebellion would have sunk under the stagger ing blows dealt it at Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Port Hudson. Resolved, That wholly without sym pathy for the men who made this war against a free Republican Government, or for a system of human bondage, in whose interest it was instigated, or cause of despotic principles to which it is devoted, this Convention declares all engaged therein, while so engaged, to be worthy only of our patriotic hatred; and, in like spirit, we denounce as dou bly recreant and base those residents of loyal States who tolerate this trea son, and would affiliate with armed traitors, and again surrender our Gov ernment and liberties to their keeping. Resolved, That Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, [ap plause] by the discharge of his most arduous ditties in the dark days of civ il war, has won for himself the affec tion and regard of the whole Ameri can people; and always bearing him self clear in his high office, has main tained the integrity of the Union, and kept our honor untarnished through out the world, [applause] and to him, this Administration, its principles, and its policy we give our heartiest approv al, and pledge our earnest and enthus iastic support. [Loud applause.] Resolved, That the amendments pro posed to the Constitution in giving our soldiers in the field the right of suffrage, merit our hearty approval, and will receive our united support; And that we recommend conventions of loyal men thoughout the State to pledge all candidates for the Legisla ture to vote for it. Resolved, That we tender to the gal lant sons of Pennsylvania now in the armies and navies of the Republic the thanks of a grateful people, for their• unselfish and heroic valor; that we mourn for those who have sealed with their blood their devotion to their coon try,and will cherish their memories tenderly and fondly ; while to the glo rious survivors we give assurance that the last dollar and the last life shall be given to reinforce them, until the old flag floats in final victory. [Applause.] Resolved, That Governor Curtin, by the effective support he has given the Federal Government in the prosecu tion of the war, and his vigilant care for our soldiers, alike in the field, in camp and in hospital, has gained for Pennsylvania proud and foremost pre eminence among the loyal States, and entitled himself to the thanks of all her loyal citizens, and in placing him again in nomination the Convention but gave expression to the spontaneous wishes of the people of the .Common wealth ho has served so well. We ',resent for their suffrages the patriot statesman, who is alike the friend of the soldier and the favorite of the peo ple. [Applause.] Resolved, That in the nomination of Judge Agnew, we present an accom plished jurist, a pure patriot and a loyal citizen, who will adorn the high est judicial tribunal of the Corn mon wealth, and give additional security to the right of persons and property. Dr. Ileighold, of Jefferson county, offered as an amendment the follow ing: Resolved, That the bold and deter mined stand taken by lion. E. M. Stan ton, Secretary of War, in :summarily arresting traitors and thieves, wherev er found, merits our commendation, and that in seizing any disloyal person, we pledge him our hearty co-opera tion in the task which he has before him. Mr. M'Veigh moved to insert "the Administration" for "Secretary Stan ton." Mr. Dickey opposed the tosolution. Mr. Carnaghan urged its adoption as amended. The amendment was accepted by lleighland, and unanimously adop ted. The resolutions - were then unani mously adopted and the Convention adjourned sine die. GRAND RATIFICATION MEET ING AT HARRISBURG, SERENADE TO GOVERNOR CURTIN. HIS SPEECH We had the pleasure of being one of an immense concourse of citizens, sol diers and visitors who assembled in the rear of the State Capitol on Thurs day evening last, for the purpose of ratifying the re-nomination of Hon. Andrew G. Curtin for Governor, and Iron. Daniel Agnew, of Beaver county, as Judge of the Supreme Court. While it was thus to ratify their nomination, the main purpose of the assemblage seemed to be a serenade to Governor Curtin. A splendid band of music was in attendance, and after the serenade was ended, Gov. Curtin appeared to address the crowd. his appearance was the signal of great enthusiasm, particularly among the soldiers, of whom large numbers were present from the different camps surrounding that city. After order was restored, Gov. Curtin addressed the crowd sub stantially as follows : I am much obliged to you for this expression in favor of my nomination by the convention which assembled in Pittsburg yesterday ; and I take the occasion to signify my acceptance of that nomination. [lmmense ap plause.] It has been the custom in Pennsylvania to bring candidates for official position before the public. by means of such representative bodies ; and in this instance there are circum- ' stances surrounding and connected with the election of delegates and the action of the Convention, which I feel arc highly flattering to me. Having administered the Executive Government of Pennsylvania for near ly tlu•ee years, in times of great pub lic excitement and tlistress, my course has been strictly observed, and all my acts have been subjected to the seve rest criticism. In the coming canvass and election, they arc to be submitted, to a candid and generous people; upon their verdict I confidently- rely, know ing that it is beyond appeal. [A voice "Go in, Andy; you are bound to win !'] But my fidlow citizens, the Admin istration of the government of Penn sylvania sinks into insignificance when compared with the great struggh3 in which we are engaged for the vin dication and supremaoy of the Nation al Government—a struggle which in volves the preservation of the national life itself. It is at our government, my friends, the blows of the rebellion are all aimed. They would overthrow that great system of human freedom which lies at the foundation of our na tional structure, that noble idea which struggled into life in the Revolution and which found shape and form in the Declaration of Independence. as it proclaimed to the world the equality of man, his capacity for self govern ment. For such -a government, its founders passed through their ordeal of blood and self sacrifice, and handed it down to us with the teachings of the apostles of liberty in that age. They gave us a National Government• with all the attributes of power and independent nationality, and within which the powers reserved to the States are so well defined and in such perfect harmony, that there can be no conflict of authority where properly understood and honestly administered. In times of profound peace, the the ories which would set up State autho rity against the power of the National Government might be regarded as the dreams of the visionary; but now when an armed rebellion is striking at the very citidel of the national fabric, the assertion of rights to states which conflict with the powers dedicated to the Federal Government, or obstruct the execution'of the laws by the Pres ident—its visible headr---must be re garded as an insanity, second only to that which influences those in armed rebellion, and as giving them aid sym pathy, and comfort in their treasona ble purposes. The people of Pennsylvania, with few exceptions have, as yet, been stead fast in their fidelity to the government. We have given our wealth freely when called upon, and have more than an swered all requirements made upon us in contributions of our people to swell the ranks of the national armies ; and I feel, this night, I have a right to say that in the past two years and a half of our eventful history, the adminis tration of the government in Pennsyl vania has been in perfect harmony with the sentiment of our loyal peo ple. [A voice, 'That's so," and im mense applause.] This is not a time my- friends, to differ as to men, or to stand in the way of the full execution of all the legiti mate powers conferred upon the Pre,B - t, by the Constitution and the laws; and I pledge myself, as hereto fore, to give to the Government of the United States an active and constant support, and to maintain its authority and the execution of its laws within the State of Pennsylvania, with all the powers given to the Executive of fice for that, purpose. Every Pennsylvania Freeman who has suffered martyrdom in the support and defence of our Government, and every wounded and maimed hero re turned to our midst from the battle field, sti.efigthens the ties which binds us to it, and increases our obligation to prosecute this war to a perfect and successful termination. Until then we have not performed our duty to the living nor the dead, nor shall our trust to those who are to follow us have been fulfilled, nor our obligations to those who have lived before us been discharged until treason and rebellion are driven from this hitherto prosper ous and happy country. [Cheers.] There is nothing on earth, in the works of nature or of art, which can compare with the sublimity of the struggli%, of this great people to main tain their Government; and all our sympathies and all our means, if ne cessary, should be given to the com fort and support of the brave men who stand in arms in defence of our free institutions. They are there subject to military authority, and we have en couraged them to go; they are res trained and controlled by the needful rigors of military discipline; they are exposed to the trials and vicissitudes of actual war; and every word, thought or act which would either take from them their efficiency, withhold from them proper supplies, distract or divide public opinion, or, worse than all, dis courage the means by which the Gov ernment would replenish their dimin ished ranks, is treason and ingratitude to them, the best and bravest of our fellow citizens. [Great applause ) I rejoice, my fellow-citizens, I hat the Convention which placed me in nom ination has declared in favor of an amendment to the Constitution by which citizens of the State separated from it and in arms for their country, shall enjoy the right of suffrage; sure ly they have shown by their presence in the field, the highest and noblest, exhibition of loyalty, and fidelity, and should ho permitted, wherever they are found, thus to exercise a right held so sacred by the ,Imerican citizen un derlying, as it (loos, all the operations of our Government. Having accepted the nomination, I will make an open and vigorous con test for success, and will treat fairly the distinguished_ gentleman who has been placed in nomination as our op posing candidate by the political or ganization to which he is attached. I would not succeed by personal assaults upon his character, nor would I have my friends conduct, the contest with defamation and detraction for their allies; neither that candidate nor my self can claim an c peculiar fitness over very many of our fellow citizens; but are the representatives of opposite poli , :ies. measures and opinions.. For myself, relying upon the right 'ad truth, I ex,peet, to prevail in this elec tion. For this end, I will use all hon orable and fair means, and will give Lo the canvass my active, unfailing, and determined exertions. [Applause. A voice, "Go on old man ; the soldiers are with you." I would not Conceal - my - grTrtifim- Lion at the presence hero, to-night, Of a large, n«niber of tic volunteer sol diers of Pennsylvania, and the pride feel at the constant manite,tations of their confidence and respect. [A voice —"We intend to be at the ballot box." My relations with you and your bro ther soldiers for more than two event ful years have always been pleasant•, and no man in Pennsylvania, whether in official position or private citizen, has more highly regarded and esteem you for vatience, constancy and con raf4e. I would be insensible, indeed to all the virtuous impulses of the hu man heart, could I fail in a feeling of gratitude to you and your fellows for the services you have rendered to your country, or in according to you all the sympathy and support of my office in your sacred mission. [Great applause] Col. James Worrell, President of the State Capital Loyal Union League, and a war Democrat, then addressed the assemblage. His speech was a magnificent effort of wit, sarcasm and truth. We print a meagre report as follows: Ire said when made President of that Loyal Union League he accepted all its lespensibilitics, and amongst them, thowdi a Democrat, he found himself addressing a gathering of Be- publicans. 13ut he accepted the posi tion with pleasure; he was Union and Union League, and if that made him a Republican or an Abolitionist he cared not. What sort of Democ racy was conservative Democracy ? Conservatism was the chosen appella tion of the aristocratic tory party of Great Britain. In the early day, Dem ocrats used to bevalled—Radicals, Ja cobins, Levellers, Progressiveists--, now, forsooth, the Democrats call themselves Conservatives, and when my Lord Lyons wants to discuss with the Conservatives of this country, and write home to his tory government, Lord Palmerston, Lord Russell, Lord London Times, &c., he meets in some New York Hotel . the Democrats of that city, and reports their sentiments as the Conservatism of the United States-. Conservatism, fellow citizens, is not Democracy. It is the very opposite— call me leveller, call me Jacobin, call me radical, but please don't call me Conservative. There is nothing lam so opposed to as Conservatism. Who are your Democratic leaders now ?—Your Wm. It. I leades and your Uharly Ingersolls. I mind when we Democrats used to call them British bank bought, Federal, anti-masonic Whigs, and opposed them tooth and nail as the conservatives of that day. Can these leopards change their spots? I op posed them then, and I oppose them now, and stand shoulder to shoulder with Democrats, dyed in the wool, all over the States, men whose distinction in the service of the Democratic party far exceeded my own humble efforts. I can't stand the Democracy—such as is found in the so called Democratic papers of Now York; a Democracy that seeks to foment Northern revo lution, as in the case of the New York riots, which, thank God, only ended in a vile murderous, thieving mob, and then fizzled out. A Democracy that has no word of oncouragemcnt for the faithful public servants who are wearing; themselves out in working to save the-Union; no word of blame for the infernttl scoun drels who are leadiiig the Southern people to their own destruction; no word of honor and glory for the noble army of the Potomac whicili has done the country and the State such signal service. My Democracy is for the-Lin ion and for crushing the rebellion— that is the Democracy of the Union League—and I think I may safely promise the votes of that association for our worthy Chief Magistrate, An drew G. Curtin. At the conclusion of his remarks the band and hundreds of the crowd proceeded to the river bank, where a hundred guns were being fired. A large transparency was borne at the head of the pro'eession inscribed as fol lows : "For Governor, A. G. Curtin, The Solders' Friend." "The Defenders of our country should Elect their Rulers." "Curtin, Agnew and Victory. The Fates Decree it." "A. G. Curtin, the Soldiers' Friend The Country Honors the man." We met a number of Democratic soldiers who were very enthusiastic for Gov. Curtin. Signs from the South. The full effect of thejUnion victories of .1 uly, upon the Southern people, is beginning to be felt now. 'There has been no reaction, no healthy rebound in the public feeling, after the heavy blows at Gettysburg, Vicksburg and Port Hudson. At no time since the rebellion began has there been such a state of depression and alarm among the rebels as there is now. The fail ure of Lee's campaign, and his hurried flight into - Virginia; the series of de feats in Mississippi, with the culmina ting one of Vicksburg, followed by the conclusive one of Port Hudson; the loss in these various battles of fifty or sixty thousand prisoners, hundreds of pieces of artillery, and enormous sup plies of small arms and ammunition : the destruction of numerous steam boats on the Yazoo and other rivers; the complete loss of the Mississippi and most of its tributaries; the prob able fall of Charleston and Mobile--; all these are calculated to create the despondency and alarm which are shown in every newspaper, every pub lic document, every intercepted letter from the South. It is acknowledged by the rebels that there is in Mississippi a very gen eral feeling that it is useless to continue to resist the Union authori ty ; that the soldiers are deserting by thou'ands, and that many influential men aro organizing a , movement for a return to the Union. Jeff. Davis must especially vexed at this state of affairs in his own State, and it \\*Cs doubtless chiefly on that account that he penned the almost frantic appeal to return to their duty. In that remarkable paper he condescends to be as vulgar and abusive of the Union Government and soldiers as Beauregard used to be in his famous pr ad am at ions. "The stern statesman, that is so much admired by—ar-row-of our_ctoppc , "l”,“l. Calk to stir up the unhappy and des pondent men whom he has been load ing to their destruction by coarse false hoods about the Union troops, as rav ishers, pillagers and incendiaries while the very men that he addresses know that thousands of them, with their wives and children, have been fed, clothed and cared for by the Union ar mies, after having lost nearly every thing through rebel depredations. In view of this, it almost looks as if Da vis had become insane through des pair, when he thus speaks of the Un ion soldiers: "Their malignant rage aims at noth ing lossAhan the extermination ofyour selves , your wives and your children. They seek to destroy what they can not plunder. They propose as the spoils of victory that your homes shall be partitioned among the wretches whose attrocious cruelties have stamp• ed infamy on their Government. They design to incite servile insurrection and light the fires of incendiarism whenever they can reach your homes; and they debauch the inferior race, hitherto docile and contorted, by pro mising indulgence of the vilest pas sions as the price of treachery." There never were more infamous falsehoods told in the same number of words. There has been no "exter mination" in Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, or Virginia, which have been occupied, in whole or in part, by the Union ar mies. There has been no partition ing of homes among the Northern "wretches." There has been no at tempt to excite servile insurrection, or light the fires of incendiarism, and as for the vile allegation about debauch ing "the inferior race," Davis knows it is a lie. This address is more significant than anything that has come to us from the South. Davis is -cunning, cautious, and not easily made to betray alarm and uneasiness. lint here he shows himself in a dreadful fright, and he shows it, too, to the soldiers, who have been in the habit of looking to him for cheering and encouraging words, and who have certainly, in times past, proved that they admired and trusted him. Now, when the.whole Southern pop ulation, to the humblest of his "poor white trash," are panick stricken by reverses, is the time to push on more fiercely than ever. A few well direct ed blows at this time will shorten the war and diminish the amount of blood shed. We look for such blows from Gilmore, Grant, Banks, Meade and Bosecrans. Jiach one of them will be a step towards peace and re-union. —[livening Bulletin. DICKINSON ON SEV3IOCII.-111 a . re cent speech, the lion. D. S. Dickinson said: "Governor Seymour has not mitre quently reminded the public that he has taken an oath of rare solemnity to "execute the laws." That oath he has now fulfilled, if not before. Ile has certainly "executed the laws" upon this occasion, for he has literally cru cified them between thieves. Although this murderous and thieving outbreak will not prove available as Copperhead capital, the rebels, with savage feroci ty, already gloat over what, they term the "blood-soaked ashes" of our com mercial metropolis, and Prance and England, anxious to aid the rebellion against our Government by all tho means in' their power, will probably "recognize" the New York mob as a "belligerent power." They can do so with as much propriety as they recog nized the rebeihon as such." Nlorgan's Friduds and How He Paid Them, That Morgan's recent raid was un dertaken at the instigation of northern copperheads there would seem to be no doubt whatever. The Indianapo lis Journal says: 'Two things are to be noted. Mor gan knew befbre he crossed the river who were .his friends and who had arms. Upon entering Corydon ho showed a list (and so at Salem) of' ev ery citizen who had a henry rifle or other approved arm, and immediate ly sent patrols to bring them in. In Corydon the spy was a young man who visited there three weeks before and returned with Morgan. At Salem a deSerter from the Sixty-sixth Indi ana boldly joined Morgan and was armed by him, but was subsequently captured, and is now in the Salem jail. "Good guides were always found, and strange as it was, money, in spe cific sums, was demanded from persons who thought only their best friends knew they had it. Yet with much lo cal treason, the people, as a mass, were true, and Morghn himself, in some in stances, swore roundly at some who boasted that they were opposed to the war, and repeatedly showed favors to others who bravely maintained their attachment to the Union. With here and there as an exception, there was no favor shown the copperheads, or those who skulked frtm the defence of their homes in avowed sympathy with the South. Where the K. G. C's were thickest there was full information in Morgan's possession of all he wished to know, but when he got what he wanted he treated his tools as badly as enemies, and bade them good-by by taking the horses with which they had followed to guide him. Already steps are on foot to detect these men, and some who have figured no little in pub lic life, may find the veil too thin to cover the favor they showed the free booter and his crew." Cuteness of a Contraband Scout, A private letter from West Point, Va., narrates an exciting adventure which recently befel a negro scout in the employ of our forces, and his shrewdness in escaping from the ene my. his name is Claiborne, and he is a full blooded African, with big lips, flat nose, etc. lie has lived in the vi= ciliay all his life, and is therefore fa miliar with the country, which ren ders him a very valuable scout. •On Claiborne's last trip inside the enemy's lines, after sconVng arounl as much as lie wished, lie picked up eight chick ens, and started for camp. His road led pass the house of a secesh doctor named lioberts, who knows Lim. and who ordered him to stop, which, of course, Claiborne had no idea of doing. and kept on, when the doctor fired on him and gave chase, shouting at the ton of his voice. The ne , rro was ma king good tnwo towara-caThp, wnen an at once he was confronted by a whole regiment of rebel soldiers, who order ed him to halt. For a moment the scout was dumbfounded, and thought his hour had come, but the next he sung out— "The Yankees are coming! the Yen !ices arc cooling" "Where? where?" inquired the rob els. "Just up in front of Dr. Robert's house, in a piece of woods," returned Sambo. "De. E. sent me down to tell you to come up quick, or they'll kill the whole of us." "Come in, come into camp," said the soldiers. "No, no," says the cute African, "I have got to go down and tell the cav ;dry pickets, and can't wait a second." So off he sprang with a bound, run ning for dear life, the robs discovering the ruse, chasing him for three miles, and he running six, when lie got safe ly into camp, but minus his chickens, which he dropped at the first fire. AN INCIDENT Or TOR KEW YORK illoT.—"Atother ! they may kill the bo dy, but they cannot touch the soul!" was the language used by poor Abraham Franklin, as he was borne from the presence of his mother by the barbar ous mob on the morning of the 11th ult. This young man, aged twenty three, had been an invalid for about two yelps, and was a confirmed 'con sumptive. When the mob broke into the house they found him in bed.— They bore him into the street, and there, although. he had not raised a finger against them, indeed was not able to do so, they "beat him to death, hanged him to a lamp post, cut his pantaloons off at. the knees, cut bits of flesh out of his legs, and afterwards set fire to him!" All this was done beneath the eyes of his widowed moth er, Such an exhibition of bloodthirsti ness is without a parallel in the histo ry of crime. Patrick Butler and -George Glass, both Irishmen, the latter fifty-three years of age, have been ar rested for the murder of Mr. Franklin. —[Anglo African. THE 1101'ELE4SNES OF THE REBEL CAUSE.—The Washington Star pub lishes the following extract from a, let ter writen by ft, rebel prisoner, now in the Old Capitol, to a friend in the South : "It is a humiliating fact that out of the seven hundred Confederates cap tured with me only three hundred re main 11lithful to the Confederacy, the balance of them having taken the oath of allegiance to that detested Yankee government. Oh ! how I have urged upon those dishonored wretches to pause ere they engulphed themselves in inevitable ruin, but they answered me, "The Confederacy cannot gain her independence; Vicksburg has Ihil en, and why should 1 longer waste my life in a useless undertaking '1" !Tis true the prospect at the present looks dark for the South. The darkest hour always precedes the dawn of light. Cod grant it may prove so with our beloved Confederacy I But if it does not—if it is possible for the South to NI, I will never'desert her, no, I will return to Dixie and be with those that inflict the last terrible punishment upon her Veacherotts The War in the Southwest, The Guerrilla Leaders retreating from near Memphis—Johnston at Enterprise Miss.—Conclitition of his Army—the Rebel Conseription—Despondence, MEMPHIS, August 6 The steamer Hope arried here to day, bringing a number of prisoners from Port Hudson, Vicksburg and Jackson. Everything was quiet on the river below. Colonel Hatch reports that Forrest, Biffies and Wilson aro retreating. Their force is entirely broken up, and the men deserting in every direction. Hatch has divided his force and is scouring the country and picking up all the small squads of the rebel army he can find. A scout who left Meridi an on Saturday, and Okalona on Sun day, reports that Johnston's army was at Enterprise, Miss., and Brandon un der the direct command of General Har dee: Most of the force at the former place was - ready to move at any mo ment. Cars were standing ready to transport them. Gen. Johnston went to Mobile on the 27th. The scout who brings this report believes that the re bels will remain where they are, un less Mobile is attacked, and says Johnston has but ten thousand men, his force having been greatly reduced since the fall of Vicksburg, and the balance terribly demoralized. They are poorly fed, and both the officers and men•are greatly disheartened. .Rebels in official circles acknowledge that Morris Island will be taken by our army at Charleston. A great many secret societids have been organized with the intention of bringing the State back into the Un ion, and both citizens and soldiers are being arrested for being connected with the plot. Tho late conscription act of the re bel government, i t was believed, would not avail much in the Soirthwest. The Mobile News, of the 30th, has a leader censuring the des - pondents and croakers. It tells citizens to avoid them as they would a pestilence. It states that Grant's army has mostly gone to Virginia, where the great fi nal struggle is to tale place, and calls upon the citizens of Alabama, Missis sippi and Georgia to join Bragg and Johnston, and all will be well. "We arrived at a point" it says, "when this Confederacy should throw every thing into the scales and turn the tide of this fatal campaign. Lincoln can put no more men into the field, and if we only check the Yankee, nosy, -he is used up, and the:revelation is at an end. The article closes up bitterly with the following : "We have to choose the whip of the slave, or the whip of the master. Which choose ye ?" Pierre Soule has lately arrived South, from Europe. He says he is not san guine of mediation on the part of the Emperor of FraUCQ, -- • The Siege of Charleston. 11 rural of Reinforcements—Rebels Erect ing new Defences—The Indications of Success—Capture of Five Hundred reb el Prisoners. BALTIMORE, — ll iig; correspondent of the Baltimore Ameri can, in a letter dated off Morris Island on the 3d inst., says all here are confi dent of success: No one seems to entertain the slight est doubt on the subject, and with such a feeling prevalent failure is next to an impossibility. The enemy are at work erecting batteries on James Island, but we are putting up batter ies to command them also. There has been but little cannonading to day, but some of the monitors will go in to night to harass the enemy. Yesterday there was considerable cannonading all day and during the night. The guns of the naval battery, which is the ad vance battery, will be erected to-night. From the deek of the Patapsco I had a fine view of the advanced works of General Gilmore, which are bristling up almost to the base of Fort Wagner, and protected some thirty yards - in front by a strong line of abattis. They extend in a direct line across the island for nearly a half mile, and are as near to'Fort ,Sumter as it would be possible to erect them if Wagner was already in our possession. These fitcts may be regarded as significant of what is about to take place here in the course of the present week. The grand ball will be opened in the course of the week and it will be the most furious fight of the war. Moor ing buoys have been located from each of the Monitors and the Ironsides, within five hundred yards . of Sumter, and that Sumter will fall is, I think, as certain as that the clay of attack will arrive. Yesterday five hundred prisoners were taken by the Lost Children, on an island near Folly Island. They showed but little fight, and after re ceiving two volleys laid clown their arins. BEEF CONSUMED BY TUE ATOM—The number of bullocks consumed by the Army of the Potomac, during the time that ealpsed between their march from Catlett's Station towards Fredericks burg under Burnside, and their return from Catlett's Station under Hooker, was thirty-five thousand. Fresh Ar my beef is self-transported, and the saving in transportation effected by driving cattle for army supplies is found to be equal to one and a quar ter pounds per man per day. New Furniture Establishment. J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, . llopretfullv invites the attention of the Public to his stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, between Cunninghtun's Storo and Mean's National House. where he manufactutes and keeps all hinds of Put niture at minced prices. Per. suns m Wong to touches.), will do well to giro hint n call. ltepatttog of all hinds attended to promptly and charges t casonable. Are. Also. Ulldettaliing cart led on, and Coffins in ode in any any le (testinl , at short notice. .41,3- ' , untie's attended at any piece in town or coon. fry, by 3. M. WISH. 1 inn tiogdon, Sept. 24, 1562-tf. HAINES BROS' CELEBRATED N. Y. PIANOS, These Dish uments are not sutpafeaut by any made, and are 0 arranted to give perfect Batisfactlon. A circular of the mo.,t tclinbte xefeteuces can be seen at the Globe Of fice. lIA.IISII, Sole Agh., 1102, CheaV op Sl i . A r s, Mums, Mel°llooll4 and Harmoniumv. June 17th, 1663-3111 CULL at the new CLOTHING STORE j of GUTMAN k CO., if yeu wont a good article o , Clothing. Stole room in Lanett pow building, in the Na g Lnt, !Upland. e Pert 9 , 1357 FARM FOR SALE. TEE CELEBRATED BMOC KNOWN AS "ESQUIRE WRAYS FARM," In Henderson township, about five mites from Hunting don, and two and n half mules from Mill Crock, contain ing about 230 Acres, about IGO of %dell. aro cleared , and under good cultivation, enclosed by gad hums.— There is a good apple orchardend also a good peach orchard on the premises. There is abund ance of good water near the barn and house, and streams running through the prenns.. The im . provements are in goad fog house weather-boarded, and large frame barn. There is n good saw-mill scat and plenty of timber on the property. Persons wishing to porches° a good farm about} call and examine this property. Apply to the undersigned living on the premises. HIRAM GRADY. May 13, 1863.3m1' COACH SHOP FOR RENT. Stock Tools & Machinery for Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED EXEC TORS of the lost will of Owen Boat, Tato of the bor., ough of Huntingdon, deceased, offer nt private sale, all the stock and fixtures belonging to the Carriage Manu. factory of the deceased, consisting of a complete assort. meat of Iron, Blacksmith's tools, Paints, Varnishee, Trimmings and materials for wood work, and, some un finished work. Time will bo given on good severity. Tito shop is a large frame building, comprising a wool shop and solo room below, and a paint shop and trimming shop on the second story—four rooms in all,—and black smith shop adjoining. The shops will be leased forsuch time as may bo agreed on. Tho shop has had a largo custom for several years past, and Is considered Otto of the best locations in the State. SAUL. T. BROWN oRAFFUS Executors. March M, 1803 EMESIiiM A NEW ARRIVAL OF BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, etc. JOHN H. WESTBROOK informs the public that he has just received a nevi Stock' of BOOTS and SHOES clan sir us and kinds to suit everybody. Also, Hats, 'Hosiery, Shoe Findings?, Morocco an 74,-. ing Skins, nil of which will be 201 at thp kowest cos prices. Don't forget the old ntnnd In tine Diamond. 011 mink% mere and the public generally are invited to coll. Huntingdon, May 20th, 1803. I TOWARD ASSOCIA_TIO 1N P /IDIST A Benevolent Institution ettahlished by spectal Endowment, for the Relief of the Side and Distressedy afflicted with, Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially fer the Bore of Aseasee of the ,Sexual Organs. • Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valunble Reports on Spermatorrina,and other Diaenseu of the Sexual Organs, and on the now Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter en. velopea, free of charge. Too or three Stamps for posing. will be _acceptable. Address, DR. J. SEILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Stroet,PLil adolphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HARTIVELE, .4"resident. OEO. FAIRCHILD, decretary. Dec. 31,1862.-13.. NEW STOCK OF GOODS EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S S. SMITH'S STORE, ON MILL STREET, lIONTINODON, PENNA THE BESZ SI/CFAR aal 310LASSES§ COFFEE, TEA and OROCCILAM FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINECIAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIOARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BF:ST, AND ALL KINDS, and Ivory othor article nsually found fp a a tvcery Store ALSO— Druga, Chemlenla, Dye Stnfth, Paints, V 11111131.1, Oils and Spts. Turpen,tiag y Fluid, Alcohol, Glass and Putty, BEST WINK and BRANDY for medical purpose& ALL THE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, 'BOOTS AND SHOES, • and a largo number of articles too minimum to eroptlon, Thu public generally will please cull and extvnino for themselves and learn my prices, Huntingdon, Oct. 28, 1862. TO ARMS ! RUSH TO THE STORE OS` SIMON COHN, AT QUITE RUN STATION, and see the new nod elegant assortment u( floods lie tkull just received consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, QUCCIIBWaI . C. Hardware, Clinging, Donnas, Shawl.. Hats, Caps, Bouts, Shoat and all other articles kept in country stores. nhich ho is offering at his Manitnoth Stores, at cone Ittin Station, at uniemally lon yucca. The public aro invited to call and lia v ng iiirmirslollfliratffriffifrlrrillt t and other casict it cities, he is able to buy his goods cheap er tints 'other country merchants, mid can consequently, undersell Wei In exchange for goods, Ito takes all kJ nds of country produce at the highest cash prices. BY strict attention to the S ants of customers, ho hopes to receive a continuation of tho liberal patronage With vaileh he has been heretofore favored. Mr. Colin is Agent of the Broad 'Top R. R. Co., at Coffee Run Station, and is prepared to ship all kinds of Gitlin to theErstern markets. flaying a largo Ware Room, far mers can store with him until ready to ship. Every con venience will be afforded theist. June 10, 1163—1 f NEV CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. M. OUTMAN HAS JUST OPENED A FIND STOCK OF NEW STRING AND SUMTER CLOTHING, Which he offers to all who waot to he CLQTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT TUE TIMES Ms Stock consista of Iteattpolndo Clothlog fur MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, BOOTS AND SIIOES, HATS AND CAPS, AC., AC. Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cat of clothing not found In Mt Block on hand, by !awing their measure they can be accommodated at short notice. Call at tho east corner of the Diamond, over Long's Clocery. MANUAL GUTMAN. Huntingdon, April 7,1869, SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, JUST OPENED AT A. 8.-OUNNINGHAWS. ,k LARGE STOCK FULL ASSORTMENT, EEEMEI TO PLEASE EVERYBODY CALL AND EX AMINE FOR YOURSELVES SILVER AND GOLD, AND ALL PAPER ON 000 D BANIiB & INDINWALS, Takon at Par in Exchange for Goode. The Liglicst pricce paid in Goode for all kit* pf COUNTRY PRODUCE. FOR BARGAINS, CALL AT A. B. CUNNINGHAM'S STORE Ilantingdon, May 20, 180. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS 1 FISHER & SON Hare just Opened and offer to the Public, SPLENDID STOCJ WELL SEL EC/MD.I% 7 EIV G OODS, REDUCED PRICES THE PUBLIC call nod examine. our Goods FISHER, S; SON May 20, 3803 FrRACING MUSLIN, DRAITINO DRARIKGI PnrEli While and Colored Card Paper, For sale At LANIFIS" BOOK 5e STATIOKERY STORE EMEEEZI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers