THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. ItEAL ESTATE OF DAWSON C. SMALLEY, dec'd.—ORPHANS' COURT SALE.— Ey 'virtue of a plurius order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, there will be sold at public vendue or outcry on the premises on TUESDAY, the 20th day of OCTOBER, 1857, between the hours of 10 A. 31. & 2 P. 31. A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Shirley township, Hunt ingdon county, bounded by Juniata river on the East and North East; by the lands of Swishurts heirs on the North; by Aughwick Creek on the North 'West; by lands of Jas. H. Bell on the South ; and by lands of Bell's heirs and Oliver Etnier on the South West, containing about TWO HUNDRED and FIFTY ACRES, more or less about 100 acres of which are cleared and under cultivation, having thereon erected a two story en stone dwelling house with Kitchen attached. A _ Stone bank barn, Stone Spring house, Stone tenant house, &c.„ &c. Also on said premises is an Iron Ore Bank, Or chard, &c., being the real estate of Dawson C. Smalley cicsfd. TERMS OF SALE :—One third of the purehthse money to be paid on confirmation of sale; and the residue in two equal annual payments; with interest, to be secured by bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. Duo attendance siren on the day of sale by HENRY BREWSTER, -Administrator of Dawson. C. Smalley, deceased. Sept.l6; 1857.-5 t TEACHER'S EXAMINATIONS.- The undersigned will meet the School Directors and hers, in their respective districts, for examinations as Indicated by the following table: _ Districts. Time. Place. Cromwell, Wedneada,y, October 7, Orbisonia. Dublin, Thursday, " 8, Shade Gap. Tell, Friday, " 9, Centre School House. Walker, Monday, " 12, illcConnellstown. Springfield, Saturday, " 17, Maddensvillo. Clay, Monday, " 19, Scottsville. Case & Cassrille, Tuesday, " 20, Cassvillc. Tod, Wednesday, " 21, Newburg, Penn, Thursday, " 22, Marklesburg. Hopewell. Friday, " 23, Rough & Ready. Juniata, Monday, " 26. Henderson, Tuesday, " 27, Court House. The hour for meeting in each of the above places will be 10 o'clock, A. M; and punctuality is desirable. School directors are respectfully invited to attend. ALBERT OWEN, County Superintendent. September 9, 1857. I)ISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP. —Notice is hereby given that the partnership here tomre existing between J. B. Frazier of West township, and J. Frazier of Jackson township, Iluntingclon county. under the firm of J. B. 4: J. Frazier, was, by mutual con sent, dissolved on the 28th clay of August, 1857. The Books of the Ennisville Yard will be settled and collected by Jonathan Frazier—and the Books of the Shaver's Creek. Yard will settled and collected by John B. Frazier. J. B. FRAZIER, Sept. !".:, 1857.* J. FRAZIER. N. B.—J. B. Frazier will continue business at Shaver's Creek Yard. OTICE.—I offer for sale One Hun dred and Sixty Acres of Land in the county of Union, owa. Also, a two-story weather-boarded dwelling house, fronting on Allegheny street. the next building below Jackson's Hotel, in the borough of Huntingdon. Notice is also given that I have left my account Book, Notes, Ageeements, Deeds and Papers with David Snare, Esq., in the borough of Huntingdon, who is fully authori zed and empowered to sell and convey any of my property, and to collect, receive, and receipt for all payments made to him for me, as fully and effectually as I could do if per- sonally prebent. Huntingdon, Sept. 9, 1857 LAST NOTICE—AII persons indebted to the undersigned by note m book account, are re quested to call and make payment on or before the first day of November next. All notes, and book accounts re maining unsettled after that date, will positively be surd out without respect to persons. J. N. SWOOP}. Alexandria, July 29, 1857. EWE CLOTHING STORE. M. CUTMAN & CO., espectfully inform the pnblic generally that they have just opened in the new brick building of C. Long, on the ncrth-east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa., . A LARGE STOCK OF NEW CLOTHING, for men and boys, consisting of the most fashionable DRESS, FROCK and OVERCOATS, PANTS, VESTS, &c., ac., of the best materials and well made. Also, BOOTS and SHOES. HITS and CAPS. Also, every article usually found in the most extensive Clothing Stores. As they are determined to please their customers by offering the best of Clothing at low prices, they ask an ex amination of their stock. Huntingdon, Sept. 9,1857. WEICIISELBAUM, Optician and J ° Oculist, from Philadelphia, respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has opened a room at Jackson's Hotel, where he oilers for sale SPEC TACLES, of every variety, size, and quality. A new invention of Spectacles, for distant or close read ing, with gold, silver, steel, and tortoise-shell frames, and a new and improved assortment of perifocal ground flint Glasses of his own manufacture. lie would particularly call the attention of the public to his spectacles for NEAR. SIGHTED PERSONS, And for persons who have been operated upon for the cat aract of the eye, and to his new kind of glasses and Con servers of the sight made of the best flint and azure Glass es. Good Glasses may be known by their shape, exact centre, sharp and highly polished surface. The qualities are to be found in a high degree in his glasses. Also, the Hunting Glasses of the best quality. limittv IMPORTANT !—The very best BRAZILIAN PEB BLE! so universally proved to be far superior to any other glass. Also—Microscopes, Spy and Quizzing Glasses of every size and quality; Telescopes, Magnifying and Opera Glasses, with different powers, together with every variety of arti cles in the optical line not mentioned. "Optical and other instruments and Glasses carefully repaired at short notice. Ho can always select Glasses to snit the vision of the person, as he sees them, on the first trial. He will remain in this place during the Fair in Oc tober; and these in want of the above articles will please give him a call. 'lle will, if required, go to any respectable house where his services may be wanted. e__The very best EVE-WA.TER always for sale. Huntingdon, Sept. 23, 1857. TO THE PUBLIC.—The young man now traveling through the county, with horse an d waggon, selling Ready-Made Clothing, is no Agent or Clerk of mine, his representations to the contrary not withstanding. I have no Agents or Clerks peddling Cloth ing for me. 11. ROMAN. lluntingdon, Sept. 23, 1557. STATE OF ANN S. RAYS, deed. 4—Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administra uon on the Estate of ANN S. HAYS. late of _Dame town ship, decd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. Sept 16, 1857-et* 11 HE WINTER SESSION OF THE SHIRLEYSBURG FEMALE SEMINARY will open on londay. November 2, and continued five months. Tzsats—For Board and English tuition, per session, $62.50. French and Music Extra. For particular information apply to J. B. KIDDER, Principal. Slairloysburg, Sept. 23,1557-6 t. ROOK.ER & MARSI-I, AUCTION EERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 261 orth 3d Street, one door below Tine, Philadelphia. Sales of BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS, GUNS, HARDWARE, WATCHES, FANCY GOODS, EVERY EVENING. Aiari-Country Storekeepers and others will always find at our evening Sales a large and desirable assortment of the above goods, to be sold in lots to suit buyers. * * *Goods packed on the premises for Country Trade. Sept. 30,1557-3 m. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—By vir tue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Hunting don county, the undersigned will offer at public sale on the promises, on SATURDAY, THE 31ST OF OCTOBER, NEXT, A FARM, (late the estate of Joseph Borland, deceased,) situate on the Ridges, in Henderson township, Huntingdon county, about four miles from• the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of John Rhodes on the north, Aaron • Kelly on the east, James Simpson and John Elen- mr! ner on the south, and Adam Rupert on the west, containing two hundred and seventeen (217) acres, more or less, about 100 acres of which are cleared and in culti vation; having thereon erected A LOG ROUSE, a LOG BARN and other improvements. This farm has an abun dant supply of water and an assortment of good fruit. TERMS OF SALE. One half of the purchase money to be paid at the confirmation of the sale, and the other half in one year thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. For further particulars inquire of the undersigned, per sonally, or by letter through the Huntingdon post office. DAVID RUPERT. Huntingdon, Sept. 23, 1857-fit IA7 --- HISKE M RS, OUSTACHES 8 c., Can easily be forced to grow in one week by the use of my ONGUENT, the formula for the preparation of which, with ample directiOns for making up and using, will be forwarded toasty one on receipt of TWENTY--FIVE CENTS, or its equivalent in Postage stamps. Send an en velope properly directed in which I can enclose the direc tions. Address A. L. DUNTON, Goshen, Conn. Sept. 29, 1857-31ic TRACT OF LAND FOR SALE.- A Tract of Land situate about three miles from untangdon, in Henderson township, Huntingdon county, containing about.loo acres, about 00 of which is well tim bered, bounded on the north west by lands of Samuel Sankey, on the north east by lands of Wm. Sankey, ou the eolith east by lands of Jas. Porter, on the south west by lands of Jr-S.- Africa: It lies on.the eastern- side of and ad- JO/QS the-Bark road. ' • Will be sold at-public sale, at the Court House, on Wed nesday of thelirst week of November Court. S. SANKEY, Agent. eaderion ttrp., Sept. 3'), 1557 HUNTINGDON &BROAD TOP RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT! On and after Thursday, September 3rd, 1857, Two Passen ger Trains a day, each way—Sundays excepted—will run as follows: MORNING TRAIN. sTArfoNs.. A. I. P. M. Huntingdon Leave........ 8.00 Arrive "00 :I'Couriellstowrr ..... ...." S "0 •' 1 40 Pleasant Grove :‘ 8 30 " 1 30 3larklesburg. Coilbe Bough Ready Cove P.M. P.M. Huntingdon Leave 4 00 Arrive S 10 IWConnellstown ,66 1.20 " 7.50 Pleasant Grove " 4 30 ,:. 7.40 31ark-lesluirg 44 44.5 L, 7.25 Coffee Rim c. 5.00 ~ -.10 Rough ..t . Ready i: 5.15 " 6 55 Cove <, 5.25 ,g 645 Fishers' Summit " 5.30 14 6 40 Saxton Arrive 5.50 LefiXt , 6.20 Trains connect at Hopewell with four-horse Mail Coaches, over good Plank and Turnpike Roads to Bedford. Visitors to Broad Top City, by taking the morning Train, can spend half a day on the mountain, (where good accom modations are to be had,) and return to Huntingdon same day. Fifty pounds baggage allowed each Passenger. For fur ther information inquire at the office of the Company at Huntingdon. THOMAS T. WIERMAN, Supt. Huntingdon, Sept. 9, 1557. - IMPROVED PATENT ASPHALTIC ROOFING FELT—A CHEAP, DURABLE AND PER FECTLY WATERPROOF ROOFING—PRIcE, TJELREE CracTs PER SQUARE FOOT- WM. LEWIS, Huntingdon, Agent for Huntingdon county. This improved PATENT FELT makes a CUEAP, I)nnAmnated PERFECTLY WATERPROOF ROOFING, for CHURCHES, CHAPELS, PUBLIC HALLS, RAILROAD STATIONS, HOUSES, COTTAGES, VER ANDAHS, Fault pmf.mos, CATTLE and SHEEP SUERS, and every other description of ButrauNGs, in lieu of Tin : Zinc, Shingles, Tiles, Thatch, Sc. It costs only a fraction of a Tin or Shingle Roof and is more durable, as it neither connonss, CRACKS nor LEAKS. It is made of the strongest and most durable materials, and saturated with the best of Asphalto. It is made up in Rolls, 23 yards long, 32 inched wide, and can be easily applied by any unpracticed person, with a few tacks. It is invaluable for LENTNG the WATTS of WOODEN MIMS, GRANULIES, BARNS, &e., as ruts or other 'vermin and insects will not touch it. IT Is IMPERVIOUS TO WET, and being a NON-CONDUCTOR, counteracts the heat of SITNOZER and the cold of WINTER, equalizing the temperature within every building where it is used. To the Agriculturist, it makes a CLIEAP and EFFECTUAL RoortNG, for F..tam Binunzzus and SHEDS; a CovniuNt. for Cows and ILks Mess, also a Drsrscn for Sheep during snow, and in the Yard as a loose covering for Turnips and other Fodder in Winter—the use of this FELT proves a great annual saving to the Farmer. It is suitable to every climate. It is light and portable, being in Rolls, and not liable to damage in transportation. When used UNDER Tex or other ROOFING, it forms a smooth body for the metal to lie tightly on. whereby the Tin wears much longer, not corroding:beneath; at the same time DEADENING SOUND. Also being a :ti'ON-CONDUCTOIL, it keeps the trmum ItOOMS COOL in Summer, and being Wterlal moor, prevents the Roof from LEASING. August 19, 1397. FREDERICK LIST T O MECHANICS, INVENTORS, AND MANUFACTURERS. in announctng the TIIIRTEENTII Annual Volume of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, the publishers respectfully inform the public that in order to increase and stimulate the formation of clubs, they propose to offer ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CASH JOHN C. COUCH; Administrator vollt7 - MiAtt% -- v. - 11 rtiir - - Fishers' Summit <4 9.30 12.30 { I Arrive 950 Leave Leave.— .... .10.00 Arrive 12.10 Saxton 12.00 llicldelsburg ....... c. 11.40 Hopewell Arrive 10.30 Leave p. in. 11.30 EVENING TRAIN PREMIUMS for the fifteen largest lists of subscribers sent in by the Ist of January,lBsB; said premiums to be distributed as For the largest list, $300; 23, $250; 3d, $2OO ; 4th, $lOO ; oth, $100; 6th, $9O; 7th, $80; Bth, $7O; 9th, $6O; 10th $5O; 11th, $4O; 12th, $35; 13th, $3O; 14th, $25; 15th, $2O. Names of subscribers can be sent in at different times and from different Post Othces. The cash will be paid to the orders of the successful competitors, immediately af ter the Ist of January, 1858. Southern, Western, and Canada money will be taken for subscriptions. Canadian subscribers will please to re mit 26 cents extra on each year's subscription to pre-pay postage. TERMS OF SITESCRIPTION.—Two dollars a Year, or One Dollar for Six Months. CLUB RATES—Five Copies, for Six Months, $4; Five Copies, for Twelve Months, SS; Ten Copies, for Six Months, $8: Ten Copies, for Twelve Months, $1.5; Twenty Copies, for Twelve Months, $2O. For all Clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly subscrip tion is only $1 40. The new volume will be printed upon fino paper with now type. The general character of the SCIENTIFIC AmmracAN is well known, and, as heretofore, it will be chiefly devoted to the promulgation of information relating to the various Mechanical and Chemical Arts, Manufactures, Agriculture, Patents. Inventions, Engineering, Hill TRW-, and all inter ests which the light of Practical Science is calculated to advance. It is issued weekly, in form for binding; it con tains annually from 500 to 000 finely executed Engrav ings, and Notices of American and European Improve- , ments, together with an Official List of American Patent Claims published weekly in advance of all other papers. It is tho aim of the Editors of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN to present all subjects discussed in its columns in a prac tical and popular form. They will also endeavor to main tain a candid fearlessness in combating and exposing false theories and practices in Scientific and Mechanical mat ters, and thus preserve the character of the Scrnsmic A,MERICAN as a reliable Encyclopedia of Useful and Enter taining Knowledge. .*y-Specimen copies will he sent gratis to any part of the country. MUNN 1 CO., Publishers and. Patent Agents, No. 128 Fulton street, New York. Sept. 2, 1857. ADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK MANUTACTORY.—J. E. LONG, would inform the ,ei• public in general, that he has com )J7-, menced the above business iu Alexan dries, where he intends to keep eon . stoutly on hand, and manufacture to order, all kinds of waddles, Harness, Trunks, &c., which he will sell as low as can be bought in the country. Also, Buggys trimmed, and all kinds of Up holstering done in the neatest style. Alexandria, August 2,6,1857. VERY SUPERIOR LlME.—Persons desiring a very superior white lime can now obtain it of the subscriber, as he has just put into operation, a large draw kiln, built upon an improved plan, and produ cing daily, large quantities of the very best quality. With facilities unsurpassed, and limestone pure as any found in the State, ho feels confident that he can render complete satisfaction to those who give him a call. The attention of Builders, Farmers, and all wishing to buy Lime, is re spectfully invited, as well to his low rates, as to the quality of his limo. JOHN HAGEY, Sept. 2,1557.-2 m. Corm RUN, Hunt. Co., Ps. r a o n ll d nredtai-l A. , l ,e u ry m l ~S v a I e t . , for 300 S sate e v, l l B lcsa G le dealers will find it to their advantage to give us a call. JNO. CRESSWELL & SON. Petersburg. Sept. 9,1557.* 11-111BRELLA.S.—Country Dealers in UMBRELLAS, 'will find on examining the s,. subscriber's stock, a good assortment, made of the best materials, and at low prices. A cdl is soli cited. JOSEPH FUSSELL, _ No. 2 North 4th St., N. W. corner of Market, Sept. 2,1557.-2 m. Philadelphia ARRETIS - BAR RE L S I—Persons wanting empty Barrels can get them at pt. 2, 1857. LOVE & McDIVIT'S. THEMAL. - LIS - ESOLD. - -GEIS I SINGER'S Store the head of Navigation, and ht assortment now complete. If you want the worth of your money, go to Geissin gees Cheap Store : West Huntingdon, Pa. W. J. GEISSINGER. May 20, IS5i. TEAS, TEAS—of excellent, qualities, and the cheapest in town, at LOVE & McDIVIT'S TrINW...kRE.—A. splendid assortment , just received road fop pale by Jlay 20,1657. W. J. GEISSINOER. ENLTINE Electric Oil for sale at the cuaup DRUG STORE, Market Square. JEWELRY -2 new stock just opened bq • JON rniscm DORTE MONNAIES, Spectacles, Fan cy Articles, E:c., a Ilno assortment for salo by JOHN FRISCH. FRESH . OLIVE OIL For sale at 1101ANIGILL'S CORNELIAN FINGER ICINGS-a large assortment for sale by JOHN GOLD Sr, SILVER WATCHES,Gm by $2 up to $2OO, tozured for Twelve Mouths, 111 for sato JOl FRISCH. ALL KINDS OF CLOCKS, insured for Tvrelle Monthg, for tale by JOHN FRISCH. .1.15 .1.00 .8.45 " 9.00 ,c 12.15 1..35 9.15 Ci 9.'25 44 -' ,, ,...1.4.1,,'•];A7.,.> •• - •'- 1 -- .2 - .1 . :-.„ .,, iiii.:,. 1: --- s 1 . ~;,.,.., AP : O l'-4 ,' ' 4 . ' • ""V'S • L.L...-'l*.c.::',:;.'„V..e',:6:o=T-7. -- '''' • !- ~: ... -: . ,ZZ. . ? ;,..c .s i . :::.:llitiillllVeiai./Z...4/6.4 , /.;(4111110..5.F..:' •••! . ' -. !'_, f . ). .t,' ... ,ka - : '.. "r .„...,:,.r......7., ......, ,7. ;.',7''4!;' ;. „::. 1, ~A .-.1 . 3 ..-..;-.:-....-seNO 1 .*.... . _z_...,. 5.. - .. : t i ..,..,_ „.. PIANOS, I%IELODEONS & MUSIC PRICES GREATLY REDUCED 1 ! HORACE WATERS, 333 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, ACIENT FOR THE SALE OF THE BEST BOSTON & NEW YORK PIANOS & MELODEONS. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF MUSIC MERCHAN DISE 111 THE UNITED STATES. Paixos from five different Manufactures, of every variety of style—from those in plain rosewood cases, for $OOO, to those of the most elegant finish, for $lOOO. No Douse in the Union can come in competition for the number, variety and celebrity of its instruments, nor the extremely low pri ces at which they are sold. HORACE WATERS' MODERN IMPROVED PIANOS, with or without iron frames, have, in their NEW scALE and 131 PROVED AcrtoN, a power and compass of tone equalling the grand, with the beauty and durability of the square piano. The Press and first Music Masters have justly pro nounced them equal if not superior to any other make.— They arc guaranteed to stand the action of every climate. HORACE WATERS' MELODEONS (tuned the equal temperament), superior in each desirable quality—can also furnish Melodeons of all other makers.. Prices from $4.5 to $105; for two sets of reeds, 150; two banks of keys, $200; Organ pedal bass melodeons, $275 and $3OO. MUSIC.--One of the largest and best catalogues of Music now published; sold rg at greatly reduced prices.— Music sent to wherever ordered, post-paid. Personal atten tion paid to all orders received by mail. Second-hand Pianos taken in exchange for new. Catalogues sent by mail. Great inducements offered to agents to sell the above. A liberal discount to dealers, teachers, seminaries and clergymen. Each Instrument guaranteed to give satisfaction, or purchase-money refunded. SECOND-HAND PIANOS AT GREAT BARGAINS constantly in store; prices from $3O to $l4O. TESTIMONIALS FROM PROFESSORS AND OPLNIONS OF TILE PRESS. 'The Horace Waters' Pianos are known as among the very best. We are enabled to speak of these instruments with some degree of confidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and durable quality."—ff: Y. Even gclist. Having inspected a lage number of the Horace Waters' Pianos we can speak of their merits : from personal knowl edge, as being of the very best quality."—Cliriaain Intelli gencer. Nothing at the State Fair displayed greater excellence in any department than the Piano-Forte manufactured by Horace Waters, of this eity.—Churchinan. The following is taken from the" Christian Inquirer": "The finest among the many pianos at the Crystal Palace are those placed there by Horace Waters, whose instru ments are always popular. The following we take from the "Christian Advocate" (Memphis, Tenn.:) "The Horace Waters, Pianos are built of the best and most thoroughly seasoned material. From all we can learn of this establishment—said to be the lar gest in the United States—we have no doubt that buyers can do as well, perhaps better, at this than at any other house in the Union?' "Mr. Waters has been long established and Is favorably known. We speak from experience when we assure our readers that his prices are below those usually charged for articles in his line."—.Tacksonian, _NI J. "Your instruments are a sensible improvement upon American Pionos, and an honor to the skilful manufacturer. There is no doubt but they will be appreciated by the pub lic and all admirers of true merit.—Oscar Comettant. The treble is clear, pure, powerful, and very melodious, the base is deep, rolling, and sonorous: the niiddlepart is rich, and sympathetic, and possessing the power of i. e. of uniting the sound of each tone, in a degree but rarely achieved."—Henry C. Mason. For power of tone, depthof brass, and brilliancy of tre ble, together with accuracy of touch, they are equal to any make I am acquainted with, and I cordially recommend them Lo those wishing to pnrchase.--Tr. C. Taylur. •'Our friends will find at Mr. Waters' store the very best asortmcnt of music and of pianos to be found iu the United States, and we urge our southern and western friends to give him a call whenever they go to New York." —Grab LIM'S ilagazine. •• We consider them worthy of special attention, from the resonant and exceedingly musical tone which Mr. Waters has succeeded in attairting."—.Y. Musical Work' and Tisn&x. "There is one which, for beauty of finish and richness and brilliancy of tone, equals, if it does not excel, any thing of the kind we have even seen. It is from the estab lishmeut of llorace Waters. Being constructed of the best and most thoroughly seasoned material, and upon im proved principles, it is capable of resisting the action of tho climate, and of standing a long time in tune.—,Savan nah Rpub/ican, Savannah, Ga." Waters' pianos and melodeons challenge comparison with the finest made anywhere in the cutuatry."—Home. Journal. C. L. Sholes, editor of the Renocha "Tribune and Tele graph"'says, " The piano was received in good order, and is pronounced an excellent instrument by good judges, the tone of it is particularly commended, as is indeed its external workmanship and finish, compared with its cost." Speaking of the Ilorace Waters' Pianos and Melodeons at the Crystal Palace the "New York Disptaeh" says : " A number of these pianos and pedal bass organ melode ons, from their great power, and fullness and richness of tone, attract the very general attention and commenda tion of visitors. Waters' " New Scale" is recognized by artists as not only a sensiUe but important improvement in pianos." The New York Express" says: " The Horace Waters' Pianos are pronounced by musical amateurs as a decidedly superior article in all the requisites of this instrument, and it is fast superseding those of other manufacturers." The "New York Evening Post" says: The Horace Waters' Pianos are excellent as well as cheap; but he has those of other makers. as well as second-hand ones, capi tally adapted to limited means." Says the "Knoxville (Tenn.) Standard Mr. Waters has long cape:le:me in the business, and has gained a repu tation unswpassed for selling the best instruments in the Conn try." The Sunny South" reaches us with the follow ing:— " This gentleman is one of the most extensive music-deal ors in the Union. His pianos and melodeons have ob tained gloat celebrity for their excellent tone and durable Says the "Valley City Advocate:" "We have taken a look at a piano which has just arrived from the celebrated establishment of Horace Waters, and must say that for tone and beauty of finish, it surpasses any we ever saw for the price." Horace Waters' Piano-Fortes me of full, rich, and even tone. and powerful.—Ncie York Musical, Review. "They are fully equal to any of the kind I have seen in the United States, and far superior to those of a similar make 1 saw in Englatad."—Geo. Wire/bourne Morgan. "I take great pleasure in announcing them instruments of a superior quality, both in tone and touch."—August Gockel. We don't know that we ever saw better pianos—pianos better made, of finer tone and of greater power—than we tnet with yesterday at the fair in the Crystal Palace. The finest tunong them are those placed there by Horace Wa ters, whose pianos are always popular."—Times and 211e,5-tenger. tenger. "The Horace Waters' Pianos now on exhibition at the Pair, have attracted a surprising degree of attention they are unrivalled by any other instrument, in perfect quality of tone and power.' '—Courier. "The Horace Waters' Pianos are amonn• ' the most cele brated and improved makes of the day. For power, bril liancy and richness of tone, elasticity of touch, and beauty of finish, they will not stiffer in comparison with those of any other manufacturer."—T homes Baker. The "State Register" contains the following: "For beauty of finish, sweetness and brilliancy of tone, they undoubtedly surpass anything of the kind ever brought before the public. They equal in tone the grand piano; and being constructed of the best and most thoroughly seasoned material, they are capable of resisting the action of any climate." Says the Evening Mirror" : They (the Horace Waters' Pianos) are very superior instruments and the maker may confidently challenge comparison with any other manufacturer in the country, as regards their outward elegance, and quality of tone and power." t , :n P. BRUNKER is agent for the sale of these Pianos, for Huntingdon county. He will attend to the unpacking and putting up of them, and keeping them in tune, for a year, free of charge. He will also see that every pur chaser is satisfied. They will be sold as low as any other Pianos in the "United States. Sept. 9,1.857. FULL STOCK OF FALL DRY GOODS.--BYRE & LANDELL, FOURTII & ARCH Sts., Philadelphia, respectfully request Cash Buyers to ex amine a fine Stock of Seasonable Goods, adapted to BEST PENNSYLVANIA TRADE. Full Lino of Fall Dress Goods. New designs of Fall Shawls. Rich Silks of Newest Styles. Good Black Silks of all widths. 4 Cases assorted French 15ferinoes. 7 " Poll do Clievrcs, New Goods. British and American Dark Prints. Sattinetts,Cassimeres, Cloths and Vestings. Muslins, Linens, Flannels, Blankets, &c., &c. 'es ...Auction Bargains from New York and this City daily received. Particular attention given to Country or ders for Desirable Goods.--TIMIS—.Yett Cash. Sept. 2,1557.-3 m. LOOK HERE !—What a large variety of TOYS and FANCY GOODS! The LAMEST Assoax laswr and the LOWEST PRICES I over seen, at the NOW Num ber, 144 NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE ARCH, PHILADELPHIA. Toys of alt kinds, Fancy Baskets, Violins & Strings, Canes, Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, Segar Cases, Work Boxes, and an endless variety of other articles too numerous to mention, JOHN DOLL. 114 North 2nd Street. ahore Arch, Philadelphia. Sept. 2, P337-;:an. PROFESSIONAL &r. BUSINESS CARDS. 11)R . JOHN MeCTILLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office at Mr. Hildebrand's, between the Ex change and Jackson's Hotel. Aug. 28, '55. I I P. CAMPBELL, Attorney at Law, e Once in tho brick row near the Court House. JOHN SCOTT. SAMUEL. T. BROWN. SCOTT I & BROWN, Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Office same as that formerly occu pied by Mr. Scott. Huntingdon, Oct:l7, 1853. TOHN N. PRO WELL, Attorney at Law, e_p Will attend faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his care. Huntingdon, July 20, 1855. RALLISON MILLER, DENTIST, • Huntingdon, Pa. June 24, 1557. M. COLON, v Dealer in Books, Stationary, Wall Paper, &c. &c 1r) P. GWIN, • Dealer in Dry Q oods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, S:c. T M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. e,w Founders, Huntingdon, Pa cGILL & CROSS, Founders, Alexandria, Huntingdon county, Pa. MOSES STROUS, Dealer in Dry Goods, Beady Made Clothing, Gro ceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, etc. -14 ROMAN, o Dealei in Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Buots and Shoes, &c. - DENJ. JACOBS, _ Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Grocer ies, Queens are, &c. TEVI WESTBROOK, 4 Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots, shoes, Gaiters, etc. T J ONG & DECKER, Dealers in Groceries, Confectionaries, Quecnsware, &c. OSEPLI REIGGER, Watchmaker and dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jew &c. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer T 4 OVE and McDIVIT, Dealers in Groceries, Confectionaries, Flour, &c j r AS. A. BROWN and CO., Dealers in all kinds of Hardware WEN BOAT, Carriage and Waggon Manufacturer A NDREW MOEBUS, Proprietor of the Broad Top House. TO - lIN F. RA.M . EY, County Surveyor, ey Huntingdon, Pa. Office on Till street, one door east of the Huntingdon Marble Yard. REFERENCES—L. T. Watson, Philadelphia; J. P. Leslie, Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, Rough and Beady Furnace, Hon. Jonathan M'Willianis. ejSIMPSON AFRICA Practical Sur • seyor, Huntingdon, Pa. Office on Hill street. ORBISON, DORRIS & CO., Miners, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal, Huntingdon HARE 0 Top lj ColarE'L6 Miner, Dealer Philadelphia. H, 4 11, 7 AN5, McCONNELL & EVANS, ‘ 4 l Miners, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal. Broad Top City, Huntingdon county. ANDREAV PATRICK, Miner & Dealer Broad Top Semi-Bituminous Coal; Coalmont, Huntingdon county, Pa. IWEN & LAMBERT, Miners and Dealers in Broad Top Coal. Address, Owen & Lam• bert, Broad Top City. AVID BL AIR,, Miner & Shipper of Broad Top Coal, Huntingdon, p - R - E - IVITUAI AWARDED TO H. T. STAINS, of Scottsville, Huntingdon county, Pa., fur the best specimen of marble work.. Send on your orders soon. Scottsville, Oct. 21, TNEAD PIPE for sale at the Hardware J Store, Huntingdon. T) - ORCELAIN BOILERS and PANS of every description, for sale at Manufacturer's pri ces, by apr. S. JAS. A. BROWN& CO. yEYSTONE STATE SAPONIFIER, s il„, or CONCENTRATED LYE, warranted to make soap ithout lye, and with little trouble. It makes hard, soft, and limey soaps. For sale at the cheap Drug and Fancy Store of HENRY McINIANIC ILL. IQA.K ItUNE—A genuine article for sale fi by 11.E:s1RY 31e3IANIGILL. )received of all sizes from Bxlo to 20x30, and for sale by HENRY MeMANIGILL PITRATE of Magnesia for sale at the 5j New and Cheap Drug Store in Huntingdon, Pa. SUPERIOR — HORSE BALLS, at McMANICILL'S. SUPERIOII, VANILLA BEAN for ttN at the Cheap Drug Store, Market Square. FANCY SOAPS, At the Cheap Store of IL :VIcIIANIGILL. krYNC I K'S Pulmonic Syrup for the cure of Consumption, for sale by 500 CHESTNUT U P N O NII S \ I GI S IA b I I i S D a tiI\esZby -BLSA A M FIR for sale at the Cheap Drug Store of 11. MCMANIGILL. TOBIAS' Venetian Liniment, for sale by HENRY McMANIGILL. EMON SYRUP, a genuine article, for 4 sale by MINRY MeMANIGILL. FRESH lot of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for sale at .IcManigill's Cheap Drug Store. HUSBAND'S celebrated Calcined -Mag nesia, for sale at the CILEAP DRUG STORE, Mar ket equare, Huntingdon, l'a. SPERMACETI, a prime lot, for sale by HENRY IIc3IANDOILL. DR. SOHNISt S Sarsaparilla, and DR. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA, for sale at the cheap Drug Store, by lIENRY McMANIGILL. TIRESH lot of Clarified Table Oil for vale by ILENRY McMANIGILL. yr-nn BUSHELS of Dried APPLES, wanted in ex.change for our goody. Dee. 17, 1.856. LOVE & fill. SANFORD'S Invigorator or Liver Remedy, can be bad at the cheap Drug Store of upr29 HENRY MUNIANIGILL. lIIDES & TANNERS OIL.-1000 DRY FLINT 111 DES; 100 Bbls. TANNERS OIL. For cafe by J. PALMER & CO. MARKET Street WHARF, DIILLAD.ELDMA May 12, 1857. WRIGHT'S Hair Regenerator or Am ber Glixs, for =lea 31c.MANIGILL'S. -RAMS and MOULDERS just receiv ed and for sale by IV. J. GELSSINGER. R. ROWAND'S Blackberry Root, an inestimable and warranted remedy for Bowel Com-. p auds, at the cheap Drug, Varoity and Fancy store of HENRY Mc3I.A.N.T.GILL. BACON DRIER BEEF— a large and excellent lot, just received and for sale by iiuntingdon, Juno 17, 1857. LOVE & MCDIVITT. 100 Sacks Ground Alum Salt, 50 tons Plaster to be disposed of by August 5, 1857. SCOTT S BROWN. WANTED -20,000 Bushels Wheat, for which I will pay the highest cash prices. Huntingdon, Aug. 19. W. J. GEISSINGER. --- F RESH lot of Balm of a Thousand Flowers, for sale at the new Drug, Fancy and Variety Store, Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. - VRESH MACKEREL & HERRING, just received and for sale by LOVE & EVERYTHlNG.—Everythiur , in the Grocory line can ho procured at the cheap store of LOVE & McDIVIT. REVOLVERS -a fine assortment for tale by JOUN F.Ftla'll. Market Square, Iluutingdou, Pa iIEN itY Mc.II.kNIG ILL riIHE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN 1. BLAST AGAIN I—The subscribers take this method of informing their friends and the public generally, that they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Fenn dry, and are now in successful operation, and aro prepared to furnish Castings of h&j: ;'''";; every description, of best quality and - • workmanship, on short notice, and on reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough. This plough took the first premium at the Hun tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, .which can't be beat—together with the Keystone,Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We have on hand- an are manufacturing Stoves—such as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or cOal. Hollow ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coun try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business, and a desire to please, we hope to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & Brto. Huntingdon, April 30, 1858. ROOKS ! BOOKS 40,000 Volumes of new and popular Books, embracing every variety usually kept In a Philadelphia Book Store, , and many of them at half the Publisher's retail prices, the subscriber now offers to 711 6 3 - 51M‘ the public. All School Books used in the county can be had in any quantities at retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap, Letter, and Wrapping paper, wholesale, or by the ream. 100 Superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold cases, from $1 upwards. Also Pocket and Pen Knives of Rogers' and others' best manufacture. 100 Splendid Port Monniaes and Pocket Books at 20 cts. and upn-ards. 3,000 pieces Wall Paper of the latest and prettiest styles, just received from New York. and Phila delphia, races from 10 cts apiece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted and gold gifted Window Shades at 41 cts. and upwards. The public have but to call and examine, to be convinc ed that in buying of the above stock they will be pleased and also save money. Remember the place, corner of Montgomery and Railroad streets. WM. COLON. Huntingdon, April 16, 1856. \TEW DRUG STORE. DR. J. S. GRIFFITH, Superintendent HAVING purchased from Wm. Williams & ..Waß t .,.; Co., their stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints a: Brushes, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy - Soaps, Fluid, Camphene, Turpentine, Alcohol, and a general assortment of Artists' Colors . Brushes, Spices of all kinds, Window Glass of all sizes, Putty, all kinds of Varnish, Japan, Copal, Nos.l and 2, Coachbody and Black Spirit, Pure Cod Liver Oil, for the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula, Gout, Lumbago, Totter, Chronic Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Byes, White Swelling, Glandular Swelling, Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis, Rickets, and all diseases of the skin, by the gallon, quart or smaller quantity, the Balm of a Thousand Flowers, the greatest remedy fur Baldness and purifying the Skin, of the age. John H. Patethorp's celebrated cure for Fever and Ague. No Cure No Pay. Price $l. Fine Tobacco and Segars. All the above, with all articles gen erally kept in a Drug Store, for sale cheap. Are-Physicians Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded. Stare, Market Square, opposite Coats' Hotel, Hunting don, Pa. HENRY MeMANIGILL. November 26, 1556. WILLIAM HENRY LEAS. SAMUEL Mutsu. 4 E AS & HARSH, BANKERS AND LAND AGENTS, DES MonTs, We buy and sell Eastern Exchange and Land Warrants —select and enter land with cash or warrants—pay taxes —invest money—make collections—and attend to legal bu siness generally. ALSO, LEAS & HARK-I, BANKERS AND,LAND AGENTS, LEAVENWORTH CITY, KANSAS. One of the Partners has located at Leavenworth City, and will transact all business connected with the Banking and Steal Estate business. For a few months yet, corres pondents will address us at Des Moines. P.r.w.nrscr.s: W. S. Gilman, 90 Beaver St., New York. Seiger, Lamb & Co., North Third St., Phila. James, Kent & Santee, " Lefevre, Drexill & Co., Bankers, 44 Chubb Bros., 'Washington City, D. C. Edward Showers, Carlisle, Pa. lion. J. IL Graham, Wm. B. Lens, Esq., Shirleysburg, Pa. David Blair, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. March IS, 1.857-Iy. PRIN G GO ODS .-NEW STORE IN WEST HUNTINGDON ! WILLIAM 3. GEISSING Elt respectfully announces to the public that he has opened a new store in West Ilun tingdon, near the old Juniata bridge, where he will be glad to receive the calls of those who may be willing to patronize him. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, hardware, Boots & Shoes, hats and Caps, &c., &c., to which the attention of buyers is invited. Almost every article usually kept in country stores can be found among my stock. All of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest! ila,Couutry produce taken iu exchange for goods. WM. J. GEISSLINGER. West Iluntingdon, April S, 1557. GUANO! GUANO 11 GUANO!! ALL KINDS. LEINAU'S SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME.— 7,000 TONS! 48-1 v_;,^2.,,FARNIERSI• for'your Wheat crops, use • ,7 LEINAU'S SUPER PHOSPHATE 01' LIME, 2 1 / 1 cts. alb. or $4O a Tun; or use LEINAU'S AMERICAN FERTILIZER, at $3,50 a Bbl. or $25 a ton. One barrel of either is suffi cient for an acre ut Wheat. THESE ARE PERMANENT : ,, lANITRES, made of reliable CHEMICAL ELEMENTS, and have been in successful use for the past Su; YEAris, improving the soil and increasing the value of the land. FOUR DIPLOMAS from the State Agricultural Society of Pennsylvania; New Jersey; Delaware and the Crystal Palace Association of the City of New York, have been re ceived for these Valuable Fertilizers. PAMPHLETS in the ENGLISH. & GERMAN Language can be had by application at the office. _ _ A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO 'WHOLESALE DEALERS. The above Fertilizers, delivered FREE of Cartage to any wharf in the old City Proper. ORDERS sent by Mail accompanied with or Drafts, Nvill be promptly shipped to any part of the world. GEORGE A. LEIEAU, Proprietor. No. 19 South FRONT street, Philadelphia City, Pa. Philadelphia, July 22,15.574 m. 1 4 1.RANKLIN HOUSE, Huntingdon, Pa. T. S. MILLER, Paoriurrotz. Respectfully informs his friends and the tray- _ ;z .„,- elling public generally, that he has leased the "Franklin - House," for several years occupied by C. Cents, and that he will be pleased to re- is ceive the calls of all who may favor him with their patronage. His table will be furnished with the best the market affords, and every attention will be given to make those who stop with him feel at home. Huntingdon, April 8, 1857. I_ 4 ANCY FURS FOR LADIE S.- JOHN FAREIRA & CO., (New No.) 818 MARKET St., above Eighth, Philadelphia. Importers, Manufitctu rers and Dealers in ladies, Gentlemen and Childrens FANCY FURS, Wholesale and Retail. J. F. & Co., would call the attention of Dealers and the Public gener ally to their immense Stock of Faucy Furs for Ladies, Gentlemen, and Children; their assortment embraces every article and kind of Fancy Furs, that will be worn during the Season—such as Full Capes, Ilalf Capes, Quar ter Capes, Talmas, Victorines, lions, Muffs & Muffatees, from thojinest ieussion Sable to the lowest price Domestic Furs. For Gentlemen the largest assortment of Fur Collars, Gloves, Gauntlets, &c.; being the direct Importers of all our Furs, and Manufacturers of them under our own su pervision, we feel satisfied we can offer better induce ments to dealers and the public generally than any other house, having an immense assortment to select from and at the Manufacturers juices.— We only ask a call. JOIIN FAREIRA & CO. No. 81S MARKET Street, above Eighth, Sept. 16, 151.57.—1 in.. Philadelphia SEGARS, SEGAIiS.--A large lot of the best Segars—consisting of Fire Fly, Opera, La Dulcipena, La Balza, El Neptune, and 10,000 other brands, —all the best that could be procured in the city, most re ceived and for sale by LOVE ,4; MaDIVIT. WAINE'S PANACEA, the greatest remedy for Scrofula, for sale at the Cheap Drug Store of H. MaIIIAN/6111L. SALT—Ashton and Ground Alum—by the Sack or Bushel, for sale by LOVE 8; McDIVIT. DR. GREEN'S Aromatic Sap, for Stom ach Complaints, for sale at the Variety Store of HENRY bIeMANIGILL. QAVE YOUR MONEY by purchasing Pure Linseed Oil (10 gal. and above) $l.lB per Pure Linseed Oil (Ito 10 gallons) $1.25 " 4 Boiled Linseed Oil, always on hand at the llardware Storo of Ounelol JAS. A. BROWN & CO. J)R. H. JAMES' Extract Cannabis In dica, for the permanent cure of Consumption, Ikon ohitis, Asthma, Coughs, Colds, Nervous Debility, &c., for sale at the Cheap Drug store of apr29 IYEBIItX McMANIGILL. CULL at the new CLOTHING STORE IL) of GUTMAN" & CO., if you want a good articlo of Clothing. 6toro room in Long's new building, in the Dia mond, iluntiOgdon. Sept. t, 1857. HUNTINGDON CARRIAGE AND WAGON MANUFACTORY.—OMEN BOAT, thank ful for past favors, respietfully inform§ , the public in'general that he has removed., to his new shop: on Washington street, on - the property lately and for many years oc cupied by Alex. Carmen, where he is prepared to manufac ture all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways, Wagons, - and in short, every kind of vehicle desired. Rockawaya and Buggies of a superior manufacture and finish always on hand and for sale at fair prices. Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Huntingdon, May 10, 1854. MARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. He is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tabled and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro. priate devices; or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c., will b. 3 furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call : and see, before yon purchase elsewhere. Shop on 1111.1 street, Huntingdon, Pa. Huntingdon, May 16, 1555. .W - ATCHES, CLOCKS, AND rx JEWELRY. The subscriber, thankful to 4 . " . 2, X , ' his friends and patrons, and to the public goner ally, for their patronage, still continues to carry on at the same stand, one door cast of Mr. C. Conte Hotel, Market street, Huntingdon, where. he will attend to all who will favor him with their custom and also keeps on hand a good assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., &c., all of which he is determined to sell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at short notice, and having made arrangements with a good work man, all repairs will be done in a n , :at and durable manner, and any person having articles for repairing, shall have them done at the promised time. By paying strict atten tion to business, and selling at low prices, he hopes to re ceive a share of public patronage. to M 2 C I- I. T IAMBE I R I SBURG fro i n ‘h I e u l t t i l d o er u s n ig t ned st n il l i o conntin ues to run a tai-weekly line of stages over the road between Mount Union and Chambersburg. Good horses and com fortable stages have been placed on the route, and experi enced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietor of the line is desirous that it be maintained, and he therefore earnestly calls upon the public generally to patronise it, confident that it will be tar their mutual adi mane, livery attention necessary will be given, and the running of the stages will be regu lar. fe_Stages leave Mt. Union at 5 o'clock, p. m., every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday—returning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; arriving at Mount Union in tim' for the cars. Stages stop at Shirleysburg, Orbisonie, Shade Gap, Burnt Cabins, Fannetsburg, 'Horse Valley, Strasburg, and Reefer's store. m.Fare through $3,00; to intermediate points in pro portion. JOHN JAAIISO.:,.I. August 22, 1.855—tf. F T IIHE HUNTINGDON MILL.—The undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill info:m t farmers and the public generally that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern im provements in the Water Wheels and Machinery. They have put in See of the improved Jouval Tuthlr.e Water Wheels, and can grind in all stages of water, and during the coldest weather any and all kinds of grain. They arc prepared to sell, and have on hand for sale at all times at Market rates all kinds of Flour, Feed, and Stuffs ; and Farmers can have their own grain ground and take it back in a return load, or they can be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice, an equal quantity of Flour and Bran, or chopped feed. Their smut machine is of improved manufacture, and they will insure a "a fall turn out" of superior quality to every bushel of grain left at their mill Huntingdon, Dec. 8,1556 pRoAD TOP HOUSE. ANDREW p MOEBTJS would respectfully inform the public r s, l 7. j , that he has fitted up the Broad Top House, on Alla '1:14 gheny street, at the Broad Top Depot, IlantingdOit,=, and is now prepared to entertain strangers and travollors in an unobjectionable style. lii table will always be supplied with the substantisls and delicacies of theseason. /116 Bar is furnished with the choicest liquors. In a word, no pains will be spare 4 to render guests comfortable awl happy. juin: IS. TN:FEW I . V.A.TeII AND JEWELRY STOItE.-301IN FItISCIf respectfully Informs Lilo citizens of liuntingdou coun ty, that he has just opened a new store: on dill street, opposite Straus'Store, llun thsdon, for the ,ale of GOLD and SILVER WATCIIES. JEWELRY. &c, IRS studs is entirely new and of the best quality, end will be disposed of at fair prices. The public generally are requested to call and examine for themselves. Repairing of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. done in tho Lest manner on short notice. JOHN FRISCII. Huntingdon, Oct.], 1556. TO THE PUBLIC.—The undersigned informs his friends and the public generally, Wit , +. that ho has leased the ORLANDO HOUSE, in tho borough of Huntingdon, and is now prepared to ac-X1,,,' commodate with boarding and lodging all who may Sayer hint with a call. His bar is furnished with the hest liquors. c4cS,LIVERY STABLE.—Ho has also provided himself with a good. stock of Horses, Car . riages, &c., for the accommodation of the pub lic, at reasonable charg-e.3._ __ Huntingdon, April 7,1.556 (4 11 0 CERIES, CONFECTIONA , RIES, &C., &C. LONG & DECKER, In their friends and the public generally, that they have enlarged their busine..,s, and are now prepared to ac commodate all who may give them a call, with GROCE RIES of the best. CONFECTIONARIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, FANCY ARTICLES, SALT, and a great variety of Goods too numerous to mention. _ . Thankful for past faverb, we respectfully ask a continu ance of public patronage, as we are determined to plazas Country produce taken in exchange for Goods. Huntingdon. May 20, 1857. Mliptglizarattiorysomld 7 7 BMA YOUNDRY. R. C. McGILL A: CROSS wish to inform their friends and the public generally that they - have the above foundry in full blast, and are prepared to furnish castings of every ,*t ' description, stoves of all kinds and sizes „VA for wood or coal, improved plough shears for all kinds of ploughs, thrashing ma chiues, the hest in the five counties. In short,! everything in the casting line; and having turning lathes we will finish any work that requires turning. All of which we will sell cheap for cash, lumber, and all kinds of country produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict atten tion to business, being practical workmen of long experi ence in the business, we hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. It. C. McGILL & CROSS. Alexandria, April 29, 1857. I"PORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.- The "May Flower" arrived in port last week, having on board, a new and splendid assortment of Groceries, Confectionaries, Provisions, &c., &c., all of which are offer ed for sale at the Cheap Store of LOVE & 111cDIVITT, con sisting of Hams, Shoulders, Salt and Fish, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, molasses, Cheese, Crackers, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, Tam arind, Rice, Sago, Tapioca, Orange Syrup, Pickles, Oranges, Lemons, Oils, Candles, Tobacco, Segejs, Fruits and Confec tionaries of all kinds, all of which will be disposed of at the Lowxsr FIGURE, for cash or country produce. Purcha sers arc invited to call and see and examine for themselves. LOVE & NcDIVITT. Huntingdon, May 20. 1857 TIPTON STEAM FRAME, SASH, DOOR, SHUTTER & FLOORING MANUFACTORY, 1.1.1.T0N, BLAIR COUNTY, PA., 10 miles East of A/toona. The undersigned haying provided a complete set of Machinery for the business, and being practical house Carpenters and Builders, are extensively engaged in Manufacturing by steam, any description of carpenter work, which we will furnish at low rates, and ship to any point on the Penn'a Rail Road. Plans of every description for buildings with specifications and bill of timber prepared. Orders from a distance respectfully solicited, Tipton, July 1,1857-Iy, 'TAMS, Shoulders and Flitch for sale by ,Flitch & McDIVIT. ETAL AND CHAIN PUMPS, ex tremely low, at J. A. BROWN & CO'S. HARDWARE STORE. ,OVERCOATS, of all kinds, cheaper. jr than elsewhere, at tier. 1, 1856. H. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. MOLASSES—Three hogsheads prime SYRUP, just received and for sale by. LOVE 8; BIeDIVIT. DRIME lot of Farina, just received and. for sale at AIcitLANIGILL'S. B ALSAM SULPHUR for sale by _ HENRY McMANIGILL ROWAND'gliniTroveCTonic Mixture, for Fever and Ague, at TIMMY DfcMANIGILVS. fILLIER , S Excelsior furniture Polish, for Piano Fortes and Oil Paintings, at lIENEY AIeMANIGILL'S. ROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, for sale by FEENEY 31c3IANIGILL'S. A_DIES, ATTENTION 1 .—.31y assort ment of beautiful dress goods is uou - open, and ready or inspection. ' Every article' of dress you may desire, can be found at ray store. D. P. GWIN. JOSEP' REIGGER FISIIER S 3.IcIIURTRIL WM. 'WILLIAMS McCAULEY & CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers