TERNS OF THE GLOBE. Per iinnum iu advancu Six mouths EMMM thilure to notify a discontinuance ILt the expiration of the term subscribed for will be considered tv •engage ment. 'ARMS vErrimis-d 1 insertion. ' 2 do.. . "3 - ( 1, . Four lines or less, . $ 25 $ • 37;V .i. :30 One square, (121ines,) ... , . ~... 50 75 IOU - Two squares, •' . 1.. 00 ' 150 9 01) Three squares, - ' '.......' 150 225 ' aoo Over three week and Jess than three months, 25 cents per square for each insertion. • 3 inontbs.' 0 months. 12 mouths. .$1.5'0- 43 00 $5 00 . 3 00 3 OU 7 00 . 6 00 S 00 ' 10 00 7 00 10 00 15'00 . 9.00 13 00 "0 .00 .12 00 4 10 00 0 4 00 .20 00 '3O 00 50 00 Six lines or less, One square, Two squares,.... Three squares,— Four square 4 Half a column,.. Ono column, Professional and Busiuese Cards not exceeding lour lines, ono year, $3. 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, ci 75 Advertisements not marked with the number of inser tions desired, will be.continued till forbid and charged ac cordift to these terms. (OrigimttVatittl: Written forTlie Globe GREETING TO PENNSYLVANIA. BY MISS ANN D'WITT SWEET hail thee, Keystone of an arch, supreme to grace aud might, A tower of strength for every land, a risen star, whose , light -Bath westward lured full many an eye, from Europe's em piro clime, - For freedom's sons still blazing high, a heritage sublime. And thou the fitting stone that binds, this structure of the free, A sli . angeron thy soil would bring, an ollbring unto thee, The' passing weak the hand and brain, that flings the trib- ute forth, Right well I know thoult not disdain, this greeting from the North.. For high brave hearts and generous faith, methinks have ever been The glorious birth-right of thy sons, thou laud belov'd of Penn, And tho' I came upon thy soil, with heart and brain elate With pride unfelt fur all be,:ide, our dear Old "Empire State." Yet gazing on thy nobia streams, unmar'il by prow - or keel, And grander still, thy mountain heights, where Chid has set his seal; Their wealth of magnitude and might; their beauty near and far,: - • it v o •(vr 4'- Thou Keystone of a federal whole, a yet unriven The middle link 'twixt Noah and 3outh, and umpire of • the twcain, • • So act for truth and human rights, that thro' all coming I= The record 'of thy past Shall be, a IMtory sublime Huntingdon, July 31, '36. Nutortut airy - Nrerfinribgt. Great on IlLeetirg! OLD LINE WIIIGS ckz - , DEMOCRATS Uniting for Buchanan and Breclrinridge KENTUCKY ALL RIGHT ! Great Speech of James B. Clay Son of 'Like Immortal Statesruun rebuking the 'Sleatders of Mr. Buchanan. On the 26th ult., a large and enthusiastic meeting was held at Maysville, Ky., in sup-, port of BuenANAN - and BnEcKiN JUDGE. We Nvill not call it a Democratic meeting—for there were as many Old Line Whigs 'present as Democrats-Land finer Old Eli te 11 7- hius. were among the orators of the day, Colonel GEORGE E. lIODGE, IIAssEN L. PENN', of Ohio, Tnom_vs B. STEVENSON ; and JAMES B. CLAY, a son of the immortal "Harry of the West." The meeting was called to order by the lion. RICHARD IL STANTON, and its YillOiC tone and spirit is one of the most cheering tokens we have yet seen of the fact that the friends of ,the Union, of all former political proclivities, 'are now coming gallantly to the rescue, de termined to "crush out" forever those Who would barter away our dearest birthright for a mess of pottage. In reporting the proceeding 3 of this meet ing, the Cincinnati Enquirer says : Culuuel Stanton came forward and begged to introduce to the meeting the son of one who, in his day, had been idolized by his friends and neighbors—by every Kentuckian —as the great Champion of our Union ; he presented JAMES E. CLAY, TILE sozc.or TUE IMMORTAL "lIARRY OF TTIE WEST." . At this announcement there arose a wild shout of enthusiasm and joyful welcome from the vast Multitude. The ladies arose from their seats and waved their handkerchiefs, the men shouted to the very top of their lungs, young and old united in one of the most ear nest and tumultuous exhibitions of real feel ing we have ever witnessed. Mr. Clay seem ed to be much affected by these demonstra tions. In a very clear modest and manly tone he proceeded to address-them. lives, We were never, iii our more surprised than by the speech of this gentleman. We have been led to believe that he was a person ,of rather cold nature and -ordinary natural powers. Doubtless the great fa-ne of his fa ther has stood in the way of the just appre 'eiation of his talents. The, very. name he bears—his. relationship to the great man of That State-Lhas prevented him from assuming a prominent position in public affairs, and created against him something like jealousy in the breasts of his father's old friends, and admirers, who could - not- 3)ear to see any one of the . name and lineage of Clay attempt to follow, at how great soever a distance, in the footsteps oftheir'illustrious chief. These in fluences have depressed Mr. Clay's reputation muchbelow the measure it is justly entitled to, and produced a . diffidence and distrust, which some of the very people' 'who cherish the fame of his father with so much jealousy have mistaken Or misrepresented' as indica tiVe of. a cold nature and intellect, All this, we are . satisfied, is .strikingly incorrect and unjust.. The 'speech delivered by Mr. Clay on Saturday presented the man in his true and nattiral character, - and the effect of that speech was a prOof:or its sincerity. Mr. Clay .said,that he - was a quiet farmer, who had taken but little part in public affairs. He was a comparative stranger in. his own State. There was not a half dozealamiliar faces the great crowd before him.. -But he had been calumniated by the press—he had been denied:the right, unless at the haz ard of the most bitter and malignant person al detraction, ortaking that course in politi cal affairs.which his judgment and conscience a,pproyed. Ile had been painted as a mon ster of political tergiversation and infidelity —his own and the heart-strings of his family $1 50 . 75 ,wILLIAIa LEWIS, VOL. XII. had been torn by the vile abuse to which he had been subjected. Ile now appeared be fore them to show what manner of man he was, to justify - to his fellow-countrymen the consistency and honor of his conduct. •;: ' ' • Mr. Clay proceeded to say that he had no blood in his veins which did not flow in- an honorable channel and- -from- an honored source. It Nrii.S mot in .the nature of his race to be faithless and: treacherous. .There was none of that race but had borne a true and patriotic heart in his bosom. An uncle had fallen, gallantly struggling against -the sava 4 . 0-es at the River Raisin. Many noWipresent remembered that gallant man who bedewed the dark and bloody ground with his heart's blood. A, brother had fallen at Buena Vista,' fighting for the honor and flag of his country, and, even when disabled and prostrate from many Wounds, when last seen he still resist, ed and combatted the enemies of his country: Last and greatest of his namegreatest that had ever been or . ever would be—his father, had, lived for -his country and for the Union =had exhausted his days in the services of the Republic, and had imposed on all who were connected with him, as their highest and most sacred duty, to give their best efforts to the maintenance of that cause -to which his great heart and talents were - so long consecrated. In the performance of this object, Mr. Clay, said lie came there to strike one blow for the Union. He then proceeded to show that the banner of the Whig party had been furled and laid upon his father's grave, Its approaching dissolution was announced in the canvass and success of Gen. Taylor, who refused to ' acknowledge himself a Indeed, its death began when that party7de clared success,to be its great object, in oppo salmi to the sentiment of Henry Clay—that it is: better to be right than to be President., He had clung to the old party in its dying, as he had in its prosperous moments, and when its final dissolUtion was pro'claimed he looked around to see - where lie should go.— Ito felt himself iu the embarrassment in Which the Sage of Marshfield once found himself. Ile had entertained .opinions in fa vor of Native Americauhm, and. had pub lished the, first article's that had ever appear ed in KentuCky on that subject. So hearing that there was a party organized on that idea, and which at the same time proclaimed very high-toned and patriotic-national objects and spirits, though lie entertained' much_repug 'lance to secret societies, he was persuaded to present himself for interrogation at the por tals of one of the lodges of the so-called American order. As the obligation of secre cy had been removed from all persons in ref erence to that, order, he felt justified in sta ting what there occurred. lie was asked what was his name, where he was born, what religion he professed, what was the religion: /ifs ?rift; and, -finally, would. he not bind himself nab': to vote.fon a Roman Catholic ? When this question 'was -put to him lie with-' drew in disgust. That was no place—no par ty for him. What, then, was he to do? Ile• looked around again to see if there -was not a chance for the resurrection of the Whig party. Not a gleam. of hope enlivened the gloom of the horizon. Under these circum stances his next thought and inquiry were, in what ranks could he, in. his Bumble way, contribute most to the maintenance of the Union and of a national. party ? He saw no other place for him to stand upon, but in the ranks of the party which alone maintained an organization in all the States—which alone was able to present a powerful' resistance to the sectional party, whose success he believ ed would involve the disruption of. this Con federacy.. On this point, lie read Mr. Fill more's Albany speech, the spirit of which lie greatly applauded. lie should act in the spirit of that address, and give his' vote to the party which presented the best prospects of success against i Cut and' danger ous sectional movement. lie could see only in the Democratic party the pOwer to defeat this party, and lie should therefore, give his cordial support to Buchanan and. Breekiu ridge. 'Mr. Clay then proceeded to show what he considered the utter hopelessness of the un dertaking to elect Mr. Fillmore, and the ef fect which the persistance of such an effort must have to weaken the Union party. Ire' spoke of Mr. Fillmore with great respect, as his father's and his own friend.' Though ap pointed by General Taylor, as a Minister of our Government abroad, he bad been sus tained by Mr. Fillmore, and received the un usual compliment of being noticed favorably in one of the Presidential messages. The administration of Mr. Fillmore lias been one of the . most successful, and satisfactory since the days of - Washington, and 'if he thought there wassa, chance of his . he would support him;' bui there not, being a ghost of a *ince, he would not, Lou pers.:mai prefer ence, 'hazard 'the success of the only party which now: has ;,the slightest prospect of suc cess indefeating ,the - sectional and disunion, party of the North. 'But he confeSsed, if he deemed it wise and patriotic to vote for Mr. Fillmore, it would certainly be a hard' task-to take him'with the candidate for the Vice Presidency, Andrew Jackson Donelson, who, besides being a ren egade from his own party, had quite recent ly been the reviler and defamer-of Mr. Fill more, and of that administration Which gave Mr. Fillmore the high consideration and claims-that are now accorded. to - him'," The vote for Andrew Jackson Donelson in prefer ence to John C. Breckinridgc was certainly a hand alternative for a Kentuckian. Breek inridge washis townsman, -the play-mate of his infancy, the companion of his boyhood, his friend and intimate at ail periods.' Breck inridge-had additional claims upon him. L - he • was elected over General Leslie Combs, to represent the Ashland District in Congress, Mr. Breckinridge had asked a friend of Ms father how Mr. Clay 'would re ceive him if lie should take the liberty 'of calling on him. "As a gentleman and a'her tuckian," was the reply. Mr. Breckinridge accordingly came, and he (the speaker) was present at the inter view. Mr. Breckinridge stated to Mr: Clay that he had called to pay his respects to him; that, thoneh of the opposite political party, he had been chosen to represent the district - tvhich..he (Mr. Clay) had himself represen ted with so much renown and fidelity, and he should consider himself—young and inex perienced as he was—quite incompetent to -do justice to the high duty he hadassumed, ,without the counsel and aid of Mr. Clay, and he desired permission to consult with him freely, when he should enter upon his duties, and to receive the aid of his great experience and knowledge of political Mr. Clay was much pleased with this interview. It produced a deep impression on his mind, and his regard for Mr. Brcekinridge was ever af terward-warm and earnest. And now lam expected to throw aside such a man and vote for Andrew Jackson .Donelson. ",Why, fel low-Kentuckians," exclaimed Mr. Clay, "I would not give John C. Breekinridgo for a wOodS full of Andrew Jackson Donelsons." , In this connection Air. Clay referred to the eloquent, just and noble culogium pronoun ced by Breckinridge in the House of Repre sentatives, on the announcement of his fa ther's death. Mr. Clay then proceeded to urge upon his old Whig friends, the companions and. consti tuents of his father, to rally around that ban ner which,he had spent his life in upholding —the banner of the Union. He was ready to follow the Whig standard as the Douglas followed the heart of Bruce—as long as it waved. But that flag was no longer to be seen on the battle-field. It might yet be un furled. After death there was the resurrec tion. But at present there was no Whigor ganization, and the only party of the Union was that of which Buchanan and Breckin 'ridge were the candidates. 11,ir. Clay referred to the attempt to impli cate Mr. Buchanan in the charge of bargain and corruption. On that subject he propos-. ed to take the ' testimony of his own father, and he read from Mr. Clay's letter to show that Mr. Buchanan had conducted himself in that affair as a man of truth and honor ; he should believe what his father said before others. Besides the evidence lie had read, there' was other testimony bearing on the same point. In feeling and eloquent terms he referred to the heavy weight of that charge against,hiS father, and how gallantly and bravely he had borne it. Thank God it died before his father ; and now, he was proud to say, that there lived not the man who would whisper it • But Mr. Buchanan was free fr4m iall connection with the matter. 111 r: ClaY,coneluded with an eloquent ap peal to his fellow-citizens, especially 014 line 'Whigs, to give their cordial support to the Union ticko--to - Buchanan andßreckinridge. ' lle sat down amid the most boisterous ap plause. We have never heard a more effec tive speech. Though the third speech ever Yuade by Mr. Clay,, and the first ever deliver ed in the Open air, it \MS very impressive, both in manner and matter. With some of the tone's and actions of his father, Mr. Clay posSesses, a clear, concise diction, much logi cal force and a manly style. He declared he Was - not au orator, and al;peared somewhat oppressed and restrained by the apprehen sion that too much might be expected from the son of Henry Clay. his speech, howev er, carried conviction to every mind of his honesty, manliness and patriotism. The White Man and the Negro American. politics present some strange contradictions. We are just gradually emer ging from a bitter contest in which the rights _ - and privileges of men of the same lineage and physical characteristics as the native cit izens of America, were rudely assailed, be cause they had not been born here ; and the next move, on the part of the same men, is tnraise up to a level of political equality - the negroes, who are of vastly inferior grade, of different color and charaeteristics,.and whose intermixtures with . the whites upon equal terms, is clearly contrary to the laws of na ture, and revolting to all the better instincts of the Caucasian race. At this day, in the Northern States of this Republic, there is a large class of men who seem wholly occupied with considerations af fecting the welfare of the negroes. They see our country prosperous and flourishing-be yond all precedent—they see twenty-five mil .lions of whites and. some three or fear mil lions of blacks,—in a happier, more favored, more advanced condition than the same num bers of whites and blacks have been in any country at any period of the history of the World, for in no other nation of the earth have so large a body of whites reached so high a degree of development as the free white men. of the United States, and in.no other country have so many black men reach ed. so high , .it condition of development, as the black slave population of the South—but they are not satisfied with leaving well enough alone. The .existing blessings vouchsafed to us excite in their breasts no emotions of grat itude. The benefits of lvhich. we are daily and hourly recipients, they never contem plate with a spirit of thanksgiving. They are regardless of the happiness •of men of their own color and lineage, and intent upon the execution of Quixotic designs for the im aginary benefit of the objects of. their special adoration. Negro-mania has now reached its height. The_operationS of the negro-worshippers are conducted with unprecedented vigor, and theifpurposes - avowed with unblushing bold ness:, •The Black _Republican organization; stands forth as the political embodiment of their sentiments, and its organs have the au dacity to assert that the American people are sq. lost-to all - feelings of self-respect, to the dictates 'of Common sense; of self-preserva tion, of , wisdom and justice, as to afford them a.reasonable prospect , 'of securing a triumph. at the approaching Presidential election. , , We areU.Ware that there are some pers'ons connected with the Black Republican party who profess that their only object is to pre vent the extension of slavery into territories now free, and that they do this from no love of the negroes, but merely from regard for the welfare of the whites. But let men look before they leap into this new party, at the real character and designs of those who are its leaders. Nearly every prominent man of them is more or less identified with move- -I'ERSEIrERE.- HUNTINGDON; PA., AUGUST. 13, 1866. ments designed to eleVate the negroes of the North to political equality with the whites, and wherever they have become fully posses sed of power one of their first steps has been towards the achievement of this end, and in several States they have already accomplish ed it. Nearly, if not every prominent man of them, was opposed to the Compromise measures of 1850, and deeply implicated in movements designed to resist the execution of- the Fugitive Slave Law. Nearly every prominent Man of them idolizes SEWARD. as a great leader of the party, - and _endorses his doctrine that for the benefit of the negro a "higher law" than the Constitution is to be observed. Nearly every prominent man of them has participated to a greater or less ex :tent in underground railroad movements de signed to expedite the escape of runaway slaves. Nearly every prominent man among them-is not only a reviler of the constitution, but at heart a disunionist, and nearly all their leaders stand upon the record as enun.= ciators of sentiments either directly or im pliedly favorable to disunion, and many of them are avowed advocates of the immediate abolition of slavery at all hazards, regard less of consequences. No matter how much these men may seek to gloss over the real character of their designs, their lives afford abundant proof that by some strange perver sion of feeling, they are ready and anxious to sacrifice the welfare and happiness of the white race for the imaginary benefit of the blacks, and they are now calling upon the white people of the North to assist in the ac complishment of their own destruction. It is time that men should waken up to a full comprehension of this negro question, and contemplate, ere too late, the abyss into which Black Republican demagogues would plunge them., It is - time that every honest voter should insist upon the politicians of this coun try directing their attention to movements and objects affecting the welfare of its white inhabitants, their prosperity, independence, and happiness, and cease the sickening and disgusting cant about the negroes. It is time that the white laboring men- of the North should revolt against a movement which has for its ultimate okject the introduction of im mense bodies : of negroes among them to re duce their wages and' degrade their condi tion. It is time that the tax-payers of Penn sylvania should set their faces sternly against the project of overflowing our poor houses and, ails with an improvident, a thriftless and unscrupulous race. It is time that the friends of the Union and those who wish to avert the direful calamities ,which its disso lution would certainly entail upon us, should turn upon these negro-loving politicians and utterly defeat and overthrow them. If the negro worshippers want to preach negro pol itics forever, let them go to Africa. A wide field is open there for their operations; the negroes there need their teachings and their assistance much more than the negroes of the South do, , and if they are anxious to do the greatest good to . the greatest number of their sable brethren, that is the country they should seek. Let us have negro politics for Africa, and white men's politics for Ameri ca.—Pennsylvanian,. The Political Parsons The Bangor Democrat remark 6 : " There are a good many clergymen who deEver ser mons purporting to be of their composi tion, \Odell were substantially composed by the writers for the New York Tribune, and previously published by the firm of Greeley, Metilrath 8 Co. They get their texts from the Bible, their expositions from the Tribune." As a fitting appendix to the above, we make room for the following, which we find in a late number of the :Rochester Union: " The Rome Sentinel says a Black Repub lican meeting was held a.iew evenings since, at New York Mills, Oncida County, and af ter the adoption of a couple of resolutions endorsing the Philadelphia Convention and the nominees, Rev. Messrs. Cobb and Kirk came forwardnpon the platform and address ed the political 'gathering l—lrashlli Union. What if the Catholic priests were to turn out and take the , stunip fol a political party ? What Why universal Protestantdora would rise up and, hang the poor fellows to the near est Lunp-post. We should have them strung along the streets, like branches of ripe ban anas. But the Rev. Zanies Cobb, and Kirk, and the rest, can talk treason and filth where they please—for, Lord bless you, they are not Catholics ! No, sir! they are not bigot ed Roinanists; They are not plotters against the American people. They are not children of abomination, and workers of iniquity.— No! they arc prayerful men, Messrs. Cobb and Kirk, and Beecher, et idl genus. They pray chilly for the dissolution of the Union ! They are holy men ; they teach holiness to the Lord, and a baptism of blood and. fire.— They are good citizens. They do not play in any old Romish mystery, but in the new mask of anarchy. Very smooth they look, yet grim ;" seven bloodhounds follow them. Clothed with the Bible as with light, and the shadow of night, like Beecher, pale hypocri sy on a crockadile goes by. "I am God, and .linig, and Law," said anarchy. What say the preachers of. the new school political divinity; say they not nearly the same? . Oh blasphemy, and wicked folly Whip the knaves home, before they turn the temple' of the Most High into a den of political thieves. —N. IT Democrat. The Ten Cent . Fabrication The NeW York Tribune admits withan un uSual frankness; -that Mr. 'BuChanan never made use of any such expression as.has been falsely imputed to him. The Tribune says: "The charge that Mr. Buchanan has ad vocated a reduction of laboring men's wages to ten cents per day, has but a very partial support in fact. lie certainly 'never made any such proposition directly,' nor anything, which he understoOd to have that effect," ImmAic.A.—Ezra Wilson, Esq., offers through the Washington. Union, to bet $2,500 that James Buchanan will carry Indiana, and $2,500 that he will receive a . majority of the electoral votes of the Union. ..,:::::. • ~....,, .....: , .....,1:. , . ..--,. f .:...: ; ..: • •,-........;:::::........*:;.,-.., ' 1 I ,:s.: E.'t.,..,...;. ::::,'..? There arc three Presidential Candidates be fore the people, one of whom, in all proba bility, will be Chief Magistrate of the Union. JAMBS Bt-cui - NAN - , the Democratic candi date; MILLARD FILLMORE, the Know Nothing candidate, -Toms: C. FREMONT, the Black Re publican and Disunion candidate. Citizens of the United States, which of the three will you choose? JA.ltt's BIICIIANiIN has served his country, in a national capacity,-for a period of thirty six years. He is a inn "learned in the law." He has served in the national House of Rep resentatives, in the U. S. Senate, in the Cab inet, and as a minister to foreign courts. He was the compeer of Webster, Clay, Cal houn, 'Wright, and other illustrious states men who have passed from the stage of ac tion. He possesses a perfect knowledge of the science and affairs of government., He is thoroughly acquainted will our domestic and. foreign relations. His celebrity as au accomplished statesman is not confined to his native country, but is acknowledged - wherever on the face of the earth a civilized government exists. His patriotism is undis puted. his moral character is beyond re proach. He comes up to Mr. Jefferson's test: He is honest and capable. This is the character of the 'Democratic candidate. What shall we say of lIILLAno FILLMORE ? That he is competent we admit; that he pos sesses many traits of character which we ad mire, we will not deny; that he speaks as a true national man, we acknowledge; bat he fell in an evil hour, from his "high estate," when he bound himself by oaths to proscribe men for conscience and for country's sake; and this black eluud obscures his glory. His creed is illiberal, bigoted and anti-demo erotic. No man with the obligation of such oaths resting upon him as he has taken, can administer the government in the spirit of the constitution. Of <RAIN C. FREMONT it is only necessary to say that he possesses no capacity gov ernment. There is not a county in the State of Pennsylvania from which his superior could not be selected. He enteredthe army of the United States as a second lieutenant and rose to the rank of Brevet Lt. Colonel. He explored the Rocky Mountains under the guidance of Kit Carson. lie was never known to be "in the right place at the right time," and, although he was in California when there was fighting to be done, he was not en gaged in a single battle. Ile speculated in COWS and horses, under the pretence that he was buying for the government, and presen ted a bill of over $900,000, only $152,000 of which was allowed and paid. lle was elec ted U. S. Senator from California for two years, of which time he served only twenty one clays, having ivicale business to attend to. During those twenty-one days he did nothing to distinguish himself; and were it not for the record of his election, and his name among the yeas and nays in the Sen ate proceedings, very few would know that he had ever been a member of that body. Ile drew rations for his suffering companions whom he had deserted in the mountains and used them himself. Finally, he was tried for mutiny and disobedience of orders, found guilty on both charges and all the specifica tions, and dismissed from the army. Such is the history of jOIIN C. FREMONT. 'We have here presented the three eanidates in their true light. We believe the people of the, United States to be honest, intelligent, patriotic and attached to the Constitution and Union, and have the utmost confidence that they will choose from the candidates named the only one who is truly national and competent --JAMES BUCHANAN, the enlightened states man and unblemished patriot.—ralriul A Freedom Shrieker " Sold." Our readers will recollect an. account pub lished some time since of a stirring appeal made by lienry Ward Beecher, in his own church, on Sunday, in behalf of a young shire girl froth the South, and called upon his audienaii to raise one thousand two hun dred dollars to-enable Sarah to purchase her freedom. So affecting, was the appeal that ladies who had. no money with them took off their rings and bracelets and threw them. up, on the plate. The required sum Was raised, and the girl was petted and feasted by the church, until her habits became more than suspicious, and appearances grew stronger every day that she had becomb decidedly bad. Lately the girl was missing, together with certain goods and chattels belonging to her friends, and a correspondent of the New York -News writes that paper that Mr. Beech er has recently received:lnformation from her Into owner that Sarah, tired of the dull life imposed upon her in the neighborhood of her Abolition:associates; had returned to him, was quite happy, and was gettinr , l' along "as well as could be expected" under the mretunstan ces. She had raised for her master the one thousand two hundred dollars, _ and he had saved hiS credit and his slave at the same time. A good speculatiOn for him, but it must be rather a sore object for those ladies of Beecher'S conc , -regation, whose diamonds so readily dropped at . his "shriek" for the freedom of an abandoned slave.---,Rodimter Advertiser, ' The " Statesman" gives the following deci ded and candid opinion of the prospect in Ohio : " How is Ohio?" is a question asked us `very confirmedly.' We are compelled to "say, in all candor, that if things continue to brighten up and prosper fur the future as they have for the last twenty drys, Ohio _will cast her whole electoral vote _for Buchanan and_ Breckbaridge by a majority that, will startle some people. But the elements are not all settled_ yet, and our organizations are not completed; but at present all looks bright and cheering, and .our friends everywhere, so far as we learn, are in the finest spirits.— In thirty days more the whole_ - State will be in a blaze, and froia its light we may seewith greater certainty. Up, then, and to the work, until every luunlet is aroused to the cry, The Union must and shall be preserved 1" Editor and Proprietor. The Three Candidates The Prospects in Ohio. A Black Republican on Fremont wa4. CuAnr.Es REAto.ND, a negro, and a promi, wait Black Republican, (says the Detroit 16-ee Press,) thus wrote to one of the dele gates to the Philadelvhia Convention previ ous to nominations being made by that body; "Col. Fremont should be placed at the head of the ticket. * * * We, at the. West, desire his nomination. lie will be accepta, ble to all your constituents." This same IlumoND spoke as follows of the "Father of his Country," at- an. abolition convention in Boston,. on the 30th of May last : " Remembering that he• was a slaveholder, Tie could spit upon that scoundrel, George Washington. [Hisses and applause.' "The hisses," said Remond, " are slaveholders, in spirit, and would enslave me if they could." "What !" he continued, "so near Fanewil Halt and Bunker Hill, was he not permitted to shout that that scoundrel, George Washington, 710 enslaved his fellow-men ?" There is no doubt that this fellow REmoNn , reflects the geniral sentiment of the Black Republican party. They consider WAsai.xc, TON a "scoundrel" because he was a slave holder. Under the, same rule, they consider JEFFERSON, and MADISON, and Alo.NnoE, and JAcx.sox, as "scoundrels," for they were all slaveholders. Every vote- cast for FasuoNT is an endorsement of this atrocious calumny, NO. 8. The Kansas committee, iu their report to Congress, give the sum total of their demands. in the following language "Seventh, that in the present condition of the Territory, a fair election cannot be held without a new ceOus, a stringent and well guarded election, The selection of impartial judges, and the presence of United States troops at every place of election." The bill of Senator Douglas, which has passed the United States Senate, provides for every requisite they here point out—a new census, 'a stringent and well guarded election laws, and the polls to be protected by the United States troops—five Commissiouers, who-it is understood - will be taken from both political parties—and, it repeals all the ob noxious laws of which they complain besides, This is not only lihat the Black Republican Committee demanded, but " oven more—and -yet that factious party oppose the bill with their entire strength. They are- determined to keep up this sectional agitation until after the Presidential election, even if it ends in the dissolution of the Union. The Saco Dcinocrat concludes mu article as follows Let these Reverends go on. The title is allowed the clergy, by way of respect for their sacred calling as ministers of the gosp el of our Saviour. When,. therefore, individ uals desecrate the pulpit with their political harangues, the instinctive sense of the peo ple detects the wrong, withdraws its respect, and thenceforth these individu-als are known and designated by their political friends, as well as by the other and better class, not to be the honored title of Reverend, but as Ward Beecher, Thode Parker, Tom Merrill, Fred Douglas, and so down into the nomen clature of all the lessor rushlights of the pro fession who thus abuse their calling. There arc hundreds of thousands of peo ple who profess to poll their votes always for -the best man." Can any doubt that Bu- CUANAN is a thousand times better man than FIMMON T, so far as regards qualification and ability? The truth is BUCHANAN pos sesses every desirable - requisite for the office —honesty, capacity, and experience—while FREMONT has no i'residential qualifications whatever. FOR FREMONT,. Bur NOT FOR FREEDOM.- The Boston Journal, a leading Republican or gan in New England, contains the following paragraph: "We are decidedly of opinion that monar chy, and hereditary monarchy, is by far the best form of government that human wisdom has yet devised for the administration of con siderable nations, and that it will always con tinue to be the most perfect which human - virtue will admit of." JERSEY IN A BLAZE.—The Jersey Blues arc wide awake. Never probably since the or ganization of political parties in this coun try, has there been so determined and active fooling displayed as nay now be witnessed by our Democratic friends in New Jersey.-- They are'at work every where. They allow nothing to interfere with their political du ties, but plunge into - the very midst of the political maelstrom, sad hurl defiance at all foes. This true and noble old State would give five thousand majority for Buchanan to day, and by November will double that. The State where Washington (with Lafay ette) fought his_ greatest battles, and where the blood of Americans as well as foreigners was poured out like water to secure our in dependence, liberty, and union, is not to be disgraced by allowing a sectional and dis union parity like the "Republicans," to raise their black flag on its sacred soil. JEltsl CITY TELEGItAPII ! --MIC Jersey City Teicgraph hoists the ticket of Buchanan. and Breckinridge. This paper has heretofore been neutral, but' it' is the official paper 'of our sister city, and enjoys a large circulation and much Influence. We welcome it -into. the ranks of the national party. The 7 7 4- graph.' says: "We hoist to-day at our mast head the white folks' ticket. On it are emblmioned the names of Statesmen who are before the whole American people for their suffrages to preside over tho destinies of this whole na tion. That James Buchanan, the first A inpri, can Statesman, will be elected to the most important office, in the world, no one who is of sound mind, we think, will doubt for a moment, But if, on the other hand, there ~was the least prospect of defeating him and • erecting a sectional or half-way individual in his stead, all true patriots would desp* of this glorious Republic." "MULE BEEF' AND GRASSIIOPRER It is said of Col. Fremont, the Abolition scan- didate for President, that he once remarked: "Sir, I have lived upon mulo beef .34(1. grass- hopper pies, but Whig principles sicken and disgust me more than either. When Col, Fremont thus denotmc - cd IVliggery ho pro = fessed to be a rampant Democrat, and must had in his mind's eye the very class - of pieq who are now his chief supporters. A Coop EXAMPLE.—Rev, CoxiirAyi Unitarian minister at Washington City, w11(1 has been discreet enough to turn his pulpit into a political rostrum to fulminate 'Black Republican abolitionism from, has beep. re. speetfully invited to vacate theposilion he desecrates. It is a good example and one which we hope may be universaill Washington Just What they Demanded. Political Reverends. The Best Man.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers