The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 14, 1937, Image 6

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    tion, is demonstrating (right).
dershirts may go, but with
the first twinge of frosty weath-
er there are still 12,000 men in
the United States who are walk-
manding red flannel underwear,
adding one hundred thousand
Gone, however, are the days when
digging ear-muffs out of a trun
in the attic and chopping enough
stove wood to fill the back yard con-
he was not troubled with the knowl-
edge that has now come to light
through medical research that the
temperature of the human body can
not drop more than five degrees
without causing death in most
“Getting hot'"—1937 style—in-
volves not only coal miners and
wood choppers, but scientists delv-
ing into the mysteries of new kinds
of heat, architects poring over blue-
prints for automatically
homes, and engineers supervising
the operation of huge machines that
work with machine-gun rapidity,
stamping out the parts for boilers,
burners and electric stoves.
In the first place, there is
matter of supplying enough fuel to
heat the 12,000,000 homes and 2,-
000,000 commercial structures that
require artificial heat when the
mercury slides down towards the
freezing point.
$400,000,000 for Coal.
All during the summer and fall,
more than 600,000 men have been
working with pick and shovel in
mines throughout the country, piling
up mountains of coal for protection
against the arctic blasts to come.
Coal dealers estimate that be-
tween 50 and 60 per cent of the coal
bought for heating purposes is shov-
eled into furnaces during the win-
ter months, bringing the United
States’ coal bill for this season of
the year alone to about $400,000,000,
In the oil and gas fields of Okla-
homa, Texas, California and Penn-
sylvania, an army of 100,000 labor-
ers is kept busy extracting gas and
fuel oil to aid in the business of
keeping warm. So rapidly has the
heating of houses and buildings with
fuel oil and gas increased in the
past few years, that it is estimated
35,000,000 barrels of fuel oil will be
needed this winter to keep modern
furnaces roaring, and the bill will
reach the staggering total of more
than $150,000,000.
Shivering house owners will dig
down into their pockets for another
$350,000,000 for gas, and additional
thousands of dollars for electricity
to run the most modern of all heat-
ing equipment.
Such tremendous expenditures for
fuel were unheard of a generation
or two ago, and in fact the mod-
ern trend towards automatic heat-
ing which is now sweeping the coun-
try, and piling up huge fuel and
equipment bills, did not begin in
earnest until after the World war.
The Two Kinds of Heat.
Almost all the modern improve-
ments in heating equipment which
make life not only possible but com-
fortable in the temperate zone, stem
from experiments conducted not by
isolated research experts, but by
scientists working in the labora-
tories of one of the country’s largest
electrical companies that present
day Americans are indebted for
improvements that have come from
the amazing discovery that there
are essentially two kinds of heat:
radiant and convected.
which warm the body without nec-
essarily having much effect on the
surrounding air.
As the result of this research
investigations by scientists
industrial concerns,
engineers have found the answer to
widely-varying problems in heating
brought about by changed condi
tions of modern living. They have
ing 65 miles of steam conduits be-
from central heating plants to 2,000
scale is
the opposite end of the
heating system in a bird
Air-Conditioned Bird House.
The steam-heated bird house,
is the property of a California wom-
training cgnaries to sing,
she found it most effective to keep
them shut up in large
outside noises so that the birds would
brought on the problem of air-condi-
tioning the bird house, and a com-
heat pipes enclosed in the walls
continental airways, faced with the
difficulties of passenger comfort on
heating engineers, who have devel-
oped a unique system for warming
the huge passenger planes that now
roar across the sky trails.
and experiments,
planes this winter will be warmed
by ‘flying steam heat,” designed to
maintain a temperature in the cab-
ing the coldest weather. The flying
heaters, which weigh only
pounds, produce enough steam to
heat a five-room house on
the miniature boilers
water, are
engines, and the temperature is reg-
ulated either by thermostats, or by
controls in the pilot's compartment.
Provision is made for a complete
change of air in the transport planes
every four minutes, so that the at-
mosphere does not become “‘stuf-
Thawing Out Iron Ore.
Before the take-off of each flight,
and before the exhaust from the en-
gines has had a chance to start the
steam heater in operation, the inte-
riors of the huge planes are warmed
by special mobile heating units,
maintained at the airports. These
units, mounted on small trucks,
pump warmed air into the cabins,
thus bringing the temperature to
the desired level before passengers
enter the ship.
Not only is human comfort in the
wintertime dependent on scientific
developments, but the business life
of the nation as well, for industrial
schedules must be maintained de-
spite weather conditions. Here
again, research experts in one in-
dustry came to the rescue of an-
other when engineers of the B. F.
Goodrich company solved a stub-
born problem at the root of all in-
dustry by making it possible to ship
iron ore in zero weather from the
Great Lakes district.
On the shores of Lake Superior,
where snow and ice close in while
the big ore boats are still running,
carloads of wet iron ore freeze into
solid chunks before they can be un-
loaded. To meet this emergency,
the engineers devised a hose of spe-
cially compounded rubber through
which super-heated steam is
pumped into the cars, ctively
thawing out the ore so that it can
be handled quickly and efficiently
and shipped to the steel mills as
ood" to keep industry hum-
‘hile the ravenous demands of
he steel mills are being satisfied,
i } Iso had the
problem of keeping food for the din-
ner tables moving to the markets in
Tropical fruits, for instance, are
brought into this country green, and
then ripened in specially construct-
ed heating rooms Jananas are put
in rooms to ripen, with the temper-
ature carefully regulated between 56
and 70 degrees 3y controlling the
temperature of the ripening rooms,
marketers can delay or hasten the
supply of ) h consum-
ers in a steady stream. Grapefruit
is ripened in specially-heated rooms
at a temperature of 75 degrees and
“air-conditioned are kept
at a temperature of from 54 to 59
degrees until they are ready to be
sold to the public.
‘ ""
Despite the emphasis on heat for
food, industries and homes, the busi-
ness of keeping warm has as one of
the most troublesome problems the
difficulty of keeping a nation com-
fortable during the winter, while re-
‘ing fire hazards to the lowest
possible point, The extent to which
this is being accomplished can be
the volume of business increased
34 per cent in the automatic heat-
losses increased only 11.9 per cent.
Fire Losses Decrease.
According to statistics compiled
by the authoritative Heating and
business in the automatic heating
automatic heating equipment
amounted to only $41711,000. By
1936 this figure had increased to
Meanwhile, fire losses in the Unit-
ed States in 1936 totaled $263,250, 746,
tional Board of Fire Underwriters,
from the 1932 figure of $400,859,000.
Nevertheless, there are still
enough defective chimneys and flues
left in the country so that it is
estimated that about $10,000,000
worth of property will go up in
smoke this coming winter, and a
similar amount will be lost because
of imperfect stoves, furnaces and
As scientists attack this problem,
as well as others, there is a hint
that the future might see great
changes not only in the type of heat-
ers used, but in the kind of fuel, for
recent experiments point to a time
when we may get all or most of our
heat from the sun.
Dr. C. G. Abbot, head of the
Smithsonian Institution, has recent
ly developed a solar heater that is
the most efficient yet produced. Uti-
lizing the hot rays of the sun, re-
flected by a bright metal sheet, he
has succeeded in heating a black
liquid called aroclor to a tempera-
ture at which it can be used for
turning water into steam. Experts
declare that solar rays available for
heat are at least 1,000 times as
powerful as all the coal, oil and
hydro-electric power now used. Al-
though the conversion of sun rays
into heat is still too costly to com-
pete with the cheaper and better
known fuels, scientists say the day
may come when these are all ex-
hausted, and when we will turn to
the sun for heat and power, and
the business of keeping warm will
literally be done with mirrors.
© Western Newspaper Union,
“Stretching His Luck”
Famous Headline Hunter
Teddy was a wing walker. You know, one of those birds
Teddy always was a runt. That's why he was a wing walker. You
covered wings of those Jennies the flying circuses were using right after
They weren't built for wing walking. But Teddy walked ‘em,
It was old stuff to him. It was so old he began to look around
for something new to thrill the gaping crowds.
Something that gave them a bigger kick than hanging by your knees
He didn't know then it
never pays to play the other fellow's game. But he learned.
Well, sir, it was in a town the flying circus was playing out in Iowa
It came to him as
the topmost story, the fly somehow attached an ordinary inner tube to
a window, sunk his teeth in the other end and hung there in the breeze.
Teddy saw the stunt ‘‘got” the crowd. And it would knock 'em cold
when he pulled it on a plane a thousand or so feet in the air.
Human Fly Showed Him the Trick.
When the fly came down to earth, Teddy introduced himself, invited
him to supper. Maybe they hoisted a couple. Anyway, the fly warmed
up enough to tell Teddy how it worked.
Before he went to bed that night, the wing walker bought himself
a couple of brand new inner tubes. The next day, out at the flying field,
he rigged them as he had been instructed. High up on a wall he fastened
an end of one. Then, climbing on a chair, he took the other end in
his teeth and kicked the chair away.
The darn thing stretched so far his feet touched the floor.
the tube a couple feet higher and everything was fine.
Day after day Teddy religiously practiced hanging from that tube to
strengthen the muscles of his jaws and neck. It was z
put on the front upper teeth that were bridgework, bu
six weeks later Teddy was prepared to strut his stuff
we go any further I had better tell you Teddy is Theodore
Davidson of Galesburg, Ill. They still call “Dare Devil’ Davidson.
He was all of that on a sunny afternoon, in September, 1819, in Mo-
line, Ill., where the flying circus was putting on its show, making those
He moved
ry strain
vy strain to
r held. And
His Jaws Clamped Down om the Flapping End.
Jennies do things they were never built for. The weather was perfect.
So was the gate. And the performers were feeling pretty good as they
took to the skies.
Teddy Tried It Out in Moline.
Especially Teddy. He was going to pop their eyes out with a brand
new, death-defying stunt, performed for the first time in any land. It
never occurred to him then, this would also be the last time.
The inner tube was fastened securely to the axle of the undercarriage
of the Jenny. And everything went off according to schedule until
Teddy began lowering himself down that wriggling, slippery, flabby length
“Right then,” Teddy says, “I could see I had stretched my
luck too far.”
Right there, too, he began learning a painful lesson in simple
He had failed to figure what effect the air resistance of his body
would have upon the tubing. Hanging below the plane, moving sev-
enty miles an hour, the drag of the air on Teddy added some thirty or
forty pounds to the weight of that big rubber band.
“That tube started stretching and stretching,” says Teddy, “and it
was like a live thing as I slipped and fought it!"
The more it stretched, the harder it was for a wing walker with a
It had never acted that way in practice. Would
What was he going to do about it?
That was probably because he was
it hold? Could it hold?
he was too dumb to climb back.
too busy holding on.
Well, sir, that's one of the darned’st fixes I ever heard of.
became worse. After rassling for ten minutes with that flexible support
his arms tired.
Then His Bridgework Gave Way.
He slipped lower. Finally, he just had to let himself down to where
he could sink his teeth into the gadget attached to the flapping end. His
jaws clamped down on it. The rest of him was limp with weariness.
His head forced back, he saw the tube stretch alarmingly as
gusts of wind put more pressure on his body. There were six
feet of it between him and the landing gear.
In practice, it had never stretched to more than three!
Teddy tried to relax as the plane circled fifteen hundred feet above
the grandstand. His aching arms were folded, resting for that long
climb to safety. He wasn't sure he could do it. But he was not permit-
ted to dwell on the idea for long. There was a wrench, a crunch, a shoot
of pain in Teddy's face.
The bridgework that was Teddy's front uppers had crushed!
The ends of the mouthpiece, however, were tucked away back where
they were gripped by molars on both sides. Still gripping it, Teddy be-
gan inching his way upward along that thing, twisted, tough tubing that
had been put to such strange use. Well, boys and girls, there is no use
prolonging the agony.
“I made it, too,” Teddy says, “but by such a small margin I decided
then and there to be satisfied with my old bag of tricks.”
Teddy's story closes on a note of sadness. Those artificial teeth of
his vanished into thin air during the minutes he struggled up that yield-
ing rope of rubber. All the dough he made that dizzy day went to buy
a new set,
The wing walker says, “I'll never stretch my luck again.”
©~WNU Service,
Roughness of Great Oceans
The Pacific ocean is less subject
Battle of Kites
Japanese kites are flown by
groups of boys in Japan in compe-
titions, or ‘kite battles.” All sorts
of decorative kites are made, light
but quite strong, with special lines
treated with a ground glass and glue
mixture which makes them very
sharp. In a battle, the idea is to
see who can maneuver his string
to storms than the Atlantic. This
is due to various reasons, partly on
account of its great extent and part.
ly because there is no wide open-
ing to the Arctic region. The nor.
mal wind circulation is on the whole
less modified in the North Pacific
than in the Atlantic. The trade
winds are generally weaker and
less persistent in the Pacific, and
the intervening belt of equatorial
calms is greater.
& A General Quiz
1. Which is greater, the diam-
diameter between two
2. What is meant by the gentlest
3. Who was called the scourge of
4. Do United States vessels pay
5. What is meant by a repeating
6. Does the United States have
a woman ambassador or minister
to a foreign government?
7. What are the seven follies of
8. How may one change Centi-
1. The latter, since the earth is
2. The term refers to letter writ-
3. Attila, king of the
Fifth century, so styled himse
4. No.
5. It is
66666 4-
6. Mrs
only one, is mini to Norway.
7. The so-called follies of
ence are the q ‘
the duplics cube,
of the le, perpetual
1 fr
man, the
+ of the cir-
cle, the
nie tals,
All people who suffer occasionally
from headaches ought to know
this way to quick relief.
At the first sign of such pain,
take two Baver Aspirin tablets
with a half glass of water. Some-
times if the pain is more severe, a
second dose 15 necessary later, ac-
cording to directions,
If headaches keep coming back
we advise you to see your own
physician. He will look for the
cause in order to correct it.
The price now is only 15¢ for
twelve tablets or two full dozen
for 25 cents — virtually, only a
cent apiece.
Knowledge and Experience
Knowledge, like religion, must
in order to be
To Women:
If you suffer every month you owe
it to yourself to take note of Cardul
and find out whether it will benefit
you. .
Functional pains of menstruation
have, in many, many cases, been
eased by Cardul. And where mal-
nutrition (poor nourishment) had
taken away women's strength, Car
dul has been found to increase the