The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 15, 1920, Image 4

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Pe v o Ei * hsp ith BRS Cam eh, Rd 7 ni » wh ke
i SA an 500 SS, BRE A gal » hi gop .
oy - — iH NIRA aS Holm oh Tl
The literary tv oot t with Mrs. H.W, Lon ‘(8 Col LARA | Lucas County, su : CY BRUNGART
IRSUED WEEKLY. ie Hierary society connec ted wit MIs, 11, VW, L.onberger, Qf OLALe : i - Frank J. Cheney mates oath that he JUSTICE OF THE VEACE
: the High school will not meet this week, | lege, spant part of this week at th : : | 18 senior partner of the firm of ¥. J - Ce
- W. Mever hot ~~ heney & Co, doing business in the City CENTRE HALL, v4
po H. ]. Lambert sustained a sprained 4 eye nome : : | VEL Sie. Zi I of I ), County and State aforesaid, pocinl atlention given to eollectin
w ankle in jumping off a sled, last week. A sled load of Boalshurg people spent , , | and that sald firin will pay the sum of | #riliigs of ail cinssen, including deeds
‘ % 4 ih i j 1 fie 1 4 iB for each Kregments "e IGATT init ITI Rr
tarrh t t cannot be i RACH don Hie, an! ¥ # Ligne pl
» ‘ ; . last Wedn lay evening
x —— Miss Julia Sweeney, of State College, A8Y Vy edn day evening a
n y 1] i ; : Nevin Mever ! “y 1 4 i : {Xa Cure wt o us of | Als /8 ‘AT
THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1920 |g the guest of her sister, Mrs, Byron | ¢'i0 Meyer. : » CLL nk | MEDICINE VRANIET cHEREEH
— - Garis. Mrs, E, E. Stuart went to Pittsburgh, ia 4 : | Bworn to before me and subscribed in
on Saturday, whe he will spend some : y Sh | my p 5, this 6th day of December,
Wea - - —_——
Kntered at the Post OfMoe in Centre Hall as
second Class mall matter
PTRRMA The terms of subsoription to the Re- The Belléfonte business men have or. } town. { re t cleanser a i ectant the
reo 4 on It dol} OT FEAT, J 1 . . Ww } € wi 0 or cleaning
porter are one and onahalt dollars per yi : ganized an association with Walter : : ing
ADVERTIRING RATRS—Display sdvertine | : sh : Morte re
ment of tan or more inches, for three or more in | C ohen president, inera: of 0 . Montgomery,
sertions 1 gents par inoh for each imme . Dis Albert Mowery .
lay advertising oocubying less space than ten Albert Mowery, who was inj r OC
i sd € nite. . Cy WAIN I Emiock, ClO
nohes and for loss than three msertions, from | (ha public works at Pittsburg, is me. A party of young folks from te Col. N axes pure soap or White 1 amber, WW pa 3 Insu rance and
He oA RB 1 » ( n 17 zt a T3r we | pt ie i 8 EEG A. W. GLEASON, “ a % -
SMITH & BAILBY . . . . Proprictors nm and after January 1sth, the price time. | J ih i Pigs . G AMES VW. S§ WARE
1 wr ” “gs 2 a AY 17 i . - % afi ‘ :
of milk will be 12 cents a quart,—Wm, Mrs. ( Di 2 Kidder. of State “on ’ 4 - 4 | all's Medicine is taken {ne JUSTICE OF THE PEACE
" . . . ‘ . bs w pie : i , g h rots he Blood 6 a
{ Loca! Halter aaa | J: Smith. { : gaets through the Blood on LINDEN HAL EXNTRE CO
» vr “ s : 0 tent ¢ i og Deedes. Mortegss ba % £ ritten ar
Business Manager WANTED, About eight with friends here niently, or is 80 fest i ” ' & Toledo, © eOuled With Caen. 1 hen Aiba -
‘ » ; t ales, Marriage Licenss,
ly, Spring Mills. me last week after « t t old-style lye, iorless . i ’ , Bnd ail
Notary Publle.
8. W.8MITH . . « « « «+ +» Editor
College, spent several days of last week : , i tad anaal; | the Muco surfaces of the Bystem. Bend
baled oats or wheat straw.— John ¢ ster J. W. and Mrs. Keller return i her lye A 118 and dis te | ¢ t X y tended 10, Hpectsl attention given i
on HAT
and bot Set 15 Drand Bev. ~Apolv.e ; dod ddd ddd ddd dod ddd
of washing and cleaning will be g 4 p
jing and ¢ : i,
fiftesn Lo twenty-five cnnts per (noch for each 1 ra : . hr Ania .
tswue, weding to composition Minimum | and has almost recovered, CR spol Any evenl i 0m and saves money besides, A can of
FHaTEY WT Re uy cobs was at § hi "re He MLA ana Bind Thinand | for r Lye, , g [ne ki ich grease, : ¢ R >» 43 i E stat »
Loo ices accom 1% Ginpiay advertis- ~ ym — Dit mW. Woo rent te I deen THires any . An Of ‘args . f «il 8S C
ing Sve conts per line for esch insertion; other. a short t ‘uesd while on hi . : . a Hy ADA ¥ ve pounds of best hard {
wise, sight cents por ling, minimum charge, . " . 1! m Monday, whe he will u r- | soap or 20 gallons of soft soap,
twenty-five conta. way to Steubenville Dio, ir iNew 1 tal Banner Lye 14 3 . ¢ Fore the ‘ r 4 v
y “4 f rat Mrs. Woods went to | do ye 1s 1 by your grocer ¢ Hey | le he 2 . d , 3 Cail”
Lege! notic twenty cents per line for three York ( ity where he was on business. . . ou : . { Write to us for free booklet, * Usesa/ 2 ev Lye” . it Noats, vel ht 4 3 ob Want to Buy or Sell F
Lasortions X 1 cents per line for each ad- Mrs. 1} : A The Penn Chemical Works Philadelphia US A wo cow vv be wit} n |
ditions #219.
re TyeYY
‘red Stover went na, 2eank M las ‘ | 3
last week, where she and her husband Vo Hi Tas eh . = : vadim. § EE — A. Sa ry ring | : Pa (Res: 1 SEE US First
APPOINTMENTS will begin housekeeping Mr. Stover is Ww { WANTED. —- Men or women
employed in the car shops s it place, ire AOL ends ar neighb
Prof. W,
Chas. D. Bartholom W
Ssdsssssastananss aba
“for January
$99.99 Placed on Woman's
Good Name
es into which to
—————— p— ently ; A ' hi pr ion on this stand del will be more than
, of Lock Haven, | V. O. Loug ule, Janta i il 5 org Ol pronns very beyand present allot-
! nen
Distributing Dealer for Centre County.
3 AE Bros
aus a
sin, reached M i snd Mrs
C. Maize ers leceased, in this
place, a lays ag Mr. Brown _for-
merly lis sar Centre Hall and was
married to Mi ckey, of Earlystown,
He was buried ou Monday at Monroe,
where Lis wile is also buried,
Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Crouse spent a few ;
days with their daughter in Bellefonte, 3 alsd house
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Stover and bright 7 | po ha Mrs. W
son falvin autoed from Wolf's Store EY 3 5 her home
on Sunday to visit Dr, and Mrs, D. F. / pg? : vall
Bowersox, at Wolfs Ch pel ; 5 ; X 2
A number of Aarousburg people made , %) har | A . Struck by Auto while Coasting.
& trip to Miliheim in quest of sugar and y i ’ 3 VN 3 An accident occurred to Gilbert Es
succeeded in purchasing from four to ’ y 3 X WN penshade at State College, last 'l uesday
eight pounds iu a iot, | ’ 4 AN which resulted quite seriously to the
. little chap, He was coasting in front of
FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 20, one o'- his home on Beaver aveuue when he
clock, 3 miles west of Millheim. C. P. was struck by an automobile, which 7
Long will sel! ; Farm implements, hor- knocked him down, breakiug his night A A
- eu a
3 ” w 2
i Ly 1 : - A Mamas #
ses, 12 cows, 6 bivod sows, lot hogs. 4 ’ arm and bruising him considerably: ki pm ——— - | AL Crosse Tm tor EY — [Vs
Dr. P, H. Dale was called in attendence, i ro - \ a Happ Farmer -