-»" Pe v o Ei * hsp ith BRS Cam eh, Rd 7 ni » wh ke i SA an 500 SS, BRE A gal » hi gop . oy - — iH NIRA aS Holm oh Tl THE CENTRE REPORTER LOCAL AND PERSONAL. BOALSBURG. gr I . Btate of Ohl v of Toledo “YRUS B NG J The literary tv oot t with Mrs. H.W, Lon ‘(8 Col LARA | Lucas County, su : CY BRUNGART IRSUED WEEKLY. ie Hierary society connec ted wit MIs, 11, VW, L.onberger, Qf OLALe : i - Frank J. Cheney mates oath that he JUSTICE OF THE VEACE : the High school will not meet this week, | lege, spant part of this week at th : : | 18 senior partner of the firm of ¥. J - Ce - W. Mever hot ~~ heney & Co, doing business in the City CENTRE HALL, v4 po H. ]. Lambert sustained a sprained 4 eye nome : : | VEL Sie. Zi I of I ), County and State aforesaid, pocinl atlention given to eollectin w ankle in jumping off a sled, last week. A sled load of Boalshurg people spent , , | and that sald firin will pay the sum of | #riliigs of ail cinssen, including deeds ‘ % 4 ih i j 1 fie 1 4 iB for each Kregments "e IGATT init ITI Rr tarrh t t cannot be i RACH don Hie, an! ¥ # Ligne pl » ‘ ; . last Wedn lay evening x —— Miss Julia Sweeney, of State College, A8Y Vy edn day evening a n y 1] i ; : Nevin Mever ! “y 1 4 i : {Xa Cure wt o us of | Als /8 ‘AT THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1920 |g the guest of her sister, Mrs, Byron | ¢'i0 Meyer. : » CLL nk | MEDICINE VRANIET cHEREEH — - Garis. Mrs, E, E. Stuart went to Pittsburgh, ia 4 : | Bworn to before me and subscribed in on Saturday, whe he will spend some : y Sh | my p 5, this 6th day of December, VA BDWARD 8, BAILEY Wea - - —_—— Kntered at the Post OfMoe in Centre Hall as second Class mall matter PTRRMA The terms of subsoription to the Re- The Belléfonte business men have or. } town. { re t cleanser a i ectant the reo 4 on It dol} OT FEAT, J 1 . . Ww } € wi 0 or cleaning porter are one and onahalt dollars per yi : ganized an association with Walter : : ing ADVERTIRING RATRS—Display sdvertine | : sh : Morte re ment of tan or more inches, for three or more in | C ohen president, inera: of 0 . Montgomery, sertions 1 gents par inoh for each imme . Dis Albert Mowery . lay advertising oocubying less space than ten Albert Mowery, who was inj r OC i sd € nite. . Cy WAIN I Emiock, ClO nohes and for loss than three msertions, from | (ha public works at Pittsburg, is me. A party of young folks from te Col. N axes pure soap or White 1 amber, WW pa 3 Insu rance and He oA RB 1 » ( n 17 zt a T3r we | pt ie i 8 EEG A. W. GLEASON, “ a % - SMITH & BAILBY . . . . Proprictors nm and after January 1sth, the price time. | J ih i Pigs . G AMES VW. S§ WARE 1 wr ” “gs 2 a AY 17 i . - % afi ‘ : of milk will be 12 cents a quart,—Wm, Mrs. ( Di 2 Kidder. of State “on ’ 4 - 4 | all's Medicine is taken {ne JUSTICE OF THE PEACE " . . . ‘ . bs w pie : i , g h rots he Blood 6 a { Loca! Halter aaa | J: Smith. { : gaets through the Blood on LINDEN HAL EXNTRE CO » vr “ s : 0 tent ¢ i og Deedes. Mortegss ba % £ ritten ar Business Manager WANTED, About eight with friends here niently, or is 80 fest i ” ' & Toledo, © eOuled With Caen. 1 hen Aiba - ‘ » ; t ales, Marriage Licenss, ly, Spring Mills. me last week after « t t old-style lye, iorless . i ’ , Bnd ail : Notary Publle. 8. W.8MITH . . « « « «+ +» Editor College, spent several days of last week : , i tad anaal; | the Muco surfaces of the Bystem. Bend baled oats or wheat straw.— John ¢ ster J. W. and Mrs. Keller return i her lye A 118 and dis te | ¢ t X y tended 10, Hpectsl attention given i on HAT and bot Set 15 Drand Bev. ~Apolv.e ; dod ddd ddd ddd dod ddd of washing and cleaning will be g 4 p jing and ¢ : i, fiftesn Lo twenty-five cnnts per (noch for each 1 ra : . hr Ania . tswue, weding to composition Minimum | and has almost recovered, CR spol Any evenl i 0m and saves money besides, A can of FHaTEY WT Re uy cobs was at § hi "re He MLA ana Bind Thinand | for r Lye, , g [ne ki ich grease, : ¢ R >» 43 i E stat » Loo ices accom 1% Ginpiay advertis- ~ ym — Dit mW. Woo rent te I deen THires any . An Of ‘args . f «il 8S C ing Sve conts per line for esch insertion; other. a short t ‘uesd while on hi . : . a Hy ADA ¥ ve pounds of best hard { wise, sight cents por ling, minimum charge, . " . 1! m Monday, whe he will u r- | soap or 20 gallons of soft soap, twenty-five conta. way to Steubenville Dio, ir iNew 1 tal Banner Lye 14 3 . ¢ Fore the ‘ r 4 v y “4 f rat Mrs. Woods went to | do ye 1s 1 by your grocer ¢ Hey | le he 2 . d , 3 Cail” Lege! notic twenty cents per line for three York ( ity where he was on business. . . ou : . { Write to us for free booklet, * Usesa/ 2 ev Lye” . it Noats, vel ht 4 3 ob Want to Buy or Sell F Lasortions X 1 cents per line for each ad- Mrs. 1} : A The Penn Chemical Works Philadelphia US A wo cow vv be wit} n | ditions #219. re TyeYY hadi LE