The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 16, 1903, Image 7

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    Teacher (to little six-year-old)—
Now, Freddie, what is a volcano?
“Freddie (with great confidence)——
Oh, 1 know that! It's a mountain that
jaterrupts all the time!—Life.
Mrs. F. Wright, of Oelwein,
lowa, is‘ another one of the
million wemen who have been
restored to health by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
A Young New York Lady Tells
of a Wonderful Cure: —
“ My trouble was with the ovaries,
I am tall, and the doctor said I graw
too fast for my strength. I suffered
dreadfully from inflammatios and
doctored continually, but ge no help.
I suffered from terrible dragging sen-
satiouns with the most awful pains low
down in the side and pafns in the back,
and the most agomizing headaches.
No one knows wha$ 1 endured. Often
I was sick to ths stomach, and every
little while I wnuld be too sick to go
to work, for three or four days; I work
in a large store, and I suppose stand
ing on m7 feet all day made me worse.
‘‘ At the sag estion of a friend of
my mother’s gan to take Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
und, and it is simply wonderful.
felt better after the first two or three
doses ; it seemed as though a weight
was taken off my shoulders; I coum-
tinued its use until now 1 can truth-
fully say I am entirely cured. Youn
gisls who are always paying doctor
ills without getting any help as I did.
ought to take your medicine. It
costs so much less. and it is sure to
cure them. — Yours truly, ADELAIDR
Pranr, 174 St. Asus Ave,, New York
City.” — 25000 forfeit If original of abese letter
wroving gery! ~engss cannot be produced.
- Dizzy? Headache? Pain
back of your eyes? It’s your
liver! Use Ayer’s Pills.
Gently laxative; all vegetable.
Sold for 60 years. {Sa
Lowell, Mass
Want your moustache or beara
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
Habitus! Cosntiration, Fick Head.
OR ache. astro. Intestinal Catarrh, |
Gustriec Dyspepsia, Want of Appe
tite, Rheumatic and Gouty Affections,
Files and other Congestions, there ls
nothing better than
Certain in Results.
Fifty centa All druggists, or direct from The Capital |
Chemical and Mfg. Company. Washingiom, D. C,
Write ma for particulars of » safe, secure invest.
ment paying seven per cent. ou amounts of one
band dollars or more, flank re ferences.
WH. HOKE, Yorks Penna.
Are You Interested?
atid Trade Mars
sted to pay pensions 2 years practices
For Iuforisation and literature, FREE
juilding, 317 Ind. Ave,
of Frulta Perries Cherries, Corn, Veg:
etables, ote
Avways ready for use, and will last a
Lifeitine, It works while you cesok
Write for circulars an
terms to agents. Price §5. EB
Fahrney, Box 3, Waynesboro, Pa
Best Cough Syrup.
in time. Said by dru
DRO Ps qmok relief and eures worst
oases. Book of testimoniss and 10 days’ trestment
Free. Dr. BH. GREEN'S SONS, Box B, At ants, On
The Abuse of Soclety.
The abuse of society is s favorite
occupation with most people who can-
not force an entrance into it. It is
not even new. Cynics and satirists
preachers and writers have waged war
on social amenities all down the ages.
We know how Daniel denounced the
Babylonian court and how Horace re-
vealed the proftigacy of Augustan
Rome. Every leader of a regenerat-
ing movement, whether it be St. Ber-
nard exhorting the crusades, St. Fran.
cis teaching Utopian poverty or John
Knox preaching reformation, has de-
nounced the easy morals and the easier
society. The reformers of every age de
nounce their own contemporaries in ac-
cents of varying degrees of violence
Rousseau and Voltaire poured out
cut off so abruptly by the guillotine
but their denunciations fell on deaf ears.
any conception of how pleasant society
French revolution.”
who will not be reformed is difficult.
The grandmother of Ambrosine, hold-
ing a scented pocket handkerchief to
and Mary, Queen of Scots, yawning in
tae face of Knox, exactly typify the at-
titude of all ages toward the Jeremiahs
hammering at the portals of society.
Engraving Glass With Gelatine.
A singular property of gelatine,
when spread upon glass, has lately been
experimented with by the French
chemist, Cailletet. When a thick layer
of strong glue that has been allowed to
dry upon a glass surface is detached, it
carries off scales of glass and leaves
designs resembling those of frost on
a window pane. Polished marble and
quartz are similarly affected. With
zlue containing six per cent. of alum
Cailletet produced five de-
signs, resembling moss in texture “he
glue while drying exerts a powerful me-
chanical strain.
President Roosevelt met a Kentucky
lady at the dedication exercises in St
Louis, and his first question was in re-
gard to the author of Mrs. Wiggs of
the Cabbage Patch. “Do you know
“Oh, ves,” the Kentucky lady
replied. “She lives in Louisville; s
was Miss Hegan, and is now
“Well,” said Mr
have wed
I hope she will ma
she comes
FITS permuausntly cured. No fits or nervous
Nervellestorer. #2trial bottle and treatisefree
bas closely
were onlf
The telephone
many people who
Ladies Can Wear Nhoes
Ease, a powder, It makes tight or new shoes
easy. Cures swollen, bot, sweating, sachin,
feet Ingrowing nalls, corns and bunjons. A
all druggists and shoe stores, ibe. Don't ao
eept any substitute, Trial package Paxs
mail, Address, Allon 8, Olmsted, LeRoy, NX,
Happy accident will often secure for a
man the thing for which he bas vainly
ldo not beileve Plso's Cure for Consump-
tion has an equal far coughs and colds—Jouw
F. Boren, Trinity prings, Ind, Peb. 15, 1900,
The parrot may not be a brilliant conver
Married next week?
us you were be oked fe
nducted tour with a small
Yes, dear
T a
lect party. —Tit-Bits
But George is
and I'm th
““ About a year ago my hair was
coming out very fast, so | bought
& bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It
stopped the falling and made ny
hair grow very rapidly, until now it
is 45 inches in length.” — Mrs. A.
Boydston, Atchison, Kans.
There's another hunger
than that of the stomach.
Hair hunger, for instance.
Hungry hairneeds food,
needs hair vigor—Ayer’s.
This is why we say that
Ayer’s Hair Vigor always
restores color, and makes
the hair grow long and
heavy. 1.0 « bettie. All drapriste.
iM your druggist cannot su
send us one dollar and we wi
you a bottle, Be sure and give the name
of your nearest express office, Address,
J.C.AYER CO, Lowell, Mass.
ly you,
cures all
Short Order.
Mrs. John Houston, who resides on
farm near the Lake Erie
few miles west of New Castle, was sur
prised by finding a young colored man
Oliver Goodman, in her house. He
came from Pittsburg about three weeks
ago. The burglar was not aware
the discovery and was at the house
when neighbors, whom Mrs. Houston
notified, arrived and surrounded the
H. Brown and other officers were sum
moned and captured Goodman
was placed in jail.
A band of gypsies, who made their
camp near Franklin, kidnapped tw
girls, Mary and Anna Baker, aged re
spectively 4 and 19. They were enticed
into the camp late at night and the gyp
sics departed with them early in the
werning. Sheriff McCollum ind the
nl City police got on the trail of the
gypsies, but at the forks of a road
lost their game. The search is being
The family of Martin Whitfield,
Oi] City, consisting of four persons,
was poisoned by eating chicken, the
flesh of which had become impregnated
with some poison, presumably paris
green, sprinkled by a farmer on his
Prompt medical work placed
them out of danger.
About ners at
because a few of t}
to sign for the chec
Joseph Swihart, a
stable, who killed Carles Bebout,
resisting arrest, has
ated by a coroner's jury
Attorney H. A. Davis, of
announced his cand for
Blair county.
Peale are out
men have refused
700 mm
Washington con
was been exoner
judge of
He iI be indorsed by
1ists. Martin Bell, the
he ublican nominee
Dively, D atic, and J. S.
senring. Union party
George and Jacob
nd 13 years, if
the !
mcumoent, 18 t
A y
in the
their parer
died at her
aged 70 years, She
and helped
Society during the Civil War. |
between the Sheet
Workers and the Master Tin.
vers’ Association have been amicably
rranged and the strike has been call
Five houses were wrecked and many
president of the Ann <
Aged Women
the ano
1.68 3 .
by a mine cave-in at Old Forge, three
miles from Scranton. The settling oc- |
curred in the old workings of the
Jermyn No. 2 mine, and nearly two |
cres were affected, the surface sink ng |
about five feet. The buildings damaged |
were all located on George strect, in
the borough, and were occupied as fol.
lows: Thomas Jones and family, Sal
vatore Bianco and family, Matzia Bon
itage and family, Isaac Robinson and
family and Clement Maratina and fam.
ily. The occupants of the houses were
in bed when the cave-in occurred and
when the structures tumbled from
their foundations and fell over upon
their sides many were thrown to the
floor and were dazed and filled with ter
The noise of the cave-in aroused |
hundreds living near Some of the
The home of Chief of Police James
Howells, at West Pittston, was dam:
aged by a dynamite explosion. Dozens
of window panes were smashed, dishes
were broken and the porch was demol-
ished. Chief Howells recently had
trouble with several persons in the
town and arrests are expected as the
outcome of an attempt to blow up his
While several boys were celebrating
at Columbia, John Murray, aged 14.
was shot in the chest, he having ap
proached gnperteived. A terrible hole
ps torn in his breast and he died soon
fhe Seven Wonders of Corea..
Coren, *ike the world of the ancients,
Bas its “weven wonders.” Briefly stat-
ed, they are as follows: First, a hot
mineral spring near Kin-Shantao, the |
ed to be miraculous. No matter what
disease may afflict the patient, a dip |
The second wonder is two springs |
other; in fact, they have the |
breadth of the entire peninsula between |
They have two peculiarities.
When one is full the other is always |
ous fact that they are connected by a
subterranean passage, one 1s bitter and
the other pure and sweet,
The third wonder is Cold Wind Cave,
a cavern from which a wintry wind
perpetually blows. The force of the
wind from the cave is such that a
strong man cannot stand before it |
A forest that cannot be eradicated is
the fourth wonder. No matter what
injury is done the roots of trees,
which are large pines, they will sprout
up again directly.
The fifth is the most wonderful of
all. It is the famous “floating stone.’
It stands, or seems to stand, in front
of the palace erected in its honor. It
is an irregular cube of great bulk. It
appears to be resting on the ground,
free from supports on sides, but,
strange to say, two men at opposite
ends of a rope may pass it under the
stone without encountering any obsta
cle whatever!
The sixth wonder is the “hot stone,”
which from remote ages has lain glow-
ing with heat on the top of a high hill
The seventh and last Corean wonder |
is a drop of the Buddha.
For thirty paces around the large tem
ple in which it is enshrined not a blade
will grow. There are no trees
flowers } sacred square
1 animals decline to profane a
he ly.
A MERICA is tbe land of
| I nervous women.
The great majority of nervous
women are so because they are suf
fering from some form of female dis
Mrs. Emma Mitchell, 520 Louisiana
street, Indianapolis, Ind., writes:
“Peruna has eertainly been a blessing
in disguise to me, for when [| first began
sweat of
of grass
1 the and a generally worn out system 1 had lit
tle faith.
“For the past five years I have
rarely been without pain, but Pe-
rung has changed all this, and in
a very short time. I think J had
only taken two bottles before I
began to recuperate very quickly,
and scven bottles made me well.
I do not have headache or backache
any more, and have some interest
in life. 1 give all credit where (i
ts due, and that {8 to Peruna.''=--
Emma Mitchell.
By far the greatest number
troubles are caused directly by
They ure catarrh of the x
flected. These women despair
Their Ingenious Idea.
The two young women had been in-
vited to take a ride in a big, red devil
nobile that makes forty
10 policeman is
to be taken aft
Y the
of female
n which is
of recov
the §
rod fy
of Provid
til celebrate its
o .
The Friends
Rhode Ieland 11
hundred anc
the twenty
fine new gvmnasi is t ye dedicate
by apnrons
Uy he of »
e exercises at which many
ywmer princinals and
Ai% ANG noted orators arc
expected to be present
Yr Fy r ¥ v -.—- y Ln
Doan's Kidney Pills « — an
make freedom from kid.
ney trouble possible.
They eoarry a kind of
medication to the kid.
neys that brings a bright
ray of hope to desperate
Achisg backs are eased
Hip, back, and join pains
yrercome. Swelling of the
and dropsy wigos
by a horse and badly hurt =
his hip was fractured -— and
after he recovered he was ip
such misery that be could
hardly walk, and to stoop
caused him such distress that
be thought he would
quit work - ale
his bladder, and he was un
able to make his water with
out so much distress | in
sisted on Lis getting a box
of your pills and trying them
80 I went to Mason's Drug
Store and got a box The
first box helped him so much
that I got the second and alsc
the third, and pow be = en
tirely well" Mrs LIL. W
Asxvuxx, Lock Haven, Pa
Lave t
it affected
% 1 ERNE
Havex, Pa~-Mm IPs £3 itm en————
Ammumen writes STATE RT “wR,
ow weeks ago | sent for . ———————————————
box of Doan's Kilnsy _ For free trial box. mall this soupon to
lis for myself. and they did Foster Mibars Uo, Buffalo, X.Y. If above
Tas tat In + ARG Rey mare iv ines Boient, write address ob sepe
all they are said to do. My rate slip
susband was kicked last fal] Jom
Natural Flavor
We take our choice corned beel, cook it and season
orne eef it—all done by experts=~Dbetter than is possible at
bome. When just right we put it in cans to keep
it right until you want it.
DR in 1he house for edtiengencien- ior om , for Eg any time when
want som wan wick. turn » open
Jopetiing Sch Bhady in an Jastant. “py , Veen As
Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago. \ Wl ori thot How
Tired, Nervous, Aching,
Trembling, Sleepless, Blood-
lezs— Pe -ru-na Renovates,
Regulates, Restores---Many
Prominent Women Endorse
{ery. Female trouble is so common, #0
| prevalent, that they accept it as almost In
| evitable, The greatest obstacle in the way
{ of recovery ms that they do pot understand
that ft is catarrh which is the source of
ther iliness. In female complaint ninety
nine cases out of one hundred are nothing
but catarrh. Peruna cures catarrh wher
ever bocated,
| Chromic invalids who bave languished
for years on sick beds with some form of
female disease begin to improve at once af
ter beginning Dr. Hartman's treatment
Among the many prominent women who
recommend sruna are: — Belva Lock
wood. of Washington, D. C.; Mm Col
Hamilton, of Columbus, Ohio; Mre. F. E
Warren, wife of U. B. Senator Warren, of
not derive prompt and satis
its from Peruna
» to Dr , Giving a full
atement of your and he will be
to give you his valuable advie
the use of
idress Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O
Promoted by Shampoos
of Cuticura Soap
And Dressings of Cuficura the
Great Skin Cure
Purest, Sweetest, Most Effective Remedies
for Skin, Scalp and Hair,
his treatment at once srops falling
bair, removes crusts, scales and dan
druff, destroys hair parasites, soothes
irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates
the hair follicles, loosens the scalp skin,
supplies the roots with energy and
nourishment, and makes the hair grow
upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp
when all else falls,
Millions of women now rely on Cutl-
cura Soap assisted by Cuticura Qint-
ment, the great skin cure, for preserving,
purifying and beautifying the skin, for
cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and
dandruoff, and the stopping of failing
hair, for softening, whitening and
soothing red, rough and sore hands, for
baby rashes, {tchings and chafings, for
annoying irritations, or too free or
offensive perspiration, for ulcerative
weaknesses, and many sanstive, anti
septic purposes which readily suggest
themselves, as well as for all the pur-
poses of the toilet and pursery.
Cuticora remedies are the standard
skin cures and humour remedies of the.
world. Bathe the affetted parts with hot
water and Cuticura Soap, to cleause the
surface of crusts and scales and soften
the thickened cuticle. Dry, without
hard rabbing, and apply Cuticura Oint-
ment freely, to allay itching, irritation
and inflammation, and soothe and heal,
and, lastly, in the severer forms, take
Cuticura Resolvent, 10 cool and cleanse
the blood. A single eet is often suffi
client to cure the most torturing. dis
figuring skin, scalp and blood humoars,
from pimples to scrofula, from infancy
to age, when all else fails.
Bold thrmuehnut the wardd, Cuficors Resslvent. Sr fn
form of Chovolste Conted Tila, 2%, por vial of 8, O, “4
ment, Me. Soup, $e. Depoter London, 37 Cherterhonse
8g. « Paria, § fue de bs Pur Doeton, 15 Columbus Ave
Potter Drag a Chem. Corp.
a5" Send for = Bow to Cum
Every Humons™
Ripans Tabuies are
the best dyspepsia
medicine ever made,
A hundred millions
of thew have been
sold In the United
States in a single
year, Every lliness
relieved or cured by their use. So
common Is it that diseases originate
from the stomach it may be safely as-
no condition of WM
th t will not be Lenefited or
Physicians know them and
All druggists
The five-cent package ls
enough for an ordinary occasion. and
a bouseliold supply for a year. One
geuerally gives relief within twenty
VV Cures
27’ FTN
SHHVARD coon te moos.
Cleanses the Stomach,
4 A —
0c. and 81.00