The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 16, 1898, Image 4

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    rr hn Ho Re 1S MR AIA hE er we ” a
THE CENTRE REPORTER | vention “I held in my poelcet a sigud| REDUCED RATES viA ©. 1, 1, Tk SlihLhALELS .| PENNSYLVANIA R.R.
letter offering to deliver to zxae for cash a—
FRED KURTZ Editor | ® certain number of votes te» give mon Souvention Nations! Education! ASSOEIA. | of Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divisio:
¥ ’ . « Ny i
majority in the conventierea for any| : 8 . and Northern Central Railway.
— — - | candidate I wanted © For the National Educational A sso- v Time Table, in effect May 20, 1697
TERMS. —One year, $1.50, when paid in sdvance, | La ———— clation Convention to be held at Wash - —
Those in arrears subject to previous terms, $2.00 These alleged D . . ary {n | I08tOD, D. C., July 7to 12, the Penn- TRAINS LEAVE MONTANDON, EASTWARD,
POF yoAr. ese alleged Democratic papers in ania Rail LO ill sell | $24, m.~Train 20. Wek days for Sunbury,
Philadelphia the “Times®” and the fyivania Lialiroad Company w Be b* Harrisburg, arriving at Philadelphia, 12 50 p.m.
wR excursion tickets from points on its |. New fork 3.5 p. m., Baits ore 1240 p, m., Wash
p : ecord” —devo'e about hae their edi: ' | ington 147 p. m. T olgh conchies 10 Philadel
ADVERTISF MENTS. —20 cents per line for three a : line to Washington and return at rate his, Baltimore snd Weshi igton
insertions, and 5 cen per line for cach subse: | torial brain work to killing of! Bryan, . 94 a m~Trein 3 Duly for Sunbury,
’ 4 They il hi cause he «doesn't wo| °F ingle fare for the round trip plus | Wilikerharre, Harrisburg and intermedinte sta
quent inse: tion. Other rates made made known ey assail him because he «doesn’t go i | ' y
. . $2.00 membership fee. These tickets | bons. eck days for Ects aon, Hazleton, und
ull application. | to the war and because he wants to gol'™ . Powsville, Philadelphia, Sew York, Haltimore
because be keeps up silver agitation will be sold on, and good going, July Washi ton. Thre uh J Senger conches io
hs . | =—becaus y ke s rE ay . ng ‘blladeiphin ane Altin ore,
ito 7, and good to return leaving | - LE p. m~Trakes 8, Wee ;
‘ " 2H 3 > ilve ’ { 40 p. yo . rekdays for Snnbury,
CENTRE HALL, PA., THURS. June 16 | and because he has droppet silver, In Washiuz Yulv 8 to 15: whe 3 Wilkesbarre, Beranton, Hezieton, Pottsyiiie. Han.
fact, no matter what Bry sn does or ashington Jaly 8 (0 15, when stamp- |. Hsburg and intermediate stations, arriving at
| fail i . it. The ed by Joint Agent at Washington. By Phlladelohia at 6.23 p m., New York. 4,5 p. m,
fails to do, he is sure to cates it. These depositing ticket with Joint Agent on Baltimore, 600 p.m, Washington at 7.15 p.m
atm ~ i siboarad 1a rns a rah } che . ARe i ‘arior car through to Pilladeiphis, and pas
Wetzel and Foster, and no more esteemed journals are rather overdoing or before July 12 and on payment of | wenger conches to Fhiinde' his and Baltimore.
mileage grabs and boodle bills, the business. Itseems to take apow |. . : . 501 p, m~Train 32, Woekdays for Wilkes
er of printers luk on their part to keep b0 cents the return limit may be ex-| bart, Serato, Has ton, Pottsville, and daily
pr ———— - a——————— ’ a oH pu . . or Harrish § jo a4 i
And the Spa ards ill } a- | the dead man dead. It Ay the sus tended to August 81, Tickets for side Philedelphia 10.20 & or miste points, arriving
Ang 1e Spaniards w AVE occa. > aed ¢ add, : Plt n y y ; i
: rips from Washington to Gettysbur
sion to “remember the Maine.” picion they are shamming, snd doing : Li ! ro Wey 8 |
a great deal of it, remarks the Pits Richmond, Old Point Comfort, and
msm — A ns > , TE = 2 oy }
‘ Southern battlefields will be on sale at
The enthusiasm for Quay's man | burg Post very fittingly. the ticket offices of the Pennsylvania
Stone is not ankle deep in any county | Stren ag ——————— Railrond Company In Washington |.
in the state. There is an act on the stataate books during the continuance of the Conven-
t » 5.5 {
———— | which makes it a misdem es ror to tres. | 0D: Junels-2t |
nt Fuilsdeipiiia 10.20 pm, New York 8.58 a. m
Baltimore 9.45 p.m... Wash ngton 1055 p.m. Fas
Senger conches 10 Wilkesbarre and Fhiladeiphis
and Baltimore, and parlor car w Philadelphia
807 p. m~Train 6, Weekdays for Bunbury
Harrisburg and ail intermediate lations, arriy.
; Jin ——r—— tr ————
I'be Centre county Democracy is all | pass on the enclosed land Of a waler| The Cuban question and political is- | 4
Harmony now-—Tuesday’s convention | company and authorizes sxay watch: | sues sink into insignificance with the | PENNS VALLEY
left no heart burnings. | man of a water company or any con-| man who suflers from piles, W hat he | 1
. ; 8 wires, is relie de Witt's | + 1 I QT =
pease onan asm stable licems % such tres. | Most desires, is relief. I : i ’ .
tye | table or pe liceman to arrest su htr Witch Hazel Salve cures piles. For |= BA RGAIN ST ORE...
Had Havana been peppered soon af- | passer without a warrant. There 1s
ing at Philadelphia, 4.30 a, m., New York st 7 %3
: : lsale by Smith & Crawford.
ter Manila got its pills, the war would | likewise an act prohibiting €he burial
A nm, Pullman sleeping cars from Harrisburg
* 3 . ®
have ended with that. But— of the dead on any land tize drainage - - - S Ii n M 1 ! Is Pa
momma i —— { from which passes into sxsw stream . 8 y -
“4 | Pullman sleepers 10 Rochester and Erie
| lo Phllsdziohin and New York Philadelphia
Pamengers Can remain in sleeper undisturbed
un 90a, m.
122 a. m~Train 4. “Daily.) For Harris.
burgand points esst sid south, arriving +t
; ; 3 slected—which God | used as a source of water sa p»ply. The a |
Should Stone be elected—which God # of SUPP Y m 4} {fi | 10.03 mn —Train 31. (Daily) For Lock Haven
forbid—all the plunder schemes vetoed | last is an' excellent provision. The Safety Lanteins, 8 ; § | and intermediate stat and weekdays for
: ; ry : . 8 : i ‘B yrone, Clearfield, Philipsburg, Pittsbu ad
by Gov. Hastings, will be passed again | first is good enough as far =as it goes, The common lanterns explo : Bra your ‘8 {B)- | the West, with through oars rons bir
and sizned by Stone. | but it should go farther mzad permit | barns ~the Safety Attac a lantern ‘pre- | A |, Lp m,~Tral Weekdays for Kane, Ty-
: %
2.3 3 1 3A A233
is niin
tL 8
1 RX 3} RAR LA
ne Syl
ewig ailing lig tga
mag esa ncn ag
hrgioutin ion i a ae
’ 5. (Dally) For Bris, Can-
Andaigus, Kochester, Buffalo, Kingura Falls, und
intermediale stations, with passcuger coaches to
Erie and Rochester Week days for DuBois.
Bellefonte, snd Pitsburg. On Rundays only
Philsceiphia st 6.52 a. m., New York, 9.55 &. ms
week days, 10,85 a. m Bunday, Baltimore, 6.25 =.
m, Weshisgton, 7.45, & m. Pullman sleeping
BY 1 should o pert vents accid ; whi ! : | fone, Clearfield Fh ipeburg, Pitsburg, Cansn-
m————— eal —— i the ar rest of any per HON WwW ix £» Le Spagses | larmer wo buy Hiern ot u 2 7 | pgus and oa mediate stations, ra racuse,
indelphis and Washington, snd
: i it be | Rochester, Buffalo and Ni f i
4 ; Ls a ; ’ : : Stet 4 ' 3 34 Nisgara Falls, with
I'he Philadelphia Press makes the | upon the stream that supplies the wa-| Clover Seed, : | b= | Wirough [lssenges coaches 10 Kane and Rocks
: { ini roo anv's ¢ . . : inl ‘Bl S| Oster, and Parlor car to Kocheste
announcement that Harrity has joined ter « ompany’s customers, «sr who in We buy and s vor Sood 8 = en OA pal] Train : » Bochester,
| ' ‘ “i do | Elmira and lutermediate stations,
strange about that. a (Fanning Mill A | 43 p. m.—Train 13. Daily for Lock Haven,
—- 1 ; | and inlermediate station
msl medlmsnaasaimi ANGLO AMERICAN AL X.¥ A NUE | We sell Pa , {is w differen . s Of 4 ith the | sf Aan« iost compiete stock of goods for
{ ' 8 ON h Weis ¥ # . a » % #
Save thet there may be a few little | I'he Outlook : I'he report which | oi, Ver an i y seed: but ® hs Lever i the Spring and Sunn r that we Ve Ie ceived beitore.
brushes, the war may be considered | comes from London throug ks the "Dai. | beat od the B
ches WoPhiladelphis and Baitimmore
i. Week days for Renovo,
a combination with Quay. Nothing | any way pollutes it.
£3 ‘ . » I i HAs been nilied u | Train 31 leaves New Yo 12156 nieht 9%. mst
over. The American flag has been | ly Telegraph of the details of negotia P= tix 35 oF oh, Philadels
| . , . ’ . . ' sie. 1 3 ne 4. m, Harrisburg
planted on Cuban soil. tions between this country =mnd Great | S600 Seives, A id Base fle i ey : : Bw >! 4 her soul 4 IAna0E 1D 8 mm. Week-
a : y | Sy). 3 7 - { Tea £ tha Dildi tad : jd : i on} Ar "Al {Yi vit nlandon 10.038 m,
mevmmmm——o————— | Britain for a definite ‘good Utder-| Webave a f thr ys 3 ad =r ew 3 | new stock will please even more than ever. In our 1) 1b leaves Philadelphia 8.30 a m, Washing
eives for sale—the last i Won 7.50 a m, Baltimore 5.50 a m, Wilikesbarre
Wm. CC. Heinle’s unanimous en-| standing’ between them rxzzast be tak-|
| 8 Wibam, week days, arrivisg itandon
lorsement fo nator, was a deserved | en with a great deal of ss 1lowance, | Up to Date Dairyin ig. ! | pm, with parior car fiom Philadeiptin
dorsemen or sena y Was § © . LB ’ Bl : or 1 ! end through passenger coaches from Phils
compliment by the county Democra- | They are significant chiefly ms indicat-| The Del an Sei r favorite nd Baltimore
' : > J ! | Creat sep 11 8 {4 , 9
#00 am, Phila,, 1225 p
I k Sit ¢ ‘ . All the | And most stviish ell to oar 8 - , - Ri 3 nore at 12.00
sez tlining al Rp in stock itter V a, Babeos 1) : t i ! warre 5.15 0, wriving st Montan-
3 proposed | dnd all dalr Including parc ‘ "oa $ID «ad bA2RAR oy b 8 Tall : - a ‘ suger coaclion
{ ment - 1
ov A life-long worker. ing the trend of publicopimion’in both | w
smi essen eens as | countries, rather than as
John Dillon, of Altoona, was award- | definite framework of even | ;
f hi treaty According to ti} report, Sir} id li ie 11 ntirels nel he ladies will be [| Train Zl leaves New 150 p. m Bunday, Phil-
ed $900 damages for the loss of his 6- | treaty. . yuing to this por, bir a hu I : si sia adelphin 4.50 p m, weekdays 4.50p. m. Bun.
per for iis
year-old son, who was run over by a|Julian Pauncefote has beers conduct Household Fixtures . leased to fine Bs vet hain ' up-to-date ai af hh. . ig days, Wash ‘ron 3.40 p m, Baltimore 4.49 p a,
daily, Wik arre, p.m. 4 RTiving at
street car that had no protecting fender. | ing negotiations with our Gre>wernment| Sowing Maghings, ints, Giophams are en eptionally fine and. ‘we (45 | Movtandon 5.45 im. Through Pari Co
sa——————— at Washington on the basis of the fol] Coton ’ pissin : : . 2 3 ger coach from Phiil-
r * " > a ow Ya i . La i thos Writ
Whoever runs on the next Republi- | 15,0 propositions: Grest Britain |
can legislative ticket in this county |
- Jimore,
Washington 10.40
h J hi Gully) mrriving at Montandon at & 25
. | 5 " u : pw j x . . . Am, with ths a Puliman styl tigr
the United States to build 150 mcr Tho ® Machi | Rt ites, suitable Tor the senso fr) amram Pulm eng cn trom
i ’ g 3 av fi I R Rene ! - |W clu rest “ e Ma . Re TELE RDG Baltimore and throug
he is Quay or anti-Quay for U. 8. Ben- | 1,0 Nicaragua Canal, but <3 reat Brit-| mouey by pamcuger coches from Philadelphia and Bay
to accept and recognize t re Monroe | oR 3 bt it frome : 3 5 te : 03 8) Very des I": L101, iI MOAR ats i Lil f 1000 §
must define his position as to whether Doctrine :
| ain to have right touse it #n time “| Buggies and Spring Wagons
reise les tf tem—— | war ; the United States to retain the| ¢ Ate Agents for the Columba § ys '3 “ial He UC ‘DD TYRONE EB
The Demoeratic county convention | territory taken from Spainn xz the pres | finest make pie fos and Ca A Fiend had } 1 | SeVaEURe ~ oh EATHOAD
got through with its work quickly, | one war and to be protected in retain | Cah mace Joa. \arer Haley of | "e have received il { Window Shades, whicl 1 of 1 Week days. Iain
smoothly and satisfactorily and it will | 3,0 it Ly Great Britain: tise 1 nited | prices j Lop "138 * are being o fered at tempting figures. We have them §- | rx AM. BTATIONG aM "or
Trig YE LL « ifieatic £ » a 1 . - a - i { ! i «11 35
find easy ratification at the pollsin | gy vs t0 support Great Britain in her | Blankets ! Robes | | from 10¢. up on roll fixtun iF al
love > : . > | ' oF rom J Hp On roi 1 i . § 45)
November. Eastern policy, and all B J |
i ritish ports:
yy {in the East to be opened to rel uited | IBIGhS and Sleds,
b 40 Monlandon
: ' o i A great variety of
States under the most favores<d nation | uw Jeers an
Col. Spangler for congress, says our |
county convention without dissenting |
. ! world
clause ; a permanent arbitrmt ion tribu. | and
voice. There should benoNo in the| 0) 15 be constituted ; thre United|p oo the ver
conference. The nomination of right | gi toe 10 have the use of thes Welland Builders Sup li
belongs to Jack. Canal in case of war. We repeat that | ire uo 1 Red Hrick, gs
HE we suspect these outlines of =n agree: | Wa ‘ :
Wanamaker and Chas. A. Stone, | 000 are due largely, if mot entirely, |i,
and their large Republican following, |
will oppose the election of Quay’s man
= -_ Linden Hal
iOek Ha 1
{ buyers : is 3% Lemont
to the imagination of a Corres} sorndent ; McCalmont & Co., Bellefonte, Pa. 8M y45 Dale Bammit
, " $min's o A 3 | ol SAPieasant Gap
of Mr. Chamberiain’s e3-| Shortlidge & Co., State College, Pa. a E ; of {8 Bb Axemann
yet the fact
W. A. Stone, for governor. Gov, Has traordinary speech gives seszme color & * i 4 , ‘16 ¥ % Bellefonte
: ta fri '3 teow ine . : ; | 4 A i ctu rs
tings and his friends will likewise op- | rr the belief that there may Exmve been | THE MIFFLINBURG ¥ 13
pose Stone. | more definite negotiations between 4 ¢ Pl : P a . i 5 Bt nd 7 5% GRRE an Lar a m, 1.35
Er England and the United States than 4 op 2 R for Lewisburg at 5.25 m, 1005 8. m. 5.05
Col. E. A. Irwin, of Curwensville, the public had supposed. "The (act 4 E iL ; — “On Sande AS =m. v ou 5.97 and
has announced his candidacy for Unit- | yr 00ht out in the recent § zs Cernation. L 1) i i A g bre J And 5.08 Pb. m., ret leave Lewis
of { J . oe wl. ; . i CHIN v Te
; M rg, Pa : . : 8
¢ tavsmis Col. Irwi y p.m,
ed Plates Senator. Ol. win 18 a J. R. WOOL
iranaral Manager Gen'l Pw'ger ARt
al Postal Congress that two-€ hinds al. 1
banker, and a favorite among the old the mail of the world is add ressed in) alin
soldiers. He enters the race as an an- the English language has mses import | Shirey & Youtz, Proprietors en Sa : rs - an ¥ A —— i - — em ———
= a American alliance, There sre even ae bv the soa that tackles : i 3
The war is actually finished so far | he dir and not 1
as using up Spain is concerned, and if
Read Tp
No 6 No 4 No 2
V ‘ ar , . 2
nary = v h, Ea — iy i wi
| be unwilling to enter into seis a quasi shed white, not whitewashed
+ i 5 id a | |
the Dons don’t sue for peace, BIAS | international confederacy. ET is sug RB :
having the stuffin knocked out of em | vested in G = tiaa} : t | .
$ gested in Germany itself that commu. : lumbia M
: torn will Bink the 3 . . ; ndered with ower
Uncle Sam will kick them full of holes | nity of race, of interest, and of ideals ndere : : The Osborne Co b er.
s tet a ’ i rv 3 1 * : i ay 2% 1 & 3 sna lla i
in addition and make them pay for the | all point in this direction. I'he Osborne Columbia Mower is the accumulated excellence of an ! i Snydertown
A » p * » . * § 2: { 30 nS TREC ¥ es § 3
sole leather too. | ———— a ———— experience of 42 years; a machine perfect in detail, neat in design, light | 758s @ |-——Nittany..._. | 9 2
. 3 . po 3 + oF . lait aid ul 4 fuston.... | 928
j| Senator Qasy's Trip to Bars isbarg, | in draft, casy for the driver to operate, and embodying every clement of | seals 11f ¢ 340 LAMAR | 32
lev, . Swallow continues to tell | ; a i durability. “Wa placa it an the market 38 8 orasksttin anh? siete § 8 18] 4 26). Cilintondale.. |
oo - ls at Harrisburg, and alleg-| Sebator Quay absenled himself long . + | durability. We place it on the market as a grass-cutting machine with 8 19 4 51 Krider's Eng. |
of ugly steals a arrisburg, 28 | . . : ant an anual 11 be nlaseod furnish estimate: can supply these ma | 8 16 5 281 ¢ 33 ex vil}
: y i 4 bill for lumber at $24 | #00Ugh from his duvies at Washington | . : » " | out an equal Will be pieased to furnish estimate; can supply these ma ol 3 = oaackeyvilie.. §
i comets or at $24 | . Badin ; . : . Sena 4 3l.Cedar Springs. |
es that he saw a bi ’ lto run up to Hanisburg, stsay over Union Finish, | chines from stock or in a short time. | 825834] 4 48]..... Salons... | 8 5
a thousand presented to the State after | - 50. MILL HALL. W§
. : ‘ { night, announce his pre/eren cess amon H | 39 Tene TE
the Grace Church capitol repairs, and | 2 I 8 JAC ’ | po 22... Jersey Shore.
. 3 ., | the Republican candidates for State of.| Th I N { h ; L d A | 416 ante) ad +00 L wa'porr | Le
wis lai ria i ~ 1 . “inls changed it | 0 rt ont 15 Ohana Wri horae Mirwe Taddn ay Rak i v { $16 11 ani m :
explains how State officials changed i | fices, and give his orders for their see | 0 p 0 C in aun ry Desier in Osborne Binders, Osborne Mowers, Hay Tedder, Hay Rakes, Hay Rope, Binder 8 3 30 § An
Rr : Twine and Harvest Oil : | PHILA
to $55 a thousand. He says he propo- | : | {3210 30 Atlante City
y : . « | lection, He was able to go» Back to mon . - - - i aa 19 1 ~2 LANL ITY.
ses to prove, by a Harrisburg fireman's | |... 0 gx t iy — | CENTRE HALL, PENNA. | su) | NEW YORK.
. { Washington to look alter Flecleral al High Gloss or Dull Finish oo { {(Yis Tamequs) |
testimony on the stump, that the old | ad oh - = ght Wi a i \ of we NEW YORK...
fairs at 10 o'clock nest morni oer. |
} ! ¢ s Via Phila)
api ras fired in several places. | : : : | FIYAE PENNSYLVANIA TATE COLLEG | .m ia.)
capitol was fired I | His plans were carried out wwithout Wm. Mc. WOLF, i 1 5 Ge XY
Bo ———— I A —————— i N : —————— i J oe FR.
{ the slip of a cog. Benator Pex rose as Agent for Centre Hall. | LOCATED IN ONE OF THE MOST BE : : 10 10 8 mm Sunday,
Ls & Ags yr 5 ryt . ¢ { ¥ g «i ¥ i “ ¥ $ ~ . . : :
The Democracy of our county on | temporary chairman of the € onven- B : | FUL AND HEALTHFUL BPOTS IN Philadelphia Sleeping Cars attached to Kast.
i i i i LE INY REGION; UNDENOMINA ! eA walk Tr t .
Tuesday placed in nomination a good | : ALLEULE ora a ROMIN. bound tr=i5 Som Williamsport at 11.30 p, m. and
| tion made a tedious speech, 23 which ¥ ( k | 2 West bound from Philacel tr or i) oy BB
ticket, one which will command the | ‘y tas | a i ® TUITION FREE BOARD AND | 4 rom ade hist Lah
: | he failed to mention one sulsject at is \ OTHER EXPENSES VERY : General Superin i
respect and receive the support of all | LOW. NEW BUILDINS | A
Democrats and of honest voters in the en HS 10]keu ot ure sionally and ihe ANIMAL SPECIFICS. AND EQUIPMENT. 52 & a et ——————————————
Republican party who are sick and | and the flag, and Cuba, srxed Queen FEVERS, Lung Fever, Milk Fever. : LEADIRD A DY oh hy. ELLEPONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD,
disgusted with Quay and his methods, | 1 AGRICULTURE and . : fe HE To take effect May 25, 1596,
gusie { Elizabeth, but said never a wor about with constant illustrations on the Farm ’
s ticke i T All | ; : and in the Laboratory, Sy
The ticket nominated on Tuesday will | ,, mismaoagemeat of State afin . BIOLOGY BOTANY abd ZOOLOGY. Or ee FICE WESTWARD
win and place old Centre in her an-| L100 hoo bankiupted a fat Treasury iginal study with the microscope. : ? LEY] Ww | 1
: | whic sasiry fiEMISTRY |
cient and honored place in the Demo- | P ! CHEMISTRY; with an unusual Ly full and ;
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: | These be Tels os 40 .......Colevwille .
: a byword and a stench fromx ome end | | MECHHNICAL ENGINEERING [ cour sw Rie i 12 bats 38 ps
characters and eminently fitted for the , . |
positions for which they are in nom- form was as stale and as stapiel as the (KIDNEY & BLADDER DISORDERS, exercises in the Field, the 8hop, and the
tion more cut and dried. Ozer word | “Lari titre Cass. Ten Specifics Book. do. 8. A ei rch. German ang English {re- My Shoes are always to the
\ | Pinte nh x
wump or sorehead, but is a Republican | and played second fiddle. s- Record. | NERVOUS DEBILIT ¥, 3. a hors: sombisisg snap wor fighter in life’s battle, as well as
tion of Col. Stone for governor, in a Death at Zion, and Prostration from Over Political Economy, ete.
public address at Oxford, Chester coun- | Elizabeth, widow of Thormsss Lesh, Work or thar causes. a a 12 AT mck midetion A ofine | wearin my sesgonzbio Shoes for
oO ia rifie dit 2
No. 28, in use over 40 years, ths only 13. PREPARATORY COURSE: One your. Men, Women and Children. The
suggestions that Germany ww eosuld not
—————— A —————
platform for any honest voter,
AA ———
rendered necessary increased tases, "thorough course in the Laboratory. Beilelonts
cratic colum. | and made the politics of Pen ress wy 1vania {3 IVIL ENGINEERING
Our nominees are men of blameless
P | Gg p , | MINING ENGINEERING; e8 are
of the Union to the other. "TEaxe plat pu) revents MISCARRIAGE. accompanied with very extensive practical
: , . in a : ot Taboratory, Fe
ination. We enter this campaign with speech before it. Never before were Gia | MANGE, Skin Diseases, 5. TORY AND OLITICAL SCIENOE. TROOPS 10 THE FRONT !
a sitong ticket and a good enough 4p, proceediogs of a machine conven cus BAD CONDITION, Staring Cont. " LANGUAGE and LITERATURE; . Latin
ai — Humphreys’ icine Co, Cor, W Joh 3 ; MY i x i
: : covers and comprises it amil—Quay, | yiTEEbEre: Medicis Co, on "Wil n gnirecourss. NOMY: pure front in style, workmanship, and
Mr. John Wanamaker is 10 mug- | And all the Quay lieutenants sss about and a durability. The man who is a
hree years’ course . tandon and
in good standing. After the nomina- a - VITAL WEAKNESS : MENTAL. MoRAL And POLITICAL oor: | the butterfly of fashion, can have No. I Ror State Gatien. Traine from
s Const tiona History: Fate wit
correct and - comfortable feet by | Betlatontar er woh Penta. R. K. tring at
ty, he declared that Charles W. Stone | qiep at Zion, ca Tuesday, Jazze 7, in
could have been nominated "if he had ; successful remedy, ] : .
her 80th year. She was = sslster of $1per vial or 8 vials and Iargovial powder, for $5 to pram Cpt Sep, 1, 186, Examinations | height of style and excellence.
bought back his then-missing votes.” | Michael Shaffer, esq, who rece mtly be Pout-paid on reseipt of prio, For Catalogue or olher information, address Made in all up-to-date sha in
This is a pretty blunt intimation that | came a resident of near our to ww za. Oy Gor. Wiliam & dokn Sts. , Sew Tork GRO. Parton. LUD re oo. | Calf, Patent Lene, and a
the Quay gang were forced to buy eal setae LA DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. — LETTERS amma | ce, Button or Congress. Bicycle
Charles W. Stone delegates inorder to | The human machine starts Estat onc chasl Burkbolder elop Toter towmatisy: e- Shoes in all styles.
nominate William A. Stone. C. W.|and stops but once, You ears Bceep lo] coms ha ‘ © the EDUCATE YOURSELF "Pis a feat to fit feet.
bstantially the same | going longest and most regralsrly by i
Btone says su ntially the same pe A a. a Eradusing Sour 1 Book Heep:
using De Witt's Little
thing, and he is regarded as a trathfal th iittle vil : tion | Suhake immediate payment, and thowe baving I Ly P
man. Mr. Manamaker says further | and all Bae tiie pills for conta patios thenticated for sett mens TO them duly au nglish Branches FOR TE CHAS. A. KRAPE,
Ailement Lis
that for two days preceding the con-' For sale by Smith & Crawford. mayiz6t HAR URRUOLD o Hill, Pa. oo — SPRING MILLS, . PA.