rr hn Ho Re 1S MR AIA hE er we ” a THE CENTRE REPORTER | vention “I held in my poelcet a sigud| REDUCED RATES viA ©. 1, 1, Tk SlihLhALELS .| PENNSYLVANIA R.R. letter offering to deliver to zxae for cash a— FRED KURTZ Editor | ® certain number of votes te» give mon Souvention Nations! Education! ASSOEIA. | of Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divisio: ¥ ’ . « Ny i majority in the conventierea for any| : 8 . and Northern Central Railway. — — - | candidate I wanted © For the National Educational A sso- v Time Table, in effect May 20, 1697 TERMS. —One year, $1.50, when paid in sdvance, | La ———— clation Convention to be held at Wash - — Those in arrears subject to previous terms, $2.00 These alleged D . . ary {n | I08tOD, D. C., July 7to 12, the Penn- TRAINS LEAVE MONTANDON, EASTWARD, POF yoAr. ese alleged Democratic papers in ania Rail LO ill sell | $24, m.~Train 20. Wek days for Sunbury, Philadelphia the “Times®” and the fyivania Lialiroad Company w Be b* Harrisburg, arriving at Philadelphia, 12 50 p.m. wR excursion tickets from points on its |. New fork 3.5 p. m., Baits ore 1240 p, m., Wash p : ecord” —devo'e about hae their edi: ' | ington 147 p. m. T olgh conchies 10 Philadel ADVERTISF MENTS. —20 cents per line for three a : line to Washington and return at rate his, Baltimore snd Weshi igton insertions, and 5 cen per line for cach subse: | torial brain work to killing of! Bryan, . 94 a m~Trein 3 Duly for Sunbury, ’ 4 They il hi cause he «doesn't wo| °F ingle fare for the round trip plus | Wilikerharre, Harrisburg and intermedinte sta quent inse: tion. Other rates made made known ey assail him because he «doesn’t go i | ' y . . $2.00 membership fee. These tickets | bons. eck days for Ects aon, Hazleton, und ull application. | to the war and because he wants to gol'™ . Powsville, Philadelphia, Sew York, Haltimore because be keeps up silver agitation will be sold on, and good going, July Washi ton. Thre uh J Senger conches io hs . | =—becaus y ke s rE ay . ng ‘blladeiphin ane Altin ore, ito 7, and good to return leaving | - LE p. m~Trakes 8, Wee ; ‘ " 2H 3 > ilve ’ { 40 p. yo . rekdays for Snnbury, CENTRE HALL, PA., THURS. June 16 | and because he has droppet silver, In Washiuz Yulv 8 to 15: whe 3 Wilkesbarre, Beranton, Hezieton, Pottsyiiie. Han. fact, no matter what Bry sn does or ashington Jaly 8 (0 15, when stamp- |. Hsburg and intermediate stations, arriving at | fail i . it. The ed by Joint Agent at Washington. By Phlladelohia at 6.23 p m., New York. 4,5 p. m, fails to do, he is sure to cates it. These depositing ticket with Joint Agent on Baltimore, 600 p.m, Washington at 7.15 p.m atm ~ i siboarad 1a rns a rah } che . ARe i ‘arior car through to Pilladeiphis, and pas Wetzel and Foster, and no more esteemed journals are rather overdoing or before July 12 and on payment of | wenger conches to Fhiinde' his and Baltimore. mileage grabs and boodle bills, the business. Itseems to take apow |. . : . 501 p, m~Train 32, Woekdays for Wilkes er of printers luk on their part to keep b0 cents the return limit may be ex-| bart, Serato, Has ton, Pottsville, and daily pr ———— - a——————— ’ a oH pu . . or Harrish § jo a4 i And the Spa ards ill } a- | the dead man dead. It Ay the sus tended to August 81, Tickets for side Philedelphia 10.20 & or miste points, arriving Ang 1e Spaniards w AVE occa. > aed ¢ add, : Plt n y y ; i : rips from Washington to Gettysbur sion to “remember the Maine.” picion they are shamming, snd doing : Li ! ro Wey 8 | a great deal of it, remarks the Pits Richmond, Old Point Comfort, and msm — A ns > , TE = 2 oy } ‘ Southern battlefields will be on sale at The enthusiasm for Quay's man | burg Post very fittingly. the ticket offices of the Pennsylvania Stone is not ankle deep in any county | Stren ag ——————— Railrond Company In Washington |. in the state. There is an act on the stataate books during the continuance of the Conven- t » 5.5 { ———— | which makes it a misdem es ror to tres. | 0D: Junels-2t | nt Fuilsdeipiiia 10.20 pm, New York 8.58 a. m Baltimore 9.45 p.m... Wash ngton 1055 p.m. Fas Senger conches 10 Wilkesbarre and Fhiladeiphis and Baltimore, and parlor car w Philadelphia 807 p. m~Train 6, Weekdays for Bunbury Harrisburg and ail intermediate lations, arriy. ; Jin ——r—— tr ———— I'be Centre county Democracy is all | pass on the enclosed land Of a waler| The Cuban question and political is- | 4 Harmony now-—Tuesday’s convention | company and authorizes sxay watch: | sues sink into insignificance with the | PENNS VALLEY left no heart burnings. | man of a water company or any con-| man who suflers from piles, W hat he | 1 . ; 8 wires, is relie de Witt's | + 1 I QT = pease onan asm stable licems % such tres. | Most desires, is relief. I : i ’ . tye | table or pe liceman to arrest su htr Witch Hazel Salve cures piles. For |= BA RGAIN ST ORE... Had Havana been peppered soon af- | passer without a warrant. There 1s ing at Philadelphia, 4.30 a, m., New York st 7 %3 : : lsale by Smith & Crawford. ter Manila got its pills, the war would | likewise an act prohibiting €he burial A nm, Pullman sleeping cars from Harrisburg * 3 . ® have ended with that. But— of the dead on any land tize drainage - - - S Ii n M 1 ! Is Pa momma i —— { from which passes into sxsw stream . 8 y - “4 | Pullman sleepers 10 Rochester and Erie | lo Phllsdziohin and New York Philadelphia Pamengers Can remain in sleeper undisturbed un 90a, m. 122 a. m~Train 4. “Daily.) For Harris. burgand points esst sid south, arriving +t ; ; 3 slected—which God | used as a source of water sa p»ply. The a | Should Stone be elected—which God # of SUPP Y m 4} {fi | 10.03 mn —Train 31. (Daily) For Lock Haven forbid—all the plunder schemes vetoed | last is an' excellent provision. The Safety Lanteins, 8 ; § | and intermediate stat and weekdays for : ; ry : . 8 : i ‘B yrone, Clearfield, Philipsburg, Pittsbu ad by Gov. Hastings, will be passed again | first is good enough as far =as it goes, The common lanterns explo : Bra your ‘8 {B)- | the West, with through oars rons bir and sizned by Stone. | but it should go farther mzad permit | barns ~the Safety Attac a lantern ‘pre- | A |, Lp m,~Tral Weekdays for Kane, Ty- : % gin 3 2.3 3 1 3A A233 dg 1 is niin tL 8 * 3 rYYY TTY 1 RX 3} RAR LA ne Syl is ewig ailing lig tga mag esa ncn ag $9 yi ry TF 3 EET: is hrgioutin ion i a ae ’ 5. (Dally) For Bris, Can- Andaigus, Kochester, Buffalo, Kingura Falls, und intermediale stations, with passcuger coaches to Erie and Rochester Week days for DuBois. Bellefonte, snd Pitsburg. On Rundays only ¥ dy eg Philsceiphia st 6.52 a. m., New York, 9.55 &. ms week days, 10,85 a. m Bunday, Baltimore, 6.25 =. m, Weshisgton, 7.45, & m. Pullman sleeping BY 1 should o pert vents accid ; whi ! : | fone, Clearfield Fh ipeburg, Pitsburg, Cansn- m————— eal —— i the ar rest of any per HON WwW ix £» Le Spagses | larmer wo buy Hiern ot u 2 7 | pgus and oa mediate stations, ra racuse, indelphis and Washington, snd : i it be | Rochester, Buffalo and Ni f i 4 ; Ls a ; ’ : : Stet 4 ' 3 34 Nisgara Falls, with I'he Philadelphia Press makes the | upon the stream that supplies the wa-| Clover Seed, : | b= | Wirough [lssenges coaches 10 Kane and Rocks : { ini roo anv's ¢ . . : inl ‘Bl S| Oster, and Parlor car to Kocheste announcement that Harrity has joined ter « ompany’s customers, «sr who in We buy and s vor Sood 8 = en OA pal] Train : » Bochester, WESTWARD, | ' ‘ “i do | Elmira and lutermediate stations, strange about that. a (Fanning Mill A | 43 p. m.—Train 13. Daily for Lock Haven, —- 1 ; | and inlermediate station msl medlmsnaasaimi ANGLO AMERICAN AL X.¥ A NUE | We sell Pa , {is w differen . s Of 4 ith the | sf Aan« iost compiete stock of goods for { ' 8 ON h Weis ¥ # . a » % # Save thet there may be a few little | I'he Outlook : I'he report which | oi, Ver an i y seed: but ® hs Lever i the Spring and Sunn r that we Ve Ie ceived beitore. brushes, the war may be considered | comes from London throug ks the "Dai. | beat od the B ches WoPhiladelphis and Baitimmore i. Week days for Renovo, a combination with Quay. Nothing | any way pollutes it. 1 THROUGH TRAINE POR MOKTANDOR FROM é fla - EABT AND BOUTH. £3 ‘ . » I i HAs been nilied u | Train 31 leaves New Yo 12156 nieht 9%. mst over. The American flag has been | ly Telegraph of the details of negotia P= tix 35 oF oh, Philadels | . , . ’ . . ' sie. 1 3 ne 4. m, Harrisburg planted on Cuban soil. tions between this country =mnd Great | S600 Seives, A id Base fle i ey : : Bw >! 4 her soul 4 IAna0E 1D 8 mm. Week- a : y | Sy). 3 7 - { Tea £ tha Dildi tad : jd : i on} Ar "Al {Yi vit nlandon 10.038 m, mevmmmm——o————— | Britain for a definite ‘good Utder-| Webave a f thr ys 3 ad =r ew 3 | new stock will please even more than ever. In our 1) 1b leaves Philadelphia 8.30 a m, Washing eives for sale—the last i Won 7.50 a m, Baltimore 5.50 a m, Wilikesbarre Wm. CC. Heinle’s unanimous en-| standing’ between them rxzzast be tak-| | 8 Wibam, week days, arrivisg itandon lorsement fo nator, was a deserved | en with a great deal of ss 1lowance, | Up to Date Dairyin ig. ! | pm, with parior car fiom Philadeiptin dorsemen or sena y Was § © . LB ’ Bl : or 1 ! end through passenger coaches from Phils compliment by the county Democra- | They are significant chiefly ms indicat-| The Del an Sei r favorite nd Baltimore ' : > J ! | Creat sep 11 8 {4 , 9 #00 am, Phila,, 1225 p I k Sit ¢ ‘ . All the | And most stviish ell to oar 8 - , - Ri 3 nore at 12.00 sez tlining al Rp in stock itter V a, Babeos 1) : t i ! warre 5.15 0, wriving st Montan- 3 proposed | dnd all dalr Including parc ‘ "oa $ID «ad bA2RAR oy b 8 Tall : - a ‘ suger coaclion { ment - 1 ov A life-long worker. ing the trend of publicopimion’in both | w smi essen eens as | countries, rather than as John Dillon, of Altoona, was award- | definite framework of even | ; f hi treaty According to ti} report, Sir} id li ie 11 ntirels nel he ladies will be [| Train Zl leaves New 150 p. m Bunday, Phil- ed $900 damages for the loss of his 6- | treaty. . yuing to this por, bir a hu I : si sia adelphin 4.50 p m, weekdays 4.50p. m. Bun. per for iis year-old son, who was run over by a|Julian Pauncefote has beers conduct Household Fixtures . leased to fine Bs vet hain ' up-to-date ai af hh. . ig days, Wash ‘ron 3.40 p m, Baltimore 4.49 p a, daily, Wik arre, p.m. 4 RTiving at street car that had no protecting fender. | ing negotiations with our Gre>wernment| Sowing Maghings, ints, Giophams are en eptionally fine and. ‘we (45 | Movtandon 5.45 im. Through Pari Co sa——————— at Washington on the basis of the fol] Coton ’ pissin : : . 2 3 ger coach from Phiil- r * " > a ow Ya i . La i thos Writ Whoever runs on the next Republi- | 15,0 propositions: Grest Britain | can legislative ticket in this county | € - - Jimore, apy 5 Washington 10.40 h J hi Gully) mrriving at Montandon at & 25 . | 5 " u : pw j x . . . Am, with ths a Puliman styl tigr the United States to build 150 mcr Tho ® Machi | Rt ites, suitable Tor the senso fr) amram Pulm eng cn trom i ’ g 3 av fi I R Rene ! - |W clu rest “ e Ma . Re TELE RDG Baltimore and throug he is Quay or anti-Quay for U. 8. Ben- | 1,0 Nicaragua Canal, but <3 reat Brit-| mouey by pamcuger coches from Philadelphia and Bay ator. timore to accept and recognize t re Monroe | oR 3 bt it frome : 3 5 te : 03 8) Very des I": L101, iI MOAR ats i Lil f 1000 § must define his position as to whether Doctrine : ¥ ORIIDE OL Us, | ain to have right touse it #n time “| Buggies and Spring Wagons reise les tf tem—— | war ; the United States to retain the| ¢ Ate Agents for the Columba § ys '3 “ial He UC ‘DD TYRONE EB The Demoeratic county convention | territory taken from Spainn xz the pres | finest make pie fos and Ca A Fiend had } 1 | SeVaEURe ~ oh EATHOAD got through with its work quickly, | one war and to be protected in retain | Cah mace Joa. \arer Haley of | "e have received il { Window Shades, whicl 1 of 1 Week days. Iain smoothly and satisfactorily and it will | 3,0 it Ly Great Britain: tise 1 nited | prices j Lop "138 * are being o fered at tempting figures. We have them §- | rx AM. BTATIONG aM "or Trig YE LL « ifieatic £ » a 1 . - a - i { ! i «11 35 find easy ratification at the pollsin | gy vs t0 support Great Britain in her | Blankets ! Robes | | from 10¢. up on roll fixtun iF al love > : . > | ' oF rom J Hp On roi 1 i . § 45) November. Eastern policy, and all B J | i ritish ports: yy {in the East to be opened to rel uited | IBIGhS and Sleds, b 40 Monlandon : ' o i A great variety of States under the most favores