FUR THE FAIR SEX. Thr Wonts nf Kan*- Tliey are not allowed to go out of doors as women in other countries are. an ! :ny of them never get beyond the wa of their houses. The cows sleep in tie same hut with the people. These hi.. - are madeof mud without window#, ad the doors so small that the wonder i- ' ow t*i- people get in. They do not v, :• -! tl; ir babies till they arc a year bccT.s-. i is lamsidcred unlucky to Jo* t. Tl; > rarely comb their hair from month to month. Their chief meal is i! -m - S: tic rest oi the time they cat it a pice of bread when they arc hun "v. Tl; never use p'ates or knives or forks. \ , *ii around the table on tin* 'to. r. ,H. ol i* their daily food ami ach family make* for itseif, a* it is a I,ut 'ot disgrace to buy "street bread." To women clean the corn and carry it -n tin ir heads to mill. It is made into on. small cakes, stuck against the sides ot t \en. and baked in Us* than a ... iul \ A hundred loaves an* not too tatty for a family of fouv in a week, i'ravi .crs arc usttaliv < \po> ted to cat rii e lov< - apiece. They make hutb'r oi i strange w iv. \ goatskin half fillet! with milk i* hung on a peg, and then a vt "n in n i ks it n> and fro till the I'Utlcr ■onto* Then -he drain* it. but never e or *:;!!.* it. Their fltvorite tlish - i ict xH'kctl with thi* butter. t'nhlon \ -a'.in' 'Ow*. a. c cdgeil. arc worn. X lot get o" at", buttons arc extYtal igl\ stylish, t' ides ami p istrons are formed ot vral jet fringe. I. ion !a , piaiteil, trims dainty cos [um -1 intifu iv. itatkevvi f pink or blue batiste I,ax ' wi:• v.f ecru torchon lavY. T",\m* k acc- a:Y laimpo.M'd of alternating with gems, it utdsotne -ilk slocking# ha* <• lai# in sert'- n let in tYom the toe to tin instep, i'aon gr> n velvet and erome potnjia it*. i *<> m elegant costume*. It .I* at orn-oner.' - v>f anris r Jms mt thuMo rishorOriMtnl hhrtcits qtt'sitcly. s viin skirts have the front openings li 'twin:! paiicrs filleil in with liny plaited drills. IV Jt> fichus and vests are made of rr> • tic i' or and htoiaiicdgauac, deco ra!. t with satin riblmn. i' or i* ■-arv \ ry long, gathensi up in : i ntt i and liwqwd higlt tacit side, forming small panicrs. \ monotony of dress is Completely btv-, n up by the strikitig autumnal co.. - generally adopted. I' !'t ; sham s covered with silk net aticd w .th jet or head# of any and .dors are most stylish. I' tty ti s are made of pompadour *. !>'..n- and pink Santa and such > int cl't s\ rit and Brctan. !l 'ion with pcarlcti irigtsis new this win r and is costly enough not to be !.k "y to grow common. T'.c novt tit * i:i necklace* of twisted w * tit go ', and silver were in olden tit ■ w rn by those in authority. A . • i*o! i* covered with damasse witfi a *i.ken conl;-another is tpd wi:li an ctubroider ■: ui.i fini.-hcti with alar flounce. . : v<' tics in fancy jewelry are ear n ' bt'oo In * of tb.es. sun beetles, K ' •s. which:irc*u hgoiHl ... tion* that they are often mistaken for real. I --v hornet* f <-r the winter will fw > ig-lt.tircd white felt, trimmed with white and - >!on*l feathers and lined wi'ii tur .. :*•• blue, ruby or roid >hir rvN - itin. I" y delicate is the eream ti i. It-, embroidered in pink rose •..*•! idf : ,tto !.i:l"-blo\i n blossoms • lug '.-tint iti tint and the leaves the . ,r< yellowish green of early spring. < ;:t b'.a -k or white '.ace shawls are p it ■ ahoaidan infolds, titd was*; with, , tig inds hanging t' r* ar -ecnrcti wai#t .; •! . . .■•. pin c.r bunch of flowers. T: new bonnet strings are madeol - r*i .k. are ahim* four incite* . Ith nl finished at the ends with - . -howing beneath it a daintv lace ;i: Tbey are -ecunxi beneatlt the : h hair wltit a fancy pin. \ ;t:i* ' ■ costume for a bride is til ; ig!it-blu' s:;.in and brocaded silk, ft. w th embroidery and rare . A • ic *. th- !ixpi?ig> of the drapery . - ureti wit .si v r fern-leaf pins, tl. utu-n.-, ontamcnts and jewelry to ma:. It, A - '.: b u-k velvet cloak is most n_ for tbi* *cxson. and can be ... w ay i •!: tin--. Still later in .- n • r> tty out of door jackets of i <•;'t. in th- various shades of _ iilainmd with very r -f -n • ostly buttons of r .;ghi-irn. ot si;vr or oxydised tn .I. wi.l h "xc ing y popular. T new bonnet ribbon* are wider than n r. ' .for.. ranging from two and a i to four inches. T : w come irt all . i •>! favorites, to which r.fe adilerl the new -hot rib' on* uni twill. <1 *i';k s- rge ■i , which ar v ry handsome. As a'r. iwii"at i, the strings are loosely tl. at the b' kof the tx.nnet, instead ol • r. un.l in front. M w *i. c p ari button* arc? xquis iVelj caurvnd in . urious and pretty de - .ate ! aring a tiny hou-" -ur t . ' iw : ' shrubbery: others a bird, ■' v. •or 1 .n,n h with n tiny bird's tc ti I with eggs. All of these arv fit •. cut to show the variety of tint* in smoked pearl. The Tragedy af Moolfan. T u>- •re of the British embassy at and its consequences have a -' riii.g ... parallel in the now al ".t •- to- .r .-n events that led to the -iege of M • >itan. in lekt. In the spring of that "•"< ira powerful Sikh chief named L. : ?.lt".'r;:j, a* great an adept in r- h-ry a* tic Afghan ameer himself. .. 1-! ar- v..!t ..gainst England, and -.rongre'K". fore#at Mooltan, v. iti it fjc had pre iousiy stored and >rt' i. Tn • two r siTc-nt English age;;:*. Lieu'. Aodscsoaand Mr. wer itta liu tbi *trc t of the city by ;;i injuria' -d tnob. severely wounded, and with dif. 'itlty re- -U'C. by a few n.i tiv<■ :'ri t" ! .#, who carried" them into an .ining housj, which was at once a.-- wed hy the rabble. The friendly natives, losing heart, impiored the d" ui> i men to offi r sui.mission, and a.k mercy of Moolraj. But the two Imrm - nev-r flinched- "You may ki lb ti*.' said A gnew to his murderers as th.y came uowiing around him, "but wc are not the Li-' of the English. D. ! . r 'v'.ii vorn-' after us, whom this city I h.ng remember." The predic tion vas ••■lily made good. The r-b . a!th< ugii numbering three t< ot: . w< c utterly lent en irt the fiei<i hy t 01. Cortland and Lout. FMwarden. Moob H ft. r a siege of several month*, was ' -.rri 'J by storm in January, loW, an<l . IfK.iruj himself surrendered to Gen. W! i-h. The remains of the murdered ag-nt* w. r tak> n from the spot where th y had been t!irown, and buried with Uii.jt.iry honors. An Arizona Carnival. A correspondent of the Is Ancles Fx;'res*, writing from Tucson, Arizona, thus describes the manner of celebrating a f> da in that town: These fiestas are the relic of a fast departing barbarism anil more like the mad revels of the wild Indians or of lunatics than of supposably sensible persons. Yet here nightly you would have seen congregated at this im moral exhibition those who put on the airs of gentility and want to rank as the •'ui of the land. Here are ladies dressed in silk, their hands glittering with dia monds (husbands represent some of the heaviest business houses) sitting for hours alongside of Chinamen and the owest of the Mexican herd, playing chu.-es or roulette, trying to win the common herd's money, and by some in scrutable Ireak of the fickle goddess tliey and the Chinamen won nearly all the money. Picture to yourself some eighty canvas houses, of all sizes and slrape*, surrounding four sides of a square, in the center of which is a large canvas tent, whhli is used for dancing on the - and. When the fiesta is in full blast, h- tween the horrid din, the dust and the weird, flitting figures, you can safely imagine yourself in pandemonium. The r< st of the tents are occupied by whisky -I .-ps and gambling tables, of which .me forty are in full blast, harvesting fools' money. Here are nightly gathered together from 1,000 to 2,000 people of all . !:i*ses. nation# and colors, who walk, gain hie. drink, dance and howl like a pa kof coyotes. All other business has had to succumb to it. ( AJCIIINH LAIY SMItHiI.KKS. lloAf I he Ht I I* MN|ril on ihr ( • •tdtan Roirfrr % lr|rrllvr* |Miir%rr wllh IHe Hmlirr He\ R'nmeii Kir 1tol! •< ■•<! M<•! Imtmlou* ftitmii ultra feonar of Ihr llrvlrra lltrt tteacirt Hi Going to and Iro on tin* regular for r y- I k and observing tin* ladies who , crowd th#upper decks. one in astonished at thcohmtsine## ol feminine fashion*— tint prevalence of ultra hoops. tit# uncraoeful drapery of shaw is unl the hulk in. ss of the tournure in contra !is tinotion to th# sheath-tike si initio** ol apparel which has *o long IHYU the pl'e \ ailing style. It i.t notjiTtlili', tuu. these very re.-p.vtah,.' laiiics arc ot all ages, *ingie anil married. some very handsome, others quite ordinary m :i|.- poaranoc. Th.\ s.vm to slum oicrv ancc. atui sit in remote corners. They j have. too. a tlusheil. di*hc\e!ed look, as it they might he rcfug.<t>* Ainu the f< ver ' tlislriet. Sometime* they an- -hndowed i hy a plain resinx-table looking woman. | pa* the hottnitary ol youth, who wins to Hake a ihvp interest in them. Kach tvst less matron or manlen passes uniter her surveillainY. though unaware of the fact, until .the landing is rea -Insl. and a sudden tap upon the should, i is follow i d hy a low *poken "t iw with me." a* in exorablt i > omniand n> the edict ot fate. Who are the much K -eiothial victims' They nr one anil a., smugglers; excel lent p<\>, le. oeuttigiu. to tin I* *t r'mn di til or Vnn.iean fatni.K*. hut as intent on defrauding the government out of its tar id" as if the object were the most i... r totioti* in the wot I. Women aiv na tural smugglers. lln v i njov the peri * 1 as well ;ts the pi oti Is of out wilting a! gov i mment detective. There isa suraek o! outlawry about the business that is j delightful) roinantie. and not the 'east . hit wicked- *othe diar creatures argue. | I'he woman w ho confronts them witfithe 1 tact that they have smuggled g.ssls about them is a government detective,s.\erai of whom are employed to watch the ladies and compel theiu " to render unto t';•*.■ i" that w Inch is t .esar'*." A repre sentative o I the /.•<< /V, .< had a recent opportunity ot a lUomcntsVhai with Mi** Harriet Thompson. the new employee ot the Canadian government, who is only interested in goods passing from Detroit ti> Windsor. "Have you been long in this business. Mi-- I'houipson 'was asked byway ot pteiude. " About tw o months only ; it was en tirety m w to me. hut 1 think I under stand it thoroughly now." " About how many do you average on your daily trips?" " I do not make daily trips—some- ' tin: s I :un at Chatham or at Virina. and 1 haVe an ofhee where !adie> are! searched. It is my husitf-s to a**i*t , them lodi-ridte— entiy, ifthey will, but forcibly if they resist. It is not a ' pleasant husini --. 1 e m assure you, hut i have my duty to perform. Some of the ladies are very nice. The youugei ones w ill cry and wring their haud.s, and ; sometimes faint .* they hate to give up the goods and are so ashamed at In ing | caught." "Where you tind smuggled goods, do you k-vp them'" " No. we compel the smugglers, it we ' can, to tell what they paid for them. They can then keep the goods hy paying u- what they originally cost. We ap praise them our*ehi* it they give fa.se prices. Sometimes the Detroit hw make out bills of low. r value, or furnish the parties with hill heads, which they till up to suit themselves. These we es timate at our own figures and release the , parties on payment." "What class of goods do the smug glers give the Largest preference to?" " White and gray cottons, heavy colored drillings, fancy knitted goods and that ela.--. The duty on such i* about twenty-five per cent. The goods are bulky and hard to bundle; that is why they are so easily detected. The ladies pin whole piece* of cotton als.ui them, sunn times foidia! in their shawls or disposed about their skirts, and it makes their movements very awkward. I brought one young lady in here tin other day who wore a very large hustle ooiuposial entirely ot American i:u'i s. She cried ttdpkaW, hut had to pay its the value of the whole lot." " How is it als.ut the Canada side — do the Detroit ladies smuggled from here?" "Oh! I have nothing to do with that; it is for your government to attend to that. Hut our goods are principally la i s, kid gloves, riblton* and small arti cle* that are easily *• reted. A i.idy ear. wi ar a pair of kid gloves, and carry anew umbrei'a in her hand, and swathe herself in lace*, and no cue w ill be tne wi.*Mt. The French w omen are -aid to he expert in carrying plnitial straw across without detection, i could u . you some funny stories of shrinkage m dry goods of hulies who cotue in here plump and who went away very nm> h attenuated. One stout lady inventoried one piece of white otton, f ur pairs •>( emhroidere ho* -, several yardstif Id ek cash mere, one dozen poekct handker chiefs and a pair of ehildr n's sh<vs. b. - sides linings, buttons and trimmings. She ww Marly dead with the weight of the things, but when wetook her intotl.i office she gave u* a sight of tr<>ubi". I w .- obliged to take the thing- almost by main for e, until she saw there was no help for it. and it cost her pretty sever, v in the end. " Wiii they not rvugniz. you n* King in tlie employ of the government if you frequent the boats?" "No; they ni ver sec me watching thent; le side-, tlrer- Is m thing about nn to attrart attention. 1 am not in uuiform. nor do 1 ever seem to lx- watch ing them. "How it is about tite male passengers? Do they never smuggle?" "Yes; hut the eßstom-hoU.-o officials can be much tnor-* peremptory with tlmm. Thev are not in my line; it is only Uic ladies I am commissioned to watch." " Is the situation lucrative?" "It pays v ry welt. 1 have a regu-. lar salary and a commission on all revenue "derived from my work. It is an ungracious business, but perfivtly re spectable. If ladies af surprised to see a woman fill such an olfi -e, it surpri*.-* me as much to tind them engaged in smuggling and breaking the laws of the eou nt ry .—Detroit Free Press. History of a Singular Murder. The escape of Win. I>. Kingin trom the Suite prison, and his voitintarr return, says the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Kaglc, will recall to manv in the county one of the most singular tragedies ever enacted in this part of the State. Kingin and liar Ist were neighbors, and on perfectly friendly terms with each other. Kingin was a man highly respected. :ind when the news of his crime spread through the community the feeling of horror at the deec was fully rivaled by the utter astonishment that he should kili a man. Barber was town treasurer, and had held that office for several terms, which shows the estimation in which he was held. They started together early one morning from Barber's house in Algoma, in this county', to come to (Irani! Rapids. Barber's chief • rrand was to pay to the county treasurer some moneys that he ond collected. Kingin hail an ax on his shoulder. As he told the story after lie was convicted, at the time of receiving his sentence, no thought of committing such a bloody deed Lad previously en tered his mind. But the t..ought sud denly occurred to him, as they were walking along a lonely piece of road, how easily he might knock Burlier down with lite ax and get possession of the money. Kingin dropped a little behind and struck Barber with the ax. A sin gle blow accomplished the terrible deed, crushing through the skull of his vic tim. Kingin threw the ax to on" side, and pursued his journey until overtaken by some neighln.rs, who had discovered the dead body of Barber, He went back with some one to the fatal spot. There .vas a little snow on the ground, the iraeks were traceable, the ax was found, and the proofs were so conclusive that the conviction of Kingin was easy at the trial, lie has been in State prison up ward of twenty years. Seared Out of Her Head. A curious ease of complete alopecy is reported in a French medical paper. A girl agwl seventeen, who had always en joyed good health, had one day a narrow escape from being crushed by a floor giving way beneath her. She was very much frightened, and the same night he can to complain of headache and chills. The next morning she felt rest less and had irritation of the scalp. Dur ing the following days she steadily im proved. with the exception of the irrita i tion. One day in combing her hair she noticed that it fame out in great quan tities. Five days later she had lost all her hair. Her general health was good. The patient remained b..ld, and was still so when seen two years later by the reporter. Is# and Abuse f Athletic Exercise*. On the da J after the walking match in New York for the A alley championship belt, the Ue\ Dr Kgglest<>it. pastor of the Church of Christian Kndeavor, in Brooklyn, prr.n hod to a large eongrvgn tion upon the "I -c and Abuse of Athletio Kxetvises." Dr. I ,gle*lon took tor his text 11. Corinthians i\. fit. lb *|Mikc as follow- Ido not intend to nmki a spir itual application of these words in the lilierty which 1 allow toiu>ll in thi* pulpit to preach w hat relate., to the con duct of life, ranging front tin'conven tional standard whiih excludes tunny topics ft out the pulpit I will to-night follow in the direction of yoiit thoughts, and spe.ik on the u*e ami abuse "t* atli let ie iikeix ises A man is at i discount if lie has not the right sort ot IHMIV I'here can be no healthful or w liolesonic action of the lliitul or the moral percep tion it the physique is enervated I'herc have bei ii ; real men with weak bodie-, but no man isatbis be>i without physi cal strength \ man lih< John Ban dolpli irritable and excitable, is bril liant for a "short head," to Imrrow a sporting phrase, hut he eannot last The rule is, to wa-aken the ll\ i- to r duia'the luiud, and men great with I" hie bodies wolllil be t w ic- as n at with stroii. "m- A beats burns oin pro during at twenty woik* which -bould hayehi-en c.fcrnal until lie was thirty or tort\ Tt.er. nuisi tean equation of mind ami Ishl\ and a proper luil.ini* kept. I'lieo cannot Is* ;uiy happtnoss without health But we go to work in utany way* to -y -l< m itiealiy break down health "send ing children < arv to school isoueofthe tnost i ficctiy i of tin -e method*. "Child hood abhors quiet as nature do. * a vae uutn," -ay* one, but children are put in *e|nsl and kept quiet: it put* an < \liti guisher upon tin-tit and lay - the founda tion for tuture mi*ery. The crying shame of our thin - is the weight and restraint w put upon ehi ilrdi. Bu-i --iii -* men lie re hay eno r -t, Un \ go like head* Upon pole*, helit ! ' Ward. A* a tort ign lady -aid, im n m in N> York. We do not w ilk enough, ;lie*tr< et ear is an enemy to health. Mu-i !e :* not to t>e ll!\ivated al the ■ v| n-e ol brain, Cairv physi. al culture too far and tic brain i* drawn Upon. .Men like I>. Wii'.*hip, a', muscle, til )ttent s ili' - I denlv. There i* too inuefi muscle in our x)llcg>s now . The I ititig men cannot learn anything else, a* 1 sx'. Their snort* show tin • h uueter of a people, in tin !r D'ympie caun swe sic the superiority of the llrts s- oyer the Romans. The latter, it- their gladia torial ixiiitesls, showid tin interna, de ptfi ot barbarism in wliieli tliey wcrv sunk. The tlrveks had no trvtueitdou* ti -i of endurance for sjy days; no gate money or bookmaking. l'h y ofl' r. d no prize ot money value alter tin fiiM f< w eonU s'.s. but gave the \ ietor in a foot race a sim ple wreath of myrtle. How difl'ereut from the knightly touniaiuent- of the middle ages or the hull hailing and cock fighting of our forefathers! But bru tality is not abs ut from our sport*. e are not content, as tlu ti recks, to have contests in running or wrotling only, hut must see men proy ■ tin ir endurance to ycaiking. 1 have had tiiat universa. human interest in wal king matches to know how the score stands. I seethe goHi in pluck and tremendousnduranoe and cannot help admiring it. The ever lasting hold on which keeps men up to their work is to be admired whert vci seen. But when their cai.ing out ot ai. the fore.sof liuuuuinature I- tided with gambling and Ix tting Ave see how bru talizing it is. Such a >e. tie as that in front of the //em office of four hun drcd or five hundred persons' watching the bulletin, and when it stat.-d that "llazael is going groggy ami complain ing severely of his kns s," putting .lieir hands deep in their pockets h. a use it afhx-ts them there, is not a no hie one. It isnot asimrt worthy of the patronage of the noblemen of Kng.and or the gen tlemen of America It i- not noble to measure men hv their .■ Tenacity of purpose belongs l brutes as yyi'.i as im n; bulldogs hav 'the hang on which diss not give up. When im nr< i >• if Rowel is sick, or east brieklats at an other contestant, it shows how degrad ing such a eoni- st i-un become. 1 will sav nothing alwut the waste ot money and time by the si---'ators. It Nw York yfish.-s to pay in aw.* k for the spectacle I suppose it yvi.i; 1 would not suppress it bv law. Rut it is worrit while to notice how th< po.ie force wink at critu.' and how la-tting tuid gambling are carried on in their presence, for aught I know the. taking part, if the truth were known Thistre niet dousexeit' inent efT-at* each one <>f us. It is savagery coining to the surface. I am no Puritan, but I de-ire to stand against anything whieh dehunianii'-s and degrades. aini the !. -*on <>l the pa<t w k may. I hope, be correctives to us al 1. Fnggcstions About Shopping. BurcJuisi r- Should, as far i- possible, patroni/-' the merchants of tlair own town. It is \ is>r policy t send money abroad for articles whieh can Is- IM. tight a* cheap at houte I)o not take hold of a pits e of goods which another is exaiu litig. Wait until it is replaced upon the eottti'er before you take it up. ln iuring ~HK!S when handling, pushing aside oilier persons, lounging upon the counter, whispering, loud ta.k and augliing. w hen in a store, an* ai! evi dences of ill-breed ng. N ver ntt'-mpt to " !>. at down " pri< • - when shopping. If the ; rit *do not suit, g" elacwhere. The just and upright m reliant will have hut one price for the good*, and lie will strictly adhere to it. It s<s tut ins;. : to a c . rk or m reliant to suggest to a customer that lie may buy eheapcr or better good* p'sewhere. It is also rude to give your opinion, unasked atx>ut the gixwis that at.other is purchas ing. N' Vi r expect a clerk to leave another customer to wait on you; and when attending upon you. do not eauso him to wait while you visit yvitlt another. When the pure'ins*-* are made, let theni b>- sent to your home, and thus avoid loading yourse f with bundles. Treat <•!> I s, wleii shopping, respect fully. and give them no nmre trouble than i* nen-s-ary. A** for what, is wanted, explicitly, and if you wish to make examination yvith a view to future purchase, say so. Be perfectly frank. There is no nece— ity for practicing de ceit. Tite rule should he pav for goods when you buy them. If. however, you are trusted by the merchant, you should be very particular to pay your indebted ness when you agree to. By doing as you promise, you acquire a habit of promptitude, and at the *;ime linn* es tahlisb credit hnd make reputation among those among whom you deal. It i* rude in the extreme to find fault and to make sneering remarks about goods. To draw unfavorable comparisons be tween the goods and those found at other stores does no good, and show* want of deference and respect to those who are waiting upon you. Politely state that the good* are not what you want, and, while you may buy. you prefer to look further. If a mistake has Itcen made whereby you have been given more good* than you paid for, or have received more change than was your due, go immedi ately and have the "rror rectified. You eannot afford to sink your moral charac ter by taking advantage of such mis takes. If you had made an error to your di*advantage, as a merchant, you would wish the customer to return and make it right. You should do as you would be done by. Permanent success depends upon your being strictly honest. —lhll'n Manual nf Social and ftiutinesx Form*. Words of Wisdom. Ive is lowliness: on the wedding ring sparkle no jewels. Make not thy friend too cheap to thee, nor thyself to thv friend. Be graceful if you can, but if you can't be graceful, be true. If you are fishing for a good reputation you had better bait your honk with good deeds. A man has no more right to sayan un civil tiling than to act one; no more right to uny a rude thing to another than to knock him down. We must not always sneak all that we know; that were folly; hut what a man says should le what he think*; other wise it is knavery. Duty is the little blue sky over every heart and soul —over every life—large enough for a star to look between the clouds, and forthe skylark Happiness to ris<- heavenward through and *ing in. ■ Though the cart creaks it will get home with it* load, and the old horse— broken-kneed a* he is—will do a sight of work yet. There is no use lying down and doing nothing because we eannot do everything as we should like. Faults or no faults, plowing must be done, and imperfect petffile must do it too, or there will beno harvest next year. Hug link OrnMiiicntM. A gfttllonianooitnpcttsl with thi* manu factlltv of ornaments Iroin Iri*lt L>cg oak giv US to / •!'</ AMI H'A/, r aomc inter ••sting narliottUra wilh fgixrilto lite hia tory ol tlint industry. \\ ben laken tip litis LUTG oak is pcrfcftlv hlck from thu action of thu PEAT or iog wab r It is very rarely ohtalttuil in a sound stale, and in most eases the outer portions ol thu live or log are rotten, and useless even liir lurl. When laid up for u*e. unre inu*T hu ink, N that it is not placed in (lie open air, ic-I it tuny, from thu sun's rays, huuoiuu open and shattered into chips from end to end To preserve it.it must be put lulo NUUI, I'IHII place tutd Bit to dry gradually, and when propel \ seasoned it tnli*T be I*L|T in ,RTI: TLI* OT from two to four fcit, and these lengths be stdit again itlld tin' sound parts retuovnl front thu unsound. It taki * from tour UI si V Y I at S to si ason sonic SPI I'ttneii*. II- in many instances the Wood Is found at it di pill of eight nlld sometimes TEN fe,l und. I the surluoe. \\ lieli propel !Y *' isoned. any portion re ,;uii iug to bv gllled beeoiues hard as stone, and IS tinner and lists liable to UT Y U VVAV tliati any portion ol thu inanu laeiuiiaf artiule. Tlie tinish is not .juite pi-rleet until the artielc has been lor soun time in use. and lite lunget tlie finer tlie article SIS-TIIS TO he, uo ut a*, TER w bethel used as A personal or table ornament Ibe NU ll employed are a'!, without ex cepitoti. self-taught; etc It one makes his OYYN tools, and WII. not take any ap plentice*; and each person lias a pe eiiiiar t ,ste for a E> rtain kind ol orna ments. which he follows, and to W lib II he IS lelt to produce the liest specimens tie can. Tln re arc fewelrrs yvho mount and embellish the ornaments W it), gold and ST.VER and XS it II rare and most INlL liaiit LUSH gents, stu II a* the Kerry Irish diamond, tin* etiu-iald, the gamut, nine iliyst, the beryl, A,- tuatuaiine and IKun - CII pebb'e. L'he t eltic ornaments are geuwtaliy studded y, itli tile stiove native gems; they are Isauliful and most ar t'tsticaliy ( xeeuted. The designs em brace some thousands, and nii ot then, AN both liv>4r and histui i ally illustra tive of Irish tui'.i LUITIES. I. ytensive (!(•- |MISIT> of BEIG oak and other buried wutxts have been discovertat in ( ierinany. Iloyy the /uln King YYIIS T uptured. t'etewayo behaved .ike .I king in his dowiifn.i. lord t.irtbrd.yvith iiis white cavalry and natives, GOT within lottr utiles of the kraal wliere tin* Zulu king >vas at daybreak and there lay in am bush. fearing to advance A, rosslhi p n ground and waiting for ti , night to make the attack lest the king should SEE and escape into the bush, which bordcia the kraal within one hundred yards on the north side lord (litford was on the southea-st side. In tin- meantime Major Mar er. yvitii the ktng S llragooji tiuards. appeareti on the northeast und was >,S-n by the king but W AS not feared, the king thinking the cavalry in the bad ground could not approach quietly or without warning. Major .Martcr, ltowevt-r, had stripped tlie saddles and left the Seah liards behind 1 >taai,|H-nring fix uu view he stole up noi**-iesly tlimugh the bush The NA:i\ T'oiitingent, whom he had coiiet iled. yv, re put in advance, and tliey wtire aide to move mor< rapidly than the horses I'll, >e MEN dashed out of the hush and surrounded tlie kraal, saying, "The white man IS coming; you are caught " Major Marter then rode up and dismounted, entered the kraal, and coming straight to the hut iu which the KING YYITS , N:ted on iiiiti to eotne fortli and surrender. Tlie king feorvsl and said. "No, you come unto tin but Marter was intb xibie, aiid the king, creeping out, rt(*i up among the dragisms with STATE Y composure. A dragoon SOUGHT to lay bis band uj C: liiui. but In waved tin- man tiack disdainfully, saying, " White soldnr. let N.e Le." lie then asked to T,e shot. Tlie king'S !-earing on the inarch ttelw en the ,UO-S of tin SlX tieth r< gini'Dt into bis T- tit in the camp at I'.undi was digniliol and calm. W'ttring a red I ,nk- ' uj-on HIS L>r- :*ST iu the manner of a Hotuan toga, IN STEPPISL slowly, looking round with HEAD thrown liaek nntl liauglitv gaxc at the SOLDI, RS around him. Wln-n captured he ASKED the rank of the officer who had tak N him lie TREATED tlie Native Con tingent contemptuously. At ouuterfeit Greenback. Itusiu, -( cir, - M tliis city have been thrown out 'f HALATTIW T-y tin di-.aivery of a TI, * counterfeit live-dollar GREEN BACK note, and the additional DISCTIV CRY tint the city was FLOODED with tliem didn't tin- least improve matters. IK -t informed t-uin- * men, including tinnk ers. are of the opinion that at .< a-T !,*• of tin- spurious bills, or in all >.'>.(**•, are in cir-U. atioti in 1 lay '.on and y, That the bill IS A good imitation may b- iiiferrtxl from the fact that up to a at' le'iir they Were received and paid out YY ithout QUE-TION over the L>ank counters in L>aytt>n. ITS spurious char acter YY AS discovered bv Jam- - Kitty, wlio. to test the limit, r. D T>ositsl a sum of money in one of tin- BANKS ~f THE city, placing one of the count- rf, it lios in tin- lot. It was re. civ, ,I along with the other hills, but sut.S- jllentlv lie ealltni the attention of th> Imnk ufliwrs to the bill. The bill i of the new ISSUE "T THE gre-nliaek (not national Imnkb and of the denomination of s.*•. MY liuye. vaniin.sl -jUiti a number of th- nt, each of which was of vri< S "F." Th< fae. oi tic hili i* r- tnarkably well exe cuted. and will readily de.A ivt' even till' TS-ST JUDGES. The paper is GISSL, though not the LEST iitiality; it is rather thin and light, not having QUITE the hotly of tin* genuine, and the nills have the np p araiiec of being sotiu'wliat worn. It spurious character, however, i- R odi.y dise-'veretl upon inspection of the btek of the hili. Iletwis n the ytgti tt in TIC E*nt( r of the BAl'k and th'' left end i- AN unprinted SPACE which in the genuine is tilled with silk tilwr, appar ently woven >r molded into tlie paper. In the counterfeit there is none ot thi tits r. Tut insj. ad a neatly executed .•entation of the same, made with ink. IT is. all in all, one 4>f the most danger ous counterfeits in circulation. — AIYIT* (Ohio) Journal. What a Single Bean fan I'roilure. The history of a single bean, acci dentally planted in a garden at South bridge. Mass., IS traced hy a NEWSPAPER corr< spondent, who figured out its pro duce tor three years. Tlie bean WAS planted in a rich, loamy soil, and when gathered in the autumn its yield, as counted, " was 1.515 perfectly devclopts! beans from a single stalk. Now, if a single bean produces 1,515 beans, anti EACH bean produces 1.515 more, the sum total of the second year's product wotiltl lie 2,C"J5.'225. equal to L,lti. R I pounds, 5H7 quarts, or "2.3'.51 army rations, equal to eighteen and fire-eighths bushels. Tliis would IW tic product of the SECOND year. Now, if we plant tliis product and the yit Id i* tlie same, we have a product of S.2FIH.OSRT,HOO,ti'JS beans, equal to 1,371,- H'SI tons, or -I'J.KTL.STSL btisheis. or .V|st,. T.VI.OTW soldiers' rations Tliis third planting would give tlie steamship flreat Kastern ninety-two full freights. Few beans, however, start so well as this one did. 44 1'lcajunes.'' Telegraphing is done Yvitii neatness and dispatch. Alexander thejt Jrc.at would he RT SMALL man at the present day. All political meetings are more or less enthusiastic; but at a lunch table is the place to see a grand rally. Monigrip Ins been trying to stave off a pin money allowance by telling his wife that "true love seeks 110 change." When a young man lias finished IDS education THE best tiling for him to do next is to find out tvlmt sort of wofk he can do to make an holiest living. A man may speak of Iris uncle or Iris aunt and he under tood; hut when lie talks of Iris cousin lie must • \plain whether cr not the cousin is a man or woman. In " l'in->fore" the cousins are women, hut they are not so in all fami lies. The Knglish language is a great tiling in its way.— tfrw Orleans Picayune. The "Devil's llorse." The mantis (meaning prophet) is de lined hy Webster as a l.tnna-an genus of voracious insects, remarkable lor their slender, grotesque forms. One specif s has a pair of legs in front resembling a person's hands wten lolded in prayer, and is often called the praying mantis. It is better known, however, hy the profane appellation of "devil's horse." About a year ago Mr. X. N. John—who professes to he not much on physics, hut some on entomology and horticulture— eut the head off one, the trunk ot which lived lorty hours afterward. He now reports that he eut the head off another last Sunday at 10.40 o'clock A. M., which was alive at 4 o'e.ock P. M. on Tuesday, fifty-two hours later. Facts which seem to argue that there are important nei ve centers in the trunk of the insect as well as in the head —Galveston Mews. NEWS SUMMARY. East*™ and Mlddla Itatai. n,o "straight out** Maaaaaha*stt# I eine mu met In Stale <KMlv*nUnn *' Fane-ill Hull, Boston. Over I .(KM) delegates *w I'liwiil mi.t fjiverelt Nal'.onslall was elected - hail • mi,n I lis! riot il,4n|tKtM ntnl -lcleg ,4, " il '•'K l ' l.i llm National CtWTNdnn were elected. and tlin 1..11.i* in* u, km wiv unanimously .ln-*cii For (.oveiuor. John Q.uiiev Adams, Ideuteii Mill I nil I I 1111 l . W It. I'lunkvtl. oi .Nlnir, li(iiirinl M T iMniihue, 1 imauiDi miml li* u\©r(irunint, l>kvitl N- NktllilK, Auill Mr, Will in in It Klttltl; AtUMii) imi.mnl, Kii ltnnl OUiojr, Th© |ilnUuriii tlfe titMßiitHMi llir lU|iublhli |nry M l* !> imMio criui© fey wlurh th© |**|'l© wn© *lt linuiM id lb©ir I'ijght M be iHVWHiiI by n ruler ill llinii ehoue|" afTltitt* that lht hl©i ty o| th© ni-li> i.lual la I*M*l |rtl*cU*l ly n*xia!- HiUtuuil diviliuit ul lht> jmf Uio jcuv©ru •unit l*tw©ii Mnln kiitl ulttoikii. l© licvN n lliun>uf;li irftrm lu Ike *•* lUM dßßki y; livnit iumjuinm Ui©!iii|g M th© ©l%niton of inhor* lit© KtmiUntf eiolillive till ¥(!©s;©• to niy thank* lli* l hninrrtttM lu I oH|jt© hi Ihnr < (loll* in invor ol HMiWMiiy . tl©mmh ilinl linn jK.ll. •hull •© lr©© Iritiii I cl©mi iil©rlrr©ii©©; (hnl th© {-nifty ol tbr h*Uot-boi ©uu |.i |<!((<rVril Mk'i' Ullhufllj' thttli hy rwlemi lulriltirlM i', ||ol©lf* Hliuillßl Inn* wbirh kulhiuiie th© *ri©l 'l nl lit* )K>ll* © ItllUlll Mnimiil ol Uu il*K Ihni mi) coii!lluUoiinJ |-iwer nisi© in lh© |t>Y©riilii©itt to nikke anything n (outlet in fh© |*yui©il ui tl©bt© ©* ©j*t gold Mini M% ©I, ©lf. I'htre . nil lllfieaiMi l i'* 'be (Irt tln> i i£!*(ration of vuten i New I oik oily <u Willi the fll li> hurt ytmr. S< HRLL, IMU HEIU O! lnmuuuiy Hail, tun! olh©i weU-knowu 1 MIUIIIMII )itci, Bttrvrtl MM Oi ©l©'lo|| -N*tU©l .1 I livlen and Datful Dudley Ku 'J *er*klia u{'| ** nt © I ela'liuil iui|t)ton, hiit were u*- ctttfrsl flout Brrunji, |V(©i M-Mai*u wiiai at Suiihtii v, |*u , !tr tiie in artlet <>| t tirtuier Krtaleru'k Hw©r in lhv©ui ©r, !N7t ilieoundeuiuwl nuui lull M EONL©*III in wrlnrU h© MMM! tital be IIMTL |il© hit*w Mlrut'k whieh killed il(tMMi. but hud not taken an Mftl?j*art in th© inunlrr. Julio O'Neill, win* waa t luivr leeo huti|; with Mt - Mauiiß lot |>aatit in lliMwr'i warder, luu* l©ru rrij*ri©vv! Mi Mwnu* i tha twentieth 4 the "Midlife to MlAer death mi the msJku it hftv. l iVmtuun nnd William I- Clark, two U>*, *t whom tin eider ia only fourteen>eai*| IL I, H IRREF'LIUOUELY LELT I'elerabnia. armed with lwit|piuf, oti a {jnaiJ buflalehunt. I'hry rewddiel New York, Init n preredfed theta ami they w ere taken ill chaJ"j(© by the jwiliee. KCtiwinl Hcguui, the well-known American ope ra Minger, uutl coiiuwtel thi* I>©JKII with th© l.uitna Atdwitt tmuj r, died at Kdbn'tor, N Y , n lew tiayn a^u. At lloetou H\e m* n convicted laal Marx h f violating the Federal elertinu law# were each tilled sso and ami*, am! a Miith ofleoder wa fined $ 100 and eo*u 1 he) went t jml. but the fine* were pud later. l'h© flr*t Anti- i, a i juai been luriui*l u New \*rk by ine*licnl niet and uthriv. the object ul the or gututaliou lieiiij; "to awaken the attention *4 the ptihlu t- th© evilauf vaocinatiOii and t H iiuitiltt) t<* put an ©ltd to it* practice, and to j'lVVrat !©i;.;atioii lot U enioreeineaC" Unity• fl% e men tart>l in the i* dny* 4 "go-aa-you-plea<*e" |rlMi>txiau loatch in New 1 ork, lor a <-hatnj'ioai*hip bell and money pn/rw* yv.ttUO, pirn by lbmiei 0 l,ar> l'h© erowriU preK'tit during the week were M larp* M thwe at the runltat in the name place lor th© Aatley belt a lortnMlhl pre viota*. U hen tim match el need only eleven cxmleetanl* were l4t on the track, the iwruly-kiur who iuul withdrawn during the ww4l lifrtTV; I l4 * l 'be men who had the !**#! r©> ordfeae aalkrr*. ami who were wuiMilrml by the knowitig mre a loutul to win. 'l'he w Hitler prove*! to )•* Nu'ludaa Mut phy, a vuuujt man of only nineteen, employed in a hnekyard at lta% New \ork. whode -1 rh|*©l an atmthm£ amount I endurance lo: one youthful, and Riueht Lav© co\rrvd manv more tiuiot hal he IKWUI (Kruutl©l by ha (mm* t* Ihe u the cor© ami imt 4 pnana Murphy, 60) uulia, ehampioto*hlp leit and llowarxl, ftCKI uuim. $• UOU; Kabcr, in ilea, SI,OMU; Hnody, 47b mi lew, "•MJ Malmne> 467 tti*leu, yiiKl, tnd Walker, Aden, liiiMrli ami Curian. having ma 1© i'-O III*!©* and *ver, have their entrance lee ul CSJI. a mturual- Henry C. Carey, th© j rx mment arriter on political economy, dje*l in Fhilade)|*hiM, a lew daya Mijo, right) —ll > ran* l>r. i dulitia Moyne, tiw? prominent ad. vornte l crctuatuHi, died at hii re**it :ice in \\ aahington, l*a . the *•:!♦ r .lay at the a;:© <4 eighty-one. ll© wan twice AlN*htiotui ati I* dt.le lor g*\ ermn oi i'eiinox Ivania. lti re main* a ,11 te rnwuMe! in the lurturt cr*. id b> D:ttu*elf and which haa twice l*elire bern uiel lor the pun**iee ul cremation. C aptain John I Maaon, a well-known hi]>- niater <4 helm ©hunk. M while lermngx*d, laik|rerxaiß>.y BlkUel Mr* I h, Moody, iu w i© > ,trr. Aral then killed hiiuacil, * 1 wo men MUI©L t union and tie w ere blown up and c.rxiw nel in lloaton haiU*r while e \peijit.en'ong in a feul-Uat with a new vtploftit e cotnpoun i. Western and Southern States. I. A U tiir haa been uni!natr*l lor ttov- rnor by the Cou lleinoc rata State Con venUOO. Ih' tnaa Jotina and William Itmraon* taxlh . ! WHO win In jail IT Wkka CIWKI Iron., lor murdering ~-rr l.kfit Irum ruMody *v mi uniml i inml bii I lwn(.i lin i railni 1 hnilgr. Tbr lu luri, had lite murder I rlqcnoM Imu Tern lory :(>• tlini < ••■■irial Merritl. aH r lime—l iiuurl, in who hhi* cuvrml 170 mile- in I.HI| liirtv-emht rrwbel the )*n!eflel,i at M;.l> nrr in t'ojora.l". am! retnlorrej the ooiiuunmi ul (°ia|i|-ii> l"\iie. Inch for Dm day* tin. 1 tmm jrmiantly b<tiding |U own in the iiitie: . litnunla. Ui.-u(ti cou.lmiUy un h i a hot fire In tn the Lie Indiana The caanaltica n l*a\ti" n ooiiiniau l Ima ! u taelie IUI-II Vi 11a— 1 IIT- I lorty-Uirte wuunded. taj tiuu luu! aire® ly in\el -nth a cMUiijiarij ot coioit-t en airy, hut all ol h hiirw hnil b-en allot liy the Indiana, ejrejit two. and he w obliged to reitiiuti 1a,.).' behind the niUetirliitirnUi un'-ii tiem ral Mi rritt nrrir e!. In hie report to tii neral shrt. lau. Merntt NII worda (ail <o ri; e the nceuo in the vicinity of the a retched VDtrenohtuenla. Over 300 ,ie.l am nal* were Ij iiijt ootaidf ot the urm-taorha. the atem h Innu ahich aa. K)methin|C horri ble. Ilurins (he five day tlwt Captain IVyn. a triHijia acre lieaitsK**! they fortjfiixl them-elve- ae well aa |aitile by building a aUickade and difo;inK a trench, in which Uiey eiuw.uiae.l thejnaeJvea out ol i-angii ol the galling (tie that aaa t-'ing pout'xl tnto them rooelantly hy the I'tea fWm the anrrrmndinx height*. A courier from the White riv.r agency, to the relief of a hieh Mayor Thorn liutg a command aa* marrlung whenattaekml, rrr'Uta tliat alt the white men there were Iti.led, but the women and children were •jwivd. 'lhr women and children at the agency were the wile ol Agent Meeker and h - .laughter. Mi- Joaephine. Mia l'riee and her taocbildren. and a bov nannxl lhotnpaoii. '1 be white men nt the agency acre the ugent, Mr. N. C Meeker, Frank and Harry 1 reaer, K. 1.. Mimafleld, W. H. Font. Mr. IViee Frelwirk s ihi , plM~rd and t.eoige Luton. lle|Mirta reetrtvial from aeven Southern State* concerning the eolton cron Mate that nlMitit an average yield i erperted. lit, rtne hundredth anniveraary of the ai'ige ol Savannah and death ol Sergeant .la*per, the Kevolutionary hero, wa relet,rnt'xl lit Savan nali in pirxrnrr irf about '20.000 |>e,iple. Tlie corner-atone nt a monument lo Sergeant Ja pel ma* laid, and be miliUry and civil pro rnaion wa one ol the m-ait tinllianl ever seen in a Southarn city. Cnite.l State# Senator t iorilon wa* the orator of the day. The Federal *ar vetemna of Indiana. Illi noi* nod Kentucky have had a three day*' re union nt Vineenne*. lnd. A recent di*pntch Irani Atbuitn. t.a., to the New York HrraU any* "The judge ot 11*11- in ciunty and a delegation of ritiren* r*iched hern thi, morning to a*k the (lovernor for a military force to nnpprean the • (toorgla Ti geia," ade-p, rate organisation, who were fully ileacrilwal in the column* ol the Hrralii a year ago. 1 lic\ hold po*e*ion i f hall the county and dely at rent. Tliey killed two men on Tueadav and turned aeveral hon*e*. Tltey have killed in the |>a-t three year* twenty men and women, uioatly negroe*. "l"he (iov i-rnor aent one ol hi* ntatf and a number ol detective* down, and will rend military if needeil. Metnltera ol the I*>gi*lnture in nil joining counties have been telegraph'*! bv their Inmilii* nml have gone hon.e. The fwl- ing here i intense. The scene ot disorder is imiv one -lay's tide Irom this city." Two Baltimore and Ohio express train# col lided at Bell ton, W. Vs., and four met) wer* killtvl the engineer and fireman of one train and two tramps—anti several more injured. At the Burnet House, in Cincinnati, 8. 8. H.rkey, manager ol Mnrv Anderson, the well known actress, was shot ami dangerously wounded hv Miss Florence MrDtmald, ol Syracuse, N. Y., who then shot and killed herself, fin Miss Mr I lottald's |-erson were Iniind letters Irom Hiekey, showing intimacy I ft ween the two, an-I a diary containing many i,vowals ol passional" lov lor the timti and jeiiloiisv ol Miss Anderson. Jesse Undei wood was shot an t killed in the dtsir ot his brother's house, known us Fort Undo wood, near Grayson, Ky..liy the Hob brook party. 'This is the filth murder Hint has occurred in < nrter county within three weeks, lour ol the murdered men being I "ntlerwotids and one a mointier o4 the Hoi brook family. I*to dispatches trout Hnwling. Wyoming, announce that the Indians have find from the Milk river battle field, and that General Mer ritt, with his troops, pushed on to tha White river agency, where he recovered the Us lies ol Agent Meeker and the seven or flight other white men murdered by the Indians Ihe women and children had been carried oil General Sherman telegraphed Iroin Washing, .'fin that the IT tea mint be pursued and those raptured held as prisoners until turther orders. The coroner's juty ol inquest to determine It.* en..** ol th* I*ll (J the grand aland at tha Adrian (Mich I lair, hy which flttnsn latiann* lot thair live* anil 27* were mpired, hare Inndciad a var.l let charging that tha owner nl the aland, the ait Intact and two carpenter* who (mill it were guilty el criminal negligence, und aevetal arrvwla of these |rtie* on the ehni ge ol uiamlanghtm have I men tuadn. From Washington. Mr, I'elvntto, foiled Htattsi fonattl at I.yon*, unci* to the I lejart tiirt.t id Stale,*! \\ avloiigtnn, tiie foltnwing report (4 the reeult tl tins ci,|' I" Fiance VV hnnt tn lour .iejar' • u.enta i* inryg.Hxt, ti, seven it i* gtuuf; in tucnty-tl.rec hut, In tort y-one interior; in (llli en tad Hal* in li.rty-onn ite|artiiici.U ve.y gleet, in twenty-*i lull, lUtMelve in to, ml Ii hiw not le-en lu.it with (Nile any wt.ere Hailev in uix -te|atrtinenU aii|rir; In thirl)-Ave good, in nineteen tali While the or.qui ol .aula and isarley in France are gvuxl, wl..ut i* iitlei .or, and tlie driitan-l lor it ill t-e large foreign Newx 'Tlie Alucitonn h-Mae 1'm..1, t.u* Keen ,|e. touted agniit on Kligluh < anil. < -lining It) *I1U) in tile 4 oaaroeiti Ii coi.lmt at Newnuilkot. The Frei.eh quaixer id Khanghai. ( lima, hue luu-n Vuilol hy * gloat tire wit,eh do alloyed FJI houae*. The K-teai-i* taindy lie.i* and repioaenta tivr* Irons all part* ol < atsada have held a ounloreuee in lAWittM, Out., in regar-1 Us the eatate claimed hy tliem in lite city id New VoiX yalu*l at B •0,000 (100 i-egal pt-uotul lug* are Us he instituted iun,nlu4lely. Mr T raises* Hint X*. president, anil tlso hunt of diie. tut* <4 the ColiMslldate.l flank ol M-.u --tlortl have t>een si. ti. to thy li.o grand |UI) lor I,,i*icpiweiit,i,g the t<ai,k'a aitsui*. It the K,s**,ai, army ,* further iniirawtl ,t i* thimgl.l at lleiiiu thai a pl,'|-orliuuato in t iea*c >4 the tieitnai, ariny Will he uhaulutely nocoaaary. 'li.o Kngliah army ol adsaure into Algtsan lutai. tin* longhl a tattle with the Algtian*, who advaiuod to the attack Irons I aiesi in heavy uumtiei*. Isrliolal Itoherta. Use Kng liah commander, ro|Htrte tliat the lighting wa* heavy and laaleal all day, hut Itnaiiy mulled in the oomplri* lout o! the Atghau*, whose |uiaitluii wo* ualiiud IheMllludi ioa* *u atmul cgl.ty killed au-t wiiun.teal, diapaiche* lojmrt tliat at one Uuie ,luring the Itghl two ■sniijainitw id Highland,-,, urio op fKuthl to 2,000 ATghau* I lso latter held their giound until tlir lt.ghtandrr* were w .ihsis twenty ymda llso total Algtsan force i* .aid to have t-won eleven regiinrnta, with artlilety and an nuuiru*e uumlitsr ol iuilineu i tie IwXL'klionr ot the re.,.lance i* hroken tor tiio pr**eat, hot the wlmle ominlry t* -thing with excitement, and the |e*q-lo would rimr ul the slightest reverse to lite lirttish. l'nurie fire# in Maiiitolia have dune groat itatunge, many iurinor* hi-ting last their house*, wheat and hay .th k.. Forty loHi—w and the new gov eminent I-utilling* at ILtga. Huaaia, tiave tsreu burned down. ]u a .aval eugngetnont oO Mepilonea the C'uilian Diet t sq tur- t the I'erut tan ion- lluw tar. I'utter t ..plain, now A tmnaJ (.ran, Vhe lluaacar ha. tssrrsc the whole hr.ml <d the I tract.t war with (.'hill, ts|erl*lly .tuoe the '.icotnayo, the otdv other ttwel m the Peru vuiu t-avy ot any value, tan ou a tor I durtnga tsattJe and aartk At Iquitptc the lluaacar sank the Che not woi.tei, ship I'-*IIK rai<la Captain l'rall, ol the K.meraJUa, wa* lulled while making a gailant atteiupl to hoaril tlie nun. Oft Anlalogasin .he captured the Chilian trail*- ju-rt Kiiiuu' with M 0 -!rag--ii. 30.0UU peso, su exits, and a cargo id jjq ltrw lor the army. She ale-- engaged wiUstiul very positive reeuil* the ( In.san irssn-clad likun- i-uraiada and the ooryotUw Magaiiaiitw, heasJe* captu.itsg many launchr* and userehanUnen, homtartltug An tal.-ga.la, *lbk.ug a puutoun arwonai, making two or three raid* along the Chilian (nuust and l-reak,tq; up Use Chilian blorkadc ul lqutqu* A. tl.o attlt.rw on land eat.nuf get at Cash other on account ul the desert which lie* be tween them, ars t as the IV-ruvians have no navy to .peak ol left Us mart theonusparalively fine squadr-m. cd the Chilian*, it is difficult lo u*- how Use war can last much longer. Two hundrvut and silly-seven more Kuglssh tanner* have suuled fiotn ljverpool lor Texas Five men were killed hy a toiler explosion at the dye work* in Itslihtx, Yorkshire, Eng land. 4 thirty-.,x t-uihling* in Nhalusc, N. Ii . wer# dewtn-vni hy lire a lea nights ago. oaumtng a total i*e td *l*n.l gIUO.OUO. fiencral IhJwrt* and the llnlish army cd advance inltv Atglsaiiotau lave Mitsml Calm) after completely rout .ng the Afghan trvsofw who i-j-j-isoi thetu. The Ameer, Yokoob Khan, ui stricUy guar levl m the Units!, camp. Kev-dt.iv Mexican* lave captured the city <d l h.lmahua and 4.ct,era! TreMiM. a ith gov ernment has been —-nt again*! thr-m The Durbmsol K.Uutwrgh, daughter-in-law ot Queen A u-toru lis.. !-.-n prematurely J*- livem.l td a atill-ls'rn child. Use anti-rent trouble# in Ireland are increa*- it g Five Inindrv-d tenants ol the Marquis tif S g , and the Karl ol i.ucau met Dial W'lth l-it. in th*i -iiaty td Mayo. Cotinaught, and . emnly pledged tb' uix 1 ves to |<a> no lent until a retlkUt-B •liould !>e grauted projair t.onatr tr, the great fall of pmes4 all k.o-t. - I agricultural produce. A u-tcr was |wt<vl nt Warre|*>inl. ctmnty I h-w n, I'later, that any man.coming into the count) to |ay n.orv than flyc -lobar, an arte lor land nay bring hi* coffin with bin. The Kurd* lave rt tolled .ti Turkey, and are lobbing and utiirdcting |>eopla up to the very wnll* ol Mowa- .t. a large tow atm the Tigris. Slaughter on a Michigan llatlrtiad. Ot.r ot the net *b-*-kir.g -Uuastcr* tlat la* occurred tu lite Wo! .nice Witatmt*. and one - t the luoat Irtgbtlul in the batory td tlie M-'-higan railroad.. I tn lalleri a train <>ti the Mti'bigsui Cen'.ial tltoirvuJ, which lelt Hetmtt at ha'l-|at tru I . a., tort) nnuuto* Iwlutid lime Ihe train wu. the a cat tui.tu* Pkoiflc ctpro.*.and was o-iiquee-t of liKirteen car* N-< en Wagner sleepers, lour |-a-'ng- r coaebns and three u-aii an i tagguge .-or*. N it to the mail car WHS an eiuig'wnt and seoot.d-cla*. car. nearly tilled wi b ja.senger*. At Jerk son. Mich., the train, white going at a high lute ot -;-evt, ran int.-a switch engine, tcle scc-ping the Isathmgr and etprcM car* and crushing the four ctwrlini. The ■erne* which tollcwrot tliecolti.ion were tieart rcridirg in the extreme. A !.rn the t-tqaptge car i sine in contact vrith the crn.h*t oows hev there wo. a heap ot tsruiaed. bleeding and •1) ing hnt:.an tu .ng*. wbvwe moans autd crm* ol tliuirrv.. fllltsl the air. Mut.laid bodnw of the dead could l-e Men among lite -lei-n* <>l the wm-kstt conches, l-nder the .haj>e!s* man which w.v once the exprcu* engine wrv-rv-the bodie* of the engineer and fireman, which were extricated u. -m ns |-oathli-. I hath tothein and many <-f the other victim* must lIHV e t-eeli in.tantaneou*. The engineer and flrrinan d the switch engine -eesitg their peril in time leaiso-t from their places and eseaj-ct injury. The iatenoaa td the hour and the . lark new. ot the night render!*! the work of ex tricating the v ictim* neroasaniy a •lo'* aud let boo. one, l-nt avirtw ol retuty hon.ts were aclively engagd in doing all that could tie done under the distrcaaing ctrcuinstaneeu. Many trying and touching incidents occurrd. and many acts td heroism were rnrorded. The lad-test ca—. was that of Willie liice. a tair haired and bright-eye- 1 little boy, four years of age, whose lather and mother an-t sislc-a wen all killed, tie was lotin.l elaupd in hat dead mother's nnn, btiß S>> lastend in the wrerk that it took three hours w,th axe* aud other implements to extricate him. Hi* left leg was broken and hi* lelt inn an-t chin hadly cnt. Hi* family live-t in I*hdatlelphia, and were on their way to some point in the West. The news of the disaster tvni sp-cm-I through Jackson, and by daylight the crowds at the scene -4 the catastrophe were numl-crd liy hundred, and greatly hindered the work ot the reseller*, an-t requird tin-constant etT-vrt.and Wiitebf,lines* ol the polne. 'llie rilroa*t "Hi cei. sniuinoiifwt liscks, omtlilioses an-t what, ever vehicles could Iw obtained,and conveyed the pKAsetiger* and wounded to the city and prov i.ld lor tlo-ir immediate wants, while the oitixens tli-1 all in their |*>w.-r to mitigate the horror* of the accident. More than twenty l-ciwon* were killed and almit thirty wounded, some fatally. Most id tlie dead and injured were token out of the emigrant car. which re •cived the lie-n it—t force ot the oolli-ion. A N>n Breed of lloraett. Tlio Nubians, who have reeentlr ar rived at the i'ari* Jardln !' Aceliina tion, have lirouglit with them several animals which are lik- ly toexcite tnucli interest with zoologists, among them being a mare of the Abyssinian moun tain breed and throe stallions from lkm gola. Bruce, in his travels, saw these Thingola horses, which, according lo some authorities, an- not of African ori gin, hut of A rati descent, having Iwcn introduced into the country nt tbe time of the Mussulman (xinijuest. The lK>n gtda horses are, for the most part, on the big side, averaging sixteen hands* Their powerful characteristics arc a long and well-set neck and good shoul ders and forelegs; hut they are in clined to he a trifle flat-siiled. They are endowed with great stamina and make excellent war horses. The breed is to lie found in the deserts of Alftiia. Verra and Pongola, in which latter dis trict the largest are bred. They are generally hay. black or white; hut one never set s ii gray. Mr. Ilosklns says that the best horses of this breed are black, with white feet and legs. They cost from s2sd to $750, and some years btek one of them was sold at Cairo for $2.000.— Lorulon Live Stock Market. That was an observing little fellow, it he was but six years old, who said: " i'ap. 1 wish you d quarantine against Tom Jones coming here every night to sec Jennie. It's got to be too epidemic." The man who fell off the fence into the brambles was much nettled hy the occurrence. "We hope thistle he ap preciated." says a punster. Weed have said the same thing. Htrtke* Among the Oriental*. Tlie more we know of the Kaat. the more apparent it hero ME* that many if our modern idea* and conception* are only new forme of old oniw. in vented R.ol only gunpowder iuiL the mar iner'A eoiupa**, hut pnper money, It U generally admitted tliat luany religioua doctrine* and eeremoniea come from II ilia, while the ayateiu and practice of alrikea ami trade* union haa Iteen long lit vogue there. The alrikea curried on hy the laborer* of India are mtvrvcl* of coiubiimtion, unity, obedience and expedition. TIM tuition- ca*te nynteni of that country in not aoiely of a religioua ebnnw ter. There are tr*le caate* ami profeaniott I-natea. Itv lueane of UIEAE LB-y uicrhlc to obtain tiigher price* for their com ttiialiti'-M tbrati thny enn in open tnarkvl. They MM| two pri> ••, OTO- for th |KMT native and a higher one lor the KIYOPETWT who can get uo ABATEMENT Not ia the E ruiy pretonae of conceaUng thefacj In the iiihtLr of appn*nti<V nhip t!i Y are more ntringent than the trtolea union. No one bom outaide ol thecaele can apprenlicetl to ita inole, anil all born imWeiMuat la*. TheayMMß bo* extended to the Mohainmediut* and native 4 'hriaiiaii*. In time of f<MMI earrity the grain mer chant* lock up their aUa-k* on hand, break their contract*, aubacribe Ui a general fund in defence of iawauit*. deny tliat lltey have any grain; hut, if tile caxe goea againat them, walk front tim court to the market and wll at famine jirii ea tlie grain they jual ilenied poaaeaa- Ing. Tmldy-drawera—who are nut lar k<c|-ra. a their name impiic*. hut drawer* of juice from lite palm tree — have prevented an incrt-AINF of tax on their tree* liy r< fusing to ir*w toddy till tlie achefne wo* abandoned. In ItCßtiie liuU hera of |,u< know aimoat enuaed a meat famine by going on aalrik'- IwH-auae t wo of tliem hod I* u nrreat'oi for ateal ing a cow. The ijxl Imlinn Hallway Company could not compel titeir coolltw to Hweep out a abed at the atation of Allahabad, liming tin* famine of I*C7 Itombay Wa* tilled with diatrewacd na tive* aeeking AMMI and altelter. lloapitai* Were ert**l'-l und tlie police by wjotakc un<h rtiMik to convey tiiitiier aottieaickly kxiking coolie*. Tite harlmra were lull ol -hips, theijuava erowded and •warm ing w all native* landing and atorinr or eidpping the cargoe*. The next morn ing not one of Uitw tiiounaitda oi labor era wa* to lie neen, and the foreign com mercial hu*im*ea of B-'tnliay nuipped. The order* to the polite ltad to be witii drawu. All thia was m*<mip!ialied without oflu era. ruiw or funda. A few men. looked up to OA od vivra. apoke the won!, and tlioae tiiounnnda oheyed in atantaneousiy.—A/roif Free Frru. Tl,r Xruaiuaua Mi.-lh of Malaria Ikm nut inlivl the *y*(eiua ut Utuae who UN Jl,—letter'* NUcnarh Ituusra a* a praeaution againat it. Nor i* it It—a useful a* a rvmnty hero tutertiiittent and iNuutleul levor haa tully r—lahliah—l itaeit, IB rotnMjuetaoe ul aut ut preventive tueaaurtw. It check* the |*ruiyktna with a*toni*hiug certainty, arxi era IteaUw thi* type (4 .lia-w. even in It* tun,! in veto at* furtr Th,* inndk-ine ia an •—periol toon lo the euugiant |*ip'.ilu!,<,n of the lax VV—i, where fever* ul a liiiluwl Ij'je are |wrt*rulariy prrvt-ianl. tmt the recognition <4 ita inera* t* *o far Irven heing liat;tl that t i* known and apprviact at il* true value throughout the length an,l breath ol Ainetam 'l'll,Trier* by land and a*, miner* and ad journal* iu unhealthy hcaiiUea aateau, it highly, and aie ita tie—t tonctunt purchaeer*, aid in many a rural houaehoid fai and wide it ia the rhoeeu fatiuiy epaciAc. The po,l<—*iun*i mdorartueut which haa lawn —rcorded by lu!u,g lunlemi men in van ou* i—rfa <4 tha courtry lo lit. Win. Hall'* ttalaamlor the Lung*. i a MiUk-iem guaranty of It* afticary tn era-lwatrng dtemcea of the aalhing or,an*. It—e grutietneu have thorvaighiy te*tod the remedy, and lltmr oou current UaNitwoay a to the eflert that it ia a Itive *|—rifW tor lung, tToncluaJ and throat aftiwte'n* (4 every deaenpUon, and aimoat reUah'e preventive ol that droaded aoourge, ounaumpUon llruggtat* veil it A Favoaanut .soroaiini.—'i'hegood repu tation ot ' Brown'* llronctuaJ Troche* " for die rebel <4 couglt*. cold* and throat diaeai— ha* given tliem a favorable notoriety. 'U rent* a tail. Juris, for lrll. By arnding Uurty-flvef*it. with age. bright, cokit i 4 eye* atd hair, you will receive by re isu mail * correct hudiand or a lie, with name and dole c 4 mar riage. Addm— W. Fox, I # - O. litawer XI, Fultonviile, N. V. He—t orgai— are I—rtoinly , l.taipnet when the price nol much more than thoae of very jator oigan*. Manon X Itatnltu t'rgam are —•ld at pncea which are nut much more than Uioae ,4 interior organ*. See al vcrU— uient the- Jack-on* —i swee* Nary Totakooo Ki* economy uae C. liilberl * Morchea. THE MAKKLTN. KSW TO a*. Beef CalU* Met Stttvra. live wl.. (*V, A• Ca vo. H1S :.'- t to-, a Mil tifcer I •* a o* ', Im ISS-4 4\ ItW-h" • "* "• •" Pi' . t*V4 flour Kx. Stat*, rood U> t*ucy 6 kJ jTO V—irrb, rood to fancy. ....IF 4 I U W'f.a, No. I B*4.mu ...... 1 I- .alt! Wt.lt* Hut* 1 > • 1 3' Kve—Wale. •* ** I vriej Twoli-'—J W*te. ......ICO 41 Ou Corn- Pngtaded W'eaterti Mixed Mt,4 I" *">uttini Yeiicw. laS 1 * *** Oata— wtcte r ute < , i Mixed We*lri W 4 11 Bay —Me tail grade* ............ M 4 M L**fX] • r—l ...... *• • Ik H ,—KUia, l*T h 4 Si POTI -M— --lard—C ty *te;r . (4.4,4 10 tv -v.—nu—OruJ, t* T lwhneu hiS Wool -kuu' u l IVkD. IX M ** © Bottnf-OUitt Cr—uurr 1* 4 31 Pa'.ry It MX id Vm!U Creaitwy... If 4 * Factory...... I* •* )i Ct.ee*CT-cUie F .0rj...... CM >4 14 hklm* e*,a 11% Wwtern Factory It'V* II Kgg*—State and l—swytvan'j, Ul) J JO rKii-anxcrai*. f.enr—tvno. cjioum *na i*ncy. 4 il 4 t 00 Xb—l I—UU. Ked 1 MUM IMM Amber 1 lSi4 t tJ Rye—e'iate 4 ft Qui WaU Yellow O 4 4, ,I*l* Mixed X] <4 S4 ItatWr 'mhiiq Kxtra............ 2S <4 14 Obeeae -New York Factory 11 M II IN4roleuu-—Crude........ t* #o* ', X'da—l. OT.ty KffilA Ft. ur—Ciljdround. So. 1 Wheat —Red Winter I IS ,4 1 17 <>ra BWUMM ...... 4! ,4 4 < —SU'.e IT 4 SO Barley -Two-Rcvre.l State... TO 4 70 •navos. B-ef OatUe-Mv* wetghl 04h* C4t, Nfaeep 01 4 O'S Ho*. C4H.4 041, k'icur - W ccn*ln and Minn. Fat ouu 40 10 Corn—Mixed and Yellow 0 4 03 <-t* Kllr White *0 40 Kye—Stt 07 4 70 Wool- w*be,l. I'euh.rg A tel.ne.. W 4 41 rnwaahed. I 4 II aiotrroa (<•: CXTTLB wxaasx Be! Clattle— Lite weight 04 4 ®\ Sheep Ml* 4 MS I .*iii ti* UOS'4 04 Itctf' 04 H 4 BV CDCC /VICT f * l* "f tnvJMrdlcai RNCC V* I r I I ,ommn *R N*e It.,(it, • nt tcn' nrn •iu *ftl let with 4on vii in ~t Inn. 11l one I, ltl* %atltnia, —ore Throat, ■ ' Taaal 4 alorrh K;e**ul y p' nteil wi-i 1 Uktrateit. I*4 P*e* l.'ni.v. it b*> teen the mean* tn the pmvnletKe of of **V ,nx mm v uah.e tive*. Seo-t n*mv *n>t I* tk *.l.i:rv* wl! *i tv p—Ut* fro in*: -it lnv* uvt. e to perv u* •afNtlngwith „> n*ea* of the So**. Throat ,* l.4tnw*. A ldr-e*n V !• Wtit ric . n met O OTAHPSS -HI ruu' FCnTTjlCaki.e..u e* *. Fall- Ing of t Wiuttii. White., CM male tnitamicatson or t'lavraii'.n of lh, Vfoiut., Inctdeatal llrio.irrhaye ur n.*llrir. 1 'airful. tlu|>praaed and lrnmilar Men* Imailon, A*. An olil aim reliahte remedy. Rend [.* I*l rar.l for a | *mt,ht.-l with uwaimer.t, cure, and eertlfl. *,,- from nayvlclan* and patient*, to Mow - ; .s.i. ;J l.y aii lu*ta -ol.su ) r UAlle THE WEEKLY SDH A l*rc*. fight-page rper of IV4t tci—d column* *lll he Frit pratpaid to any a-hlrev* wntll January I*4, l ami. FOR HALF A DOLLAR. Ad.l'tt* CK. S. Y.ptvy. EARE OLD COINS Highmt cavh yrha p>i-t John If e i'ri, e t Cautogne ot ('. in,. M,.;,*. 4c 4r . for l*T* (copyitghteil isv li-re v ir, to * ' lc, ,o all |url* .-t tnc I . S. e* fee* ipl of 4,'ir .Of put age vt ,lll| let ell c ' A't ,'e JOHN IteO. Put .lie- Wilt K .tee Ave title Phtladeiphl*. T* c;*v>wc praftu , j> days'invtetmentof ifl Ait pll0 in St. Pru), Ai.cuvt I—— - Al/U Pti ivirtioual retuine everv week on Stick Option* cf til. . *Vt. - XIIMI. - t*l. omcia! Heiiort* u.t circular* free Addrvm T. FtITTKH Hill i 4 Ct.. Ilantcfr lift a *ll St .N T eipeit-ee. or altuw * large ei.miuievicn, to veil our n w and wnnderflil Inventl m*. HV MM v*.il we —. Sam ptahoe. Au,ii.u MikKkia.v J ,U. UuuulXkll WAXThII Agetitv to eli ur uo* K-tu— •le nip Kxtlngutatier.Tuauucr.Wick Saver nd Xena. in. Rum. r c. niMned. P-rveutt ail r*p)Mi>nv, ame'.l or in., kr. t;tm- td 'xllgv fe iltelf; * common cotton wick i vt, tin yiaiv. K>. -> fually will bny lx tc a doien *i lgni: on make *.* * nay ray; tlh if vnia-t; exclusive tarrttoi; given. .Mrkvi-nUted Saiunr tiy mat UN cent* Sew for circular mi l termr KCI.IPSK KXTlNtil ISIIKK CO . ITtl W*.l,lugtou SU ll.et. ii. A 6OOO PLAN. lu 4ta vml *m v *d*a*U|i 4*l with • ItUltul tu.l l,t (r pruOl* livltexl |ioi*U 081 i*fMlß*BMßf •. (• f'4tr rirrulf,ll% *llrt plhHßt Iv'tt* I'll* *1 i rti *fC ♦a.il'i |4Wk i|44klil4. *.B4ll*4't*t*. l.ixrursrr . 4 , $$ hrtmn I'iFf.Xit Y*rt VOUNC MEN a... v„H. ■ month. Kverv gr*.tuate guaranteed a paring vttua ton. Ad lrcw K Valentine. Mumger, Janewvtite. W 4. 4C l A itOlt 1- ll at lo.iile Sauipic- w. • • Ip 310 v ell Addi-ia Snavo* 4 On.. Port,an , Mvine Ate t: NTS. old or young, earn *t a day at home Samplm warth *6 fie*. Raw* * Co.. hebaoon N.M I "To Write a Good Hand, Buy a Good Pes I" TBT Perry & Co.'# English Make, i (kaiaaia Oard. rontataia* >'ja ectail Fjaab an 1 ' "•'JJ \ ,1 ill u IVIatlT. III.A H F.MAIf, YAYIA* A I A 1641 i.T.i.l airwt Mew Tort. Oat few, poM-ialil, I DIP PITT I r vary Sobn r.liee get. maee l baa Dlu ulr I I *1 in Pattern* a* Pramluam. | S ('opiaa I year far •I. 80. < ialy W < rata eat k. ft ( I'ptr. I year lor h-V (Ml. t ialy fto cant. aarh. lOf'npie. I year for ftl.OO. "(hlf ftO cent. each. | l leu era'-op of Club, get one copy for a year free, i Hnanptn Copy to akow, mailed lor S Mampa. K < Hnpß * 0. \ X Th. Orc.ik.rt it one of tKe few dcaigut nhlek I Way* La. a grateful and elyti'h appearance, alitor . the r. h i.i i*r|eii.iv, m.,riat Tb# idl dra ping al ihr I roe i u utv u hud faror witb Ihr ma- I .1 I . , • 1..til .iiiMlrl ' 11, gui'rt ATIP.K on le , iplof S damp (or lOcta ) It < nam yuu i nan Mlylnn -md lent oar Pattern.. A. liurdatle MwlUi, l It. nil, hi., NEW YOltK < ITT. THe Um Class Season Am CM THE TKRFi.E rg* pw fteaaa). * an.andtd new kiagloa w.., Coaventkm and Ohoh luri, if ix T <1 Plane*. A* a Chotr hnae Manila Kut tea iargn .1 uw, Aa a mnglug ftia.n ftak. to inai. tha maaprr an. aawiiar MM Mac* it ba* mack mora utnWc, tkal )a Ub paaaa of aan ftun*a and Hum and ifti pagm af the tw kriwri %M and AidAnai pa'-tmoa ciugdai awlWdri.iait-fiaa.far hi AO. hamemtwraimiTHE VOKS OP WORBHtP If* • par i duarn . recent.> nd.artwadi Junaao* • Maw Mrrnaa ; run hiamaa Caaaaat.ah aacn.iel bewd tftlftlper duaaag and L O gnuiv u a iwwaan rAc pec I ai). ftaad for Spw ituMia OaUiucnea. m t-Vcn.ar* Am CM. ITI DKBT*' IJTB !■ Mlftli I (glue), nit* IbUu-itution by CnaaiM i>m*r Inwa I lit uf th* yaiiiaat U CuUaga f— f A cap.l.l hank fw I aocia. atngint fMbf Wttt An inra uati, Uealwa so ttr , nrimcuaa and m*agm meat of the Vueal urgaua WittpiAtaa Am CM. The iwt namaar #f Ton Mawnac ftalna. fteud ail OT2.U tor UM a*wow. gtw foe tta yaaft - W uaidal ha wtthoal it for fte. Umaa ika pnoa* ot.trKH oiraox a CO., *■*■. j c. B. DITOOS A CO.. HI Broadway, Baw Tartu J. B. DITOOS A CO., i Chwual gtrwt, PkllaAlpkA •• II feela like n hall of Ore railing up and dunm Uw rhiak' 1* a ", rapnnaiegi amuag aatftw an frum tndkrrilna Then aw lirrant'ft Srlfxpr Ippripst. g*C the into a br* thy . 'Ullticia. ao that the uigmci.e organ* can do U.r; egiUmala eat, ant yea 1-MllCfd aflrr aadne I" .j- jui. la the frail fu. m.iUk: of man., nail .woaar. laanittng from Che t "-pit .cdldltnin at the aUanwri and ttr aperieDt cm>- ... o9 eiaily and p.cnaanUy the caow, aad Una caraa the dtaeaee IQUi BT AU- iiRrUHWTft. For PeautT ad PoUtt. baring Labor. Clan althaea : Duiahuii] and iWkrn. I neqaaOd. auAf fa>r. rr prhru.ra. Cnptoa. Maw <& MAT AGIES FLEMDG. Put wbod thla week a aplendVl new aoeri, entit.ed i I'uuo ai Smaag. by May Arne* r .eonng the pawatar I ."trior "f tu> Ic , tl'i Wile." "A Wonderfai Woman - A t.m.r ttorrt •ru Elwantly he aad la < .da. uniform men ber , ther novela. prtor gI.M. I ... Tbt. w one of the beat novel, ever pabiwbed aed ! eerybou, ttoobi tend it O.Tk .C ABL.KTON A CO.. Pnbttahara.lTT.CSty i fWQLLER'S jja" COD-LIVER OIL U psrfotlr parr. Prmcnm^Ttbm bm by tly •R tucwivoai uUwnui as ti* x*i4. <Nwo lunheel a p ~n -TV Wnw*nri far am. OMh AO BUFFALO BILL," Ikt famoa* Moot. UUda. Ham tar and Ae*ar—a nana kp >mi f n tte iivaiieal and aiWut book law that ha* app.i-id lor ynara Ag*nw abnMy at wort art rnahmg bit U M hand at once aad aooara tofniory. Pur alma- Un atld Ifbe-a. w-ta* apply w _ TRATft E. kI.IOO, Bar tfta* ft, g fftpTTl I Seiiaace may tw placed ta Ml I llnnl'a Krmrdy f.e the I H K I lemnpccarr of bidney.ltiad l.ier and tnnary Ihamam. • T j Hunt a Kamaedy ntw UTMOST sisss Try llwnl a Hrnwdy . fa-Du fir pami R cIJtRKg. Provtdaaaa,B. L jpi CURED FREE. r;i( I 1 An InfaillbJe and unagre ed Remedy for I i ' rtta.Kpllenap wr Kalllnadttchneaa imrraaled tc elteci a pwly and H 1 reRNA.TKTT ore. H ( llUn " A ftee bottle "d w I'fill resowand agwrtflcand a ealoaMr I I A T-r.Oae net,t to anj autfvee H III) while* me km P t> and lr> " pnn addraaa. - Da. U li. Rln'T Ainu Pea-'Jt-eet K ew Tot* WARIfR Nil IBRSCTI! 1 M JHfm* awAllba ltl|hif 'Je.idJ.HL. twrmal \| u JTmF pari! V:xroitiok, i MHMr H bJSI lll.E HlKc ttMHET JM ■ lA-wnowf ♦ iIH frtfß |Lk TfcoS / KKrBjin.9wi / •kA hh< IftVM* fthl oof U4DO M * moo RhoAl, tl M Vp .1 ♦ i I ur r<wld i * oil om4t*| BtrcMtiß. ■ - irtn rtb :• tm*lvf|, 1.1. iMpmowwa * a era KTED WT, i TDR nwfect ca-e for ail kind* of PtI.ES I 1 * to 100- bottle. In the wnrgt HRTWM caae* of 1 xf'RtlSV SCROPT LA (dU#yJi hAt.T htili M. Rflkl MITWM MUfn K:i>vrt\DTPIP!iIAX'AKCKR. ■ ■TTTi\!lkl CAT CRRR. and all Jlaaaae. o# the ©kLA|MBB| >ti\ v lilr.ip Enttreiy Ta*r- LnFIE lab e li.teTw; and agVrnai uw ■BSWMJLL3MP. R"tr :eu>-nedpr all caae. of Ihtl v— ' ire none for * rear*. Sold eeery. who.* Send for pemph.eb hi a botUa. H. I. IWWI.K. Bwndna. EASI 4I * 1 "" Tt e eery twi aood. direct Don the tmporte-e at Rail the una coat. I'-eat r-.au ever dtered u- flab Ateoh and large Buyer*. AU EXPRESS CRAhdB PAID New te.-ni* PRJUL The Hrcat AmpricAD Too Ompoay, SI tad STTenar Otroel, Baw l'nrh. j p. O Box tttft. —wOlfiltT THIS NEW TRUSS -wm I r >l* • fbd dlftrrtag ben ail Mkw* W r.yww. eitk be!' <. U., Raft wiuioeJ srsressrars (be Bwala k best we.trlr ftay ana aiggt. aad a ladual On w klo It W nor. datable aad aheap, btl M M. Cueatera "**- Egglesloo Truss Co., Chicago, IIL, PAGI.NTS WAkTU ro> TKt ICTORIAL HISTORY •' WORLD nrontas .OTS 9n- hljtork*' encravlug* and liRKI larce -i.-nb-e-C'i mn pace* an-l U the m.t c-iuplet# ~f |he Wc: i r.er nuliluihed. It wll* at right S- in! for. pec men twee* and extra term, for Arenta. and ►ceahylta A farter than any other txiok A drew XAVioaAg Pcnir.mau Co.. Plii!a-tel|dila, Pa. Enaoo A lirftnlin (abinet Urgana Demonrtratel be*t by HP til EST HONOR.-! AT AU WHRUPS KXPIWITUINP Fi'H TWKI.VE YEARS, via. 1 at PAW. HT: Yiaaaa. I*TS; SaartAno, t.O: Paibaam ; rau INJ6. Piarx. 1-CM. and Uaa.o SWXDI.B (ioth Masat 1 HOT ttniy AmertcAii Ortan* ever awarded highegt hom or* at any >uch. 9oM for raab ur lnntallmeuta. lixun vxATas Cavaioeinw an t Circular, with new atylm aad prtcw. aent free MASON A HAM LIN ORUAN CO, i llswUin. Now York ur Cblragu. ■% /a I ■■ 1 wiling our (vut.le lo Wnrreaa t Cover* 1/ W btoa-iir ground than Utile Manual" and wll* at half the price • Particular. Dee! IV- 11. TUOMPNUX A C'.. il'J Haw ley Sl--eet Boatun. Man*. "ure r.itt-1 ACTTIW t KIDDER'S PASTllLEß^a^owe.,Tt-m gEBBBBKMCaMMMMNMBPT - • - Mat, BARNEY & BERRY'S T Calalaoue wnt Free. _ _ _ _ \ Aililrvift. S K ATE S. I ■USSSnS. 527- AHIII |J llnl.ll At Nkln lMaraans. Tata lip** I INI aaod* cared. Lowed Price, Itonotfa Ull LI ITI to write Or. P K MaiehQutncv. Mieh GH o lr a no a wrn'oC-mp ete Work, and Dr. Foot*** ailillYSHe.U C a n*,tni MO*TBIT.I yearforgl Sample copy/mr Murray Hill Pub .Co ,IR tftthHt.N Y. nin PAt .—Wll What 4 llllwrta. will rapidly for ltd eta. Cattlogue free, DIUs N Sraacaa. Id'A Waah'B St.. Boaton Maw _ * Month and expe wa guaranteed to Agenla vjjv # ■ outfit free Saaw oo.Auon.va Mama ftfifi " weak In your own town. Term, and ftAOntß e"" free. Addrew fl Hat-t-nv A Co.. i A IRA Hand eat*- ar, to tactile. Oat at Pre. ' FID I 4 Addraaa P. U. VICE SKY, Augneta, Maine. (mustang Survival of the Fittesti A PAIULT VKBICIWE TBAT 84* lEALnR MILLIONS BtU.fß M HUM! MEXIC4S SUSTiISS LISIBESTf A BALM FOB KYEMV HOtXD Ot'M MA< AND VBAHTI THEOLOEBTABEBTUNIMENTI *T** tUPZ IN VMJtUH A. BAT.IM LARGERTHA* ETEE. 1 Tha Mexican hM been known for mar" Hi > th.t,p-Be ■ Ban •• Hi'- l*-e' or i. : i an anil !'•••*' 1 '' ' * *r"M lanpr Itmn >vr I* rnr n'H tHlwra fall, nn<t |wwtrt rafted! B n, I'JMMW an<l mux i". u iiya •-/ ban . ffJ H)lhu4 rwmmsxsrf?* sar* ' MT V-*W~ : CAPONIFIEP HkllOM Italia Me laartalratxl It FOB FAMILY SOAP MAKING. DtrartaoM inrnrtpinra* tack MfNM Ml ul MM lm akkl|. rr U rcLL WMJOMT Aim AT* A* HTM. m Milet I* Bunded with (woM) Oilinim—H Lr • . wt ca h adalteeftlM wttt aaJI am Main, aed m "" MA rt MQjnr. AMP BUT TBM Saponifieß ■ADS ST THS FMISTJIYASIA Halt MuaTf C*^ UtSlirumSliUß! (oocixi* irrasar xorst.} EASzm snns or w. s. cusxs. 1:0. . JBEI JTOCTIO2T CITY. - SAITSAS. We placa loau oa Improved farma toaita net Inventor* from T to 16 per erne So looaa are tuade tor exeardtn* onw-ttUrd the appraised vain* of the Canal. Title* perfect and propetfy pmonilJy !• ■mined by oa Write for full partlewlara #-.Sew England reference given FOK CAM T A 1.1. DBA I.KB*. Awarded fAa MKITAL Of AfO.VO* erdß CawrewaMl and /••■ geinwa.vaar. Chicago. FUtfTR LUBRICATOR CO.. Sr Ywk. th sin iiui cs. rtrel MaMhktd I Weed —nioftl the.a iKBTRi MKXTS he** a ftuadard Talea la al ma Leading Markets , Of the World! *WTrfcar* -aooraWad aa Uw FIX EST IS TOWS OVER 80.000 Vtariv ari In nae am nwqaa oewtaal y. In Wort and Lovaat Fncea T Bead for a Oatalogva. Treooit St. ODD. St. Easts*. Miss EXODUS fi££rS£S!Sifrx*.w 3,000,000 ACRES ■malt Dm* Famaa* Wm RIVER VALLEY OF THE NORTH, V l MOKJMLAY, Land h . B. (ft rn. L0.0.F. - LafP. ■'lßrfllllil Lao T.■ mlM LafH. f 4^*lwe^Med!tn^a^l^the^#d^*| made to ordar by .f. Ullrj At Cm, CUawAaa, I i*a. t.ad /W- Frtw iAmtm- MiUtary and Fir—en* Peoria, hamiara 6 Flag* | PENSiONS. ■aw law. Tl am*. at BaMlan and hah* alht Pantiua* data hack la ilkfhargi ar death new tanOnL Addrwa with mat, 6BOMI B. LKS6B, Bra war hhh, Weak !■■*■■ A S ARAIUA s v " Ootdm Tongue Seeda h fIRRANS ttcfa 1 Stogo. Knae tweßh UnUMIIO YYnlnuf tana, warranted (I ■wwaawwwaw .ran-, Stoo! and Book. only ten. Mew T Oct. Pin no.. Stool. Coyer and Boot only gItS.T.V Utr.t lllwatrnlrri Newprr wot free. Addrvat Daniel K. Bentl> .Wuahtnitton. M.J. ■otter. If unaMe to none jrocr babe, place It al oaee oa Ki<t*e't FooC. Manufactured by WOOI.KICII * CO., Palmer. Maw. i ' n.estlnthearorld-linporteri- prlca Tm Ax lnry.fl Comiwnr In Arucnca—SUp e I Mvl article—P.eaaes eerrybody—TYwl* jn unuaiiy increaalnt—Atenbi wanted ererywbere—Beat lteluiementt—Oon't waate Ume-Send for(lrcu.ar ROBT WII.US 4S Venev 9t..K Y. P <> Bin iaW7. * Mr nxxle of kHpiac Winter Applea t~ST aim pleat, cbnapeal and tnrejt aver discovered •sent SI.OO It M. L. BRAT, CMnrlaatoja, llllnota. and get fn". luatrucllcnt me /\/l te liw pr Month to AaenU. Addrtti ©1(H) TATLOB COPTtWO CO , Bocheater N T nn RA A A TUB VAHAWTKEI $2,500 Agent. Wanted. I have the be. thing* for AgenU. Over SOO agenU are now making from Mto til • day Send .tamp for tnrttculara. Rav AT. iti'Ol.M' I'n -Northumberland Co.. Pa .. _ . -- in Wall t Stocia roak $lO to SIOOO Addrew BAXTER A CXI . Kaal . IT Wall ft-.W T. e.n n weak. CM a day at home eaaliy ma>ie. Coaliy VIC ,nufli f— Addraaa Tana A On.. Auentta. Main. AQQAjfU TEAR, Swr WRtt.lt *: ' OOOUU'*—• cm fomt, at bwi>..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers