I<K THE FAIR SEX, I'aihlnn Scoop bonnet* ar# worn. Fokc Iwnnet# arc fashionable. Jabots prow longer and l-piger Flush will be worn all summer Cashmere* are very fashionable' t lilt buttons are the thin s on K-ot l.idi-- neat gentlemen's scarf pins. Shoulder tiipti mm again Mioukk. Risque polonaisi s w ill Is' mm h worn Suits t two shadt an' out ot tashio-i Shirring wiU be nvcb tuml thin aunt nter. French la-lio- of fashion mw only on color. Slurred fronts are seen on new over skirt* l.irge bonnets nr> preft-rrvd to mm. ones. H ret on i> the ..we ot the passing mo menu Turbaus are worn both in and on (Wis. * I'ln short -kill is as si Tt behind t before. R ret on la.. shots and s, ,irl- at. a. the rage. There are lv"> kind- of niching in th market. The cutaway still retain* its hold 01 fashion. I'rvstal bonds will decorate linmn' fringes. Stia-i bmdtm Mtd to ttodbin k mtii slipped. The humblest flowers are ptvfvnv this year. New walking !sv>t* are to Is- higher it the ankle. The edges of bonnets are left unlxHim litis season. Mvrt.e-green is a favorite among tie spring sitades An antel>u's ltea.i tlie .ast orv.a ment for a fats. Roth high and lew -urban cap* ar. fashionabl- Black chip is the favorite U>nnet foi all invasions. Shirring is very fashionable on i . summer garments. Skirts of short dnwees retain, theii narrow dimensions. The straw hattl in i tight colors. are t, 1-e used tor trav cling. l.aee g'ovis with lon, fingers an* com ing into fashion a,.-.in. Gkw i*> are long, reaching to the e Jxw for full evening toilet. Suits in two shades of the same : are going out of fashion. Wihtrati are often made to wew OV-r the basque as under it New parasols have flatter tops that the canopy one* of last summer. Rostilti.ti and fan trimming! it the back of hasques an revived. F'elut-•ol .irvttes and ihul ool.Atvt:--, give a drossy ,fIV rto lain tel.. !. Panama tweed*. for light sum met dro>~*s. a>k like Panama ,anva>. The turlwn is the i.i*hionnb! • cap ft young ladies ami young married women Cat's made of silk handkerchiefs, in turltan or Ko(BHßd] form, are nit:cb worn. f'.ir.ier s. arfs and drajvries apj-enr ot a'i Paris dram brought over this spring. Immense ouiatitie* of !.:-!e threat! gloves have tieen imported for summer wear. (lamet. blue glass i-ui rvi vl an' eom bineti in saute of the new hair orna ments. l>ark velvet. Ugh shirred satin r In dia tuus.itt are all it-- i Ibr facing spring bonnets. Graduated jet hall* will lie u- -d for the fa.-e trimming o! black lace U>t:nei< this year. Shad's of yellow, from pile straw or corn. to d p ta\ ami old gold, are very fashionable. Yerv large flowcr*. c*p,vt:iliv ros-sand ehrv- uith- '.nutus. are u%-d i:t Umnet decoration*. Sorb at tinemt. edged frith Bp-ton 1.t.0 are as often vv orn lor liortn-t string" as for necktie*. The beetle pin- and brrs> lies w ill be u-ai on In-th blue, gf it and white bon nets this year. Tea rv ->. old g•. i : Prim -of Wales na! will 1-# u*<*d to trim black lace l*>n ttets this year. Tlw market! fts'ur in the new .-ver kirt ar tie si. fronts uni l>ouf falit ha- k draj* fits. Satin fo'.iis ar-- BOt stitched ua dr.--*--*. hut liti-il vvith wig ia and caught down with blind stilt lies. Underskirts have phited rufot ol Hamburg • uibroi l ty. ami art made vv ttb deep yoked at the top. Hark i d and • r-nm. pale S- vr- * ami tea rv—* ami g- tniann- -blue and r-ai are to 1-e fa-hii-noble eotubinatioas. Balmoral -kirr- of gray mohair trimmed with on- • -r twopiaited flottn are li n tor summer wear. White cambric waists are made up with ten plaits in front and - ight in the lwefc. and bare plaited Itch-. Princess over 1 of caaiei's-htir. that can b- let down and worn for wrap per* ar- eebii-mtiva! n-vc Crystal gias" bnttoh-. *om- lint- - eal.—i Rliin.- p-bn)- nil in fleet, ami *-t in p.at ina ardabown for waist- oats. French bunting, a tine, light vv-*-! goods. is tLit material in u*e f.r spring and summer half-mourning o-tuiu-. The cashmere* in alternate glossy and watered *tri|x - an- to 1m u-. <i for morn ing wrapper* ami <ir—ing sa*ques. Blue and lav n-h-r are tin* favorite colors f<r trimming dr-*s caps. Th-- iaee i* cashmere, -kutde or Breton, x* one ehoos- -. Bonnet -tring-t "etied in a larg ■ lovisc bow under th< eliin, not at the side, <r they are simply crossed in front, the ends forming a jabot. The three -!iap - of the Mutier are tbe Xin-'n. tlie Nim'tP and the Nli-u-iU"t.ir". The manufacturer* do not se-*nt to have been too fortunate in names. The novelty in spring bonnet* i* of (soft chip, or Tfsejfc straw, with a large brim of th situ-- dimension* all around; tlii- hririt t|#liiilfnftsindent t-> suit tie face of th<* wearer. Spring skirts mav I-- triinimsl with gedmgs of pinke-l-out rose-leaf -ilk. rrom live to seven row - of this material are needed, and they an shaded from rite deep to the pale tints. Ribliotis in three shade- -if -atin ar-- sometimes u--'t -in -me lionnet. They are arranged one over tie* ->th-*r otj the -ide, and a bow'vf each i* placed on the front alxjve the face trimming. RouSarit ilraperie-. whether on the !pr or back, ar-; placed higle-r and higher, the fullness more oft-*n Ix-ittg tilttcvsl jast lielow the waist line than lower down on the skirt. The newe-t white lawn and cambric waists Itave -the front* in ti<-hu style, made with a- palate piece in sj\ pji-at* on each side, -ewe-1 in the sliouider seam-, and tapering to the waist. The rightside of many of tlte pattern bonnet- is left almost bare. The trim ming is ma—ed high <-n the front and graduated toward the liack on the left *ide, ending then in an elaborate Imw; but the right fre-iuently shows only a doubled ribbon, wltieh ptissea hark wan! and drops to fonn string*. Mmall Feet. For the sake of having smail feet many an otherwise sensible woman will mar tyrize herself bv pinching those unlu- ky members of tlte body into boots of a size too small. As a natural and necessary result of such pinching confinement, tin foot lxecomes defoi :ned and larger than it would naturally --r >w. vvith large joints and toes turned fir m a line parallel with tlte foot, to say nothing of sin- trouble some corns so annoying and crippling to a large class of young women. The worst results of this crippling custom of wearing small and narrow boots is felt by children when allowed to outgrow ♦heir boots. It is pv-or economy to allow the young to wear boots when the feet Itav e become too large for them, since deformity of the feet is --asilv produced at this time. When the boot is too short and the heel too high, the ingrow ing of the nails is a jierfeetlv natural result. Children will have sufficient ills to contend with without this crippling from deformed feet, the most prominent cause of which mall and badly-fitting boots and sho Ftthinut for f hlhtrrti. Among the latest Parisian fashions in children's suits, says a New York paper, are the following models: For a miss about twelve year* of age. a pretty suit is composed of pearl-colored faith and cachentire, trimmed with seal-colored feather* The princess dress is cut in the l*ngli*h style, and trimmed on the ! lower part of the skirt vv ith two plaited flounces, surmounted h\ a band ol feath er*. Tin front of tbe Ore** ooii*i*L* of a plait-si faille plastron, tlw ->tn' piece a!*-- forntinu th -i-* p turu-'vl down collar This i* bonlered -<t\ either *l-1- with tin -am-' tiimming l>ovvu the middle ->f th-' hack of th- 1 waist there i* also a plait-d fuill-' trimming, forming two band*, wltieh separate at the wai-t Th-- ■ b-It-is t\t-atd down ->lt the -ktrt. form in; th- 1 -i-i- trimming ol plait-si , flottn- >s, vviih which ih< l-itv k -'I the -kitl t-is-v-'tssi On the lower part of th- p.-tl-sl band- i- i faille pocket, trimm-al with mil but ton-, mid a band of feat In r- Oil the end i- a ribbon bow Tbe-i-vves liav > t-lait-si - itfl'-. tt tuttmsl with buttons and leather- This feather trimming - tut !>-• t-'plactsl bv fringe Gtss tt ea.-hi ttiire ami blue t allle make an -■M i-.i-att -hi-i - I'ostum-- V -i-s i- plait -si fl-vtutc- trims the 1- vvet nart of the -kin It t- t-ar tttsi tit the center in front by ay at- l pi. > • pl;. -si • ts—svv Also, tin- pUjta) fl.-un,-' t- another narrow one plar-vl -<tt v-tv fu. , ami taken up in front aln-v- tin -r-iswie plaited in a point It t-suin-ottnt-sl !>v a bht- fa ill- fold or piping I --op- ot blue ribhott fa'. over tin point. I p th front of th-- skirt an' three hi t- kind* of ca.tumire. liiuslnsl with a blue uiiic v'-miipg Filey e\t<nd up the ft->ut in -•urv .s.'ik- tin platted trimming ' u Fit-'—' liaiui* -re f v*temsl -l--wn --i either *ith- bv mother of pewri buckle*. A faille-snS:ttg i* taketi across the utkl-1.- ->l the waist in a curve, tun) sew oil in the *- an umi-t tin arm I hi* -it-** opi-ti* in th- ki- k. from th-- tusk d--w n, otlly ut tin - e inches d-s p Ihe ls'v e is trtmtmsi with a faille plaiting, surtu-mnt-sl by a Ittutd - t the same. Flu deep eoslat i*->f la- e app.ique on a blu faii.e Collar. Vmither -i-mbination i* piain-tvlonsl fait?-' ami Ivorv-whitc -aehemire -i-- rin-ie Flo fuiia-skirt has two p!atl\i floiltn e- From tin- llts-k -i.-vvti i- a pin trott plait-si :n hollow plait-, the j-iitit twssvming much largv r tovv ar-1 the on - r j>art >-f the-kit t Flic, --hemirr tuniijm i- -ut up.in the ba. k It i- >p- t> in front • >ver the plastron, and mined bv two .• .ads huttoniug over. ou' i* a.tosstln i-ts'.ist, ami the .-tln-r ever th- -kirt The -i-s'ptr has fail - rev- is Fit- -lecw* are triimmsi vvith a " - e p aiting. sur m-'unted by a - utl of the suue g-snl* Horrors >f m Fruirie Fire. V Top. ka tK -n * correspondent -u th-- St. I amis A'wucnarf writoa: Another t rrible prain- lirv ,* tvts-rt-'-l fi-.-m Rit tlt t'iss-k. north of l.imoln t'ent-r. 1 tn -s-In county. w hieh -lestrvwe-i - v cry thing in it* path, ami r>-*ui(ed in th- death of litre- p-fsor.s. It appears that about four ucl-s s in th- aftvtnvH-n Mr M->nt gv-niery. ooevifthe weli-to-d-< farni-r* --f tli.it ** ti"ii of tlte county, and hi* *•-..- ky of about twelve, were in tit-' ti-id at work. vv lien th- \ tli.-i—v -1-.i a fir ing from the west, ami they stopj--i tlieir work to k* ; the fire from th- It-iig-'. vv h-it th-- w u-.l sudd<-nl\ .-hange-l t- iln- north, blowing v. rv hard and ami cold, and k -ring k fore it a second tin . which entite with th- tleem--** ot a hors-. It s-eins th- re vv- r- two field* near, on either *ide, ait-1. *•-< ittg th- ir -laitg-T, the U-y -tart--l t- -•• field and th- father to th-* i>tlt- r. T l-- U-y wa* caught in the flame* ami f* 11 i<> th gr.-m-l in-tan: v. \ i ighk-r bv th name <.f I*l- FtatT. who vva* passing mar on amu . gallttp*-! up to Mi Montgom- r . and indu---ai him ■ mount tin' mule 1- him) him a:: rii to tim field. Mr. Montgomery im-uni-v., but. -'.-•ing hi !oy 'a... 10-t ail ; re- u of niin-l and thr- vv It:- .--ruts around Mr I Tart", catching the bri-11- - riin- and hohlingthe mule -til! while they wer •nreloprd in th-* fl.-un-- Roth m< a dropped to the ground, and the lire i-v—*l ,v<'r th-'in Fh<- nitii-- ran a -liort distanee and IV,. ''e.i<i. The two men an—' to their f-. t, ami til-' wind aud tlie tire took their clothing from them n tliey vv alk-si to tie* neare-t ti--;d ahout one hundred y mi* di-tant. Mr. Ft art"- ft* I wen- -•> ba-tiv burned that Iti- Imot* ■! ! from him it walk-- 1 A Mr Manning came to th-'in front the nearest li-Hi*,- with a -nuple of .juilt*. which it wrapjted about the two ten an-i carried ih- tti to tlie hou-e He icn cam-'-l tin dead ?*>y to tlie house oth men were t-erf-s-tly rational, and cam versed fr--iy witli tin— around th- iu up t-- within a few lmurs of th- ir, death. Mr. Mnt g"'tt-"\ live-; fiis-u! tvvo hours, and Mr t'faff lived until aiM-nt '-vrn vi'ci-wk •hat niglit. Mr Montgon. - 1- av*s a wife and *' ven children, most f whom r> grow n: Mr. I'fvff htt-s a wife ami one . hi -i. having buried two children ,uit r- nt .'.on-* itv-t a day previous t-> 10-ing hi-own lit - whil-littenipting to -av •* that of an--' her. Roth w--re w.-U --to-io and liigh}y-r---j—-' I farmers. Mr. Montgomery w a-about orty-fii • or fif v -ar-of age. and Ff: al-out tiiir' Fit-- t:r-- i.urnc-l on- e.two hors--> —*v • rat le ad of h<g-, a . „ tvvo thou sand bushel- ->f -a-rn an-i voii-idenvble • -th--:' grain i*loii_ing t-i Mr. Montgom ery. and hi- -tat • ami house, with everything in th- m. tin family barely • scaping v\ jtii th-ir live* Koßianre <| the Nnord. Th- cii-toni of muning swor-i* wa at p-. uliar to the Celtic races, or t' vmtiparativelv motlern times, but pre vtiil-*i among the earliest nation* of ;uiti |Uity. Ile-swor-l of Juliu- t -e.- r. for in-tun---'. was known :t* t'rneea Mora, •r th- r-*i drath. 'Flic ehanipions ->r hern-** of the Cimhri. a-iimting t" Flu tar h, a* .jitot-*! in Mallet's Northern Anti-jUiti--. "took paHi-'tlL-ur -an to procure very k--en sw ■ ads, which they in-ri!w--i with iou> ebara-'ters, tmi -i-fi-'il by -m il n un- - a- might in siiirejtern-r." And thev not only named th-'ir swi-rds, but thir bann-is; th-- banner of I far--id Ilar-irada vv a- -oil- d the kind Ravager; an-i to tlii* day the gre-n flag of Ire .and is celebratil as t Its *>unlurst --f F.rin We have no uiodern epithet- to dcscrilie the svv- r-1. a-ni such narm-s a- vr> have for our banner! an pr-esiie --iiough. What can he niori emninonpla-'e than the nan e of the flag of Gn-at Ifc'it.iin—the I"ni->n -la k ' The star-spangled banner ♦ the t'nited State- t.ik''- a 1-* vulgat apjiellation. but -pangled is a t-oor word, .and .-veil--- no particular entnusia-'ti. And ail tin l-'tt-T. To 1-' f--nl <-f implement* and mbl-'tii* of slaughter, tin-l to talk of them afFectionately. i- to 1- fond -f u-ing them; ami it i*. as far n* it goes, a hopeful -igti that tin- weapon* of iiuml -•rn warfare ar-' not t*<n*idered to have any romare-e or fas-trv aU-ut them, '-ut are held at tx*st to lw the n<* ---.sary evils of -air expanding i-nt still imps-rfeet civilization, and lead* m*n to think of tin* time *o k-ng in eonitng. hut which all of tt- hope will come .at last. " when swords will !-• turri<*i into plowshares, and sp-'irs into pruning ok*." — All th> i'ntr Ruttnrt. A Singing Rook. Another- urioUs phenomena ot sound is the singing Ix-.k. now a philosophical toy. Thanks to M. I'ollard, navy en gifierr nf < .'herbourg. it is within every intelligent iM-rsonV r-aclt. You place a small Imm-k on the table, tin* floor or a • hinuiey-pi-s .. ami pre*--ntlv it ilitinct h emit* song*, -ai risl anil profane, or -Itief- t-y a piano. <-r harp and violin solo-. The l-Mik i-compos--1 of ordinary paper, leave* of the latter, alternating with sonic "f tin. Th-- metal leave* are unit-si. the last two w itli an electric - ur rent. forming thti- a condenaer. Tlye top and bottom sides of tin; volume com municate with an electric wire running along the wall, but concealed, and ter minating in a idle in another room., where the speaker or the singer, etc., "deposits" the sound* of hi* voice in a wooden mouthpiece containing a metal plate ami a stylus, which, touching a spring, sets free the electric current* and transmits th<- sound to the lxok, where it is repeated—a phenomenon not yet capable of being satisfactorily explained. —Paris Letter. A Story of Garble. We all know he i* a worker; but not all men know to how severe a test hi* industry, patience an-i courage were once put. He lent hi* manuscript of the French Revolution to the late Mr. Mill, who in turn lent it t<- Mrs. Taylor. She, through Minn-unaccountable carelessne**, allowed it to drop front her hand to the floor (the lady cannot Itave slept over the most glowing and picturesque of nar rative*) without picking* it up, and the next morning a housemaid duly lighted the tin- with tlie priceless leaves. Mill went to recount the mishap to his friend, and looked so thoroughly miserable that Curlyle, bo far from uttering a syllable of reproach, was at much pains to con sole him. Rut the. loss vv as a real calam ity, for C;u'lyle had kept no copy, and the rewriting of the work he has de scribed as " anguish." it was accom plished in six months. TIM EI.A Tories. llcit Krupp. the famous German gun maker, itasjust eclipsed ail hi* former efforts bv constructing a new steel cam nott, which is the largest pi-ve of steel ordnance vet mad- It weighs < v - tvty two tons, 1* thirty two feet long, ami li-v* ,i caliber of tw - tity-one and three fourth inch-'*, while that -l the English eighty ton gun* Itu* only eighteen incite* Flic charge for thi* iiiou*tot gun i* to be lb- of prismatic potier, tin proj-vtih l-ettig a chilled iron shell weighing I.W l-vunds an-1 having a bursting ehatc tVV.lllV tVVO t'<itlftlls of ihiw -h t I 11 force ul the-not oil i- av trig the gun i* estimated at Sl,lM*t fo->t toll*, and it i . a\at itcd that vv lt< t pointed .at an tingle <>l fort v-three degree* with the tn>ri.*--tt the gun will throw it* prona-tiie a-li* tan-*. -f rtftecn mi!-- FJie last ciivutnr of the Illinois Slate lo.ar<l •!' agt I. ultuif give* tb- f-n.-wttig table, which is of inter-*t Fit- shrink age of value! ot tai nt crop* of lab yMW owing t> the -i-'pt--sioli of bitsiiu-ss ami larg- yield of ---iwot the - a-iing -taps- *. vva- piojs-rtionat- v tslti't in I* * than most art teles of men haltvlise, a- tnav I ** n bv a - outj-ai l*viti ol the av crag pines f,n t la- Slate the pa-t t lit -*• v ■ at S \ - - l\<ttv, y.s S.tsln S t> vt t- W inter whewt |*-t fit* tOl t t't sptvug s hist |—t t>u t V i >al. j*. bu!te! Ht i live. |er t;he! .V> i: >' Hart--- -er twishel &t C Uut k-K linstl per tntslie! Pt-Utov-o pet tsvsltel 'is .*. IT Wmlr! |*t t l 11 SO '*> I IST . pet ut> (> id 'S I ' ! tlrel rattle gtv*,s . -t T .1 37 '• I n! gn<! 4 i*y 4 •*! - H' The dt-cov-ty ,-f p- trv-ieum ha- - vv-ai malty a penny to th poor by bringing light to their houses at a low* price But in -otue of the ton u ot lle pcirv at l;stf.cts. th- now ilt-covcrt is a o tosei vv as ft. In East l.ivct ia. t liio, the _;. is vv . ..- sivtu to Im-1-1 all ill- \ll -llst il-le stlpplv til exlelt-ive Sl-t-ui ot ug -art - C' -a- nto ' rln tt v where, in -'.--v.- pKuuvljl cutuUtVtW, it -I-** all the tiM-king ainl wanning. Many familn - ill the plare to -m i..er fuel than tlii* gu* Thev find Ik i.ib*|llat for all their need*. In the street iantj-* it i- allow sl to burn by -iav a- well as l-v night, because it cost* mow to turn it off than to eon-utnc it (Jt-svt pott-ry manufaeturvs are carried on in th- town, the ga- supplying all the h at. A* tin well* have been in U*c twenty y-at-with out any* sign of evkvllstiou, tlie p-s-i-.- fts-i m- anxi-'tv aln-ut th- ir futur- -up| > Ea-t Livonia i* a g-**l p.a- • t-- • tnigrat to wh-n ga* hi:.* gr-'W hurdeusv-me. \ mound -itni to those - t common iu the WcMtrn Stat--* wx* n*- tit .v fooad and opened in Japan, ami ientifl- - v amination of its coutcut* afford* groum! for a very -trotig argument t!- t canui laii-tit was pra- tn -sl. |H-rhapahabitua 1 iy_ t-v some ul til-' am i-nt inhabitant- --t tliat country. That the Outort ti.oumi vva- Hot a t-Ulib Was -uAn l- titiy *boWn t-y tin la, t that the -k--.- t.-n- founvl in it vv ■!-•- m v- r c-ittpl- t\ ami that the iKine* lay about it* disord-'r, and in no relation to ea.-h other, wherea* th- U-n-s ->f !>ur : si t--ili--s would I-- found apptovt mat > in some jxeitiort possible in lift Moreover, th- human bone* w--rv ft-uml among titoac of other gnimala. and, like them, w - re broken into i- iigth* e-mv- a ient f->r eooking and eating, and were deeply scratelied In th-w portion.-, such - tin* j-ints. from which tlie--titer w.-ul-l timi tnot difficulty in removing the ffrah Fhe vlis-iivery i- a curi-'U- ->ne, as it i* h first indication of cannß-aiii-ut aiiioug a people whose cliaia l ri-li- > a- at pre —•ut km-wn strongly negative the pi a tiee !>> them of -o horrible a eust-uo. But similar • vi-l- me vva* held bv art'lue oktgjsts sufficient to prove the fomn r ■ \- :st--n -'of • anniba - in N-rth Vtiteri.a 11-n to f'leaa Carpet*. IP the evrjx-; i to fx taken up in-l i -eaten, the .r-'b ha-l 1-ett- f U- intru-t-ii t. some m ut who titsk- - it Iti* bu-iti-ss If tlii- cannot ' . don--, lav it on th gra-s -r hang it <-ti a - .-'tie - -• ami i-i-st it on th- wrong -id-- with eaj,- taking -arc that th-' van-- hav.- no -harp point*; then -pn—i the earjxt out ami -vv-ep vvell on the tight side. There i- mor> art in -vv.- ping a carpet than a nt-vi---' i- apt to suplx-s- An old broom -lioii.-l n- v--r be u*--l. and a new on- should b k--|-t • sp,*-i - v ft-r Ute carpet*. With Rruss-- - and v-.v-et carpeting there are tw>- way* t-> tit pile—just a- in v-'ivet ami th-'V should always 1* swept with th- pil. If a aij-t i- -w ~t against tlf gr en, it - n look- rough ami - ratehvii u;> Aft*r fe-ing sw-pt ami laid down on the floor, tlte carjx-t sliouhi lx- wiped, liave two pails, tne ->f clean *-• •.i-*n-!-. tin- other with lukewarm water, a el-an flann-. oth at d !w • ir- a t--W"i - Fake th-' carix-t by l-reavlths. wring th flannel >ut of the lukewarm water ami hold it so that you can turn an-i tt— it up and -lown thr-s- or four times <-n th- s.une pine-. Rub i>th w itli and against the grain a- harvi a* if you w>r' —-rubbing the il-wir. then throw the flannel into your soap-uds and rub the carpet dry with one of your dry towels. If }->u leave tlie c.arix't vv-f. the tiu-t will ti-'k to it and it will ttn il sotirnnd tnu*ty . AA i-h v--ur flan n-'l clean in the soapsuds, wring it out of the warm Wafer and pro •*-1 a- b< fore. If the carpet i- very dirty r ha* much gr- ti in it. u--- fr--sh oxgall in t!i- lukewarm wat-r, in the proportion of a quart of gaii t- three -juarts of vv tier, and nil- the mrp-t -iry. as a.re;ui\ dirtvt'il. Thi* rubbing a carpet rai--** tin- pile and freshen* tin- va-i-ir* — i'htl~ ti U ijJtui Times. Friendship. ' AVhit is it ? 1 -•-tuiies. vv .|.rls--f - It-- r and kiml actions constitute it f Ar-'tii- wit-- u-'ver uj-hrai-1. but ni*-t all our d'*il- with word* of prai*e, who flatter U- oft every {*ssilil<* ooeasion, t" le citt .*idere-l tru-- frien-i*' Tli-'ir att-'iiiion uiay be pleasant to ottr vatnify and con <*'it. an-1 k-*'p U in tin* Ix -t of hutm-r witli ourselves, an-1 vv.- may tliink tlieir eotnpany v--ry -I—iralil--. y-t they will n-t do t put faith their amiable ix-lutvior is often theclffiik for --'lf-iiiter --t The pcr*on who will fill u* our fault* — kindly, of cotirs- —who will try to t-a-'h us t<> *,*• -tiirselve* a* other* see us. who will show by a--!s rather than w-tr-ls that In* kindly regards us, i* nmre worthy of trust than -me w ho agr-*-- with all our s. ntimcnt-. right or wrong, ami who i e-|Uiilly r-M-iv to r-iinei-h-vvitii Mime one e. -*, ev -It if till! stli-i-'. t shouM Itapp-'ll to be our sln-rt-eotnings. Give tn-- the fi i-'inl who has th" same love for me al ways. who i* ready to "-peak up" ft-r me in tin* ini-lst of emaiii- *, ami rep- at what lie consider* my virtues a*an offset t-- the failing- th- > tuav reh-ars--. ami who will hob! ta-t t-i hi- faith in tity truth and goodness in -piteof defamation. Stielt fri- nds may s- aree, ittit when found, are priceless treasure*.— XtUfjtial Jivptist. K Chance Accepted. Here'* a chanc-- ft-r sonic enterprising naragraplfr who w ant.* to get up a po-'t t'-al paragraph' All you have to do j* to fill up the blanks; we'll furnish the rhyme*: risky whisky —— triiiit'runrf rniihft !lir*ri hurntiiM —•' Knikuk < oiintiuition." are not enterprising, but ran fill this out for you just as well a* not, <-n the condition that you w ill not Mie us for lite-l: The " C'onstitut ion'* out ot Its luiltitJ* are so very It* t>Arogrnpher wilt tuko VVhenevr lie ran gel no ii<- a-lv-eaten tli-v And Uien tor gin give#— —" Home Sentinel." A Frightful Scene. 1 luring an exhibition of some wild beasts recently, at the theater in a small town in Thuringin. Germany, a frightful eerie occurred. A l-*-pnr-l vva* not nearly -o submissive to the tamer as usual, an-1 dashed wildly about theeage. Suddenly two of the lair# gave way, and the ani mal sprang with a tremendous hound among the spectators in the pit. The terrified peplc rushed pell-mell to the door, but the beast attacked the hinder most of them with his teeth and claws, and in four minute# had killed a woman and a child, and fearfully lacerated four other person! alsmt the face ami n<-rk. The m-unent the leopard escaped from ils cage the beast tamer and his assistant.s liurried after it. armed with spears, but were unable to overcome it until it drop ped dead from its wounds. On examining tlie broken fairs of the cage, it was'dis covered that they had la-en filed. An attendant, lately dismissed for drunken ness, wa# arrested on suspicion of being tlie author of this atrocious deed. M:\VS SUMMARY. (.tslern and Mnldlo Slain*. Dating MnrvJi tlir I'luWlolphia wuil nuiniHl I 1.7 1.'.u.'0 of Uif % lifitc* l -* ,4 4 .i1 lhi iivciit st.iiin llm'U(toul New l-.ngland .in tJu* irii'ifjii n| tin- .1 osoti, nttil iltd exnmd Hlable .tsnuigv tii shi|'jii>g i..iig the > mwt |\ill\ litihiivi **i n> leuwiiixi HI New Vulk i tlx in Mnn li. ilh tiitiil lialMlttlrx ©mounting to j. ISO H'l mid ii—*n i ng-ivgnllilj: IT-M1,75* In th© pi-"* tiling month there w . rv |xrt> right tiiiluiv- with jH.itI.WMI t IihIhIHIB. In Miiti'li nl In -1 ii ir the tniuibvr til IwiUirxw Him rightx ■ ill. it) tin- ttahilitix- jph IvivKHi IC>• il. tin- lull" I iigU*hmmi Him * t!i' i ltmii| urn Wit nt tlir iih'l lit waiting until U in in itiiirr <inriti'ii N, xx ImL lm sailed liu 1 .ngUtlil Inking tilling thix tinlllX mill l*D 111 i iwh n- 111- -im IT ul the |Hills l IliT pede© ti urn iimltiH I nHii nl: along tlii'i i"n! Ihmi i'.-rtim.tt, Mi ll. llnttaia*. TOtiii' .turn* 111 lhi-nl-Tk.il mi.l liinwUi. mamt l-i tin rex-viil ln-Jf -l.wtn |ln .i.-iiilPi Kiminiiun -in hct | -a-sagi- ftxxui N. .1 Axuk 1.. I'mlimwl . litm i.i U ill one lih nllti nn t iiMM*t live xdhm * • *' 'd ,|. h...*r .Imimgnl New Ib-llmd 7 h, >7.'.'77...U1'' uiiW.-a... 1.... . all Uxx 1..- nl nil. I.!. Naitlmkrl - j Me —i. tt I t-iM-ii nshnlx", tun sunk. tn-i , -i nl !'. ill. \ - I-nm. > I'-'in \I-I\." iH. ill . iii'l- iii i I i.. k 5 . I ~ x alasl I.itli I'll 4' H XHvttwx ITjHirt till iIMW ■■l i -limit i-nill iiittil.tM.i-hi! hi n nJn.nl iiuui. h,.i ll.i ..11 l-ulxl l-' !•• mill *• feilml"' j-x©- ~ i_, \!nti-l ii-wl|rj*tlkli -. tl.mui© • ihit i>l titc exgitlii-n n.Miin. whx ii*e*l una . :.n nnik in l"tluuili • lninti ii, N. Nt ulk. 111. Htli' nil liu- link n tli-li til" iimti h 1 n.h-i mil- l>\ ihit luxx itxg ilt-xxpfi I till i-viiati-li-i Ihe .1 III!.id. ill nttinil.it lilt St. attention mi.l nm. tkiluii lbr -ught i-t n txktuiWr . n mn> ..1...-II tiin.ii.nl.. (liriuM-tii- ilowlx ninl joxtii t.iiii nr.mini tt lim k H ii- -i jmiiil-ii I'll-, m-i inn 1-luMiu terue.l n I rui-1 bx tin- oil i |H— Ihy in ,i*. lin nti 1-tiHht Vhh llvrg, i.'i tlilie* 1 .. Kii: ' -! . W.. ... - -I- ' V- " M li.n-. tl JW>, milt Inhux- 't&l unit-© uml A il Villi -l .Ulil'iVti It! ill li - Iti'lu till cli"tUi-lx ui Ulm.lv UUu i give V -ii 3Uu.lt (li.-jHilitktn). l--r gx.xeriwi, i 71 * xoto*. ~*n,< *' (rWiim-iW), MHt, ll,it (titv. dwell. Ill"1 x attiring, 4U.* lni ift V -ii 3S<iiti- uuijtirtty n* J _*;? Hsc tny-.tul \i-iiil>ly tn.t* -i!r llTjrtit-ti. ilw- ;*t- -t, S; 111. .-iiwcy - IliHiM- l;.! ut U- niii, fl?" UTIUII Tltlt* 1 til. I'liiJci-, I It ill in ,11-t tnn-l. IUU.I i<* . aiilkl lUat NV iui iit -! Uif N %V \oik. /li- ...I *'.!•* r,i I {. Kiiutii -l I utlo! tuiHMt'i > ! tti* luuin , .**-•* . • *Ut 4 lio ..ito f i-l tM t V li'trr frviu m1I iuin, llio uu>>J• t Ms !£<..!, -n 1 tilr iatu S tiller |MibliSklw%i I il 0 m Wrlo lio* tlritvtxi !•> !:tr (Ititi Urhc iji.tl* r l a t.tiitfci 10 >, K WUU 1IIP lIiMU MU> .1 - Ait i ' "T:< J* H . - *< ; * M"i) in V I il- 11ikit!l ' til* IFUiil rr-iiitr I Ilk lii I t .a Hit? Ut J'ut ki dkJi ORU ! 1) i? ruin t nuunikiU, mi I ibt* * *u U! >£ • . its i'i i k Clkiti iWßWirvr- iUr Ur • r thlii .lit.'* n tftili wiiitfv. t4 lbr t\iilit>itt cotkii* ii ' - n |||gutsts o4 !*• . . '* im-oigj tl~ imtirr* n thr M* . rivot ll- I'ufi ll;t$!r r*i.fMei i j •■i ' * ;'' % . k" t!l ti N*Hiitt*lrff| |VtJki*vl \ ,i ki lit' !Mw tk < i Mlft-ti *-ltk 1 t-ii Irt ii i .it tilt*!- I i.r nti ik ■* hk\ iti uii i<\\ *fkt*r* t \i f; ' !i vt*ko whftf n !. li.iUkti lor *n *t% mi. wf.m * tUlitinn Wfsterti and Southern States Ml liiiii't iliktSh t--i 1 11. . M mt^tUt f tk liilU litjllt'iNitll J*. !* j . kO-btrn*' <u ; Jono- N> • irw k b* 1. li * tikMii uiii h* t k 'il<\ kjt i .r nr:t k.il.vi Nil .\ye lUrou fa flu t #u*U lUkxniK hu it*>\ t'! ii f \ifttkt, 4 I riiWvHT, iiikk Nlglfthti 17. ikliJiK for Ik*- Hr4Urr.<4t al hr m!i Mt liH • < uli • . ihti duilti k*ur |ot Mi! kstlrfrttl | ..uiltH*u liMin t tii tk iinU r <tf iliw-i! * iu<*ky *trltiy**l i*i I <*"*.• ru Knit ji ' bf revriiue ufll ni l>. n-; -,tf pt -I* ill |-.-'..Mit.J |M* lilSkkt'fa tin- rrj*?lrat \ turtrhatkl fr>ns \ j-vm , • .H*or • !hiff#ett Uhrtll \ *un" in!ime** nt vmn mutl hr tiint nirr I ty • ! i It .aw **♦ t\-K -"• lim* *•< t j£*nfn, rft- I !.r Itrr !ni 4st with **itrh mjn tilv Oust i*r*f v* rr utuiith (o Nik * nnuhiiti; >* k fru! jrr *. > * err- I rnr*l ! *tn4th A- an v\j r.-n- truin .ui thriirainl trunk *■ until - t 'tn - . Mi. !l . ill HIT liiijht, I". nn li.i-.n.t turn tin* Iri.-V. HIT "-iifM '! the : |.<.i-t-iifi.'.m'k.-! IW-.iWnU:., t . Jvrrj M- ".HUT. thv flrrnuin. >! ), (Trt U'. nii), It hrttkviu-.tli. nvrr killml. am! i, x Tiai uthvr iM-imin- nrfr inJ-ii'T"! iti iiillTr-iit .iiTT-Tn it* nrvrnty *ik© iiinrx-tvr n it- txnu-T-1 !>. timu n rn-ki-ii-. nH"> Tx-m.-i —I n nnl Tln-i 1.1 rr tnn-T.) tn thvir tn.it|-rintn in thr ni-.nl an-I t .-it im-.* n TIT ti-'iii-t fx ntn.rt it -tnrxi-T lr-itn tlir , thr mUtntrut-hr T*" turn kiwrty ■ tntih-x t! im tfiT nulma-l Hrrr trtvlnl on aii-iiia-nMi A -l In*:'- li-fmlvti *m tlir faliKni"ntailioti VV mnifuri! Mniutiriiaa. tlatt !im.h- urh a tlnr I'liiU-r. fit* umn Jwi ttm tlmt U- tai- tttt .iint i-ii ii<.r->' i :.mt.-! rt- . iitix at Nii*h i ,!lr, 1 Ti.n InthTt ) i-im ti-'U tin ritUlv I Nirn- j r- it h' t * t w'rtt * ItvlrO > Itaiiifllit f tTt.Mii I ' iK * irtrr II llftrtjmjs. x- UM'tiilrr t*f < ihf tmitiiiifc t>u ih* , 11 m. nitn* - l.tnbUi. k U. kt !. lr Lrmmt j t- k-t tl V 51 t-li tin- ttt-JMIUl 1 ilit ! Mii-t.uk".- thv lh; 'lUi.itt.* <•!<! a uia|uril> "•I 11m -ity cihwc - itii-l M-t "-ti inii u!" ilurtu-ii . >.i|i*rtii>r>. Pknattkoi twa SUaaiMitipi and XonMana . ir|i a inrjCT t uuicrati in ot coh-nwl |nn It limn r -ii- -tati - hi K in-. rinm*.iat* tit ( i-iilunni i vijih- iutvr anu'-l tn >t- !n.ui, nhfrr ( th.-x mi. .LUltili-'. 111 tiin IntlH'Ulvttl- id UtT •r. . . h irtli.T and othvrnuM- jirt.-tt.it-*] lur b. thvir r.u i- W'rtltnrW -it-m * -.li .-inwlat Nv*|irt In.l f..r ti • aturtivr t-f l.trn t iini|-toii bu.t Jniiuart '!ljt rotaivtanvd nun dlnl nitli tiiv rt- iaum t.-m. "Mat thw ia-rd Imtr mrrvyai ui. ™ii'' Up M* li} * Tii. .i*-fttli t* -ii inuifimH i.f Jtnlgi- Jauiva A *• • .. ,tr", "if tlm M.irjhiii-i t -mrt • i Ajijn-ala at t !,jr. M i a•• I1 rmi- I no HITHITII am! auothrr MAN -cA* klUt*! i.-i'l j i tx tt- - it on-r .-.•loa.m*! -V ---tr>-)rd h;. it flrr in !^*ui* V f.-n Lit.-ii,,." 1 tH*'*"" '""ul Uoylou iiT.-limi tI.T mouth of thyt'hio ritvria t aim. UK, ou , hi- -aim .ti hi* nilit. i - ut I rout 1 ittaburijh, j IM to \i-ti "ii< in-. Ui lii<- ranautih-t ui , hi- aiiustiv ioltrui t nil! Im uuulc ilo* thv ' Mi—t- | V iyit titil lut bvvn |iuliiilnl (or thr -itiii i until.mil rt-ttnton ol thv mar nil'! tj IT i.ntt j (I'uion ami i onf.-h-riiti- -oh!itsi>) in t ion- , i.n.lifi-, Ohio, \ui(ii-t .oi l Simon -rv. in- Hii'l M I lln k 'tu- war kill. ! h. tin- v\|il.Hii.-ii "1 n lanlvr in a ann-mill n<iir I.ima, Ohio. From Washington. 1 ..<• Ut.-nt fit-!"* HtnteiUTiit i-aut-l -lion - thv follow iuj;. ln.-rr.o-v of il<-tit lur Mnrrh S S 0.7J4 IT lii.ft It- i-a-h in tin. trvnanr* J.CWT.IhO.'Ji-V H i > < :-h in thr tivnaury 4J0.7H7.45H.i1!! Dirrmtr of ih-lM nnvi- Junv ill). IffTH H.fH6,i7-5.!h! . liohl i .-rtitlr.it.i- 1.3M4.;! 00 I *"ih vr rvrtirtvntv- IIHAIMO | < urrvn.*j" *-r!itlratr. . 27.ti.H<t.<HJ0 lK> KrhinilmJcvrtirtriitiT .M.0.0 OU | . -.1-t...nlvr- .i!-t.i.ahn k ■ ■ ■ -i tt. n*l.llll' .at Knu-ti'inni."iirrrm-i .mt-tnwhim IdWhtrfd 14 I'liitr*! -tat"-, notr- hi-1.l l-r rr ilc-Tiil-tii.il ut lot. tn'lull rur rx*.i. i N.45H.1W1.00 t'nllv.l hoiKla lint inntur.-il tor nliii-h four |-r vvnt. lam.U liiit.- burn ia-u.-h. • 2i!H,44i .100.00 ; 'nir jury in ttiv "t Mr-, t Hivvr |{aint . t-Si-iinfor t itinomli, for hrvnrh of jio-nn-.-, r.-- tiinir-I it vroiu-t for tin- dvfrii.hint. lim trial la-, upir.t thiru-vn >in\ . Mr I 'am.-n.ii'a mitnvl la ,114 t.i-m tul llvnjnintn !". Itutlvr. Thr S".iuitv hna vounrtiiod tin- noiiiiiuttiuii nl I'nuit-i- V VViilkvr a-" dirtTtor of th>- iiiiti.mul ci-uail- ol IhHO. I h. 11.-niinntionii *"( Pr--iil**nl VV hifr, o| C"r ii.-li 111111..-.ti. it- iiiiiii-t. r to f ivriiutiiy, nuil , of < '..riM-lin- V a* mini-trr n-.Jvnt tn t riitnti Vitinirti, hno- Imw-h ronflruwal •>> the SrtiHtr. liu-Cri-.-ntwrk iiirtnla-m o( thv Ihmwv have hrldnnoth.-t . iuu-ii rho-. pr.--.-tit ni-rvJonm, .-t I. -tit-, nli. pn--i-l.il; lain.-, ol Alttlatnut, Kon.ylh.ol lllii""t, tiill-t nod VV.itvri, ol lonn. V--urn. >f I'Ttitwylviinia, Kuril, ol Mw aouri, Miii. h anil laukl. ol Mniiiv. nnd h.-lli-y, "•I IVrm-ylvnum. M. —l-. I h hi Matyr, Ikir l.ov ami 'VVi ijtht w rrv not prvaiint, hut aunt Word thilt th'.y wuutil ahidr hy tin- .h-.-mu.li ol thv ranrua. V rraolulion wn imaai*"! that tin. i.r.a-nUi. k nivinla-ra .f thr Ihaia.- auatiun motion totrtrikvout of tin- nj)|ir..j r.atioii Inlla thorn", portion- known ita "jailitnal ivyjialittion niv I'l.-i 1.-nt ha- noioinatvd Ihtvul i' t <ir hin, ul'South ( itmhntt. to In- clintf juatiov <>f tin- annrenn- rourt "if i tnh. k'-orbin wna tlm liVpiil-iiniii rontvutunt lor tin- -rot now ikh-ii fiivd by "-t-imtur ,M t . Ilutk-r. lin. M-rrc tury of thr Trvna.iry hna inauml thv ninety loiii-th rnll for the rt-lvinplion of $lO,- 000,(KM) in 6-20 bon.ia of 1805, oonaola ol 1H67. prinvij.nl ami 111U-real lo In jati.l on ami alter the ,'kl .lay ol July next. Anioux KVent rouOrmiition- hy the Senate are the lifimirmtiona of " hireiiee Kin;;, ol New York, aa ilirvetor <4 tlm aurvvy, and Dr. John 11. llamiltm, "I lilinoia, ns au|MH'via iiij. -urjieoti ol thv Cnilml Stiitvs iinirine hoapi- Oil -erriee. 'l'he four p-r eent. loan hits been cliWftl. Oa , the lnt day the aubsciiptiona. anioillitud to h5!!,502.750, of whieh J*iO,OOO,(KK) were auh m't-ibtai hy the New York Bank ol Cotnint-iee , The Sis-retarj ol the Treasury hit- i-niti-1 eulla for the balance- of the 5-20- of ISO7 ami the whole of the 5-20- of IS.iS. This r.loM-s the x}i,Je of the -eri'-s of 5-20 bnml-. Thu twrt calls amount to the "inn of #5!,505,700. The aggregate ealla, iiielu'liiij; there, -inc. January 1 I saiurnm IM sunkm* IUI lU.iiuhl tU iuUituii f N lurUi*! I kulmt iwill U iim'oimhl fcr tl# lur o#llt U'U'l. Dl> ! |)t f!l t)u* j|IO I'Pllifll'ttlMi, 11 util fm(her nation In I; i i II liih |tA#vMim lot !hn itiinUim *4 vbisilMij IM*A>ISIUIIIV* Anr llin j,i uv on | (MtitUt'i* •! hr f.nvi. .4 tin? *|ii!H. iKiuftiia nia inlcilfNl 111 \bp tabimttl linHUuy n I Ilk |MW i a rW M I ml A! li** l n •!' t!p \\<t |h {HMtUHMst Imn4i> ' HUUKU u4 Um t?i* lion i (AhiaUm tutu iIIT i*>! n( ilio I |4|dii IMJ'IM'I* y ' ltit t l ill I' 11\|4 In MHil t|*mrlt lit* I Ilia m 111 U- itt'iin tH(ii m* tU i*rt *V tirwng lllrtiln (Hit U* 1 1444.1 Ail |H*I4MI| knvMAlt ul llin t*M >*J I*lm M< ouUli'U* w< (iIiVIUM t IMIIVIri tt* W in#! M<|| (IMlilQll | hit IIKJUIMIIIAI U 4 tMiimmii-#li Urn Itvol U Uik j liuplf I <ri4tml Mlki H*III|*iIIN ttinl iUat i vtmth, if kiw'Wii M . HUIHt I In lifll Utlt lnilMi U (UltlUlll iItMI.UItHIM ft It 44\ ri* *% f| 4* null |44*H4U1H4?41 llk r Urn • m l*l l!u* tif fhn lllttrriat Im* tin* dlt -1 lilt! wt IfW'l DIM! ¥VMi l t #i.|rllO • *l4 lltMltt •!<*mi Uinl I in* pMMr) I*! übfMlis w foreiQii Newt. N# V* m liw IhvDII rri 4 ii dU ittJUk k'SI itAMll Jt 1 laliiUsti flsnt tl aK}Ua*if!tt til tlir iVtiti* HiimhMl! \hlln . ti* riser lirmi %ui i ast i*i4*> I v thn wUt fttrrvitt mill iity • fit* UtH!| *4 tttit ibuWlldl 'lllM* *|ifttll4iH Mix* a J*tliii4 * *l a -Ul.!t |4iivn H limit H t4l 1 ii|{ n*l u> 1144* u'hwi.i**! |ft4t4r*t **f thn |■!Atjuef•*S c\|.o,it i.. ti Im *n||t4li' nl < ttlnii, llin thirl 4 sl> • tikUai \ itioiMitili ifAMu I iilitih- M> • Usn lfnish umler hwn ih-lm'i t! it Ut!y j > UUU Al|;l4ni4*. killing SlHi Hit bm* Si thinr *ftlr**iAi ntnl tkn men kill*t mutt liirt > 4 mo * outwit*! Iho 1 i4£it*h |{*voruiiit*ui tnui |"r*ilr>t4 ihf W'ttun- *f Ifin Alrteuit lftlwi4tl Nlafti "lif. ! v f IWMk KtlgUunl cliilti* JMINW "kll mtlu ii. I '., nii.t l'liUU t mnrsl* lUnt ihr I .n* 11t4-*! ttiui U* lit-'I 444 ihjN \ flu hrtki" t HI! l tilr 11 *ii 14 il llttvfi wild Hi lrss ()ud (III 4 litHiii llirio 4 hit I'l tUr jiUti I'vil iuiiw wild rutilwai* I I i'. hlltii|v tti limb n#fii a tlsw|wt* h (• Kii|f Iwu.t ftlalillK liuki h elf htliu kid 1 iltlWUf ftft wriUllg *1 Ktilkf * llrilf tlh \liu * whilr 4ti thru *#) r I iu!iy f* thr Hrhisli mitip lbr /.nlu tin 4*bin •* iHnt Ist deiit* jtf-.ii (li tirtiii Ih --wr! fhr /tilts vbf* jifrtliiuo! tlsr t*(tU U Jmtrt ! i( 1441w tn t!iS^ftt*c IN rt win! lhdiviw Imv<- iuw*t4 wii nllttuw** uiij ItHdwr.-i nut \ irtiri to (3irt!fiti INnliw, f*\ ni4i t-iti|*id ol Northern I |4v 11 fioiu c>s*r i ha afti. e* to fft*sk tij thr -Inve si lis Kurd**6ll*, rr, le* wii With Vilohtmn *nfe * ! t!o v iitrl hlsiW - tnutpfft, wml fw nrt t4 tlrj Hi nbn b il * mki the ftHrtim IkJKit, Siting iflijArtwti*.is iriti I iHiinhr fei, lii >Mtn( Illr j !kiII lutvtnii KRllllnTrH ,i - '• akit I with H.OHO iwii wtiit" koI the!! UltrrlH htfll iil.** \ftrr IntUi V" MWIU44* 111 v* J. .■ t . Ur .ttilw (stub 1 liir jt tMjiUli frrnl *l " .!I"*S4 fotkgiit Wltli dwr*| * :wUI AX*UiW|||t liir tlttiU'k w I*M|J U'lHy lt iatnl, :U| i 11 MM* * . Uiitft lla! nu u4 s*irss i,Oi7 d nl *i thr jlt-i i , ilftH k'it Iwrwl) iim ii Nit IN*I itvluru! 4 "tiHlXitUe! •* i*-i4r I ) wlsootiU^ UsiitMi i! 4:4 lbr lir-xii.! 1* ha Hip .tl Ss ui rvi i ti* hiiVr in*.! liwt t* Jtft uiual> rUS- Iwl Hsw S|HfSlt Ibr bmtsudi !U|kStt! t •" 1 til—til Wi'lWU tight 4kUwl Un SIM **l4 iuu i /.ftUit'H brlwt <• V ,'Y H : r|i|OM I .4Ult. 4444*1 U*Jof\l 14(44* vfh.iMf 11 a* w tu tiMi.) iittft jjiwl ti) lU" lei |h> /out tisdrw W t lr> litwii bl Uh 1* ttttiilS); ri*-w 4*4 I M c4*i ft -our tti4l4l.low wud vig t* nrtt *4Hf, itu. 11* Kin ii*r <4 l.au lift*. wild llr "il UU444l!tri WU*S l**}(*od i 4hilwlM"t ' hi* vw II Wll'jdll - l'fuliMoMi li.wniij; 11 UrUti.'US ftliOivst; 4 * i> w work ius?it led ' I r.lii 4I l*tsi ■**>- )-In . Im 4Hmtiltnd nui* ilr at l.own .-rb ihr i. i mt)i< rmmlt t'i dii hu i> I lwsis I Utl a l o d ' iiilitrndtir Hirf kit J r jffmmn hiwi*Si lb# <S,6BSk6fl6 - * i(!M.iti smumi hi n n %uv. Hfiul r . Mr loir u<n i>*rtlftr Ori Uu fib* >i the ltuvji.'srfl owili •( I*l*4 t*> Idtll. UK Ili' f * .iiW I ftli •**?. riir It-imrnl . n h ratim f thr Iwll imk £ wn ) , V„:mU n lot tine fu.nft.trtM turn *! i uteri mooi lo U oe I 3 ! *r Ihr* tliHiIH !i4#tt ol VfWMM U wild r.Afpr mg ffxHit j-.rt- "tijrj-MM-i t hv laftstTec! s ith l Tile* fovea ..r i.tliTi dkMMi Mr Her.llti"*lalUlnlr to tn.vtth. . . js icy -a t i I! a i-l -i. k - p.lie: -1* nr .. li- n --1 a pv.*i.h t s :th rating wj j-a rat II- f..r Illr ptirj -s—r aiin.rs!, <>" a .ctgr .lit the tut* 1 tlepultnirul j lor Um uv ..I a i.—-I 11 the cm.! net ion U a Irw el -i mc 1 bv rx—>:nli.ri, U-1 hy ti... .is to- - n. 1 t—i—ei *"f li.sillli tie work -ii*,. 1—■ -! -it un ler an et!" >-r tlm State rngiiieeriiig lairtxa.i V t!v it* 1 y !ejirtliirut Iwo htimlrnl thuusan.i -i-Jiars* nrr Hj-j iiyrwitel to .air. tfiT w-f lut.i rllvrl lie ' ■ wa- j-a—, . At.. *ltle . Aft. r tie- Ililriaita !J.IU of Wirryi l-nla am! re*Jul. n- Mi H.iwr - rs-si.ultiotl di- lie- I, ! Hi .< tie- la-t 11-' ii* at*' thv alleg.-l j-lan . tl,. ... ,t • .;■,*• in rvgnrd to 1,, pt- na tion I . -,i ..I*l UtKMiaJ aunt Up, ami a acid IMI the te! !>> a tntr uf 35 to 20—a -tie ! j-irt;, 1 -t. Mr >cuiseiry, Irxiui thvcs.cn,- lUitt.T on pnrH'-gVB atld C-Usrthm. rpj.,-:<-.! uix.rse.x or, tl-. amhaliiU c-f • liari.* 11 ilr ,- !i in New liaiuj-clui* and Sir llxsir pt>-c-nt-i thv *iew erf the insnorit.. in takur -l a 'rHitting Mr flril Kwutuv j mon and then ml. umiueiit Mi IVl.hu k mtf altavs! a Joint roaoliition to otUi -ent. the *j jaiintmerit ui tlitre seast. -rs a:el Uif. •• men. -*r* ul ttiv IIm*V "1 H<j'r. , sc.-itill.l "• * a ci-'.i.ttiiaaion !o del .** * plan tin the rcs-on-trm-tii/ii <d the 1 lejvirtrueiit Agn - u'iture, with * siew of c-at.ndiiig it* pptadic tiou and im-rsa*iiig its .-Itk-ieiM-y . with jiowet to sc-m! for JWTS..U- ami i-iprrs, ami to ts-jc-irt it the mSt - - mot i lign-- Mr lVi i.s-k also uitn-l.te.-! a !-il! (<• vstnWiall nufloni, 'sjau! id agrieiilture; n tvrml to the Commit• ii Vgrn.nilujT. Adjourn--!, alfvranc scs-u --tis •- ---iviofl Hie -1. isste on 111. Army liill an* rkawsl with -j-Tche-I>\ Mossi * wmgletoii. Haw ley 1t- kei and "iarn.il, ami i-i a lmm by' *( 'ar>—Jli- k Uiomls-r- M>—t • Weasvr, le In Mutri Jutyvs arid VVnght Hie most atriking adtltrm whieh cam. ft—tii tie- l.m-lilakkets sm that made tlx Ml VVetvet. Ol lowa The leirsi.-u of his remark- wa e pr..t.--t against the mtn ' hn-tioii of tenia! i—nv* into Congis— at the titnv when na he -ai'l, tJi" oonulry i> uSoring tor the want of legislation to relieve it (rum it* dnnnr-iitl dttrt— He hrratud U-th psula* s for negtvrtiiig what h" eonOl-let**! the xselgiitier ! matter, ami *xr>*i them <H Uu-ir a; ' oserthrs.w iinlvsa !hev sh-wiU! inm Itsun their ! anrtioiml .li*titc- and gn<- their attention to flnamaal issue- lie %.n l that he fossirvd the r |." il ol tin- wsllons "t law lolthoriaing tiie * t-e .il I nittsl Slaloa Itsa'l* to pn-c-rse thv - jirnee at the fadl* autl re-juidng juo-ra '• take th<- iron .-Li i i*lh: ha* he *■ n favor <t re taining those -is-tioiis providing for the aji|nnt • ment ~f 1 nil.sl Mule--upon isor*. withe, rtiuii ! tnmhflealid.i* lie hm 11-iies •*! that a eott -eitntional am.-ndtm-nf should *• a.l"Tted. pi* - ing to the I'resident junior to * eto aliv |a>rtion -•I 11 hill which la would not |i|irxne, while -iguingthe rvtnnimler. I'll." clerk of til." House li'-pIT-i ntotil •-- I A|ij>er>s) 111 the "wmnte and anins m eel the pas ! -age hy the ii-m-. of the Vriuy Ajipruj-rialion I tali, asking the i-m .irreo.-e til the* "Senate | therein; rrforred to tb<- < "lutniUvon Appro* priatloii- Among the WH* intrudm-isi was I one transferring the luanng- iuent and control i ol tha Indian Imrvati IVom the Int.-rior to tin- War Department .Un niotiou ol Mi i s.- ri-11 it was reatilvtsl tiiat the Secretary ol War be ilitw'tnl to furufcdi ti tin Somite any atul ai! Kij-irt* mu-!- to him by tin- <Jiiarternuv*tvt- I te nil <>! tin- Vnny about the motilh oftkrtu- I tar, IS7H and prior and subs*pM-nt to that I late, of any lacrtHiua!oii nunle by Uie I nloii IVntk- Hniltsai.l' 'oinpany in fitvtir .8 private | -hipj-o.- again-t the I mt.-l State-, ami nil eorres)-.mli-iM-e velating thereto.. . Ihe Senate took up tlie reports "I the t oiiiinitt.-.- on I'rtvi* legi-a and Kl"stJim declnring that the Hen C luirlc- It. Ih-li is not entitled to a anat na a Senator virtne <•! the npjMimtm.-nt by the I exvcntixe iif Ne* Hampshire. Alter discua | sion the matter went ovue. .Adjiairii.-l lloilir. ' Mr Atkins r.-|airt-! the legislative appro ! printion lull It ajiprupriate. het we-n J#IS.IKK).. ! (S*l nnd 8I6,000,(SH). I Uder the ju.lleiai hisid it .-.int.,lin- a tiro* i-ion ri'j-oailllg the iaet elause of section Hi SI ol the r<"\ i-cd -tatuti-., x l>i.-Ii nppli.— to the Slate <•( I'c-nnsylvania, and aco tions 801. 820 and 821 of the revised statute*, arid providing that all jurors, grand and |"tit. shall Is- publicly drown from a not e taming | the names of not less than .100 person- , ing the neccKMiry •jnftliflentions, which tui.ni shall iinve been placoil therein hy the clurlt of the court ami u coiiiiukcsioner, to la- appointed by the juilce, whieh commissioner shall boa well-known mWliher of the jirinci|*il jsililienl t*rty opposing that <> which the clerk shall 1 lathing. It also repeals s ( --tions 2.016, '201,8 and 2.020. aiidaJl the mtc-ee.hng srs-tlona down : to imil inehiding 2,027, and also s.s-tion 6.522. It also strike*" ""f of section 2.010 the words •• for the purpose ol engaging in tin- work of , canvassing the hallota," and strikes out ot scs-- tion 2,028 the wort!" "or a dejuity marshal," and tin- wools •• eity. low n. county, jMirish." It also repeal* section 2,0.11, excejit snch part ol It UH relates to the Mtr ol supen isors ol eln-tiolis. It re|sails ail other sections nnd laws authorizing the appointment ufchiel su pervisor* <if elections ati-1 sti's-ial or deputy umndials of elections. The oill *u* ntxiared printed, and rtderred to the committee ol the | whole In committee ol the whole ocunid- : eratnm of the army approprialion hill was re- i siiinisl. The dist-ussion of the clause forbidding 1 the military iU the poll* was participated in by Vlessts Muldrow, Chainlets and Hurd on the Democratic side, and by Messrs. lfelfoid, Con ger and Fry eon the Republican. Adjouriied. An ed'ort was made by Mr. Sjmrks to have a time fixed lor cloning tha delmte m the army appropriation hill. Suggestions were made to have a night session, to restrict speeches to , tideou minute* each, and to close the detmto the nr-vf day- Dhjoetioii* was mnd<- to till - tliese propositiom-. Mr. (Jonger wlaiiug that n nmulH-r of gentlemen on lsitli sides liad give* net ice of their desire to speak; also tlmt many j 1 | liuil pro)wo •-I apeschea, and wouUl laH like to I lie rest in i.-l to lllte" u tnitiutaw; *iul also, tfiat i Irw uieiiiiHUw Would I*" pivwenl at Uie night i j suasion (Hi Isilii Set"* n was dsotaiivt tliat I tbrio ua no iliaMtw to shut oft ilftati-j and - the api aksw gave it as his ett|eiw nee llist an ! -uiliuiilast d< twite wits the shortest del wile rlastly, uti in,Si-tii id Mi. DuntivLl, ail g. aeiaf j >l. lwU was ordartsi . i..-t on the (.*!>>* tug IVylsyi hatting the rlvs-mitMin- til twit*- suit „ : "pwa Ilia delmte wan tliwu eoiitininsl by' At.—r* Tow anil* ml, laMinsbiiry, l*Wstu, |lu ' !>i it *tui Ua- kitet, hwi-vnts, met Me**<*. \\ tihmns. < aikn.tt uml AA'blto. l;..pohUunii A-ly.Mil next \ti t iMtgttU -nggixwt.%l t>. hi* inen-l- on lbs j alter aa.li- tluit tlivy sbouhi ngt.wi to sinks uwl ll.i si-Imn- loitaikiing lin- as .if liullUij St ,1 liu j,-ilis mnl then mi tar as the I -UiliiiltxT |U j i - mill tvs'oioiiinud lo tie 1 i-Mis. •!,.ml.I teroin i mend the jwt*aa£r ol u lull n ptwi.ng entirely the ,j txx o sex tarns el '.tie slat,i!e- lie thought Im w xx a* auU.oru—l to 1.,; Uml. if on tjie isauiinttc-c y i isltig Sli-I 1 ixmiuiiismling to the 11-aise the Ui ttxaUa-Uitfl ol u seysiiate bill ivpeahiig tlnwM- IttU IMS loons ot Uie til X lacs I ."itatuU-e, so tai a* ' ina aiifr lit Un- tliorse *as is.lieeriitxd It lo.uhl !** l-tussrsl With.Mil d. twite and without delay, lenV mg the .Army Aj-pmpriatloii h(l without any ol je tuuulL!.' ft-aluix II|>1| it At! delatte was fiieu i t ,ii,l lotiug on ttie amendments |,nseedast with Mi llix wer wiiluiiittv.) sn aitii'iutiiieitl plx.iidilig ttiat itothnii* , ofitaimsl 1 in t!ie hifl shut! in any wy twntt the ctght "sr power "J the otvd uftvsws id ill*gosTiuUM-ta to ( k > lj the poo*-, at tjtr j -oil" at -■n ii In,,' as la I'ixv i ibo-t im Uie el.* mm ..f niettilwrs id tVm ' r"x* UejexTvl 117 to lib Mr .aigri 111. W T.l to stilatttlulc lot sVitiort It the billowing l lp.l -i<"!l.Ui* 2 IKC." and 5 -28 ot the tlex I—l -tiddlr -la* and the alias u h'teiw re. —xle.! ' d |{r|B"ted 109 to 1 Mr lot) I.am n,.ni*l '* lioutiend In prox i-hngl im! any jieiwon xvho shall " ' up|Bir st the jadls at tin T#"-iBiMI i| mvmtaTs ol 1 iMigu - xx ith a dx-vntlx -vIMj—.!i -tiall 'a* wuti d ji-x t to ihe ja-nalty pr*oah-l m ttie Ut) He i- |ix!i"l—(l P. I aft Mr itSweU laavwl Is li strike nt|t the jwirtloU -t lla -ettHloli pmi kiiug d lot perwiltn*; isnxiß.t Tin- "tut—cam then rv , x i,i led "Ml ftiv m-HliMi ma IT 11. Mr le.w." to (i -trikennt the whole id ll-111 C H. ilxctw, 12 2 l- 135. Hie eotußiil—" tlivrx nw an Im y-I Isil the hill The Olker miirmUrteiits to tin (ah. wtiah were all unimportant, were agtital U xx Hhmft 'tivisioi. l'he bill wws then jwiased— it-m, 148, ways 122- a atrart I alt) v.u* i, " . iixtt ataw keiw xiaing ti.i Use 1 .11 tuixl txxo * agnMMI it sAdjjotirut-1. The KMr-John I'nrlt-r Crist'. ! | Tin-uJfu im! rypoit tin (rriaril ot itt jurym ti" Hji-Jiiltu I'urtff .*ftsC- liac J lif-ti appiot.-xi iiv tii"' nt tiirl lite fuK'l'cKM} of V\ nr. ,uiJ life getu tai 4 tg ill twrtv In IH-all'l'iTf h' Ins old J Uih Itllii * UWHTOU ill ME artuy. L lie iej*,ri OF UP* -. miarii, whnii i ousts!i*i .t l(<-b"Tn.i --: SJiuii'ltl, Terry ASM! isrtur, givna a tuir - . i*U t e of the < i i-iits which gns<- rise ti , th- ch.irg - ig iitra! Gencnti l*nri r, • ■(hitting tllM"--vtlltl ilvt.uh" !U(t 1111ilt111gr , llmiuw fVWH try Jl plain wtnls'tJient of Ti u *t ntial fhiti "••t.tliMalicsl b* iKmitiv.- ,i ut oof <'afhHTnlug the " harvif which r ii#iuml I••.rt-r w.m found y.tiMn—ntM a having iiiofbj hi- comma ml on the a night of Augu-t "27, I**"'J. in ohi-,!i nee to :iu tirjer front tjeficral lV.p.- Uu* Iwiard Uiat it m;c* a mauifr-t physical inip.usiLUity t* luareh ov-r tliat rignl 7 that iisglil. ilia! noUiing would h:ty* bewn gaiin-sl t.y Uie alli'lluit, :Uid Uiat il vroulJ ltav. tn-i-n taiw-r if <iTii-ral l'ortvr lim! thdayut) Ui- stb inj.t u<. kitij. r I* Ul!t! he "Uti . Unit lie I'XI ti i-.*l the very tiuiiii:ry 4isi-r"tior of a < ofje" ixruiuutaiicr, and tliat it wa- Hl* plain iut\ to M VXTVJ-V it, liu rcjairt clo-.-- :ts fid low - "to-iierai i'oCt.f Mne, in ctfr* t, <w.mutinies! lor nl k lubitig tak-u any pan in In- own , battle, wuclt \y aa Ilt< . rror ujeitt which tom-ml J'ort'-t ma ..lonotitiCTxl gui.ty of the tit*i-t sh un, mi < riinv kiu.wti among enlilior* AA e tmhevv not OIK* among nil the galhtfit woSdier# on tlmt Jigsaiy tichi x\a- lis*- doerving f u Ji j rt!iitlun.itioh Umii ll*'. Ihe evident*-rf li i-i -uiiinu- in IWti-t s e.-t— i-uir U ic mat.'rial in riew of the evidence of hi* -• t)i< i y ami fnitlifil <-oinlu."t. Iktt it i- . sir duty to -ay I ha! tin- indilum-t and unkind t rtnv tii wlncli t .cn.B -ti i'ortvr . hi- <ii*trt*rt <f TFIV ca|IOTTY d i lii-eiifvvrts.r iMminiwiiler ((ufterwi Pcjkd antiof be lc#rft"lv"t, tntd to thai imlis* , r<*ti.>n !- "It!** *i very gn-iN mva-ttrr r tii.- mlwvprcwcntation .f both hi* t>- ti v< * and Jii* i-omltht and hi- ran**} ten I <"imiiiattntiAtt. Having thu- giynni the r x-.n-for <uir . om lu-ioti*. w<" li*v. the honor to rvpurt, in m -'ordane" with Ui Kr- -ident'* .>r"!.r. that in ur opinion justice N-XJUIR. - at lii* liaml* -u.-h action RS jua) I- to rrj '. i aumtl nn-i *<d a-id.- tin- flndinpi atni muit. no of the I curt -martini in Uie "".a. of M^or-TO-n --< r: KiU-*J<ltn l'ort" r and to rc-uwe liitti t-r the p.v-ition of which tliat .-nten. depiivo liiiu. -Uch r.*-!<ration to tak>- . it. ! froni tb date of hi-iii-uti.-3, from the s.TVf. ________ Madame I'atti'r-nn llomiparle. Atadatn- l*att.Ton lionapart.-, wife of Jerome lVoiiasatia.-, tiv yt-uug' -i liroUmr .J th> great Spo,*<D, iivd in liaiuiuoro, aged '.t uwr* Her lib' wa- uiicotmnoti ■ eVi-litht bite Was thv twi.eof tiaiti tiiore in l**> 3. the dai.- .f |i r marriage t> Jerome Bonaparte, who waathen n \ • -ung i.-ttt. nant in the French tint v. S ij. iexui lhvnaparfe wiut af titaf time 4 ir*t t on-ul of Frame, ami n-fu-ed t<. -am-tion !ii lirotlier - marriage. I'h young cou i }>].- -.-tH. d (t.r Kurope, nut! the husband ■ iii-cmhnrk"*d at I-idwi . l>*it hi- J.ri.t. yy :v* not permitte.! f> land. ord< rtn that . iTei t haying bun gion I> Napoleon, who bad Iwwti rrownvsi Vliupvrur of Franc. - la-ft (Vhnilh in a -iratig* itnii. Mad am.' Boijaparl. tnad" lur wax to F.nghind, MVC r. -li. - on after gave 111 rt ii to a son, whom she named Jerufri"* Na|Hil"Bin Ilonajiart. 1IT husband gave way to tin- imp. i'ioUs wiil of ill- brotlier ami n |>udiiUi*l his Anu ri- an \ : f.-, Na jHiieon ofters J to settle upon " Alt-* i'at ti !--<n *'♦lsl.wm a Aiwr it -lie wouki re iui juisll leT eirtim (■• tlie mi!!!-- of Itona part .htomsl " Meruoir. - " rty that tin- j>cn-iott Ata* aeei |it>-d and paid nnrtt iai iy Up t<> tie- \' IT of Napoh-on's doyvnfall J.Totui' M ftlapartv yv.ak.v \ieidtai t< all lit"- .'inj'i r * design-, wa ma.b-.an'utmirai in tie navy md! IVim ■ "f tin Dujiit" . and winn, in Aj.fil, Isdl. b w.*u made King of W(-tpiiali., ami tlie ent|'ror dir.Ht.-d that !i- *hould Ittarrx Trine-* Frederic* Caibarina, In i->n- 'nt.d. .Matlaineßonajiart"' returnisl o Baltimore aft. r Jerome's second utar tdag.-, a disajijKiinted woman, and gay e up her life to-.-curingrecognition for Iter son In this she was un*ti"'<H"-sful. lb-r lui-liand "li**! in t"-"** ami In r -on in I*7o. leaving two -ons. one of wlioflt i* a onel in tin French army and the Other an attorti'-.v in Baltimore. Madain< Bonaparte left an ""state y.a!- U"'<l at oyer 8>I., , s|!.o!!! To hake a Place Prosperous. There can hardly be * greater sign of pro*p"'rity in a community than a dis position to as-i-t one another—lift a lil tk" when a neighbor's yvln .'l gets -luck in tlm mini. We know of a place where a man's !arti. vritli all it- winter -tore of grain ami ltav, wii* eon-imnd by tiro in Un- night Immediately all •! the men of Un' country -id- mu-tTel and iiauhsi up tintlmr for a new Jtartt, and tlmn a hig raising < anm oft". After that tlie sound oftw" ttty hamuu'r* yya- heard until tin' whole yy as -hiughsl ami -idtal. But tin ir dissls <"1 kiiuitics- yy a- not dune yet; ami one after another they uftered to tako a luaui <r txy <* ol iti* slock and winter Utfltn h"r liim, tints rrraiiv n>- dm ing his loss and a*-itrittg lii* h'wrtof tlie more tltirabl"- riehe* of Itrntlnfly lovp and neighborly growl-will. None can compute m money the ywine gif one jttirh etratiipk* of )il>era!ity in the com munity. especially in it influence on thi \--ung. "And wlnn tlti** spirit pr-- y ails there i* sure to he progress ,n a jiiaee. even if all tlie intpno" ni< iit> an in their infaney. People will cont' and i settle in a place that hears such a name. Now, if von desire to see your p!nrc growing in piuiularity, <lo nil you can to : -!io* yourself a good neighbor, espe. fal lv to those who need tt little extra help, if a man start* a tin shop or a bi.-u k smith simp in \ur place don t harness Up and drive oil lite utiles to buy your pan* and get your horse sliroi.just i J*— I cause you have been in tb"- habit >f doing it. Patronize (lie near comer | when you want anything in bis line. Speak encouragingly to him and well of ! htm to your neighbors. I.lt tie words ol i approval or censure go a long way . yy In n oner you have spoken them you cannot r.-calf them. Help the sick. csperiaUy wln n they .'ire proir. for poverty and Mi nes* are indeed a heavy burden. Per form all acta of loving charity whieh full dav hv dav in vur path, remember ing Who it has said, "Ye shall in no wise lose your reward." — Country (truth - i man. Ilishop (To I*ll so has issued a form ot praver to be used during the Zulu war, m Sontli Africa, in which occurs this passage: " Watch over, we beseech Thee, all near and dear to us, ami all our fellow men, whether white or black, engaged in his deadly Struggle." 1 f yuu timl a burglar 011 your premises, i Under (lie sofa, tiou t trouble him. He is 1 already ttndnr a rest 1 * A prescription warranted to make any 1 , sick woman re-" cover " —A new dress. 1 1 A NEW York corrc*potid:nt say A: I 1 yvas talking yvitli a gentleman the other day who hi* S|.RNT nearly thirty years at a hotel in New York, hale, LO-arty. vig orous—outliving hy a decade Ids aasorl UIE* in hotel life " Yes." HE said. " 1 HAW outlived all my eotnianicTlS. Most of tln-M Y% ere younger than myself, and GAVE PRONIBM of A iun<!t long*r life, Thuir style of living ruined LITEM. The 1 , hi if of fare was large AND generous They ! 1 PAL"! for what wit* in It, why not eat * They IA-gan witii *<U|< Mid "TIDED with T NUTS and RAISUS* Their diet palled 011 tln ir imlatirt Tigorou* .-ondinietit* werx TNHB-.L to GIVE tlndr ftntd relish T "oidous di aught* of u.juor WERE " LYOYED Ilt"'> lived a JA*L life, ami had a fast life's r.-* M ard. My style of living i* vutirely DLF ferent I REGARDED HIE hotel a* MY home, where ! wasto live for yuar*. The spn-ad WHS attlueiit, but my living waa simple I .'BANGED my soup daily. 1 ""nlin"d • my- if io ONE kind of meat- and < |,Jige<i it EVITY "lay. The dessert waa varied enough to give ME seven new courses a week .SOMETIME* I had <"OFF*e. sottuv " lim> *t* a, MUM tun<- milk, ami then WE " eadonallv W at.T My as""i*t<s WOT aiwaye xiiing. AJWAVS IN need of tlie (ioe- R tor. The HOTEL'S physieian madv ME a , Iru icliy I all (V *A*Ul*all)'. I iravv not , -vnt for liim in twenty-five year* I huv *• EN MANY a man HIMSELF out 1 of lion- and home. I liave followui many an MAMS iat<- to TII"' grave who died t FROM oer- sling and a bad digewtiott. I am here, HA!E AND IN-arty, witTi a de cade H!IG. r lo JI" *>* ill U.'"i.4 LAPRTFI.-tb IKMillol E. Ill" XL B1 i!l<* Its oa {MTUTLIF .1 ID TO t * T>i>lO4 )*•>, TI'S*'SED M "tL 'TLTT JY-J<pUs slonaa T. ' USPUVTI saSlt CWRISN.:I AUU >K aegves T t (HISIIM s last SOL *4 rsi id nr.jai vaaMrtU in .now ("LYR E>l © wUlUsi L-> - 4. '.IISLI ' nt IL.L TTT-.rv ITTTOURCO uf !L . OK AI-4 ML TAIIJ, - Hia>*> IWW * SIMUSCB tktx. ru, TTU GTU a! toij -I T *1 .TTTTIXC tents M |liu t T'.N prf- LOT U.F CHT*SU-JLI abi'l. UIWIMSU SD. N Iti# I tti3Xel.jia.ElTT IF 111. milMtik of Wood, S> AATT ( , .uLsr LOSUO it.ee. U mtctb** ai d •■r. .1.E.,# oxororetiiflil or RS , XAAITILTI SL< IJIFEN -X TO TU J'**ti leltta r <!• - ~< li. IN-J, to wltlrli II!S|OR mod btlttSO jut -AT • SEE : .EDLWR X LIATXA *ND is AN * tii 1 AA .MOW" AW OWE SI.S irotautc-r of rt. R-MO TLX a tf'TTIILM* OF M"I SS.4 Ct DEFTEST, fesisie *A>BA: Uutioae . am GIAWD IMOO] HF It} and 4 uarsliat-W PRAYEWTOA uf, ATXL LOTAATT) fur.Siiltllalfotl __ % X ... 1.1 MM. Iltenlttllu* Dr. II V !'*•* iiax tog aesjuivxu a rej ita Itiai la tli UNAUAVOI OL XJIRXAOA; XUSIANIW naaJl ing in a jiiofosaiouid ti-asjuasa tar eacewduig hi* 111 I.xil OJ IIHIIJY U, ©ondurt, aeuw: yaat* AGO in !-A I*T m X ETUI U.aiical geutlaiitcb to aaa<*"aTT ' LLIEIII*.-:*.-* AM: liim aa tha (ACUITY '<F THE \V IN id'* 1 HM O-iiaary . the ."..riaidliug .lejwriri.eiit A( KK.i| lta* sow A BEEN ATNIGEJ with tii© in xafi U' hotel HIE orgaiiilaltt. >n LIA* NOW BORN eoiiij IELE-1 Ali IUX-.EI-'OUVD UMLAT th© emttile eita.-tsi by the LOGOLNUIRE of the >L(E .4 SC A IK, oivler Uir liaioc sodt>le"if ILL© " World's te{.r!taar) Atedioal As**-aitioii "* WE clip the following trom th# Buflalo Ksprru A branch <-F th© •" Worl.t's Dl|ENai X Mvfti <xai Aaraiiation .* LOTE Ttah!iahvd IN Doudun. K(IG s step which tiiv otitluuai!) -ncnaiaiiig F_NO>RXCAII basilicas of the DISPENSARY ha* UREII tootnl to warrunt nnd next wr*-K I!r. H T llxxdiirlhs W LIT SAIL fur UI GROAT luctropoH* IININVIT. to snjivrihtenil tliv crgannalion * tlie lirs institution LTII grtitieinan has )©*# f.N . | tixur xrsn U-ru!T with Dr IVN-I" HI a J-O-ILNM<D rrsj. N.aiUihtjf, alet I* well .: .niittvif ' for tlie duly NOW cat met rvl to hiui llcrr". rv the FOITIGN BO* itxvaa of tlie Worid's DX JTIWNRX has :WN T nxn-art.-T ihtxmxgti th. AGENCY *4 J tononetit .iruggista, bat it has a* ITTINNL xaich |cx"jx.RTWna as T"• RR-JOIFT TROW© di ne-! ear. Dt Itniortiia will nottotit* sroxevas- Infix carry .an his tntaaion twing a GI-nrtetx,., of rli eiivtil btseiiaxMi alnlttMa atat most fttaaa- ILLG :J :nss (Vrfn-T j aril} IS OXSTOMI to thv circiJalk*l hen er-ntan.n-slvd. if Aorffll KLIW-t and liver -.rxij- IS taken Mcrtdtiioas syjxhilitic and m©r- I arnxl disrxr. !vr arc nompl. tetj- Tamjiti-tw-1 BX it. |-I I.STAUOE n> thr na© <4 thv rmvdv twing nsouv rtxQuiiT"T to accomplish a cxirv KRUP t.ous of all kinds aorxw, ctimuie rkvumatssm ~ wt. tix RR V. mijdaint AM! gxdtrv YX.DD to ita :EUUIhil act. on and it NOT IMLR p-it+nas HIT '.V-T tA x .tahnw th© YLCFA. VIL I tn ali ,N.GG,-.* V ttttlii is IJ<II:ttr. T ETC : . RD <M4 V taavim thai . T** ©AT* •• I a.iixss •*.) ©ns h t*t U-IOL • KNOW t> A. to TO * x id..,' Actsrv-sn C*. to *v<tt,STß* hata rs-'ertn D LTIL> A* LUJ tp sr* <( mitxtry US * vu.ani ixwttt T bar rascttl H TU- I an LCH E*L taan. As W.ta P© t, mi th tb.ng*. I x.ry • iuc p'aotd n r n-ai *< U can L>* c sou to jopu sr favor ~ ..1 D.r:<; and xalUa sk-TW. Ob .-I p n ti r:ty. !bi©f' r*. ta JWro f p.-lti*" f . ■ U. x RSJ*I E. Ir L';rce'S K*tt-tJx h . I <s SU far t ore p-.pv. ar !oda> thsts i-x m <ft.tr. The pe pm hsvr tv-text tbey and L. wt xirj .... IT ft nntnc fvcoslivs for 18© -TIR • a. * TOY tie .vH inr (ttni.d to trtlsr. The . !".r Sic "fort Jn*rt.srrv and fwryallvx- t',tt .l tt. U© !E>t a .era' tv© ton..* an.! catharrir ORE tv© Hit! ON t> used M EBRATIK disaar. s AF te- SIN tii x OT. st tt Ji*R TBV WWRU-atxir ,ii. T F i<a Kav nt KRRWONPUO® a- a X.: fs.:Ul;;rni'tx Inr female dtstxavta WI-s!! ■r ai NT M R. <1 tv .* DA-IWRR UV FAME HE baa J r x-H X W.HI Dr. TAGE© Catarib S . 1* >.F *! icf ■ Dr I'icrc© I* also J-toprtr r. ta r--*4ntuvndid by 010-V who hava irxstvd - VIRUIR* a. a*kfr a d r. .laid© RVMVDJ' for avrrh ( it* srx.r-i form*. J lid©" for |T iHtrar if tlx mm liog Uortx -tlxr. vuta, xrilhag©. height, color OI R> T *n.T luxtt . ) ROI sa ill rtxce.xr BY rv- LUNU 11. TA A oorttxe! I H.Hogropb Ot >or luturr h-iatamd or xsife, WIIH name AND italv of tuar- NAG© AJ IITAX VT JUT, 1* O. Drawer 31, (AUK .iitrOle N A OTTTRTA NIX . -AW ( I— WIRE U K... parchaa* s any . I . fore oblau.ii K '4© latest Cals'owti"- J I 'X ..*rs of UIE MaMU and Hsmhtj ORGS' C KT E adv. rtWui" I, and SEMI P t*l card im.- for tbetn. and th. Y x.itteotae frr Con- xxi) L. F .US SUDDEN changes of .aiah are *. AR*" of pulmonary atid hmn- I-ntsf A!T> "tnns. TAA© at oocr •' LL©> I. BrnncMal RRRCH©*," IM th© cold, ©oogh or :mlation ot th© throat be vv R *o *gtt } . rxty-FTRR ce LA a HOI. •• TX.X. OR iiatx III*". — ltoa.l IT C. BROLG" IXOII. TT ©4X©rttawwant in tins JWPVR t llixU Th© I . .dxraled • M TV" lit A-A H ml 'l ag Ping Tx>a< *" Lilt IAUMJ it FUKII ix. T'usrixi. New A ixrii. TKTs nod CHSOAGI. fh.xx Jrrk-oti' 8.-I swert NAXV Tobacco SIU'-KEL'.-G " - * ttity" IBJl' HirtsimTn!R-.. " XX .% ix.it nwxkr (" x■ u- m.c.iv at |xretrnl. wltsl h" i u so l >t i ' x —ix x a srnvrUiN'rw ft Thr l. atal i niiiv.i.ti Itr wtx . ts nw k. j-t an tiel!t U>r vnxc- an (**., st p.' $i xul ths fcure©ran i-ae st }i and upward. i-r an :*gai t nwUsiant st ;;; >|. | ' lllXl, 1 tII ttkrsrts srs vows B~: " t. FIST— M ©A CAT Teas* sod IT er ©s i X© o*B (| inxh Cwa JA ' .©K-Y .*) UX.-; 1 . R 0 I# o*B rirer-E.! AL 0 S BH"e .. "B<4 0 V '• B.© 0.1 ; V. it ' WV©4 * r„ .r- yxe-'r a; x*.-4tex'.Hoicr.. i® v © * S'atr F'sirt® M -to* ...* E. FT *S Wbeit : NO. 1 t.ot . . lit I 4 1\ Wtiltr :-is! 11l .4 1 * Rrv; NISI.- * BX4 'l© lixr'ex- : *I.A . . . '' X 4 *-> , |I- MaM 131 14 I * (la;*: y IM AMTERN.,S \4 3 . OXX-U : yl XN" W•!*©■ t'R-eraxX-t <X\T4 (is .• . r rtt. - .. :A .4 <*T H|ri>, ■ . . * x© * II ,-* ?*-*_,- TOTS . ...RTB 0 I 4 t 1 " H-.)x M-HK 'S X 4 * 8 I*-1 : t'-ix *-4 .-© A ( all Ms V--x B<l. 1. new.. cl 4r'' S i, TI.-xr 14' © *' 1-rr x V . jvr .-wt .SIT ©S **■ TL- IV.MT. rvxafed, per LX) ;7 .4 1* •rl- • "48 SlkeSnrd .1 Woo' "W .fcrii * Kiev.- x. .4 I* . r <s- .. TT © T An*!r* -*xl HE exxr 3X 4 II ~. X * 91 ©I * Hint"--! PT .*•! rrx IC -4 IS Us V -4 XXTT"!TNI ,"r©n-ery I .4 3" Favor; .. I>7 T4 Cha : MI- KKCLORY US <4 1* ) state skl- .n.ad I-t ©I X.W.B "XEORIA ...... -4 si IW E.-tt* :taa4 IftuWHsi'S- 1.14 I* I.CTV4LO Ho- * FTTA WL T -E* I It foil* Oxxi *ti*..l **## NV I lav* AI It ' Hp • SO lla- X . ... 71 ©S 78 a%; ty sial" I 10 # 1 90 rim.tnsi.raik FTOXT IT.IEEY.Taata ItTtra. .. SCO FOSSO WHEAT ntt IRWN 1 fa A IN HVR (TT M tier:. . I'.. it ,4 (Aft (4 ©A (4ft x-,. I M N ll P --R,R eriiA# ......0* SL.'.W Rrftoed, IWFT ©a- , E.ilorado 17 44 30 Ten. It © (I aosTos. H*af Oatifr 0T OTFT © 44 0" 4( flat (FT4* 08*4 FTO.TR #1- TT-iuan ami ON M.v-xl BO 14 SH .%! " SI 04 3A xx i-2 . -IK)*nit l-et.nylvanfa XX. S 1* 88 ftiiimal* MM 11 # ■ AAWHTOH, SIM. ftesf caul© 04%©S • C4K XM Ikkintx. ... M <4 08 LIOG* oa.ftt# oaft ....TTLLL©*, Wttk . .<)* 4 ©ft H 4 4FT TV ( II API*A VOICKS. ,R.x R x-r.ghit F Thr VXILSES uf chilxlb.WL RING "U EN the sir IN nr.- ; Pllvrrv acrrnta. That 8 NEW AAOFHT of carv, ( Thrlr glad happy voices, I.LFCR sweet kixtdisth liells. Over Uie hills aix-L (he xs.ES Tl.e>a.l stiirx' t-Ll*. Of the 40 It F. A T OF K Klt OF the ST AK T* t ttl.oit OHtxAA 4'44.. of W itthliXtt-ten. New JI rs XX ie TLIRM I W. U Ciicrtt ever vet ..flhrsd. , NtbHi , 77,":7^ I N U TR^- ©FXISMMFOHHMHFOBHHBR stue reiker LE-PI, KIHDER S PASTILLES ■t>r mall. Stowell AON ■PFHFIMMV h*r— sicwix. Mssv FOOFTNAYIAR. How 4. Make LI. (| TIBET MBit 8008. THE CHURCH OFFERING. I |lftTl|M>l I haatrs • i •< ■ > r>uM * awn** *. a*-.dj^yMP2 I'UITO '*( Ira • 'r arlcty To—t*,** *" , :)>.>.U {"pared eiprrtaf to ' .HSSC tmrrl", u * iW tmmtmi f to* .1 . m of Um Oral Adiliaeoi Puetofte d vW> Easier Music. Easter Ms EasterAntlieflß Hen I for liata aniT w r m iiwh* ** ■**■- I tM > Hauitr train*, ™ ■ i>>'• J Id—QM h<ilit, (•> —1 i.ur4imm AjNPtlJ** ~!.( faaraataaUaMli buetda I lt"l r I '*i .aM Fair* Mir—al. (!• *>. ' Tkr pwii niwJ nl lb' Wiaii Mmmiti Mwme m fa., • i fc#4er Waaatf. i/rmi ' c'l *■ Ilia II *KtbVM *KW Wt.TIWfl n Til*. ClinM ItHTK. *2* |. lMj > >ll >KW*il M (>*..' t by ft' f Uwicu *f tlml—ll la "I *|*'' * kialfllfl 14. . 4.t Jto* imM A* lbt-0 fnu OLIVT.R DITJWX k <•., IkHilaii. . c. 11l niTMOM A CO., hm *..•..•■>, #w *•*• i. *.. lU IXtl A *-* a li'ilnal W. PW<, Warrior Mower Compnr's Spedalies fISDHte Tlt ORltf l!4L IMPROVED Randall Pulverizing Marrow! (I* Kit IV.UN ID I IK. , I 4...r 1 !>■ M>< Mt teilr- Junta! IB|tm< ! Mi* i.' B* Ah", W >.,Uf> kjiattall t> * ! Ad U= r hrnafe T4* itoual uoatealaai o.iuaA.a MM I , lb. f. ' Un * * mad, irMH foil* CI 1.1 IV ATOM ! "fc# i Mod kflk -al uu ftrtt Imp rmrot lor aartda* "/ar#d j ii" fa. <■>< matt 4ta ltaW*i MiMnlBA Iter liilmlM U lUUIUH HUH Kit : . fcl ti.l Draft 4walMnUM.nl. Mel Dalai., e |< t V inn 1* UVKk tow 1.1 I Sit I'tt rut** ,lapel it* << Ap— is l. aec* ,e itnajntan ; **.** n* 4** ru UAH Hi UK MMTER CO.. Itth ru. . (. j LIVE ACENTS.WANTED 1, - Ilr. < huAr'i Hcripcji *r I ufw mall ox* ftM |:rr> RH*d| • *r. ***** .-nMßtv m tfcrf wt^fSUiln a*. a a** .* I n. *•taUW-r* U MA IWAV*. It I ltHHa-'um rT L uv i "<1 'ri'lpr* and 1* acira lot': ( an i c-4* .It*** ul - IrU A #fc*r*fui 4*** iti .:*• .. i*r mi> u . i fii *fvntal mdimt- I f %<s<-T9xl Ui i-K'4 *rtu Naa*t*w '|4a •* t* MiAk | U- J M UO. bi *t u-ru rjr U4I.U ttr*t # %ktlt tauf A4 urm Da til nl. > Mrifcii. J'.- tl ii uar. A us. Ijldgflß. j Soldiers—Pensioner. MA r jnj lib ; l |WPT ~ " TllS 9* AtnAi ? TwAvAA -siftl Id- , l V!* f rrftiiolirri S<s - *l*4 abd (A4r torira, at** iotuta l:.wta4- j it. *fciui4 i*Tt r fifty c*&U • T**r—4pr<ml tIXiUIIJI nwt> s rtirt* ' A I a4m- >Mk daUacl ammil lor tuale- fc* &Ak | Ma a*.n i*r titta furaliMMl Ai'aUUtMMlr, tx* rtfliir. j ■*'-* ' ali'l u*fa C.*J ii fr'aMT tuft** : wL' -;:t -I'.A'f* ! J mfctrrar*i*iitwti4f.w fiw f lrt ft It U4-tlu.li A. l.Alli'.N It'll, Ht . l„wl t' In.A 14.1 *•. PAGtHtS WA.ITtU run THE ICTOHIAL HISTOBYonnWORIDI it ■ OHM my* ann i4l wn. ntiai> mm I'*" M.'* .i' , . um ;>*.,* * ~! in ft, in ni I itl.tnr. <•! lb* ta -.1 ntat p*l, Mtal It w.. t tattit . ' acini f - UWBII, J*t a4 r*t- unit t A|U A.|4fN> lAtK'tu! is :•. C. Pt-,l4l pL>*.r j QHB3|^W>*i|>r>!i for 1 xlit<n ('hartrrm. ru>! t (i!'!Bnna< t .n, lunuulnct- O -V-.l far frit* l*f. M'Ki r 4- ti Tctsplif IrTormj i E peclsllj. Military. Soctcts. dYGisudt. THE NEW Improved patent baxteß MKT Alii It t\>:!Vl ,'taM *ld ttAnufn turrd ■ , , ~ .I - J i TX'IM' it Pmnnn m V } *i,4 nn.4 m to lufi . v M t,l •. MM my *'*tn tai .KMnrnt •t •. Jam J.M UiirtU li iiirvl itnr-n>i-itatoßUw •!. n'ttij- S~t ui! it • 4 *T ' nrdnrm'. ! rh >1 a.!' ,I'W*. ra. Al4 i Miat aM ( t. 'wly 4, 'll4. fc* H3I. I|4. P-liT!" , : , i a i 430 ib p. *rr* •k i vif !* !'• !t It, Sntii f* flitaon X llnmlin < ablnel Orpm> n, .l it. ! lnt l.t llti.nKST ItilACOltS AT ILL I *.t;i • - rvr.'-m.'V- -<n mi vb ska its t* I li r.M- IS;. liaon mTJ. InnttMnn i-ii PaiMMt rki . !;. I'nlui l->. :i' '.u>l> >MMI Xttn. , 1-." rt Aion- tl in t .nti rv mSN htshcM luo .b li .si ta, 1.. 5.'.,. 1,.- cwtt. or itintn i tro utn luis tuiai .binu n nml < 'vn-* '4 * -A,.,. . I • M,AVt.\ 4 It AM! IS <1 Ml I AS. Ob ' a u% t .. an ■> |M ntsl \rrtan - SM to ■ rwmrt.Vi no R*tf * • I -i COM T- lit *!•:•. 11 to., t.. Hllli-iikl* 4 tsu.. 1 Mnirtlttatcfta to AJtanu*. Till: AUtKLTI rorKKT M V 1.1.. A: ..n ...an .Ilk ni.v. . ntn 1 n.ait. d it, mac. MC* ttu t !* V M-* 2 t"i ftl. fd? rrrrjrtv■*•* Pt*t fJVr *** " (Vi A ft-nl* atiif4 I *".i<* attwaiiavi i v \ ai& r >-f th act -. v* o I. H . KUhh . MraUar 1, C, am FIVE DOLLARS iVv(M/ 'm v^V lit TtlRI IS OK ISOI.t.VKS. Ki -i tu .i t •• c*• aaM ililll VwMr* u <aak< I !■ . i IVnklnK I*m lri. I •' H.OU I*■ > Hr.rliM t in*n Mi '• PH *'• ■ a. thnr. tl nil < i M -• 1 !• iln t I. ntnoufa, tu'r n ii>- • r*n i m4r ti to ■ t V> I* tin to V Sftini* c I'n. lac* i„ '■ ant . t*c*t|* ot Ml t. All.an WM 11 fKI>SK ltr-uf|isit6J.aicf. Nr Jrttri/I nt tnnririnirHf ill tilt H*rW lit PM<K IHTiIMM.C< ■■ MM. A'MHM, Ktfco|ai tliuuM . I' o.{.<: In It. . 1i M .1- his ram .*i* Ha-at t or! J<r . 1 .M l m ! TiTMO. Chjn. a raul-mota. 1, .a In till- Maet.au I ; t Annual M*!< _ v H'-T Mm up T. i a N r' SAM t rKKVTIt 4 W* • AS lot ll' 1! t ! c-- iunr A, l4 i NtaOiHrur* k"l FBKK I • Z pULiMOCUnA 4 v *a>4*irtfc AM* I M&IUH IIIL9T \* CONSUMPTION 4c ail •' irt 4cnaft .J tiM l.antrr kll Tluoal. |1 t A MAKTIV !' It rtr Mnrt'rt tV . to *** ' K •*" ** infc sl \. t k IVun, lakwi tSu ftt COLORADO! | ißf.vrßMltSH*! kbOHX KIIiDKUHI %'tu I K. J.( \s U.| . I ultM Atli*. A rttrr M \ ton iv viun* *l,4* -tv 1 fr < <• "ad. wnieh litllM I* %kit Wk tt< lAMf. CONSUMPTION i fo-a . .Xn-l l uiunill ' I'Olnl a* * dMrata of tli< j ti,. ,f . t.aii.. VT, KipTtmi.a-i tint;AT. * irt>T tt ' |. ua*l lrr. A i OK. K- K. IIKITTZILM Ik. I Urral Janr. St.. Am lark lift. 11/ < g inj I ttR 11 ATI llllli Frwa l*um ( H' i I -il. I' >•- ulti H• A- I t! ! n H t. nil |i\i. I I trtltr.ltot c 111,. |M A ao4 .ni l t *' 'taatnmn Km* ma .a, M r natafta mm Vai , knn.p f>n ulTirua , l. K < lln lufcaiu-\i atoMttlloJlata M. uli. ulhnp|a - Tit SECRET tl MAKING ABTITICIAL BOMET. EM to i t ( Our fWollat 1 *-1"! to Ni l a Hrrlpr ft*' liuvk i tl T.t-v fr.v SmcaT K*Ph *U fil!f4 U> drVTt It f tjs h' raulnr llffi-1. Atl I • U V P!t*KK. riv-r M. AllrKhcn* OXjf. r.% A D| RUHQHI to to *4tK n-tor _ riHUUOi .a- Vta honura- MatliU.'an n n <• ■ i n.nnto Knoitt up HEyP U*!.tA 111 !*! 1-lt.i'AJ I'l tto—n'.a n- ! ,-n frm. >-! A U- . wuti ftnso Til. ;i r. !>-ti atror.. > V. LHIZjOaBHI^MEIS it a a -li tap If ita m SAi*n -1 91CM rrr a aih ana #•; '• mi > union,'' ut, k> nrll our BOW I . . u , ' to. Hun ' pinto.-, a Mt.. MUI '.M.ANAtO, AtaiaUa! 1 ., Slick, t nilfirTPl A VRrnt* r*ntol rTomarhnrn MIIKr I rfi\ < " : t< t*m m b,i-. ruilk I Lnwi ail I arm- cMuimnra. Ur, 111 t * IB tho M Ul.ttJ qua: to and t-tm tho Bout t iu|m u> -l.tpva ,h..u',l ,*ll ..r w-Jn TMK tA'Kl.l.u Till I'Vl'tM *l Fliitoaßl N. 1 1* O. Hu\ 4'4U tiaiurwriit 1 Iwinairiamtl Hatrliuoift Iniiti an! linntiotuoß hmwM with Mltajartnr, . co-r. iqnuiilnnui S.-8.1 pat, *ial .lom rlpbnn. rtrw rHrr cor* ir.p .xtrril u r< t and ir ■•■ *H . t*. Adilrnn, VaMk t" .-T ia.iulo! f As'iuj'. Htuith Moatt, Noillna tV 0 . Ihik svi.r, >K \m.i. tTi n tstiE fV !rr t.(KHt, l"rpol*. Ac. Una Barm In 1 . int..an I ts. titan..- iir.> an 1 lantr trait of hteli I'm. i.mljf'i'4 Sau l til uratiei-t'oqntv. Kiortita. A.tiina, j It. Itoa 111?, Kiriitliiithniti, I'onn. \* * 4 X' r l'*ir , l\ At.KNT IB nvr'v rmint, ' II .\.\ I 1/1' t - fin p tTKXT ITt 1.1.510K TI.I.KITIOM:. Smlfor ctrcti ter* I'nunaa. umw 4 lltnKA l iiattiaai <"onto. (Hue VOUNC MEN • month. Kit n ern lual. tttaraiuro.l n paytnj anna- j tBB AUvlrßn, K- valrutmr, Manaeni. Jautavillc, Wis : n, n , n, ArtA lltliatld 111 H all yit SU I IB.lX' , Si II to CM L'Uu ' t "' l n y i"T I>n nth lliilM-nt 1 ir. ejtlii.aUiim! i vrrvtliltK •ViltlrtM I.ALTKK4 CO.. I ankms I? Wail St. S. V. porn V MOUTH Vtcmita Wanted- :t In at SO JU -•'!"!• art-. :i t!i r rid; ..no unapt* fto. A Id row JAS BIMINRON. Detroit, Web. jta *y t HA V t.> Atniitarativawlne for the t'lrealrte *K / S Initoi'. frrni> an I outfit Free AdtlTi-nt * " P O. S'ICKKUS. Auftuta. Maine. n|f) PVT. With SlenclfOutllta. What ioU -I Kin tN* *" * rapWly for ISO ii. Catal.atnr In*. ; UIU •- M an in. lia Wanii u St.. tUmUin. Mana , I>U la KT IMttlOX VHY.iHI.tKMIW 1 rr. P.Mite's Ilralth Tfonthly, nuej-oar iMk Mukkiy MUX IYb. <!u.. IW K. asih St. Now Turk nnllllJ llahit A Skin lllar aaea. TUoir f Ir-I'IM aaui'tiucd. l/.avhl Prhea Uenetfal , UFltf Iff t„ Dr. F. K M.irsh, Qulncy. Mioh ! SODA FOUNTAINS-* 3 *. IIS *> nnJ ISO. . -!f.alif,ruo. IS.r natnlnfu, Mtnanl r i hii-mau a .n, •• ■ aiavitioß | rpi:siTti:nssvATfTr.i. * hwiilujM.iiedwTH A Frui.-iiiaiaan4Aikiat.iiilr.uuu fr.nj.eiiruni.nliat) Willi i l*. t una ui evtiy Stutc Ui tin Imon Fyrclrcu araaiUj j Amnrl Munatlonal Bureau. Bo* 273. ftußa't". N'.S. •• FFIK.rs FAI.I.H -('..niiiirCity"V-f C#. atid j {>r!. Ilefeclarii a- ilt Wrvl t Minueap'iis Mttin." ; I? I P IS Fur Three 3-- ent lUmta: a Bos "1 Food | 1 1 kill 111 tar F.ai.tn ( . W UI Y, Uoatou. Maaa. [|SC!3RRM&RiI!IR!i!II-A "'EiRLMMRMMI - MUSTANG Survival of iFiM a rißiu Mrwrm tat m* bkaao VfUICMI TEAM! MEXICSIMETAK LiSiXQT. 4 HA i.st rat tr#BY wow# or MAM AMI* DEAKTf THEOLD£BTABEBTUIBEIT ICTSJI HA.DC rs AMWUC4. , SALES LABfiEB THAH F7BEL -Sir S !***# MMMMM* fctUl Vkii ■V iihwi. f>* mtmmtuHtf M i •. m i in * - *'rr i- f* II ** A - ?. ■*■*r) ft.i it (h W* JrtL'B J" !* tvff Dos' . *vid tfiajk . , If tin* Old He Ilk late < otaemaed IIF a FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. t>UfcO->" m ita-UM • a-k mt> l aWH Hod Kill aud 1 UetVkp <| at trial* . it is tiu. h Mfomr a* srnmmrK. m itot t • a—ito was ® lyfr, j* li'H t A t * a **** 44 I'Jf MUXXI *Aj> fCT THM SAPONIFIER MA OK BY TH* Pennaylvanik fait Mannfg: Co., PIIfI.AIKI.K**IA. IK SKID SHUN U. rtrwt ru4bthMl I MM* Iwaafflt Tirtm fjnmtrireMTß #•• • • aiM4ft ait Uw , ,j. LEADING MARKETS OP THE WORLD! KierjwW* rMOftdwd •* tfce mcai IH T ONI. OVEN 80,000 Wad* aad l MM. Hew Dmim coprnmtr-i. Deal wwrtt an* tad pr.taa IT Be* lor • ixtAiafM jgaal flktoto _ , u .d.-i4ta4J.(.(fkN, . ■■ . t ta. V. jatan. f I THE LATEST SUNDAY MOWNtM. SfcHMUNS REV. C. H. SPURCEON REV. OR. TALMACE. 4 tut a Fortttaß 4 MHMMfto tt ail Mantowd pw. t Su4a*Ut-toJbKv* I,o—lira *-xi * j. jm6 a***•• bmm|m •* r-wjiltk Aftlriri rr is Orf CHRISTIAN HERALD. PI AO r i aitutui.. tuuu * Mtoa fto. *♦ui, wM<. AW. *fi i* had trttt Nrw*:. atr-m A&4?*m | AIT*,A> M' H-tto \.wYd*. HOMES IN THE WEST! Eu-nrtiiaßM to LBbtolm, XofcnihLc. I/art **w Y orh and Hew Kaantond lU* l Ulrd Tf'kla> In ewer* Wwntli aUI le --, , tuber. Aii.nealnn Ma. "J* iraWM SI. t. Tarutay . t lull IS. 'TK. Fare afiatt la f r**B.ar ralaa Jam faiuaaau kial.. an a. .. CiUa..'i ■aa ftati ttot for *MM-nMte* Lab* Cr-.r.'i-i tef.-naDiei a'-a-. 1.1 eta ■*■.. aeaw a inm ■* ' *l* U'i U FU.M HIHIKI. 317 Ki wlaai. \rw *rk. ui* ■ ttt Til I II V iuAHI .tiatelra Fata In Uu- tlncL THIV7 << > 1 Illiin , IIIMtDY. PMu-jlMftaafUn nniski 111 MTU UI Ml lit. Bred 1.-jai, W .-It It < 44444 P.'iaiia* H. L The Latest Trimnph in Cutlery. A Pen bet Flafet Sail flleraa* l loUhee < oeubtued. H.4r oflhr r>l af <ilr'l an* lUaikaaiel) Me be I Flair*. Patented Jttaa* |k. l"Tk. It" natat foto and a>. ttl vie '•■• aft IV taetn ttaa and la mpe aerHe over tt.e telle artii at over he itu It la a Mine of I otaird I.old for tfrnle, a l*ted v, e.-mfceH an! Ill.tM Ad urem for terrua and Oni-a'! t - te-i.la and i: ' and arod MA*, fer aasnr r W. MIBKIWOa, I'<tHke Hat >UT, .Yawtark l it* - i|S CURED FREE. I I I IB niXai!iSead ttejor;ieef Remedy to I J ' l'lb,F|iUrp>} ar Falllf*l< kf en wunatat t- i fleet auto) and rl PIHMVStKXT -r I t tfflA *' A err* baffle ~o| T ■ I 111IU tou raSI .Peefl. awl <a uaWe I I X Ttealtta tod . an. ®awn 1 I [1 v ->• , me h f O. and K*- ™ pretavtdreid Da U l. hi WIT l* IN at Mle-et Port. MAILER ? TV Pg#-UV OH glffllms! * * arpnJtd. 1 pter Ml W lil I ' v"R. .UaJ.far Pta V iXeir J'. -H glI!h ||W; J(af t4e,a(l inafMn nilbsSr?^^T^P'P , NftMPrnw*nn A-a your itr .qnnat or na -h- ■ *h€ •1W •1 ~ nit for Ui or to krone a ii ta. ir'iv Itrewtn. where-o itoll. wrtteatonre to *XU4 kl>M>flta • fob, n nun I , ■■Rnmiii W - g\/WW Wkllltf ISO'S CORSETS JLMM rrv*l* a4 tkir ll i& Spin |le"<tolAM - 'ft IBIM PAHIS KXPO>ITIOS FI.F.X 1 lil.K IIUM OK-KT fwjiPPWf ial !"***•'• u iuum wtii>iniL Jf IMPWOYEO HEALTH' CORSET jTjpt** *| 1 "• * a* !>"'• Ci 'Si itt T- •• to m*U, ILIA Y I > K* rV* V . Atn rvllk Jf W#fl*ANL \e \t tr.VKR BIUIS., Ail ImNil), Y. I_ THE NEW YORK SUN. I> ttl.V, I luce HA ct * month MS.HQ a ytwr. *1 ABA V, b |um. SI .MO • near. W I K.HI Y , b ).SI a j air. TIIK SI SI i !' " larueit -.u'atton. arid ! the •-heaprnt and m-,t Ititereat itf paper in the I lilted St a tea THE WEEKLY St'SS l* enphaUcfUy the pe®- D--fi |tle pa:** 1 W. K.N6UND Fnbl iher.h. T.CMy._ AtiEVf* WARTEII FOR "BACH from, thr MOt TH of HELL. By one aho ha he,ft there 1 "Kimr need fall of thr HOl's TAC'UE." R> the Buriiiittou Hawkeye humortat " Venn/infill ■ a I*. A. ftwl P. f." By Joslah Alien'* lie. The three briuliteet and Iwat-aelHn# i-oolf cnt. Aceiitn. yon can put Wieee le-'ta fn rverinhere. B-*l ftven A i lre tor Ageii.y. VMEttiCAh FLBI-WJIUiU ("tl linrlfor,' f-t.: Clhlrneo. ft Tmm ■ a ■ Alt It AO t A W . AI'I.TIIETI he The cerv heel irrvelf direct from the Importer* at Half the uuti t. Beat pUn ever,'l SPeL A J!sf and larfe Buy cm AEL EXPRESS c HAIi" LS FA ID. Ne tenuafßßK. ThP flroat American Tea t'ompany, 31 and 33 Veer* Street, Sew York. r 0. Box 433a. Da. I'M Alti b HIII.YEY < I KK, B r aIIKID SKY DISEASES A jure Remalyi tohirea nn kia na Ser : for Circular Hifte* B'oa . 41 Cutler, St. Paul: t'.rd, Stouten'* 4 Co , Cblewo; A. Smith, f.on d.m W Matlu ,4. Kipley. Oluoi K. t.ary. Il, Mo una, F. Stearns.TVtroF Tlie ni&t ropu'artu-dielne of the day. ®* tngM iuiißi > ~ZjT li nwiy w.Ote'toUMto 4 Lg JjjUgflU t p-y * ~ ftta* tataiftaftetateA toow , roHtalk , a. ttef < I L 9t\ W hrnmmm*ri. ar-#*■ i rstffSTRR WHITE US to aaie. AJta RUCS from l.ftit an ! Tl'irlt Krulona' 33.H0 '" en I) BEAt'MOST OAT.jreet Chester, f*. Aff a bo id!, an i expense* • JJ5* * Outfit free tteaw 4 Co, Acui-ti*. Mi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers