THE CKiVfftK liEFORTER. Centie Hail. T*. ThW. Apr. 3, '7l year, when ' I iranrr 52 & sr'.ci oV paid "• mtranei Advertisement, 'AWs per line hr three in tertians. and hrentsper hue to- every *r<f sequent ivktrtiiv, Advertisement* by th V e'ar at a liter*! discount. "* &uA*?riifi m 9ontfid* the r#nfy 11 m>l us li> et. amount of one year'e poet age. instead o/'JOcf* as formerly when *'• |y themselves. 'Sntsrritie-s ran always tell how their ar taunts stand at the Reporter offirt by eon suiting *h* table* on their paver, I< th lahUfeads '.l'i hn Roe 1 inn lb" it mean that John is ind-bted for subteriptson from the \st of January. 18"!k. and that >t I ftm* he was paying the printer. LOCAL ITEMS. LOBGT MEETINGS Oimllltll UM. H*. **.} i , r' iy ,f ;, m "' ~,T. S.tor la, eveatw* t She<4<t **'*'"*,* >* t: K. A. VV>UV&V, Sm f. J- * v Ot t r<MT UtMII, *• W*. F A M , w Mnda* 99n10| n f b*for# m*cm in tb lUont< Halt _ • LBVtV r M C. f HK>Uvvi.9cE *' J- * * <••**< *e. S ret H. **< iuu.nentveHatteeiiie *•!•*• i-ef.-r* r *' V aad esrrs '♦ after 4 Kelts* Nul.r l.vonsan Kwoa*. W had nbeut 10 snows this wintei up to data ft* wise and shew it bv retting yeui groceries at headquarters, which mean' Sechler*. -—The way the Miffiinburg Telegraph make* Cat*, weiudge il USI be a grea fighting cock. Clothing made to cider at New man'* by on* of tba heat tailor* from 1 hi - adelphia. A; the coach shops of Jno T. Lee. Centre Halt is where yea jet work wa doae and cheap. machine ia the moat durable machine made. The Centre Ceunty Pomona Grange of the Petreaa of Husbandry will meet a* Centre Hall, oe Tuesday. April 9 The-a will be three eeeeiont, 10 a. m , 2 aad T p. m Mrs Johnson, new living with Mra. Tea penny, fas reached iheejeoftOS. aad il without doubt the oldea; nerioa :n M:f flin county, aaya the Gazette On laat Snndav eorne tramps enter ed the dwelling of the widow of Christo pher Moyr, in Pen town-kip. while the family were et chureh. aad atole seme clothing. Bhertly after the same fellows, no dowbt. •to'e a.-me clothing from the house of "Wm Nseat while '.be family were ah seat. hut were seen by M r Neeae wko waa a distance away, and were pursued to the mountains, but sot captured —— Evidence ie the Curlin contest is being taken at different points La this ▼alley tkie week. Evidence ia also beiar takes *t Mill beim this week, in the Curtin-Tocam e a- i test. The grain fields is this county do net bare a verv premising appearance, j owing te the nafeverable fa ! aed winter, . and abonld this spring prove as un avora ! b'e many fields will net yield ha'f a crop, j Rev Fisrher will adan>niater the: Lord a Supper ia the Lutb cburcb. of ) this place, oe Sunday fereneen, 13 A ledy correapondent of Sprieg M Its puts ie an earnest pjea for barged hair, as tbe style of combiag it dewa ever ik. v M ,i : m M.U the forehead is called, The Quarterly Coafcenc* of the U. B Church will coneau# on the 6:h and ftb of Aptil at Rber*t>urg, Official ißcmbs-s oughtt* stun I. as tba prench •r't salary will be fixed fer the year * If ecu want bargaia* ic hardware fo to J. O Deiningcr, who makes it a poet to sell cheap any hardware ecu seej. Mr. Roefcae, late of Duncan's ttnrid at Spring Mi If, is about to opoa a Store at Faraceis Mill* Wn. Thompson will open a store at Pole-cat city, in Putter twp. Mr Smith late clerk ef Mr Thempaon will be a parteer and baee charge of the store. C. M. Bowar. esq , repreeeets the Curtin and Du-bia Gray esq , the Yecum side in the ineaatigatioa here. J Newmhn, jr. tbe Kin* Clothier of BeHefaate sirs: He is not trying to humbug (be eamrouaite like some of the Bellefonte store keepers, by telling pee pie the: he sells at coet* But he peeitie#. !y asserts that he will sell belter geods for less money than any one in tbe business. His cds are all lew and perfect H hat notm-ddv shelf ware, er meth eaten good*. Yeu fan always re'y on what be tells yeu. He bas paau at 40 cents ; good > bats at 23 cent* ; shirts at 25 cents, and other gaocs ia proportion Ca'l on hin; ; aid be coneinred that it is tbe only square dealing Clothing House in Bellefecte. Yeu are always afe in getting yeur drugs and medic res sad prescriptions filled by tbe old and reliable druggist F. P. Green in the Bush house black. Jno. T. Lee's wagons and kurgics rank among the best put eut in this coun ty, and hit prices the lowest All his work warreated. All orders by mail promptly attended two. Tbe Tbe L'W'stewn Gazette of 26 ult., saya: Christian K. Rosa, tbe father of Charlie, eeme here on Thursday nomine in the early traiii and went dawn the S. A L. road to McClure te tee the boy re ferred te in eur Snyder county newt. He afterwards stated in coneeraatioi that this lit'.le fellow bore a rearer resemb'aice to his lost son than aae be had yet seen. He caste up on the 10 23 a. m. train and teok tbe Johnstown Express east, saying be must gw to North Caroliae where a asrs than ordinary clue to aaother "found" boy existed Dinges bat on hand a Iqf of city greund Buckwheat flour, which be will tell out in any quantity. JAIL NOTlCE— Visitors to tbe Bellefonte Jail will be admitted on Tuesdays and Fridays only. JoHS SFAKOLER, ap 3 St Sheriff The Howe Sewing Machine. Tbe world renowned sewing machine. Oeer 100,000 sold in 1877. The most perfect machine in tbe werld at the lewest possi ble pri e. If you are in feyor of any par ticular machine, at least examine the Howe before you purchase Highest Med al at Centennial Exhibition. What we claim in substance, it that this is an hon est machine, end if put in your fnmiiy will do any and nil work perfectly.—Will Inst n lifetime. Terms ef sale the roes' liberal. For sale by A. C. Moore, who is the only authorized agent ia Centre eoun ty. For terms, 4 enquire of A. V Moore, Milesburg, Pe. —-Get your dried and canned fruits a ! Seehier*.headquarters for all kinds ef gro ceriet. Goods warranted fresh and pure Green's Compound Syrup of Tar and Honey, a sure cure for coughs, cold croup and early stages ef consumptien Try it. CAMPHOR MILE— Dr. Oberheltzer's Liniment bas been tested by tbeusands and ba preyed to be ef the highest yalur to tbe community. It but eflected many cures in Rheumatism, Sores, Swellings, Sprains and Frosted Feet, and many per sons recemmend it fer Cuts, Galls A Swell ings in hertat. It costs 26 eents J. D Murray, Contra Hall. 27 mar Ira Col. W F- Reynolds, of Bellefente claims to hare acquired a title en tb magnificent spring by which that ber eugh it supplied with water, and now in gists that all tba water used in large quan tities'het can flow rough a four-incl pipe mutt ha paid'for by |tha inhabitants The claim will iiyolve a law suit. Th spring it one of the largest and finest ii the State." The present Board of Directere of tbi Famtylvaaia Railroad was re-elected ei 25 Philadelphia by a itock rote of 366, 9b tfiar BOROUGHS. A citiaea of the new boro' of Millheim • I aaka the lUroaTva to sl terth tbe powers - and defies of boro' suthoriU*. which we ' will endeavor te do as concisely as pessi £ ble, via. .- A- The courts, with the cencerreace ot the he grand jary, may alter or anawi any boro' t charter, on petit oa of two thirds of tbs f. uihabitents They are limited to held rem- estate not eiceoding tbe yearly value of fit OtX'. Twenty or uicie owners of n outside lots or leads by petition to bur lr gsaa and ceur.cii ran have sane adtailted ** *a part of boro' To titead bero liaistt the autborilios uau-t file plan in ceurt and eublish notice ia two papers, end aev fit i?sa csn eppeal to court from ordinace of Citeasion witbio days after filing plae. Terriiorv taken in reamine liable fer its n. I , '"h* r " <, l l of the township debt frem which it was taker, to helevirj by bee' officers and pa dto township. The coun a. cils cka make ell e-dinat-csa needed for m geyrrnmeet ef hore' set inconaiateet woh in tbelawaottbe ata'.e, lay eut streets, al s leys, sewers, regulate pavements, etc, _ regulate party walls of buildings, vaults, cess poo's, fences, ete , prevent ratio, hers ea, swiae end ether animals, from running at large, and authorize killing of dags run -1 >iig at large ; to make regulations for ' markets, peddling, measurement of card- Wood, key, real, and ether artic'es fer - sale ; to regulate cleanlineas of afreets a'-i i alleys regu'ate depth of graves : csu pre vset exhibitions of shows, plays, moaete . harks, end others of tbe same sort, rae ■ appoint watches, Impose fines and build l>>ck up. but no confinement flo be longer i, then 4t) hours at a time. Her*' tax net te 1 exced scent on tbe dollar et ve aatiee for couaiy purposes Can lax doatsl and - 51. for first one, and ie f such ratio for more a- thrv deem proper In Voting far members of council the cumulative system is applied, via. : If there are two councilman a voter mav cast il. # . ha two vote* for one man. aad so en Mep right in to Sechler's, set all they got, buy a hill of their tip-top gro ceries,—you will aever regret it; it you I wet a good, fresh wholesome a-ticle. et . Sechlcrs is the place above all others to get it. Try it cats at least. . your cold and ceegh. Dr. Bull's Cub i Syrup Buv it Try it. It aever fail* i Costs only 2o csa'.a e bottle. Always reliable aad efficacious. Dr. Bu't's Baby Syrup aever diaapee su mothers and nurses, but cures at onto tbe 1 troub'eseme diseases ef bnbvhood. Sold , everywhere et 25 cents a bottle. , Tbe run et the Beehive. Bealend s < New Dry Goods Store, et Bellefonte, is j j reported ti wonderful. Nothing like il ] before. Bp'eadid display, unrivalled bar- I gains, noli test attenlioa, and all go away _ j pleased. Te the pe-p!e of the valley it .is a source of saLs'actiae to find Albert Min- 1 gle at tbe Beehive, eee of eur most popu- | j 'ar corks, whom all knaw bare, else i i Oharly M'Clure, et BdHefoute,—these j voung men take pleasure ia showing cus- ■ j tamers all luev can. Tbe mast money now can be saved „ lit geieg to that prince cf good fellows, n Newman, the King Clothier, and par charing of bim yeur suits, bats, caps, p boots, and uadercletbißg rxss Hsll AcaDbiisr —Tbe aoxv; n term f this papular iastitutien will com- \ mates us Monday, April 14, with Prof, D. M. Wolf at principal. Sapr'Ji John Shook lata of Farmers Mills, has aT*d to Uarrisburg Jest Duniep and so of Gregg, af ter a few weeks trial ir. Rims, ba*e re turned, and wan: no mere Kansas ia theirs. Aid. Gregg now occupies the "big bouse," Gen. Bearer"*, in this pits*. J. A. Cattle 4 Bro . of Mil ro*. has* ■ parted a merchant tailoring establishment in this town. * Read their a** lea C Mitchell, Esq .9 opened a law office at Lack Haean. —Messrs rhemherlain aed Criasman, clerks in the Yocnas contest ineaatigwiion now going oa hire, honored our sanctum with a Tint en Wadaeaday. April starts ia eery rough aad wis- Is risk. A quarter of beef will betaken a subscription althi* office. Phtrnix Pectoral will cure ywur cough f Pheenii|Peotora! eures hoarseness quickly. Phoraix Pectoral tastes gocd and bringt rst Phoenix Pectoral casts 25 els ; 6 bottles sl. I Staid by J. D Murray, Ceatre Hall. Get your fish at Secblers if you waat tbe freshest and best article in market, at prices that tbe poorest table can afford ia I haee the best fish. LIST OF JURORS. Grand Jurors—4 Monday April. Boggs—J 8 Praudfoot. Te>lor —JT Fawinr Spring—Jas Eckearoth. Snowehoe—J A Wolf. F-irgu#*n—D H Twang. Union—H Harwack. W G Irein. Potter—J B Lee. J A Keller Miles— N Karman, Joel Morris, J C Burket. M J Hall. Gregg—P Steak, College—Geo Mutser, J Bottorf, Wra Eer/hart. G Shell l.iborty—J W Taner. Fonn —W S Smith W'nrth--G R W'illiems. Philipshurg—M G-.wiand, E A Deris. Bellefente—H Walkay. Traverse—4 Monday April. B*Uefor.te—l M'Clura, W P Humes, J W Cook. R M Karlane, J M'Clellan, 1 Miller, J Mulhollan Boggs— W E Fislar, J T Lueas, W H Campbell. J Zimmerman, W Butler. Pent— F Bowertox, A A Frank, S G Guteiius. H H W'eioer, J Saakey, J C Sositb- Ruh—C Long. J Gile. Gregg—J A M Clintie. Wa Hei'kman. Cnhsn—Jacob Hooeer. jr. Milesburg—W C Wilky. Milee—Js Corman, J P Frank, L G r i>n- Spring—J Rarnbart, A J Bell. Iluu>a—M II Stewart, J S Thompson, J F Williams. Philipaburg— A Janes, E C Bender. PaltoB —J H Brad a. Liberty —W Sieinger. Bnrir—Jno Swartz Potter—J Dinges, L W Kimport. 11 arris—S Baily Walker— W r Harris. C Rodgars, 8 Good hrt Ferguson—J BGohaen. Marion—C ¥ Ycarick College -Jas Baker, Wm Grore. Howard twp—J B Lealbars. Jurors —May 5. Worth—J Wocdring. H Dennings. Union —Wro Idd ng. G I' Ha'l Bellefente—T Gordon. D Z Kline, J Sonsniereiile, J li Lirigle, W T1 witmira. W iu Dersline. Haines—F Dutweiler. R B Hesterman. Howard bor—W H Netf. A •' Gardner. Boggs-M Beans. G Flack, J K Holier Miles—John Wolf, Haury Corman, J R Burd. Rush —J Collins, I) Holt. Fergu-on—W KM' Williams, J John son. R Gardner. f Halfmoon— J F Dawning, S Elleaber ger. Paaa—Aad Harter. Gregg—H Kruinrina, W B Bitner- Pater—D ¥ L.usa, M J Decdar, A Mc . COT Walker—Jac Gohhla. 1 Snowshoe—Jas Gates. •• \ \TOTICK-Netice is hereby gien tha ' JLI application will be made for I charter, for Turnpike road leading (ran |. Millbeira, te tbe L. C. 4. S. C. railroad. ( 13 mar 4l BEHIND THE AGE. There are farmers who color their butte with either carrels or crude annaltu r- whereby tbey cannot roalizo for it a ful i market prico. The Perfected Butter Col or of Walls. Richardson 4 Co., is used b; the most skiiliul and censcianlious dairy ■ aaca. Sa ♦ a ie UMVEBSITT OF THE CLTT OF NKW YO* in March 26, 1579. ME. EDITOE:— Thar# is already great is tar-at shown ia Europe ia behalf of pot flo >dod Szegodin, ia Hungary. Yaetei 10 da.'s papers report £7.000 subscribed t ,- th Mansion House Fuad in Londea W Afflerictcr, always y mpaUuißg with su j faring humanly rvaryw ere, ibou'd csr tainly hasten to add te the auwiber of ' I Sregedm's benefert.-rs, \V e therefore re s ; ipeit'tilly beg you to notice the f-et that his Honor l deard Cooper, Mayer ef New York, has consented to leceive suliscrip ti-'Si for the reliel ef the destitute and houseless sufferars <<f N.-eseJi". > How ant' Caosiir, 6 A U'T M II ASI 11 SON, Gunm Ait\i i BOYTt'N I'I.YING Til K PADDLK j Owrasbero, Ky , March k'T. Ib7'.' Cap tain Beyton arrived at t'leverporl vsster day afternoon at three o'clock, after ruan ing twenty— x hours through a wind •<)uall He rested all mgtit aed -tarted at eight o'el ock this morning to rea- b tlwer-s --r boro, e distance et over tilts wo miles The trip wa< an unusue ly severe >a., as ibesun w ecssrehmg, and as the swim mer p'iad his paddle- the reflect i n fr -ei the river ctuaed b in Intease sul'entig. lie arrived h*reat six o'clock p m On ai d ng it was found that oue wf hi- hende was badly swollen, and it ie doubtful I'be will ever retch the Father o* \t sters lli feuding was auiid the w drst enthusiasm, ana all eav long the tiver has eeh- ad the p.-om of cat'nop. lie leaves for Kveu el! e in the morning ... Srneca. HI., March 30. N ear' s the en tire busir.eet port on of this tow a was de • treved bv fi'O 'ait night The flam's irtginafed in Underbill's hall and <juuh ly spread to oilier buildiugs Lahore. March ft—Sanders >e tole graphs that be was attacked at Baghnn n the 24th of March bv 2.000 MaU.ks. lie rented theiu. ki iing H> The British los' was 2 billed aad 6 w-iuaded L> KGISTKK'fk NOTli'K —The follow V ing accounts nve been examined and passed bv me. and remain fi ed of re* •ru in this offioe fur the inspwotion of heir-, legatees, creditors aad Others ,u anv war interested and Will be presented to the Orph-ns Court Centre Ceuntv, on Wednesday, the Slb.K dav of April, A. D . IbTV, fr eeuflrmalioe sad a''wwnce 1 The account of Jwbn K shel. guardi an ot Care!no. Luther. Sam I and Kmen-! ual Weaver, miner children of Jaceb { Weaver, decea-ed, as fed by John t el. administrator. _ i | 2 The accrue'. Robert Kendall, guar- j i dianef Aar-ie E M eke', (now Wef>b l mi -1 n.<r ehild of Wm. Moke!, late of College ' township, deceased S The account of M chae' and .lohn | MOlwv. liseuters of Ac ,af Juki Mil lev, r ,->r . lata of Wa'ker township dscsa-ed. 1 las fi'ed by John Miller, one of the ex ecu , lore i The account ef Jacob R Leathers '' aud l* W Barehart, executor* of Ac . o' L John Hughes, late of lleward township. . dec*ased. .S The seceed and final acceuet of John ' Wi'bon. executor ef Jkc , of Viecert Ste s sens, late of Half Moon towaship, de ceased, s , ■ The account of John N uttal', adni a istretor of Aa . of Thomas Nuttall, late of Philipshwrg B<srough, deceased 7. The eceount .#J V Kre-der, admie ' isiretor ef Ac , ef Nancy Kreider, late of CI Peca towa.hip. deoeaserl r , 8. The first and final acceuet of Je*ss Fry. geardiataof David Hel'ahaugb mi nor ehild of David Hailahaugn, '.a'.r of H B -* r '.ewnship, deceased If 8. The fi-st and fira' account of Jcase Fry. guardian of llenrv Hallabaugh, ail- ■ ma- child of I'as.d Hallabaugh, ate ef Borr* township <fe e-sed (j j 10 The account e' Jatnei A Sweet- . weod. guard ae of E'i'abeth Stuntp, ml- Iter chi'd of Margaret Seatfoss su 11. The account of Jatnes A Swaet- 81 , we-'-d, guardian of Jane Kubn, minor rh-'d of Margaret tvea-foM 12 The ac.-eu"t efC' John Rishel, ad- tfi miu'itrator of Ac . ef Daeid Krtle de. reased 'ate of Gregg township as file,Jb* M L Rishel end W F Rearick. ad i in- 01 M. Ls r ikwrira. - istratoT "f a'.d J.ihn R h' .iaocaseil 13 The accouat .>f (" M B 'we-. admin istrator of 4c . of Rachel Irw a, late of r Ballafoate. deceased 14 The account of Daeid S Be. L.del, [, guardian ef Isaac .!#rew> ah Shearer Sa rah Ma'garat William Frank ;n Shearer m ner children of Marcaret 0 Shearer, deceased 15 The 6** l acco-.iat of R G Bret!. gu*rtl<aa of Geerje Ward, <s a>nr rh Jof Uriah Ward, iate of Ferguson tow:.ship, a deeea#d 16 Tee eccount ot David in I Ila'-T II Sharer administrator* f Ja<* >b Sharer. u lata of Walker tewrhip. C 17 The a(cau*t af Daaia' <r.>*a cuar- t dim at (learge P HT. tr.iaor ch d .>f Wi l<ani llay, late of Harris tawnship de n .a**ed 16. The arrautit af Han*y Barth loraew w aad Jeae Swarlz. executnra ' A*- "f Elizabeth Bartholotuaw, lata of Walker lwo*hip, deceased. .< 19 Tha atrouat of AnJrew Guitar, ex- ' eeutor of Ac. o f John Guiser, late o> '' M i'ee township, deceased 0 20 The second partial account ef Jaroea j Dark, Michael Du'k. and II K Duck.! , administrator* of Ac .o! J Henry Duck, ' late af Greer town'hip dacea-ed 1 21. Tha first and partial account ef John , M.*iaer.Jr executor of Ac , of John C : Brik ker, late of' Harris township, deceas ed i 22. The final account a'James Due ap exaoutnr of Ac . of Mare Lang, lata of Ferpuson township, deceased 23 The twelfth eaual account of John ( ; Irwia, Jr. aad Daniel Rn..adea su-Tieinr trustees under tha ssjt! or Wrn A. Tbewi- 1 as. late ef Bullefente. deceased 24. Tha acfout of John P. Moore, exec utor of Ac, of Sarah A Smith, late of Harris township, deceased. 25 Tha aeooui of Wm B. Turner, ad an nistrafor ef Ac., of Esther Yethers, late of Certre eouniy, deceased 26 The account "f Jotiah 11. Brown, i guardiaa of Samue! K Gauß, minor child • f Samael Gauit, late ofSnow bhoe town ship. d*ca*d. 27 The third partial account af Joseph ' Baker, sola acting trustee and axecutorof ' Ae., of Martin Rou'er. late of Harris township. Heeased. 28 The account of J. 11. Reifsny.ler. ex 1 ecutorof Ac . of Jacob Harter, iate of Pean township, deceased 29 Tba hnai accouat of Jeremiah B aiae and Joaathan Gratniay. executors of Ac., j of George Gremley, iate of Pean town ship, deceased. 30 Tha seaond and final account of Ma-' ry Wasson, admiaistratrix d* fionus non f; . Ac., af George E Wesson, late of Gel leg* I toweship, deceased. ' 31. The account of Robert L. Shirk and . Ezekial Bmg, administratore of Ac., of ' I)eni*i Shank, late of Milesburg bore. , dec eased ' 32 The account of Alex. C. Ukaney, ' guardian ef Francis Hanoe aowdee'd ) a miner ohild •<( Dnnia! Hartoe decaaad i 33 The saend partial acaount of POIIT 1 Fisber and Ja'ed B. h'ishar, exeut<>r# O'j Ac of Adanr. Fishar, lata of Gtegg town- 1 ship, deceased. ■* 34 Tha account of John Shannoa, one of the administrators of Ac., af Jacob Wearer, late of Gregg township, decaas • ed 36 Tba account ot Peter Robb, admtn istrator of Ac., afjahn Robb, lata of Cur tin township, deceased. 36. The firat pan ial account of Meshick Williams and J W Stewart, executor oi Ac .of Sceti Williams, late cf Huston _ tawnship, deceased 3 W. K. BURCHFIELD, 8 ap tc Register. is bars-by giran that the fol- Xq lawiog aamed persans HATE filed their peiilioas tor License in the office ot the Clerk of tha Court of General Sessions of the Peace in and for the cun IT of Centra, and State of I'ann a, and < that application will be mad* at tha neii session of said Court to grant the same : Danial German—Taeern—Bellefonte born Jacob J Karman—Saloon—Gregg twp Reuben T ShatTer —Taeern—Rewardhoro *' Perry H St<>T*r—TaTera— Pann twp. Richard Hays—Tacern—Philipshurg bora Henry C eager—Saioon--Bellefoatc B. Samuel H Runes-Tac-rn—Liberty twp Daeid J Mayar—Tatarn—Potter twp '* Edward Brown—Taeern— Bellefonte B. Robert Taylor—Taeern—Philipshurg B '' Joaath Kraaraer—Taeern— M illkeim B Robert Loyd—Taeern—Philipshurg Ik Fred'ick Smith—Saloon— H* lefaata B John G Uzzle—Taeern—Snow Shoe twp J II Odankirk—Taeern- Potter twp. U-ary Robb—Tayern—Walkar twp. Gatleib Haag—Taeern—Spring twp Jabn Andarsna —Saloon—Hellafoai* B. Jaffree Hayna-Taeern-Rush twp. Jael Kling, Jr.—Taenrn— Marian iwp. # George Hoppns—Taeern—Ballefonte B m John Copenbaeor—Taeern —Taelor T. Augustus Krom—Tneern Bellefonte R. Aleis A Kohlheeker—Taeern - Boggs tw, William S Lang—Taeern—liuinea twp. Isaac D Boyer—Tneern—Haine* twp. Peter Wbt;r- .-'■ icon —Philipshurg B. Gee I IBackfard—Saloon - Belixfoni* B. John Ramsdnli—Taeern- Philipshurg B •{j W B Muster —Taeern—Millbeira B. I James Pnssmore—Taeern—Philipshurg B. A bert Kauth— Saloon— B-llelonte B. ,J Dseid II Ruhl—Taeurn—Poller iwp. Huuseal A Teller—Taeern —Bellefonte B. J. C. HAHPER, 3 ap Clerk. *' The bill abolishing Jury Commia- B . aionera has past the lower branch of or the Legislature. It will, doubtlees r ~ also pass the Senate. Itiiauseleae office,' and tbe thereof might He Mirell be Bayed. t, sylvanis Conference of tk* 11. F Cburrk, l he'.l ut IlloeuitkVg, IV, Merck Hi!'', , j IF71). A1 I OON \ pp. MIL R ' Sll •• <* Swallow Pr in j Elder, Tv -1 run*. Pi i Al'.t as, Firl Church II K kiam'ii " K (Mil Avenue M K Fa*tsr Chea will Avenue T Sherlock liallldavshurg .1 A |i*Mwjar. Duncan** III* .1 M Clarke Manmshurg M L Smith \\ i liamshurg \V \V Duttuir# • I. 'gari V a 11 v V* Guyar I'vrei • K II K.ddU P >ri Matilda Jcaph It king Mileahurg • d I'll 'live • J R Skir. Howard J II Aii" \ It Crone• I'wntT* Ywlla> W It Whitav* lie lefuit* AIM iH'uiw P ruilt (lip I U !, ;r. Ila I G l\ I'IIII. Grave It F Carti i Wamur's Mart. I Mioni'i |( H S Mandmhill, Puitip-hurg A U ( ri(Lt"n Gr.h.asl.'ll F" lif.wr i O-cmla | l llau Ia a JAWI' '. wl Clear lie rl J SM. M <.rrv U'lntl:- J M .a. n WII Dill. \\ . 'U a ll I Kl' Cautpßall I'laiilaiJ Cireuil—W Seo'.t \N i IJH I'UR W I'll V I■ LA ' i I. #l.l*. l,aml"T I'll; l-aia'i Edwards Saw \\ atkll BUM 41 II Ag a (■'ri II a# Fii man Aiiati.* Snow S lis l.undv Cuugres. Hill J F Craig. Tfca Human Callml c con vast al Cain 1" , was itruca by lightning aad burn# ;# il a gr.mii I on VP.. So ar ean it ured I a man from two , Vli fl-bing IMIIII wli ib pat into Hiiaa'a ila a our naar Kartpert. Ma for bat, war (drowned by the upaUlg of a dor* Ihjer-n Victoria ' a good ha art siege' I 'a v liar own family raa l.aar I.or. acco■ In g to at >, jail# A corrat* mds' I w on to krn w whatb *r a cirvalaLog likrarr ought to b kai l ia a r'.a! etiery it a a Matthew Creed, propruter of a tin gooda store at Jamestown, Ky , aroused by a noise in the store, found a burglar behind the counter and shot him dead, fifteen buckshot penetrating . hia body. It is not known where th burglar was from. An Overton County, Teno., man wa recently killed in a singular lash ion lie stole a pig, killed it, tied it abou* t bis neck with a rope aud started lot t home. After going some distance h. i beca'ue weary, piaceil his pig on a I Mump without removing the rope from his neck and lell asleep. The pig I •lipped over the opposite side of the a stump and the tuau was strougled to ieath Nine-tenths of the worrying done >y ladies in moderate circurastaocee it t •aused by the difficulty of getting new * -aiment of the fashionable colors With Leamon's Dves made by Wells, ,! ;{n hard-ou A (Jo , Burlington, Vt,. * rouble cease# for goods cau be entire- 1 r v renewed in appearance. The strike among the coal miner- I '' .f the M inongahe'a Vallev, I'a.. has • i ■ . i*" lecome general, toariv all who re ufiled work having been induced to us|>etid by intimidation from striking □ mere encamped at the Works while he men were operaling. Between 'j ,('OO aud 6j00 turn will be thrown b ut of employment. • - Lick os I atilk —An immediate effective remedy lor lice on Cow* and other callie, alto f r ticks on pigt, i* to wa.-*li tlu* affected parts with potato or water in w Inch potatoes have Oren boiled. Hue application is gen erally sufficient. Siuali articles miv tni!v be coated with silver by dipping them tirst into a ■ >lun u of c uimoti salt, and rub oiug wi ha mixture of one part pre cipitaieti chloride of si ver, two parts ut pota-sa alum, eight parts of com tn'U salt, and the same quantity of cream of tartar. The nrticle is theu 1 washed and dried with a soft rag. I'he only news of importance from Afghanistan is from Lahore, to the ef fect tlut General Tvtier defeated 000 "f the enemy near PrshbuUk ou the '2-lib. Ihe enemy lost 200 mend Ihe Briti-h Kiss was trilling Tba Bengal lancers made a brilliant charge. Statistic" put the number of indians at 170.000 ; dime noveia a as many millions Which are we to believe? II you want to plant your noble name in a noble place, plant it among our list of autwci ibers. - ♦ ♦ MARKETS. Philadelphia, March fil.—Flaur—fans* ■ t $4 6c<v4 87* fiiinlvacn de at >4 76 <a,L> \\ w*at Punnv* I van la red and am ber. track. at $1 16(l !'• Chicago, Macs 31 Wheat quia*, hut *leady. No 2 Ctncago spnag, fre-h '.Mic, raguUr 87ic for casb * April, Corn fr-b 1J. reaular 31|e for cash and April.! trrsb 24<\ ragular 21|c for iah- Kv firmer at 401' i,4t'dv. Bariay easier a'. 38c. : . CATTLE MARKET. Philadelphia. March 31.—Cattle active. 2 40U kaad good 6c, Biedi JBi 5J'<J, ,dr, cisiiixm 4}'*t >!• Shaep active receipts 6 000 head, f >ecb |Otiyt'dc. medium &i(s6ic. common 1 (•>, t s H"r in fair ieuiaud receple 3 31)0 haad. good 6i(s6lc, medium Ofe, eominon 6c. Spring Mills Market. j Wheal bo. I Rye, 46c. Corn, ears, per bu. new, .40c Dili, 22c Buckwheat, 75c. Cloveneed, $i <W to $3.75 Chop, perton, 520.00. Plaster, ground perton, SIO.OO Flour, per bbl $6 00 I Butter, 12c. 1 Tallow. Cc. I Hani, Kc Shauldars, sc. Clean Sidok, 6c. Rags, 2c. F.ggs per dox., 10c. Tub washed wool 35c, Packed butter worked over, 10c. Coal. Retail. By Car, Ores*. Egg, $4 '25 $4 20 Htovn, $6 UO $4 t>6 Chs-lnut, $1 26 $3 80 Pea, $2 IK) $2 56 TJXRCUTOBS tfOTICIi - Leltr testamentary upon the estata of M ar.v Emrick. deceased, having heen granted to the undersign**), by the regis ter of Centre aunty, he request* all per • on* knowing themselves indebted to he cedent, to come forward and uiak* settle merit, and these having claims to present ttisiu duly authenticated for settlement. ft JOHN KM RICK. A) mar 6t Executor. JT NQUEST NOTICE - In the mutter o'tha estate ef donas Front ■ te-ened. late of Potter township, Centre •ountv. Pima's To William From, sr.. John Frem, sr Rebecca Bair. snmuel Bair, Mary From Eiutsbelh Soil. Jarots So|t, W'ra. From ir Jonas From, John From, jr., Wilson From, Jacssb From. Sarah From, Adaia Vrum. Ellen From (minor), and to John -thannoa, guardian nil hirm of Ellen From The heir* and legal rspressau ivri of Janus From, deceased : Tuka notice that h.v virtue of a writ ul Partiiion issued out "f the Orphan's Courl f Centre eotiaty, and to me directed, ai laounst will be held at the late resident's • f.lonas Frem, deceased, ia the lewn*hi| if l'otter, and county of Centre, onThurs lav, the 10th day of April, A I) , H7'. ai II) o'clock, a m , uf said day, for tha pur 00-e of making partition ol the Real Es ate af said deceased, to arid among In beirs and legal representatives, iflhesann •an be done without prejudice to or spoil ing of the whole, otherwise to value am appraise tho same according te law. a which time and place you may be prcseri ~ if you think pruper Sheriff* Office. ) Johk Sr anolkr. Bellufnnte, Pean'a. Sharif! Mar 14, 1871). J2O mar 4t BRICK FOR SALE. —First class brie on hand for sale at Zerbe's Centre Hal I- brick yards. These brick ar t otTercd so low that it will pay persons at Idistunco to come here for them. 1 I Intending to continue in the manufat allure of brick they will be kept constant) .on hand, and fair inducements offered t 1 (purchasers. (naugtf. 11. E. ZERBK DOINGS AT HAUKIMIURG. • I a ilia liousa cm theait . the set in 1 ins the compensation of mswihrts of tlx general asset* hi? . and the number, dilliei and aoßipanactioa of th* efllcari and am pla.veas ttmreaf, w roasldared 'This ii lha hill that eati'ed << uch diaruMina in lb# houta two weaks ago It reduaes tlx ss arit s about 'I • p" i ant *<! the number • I ensj loyass aboat lo par ■ #nt The bll. sis d*t#*!#<i fi<r wsal >! h rntistitutlnaa! aisj >ril*. thai* b* ag '.'H *"l# in tli* affir mative ai d 71 in lb* negative • follows Y #s Mailri. Ackarly, Anderson, Hai •v. Il#"k>, ll<s*ntt, Ito.xiv Uerdnar, Itewiiiau, llraat, Brouka, AS ills-. < Vup ■••II. W , Cassitlv, Caughav, l>atiahow ••r, I)#woodev, lli rfssrs, Doyle. lFum f b#r y, K .Irt- I, K uery. I. , Kak#!. Foster Fuust, Fultwn, A It , P.; I tan, W. T , iamniall. (i#pliart lis. Sett, ||el| ( || owe'l, llarknass U lor. Uill, J , lliaas ilo'man, llatartar, lloyar. Ilunphravs. ' nes, k> I, Kuoa .l Khitti# Kaedu >i# 11 l.autlis, Jos 11., I.a'gt.ty, Larch iif t #ll, Mac'ay, Mai!., Marker. Mat . a U t'a lnsn Hl' lilfs I, M'l'ai an 4s-siiga*. Millar. Miear. Mo>r*. .kak# • awl aksr, N irbols, N Saltan N.'be 'altara.'B. F , I'lollips, I'ortar. I'roatn* Cardar. Haynulds, J. A , Kiioaiir, Itr ga , lobarts, Sianlan. ScbaalVar, Fclioll ■ hrock. Sratoe, Sa lars. Naaar, Fkar • ood, l> 1., Short, Sin ii, Jno. U • oitk, J K . Smith, S J , Mayhans. J k , Thirkstuo, Truby. Walker, A , Wat n, Wrist, Walsh, White, J. B , W bits (V. It . Walfa, \t oadrufi, Worlhinglo* ind /arn '. M. Nays Ma-sri Ha'dw n, Harralt, Bir #-, Burton. Campbell, A B . arka 'o.bara, C .nrr. F awtard. Damutb. I> >n .hu*. Puabam, Far ay. KdnarJs. K d#' r" 11 list , K.lar, Farr, Paunce, Faeloe. rlinn, Fa.lerti n, Fulmar, Uanls. Garratt , Gaut. Gentaar, Gillaspia, Graham, (• 11 , Graham, Win., (Jreaaawelt. 11 ae. I at. llaw .. Mill, Jot M llolgata. It rk, Kochar oargssr. Law, Lawn, Lowing, Mariaafy. •(■gill, M I'sßdiats, M Kaa, Mitchall. 4 ~nav, M*#rs Nwell, A ( . Natll, J , ' l.aaihaa Palsgrov# Pelroff, I'ollaak. tad'era Kavr ds T J HUMS! argar 'Bomer, Silvartharn, An,.ih. u#o K . Anas r v, Saudar, Striae, Tav'oy. Tbamp Vnaderaliee, Voawt'y, Walker, Jas t> , Waller, Wilson, Yrgtr and F'ratar,; ■•aakar pro lam—74 #-♦ a New York, March 27. —The exec utive committee upon the world's fair' proposed to be held in NcwjYork, lias; leoided to hold the fair iu Central l'ark. The nciiou fixing date in lbso was reconsidered and it is probable] will be decided upon at the next meeting of the committee. MAR It I At Ceatre llall, Mar 27. Harry Rut ir.iff of \V tl s sat part I'a and Mary Kun i a ef naar Tuiss*villa. Cratra county. On tama dav, by the same. Ga- rg* A! ] an and Frai.k M Pratt, b> '.a .11. k !ia-n, I'a. (> i Thursday Msr. h 13. kv W.lliswi Ihotnt'j n. J. I* . Frr.c us Kiiso and, li ahvtk Oman, a :t of Colirga lown k,p. Oat s . -th fttl., by Has JoLa Tom! B- ■ n M II <i Ilaiaißger of M.Uka.m i.nd M -s J A W ;af Aar.>akurg. Tht rwan of tka J has gana ' ,sii got wiarr rd W# , tt • !o*Vi .ike rsamp'.ion at d wa w.ih ike par y Iht jllest n sau-e of l api r.ess, wilk a tkat hst iwip " " a — l iiif.ik . . v .. ll <>a u!t , nea- Aaransb- g Jt-r. (| Frank, ages! a a cut 80 year*. m J. A. Cottle 6l Bro*. * Ml 111 II \l rilLOKh, t c h 8T k k hall. TV i'd re-pi t'ut * ai a-i.rc# '. v.t - ft of tb.s *rn tv teal t' *t are prs pared to all kiads e' w. rk belonging t • that line, for mra tad Iswvt, and ac Crd I/ Is latest tlv *• tio.sds n d b.v •!., • Bivilg ' *ii '"in Tears ei p*- #r 1 a '.Hot g.i.'a' tee a w • a t# rra- Uer |<*r!ect aatisfai t■ a, a"d s >it a share ' the pah .c pair aage. I \\ IK ltd! All ! HI It R A II 1 1 H U R HA II ! | ll -lis- i, CHEAP JOHN. < CENTRE HALL The Spring season of IRTIi is uow ' opening. We have just received an excellent slock of Spring and Summer Goods, ! | which will be sold at the Lowest Prices. ;l , We have an immense stuck and well, | assorted tn every line. We have i DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, | BOOTS & SHOES, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, ETC, ETC., at lowest price?. i Best Sole Leather always on hand. Give us n call im mediately. I. GUGGENIIEIMEII A CO. J. ZELLER & SON. DRUGGISTS, f No. 6 Brockerhoff Row, Bellefonte, Penn'a. . lleulcr* in l)riiga,( lietiiirals, I'erl tiiiirry. I it is j (.otnla Ar*. - ale. t I'tir. Wines snd Liquors for medic I purpose* alway* kept. mayfil 'i Harness, Saddles. &c. Th at-1cralrMl, dots-rminr.! lo tut Ol# p©ptlT drmand forl>#r prics*, c*Ua o (100 of (!)• public to lUiilock of ~ HAIMM.KKY p now at thoold a(m1 Ialf n*l for Oi |4iJo ;id tho flinpa h*> Urssnat inol , • ml rotnpUt*MMortmont f Ilmrn***. OdlUn HDll*. tJ f ssvrtjr (lea. rifOon *■'! HiftilO . Whip*. AHIt In (act •rtDlnff lo complete • flrwt r|M o*Unllh 1 niont. li now I |rt •• which will wi It thnttm#* JACOB IHKgkM >ntr Unll ' IM PORT AN' TO IIUVELI li.v ■ -THF-- : BUSH HOUSE! '• BKLt.xroNTK. PA. )!a* been recently thoroughly renovated 'I *nd repaired, end under the manegem.ei r > T the New Proprietor, Mr. UhOliUK " HO I' P ICS. formerly of VV'msport, is firsl r class in ail it* appointment* ip SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ■ Are offer* dto those in attendance at court *• and other* remaining in town for a few r lavs at a time. * The largest and most superbly Designed •' Hotel in Contra) Pennsylvania. Ml modurn conveniences. Uutrytht I Itush house. "1 Baug GEO. HOPPKH, Propr. Forks House! PERKY STOVER, HROP'R. g- The Forks House, at ( oburn station, is new and Commodious, and is kept in besl - manner. Red and board second to nens ck in tha county. Stabling for 80 horses ill Asa summer resort it will be found a) re that could be desired, right in the heart o a good fishing and hunting grounds, anc surrounded by the most romantic rcenery ic- lnov y ■I) TA F. FORTNEY Attorney at Lav tO |JLf Bellefonte, Pa. Ufflceover Rgy r 1 uoldl bank. Huiay't, The AHooni 'Hun' never titlem ~ knytliing truer then tliii : "If fheri ( is on earth e men meunrr than nil oth M ers, it is lie wlio deliberetely tries by is ell the erts of culrcety, the Imiids o is old conipeiiionship in wrong doing, bj n surer eud ridicule, to entice e reform aVd drinker beck to Ins cups. Kver r j lasting shame upon such n i-harHcter Hjend nil honor to the rcgrnereied manhood winch call withstand his devilih ti duction." Hon. 11 end rick M. Wright, though jt he candidate of the green backers for jm eker, haarotated again hack into the f>Te:nocratir communion, having Imen present at tin last democratic caucus of the bouHe. He aoetiiß to he running Ina doubtless gaini with great auudui ' <*• New Goods LOOKOUT! Ik A iil*ndid f Nw ik •' CivHd Arrived *i ■■■ WM. WOLF'S S j ■pa) —is i lia— lin nh tin ' a II ' - Prices Are Down. w r I W ""d "" mmm w The stock consists of a 'JF full 'ifia of Merchandise, -1 brariog *ll kinds of DKESH GOODS. < AKI'KTS. hshi OILCLOTHS GKOt EUIKS, •> „ • GLASSWAKK oU KEN SWA UK, j ETC.. ETC.. ! TL a P*w w Muslin &L Calico ?! ar# at bottom pricat. ] FURNISHING GOOD* of all kitids. CLOTHS a CABSIMEXES \T, ™ H.4TN antl CAPN. * ■■■ PRtIDUCK received .a * ~ exchatiga for goodi J NEW GOODS!!! CENTRE HALL COACH.SHOP, LEVI MIKKAY, at 1.. establishment at 4 ei.tre Hall, keep ! on hand, and for sale, al the ti ott rear lis ble rate* Carriages, buggies, A Spring WagonS, PLAIN AND FANG y, and vehn e • f every de< riptiofs tnad# t* order, ai d Warranted to t# ftiad# o! tLa )i#>i se.s.o ed listeria' and IT l! n art {■est s***sot ed materia . and by tlie n et * kit e*j and competer.t workmen, lledies for buggies a* d spring wagoi.i Ac., of tht mo*: :ti| '. oil | attert s made to *r,>t, a • 'Gearing of a! hsrdt n ai'.e to order All k.- of repairu g vione \r n ptly aad a! the lowest possible rates. Pers. i s wanting a: * iL:• gtnl is lin# are re ; .eslAd t. ca I and * xan ine Ids work, ■h wdl find ll not to be eicelled for dur ' ility and wear. may 8 If. CENTRE HALL Hardware .More. J.O. DEININGER. A r.ew, comt 'ete Hardware 7 tor* ha' been • pet.ed L> the uhd* rs gned in C el. ire ila i, - here t.e .s prepared to sell a kin i**'! Build t * and IL'U.e Furnishing Ha-Jware. Sail. Ac. Circular and Hand Saws. Ternon Saws, We'.ib Saws. C the* Uai k>. a full an rl tneril of G'ass and Mirror Plat. Picture Frames, Spake*. Fello s. atiil Hub*, laf' e Cut ery. Shovels. Spales and Forks i,< ks. Hinges. Screws. Sash Springs, Horse-Si e. Nails, Norway Rods. Oils. Tea Hells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn ishes Pictures framed in the finest sty!# Anything cot oi hand, ordered upon •hert"t notice. W Remember, all good* offered cheap er than eitewhere. w RTcamfs" POPULAR. Furniture Rooms! CENTRE HALL, PA. 1 manufacture all kinds of Furniture for Chambers. Dining Rooms, Libraries and Halls. If you want Furniture of any kind, doc t .buy until ypu see my stock. UNDERTAKING In all it* branches. I keep ir. stock all | the latest and most Improved Coffins and Caskets, and have every facil ity for properly conducting this branch of my business. 1 have a patent Corpse Preserver, in which bodies can be i preserved for aconsidsrabla length oflime jullDtf vr. R CAhir. I - *4F. , Examine onrCnub Prlcca oi Hoolh aittl Slio.-Wc are rollitu r out the goods lively, because we cliargi les* for them than was ever known- NN < keep up the quality and keep down thi prices. We are bound to sell off this tre I itiendous stock, and trust in the low price to do the business. NN o will offer yoi Men's flno salf boot* at. $2 .* *' Men's kip b.*ots at 2" | Women's kip shoes at 1 | Children's school shoes at • j Man's wool lined gum boot* at 2 * Boys' wool-lined gum boot* at - 1 'J 1 Men's wool-lined buckle overshoes... 1 t Men'* wool-lined Alaska overshoes... 'J Men's plain gum overshoes 6 ' Lumbermen's gums, solid heel 12 Women's wool-lined Alaska over shoes - • Women's plain gum overshees 3 A uses' plain gum overshoes 3 1 Children's plain guui overthoos 2 f Tho above rubber goods are all firsi . class and aro warranted, and will he sol for cash only. K. GRAHAM &SON. Dec 6. Bellefonte, Pi ' PENNSVALL Y BANKING CC CENTRE HALL, PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and allowlntp est: Discount Notes; Buy and Sell GovernmetuSeonrities, is Gold and Coupons, it Wu. Woi.r, Wit. B.Minoi.k, * Pres't. Cash) Ji TOHN F POTTER, Attorney-a f ' U Oollctlona promptly made and upec attDilon clfd to (ho h*lnc lands or |>roprfv I d ml*. will draw op and h*v w M-Ttf sr •". Ac. Office In th diauioud, north aid* the court bouan. BnllafouU. oclttdPtl * ¥ L. SP ANGLER, .Attorney-sl-La fl Consultations in English ai German. Office in Burst's neiv buildii :'• x , r II Aitll Y K . IIICKS, f >fi y (Successor to T. A. Hicks & Bro.) i-1 WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALER 1N r, ; Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, <fcc., 6lc. Ut) %Im lias the Itgcni'j if the South llcnd ( hilled Plow for Ihla < otiut> .-%M r - - e " f I WILL NOT BE I NDEKSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT SELLS TOE SAME QUALITY' OF GOOD® K , it an a r in. ki i.ii'j i I. O. aucuasT l*r< idr-nt. Caalner QENTRE COUNTY RANKING CO. (Late Miliikeri, Hoover A Co.) t Kccrtvc DcpiHliUi, a \nd Allow Interval, Discount Notes, t ISuv end Sell iuvarumeut Securities, Gold A ■ iplOfibtf CoupoM a ' ■ —HARDWARE! B ; WILSON, M'FARLAKE iV CO. -1 NEW iiOODS—FAKIC H H *lt T . i: A W A > STOVES II CAT liltS It % N4.1.N ; v *: <ji : h : S N N We would especially ca ! attai.tion to the Highland (Jnecii Cook Stove, 1 —AND THE— $?£>Y2. * •#-()ur Stock being entirely New. W offer special Bargains i:.-u c^-HARDWARE, OILS and PAINTS WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. WILSON, M FAHLtM A (o„ lII'MES BLOCK. RELLEFoNTI, PLNN'A BELLEFONTE MUSIC STORE. Pianos! Pianos' ORGANS! :j . j' .Sewing Machines.! ALSO SMALL INSTRUMENTS. I, VIOLINS, 11,50 ACCORDEONS.I- O Slop Orgaua. 2 Full Set of Hrrda, |rl*e $270. Only |95. Slop Org*nw. 3 Full S*l of Herd*, l*rlor I*3 10, Only *73. Thi* Organ ha the "Grand -• Kne* | ij Swell.') TOrlaxc Koarwood Pinnow. Only Ml3O. ij! Soronsl-liainl Orguuw fox 123. Soronrt-liiiiKl Planow for 530. CHICKERING PIANOS. STEINWAY PIANOS. > j ARION PIANOS. WATERS PIANOS. ESTY ORGANS WATERS ORGANS. WOODS ORGANS. 'MASON A HAMLIN DUCLET ORGANS. O Inw DOMESTIC Sewing Macbinc, ISO 00 ! New WHITE Sowing Machine, !New ST. JOHN Sewing Machine, $25,00 New Improved SINGER Sowing •I Maebiae, $22 60. New Improved HOWE Sewing Ma r# chine, $22.50. < Second hand Sewing Machine for $ >. ' t . No Agonls employed, The buyei * get ihe Ac- uls protit. I'ome and e* ' u for yourself. We are the only party who buy nm *> own Machiues and Organs for cash 75 Wc are prepared lo give customer all tho advantage. w feb27 BUNNELL A AIKENS. jo 3! a LWi lre TO YD V S U M EN. I'r Just publish**!, in a sealed enyeloj*. Pm e six cenU. . A Ucturt on th* Natur#, Trulmwit, *nd Radic curt of mutual W#akDMft. or .Si*ariuaorrhpa. i t . ducod by Salf abu*. luroluntary h mtaahma. Imp , , t4nry, Nfrmua lability, at'd !inp#dtminta to M •n rbit gptieratly. ContuMptioß. kpUapay. Ami ku MaUl and IMiyfti al Incapacity Ac |'*y KOHhl , J . vv\.\ Hli\\ 1 1 M l> . autticr of tba "lliaa * Btfok Ac OTha world-ranowuad author. In thia admirabla lac lura, claarly profra from bin own atpananca thai fh awful conaaauenaaauf Salf abuaa may ba affa<-tuall ramoffd withonl iiiadlciix* without dangarou aurgical qi>craiioua. bougiaa. Inalruiuauta. rluga. o • eardiala . pointing out a moda of cura at on ©a cartaii and affas'tual. by which a*ary matter wha hta condition may ba.may cura Llmaalf cheaply, yrl rata j and raiticalle Tbla lecture will prova a boon to thouaanda an thouaanda Rent. undar teal. In a plain errelope. to any addraa 1 * on racalpt of two psataga atampa Addraaa tha Publiahara, t- THE CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO cu 41 Ann St., Now York; P. O. Box, 4586 JT. IQocty a of 1L TOHN BLAIR LINN, tl Attomoy-at-Law, <i * Offiee on Alleghony St., Bellefonte, Ti lof l 27 fab tr PES Ss \ ALLEY I S| .TDTI l'b# spring aeaaloa of tkia v alaet SelooU • ill bs iiy.nsd us ths IFk < ' Aoril w St. I n lha I'okliC Hclii" 1 b... .ig .t La tr< Wall Its pleasant •ttustiwa, central I" U>n sad assy a< •-•# t 'gcibcr with abu> d-j übl *• • onmodatioii* abd a thorough llir --ary aiol classtaal o-u .e of study, or ke tills a darlraOle srhoal Tor parsons ffoW' B 1 d-laa<a ll'. dir.y isn ha bad at s• rv 1 rear n.tolc rate. I uitioii Irvfii 4la b SSo :!► For further particulars addra.. 11 K Hilar a A H.l'rin. fahao H I'auii Jiaii, Fa I HENRY BOOZER. < kvi ICI: 11% M., . ... „ <t inru or •addlss Harsesa Bridles Collars, Whip# Flynsu ami u ■ i keep* ut> baud C.Uu' j hcu, se I'ricr* i) utnj whera el** I Vil kindt*c>f repa •inf done. The ba* t.H k always ken on hand All work war /anted A -hare of (he public palruoag. * kindly aohcitnd llapr, Hy Spring .Mills (). k ! NEW ROOM! NEW GOODS! j at I. J. Grrnoble'n Store ! SPRING MILLS. W the C.K..U Lar*"l '..<■ k ! SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than Ever, J extend* a curdtal invitation t fn friend*, patron*, and public general Alno a Complete Ato'irtrrent ■ Kt'iily Made Clothing ■T! . > ai • y*. Suit* ar ' .v ... . u i.u.i in do "T. Imported ami Domestic DRVGOODS! Full lines of MERINO CNDERWEARR, For Ladies, Genu, Boyr, Miseea and Children. J Hosiery, Gloves, Roots and Shoes, "ATS." CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, i And the mort complete assortment of NOTIONS i Central Pennsylvania. and prices tba* j ■villcoinpel vou in elf defence to buy o' I m . Also Fi*h, Salt. etc. 18or A full line of Howe Hewing Machine.- tnd Needles for all kiudt of machines Also deals in all kinds .of Grain: Mar ket price paid for the satne. A specialty n COAL by tbe car load. Jas. Harris c\* Co. NO. 5, BROCKKRHOFF ROW. IN ONTNAILS, P A 1 N T S, OIIAETC.. JAS. HARRIS A CO. Bellefbntto ;—T BARGAINS. Bargains! Bargains! Iu MEN'S aud BOYS, BOOTS and SHOES' iGo a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, a .OUIS DOLL'S Shoe St ire Pposite the lit!?! !:• :: 11. 1L fon.e Mim fornn i v occujued iv .Ton 'owers. apr'ioy cwish'rp.C u .v v ic Cmßl WKSTWA tH. i a 5 * -LEAVE A. M r M V M •! Mnntandon 700 166 6.11 Lowisburg 7.15 220 C 3 r Cobarn 9.25 J* Arr at Spring Mills 950 *■ EASTWARD. ■ d 2 I I.KAVE A.M AU. P.] Spring Mills 10 10 , Coburn 10 35 6 I.ewisburg -....0 35 12 45 6.4 Arr. at Montundon „6 50 1.00 0 ( N l and 2connect at Montandnn wit Erie Mad, west on the Philadelphia an Erie It. R. No*. 3 and -1 with Day Express east at) Niagara Express west. 1 Nos. 6 and G with Fast Line west. Candy Manufactory &. Bakery. Mr. Ailmt Kauth, * BISHOP sILEKT I'A K FRY, jis now nreking trie terv tw-wt BREAD, CAKES AND PIM, pa Bellefontn CaiMto-e and Conbctiona. He alao 111 a riu far-lure* all kind* of caa dlea. and drwlers i-ati purchase <-f hiwi a* .Inn •> is thr eity. •'ai.rtia. ~f all kindsal- I . n hand, t"grlhrf With Orabgat, Lg Data*. Nut*, Syrupa, Jai . af ' .i i ryihifig g<a>d Ufc COUNTY OYSTER DEEOI. iu Kict-llenf oyster eahaiD alae al* bed to the Bakery Call and aut UE. ALBEKT KAUTH. NEW ((■rocery and * Confectionery, AT CENTRE HALL Tk underttgned l>at opened a new Gr* •■*rj and C'.'Mec-iionerY. and will alwer* •••{. ■ full I in* f good*. si |<>eti poetibl* price*. and kind!) stk* a (Bare oI the puk tic |4trutia(e lit# I runiiiu of COFFEES, srOKHS. TKAft BYRYPB, SOAPS, SALT. AII kindt of CHOICE TOBAUCOKB AXDBEGARB. ami all f; jiu of tie imiod generally ia Mock BET SWEET POTATOES A!o a full hue CONFECTION KKIEB All kind* of country produce taken ia ei> chant*. I tail low for CASH and PRODUCE. *apiy C. DINGES. New Pianos $125 Each, and all atytae. including GRAND, -Of ARE and CPKIOUT alt unci!* Aral ciatt. aold at the luwett net caak *faoicta r factor* price*, direct loth* par* • baer Tbeee Piano* made one of the ia eat ditplaya at the Centennial Exhibtiiaa and vera uriar.'moutly reconm-ndad far inaHioutay lio ou-o 12 000 In uaa Kegularly incorporated Manufacturing Ce. Factor* rata but bed over 36 year* ,he vjuare Orandt c> ain Matbuthek'* new pat eat Duple* oertrung Scale, tha create* I improvement in the httlory of Pi* •n<> making. '1 be ilprigb't are the inert •r America. Punot tent on trial Daa'l •ail to write for 1 unrated and Deecrip *le Catalogue of 4b |>*ge—Ron ed Iran M KN DE L.SMJH.N PI A XO C<... j 6 aept ly 21 Kri 15th Mr eel, X. Y. j£jR.S. G. GUTKLIUB, Dentist. Millheim. Qgr* bu ptvltmumt I wmw.m lb* ntlit Ha le ri.-r-0 lo pcHuna all utxrraiuiut la l£* draUl pra •lt u aoa tall*pr*par*6 t* attract taeU ttaaitil* "■beat pale. art II A Purely Vegetable remedy 1*1> rsafeat,Roaleat itiul Ileat ever dtu*avcrHl for KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, PILES, GRAVEL, CONSTIPATION, LUMBACO, RHEUMATISM, DIABETES. ft WONDERFUL DISCOVERY) Kx" -"taldecoisjiocnd. not doctored wltk being &rj-+ f ~ntie calbartk *nS L<<-took—aurcto effectuatl. carraomeoflkc t coexc.ou and painful tip ax* that PaCe aed- J akilL Tbo*e who hTc beca cured whem ail ■ ..ther bium faded, JuetJr hj ' "It It Use greatest bkwalsg of the age ." "I better* I tbonid not now he aliie bet for a." Phriciaa is regular practice •ay: "It work* tike a rhara and effcctirelj." FOR SALE BT ALL I'RIGCISTS. I#" ! I*. KtrVLV V <KT*..skeW.*.mAS I Ml' I. m C I MS > ... '-I ,U* <* IWM ml U wc. mm tmOm. * sue, luuiaanbox a era, rrytuv kMpw t V Mask to —\ THE ORIGINAL & ONLY 6ERUIHf ** Vibrator** Thresher*, wrm nmtorrD I MOUNTED HORSE POWERS, And Rtean Threabcr Eugtaaa, e Kmi. only by 'NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., BATTLE C ltr.r-K, MICH. TIIK MmrMs— SwrfßC. and V t) 1 tar—liar* lata —y *—| m—m:k*aa Wv—4 aR Vnlry lv In*< Rt, hp IMS A— I. *id for SBTltof vJra— ft—■ Smuia 8K AI >' Rul.rre will tai Sakwlt ta Ik* HMtfito— uii:t mt#nlt liditt * r er *wt% <N— kf • * th> —fcwr — cfew— , oS— Otore po*tod —i U* mN—kw— . THK O'TlltK Tbrewhtwc Hi,siim and I mi rant ••*• • t-f UN La IX A G J*B fU t kn> try throo laajsrv w 4 Mnwi— NO Kerol*la Skaftt faelde Ik, W.u ri r k-u.. . I S— Imis , rv%..*_ |t tdiNK. I n4Hn. h l.w •*..<.* od t ai* — atttt o— Mfkli j <-*UW~tvA !•*• '. ftjr • led to *1 k wttan l f aOts—rS | to.Win Wft : Ifciy. L- gor SU> t, b— i— 4 or E^aaadL I NOT orlr Vutlr lwerter far Wbewt, twt h ke, *4 til* U'tlM, IKk 11 aaut fMr rvtoal Dinahrria PWm. H*wth. NllMt. CWwar. —| frto fWA*. AoßtttPNi stkMiMßMie "r " xwlnsiuiki ' In p ftto— bnla W Sre IK. I ISARTEIXtra fer aiit,llrltT f Pars*. j IW ks'ai tr t wan On* hi< X * aiwtsnl W. a Mm —.to ,n Mate* too LlUrrttos* cm fcaiteni fOt'K slrra af KrparMan Made, raaa lu tkUd !!*>■"+ r. wtit to to—Mi STXtM Power Threat)era a (Speetatsr. A .| 'la. La* .WJAJ atii SMtoOW WA^M—Ay I— rtw. OPR rartralrd ffteaas Tbrewhcr ta> , IS— nil* 1 Aa*i<W lm|vvea'> s **• < PstitoHM fiatum, fer Wyvsa.i toby atiwi anato* r ki—L IW Thorough XVorkmaaabia. F.leaaaS IVI to •f• f* Pnf t. ip a*S, !*•. *f I *..|Mtotot*l, •4c. , s—r • Vimu ive ' UtotUe sin is* v m#toml*to poll Particalaiw. roll on oar ftealara v> * *-to ? P \ TFRS' Orchestrion chimw ORG A S utkr naoet beaaUfal c I dr f a„ in tonee*er asad*. It haa.Acrrlebraiad BH whl Huwinn Valee. J, .X rnnuim a*d two and a kalX fflllKirt— Ortarea </ belt* la IkllSli I man* wishikeraeda. jHUj]] I toe——l[lS! j tknr ctrrt ■■*' H fyvSj; I IS—'! tral A electrtr*aa. a T'djr!BISPWiwatbkw*<uki- -3J • OXA,OIt( HITH. AI.,COM IHTO,VKSPEK. CENTENNIAL I'lll.tlKS, t'HAPBIn and t OTTAS-BOK 'JANS, in I nlnue trench l ae* ore *••*. r repeet FIK*-T CLASS. ... H WATERS' PlAHoß,.^i>|s M AKTIIEHESTSIAIKtt* Toaa, TaaaA. Workman>lilp,& llnrablllt* l aurpaaaad. Warranted for SIX VEARS ~ C KICKS KXTKKfIIEI.Y LOW /*r awato * M tlouthly luatnllmenta reeetted. A l iberal a Dim-aunt I' 7to'ker#. ■*•'**,(tre. VMM, ill n..At;ENTS W Alt rtD. speelallndacto , taenia to the trnde.llhtatrated > atalogato 1141 >|.iled.seead.baad r "-" t V'"rsSf llargalna. HOBAf K WATKBB dc ?to nil ilanufaetnrem d peater*, 40 EAST I rh STREET. rN—l esttAUL MW VUttkj tiili) Jg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers