THE iKMiUi K£i*OHYKR. Centre Hall, Pa, Th'rtJ. Mar 1". 70 15*-Tkrm *.~V2per year, when }atd it idranrr ; irhrn not paid m ad ran Of A-tvertieement* 'Xtot* per line for thrrf >u nrrtian*. and Seent* par tine far every >.•>- ergwent intrrtian Adrertieemmt* by thi year at a liberal dieeonnt. _ Suberriher*aul.iuie.J he cew nty |Aon;f re nit ii* 10 amount of one i ear .* poet are, instead of 'AVf. at formerly when yam by themeelrre. Saber f her . enn ahrny* tell hmr their n,- count e it and at the Reporter ofhoe hy eon tutting 'he table* on then- pa} ere I' thi lob e read .* Roe 1 j*n 7.V' 1/ meant that John i* .nd'bted f< - subtrription from the I*f of January. 18*5 and that '( ■' finv he u-at paying the printer. LOCAL ITEMS. tODOT HKrnKOS denrn*rnul^ O *IO. • ry s*tuH**Mt theO-M ,J X *. Foavw**. Sk'j J. F. AL*Xat>*e. "• Oto Fav l/wsa.!. S~. V\ * • m ~'\ J" Mont** nlnt oa or befors *cb fH " M " loir Maaontc Halt - V C. F.NnUCIII.AKt. J.J iKM i." v far ma,.s*a*.>*. We. ret H. Halt. (Valve HalUn th. Safondaa "►j™'" 1 M an,l ..r* twt> week* J* r j ' " k.11.r Ml> t.eo**ar Ka >*. *<"' p TVttertwp. Mar 20. ' *" Sale personal property Geo Murray, dee d. near Linden Hall. March U. Xfr Joseph Bilner. dwn the way. it seriou* 1 V ill ft am pneumonia. are kept busy hnockiag around and fee* iitg ielVr*. Trv Pine**' R>o Coffee for 16e, er hit raa*',*>i Coffee lor'JOc. ta*T, pai.i u a pep viit ha'.urday. Mv Fiber ha* rented the Farmer t Mill* stand, to Kaehea. ing to Vecetne a United Brethern preseh er. The tt'e.tekman i a*er Billy J one*. Next "Pary done*'' will he iter the WafcAswen .—I have ju*t received a f*e*h aat. of Tobacco* and a new stock ot mv we"! sell ing Cigar*. C Ptsttia. Mr. A Luekenhaek it thought *t have gene on a visit to hit ont in St Lou it. I>T. Fi*cber started a protracted mee inr in the Luth. church. Centre Hall, en Wednesday evening. Pinges is telling a very nice sugar for 8c eer 'b. to the F.trOKTXR who change their pest office addres*, ehould notifv u. so that their paper can be snei'- j ed accordingly. There are ttil! to** on our list wh* j are bach anuwiherof yeara. a* they cen tee cn the paper. We w >u'd fee' obliged for their remittenco, in while or part f jijep right in to Secbler's. ## all they got, buy e bill of their tip-top gro cerie*.—you will never regret it; it you wait a good, fresh, who'esotne artic e, at Sechlera ia the place above all others to get it. Try it once at leett. The church that we mentioned in the Far RTER a*t suaame*, in content p'.ation a', the Fork* by the Evangelical denomination, it U be a laet, and a bund ing committee has been chosen, "lbe Forks may toon wan t to be a boro . The new Howe Sewing Machine —a perfect novelty, call at this office and see it. VT"rks like a charm. A. C. Moore, Agt, office MilesbuJg Pa. J no. T Lee's Centre Hail coach theps have turned out some of the be-trigs in tbia county If you went a buggv, carriage, wagon, spring waeon. or aw ether kind ofvehie'e, you will find Lee • the right place for a bargain and a good wa*ranted article. All communications by mail promptly attended too. Ettinger, one of th# men who was implicated in the Snyder county murder, was takee to prison at Rellefonle, on Wednesday, for stealing a gun from Geo. Breon, at Spring Mill*. Ettinger sold the gun at Milroy. The contuble* who took him to jail had him handcuffed and or.e of them had the shackle* fastened to hi* owa arm, to prevent the prisoner's escaping. Ettinger ia said to be a desperate fellow A fellow 'rem tbe mount*!#* wet met on tbe way to Miilbeim the other day hy an acquaintance, who to d him in coaver sali-m, "1 bab g'hert *# bette en bery in Miiiheina g raacht, an will'cool nei gen sehne wit sell gucht, wan s em sehn* loss* fer nix." "'He had beard they mad* a boro' in Millfeeim end he wanted to see what it looked like if they 'd show it free of charge." Congress has adjourned and New man contiaues to tell Clotbtag cheaper than aay body alte ; all tba new member* of coagrets will appear ia tbair seat*, at the extra tessien oa the 18 in a new suit bought at Newman's Eagle Clothing Hall, and a hatter dresed **•'. of congrs* men it looked for a# Watfcington in con sequence. Wra. P Mitchell w ia*. and came beek again. I" a letter to the Leek Haven Democrat, William dee* not have much taffy for Kana6. tie r.ayt the land look* fine but dees not yield as well as ia Penas or Situany valley. The average yield he sa> is about 13 bushel* wheat to the acre in Kanta* aed price b*J cents per bushel. Abwut at th* same rate at to corn, and tbit he think* duet not p*y for farming. Mr Mitchell ihinkteny one that can get along in old P-nntyleania should not go to Kansas unlest ba bai funds enough to m*ke things g* tmooth. Jess Dualap Hud Love, and a Mr. Bi'.ner. laft for Kansas on Tuasdey. W H. Waston and family, Mr* Wm. Sheet* and family. Samuel Richer, W*sb ingien Fox, ad Henry Brurngard, of Nli tany, atid Mist Barh-ra Keister, Sugai Valley, lell for Kansas on Tuesday last Mr. Heltiuan of NiUany and family wmi to bare laft a day or two afterwards. The rush to Kansas is almost ai great as last spring. Last week, one day nine car loads were expected to gather a Tyrone. Among them weretha fo'lowini front this county, as named by the Re publican : J. H. Young, of Miles, to Sedron, Lin coin Co, Ka- Jonathan Kresmer anc family (4 persons), of M-les, to Vallej Falls, Ka. Henry Shearer and family (f pert- n.-). of Walker, to Pe*bdy. K Harry Hauck, of Gregg to Beloit. Ka H. A. Wolf, of Mile*, to Valley Falls Ka. Wm. A. Marshall and family (1 persons), of Benner, to Victoria, Ka P H. Shires of Potter, to Mansfield, Web sterCo.. Mo. Harry Hackenberg. of Pot ter, to Greenwood. Ka. Samuel McClin tock. of Potter, to Peabody, Ka. B. F Henneigh and wife, to Pawnee Co., Ka Henry Laird, of Boggs. to Ru-sell Ce Ka. Elmer Roller, of Fillmore, to Trey Ka. Geo. Reber, of Miles, to Vail*; Falls, Ka. By addressing or calling at tb Howe Sewing Machine office. Milesburg Pa., you can have your Howe machin P put in good running order, free of charge Get your dried and canned fruiU a Sechlers,headquarters for all kiDds ofgro eerie*. Goods warranted fresh arid pure. Green's Compound Syrup of T* and Huney, a sure cure for eougbs, coldi croup and early stages of consumptier Try it. We hear a number of ladies say. th Howe Sewing Machine is the best. The are the most competent judges. Clothing made to older at New man's by one of the best tailors from Phi; adelpbia. All the standard patent medicinei pure and fresh at Frank Green's, el* l * a '• drugs, fancy and toilet articles. In tb Bush house block—most complete dru house in the central part of the state. Best and cheapest Clothiag alwaj at liiHg Ctuibicr .Sewmaa'a. The blue bird, harbinger of spring, te on hand. We noticed him first en San L <i*v le*t eed judging from thr warb.iegi all around, he must he here w.tb bit si*- n tars ead liec< u* nt and hi* aunts He 11 '■ en old aequaintaao*. end hi* o*g ai J cherry ** ever I f km come te *pend the tf summer Cook robin will soon fellow with his a.oraing and ev*;ng roundelay, as he takes held position on housetop With , tie arrival ef tbe-e fevtberv visitor* we gledly bid goodbye to grim old winter, and ewep hi* snowheap* th* bud* eed flower* and waving grain of May endju ly Welcome t* th# birds Boy*, let n them alone, they ere ettterg our bet ' fr ends, keeping d- wn th# ineot tribe that would etherwue do us touch harm. Any of our subscribers when eve th* sprir.r, should notify us of any change in*po*t office addres The Y M C A. of Centre llall, meets on Sabbath of each w.eek. et 4 * o'clock, p m . in their 11*1! abeve Mar -1 ray * drug store. The subject for p-tver and conversation next Sabbath it. "Man," divided into three parts, at fellow* : 1 . H * Ongie 2 H * Nature ; 3 11 t Cher acter. Let a'l the members be preseat, and all other* who are interested in the work. A public, or "Gospel Meeting ' ' wi'.'. bebdd ia the Hell or oe of th' Churches, the "Ai Sueday of each month. Seme rowdies made an a*sau't upen the jed oa Saturday evening, and there " uU *ll Mill* of them we-e jai ed, and " reav get a g taste of the tns dc after Judge Orv;a gris through wo.h them. The competition for gran at Ca b'trn. -<n* d*v lat week, caued wheat to ■ advance to one dollar per bushel. But, alas it was of vory short duration. , Th# big mat* of th# Millheim Joue-iu.' has been to Lewiskurg tuite frequantly of late The prevailing opinion i*. that he iein pursuit of a wedding garment. Dal so * eh " • The saw mill* throughout the country area!! we'l supplied with logs, this it es pec "y the case ia the ewr end #1 the vallev. ' Shsm c v;rt is all the go now la Mill • heur. The prmi-tieing attorneys a:a Me sr*. Van llr-tier and Smith. Caes of moment havea'rsusdy been settled without cost to the ceuntv. Mr Charlie Huston, agent*'. Coburn station, ..rvsignei las', week, and a Mr Fry from Montnadoo, stepped in te j fill the place. There i* considerable talk of having tb* borough limits of M hemt extended fur ther Wrst. as seme more would like to be taken in. On Wednesday ef ast week as tip train ! w*> g-'ing East, one ct the trucks under Smith A Co a grain car broke, in the vl l'ciniu ef EiseubiUht. causing splinters te fiy h gh ai d ia eve-y direction. a> well as a gneral broadcast of a coaside-able quantity of wheat. Ni ether damage was dene. Th# Millheim merchants had a tight on ceai oil causing it to come down to 10 eu. per gallon, or 5 gallons for 75c. LIST OF JURORS Court —March 10. Gregg—D Burrell. J B Grove. Beiietanie —C A lkfft-r, S Yen Tries, J M' Darmont Miles—A E Wolf. Ad Shafer. F#-gu*on—C Miller. J Wa't. R Glenn, R Me-k, •• Allay. Jos Hoy, J J Gehren. j Hush —J A Mail Pulton—C U Kaphart, D L Meek. Spring—Fr IN r-aver. A Hamilton, M M H-ilmee. ' Liberty—ll Thompson, J D Thontp ! son. Halfmooa—H L- v# I'hiiipsburg—W P Duncan. Poller—M Duck. U Boozer, Jno Grove, I D B rd " . „ , Uainaa—L D Stover, L Kurtx, T J Mingle Penn—Jacek Mover. Walker—Wtu C'evrnstine College—J L Him: 1. L*nin —T Hull. | Benner—E Giena. Grand Juror*—4 Monday April. B-ggs—J S Preudfoob Taylor—J T Fwwler. Spring—Jas Eckearoth. Snowahoe —J A Wolt. Ferguson D H Young. Union —H Hartsck. W G Irvin. Po:t-r—J B Lee. J A Keller Mi **—N Kermao, Joel Morris, J C Bu'set M -I Hall. Gregg P C'lege—Geo Musser, J Bottorf, Wm Everhart G Skill Liberty —J W Toner. Penn— W S Smith 1 Worth--!* H Williams. Phiiip*hurg—M G -aland, E A Davts. Bellefonte— II Walkey, Traver-c —4 Monday April. B*Uefottte—l M'Ciure, W P Humes, J ' W Cook. K M Farlene, J M'Clellan, I r Miller, J Mulh.dlan Boggs -W E Fisler, J T Lu*, W H Camphe I. J Zimmerman, But er. Penn —F B--wer*ox, A A Kraek, S G r Guteiius. H H Wei*er, J Sea key, J U t jtnsilh. Kuh—C Long J Gi'e. (iregg-J A M Clmiic. Wm Ileckmao. ' l!ni>n—Jacob Hoover, jr. t Mde*burg— W C Wilky. Mil#*—Ja Corm*n, J P Frank, L Gim Sur'ng—-I *-*nhart, A -1 Rel Hust. a—M II Biewart, J S Thempson J F William*. Pro it,els ,*—" J;-;;. £ C R e*der. Pett-'B —J Ii B'ad e. Liberty—W Si-ing#r. • Beaner—Jno Mwartz 1 P-'tie*—J IMnges, L W Kimport. Herri*—s Bady Walker—W T Harri*. C Rodg*."*, S • G-"dh*rt 0 Fergusn—J B o"he#n. 8 Mario#—C K YearicK College— J Baker, Wfn Grove. J Howard twp —J B Leathers. Jutors — Mav 5. Worth—J Woodring, H Dennings. l * L'nion—Wm Idd ng. G P Hall Bellefonte —T Gordon, D 7. Kline. J S-rartierviile, J U Ling'#, WTTwtfraire. W 111 Derline. Maine*—F Dutweile* H B Ho*te-oian. 1. Howard bur— W H N*tf. A ' Gardner. 1 B-'ggs— M Evans (i Fleck, J K H-dter Mile*—Juhn Wolf, Henry Corraan, J l * R Burd. ir Ku*N—J Collins. I) Holt, p Fergu*on—W EM' Williams, J John son R Garduer. 1 MaHmoon—J F Dawning. S Elleaher ger. I'ea— Ard H*rter. is Gregg—H Krumrine, W B Bitner f, I'e ter— D F t-u-e. M J Decder, A Mc t c "° Walker—.lac Gobble. * SnoWi-h- *— Jas Gate*. Nervous Debility! Nervous Debility! 1 Debility, a depressed, irriiahle tate ol d mind a weak, nervous, exhausted feeling, no energy or animation, e--nfused bead, I weak memory, the consequence* of exces 5 e*. mental overwork Tni* s*ru* de hiiiiy find- a Mrvereign cure in K F Run kei * Biiter Wine of Iron. It tones the system, dispels tbe mental gloom and de * spoadency, and rejuvenates the entire sy*- (3 tern Gel the geauine. Take only K F. i Kunkel's, it has a yellow wrapeer around ' it, hi* photograph on outside Price. 31 0C r,er bottle, or six for $.3 00. Ask your I- druggist for it, and if he has it not gel of it- th- Proprietor. 250 N. Ninth St., Phila f delphi*. I'a Advice free, by enclosing three-rent si am p. • WORMS WORMS WORMS. 1, E F Kunkel's Worm SyruD never fail* y ( in destroy P>n, Seat, and Stomach Worm*. Dr. Kunkel, the only success ful physician who removes Tape Worm in two hours, alive with bead, and no fee un ie til removed. Common sense teaches il Tpe Worms be rem >ved all other wormi can he readily destroyed. Advice at of ae Cce and store, free. The doctor caa te'i e. whether or not the patient has worms. Thousands are dying daily, with worm*, at and d • not kaow it. Fits, spasms, cramps, o- choking and -utfocation, sallow complex , ion, circles around the eyes, swelling and pain in the stomach, restless at irght *r grinding of the teeih, nicking at tbe nose Is, cough, fever, itching at tbe seat, hoad ache, foul breath, the patient grows pali and thin, tickling and irritation In the an us,—all these symptoms, and more, conn h e from werms E. F. Kunkel's Worm Syr e v up never fails to remove them. Price $1 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5 00 (For Tape Worm, write and consult thi w- Doctor.) For all others, buy of your drug II- gift the Werm Syrup aad if he has it not send to Dr. E F Kunkel, 259 N. Nintl Street, Philadelphia, Pa Advice bj ' mail, free ; send three-cent stamp. >" 20 feb It be • u "VTOTICE.— Notice is hereby given tha J_t| application will he aad* for charter for Turnpike road leading tree 7* Mitibeim, to tbe L. C. A. S. C. railroad. Li'uiaf H j CENTRE lIILI. AND VICINITY. ■ Knee deep the nsud. * Moved the Granger's store to \Y 55 '• Koyers * Mr Treaster * dwelling li->u*e is being • completed, and by el! appearance will be f , a first clas hont# k A tew a pertv ef yeung • f#lk* frern Plutu tlr.'te. arrived at Mr h due liroves Their recipieet* were some* ' what surpriied, but weleemed them and ■ ■ heli<d them enjoy tb* evening in lb# best I wy possible. When satisfied thi-v re turned to where they left their l#d but to h their urprite last not the-* Sorns 1 trck-tors thing * litt'e lae, or a ride, • looted tk* teem and drove il home, sav ing tbe part* return on loot-back * The* nging 1 as of thi* pa '#, ln*truct s ed by the rfficient v,r 1.-t, 51 r 55 ill Kel ler, ,li.-#urr some e*y gee.t musu". Some thief or thieve* are committing j their depredations at Henry Koyei ttlii *h' e pail. Belter "leok a lilt * ou'- lei low*, cr you m gt'l get a 'ea-1 of buck hot . hurled at It not your consc enc* in.,ht pe-tued* yen to carry h - I- MtLTOS. The old bnch church, in the Loop, * is to be entire's remodelrd and surnteunt ed with a dome and he'l The h•' ugh of M he ni needs an '.her *ch#ol, with better rule* for gra! ag | D Ca'Jer'* le- ture C ma. oa i To# lay evr- eg, v w* attended, th p Ev chu'ehkeo g m-sr'r fi >'d 1*" D r wa* an is- i*y ► 1 ye*' antong thr Ce'esti*'* and 1" th*' 1* waaclo*eeb server of the hahtts and cu>t-ims of these peep'.e. H# had w .'.h !im cur .wities frotn ' that land, ( nsiting *,-me of their idols, money, prater -'.ring etc., and explained their uses. ID* lecture la*l"d about li hour* and was littered to with lb# greatot ' interest The benefits go for the purcha*# ' of a library for the Grange. Monday and T i#Jay were warm and like -r- ''g days. at- th# warm sun ha- keen melting th# snows. FIVE PI*RONS I'KKlSll IN A Bl KN'.NG BUILDING. ' St Lou *. March 10 - Between or.# ar-d '.wo o'clock thi* mora tig a fire broke out a the **(•] shop of Mr*. Henrietta Banscb, oa Broad war, Eat St. Lou:. There is no fire appa'atus in East St L*u 1* and no call be ng mad# on th# fir# de -1 partment of this city, one brick ard fiv# tram# hu Ming* were detroyed, entailing a h>s of about SIOOIXI li the sec -nd I story of the wagn si op. wt oh w* eecu piad a* a residence hy Mrs Bausch, there were sleeping Iter th-ee children 1-y ter mer mamieges, named Charles Gueeen I bach, *g*<l six lee a years, and Joha and Ein ma Z pp, several years yeunger. to gether w th Hoary Schopperkoetter, a klacksrwilh. and Mrs Catherine Herat, who was ipeaditg t f night wilh Mr. j Bau*k Th#e P#rt-e were a 1 turaed to dra'.h. being unable to **ap* bv te*-on ef ihe d-or leading t* tneir apartment* be ing fastened on '.be outside Mrs. Beutck was aire the same house at thr lime but *He jumped from the window end was so severely injured '.bat she will probably die. HEAVY RAINS IN CALIFORNIA San Francisco. Mare't 6.—There has been a heavy rain in the interior for thb last forty-eight hours and lb* Yuba aed Feather rivers are The outer leveee at Maryettlle broke this morning. Cood ing the suburb* Six Inches of ram fe.l in the Kussmn River Valley end the river | overflowed it* banks, inundating th* val : ley and carrying away the bridge. The North Pacific Coast radresd track is wa.hed out so that it cannot be repairee for several davs. San Franci-co, Marsh 6 —Th# water in Spni*htown and CbiaaP n, suburb* *: lb* city, is sn feet deep. The tleod catue suddenly. Seyeral live* were t and there were mar.y earroe escape* from ■ln waiog DOUBLE POSTAL CARDS, LETTER SDER AND DOUBLE LETTER ENVELOPES. The clause m the Postoffice Apt r -pria tioa bill wl ich provide- for th* Joub e postal card, a'so, 1 r.-vid*s for a letter sheet envelope, wh ch :* in be itsrapsd es envelopes a' e -w stamped, and a doub'e letter eneelope. The deub'.e pu-'al card is in nr.# similar to tho p'eent on-' cent 1 card. It b#*rs at bith utq er corner* a one cent stamp and line* are drawn frent tbecenire, sloping downwards to each lower corner, t be writtea upon The writer of tbe card u*es the .ght band side and the receiver uses the left hand side f or h't reply. Tbe double letter en velope i* stumped twice, aed th# tender use* th* right and tbe receiver the left hand side in writing the address. At the back of the eevelope is a deubie gummed flap divided by a perforated line. Tb* lower one it used for sealing by the sender, aed tho receiver u-e* bis knife a ong :h# perforated lice and ha* a new gxx ned Sep r-usdy for us#. The letter sheet envelepe it designed to do away with outer envelopes Its pateatee claims area', me-it for it for te* reason that it of ten occurs that the date which a writi** has been mailed cannot be ascertained be cause the eevelope he* been lost. Here " letter and enve'opo are en. Tim new law dos not direct the Postmaster Gen ere! to i-*u# the.# pntent# I convenience-. It only'allows him th# di-cretioa to do *O. To# Pot'-ffice Department had nothing to do with having this c!au*e inserted in the bill. I SHIP 5V RECK ED AVU SEVEN PER SON-DROWNED Eastpnrt, Me. March ft.—Tbe ship . Turkish Empire, with a cargo of deal*, went sshore at Big Duck island near Grandmenan on Friday night. She was a total loss. The captain and six mco • were drowned. Tbe pilot and seven men were saved. GREAT DESTRUCTION OF LIVE STOLE BY FIRE. Baltimore. March 10—Eight valuable horses and tw-nlv teven head of cattle were do-troyed by an incendiary fire on Saturday night, at Elkton Neck, Cecil t eounty, Maryland. 1, EIGHT MINERS* KILLED BY A FALLING CAGE. London, March M—The ascending ard . descending cage* in lbs Victoria coal pit, e near Wakefield, came in collision this " morning. The ateending rope broke and lbe sage was precipitated a distance of 120 d yards. Eight persons were killed. r NINETEEN PERSONS KILLED IN fa BRITISH MINE. _ London, March 6—An explosion has occurred in the Deep Drop I'll, near Wakefield, by which nineteen persons were killed. L COLUMBUS BADLY FRIGHTENED. n Columbus, 0., March B.—A week ago - to-night a concerted attempt was made to II burn this city, no less than seven fire* be r* ing kindled at different points and every II night since other attempts bar# been 1. made. At an early heur this morning '• four buildings were fired and entirely con -! sumed, and attempts were mad* to firo d -everal others in different parts of thecity I. The lusse* so far will amount t* $l2O 000. j l ' All day the city has been in a high Mate l e of excitement e It it stated that while th* receat mnssa r cres in Burrneh, at the instance of tbe f, king only amounted te forty, the killing was attended by ?ery passible atrocity. The yictims were leaten and kicked. The l. women were shamefully abused. The b royal princes were reseryed to tbe last and mad* to witness the torture and death of their families. The bodies of all thi victims were thrown into old wells. a * The February accounts of Auburn pris B , en shew a surplus of $1.183 62 over ex . penditure* The average number ef eon , Tints, was 1,139. A IUKN AND STOCK BURNED. Na*ur,th, March 0 The large barn o Jacob IV Itahn, avariki* place, w** en ,liraly dvtiroyvd by flr* but eight. ami s four h#r*a utnl eight head of rallta |>*r iithcd Th* Inea amount* to about fI.UK) i A telegram from Tathkand Utr thai ' altar tlia death af Share Alia bloody con flict broke out among ilia follower* of ilia I vntiou* praleadr** to the Alghaa throb a, an.l the paru-ans of Xakuob Kkau war* Victorian* It wa* reported that Xnkoob Khan ami two othar pretender* had taken I refuge at Herat A uir-nge frotn the Ainaer, X ak< b Kl *a. dated Cabul. February I!, hadju-l ra*i hr.l M h *r-i-Shril nan, ißi iag thai l i K"g ih battalion*, auppoaad to b about f'nrn hundred men. bad b*> camplaielv d< featod *i I i>ur*tiad by lb K>l tribe* in the A.e-ta X allay, when the Kng ill had nl'aady a*laMuhed a admin -(rati >n of their owe The defea we* rru-ti : ,• in !, a* will '-•• een. r not the .• • *'■ *> * '■ hy t a.a tribe I Another Chock '■ > iho British. T! • B-it *h t- t> -- i mtaiaad a vera date*: at l.*;"" hurt l.angar" , a the ;, t of u K' erak Mountain* and in v mile* * it'i .h* I to* lor: w takan bv the K e'er a actcre fig'O. and the Fig i*b G. vara.' . bound w.tb jropgg, wt ewtM it Irioapb t Calul. M'S \' Ctor K PL et I* tiead K'lhu It, the, .* dea l Keene affar, fiOtXX" iewrd fur th# fal low wh - forged lha wheat telegram. The b t p v* . :*m mtsura u* that Pr llui * C 'ugb Sy run ■ a'* an* navar fai tig remedy. All Pruggut' kaag it. 25 caats a botll*. Fear* are leit !• G uceiter, Ma-i., that a who:* fleet of Sabi: gv. -sal*. flftaa-i a'l na 1. were lost last t*. nth with a an board. Itv tl • buri ago! the r *nua two .laughters >f I* *-re P u i'ard of Sand wich, Ont.. 10.l tbeir ,*aa *atarday. Tlta Kag'iih badanatha- light with tha Zuluiaad le'eate I '.be n Wi'.'i g'rt lu* —Si -ap i* ab* ..ula.y tioce*iary foi health. and noth ng sa effectually rab.j •ne of * eep * dee. n i-y.' g bahy I*e p- Hi, * Baby Syrup to ease it* pain asd tha babv will be i]u.el aid a low a., to, • rep w< Price'.. eon!* a bo!" a M ABK K rs 1': i lap" a. Via -ii ' XV heat I e-.n it ic a rt-a a $' I PBbal a", f . ■ Reel, ."* at 50. for outba-t aid y 7j, ■ r iiiobr* an I Pencylvabi* CHICAGO Chicago. March 10 —Wheat in fair de mand, hut I war anc une-.'.lad No 'J red wiater $ I if.' y1 04 No Chicago 94(-bft4|- f-*r ah. I ■•rti du'i *ha i# owe- g*lt adge, tc forca-h Uat* 23c tor rah CATTLE MARKET Philade'tsb a. Mar. h li> —Cattle dull, receipt* 2 4U' Bead. g-'d 54 medium 6c, remuion 44"" Snevp du r-eipU. T.tah linad r e-i. of tnadiu n o|. i-emat.-n, 4, Hog- duU. reca uU 4 i*' bead, good to prima, t-i vie, medium, vie, roatmon. life. Spring Mills Market. Wheal &L Rye. 4Se Corn, ears, per bu. new, ,46c t .u, tic Buck wheat. V.V, Clovera*—l, $ t tk' to J'. 7o Chop, per ton, 4JJ UO. Flater, ground per tor., sU>.u> ■ Flour, per bbl fb fU ' Butter, 1 'tc. Tallow, 6c. Hall), he She i der*. 4 C eati Sole*. 4- Hag*. "Jc Kgga pr dos , Uc. Tub aa-heU a-avl VoC. Packed butter w.sfa< ny.w 1(V, C ah Retail. B* Car GraU. Kgg, sttk"> *4 Jll St .ve. soik> $1 no Cha-tcut. ft -5 $ hO SS *' f65 Near s,I- e K M • 10. It I. ttrero b'e w „ fI J --e" e, ac iat at JV year* At 1' tter* Bank. Ma- - h *l M .*• Kr sraitb, aged 7d \aars, mvr.tbt at.i '.l dat*. On I>*. near l''.#k*at.t tiP, Fontar Tate. On 1 at l'.aaiaat Gap, thaw.fa of Mr Swartr. NAitttii:i). On tb# oh Feb ,at tha resident* of '.!.* hnde * uiothar, by Rev. W t M Cool. M- Aaron II Barter aid Milt Clara Charier, both f Hart'aton, P On 4th in*!.. *! th# F.vanealica! P*r*on aga in Millhaim. by the Bar C F Pain irger, Mr Conka L*M# to M: Eileti! Barter both of Uruthaallay. BLACKSMITH WANTED. A good t>lackmitb can learn of a flrt c at* i ualion a* eddrernag tb* under I-igned, at Centre llall. yimartf. JNO. T.LEE. . o M 1T u SHOP ro H E K N J Thn undariigned ha* a dwelling hou*. and rmith tbop t.-r rent. A goud Black 'imith with a mall family can learn of • gOvd location for kusineat, h* calling o U M. CULI KR. 27 feh 1m Potter twp. I I \V PITOR S NOTICE - Kitate of Han. S. S. Waif, deceased Tho und*rignd. an Auditor appnintao ' hv the Orphan Court, to dutnbute the * fund in the hand* ot the adnnniitrator* i r *ai 1 ealMte, will attend to the dull** ofb'- j I appointment, at hi* olfi, e in Bailoforite, *T IV.'<l day of Mar. h 187#. at 10 a m., wh*r and where all per*oh* interested may at tend J I* ttPABGLIB, 127 feh td Auditor. I LB KCBIPTS AMD EXPENDITURES •' Ik ot* cnuelv from January Ist, I*7B. to January 1! Ja7t) ' F D. A ML'NSER Trea*. of Centra Co * Jan f, 187 ft DR a! To Mint outstanding taier Jaa 1 „ 1878 $ 61,709 M T*i taie* a-re-red for 1878 42,1176 KS To ca-h receivao f County . Cotnrnirrianer* 17,93168 - To ain 1 ree'd for I'edamption j UK Land* 489 41 ,To ami ree'd lor lain* on UK La a,t .1,556 Gt * To ami ree'd lor U S Land* i said 218 38 1 To County Order l*r bal due Jan 1.1878 l.lftftl* Ha aloe . W4 L*7 i-j Total $ 117,97 ft 71 l.lan p. 1879 CK i Hv bal. l seltlemaui Jan 1, 1978 f 1.19 ft P8 *I Ky County warrant* paid 61,761)' M By ouutwndiog laiaaJaa 1 '79 G0.162 22 ' i Ity exoneration* to collector.*.. 724 27 ) By ceoimiaoon* 1,290 88 By salary 2,(•<<)•* By ilatiisnrry 10) j By anit transferred to Attor ney* for collection 862 42 * Total J 117,979 71 r Jan C. 1879 * liy linlaip o due Trciur*r at icttlemeat $ 824 27 I) A MUBfIER, Traaaiimr of Centre > county, in account with tha Common- J wealth ot I'ehhsylvatiia. Jan 0. 1879 DK Tw balance due SlMt* at act 11 a - r incnt -lan 1 1878 $ 1,862 4*. i I'o out.laiiding late* Jan 1 '7B 4.68201 r To taxes anetaad lor 1878 2,138 69 I'o spec ii*) tat received a! Col lector* for 1872 16 21 i) Total $ 8,099 41 i Jan 0 1879 To ha I. due Stale at *etll*m't f 341 36 JanC 1879 CR By outstanding tux Jan I 1879$ 4,ft6il 84 .By Slate Treasurer receipt*.... ii,ooo 0(1 By Treasurer'* * By exoneration to Collectors „ 197 H I Ry csmmuii*n 184 jf ~ Balance 311 3( * Total 8,099 41 t,' We the undersigned Auditors of Centri j,'county do hereby certify that w# have ex amined the above account* of D. A. Mu .ser. Treasurer of Centre county, and find I them correct I Witnas* our hand* and seal* this 18tt dnv of January, A D 1879 J A M KS T STU A KT [Seal ) i- 1 GEO. K WILLIAM • [Heal I Auditori. I T. i>. JAAIISOsS.tbMI I The Fall Season for (lie vear 1878 is now opening and a New and KXCELLFNT STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOOD# IS COMING IN AT (UHKIKN HKIMKU A 00.'8, CKNTKK II ALL, and which will b sold at LOWEST i'loUK&s. Thry have *u uuuieti- •ator . and well gsgorix'> every liue, HAVE Ih •<>ss Goods, Clothing, Hats iV Caps, Hoots A\* Shoes, Notions, Groceries, at Lowest Prices. " IT WILL Hi: IT) YOl'lt IHTKKKSt TO 'TATHONIZK YOl'K HOME MERCHANTS," IN.SILAD OK (JOlNti AWAY FROM IIOMK. 01VK U8 A CALI IMMEDIATELY. KKKI'S THE VERY < III.AI' I \M f. I (•(. IMIIJ M 1 K i . . mn '•j F X I'KNPITUKEB. * C .i,iini-isner' Pay. '• Andrew Gregg balance 3 .{* IS'7, service* 8 yia.l 26 f 631 84 ' II A M" Isaiah, a '77 I , 81 hi . "" ,e . * -. 22 2 fbM.n .1 N llall bat 77. 26 f service* 1878, ,V.i W 619.34 |{ II .C.'iutii.-sion <*terk *r* vices I l * 8 • ,((0—2,650 81 Jury C*int((i*loa<*ra. N I Mlt* h. i. *. rvic# 21.34 1f.,, cr service, 27.80 II B*. k serve us i '.erk 35 8t 54 Countv Audit -rs. Win McFarlaita *crv fUMH) \ J G ru-sl s*rvici) 2.P (X) Jo (iill(lh<l - ft 01) C I. Budingt-'is ser* e# a* clerk UMB , Improveißaat and Hepaira. J.hw It lutubar forjad 57,'..22 | I si. ll.rm t, paving and *,ap* for jail 31,00 P K tie—, lightning rods C H 26.00 Poak & L*>nb#raer, Pwiiui' I d.-iise (Vsur! b..U*e ; **oo L A Strwub, work at C heua 1.16 (!<*>■ Tate work at C 11 2,00 W T Twitmire, tianing CM 's-* 8 I 11 Fellenbautn. re pairing furnace for jml 20 50—240 i<6 Court Kxis#tna. lurur*' pay f 6 012 "9 ('•.an m w ea'th C U.- 4,.V>9 41 J II Y-tburg, t"ourt Kap-irter fsfsfi.OO .1 1 llagarniea Court Reportar. 10.00 !t Galbraitb, Court cri i er - . U2 00 4 Galbraith. jaa tor. . t*>—46B 00 Pip-'.*,#- pay '-*1 00 (MJ 1 1 i* ?*■ a! dt lective 1 <1 CO j L W, Court l r.trlati.aliori* 88 00 L W M-st.-.-n, su-ntu's* lug I* ... 118 90-11,#2! (0 ORDINARY KXPKNCIB.. It 8-. M Kn ghl g*> Lsll • for I s! ti'i is# a* ii j-ll 5 Eb() fs,'- I It ,V C T AUi-a iar ca!... 271 72 J 11 Dobbii.s, 41 D. madi* a! Iffl lff MM .a. ...****..- 10000 AgricuilUtai "-••*uety apprtspri ail..p - 100 a Wes!e-n Peaiietsliary for kewpmg c .flr 46170 Insane A-y' ,111 Datsvlilakaap tng iis-a- •• 2,1ft6 go \aae--rsr* pay 1.J66 S8 Riswd view- 648 4<i Elect HI" expenses . 1,806 11 tn.urani-r en |suh ic building* S7l 75 r<tacb#t> In* uule - 78 80 ! \g*w J! • •rr \* en j,i ICnlract - 7 60, Baa K-lt paid 9h#rid s lea* ■a .-> ,r pf.> aftv 86 -calp (,r-*'iuis* pa - 9ft W C-shstable'a pa* .... BV2 11 R.-ad d-ntagas pktd I- Swmual W li>' d srf 60 fO ''rsmiuns te Cwiis-etar* 25 lis 1 lap ss! no ds*4 b-dsw*. - 163 71 iC 41 it wer. C n mmi*o*M)ari' k '. - aay - fb Ut> i Ri.nsui g turns-ilia lina he tw-an B i-gs Burrs* 3* and j KneW She# 198 00 liftrnt hip t td n i r t ( a • .. 20 00 |D A Mustsr. Tree*, bal due la-t e-r 1.189 08 J<'annul" sri pa 4 Altaraay* on ! *olts eti -Ii a ...... ... , 64 44 in( r *-t ( aid mi I s*r, ... >V f-s j i '*untiton Lu#*cy 60 IN 4! ji >.*, S-.r-ff in aunt 0,648 s+ P F F-rtr.ay auditing County e-8. -s' acc-uet* - S5 00 II X' x 'Ser. Stat- ,irtf C*'tn se s- liar- • !h e ... 22 ift F I" M ,sf'.ran- ribitsg l" b lale) Is; 4 tt.l Aifwiu* axprrs* (J • . pa.J | f-eight - JBl 1 tee (• >rH a. relumed lax oa U S land- 4 00 jR J D• at r- rr. : g , at* Sur* I anaura aln W) V kk :'ims. b ! ank b<-oka l'ro |lh>saatarv atfl, e 853 70 A V* si;i, s".ali'r.ary for ! Piati >• alia 15 00 X W' am* ami bill fee* -end 849 £ifc , L A S r-üb. repair eg C-sm j una- ,ne- **u I . 88* J 41 Kch - a, waiar tax C 11 and lwH '77 - 18800' F 1' H sir, rl' i t for (.'.'mtni**- i nsr- ... ~ ... 2 0 J N H-ft rtp-ntaln Millhaim Is ridge . . 395 J N llall. d*' vertng dupll eat.. 12 60' J N Hail, atyans* to Muahan nnn bridga 5 40 I N Hall, i expense lo Mo shannon bridge 3 00 ' J N Hall. daliTeriag elacliuit par-r*_ 3 00 ~I N Hall. cxp*oe Is Spring Mill- 3 00 i A Gregg, expense to Port Ma tiida bridga 3 30 A G"gf. delivering U * I* l I * 10i" daplicaia . SW) ' " i ax. lo M -hannon bridg*., 3 00 A G-egg, expense. a* ooi , leet'ir* 8 fk' Rs un Jini tax 13* 38 un.ealad land. 892 Oft Re.ien.pti'.n " 886 08 Bill- atid nole* paid 18,84 ft 14 Kridge* Bridge view* 71 60 M-llheim Bridge. 5 Rruggereaginee- ...... 106 65 II l> 4 eager , antracte* SftO 00 Murray. D-ugs AC* 725 00 V'-skaanaa llrnig*. ' S Hruggcr engiarer ... 122 1 1 r .1 K Spcrn g c--ntracl*sr SNs CK" Spring Villi Bridge. - - B-uggcr • ngineer... 70 62 Murray. D -ugal A Co 719 00 1 Jutin Caldr-m cumrwcter 860 ft' - Unioavdle Bridge G XV F--rrey c-sntraeiwr... 400 00 .1 (• Jne planking fur Port 3 Matilda bridge 100 00 I K Sparing repair* Howard dansb idge 12 50 i* Newman plahk* lleward dntw brolge 4 39 Jn-s Schenck piank* Howard da-s* bridge 10 45 0 I C I* Jon--, rep-ir* at Mi'.-a- I, burg hridg# 89(0 A XV Reasa repair* at Part H'da bridge 17 00 II D X'eager Painting Fork* ] bridge ... 500 I! (' ILslier rapai-t at H 'Ward 4 tlnn bridge .... 2(8" I C C"k iiUnk lor 11 -ward 5 dam brings- 12 00 II A Mingle pav to Ptnliptb'g 10 H" e '■ delivering diipli -7 cate. 20 00 -HA M ingle expanse us M iltca 300 j rwmissiimar.' axperua* tu Pnuip.hurg Ift 00 I'einini-*iiiner*' exnentc lo . Port Matilda and lsSK'k Ha ven 16 26 . Ilatuv Be< k a'daring 179 s asas t in Indictment D'ick*-l 22 56 ' II Bi-ck delivering asaas.meaU * 12 50 duplicataa.. 7 lb telegram and balohat 1 26 Fare f,.r pri-oner* Ac 1 58 ~ I. L liei'k c on i g rrgialralmai lflt*' ' P.i"i.RHt'.' 7 l> Kvertsart -apairing flour in Csimiiil"iinr' ofllca 1 00 Have. Collar A Co, casting for furnace 16 50 " Jo* D'-vliag revising tale li*t„ 3 50 " werk un U. 8 land r bonk 10 00 • II -iT r A Kline oap farfl H . 1 16 A Sutna.i gras*eed for C H yard 20 •la* Harris A Co. rake fur C H 3 yard 20 8 I-* Welch A Co. Stationery- 2*l 9 Rubber type C, stamp far Truasurer'a office 100 1 .Ino Sixnglnr use of house far holiimg Appeals 6 00 1 P U-rmii meal* for Juror*... 060 .Inn T Johnson postage, anval* 6 ope. Ac .....J 29 79 41 rs Ii alter cleaning Commis -4 *ic ar' atlic# - 125 l, kf'iu'eal A Teller meals far M Jurr* 600 0 H J Haont box pen* 200 (1 Pat Kelley rreieving uliet C If, H and jail 950 _ C M Read ink and stand for H Com'r* office 100 D A Musier Treasurer advar. a lisiag U 8 Uad* not told IGO 00 T J Lee repairing lock* C II- 1 60 'i ilaa it M'Farlane nail* for d C H - *l3 Ira C Mitchell Attarneys fee*. 11 12 t, K A Ssnith repair* at C H 250 J A ft Mailory repairing gala s.t C If 7f F P Mua-nr inaki'g duplicate* 10 01 DA Troajufcr l|3 tract. 1" H land ald County 387 7> i Lucas A Garbrtck i< for C II 2 38 j Wet Mann deed book* . 13 76 jI) k lieoi work it dotns C 11 2 80 "1> flarman dalivaring alar lioa papers 4 00 j 41 l( artuian larubbing etficas 1 U) \\ Mann Appearance docket . 16 00 XV F U-o-der clerk Congres sional return* 4(O jll'Mils I ell clerk Senatorial | returns 400 \\ It It air Congressional ra ti! i a jti Ige ] 60 jXX 1 Kraber ratura ludgc 160 XX N \\ u'f J lid It al ratura | Judge 1510 i llrlo-r and Rankin c'arks gen era! election rnunt 10 00 If A XV illUms glaring al V 11 2 i 0 .1 K Parmn* sale fee 1 00 K \ Brew A Hun bill far papar- I teg fl 60 Pan ! Parr repairing pipe* Ac 4 ;:6 .1 /.<*Har A Son bill medu'io* •I jell - 200 Husral A Teller ma s lor Juror* 6*JO J 41 Kactiim* water tax C H '7B 126tt"; I I M itser expense * sltiag callactor* 4 6 XV A Tobias book* for it*- eord-r'a ' ffl'-e 6 96 ! , J ne 41' Me' ui it repairing tang* ' ."J" I .' <100; Nora McAllister w ashing fic prioa*ra M 98 ' l'var-a R l( ('* freight on Era baakatiad 11l J Kevao'd* A Son fire brick • 2 00 W 8 Galbraitb repairing pipes at ja>l 4 00 XV i ton A McFarlan* wall i brush at jail 66 Geo Chase repairing furaec* ' * jail 620 . Pat k*!!*y removing allies at 1 , j*' l - 4 00 j J Reynold* A Son water back , *' '•' 7 801 JM " Lefb for lutnbat at Jai! . 80 A si icssn claaatng pipe* ' 200 J N Khar # work en range " 2110' Adams Kx (V Co p bill Lead cuffs Ac al jail 2ft 76 J I! i'cl enbaum re-airing locks at jail .. .... 3 60 V l)e-c ner repairing saacklo* 8 s j; l ' 100 Jnn Xlcpermoat w Tk al ress JMHI' at jail. 4 Ofi XX S (,s bra - .h f • p'umbirg at jai I 7 oo I Jtn M r Parmol repa ing or at. •t jail 4 jf, Jno IL'flar c'atbing for pru otier. j, | 7 87| XX i Kavtseld* f<sr wood al jail 27 50 II AXV iliiams giaxing '' ban Jne M Permot for wark " 30 80 Printiag Bill*. P Gray Meek bill. 147 wj K TTuten 214 Of> I' Kurtt 187 55 F L Hurter 110121 Bender A Back 13 6u| XV a in- A Hem tiger bill 184 bu liewxrd Barnes printing Mer cantile Appraiser • li*. 40 001 Total Expenditures $61,760 94 L W MU N HON ss, r ,f January 1. 1879 PR Te I uunly urdei's [>a U sou <4.922 hg l l'. fr e, mdc it eadeite* 112 t>* | $8.08.1 83 i To bi'aace Ju* C at".v $'2.3 24 CR By be a', 'atllernnr t 'aa 1 '7- $ 822 68 By |*>i!e', fee n L : g e nate pa ! 6 Ift Be hi I -una es fer ,eii . eg Hr b .s-di'g pr s er* 2512 dart at 40.' 1,004 fit, Bv (.' n ti na*i:ih coat* fr-m d- k*t 147 72 B Turnkey fees , 86 Ik) By g- hveytng >i y-is-rer* to pr * •rflt sry - _, 210 UO By • srvirg i t<, Insane 1! .-p :*l lC0 j Br su i mcriirg S!S Juror* at April. Aueust, Nov. and January t 1....irs 1W f* 1 By r ufylngTr situ Juror* net IP com* twice - ........ 10 ftj By a*rertiieg Court I'rocle taation* _ bKOf By ajrnrltsing E t etion Proc lamation* 174 2; Balaaca asyj 24 Total... - $8,055 StxTl or PK*TtTXMX. cu I'tMii C- tar r XV* the under.-gi nj Auditor* of Can trr 1 uunty. do hereby caruft that ia pur- Luartc of an A '. of Assarcbly artll'eU ' An re'atsng to ('"unttan and Toar • ► p*. and C unty a- 1 T >wnb ip Officer* ] Wo met at tb* Commits: 'ear* effice. j Bel ef-ni, on th* Ist Monday ia Janua ry. 187 ft. and d it audit, and settle, and aJ jtm tb*aavaral aoaoaota, aat larth it, the forgoing <latement. In witarws whcre.'f. w§ have haraualo set mr hands and ea s, this lF'.h dxy of January A IV, I*> .lIUI.I T STEW a at. ' Seal' ) (iro R. XVtLLtAM*, -<ea! Auditors T. H. -lAMtaoa, [Sea! I Cg-TaE Cot NTT, SS XV'e th* undersigned, Corstaisaionar* of Centra munly, do hereby certify tbat the t rg<"hg is a true and c■ >• rect slatament of 1 the rH-eipts and expenditure* of laid Counts frotn the Ist e- January, lb7b, lo 1 lb* lt ot January, 1*79. A > Paaw U a too, Gaoao* Kwxa, JACOB PP*EL. ' Comir.iiiioaar*. Attest If Br-a. Clerk ' "I'TSTAN PING TASKS DUE BY COLLECTOR*. ' 1671. 1 11 Carton, Bellafonte 'Jf*? 28— 207 28 ,• ,87 * John Ward Half Moon- 256 97 ' P R'bh. Liberty.. 14 62 271 49 J 1873 • Charles Rrown. Hellafant* 800 78 1 Joseph Ross. Spring .... 168 07 ' P 41-loan. Hoggs IS 06 LCRearicb. Marion 114 C 7— C 79 96 '1 1874 Soseph For. Ballafoete... 973 11 1 XVm Kiddles. Philipab'rg 845 ftS •1) Tohn, Bonner .23 62 1 F Kvcboff. Curtin 123 28 ! XV"m Cr—as. Half M00n... 8 (>5 ' II B Wilcox, Hush NSali 11 P Yeager, Saow Shoe.. 125 75 285h 55 1875 .IChas Brown, Br'lafonla...l4sß (18 .1 1' Shope. Mi!ehurg... 23186 11 L BarobarU Bog** .... 13 88 John T Luce*. Curtia ...„ 49 12 II B VVilaax, Ru*h 7*> 74 ' Jas Watson, Snow Sboa_ 84 80— 1984 27 1870 .1 11 Morrison. Ballefoate.lßll 82 T M Hall. M ilesburg 144 87 1 • W C M'Cutcbeon, Phil 'j ipsburg 227 6ft C Piehl, Howard 11 >ro... 73 66 ■J C Walker, liege* S'iMiS 1 William Matin Curtin... 15807 1 J T Stewart. Harris 124 87 •Jno A Stover. L barty.. 14H78 11 Hartar, Marion 632 90 i W'u Waiter. Penn 681 73 ' (• XV Koob, l'utter 771 C 8 K II Pa'*. Rush 4471 .lehn Null, Sjiring 583 66 John H Beck, Walker... 16 70- 608101 1 (877 ' *R L Shirk-M ilesbtirg... 15622 ' *1 Gorton—Philipsburg.. 241 64 ' "II (' Holler—Howard II 201 87 ' R W A miliar man—Uu ! ionvile sft 17 .'1 St-rer —Banner M 4 lIC '.I (' Walker—B-ggs 777 63 ';*K Cat lege (-37 92 ' C Stager—Curtia 179 47 •XV H Fry— Ferguson...'JCßS 09 1 F 1) lloi#ruan—Gregg.. 0(19 88 ' sJohn Myara—Harris 1198 74 , Georgu Gcnsaiuar —Half 1 Mo..a 446 54 P XX' Kline—Huston 59 77 ' *.l M Klin*-Howard 42290 ' •Pavid Rebb—Liberty .. H7O 04 •P XV Orr- Marie II 4C.1 87 ' J"el Morris—M'U* 197 60 •G XV F Gray-Tation... 510 85 • r XVin Smith—Pena 869 29 ' *Ho >rv Swab—Potter...lo3B37 F II lMe -Ku.h 358 29 ' *ll J Tibbina Spring 131694 ,lua Thampaen—S Shoe... 108 70 > Wm Millar-Taylor 231 22 •J T Punkla-Walker... 762 04 ? XV 11 XVilliami—XVortb.. 110 69—18276 67 ) 1878 •XVm Jonaa—Bellafont*_9ftlo24 1 K H Carr—Milesburg 428 48 E O Maltera— Philipsb'g 770 97 1 Sam'l Bricklay—Howard . Boro 305 12 | Chn* Smith, Sr—Unian -11 villo 168 88 •Tho* l'erdue—Banner...l66l 14 , K.I Rata* -Burntide 180 48 2 J C Walker— Bogg* 1167 23 0 Jehn A Rupu—^College.26l2 19 Henry Thail—Curtin 230 86 6 • lohn H Gale* - Ferguson. .2949 76 10 *C P Leitxell—Gregg 8213 66 i 'P Jti Rotii • ilaiuvi .liWe 57 | II AR R Y R . 11l kS, i ft (Burcwor to T. A. Hick* A iiro.) WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, dec., &c. ) ,i W tlao litis* tlia- nccßfl) of Hie* Moulli It*i*l i Flow for lbl*s ronntf .*3B< , I WILL NOT 1 i: CNIiERSOLD BY ANY I'A BTY THAT HELLS THKBAME QUALITY OF OOOM 'I I*Jao Carper. Jr llarr •I--. 15 , •Kill* Lylle Hall AIo I I 11, John Craig liu*t. n f -s I*J M Klltia 11" a'<l a - .'PU Berlew ji Lit ■ "v "I •XVm If wo- Marian 1 .14 .•Reuben Grim Mil.-., I ,u7 14 •VV'ni Tress er Patlofi P.* I . .lain I) Kiul| prim .. 'Jl'dtfl •Ja* C Boal -Putter ... .. ."j I IF If pale Hush ' - * A J Swart* *|,r .• *6Bl j Jo* i*i i , B Bhoa 18am' I Hoavtf I* t w 4.4 Wm Spott* Union I', •L line /ißitotraiaii i Walker •Sata'l Steven' XX urth ."vi - 4)<755 24 Total tax** outstanding $66114 ot-| Marked • pen! patt i,< e ' t'.'ement. Marked • \ aui full unoe tattlemant. FINANCIAL EXHIBIT ' Centre Co ' iJanuary I, 18 I DR To nete* and bunds outstand ing *5712 90 T<> balance due P A llscrr, Traasurar 824 27 To balaaca due Murtay, Uv.. gal A Co 1284 40 (To balance due And >ragg, j OMMWOHT 12 24 Total 87833 81 j To balance due by 19716 68 CP-. By aote* bu'd by Con, • 2297 67 Hy amount in hands of A : r nay* for cel!r<-'ion 2726 7ft By taxas outstanding J a .1 v ' 1.1879 66114 06 By amount (lua from '• <>ugb* and tow'st.:- tar keeping itiare a* btlsv : Pbiiiptburg B 'rough . . 1 5*2 , Bennar T 'Wntbip IV 97 Spring Township...,. 1 • ' ' Milasburg B 'rough 2ft.' 90 |llustn i wnslnp 'rr. 411 1 Hallefunie Buroagb lUV ' * Partaragr •) ■'Pa ton T"wn*hin . lu S2 'jt'ollaga Township ... 1. 21— 'Xksh 81 I Amount da* from Ciear field Co 1' 4 -• Am t rtu# from Harris twp Fir* eommission 2KO X'a'ae of rl watato bought an ac t nfdebts 4f.i 89 its due from L XX Munann, Sheriff . 29 .4 I llalanae <; 1 • ! Total -87833 81; IN TH K OKPII "N S < >URT OF CKNTKK CSL'N I Y la tha mailer of tfte <; 11• - of Sataue 1 J Herring at a' f>r 1 tat * tha I.rur al d legal repfr-rr. t u , i'rtr Durat, da*, a. to *' ow • a <■' whs s ; r fic parfor mac* of contra t s . >u d 1 b* docr*#d Th* U' ders g!- d ai n . rr app int *d to lake IsssUti.onv . ft •• i"-i'U.,iirri and all other trains,.,ny if I 11 hrrr'.y glawq 1 Oolic* that h* I in-at partle- itur ar'ed. at b s ~ffi * 11, r , * Pa ,on Tuaaday, thr lßih day <-f M next ■ iu o clack a• . t • att-t,J ti th* dulir, , of hi* aiipoiulmrnt xv A MORRISON*. feb v. 1-em, ar BELLEFONTE. MUSIC STORE. o f Pianos! Pianos' ORGANS! -Sewing Machines! j ALSO SMALL INSTRUMENTS. VIOLINS. ? 1,50 ACCORDEONS. #2 tl Slop Organa, 2 l ull Sri of RpotU. Price M 270, Only 9A5. 13 Stop Orgun<*. 3 $"u1l Ret of He ilk, Frlee 2310, Only *73. (Thi* Organ ha* the ' Grand Organ Knee Swell ") 7 OCINVO RokfHoml Finuow, Only #l3O. Nerontlahuitd Org xc* fog 123. SecoiKl-liuiitl IMuutis for ISO, | CHICKERING lIANOS. STEIN WAY PIANOS, 'j ARION PIANOS. WATERS PIANOS. O E3TY ORGANS WATERS ORGANS. WOODS ORGANS, j MASON A HAMLIN DUCLET ORGANS. New DOMESTIC Scvvitt' Mnchice, •30 00. New WHITE Sewing Machine, 825 New ST. JOHN Sewing Machii.e 825,00 New Improved SINGER Sewing 7 Machine, 822 50. New Improved HOWE Sewing Ma chine, 822.50. Second hand Sewing Machine for $5. No Agents employed, The buyer' get the Agrnts profit. Come aud set for yourself. are the only parly who buy oui own Machines and Organs for cash We are prepared to give customer-- all the advantage. BUNNELL & AlKps PI VVAVAI IA IvfvriTlTl i Tb* taring hh u of .Ki# H#Ho •Ml bv "f" l.a-.l fill li e H 'i *f Am! fXFIt (4| 'hp Public Ho' 4M#| buliliil if Ml i ♦•!< Urn', I | u plHblnt bltuilluS, Ctfllfll |Ml*i | il<ff) h<! *•# li-JC*kb#F With Mhut.O *l.l MtG til f'i ! iLoftdUjfh lllwr •ry Mf <1 eurf of #tu<iy. nik (hi* R rlrihatlip R4 !)4>**l f,*f IlilMf * IL rtuhablp niw. I yiiiort Irvtti 4lo(j dji l*r. J'or fur T .li<r ulMr* Rddrr*# • H. I*. Ilium, A B lvir # j fahao 8 Pan® llall, Pa |N THE ORPHANr COURT Ot 1 CKMRK C< >L .N I Y fba auditor *p|n<lDll by aaid Court U .i oa*, up..rt tbu i ti i-ption fils-d to tb* at •:ouril ut P*ntal Ficl.ftrr rxaruU'f —f A, •t Josiah But el 'ln-a>ed nd dutribut jibe lund la tbi etillt'.-d to m-rtve tb • aii,e. aiil Uu---t a I pa'i'u, intrr, >ti*d 4m •aid purpuaa. a. i,ia oflcr, in j 'fi I ' the lh.b of Mai. b, A P ' 1879, at 10 o'clock, a In XV T KEBKR. • Auditor fi&icX FOB SALS.—First clas* brick " n '"and for sale at Zr'lai'i Centre liai j tiriex yard# Tl.eae bfKk ar. •!T.-rrd o low that il will pg per.ooa at . | Jiaiauee to come IK", for them. Intending to conunua in tna rnanufac ture of brick they kept Constant!* >n band, and ta.r itiducemenLk tfl.-mJi purchwsera. '' u tf _ UE. ZKKHE HENRY BOOZER. i t: ius. IUU. a.srr.itri # sadd.e*. Uariisa* briaic* toitar*. WL.pi fiyaet*. and a 100 ae. Pr ~n i.a„u C..i. .. '.N<-ir rU Prion* low a* any at ere rl*r 1 All kinds l frpal llig Uullr. 'l'l,* b* -UM-k a way* ki ptui. band Aj. work *> •anio I A (tare ot the |ub; t kiro ag, • kiudly soli, .ted, 1 1 apt, 11 y i J£- X 1 1 i'Oli .> .NOiU E - te*'kmantary pn the te <-f j, " • Kirrt. late ut Petiii I a a,nip drora* ril, baking been giaiiteU to tUe bi.Do, gi. •el. all pcieons Indcnusd to a<d luUlr >i, jr. <|wiieU U< H.akr iisia.i-U.ala i *.iu,.n, j*ii ih.we having clauur against itir oaur (to pre übt tl,em. uu y >.t'run, .M bji (law iir saltieiui-n MM I, hi Kill', IsEuttuh bo W r.K. ' v * ' * Jfc.x atof • W- Spring Mi ls O. K ! NEW - f- i Al I. J. Gf '■ re! SPUING X, :.u , ':%• the gieeja Lafgrat al-k I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than Ever, And row extend* a cordial invitation I his trtenJr, ps.tri at, and public general ! "r- Aiao it Complete Assortment o< Ready Made Clotbifig fur men an OoV". Sutu as low as to be bad in tb <-ity. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full lines ot MERINO UN DER WEARS, For Ladiec, Gi-i U, Misees anc Children. Hosiery. Glo •*. Ilunti and Shea*. H.ATS.'CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, And the most c mplcie nt'i rtmett of NOTI O N S < n Central Pane* Ivatua ard erica* tb a Wilicumtsel t„* in e!f defrDCC to buy r "im A 100 Fi-h, Salt, etc 18-- A full line of Howe Sewing Maehioe- Htid Needh-s f rail kinds ui machine.- A • d*si in all kit-.1 -of Grain. Mw '".••t price p* ! * r•' e anc. A specially I in CO V L bv the ear t*,l Jas. Harris u\* Co NO 5, BROCK EIUIOFF ROW. I K 0 N, NAILS, P A I N T S, on^jrrc., JAS HA KB!- A ' < !• ivtcute, •urBARGA linrgains i Tsargains! . In MEN'S and LOYB, BOOTS and SHOES! also a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, LOUIS DO'.L'S Shoe Stjre !opposite the Bush hnttse, Bellefont* .jnsutn formerly occupi'd (y Join Powers. apr2sy Lew i"!)'re, Centre{- Spruce Creek RI XV F.ST XV A Ml). 1 3 3 t. r. aV r. A m p m r w xiuiitundonM 708 165 6IS ? Luwisburg 7.15 2.29 6.3. Ouburn 9.25 Arr. atSpring >lills 9 50 EASTWARD. 2 1 O LIXVK A.M am. rv Spring Mill* 10 10 ♦Johurn 10 35 t Leiviaburg (",25 12 45 6.4 Arr at Monta don _b 50 1.00 6(k I No% 1 and 2 > onnec at Moniandun wit> Krio Mail, wot on tl u l'hiladolphia an -1 Erie R. It. r* No*. 3 and 4 with Day Express east an< Niagara Fxpri-s- west. Nos-oaadO with Fast Line west. i ' Jandy Manufactory & Bakery, ■ I Mr. Aito-ri kauOi, I IiISIIOP STREET HAKERY, i I now making tim very fond BREAD. C AKES AND PIE#, J ,i BiU' 'i.ip. (Jto,tiit* as.d Cooled infix. He* "i h< fa< '.am* all kind* of ct|. I iiea, •! *i . 1.-r. can |>ur< hae of him at I • ,i in I' h riir. I'r.dim of all kind*xl* , •)■ ••f J laid, tgetiler wilh OlalfM, : L-' < fur, 1 K> Date*, N uU, B)rU|M, J||> I in* and i-ifiythiii* *uud. ' I 'EM HE COUNTY OYSTER DEPOT J Ao Kicelieiii ojaier aaluti& alio it* nelit ! t the llakt-rr C'lll xnt! Ml j ie. AIJiL'KT KAITH. awl 1|" ' i • (uM ti h* Ih w t*>, ,i tat I ab, >ia I •t'"*l MI miMn* •• •111 Mae* I 1 "- ei; ,-* d.; .1 buw* au4, t*> t ntwat* l a-' u* I'l * : t. |> ||f a (UU* *Mf i,t IM *M M tlw U< MUI I eatsi *a mm lie* Aden** Tats d Oo Aa|tM, i d*i. Saw,* I NEW (■rocerv and Confectionerj, AT CENTRE UALL Ihe ti in <iperied a new Gro* >• r\ and (.'• liiri-li.ii.rij, and aill alwaya m-|. a full llhr if g.erd*. at liiae*' }><>♦• I kit , ai d kind') a,,, a share uf Ida pdt* i, IMlruUsge. ilia aliK k eulahu of CUE FEES, NLUERS. lEAa. BYRYPS. SOAPS. SALT. LP kind. ..f CHOICE lOBACCOES ANDSEGARS, | • id ail fruiU of the ,aob generally il REST SWEET POTATOES U . lui. iu.e i CON FECI loK EP.I tfl Ik II kinds cuu,itr> proout-e taken in ax* riiaiif*. I r#H low for CASH and PRODUCE, j C. DINURS. W. A. CURRY, i 1..1 I lit liALLaI A. I \ uiu lLort ll.j4.fUs ili* cil '!• • Rtiiil), 4inl lit- Urn* ft M KbuL, t d .ud fet of li#rr uf ibr fMiroft H!> (1 KUttdr U ufdrf ib 4 ■% ordiiiK u* md #rriiiu bu fork - i#mbrrt! All ki&di r*|trttij| duuu. atid chmrfet re**<titfclt tviv* bin. r t il V# |New Pianos $125 R 1 all including OKAND, kKi aid UPRIGHT nil rtnrUy Ar-I r ■ "I at the t- wa*i net CaSK a tin 1 . I lat lory pruaa. iltrorl So She | f ha-cr I t.e*e P,*fn<* n aoe otic uf tba An 'lad di-|. * a', llw OhMM nia! RlhlbilloK, j and aere unn .mnu.l/ revon-tii* nded far . ell: ir.T H ok*—.-vet 12U0U ir. uaft Regular ) lii>"| fated Mar iifat luribg Ce, Far ?> **Uit übrd otrr 36 j™r. ill Square Grand* p't. am Malhusheh'a raw IxlaSl lliipi.l Oaeratrung S at*. lk* lareau- . • t.t in the h*U#ry of Pi * atti. making 'I he Upriah'Sß.e the Bona! in AnicH a. Piano* aent on trial Doi't fail l. ar'.e for I < ul ruled and Dewertß* t tlve I"|. .'gn* of <6 nop** Wiai rd IrM M E S UK LS>OH N PI A NO Co jsri.i If ill Ka*i Iks fttrwei, N. T.^ JQR.S. O. GUTILIUB." Dentist, Millheirn. Ofrnhi , wwo.. wrtjiMivtii* t .*bUf. Hi it | Bftps. . .no. *il 'lwrUr tit dill*! #r#< * Mr a 1., !. ui •unci wifttftt! fUifi. pt?l --s . <T ITIBRATOR'^' X. Bat Karri B. \ Wi/ THE ORIGINAL & ONLY SENIUM ♦*Vibrator" Thresbent, m la' a. > iu> MOUNTED HORSE POWCft, And Mcani Thresher I'.agia**, hade obit by ' NICHCiS, SHEPfiRD A CO., BATTLE CREEK, MICH. Till. MnlrMeea Crala-haelac. Tlwa. X' f . •.)*•■ % 1 il*Mil I* M I * *• Ml rat . .. I -r. el *u KK*lrr he ha, hrs, lw j (*d 01....!■ -SJ •<* Kartac ttnka here •■*(, GW SIN TTalarre *UI eel Kakwll talks . ,-r. * wwWi. :A '-rvwtdßelf L 4 m.-- ■ UshkA. nra, l*h Miw |WI,SImU sfcstMrMMß. TBI riTini Tbrrbla Fsheaaew * L,' IJA • urwil iA \tJ k| lAMi llactMN. UO npTpWlnc rbaft YbbUP Ik# Nt tl i • . . .was UNU. .. l>4*.w k ■ lU4a'l>O * .• ind i stawvuf j r.f fr V . * aHel..:Hn-Nan.tC-ii ".iMf j W.M tv*k k. il . . Usf ft Kb*. I, Rrauhl.r WB*h NOT cr'r Vaailf ftewerler for Wheal. ttwt* t '<*4 , k;f, in 4 la* U MM, lad I tow wwk f UK' . ftes hi i fMhrrll fw. TtßHio , keNt. rMW. Ml a * ha CiSCshMll' Of ' fßUllim ' ! U IOMHI iNMNtlii U> hrwAß MARTKLOrH fmr f Partk. . X a < .a u e~ 4 , k*MH. il.o-i iM* L. i kr*iiru FOVn Made, rtit k hHIM II M IVWMI k) Isshkct Srr \ 'l Vrerr Threahrra n eeelalir. ■ s,lhii Of R t nrtrslrd Nnm Threaber Kb. - "• • ■ * •• i • .....a*. ... , luaacun I MM***, hr Ujwai MJ uUar as, a UaL jV '-'-(•ranch Workmaaahta. M'(*>( lMm * t (auw* . .. . ' • Pnrtlralara, call en **r Oral era . K....01 i ... 1..,. ™.,*.b*, M iiina W ATERS* Orchestrion chimes ORG AE uShe meal beaalifal * fl'm A faatyle omi perfrrt Ji - . asrj 'a tone ever made. f v *'f|flA • JVa' f 1 ha* .'k- rrlebraxed llMtißi' lira ( oin erio*!*!', wkle MUB. rhi a lai lin.inilea i&tway . ??. 'tmo ami two and a half VJjjjyWKM Ortarea of hella tae ■ J 'lMlillLv - £ ill H nrd ta perfect harm. ■ i monvwlthiAarrcda, j: a'.l O ~?c —rTHIHH & ikev etn-rt i it a - • '!BW Iral A elcctrlfyli,#. ' '|^tt?j|S r'-Si*VATKK*'l'l.Altl .vi ox A, wrawris >| .fONCEUTO.VKSPKB, I'KSTKSMAI. CIUMKS, HAPKU '"< I'OTTAUK OR WAN's in I niriur French t aa arc c -~ WATE R S PI A N 0 AUETIIRBESTMAIIEItti Tone, Touch. 41 \\ orl.mnn.Uip.A lliirnbllti* l u.urpaaaad. Wnrruiilcil for SIX X LABS, !'l'l(l> :\TKIv.IIEI.Y LOW for cnah ; I* .Vioiilblf liinialliuenta rerened. A l iberal lli.rnin-t l> Tmrkc*. Mhnfter-,Ch*rr ru,.S<keeia, * a IVEXTB WANTED, hpeelallndaca. I mrnia to tlir irndr.lllnirard I r.inloxnan II iil, d.a,-< and-hai,d lnatrnincntaalGrenS " 111, run In*. HOttAIE WATEUS A HONS. Uunufurturoro o"<i Oralrr*. I< 40 EAST I4lh STREET. t.MON SQV.UtB, NEW YORK, Box, 3567.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers