THE CENTRE REPORTER. Centre Hall, Pij/Th'rad.Qctt. 10,78. S~TKRWa.—year. srArn poi'd '* advance ; S2.&D when act paid tn advance. Advrvtisemenf* '**ets per line for three in sertions. and bcentsper line for every sub sequent insertion. Advertisement* Ay the year at a liberal discount. Subscriber* outside the county should re mit us 10 ft*, amount of one year * post age, instead o/2lVf* as formerly when paid by themselves. Subscribers ran always tell how their ac counts stand at the Reverter ofhee by con sulting the table* on their papers. It the lahle read* "John Roe 1 jan '"6" it mean* that John is indebted for subscription from the Iff of January, 187&, and that ft si time he seas paying the printer. LODGE XXETIHOS RS-irar HALS U-rwi, Jla.sss, 1. 0-O. J . • ▼♦rv ThursU, ♦▼•■lns Is Sk* OjJJ tv n <1 . K KMsstcm. Sev'j. B. D. Balsam,a. • Oi l. re*TU>wa. 80. sr. T.K.U., M.vitdax •*•!• na ot ch fall meoa IMSWIMnHut M O F. Iltsui-stl, IM. f. KSLUXS W. M. I'nooasssClasses,W<s #t- r H, mil.OatraHallAnUi* Stur.Ur r fc*le*U in.T.nslir M and ctnrv lw •'"'j krller Muter. I .volume R*o**. !•*<■< LOCAL ITEMS. - Just now the place to gel bargain* 1* at Shook Bro. A Co.'*, Farmer* Mill*. Head their ad. Win. H. Genlael has mored from Gregg to Kanaaa. Lutheran conference meet* at On* tre Hall, Nor. A Loid'a aupper in the **• church, thi* place. Sabbath mom in* SO lnt. Juat atep in at H. IX Goldman a Standard Clothing Hall, corner Biahop and Allegheny, Bellefonte, if you want a cheap auit of clotbea. Mr. D. C. Keller, of thi* place, baa letl ua aample* of the large Kambo apple, from hi* let. Theae are aomo of the finest specimen* of that kind of fruit we hare yet aeon, and will excite the enry of any lorer of choice apple*. Accommodation for horset at Brown'* (train depot, Bellofonte, for all teams going there with train. Ho pay* the highest market price, and you will find him fair and square in all hi* dealing*. Coal ef all hind* always on hand, and for tale low. —No man can say aught against Geo. Swab and Jacob Punkle, our nominee* tor Commissioner*. They are thoroughly honest and of spotless character. Voters now have an opportunity to cast their bal lots for two good men. Let them hare such a good vote as men of their standing deserve. Swab and Dunkle will make faithful commissioners. Dr. Orndorf, of Ferguson paid our sanctum a visit recently. The doctor ia one of the heat dentists in the county, and ditto on democracy. The headquarters of tho Greenback party have been removed to the dad story ofSeth Yocum's white hat. Seth is and always was a stiff rad, and no democrat should be caught voting for him for Con gress. Remember that A. G. Curtin favors retiring the National bank note* and hav ing greenbacks issued instead. That's sound principle and meets the daaires of democrats as well as greenbackers, it would save the country some 20 millions in interest every year. There is a great rush at the Stand ard Clothing Hall, people find that suits are sold so low there, and all are wishing to get a bargain. Go and price Gold man's clothing— he is determined to sell the lowest in the county, and no mistake about it. An immense stock on hand. Corner Allegheny and Bishop streets. for his grain, let him haul it to L L. Brown, successor to Shortlidge fc Co. Newman has arrived with a tre mendous lot of ready-made clothing that beats all this side of Constantinople. He has again put down bis already low prices and sells cheaper than ever—and he al ways did sell lower than others- You can buy a new suit, or single garment, any thing between hat and boots at just a tri fle above coat, and what more can you ask? On last Friday one of the ou'.build ings of Lafayette Jfeff took fire, and the greater part of tha roof and gable burned before the dame* were extinguished. Timely assistance saved the main build ing. Mr. Jfeffreceived some severeburns in his efforts to put out the fire. An outhouse of Mr. John Dauber man took fire one day last week, threaten ing destruction to the larger buildings, but through timely aid the fire was extin guished. The dwelling house of Mr. John Conley, about 2 mile east ef Ilall, was destroyed by fire on last Friday, about midnight. The fire originated in the wash house near the main build ing, where they had been boiling apple butter during the day. The outbuilding was all ablaze and the family only awoke by the flames striking the windows of the chamber on the second story where Mr. and Mrs. Conley slept, and in a few mo ments the main building was on fire also. The flames spread so rapidly that the fam ily coald not save anything but the con tents of one room on the first floor. All their clothing, furniture, papers, and pro visions in cellar and buildings were burn ed. There were sor ie GO bushels of potatoes in the cellar. Mr. Conley in attempting to save things from the upper story found his retreat cut off by the fire and escaped by jumping from a window. The total loss is not less than slßoo—insurance about SI2(W in the Pennsvalley company. The barn would undoubtedly have been burned al so, but fortunately there was no current of air in that direction. The house was erected only a few years ago. Many of our people were soon on the spot, but render no assistance. The finest lot of queensware, at Secblers, in the Bush bouse block. If you want something handsome for setting your table, Reehler's is the place where you find it Tbeirstock of queensware is thee hoicesl in the central part of the state. The finest toilet articles at F. P. Green's in the Bush house block. Also fresh drugs and medicines always on hand. Mr. Green is the oldest druggist in the c ounty, and prescriptions are filled there with the utmost safety. Goldman, who has established the New standard Clothing Hall, corner Bish •p and Allegheny street, Bellefonte, is determined to sell clothing cheaper than any one else in the county. This he guar antees. The Presbytery of Huntingdon com menced iu stated meeting in the Presby terian church, at L*emont (Dr. Uamill s), on Tuesday, the Ist of October, at 21 o'- clock. p m. The opening sermon was preached by Hev Mr. Sberrard.of Mifflin town. The Presbytery was first organiz ed in the "old log" church at Centre Hill, in Pennsvalley, in April, 1795, with nine members. It now aambers 47 ministers and 00 churches, with 10,000 communi cants. It includes the territory embrac ing the counties of Bedford, Blair, Clear field, Centre, Mifflin, Juniata and Hun tingdon. The congregations under its care contributed during the past year $75,- 000 for church and missionary purposes. Get your coffee, sugar, teas, spices, j dried aud canned fruit, at Secbter's, ifyou want a good and fresh article. Tbey al ways keep the best family groceries that are in market, and you are sure of a gen uine article in whatever you get. They eell atthe least margin, and always deal honestly with customers. Try Bechler A Co., in the Bush house block, and you will be pleased with tbe quality of groce ries you get, satisfied with their prices, and have the politest attention beeldes. Give the new Standard Clothing Hall, at Bellefonte, a call, where you can buy clothing cheaper than elsewhere. Goldman promises to give the best bars tfhtns, A Rood suit of underclothes forWVIj at Guggenheimer A Go's. Highest Cash price pai.l for Clover* seed, at Guggenheimer A Oo's. On Friday during the races at the M iffiin county fair at Lewistown, the sheriff sud denly put in an appearance and levied on all the real and personal property of the society that was found on tho fair grounds including the gate money and the funds in the hands of the treasurer. It is not positively knawn if these proceedings will preclude the payment of the usual pre miums offered by the association to exhi bitors, hut it is more than likely that they will. Tho affair has created quite a sensa tion. Just before the Rev. A. 11. Augho died on the floor of tho Evangelical Lutheran church in Milfiintown, during the session of the svnod, he laid an onvolopo on the window-sill, says tho Democrat and Reg ister, and penciled the words: "The sting of death is hero," He had placed the envelope in a side pocket of his coat and was just silling down when death struck him. —Read J. D. Long's ad. in another column, lie intends doing a big and lively business in grain, coal, bids-, leather and saddlery, at Spring Mills. He is a deserving man and fair and square in his business transactions. Diptheria broke out in tho family of Samuel Randall, of Mankato, Minn., last week, and carried of four of his children within four Jays. The bodies of two oth er children, who had died some time pre viously, and had been buried in an old cemetery, were disinterred, and the six little coffins were carried to the grave yard at the same time in the presence of an immense concourse of people. For Mr. Tlios. Harper, A>f Aarons burg, we this week notice runaway No. *2. In last issue we gave au account of his horse wrecking a sutky and throwing Mr. U. out. A few days after, the same ani mal, while Mr, Harper was driving In a buggy back ol Woodward, ran away, and became detached from the buggy The horse was found next dsy, lying among the rocks in the mountain, and pretty bad ly used up. Teas, coffees, sugars, spices, coal oil, flour, every and anything kept in the grocery line, at C. Dingi-s' new store, also a full stock of notion*, candies, tobaccos' Jfcc., Ac. We last week noticed the death of a son of Mr. David Bollinger, of Aarons burg, by a kick from a horse. This week we learn of a sad accident that befell Mr. Bollinger himself, on last Friday. 110 fell from an apple tree, a distance of 18 feet, since which lime he has remained uncon scious and has not spoken a word. Veri ly misfortunes do not come singly. Mr. B.'s family deserve the sympathy of tho community. Wo admire Newman's courage, it is a benefit to the people, he is bound not to be undersold by any one in clothing, and guarantees to sell the cheapest Cloth ing in the county. Newman we always found to be a man of honor and good as bis word. Mrs. Anna M. Weaver has removed < from Potter* Mill* to M illhcim. where she 1 will open a millinery store. , The house ef Mr. Alex. Kerr, of 1 Potter twp., was entered and robbed of ( $44 on last Sunday. On Mouday three tramps were arrested on suspicion and brought to Esq. Shannon, but no proof of ' guilt could be obtained, and they weredis- , charged. On Tuesday 1, somo strange parties sold a burse and harness to Mr. Bonj. Bitner of Potter, fors7oand a buggy to a young man of same neighborhood, for $'A) on which Mr. Bitner advanced the money. Saturday following another party came , along claiming the property as stolen j from them. Mr. Bitner holds on however j claiming proof of property. The stock of goods at Guggenheimer A Go's, is now complete In every line, end will be sold at prices that will defy competition. They have also laid out a lot of remnants consisting of calicoee, can ton flannels and muslins which will be sold from 4cts up. Spool cotton's at "Jet* per spool. Visit C- Dinges' New Grocery, and j give him a trial. Henry Brockerboff, an old and well known citizen, died at Bellefonte on last Sunday. Mr. Conley will erect a new brick dwelling this fall yet. i The weather is flno. but no rain— I save a little on Monday. Heavy frost on i Sunday. Visit J. U. Krumbine's new glass and stoneware store in Gift A Flory's j store room. Gregg Dill club meets Saturday even ing at Spring Mills, wo earnestly urge democrats to turn out. POTTER DILL CLUB ! WILL MEET IN MURRAY'S HALL, Saturday Evening, Oct. 12. Turn out All. Good speakers will be pres ent. WHAT A GREAT* NEWSPAPER SAYS OF THE COMING GREAT SHOW. Unquestionably, by far the greatest Mcnagarie and Circus that has ever visited this place will reach Bellefonte by its spec ial trains on Saturday, October 12th, and that is the Great European Soven Ele pbant Railroad Exposition of the Sells Bros. Its proportions aro simply enor mous, and its educational and amusement resources almost beyond computation. It is also as superior in refinement and ele gance of presentation ai it it overshadow ing in easiness, and comes recommended and endorsed in the highest and most un qualified terms by the entire press wherev er it has pitched its mammoth tents. Such indi-putable authority as the Pittsburgh Daily Dispatch emphatically praises it at follows : "The 7 elephants, to which such promi nence bat been given in our advertising columns, arrived by the Pan Handle yes terday, together with the balance of the big new menegarie and circus by which thejr are employed as a distinctive title. The really superb and sensational parade on tbe South Side in the morning, togeth er with tbe highly original and successful advertising etcepade of tbe two-horned rhinoceros, gave the show such a first-class •end-off that business was excellent in the afternoon and extraordinary at night, when the smoke-tinged|brawn and muscle of Birmingham rallied in admirable disor der to forget the furnace, factory and forge ■ in the presence of the "Tropical Terrors" - and tbe "Monarcha<of Muscle." Well recommended as the show bat come, and , liberal as were its promises, it fully merits * the one and redeems the other. Much * liberality, originality and ingenuity it dia | played in its street pageant, which teems ! to compass the limits of possibility in that * direction, and give an excellent free idea " of what comes after for pay. The inena- gerie it very large and complete, and no i tably cosmopolitan. The circus troupe is * an uuusually large one, and combinas a wide diversity of talent. The bareback , riding is of tbe best, mod the various gym i nastic feats command continual applause. * Willis Cobb's educated dogt, monkeys t and goats give most ontertaining and - laughable variety to the programme." Farmers if you take your grain to L. L. Brown, near depot, Bollefonte, you will get the highest cash price. He alio sells all kinds of coal at lowest prices. WHOSE? The concluding article on the subject of a New Series of text books for our schools did not appear as contemplated. The aec oivf was delayed one week in consequence of crowded columns, god the thiri partial-1 iy anticipated by the action of the Bow# i of Potter twp, on the 9Hh ult. Withal, by tho Editor's permission, tho answer to . tho question above will bo given as duo to ' all parties. It was intended to call tho at tontion ol tho public and tho Hoard, in tho second paper, to the propriety ot adopting a History of such a grade as could be used by pupils of the third read er, also a general History to supplement tho llrief Course now in u-o. We need not say that the study of History Is an im portant one. and that early life is the most opportune season for Its cultivation and mastery. The general prevalence of fic ticious reading among the young, and tho consequent distaste for works of History,; Science and Travel, ought to he argument sufficient in favor of making History a test book throughout the whole course of Cow men School Education With the view of attaining this and, Paor. SWUTON of New York, has prepared a series of School Histories. The series consists of throe books two on l\ 8. History, and a third on Outlines of tieneral history. They are sufficiently comprehensive for such a course as can he taken ia Interme diate, Orammar. and High Schools. The plan of the books is clear, the style, pure. We are sure the Hoard would have done a good day's work in acting on these Histories. The Geographies and Spellers adopted by the Hoards of Potter and Gregg twps are from the pen of the same author —Prof. Swinton, The adoption of these works is a move in tho right di rection—the choice of the Hoards judi cious. To see the name of Prof. S. upon the back or title page of a book it sufficient fcr pronouncing it a work of the Ai ghost merit. We have yet to commend the ac tion of the Hoard in the selection of Read ere-qualily, not quantity seems to have led to the selection of the Graded series, ll this matter of introducing new books into our schools was less important, wo would apologise for the space we have taken ; since it is fraught with interest to ourselves and the future it deserves more than a passing notice. G. W. FOETKIV. Democrats, the Camerons are trying to breed dissatisfaction among you in this county. Give them a big rebuke. Jjl LECTION PROCLAMATION.— Gol Save the Commonwealth. I, L. W Munson, High Sheriff of the! county ofCentra, Commonwealth of Penn-li sylvania, do hereby make known and give i notice to the electors of the county store- i said, that an election will bo hclu in the 1 said county of Centre, on Tuesday, November sth, 1878, it being the Tuesday follow ing the first Monday of of November, tthe polls to be opened at seven o'clock, a. and closed at seven o'clock, p. fa.) at which time the Freemen of Centre county will vote by j ballot for the following officers, namely : j One person for Governor of Pennsylva- "> nia. t One person for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania. One person for Secretary of Internal Af j* fairs of Pennsylvania. j< One person for Judge of Supremo Court | of Pennsylvania One person to represent the counties of Uaion, Clinton, Clearfield, Elk, Mifflin and Centre in the Congress of the United '| Sutes. , One person to represent the counties of . Centre. Clinton and Clearfield in the Sen- j ale of Pennsylvania. One person as President Judge for the j counties of Centre, Clinton and Clear field. , Two persons to represent the county ot , Centre in the House of Representatives of | Pennsylvania. One person for High Sheriff for tho county ot Centre. One person for the office ot Treasurer for the county of Centre. One person for the office of Prothonota- | ry and Clerk of the Court of Quarter Ses sions for the county ot Centre Three persons for the office of Cotnmis- j sioner for the county of Centre. One person tor the office of Register and Ij Clerk of the Orphan's Court of the coun- \ ty of Centre. One person for the office of Recorder J for the county of Centre. Three persons for tho office of Auditor for the county of Centre. .. One person for the office of Coroner for 1 the county ot Centre. I also hereby make known and give no- | tico that the place of holding the aforesaid , election in the several Boroughs and townships within the county of Centre,! ore as follows, to wit: For the township of iialnes, at the pub-j lie house of I. D. Hover (Aaronsburg.) | For the township of Half Moon, at the ( School house in Stormstown. For the township of Taylor, atthe house erected for the purpose, on the property ot Leonard Merryman. For the township of Miles, in the school 1 bouse in the town of Rebersbugc For tho township of Potter, (northern precincli at the public bouse of John Spangler in Centre Hall. For tho township of Potter, ioutheri. precinct) at the public house of Mart. Leitzell, at Potters Mill*. For the township ot Gregg, at the pub lic houso owned by J. B. Fisher, l*enn,i Hall. ji For the township of College, ia tho | school house at Leraont. For the township ot Ferguson, (old pre cinct) in the school bouse at Pine Grove. For the township of Ferguson, mew precinct (in tho school bouse at Bailey ville. | For the township of Harris, in the school j house at Boalsburg. For tho township of I'alton, at the house of Peter Murray, j For the borough of Bellefonte and tho townships of Mpring and llenncr, at the Court House in Hellefonte. For township of Walker, in the school house at Hublersburg. For the township of Rush, nt the Coldj Stream school house. For tho township of Show Shoe, at tho school house at Snow Shoe station. For th township of Marion, at the! bouse of Joel Kline, in Jacksonville. For the borough of Milcsburg, at the. school house in Mile-burg. For the township of Hoggs, at tho pew, school house in Central City. For'.he township of Huston, atthe house j of John Reed. . t |For the Sown ship of Penn, at the public bouse of Wo. S. Alusser. For the township of Liberty, in the school house at Kaglevilie. Far tho borough and township of How- i ard. at tho school house in -aid borough. Fcr the township of Worth, at the] school house at Port Matilda. For the township of Burnside at the bouse of J K Boak. For the township of Curlin, at the school house near Robert Mann's For the borough of Unionviile and the township of Union, at new school house in Unionviile. For the borough of Phiiipsburg in the new school house in said borough. NOTICE is also hereby given, "That every person, excepting the justices of the peace, who shall hold any office, ap pointment of profit or trust under the government of the United .States, or of this State or of any city or Incorporated district, whether a commissioned offlccror otherwise, subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive, or judiciary depart ment of this State or of the United States, or <>f any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress, and of the State Legislature, and of tho select or common council of any city or commis sioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising, at the same time, the office or appointment of judire, inspector, or clerk, of any election of this commonwealth; and that no in spector, judge or other officer of any such election, shull be eligible to any office to be then voted lor." Given under my hand and seal, at my office in Hellefonte, thi- 2nff day of Octo ber, in the year ot our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and in tho sevonty-eight, and in the one hundred .and second year of the Independence of the United States. L. W. MUNSON, Sheriff" of Centre county. | QRPHAN'S COURT SALE:— Will be sold by order ot tho Orphan's . Court of Centre county, on Saturday, November 2d, 1878, the property of George Harpster, dee'd, [ to wit: Ho. J, Bounded south by lands of David Stover, eust by land* of Jacob Arney, north by lands of Henry Witmer, west by road, containing TWO ACRES. ' and Sixty five perches. No. 'J, bounded i south by lot of D. K. Geiss. east by an nl< a ley, north by lot of Fred Kurtz, west by turnpiko road. Thereon erected a ' DWEL7HNG HOUSE, Wash and Wood house, Stable, and other outbuildings. Fruit of all kinds on the Lot. Conditions of Sale will be one half ol ' the purchase money on confirmation ol sale, the balance in one yen- thereafter, tc _ be secured on the premises. Sale to com mence atone o'clock, p. in. of said day Mate. d i"|ooct flMn'r, SPUING MILL"*. • Win. Colla* ilinl ! JDIIMI Konuoli *I lust Wodn. .1\ .*vriili *••) diarrhea, alter • ■ short illtions. 11l- i- II tnu I iboill years i old 11. Mm mi old hand on the railroad I nd has been away • ju-t came bark about three wvek* ■*" he ' used to bo called Irish liilljr. t Win. Krapo lias been •worn as u the de- I j tective sin! U now tr.v ing hi* hand at hunt • lug up John Kinny, tho boy that i* blam ed for stealing Mr. Meadet smoney in; Georges Valley. Tho fouiiiUtion of the now bridge is lu* j i out nml tho masons have commenced Jwork We l.opo the sth of Nov wo can oriwu loathe depot on the now budge. They bud quite time on Wednesday night to get the locomotive turned on the • turn-table some of the plank broke. The feet i that they wtil foul away with it lUI tome one get* killed l>y it. Tbo Dill club met on Saturday night, hut owing to appearance of wet night and totuo iiti>underUnding there w oro not many present. W. J. Ale vendor was President, Namuel Crawford, Vice Prci dent and Edward Krumrlne, Seorolary The meeting wa addressed by Mr. tiowei , and Heinly. Club will meet next Salur i day evening in Grenoble's hall and wr hope that the motile will turnout as there will be tpeakera from Belleft>nte or tome other teaport town to addreit us. Turn ' out, democrat! and republican!, and hear whatis said on tho finance! of our cun try- UUm'AKY. On thasl3d ull., near Lincoln, Neb., of bilious intermittent fever, i'eier Kerlin, aged >o years. The deceased wat born in Berks countv, En , Sept. 2<5, IM2. In 1*33 he cam# to Bellefonte and was engaged as foreman in , a paper mill. In lhoo he moved to the Loop. Centre countv. Pa., w here be lived, with the exception of two j ears, until hi wifedied. in 1K75. After thit ho bought land in Nebraska, moved there and war . so well pleased with the country that he concluded ta spend tin- remainder o! his davtthere. God, in Hh providence, hu taken biui homo, lie was a member of the 1 Lutheran Church for more than 'JO years. f lie was au otliee bearer in the Church lor a number of years, and all wbo knew him can testify that hts duty was discharged ! with fidelity As ha lived, so hedied, be lieving in the saving merits of tho atone- jj ment of Jetus Christ. During his sick- Hess he had loat sight of the world, and by faith saw only th>we things which are in- jj visible We are in deep sorrow at the loss 'of our dear father but know it is his gain, a !therefore we are Cffcrtw. We know that if we serve our father's God, we shall !be with bitu where he is l"Lord, we commit this our father to thee, a ' Whoso body is dead but wh-e spirit It free, * We know that through grace, when our j lile here is done, Wo still live in Tiieo, forever in one, Ills Ftv X CuiLPKEX, I' .. It The Nebraska AM* M of 8! t JOth, relates the following, and as Kev. A # A. Kerlin, of Mi Alevy't Fort, Hunting- j don county, formerly of Centre county, i- ( •ne of the brothert mentioned who trav-' eled 1200 mires, the narrative jo.sen - a 1 local interest. The Stair Journal says: _ One of the! rarest examples ol filial affection that 11 er eatne to our notice is to be recorded of the Kerlin brothers who are now at the bed-; sido of their aged father. On t-a'.urday i la-t a brother, who lives in Nebraska, was informed by one of our prominent physi. j eians that he eons idred his father, I' j Kerlin, dangerously ill Tho brotbe- at! once sent a me-sage to a brother in M iffiii. Co., Pa., who sent a man at once with the * message to another brother, sixteen miles J acros- a mountain. The me**ag" found 1 the brother, a Lutheran minister, at 4 u'- J dock on Sunday morning. To rise, dress. 1 harness a horae, leave his family, and t-- * dtivo fifteen tnilea to reach the 7 o'clock W- -t. -:i ei; •>. r, quired prompt acti n, ibut wat accomplished a: J the 121W mile journey began- The brothers met in 1 I'ittsburgb, arrived here on Tuesday, and h ,have since devoted their entire attention to tbo parent They ordered a contuiu-| tion of two of our leading physicians, but _ we learned yesterday that the case it con- j sidered very untavorable, and nothing save the excellent constitution of the fath er will bring him through. Such promptness and filial loyo on the " part of brothers rallying to the d<- of one another 1200 miles away, to givi t those attentions that children can alone! perform i a spectacle that would grace any age and exalt the name of any family a ENGLAND AND THE AMEEIt. London, Oct. I.—A dispatch from Sun la says n British force is advancing to oc cupy Jamrod, at the mouth ot tho K hy ber Pass. The Ameer Is making a gtr.sral levy, ( and thousands are rallying to his stand lard. An advance ©n Cabul is to tako place immediately. MARKETS. Philadelphia, October 7 —Wheat red at $1 03<<4l W. amber at $1 lMfij.l tvi; Eye t steady at obfixWc. Corn at 4M;,SiV; ot- Hl'JCfe.'Jfij. Clovers red is quoted at fifvTJc; timothy at 1 25< 1 45 and flaxseed a*. $1 40. CHICAGO. J Chicago, October 7 —Wheot in fair de mand but lower. No. "J Chicago spring, i SVif'vblc ca-fi. Corn No. 2 and high mix.-d j;i3jc. Oats No. 2. l>ic for cash Bye ouic cash. Barley $1 l>4 for cash. j CATTLE MARKET. j Philadelphia, October 7.—Cattle— I Market dull, good Sic, medium 4f(< IJ<V ■ common Sheep- Market dull,! good, 44(<i/4|e, medium. dpi, 41c, common i 0(.3c. Hogs- Prime Chicago GJc, good i7c, medium,common, oc. A curious discovery has lately liecu made, while repairing the house S i formerly occupied by the Jacobin ■ Club during the great Ivcvolution, 1 'and known as the liotel dc Lonrires, in the liue St. Hyaciuthe, St. Honre. ' The Club, which guided the destioiee df the revolution during some few - years, had often boasted of allowing the ambition of Robespierre and other leaders to progess so far, and no farth er ; and the members hy vote had passed a law which entitled the nta joritv to exclude from any particular tcan'ce any particular member whose' 1 interests might lead him to sway the opinion of the Club. Kobespierie. . whose ambition had rendered him an| object of suspicion, bad often been, ' voted out of the assembly ; and it has been a matter of surprise to tho his f torian of the time, that he could so • long maintain his influence in spite of ! the violence of the opposition thus oer , milled. The secret is now revealed • A small room —a hiding plaeo in the ■ thickness of the wall—has just been ! discovered, opening by a trap door in . to the very hall where the delibcra | lions were being carried on, aud t whence ho could listen to the meas ures to be taken against him, and thus ' forearmed, have power to defeat them. l f It is evident thut this hiding place i must have been occupied bv Robes " pierrc ; and when first entered by the ' workmen tho tracts of his prcseuoe were still visible in the journal which f lay upon the table, and the wriling j paper, from which had been torn a small portion, as if for the purpose of r making a memorandum. The only '• book which was found in the place was a voluftic of Florain, open at the second chapter of Claudine. It was covered with snuff, which had evident ly been shaken from the reader's shirt frill, and bore testimony to the truth of history which records the simplicity ! of the literaiy tastes of Robespierre. I His presence seemed still to hang b about that small space, as though lie had quitted it but the moment before; 'j aud, singular enough, the marks of I- the feet, as though ho had recently y trodden through the mud, were still j visible on the tiles of which tho floor . ing is composed.— J'otltr's American f Monthly, 'f| / "| For hog cholera use a mixture of ytsoftsoap and milk. Four soap suds days into the swill barrels, if • will make bogs thrive. mmmrnmmmm m mmm<* T-dtL mi The Fall Season fur the year 1878 is now opening and a New and EXCELLENT STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODs IS COMING IN AT tIUfJOKNIIKIMI.U A CO.'B, CENTRE HALL, end which will be iold at LOWEST FIGURES. They have an immense atock and will firtOrftd in every line. THKYHAVI Dress Goods. Clothing, Huts v\; Caps, Hoofs i\; Shoes, .Yolions, Groceries, at Lowest Prices. IT WILL HE TO Vol If INTEREST 'l'o ••FATKONIXE YOUR HOME MERCHANTS," INSTEAD OF GOING A WAY I ROM HOME. GIVE UB A CALL IMMEDIATELY, iSJp 2n, GL'GGENHEIMER A CX). NEWMAN. King ClotHier Br of Centre county. IS SELLING IS SELLING 18 SELLING IS SELLING t>i^' M infer Suits 83.5(1. Over Coats 82.50. I nderwear 30c. Boots 81.75. AND EVERY THING ELSE LOW IN PROPORTION. I Challenge the County to Heat my PRICES and f f AN P® U V W AH LARGE A BTOCK OF CLOTHING ABIUAVK. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER DV FIItSTCLABS TAILORS AT VIBY LOW PRICIB y o Ucl on. Toesd'v's Elections' w Telegraphic despatchee on Wedues day moruing give tho following : WEST VIRGINIA Democratic. Also INDIANA, and a gain ol two cougrt'ssmtii by the Demociats. The republicans claim Ohio, yel the Democrats gaiu several congress men. • ♦ • The republican couferenoM —cou- greeeional, aenatorial aud judicial met at Bellefonte ©u Tuesday and nil adjourned sine die without making uuy nominations. Croup can be cured in one minute, aud the remedy is simply alum and sugar. The way to accomplish the deed is to lake a knife or grate aud shave of in small particles about a teaspoouful of alum ; then mix it with twice its quantity of sugar, to make it palatable, aud administer it as quick as possible. Almost insaotaneous re lief will follow. Spring Mills, Pa., lat viN iiorsK COAL YARD. J. D. S New Grain House is Now Ready for The Reception of WHEAT, the HIGHEST CASH PRICK ami tbo BKSTCOALtn Market !J at tho ve-j low< t price. Hides! Hides! Itriri* your HiJi - an J r> .ore tbo 11, ghost Price for them 1 also k see t r a> I'PPKIt."-, KI PS, CALFSKINS, and SOLE LKATHER ,1 lowest t>rice-. Also a full line f Harness, Saddles. Collars. Bridles. Halters. Whips, etc. at the very Loatil Prit( . lOocl :'.ui THE FAIR—S. &A. LOEB. I • For 25 years we have been the leaders ii inn Ria * and for flic same length of time have demonstrated (he, fact beyond dispute, and are selling all classes of goods cheaper than ever. .VOTE OUR PRICES: .SALT, SI ,0 PER SACK OFltm p£R BARREL QF LBS UNBLEACHED MUSLINS AT 5 CENTS PER Y D. DRESS GOODS AT 8 CENTS PER \ D. ALPACAS AT 15 CENTS PER YARD. LADIEB MOROCCO BOOTS AT 11.25. MEN'S BOOTS FOR TWO DOLLARS. LADIES BLACK COATS as LOW as $2.50. With an assortment never equalled in this county. BLACK all WOOL CASIIMERES at 50c. * We carry the largest and cheapest stock ofClothin* in Centro county-see our good ' before purcliasin*. VALENTINES & CO. TILK I.AROKST DBALKHS I* -DRY GOODS,- dHOCEIIIBS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING,. Ac., Ac., IN CENTRE COUNTY. BEI.LEFOXTE, PA. | A house should be so placed that the direct rays of the sun shall bave tree admission into the living apart , latents ; because the sun's rays impart a healthy aud invigorating quality to the air, and stimulate the vitality of human beings an they do those of )f'plauU; aud, without suulight, human beings, as well as plauta, would sick#p and die. The aspect, therefore, shoulu ' be Southeast. MARRIED. On 27ili Au*. by Rev. Yoeutn. Mr. 'C'hss W. Bird foruitriy of Asron.burg) * and Mis. K J., d,u*hter of David Lohr, - both of Bellsfonte. I On 2d, at Emanuel church, TuttswilU, by IST. B. M Reader; Mr Julian Vletn- in* and Miss Klla M Plither, dau*htr (of Mr. Daniel Fibber, both of Potter to wn- Iship. DIED. i On A, at Ontre Hall, of apoplexy, Mrs. K<-*ina Shilliu*, years and 1 day. t . At l'enn a Furnace, on 29 Sept. Peter Soh, ftgeJ 72 nlhs and 3 days, i ) FARM FOR SALE I 'l '1 lie followin* property will be exposed Tst Public Sale, on FRIDAY, OCT. 25th, - IcTfi. at the residence of (i<<or*e Frederick, dee d, in Gre** Township, a Farm con taining ONE HUNDRED ACRES, more or lest; Is well watered, betides a never-failing stream runnin* near the buildtn**. waU-r is hrourht to tha house in pipes; !'• two etery DWELLING Barn and other ©utbuilSines; also sufit( ient Orchard o! apple and other fruit Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. m., when terms will be made known by SAM 1. GRAMLY, Administrator. NEW [(■roeerv and Cunfecfionery, AT CENTRE HALL t The undersi*ned has opened a new Uro „ cery'and Confectionery, and will always r keep a full line of *ood. at lowmtpoasible prices, and kindly ask. a share of the pub lic palron*c flu stock consists of COFFEES, SI'GEKS. TEAS, SYRTPS, l . SOAPS, SALT. All kinds of | 'CHOICE TOBACCOES AND SEGARS, and all fruits of the • ason *enera!!y in Slock. BEST SWEET POTATOES Also a lull line of CONFECTIONERIES All kinds of country produce taken in ex -1 change. I .ell low for CASH and PRODUCE. I'JBeepty C. DINGES. II AII BY K. HICKS, (.Successor to T. A. Hicks & Bro.) WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Putty, <fcc., Sec* bo)' Al-u kae lilt* itKt uc) of 1 lit* Noulli Bi'iitl 4 lilll-d l*low for Ihin remfy.-M I WILL NOT BE I NDKUBOLD BY ANY I'ARTY THAT SELLS THE SAME QUALITY OF GOOM ■——i—. " i ■ ... i ■ liieai— 1M - Spring Mills Market. Old whest 90, new 'A). No 2 wheat K Rye, 45c. Corn, ears, per bu. new, .1 c OaU. 22c. Buckwhi-at, 75c. Clovt-rseed, 00 to 4.00 Chop, perton, $23.00. Plaster, ground per ton, f 10.00 Flour, per bbl SSUU Butler, 15c. Tallow, 7c. Ham> 12c. Shoulders Sc. Bides He. Rags, tic. E*g per dfi , 15c. Tub washed wool 35c, QRPHAN S COURT SALE - Estate of Ezra D. Brisbin, deceai-id. By virtue of an order of the Orphan Court of Centre county, made in the mat ter of the partition of the Ural K*ut>- o!. said decedent, the undersigned, Tru.te, appointed by said order, will exp>-"- li sale by public venduo > r outcry, on thi premises near BOA LS BURG, SATURDAY, OCT. 1', tbe following described REAL ESTATE, ; I late of said Kr.ra D. Brisbin, viz : No. 1. A Valuable Farm, situate in Harris township, adjoining land- <f G< Fortney, U. F. Brown, Daniel Muster and others, containing about One Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less, all under t ultivetion : there-' on erected a two-story 1 KAM r. D\\ LL-j LI NG HgUSK, a lug Barn and ' liter ■ ut buildings. There is a good ORCHARD on the premises and several NEVER FAILINtS SPRINGSt>F EXCELLENT WATER, convenient t house and I :.rn The farm is just on the outskirts ol Baals- < burg, in close proximity to schools at.u churches, etc. No. 2. The undivided half of a tract ofMOI'NAIN LAND, in (betownship] of Harris, adjoining lands of Mosos Thompson, Jonathan Tn sler, Kobertj (•albraith and others, cotiiaining a' 1 >u: thirty-eight and Ihree-f -urths acres. TKKM.'- OF fiALK —Ono-third cash upon confirmation of sale, balance in ot„ , and two years, with interest, U> be secur ed by bonis and mortgage upon the prem ises. Nale to begin at 1 o'clock, p. m. DAVID KELLER, sep'JO _ Trustee to Set), etc | QRPHANS' COURT SALE I By order of the Orphans' Court of Cen tro countv. the following described pro perty of W. W. Love, deceased, situate ir . Poller ta p. Centre eounty, will be oflored, at public sale, on Friday, Oct. 18: On FARM containing 103 ACRES, more or less ; bounded by isndsof John St. ner >r, tb ' west; on the north by lands of .lod ' Strphtn ; on the east by Isnds ofFram'-i heirs i south by lands <>: William Risbeij and others. The farm is well watered, i.. neycr-failing spring of cold limestone wa ter near tho house, also a well of never 1 failing wster at the barn, wiih g > >d pumt in it; large cistern at tho hou-e lrat.rsve 1 nienls : A large TWO-STORY HOUSE 1 with kitchen and wash-hous- attached, ai FRAME BANK BARN, Hi by 45 feet,! with horse-power shod attached. A good■ frame wagon shed and corn house, 40 hy 20 feel, pig pen and wood house, A Bearing Orchar.l oft'hoice Fruit on tho premises This is one of the bed producing farm in this .section for all kinds ot grain and grass, nearly all limestone land- It s wilbin one-half mile of two churches icliool house, post office, st re and black smith shops Also a trai tof good TIM BEKI.A N I), situated "fi Tw-cy mountain, ( bounded by land* of S. Wingcrt, Aady; Jordan and John Allen, containing - ACRKS, more or less. Sale to commence! all o'clock, p. is., when terms will be' .made known. JANG LOVK, G. AI. liOAL, 19 sept Administrator*, PRIVATE S A L K -A CHOICE FARM AND HOUSE AND LOT., —The following described prvportv, of John Kmmert, dee'd, situate in Harris twp., Centre county, one FARM, contain-; ing one hundrod and thirty-three acres, more or lets, bounded by lands<d 11. Kv erhart, dee'd, James Girnn. McFatlen.j Dr. Henderson, dee'd, and others, i- ofler ed at private sale The farm is well wa tered. a never failing troam of water run ning through tholann and Within thirty yard* JT the barn, alto, a well of never failing water allho bouse, with good pump in it. The improvements are a large FRAME HOUSE, two stories high. l -mo.l new. a FRAME BANK BARN, forty-fivo hy eighty feet and all other ne, - essary oulnuildirgs. This is one of the best producing Harms in thi section for all kinds ot grain : is nil liuu'stono land. Aj large ORCHARD of choice fruit on the premises. For particulars inquire of Win. Wertz on the farm. , Also one HOI7.SE and LOT situated in Hoalsburg. Centre county, the house is 2 stories high, with kitchen attached to it, and all nereasary .unbuilding*, also n goo i stable, a never faibn<; welt <>," wap-r with good puipp The h't ii well set with fhiit trees of best quality. Also 2 acres and 123 perches oi excellent land situated near the German Reformed church in Uoaltburg, within two squares ot above house. JOSIAH NEFF, Executor of J. tui mert, dee'd. tjept 5 tf CUbCUTURS' NOTICE.— testamentary on the estate ol Jhcod Docker, of College twp, ceased, h*' )n g been grunted to tho under signed, all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tho same to present them, duly authenticated by law, forsettleqient. DANIEL lIKSS, JAMES GLENN, Executors. fl ejnitortb cts.l aTODDARTS ( MCBICXI. LLDRAUT Twelve full pages of music, embracing Operas, Popular Sungs, Dances, Rrillian! Compositions, by the greatest authors, printed on full-sizo music paper of the bcsl quality. For Sale by all nows and book dealers, or will be mailed on receipt of 10 coots, and 2 cents for postage, by J. M. STODDART A CO., 723 Chestnut {Street, 3 oct ot. Philadelphia. Spring Mills O. K ! NEW ROOM! NEW GOODS! ct I. J. Grenoble's Store ! SPRING MILLS, i has the goods. Largest stock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower (ban • E> er, Ar-d now extend* a cordial n.citation to his friends, patrons, and public gencral j it- Also n Completf Ai-sortmi-nt of Ready Made Clothing for irten and buy*. Suit as low as to be bad in the fit)*. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full lines of MERINO UNDER WEARS, ' For Ladies, Gents, Boys, Misses and Children. Il -sery. Gloves, Boots and Shoes, HATS. CA PS, CARPETS AND OIL CL'iTHS, Ac i the most complete assortment of NOTIONS ;n C.-ntral Pennsylvania, and prices that willcompel you in self defence to buy of fim . Also Fish, Salt, etc- 18oc A full line of Howe Sewing Machine* and Needle* for all kinds of machine*. : Alto deals in all kinds .of Grain. Mar- Jket price paid for the same. A specially 'in CO AI. by the car load. Jus. Harris Co. NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. IRON, N AILS, r A IN T s, OILSTETC., JAS. HARRIS A CO. Bellefonte. "EM FOR 1 AN l(ri RAVE Lit: RST —THE— BUSH HOUSE! nEi.i.xroNTK, rA. IJfi- been rH-entlv thoroughly rcnoyaicd and repaired, and under til" management of the New Proprietor, Mr. GEORGE HOP PES. formerly ol VV'ms|>ort, it first class in all its auiH'intmania. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offered to those in attendants at court land other* remaining in town for a few Javs nt a lime. The larg<-t and mo-t superbly Designed Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. VII modern conveniences. Go try the Rii-h house. 'Aug GEO. UOPPES, Propr. HENRY BOOZER, CF.VIKK lit 1.1. Miii o. ri <ir Saddles. Harness, Bridies. Collars, Whips. Flvnets. and also keeps on hand Cotton ,Ni t>. etc. Prices low us any whero else. . All kinds of repairing done. The best -lock always kept on hand. All work war runted. A-hare of the public patronage . is kindly solicited. 11 apr, 14 y HAPPY RELIEF; I'o ell tri chenilr <!i*mm* of *U ktada. I'oiittiloolUl o.n.ultj!lni 11.-,1 . vroooolli or U* , mail -•' of Imim.Bl, NVw osd rolwkXl t. turUl**. P.-.X *n<l rlrruiirmiriil frw la ■— - !•'• "A,A dd 7ir, i-siK iAvtux <v I —I I lill*lellbl. Il , liatiMlc h*-ia , * hlh O-I'UUII.JD lor bouorxaa ouaeoet sad - UoastAfU. 71 Jal> Stas. f ;.l\Var! War! War ! '■ ORGANS! ORGANS! ORGANS! ?| SEWING MACHINES! '• Sewing Machines! Y NEW 1 Stop Parlor OrgaiiM lrlrt>s3lO, For Mllti ('Hah. 'J Stop Organ-, New, tor s7o.oo—Prici a Sewing Machines Guaranteed New and a KepreHented, for $25.00. ! < OOMK, SEE. AND RK CONVINCED. • COM EON K, COMK ALL to the New Music & Sewing Machinestorf of BUNNELL &AIKKNS, Allegheny Street, '■ 25july Bellefoute, Pt 7 ELEPHANT GREAT EUROPEAN RAILROAD EXPOSITION. AXP Till OXLY OSK OK KaKTB. Which Teni Tiun of the Times will txkib it, in nil iU uver ibdu*iii| ud undi-2 ▼ided Testees, et !I BELLEFONTE, SATURDAY,IOCT. IS. fj I WK ; I: BBIHGIKO A Stupendous Menagerie of Unfettered Mammoths by Monster Special Tru&m; Three Ponderous Ijoeomotive Loads e§ Rare Exotic Beasts and Birds; The One Great Seperate Gireus of Iks World on Sumptous Palace Can. . Alone owning end exhibiting e Herd of ;i7 ELEPHANTS 1 5 Performing Baby Elephant* I L In comblnod end timuilenoous sets. The First end Only Peir ofNursing - TWIN BABY ELEPHANTS Ever exhibited anywhere, r AXD TO 8X *XXK XCBSIXO IX TBX AXXXA, Bat 30 inches high end lest then e jeer old A LIVING ELEPHANT BORNE HIGH ALOFT , Through the public streste. A 122,000 TWO HORNED BLACK RHINOCEROS The on I j one erer imported. The Only Living Horned Horse at f Ethiopia; The Only Herd of Twelve Camels ; A Marine Aquarium of DeepSm Marvels ; A Thronged and Brilliant Aviary; A Wonder Congress of Living HNMAA I Miracles. THE ALADDIii AJIIMA OF TUX C.NIVERSE. One Hundred Peerless Principal Page formers ; A Great Circus of New and Famo Faces .! Each morning, at about 9to 10 o'clock, sad FREE TO ALL, Matty Times More Shore for Rothins than Any Other Show Charges JFStU Prices to Sss, i —IX— i THE MIGHTIEST AND MOST MA9 t MFICENT AMUSMENT PAT GE ANT OF ANY AGE. Fore full description of which tee thd t Greet European's Iliustrelod News. f ONE FIFTY-CENT TICK|| j (Children under 9 years, 20 eta.) Admitting to every department of the s ™o*tr>Kanli c embodiment of Natural Oh -? an d Morel Amuiment either Hemisphere has ever knows. ' T . l i^l.f, l LPIT ' PRESS -AXM>KOPLIn , INDOR&ED FAMILY-FIELD SHOW OF AMERICA, Meriting the patronage of the mothers and ; daughters of our lend, end . '*®'BITIXO FAE MOKK THAN riv fOOOte t ML* HE ADV KUTISXD. ' ; ope " f l 1 nd 7P. M. Performs i in the Grand Arena one hoar later. 7* i j i Bargains! ■ Bargains! In MEN'S and BOYS, BOOTS and SHOBII also a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOEB,* ' LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Stw* ! opposite the Bash house, Bellefoafe room formerly occupied by Jotp lowers. apr2sy The oldest end bwt appointed 3 uiHgr I, Lon for obtaining a Business Edwrx <O%. For circulars address. , F. DUFF & HONS. •loct 4t Pittsburgh, Fa. ' fit />/>*"*•<> is four own town. $S (MB |a •e * ax, r f '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers