THE CENTRE REPORTER. (\nlrc Ha'.l, P, Th'rpil. April 1. '7B. *T*-TKRVS. - s2;>rr yenr, ..Aett paid in u,{ranee ; $2.50 yrhrn net paid in adranor. j(,{rert\*rment* 2(V<* per lint for three in srrtiant, andbeentsper line for every ■>. sequent iwrliixi. drfrerfiaewenfa Ay f4e year at a liberal di*eounf. Sul>*criber*outside the eountv should re mit ut 10 eft, amount af one year'* port* age, instead o/tAVf* a* formerly srAen paid by them net re*. S'Steriber * ran a I tray* tell h ir their e --count* ttand at the Rev erter office bye. i xulting the lable* on f Aetr payer*. If the lable read * "John Ko 1 jan '75" it means that John i* iudrbted for subscription from the 1<( of January, 187&, and that it • tune be *ca* paytny the printer, LODOI MEETINGS I'rxrwv H sni IXTIWT.NE. **. I. O fO. f.. t rei\ tn Iht Oiii* J M H. P. RUN***, A Oi.n rout Umra. No. or. v A V . M ->vt rwitwa pd or Rpfor* f h Nil ■>*> la two CMit rlki will - M O. R ULTIU.*. AAV SOET. J. A. VT-RWISO. W V n , r.lll, "♦♦"/L'fSil lUl!.< •titrr tun on lh Slor-lv •> •ewe'"!* ™" .0001 *t It\ Mud Trr two wjO KRLLOT M*R IJSOK .no R*><R. LOCAL ITEMS. Have ItAtl very line weather thii weak. Soon katydid*. ftog and ctiokets. will hold :>ee concert*. and will play that same oM t~-hune, from dusk li II r**') morn. Rer J A Bright. late of the llub lersbn-jT Lutheran charge. ha* became pastor of the Jersey Shore Lutheran charge. Jno. H Harter, of Nevada, Ohio. formerly of llaine* twp.. this county, ha invented % hayfork thnt is said to be su perior to any out. and displaces all other where it is offered lor sale, I: is both a simple and cheap article. Persons insures! in the I'enns Valley Fire Ins Co. are notified ta pre pare to pay their assessment* for the ire at Stale College, within the present month, Guggcnheitners Branch Store says b.O ha* got all grades of plain dress goods, for 14c per yard. You bad better go and tee what it looks ltke. Also good table molasses for 60c per gal. It. Boll* store room, at Spring Mill*, destroyed by fir*, early last Sunday morning. Ii was not occupied a*. the time, and undoubtedly was set on ire. Deiuinger A Lu*e is a new firm in the chair business in this place. They have a fine stock on hand, at low prices. Some think it a thing to boast of to have seen one of the new filter dollars. We wouldn't walk fire miles to see one. Mrs. Smith, dress maker, Centre 11a". desires to call attention to her sam ples of trimming* of all kinds.- also, sam ple* of new sly'.es dry goods. Cutting and fitting done to order, and old dresses clean* and done over by bar. Gentle men's sh : r.. cuffs and collars made to or der and warranted to fit Has also just rnceivrd a new slock of Spriug stylos, fashi :> plates, patterns. Ac. Call ard see. Constable Lamey, of Venn, on Tuesday .took a follow by name of Adam* to jail, on charge of stealing whisky from Geo. W. Stover. and for other thefts Kiceilent imperial tea, <0 cents per | lb. at Secb'.er's. A Car load of best stem ware, which will be sold wholesale and . ret*:! at Secblers. Finest sugar cured hams 121 per tb at Sochiers The Uoztitt itid Hot leiin says: Mr. John G. Kurt*, of Mil ton, is the inventor of one of the beat fire escapes out. It has a'ready been intrc- [ duced quite extensively in Philadelphia, j He is *'so the inventor of a railroad signal i light which will probably be adopted on a I number of railroads. been appointed to the Centre Hall M. K. charge. Rrv. Bouse the late pastor goes 5 to Haifmoon. We regret to see Rev ! Bouse depart frotn us—he was universally i respected. Choice Paterns in calico be pe: yard J at Ci ugtnheimers Branch Store. The Lord's Supper will be adminis ter- d in th Lutheran church Centre Hail on April If at 19 a. m. Preparatory ser- I vice- previous, at 2p m - M usical conee-t in the Ev. chureb j Sat eve, py N N. Ruble's class. D D no longer stands for doctor of d.vj: ..j, but means "dollar of the dads." which taken on subscription to Re porter, Oa Tuesday constable Kline, of Greg* p u-ed through here with a prisoner, Jacob Wolf, living on Penns creek, and charged with setting fire to a small dwell ing house. Wolf was taken on suspicion as be is reported to have said that said house would not stand (until a certain morning; besides some of the flooring and sash belonging to the house were found on Wolf s premises, having been torn out he fore the house was flred. || Go to Heisler's marble works, at Bellefonte, if you want city-like work, ! and the finest Italian marble Newman has been to the city for a new stock of Clothing. Look out for! something astonishing in low prices. He is the low-price clothing man. He keeps honest goods. Has only a small profit but then be sells more than any half dozen stores. Go and see the immense stock at the Eagle Clothing Hall. You will find him one of the cleverest fellow# doing business, and give you big bargains in any thing in the line of ready made Clothing. Our readers will please notice the change of location in the advertisement of the Mend,-!*sobn Piano Co , of New York. They have opened new and splendid ware rooms for their matchless Pianos, at No. 21 East Fifteenth Street, between Broad way and Fifth Avenue, near Union Square opposite Tiffiany's, the great dia mond and jewelry house, in the heart of the Pianoaod Music business and amongst the most fashionable trade of the metrop olis. —Go to Frank Greon's for the best fishing tackle, or any kind of fancy arti cle, drugs, medicines, etc., etc, The Republican of Clearfield in re ferring to his Honor, Charles A. Mayer, says: "We learn that the Bar of this county tliis week has unanimously joined in a letter to Judge Mayer, asking him to be tt candidate for re-election. Tbia *c .tion, with that of the same character re cently taken by the Bar of Centre county, indicates unmistakably the re electiorr of Judge Mayer without contest. The dis trict may congratulate itself on this ac tion, for it is the perpetuation of a good record. timore for it, I would not be without I>r. Bull's Cough Syrup in my family," t* what we heard h lady say yesterday. ber of "Harper's Magazine." It contains a very large amount of the best current literature of the day, and lias also many slendid engravings interspersed through out its pages. As an historical magazine it is not excelled in the country ; and no tatnily where literature of a high moral tone is appreciated should bo without it. Published at $4 per annum by Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square, New York City. Marble mantels, monuments, bead and foot stone, of the most exquiiite}work> mansbip, at Healer's marble works, Belles fonte. v The Spring Session of the Bo&ls burg Academy will begin on Monday, April titb, and continue ten weeks. A Urge turn-out Is expected. It ACADEMY. The Spring Term will open, Monday, April 15, 1878. Tuition and Boarding at rea> on able rates. For particulars apply to RXY. j5. M. WOLF. 4 gpr 2t . FROM KANSAS. WittxiscTose, Sumner Co., Ka. Mar. lift. KP. lUroiritH :-No .loeht s ibort let ter Irom this part of Kan-a* wou'd be ac cepiablo to the readers of the HrrctTlH Sumner county, where I am now laying, i in the southern part of K snsas border ing the Indian Territory. Wellington is the county-seat and is A live town of 900 population. This county contains some of the best farming land.- in the -tale, and is filling up last with hardy farmers from the Kast, The only objection to the coun ty is il< distance from market. Welling ton is near the centre of the county and is 2 miles fnpm Wichita, the r.earrst rail road station. 1 haye visited a large por tion of the county. and finer land 1 have never seen ,- it is also very cneap.—l l ata seen a quarter-section (lOOacna) near li. re, s>ld for $-VX), the land was cxoellen', and had a small he use erected on it, a sort of a straw stable and a good we 1. There are many btter bargains than this to be had These are still some government claims in the southern part of the county but it is better to buy improved land. The price of horses is about the same a in the Kast—a good span, wsgon and har ness for about fkU*V t>\cn are much u j ed and to a person who is in m hurry a-ui has sufficient patience, they would answer his purpose well. But cr.i tigh of farming r.ow. The markets may be of interest to you. Kgg arc new selling in this j taoe at 5c per doaen ; corn. IN-. ; potatoes, 100. ; wheat, Ck\ Business it very dull hero and work scarce. Stock dealing U vary pretitable. The nock dealers buy their cattle in Tea as, ard drive theni ihrt>ugh the Territory to Kansas, whore they .-all or ship thorn at a good profit. Extravagant interc-t is charged hero or loaned money, a- high as 10 per cent on sma'l sums. Agricultural implements are bought at cheap as in Illinois. Tho wheat looks fine, and a largo crop may be expected. Peach trees are in ftill bloom and trees in leat. Tho waither it very warm now but the nights are coo! as it the case ai! summer. And now I will end as 1 presume leng letters are aot pleasing to most people. Yours, \\"M. T. Kicuako. Seehlers keep up with the season al ways in the line ot groceries. Whatever is in season you will find in Sechier'a, in the Bush bouse block Their a—ortment of groceries can cot be excelled outside the city. Always in receipt of fresh goods. All kinds ofcounty produce taken at high est market price, and goods given in ex change at cash prices. Give them a call, it i> worth while just to see their hand* sauiely arranged atore. A FIRST CLASH BUSINESS CHANCE UAStiwsKS, TINWARE AND i STOVE ETORK FOR saxc.—Loc ated at Spring Mills, Centre county, Pa., the ter minus of the Lewiaburg, Centre and [Spruce Creek railroad. Is now a very good stand, and will be one of the betd in the State tbis year and in tho future. The tin-shop alone will and does pay well, as there arc none nearer than Millbeirn assl Centre Hall, both about 6 miles etF. We can convince any parties wishing to buy that it is a good business point. Will sell store room and contents at first cost. Uur reason for selling is that one of us ex pects to be away a greater part of this -ummerin the water and steam gover nor business, ;n which we have lately be come largely interested, and our business in the Belief mto store requiring our whole attention. for any one desiring this lino of bu-ineis. For particulars, inquire of the below mention ed firm at their place of business ia Belle forte. THOMAS A. HICKS A BRO. coyojfEss. We are authorized to announce that j D. G. Buah. of Bellefonte, will l>e a can-; didate for CoDgreiw. sobject to demo cratic rules. TREASURRK. We sre aut.iori.-id to announ<- that' Win Rhrhtsrd, ot Potter will be a oaadi- j date for Treasurer, su'-jeel to democratic , ruies. PROTHONOTA P. T. Mr. S. M Swaru. of Potter, desires to inform bis friends and democrats that be i will be a candidate for the nomination of] Protbnr.otary. • U ! KEGL<TIR'S NOTICE —The follow ing accounts have been examined and passed by me, and remain filed of rec ord in this office for the inspection of heirs, .egatesss, creditors, and all other- in any way interested and wiil b# presented to the Orphan- Court of Centre county, on Wednesday, the 24th day of April, A. D. 187fi, for confirmation ar.d allowance: 1. Theaccount of Harriet McGinlsy, administratrix of &e. of Charles Ms Gin- Icy. late of Huston township, deceased. 2. The account of John Mur-er. jr., executor of 4tc of Geo. Musser, late cfj Ferguson twp. dee'd. S. The account of Snmuel Barter, guar dian of Pniiip P Leiuel. minor son of Philip Leiual, 1-te of Centre county, de i ceaed. 4. The account of J. H. Reif-nvder, sdministrator of Jtc . of D. H. Willow, ; late of Penn twp. dec d. 5. The account of Martin Eyer and j S smuel Ejrer, rxecators of ac. of Jacob K ver. lnte of Ferguson twp. dee'd. G. The account of George Kauffruan anil J- M. Garbrick, administrators of &c. of Jacob Kauffman, late of Spring twp. dee'd T. The account of William and Israsi Yea rick, administrator* of iStc of William Yeorick. sr. late of Gregg twp dee d 8. The account of Samuel Ralston, ex ecutor of dc. of Geo. Cran, late of Tay lor township, dee'd. 9. The hecount ©f John Rishel and Williaan Roman, executor* o: Jkc- of Ja cob Hornan, late of Gregg twp. dee'd. 10. The 3rd. partial account of Col. Jnc, Rishel. executor of Ac. of Peter Durit, late of Pottertwp. dee'd 11 The account of John Hockey, guar dian of James P. Swartx miner son of Gaorgi- Swartx, late of Spring twp. dee'd. 12 The account of Jonathan Weaver, guardian of Nathaniel Weaver minor son of Solomon Weaver, late of Miles twp. dee'd 13. The account of Adam Hoy, execu tor of Ac. of Tbomiuine M. Potter, late ol the borough ot Bellefonte, dee d- It The account of Michael Scbenck, guardian of William S. Beacndel minor son of David Beachde), iale of Liberty twp. dee'd. 15. The acceuntofC. M B"wer. admin istrator of Ac. of Harriet F. Kinsloe, lale of Bellefonte borough, dee'd Hi. The final account of Isaac S- Frain, guardian of Mary G Candy. Wi.llam M. ar.d George K. Lender minor chil dren of Leodcr, late of Marion twp. deed 1". The account of Wm E. Burcliflcld and James T Stewart, executors of Ac. of Williurn Burchfleld, late of Harris tap dee'd. 18. The account of S. A. Brew, admin istrator of Ac. of Sarah F. Barrett, lale of the borough of Bellefonte dee'd. 19. The account of Marv Wassan, ad ministratrix dt boni* nonol Ac. ol George K. Wasson, late of Collegu twp. dee'd. 20. The partial account ofT. F. I'atton and ft. G. Brett, administrators of Ac. of J. K. Thomas, lute of Ferguson twp dec-'d. 21. The first partial account of James Duck. Michael Duck and Henry K Duck, administrators of Ac. ol J. Henry Duck, late of Gregg twp. dee'd. 22. • The partial uccount of John B Wagner and Michael Strohm, executors of Ac. of Barnet Wagner, late of Potter twp. dee'd. 23. The first partial account of J. H Stover and J. B. Alexander, administra tors of Ac. of Joseph Alexander, late ol Union twp., dee'd. 21 The account of Wm. A and S F. Ishler, administrators of Ac. of Sarah Itb lcr. late of Bpnner twp. dee'd. 25. First and final account of M. P. Weaver, administrator of Ac. of George Loneberger, late of Milesburg borough dee'd. 26 The first und partial account of Da vid McMoniglo, executor of Ac. of Steph en H. McMonigle, late of Tayloi twp. dee'd. 27. Tho eleventh annual account of Dan iel Rhonda and John Irwin, jr., surviving trustees under the will of Wm. A. Thom as, late of Bellefonte borough, dee'd. 28 The account of Samuel M. Irwin, administrator of Ac. of Margaret Johns ton, late of Bellefonte boro. dee'd. Registers office, 1 Wm. E. Burchkikld, March 26.1878. j Register 28 mar. 4t. Visiting Cards, 60 Mixed Cards 20 els- 12 Beautiful Flor al cards only 20 ctg. WM, KURTZ, Centre Hull, Pa. SPUING MILLS. It. 11. l>unean ha I the large belt slalen ' | from his shingle mill, which is lha second one stolen from him this a inti r, and a day or so afier the theft the large up und down saw w . smashed (or him ai d the wheel put in motion (> make believe it was an accident. Mr l>. will reward anyone for information aa to the perpetrators All ran to the f. o The burning of Bells store house started near the roof, lie was ab sent at the time having mov-d awav the week previous I .1 Grctiol e lias com menced to grn let! oti ok to where l-.e in tends putting up Ii- new grain ware housc, .J. I. its: at - building a -team ; planing mill ai d t ach >:u>t> Sain'l j l.eiteel m> ip • - his new house, t'sp'a I chick)' -sr. .: •< b-Iter that hi- garden. I Geo li ci ha- tie champion tomato plant i how is that for b gh. Cap " Kl. hrum | rme i> lumping a >und live y, savs wheat | business it l>rik. Pli. Leilal mowd to j Millheim Cap Hatscnplug is doing a I good business. *■ Tm: LAW or PKHI.IO SALK*.—In a sale bv aucticn tils re are ll.rce parlies, name ly : the owner .M the property to t>e sold, the auctiom , r a > i a |* 11in > ■ the public who aU*nd to bid, which, of course in cludes the bidder. He name of l the us tier ii ust be imuu public. Tin ar i tu-li-s put uu must be sold wiinout reserve and unless the rendsir r< serve* one open Lh.d be lanuot bid huiiscll ,r have the Hsuciicneer or any one hut lor I im. There [are cases on record win re a hd was not reserved, and the vendor ha l a bidder who bought it in. and afterwards suit was brought against the v, ndor by the highest outside bidder (o- the article and it waaj decided that bo (the plaintiff aas the highest bidder ami entitled to the article,' against the vt-ndor. >o, also, if an article is struck oil* t > a peron, ami it M after wards ascertain.).l lUat the vcmlor er nuc tioneer practiced fraud, by h. idtng him olf, or h*)l puffers, it wa- he'd both by t!ie Cs urts . ! Ktig ami and so repeatedly d.vidcd t v the .-supreme Court of Penn sylvania that the purchns. r could not be' held, but tho pure ha .r s soon as he dis covers the fraud prtic.ic )d U|h>.i him must return or tender the ar.ichs t - tho ven- ! dor. MARKETS. j, Philadelphia, April I.—Flour ftrni.j i mure disposition to ell -uperfne* fi W i extras $t ,'0; tarn lv ffi tX)(c* ] 0'Jo; Minnc->t* do. s'■$ '■ Tfi'u fi 25; patent! and high grades sf> ■ ,s Wheat weak;! amber $1 :'o(; 1 >, red $1 df, while $1 :b>ia,l 4l>. Corn Wi-k; yellow uoC; mix-' e.l £>4i{.i#>V, May osc; June July | &&jc; August otic. Oats firm; Per.aaylva-j nia hue hi -vATwr-tern do. iid<4B7c; do 1 mixed .U( live firm, ud'jtTO' Lwrd firm, city kettle. Tic Butter steady; creamery Mradford county and New York extra- '•> ,3tk". western reserve £?■ tk'&c, Kjrgs dul Pennsylvania ldc: wcstrrn 11c Clp- -c steady; New I.ok fancy loy ir; , Acs -rr ih. ice 12 vPJic. t PetroUuni duii; r. t. -cJ 11 fie; crude Be. Whisky western gl 07. New Y< rk, April 1 —Wheat quiet and steady; Si 2S :■ .No 2 i rthwest, April. Chicago, April ' Oats in fair demand but lowt r;-,t|o tor rwi. and April; t> to for Mac. Rye dull, but t.-u. ai V-Jc Bar* I'J in lair demand, hut h>we' at ;c Markets closed, wheat heavy . j! I Of ask ed lor April, $! 11l for Mav. Corn steady and firm, 42|c for Apr.!.; 2.1 ic for April. E.STBA \ —Came t<< the promises of Ja cob Weaver, in Ferguson town ship, h'ut the last week in November, a light rod heifei. white lack, lefk ear ofi, nick in un.ier.-.Jo of rq-ht er, supposed to bo U years old when it ggme there. The owner i rcqu-v-Utl to coiuo tor* rj. prove properly, pay charges ami tako it away, otherwise it wii. be diap<ed ol at cording to la*. GtUIIGK El K.KL, d apr, 3l Town Clerk nOTTIR AUMI MBRTING.—*•*. JL ti .• is liereov given that the An nual Towwaht) I lit wHI kg h*:j at the house ol John Spangler. at Centre Hall, c-n Tuesdw, April when atl officers of the town-h ip of Pot: aid oth> r persons interested will attend Officers will phase Le on blind pr molly at 0 m. J NO. F. ALEX A N DKK. j Town Clerk. • JURORS—3rd MONDAY Of APJIIL Spring-John Garbrick, F. M Weaver.l Walker—Sol. Peck Gregg—Jona Condo. M I. Rihel, S M Wise. Howard—S Candy, J. A. Woodward, J. C Leathers Potter—l> Rincsmith, L>. K. Guise, n. P. Shoop Rush J.ff Hay s.Jac. Shoop,o. Legs.' Bellefonte — P. Ward, t P. Werer,j P. Uooley. J* Wagner, .1. P Hughes Ferguaon—J. L. Carini, J. W . Krum rias. lioggs—Wm F. Nitf •' M. Wagner. Pean— Jno R.-ver, H. E Duck tkillege— W. M'Girk. Halftnocn —W Av rs i'ntlon—P. A. Sellers. Milesburg B- gg* llaines -J C. Stover. Philipsburg—l> Aver*. Marion--John If >lmc*. Miles—John Sh.if. r. Ilutton—N William*. Trial Lirt for 3rd Monday of April, (15th day) of April, 1878. R. F. Clow use of r*. Derby Coal Co. of Pa. et al Jaccb 7. I/or,g \* U A Merriman. e! al. J. H. Dick s AJinn*. vs D. M. Wag ner. Tlanrv St'-vens v* J- > F. Fowler A Co. Jo*. W Folmer vs Wm Ak-y. Jacob Reasi t-r v* v brain Siewart- A. Ai Lind- iy vs Henry Miller. Schmidt fc Friday v F. M Hall. A. Baum v- I-aac Miller. W. H II Robinson v- W. A. Faust et al. Appointments of the Central Penn sylvania Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, held in L*. wisburg, Pa. March 27-Aprill, 1978 Altoona District. S. C. SWALLOW, Presiding Elder. Altoona lt Church—B B Hamlin, do feth do —M K Foster, do Ches'n't Av —T Sheriock. Flolidays-burg— J A Demoyer. Duncansville— .1 M Clarke. Martinsburg—Wm Gwvnn, J Wood, jr. Willlao'sburg—R II W v harton. Logan Vslli-y-e-Ge* Guyer. Tyrone—K II jocum. Port Matilda—J W Haughawout. Mile-burg : rid Unionvillt —J R Shaver. Howard- J It Akers, one to bo tuppl'd. Penn's Valley— \V K Whitney. Bellefonte—A 1' Yocum. P!eaant Gap—-I F. Craig. Half Moon—G W Bouse. Pino Grove—Hugh Linn Warrior's Mark—lsaac Heckrnan. Birmingham—A W Decker. Philipshurg —II C Pardoe. Grahamton—J F Brown. Osceola and Houtzville—J A Wood cock. Clearfield—J S McMurray Clearfield Mis.-;on—W U Dill. Woodland K P Campbell Clearfield Circuit — W S Wilson. Cur wens vi Ho —Geo Lcidy. Lumber City—Furrnan Adams. New Washington—O B Ague. Glen Hope—W \V Dunniire. Snow IS boo- 1 Edwards. Congress Hill- .1 H King. J 8 W. Dean. Professo*- in IVnniylva r;u Colli*", member of Beilefonto Quar ter!* Conference. Wm. Lamshaw Chaplain of the Na tional Asylum for Disabled Soldier*, at; I)>ton. Ohio; Member of Wrrir'l Mark (Quarterly Conference. J K ll> ke and A .1, Cook. Miiiioua-I ry to Kiu K .ting, China. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVON THAT n>C following named urt"iii have Died their petition* for liconro in the office of tho Clerk of the Court of General tor Sessions of the l'eace, in and for Cen tre county, and that application will,be inudo at the next Sessions of suid Court to grant the Name : Fred. Smith. Bellcfonte Boro. Saloon. Unusual k Toller, do Tavern. If D. Cu minings, do do Dan' 1 German, do do Augustus Kroin, do do Kd'ard li row n, do da V. D. M'Colium, de do Jacob Mumi-HS, do Saloon 11. C Yeager, do do A llaum, do Wholesale Sam'l II Katies, Liberty twp. Tavern Henry Kobb. Walker twp. do Jno. 11. Odcnkirk, Totter twp. do Jonathan K reamer. Tenn twp. do K V. Shaffer, Howard boro. do John Spangler, Potter twp. do W. 8. Musser, Perm twp. do Gotleib Hung, Spring twp. do Hubert Loyd, Piiiliosburg boro. do Martin Lei tool, Potter twp. do Alois Koblbeeker, Hoggs twp. do C. A. Faulkner, Philipsburg boro. do John Ramsdale, do , do Jeffrey Have#, Hush twp., do Dayid H. Kuhl, Snow Shoe, Saloen Jus. Passmore, Philipsburg boro. Tavern Goo. A Keller, Hush twp. do Henry L. Stetler, do Saloon- Shadrack Steffy, Ferguson twp. Tavern. Jackson E. Koush, Miles twp, Tavern. A. WILLIAMS, March 20, 1878, Clerk. Cbas. Brown, Belllefonte bore, wholesale. Peter Welrer, Philipsburg " Suloon. JSTRAIVIIRIDGE & CLOTHIER'S /' It ICK L / T * -OF :NIKIW SI I*l KIIINKJ (JIOIOIDIS. ' While ll ielmpoeelWalotin H|tkli| like a tawliti Mn'M "f "ur imini-n-o -.lim W of Spring flood* now open, the lollowing ileru* from each ol tovaral department*, r named n* indicating the price* iim* prevailing , throughout In* lioun. SILKS. ! 1 PAMASSK SILKS, >ct* I OOLtMIKDHILKM, 75ct to $L I lit I'artv and Strset H n lon I t nil IKN- w Shade* STKII'K s|LI\S 50 el* |II LACK IlltltsS SILKs ? T ct* to fl. II *. k and \\i.Ueand 0 lore.!. I A WM| *1 the mttar price. DRESS FABRICS. ;"IS KBJ®S2 SPRING SI ITINOS. W* el*. Newr •old lo** then S7|els sI'KINI) OASHMKUKS.,I wool) If. eu MtAUTIPUL NOV KLIIKS, St)n* P U'lKlO A MANCHESTER K*xt'iu Ktrna A I.ITIKS * STYLES, :i74et ' ( Ivlm, SOou ; uhl price 2£> cu. ON K CASK AKM I'KKS '2b cu. M ATELASsK ItKlllK. •*> and "J5 cu. Never *old le* lhan .etc PLAIN HKIUE MOHAIK AJ cu Prarc Mohair Bait.U axtikim, 31 <U. ALL-WOOi< HI" N 1 ! NO in wonderful variety nfQuaHllee and Ccl ir. t_xn a*iiaiiMXfttMxxfiiMXxiooufT) J VU INT S. | <Mor urn oomviftGJuoimioHM HARK CALICOES. 4et! I WiniSPKINOCHINTiCKS, 7 A rtctt. SPRING CALICOES, 6and6cti. !SI KING UINoIIAMs. band Wet*. 11 (| 2 j HOSIERY. | f 000 > • jgOuXXiOOtAAAXX>XAKA*IOO(ioaOO I >; j LADIES' PIN STRIPE lIOSK, ; VI-SSES' El'LI. KKtU'LAK MA 1• ft Kull regular made, 3 CL. i II OSh f , lUn.Dornr.dark .irtpe, .46 cu. IIEST ENGLISH HALF iIOSK. A)<U. | sue* 6. fct. t fit. ,* Double he*!* an J tec*. [ILINE N 8 . | J 82 WISSYKA&.I*RRIT STAIR LIN ENS. U.-l- toSdcU -J6 cent* |.*r yard. EXTRA UL'CK TOWELS. S- • ■ per dot Scot, rt Linkn sntnis. >•* to f! 2 • M I'SLI N K . YARD WIPE BLEACHED MUSLIN 121 YARDS WIPE SHEETING MUS f>l ct*. A go-sl Shirting Mulin. J LIN.■ 'S* w-wto . YARD Wll>£ BROWS M I'SLI N, GOtP C \ NToN FL AN N ELS, tj cu. 61cU A*oodSHe..,n tf Mutl n. | WIDE BED SPREADS a. .. |l. We gratefully aekn aledg* larg.- number* of kind letter* from *ll over the United Stale. nUe.:tn the great *at.*factii>r of .hopping through our Mail Order D*p*rtn*nt Sample* ent le tboee requesting th in STRAWRIUUHK & CLOTHIER, \\ cor KikLcli uuel Murkct Stnn-D*. I'llllAPLLl'lllA Augu*t Belmont'* SbOO flOf farn y bin 9 rtf<*QUA of c®nt, o* to k IMII reir Mr Belment Uss evidently! Mr I. reeley'* MSJ* oa icientiCc farming . ilh proßt. - Wt - , On the 2tth of lait month Mi faioer of a family who live In the mountain* above Quicksilver. CaL, ws* arouaed from the labia at which ho " sitting by the erie*| of a soven-year-old chi'd fr. in a barn in tha rear of the hou*e. When ho arrived at the barn ho u an immense w M eat' aUacklng bi little boy. Not havirg time to return for hu g„n. Hp fei-e I a crowbar ; that wat 1 Jin* near bj ana rai. to til* r*f „ cu*. The animal, on aeeir * him approach, I looaed itt hold upon therhi'd and sprang upon the rescuer. The man, < ring the animal era* too cloto to admit of lh use of h1 weapon, dropped It a*.J tr red the cat by the each A fur s >ovrr struggls in which the man wa hrrtPiy itiu.n #DiJ ! lacerated, he succeeded in kii! r.g the cat bj choking :l to death. Tbu child was also leverely bitten 1.8. HAZEL, t'libinel Hakes d I pdortaker, SPRING MILLS. PA.. informs the public that BE keeps ON hand all kind* of furniture t'ity and Home made, c-ne and wood veal chsirs, etc. Unlertaklne in all Its branches promptly a'.trnd ed to. Coffin and Caskets of all styles furnished . and ac-' GORR.ABDAT'OR.S with lenrse. 4 apr. CM. J. D. MURRAY. [Successor to J K. Ml'lcr JT >on ] Ikealer ID Pure Drug*. Medicines, Fan cy Articles, Dye Hint's, md Druggist's Sundries. Full stock of FlK.R.fec PURR WINK AND LITJUORS For Mediciaai Purpc-O* IUK UEST BRAND R CIGARS A N I> 'I 0 A ( C 0 ALWAYS IN r-TocK. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Hare secured the survive- of Dr. J. F. Alox nder. who will attend TO the Com pounding ot Prescriptions. LIB mar. y. Penn's Valley Institute. The third term ©f this ACAPEMIC ' SCHOOL will commence on the third MINI- I day (15) in April, and continue ten WEEKS /Tuition per term, from $3 to -half in ad van : Board from $2 60 to $8 per week No deduction on account of ab sence, unless in ca*eof piotracied sickness. Location desirable. The patronage ol the public i respectfully solicited Hra O. W. FOHT.NKV. Centre Hall. PA JPXECUTOR SNOTICE I Letter* testamentary on tho estate ol ' : Elizabeth Lae, of Potter township, de ceased. having been granted to the under signed. all persons indebted to ssid estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the SAME to present them, duly authenticated by ', law for settlement A. LUCKEN BACII. Mar 14, fit- Executor. I _____ ?t9t W 1 1 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! 111 KHAII FOE GU GGENH EIMER FROM THIS DATE (THE COM- , MENCEMENT OF THE SEWING SEASON,) I.GCUtiEIVUEIMEK, Offers his immense Stock of Goods, well assorted in every line, such as DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS., GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GfcGTHIKG, BOOTS, HOOTS, SHOES, SHOES, & GAPS* at sucb Figures that it is a shatuo for any one to go away from home to Buy, I when Goods are offered at home at price* that will astonish the people in this section of the country. THE STOREROOM ATSPANGLER'S Hotel, has been en larged and splendidly fit ted up, so that every one who goe* in to examine the slock of Goods, is sure pot to leave without buying. You will also find a very large and well selected STOCK OF CLOTH INiU. T-arITWILL HE TO YOUR IN jHfrTEREST TO Hl'Y YOUR-®* ATIIOMK-Uffi IN STEAD OF GO-"** #air-iN(i AWAY.tei; ! FAVORITE PUBLICATIONS ;| Frank Leslie'* Chitnr.ey Corner —This' I beautiful periodica 1 , the best American iFamily Journal. Story Paper and 110 m..] : Friend, has been the mtcn ful rival of ali {the weakly Journals for the past thirteen' | vears It ga ncd a place in the minds and hearts of vur people, and ttv* the name u' tlfkpslron* 1. p.o*,u,. ; This year the C ntmiioy Corner seem* loj 'be better than ever. Its serial stories are' jof the mal absorbing and lively charac ter. of groat power, true to life ai: J full of 1 merit, taking e wide range of subjr-cU to please every member of a household— the - domt si c story for the mot iar, the charm ing love-laic for the daughters, the roor dramatic for the young then, the teuii novel for older readers, an J then we have is*!, ti-df adventure fo;mi boss and fairy* taics for ihe chi-urou Hahbrrt. il, Howard, Robii >on, l>e For est Benedict. > Annie Frost, Annie ,Th ro Kl'.a W. Pierce, and oiler rtni nen: writers are it- regular contributors. Th*- subjects treaU-d ot are very varied Tbe Illustrations sre profuse and they are all beautiful, Short 'tor:as extremely 10- . tapes'jay are Conipiriiuf in each niniber.l v. bi it Btug reputes. Ad van turns. Essay*,' Fun. Trateis, Natural History, Lrgrtus, i jAnecdotes. Science, etc.. mat,* this pubii- Icalion cteof the must enti rtauiiog in ex- igence Kt'iuisite steel engraving*. arc fre quently givsti assy to its subscribers. Th* Chimney Corner. sixteen psgee With eight pages of iMustrai -n*. printed on fine paper. Is published every Monday, price only K> cent* : annual subscription, |4, post-paid A idress > ur orders to Frank LesAFs Publishing liwute, 587 Pearl Street, New York. Frank Lr lie's I.adie' Journal. 1C pages, issued week'y. eontsin' excellent' pictures and full descriptions of the very! Latest Styles of Ladies and Children's 1 Wer . useful inforinatiM on t*•--.i'■ > Top-' tus , select NUrtos Beautiful I lit: d rations ~f ilotuo and Foreign bubj'CU; I'oetry,, Fashionable Intelligence; Personal Chit Chat; Amusing Cartoon* on ifc- Foilies and Foibles of'lie l>*y ; Po&'ks of Minb. etc.. etc Frank Leslie's Ladie's Journal' is the most beautiful of all Itis- ladies pa pers. It should be found on the table of every lady in the land. Price 10 cenu a copy ; annual subscription, $4. postpaid Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly has Kind* rapid strides as :he rival of many sp rants to puMA favor Its contributors srr same of the best livit g writers. Ev erv drpsrtmenl ■ I lilc-atuf- s represented in its Columns The ano-uni ol instruc tion. entertainment and unu-fim-m afford td by the articles, eajs, stories, and genera! miscellany contained in the 1 j quarto pages of each number <>f Ihu publi-l cation has bseo well appecK-.sted. Evert copy of the Popular Monthly is embellish-' ed with over 100 beautiful HlkHfSlj -r-. Being the cheapest periodical ot the kind, in existence and at the same time one ot the most select and universally welcome, it must continue to increase in public fs vor. and rank with the publisher's Sunday Miigaxine—the highest nuiong *1! onr American monthlies. It i published on jthe 16th of each month. Price, 36 cent* a Inumber ; Subscription, sd, post paid, per Jtesr Address your orders to Frank ,1/eslta. 637 Pearl .Street, New York. Frank Leslie* Sunday Magazine is a beautiful work. It will interest educated :*nd cultivated minds its well as the most lordinary r-adr. It is the only Sunday Jinsgatine published in this country K\- ry number has l'Jb pages Slled with the .most .'elect and fascinating litemture ranging from the Sermon by the Editor! ' {lr C. K. Deems, pastor of tlie Church of the Strangers), to itirring Tale*, general Topic* and E"ay*. Poetry, Mmic, Fun, Srienro. History, etc.. in groat variety E ich copy of this Magaxine ba* 100 equi* lute engravings of the RMMt nteratting character. It ha* reached a circulation and prosperity such a* makeitune of the marvel* of peri<dtc*l literature. It i ! indeed a beautiful work. Buy it and see for yourselves. Single copies ere enly 'J6 i cenu. and annual Subscription Price enly $3, post paid Address order* to Frank Leslie'* Publishing House. 587 Pearl St., New York. HARRIED. At Lutheran partnnag". Centre Hall, March 28. by Rev W E Fischer. 11-nry Hooter and Anna M. Derstino, both of Outfit liall, Pa. At the Reformed Parsonage, Aarons burg. by Her J. G. Shoemaker. in the •AUh ult., Mr () P. Schnure, of l'ni>n county, to Miits Anna R. Irwin, ot dark* soneiile, Centre county. At Oak Hall, on the 25th March, by Itev I)r Hatnill. Mr. George II Kline, to Mi Anna Mary Fulton, all of OolUga township. DIED. Near Pine Grove Mills. March th*l2;h. Maggie Halle, only daughter ol David a*d Susan Uoed, aged 1 year, I month and 22 daya. "Our* the lota, and r.ot our darling's ; Oura the nam, and hor'a tbe joy ; Oura the morning and the weeping, Iler'a the bliss, without alloy." Ar.tLK, On thetioth of March, near McAlvoy's Fort, Huntingdon county, Mr. George , Hinges, aged 74 yrs., K utes. and 23 d. Father Dingo* was formerly a resident of Contre Co. He moved to this place many years ago and bad established a rep utation for honestv and integrity. He was once a member of the Evangelicul Asso ciation, but n* thev became disorganieed in this vallev, bo united with ib Gorman Baptist church of which he remained a consistent member until his death. lie worked for his Master both by example and precept, and bis last words were the evidence of his assurance of acceptance with God. Having a complication of di teases lie suffered intense.y, but bore al> with that cheerfulness and patience char acteristic of a true child ol God. A. A. K. InFlomingtnn, March 18, William Har ter, agud 46 years. In Flemingfm, March 18, Robert II ar ter, nged 66 years. The tw.i funerals were both held on the .same day. Tht-y ware brothers. THOMAS A. HICKS 6C BLTO. Weliavna very large anil eornplete U>ck of Hardware, the Drgot that u .ever b. :>r rci lyr • to the people of IhU county, f antl|*r" filing t the very 1W •<l poaible rate* IRON, S(T'I;L AMI NAILS, LOCKS, CLASS AMI POTTY. Pme White Lead* am! Liit-e.'J Gil Tiiri'-niim" and \ *rinln -. all vhi h ,u >• >. o Pur- L'ad will co a* much *urf*re n any in the market and cannot he oicelleil for whiten.** READY MI X Kl> I'AI NT i-u'u> in . qui. lily . i.i p. p!-, f m .uio-po ;nd can* to one gallon can*, all ready for u*e. There paint* we warrant !■> be mlae 1 with pure lead an I oil, and are free ft ■ , !I ~i . .-r, . MKCMASICd TOOLK W pay *p.-cial aUeuii ni . thi* bran. l, ... IV- .. • i ... , a Halley'a Iron Plane* j Uori<• rati, ofall kind*,Traeo Ctia.n*, ilaiue*, Kw FULL LlNtt ilh sADDLEKY OF ALL Dl <HI I'Tlt >N s <"G \. i! ,\ . 1.1; t■' Oli ....... Keiloet, Patent Wheel* of the tno.l improved pet* out*; Mr*. Pull* Inturo*d tTi Iron., cheap, convenient and dural p in In I nick -p . f ui iI h' elltmilni \ rill lip In C-poui.u i .ckaww; eaailp put on, and cheaper lhan papor. \\ e Itavo all oplor*. sT o v i<: s. COOK NTOVK , ITIS THE IIANDBOMKHT IN THE WORLD. "">eriove. LOMKAMisKE Of K KEIfeTOND VALENTINES & CO., HUMES' NEW BLOCK. BELLEFONTE, PA AUK NOW ritKl AUKII For The Fall And Winter D ade. Ramans Greater Than Kver! o WOOLLEN GOODS.COTTON GOODS. AADIES AND (IT'IILS* FURNISHING LOODG. lOf every deerription. GOODS, in varwiv. LA I >ll - COATS, fioret end lergeet nseortment rrer I ntugbt to Btllti u:e. HHAWI> ( BLANKETS, HATS, CAPS, clothing. IN FACT EVERYTHING AN!) ANY THING. Remember wc do business on the ONE PRICE PLAN and! in, •ure our price* a* the luu eat. ir NEW GOODS OPENING EVERY DAY. TAtEHTIKBS & CO. THE Dexter Spring 4.000 Set Sold last two >ears. The Dexter Spriug wassobiM of F r tnt elisig thisdemai dby euj: y necosiuty. Thre*- or four generation* iug the CELEBRATED I)EX 1 :-It hd been jerked nlnost to death or bad "PKING which is *o rujo il% - ; their spines twisted into permanent eeedtng the olil tyle the D x:cr curvature by the contiuous jerks of Ihe Spring C>>. hit ve u a; .. iv lot. r Eliptic Spring, or latterly had their hut rather feel that they wcthci'.iv necks broken by the aide throw of the ing Fraternity nn apology for nor Concord. hariup pr>wlucesljit aoooer. For those reasons the people tie- SESD FOB CIRCULAR OF bl'KINtiS macded a Spring on which they could I ' l ride with ease and which would at the 1 5 ' HULTON, PA. same time bo strong and substantial.\ljan2St Near Pittsburgh Spring Mills Market. Whito Whctl. 1 15 Red " 1 15 Rye, 60c. Corn, oar*. per bu. new, ,4oc Oata, 25c. Buckwheat, "6c. Cloverocd, jii.OO t $1 00 Chop, per ton, S2B 00. Piaster. ground per ton, flO.Ort Flour, per bhl, $0 25 Butter, 18c. Tallow, 7c. Ham* 11c. Shoulder* 7c. Side* 7e. Kag*, 'Jr. K((i per do*., 10c. Coal, Egg, pe'ton, $4.60. " Stove, 450 ' Chestnut, 4.25. " Pea. 8.00. Bxi.titr>xrie MARKET*.— by Shortlidge Je Co. Flour per barrel, wholesale. $4 " retail. S7OO. Whito wheat, 1 .15 Red " 1 16. Rye. 65. Corn, *hnlled, 45 Corn, cob, 40. Cat*. 28 to 80. liarley, rye weight, 55. CloTereoid $4 60 per 04 pound'. Nova Scotia platter, ground, 10 00. Cayuga " s'•> 00. Potatoes, .40. Onion*, .50c Duller, per lb., .22c. Lard, Bacon, aide*, .10c. " (boulder*, 10c. , " Ham*. 14c. 9 HEALTH AND HAPPINESS! Htllh and UftpplboM art prli flw Wealth to thati rnumiin, nd f#Vtl. *7 an* wtthtn the r*arli of •Yiy OB wan will MM WKItiHT'K LIVEIt IILLS Eye o#ly aura eur# for Torpid I Iror, •adibcba. Hour Htcraaoh, ( onattjnitlon, lbUit; auaoa and all Ulllloiia otnplnlnta and lit si I dara. Nog* ganulra utiles algnml, "Win Wrt t rhtl*." If your Draw gist will ot supply •#'! 2A ■ for on# go* to Bairtca, Uoli#r 1 Co.. a N <ia t FhUa4|#lphla. B)an If nr Sp /ft AA* w##k tn yonr own town ff> Outfit fr ♦ V r\r\ N( rtak. K#ad4ir, If fOu W#nl a btisioaa it _|%f IV Iwblch porwma of #lthor #i c%n tuAe gi> \J \Jiwtf'all U># ttmo hjf w k. writ.- t r v iiauUrato ii. llai.lm i dCo I'oitUau. v..* 19 mar. f A CHANCE "TO M4KK >0 h MONEY. SIJHE! "Oornaira Hiaiory of l'#onnylvnU " Nw re d Writ# for Agsocf at one#. OWN ttUtJY *i • . PubUahara. 73 Saoaoiu Sirott, PhlU. 'Jt mar 3ui VISITING CARDS VISITING CARD*. —Your 1 printed en 50 M .xed Card* for 15 ct* , on 50 White Briitol lor 12 eta., on 25 Transpa • rent card* lor 20 ct9. Other Style* a* low. , WM. IvUHTZ. CENTRE HALL, PA. I 10 11K Combined OMUZM#! fcf Uil Everything for the Garden A Numbering lio page*, wtm Colored i I l'lale, SENT FEEL ■ To our ruatomer* ol p.i year*, an.) l< • i all purchaser* of our book*. i'i c Gardening for Profit, Practical Fl..ri. j, ! culture, or Gardening for Pleasure 7 I (price $1.60 eauh. prepi d. by rnailV J 9To other*, on receipt of 25c. Plain; : Plant or Seed Catalogue*, without I | Plate. Ire* to all. l*olt*r Itrndrraoti A 4 .. 7 I Seedsmen. Market (tardnei• a F : >'. i>sCortlandtS'„ New York.; A GREENHOUSE J For El.oo we 0 either of the below.nanici io.!ci'-l 1 linn*, all distinct vaiiciiea : j 8 A bullion*, or 4 Ar-alea*. H ltegonia*. or ii Camellia 2Caladium* (fancy), or 8 Carn%ti.'' * ' £ (monthly), 7 12 Chrysanthemum*, or 12 Coleti- "■ ; 8 Ceutaurra*, or 8 other white-leaved j 0 plant*. c 1 8 Ilalilia*. or 8 Dianlbu* new Japan) j i 8 Kern*. 8 Muew, or 8 Km liin* i 8 Geranium*, Fancy, 8 Variegated, - or 8 I vy- leaved. ' i 4 Gloxinia*. h Gladiolus, or 8 I ro.* ( Pearl). I 4 Grape vine*. 4 Honeyuckle, 4 ! r Hardy Shrub* 8 Heliotrope*, 8 Lantana*. or 8 I'etu* | a ma*. i 8 Panie* (new German >,* or 8 Salvia*7 I 8 Ro*c*, Monthly, 8 llardy Hybrid, y or 4 Climbing 8 Violet (touted), or 8 I)niic, Kng- I L llh. "12 Searci r Redding, or 12 Scarcer^ Gieen house Plant*. -.10 Verbena*, distinct and splendid; ort*. , 2-"> V-i ri.*tie* of Flower, or 2U varietie.- I ol V iretahl* Seed*, or I t t.Xi'RKSH, buyer to pay char . 5. j* 4 e ■e' ii 1., ria $2; 5 f.>rs"; ft for 1 ! I'-' i. r $(.. 14 ! r 5*7; 18 for slii; or ili. nil ■ of SSO varu-tie- ofi ,Pat'■ at I B*i d iuflri*ll to a • • ' d i. for 2.', to ■I , r t>o.l Gurd' iinc Pleasure" ' 1 • gue rboed above (value S J6 wi i.< added i 3r e! ? Header son& Co o Corllnndl Su, New York. |2l inhr Ol Lincoln Butter Powder, make* bu I ter sweet ainihard, and quicker l> chut Try it—forsaleat Win Wolf* stole! l!i Florul CartlH, O NIJ <•> . 20 < I Wiii. Jiut U, Ccmro liali Pa. Jas. Harris IY Co ! NO >, BUOCKEUIIOFFROW. .RG,A,| P A I N T S, OILS, ETC., JAS. HARRIS A CO. Bcllefonte W. R. CAMP'S POPULAR. Furniture Rooms! CENTRE IIALL, PA. I manufacture all kind* of Furniture for Chamber*. Dining Koorut, L'.hrarim and Hall*. If juii kf.t 1 .jrr.iture fany kind,don't : jy utnii jua ino tnjr 4frek. UNDERTAKING * u it. i. I L*op in f.wk ill t .e i..: biiiJ in ii oil Cotßot kti.i Ci. t.> atui bavc pvpry faoifa i*s i * i * (OBluniif tl i branch vfuij buina4. I have a V ttU tii Corps# Pforn rr, in which k'ulm car. ha I (.rrkm tj for sron>'<lorabi Irnjib of time. |jull9tf W. U. CAMP. (■' T A LUX j i . V. CoVst A LEX AN DKfi & BOW CH. At -'m. l.s. Hoiiof tlO h|w i*} siipaUot { tn to i., i • ,*.j i (Hjih- i * wul uhkUM "* ****•" Of- b Lt* d I Oft toil (Hfcot la )j> UU. PENNSVALL Y BANKING CO. CRN I I!K Hall. I'A. ii£CKl\ DKl'ihlTt k:-.J allowlnt#!* t I) -> i > is; Buv and •tr>; rsmriiitsMtiriiin, (iuiu a AAU CdU}Hil*k. Wm. Won. Wx B. M ik-n , Cashisr CHKOXIC^Ip Tklk bj - ' *■ ' Jjb UlasitaUottß toy i< t * it ' li'i ; iinivti A- . TTpar •" • n rw 4.1 hl d* to wnmif its nut toot Irs per* mcr to* u..U irwe JW I f nn .l, *,H lot tto# Mwa4*>a Mii n <*r •* M fur tU H<4Ui wditAoa. vkilrb i Riai&t tti th<- utit# atlirr *•! litusfntume. lai(*!iiv> % 4 - liIUV UIU. Pi L to. k!D> KmI SMto Hi K V loci tkm GI:T kkaijv FOB WINTER.!! 1 IF YorWAST THE VERY BEST A aND CHEAPEST PARUiR STOVES, Jiuy the "Laurel Wreath. v OBLB HEATERS.) * - . I\U > LOWS of li *r u ' >: iki: duinpinp Lrmte, nr-^ | i'e I'< < '■ e clink rs. No i <i.i:-g*r fr , no iarts to burnt' • •ut. Jo L i -aa into the uppfr!' n-oin. \\ i in ito TH UEE SIZES oft >* njr'o atiil IVVO SiZES Doublei fI • ,nt •r- ol theKe juitlj popular flutes. ji IFYOV ii 'XT THE YER YIIEST, ANDCHEAPEST ( (Miking Stoves, BUY TIIE j •ZEMTH Doul'c Or :: Range ; or the "Economy" Single Oven Range, f j The* art the beet in the market, have, B J SIX iIOILER HOLES. Ahaking and ■ Jumping grate, A i'l L V THEIIEA T 8 i TO ALL THE ROLLERS AT- T OS EE. The ftre - large anJ square. 1 the door* tin-li The PLATES]^ \ ;ARE HEA VY, unlilc the light plats* P I jo/" dtj ( OMPARE THEM, i 7 We mal i An. S and So. 9 of both I j thffc range/. All I loi WARRANT* i i Kl>. and v u cull j:et rtjmirs Ironi ! ; the Manufactory in one day. For Sale by ' J. AR EES MAN, Ccntrenall. j J. li. ITSIiEK, renn Hal). SNOOK. SMITH & CO., Millheim. : O. R. BPIGKLMYER, Woodward, ' : Manufactured bv the c SHEER, WALLS ■& SHRISER | MTg Co. j C LEWISBURG, PA. We also manufacture the Celebra ted nU( k'K vi: /, KAPER& MO w 'hi:. KEYSTONE LOVER HUL LEU, VOLE'SUNIVERSALSUL aV CDLTIVATOR. New Model, Centre Draft, HORSE DUMPING HAY RAKE, HOOSIKK GRAIN DRILL, BULKEYE LEVER CORN SMELLER, Plows, Lmij Roll era. etc. 29miv| 1 ,M l'Oli lAN M) IKAYLLEKJj. . -THE BUSH HOUSE! BtU.i.KoMK. 1" A . Has been recently thoroughly renovated! ? jHtul repaired, mid under the managementi i .of the N w Proprietor. Mr. F. D. Mc : jCOLLCM, lorinerly of Pittsburg, it irst-j ! ,class in nil tu appointment*. L. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS lAre offered to tho m attendance at court and others remaining in town for a few davs at a tilne. The largest and most superbly Designed ■ Hotel in Centra! Pennsylvania. modern convenience*. Go try the Rush bouse ltiap i. D. AiuCOLLLAI, Proprietor. AT COST! FALL AND tVINTEU GOODS In f real abundance, at GREMINDER'S s|ORE, Cobum Siation, A full ln of (triirMil ir.ercbaidlae ear#* irlrrpd, and tmhracirifr all manne# Dreaa Good*, Carpet* Oil ekHbt, (•rw triH. <> . '*wara. Tinware, Fib, Ac., Ac. FURNISHING GOODS of all kinda. Hat* and Cap* Por men, boy* and children. Ladies and Gentlemen all and be convinced that tbia i* the cbaapeat place to buy good* la thu *cc ■laa. PRODUCE in ucbup for cmda. Retnrmber th piaeo—at 6. (iKKNINGBK'S. jan 21 y Coburn. QOUKT PROCLAM ATION. >*Mnu.<kH Charm A Pi.Wit laf iMKwKfUißMlw.ia In* jfek J4ui(l|N IIUA a<niM lb min ™• (Vuiro. I'Mla w4 KloarWeld. *d Uw r-ato J b, u4 Ua <<OBorU.W Jni, 1n..,. ,. uu.l JUSIMM UMM couit . ••• lned tkoir pimqx 'xarltf data U •*. 4*l ml Aped A I * if it. t* ma OlrcctoA >0 e*totow Mn *f (Jr.: aad t araiMi *ad iml .tall Daft.- r aad manor >n.i.w *i iwroMu H* IWlaato tar thr coaaif of (>,<•♦. a::! t. übjm m lb* 41k *"<■ l W 4 I'M J tu>s iLr toua d> af April MS*, aad to nautili w<i lull aatba m Utrtl. f to Oj Comoto. J Uro o( ilia I'aaa. AMrnu aad > nulda af (bo told centals oft Kin. ;a. ■ r; U tta-o and Uwra la tketr bMw pacawoa. at I* c'diri it, Uw l. riaaaa af Mid ii>. Willi ttoai rou<', la* ilat<i.*u * t~f Utiaa, and tkiu ma rea* toll *i.r*a, to da Uaaar lUm atttoiila (kair oflua laba 4—a. aad Utaaa wV-ar. tawed la roo*ae.c*i.. *. to a- UiaprtacMtonikat n ar aR*L to ta i!w JU af faatra Li tslSi be'itf.? *** "* rttmmU 'f" l * >4ato tinea andar mf hand, al HeK.ioei* It* tal dar of Anil la Ida .ear . • out It,.' l * aad la Ika IN aar af I aSrtwadhc. c a ibi I gitM luto La VI kl bum Maar PENNSYLVANIA RR. Philiitclpki* u<l £rir lUurotd Division. SUMMER TIME TA3LE. Oaasd after PCKTVAY. May tl, NT!, tka train* ao tka Pallidal;. I.l* A Krm liut d Llnrtoa a:tl raa a WKKTWRTt ERIK MAtLloaraa PkUaAolidue Mil pa li-Tt*i-..if ISSato " " WaaiaatoMi ii'ib ** M iiiui-.) .rt rlaa - laa Hun ftoaa Kauri o kNaa Art at l>4* tat a ia YttUAIU KX kirn Pklla tMa to M/urrial.ur* likaa *' M> aaaatoaa 1S p m ** art at * uiiamtwrt iS|a ~ IMI lIIIK ll|B " k*Btm *4§a aa FAff UALkafai PtUatiiidia Ilka la limn*....* t a> pa M M ."Wtoiwj. -n dtt pa " arrat M'tltaatoap *t Stops " ~ li'l 11 er 444p to fcAkf* A Hi i PACIFIC U la*raa J* a lUtnra to ato t Ua a •• " Mae aa 4ua aatatt arrai lla'ri.: ,r* II Ida a " rViadr.,!.n latpa OA V LA laarea Kn.v* Id 14 a to - Ur t Harm 11 to a to ~ ~ WlttumriMrt 11 top to " Haaiwd* I 41 p to *• arr al Harrtat- rr 4 Up to " " laualelxia tap to KiUR M AIL keataa Krooia aid pa lirillam >4l pa " WllilaKp.n tiadps •* " HtoUaadtM J! la a ■ " arrat Haimdiip tdaa ■" - I'laluOr : to a to PAST USE Uam Wlluj£7i JIM a to arrat Harrrwdmr* 4 toa to " arrat Pkllad.ij :.i* ISta to Km Malt Waal Rutvi Ka *m 1 nrl Raraa Ar rotaaredaUee Wan ia4 liar tiara. Liu mad* ctoae t. saMiwai KortAi.ti u -utid and LA ii EK trala* Ui' 'lUoaLacrr aad anau. Km Mul W*t, Nupa/a la Wm aad Km Ex. Wrto aad Lara Hrar Imna l*t> t. Wawt toad* clwoaaaccUM at W •wl Erie Mali WrtaC Via* an Fxpraa. *. aad Dart Sato aad* rtoaa owaarrliua at t*cd I trea wttA A k I V RK Una Km Mail t.aai aad MTaaa raaaapl a( Imnll train. n La 4 4 1 KJI .11 orrj wi>u . i c A A V U, at KminMiam wUi USUI' HH aad at It'itaroed arttk PaHbr oara U1 raa brtaroa PkUadelpUa aad Wll t itonaM<i. a Siaaara Ka. ato. In. 1 a Waal. PKlla dr'.pkia tiwra Ka.i.and |iaj Ka Ka*l aad ' ilia al Kaat. Blrj.-,t r.rx on all a.pbs rialsa *M A BAIJIWIJt. liiaml nfiidaat Chas. H. Held, ~ Clock. Half hMsbcrd irf lei Millheim. Ccnlr* Co.. Ps. | At kliHbef ciaeka Watch*, and Jrwain af U. lai*ataum.aa alar, lb* Maramrtll* I'airnt "ilnln ' t todaa. |iwnd*d with a roia|.m* ladra uf IK * atoatk aad dar*! lb* uunUaad a*rk a it. (ac*. whirl la warrant*-.! a*a perfect um* Aa*iwr Clock. rr; alrod as akort pa W. A. CURRY, 806*2 <& ijJohor. CE.VTKtH4LU.fA. 9 \4 ould mo rc*pwi<uti\ inform the ell 1 ten* of this i i*inity, that fee Urtd i new Buot and Shoe Shop, and would be ibunkful for a h>r* of tfcr public ratroi a*® Boot* and Shoe- made to order and according to ty ie. and warrant* bi work to equal any made etH>wbre. All kind* of r.pairing done, and charge* reasonable Giro him a rail fohlX |y F. POTTER. Attorney-at irupr&"tar as la will draw at* sod hur arkaekn '-<• Aawda Mortaee. Ac < *re in the dcamuad north tbeerartbowae.Hetl.faai. .yciSaStT W ANTED to cure a case of Catarrh " ,n each neighh.-hood, , with Dr. Kanuer's Remedy, tn u mducp it. Sam ple free. J. C Tilion, l*ttel>u I'a 7febßt Harness. Saddles. &c Tbe oaderaaawed. deteniaodrU >M the perwler Inaud lor l r prim. mr|laUl ; tloa o( tbe public to btft.tcvrk ~f AII)Lt:HT ; row offered at the old wand Ike-fened -•Mil. foe .be peo, l. aod h. lUorn. lb- Umrjntd"'2r mM I and aoa plat e UKOMI of Ha*Se. lUrMBL CoIEe bridlee. ol .rory deerrtpltoe end W aire asd la fact . *rrjrthita n> . cm nl,llab ■ so*,tonal rrtw. *Urh I.alt th.Uaaea. J ACOU l>Lst >hh < cotes Hsik /"* A | T\ btclMoiMr row, it m)U) VA V' AJA/.rrwjl u. ik. .ciwmsUewa for the Ultreet. rheajirat and beet Illustrated fatail> pablteaUoa la the world An; one .-an be. nm. a aur. ei.ful aa. nl fbr moat elewant vorba e( art ctrea free to rub>.nhera The price la m h>* that alaaoai saber nbea One steal rw purte maklna orar flic In a week A ladr scent re porta UAiaa ecar fcw rabecrtlu-r. In tea dot All who . oaaav make aou; fa>t Vuu car derate all raw* time to the baainee.. or emir Jour rpar. tlaao Tra need not be awa; fawn lm eear , ll4r bt Too caa do Baa arall as otbei. Kull peal ceiarr. direction sad terms free. Klacsnt and eapeu.tre Outbt free. Iff** waat profitable work aeud l> pour add*eas at uawr lb coeta nothing to Irj the basin -ma So oss who en Centre Hall Hotel. JOHN Sl'* NtiLK K. PKUPK/ b irel-claes accommodation for gUMt* Heat a tabling for bunrk Stages arrive ntnl <li [iart every day fur all poiate. Our Combined GATAfcOGfTE OR 1878.1 OF EVERYTHING Forth# garden! Numbering on# hundred seventy-. *■ page.-, with Colored plate, ■ SENT FHKK tg To our customer* of past •.■earn, and • i *ll purchasers of our boohs, i ither i GARDENING Fi It PROFIT. PRACTICAL FLORICULTURE, | Oi GARDENING for PI.F AMRK. J Fflcj $1 50, each, prepaid, by mail. W To others, on receipt, f &><:. M Plain Plant or Seed Catalogue, out Plate, free to ail. PETER HENDERSON & Col 1 Seedsmea Market Gardeners and I Florists, , jj 35 CortlßTidt St, N. T-B ■ sevenm as * Oi.i iiOKTti iiFD < *rdi for ai e ft. so Ilia t-k BrtaloJ uuuie iu gold. 13 el*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers