The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 15, 1877, Image 4

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The Ti'niir ol itir I >i'ri i hr> of I'srl Grnnvltle
nnl the MnrqaU ol llnriliiatnn.
Dftailinl rep <RTM of (lie HINWIM do
livened liy Karl Granville in !li<* llonm>
of Lords. and the Marquis of Hartington
m the H<mue of Criminous, show that the
Ldvoral pariv intended to uphold tlio
view that Lllgimd should oo operate
with the other juniors for the coercion
of Turkey, and even 00-oja>ratc with
RIISM# alone if the other J>ow ors de
oliuoil to act, Karl Granville said:
If the g vermnent intlneiuv were used
in persuading Eannie in one body to
come forward aud insist, as thev have a
moral ami just right to do, that Turkey
shall perform the promisea she has ->
long delayed, the result eon Id not lie
doubtful. It may be said you are not
able to persuade the Kuropean jmwers.
- but I am not sure that the impression
does not prevail that England is theouly
obstacle. At all events, you would not
t>e muoh worse otV after making the at
tempt. Will anylsnlv till me that if
once the Turks got it into their head* -if
they really lieiieved thai not only Eng
land hut the whole of Kuro|O 1- HlVSO
lutely and seriously in e-uuesd m the
matter that Turkey, which up to this
moment has luvu influenced by one p. ov
er, could resist the united powers of Eu
rope? 1 lielieve it would Iv utterlv uu
necessary to resort to coercion; I believe,
if the government will follow that course,
they wtil meet with great success, mat
they will receive the >\>ngratnlat,ous ami
approval of all parti** aud all class, > of
this country.
The Marquis of Hartington said:
There art* some among us I trust
that the government do not Ivlong to the
number- who l,iok with ialtnui s>, it not
satisfaction, at the ptv>sjv<vt of leaving
Turkey and Husdla face to face, aud tlu
prospect of war between them. I ask
whether the danger of p.* it ton a*
regards English interests has diminish
ed? Whether it lias not rather increased
since the tune when fanning, rather
than cuconuter the penis of anch a situ
atiou, rather than allow Ru—ui to take
upon herself singly the task of enforcing
the projswals which had tven agreed
upon between England and Rus-ui as to
tlie a flairs of Greece, was willing even to
go the length of proposing to co-operate
with Russia for the purpose of attainuig
the end in view. lam unwilling to bo~
licve that the resources of diplomacy arc
exhausted by the failure of the confer
ence. Of tins at all events 1 ant sure,
that tie government will take a heovy
responsibtiity upon themselves if they
do not strive to do everything in their
power to preserve concerted action
among the powers for the accomplish
meut of those bemficent ends for whieh
the conference labored, but uiifornmnte
ly labored vainly to attain.
The J\ili Mall Gazt tt< , in a leading
article, say:
Sir Stafford North** n>'s-peeeh in the
House of Commons can signify nothing
but this, that he cannot admit the great
powers have done with the proposals of
the eouference because they have been
rejected bv the Porte, nor allow that the
new Turkish constitution is to be taken
as an answer to the w isii and appeal of
the powers.
The I'd! Mall Gazttte thinks that
the government in the I. mis and Com
mons have sj>keu with different voices.
It adds:
Perhaps Nlidha! Pasha's fall and E 1-
hem Pasha's accession may have sug
geeted to certain members of the adimn
istratiou thai Lord Salisbury's threaten
ing language at the close of the confer
ence may te rejwated with advantage
Tasting of the Rector's Legs.
The rector of a rural parish in Eng
land visited a lady parisliioner who kept
a Pyreneeaa wolf-dog, aud the good lady
took the young rector into tlie garden to
see the doe. He enterevl the garden a
placid, clean, and contented clergyman,
but he was destined to emerge from it
a demoralized, denuded, and partially
disintegrate*! mall.
Tlie dog was young, but ha.l ..'ready
learned the difference in flavor between
the legs of the footman, the " buttons,"
asid tlie housemaid. It certainly was not
his fault that when he saw his first clergy
man. in the person of Rov. Dr. Owen,
he mentally remarked : " Here's some
thing new in legs," and promptly pro
ceeded to collect data with a view to
their classification as a species distinct
from the household legs with whieh he
was already familiar.
No sooner hadjthis enterprising animal
made a few preliminary sniffs at Dr.
Owen's legs, and tasted a trifle of coat
tail, than he retired a few paces, in
order to get a fair start, and then sprang
upon his victim with violent and deter
mined yells. For the nest five ntinn*. s
the air was filled with fragments of cloth
and clergyman, and a welkin, which
hapjvened to !••• conveniently tnur, rang
like a patent railway switch bell. Mrs.
H-neywuod, with great presence <rf
mind, went into the house for a broom
and dust pan, being unwilling that a
dissenting housemaid should liave the
privilege of sweeping up the rector. By
the time she had returned to the scene
with her household implements the
greater part of the rector had escaped
over tlie palings, and the infuriated dog
was worrying the lighter pieces that
lia>l l>een left lwhind.
Fearful that the accident might erente
a coolness between herself and her
spiritual guide, Mrs. Honevwood wrote
him a note, ajxjlogizing for the playful
ness of her pet, anil hoping that it had
not caused him "any inconvenience."
She also sent him a j*artiallv chewed
rag, remarking : "I found tlie inclosed
piece of cloth on the gravel walk, and
send it to you, as I think it belong* to
yonr great coat, mid you may be able
to put it in." Htrange a- it mar seem,
this cheerful note did not pr sluce the
desired effect. The rector answered it,
but he also procured a summons requir
ing Mrs. Honevwood to answer the
cliarge of keeping n dangerous wild
beast, and she was final $2.10 for in
dulging in the luxury.
Beeging Letter*.
" Hermit" writes to the Troy Tim**
saving : ft is now said tl*t since Com
modore Vanderbilt's death his widow has
received many applications for charity.
The newspaper rejwirterH no longer per
secute the family, but the flood of beg
ging letters is almost an equal annoy
ance. Mrs. Vauderbilt finds tliat le*r
SBOO,OOO lias attractions for the public.
Writing begging letters is n bnsiness
pursne*! regularly by a rls*s of inijxis
tora, and some philanthropist* will re
ceive a score a wi k through tlie season.
Writing threatening letters is also a de
partment of secret literature, though
seldom pursued, because it may lie pun
ished by statute. Begging letters can
not be called very profitable, but there
are some who contrive to get a living out
of them, and tlie ingenuity displayed in
this craft is surprising. There is, for in
stance, tiie inventor, who lacks So of se
curing a valuable patent; also the
clergyman, whose library is under levy,
and the ambitious student, who has con
secrated himself to future usefulness
and is short on his !>oar<l bill. There
are also those to whom your name has
been revealed in a celestial vision as a
way of obtaining relief, and there is tlie
man who, if your bounty does not inter
jwse, will shoot him-elf, and the respon
sibility will rest on you, etc.
A dawk Ainouir Hens.
Gilbert White tells a most dramatic
story of a neighbor who had lost most of
his chickens by a sparrow liuwk that
came gliding down between a faggot
pile and the end of his house, to the i
place where his coops stood. The owner,
vexed to see his flocks diminishing, hung
a net between the pile and the house,
into which tLe bird ilashyd and was en
tangled. The gentleman's resentment
suggested a fit retaliation ; he therefore
clipped the hawks wings, cut off his
talons, and, fixing a cork on his bill,
threw him down among the brood hens, j
"Imagination," says Mr, White, "can
not paint the scene that ensued ; the ex
pression that fear, rage, and revenge in- j
spired were new, or at least such as had i
been unnoticed before; the exasperated ;
matrons upbraided, they execrated, they !
insulted, they triumphed. In a word,
they never desisted from buffering their ,
adversary till they had torn him in a
hundred pieces.— Hcribner.
linn* of Imprest tram ll<tmr nml Abroad.
The wrestling match between AlcLanghhn,
of Mi hi. ii. a...! i avamiugh, of Vermont, t*vk
nUcr in Vttca. N. V„ an.) resulted in * victory
for Mel awglihn the l'iun<mty of the
i ll* of New A.wk graduated ami g*vi-ilipl<tua*
to t.V> voting diK'tor- on the isvaajon of it-
Uiirti —i*l 11 commencement tLiia has an
orysir.■ > ,1 arm* <if lasi.mHi men, half of whom
srv alrvadv on the fr*uitn r Firv consumed
a row of dwelling* in East si, I>ui- ami dam*
aged the, woodi II a)proacli to the gteal tiridge
to the evtoiit of f .Mt.i mi, li will take aw< < L at
lea-t to nut the I iridic" m a iMiiiltlioU tit for
a-. .Walter \lken lot III* rt-ldelux
ill I'ranklin h|la N. II . lo lire. No m-urance.
bear Admiral I .out* M Ookl-I*>roui;h
died ui Washington of typhoid pneumonia,
•god wevnity two. lb etiten.i the na*y at the
early ag< of *e*en and *er*r*t UitMiigh all tlie
rank-. On* make- the -ivth admiral !>■ die
within a month The nmUr|>e-t i- -plead
nig iu Tnglarid I P. kenned*, hidf.c of
the ilarraoi eolttit* owirt. wa killed by tl,
Keiimd*, hi- nephew, at Lancaster, K* .over
a vlifliciuty litowiiii; cut of a lawsuit, The-mtu
dor *a- am -led.
New V oikr- 'i.vnu-tiarie-'.exl turonicucarryiu
i trunk, and on inve-tigauug the cam no r
tam<*l that they war. burglars who ha.l jut
rot Usl a lace -tore of gv**l to the value of
?t3.lN*l. with which they were hurrying off
the (tertuau cuipeior, in In- i the
opening of the reich-tag. e\pre**el the opinion
that tin I* ace of Furpjve would m t ls broken
. IVm men were uu-tantly kille-t by theev
plosioti of the Ivwiri ef a {sutable sawmill at
Vlford, two mil. - from IVtei-burg, Iml l our
■tbers werv -. .rreiy mjurtst V man who
*ra rv*iraim*l froiu committing stissde bv
tumping from a New York ,1.- V. IMtmiVM
.!:( tie hat JtV-l JTlVid f olli King-ton, West
Indies, ami that srhtUi tin:, ho bad nmlvbod
a mau. Kwr -me* be laid lve* n #*• hawutevi by
iNan—•tenee and remorse that he mi-bed to end
hi* nuserwlilc < xu-teiico. Ws-huvgh u t uth
day vva- cel. 'orato.l with tin u-ue! cu-tom the coiuitry A s-a da) m niger
having eu\-u!.*txl stones defamatory of tin
haractef of Mrs. lxti* C. browui. a u
tle 8i rrud , -uau of \ w Vork, tho matter
prewsl uj-.n the unsidot Mr-, llrower, a- to nn
hinge her thUilect and cau-e her U> c.>muul
SUK' J. b jmii)ytng frv>m th ton of IK* hou-. .
Four men were lu-tantl* kUhslarwl ►< tea
inj-.m-l to at oiler explosion in the t'Ufttm nail
f ictory m INvinerov. Ohio. One law sra- blown
-evelily feet m the air.
V l and of lti.l an ma*!e an attack on Sp*ar
ilsll City, near lVadwood, Dakota, but were
driven off without any damage having l**a
,bne. Another hand of -avages drove off a
uiuuKrof cattle frvwn the Fa I- bottom region.
. It 1- rv ;-T!ed that Adelma F.itt* elo|sxt
from St. Vet with N colm.. the ten r,
and that the prima donna's hu-b.*i,d. tlie uiam
.pits >f i \.l*, f 4kwc*l tliiui. .llu llns-iaii
are budding pouUsiti Irulgi- and tin Turk- arc
csillec .iug vast .piantitirs of arun> au*l amtnuui
ti*ai bUer* is a proixw>ition afoot to wind
up the affairs of the Shavrmnt mauraiu*. cvtn
;anv f lk-ston A temporary WjuneUou
bv. u is-.led to prevent the furtlu r trau-ac
tion of bnaiiwa- by the St. 1 . .n i ivjumbia Uf.
itisnraiK* com par* Alary Sullivan, an in
taate of th> Snake lull yN. J. l almshouse. w
coathievl in a vNill fvV in-uU.rdiuation, and.
after beum locked ui. -* t her tied on t ie in an
effort to light her pijie. before she could t>e
rescued ah* was so wv, rely htmted a- to dn
within a few hours.
J. 11. briukirhiiff, wvretar* of th* New Jer
-ey Mutual insuimttoe company, ha- U-n ar
re-ted f r perjury ui w*armg to a false anr tial
•utiiiietit of tlie cutnpauv A St. 1 < m
graial jury fotmvl tndatateuVsagainst the pre-i
--dcut and secretary of the lufr Association of
Amenca, for |wrjury iu -igtung a fai-*- state
uMut f the company's accounts It is-ap
that the Herman lark Franklin, which
Wft New York Janttary third, for Hamt iirg, ha
liecti ! -l with all on levard Conditions i f
pear* bctwi- u Turkey and Servia have lx*ea
-igiu-d by the reprv -etiUtives ef the two pow
er- .. .John O Maheney, the dead Fenian
•chief, wa* bnrvd in Cork with mnehixreimmy.
The funeral procession wa- a mile long, and
was witnessed by thousands.. . Fighting still
continue- in the Central American State-, w here
Oeu. AA'ilches defeated the guerrillas of tiuasca
and baldarama, having fought theni in Santau
def. Four hundred *ra, three hiuairvd
wounded and throe linnilmt made pn->'tur-.
.<o-n. t'iirtma. the Mexican chief u> charge
of the Rio Grande region for amuutver of year*
past, and who has made him-elf so ot-N. XH>US
to the Americana, has at la-t l---n p'.a. ixl under
xrrest for not pre— nuiig hims* If m the city of
M* lieu when ordered by Vrv-Hi< lit I 'tar. It t-
Utetigh: lie will lie -hit A conflagration
iu Vhbvk-livlii* de-troyod Fox's American Thea
ter. the Mercantile "Library. Roger's wag. it
warehouse and a rnuutw of stores. The IUMMM
were heavy ami but fartially insurvsh • Otic
man was killed by a falling bmlduig and sevt ral
wverely mjured ... A isilorej woman m New
York left bar two -mall duldi* n in a led while
-he went i ut. and shortly afterward the r.- ui
was discern n*l to Is- on tire. A {wiliceman
bravely ru-hid in and took the ehililren from
the t'uriung ted. hut they died a few hours
laur from burns r.--ivi-d . . ..The reis-nf -tvrtn
was exceedingly vmlent on the coa-t, suEnum
ber- of live- wvrc lost. Tlx- sch<s*twr Joseph
Ibslden went ashore on I-oug Island and four
of the crew 10-.t. The aobouotr Walter Free
man went to tiie Hidden - aid and succeeded
in rescuing three mi ig Subscpietith the Fre*-
maii became unwanagi xbla and went ashore,
and thris' of the crew pen-hod, the balance U
nnr -av idl > a life service 1- -at. The -cludto r
Beivj. Willi- was also lost on the Long 1-land
t*a-t and the captain ami two of the crew
drowm-d. .Mr-. Hiram Young killed her
two children, a boy and girl, at Newark, Yt.,
horribly mangling them with an ax. Her bu
land had left her. and -be is -aid to hxve be
come insane over her trouble* lien. Mc-
Arthur, who re-igtnd the po-tma-tership of
Chicago, i- charged with being a defaulter to
the amount of ?38.000.
It i* announced from Nova Scotia that ui con
sequence of the use of an old iron seal on offi
cial paper* instead of the last adopted great
se.J, all the act- -nice l.vlJ, rt-juirmg tin great
Seal, were null and void. S[*-cial legislation
will be required to legalize them The
Mexican eleeticu rc-ulted in tlie to n of
Gen. liiast for jire-idetit and Ignacio Vallarte
for chief justice. An asea-sm attempted to
Soil tin* arcid i-liop of the city of Mexico, but
was disarmed and arreshd Lieut. Cum
mins, witli a company of infantry, attack**]
a small Indian village, forty mile- from Dead
wood. Dakota, and after a sharp fight drove
out the brave* and capture-! a large amount of
property, including live stock. That night, tlie
-avagi s. having been reinforced, raided on the
*okher*' camp, but were promptly driven off
J. P. Ha-iler. late cashier of the Carlisle (Pa.)
bank, was arrested for defrauding tlie bank out
of a largo -urn of money. He was released in
order to t'md bail, but instead of looking, went
and hanged himself to a rafter from which, in
1865, he cut down hi* predecessor, Cashier
Bertram, who also wa- a defaulter An in
-titutiou coiitauimg 1M deaf and dumb scholars,
near Council Bluff-. lowa, wa* entirelv eon
-nmed by lire, involving a loss of fltin.OOO.
The inmates fortunately • - a)- d tinbarmeil.. .
By the falling of a --affold in a bla-t furnace in
Bethlehem. Pa . -ix men were pnicipitated
-ovi iity feet, killing two of them outright,
fatally wounding two and severely injuring the
others. '
The bill granting a subsidy of #500,000 to the
Pacific Mail Company for transporting the
mail- b> Japan ana China, pa—ed the Senate
by a vote of twenty-seven yea* to eighteen
Mr. Windom, Minnesota, called up the I-eg
i-lative. Judicial and Executive Appropriation
NB, and ill expilanation, -aid the bill a- it came
from tlw House of Kepri -'*ntsti\ •■-. appropri
ated #M,'J79,315.50, and a- amended by the
Comtrntbe on A|>propriatioti* and n-p-rted to
the Senate, it ajipropriated ♦lb,7:t7,- < J5.95, an
increase of #1.7 j*.5'J0,45. All tlie amendment
rejvorted bv the Comiidtti* mi Appro] rialion
were agr— d to.
Mr. Hitchcock, Neliraslca. snhmitt**! an
amendment increasing the ap{et>priation for
the purcbs-e of garden and field i-*l for dis
tribution in those i-tte- which were ravaged
by gra-shopper* in 1876, from elo.CKm t„ #:jo .
Oisi. Agri ed to.
'lll* Commute* on Approfiriatioiis add to th*
amount -piirojiriated by the Hon-*- of Itepre
-entative-, a- follows For ]>av of the uav v,
*1.070,11**): for tlie equipment of Vessels.
•**o : for construction and repair. #1,000.000;
for steam engineering. #l.'A*l,l**l ; forex]s n-*-
of recruiting, #35,000; for Naval I.aboratorv,
115,600: and for naval ho-]iitals, #IO,OOO.
After tin- tribiuial had given a deciskvn' in tlie
Oregon ca -c. the deciaion was objected to.
Mr. Sargent fKep.l. ■ f California, sntmiitt**!
the following ;
H* *o* rot, T hat the decision of tiie oomniis
sion upon the electoral vote of the State of
Oregon stand as the Judgment of the Senate,
the objection made tbcreto 4 to the contrary not
Adopted ny a strict party vote yea*, 40;
navs. 2f.
The Senate having returned to its chamber
from joint convention to consider the objec
tion to counting the vote of Henry A. Iloggs,
one of the electors from Pennsylvania. Mr.
Cameron (Bep.), of Pennsylvania ' submitted a
resolution that tL- vote of Henrv A. Hoggs I*.
counted with the votes of the other electors of
Pennsylvania, notwithstanding objections.
After a short debate the resolution was agreed
to without a division. #
Mr. McDonald (Kep.), of Indiana, i ihmitted
a resolution appointing Hon. Francis Ki ruaii,
a senator from the State of New York, a mem
ber of tlie communion in place of Mr. ThttT
msn, and it was unanimously agreed to.
An objection having lieeti made in the joint
convention to receiving the vote of William 8.
Slater, of Rhode Island, appointed elector by
the Legislature in place of George H. Corli--,
Mr. Burn side (Rep.;, of Rhode Island, suli
rnitted a resolution that the vote of W. 8.
Slater be counted with the other vote* of tho
elector* of Rhode Inland notwithstanding the
objections made thereto.
After some discus-ion the resolution of Mr.
Burnside was unanimously agreed to--yeas,
fifty-seven ; nays, none.
Mr. Gibson (Dem.), of Louisiana, offered an
order that tiie Haves electoral votes for the
State of Louisiana in- not counted,
Mr. Hurllmt (Rep.), of Illinois, moved to
amend by striking out the word "not."
Mr. New (Dem.), of Indiana, opened tho
discussion, and advised that the House submit
to the findings of the commission.
Mr. Beelye (Ind.), of Massachusetts, said he
fonnd it quite impossible to stiv which of the
two sets of actors coming up from Louisiana
voiced the true will of the people of that State.
It would havu I men hard to find wiser and more
candid nun than those who had pronounced
the decision of the lllis'toial commission
Mi. Joyce ill. p. *, of Vermont, supi-irtod tlio
dv-'lsloli of the I hvtoral .—mlUlssioli, and asked
whi thrr -iqip. *,l that, if the decision
hsd luswi the otln I i. the objection* woitkl
have t-eii hi ml from the IU ui.-'ratic Jiarty
Air. At. Mall.ui . I Nun. ,of Ohm, -set hi' bad
IS'CU to 1 ont-una, ion] e.utlil i,ii tint Saililn I
.1 Hid. u had . aifwd 1 om-i 'iia • fairly and
bom -tlx a- II iyi - bndcairnd Obi"
Alt Rice (D. in of Gluo, proir-ti-1 ii iinst
tin wii'iig ami is lone, etui-shod tu the d..'s
lon, and ar. tied that tin whole sill■ pvt -lionld
Iw teferrisi in. kto the . .uniutMon By this
ile.'l-ion a government of unlit .i- to b- -ii]>
planted by a government of fraud and iteleiHW,
and be feareif that It via. but the 1- ei'iinug of
the end of tin liepulilicail IllstltuUoti* of the
Air. Faster , llep, i, of ohm si-ike of the duty
of Udh ivartn - to abide bv tin dectatou, and
-aid tin-i not a tilne tor luoti partv exmtatlou.
lie —ai.l that lie llu I 111 Go* Han - doll let,
ami that tin |s .*ph of all section- id lb*' *vun
tn may ivuindci.tly • ig.- t from htm i t onlv
fan but generous roiisivk ration llead.h .l I
-ai that Ins login ( ambition will 1- to adiuin
i-ltf the govi inlnwnt *o ] atrtotiealli aud wi-ely
a- to wijv aiv.n el. 11 111ie—lt 1 ol eXCIMe fill
the foi malum • f |-*i tn - uu a -e. tlotial I a-i- and
allttae.-.f |-arty Ctdot hue- that tin realtor
we -hall hear no unite of a -olid Si*uth i t a
MM North. Hie ring -hail tloat OVV t Ntati .
I t JWoVIUiS . .IT flu I m t Mltje, !-
\A hen Get Han a|w to the IH-'pl. of the
N-illi in hi* letter of ains-y Usl ut' lie afklfewnl
them a-"Alt ami why net hi*
e.mulli on ti Vie u ! the t-imlbi ru >tati - the
equal .if tiiO-e in the north, ea-t ol west, and l
ii ( the South an mte. rat pait ef tb" nation
It ha- I* en .an), -neermgli. aml few the pur
ito**, iif -tirrnig the wild i a--i.'ii# *if the btuitatt
heart to tad actions, trial the South umbr
Prisnh nl Hair- luu-t submit to an llu niMtl
t.. . d-mrrn.t.r t-- th. li* |uibhca i t art > N
lr . li . -uell demand will bo lUaJe. Alt I aft
will I* expo- ted i> it', patrn tic co .qwialn'tt bf
Seulln ru i-alrn 1- tn tin great Work if <* -tola
tu*i thi mi; h tin t i.nwi, the l' i. and
the enforcement of lie law- r.i llu- great
work the r pr*ntative men of tin South bale
ab' .nil di-tuigiu-hi .1 tin no Ivi foi ]-it:l 'l. uu
aud -tali -rnxiisbtp during the |*udel'Cy if the
jire.-eut cri-' in our history.
Ali-w- i .ai-i i.b- ]'. Ma AAaUrniau
(Drm.\ Ky , *"X lDolll.l, N A . iKWlforxl
Rep. , Ohio, Fit- .Drm. , 1.a.. h. ly lUp. .
Pa . IV.'.d 1N in N. 'i , and otlu It> - k | art
in the debate. When till dibate ei.Mwd the
Holt-, proceeded to vote on the orvb r submit
ted by Mr. Git-u that th Ibues elr- U
uot iMUUtisi i A| r . Hurlbut having w.i mn
III* amendment I, and It wa- ague ,o, \l>,
17-' : nai a party vote, t vcejii uiat Ale wis.
Si-r-lie aud lirfvl of Ma- -a.'hu-etta Vote-l with
thi i N un- rata.
After the dt t -ion by tlie trihutial giving the
etrotoral vole of Ongou to Have- and Wheeler,
Mr. Hale i Rep. i. of Ataim , prraantid the fol
lowing ordit
i trderrxl. That the c. lUit of the eh t. i n
of the Stat, of Ihreg. u dial! ( r. e. e ! tu om
fortuity with tin* decision of the Electoral com-
Mr. IJUIC iiffes-*! the fallowing x- a substi
tute :
Grili iid. That tin i. to purporting t.. be au
electoral vt te for lTeskleut aud Ikv IVi -idi-nt,
and which wa- given by oue John \\ Watt*,
claiming to 1*- an elector from the State of
Oregon, be m t d iluted.
After c n-l rah) dls- ns-nwi All I ■ - sit!
-tltute to AJr. Hale s rv -oiirtlon wa* till u agreed
to by* a vote of 151 yea- to 16* uay-.
The House, havmg under ronanierali iu
car. of 1 ector Bogg, . f Pennsvlraula. by a
vide of 133 to lie voted that lite evidence in
the CUM* should I*- read, t'hv casi called forth
a length* debate and ixmalderahle excitement
tu the Hoti-e Mr. Kelley (Re]e (, of IVuiisvl
lanta, offered a rv-ntutioii that the vote'of should !-■ iMuuted. and Atr. stinger
| IVm. ], of lVansihama. offered a substitute
that it should not !-■.
l'he vote wa- then taki u on Air. Stinger's
substitute f r Mr. Kelley - r*- lutiou. a: 1 it
wa- adoptid yeas, 135 ; nay*, lit).
So the Hou-it ilei'lilt'd that tin* vote of Air.
Hoggs should not 1* counted, because h. was
not ap]- iuu-d in coufornuty with tin i-i ustitu-
Uon and laws of Prunsylvauia.
After the i*te was taki u. Mr. Poppb ton, of
Iftno. moved that the IKuise tak" a rici - - until
toll o clock the folio* uig day. Itejecled yvaa.
s.d ; uay-. 17*.
Air. G Br.i u (Dem.A. of Maryland. offrfMi a
resolution declaring that tlw vote i f AVt:::aru 8.
Siatcr, a Ritudo Island elector, -liouij not t
Mr. I.allies Iteji. A, of lib -le Island, ffiifrd
as a substitute a resolution declaring that the
vote of -aid siatcr should be counted.
The di—m-siiiii Lai tug clo-id, the Hen-* pr.s
cecslid to vote uu the r*— :Utt<>U offered hi Mr.
Fame* that tin* vote of the State lc counted,
and it was adopted without a division.
After the debate ui the Itotise uisui the FJiV
toral romaussi ni r ih ci-ian Ui the Lt 'ii-mna
caa**, and the rejietum iu that l-idy of the de
cision by a vote of 172 to th. two boUM
■MMriM Ui j' n.t com siiUi'U. aud the elivtoral
vote* of Loui-iaua wi-ro counted fur Hair-.
there wan i .atufi -tatmu of -ro kind at
the amiouncenient. and the opetuug ami connt
mg of tlu* certitlcat* - i nnnl, 1 m alphaln tmai
order, the Stat*- of Afainc giving -in i voti
for Have- and M heeler. Maryland e hi i t* .
for Tikleu win! Hendriek-. and A! *--ji !o:-i ft*
tlnrleeai v t - for Hayes aud AVTin or.
AV Leu till Certi!:,'..*..' from tin State of
Alichigait wa- read giving itav'evoii vote- f. r
Haye- and Whea ler, Mr. Tu ker Di ui ,of
Virginia, rose and presented an iJ-ji- tion to
the counting of tl;< ve>te < f Darnel I. CV —-
man. one of the elector-, di- lartug that *.•■
Benton Handle t, having be* n elected o* o of
the ehctors tor tin. State of Michigan and
hiving In M ami -till ho! it the >:h *e of United
State* commissioner, had aU iitid hmtsaif
fr "m tho tiiiwting of electors on the-mh of
lVccoilwr, anil that liis jda*v had been tilled
by the other elector*.
The lum-. . - parol* 1 and debated tie ob
jection, but botli of tluwn soon agreed to ac
cept the elector in qnc-tioo and tin joint *- a
ventioti agam a-*.u.b!cd.
Then followed tin State . f Musin -i ta, with
five roti s tor Hayes and AA heeler ; Mi— i--ipj.i,
with eight vote- for Tikleu ami Hendricks:
Mi—i iiri, with nfte.u vot- - I r Tilden and
ltendnck* . Nilirai.a, with tlirev iot.>. fig-
Hayv-i and Wheeler, and Nevada with throe
vote* for Hay • < and Win.- !• r.
Mr. Stiriiiger Dtm.). of lUlnoia, objected to
the count of one of tie three vote* of Nevada,
uu the* ground that the i led- r It. M. Daggett,
wa- at the time of h.- ajipouitiueiit, and for a
long time provioaaiy, and thereafter continued
!'• be, a I" nit—l State* commt—loner for the
circuit and district court* of tin* Fluted Statu*
iu tin* di-tnct of Nevada. The objeetlou le
signed by i!i-*r-. Springer, Tucker. Vance, of
Ohio, Sjiark*. Savage, Afar-h and Jetik-. repre
sentative* : and by Senator* Horuimi, Wallace
and Hereford.
OIK* again the hou-*-* **iparateil, aud the
Senate voted to accept tin Nevada eh.'tor, but
the Htmae. wfithout di.-cu--iug Hie cane, t'->k a
recess until tlie next day.
Tlie Hons** baring decided that the Nevada
elector be declared elected, tin Joint conven
tion reassembled.
The teller then announced that the State of
Nevada had cast tliroe vutoa for Hayes aud
Then followed in succession the State* of
N"i w iUnip-iur' with tin votes for Hayee and
Wheeler ; New Ji r- y. with nine vot* - for Til
den and Hendricks . New A ork, with thirty-fin
votes for Tilden aud Hendricks . N"rtb Caro
lina, with ten vote* for Tildcti and Heudrii k- *,
aud Ohio, with twenty-two votes for Hayes and
The ps -iding offliv r then opened and handed
to the tellers a certificate rimeived frotq the
State of Oregon. It wa- read by Air. Stone, of
Mi—ouri. and |irovisl to Is* the sworn certificate
of tin- throe Hayes elector- -('artwright, Odell
and Watt* -r'as-'ltid 1-efore a notary public.
The ]mpcr- contain a fnll statement of the do
ings of the three rhetors, the reignatiun of
Watts as jsistiriaster, hi- -iihw-jnent choice by
the otli'-r two eh ctor-, the original hallotscas't
by the electors, etc. They were all read in full.
Tin- presiding officer then hand* ! to the tell
ers tlie certificate of the three rival elector*
Crottiu, Milh r and Parkei authenticated l>v
tin signatures of tin governor and -ecretarv
of State, with Hm-eal of the Slate attached.
I'his certificate give- two votes for Have* and
Wheeler and olio vote forHldeti and liendrirks.
8* nator Mitchell (Rep.), of Oregon, ohji t- d
to the certificate of Cronin, Miller ami Paiker,
giving hi* n-amms for the objietion. This ob
jection wa*-igned by Senators Mitchell ami Sar
g' nt, and by Representatives Lawrence. Rur
eliard ami McDill.
Senat'ir Kelly (Dem.), of Oregon, tln n pre
sented an obieri ion to the certificate-of i art
wright. Odell and Watts, it is signed by Sena
tors KflUv, Bogy, AtoDonald, Steviu-oii arid
' oopi r. and by Representative- Fi Id, Tucker,
lame, J- nks, AS aJimg, Clvtm r, AViggmton, POJT
pleton, Vance, llnrd and Luttrell.
After diM-n-sion the matt* r was referred to
the Electoral tribunal.
Tin- Hou-' having decided that the Nevada
• h-ctor Is* d*elar**d elect**d, ttm joint conven
tion ren-wnibiii.
Tin* teller Uu n auiir iinee 1 that the pitrit* of
N vada had cast three vot*-* for Have* and
I ll' ii followed in ancc—i'in the Hates of
New (lamp-hire, with fivi %• to* for Hayes and
Wbei ler : New JiiM V, wab nine n>ti for Tli
ib n and Hendricka : Sew Yi rk, with thirty-Hip
vote* for Tlld-n and Hcn lrick- . N'"rlh i'aro
lina, with ten vot* > for Tilden and Hemlriek- ;
and Ohio, with twenty-two votes for Have* and
The presiding oflieertlu ii ojs . ed and hsmled
the teller- a cHtttcik reoetved fratn th*
.Slate of Oregoti. It was read by Mr. Stone, of
Missouri, and proud to befhesworneertificatcs
'■f th. three Haves elect' i; ( ertwriglit, Odell
and Watt- executed Is fore a notary public,
llii' pa|ssr- contain a full statement of tin do
ings of tlie three electors, the resignation of
AVatt- as fiowtiiißsl* r, hi- sitha* qin-lit choice by
the other two electors, tboorignnl ballot.- east
by the ele'-tor-. etc. Tin y were iwd in full.
Till* presiding officer then handed to the till
ers the certificates of the three rival elector*
Cronin, Miller arid Barker—authenticated by
the -ignatiire* of the governor and secretary
of Htate, with the seal of the State attache*!.
This certificate gave two vot* s for Hayes and
Wheeler and one vote for Tilden and lierfffrick*.
Senator Mitchell (Bep.), of Oregon, objected
to the certificate of Cronin, Miller and Parker,
, giving Ilia reasons for the objection. This ob
jection was signed by Senators Mitchell and Sar
gent, and bv Itepreaentative* Lawrence, Bur
chard and McDill.
Seuator Kelly (Dem.A. of Oregon, then pre
sented an objoetioi to the certificates of ( art
wright, Odell and AVatts. It was signed by
Senators Kellv, I logy, McDonald, Steven-on and
OOOJST, and by Repre-entativea Field, Tucker,
Lane, Jenks, AValling, Clymer, Wigginton, Pop
pleton, Vance, Hard and Luttrell.
After discussion the matter was referred to
the Electoral tribunal.
When the joint convention ■(-assembled, the
*hvision *f thv ttil>uual giving tho \ih *>f
(bogin t Hay* * am) \V h<l* ? annoint. .<1
lhc t*(Vftiittttg nflirot gaktwl whflflu't tht ro wet*-
ohhvth tita t* I ho itM |etnn
Stiialt t hilly (I htn. >, of ( h egoii, 01-j* < t* 1 to
th*' ilrsdshut, giviug hie tvuinoiiti. Iho two
lioif lh* n i< |'ni al I
I hr act lot) of , A, h hotter on thr ot.Jrrtiou to
thr h OlKtoti 111 thr rftMv of Ofogott having I 1 rit
lift*), till* |Vft ?illicit 0 Ulic-tlUrt t| fh( tVV -
In Mi**! agatn liu't in joint roiivt tiliott.
lit* ctilth. ti, ftotti ll o Stat, of I Vittiev 1-
\ ina giving twriity right v t. . for tlayr-* atut
WlhhUi, having lull i *|, ami thr }*i *i*ltit.
orthct having nftknl wlntlui thrtr u guv
ohj.rtUMl to th. Voir, Ml Mo ot ,l>tin
I iVltttey lv ftiua, !*>• ami ol j.t t. il to tin
counting of th of 1! ni . V I LOG |. of
r-ntie\lvatitw, 01* tho gt <llll*l that tin .1. (<•(
hail '.lO tight to ai'potut liliii lu j{av of Maitiri
J. XI of J til, who vis" tilnliii.l iurligll !• U
cattw mi o(H,vholder
Vttft.'h**) to thr ol jfvth u at. a i-ogv f th.
Fit ftulotit * .otuimei, M ( Mr. Mn, U . oitifh d
l v th. f . 1 rtai v of Stat. , tvlid th te*tiimtil*
takrn with |. frMUH' to tlil* .mm Ih for. tin
iNMiiliiitt. v oil thr |ftw* 1, |.|iV ii* g* r. ami dulu
of the Hoitfto.
Wht-uthi i.ivdiiig vv.v* (itiUh* .t Ito to beiiit
110 further objtvt* n to the vote of
vaitu thr Sruat. I * til <1
Ihe joint oMivt till, u ImVing ft
Sruator Alhson, our of tho U ilrr*, aiuumm ml
that tin Mat. of 1 YuiiftV hai it* hod givrh
twrntv innr Vol* ft for llavft nd \Mivrh i
I L. < < Ilirtc-at* ft from Uhodc labuid at I* thru
read, shoeing four voir* for Havca and
lVh* li t .
t it'jwtioil vvuft in ado to th* • ot' of Kin'tor
Slatrr it U log *ct forth tu th* ** < n.l wvtion
of Mich id j.ft tioii, as follows 1 hat ()of|o A
Coili**, 4.0, itlmg t- th* d.viftion *.f thr 1 l.v
tttrkl ti cnict ctk. Ikl.tit I < Lax r.'it
dcrr.l. in th ix,unt of lli. ~ { d J.'\t Watt,
k Klta ft (K* Htktr (X r,>nll, on dull n!>
|ktttl.l slrt'lor I < !hi' Mt. r Icl.utli Iklkll.l ,
aiut the Mil "titnticii Li liiui of .-aid Hlitt, Man
ttlok'ki ktul UlUN'llktlttlliollkl.
Hip <JUt-c!l( 11 haling I >c 11 rvft iicct to tlit !..
hotim*. 111 m paik!'- kciiou, aid iliviilcd m faior
of hlalrr, thp wi r t. Milcicl tiik ohklnU r,
klitl the \ot of lit. 1 lklkiitt lit, aft., the oh
•rrikllcxio! the UMlal foltllkhtv. kltuouuotxl aa
four fur 11 aye aid Whoelri
lhe 101 l . elliheatr u|M>t>rt| hi. that from
S.utli Cki olui* autUeiitieali l 1 . ■ .<. ri. t
I'liaiut crl '. ii. -lu ntuit ac'Vett votcfoi Hk
idWhxl.r It WAS foUoWfd 1> nuoth. i.<i
(ith'alf kJn'ktlit; m iru voter for PlUh u aid
lleldrt *k, with a atatdliH lit by the • hvtor
> tho atH-neo 1 f the goteruur ■ kli
tl.. ittiraUoH.
l*tm otj.e liou to tlo IU'JMII iteatt ivrtitkate
kk jtrvM Ut.,l 1 y lh pr< ula'.itt t - hralie, f
I't-Ma.jltktlta . kid the objection to lit. tviuo
eratie one Ma- pn arn . .I by Kc r I'attrrvou,
of South t arotuia.
Tbr Oretiimt Trtbunnl.
I'ho Orejioti oWti.ral matter Uf ore the
tribunal, Jidpo Clifford *!. . ~j j eand a
ohltvtol. oil the two aid' .
Sciikt.w h< !ly yuiiiotuu-ed that i.tuiM-lf and
Mr. J. nh- would aj.|ar a- objec t, r. to iMt,!.-
it* \ .1, andS. oat. i Saifi. ut to. '
Senator Miteliell atd Mr. tawsrn.. would aj)
(car - ol J.x toir |o ec l tide d. N -J
Senator Kelly argued that each State ill tile
HlltOU had the rht to appoint l'tcx-idriitla!
elector* IU it-, own way aid t>. it, own
law a. ati.l that I < the , >n*titl)!ioii of ttfej. .
lit case of taeheiblllty the |ete.;i te-t Kuif,* the
neat hnthr .t ntiutU rof lotto in. eutitl. lto
tw ticc'lajred c le. lod He .plutoit caaea frotu
many Statr and . urt-. and eeiicludcc! a- f"!
low- lhe governor of i and the accrv
tarv Of State art Un per-otn. to Mtitiwtboc
vote*. luc re l no < vdrtic'e that there ku a
cauv a by any other ;er. u. It i< for llieiu
and the Hi only, and the, have, deeded. Titey
have (liven .he if cC ittlie kte that throe thrri
EsuOmeu are .licit :. ti..iu.i - Mr. Co
It luattcra not how titey came to that .he i-W'it.
The preumption of law w.ii kiway. U- that it
wa- upon authe.eut evidence ,
Hejwv-eiitktiv. Je nk - f i-d on the ksitte
-de He Mkl tlwy wknl no techiLi.-al advan
tage, hut r. lied on th. law of the land ll ele
tin.-d in the Corutltut: n of the t uitt l Stat.
and of the -ev.ral Statra lb eoueluded a
follow a ; Then the ease tand in thl- way
t'rouui come, and volt • ; two other-eon . anil
vote , but you do not kn > whet iter the* ar*
lh.|w t-Ik .t.d fr Ol 1.. it, U vnr- the r dot i
e-otne drlitltlexl a- the law -ftv N the v -hall e- :
Hut. aeauu.ui(; that they wer. th. name jcrwon
who acre voted for an.l projerrlv klentttied,
winch vt the-c Odea kh.*uld I* etNinled < le.
tuii- vote -he<uld he counted a* . it. aid the
other twos* th. y are e'at. would b. the .mu
cluatoti 1 khoubl ex-nie p> fi m thew .. tnt)
{eropOMtleOlk. IV,. be lire. this to U a . met
■ vi- lli.'ll of the law and th. trtn I, ~ j-,
th. >liktitt.liouai di-|Ualiticali. ii !• li t otu to
l-e forgotte uor ivptidtated It i-. fierha) t.*>
common now to regard the pr<o >hi* of th.
C ii-Ututi ii a directory, and U • 1-v.d or
'll-edx-yed at the Option of the |<r- n who Bill
b- admauatrnuc them.
S- ;tor Mitt tie!! w%s the !'.rt -• flet ou tip
part of the Repnhh'-ait-. He -ad that while
the (p'Vectior had piker to t*ue .x-rti:. aire,
or at ha-t had that duty t-> jcrfonn, b. had n
ncht and no I et-1.. detertunn as t the < h^i
l iUty . f elector-. lher< w.e no j.laee tn thi
t'ouitituti .i of the Tint, d state- or the .-.■. its
tuti ii uf ti.. state ft trrrfpm tu which provt
won ni. made for such actmu on hi* part.
Mr. lawisiw, . of thl Jlou. w .v- the neat
•taaior on thi part of th. Ihiimhlktai*. and
ctowed the prdiuitnary case t n that -de. Ilu
-)wch was | nne-ipally devoted to a md*rw
!.oil of tlo leiiat |-wtit- ui t'w case. He' stud
that the poveriKT had no | wer to nude a •-
lecti tl a- let ween two (Villi i Idrte*, and
declared that fremiti wa- <-1. arlv tnvUglble h>i
the ]'-ltl n of edor. If. . tiUiulcd tl ft!
even if IVutuii had Iweci h (Tally * le. l.el hi- ah
—'iiee from t'ne iue- tii,,' .d th. . ,-t. t. and hi*
failure' to act with them, di jita tiled hint. H<
-ai l that a* two lb put ~an e lector* Were
ehooen Iwtotd all ijue-trou. and ha<l rfCrivpd
the cerhftcate . f the- governor in due form,
the v. s a i ujor.ty of the .'.-he wen author-
Wed t- -eiicf an I app nt th- on. member
al-f llt wh.<■-- e'i,.lbllitv thef* wa a dispute.
Hotdiey, of t UicttiluiU. who r* the
maiMAtug count il in Ho- Oreyji ii raw on the
l<eiiK* iatie aide. oj iiexj the car. lit a- ill;. I
that the t"tnmi**loO had declined tee ' vcrcte
any judie'ial | "ivrt* whste've r. and on that a -
•tliupUOtt ed-mied thewr bad n" Jk'We r evocj t to
oeiuiit the return* cwrlAcd I' <iov. eirvit.
Mai v p lilt* be ie wt re -> . Ito tie |re
•rnttd I.V the He pltbltcatl# 11! the CM* of Fl<.rt
lud Ift'iu-laua.
Judo'e Matthews e-launed that the rrv. rd of
the ctiva*a iu the oltw of tin Mx'retary of
State, tta* e'eltCeUMV. cv de-tie e of Watt- el'V
tiou, ami .le-clared that tiov. tirov.r wa* leouud
to i*ue the c. rtitlcatc to Watt* in aecoreiuuv
with that rwuva-*.
Judge strong Ul'iVe-d that lhe He uieecrati."
.•tier of evidence a* to Watts' iueligthihty he
immediate ly admitted, and the motion wa- car
rae-*i without di-aeat.
Vgt>. the elector rcferre I tei. wa* put Upon
th. utand. He- awore- ui -eihtnce that be had
he lei the u.-ibeiit of |- -luia-t.r at Laf..>.tle
until the thirte ■ llth of laat hovetlil* r. whe tl he
raeagned. thi th. fourtee nth In-re-ignitionwa
actvpnd by the' I'ot-offidemartnieiit, anil
lie- had not ae*te*l ftinee thru. IT><- auditor of
the treasury for the Fo-t-oillee elepartmeut c. r
robmubed this evtdetsv, and the n, the Ivm>>-
cratic counxsl ehchuiiig t> * examine, Mr.
Kvart* uia.h hi* argument for :)* liopubiicau*.
and >• followed by Mr. Me-rrick, of tin- le !u
rrat*. after which the tribunal went Into -at
eee-it in.
The tnhunal having cotwlndevl it* duett- ma
the' following resolution wa* t fftred hy Mr.
fte.e.?r..<. That th> .erti'. ate- '..ritel by J". *.
Cronin. J. N. T. Miller and John parlor, pur
p.rting to cast the electoral vote the state" f
Oregon, eb* - not contain t r certify tin e .n*ti
tiltional re.tew to whie'h *a|t! State- i* entitled.
Justice Field offe red the following a- a iiule
H'furrat, J. W. Watts, ihwlgliateel in certltl
i*ste No. 1 a- an i lector of the- Stale of <h• u
fe-r I'rtwident ami Vi'e-l're-uh-lit on tin elav of
election, viz., the seventh day of November,
IS7i;. helel an office of tru*t ami profit uneb r
the rlilted States ; therefore'.
/f.solr.ef, That the *anl J. W. Watts wa* then
ineligible to the ofice of elector within theex
pre.ed terms of the Constitution.
Ilcjectcel vea-. seven ; nays, eight, a* fel
lows :
Nays Mcs-r*. AM ■ tt. Bayard. Clifford, Ku lel.
Hutitori. I'ayjn ami Tluirman— 7.
Its* Me—r. Jlradh-y, Itinminb. Fri'ling
buy sett, dartield, Ibtar, Miller, Morton and
Strong h.
Justice* Field then offered tin following :
It herers. At the t Icctiotl held oil the e-evellth
of Noveinls r, lHTe'i. in the Stab of Oregon, for
electors > f Pre uli'lit ami Vice -Pre -ule nt. W.
11. Udell, J. W. Watt- and J. I". • artwright
raoe-ive d the* highi st uuml- rof votes east f.<i
ele e'tors ; hot
H hrrtttt, lhe said Walts, then holding an
office of trust ami proiit under the ITiit.-l
State, wa* ineligible to tie oftie'o of e lector ;
then fere
Itrmilr.'i, That the said Odoll anil t 'artwright
wnfe the only (x r-"Uis elnlv elivled at snjel e ltc
tion, ami tin re wa- a failure' on the p.,rt of the
Slate- to I'lee't a third e lector.
lie jevf.-el v. n, even ; nsy*, ei;:lit the same
vote ill ele lsil a* tin l JWeexclmg.
Juslh'B Field the ii offered the following :
H'hiwu, The le i islatlln* of ttregnn ha
made no provi-ton for the ap]xiinlim nt of an
elector under the aed of Congre"'-where there
was a failure to make a ehoi >• "ii the day pre
eecriMvi by law ; till re fore,
Ki.'flntl. That tlie attempted selection of a
third elector hy the two persons chosen wa
inoperative and Void.
Itt jicbd ve-as, seven; navs,eight (aaalmvel.
Mr. Ilayanl then offered tiie following
lilt re 'I, bleat the vote of W. 11. Udell ami
the vote- of .!, C, t artwright en-t for Uuthe rford
li. Hayes, of fthio, for Pre-.'b nt of the Puited
States, and f.-r William A. Wloeler. of New
York, for Vicc-lVi'-ideiit of the ("nited Slat.
were the vote s provided for hy the Constitution
of tho Prnte.l Still' s, ami that the. afore said
Ole ll ami • artwright, nml they only, were the
persons duly ftppolllb .l electors in the Slate i f
Oregon at the election held on Nov. 7, IM7t>.
there having been a failure nt the said election
to appoint tliirel elector in accordance with
the Constitution and laws of the United States,
ami the laws of thr State of Oregon, and that
the two votes aforesaid should be counted, ami
none other, from tlie State of Oregon.
Rejectee! yeas, 7 ; navs, H, as aiiove.
A vote was then takvn on Mr. Edmunds'
original proposition, and it was adopteel veas,
15; navs, 0.
Mr. Morton then offered the following :
Rffotr'il, That W. H. Ordell, J. Cartwright
and J. W. Watts, tlie persona named as electors
in oertificate No. 1, are the law ful electors of the
State of Oregon, and that their votes are the
vote's provided for by llie Constitution of the
United Stat OH, and should Is- counted for Presi
dent and Vice-President of the Unites! Stiitus.
str. Hiinton moved to slrilie out the name of
J. W. Watts, which was disagreed to by a vote
of 7 ye as to H nays.
Mr. Morton'a rco!nlioii wio then adop ed
yeaa, 8 : navs. 7 : as follows ;
tin- Mi i Hi a.lie i, lihnuitds, lie Itug
hue in, eemli**l*l, Ibsu, Miller, M. itt.u and
HI long N,
Si. Me*rs Abbott Itftvnrd, Clifford
Field, M inion, Panic ami Ttitirmaii 7.
lhe h isii.ii t I Ilu t- iiilulsaion was then
drawn lip amt eigne.l hy the* e Ight llirlolsls
voting in tlie altlinistlve
On in t. nof Mr VI. iton tin. iuliinetioii of
Ie . ui'. nil' nils aid > i.-iidings of tin
. ouniii' soen. ev.'ept rs ft.garda their lejs.rt to
the j int ■ o tun . f ('. ogre ss, was removed amt
ttie- . ..mmlssioii sdJouMietl tu nive-t tn the att-
I'le lite i-oill't KsMII.
the tip-it iii sui.stan.'t- is as follows The
I Itv t"i. 1 . oiuiulssioii, listing lotiiisj t'e tlsiu
• etllt tit - and p i 11 pur|.rtlng t* I* ccrtlit
t'ftlt tl 11 . .It, 1,.ml vol,St,f the Nlate of
Otegtui, attel certain |ta|s is atss-m|sktiyliig tlie
stur, ami 11 .l jt- litties tlolt ttt, tttjwert that It
lot- villi' - lo'ltb led tlo- same, klitl has tbs'lt|t*l,
.ol tlo, - lit le I i el* t lilt . that the votes of U
II O.hil, J, C. I SI I..light and J. W. Walts,
the p. t -.'it* d In the ttitilitale of the
.t, I -ie v< t Stntr of Otegt.n a* the |s-rwt<DS re>-
'living tl, highest i.tuiibt r of votes for Pic*t
lie ntial all ,to! -. are tin vedes provided for by
tin 1 1'oustttntixii ' aiiii that thi same ate law
fully to ! count* da* ti title-tl t.. 111 the ccrtlh
t ate "f -old th tills, namely, lite three votes
to! Htilhe-rfurd H. it ■> a, of the Htate of Ohio,
f. ' Pit ul, slot litre*' v tea tor W llllaio A
Wht* In, o t Btt, of V Vtirk, f>4 Vhxo
i'l e. ;,ie nt _______________
I lie Mitn in the' Iron Mask.
'J in* uiyate'in'tir. pn~.nor whuo niclan
e'hetlv Bte'iy bus jjiu.'lt tl the wit of gctt
t intivni itfti-r ; ■ in rutit ii, iunl fnriiusl tiu
tlltile-ltH e'f u tiuiss ,if ligt'iiits, Wtu* rut iter
tin tvpe'eif u ,-hte UnUi u w.htiviv < vain-
I*le> i t iif'etl iunl tyriumy.
Hlt'Jll lit It illlilee if Hue ft.Ulleil'r l"f tlu*
ulnailute* imttmri'liy luui t,si nitudi of tlu*
eeiltln r iu lue te> eiiri' fur
luvete rv. Ho hit lugli, uloi lit- Jut hard,
lent 111 VVII-* ut ll'Ulkt ahl.yi' Issirel, lit*
h.ppe ti i tt* the toll pillipvlii'inla lli the'ii, lit tli.l tod !stirs his vii Tune alive;
he* hit.light tilt-11l b tin- hles k It) lire nil
tluv light. It lue crufty, nut to rav
esewur'ttlv am . t saur, the '* ftus'lnuu, '
Ma:'.trill, who It-el the WAV to the
MCre't -V ste*L!,e-nri nil to JH-lfe e-tjuil hy tlie
great kli'.-'a terrihh- t-*s-iet.irv uf atitte ft,r
War, Ijottvoiw. That the knhmppiiig eT
trouhli sonn- pi-reutis mi foreigt" territory
wan a lauiit'.aj < ullage- ill tile iui>lilli-uf tlie
ni-v elite i lith . e-lltltry In proved ley the fol
lowing meal, ut. I'e-rhajwi tiie moat
tt'..ll>!e-miBU- J" moll to tile nuoroantvw tnl
itiium!ri,tiuim of lviohelii ti, Muzarut ami
Lotivuis, vv a* tin- grumUui) of lleuri
Quatri uul I-a lb !le- t iahne'ih*, l'rwuooin
vie \"e iiviotm-, lilie-ele ib-aufort. He wa
a luiny isetinjiintb tr, andhiul ti fly U< Ktig
lil'.itl te i ss-aja- the* isetlnesjuetits- of his
it U| ! e'.tv ill the ufYuir ui ('impMara,
lsrtt. rin life 1 rgaiiirod a e-alntl agmunt
An-a of Vuntrut, mul wan m priiM.nisi iu
tin- e astlf of Vim uinn; but, ew-apuig
tin lie-e , l-iv imi the- ivlol of the l'aria
Ulob, ami in- JUTe-tl the nltruiuue of the
kin. of tin market place, liiirmg his
ituprtnoiiiucut a ft rt.ttii ,Sie-ur elt* lteau-
Jnyn ltts fa.tllftll nllu I. lit thought tie
n.-ctire tin- hherutioti uf lua uuut-r by
an- --MUt. g Cui tutal Ma.'arttl ill the
He.i eh- Vilteetme-. llie attempt faihsl,
ami fin* .*- tftviu i . ipe .l tu Route, whe re
lie was ft -e-l\cil With ujveti artun. He-rent,
M. eh- Htii>uue tlieti aes-rebtrv of etuti
fer fore-igu ufT.urw rtsjue ntisl liia rseuMtu,
M. He- tire miuivtlle, the* Frenchiuulimm
tlor ut tin- l'apal eseiirt, to have the vil
liUU private l v ae-izesl ; ter " nliut luui
tip ti a pa. aii.g o.s " and n* ml liitn te
1 miit-e' ""an n hale eif utieler the
"pretest of irvlttig a part of a re
cent ly purehtv-tsl hlirary to Frnntw."
lhe Sie-ur lie- He-auJ>ayn nan fortunate
,g-h to i ap. tin* ufTortioUato atte-u
--!: teef his e-oiuitrvuie-u ; bill the letU-r
ress.innrembtig lua nlslue-tmii in still es
taiit ai the airlift.-s of the elcjiartmelit.
Tin Hiic en itmiifort, after an adventur
ous life, iu the courwe< of which he kilia
ht- btotbe r-iii-law , th>- I>ue eh- Ne*i Hour*,
in a iluei, eliesl—ordi.l noiilie mnifetrtie
vlurit . t ivj t.lii.ou to ('amiue. The
re I sort W;.n pre ml that he wan killed;
htlt eethels hinted that he Wait quietly
eirrt te*l, I right See l'mtns-, ami convey
e-l an n * nesTet " priaeru- r to I'igtieft.d,
(Jjetiee- tee Ksile-ev, ami the Ile* Salute
Alarg leritc, uttd, nt hist, te the Rmtille,
where he litesh It wan, IU fae-t, neeitl that
Mar-- in ahort, the iron mn>k himttelf—
no hyjeothe-sm ntronclv nupjsortisl lev the-
I'VtnM-ftbtutry re -pevt shown that prinou
er, whte-h We said have las-ll ejtilte tiu
net scary in the- e-.oe- . f e-.tumon folk like
Matthioli ami • tin r tm.rv favored eiauu
ttlltn to thin elr- ml identity— -Alt thr Ymr
Ituxi. '
The- Treasures in the- Mud.
ft rn-'r t' - te-lhiiii S.ivn tlie great eat
wolnof Italian e-xph.ration .n yet t* In
• i.-tie. i ft let le the pftejvoewsl eX
jilonituui ..f the I sot torn of the river Ti
ls, r. I'lithaincnt has already v.tesl Bd.-
>N).tatt) t-i the- pi jes-t; tin- engineer* are
nlresieiv with tin ir hydraula' apjiaratus;
ujsrti. iis will n ul 111, I have the
honor i>f nnggesting this enterjiriae te
l'nrliuiiu-iit. tinriboldi wiote me after
ward .mi s esaidssl my pr>ij>osU, | met
Haruii ltoth-s-hihl n Tc-mloii a short
time ago mul he- stuel to tie : '" If the ex
ravHtie tin can be uia.le by you ami me,
here is tin- motley." lie- km w that the
hti-ir..-wtihl jny. Just think of it!
I hulk eef t'l' tre ; life'* whit-ll tlitttevei
lantinglr intimhiting, ami eve-rhuetingly
cfts-.-e ,1 ami livesl up ui atri-mn must eon
ee-al in its niud ! Wr projsave t> form a
Mus* es /V' -rito, and to ptibltHh n eata
logtie of everything we Aud in the river.
Alxsv. . 11, I vvuiit s IIIEII ohjevete gi-m*
and (siins. If luatbleautul hre-nxe'w conie
to the wurfiwe i- i much the- Isetter. Two
ways of isimlm-luig it) >■ rations h*v Imn-ii
proposes] : Fti -l, to inn! a new chmim-l
for tin' river. 'Hie obj etioti to this
im tins) i tit at the- lunlm a arming from
the dead tlsh anil vegetable matter will
In- destructive- to health. Sensually, tii
sink e iii*.< or wtssli ii 1 sues, just an
is done in building bridge s, I am mre
that when *.■ onee be gin, the' result will
lw- ffi striking that money will Is- prof
fertsl tu nbumlam-e'. lki you think that
I tun a dreamer? Did v. u ever he*r of
n lUßft* "pie- livl iitvi-tiuciit for capital?
Hni vi- do tint wiuit to make n coßiuicr
cial enterprie of it. Italy de sire* to do
the lituittesd he rse If for the glory of her
tut tiie*. As semti as we- gye't fairly atarted
you will se. the' pe pl' of llonte tlts'king
to us with shove la.
l'uying in Store Truck.
The following is tin lull before the
New Je-rsi'v legislature! and pusses! by a
vote' of thirty-xe-\e n t<.twi iitv-tliree, rela
tive' to " store' truck for employetm
Ay act for lis Is-lter -es iinng of * vge - to
vv I',i .'I (Vint lit ti in Hie State if New
Je r*y.
I. lie it enct(-d by Hie-Senate an,', (le ncrat
i nibly f the Sl.ite etf St JtTsev, lb:, tit
shall !i"t I-■ lawful f. r any iruiimasteT, foiui
ilrytnan., fae torynuui, etnpbiycr e>r cemi
pnnv. tiie-ir ag i •r < h-rk* tn pay the wage- .>f
veorkiite-ri etr lat'oror- by Ihnii e-inpletyesi, in
cither printed, written m orders, ex
cept ff.r tin- psvmi'iit <>f money, tt|sinany ston>-
to . p.-r i i -tonk' ea- r-. or otlie r dealers in tin r
cbtiieiiM' or otlier art it I"", whether istiinestesi
in l.! veitt. U . in. mnaster, foundry
man. c dher. faemrvman, cmplnyer or mnipany
iMiyin to tin -ant vrorknisii or lals.r.r HI a*
aforesaid by hint employe tl or authorizing tin ir
agent or iei'. lit" ol -tore'ki'e'JwT > t" elo, a*
't. r. ai l, tiiall forfeit tie aiuottiil of said pay,
or any part of tlie img, < of -aid workman or
lalwir. r. go. a in oub rs tijain any sti. li store,
except a- aforesaid, or any order* -o given or
panl, ami the' to e shall not Fe off • t against
the veagos of sitnl witrkman or lals'ror, but he
liall I-- entitle 1 to recover tlie full amount of
In* wages : tli 'iigh no such orde ror . rdi-m
hail Iscn give i "r paid, ami no settlement
mnelo with such employer shall bur siic-h action
until Bft> r the lap e of siv months from such
!!. Ami le- it it enact eel. That the provisions
"f this act -hall extend tu all y arustre se-s or
females i-niploved in factoiies or t ilierwise,
,'t. And I* it i ÜBcte-1. That.if any ironmaster,
Hi r, factoryman. employer or
e'onipany, the ir agents or ch rk. shall off, r pay
for labor in any other manner than above ih -
se-rilssl, lie, sin- or tliev shall 1 e eh e mill guilty '
of s uusdenu-aimr, and ttjioii re.iivictirm thereof
shall Is- tiiie il iu any sum not e-xescding f.Vb',
or iinjiris.inine'iit for any term not exceeding six
month . . r tsith, at the eliacri'lioß of the court.
4. Amt be- it I'liacte .l that tin same nliall take
effect July 1. 1x77.
Ib there on" render of thin pnjier mif
fi'Hlig from tin iii.mli in V If so, write to
He Iphe ii-tuii' A 1 rat le v, druggista tVashing
toii I). < b ; a . ircular of Ihtrang's illieu
tufttic Heimsly. This medicine ia taken inter
nally, and will pi. ilively cure anv case* of
rlutumatism on tin face- of the green earth.
MM "in dollar a bottk. I ;
It iH n mre thing tlittl phyaiciane give '
any counteunnee to a medicine, the manufac
ture of which ia a secret. About the only ex
ception we know of is Johufon'f Anmli/nt /.in i- <
mmt. This, we believe, all indorse', and many r
of them uto it iu their ]irm'tie-e with great sue- t
- ' 1
I'croon b requiring purgntivcH or pills 1
should t.e careful what thev buy. Home pills t
not only Realise- grijitng pains, but leave the ,
bow l;, in ti torpid, costive state. I'artons'l'ur- \ c
<tatir< J'lllf will ri'lie vo the bowels and cleanse
the blood without injury to the system. i <
llUtui) tf a IMtlur.
Two uf t!i* miHit (frlrtu hrfiaft tlir wurUl
hta dvii known dwell in ll*< amir nty. (Hie
dellubted in drlin* edtktt Ghtitv in tl) it a
f tint, fur tit end inHHn Hi* |**lrtita uttr
lltalin I*%tl it llw . liatin • f jdiN i 4 \ir f Th
fian ful. Half olii|4nuiia nUtt.r of fmtti and
fi altitr hariiMml/<d wilh dli airly l lruded
linl" (Mi )i) cant a* the h<riiir)i<*t f a* had
an 1% I 111* t till l0(i!|e ihuitlt. Ih •lhl f Ulwl
|i) natit only Ki d*'f i' tuiai wrirtl and kI- liii
uhjc to Mxivr all, did li t' l ill i*alldili|{
tiie |*rtiajla < f tlie dyinf I hi'
♦it alh t)iim*, 111! Ifhaatly fiw and f<tui, wa-te
ail dc ii. ldl with lid* lily, Tlir
nittid l twi-u th■■•*<• artiala the* m*l itit* na#
duak. \t hn.'th thi* di*hk ettUttinaicd.
Th In hiitv arlial had i i in
I*AAistaifc lite {HirtiAil fa I* autifui
(iiituuit>U)a iiroiM>ui)i*d il th' moot huiide
fid iim of atl Ilia! had vr/ !•*••■n lacidiitwu)
Ilia l tnlht r ait lit wa ) atoila of liis fam** ( and
nought II *cli|sr. |ty Uilillig Ihe k*|*r uf the
ettidio he uaiiod *'•*>## U tl> j>i tui nuk
iititht At ui*t h wa <"Ut (t to only dowdfft
th hiilhatu*% if thr **•Uipirakffta and r\t
* (!•' th<- hloOtn from duck and hj*. and |auit
a elisdMW on t ithrr Ihi i k l.aUi. hia etj k c
Itrma troldrf and frwf, and on thr
Millet awukc to find the tiiUfc out line <<f thr
iMrtrait < hauled, lie ouitlii uwitrly rrotgiiiti
in the riiia* tated form and nouutc
naiii'e thr none* |>tion h )tal eml*odi* d
The |*alltd fan end rStrt *l*nh ia I > * hr ha*)
attrihilt.l to a lark f geiiuUNhr#a in hi* mat*
I iaie , hlit wh n thr ouUllire w* r haiif *t li
eiis| wiwl thr raiiw Mid iiid jk'fiailtly (tlßtiiioo)
tl kr|Kf, W hat tin rrvrnjsirful artist fuarf ew)
by a few xa|i! etlokre of hi rkiilf til hi U*li (111
only nd h% >ar . f )*atient mduetiv.
r, iii dWr nam*' thr aruatsy Kv iajlli,
who J-Minis thr flower* and " rarjv I ii*i
le* than thr human form divine hiiwaae, th
di t ad d artiat who irvt i* aiiiong U*r nun* hoth
of ttalttte and liUlneuitV and 4Writ Miieaa, thr
keefrf 1 * wh* IM H altli ofU'li litU url* hi* |*r
tiait**. An*! l* it not the kauty f wt'iuaii, the
most aaltnurd <f all thr wotk* which adorn tin
attuih) of Health, that Hie* aae uftoiit d m ke to
lUAi Ihe ®li|*htrel stroke of his hf toh Uiam
the ddh ate org anixattoo ieav an mi|rinl that
re*|ittre! much skill and j atn nce U> rflane.
tl* *b'ration tititat IK JI iij l . i art U **n<•*
liittat he dimtiared let Hdirtfttfl w < "hiefi h* w!
the warning *i Ihara***- ha* maiTOl th* chief
UmuH lit-ailh •U\of ad r<-pa ration, J>r IHwrceV
Tavorite iVewciiidiou ha* Gcii used hy thou
*aod* * f th*'** *ii!T r r. aitd th v are unani
in u lu their jiraiM f it* ercelW in If \wi
would 1* traitbfoMiux! fr* in th* j allid, iw-riou*
invalid into a haj|>, w -tuan, try it.
Slirleka from the Itattlefleld
Are til Mir* i that a work of (k plruoliou
i* going on, than the coughing Willi which
chart he", theater*. |4ivah dwdliug* at thl*
ih-aihhi treouinl Arrest the lung dretfoying
|j*jov v una with Hal* * fiutry of umi
it ml Tttr. The U nrti* ial i Ifcctv are uninodiate
and (tfiiui. H*4d by ail druggist#.
I'ik* a Toothache IHto|mr cure Ua one nanuta.
W hr- W ill lou Stj.
Wltli] tuu f !" N> M l.'tk i'itl 'lt* I'f *
ii !r! U.rtl wht' .11-
UJitcl !<• •• l -otu., k tuiiU(ul t ill of
f*i aJiil f"Urtt>>u lr< .lu.< ill in 11.0 oft. . All
lii< f , oittililltnl * lUi k UolttlAk tli r. * . f ci. -
ISkltCO llifttiiLolll, tic to Ijc fount) kt llir < if *ll.l
I i-utt&i llol' 1, oti Hioaiikk) ; llie ikt*" •>! In
SVw Turk, ktnl wliK'ti lit* rocnlly rndttcMl
rtc. from t- 11 5o knJ i:n*' i r Jk.v.
Mm**. IK'nnirmt's rrhiitilt* juiterua of
mil fhr Utr*l kittl U*t *|irmg *:ij munmrr
•ft W>*. fv i.J •tklup fot' c*talopu. •' IV li*t to
W'kr, ilh full un4rtrti<*i, 15rwnltt. "I'ori
f.llWof l'ltlll"tl>. kllil Ut>'t> iHlltllkUonr, 15
(t ill*. " Vnmrti Ily Jouruml of )k*laioiin," 15
c*-utk. yrkiit. 10 tcul*. |Mk| ftvr. 17 11*.t
Hlk *Ut l. N' V "fA, or kiiy . f tin kf*moir.
Lsunr mill pinnfui luu*kk. iunl wttuk
ii-* *t-n . Um 11'iiiri. kf. rtli'totl lylVd-
Utt* V iuir I'Uclt r.. wln.-l; kit-ortli a retel
liirut of (li1i r klij n n * of | !kl.! klnl lirrl**
in Ulc In kiinrtil of rurli curt.
Mil li* it IN of Uitll. • of Hi nsrrr'k ("<-
■ oitxr likt rt l-i, 4j iluruip; lln- la* twrftty
ttkTk, klitl tin' |tul>l!i- llkti Iclltlclttl lilC tMtlltl
ihkt it Ik I lie l .1 hkir tlfi-iiijf lu tlx *• rid.
VftgcUtlo l*ulruoitkry ltklun. Ihr .Tt-k! S'.
I'tiglkiiil ("tire for (tmyht oolilt and o"iiuui|~
Uoli, Culler l(r ok A I'd k. link ton. only grtmiiie
Thr Mrk*t.
r (on*.
llkrf Ckltlr— S*!it* v 4 "V
li ia* tad ilwfulcf. 0 a VS
ltiiegi\Aa aoi lAIOOD
I fr mrnt i C*T |M eT
- rrj:. (Ml kiM 07
1.4.1- •. O (4 i!
A WMIAWa Mi 4 .10 II (4 12\
rteVtr—Wnalrrtk Uoud 1 CLißfli. 7 >4 ut ItO
hta'e (tovkl tu t'Loiw ft 10 w f f>
W hral - Kr i Wratert* 1 *a 1
N i iii: k it* j rt j ?
I.vr tftatr ......... aft (4 ta
two Try HIAIa #0 *4 <4
lUrIM Mb l ... 1 *K 4 1 n
liwckwrbeal - tr7^illo
<s!e V ird W fWtrrtl 7 '4 19
r *l. Miami Wourtt t: ,1.4 &U|
Its*. ct. f" y* ?0
Mnw, ptf rtl ..... W *4 7&
ttofia tftV u OUT 7ft*a < wa 10
1 i Met*. I*7l 1 *0
UrJ ('H HlrnUD... !1 . 4 UK
llsii M* InOi Nv. 1, i-< I I4f *4*' ta
\ a. new 9 & *4lO cio
lrj Cod, |wj cwt .... ft *7\t* ft 'M
1! riii|, Healed, j*rt tot ift # la
Ivlri kun.—Cm lr 1(1 *4l v% H*ftnr*i l'\
(in -Ca ilornia ITcww la Ml 3ft
lfiA " 17 <4 33
AtofraUan •' v# tl
ttuUer 31 "4 .ft
W firrt~Cbt*io il *4 33
Wc!rti—o*o*l lr Til t e 11 4 l*
-wt<ira-*Tnktia.. 11# lft
Cueea# WUte lo <4 11
Waif ftHaUßift. OS 01 ('I
wr.wirrta jo *# Ift
IV.* State aa4 lVnt>>hania Ift *4 l'<y
>' ar TOO *4lO 00
Wheat \< 1 lltlVAUktwi....... 100 (4 J (10
- M i 1 52 <i <4 52K
< ala 3 .4 42
n>p v ot
ItMfirT... ........ 70 *4 70
tlariry Mt t 100 *4 1 10
Beef <Kfli; F*trm.. o*V<#
ShMji (Hki4 O H
Hotfs I)reer\J 0 09 V|
IliHif fvutiiylrani* Kttrw ...... ft 2* *4 ft 2ft
ftVUa( Ileil H'rtkro I'& *4 133
Bye 7ft t4 7ft
Coru Vflluw fft *4 M
M ted W (4 fti
Omla Mi*rd sft *4 3l
rKroleum—<Crude I|\v4ll Ilrfiard ..Ift
Red OlitJp- l\or U) Cli 'uw 4'ft <4 ft 5 *
HUerj- 2 7ft *4 6 3ft
Lambe 2 7ft *4 6 aft
BtAUTiriEl' or TH* SKIN.
Ai 11 remedy for I>I!<KAIIE8, Soiut*
hsis ; mb a (Uxxisriter, dmr\frcl,tnl, nr.d* of jiieventiiiß and curiiig
Ul.cuiuhtistM and Gout; and as tui
HATH. "<H ksk'b MOLFHOR BOAI " :•
ii.i.ntnanb!jr the L. artnun erer
oflrnal to I tic Ainericaß poWlc.
11, c CoMPIMXJAM ta not only iieed
front H.ui-.KS Rurrcxm.TAH, Kv
Kt.F., and all rther biemiaheß. by ;.a
■■l 1.1 a TBLAfreyAiutHT
tiKttCACT ar.o mrtrr t sorruVw
thi< til. U>e cokfifyirtfl End ernotlieml
ntiioti of WHoiEBO** BBALTI
'1 he contra, ton of obsosioci di*
ease* it pre* jmot, aact Uie cocopiele
liiMitifftcijoj: o. Ciott'.ng -rcra fcy f-er-
H,ur. ariicunt with nuJaditw
:$ inaured by .L iTAMtLiM aad TEA*-
itt.EKS prorided with thia admirable
KNM.>ru. or A MRRiBs or Salpnur
Hatha. 1/w.dretf la remcfod, tlie
t aii reUined, EJd graycfuM retarded
by it
I'll (CUB, AS Attn 60 CENTS per CARE,
FJAR BOA, (B CAEM.) WC. *cd fl 0.
M.B t. )MW*r tk Bkrtlf is. 'srjr. *! m.
" HHl*i Hair HJd WWaker By*."
lUark er brewa, 60 Ceatß
ACTUM A The ewty ww rwiidy Trial paeluuNi
2101 IIITLA /.a. !., 'l*vMianfl. 0
With Nhlrt Rupporter and
gjaila Mrlf-.l4Ju.lln® I'nd*.
mff*f Brcuriwllßkt.rn and t'erronraf
Jt J Body. *>••) Ouri and Ha. vr* of
JWTyL Form. Thrr (larntirnl* in oca.
/* VoS Appotred hy all t tirkli in.
A K N T M W a N T V Tl.
r,i,it'i„ ii£\ sun plr* hy mail, In t'oatil.s3;
IrSC'reTt Rattea n, II ft. To
I ' k ' k VI " frtttklrka. Order rice two
I*• fV / I nehea .mailer than wal.t roea
|MJ' fy .ureover thedrv...
tl. /iWfySlki %'arner Fro.. 7P3 Froaifway ,K.T.
100,000 AGENTS WANTED !!
11TORK FOR AM. In *ell th* Wn beat etihscr.ption
' * of Ihn yr let GKXI< 't STKIt'N
COHPhETE lelFfth elafftivtljr illuetratetl It u the
mfwt IkieinAtini Biography published in yean* It onn
iMins s full account of all his irrevt Indian fighte. 31.
CO AST, bwnjt a trip of over 15,000 miles by (ifon'l.l F.
Kueiinir, tjvken by order f the United State* Govern
ment. It ia elegantly illuatrated. A wonderful and
exciting trip. Price* very rcaMHiiblr. Everyone
ran make money ee'lmsr the e bo ka. Address,
SHELDON & CO.. 8 Murray St.. N. Y.
Yonnn Amrr)rPr...Co.,|h. .
MMI it it A v nr. SEW TOME. Jy| F
rlvawti anil ■>• '• ILMTI >•<!
• rll IkOh, prlulli.a rOM I "*'
£** M MMAIE Wk!ZJs&ola& I
c- -V ' prwCaesßfllP
i-ti i 1 .rl l ■ e - < Man: -l
OmUrtrrti. "m. Oati. b.MiiMi.
latest I I ma-iB.
11 .'rilllull andllfl / " •tuT"'*
l "T,!.'<"*
beUl t'oaut I azd fr ltluslrsle.l PHes &e.
WI tiro* & <SLBL> K. M. T 0.,
'Lot. BUBJ W I BAM Htn Var<.
A I'n uioUr
•f Ut
Great!. of ike Heir.
A I'.'rpanittia
Free from irrUatisf nutter,
• -
f , fr..,. , u.u '.lag tw
". W*D ,| DERL |4
IH* (TNHWNMBC 1U44 1M furat
• Utff* J-1 a Jat-I tsVßa Of
Cocoa-nut Oil,
rT '*•>? IF UTW f>urpMa*.
3S *U.e 4 | 4MKMM* (||
i"* *' *>*•<• '••<*
*4TU It* LUTVUI MrtwftllivM* v| (JKFF KE
MAC Lair.
II >nm ttrf |,tr FFLTK L.*RD S4 4r.
11 ".RITU# uttial'd tai)l .
if u ike AH am 4 <
l* rut tut! it
AmJ> eiai . ..,.4 w *►..
ETTIF CFURF 4* * > * M TRFUM EL* TBC . ftt
it *** <*%*" UKTLM| X
•*" \i* wui of <k luMr
"I RTSUUWMI I —-.'AJF, B*wf %
| vuii IK LEAD > IT lit TI TR I KAl
iltttuV.fullsL)' ¥U. A W*CL,M*<I *
111 r I 11> (ill! II
MM Uk 4I | &#♦ • kit ear** A'l * u AM
NM*M M P!.|K . " TIN* OO <NIOM! MM A Uoud
pynfim ! T<AUA| - IHr aOi
• •% ,icMfawif uf ila fciwifi immA 11 u |-r*4Mir<Md
fr"tM Laria runt* *t*d feifU, *rti of which is kifklf
rS* '■ %•. and i <4 m* t ami* 'UIITWD >b •:. • watiiw MM
UUwt.tMl DM t'ur-.lWi
W ill cure (L WEN OMP uf KMIFTTK
Is RRV *ITU* N I#*T L * P!;>.I tani ML<l A^ALNCALUM
\ E( i ETI N E
Curat Ll< TRMD .•( T ASKA
Wtii VRAHRAL* Hall KUUM tmm the J*(nr.
i TIRO the TT-*t IBMENI# (MM of KRYA*JM4U*
Hrui te? I'lttpira auid Mum ir fnui the PAM
( urw i tw!tj.aitm sn4 AUwuUiew Ihe HoeU
WI! con l)j*jiri**iA
I 'UTWA )Vt4 tM I'M) Si4<
Corw lV>n in the IWk
Kffarlaalt) cane K IDIWJ T .EAJIIAINT
la WFFORLIF-A In ila curs OF Fomaia WMKNEU
U the F REAL reraeiljr fur < .ENE-RAL IVtnlilj
H. R. STEVENS. Boston. Mass.
it Sold by jA\ DroinriiU.
•• lam Mliuxlnc th*ro ho w<• .!' A.* I ' r^ % m t.l r 3.1 ton (f nt u Ncvft® of "tf "
$13.75 of Choice New Books for One Dollar!
The following 8 Volumes of the choicest New Novels of the <lav. hjr the Greatest Living Authors, cost $13.75 in ordinary Book form in
the stores, but are sold for only ONE DOLLAR in the4>opuUr Unabridged and Illustrated " LAKESIDE LIBRARY " Editions.
JlL L , JSfi!;
Daniel Oeronda. By George Eliot.
volume Ileitis DOl'ltl.K sl/K numbers* "The Übrry." Price SO rent* each volume, or 40 cent* for the book as published Is numbered,
complete uork; by mall 50 cents. (Or.bnar* prvc*. In usual book form, 51.50 esch volume, or S3 00 for bothl) f* convenience In ordering as 65.40.ete..
From the Earth S. Moon. By Jules Kerne.
Trip Around the Moon. By Jules Kerne.
The Two Destinies. By Wilkie Collins. ! HS7' w,is <S£
. in L „ >■ ■ ■ No. 65. By the author of -John Rati- et*.; £v mail, 12 ctt.: etnxpt A o. 74-75, a
The Laurel Bush. By Miss Mulock.
n T a ~ So. 68. Jnst ready. Price, 10 cents: by kte Collins. < Ordinary price. SI *5.1
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SOLD BY ALL NEWSDEALERS. IJJiSC^^.'S'.'^Xijrta'iS&'SSSE: JHili'lifiSlu.
LAR. and the entire *et will Ie sent to vou tor return ail. poetEJijL.# HrtAk . tn -m nrA m n t.rt*inm#nt jiue* Verne. 8 Hint. (Or± price. $2 00.)
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and pleasure In the long winter evenings for monttu to rorrtf, rem ri " K 1 ll ' l ® Dick ma, ( Ordinary frier. $1.00.)
coat* lc* than any single one of them woald est ' Whde vXu buv the 68. MISS HITCHCOCK'S WEDDING
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books named above. Then wh. it each has read kit orders*?together we 64. A NEW GODIVA, by Stanley Hope,
really have the benefit of two *et at the ofone! a®toare - A rare _good atonr. M f QrA erteajh. 85T)
Any singletMk win be
above, as a sample, but l> ordering the IF" whole act at one tl"ie J2S •! iSrea t>X Jainea Payn. (Ordinary pries. Sl.n.f
which we then imy ouieelvea This Is the cheapest and beet reading ever offered. Address. 74-75. JOSHUA HAGOARD^DACGH
ljI8lni!"ti— H,?finJw .ortAtHlMn
*5 gsnvMs fttasaa. jsec
•mi ni.i.i.h at Himr/
l IS* *i?jr r Hitor)f of lh ' •nUwoit
f i'i aJi I 4 m*Nirfn v*t% rfun w I,OWW*#MftM
• if* •* f H. 'w.W| If * 111 SI 1 '•*>* AfPDto
tt "Wt^W*T" l rto.r,
437 Pull Mn, KM It
AM ko wieh in ilk r**| m 4 fair mlixM p*pm
imf iMmu, l tug lh* IIUMI at JWWUM**
UO4, ouM rMtl UM
tto l**du and ttapnawauur* MapakUaaa juaraal of
Uto Kovlii.
l)oll> I •wnrrrl.l, SID par raw. H3 aanu par
■a ■oik Try ft una anaO..
\\ rrb I y I wawatrrrlal, MHb arru*d. . Wariy
urmiad, toiofttilr aiikd a ..pi-tai fantb i . ntupai
am raa< 91 far mo urmlt* la Mt ..I lira'
fa I fto aaak. par raw . llt.U to lan or wwa. S | .Ml
i* aopr to alitor aduna aaaot (ran, part-paid, to ant
ail tfra.*
An Anai aulol la ararr R~nt.tta.knil, to wtwm oa
par TO pa* *an( <na>- .woaia.® ar a li>laa*a and
• tiaawe preaueua f ■ f *--r f-p inol 'Troalar Wi I panto
Ural Arlrrrtiatas llrdlam la lb* Naall,
Koto* and *t, warily and ..a.lHj a waalalwa a—ld
mrmi k*u mkl m mS ui miiw fm,
Addiaw. A. If. *>l*l.4 U|i:|>,* 'laaia i.L, Inatoatllr, Ur.
Music Boolts for Reed Organs.
Clarke's New Method
F"K unit Oft),ARM h/ .XI * aniaanalt,
ka-wa • a. to rr aaiil l4a la tu* inauaati,,
••ana and Ik* aail wfcuaa* aaa lur prweUc*
Getie's School
101 l I-SKUIK ORI.AK Ilif.M) to
"• **• JUMWW'WfiMi u i tm Uwt pf—rf mI no
Emerson's New Mcthcd
I'oM HKCM OH*.ASM nZ.IM .aUoMtdln
4itoutiutslitad y w mirn*l to ths lami
Root's School
Ui uIM sad Uart utoUiod* WuUl) Ums stel
Clarke's SI Instructor whf.AMt. So . sUwlstsd Ut *)
f*i4 •MMUmmcl I Umisttaiofa
Winner's New School
K I'ABIKrr oltl.AN 74 .la latoailwaiwai
•Md Ml MSfltui' SMUf iuUrucUaAl t*MMt
Organ at Home,
Uaptm *3 cktis SI irsU ba tt*3 *mh
IAm Kdi4 Orgu p<mom>
K'U*i H*4 wtoibd pMI frM, fur ftdwaju Cms
t . H. UITtaUN A I 0.,
til Hraada-ai! N'ra lark.
J. K. IMTfeON A I 11.,
aoonan la liT* A *alli I*l,ll a
Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Tina wall town raoaadf Aaa italalaa taaar
Wonderful Cures,
And wwaural ao nianf to kanDA. tuai M rtar
oaliad b all afeu bara ri)rm-al iu rtn at „
The Standard Remedy
f>* tba IwiMnpl Rial and atom at
C a|to. alda, * Tliraal, llaararar-a.
M baaplat I aaph. lalirnu. Braarlollia,
tllMrattr af HfralkUd, AMhao.
IHrtatorla, Iraap, Pain ia ik
toidr and Hrraat, N|>ttlia at
lllaad. |aiaar, liatkiatr,
and rrra irmtaa
P in
If you hart a Cough,
Use Wistar's Balsam.
If you have a Cold,
Use Wistar's Balsam.
If you have a Sore Throat,
Use Wistar's Balaam.
If you have Bronchitis,
Use Wistar's Balsam.
If you have Asthma,
Use Wistar's Balsam.
If you have Influenza,
Use Wistar's Balsam.
If you have Whooping Cough,
Use Wistar's Balsam.
If you have Croup,
Use Wistar's Balsam.
If you have Consumption,
Use Wistar's Balsam.
If you are Hoarse,
Use Wistar's Balsam.
For all Diseases of the lungs,
Use Wistar's Balsam.
For all Diseases of the Throat,
Use Wistar's Balsam.
For all Dlseaaeft of tho Chest,
Use Wistar's Balsam.
Prepared fcj ktTII tt . FflU I.K A HON**,
Ml ll.rt>.on Arvsar. !!<~tnn. and .aid he all
llrndtM.. ."Ml root, and SI i kadi*.
25 v\ r,
855 877
$66 Wnrw Tifw **4 to uu
'III ■ . : \ ,|.t
"• •••
$5 to 120K."WViST.
a I > "•* • iwj, <Hr w> '■< uo
(pi M torn. In* _ 1 lll'KT .*> . Agenda, Mom. _
- 1 rw ivrr
Drum i/rD ■
1C VULwX.nvt>ntiiii.. mnnMr" lu
7"E RMfifif MUtk* VM.
priycinM<i "* •'"•' b "* &*•</ dtaj.wt. in.
• MMni ■*• | lid Adr.,.. **H < .rcnUf
tn* T. Mem**?** *>. lot .tonwrnm . FWin.Fs
(lav f? V • wulr ->th *•!
,71 I ll* I J I ITC I ' I(I O.ißl. UkivalM* I'm
Hit A km rai'aAtar ruaii. lui futuai M.,)hnryrk
A* U ATI 111 A Oraat, a. ftopl.
Xja w.tob aaa UuUH fr. to Aa*M Naitor Umm.
194* <'••<* A.ldra~. A '.'l I T.k A iA . < . *
•Ann A Maaih. Aaa. waaiad Ail tot a
W* la*, a torpar aato tnr Ifatoti'a t'a.iaal '>*asl
Myrup to*a f..t ■. .aim* auutx tit. "I lAa k,d Wa Rama
l tola all Uta ..n alant.rd I.x. Koaa an. la rnrll
dnuaad FUttT 4 DaVTu*.
(.KM IIKATKU. I—l i I3> K—ta a.
Jl t*. nmer (ATI . ma* ... atot. ItoM
utaa la. t M cMrta *7,f \T WAKTKU Addraaa
k. l. JKkklWi", lirrp, I'M*.
WMIAHTFn S4IJMMII* i- i.aada
ABICU w ito-aiwra. I.IBKS4L All
Inidua aiuanaoa t. : ... Sn Addrato
11. 1..1U111K1 U A CO* CmrtmmS, oM.
Pd 7fO IA A* ;r*rt. lor', mrmt. U Haal town
Aalat^ftVctoalw tuau
aattoibt Hnalkltotl. TN Naaaan M . Hula.. Pa.
HIODERB PABTILLeS!;E tfl *Vl.m,"^A*t".
ilfMv. u. atMk.
31052S 55^2iL"X"^
W• RP ■■ MM m tok da a. m . . ton if 1m I..Mr
J awllhaSlsSKwfßSi MASA
WilTCn M*to •.tolas tvrdat. tor ear (uada;
AF " t U rrrß.arl,,t airalt (.Mtai
toladf. 1t... t,, ,lt#,x. |.tl t| t |a,n*.
ialaa ladaUtl.l Mark. .aali.O.
dtl'tfUT % %'raraad lipraarator-d Aoivta.
~l M M F *. aaa waakad anaryakwra ia a tovHf
tottad. aad y;aato*t lf,..iw.t. Karltoaton traa,
AAdlaaa J. U pUTII A i d., W. la.U, Ala.
I.M wan. dkdkdka. pa. I Bdl ttoMsaak
,<'..!uMto fur fam aoutop. kl a aatklj
ctuai * ....• • Htill O aa4 naali f|aU.
raatoaaS. f*lwrt u4 tnawabla. k
.44.111..1ap Jan. T. Sl'Hllato.aai < iaeiaal. Oka _
PVninifP "laaUnlto "1 OMPM*
oUmMi ami.* aat (n*. MOKI.Ik A- I'O.,
• k-4 |i* fcr*-ul Ntnart. I* < KL. sa:l*i. .a— Vurfc.
I ■, urr*t4c mmainiiiit \m tiwmrewar of X*m HkmtUn Wmim
'l' |,< I J - Tka ctoanS ia Ika varM Itoptolan'
■g , prwaa U'paat
• t.t-t" attiaj. .tatodl Trada .tasaatlu -
Jli' fewTtoMktor to "kuKkf
WKU> 43 Ymrnt to Sow V*k 1* II h . 13*7.
I ap*. J ark aad I.real Awrrirma. ito. iwto Straw.
karria. Tto amn r S*da.. *Bea<iaea)
torn)w.tkad Uto. toanarr pi,Z;l. Imu) for Ctoa
taraa *3**. * J
■ prUTC lawar a f tto annutd Tin HUto
IhrN I 21 Wktod*toMJ tototoatoansauac
V I *# upua paw wark fall and am
tto Tka alt t- tkm a. t aarUußd
iKSb. **r**r. MaM'a Macr ■■>...
. tr Mu poraant.wa.aa. |art.,. id akM r
•Sf wM lana tw **rd b tkuk *4 ln.r
a. tor HuMkot to. . .:k .r •
.JMEaA tor. .a tvmrj wan, ar at "ay craw .1 • rw
Knt-fiAAttiaM. m 4 Urgm Dm-cliat A*4f IJ<a
:rid Hnmt A ctC* Yetrlj, Kfdo , jo<4 trm*
NSMB. ill—inlo. Mttk' lAmodf >t AiQ'ifWMt
V JKNNIV&* Uhlfkii,. kT | • f . If. S< . N v,
Opto Hatoi •*£ . -i:*T
> KJCK aa rwctog. of aiamj- A kdnaa l>r Hot t* Pasns
*ar>.Ha. ItX^lASikSm. Rt U.u. M
■■ titan Lamp iJtotaaay.. !*M|
BttrStof. Aptoatofto *, i,u|> rtottdAu tor
SI .ZOO a rear, taato aad UaiwHtai ...wan. paid U
pHdaai SaftoidAOas. Ku nto. Sato to.lam pta^
a tU* Amartoait atarkto.
B. 11. 1111111 l A I O- HISI i.SJtATL OfflO_
IfIHVPE Tha aaatoAlan mar. aad
TAHKP Mkrtrk
I nnnlib m. B>..nt. p.->'> ...ap aaa nM-ul
m me v . A *no
□ I BIIP 1 r-u }m 3 ton#.'- rap-to. J.J* A3.
Mffts—Vb ■ 4
Tb# Ft K li:V I'MON. KaWtkknf kilaarw
w r> I la, Miaa.. a fmui u< tto yr.,l Wi.t aad
*tnrk lUwu.up lntontoa of Urn K.atAwMt FarUaa aba
tttouin or wnamtipUlr amw Wto aad wth I' kmn
owararaaa. wak iks llti .nap*" V.t|a aad tto- to*,n(u|
awwatry toaal to tb. ft.- -■ RHar.khnald •el.-torika
for Ik* I INMFKk' IM.h.tW .-a.y Ar*ri.laral
uapar ia t t. art*. Tarat. k.'.l.t jw r Jut
kl aitoa. •!.!. IVtol t Man ITrrw kftoafca 5 i.-wia
Itoyw tm Ar-lnaa, FAIUIIKk' l>|ll>,
iftaarapallm. Mlaa. Ft, Ad 7i-r*.4fctagr 1— rpmm K w
tl:* hWtt CKM>ikNfe_Ul N.dFfhWMMa _
It ewataia. oa-tr'j Ilk) raw aswai. to it- tt lm.*..
wad nm to tba Oraat MHMk md >• Uto •!?
aatkaour t-ad r-awplato tartar. _r ' .t-tod. It ttoat. to
Um praad tarftdtoaa. wto.-y.rfa! ** .#.. ruytortun.
. 1 .*>*<*, tor. varr atoas *d ■* .1 asM, into
\a. • 1 wM Ik rapw* m -tow d.y tod for rtof u
urn to Apwato i*fl • I nil 4rwrr|Una '-uasto.
Afdratto. XATHJKAI. t* 'i! ImIIWs •1> .
Fkiuitctrku, i a.
r> A TTTTmU Canr'Anbto . >.* .. I - .A. am
IAU 1 A Vtal . tto IIX ! r. arw brirrt *. u.t Iwd
tv- a-, b* dwowttod tuw t u. *a roc ft y ■*.#
wwwr 900 ppi s< Btorty ACQ *" r- toaka.
WO\BBUTI kin BA! *4.000 af lk
Sail .a OUdiy ft brttot Or wflr rsrti plrtS tow rto
,-wrd 1770 Jto/f. al. *f~VO tw.i,iu to tfca j-nr.
M.I *r*. ci-KHd baiW.apw. ** .Mrto. rf al r.kU-i,
rafnlllra arral Myato- UlkHlkitdnf Pi
rhwuirr tku • .lum tirrt kod. "aw. On ■*
an rWwi ftIAU 4 wto- 3*ooow'ia*tt
Sto*4 *>-toi. f prwnl ~rJ-w.tpms, wf, mc
aad yitojiwyiwr*.hB dnwrito*"..l*d torn
HrsSAMi Sat* . Pu<m , rhlta P . I Mn
OAllTintl Hrwitit to (aMjr t.s ttSatl wad
CAUTION ZatttortitowErXad 4to pr—f.
w infnumij. BS— rtw —SL.
] y. w. c. •
Yf •* um y MW iftc u4vcruo*
mmmi tm tMt