ENGLAND'S EASTERN POLICY. The Ti'niir ol itir I >i'ri i hr> of I'srl Grnnvltle nnl the MnrqaU ol llnriliiatnn. Dftailinl rep of Lords. and the Marquis of Hartington m the Hratc with RIISM# alone if the other J>ow ors de oliuoil to act, Karl Granville said: If the g vermnent intlneiuv were used in persuading Eannie in one body to come forward aud insist, as thev have a moral ami just right to do, that Turkey shall perform the promisea she has -> long delayed, the result eon Id not lie doubtful. It may be said you are not able to persuade the Kuropean jmwers. - but I am not sure that the impression does not prevail that England is theouly obstacle. At all events, you would not t>e muoh worse otV after making the at tempt. Will anylsnlv till me that if once the Turks got it into their head* -if they really lieiieved thai not only Eng land hut the whole of Kuro|O 1- HlVSO lutely and seriously in e-uuesd m the matter that Turkey, which up to this moment has luvu influenced by one p. ov er, could resist the united powers of Eu rope? 1 lielieve it would Iv utterlv uu necessary to resort to coercion; I believe, if the government will follow that course, they wtil meet with great success, mat they will receive the >\>ngratnlat,ous ami approval of all parti** aud all class, > of this country. The Marquis of Hartington said: There art* some among us I trust that the government do not Ivlong to the number- who l,iok with ialtnui s>, it not satisfaction, at the ptv>sjv's-peeeh in the House of Commons can signify nothing but this, that he cannot admit the great powers have done with the proposals of the eouference because they have been rejected bv the Porte, nor allow that the new Turkish constitution is to be taken as an answer to the w isii and appeal of the powers. The I'd! Mall Gazttte thinks that the government in the I. mis and Com mons have sj>keu with different voices. It adds: Perhaps Nlidha! Pasha's fall and E 1- hem Pasha's accession may have sug geeted to certain members of the adimn istratiou thai Lord Salisbury's threaten ing language at the close of the confer ence may te rejwated with advantage now. Tasting of the Rector's Legs. The rector of a rural parish in Eng land visited a lady parisliioner who kept a Pyreneeaa wolf-dog, aud the good lady took the young rector into tlie garden to see the doe. He enterevl the garden a placid, clean, and contented clergyman, but he was destined to emerge from it a demoralized, denuded, and partially disintegrate*! mall. Tlie dog was young, but ha.l ..'ready learned the difference in flavor between the legs of the footman, the " buttons," asid tlie housemaid. It certainly was not his fault that when he saw his first clergy man. in the person of Rov. Dr. Owen, he mentally remarked : " Here's some thing new in legs," and promptly pro ceeded to collect data with a view to their classification as a species distinct from the household legs with whieh he was already familiar. No sooner hadjthis enterprising animal made a few preliminary sniffs at Dr. Owen's legs, and tasted a trifle of coat tail, than he retired a few paces, in order to get a fair start, and then sprang upon his victim with violent and deter mined yells. For the nest five ntinn*. s the air was filled with fragments of cloth and clergyman, and a welkin, which hapjvened to !••• conveniently tnur, rang like a patent railway switch bell. Mrs. H-neywuod, with great presence l l>een left lwhind. Fearful that the accident might erente a coolness between herself and her spiritual guide, Mrs. Honevwood wrote him a note, ajxjlogizing for the playful ness of her pet, anil hoping that it had not caused him "any inconvenience." She also sent him a j*artiallv chewed rag, remarking : "I found tlie inclosed piece of cloth on the gravel walk, and send it to you, as I think it belong* to yonr great coat, mid you may be able to put it in." Htrange a- it mar seem, this cheerful note did not pr sluce the desired effect. The rector answered it, but he also procured a summons requir ing Mrs. Honevwood to answer the cliarge of keeping n dangerous wild beast, and she was final $2.10 for in dulging in the luxury. Beeging Letter*. " Hermit" writes to the Troy Tim** saving : ft is now said tl*t since Com modore Vanderbilt's death his widow has received many applications for charity. The newspaper rejwirterH no longer per secute the family, but the flood of beg ging letters is almost an equal annoy ance. Mrs. Vauderbilt finds tliat le*r SBOO,OOO lias attractions for the public. Writing begging letters is n bnsiness pursne*! regularly by a rls*s of inijxis tora, and some philanthropist* will re ceive a score a wi k through tlie season. Writing threatening letters is also a de partment of secret literature, though seldom pursued, because it may lie pun ished by statute. Begging letters can not be called very profitable, but there are some who contrive to get a living out of them, and tlie ingenuity displayed in this craft is surprising. There is, for in stance, tiie inventor, who lacks So of se curing a valuable patent; also the clergyman, whose library is under levy, and the ambitious student, who has con secrated himself to future usefulness and is short on his !>oar voting diK'tor- on the isvaajon of it- Uiirti —i*l 11 commencement tLiia has an orysir.■ > ,1 arm* ui- ami dam* aged the, woodi II a)proacli to the gteal tiridge to the evtoiit of f .Mt.i mi, li will take aw< < L at lea-t to nut the I iridic" m a iMiiiltlioU tit for a-. .Walter \lken lot III* rt-ldelux ill I'ranklin h|la N. II . lo lire. No m-urance. bear Admiral I .out* M Ookl-I*>roui;h died ui Washington of typhoid pneumonia, •god wevnity two. lb etiten.i the na*y at the early ag< of *e*en and *er*r*t UitMiigh all tlie rank-. On* make- the -ivth admiral !>■ die within a month The nmUr|>e-t i- -plead nig iu Tnglarid I P. kenned*, hidf.c of the ilarraoi eolttit* owirt. wa killed by tl, Keiimd*, hi- nephew, at Lancaster, K* .over a vlifliciuty litowiiii; cut of a lawsuit, The-mtu dor *a- am -led. New V oikr- 'i.vnu-tiarie-'.exl turonicucarryiu i trunk, and on inve-tigauug the cam no r tam<*l that they war. burglars who ha.l jut rot Usl a lace -tore of gv**l to the value of ?t3.lN*l. with which they were hurrying off the (tertuau cuipeior, in In- i the opening of the reich-tag. e\pre**el the opinion that tin I* ace of Furpjve would m t ls broken . IVm men were uu-tantly kille-t by theev plosioti of the Ivwiri ef a {sutable sawmill at Vlford, two mil. - from IVtei-burg, Iml l our ■tbers werv -. .rreiy mjurtst V man who *ra rv*iraim*l froiu committing stissde bv tumping from a New York ,1.- V. IMtmiVM .!:( tie hat JtV-l JTlVid f olli King-ton, West Indies, ami that srhtUi tin:, ho bad nmlvbod a mau. Kwr -me* be laid lve* n #*• hawutevi by iNan—•tenee and remorse that he mi-bed to end hi* nuserwlilc < xu-teiico. Ws-huvgh u t uth day vva- cel. 'orato.l with tin u-ue! cu-tom ihrongh.int the coiuitry A s-a da) m niger having eu\-u!.*txl stones defamatory of tin haractef of Mrs. lxti* C. browui. a u tle 8i rrud , -uau of \ w Vork, tho matter prewsl uj-.n the unsidot Mr-, llrower, a- to nn hinge her thUilect and cau-e her U> c.>muul SUK' J. b jmii)ytng frv>m th ton of IK* hou-. . Four men were lu-tantl* kUhslarwl ►< tea inj-.m-l to at oiler explosion in the t'Ufttm nail f ictory m INvinerov. Ohio. One law sra- blown -evelily feet m the air. V l and of lti.l an ma*!e an attack on Sp*ar ilsll City, near lVadwood, Dakota, but were driven off without any damage having l**a ,bne. Another hand of -avages drove off a uiuuKrof cattle frvwn the Fa I- bottom region. . It 1- rv ;-T!ed that Adelma F.itt* elo|sxt from St. Vet with N colm.. the ten r, and that the prima donna's hu-b.*i,d. tlie uiam .pits >f i \.l*, f 4kwc*l tliiui. .llu llns-iaii are budding pouUsiti Irulgi- and tin Turk- arc csillec .iug vast .piantitirs of arun> au*l amtnuui ti*ai bUer* is a proixw>ition afoot to wind up the affairs of the Shavrmnt mauraiu*. cvtn ;anv f lk-ston A temporary WjuneUou bv. u is-.led to prevent the furtlu r trau-ac tion of bnaiiwa- by the St. 1 . .n i ivjumbia Uf. itisnraiK* com par* Alary Sullivan, an in taate of th> Snake lull yN. J. l almshouse. w coathievl in a vNill fvV in-uU.rdiuation, and. after beum locked ui. -* t her tied on t ie in an effort to light her pijie. before she could t>e rescued ah* was so wv, rely htmted a- to dn within a few hours. J. 11. briukirhiiff, wvretar* of th* New Jer -ey Mutual insuimttoe company, ha- U-n ar re-ted f r perjury ui w*armg to a false anr tial •utiiiietit of tlie cutnpauv A St. 1 < m graial jury fotmvl tndatateuVsagainst the pre-i --dcut and secretary of the lufr Association of Amenca, for |wrjury iu -igtung a fai-*- state uMut f the company's accounts It is-ap that the Herman lark Franklin, which Wft New York Janttary third, for Hamt iirg, ha liecti ! -l with all on levard Conditions i f pear* bctwi- u Turkey and Servia have lx*ea -igiu-d by the reprv -etiUtives ef the two pow er- .. .John O Maheney, the dead Fenian •chief, wa* bnrvd in Cork with mnehixreimmy. The funeral procession wa- a mile long, and was witnessed by thousands.. . Fighting still continue- in the Central American State-, w here Oeu. AA'ilches defeated the guerrillas of tiuasca and baldarama, having fought theni in Santau def. Four hundred *ra kiU.cl, three hiuairvd wounded and throe linnilmt made pn->'tur-. . charge of the Rio Grande region for amuutver of year* past, and who has made him-elf so ot-N. XH>US to the Americana, has at la-t l---n p'.a. ixl under xrrest for not pre— nuiig hims* If m the city of M* lieu when ordered by Vrv-Hi< lit I 'tar. It t- Utetigh: lie will lie -hit A conflagration iu Vhbvk-livlii* de-troyod Fox's American Thea ter. the Mercantile "Library. Roger's wag. it warehouse and a rnuutw of stores. The IUMMM were heavy ami but fartially insurvsh • Otic man was killed by a falling bmlduig and sevt ral wverely mjured ... A isilorej woman m New York left bar two -mall duldi* n in a led while -he went i ut. and shortly afterward the r.- ui was discern n*l to Is- on tire. A {wiliceman bravely ru-hid in and took the ehililren from the t'uriung ted. hut they died a few hours laur from burns r.--ivi-d . . ..The reis-nf -tvrtn was exceedingly vmlent on the coa-t, suEnum ber- of live- wvrc lost. Tlx- sch