THE CENTRE HEPOHTER. THURSDAY SKTT. 7. It 7*. LODGE MEETINGS. ( ira: -UU. Lov-sr. >*. R4.1. O. of 0.. I*-. v * Yiit# Iti tli->Oo.t letl"*# ,1 ■: 1 **-. M p. S.JMI, A O .11 F.IHT > -i ,\ . KIT. R * W„ w--t# ;n X >l*y *r*n\ \K. on t *fler ©nch full *n<wi in the < Follow* HMI. ... .. v ! IISHP kf.r. S<cl. W. P MIKOLV. W M Vn ;nrMi ;A\. r Pot H, troet* >n Sat ard*: <o -i nor ftor ©ach full thrlr HF ,1 j- AWWKY. Y .Mi A ofVitr> Hall, toooto In tb* tM*m*ni < • • Int lioran V<r* V follvr© IHvm * * 1 M ,\ IH A ami 4th l-VKiAjr ©v**in*o|\ V n \:-s .PnA.m Mr i rix . lt ** 1> i* , lit .\i \lr? 11no*, tx© Sth rrtaojr r #w • i fc ■•( ail'*nonth bavin* llv© Friday*, M. I 4! i,-nv. P T. KWH Prrulonf. SiHttvtA'J LOCAL ITEMS. Oar friend- w ii! oblige bv roili#jt us Item- . 'eoal now# in their \ienlity, g ye a# the ( ; only, ami wo will rat then in shape, !#.> notice* of death? and ma .Ti nges. , Any one sending as the mines of i.vo . w Suhscri! . •■*. with |L> - si, will be , . i titl .1 t < receive the RKPORTXR onov #ar i i';-,. JUPORTRH bring ml by nea-'y ev i TV IwJy on this of the county. i A Va ill PO* 11 R. re-t(l inK outside of Contra county. nWouW re m!au 10 cent#, yearly, for potto go wl i h pnv he-e , thi# reduoi - the postage to onw-J •> L - "he Mini t ai l by them tor one year's postage was *JO , !#. —-k.v-i-any of oar patrvis being ;n ar rc.t f-r number of yc -i, we shall en .' - ebi # m the ; ) stvr-. and trust to h "ar fr>"". .oh. As the suras are only small, it is ; >s# 'Co for all to remit, Please send 'he needful. Remember -bat if \ our taxes are not P", i thirty dry-before election, tht y>u loose your vote. I". member mit if v mare r.t reg •- lere.l - sty dvs before election you can no vote. —— I*l.e K i orte ■nt the c.-e el the c;tut' s.l.v or ■ r: : - t-r dit to yir neigl.hs r. ar.d help the •-J cause. - week reo un nm -ded tl it the > ard bet we n court-house an : j.a be fen. eh —i' ' r ■ over lV:-:.s Tick at K, r ste'ter- Forks will likely be an iron one. A .1 -■:! of C 'iters, Ohio, has offered to put u > an ir. n bridge .'or $1 111*. Wo '; eve tl ,m> i.ey has not yet be. n ra'-ed Ob. what a railroad set they are! AY, te they .vrr <n earnest about it Mr Ira T. Cottle has opened n new j X . l uie tab ishnuM tin this town lie ts ' a g iw. rknt&n, and can give you fa.-!.- ' tenable fits. Encourage him with yovt i patronage. See his card. Our town-man, Mr. D. C. Keller, : aw as aa M which from Nor. t\ lt>7"> to | 1 Sc. :. 1, i-:.*., a period of -Ik week, and k ■ dav.\ haa the ■' lUoviat placed to her creu- 1 ' t llutter tnado 2eo lbs. : Milk old SU quarts N Cream sold 13 quarts, j the : mount realised from above items s j J-.' v,b his exclusive of milk and c* aus lin Mr. Keller's iami'y during ( t! ,:nc or 1J- Ac- iid cow certainly „ new. A r,g bor thinks he cvght £r 1 a t ji'o at Centre HtlL 1 AVe call the attention of the publ'e j to tie a IT. ,: J. l.n C. Miiler, WHA contir- . t; - in the d. Jg, dry go. ds and grocery ; b. if -- and offers the be-t inducements to cn-toine-^. Xir •: \x is i i name, and tho No v l'.;gb- Clothing llall. on Allegheny street, Bi llefonte, is his place,—whore he sel's clothl-ig ar i everything in his linelt to lo percent, cheap, r than any body else. It will ; ,iy you to go ar.J purchase of him. | lie means business. Abram V. Jliller and l'sniel U. . K . were appointed revenue storekeepers , for t! Eighteenth di-trict of Pennsylvh- •_* nl i Mr. R"te is of Asronsburg and was o: ve as-p- tve in the Reporter ofßcc. ] AV- c;;'ste Dan upon his appoint- j . m.r.t Mr. Miller, we believe is from ■ Pleasant Gsp. , Abo L .2'.*. known to pretty near a 1 j tbo subscribers of the Rojiorter still movi * a 1 1 :.s his being. The Freeburg Courl. r I s:.*tctum was honored with a visit from AV tbeoi'erday. Tiie C-.urier says : i 1 t' • :n; :• n tramp, 'Abe L-ry'i ' d- ;;■ d in on us yesterday. Ab ha#,! * s cttjearly pring, tramped Snyder. Ml.'-!", 3 . Hoaiiltgdoa, Blair and a part of Bet- j ® ford counties—but has not spoiled his | delicate hands with any kind of labor.'' ' A dwelling house belonging to:' AV am Spangler, of Eaglevtlle, wI; j bu i til to the ground last Thursday n' • w about five o'clock in the morning i 11 I i sup; osed to have caught from u| 1 defe v tlur. Alost of the furnitutu! f was sived.— RtiuHican. - Tun Muß r.burg Telegraph of la-t we k lear: -of tho following damage done t by lightning in I. nion county: Sev- :< ca shceti killed in Ea c t Buffs o t twp. belonging to Abram Aurand;ll thii p killed in Keliy twp., the property of • Hon. Cyru- Hoffa; a horse, in pasture, b> - . 1 ngir gto Da: icl Oldt, oppoeite New Ber . lin. killed ; an apple tree in this borough , marked; two horses prostrated near Nc* j Berlin but r, tinjured. At the time. Mr. , Ch -. Oldt was riding one of them ar.d lending the other, r.r.d he says the h-t' bb t aff.-cted one of his cheeks—warmed , it completely. Mr. Edward Davis, residing in Jackson twp, Cambria county, is the ! t -.'.her of twenty five children. That fel- ' 1 .-, v,:. liavefo buy his groceries at Sc. h -1 : s the only way I>j make enJ* meet. On ■ tiight, tart week, aoincper-or. or pi: ons hi l{c-d them- Ivts to several bu : - • >f poaches from the premises of Mr. , 1* .'-trior, at Aaron.burg, and not sat'sfiid w it'.i that, sawed off one of the fees ard ; cut i circle around a second one, and thin i. .. rc-.t his stable and cutoff the tail of bis c< ,v. on the perpetrators of .-m h , malicious mischief—if they get into the clutches of the law they will find their of fer.-c a serious one, and tba penalty tub 1 us will not soon be forgotten. BITTKM NR A SXAKKL— On last Fridi y morning, Mrs. Caroline Gronette, who re rid:'.- near W idham'a brewery overthe ri •- er, w:.- bitten on the third fingerofthc left hand by a copperhead snake. Mrs. Gra nt! e, v, ho is 78 years old, had taken some hrcaa to the cellar, a id was about placing it upon u table, when she discovered a dark looking object thereon, and thougbi -1 es-ly picked it up, when she was horrified ' to find the mass to be two snakes, one of which bit her. She immediately gave toe alarm and a physician was c monad, who at once administered about a pint of whis ky, uliich had the de-ired effect, and we are glad to say that Mrs. Gronette has so far recovered as to be around again. Im mediately after sho was bitten her baud and arm became swollen and of a dark_ color.—Lock Haven Democrat. BRICK FOR SALE —First class brick will be kept on hand for sale at Zerbj's Centre Hall fcrieu yards. These brick are offered s> low that it will pay persons at a distance to come here for them. Intending U> continue in the manufac ture of brick they will be kept constantly on hand, and fair inducements offered to purchusars. 17 aug if. D. W. ZEBBE. Ohio Stoneware, all shapes and siz es, wholesale to merchants, and at retail, at Sechlei's in the Bush house block. From the many flattering testimonials we have reaJ, paying tribute to the Beatty l'iuno, and Beattv's Golden Tongue Or gans, we are constrained to recommend them to any persons contemplating pur chasing ur instrument of either descrip tion Address the manufacturer and pro prietor, Daniel F Beatly, Washington, N J., for any infonnotion respecting the k Aarae. See advertisement lin L' AVe have tried Bower's Mend at Drug Vitore and it is just as good as Bwv say it is—just the thing for a Warm Kljejh ..oling and delightful. 4t MILLER, Fashionable Tailor, Aa ■u g. Shop few doors west cr Dr. 4may -f I" B •*; wu tgwj-h woijr 1 For the Reporter. ' MR. r.NITOR: 1 will endeavor to pive R sketch i f the graiol C> nlcntiial Bar k. I Firii.c held 'n the bcuutiftilgrcvo of Fred orick rietchor, on theJM. t>n tho morn ing of tho 1X. about b o'clock, tho different rchoolsmet at their usual plaoos of nioct ingainl the schools formed in order by the marshal, after which, Mr. Adam A'carick, Chief Marshal led tho process ion formed bv scholars of tho Emanuel soli ol to the centre of tho village . where the ptoctssion of the Lick Run school joined in and they proeci.led to by the furnace, Salora band taking the lead and joined the schools of Howard and Gurlin township. At the low er end of the b. r, ugh tli- different schools were f. rtned in line and proceeded to the grove, where there was music by the band, prayer by Rev J. K Millet and addressee by eminent speakers and singing by members of Emanuel school and also Lick Run sch vol after which all proceeded lo partakeof iho rich feast provided for the occasion, when more addresses followed and singing and music by the band The addresses were made by the follow ing speakers : Rev J K. Miilet. cf McEwcnsville. Rev. Sart.- el of Jacksonville, John I*. Packer, of 1.0,-k Haven, and 11. U Benson, of Brad ford county. The number of vehicles present was IJO, and from sex en to eight hundred persons. At about four o'clock the different schools wore !'ei med in order by *h-j Chief Marshal and tlirn startisl for their laspeetive homes Number of schools present tw o Howard, two from Jack sonTille, two Irom Curtin township. It w as a grand affair plenty to cat and drink and lots ot eatables taken home. P. V housekeeper -b.-uiJ learn I'-at dried and i . n.-ued fruits can now be bcuglil cheaper . v. Su hler's thuis p,-ople cau put them ut. tl cn'-elvc- You get a belter article, and , a., the labor. They keep every kind. G < and see about it. J A J. Harris keep up one of the h av I,#: stocks --t hardware in this part of the state, and you can buy to advantage there always One trial will prove it. I There was a girl in our town and ah.-i was wonderous lame, she ran a heavy ew . : g machine from which the trouble came,' but when she saw how lame she was with i ll her might and main, she bought a new "Domortio" and wa< - -on all right again. New recommendations freighted with p'ai.-c and entire satisfaction, are con stantly tendered to Daniel F. Bvatty. Esq., proprietor and manaiacturer of in strument- of rare merit, known as the Bct ty j".tao, and Realty's Golden Tongue Or-' gans. Advertisement elsewhere. Im. A jaw-breaker for Gen. Beaver and a term which strained his knowledge box. is, "Fleiligor Dunnerwetter." For the cenetit cf Bellefonte lawyers we give them a translation of thi.- rather contrudi. to y •.'•r:n "Heiiiger" means A. ,'y. ar.d "Dun nerwetter" means thunJergust, hence. Holy tluic.dergusL Give us credit lor $o for furnishing the information will take our pay in advice, if ever we get in a scrape. The other day a fellow was going down towards the depot in a great hurry, and cur:o-ity lead persons on the street to inquire whether he was bound for the Cen tennial nnd his reply was, "Thunder, no! I'm b -and for i-ecblers which is the next thing to the centennial, costs you nothing to sc- and can save money besides by buy ing groceries there—git <->u:,o my way." The The graduates who lately left the Reporter office to "set UP on their own hook, ' we are pleased to learn, are all d. ing fineiv. Garvcr & Meyer who left us over a year ago and look charge of the orth Co Times, in Grant City. Mo., are putting out a spry democratic paper full of life and snap, an.l seem to be dropping some greenbacks into their till. Tbcmas 11. llarter, who left early in last spring for Nevada, Ohio, where ho took possession of the Nevada Enterprise, which ho improv <d in its appearance and added spice ard. new life to its columns, reports hinlseit doing a profitable business. These were all good and well behaved young men while learning the art preservative iu the iiepvrter office, and it affords us real pleas ure t' note their success. Woods, the -lage driver, who was before c.urt on charge cf as auliupon Mr. Medara, of Gregg township, at Centre Hall, a few week# ago. plead guilty, and was sen tenced to pay costs, a fine of $lO and 10 days in county jail. Tin Herlacber vs Durst case, conspiracy, wa- postponed to Nov term on account of witnesses Cloyd Mcrtx and John From ab-; s-nting themselvs, as we noticed in' last week s Reporter. From appeared v ur.tarily next day, Wednesday.and w.a imprisoned for his conduct tut released cr. giving SoOO bsi for his app-.arance at N >- v< mner term. The brick work on the new Luther an church at Rt-bersburg is about complet ed. It will make a handsome edifice her. finished. AVe hear a rumor of an intention toj take up the track and abandoning the rail-' road between Milroy and Reedaville. AN ej - ippo-e the cau-e will be the completion i ofthe L. C. A S. C. IIR iat > Pcnnsvallcy. l'oor Milroy! this is a worse joko on it; than on Snyder (county.) / On Friday some portions of oar! vullcy had a soaking rain On Monday af ternoon ditto, it has been coolsir.ce. t'pring NX ills has petitioned for ftj road and a county bridge, from tho pike! to tho depot. S. Pou-t, near Kebersburg, puts out many buggies and nice ones 100. Rev. I)ornb!aer, and wife nre Annie Shannon, of Ke.osa" City, Mo,, re here on a' visit. Dynamite is u-cd for blasting at the Paddy .nountain tunnel. BRIEF YOM MIK OHRESCHLIT ZEK. Liswv.n REPORTER Nctemger wehs <lio Bedeiling vom Wort "Candidate," deswege will i< h prowiere de rechle Be grifl' von dem vielgcjmte AVort zu explone. Ciindidnt komt vo;i Candidas (latin) un host in unsercr sproch "weiss." Die refer ers-nce von dem Wort uf die allowai'ig Mening is now die : In der alto remischr Rcptlblik war dei rule, dti3 eniger, der (ir en Amt lauft, beim Lectioniro im e lange wreisse Gwand sich hot wc-iso mis.e, drr just geguckt hot wie e loer Repper, wo die Weibslcit ollewail wehro ; die Kc mer hen dem Klcd de name tunica gegebe Die Patricier odc-r remitc-be Gvosskepp. die fire hoch Amt, wie firSenatoderoni ebhes gcloffe sin, liahbc als e sign de re misciie Adler ufder Brastgc'tragc; l'lubcer oder die cornmenc sort Leit, uwer, di' Candidate wore fir ordinare cmpter, ware without so e sign A'on selle wcissc Tu nics her hen mer des Wart Candidal kriecht. Suppose now, es wer seile alt re mish Rul bei uns in feshen, wie det M 1 fit e appearance rnacbe, wenn so Kerls un. die Deckschenzeit im County in so lose weisse Reppers rumlaufo dule un KIU Platz vom o Adler c Dahlerbili uf der Bru-t gspellt bette, als e sign, das sie net 9r Ehrund Amt awcrfir Geld iaufc. Selle Uerlsdete justgucke wie Carmelite Monk# Wir wisse all sellwert, das am Dag von der county convention die Candidate ah ufen Iluuffo sich gcttore; wunncr now was fir en wunncrfolle Prospect cs weisi dot, wenn in der "Stadt drr scbene Springs'' all Candidal# mil Tunics angctbu in Procession zum Courthouse martshe de pi, ahead "P. Gray" als prior vom Order in abgeworener zicmlich viel unsuubcrei Tunic mit der demokratisch Alartyrcroni. uf'in Kopp, s paternoster in der Hand aber e wenig krank an contraction in side, dernech e "Usenander" stik von As senibly mit hinne un yarne ufgschlitztei Tunica uri weiter all die kerls, pertikler ei alter sherifs Candidat mil inflation out side als bonnertrager all—do gunz Paradi —d c Doxology singend "Praise Money," etc, next mol aebner, Dei friend, 1 VHmnwuWi THE ('OAE SAEE. 1 The llottoni Fallen out I Ihe ( ai l-j Mm kef. | New York, AugustX). Tkt giwtl sue * ,tion coal sale to k place at ii. ,an ll" - over sonar.', whl. li wa# completely blo. l Y el with coal speculators. Buyers from a! parts of the country vvei. pnoci.t 1 Intense excitement r 'gin .1 in the r. <li I boihrnid, and mbioi ■ tru >. at. I win. l '\* •1 were filled with sp.-. tutors, w 1 lie aclual ~ buyers were congregated in a t!en-e n.a , aroi.n.l the auctioiicci stand '' The auction*er rca i thee .i ot .. : b. d #a!c. and announce.! it w pnrtc. lv o 'bona, r..l that i 1 >n • t. i he put on good# offered !>r -ale lie - .ti*. j there were tour conn-attic- r. pr. • lit.- t i 1 II the sale, but thev were not combined in I .1 anv way, and no etl t would be put I sit bv them l- keep tile ' ! Uo bis er couhl hid rit ! re-t m iir.- l " it II el. v own judgment was all t' ■ \ ' ' '• 11 ' t Willi. i The tour emtasi i. > .a! u.r. i the Delaw are, ami 11.. I-- 'i. ale . m. ■. l)e|*ware. . u " I b • t. rr milroad coin pan* . Philadelphia and Read ii lug railroad, and Pennsylvania coal *-. m | i pany. Delaware arid 1.0 -av , :-sa t::>t off • c-i 0 HO.OU) tons of coal • !** t at- ot -teniae! ■ con! *#. put up. '.l.d 1 H.*> ' a- ■ l! - . i' r#d p*r ton. Tl srn •• I- L ! k'.> ml , then to s'd,i:t wtiu fi tl . I.hIRI in ' bought. FortV th >U-:v 1 l a.- • llion o'lt up and the firt price Ottered - - at s wb icli ever lo.lW t.a - * > .' 1 oi.* 1 m .iinder sold i t -V < 1 !>' - ■ : ' v • bought at the rale .• '.tkxl, l'.. ntv- ... "tl ou-and t. o! . b' i '• ' >d r $ • I'-'i r Vhcre was a dccid. iini!. t t.. n.n ho , part ot buyers I > w ait un. .1 -o.ue .at., i.ihd. * eurchase, at dti Ci: !>• the j >d o. Purchaser* were . vi.lcti 1 i. ii(.*rtnia t t i-w far t' e mark *t : - '- I • >: 1 m :i> . ht-ld back exp.vlit g that tiuv wo.ild gc! good bargains. In many in-tancc* iLy w■•'.• - ic. o--f <l', as price# tumbled during tli. . u 111 • ■ ''recovered beyond th. -larliiu I at, s> !•• I j supply became ex h: i-: ' F tv thot-- . r and tons of st. ve trie 1 it "r -*i. at w h i. 11. ico Itt.tMO tons went off. It then idvsao i .ai at a jump to i •! 1 w - iapi . > . is -1 l.o*ed el. Tin# finished the De ..ware r.nd . j Lackawanna company ft.## Trice have tumolcd troin r 1 lo i 1 1 r ton on all graded . •*: 1 cxi itomcnt '. at the office* of the . ...i ■!. alors .sow n to > n ( ! thi. afternoon is inlcc-c ri .1 —u.-. > y . i dealer - alone.l t. : - iliac . enc# are neing held in mo-t wry otllce } j Nov. r he:', re (.a# the . been tnu<int in j ' et taken in the price *>r. Mr. Samuel si..#n, pmMsatoflbs I>-l *w ro and L .cki. a ' . crop .'iv , • o.i I iat the price# 0b:..m,-d a'- -• ' •"*> r "' much lower u- .xi.c-i .' t! <•> are a pence offeriiiiT t>> the A. S Swords ..1 ' it I o d . :.a tl coal commit re ia 1 I ■*'.! to Uit i. supply bv taking! .■ ;-ur. - te j.ri v.:.l #lt -locking the market, I u". : e . -m fort had been br gist i I t i sc'.i m would bo stopped, bec *O-0 I .;! cou d tot t>e gotten out of the mint - at the pres. at price.#. Other dealer- cxtm- cl -tm ir 'opinions and while Hoknow i. dugt at the price of ecl would como down. Id- ! that it could not kc.;'- d wn because it could not be suppled at tb- o .ulc. Pottsville. I'.i , Augut *-?.- lie j t . - 1 realised by the a m sale if •.1 In New York were arxi.-mlx 1 k- I!" by all § . gaged iu the coal trle. M..c! ■inJ alarm .in hew;. :s th - e■ , j bulletined, ailh >' • • ral >x; :at that the sale w.hjU L'< s if i j per ton as tho .on. si hgurs a-1 •' '■ j übtained. The coal operatorsny tho pra-.brcug .t( will compel them ali to suspend ..corn:, unless loll# and labor an be reduced to a much lower figure than at present, wi-h the chances ngvn-t th m even . gf at r duction*, a* the miner# w i l ca" l.v mbn i! !to lower price# than now prevailing, and I [tbe situation hus a gloomy out!.-ok ! ' lal. and wiuur trade. STDLXM HOBSB BTABVKD TOE DEATH j, About six we -* !.„o two r. -n u - •' - were sto en fr. iu Mr# lb :< > a Br " atGrunvd'e \ : .# - *ft ■ ' d them uuiriid l.cini ih 1 Ui# .a-i | • weeg the other on.-Ws# to::' 1 nine in 1 r tain in the 1. ng X'arr . a-- : ' tied to a tree v. ith a r< pe, a. #d w ju i suppo-.'d tuey wer • #•■ i 1 • the #-f. or thieves A party fr-au Lv. >wn i •• nicing at Macedoi ia ab •■!• tl a" i ai.c. it i ibougtjfi, frighten."! t." I .cvc-na •y. w > were fruiJ : < return tb. . . .. i ' ! detected, an.l 1 i-nce :. • h r-#.- -i.-rc .. It there. One of tt.eui. be re .-tal> 1, broke loose and lr ,> .1 l. a a: I the i ! other one starved to dsstll.—lV*l Dmm# j j i-rtit. One hundre i ai I el v.- e'er.# .-re i moved from the 1* -I Office. I urr. .> d I Internal Revenue Bureau* on I int. . CENTRE HALL DRUG STORE. J.C. MILLEK. iSuccesor to J. K. M.lUr So.. Dealer in Pure Drugs and Medic;!.-, J Dye stuffs, and Druggist's sundri •. tVRE WISE ASD I.Ujl OHs For nicdhina! ( :.r|io is. The be#t branitsnf j CIGARS AND TOBACCO 1 a'wtiy* in -to U. Frffcripliuni carftully 1 mp muc l. J.C. MILLER lITC T CUTTLE. Fashionable Tailor. Centre Hall. ' Having opened r an- -n the 1 :1- r oftiift -V Flory's biiiid ng h. i# prcp.r --1.-d to manufacture ai- km.ii.:-.*n - i.n f ! boy's ga'nicrts. Recording t- *'ie lnt--t ;*ty ics, and upon -h. rte-: not •• an-l ■!1 (work warranted ta rendar satisfaction.ll j Cutting and repair ng i me. 7---; : y i QOl NTY LETTING. : Commissioners Office. 8.-Uefonu, Aug It), IS7G. j 1 i Sealed proposals will be received a! this I office until Saturday the B'th day <d Sep- ( ! tcmber, at It! o'clock, p, m. . f uid dnv, for the masonry < n St.a--w. rk of j-lu.t --ments for n bridge acr # T n: - I'r- ek. ' - he built near Kar-'.ct: r # Saw Mill at t' -• LC.*VS. C. Railroa-1 Tim - ! i i ficati->ns can be eun a I thi - -.. By order of the 11 aird. J S. BAU.VUART. iiugtMtd Clerk to Conin.i#-i"ner.*. ■\TOTICK L'-tters of Adniinistrati n on ill" e#tntn of AV. AN L ive, hi'.-- >. r Hot ter twp , dco'd, have ! eer grunt- a to .1 an feive and G M. Baal, resiitu-g in -"i-i township, to whom all person# indebt.-u to #a:d estate sir-- rc-iue ted io in ike i n> - ment nnd those having claim# --r d-;rntiii 1- will make known the same wiih at delay. JANE LOVE, 24 aug fit G. M lit)A L. Administrators. ISSOLUTION. Tho i-urtnersl-ip herotof--ro existing In-iwci-n t-i --undersigned, doing busmc-. Nt !.'•• "trc Hall ha# been mutually li • v■ ■l. The hook* of the firm will t-e f.i in I nt the -.'d •tand in tli- hnn-ls of Jolm 'M-.l- r where ail knowing themselves indr'-teJ will plea e call tor seitleu.-'-it J. K MILLER JOHN C. M I LLKIi NOTICE.—Tho store lonetoforc - arr' -1 ri bv the aliov- firm wiil ! e continue 1 ■ the old stand, in nil t- bran 1;. - hv t -• utid'-nigßed. JOHN C. MILLER. 1 Ayj\LUABL£ y;\;ij/J f o; 5 NAM:. IN COLLEGE TWP., CENTRE CO., PA, an the line of the L-wl-Lurg, Ccntri A spruce Creek Railroad. A Valuable Farm containing 110 acres, more .-r le s. Th re is also Ten acres of valuable Timber, which the purcha#or could haveifdesir id The farm is well fenced and well wat- r -d, ' Cedar creek running through the plan. The buildings on the place consist of u , larft Two-Story Stone House, spring-house, bam an.l all other r.ece--:Ty outbuildings. There is on the place a Nice Lot ot'Fine Fruit Trees. i Near the place are several inanufacto . ries, and shops of all kindsconv.-niont. It is expected that thedepot w ill be located on ' lands adjoining, i For particulars, address J. S. FOSTER, j 17 aug tf. BouUhurg. , Henry Keinkarfc, WOODWARD. UNDERTAKER. (jofins of all styles made on shortest r,o ike, Undertaking strictly uttended to. i fswuwu.f, >7 kug y, fiNnP 1 M v Pl'.' WAli! '• T(> I'l Ki PI" VI v York. A igu 'I ' '' , 1, . . M w'-c ■ -.-i and Vx e-lerti, tl'-i 1 * .(• > D nin nnd l>rl*w*'i mill Piiittl i''i pnnV> will reduce lb* age* ul minei* !l pgr eetit., beginning t.imorruw 1' ■ n 'l po , .lie Philadelphia iv-wlil g \> I do t' ■ tiTOiv Tie Lehigh V altey wi run!■< !•> i hr.nge I•*i" to diviruii)'. iin >y l.i i V. nil . MM. I>ail Tli unpi ' tt, reiidiug *!>< ul •i 1 '• tig ' I (l! !r -111 M np'.-l. 11. Wrta II tmit'y kill'- by an accident l>1* "it her XXHV !■ U . j. j , i.| \\ itli her liu I* • tul ami lady friend, -!"< WH >i •prltjrK d ! •i• i! ll 'nil hd o xxi ! i .•I Ml I lll xvhen the DHV Kvi-ri- truin It ih.i hi iicx, mnl in her nlixrm ► '> 1< i|" ironi.hfi w.ijji'tt, mil tailing, h#r hii *truek H pi< ■ i< >t timber, crushing >n Hi 1 Willi i.b- v till' r hi temp.e I>gth tI . fctv in niniiil- lift.Tii-.1.l IV I * bul In efttv y.-HW m ige. ml tell it bab hill eight in.'tillis old lli r Maiden .mm iI - I.he g. .ml -If' • " 'I" •! D..\ t 1-. uhtrw. "f Mill I'l* i • ; "llart'er Mjsa/ii e t r'tnbi .- a . cxce',l. it nuruhc , and de eiv.* j p'aed iu every ho-nelmM. The iilerar i iiiaHet .1 mwnyi the choicest kind, M el,it in nilt it iu* MCI ien le the rti i PL.O ALUSDUTI :I are numerous MIL hi"' eX'i itid; hu I lhe var •'.y and li „ am -itnl ol ri it ing t* n< tvi e. d, ii • ;. ed, hy any eirer i ein me in the c min A la: g I : I iti.m "t' the K: ■ hi- . iu. ; -main* expi'i < d Itillu flcaU. Dim -niche- fiein the c.'til iijiiim -■ thai mii'i J A"e gci.i-i ally going l® work i r.du d i iii re i in., li excitement nt Vi e .una tin iiver the clerk reuftvalt. I'l.em ! h.ijn' fur the unV rtUiia:. -. Mr. Daniel V Heatty. II 1 >l*l. on proprietor el the lleatty Piano and Beat t\ . iv.cbratcd (iiil en Tongue Parh r Or C I . SI .DFLJL ITII'II, N J , - TI.II iv . ml Futile-- With. lie It*•k'• ej - T'"" fair i ronootiou to anv who may lavor h i with in order, f-lew- "ll the ii tr.i inert do. d not prov o sati*fa< tory I t of Vve days alter . it t'i purchase money will he refunded upon In return of the iniramont, and Je will p freight charges both waya Thiv is i-r taiuly mi < acceding, genero k, and *tt mantu-r in * to transact t uaine-- wi 1 :. ... I i ■ - Ml. !. I M iMkl I>, t meted Wei .ly 1J l> fthelniire, . " Beef J't 11 $7.00 j rllMll '. rn V • l ■ >h. li> .-..1 < ft N I;l Sv I Pi.lli . ? , .jji •*'! -Idler tun \V. . \Vi at rl ?1 Ued " rl ast -$l I'. Barley 70c to "o Timothy tot Plaster in Stone ?7 TV t S s . Salt 1 40 to 1 SO. Oat- id* In d&c. P. t.itei s 26c to 100. • | H KKON FK MAIiII K I 8 A'ln: Whs *t ST . ' I*. if." li;. ute Cot n ca.-a t', 11 v'ais.i-1 Barley IK'. 7 Cio.i-t re I'olatoei Lard p*r poun.; 8.......P0rk per pound'.H Butt. :- i Kggs-' Piaster pe :.>r fit Tallow 8 lla. ■ : 10 Hum lo o-r }• i ICMltl, Buck(W ■ 1 eti Krour per barrel retail 7.'* V Neea tK'-h* 1 iter sll •' CHVI .• til.i-:. r pit iuAW iys. , -'.-it . to SO A CHOICt FAFiW and HOUSE and LOT FOR SALE. W•; be exposed t ■ nub - de. Sept. next, the following described property, nt the late residency of John htiiQisrl, dec J, *i ~i iinrt tew i >ni| C :.tre C*.•.t> ... ihirtt *i r-. s more or 1 •• 1 at. V by l'm-'s f 15. Everhart. do d, Janu 'ilenn. MeKarii'it, l'r It.- 1r i, di. i and others The farm is well Watered, a never tilling stream of wnter rum me ilit 1..,.'..; rt ..:.d with.u 11 .rtv .rus i the barn, als i, a Well o. niu>t..! ng wa t r at the house, with *.>•• I pump in it Ti.e imp V. lit. .re a V.'.-" !''• \MK UOUSB. two stories big!, almost naw: frame hank barn, forty live ! y . ghtv feel nml nil other tuv.-sarv out buildings. . . ■ :! \ vrgi- I'KCll \H! el. -ice fruit i ,'i ti.e prjir >. E-r j rt uirs in juire of \v in \k uu on the tanr. Al* > • l! arid 1 I Situate! in Uoaisburg, Centre co., the hi use i two stoiie 1. gh, with kitelo i. al ia. he ito it, at, 1 all olitbl d • We lof water with a -el pump. Tito lit i well set with fruit tr. <• ■ I be t juality. A • ■ s r. . .it 1 1 . ; r. . I lent land situate BMT the ucnaea Retenß .-d church in Boa!.burg within two , /rh-rrVi'M' Jos I Vii >EL F, J ii:. - uteri, deed. X B Above property cmi b. 1 -..g' l t as a whole or in part at private or public sale 3aug Centennial Store. At Potters Mills. L. li. M c EN T I n K has just returned from Philadelphia with a large ani|WCil •! • ted stock o! C'ii. ap li .oils, w' it he •ti : .'UK \l* K')K CAsll or country P;"ducc, alto a largo .lock of LADIES, (JEN i S, i.nd t HiLDEEN s ShCi-i, iiaiter* as low tis $1 per J-air, Miiil all ether g *ds in proportion. i l ry <;, !•., II -iery E H ; . Embroid. ri. White (Jeods, L::ci Ni'ti l- and KAN* CY GODDS, vtrictlv tint-clam go. h he low the usual pries. Hi- (.Jrocery Do par'ment cm i-t "f the Chvaj ■'l ami IV -t i 1 (trocc rics n P"iins Valley s ,: ir . T e. CoO'.-ot, Syrups, Spi:'■. Canto d Fruit-, Ctackers ('l i e ... rc 1 Dt i 1 Fro.: el (• ; . 11-. war •. II irdt. nt. W I ar.-i WilV. • ~r< at I Oilcloths nt every description, lint caps. Drugs, Oil and PHIIII-, also Ci-ar* Tut'icfo • ltd Cone etio: i.n. \1 * of pr luee taken in exchnnr • for goods, aDo highest p: . p.-> ,i. Ai-u— I.ndits will fin.l u Dili lim of tnillinery go ds, conipris'n,.' the liticst sty Irs. I tli'lllli the people >f P, : Valley .I their libera! patronage. lKinylirr / tKNTTK II \ LL Fiirnihire Uooms 1 liZRI Kill niilMk rcspc tfuliy inh-nn the citizens o| (".mtr I'liltnty, that he hill 1" light out 111!' nil stand of J. O Deinii.ger, ami lei rcl ■ i.< the price*. '! hey have constantly on hand and make t" order BED- I E \DS, 111' It EAI'S SINKS. W ASHSTA NDS, COKNKIC CI PBOAIIDS TABLES. Ac., Ac. Their stock of read \-ma le Furnitur. i large and warranted of good work manthi] and is all im. lo under tln ir own iuiined ate • upcrvisioti, ai d is ollcred at rate cheaper than eD -wliere. Call nnd sec our st. . k b<:f->re piireli.-uirij elsewhere. 20 feb. ly A NEW IDEA I son FT If IAO FOR A IX. Being an axiom acknowledged by al! that the call system, (or pay a* you go, is the most pleasant and safest, as an in centive to more fully establish that sy* tern,—the undersigned therefore oiler I the public a Premium of .'jOcis. in flood on bills to the amount of ?o 00. and M ch premium on all bills increased to th amount ol $5 IX'. etc. (viz. on a hill lo tn amount ol SIO.OO, we will pay SI.OO pr< miuin, in goods, for Cash or Pr. .luce. W u huve ItK A1 >Y Al AIJ K C LOT 111N l which we offer at GREATLY REDUCED TRICK for Cash. AVethanlcour patrons for past patrol age and all who will avail liicmsclvcs < the inducement presented. SIKOUM A HWAKTZ, <&>?>■ sua® T> A TK\ H Tnirii pr MRN N >T * t \\ in lI I VMII.Y. V tvi, . ii IO Dr. i lid, Texas, *i' Itev W.C. 1 ; nd, Metho m di*t minister, Ii wofo, itop-d.vughter, and ~i, four step-sons, wore murdere I at their i , home, six miles ft "> Monta. tie, on U I ,1 Saturday night by a party of .1 gu. -I ( man. No particulars of the fiend.-h fl'.ilr| have he eft T* ixo I, but it ii *U p* '1 11 butchery wii - onimitfeil for money n the fu :III!\ H*' ' ICH. A• ♦ • OTJ \ |,. J\ , F II NN'I T !-•• R<" F h in; around th • t WM >i i.i , I. J " threatening to burn the town, IIH V •n th. i have 1 . en t.M do .by the -In nil " of the pat i h ~,j Senator Keruan sp 'il tlo <!y will <i >v- ornorSeymour, audit i* t - mi l t ,t >1 1,,, Sex inour wi I P"l te> 'lipid. ' ' r,i ~-a I • , bl . III.' A 1 Mlld dal" I "L TL"' I.ClM'illil ip , of Ni work he The L. hi.'h V..1 > -ol i . t I I. hi ■ . dr operators re talking the wagi |U lion ~vcr, bill if reduced wage* are refused the mine* mint remain idip 1 ' 1, >nd m. A ,igu. ■ A T.,' tl d' .to h " rout the B ieha .'-t e >rro*p i I>• it of 11. ■ v Daily New- wh • n mpamt-d M: ."chut OL lor m his tMI of inr< ic itim M c. Baring's report of sixty village* bun. • I y , and P.\*> pi r- :* kiih d by the 'lurkt in t" Bulgaria doc* net include the outrnpr • - comniitleil in the diktr. t imrth ol t ■ • IV. v ! kan, nor in the dii'rn-t $- phia. MARRIAGES. • In Centre II .11. Aug 31, I v 11. v M biont, Mr J. \\ . Xeigler of t 'uillherlall nitty, VII., to VngcV- t \ nt la t j, Utu*iiva!lejr, Centn county, IV, ~ Dn 8 iiist. by liov John T unlins o i \ A 1 rank to Mi K J R...:;tt-r, t 1 if M illheliu III ,| ,t" DEATHS. 1 * Sit :k). at Belief, ute, i'l ma- • n i dared Harper, aged nearly year-. On HI Millhetni, Margaret Olivr u -laughter of D 11 Zelgler, age.! I lio.iitli \\ VCASD. t i all e'.j hip * ißetli . ie-iu th, rrt ■ .1 n- "1 '' tlx'. >o .1 Itl Imf' • ••Bktsr-.#- (iftl I) ll y. t• H* t f ittßtilitstja. Ac .1 •lllirii 1 • iA'i| r tlhß*. "lU r (#♦ ft i-B'tffi Tl.l Ixt UCtlj • ti > t trlis! 1> T MIMHITIKFJ LU HOATII AMORT* A FHOU 1 * CLF F' *-1 flDr!. ic 1 • |!| |ir ,1 ci>h i tuttiiß ''UDuu 1 n :J. & d. HAliltlS. • v NO. liKOC'KEHIIOI'F ROW. O IRON; NAILS, Paints OILS, ETC., 0 * J. A J. HAUIiIS llellefemtC. : CENTENNIAL , AT C£il"f/52 BALL, ' Wolf's Old Stand. r nicr lioocs. UUBPRLTJ! Levi X-'I-J lib! N— ' 1 POLITE ATTENTION ! Ilavingjutt rt turr.c.i from the Eat, and •u.iit nt panic pr,. iam now prepar I to sell ch' Hpi . c. r before, • ck ' con tlx iu part ' i C l>i;V CUM >!^. ; GUOCEUIES. NOTIONS, HOSIERY, lIATS A CAP.;, ROOTS A-SHOES UriUIER ROOTS, SANDALS, ttc., A\ Lfitliii' atitl Cents' Uu'ierwtir a .p. mlily. A LAItr.E STOt'K OF READY - MADE CLGTHIH3 Cof.'tiuillv in ham!. Look at the tl,;- u rc i Good ('<s -iittcrr Suiti, SIO.HO Gixxi ( ii.mi mere f.Vaf*, SS(K) Cut'iiu'r.* will liml llu -I k <■ :n --plcte, in,.! a call i. all that i.- reijuircil r ln a - ;re yu that tl.i i- the h -t f place in lli) valley t.> buy your f • o'l*. s Rimrmbrr, i, r h i-; but o; pr> f for nr. \YM. WOLF ■ EXTRAORDINARY Inducements to Cash Ruyers.' V j 1 We wish to sa v to the people of Penns \ alley, that we have just opened ami are now ottering full lines of all goods thai we deal in at such prices llinl even defy com mciiL or coni])etition. >r 1 1 at. 1 1 )IT WILL PA Y YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK. i Ol li CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is luL of ißootS aild SIIOOS. quills, :tl from Five tlulla. lor lull <>t Mcu sLUuth ing up to the liuc t luiuis Mmlegoo i - in town. Ludica' Shoes at 1 dollar per pair. Misses' Shoes nt (75 cents per pair. Men's Plow Shoes at $1.25. Meu't llrogaus ut $1.25. In the y DM¥ GOODS NOTION DEPARTMENT Al audi |>riuc.i in will you, L'.lii-oc, at r cents. Wo Ludic'iriM at 5 crot*. I-wlics'lljso at 10c. | Mu.-lin nt 0, 7 nml H cenis. l)re i goods iu all the Mcu's Hose at 5 centn. Ladies'handkerchiefs at 5o newest styles from 10 cents per yanl up to the best Kid Gloves at 50 cents, (.'lark's O.N. T. F Cotton, (ic, • grades of Silk. [and *ll other goods in proportion. >.') n -8- l - QIV2 U 3 A CALL mi Si) i 0 U 8 0582 "f 0 TOVTI*-a2iß2iaß2a TBI #>IAC2 ho tie E -TIIE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND OF Anr27 G } s. 1 & tSc A. L0E1). | HARDWARE and STOVES THOMAS A. HICKS & BR0„ (Hum MOM io WIIrHON A. IIICKH,) will sH! liAItIMVAIIK. STOVKS, Saddlery, Coach-makers ivjuL*!:i! y Huild crs tlardwarc. of all kinds, Paints, Oils, &c. Nails, Iron and Glass a spe cially, at the LtIWIiSTI ASH PUK'ES. ( hildrens* Carriages, Shovel Plows, ( utliii# lto\esa etc. >Ve have the best GOOK STOVES and RANGES in the M ark< t,and warrant tliein lo he good. We keep all repairs for same, and will sell lower than elsewhere. Anyone in this county, building, or dealing in (his line of goods, will pay them to come and see us. THOMAS A. IIIOKS it BROTHER, , Pa. IMPOHTANT TO BUILDEKS The un i. -Mgijed i* now prepared to #ell Brick a' kilns at Centre llad i - tit purchaser*, l tea- .iiahlo iate*. alio I" inrnirti or con tract Brickwork. S. i>. KAItNKK d 7 "- ,jr OHM 1 . A LEX A N DElt, M. l>. Physician and Surgeon, 1. le, '.fully oiler.- hi* piidt --: titm} er , x -us to the citi.'en* <d Centre IJxll ftltt • " v.. *tiy Consultuln it in English or tier it.uii lla-a (all liim of insirumi nU ioi extract, ig loeth, Uffic* and residence in . I, pxrioatgt. S7feb ll - Hfff f M f To THD Working CUI We CMT iurnuh >v#u *!>ict* > i can Ui( ~ ( 4), Mr jxU of, li-aIHIS* wtttHHxl txciug •"I a* fl w lP ! VI ici nihii< A 4 'r !h,!c-| ih Ita *ftd . .1) t-i Ukt Id! >' f tor I llv* !( 'IL i*l Itcc -tt t-fti, tit mdMt Ji*. .i *ll liU t lke LakUal hUlex lb >a pA|r* O • i.ii"iui .I. ii'-M*ulJjr llluitiftlod I'rrA* mU I *1 i >***! | lc ID *i l tile* -Uni iu Uak'tcr I* •<! w Jul X*! v uarwUrl ttllfx (be * - uUlihkai >r*r Ike , iiic*i i ittX'iOoa *1 Igxlri* i* fuil> UJu*irtM lh dcUll it. rjbo lj WftiiUll I lit • huic |k l|*i* ( -y] r ) ' ' '■< Ix if 1U I.> - jdfflll I•IFHi * * 1 tIMMI! It Ai. .r|4id pill WI *y i diawtUl pfvthluui t it lud 1* pfi adtiliM Itva u r . i lubti Hbct tl i ruUlii 1. I ft l>mbrifto* $ • i Oitr llu rdl S *if*rt * Its* IttflypVudWlCf ft: t i I NUleb >lf v. bf I ti. Ota A t 4 > uw* - 4l* Is* t *(.*. .ctl'-.i H'Vl.l, I < t ttl lin kft |l,< *:! J li lxiro *ml I I ab Mtwraile tAbhljro (ainrJ c X cr> w here 1 lt tr t Uu l>uius* 11.*! .ii Ml like lb*t •! 4 fcar til It c lifttc lu*ttjr ftgvbfft *ll J *rw AHx4 * hUii *• t- 4*" * dpftftlui No# i* '." i > it t *1 ntdcU) H utfittLtif tl *•!• t. ttxxtif to (■tr t!*e I'Ut.-.rM * If I*l hul ft*# uUf tfix aUr t. i. xb! sn-l It i .) v! pxl", #hlx h *lc .t . rt* W t tpfJj fl ' ... l#l# Iliflf IfM I" •. ou-c **•>. ti*c id* lot ax#' I *n*rt and uk L*t*ic* and lurii * *a<* tlaugf ..Irr* tiiA llto r> lSrt al Til. I l.i I I.NMXi ni . olill. jctii its t 'xrtl*i*tl. I&+A&9. BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM It I \ li I V* S) r ii S i or e, t <£XT DOO3 TO lif ; PE3CHNE2 lil'B FUi: S II AN I) ( II EA P. Apr U Ur. I.V XCUllill i . J. p Ml .IXI Prtniiiciit, Cashier. QKN :BE COUNTY BANKING CO 1 nt M. :!,er. II -x cr A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, Ami All uw interest, Di-counl Ncler, liuy ar-1 •ell. (' -.-( rt fi.-i tSt cu. iiiv i,(i .1 lA tplfl t'.sff Coupt f) i (~'~ r 11 Mlli Q 8 H < TU B~jC*| BUefaat I A , I.- \ .\c Ml LI B ■■:. Pn m #*. 1 -I .. 1 .![• 11 ■ !tr . otic .-1, Id 030 c |i.r-*x* 1* I Fuse*'.* ' L >'c 1 !M lle If • ' " t!*i • i.t IR* j- e*c a oir#Ui > ai Rtu| *< Uilwtl ... l rt. r> *ll r will lio ph' gi#NNt J • 11. '•* t 4hS 1 km 11 * clo***ftl :.i* .1 gfW a' *1 tld'H h< s-4*i't f !' ; I ithf IWurdibl L> ll* aj tay ,* ! uu. . U.r* 4 *l|] •• 1- • vm! ! BROCKE HOFF HOUSE. BEI.I.EK' vTh FA. D. JOH HSO N J SOX& j I ' hx >ta hi !ci Mltuklr hi!! r pflflMa t'f t'.rl a!■ Ismrf* ti i n'd) I" *-J tvrr uhrvt t-t?*. it #lii is* ti> fsAtos ! li.* ir 4 fl* | ti.xkr i! * iFcuunl ||- ..* I ■ i.'t.uif Mftti ta'> f* I *.. Uif u *Hb kOcli ptmM|c A !la ( AtDAgr .* mn 1 t. l. S r A.'mA *t, |*Ulf 0 til l#Wti Off t .rttocT I*4 Wit* th* Man***. 2H* t Vir.M pW i I.MIN. vi ..,M. , f it P.t t'l! i , Mr. 15. n ■ I - B - I '.C. I'."-Ilenn In Pa. JOHN 1 POTTER A (torn jol ' " U-i . "Ue. :. is lJ'l.> U4,ic aai {eta] '""'•'"i • iU> t .-w ItgHui I. njt t jt -j :il| fat • iil it) * w lj *IiT tfct • * i .-a .fa.liVsJ I ran.! Ic *'£ •I* Uk# diuooud, lourU* *lt.# cri lia* 4-aM*rl liiNtM. lUilalttOl s ACliaMi FERN ITL RE. JDIIN Hit If If DIM. n gan! Nw K ... Sprir,- -trcct It. '.efonte. Hi- "ii hat 1 I ■ lid n".>rltr.crt n ! :I H i Fl BNITUKK from th# < ,-n . i'l! A MISKII SKI >. I'AKLDK SETS. ml \> CHAIIDC EEDiTKADS, ,WOoL MATH:: - - ll A11: MAT I TKK.S.SES, and anything wan!, d ii the line ofbbj bit-iui hutnetnede and city work. Al ) so, hit mad, ap< ialily and keeps oi j hitT.d. the htrgt ; and Cr.t it stock cf WALL PAPER. ft i-s lxl at rt n :.:tblc rnt. s. xvholcfa I .r .i r nil. ftive him a ( ill I i fore par ,j..r....ig -Is..a he.. . fe? '.-ly nl KoRTNEY. At: :ex a; Law' B-'defonte. Pa Office over Rev ! " I * h-itik ma v t ' i '!| VEW STultE, NEW GODD." AND K> Panic Prices. 11. A. I. NT it M I:K. at the old Centre llill stand. Just opening a STOCK of NEW ROODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICES! A large variety of Ladies Drew GOODS .Great Bargain* in Muslins and Calicoes. * Beady Clothing Warranted to Suit. r. Ilia Cloths nnd Cavsimeri, Cant BE excelled His Crocery Department. *FTUNIHEI every oi ei* suorttnent andlow • ;pricTS, ; LY RUP. Sugar, TI-a, Coffee. Canr.T-J fruits, UOME.iie and Foreign J-'ruit*. Cheese, and every other article belongs ing to the Grocery Depart- J MEAT *•" Farmer*.,. Dies and Laborers y.'.ir <'.'E dollar xaVtd it •t dollar In JIOTKET. Then call and neat AIIUT UVLDTI;TLIR LW PRIC?s. T"FR~N I tr. UI eto >how Goods "#,5 AL*O the choicest FaMILY F LOO ft iti- WOJ- on hand. Apr 15 v I | 11 I. Xit 1 11 41 4> /. I; it, Mutul.. utrw ul ood ltoalcr in 11 A 11 N K S S, .-ADDLES. BRIOLKFI. JTG., I CE..TRE HALL, PA RE; ...iring of A.L kind* T XEEUTED :.t TL-'trt notice. 2T* juitfim. * Vim'.N hum feS* 8 ®M3i * ' PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO - HALL. PA. UECEIVK DEPOSITS, and allow INTER: e.t; DIU-ount Note*; Buy and beli GoTernmcntSecurities, Gold and Coupon*. 1 irialiorrth. XV*. B Misatt FW k Cashier. Httduuartcrs k,r DO..U AM! ! I'OTVFRS, BOOT &SH 0 E MA KE R OF CENTRE COUNTY. PIPL 0 * A AW*- led to John Pcx. ,M F 0 - TH 1 I -T • < H'S'tx EXHIBITED at AVn- J Ure < unty Fair for the year LE76. | . ( ii .1 y;aoy o;i y Opp lite Bush II HELLEFOME. PA. lie keep* constantly on hand a full 'ine of It O T S A \ I> S LL F> I; s. HI ts iu ojHtning the Lrgt ,T TP .G T .N IPRING FJOOSI* E*- r HRUNGUT lo Be!lefoi.te 9 J IF £ BW®g 8 .rut iles, a.-pt constantly on hand. Boo'.* tad Shoes for men and women, of .. *ly ,er tjualuy and prices, from the 1 mol costly to the cheaj.ct, conxuntlv kept on hand. I WE DEFY COMPETITION ! either iu quality or prior?, Call and vain. tie his new stock of Spring and Summer Goods, and YOU will find it! toyoar AJWRNTIF, * AprSlly.l ( . T , 5k L i* VV' 5 c. M. Mm A U-XA.NDEIi & ROWERS. AT A V FCTRT.E' I *1 I.AW, IR I I*F *-1G B*EUI TLTOJITLTTU C™. 4olUrO,.na, and Orj ' .it. tan i— run. Excelsior Cement l W M WTT:" • >'• *". ttaar Pitt. I ears Mltla. la l i*.*••' !•]. T hi. cetax.l ha. alraaJt -T. n.4 I. OPWL |JW | , 4 „ L . n,d 'WHIR "•ii.farl.rj op..- all J. .O H FI II HA. T*A#N oaail. AND aa tsra.l IN A-X r. ■ M.yla. liinU fn, 0... , I.iarr,., V AL CJ , F-"" 1 "I** 1 ** • a—d ..aalttj ..f llemnnt iWta- f .*t If ' *?*"'.n aioili !ks —f.t .oil V .* ri-ndi-md lh. UaHM oaUafartinn Pi-rar,. h-rr, eooarm. Ur.a f x.irna Ujtaa U.i„ rtpMt. mt-a'.G.i A. 'J J "• ihia In miait and olati thai b* warrant. LU. ail.. !, .. J I. MVYKLC aJH*. I RYI.s G. (LUTEI.I fs, Dentist, MUlhelm. I IFFERS hi* pnifvs- .on* 1 BORVTRRI F*Y F JVU*LC ll* U U.# iltnlmi pro HELSR.n 'oil. r*l*;iarnd lo rttrarl troth ABW.outlj I VMO air- * 1- f \\ F. REBER. ! '* • Prm|.l alt.nlioooirrn Ir .11 l.nrlnn. .-n . .n Iftr ml liri' -Idoti'rLltri. noli. Of A # with It Y Forla*y. Hollefortr 1 ■■ ■ .1 0. t j *! 1 C 5 trrm mm 5 BAH IRON 2} cts. jcr lb. BURDEN'S HORSE SHOES at *5 00 per Keg. NAILS, as good • the b*t at |3 00 • Reg. LOCKS 3scU each. i F. G. FRANCISCUS. Lcwiflowd, tiinr s;# y. T j r pHE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE RE-OPENED! A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. i .<• i'L-.lefixiite public aad the people of '.Net Dairy gci.erally will be pieaacd ;o ~11. w ihal ihc o]J and well eflablished DRUG STORE, te ihe property of Jame* C. XYBliatn*, on Allegheny street, m-xi door to Hicks' hardware emporium. La been re opened for business and is be ir.g rapidly re-stocked and uttcd out with the be*t and most popular DRUGS AND MEDICINES. PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, :ar.ii everything usually kept in afirsl-claas Drug More I'KEST KIITIOMICAREFL L Ij oomputintlt'tl *t all liourw ■( the day or night, and particular and proroiU attention given to tbo wants of farmers and others ix ho live in the t ountry. Store never closod to tho*e who xxnnt medicines ot anything in the drug line. The undersigned hopex. by strict attention in business, to merit and receive the pub lic I'tttonage. H K HESRIXGTOV. 6 ly- Agent D. F. LUSE. PAINTER, (! is h 6 service* to iht citizens of Centre county in Ilouasc, Mgn ami Ornnuicnful Fainting, Striping, ornamenting and gilding, 'Graining OAK, WALNUT, I . , CHESTNUT, Etc. ( mn and fancy Paper hanging. Order* respecttully solicited. Terms reasonable i -O apr If. ! JQli. A J~OU N DOltF. DENTIST. I-.UII lnra!i-d.' P1o. Crorp Mill. :,J u 0 P*T*D lo LIIVT LU th* h<MB( •of IX*;JR .!* AT A DTTUUCV *nl rwid. rtn> d*%tt -v1 ► *t<v# in | |i of * tn m*i.-i . -f hwi (|nftlt(| *r>4 *i tc*.>T.*i>i* r*t**. in sfrtton ol 3v*T..<OLTSR3BSMIO 6 '*CX*IU I r-LI r tr* T*4 with*#! P*LN 21 ;J Harness, Saddles, &c TU u0.14i-ntit#tl. i!ctaimitid to nwi toa Jaotaitd on I..** prxcoa. not,cuoll talla tbo atuo wo ot lbs l ul'ltc to bit link ni BXDDLKKT > offarad al thaoM a'utnd Utt'O , m revlllr c a. XKv.plr ao.l tor Hmn. |h<- larcf at aoj lajwu i mil .i..ti|>.| mitanl ot natStUaa. Ilaraoaa. I o.lar i Urt !lr. of firry Jr.. rlplU ti aoj tjllalltj , VVOipa. , w it tavt prr.yytloo to r,a; j.Wtr a ntol cbaa ratabjlot oval. b if* oflvra at prtcra ha h oiliauil lOoUtroo I JAOOB Centvo Matt. Chu H. Hold, Clock. XYntclimakcr*1 Jewries Millheitu, Centre Co., Pa. Al Clark* Watchaa ami Jvvolry of lb* -.jlr-. . 1. ;s Ma-.nril!r l'r.tont ('a)onder i t>r..>hl, j wfitji. ,-rtnpl, :,. m.trj | tfc. J.R U MIUILB and orck ON iu IA. Oh Ira TA i*#rt* fisl aie pvrle t U* k**p#r. i ink*. WaUite* Au l.leaeui i*lt*lre<| on ahort no I e" *inl V3trRloKl Manhood : How Lost, How Restored I Jus ; üb:-br.l. . new odiUM of lr I'ulivrwsU'. ; ''f'-i 1 K *) potho radical enrr toiihout turd, cln ..f SiwrniaiorrtHK-a or Santlnal Wntuo uouri Somtu.t |o • I tug. MmulaoU I'iuaj. cl loraiwrtty. lnaitrdtmr-.'. lo Mamaf. 4V alar .toaunt;.(i.m. hgllopaj and 1 litdHccJly ae:fdndat.' tsmnyv xr **bu*l i J rjcr, ) *el*4 *nx .ic, 801/ Mt oenlt. T:. .■ccbrai.-d auti, tn mu admtiablo Kotv .lc-.U d.-raitnalratea. In.iu a Iblrlj jrara' au.-ciaaful era. liti.ibal Ula alarr.iin ronavuumcaa of aalt at>uac ; IM radically fund irlthout tlta tlauasmua uao of loiornal mmitctno or tho application of the knife pointing oof a mod® of euro at osoa almplo. rartatn od aif or tool, h, inr.n. f which ovary aufTvror n-. nta.lot what tut ,■ nidllton utai lc, mat .uro hluiaol: chaaply. prtvatoly. and radli.illy. I hi* l-octairi abonld liv In (ho hand* of ivory youth •ad cirry nun in (lie land. ' >V"! In. ~lmoniilopi, (a any addrw, TXZ z, T KX.;::£ au w - tt t t F. BKUGMAN A SON. 13 jal j. 41 Ann St., Nv Vork ; Tot 1i0x.4. r A C. PE CK 'S Coa ?^l^S$ B 1 o tor y. The undersigned has opened a m w es Üblishmcut, at his new shops, fot th manufactute of Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, SLKIOHB AND SLKDS, PLAIN AND FASCT of every description . All vohieies manufactured by him are warranted to render satisfaction, and m equal to any work done elsewhere, lie Asos none but tho best material, employs tho most skillful workmen Hence they flatter themselves that their (work can not bo excelled for durability jnnd tlnish. J > )i ders from a distance promptly attend | Come and cxamino my work before ji'ontranting elsewhere. j PRICES REASONABLE. 1 Ail Kigckoj' duns, ■ ■"" ' GRAHAM <Tc SON, I Hare exclusive hale io Bellefoatfi Edwin r. Hurts' CELEBRATED FINE BHOEB. 8 WIDTHS, the WHOLUALK A KKTAIL dealcka IX Calf Skins • SOLI LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, &e. All Kind ofCuitora Work Made To Order. Bitbop Street, BKLLEFONTE, Pa. ,31 may tf. iBEATTYS^? lor Organs. Factory E>labll*hed io 18G6. From the l're**. From G. I> White, Editor HtckciU town, N. J. Herald. j "The organ ta a rich, deep and soul* ►limns tone ; could not stay in the bouse , without it it helps wond*rfutly*to drive • : **27 l^e though U of hard limes." .1 Ihe Lebanon Pa. Daily News, says: j "We are in receipt of one of those five octave Parlor Organs, manufactured by D. F. B< atty, Washington, S. J. This organ is a fine, solid black walnut case, 1 and in tone it car.not be furpa.'teJ by any instrument oi it* kind." From the Lowell Neb. Register. , "Me received this week, direct from the manufacturer, D. F. Beatty. Wash ington, N. J., bit jiully celebrated organ, elega nt in appearance, and handsomely furnished unexcelled in richness and pow er of toua. We are more than pleased with it. and heertily recommend it to any one cor.lemplating of purchasing an or gan." Best offer given. Money refunded upon return el oi can and freight charges paid by rue (D, F. Beatty > both ways if unsat isiactory. after a test trial of fire days. Organ warranted for six years. Agnu wanted every where, male or fe j male, to canvass for this superior instru ment. Address D. F. BKATTY, Washington, New Jersey C tflT T R E "IT A T~L~ COACH SHOP, LEVI MIKRAY. at bis establishment at Centre llall. keep on hand, and lor sale, at the most reasons* bie rates. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, I'l-AI.H AND FAXCY* and vebiclei of every description made tu <rder, and warranted to be made of the best seasoned material, and by the most skilled and competent workmen. Bodies for buggies and spring-wagons Ac., of the most in proved pattern, made to order.also Gearing of all kinds made to order. AU kinds of repairing done promptly and at tha lowest possible rates. Persons wanting anything in hi* line are requested to call and examine his work, they will find it not to be excelled for dur ability and we**. may Stf. Sandalwood raMM * much imwi wnr Is rMleria* to a bwalili.l ►!!* Um BMW apnt<rin of Ibr arrears thsa "On Cabetw or>* H nrror octoia. t CWUH BBS t|Kti la Ha ar(M. || U (IB a,r ---llß* <-r*rr aihrt o-motb. hut, copoulro cot* la W oresshKUi* Kt -Um M-tilcltw -a So Ibl* l>ati<t*> Ui, k a UV hoft i ttisUOBIBC OH of hßodoloovd. mtU *1 til ISra* Mere*. Ask for t rate*, so sraj k> a K Wootew Mmt, 5. Y. far oar. *j>rS" 6a BEATTY'B PASLOt Elegant sty lea, with valuable improve* menls. New and Beautiful Solo Slops. Over one thousand Organists and Musi cian, indorse these organ* and recommend them as strictly first class in Tone, Me chanism and durability. Warranted lor six years M -at EKgant and Latest Improved, llave been awarded the Highest Promir urns in competition with others for simplie- By Durability, Promptness, and Piano like action. Pure, sweet, and evenly balanced tone, , orchestral effects, and instantaneous ac cess which may be had to the reeds. Send for Priro I.i-t. Address, DANIEL F BKATTY, Washington, New Jersey, OBSTACLES HAPPY RKLIKF to Yowac Mm TO J 1 *" F* fcrron and vbuna VlVDllrT Inmrljlife. Manhood restored. | a XAKKI AOS psdimrtiu to M.rrtece rmoT.<l. Kwm method of trfitnififit. Now Ami mntrkabio rrnrflk—. Book* cuvular* M>nt Irt* in toaled earelop**. A4- DRPM LLTWAIP AWVJ TNOK. LL> N. Ninth St. Phil*. 4lt>bta, IV An InatituitoQ having * high p*potUoß lor huDomhi* conduct and professional *hiH 1J jul-j. T L. SPANGLEK, Attornev-at-Law, Bolletonte, Pa. Office with Bush & l ocum. Consultation in English and German. Collections promptly attend to- febS-tf BE ATT Y^ 01 Grand, Square and Upright. 1 Fr ®'?. Ru / u . Snyder, of the firm ofSny. der & Hendricks. Carriage Manufacturers, of the city of Allentown, Pa ; "I must confess I hardly know how to express my gratification on receiving tho , Beatty Piano you shipped me. It is at least nli I cou. l ask, wish or expect. On# of our most eminent musicians tried it and spoke in the most favorable terms, after thoroughly testing it." Best ofler ever given. Money refunded upon return of Piano and freight charges paid by mo (D. F. Beatty) both ways if > unsatisfactory, after a test trial of five day. Pianos warranted for six years. Address, D. F. BEATTY, ?.ijnl y Washington. New J era o 3 \X7"M. P. M'M ANUS, Attorney at-law* ' Tv Bellefonte, Pa. Office with J as. Mi'Mnnus. esp 23jul tf wdob"7^i=r :(g# PUMPS B Plitib*,', Bundnl rw imhir u6 OrßfUrr Co '• Pump*. W4' e HEIO.oM *Bd les, *ori|n!oUe!iPlß-cla'-aW. 1 ■-•iiro.ilT locrtw-d: ~ j nutate I sbTSS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers