FAR*, bIKUKN ANl> HOUSEHOLD. Il.mr.ilr Kretpra. Orxrao. Prepare fresh okra jhhls and rijvo tomato m: e<jnnl parts by mtvisun-; ook till soft; strain through a co'auvler; add butter, pepper and aalt; serve with slices of nice toasted bread. Ciikkuy Jam. —To every pound of stomvl cherries add half a jvound of sugar and a gill ot rod currant juice. Boil the whole together until it stiffen*, then jnit m ja.e; cover with ogg pajs r when cold. To Can ItAsrußßKiEa,—Fill the can full of the IvemiHv, set- thera in a boiler of cold water, and bring the water to the boiling point As the Wrrioa set tie, add mora till the juice reaches the tojv of the Ciin, then seal. In this way the syrup i* umlilnted with water. Or jmt the Iverries in a stewjiati with a little water, let tin m Invil four oHlre miautcs, liji inb.i caus and s.uu up, 0 .\n. i flow un Pickul —Select the closest and whitest fli>wers, pull them iu hunched, sprvsid them on rtulheu dishes, sjvrinklc salt on them; in three days jntt thera in eat then jars, p>uir scaltling Milt water on thera; let them stand six or eight hours, drain them carefully; then put them in glass cans, cover with vinegar and seal up tightly Klder flowers and buds add a vetv hi I; flavor to pickle and horseradish. Eitlier the leaves or the root will keep pickles from molding. Prteo Hastokukiks. - Theae ar> among the ohoioeet of our dried fruits, and may K prejiariHl witli comparatively little trouble. Pick them ore*, carefully, sjirea.l them on eartheu jdates, cover with netting to ktvj> iusects away, and dry iu the suu. Those who have hot Khl sashes may place clean Kiar ls under the sashos and on the Kianls ;>ut the K>r rics. In this nositiou tliey dry rapidly. Iu localities where raspberries aKnunl, drying them may K> made quite protlta ble, as they bring at wholesale from twenty-flve to thirty-five cents a js>nnd, ami at retail from five to ten oeuts more. When dry, they may be put in jiajsu hags, tied tightly, and kept in a room clean, cool and dry. To Clean Iron Kettles —The taste of irou which is commuuicated to fccnl cooktvl in new iron vessels may be pre vented by following the subjoined di rections. Fill the vessel with dry hay, jxiur over it Knling w .ter until it i tull, and let it boil ail day, then empty the vessel and greiiae it thoroughly with clean frt-sii drippings of fresh lard; re peat the process until no more greas- is absorlwsl. then wash it clean and use it two or three times for cooking fat meat*. By that time anything can be cooked in it without being tinctured with the ex tract of iron. A New Way ro Purxu Currant Jrlj.t. —A rvcijH? for uiakiug sajHri.r j*'lly without heat is giveu iu a Parisian journal of chemistry, which may K> worth trying by some of our readers. The currants are to be washed and aqueexed iu the usual way, and the juice placed iu a Aaoe or eartheu ves sel, and set away iu a c*x>l place in the cellar. In aK>ut twenty-four hours a considerable amount of froth will cover the surface, produced by fermentation, and this must and the whale strained again through the jelly bag. then weighed, and au equal weight of powdered white sugar is to be a-KUs.!. This is t -i K- stirred constantly until en tirely dissolved, and then j at into jars, tied up tightly, and set aw:.y. At the end of another tweuty-four hours ai>er hvtly trauHjiareiit jelly of the ino-t satis factory flavor will be formed, which will keep as long as if it had beeu cooked. To DRESS RAW TOMATOES. —Few per sons take the little trouble it requires to make this common dish palatable. In the first place, carefully remove the peelings, either after scalding the fruit, or with a knife if time does not allow of their beooming oeifeetly coi J be; re being used. Only perfectly ripe toma toes should ev<-r K: at?nraw. Slid' thin, and sprinkh go; erously with salt, m re : j-aringly with black peppier, and to a dish hol-JLing one quart add a light tableepoonful of sugi- r to give a piquant aest to the whole. Lastly add a gill of best cider vine. or; although, if you would have a dish yet better suited to please an epicurean pakte, you may add a teaspoonful of made mustard aud two tablesjiootifu's of rich sweet cream. WATERMELON KIND PRESERVE. —Pare off the outside green rind, and lay i: in cold water for four hours; the:, chang ■ the water, and put it on to Kiil. There should be enough of this fresh wan-r to COY, r the fruit well. As soon as it has boiled five minutes, take it off, and put th rind in ginger tea, where it must remain ail night. The next morn ing put it on in fre-ih ginger tea, and let it boil until you can run a straw through the pieces. Take the rind ont of the tea an l cut it into small pieces an inch or two iu length. Add the juice and rind of four lemons, and some iliced white race ginger for one large melon. Put one pound of sugar to one pound of frud, and boil them together for one hour. The 1.-rnon pee! should be cut thin, and boiled with the rind in ginger tea. Carefully remove the seeds from the slices of lemon, lest a bitter taste be imparted to the preserve. and Amwrri. Is smoke any protection against frost ? According to the experience of sev eral of ttie embers, yes. Some months ago Dr. Sylvester, of Lyons, Wayne county, N. T., told the American far mers' club how he aaved the fruit of a valuable orchard by keewing smolder ing fires ne <r the trees. In France and Germany the production of clonds of smoke is a common appliance against frost. A plan recommended and said to be perfectly successful, which has cono the rounds in various scientific journals, consists in mixing gas tar, sawdust and old straw, and piling np this mixture iu large heaps in the vineyards or orchards to be protected. This mixture remains inflammable in spite of all kinds of weather for more than a fortnight. When desired :or use small heaps are made from these large ones, say about two feet in diameter, and distribute d in and around the orchard. Once lighted they burn several hours, producing u dense smoke. The cloud thus raised about the vines or trees considerably de creases the r&diation from the ground, and therefore prevents frost, which is most liable toward morning during the spring nights, wheu it does its gr> .itest harm to the swelling buds. How jirevent earth wr -ms from enter ing plant and flowerjxit f Place a piece of perforated metal over the holes beneath the drainAge material used. To kill them, water as hot as can be endured by the hand is advised; it kills them at once and does not injuro the roots ot the plants. Indeed, the use of water quite warm to the hand for plants is fast coming to be a com mon practice. The contents of the teajxit Ero also efficacious in plant growth. What will clear house plants from lioe ? A few drops of carbolic acid in a pint of water. Which is the simplest method of re moving warts from cows' teats i Mix three-quarters of an ounce of nitric acid, one-quarter of an ounce of muriatic acid and one scruple of am monia together; apply it by dropping it from a sharp stick, one drop at a time, on each wart until enough has dropped on to penetrate them. When selecting fowls for eggs alone, what rules are given I Wh v.ii buying fowls for producing eggs only, choose when yon can, of coin-so, the non-setters; but if you must use the eommWn fowls, select those of medium size, with dark colored beaks, clean, close feathers, and bright red combs. Avoid all fowls having light, yellow bills, paleness about the eyes, and ruffled necks, that walk about in a clumsy, jerky fashion, as they will almost inva riably prove sickly, and will lay hardly eggs euoogh to pay for their keeping. Avoid also an extra large fowl, and an uncommonly small one. Fowls with darkish beaks are usually pood layers, because fbey are always heflfhy. Fruit (attrden. Finch dwarf trees into shape and thin out the fruit when it is too thick. Raspberries that have done bearing should have the old fiuiting canes cut out and bnrned; leave but three or four of the new canes, which ahould Ih> cut | back at the height of four or live feet, and the Interals to eighteen inches. If more blackberries are raised than can bo need iu the family, or sold, a aujiply should lo dried for winter. Never pluck until fully ripe, ns some varieties turn black long before they are tit to oat. If flic grajv eanea have been properly tied up and pinchdl back, they will not require uracil attention now except a little pinching off of the laterals and the ends o! the growing canon. If nnl dew makes its ajqocarance, dust the vines with suljihur. Haud juek eater pillars and other insect*. If flue bunches are desired for exhibition, remove all imperfect berries and thin the others with a pair of a Hharji-pointed scissors. Young vines should toe kej.t tied to stakvs or trellises, and all surjdus shoot* removed. Sot out new strawberry lied* with runners that hare beeu struck in jH>t.*. and keep the old beds clear of woods, Where young plants are not needed, out the runners as often a* necessary. ty- Coincidence* of the Present ami Vernier Providential Campaigns. The tlci<uhlicau candidate for Presi dent, Gen. Hayea, aud the pros nt Presi dent, lieu Grant, are both natives of the same State, Ohio. The last two Presidents, Mr. Lincoln and lien, lirant. Kith hailed from the same State, Illinois, at the time of their election; and we caiue near having a third Republican candidate, Mr. Wash bnrue, uot only from the same State with lieu. Ciraut, but from the same town, lisle:;*. Mr. Coukliu, a leading Rojrablicau candidate for the nomination, and Mr. Seymour, a leading Democratic oandi .late i t for his own peremptory dccliu alion, are Kith residents of t'lioa, N. Y., and ar*i brothers in-law. The four latest lhunoo ratio nominees, McC'lellan, Seymour, Greeley and Til deu, have all hailed from New York. lu early times we hud three successive President: Jefferson, MaJiaou and Monroe from the same State, Virginia, from which another lViwiilout, Wash, ington, had jireviously beeu take.:. Of the first six Presidents, four Wete from Virginia, and two—the Adamses, father ami sou—from Massachusetts. The old and great State of New York has m ver had but oue President—Mar tm Van Boren—ami that one ouly for a single term. We mean ouly one Presi dent elected to the office; for, although Fillmore served as President, he was ouly elected Vice-President. Seven Pn-sideuts— Washington, Jef ferson, Madison, Monroe. Harris n, Tyler and Taylor—were natives of Vir ginia. Tennessee has giveu ns three Presi dents, two of them Andrew J"s.—though one of the-c, Andrew Jackson, wasu na tivc of North Carolina. People iliffer entirely iu opinion as to which State the next President will hail from; but we venture to predict it will bo either from Ohio or New York.— .Veto York Lcdg* r. The Torture, of a Turtle. A big. green sea turtle splashed impa tiently in the narrow limits of a large box iu front of an eating house. Oue eye rested reflectively on a sign which announced that the turtle which to-day is, to-morrow is cut up ami cast into the pot, while the other was closed as if in uieditatiou. The tnrtle sighed, and a rep rter loaned over the box and gcntl_ inuuirtnl: " Why that sigh ? Is it that you are thinking of the dark blue sea from whence tou have K*u ruthlessly torn I Is it that you grieve for an absent turtle maiden, whose eyes bad learned to light up with the tire of love at the soumi of your gentle jaws as they clashed in greet ing, or over whose cheek the o ft rosy biush of affection came* at the tender pressure of your thisf" "Ah !" replies the turtle, " you will never know the angui.-h that lends this Kvom. If thou wouidst li t, 1 could tell thee a talc tint would m:ike thy heart bleed, of u family proud and dis tinguished, f'-r noble tl ■ d r.r*fH in their veins, but 1 will uot. 1 would only have vou know that ray very shell creeps at the thought of the existence I have led for twenty years—to think that I, a well meaning tnrt'e, should K* forced into the life of * bunko steer er."' "What mean you f" said the r porter. "Bend lower, while I whisjier," said the turtle, in an excited voice; "they never oook me. Kno.v that for tweuty years 1 have done duty at this piaee, a few days to bo stared at by little lioys anil gloated ovr by gourmand*, antici pating a rare meal from my flesh, and then to lo jiut in the cellar for a few days while the public eats sonji made from veal aud liver. I cannot stand this life long. It is bringing me in eor row to the grave." Here the turtle dashed a tear from his eye with his left fin, silently swallowed a fly, and retire '. into hir- shell to mourn alone. Milk P oLoning in England. At a meeting of the sanitary Kiard of St. Pauerai, Dr. Thomas Stevenson, medical offio r of health, made some dis closures which have come under his no tice in reference to the London milk supply, arising out of three cases of en teric fever, which had lieen reported as having occur ml in well ajipointed hou ses in the Regent's park. One circum stance was common to the whole of t these houses—namely, tlmt the milk supjily was from the same source, and the mother of one of the patients had complained that the milk was "dirty." He at once communicated with the milk vender, who declared that he hail taken every care with hi* utensils and other wise to prevent such a thing happcuing. Having stated that he hail the milk di rect from a country farm. Dr. Stevenson wrote to the medical officer of the dis trict in which the farm is situated, aud had received a reply to the effect that a more likely place for mischief to jiro oeed from it was difficult to imagine. Until t in last few days the cows on the farm liad had access to a pond contain ing erode sewage, n culvert opining di rectly into it. The house of the farm was skirted with a sewage pit There was also a shallow fifteen-feet surface well, containing only a few inches of filthy water, and from either of these sources came the water supjily. The dairy of this "farm," so called, -was simjily an offset from the scullery of tho house, badly ventilated. The farmer admitted that he not only supplied the vender who baa the milk walk in Re gent's J work in question, but the medical officer had ascertained that he aK> sup plied one of the largest refreshment con tractors in London. Tho members of the sanitary board thanked Dr. Steven son foi his vultiable report, which they considered of the highest importance. It was resolved to request Ore medical officer of health to further continue bis investigations and report again at the next meeting. A Forgery Test. When light is passed through a liquid aim then through a spectromicroseope certain bands of colors are absorbed, and by the comparison of solutions of known substances it is fonnd that the particular position on the speccnim where the absorption takes place is con stant for the same substance. In this way it is possible to say that human blood is contained in a liquid; also to point out colored inks, such as Prussian blue, carmine, aniline, etc. Au applica tion of these principles was -oently made in court by Dr. Van di.r Wovde, in a case of counterfeiting a signature. The defense claimed that the certil'ca tiou was a forgery, and Hnl th ink aas not tho same as that employed in tho bank. Dr. Van der Weyue's tests, how ever, showed tliat the ink of the gen uine writing and that of the alleged forged signature gave exactly the same absorption spectrum, hence the conclu sions that in both inbtances the sumo ink was used. It remains to be seen what faith will be put by the court in the ac curacy of this scientific test. IIKKHINU ON THE PLAINS. % lrrnhrn In Ihr *nilillp f n < nllforiitu 111 •mho-Thp \*iuii it I Unutiilliii I | ittttl llrnmllna • ! I'nillr. The grazing facilities of Colorado, which are r>t uitorrujited the year round, even dm. g the mo t severely intense cohl - o; ttio wnitor, bring into jiltae-nig prominence hi tin* partieuhu setiseu the systetn of annual " roun I |w," which tiriDi; mich joy into the cow Kays' tunl benders' hearts, sud winch are the Lougohauqis of the prsi riv for the shvk groovers' tunl tlu< ranch men's bronchos; for then they uerve themselves for mile* on wiles of swift riding and dexterous curvetting, tonl their only alternative ih to answer with unfailing readiness every plunge of the sour and every check or turn of the rem. 'lliw whole Territory seem* to lie one vast pentllre ilchl for ttie llllUtlre>lH of thousands i>f iwttle thrtt uro owned and raised here. than! succulent I :i>. thick meadow, and huge tufts of butlulo grass are everywhere to be fouinl, even le Heath the allows, aud UpiU these tie C.ittle, horses, sheep, etc., bill l ■"lit K'llll tifully ; in Qonsoajuotioc r. > winter provemler in provided, and st.vh i ul lowed to roam at will during the veur, eating whatevercongenial food the field* afford, drinking at the er*eks, spring* and rivers, and finding shelter m the ra vines or valleys of the rolling priori*.*. Often a fierce storm KHicpt thousand* of head before it away to the Arkansas river on the south, or the Platte on tin north, and not infrequently one man'* herd will lie found divided into portion* one hundred miles apart. I'lu* render* it necessary that, in order lo a certain the increase, ami for the purjH.se of brantliug calve*, there should K> an an nual round uj> of the eattlc in each ill vision or district, at d a subsequent ili vision of the same to the various owners. 1 was much pleased the other dav, mv* m oomwponuout, when Mnmis. lliff nt vl Ilittaon, the entile kii gs of the West, invited llie to attend one of th< annual " round-ups "of their sUa-k. The cattle Lilly s hive their headquarters at l>e< r Trail, aUmt fifty miles east of Deliver, ou the Kansas I'acido r id. There are immense corrals for the cattle, attended by 200 laborers. A mile or two below the a* ttlemcnl, in a beautiful little valley, the cattle were to be collected, and 200 or more hardy riders started over the prairies in all dl reotiona. Our party went on a lope to the springs and creeks to the south, fhe cattle ootild Ve seen everywhere on the hills and in the lowlands in herds ot from fifty to five hundred, and tt.ey in variably broke and run at our approach. Theu follows a spurt of s|>eed that would rattle anybody but a cowboy to death in his saddle, t'p the sides of the rolling hills and down the other; belter skelter across the intervening prairie lands; now and theu dashing across the dried bed of a creek, or tearing up the precipitous wall of an abrupt guleii; frequently in imminent danger of going over your broncho's head when he stumbles into a prairie dog s hole; stoppiug your auunal at full speed, wheeling like a tlasii of lightning, and hurrying back to your former tracks; dodging here aud there, with lii'al btnt downt" (he pony's (lying main; twisting and turning as the run ning herd twists and turns. Such is the excitement of rounding cattle ou the vast Western prairies. Utterly disre gardless of the danger to life and limb in tliis reckless horsemanship, with his sombrero britu dapping in the wind, and his short whip constantly cracking; and a wild halloo upon his lqvs, the cowboy seems to enjoy this sort of thing, aud can sit down to his meals after this hard riding with the -nine oase au.l nncou corn as though he hadn't seen a saddle that dav. We rounded about 1,000 Lead the first day, and having staked our ponies, re potted on the grass for the i.ighL Be fore midnight a heavy storm arose. My companions wen to their feet almost on the instant of the fall o the first ran. drop, and into the saddle without a mo mout'sdelay, i heeattl- w, rvsurrounded, but to no avail. When the wind blew, as it can blow ouly on the plains, the cattle v ore way before it to the south ou a thumb ring gull p. Every tnau broke for the front to h* a 1 the b rd off, but ou they sw.pt. The dullness wa terrible, a:. 1 iiotuing o< uld b stsn but the dm a, moving muss of eattlc, and nothing h'-.u\l but the dismal clatt- r of their hard hoofs on the sand. The lightm: g tlaslu s but f iiutly revealed tliem through the falling torrents of the rain; aud when it did, it was ouly to view the bent I a.is and straight lucks of the riving creatures. The her i had stamiH-ibsl, and on the following morn ing a r., vv *• round up " w.w auuuil neoeftPArv. Five days sufficed to gather till the , cattle, i!i<l tlin selection >f each • m's property was begun. Thin in called " cutting," ad it require* ftre.it skill in the luauagcmci.t <>f the horse or p -ny you lire ruling. The cowboy riih > iuto the inch sure and cute oft the nuinial, which he distantly recognize* from the main herd, and rem-ats this process un til he has secured u!l of liia master's property. Then it is driven home, ami thu calves branded. Th- cattle are again turnul lo - t.. SU'-M : oil what ever nature pi vide-, f. r the- i. The ple.isnr. H of the " rouml-up," with its night herdii.g atnl eiunp life, are unsurpassed, aud for a genuine sam ple of roughing it in its moat inviting phases nry unsurpassable. All I-IUHSCH auil grades of men are huddle i together • here, and the characteristic* of Western life are brought into almost obtrusive prominence, and in variably make a fa vorable impression npou the visitor. How the Story was Told. A Dresden correspondent narrates, with unmistakable feminine zest, that there was an " audience of one hundred aud twenty spectators," many of whom were ladies, at a case of cremation there. Two bodies were burned for their delectation. The iron doors swung OJK>U, the corpse* wore slid in, and then, through a thick plans door, " the audi euce of spectators" silently watched the process of incineration. "The play of flames over the bodies" gave rise to some little murmurs of applause, but when the dark mms , like burnt roast beef, were succeeded by masses of brownish coals through which tie* white ribs and shulls showed grimly, a breath loss silence of admiration held theui all Then the tamping was knocked oat of the doors and the ashes collected and passed round the audience on a salvor for inspection, the ladies examining it minutely with more than one souse. The fatly who writes this adds at the bottom of her letter that she forgot to say that the bodiew were those of a Now fouulaiul dog and a eat. They, how ever, represented human bodies, and she says, with a genuine sigh, "hut, the experiment wus as satisfactory a* if they had been ' humans.' " Ingratitude. Says the Danbnry New*: The morn ing was clear and beautiful. The wfi went to church. During the si rvici tL*> sky tilled with swift tumbling clouds, and the rain began to full. He was in a barber shop at this juncture. He run home with the rain descending upon his i exjHjsed frame, g< t her waterproof and an umbrella, and hurried to the chnreh. fie was all out of breath and the clouds were all out of water when lie got- there. Bho was coming down the front steps when she observed him standing before the building with the stormproof pnrn i phernalia hugged in his arms. As she | reached him she observed : " Oh, ; you're very good to bring these things, j now that it's cleared off; if it had bei n raining pitchforks you wouldn't have made your appearance." Imagination. The other day a man took homo a book containing several nuee totes show- I ing the jHiwer of imagination, and after reading them to his wile he tenderly said ; "Now, Ang linn, you may imugino ; that you hear me kissing Mudalina in | the other room, ami yon . < how wicked it would be t-i m-ciw. me of such a thing." "Julius J-- n," 1 !m replied, iu a smooth voice, " if o.er I imagine sncli f 'iiing you'll need a doctor within ! t .een minutes, and I'll send for him, i iie matter what the book says." YYOIth OF A SESSION. The Waih at < ansrraa—-I.lst al Vlor* tn lisrtaiil Hill* Pwaveif, I hiring ilio hiwi KCh viou of tht Duitotl Stntu.i t'ongrc** there were intri-diiee,i j ill the lletnuv uf lU prem-iitutivi m i.lOi lull* ittnl ti>4 joint iceoltittouH ami tu the Semite |,O4A lull* iiu.l twenty live joint rtvaoltlttoiie, tiiitkuig it total of ft, I'gl litllti Mini IK'.l joint rettolutiotm. Of thi* nniu In r uthint 140 pulilie nets, LlO jirtvnte itetH, lunt thirteen joint r< -*lntb u utul live nrivnte renulntiotiH luive btHxm <■ law*, niehnluig the following : An net providing tlmt the ihvlttntliott of intention to IwHWiuie a eitiaeti of the I'mtoil State* tiiav 1k made tiy all alien Mule the clerk of a 1' mted Slutw* eottrl, Mild tnitktng all attch declaration* here tofore tilwde tvefore atteh clerk legal. r.xtendtug until the twenty third of .littie, 1A77, thi' provtiuona of tho ot for *!ai.ij>tng of uiintainjied luntrumctit*, doeumeut* or jvajwr*. To enable the (itvo|do of Oolorado to form a ot>uatitutiou ami State govern luent. Making appropriation* for the jwiv mcnt of invalid and other penaioua for the yctu ending with June, 1K76. Providing that lto person nhall be pltntwouted, trivl or puni*hed for any olTeuae not oapital, etiv-pt mile** the indictment 1* found or the information t* instituted within throe year* after mu'h otletiM *hali have bceu (• ■muntted. I'rovidmg fur the separate entry of packages contained iu one mi|M>rlaiiou. tk>utirming pro emplion and home stead entrie* ol public lands within tne limit* of railroad grouts, iu cases w here such oniric*have iwcu made under regu latioiis of the laud otliiti. Kxteudiug the time to pre-oiuptora on public lands. Defining the tai on ferment* d or molt h.) tiers. Providing that in c;x*e* of extradition in every on-mof complaint and of a hear iugU|>outbe return of a warrant of or rest, any di i>o*itions, warrants or other papers offered m evidence *hall tai ad mitted aud received for the purposm of *uch hearing, if they tihall te properly and legally authenticated *o an to entitle them to tie received a* evideuoe of the criminality of the perstxi so apprehend ml by tribunal* of a foreign country from which tilt* accused jnuty shall have 1 veeupod, and copies of any such depotu tioux, warrants or other pu|*<rs, shall, if autheutli'atxKi aixurding to the law* of each foreign country, Iki iu hko manner received a* evidemv, and the certificate of the priucijiol diplomatic or c insular orticv r of the United StabK, resideut in such foreign country, shall Ixe proof that any such de|>o*itiou, warrant or other pajicr or copy therm if is authenticabxi •in the manner rtujuired by thi* m-clion. Making appropriation* for fortitnii tioU* and other works uf defense. Authoriaiug the appointment of n celvera of national bank*. To reduce the number und incrreuu the vtliawy of the medical corps of th; army. Providing for the redemption of un used statu [. Exempting vessels eugoged in uavi gating the Mississippi river aud it* tributaries ulKmt the jn-rt of New Or h tins (ruin entries and cJearanoe*. Amending nectious d.K'.KI and M.ft Hoi the rev 1 Mxl statute-;, providing a penalty for mailing otatct ue lxo<>k* and otbe matier* therein coutainesl and prohibit i'. jr lottery circular* po**iugthrough the mails. Providing for au expenditure of CJUO,- (H.KI fv-r the cornj-. t, u of the Washing ton monument. Providing that no voluntary mc-igii meat by a debtor or debtor* of alt hi* o: their property, heretofore or h rt aft< mode in gissl faith for tlte Ixerietlt of oi of hi* or their creditor*, ratably aiu. without creating any jirofi rence,and vuiii. according to the law of the Suite wher made, shall of itself, in the event of hi t>r their l>eiug *ub*e;juently adjadieat; txa'.krujita in a prootxaiiugof iuvoluntory lutokruptcy, tx* u bar to the discharge ol such debtor or debtor*. At any time aft< r the expiration of six mouth from the adjudication of Ictukr iptcy, or if no debt* have Ixx n j aascd against tli* bankrupt, or if no assets have c>uie to the hands of the assignee at any time aft< r the ( xpiration of sixty days an i before the tlt.al di*(s>*itio!i of the cause, the bankrupt may apply to the court for a discharge friou lit* debt*. ctiou shall apply in all cases hen tofore or hereafter coameuced. Extending the duration of the court of commissi'int ra of Alabama c .aais to tho first of January next. Appropriating B"2Ut>,ooo for the e>n structiou of military j*wt* t.t eortaiii I ■t • on the Yellowstone and Musm l shell rivers. Ke;.;-iving the |xiliticnl disabilities of ' (■ 1 r.il ti. T. IL-auregnrd, of Ni w Or lean*. Autti riring the secretary of th. ton ury ti i ;Stte silver ooin to an amount not ex mxiing $ 10,(Mlb.(#10 in exchange for an equal amount of legal tender nob -, at declaring that the trade dol lar --nail uot hereof! r lx> a legal tender, ute. Providing for the restoration of the original writing of the Declaration of Independence. Prohibiting supplies of sjxx-ial metal lic cartridges to hostile Indians. Appropriating about $4.(0,(22) to pay the claims adjudged by the Southern claim* cv-mmissiou in favor of loyal citi- K#ti whose property wa* taken fr.-m them during th" late war for military ' uses. Authorizing tho employment of one hundred Indian scouts iu the army. Providing for tl ■> printing and distri bution of the rejiort* of the commis sioner of agriculture for the years 1871 and 1875. Au act for extending the time for the redemption of lands held by the United States tinder several acts levying direct taxi's, and for other purposes. He Thought it wa* a Tunnel. A young couple boarded tbe north hound Kentucky express. It was at once obaervi d by the passengers that they were "some spoons." The young man, evidently, was acquainted with the road, for a.* the train approached the tunnel alxiut ten mile* back of Covington lie prepared for business. Just In-fore the ron 1 reaches the tunnel, however, it passes through a short, dark bridge. As the train shot into the bridge the young man, not to miss an inch more of the supposed tunnel opportunity than he could help, threw his arms around the girl's waist and proceeded to spread hi mouth all over hers. Just n* he got properly adjusted, had secured a imxl erate suction power about tho girl's sweet mouth and was tightening his grip around her shoulders till tho bones fairly snapped, the train as suddenly whizzed into daylight us the moment be fore it rumbled into darkness. The young man dropjied tl " girl a* if *he were poison. To aggravate the matter still more, after they did get into the tunnel some one in the immediate vi cinity touched up green light and nipped another embrace just about half way tit). I'eople who can't repre s their freshness ought to hire a still. A Fight in tbe Mark Hills. Tlio following in an extract fiom a let ter rwcivwl by Mr. A. (Jaldor, of Hou forth, from Mr. A. li. Campbell: About the brut of Juno I Htarted for the Muck Hills, but did not get there, tut yon will hoo by tbo papers, and there in poor chance of going there now. We were attacked by the Sioux, and our party were aliout one-third killed. Your bum ble gervant bad tbo plcimuro of a bullet through the leg and another i . tin si le, witb a hutehi t cut ou tlio shoulder. It wan terrible for about ten minute*. On the brut rindi wo lost our tunica and wi'goua, and eight men out of ma teen. I begun to think my time bnd c mm. I ant now about htnlod of my wound*, and entirely so of the iilnck If IN fiver. The party attacking tin were between ihty mid one liundred. Alter wo left our mulct* wo kept behind tr<and rocks, and had a ebauee to revenge a little. I have Buffered fearfully with the Hide wound, but the others were not very bad. I will bo able to bo about again in a mouth or ho, although 1 have to lay pretty low now. We were within .forty miles of Custer City. I am now on the line between Minnesota and Da kota, and expect to stay u waile. MUMNAKV Of KEWH. (ten. llolerond ('anal ai elected president of Haiti, and hi* luaugurati >ll oelebraltal b.v Ilia j*pn|i|p with ureal joy liallot I htl bourn baa ontriid ami agallirt the Speaker of , tlio llnuan of lic|itiyiool*llv. a, tbo sergeant al auua of lb* 11.nap, and lb* member* of tbo real enisle pool e.-tutuUtoc, claiming #150,000 damages, fir iiijiiiu* etmta'i <-d by n-aaon of falae ltu|'i lauutlluiil ellUoUl i .urd The Unemployed Worklagluell ot bin Voik City held a man a meeting al which tbey deii-utuoed Ibe eliy otltoiala for not furnishing I out wllti woik when it I* wllliiu t lk II |hiwpi to do an Ibe broken Mechanic*' and liadeie eatings bank of Now York la believed to have boon rubiud of #1(10,000 by W It. K lleunolt, an aaelalaul caaliioi , i'lie laat .lay of til. l-ualmg rrgalta al Karaloga drew lugrlhot all IWUienao throng. Ibo Ural event waa Ibe senior e.ttgto ncull race e-wloaletl by bale*, of the Union Hprluga, A. koroian of Uio Alaisi;- laa, Kennedy, of Vale, and lli ley, of ibe Nop tlines. Uiley won In 13 ilj. Kennedy ace ond, In 13 37 being exceedingly faal lluie l'be four-oared tare, on which ao much iu lelrat waa ionlere.l. die* out llie KKo waa oao an ilia, of Monro Mo b . Argouauiaa, of Itcigeu i'ctni, N J , Ueavorwyoka, of Altiauy, North* calet us, of lillio-la, and Ibe Atalaii'.aa. j of New birk ibe crack cluhj of Uio o unlii I'bo NoUtiweali in> won in 1* IH' 4 ibu Miobl gan erell second, and tbo Alalanlaa Uurd A eon of riutolby Honovan wont down a well al llreeiiburgb. Westchester county N 1. I Investigate It, wbeu be waa overoolne by foul air and fell lifeloea to Ibe bottom. The father welit Ui lua roeeue. but aieo bo.'auie a* pin Xl alod bv Ibe gaa. t'ortiebua Hum-van Uleii attempted lo gel out tbe bodies of tna brullier and nephew, but fell a UUid VioUui Ui the deahy gae. Tbe bodle* wore recovered by grappling iron*. I'lie llepublleana of Arkanaaa bavo main 11 ate-1 Joaepb llrooka for governor. Tbe party no* baa two candidate* 111 Ibe Held all effort* 10 harm on no llie fact ion a having proved ttl avaikng .Uov. Purler waa uotuuiated by tb i lieiuoorauy of 'leinieaaee Tne platform adopted indorses tbe HI. h-ulo d.o.araltoti, and calls for rigil ec.iutuv atid oppose* any increase of taxation, in view of Uio tkriikago of value# auj geuetal impoverishment rttock la being subscribed for lu Palis to build a new cable between New York and thai city. Ala sale of shorthorn cattle near CUM, liy , Ibe fatnoua bull Fourteenth I'uuo of Tbcrndalo was aold for 117,1AV) Tbo fol lowing nomination* for Congress are au bounced inird California district, li. p.. Horace IlaVis , second district, il. F Pago. Third Yeruiout, Hop., tieorgo. W. llendell. Kourtb Maine, Hem.. J. 11. Houwurth. Tntr.l Virginia, Hem , John B. Henna. Fifth Maine Hem., W. 11. McC.nilali Fuel Vermont, Hep . A I*. Chi d.. Third Ohio, Ibni.. John K Savage. l-gh'.ii UI- ,H;to . (ieurge AilliUl. Fifteenth Ohio, Hem., Wll.iam W. Post u .... The ltucbeater free-to-a-1 race was c nloatcsl by Smuggler, I.uciilo ( dddm-t, F ' eflon and iksline, and waa w ilnessod I twelve thousai.d people. Smuggler won in 11 rco straight heals lu 2 li'v 2.1# and 2 I.' , T uciilo taking second money. President tiraiit ha* addressed a U.rs age to t'.mgreas asking for aulhufity to increase U.e pre*eut cavalry fore* or to call out fivo it. u sand volunteers lo aid tu lite ludian war tiiae.hopiwrs are api-earing ;ti large numlier* ui Nebraska t'ougres... nal n-vmiiialious Alabama. tt Trull. district, Hem IV. 11. F'or ney t Missouri, thlrtr* -to H-tu., A. li. til. k i.e * . Arkansa*. second, le| . J. A vVtl .* s and .Natnuai Muip. y tu ti-e fouiUi . M.< .ugsn, aigbth. Hem , Fred 11 Poller.. . Jeiik.ua Showed, coloiod, was hanged tu the prceenoo of an tmtuensc thr- ng, at Kn.-w IKJ Ml, far rupe ceiiumttted on a white an J a oaiortd woman Aii . their maurrecUo.i in Hau Ho nil. g-> is rcpJTteJ .. .Tho 2 raoe at K .a ler, N. Y , bai elei id horse# start. Otvai Eaatorn, a cimparativcly new horse, win in three straight beat* in 2 P.*. 1 21 and 2 21;* 4 . i't.e Ne Y ■k v a.'. M i.'i -. ■ i 'o featei! tie Catia t.a.i ya it touute.s of Huff.rtn by ten minute* m the nrst ooutost for tbe yuee-n'e nip. Mr. Hvsraeu is to b.v male Karl of Meaconfiold .. There will be held lu Uie Pueioieigicei building Mi the Cetileruna! grounds U.e followi.-g exhibition* of agncu'- lural prodoe-t* Ftiiu Heptenber 4to HcpUim ber 3 a display of peacbeva . from September II te> Scpit mlwir 17 Northern ioiu .igiaal pro duct* . Septembe r la to Koptemtacr 23. autumn vrge'ih. . hi , :nalr !■ , '.e lui-er cer.a!. . U. -tier 2to Ootobsr 7 p '.atoes aid f : i-g roots ; tVtobor 17 t October 21. a.ilum i 1 ul e r and chee*e , Oct ilwr 23 to No ve-mb. r l,i it* . and frin.' th?tuber 21 to No nnilwr 1. autumn honey end wax Mia. 1' ' k !'• an.au, of It ■ heater V Y was kilted ly \ c. i Smith, who boarded wilii lo t, during aij tarrxd. S uttb thoti cucm'tid autcide by b owing out hi* brain*. lly ". i .k. g of a CMUp'it .g. a iml train on tho Joriu v < •> itral nuir >! • r, a- atoel near ItnaeUe. at-1 oti 1-e.ng run into 1v an engine lu the rear, the tit was set on fire i d Fi&.QOt l ' damago intlictel. .. Cuban ttn- rgetii* (lred Foil Jaijnea, in thedo-trmt ft .onfiiiigoa, aud the Kpai'iah laruaeu of fou-te-n men waa l iourel to death A Wateuw|w>ut near Lynch burg. Va . made a gap in the roadbed of the the Virgiim Mi Kami i lusty feet broad ami fifty fi - l deep, mto which a frcw, at train was p.-e.-iru'a'.e . and the ongitiseT a: la hrakeman lull -I ... The dory Ceialennlal. in which a i . i aaih-l fr u Mar*a-li-w tt# f--r Euroftw, l.m put iu'.- - a haruoi in Wale* fur provisions. .. . .Hlaary, Uie j* dt -liaiu. walked five huudr<l mdi . i in eix day in Ne<a Y rk, beTinp half an bout to apaie... .Ttie yacht Madeleine having been atiecoseful In a race with Uie Coalite** of Oofferin, the (Jnr-en's cup remains n American hands for another *eai n. The old champion yacht America accompanied the contestants over the course, ami succeeded in Uva'ing Uie Cmiutoa*' time by nineteen minute* Hiileeu tltoineaud government trmilwi liavev liewu deflated In Mexioo by U.e insurgent* A sample ca*e of Jowetry. valued at $2(1.000. left by the (lrumnn r of a Philadelphia house in Ilayuo'a hotel, Hpring field, Mxwe. wa* steilrn by thieve*. Tlio Servians captured tho Turkish town of lhlaanaki lneurrecUuu la breaking out all over the Columbian province, l'antral America .. The wife of I'. S. Osh-m. of iVlmyia. Me., while n -ami, drowned hwrMlf and (laughter, seven years old. in a pond A French cliapel at Nitig-Kuoe-Poo, China,waa r< c -ntly attack- <1 by naitve* ilutlu< mass, and the priest amlswvetal of tho cougregatum were killed ... Jann* lloyd, l>enioarat, haabciu nomiuate<l for ttt the Penneylvatua seventh district. .. 'Tlio t: giucera of the Mia*tr*i|ipi improvement am ounce thai they now havo a navigable channel with twenty ono feet of water.... A alionting affray, gnvtiig out of jHilitical troubles, occurred at Kell'a station. Tenn., in uliicli one man was kilhwl and nine wounded. I>uring mi altercation between Patrick Mona haii and hi* rtojwiu, J nine* Miilkeun. aged seventeen years, m Nu* York, th I•• y fatally stabbed the old ma A niue-year-old daughter of a wan miunl Dower was ftitilly tnnrdero.l and outran-d by a >mo unknown party near 11-mjo-uad, 1.. 1. llt r remain* aero found a pioco of wood*. and showed signs of a tonit r ttrng h e for life Itev. l.dwat t I'. tlniitk, pre ideut of Howard uni versity an 1 ox c mmnsioner of Indian affairs, died on the Ouiuea coast of Afrioa in Juno.... The Now Jersey rublior work* at Now liruus wick, N. J., v. irf burnod, c.usiug a loss of ind throwing tliroo hundrod prison* out of MOT ![. ' l Ota i Y-KOlfKlil CUNHKKXS. Tb. Itnalnrs* < utannl Tkm nclerl SVWATP.. TliO Senate took up tlio bill • tahllshhig pout ii.uioa throughout the country. Mr. Maiulin efTored an auiondnioni appropriating v 130,(Hid out of ai y money in llio treasury arising fioui tbo revenue* of tlio Pnat-oflioe department for the lined yoar ending fuue SO, 1H77, in uddiliou lo tlio rum appropriated for iiiUiid rrrvive by lallintd. provided tliat t!i porlaiaater gtuwial shsll only applv this mini aa far a> ii la possil I" I" do so, l i the f.ist uiall trams out: o New Vork Central ami Hndrou iliver railroad, and 1, k Hbuie and Michigan Southern railroads hot wee i Now York and Chicago, and over tbo Pennsylvania railr- d and it* connections between New York and Si Lonia. New Yolk and Chicago, and Now Yolk and Cincinnati. Mr. Paddock (Hep.), of Nebraska, submitted ail amendment a* so a idiliom. 1 section to tlio bill, to restore tbo franking privilege, reported by lain from the o manatee oil po't-ollloo* and p'wt roads oo tka tvsoipkfu of M*y* la*', [it provides that it *kail be lawful to tianeuai through the mat!, free of piaitage, loiter*, (■ackagns, or other matter relating exclusively to the bllsmtna of the governlunllt of the Uiiilml Hlalea and also that senator*, repre aeuiaUvea and delegates In tVmgroaa, the oec lalary of Ui* Senate and cletk of the Houae of HnpreaeiitaUvna may send slid IrceiVO through lli* in it, flee of (Hislage, letters and il *-U --moiila. | The amilulmenl of Air. l'aildock restoring the privilege wan agree;! 10 yeas, 3d , nay*, Ift as follow * | KopublicaiM lu toman. Hemo ctata tu Ibid; *. and lnde|udeuta tu mn . IN) }n> Alha-iu, lluinai lot "hrlatiaiiry, Oovimr, Or agin, Ik let* Hawrai, Ivnsii, Itmunda, rie In-gtiuya; u, OiMibm, Harvey, Howe, Jugaila, A- v A;y, Mtury, ,Wr rriti"'" MlU'helt. .Vuc trvmf. Piwtdia'k, Patterson, fb I if ' -/'A, /bins- an, .Sot..* ury, Kpi-oci r, .Vkivnaw, ITutiav, West, H'UAsrs 3d. Nit* Aniltony. It<jy llooTtt, f'aiu-rou (Wis.), 1 la. ton, IV* ir Ferry, liauiUn, Arr -1111 ie 1 <ogan, l/i'Viiry 1/i /i iuiH, 31 Ytiliau, Mm rill, Ogloahy Ift llie bill waa leb -lied to the Manale. and Uie amendmniita made in c -titmillee of the alio.e wine agreed to after winch II was toad a third tune and |*Lanb,l yeas, 2ft ; nays. I*. Mr. WNiidoiu (Itei; ), of Alnoinaoia, fmiu the riiuiuiiltao 1 f c inft re *0 011 llie liegtstailve, l.lecttUve and Judl- tat App prl I < bill, aub- Uiltted a lopiirt that Iheiwin until nsd agrieil il|Kiu llie I ill, an-l It wan i; a I and agtei -I t-i. Mr Kaipeot ( Itep ) of tkUlforida, call; d up the coiifetence report 011 the Consular ant Htplomaii AppropriaUou 11 1. After some dtrcusaiou the re()tt of Uie committee waa agreed to withu I a ;hvial •>. Mr W'tndom (Hp )of Manua ls, fi m Uie c iniiui'tw on ap| ri pilkll; n* 1 - p it d u>e Ken ale bill a| prupitatlng F*(M',oWi to }wy judg menl* 1 f the court of claim;- Pawed Mr 1 Imuuds (Hep ), of Vermont, moved to lake up tne pru|*;aed constitutional amend ment* pluhiblUiig the appiopt laVtou of tuoiiev f r tho #ll l-port o* a; clariaii schools. Agreed t- yea*. 23 ; tiaya, 1J Tlio hili to catty llito effect the Hawaiian treaty was, after considerable dincuraiou, read a tbiid ttmo an-l |>xsneit y; a*. 23 .cava 12 Mr. tmgaii (Hep ), of libtio n oatlrd up Uie rspurl of tbe confeiei ce Committee 011 lbs b il to regulate tho (llalut-Ution of artificial hup a P> aoidiofa -lid aallma who wete disabled in ilia lata wai tor the Union 'The report Ww agreed to 'Tbo debate on the re-oluUou proposing an amendment to the t'ousUtuUuu pri-hiblung Ibe apptopriaUoti uf publ c tuoney for the support of saclatiati school*, waa c itiltuunl and after cotialdetable dlacusal u U.-■ iu- iiiUcu wa* dm fialed yea*, 2* nave, 10, nut iwo-lbilda voting Hi the atliruial'Ve, as rrijuirej by llu= I'm si tut -U. Tbe volo war a* follows lie Moser . AUiaoti, Anthony, Ikmib, lkiutwell tlunou. Hurnside, Cameron (Wis.), (Shrisliaiii'v Clayton, t dukliug, Cragui, r.i mumls t<rry, Fr< l-ugbß)een. Hatvey. Junes (Scv), 1 wig an, McMillan, Mitchell, Mornli, Mm ton Ugiestiy, Padduck, l'at( raon, bargent, Sjenm r, Wafilcigli and Weal 2* Nits Ati-nerr CeKkreii, tNiopwr.Havta, Kahili, tinrduii, J mew (I la. 1 Kelly, Keruan, Key, M i reery, McHonalJ. Maxey, Norwood Halidoipb and Ktevei aon Id MMan, .in. Wither*, Whyu, Hau.sbury, Walla • llayaid si. 1 lleuii . who ould have volol against It, v-Io paired with Maaf*. Hftftea, Hart. ( Hi, liltc-hf k C* nitron (i'a ). Ilukubou, Wlndum sad Wright, who would halo \,>loI for It . and Ml llftiieaui,alio would nato vote I against It. w*s paired wlUi Mwn Howe and lugaUs, who Would Utle wind far it, lis having lao of iho ftHiiiiikLilr ardo to pail with l,iui to make tho ]au ovcii where a two UiUila vole war frsjuirtsl. Ml Wind,Hi lla | ). of MlUiiawota, Ceiled UJ t' e report of tlic oo: 1 til,-i.ro tviiuiuiiifte i n lbs Indian Appropriation til:, and it aaa ag.-eed to wilhoui ihacitftali li. Mr. logan yll-p ) • ' 1 no i*. celled up the House toil to autb >rico lite President loaocpl U. ►• I vice* of ft luuleeis to aid in *upprraa ll.n LlLillWUilllM. it* •tibtt-Uod a , amend ment lu the i.aiui e of ft sxbstn ile, auii.oi .iiWg t *e President to increase audi compei.lee of cavalry tegiuim tc a- he may ll ma |eupertu one hundred tueu each. | ruiidlt g thai the lo'.al i.umtwi of mm euhaled a'ikl] not exceed i '■> end a, propnellug fl 1.14 Too to pay t!.o ip<i e of rurh il. least. Agreed U> yeas. I'd , I ays. II - alid U.c hill aa amended waa lead a Hunt time at. t paee—l. flieOtn r laid t*o?orc the Senate a m< ssage fr. m the I'rr-i ic t. i. tun lug. without ha ap proval, Uift Kcuslo h IL to provide for tie Ml# fa 1- rti iof ik- i ra;.,i .of in. i >ufed ereU-d On e ■ d 1 ue!n bai.da • f Indians ai d the Sac aii I K.-x India),* in Kansas and N1 oka A - a■:i . . u.- sa,.o from tin Pica m, #1a1..,g that he uaa c nv.:.c *l. artel furtli. . riciuiu.ltui], l! ai hi* uxsoiio return ing the UUi without Ilia . r 'lla!arc waa pfcine lure, aud rvj.rsiod il at the lull might ho re turned to h.m for Ina a gi stole. A I). iiun to Iv. f r the tin saa.c Was 1 ejected, and tlie (UraUoii hciiig o. ih uf llo i iu, notwithstanding ih- 01-JecUona of Uie I'lraideni, .twas j ass.d h, a uuautißOUa vote Mr. cVwikl.iig ralli i up the Sc.:.at., hii. to ami d aectuu i.ili of Ue n void staluteai of (he Cniiod KlaUcs mu I a !ua rrfavmeiit |,y the ftcer. taiy uf the trraaunr of tunua#,- lav • hero It a. live; .1 m, h.(rarest ciist l. g treaty eti|nilatioiia. !'• Mi asm vV od .mat.d Met rwciy were appelat ed a <vu;ui:i I v j,.n with the cv inmiilce of Hie H . cof l.< ,u -c i,'a*.ves to salt U|-on the I'resideiil aud notify him that ( ongrisa waa rea yto aljouri, Mi. H indom, from tha.oom miUeo a(>|.auled to wait upon tha I'luaidftul, leiKirUal ilial ihi'V had Uiachargod that duty, an 1 tlie Pro* dent replied thai he had no further communication to make to tloiigress, and Mr Ferry, the (irtaidiiig (Iticer, announced the Senate adjourned ana# dtt. ■OOM. Mr. l.ai.tlerw (Pern.). of ludiana iutnaiui-wd a hill to secure tlie prompt reeumpdou of I|WJI payment After dlacuMloa the hill vu referred n> the committee on cvfttiftge, weights an l measure*. Mr l.awrence Introduced an amendment to !he ConsUtntt m for that known as the 111 am* Sch-vol i me< tmenl. as follows : AftTl. I i \\ I. Sec 1 Ho Mats r),a)l make any law rei ectmg an estaliiiahrueut of reiig mt. or prohilntuig the free < xerclee therHif. J No public property or money raise.! hy taxation, or from any public fond or property lu any Stale or place subject to the legislaUve p air of O ingress, shall over te given to or Is- nn-h r ivintr, i of any reiigioua sect or de nomination. 3. f.-ngress alial! have po*er to eufon e llua at icle hy a( propr.ale h , islation. Kefettid to the judiciary commit lee. Mr. Wedde.l (Una), of North Caroiitift. called -up the Senate hid allowing the Parade Mail Steamship On. to carry the mat a on it* ■taw iron steamahii*. After some discussion as u> wild'., r the bill was *iiftlcie:iUy guarded to exclude the idea of icougmxiiig the claim for ex ra subsidy tlie lull <u i*s-ed aith an am end a. en: striking out the words • xcept such as : .v lawfully exist ill dcr 'he law of the scvenu. u'h of l ehr-iary, 15f.5." Mr Uaghy (ltid.), of Illinois from tlie com mittee on invalid p i sioiir. re|<orte.l a hill giv ing a pension c f J.tO a month Ui the widow of Caj t Yates of the Seveuth cavalry, killed with Custer Passe.! Mr. lvanilall (llera ). of Pciniisvlvania. from tin- committee of ro- feri-n< on the Executive. Legialfttire aud Judicial A-.proptiaUou hill. re|>urtnl that tho coumulU. had c-mte to no coiißiusiou thereon. He explained that after oociiwilng aud examining paragraph after paragraph, the canmitteo had come to an agreement on all matter* except the salary of the President and ttie salaries of the mi-tuber* of ' u'jrrce.* The House conferees were un willing t - yield to either, and tha Senate man agers had declared their fixed intention not to yield. It had Is-eii theicforn acrced that these qneetii n < f salaries should lie su'jmuted to the two Houses. Mr. Isord (lleui.), of New York, offered the foil -sing preamble and reeolntroc : Whe-i -.s, Tue Senate has rr fused to yield to the exis'injr <s>nfrrencea Istw.tn the two Houses ou the lyvgislatiTe, Executive and Ju dicial Appr nidation t ill, winch difficulties re late to s*:arics of nit tu cr* of Cottgrre*. and to the President . and Whereas, We are apprised that any further conference of tho eni jwt will bo use ess. and can make no change lu tho detrrtuiuaUou ou the p*rt of the tt*natc ; therefore is'MO/pnl, That the conferee* on the part of tlie Hoiwe be and they are hereby instructed to r<oedo from such punt* of diaa*tr meat. The res 'lutioii was agreed to, and the same conference committee #i roaptavmlrd Str. lsird (Hem ). of New York, offered a resolution reciting that the right of suffrage prescribed by tlie c nstitntiou* of the several Mates is subject t , the Eifte.-uUi am< uduient, and thst the exercise of said right should IK faithfully maintain'*) and observed hy the I'm ted Mates, and that it is asserted that tho exercise of said tight is in some Slates, not withstanding the eft Its of good citizens, re stated and controlled hy fraud, intitnidaliou and violence, so that the ol Jw" of the Eiftcvoth amendment is defeated, and that a'i citizens, without distinction of * ■ or col> r -ret) ll'd to tho rig,-ts co. ferrod hy said amotid nient. ami declaring ihst all attempt" hy force, fraud, t< rror, intimidation or otherwise to pie vettl a free exercis of the rights of suffrage should meet with certain condign and effmitnal punishment, end that if any esse which has heretofore occurred or may lien after > eetir in winch vinleuoo cr tunrder ha* Ixon or aha.l be committed hy one clase or race on another, prompt tuniahtuei t of thecrimuual or crooi „als is imjivratively demamlist, whether the crime IK- one ptinistiahln hy * tine and impris on:,lent, or one douian.lh g the puimliiueiit of death. Tho resolution was adopttd hy a voto of 174 yeas to two nays. (In motiou of Mr Panning (bid ), of Ohio, the Senate lull repealing so much of the Army Appropriation bid as limits tlie iiumt>or of In dian snouts to SOU. au 1 continuing in force the statute which authnnr.es the employment of 1,000 scouts, as* taken from tho tah.o, and aftor explanation hy him passed. Mr. Hpringer (Heru.). of Ul'i" *. subm tted tho rejvort of the romuut oeoi i i.igu affairs in regard to the Voueruolaa claims, togcUur •villi the foUowuig iiisolu tun : HOSOIM i, That the l'rtaident of the United Mi,U<* is hereby ic,pie*:od to withbol I further deiuamls upon the govwtinieut of YeuecurUt mi account, f the sward*, f the mixedoommis | sion under the onnvontum of Aplil '2&, IH6C, ! until the fourth of March, 1377. aud tho secre tary of State is anthoriz.i ,1 and directed to stis peud all further payment to holder* of eertifl cat' s awarded hy ssid m>xed commission until said time, utiles} Congress shall otherwise I direct. After discussion, tlio tosolution was pass ext. Mr. Ilandall (Dum.), of Pennsylvania, made a coufereuvx report on the In ban Appropria tion kill. Ho explained tliat the material point of difference between tho two House* had hbeu the transfer of the iiutian bureau to the IVar department. The House had tkrio times indicated it* purp > to have such trans fer, and 'nd parsed a special UAI for that trans tsr, which had Loan sent to ths San ate on ths twoutjr-flflti of April last, and had svar alnoa rntiialin -I unacted on In Uial Usljr. The Uuin l>k<l niuin when one lioaa* or Uin utliM must jrleld in lliet particular 11 bill aa passed by lli* 1 1 on** appropriated 99,U7U,fl<ri. I'lin Kens'a 11 ml Increased U by restoring lbs provision for lb* Indian luirwu-to #4,352,3(11 A* ignwil on In oonfotcno# It i|i|mi|>rUt*l ♦ t <i7i"1,117. winch wa * saving over last year .if #iKK>,4tf7 The report <va spread to. 'ill" Hfmiktr pri it nr. laid b<fore Ui* Hon** a nic-aa## front the I'leeident, wllti ooawitttil ration* from the seen tary of war. llmi. Hher iiuui and llun. Klipi I dan renoinnietidlUK an In- i-r-sae of tho cavalty forow of tits army by 2 600 uien. or authority to oall out flvs rgi luoiita of volunteer cavalry of 1 000 men each, lli-ft-ircd to tbe comuiiiii-n -111 military affairs Mr. Hluglobm (Ham ), of Miaauaippi, from ilia ooiifeioiioe comtniiioo on tlia t'-onaular ai.d Ulpioliisuo Apprepf iali -n bIU, lap tied lhal lbs coiuuiilleo hail u ti.n to au agreaiualit thereon the House conferees had yielded to the Keualo lu regard lo Uie salaries fixed by law, and after outiaultatioa bat alloweit acer lain number uf dlptouia'a to be withdrawn Twenty two rouauls have also tieen wiih-trawti. Ihe bill a* It now elan la save* t'JOH.OOO from Uie appropriations of last vear. l'l-e i-.*i,iteo had also agreed to ti- r a*e Uie salary of those who are to be withdrawn until tli-y receive l ull e of their dtr-haige. The re, -rt Waa agreed to Mr Husk (Hep ), i f Wiaoonaiu. from Uie conference iXMUlllllli e oil the bill to regwiatn the it lair 1 bull at of artificial hmba tu aoidiers atut sailorw, made a rep -rt whiob waa agreed to. Mi Kaiidall (Hmi 1 of Pet.naylvauia. from the ivitntuitloeuii -t.f< rt uce, tuaiie a report on the l*g-*laUve. File. n ami Judicial Applo - rtatluu lull. Mt. liuli. >ll (Hem ), uf Indiana, • lialnd to have a atpaiate vo o on the amend ment# in regard to salary, but waa Informed by U>e K|>eaker fjfv Us*, mat Ui* ouoferctioa ra |~>rt must be act- dona* a whole. The rep Mt waa agio-.;} -o al'tioul d-aeus*l(Mi or derision klr Hat.daii (Ham ), of Pennsylvania, sub muted the report of it.a c u.feienca cvooimiltee on llie b.dial. A|ipro;-iiaUuii bill. Agreed to without d acuesloti. The K(akar iai ! befog tbe Houae atu nag* frotu tbe Preaideiit lu regard to toe Ihvsr and Harbor bill, slat, ;g that if U had been , c mpulaory to rx|xnitKe money therein ap i iopiiauel, he would have vetoed 11, hat Is tt wan not he wuud lave care thai no public money should be ex j0..-led on useleaa wotk# >r upon any tbat were not clearly national. The tnoaaage createil (into a sensation, and afier an excited dlscuswiou.waa referred to toe committee on • Jtntnsr.;- ilr. Banuii.g (Hem .of Ohio, made a con ference report on U-e bill to increase Ibe cavalry force for aei in c in Uie Kioux war, and , ruoeeded to explain il The House tneeded from it* proposition to a uthuriae the raising of ft,(Jtlo volunteer cavaiiv , and accepts the propo. Sition to incieae.- toe tegu-ar cava! y f- rce oiral ug against the h.tux by 2,500 *ti Tbe repirt waa agreed t-i—yeee. 107 , tieya. 3V. Uu uioli 11 of Mr. ( txKinee (Hep ), of No i '-rsrka Uie Lilt pioviang for tbe sale of a i-or -1 t on of the roeervati 11 of the confederated 1 clloe and illeeouil 1 d-aue. and the Kxc a d Fox Indiana, in tne Kutoa of Kansas and Ne braska. wa* taken up and passed by a two tiiird# vole over toe P/endent # veto The Speaker pro lr~ , lUIMWIxeI thai the hour for liuei a-ljourni -enl havliig arrived,and ihanktng toe lluuae f r 11* courtesy, t! e first sesacin of ibe llousa of the Forty-fourth Cju greas stood atljourned witoout day. ______________ A Life Naihur Apparatus. - A writer for the Now York |ir-* U-lln of a new life aaviug ujiptiratrti* which he *aw oii ltuckaway Ixeitch—.me of the city'a preet Ituthiug rtwsorte: As my donkey trotted along 1 oaw a rounp man, huiutwi and freckled, wsarm a fancy blue combination lUnmtl Ixntbiug suit trim mod with rv;l braid. 11<$ cartied a ; rubber life saving nfij anxtu* ill ohc haud atid u long reel of I wine in the other. He showed me how he uoe-d hi* ap jiarwlu* on a drowning jverson. He m an exjw-rt swimmer He awimsotit with the rubber sock, which ia circular, in his hand. To it one cud of the twine is attached. A man uu shore hold* thr reel and ruria tic twuie off. Wbeu the -wimmer rtweibm tho drowning man, he mt b> - hmi as ho ri - -, or dive* for liuu if he is sinking, and slips the life pre iw rver over but head. It flt like a col lar around the drowning man's inck, ke'ping Uia head above water, 'i hen keeping by his side md* him, if necewmry. a* the man on sliore draws hitu in. When In; reocliea U,-- shallow wnH-r uth er* give hitu tin ir aid. Iu ths* *.t) three have been Htoilchcd from the irn miuent jarrti of n watery grave thi* summer. A Very Had I'lace. Gouty ihlituii t u it r* "f F < *u_ .iiitl Gomorrah vtxitiDß plwoo near N<<w York fitr, whew the roughs go to ftpeud the Sabbath a tiii indulge in deep carousal*. A Sun rv|H>rt**r, apcnkuig of ft visit there on a recent Sabbath, sayn : I men tinned profanity m una of the feature* of the pioa. I have loau at political mt tug*, from the frwa and easy primary, thr> >ugh every gratia op to the dignified national oolivontiou. With twuettetw I am not MO familiar. I have known a PrreHent'a message to coma into a oom posing room after the forms were looked up. 1 have wen whole galley of type piatl at J w<> o flock in the morning. 1 saw the Prince of Wales fall on his knees -nd bump his royal n.tse on the floor of the crowded ballroom. I have participated in many exciting venae, lint if all tlia profane ejaculation! provoked and uttered at all those oooasioua were collected together and rolled into one, and multiplied by the lightning calcu lator till he was black in the face, they would be AS nothing, AS the dust in the balance, when compared with the con stant, incessant ebb au.l flow of cunte, curse, curse, at Coney island. Crossing Magara 011 a Tight Rope. Hignorin* Sjieltenni, tho roj*e walker, crossed the rapids l>elow tho suspension bridge at Niagara oa a rope stretched (rum shore to abort'. This is tho third since lllondin. She appeared ou tho American aide dressed in low neck, abort sleeves and silk tights, oar rying a balance JHIIO weighing forty j*onuds. Crowds thronged tho brilge and tho iuelosnres at the ends of the rojie. At 5:30 Sp< ltorini ventured on tho rope, advancing in a alow walk to tho center over the boiling caldron. A tntnblo would have boon death. Still this fair girl, not over twenty-two, had nerve enough to ail down on tho rope, and make the ladies on shore turn their buck* on her iu painful suspense. Then a spriuklo of rain eniae tip, when aha re sumed hor danger"ia jonruev. When alio came off the rope her brow was oovord writh big drops of perspiration —she seemed dizzy. A large man re oeivod hor—her employer. "Ze ropo as aliopry," she said. " 1 mos fall. Z<* oontrac says Igo back again. Sail I<" she aaked, in broken Euglish. Tho people all said "n >, no!" and no tho manager was satished. Steam Boilers. A deputation waited upon Mr. Orom, tho British homo s-*cretary, tho other day, to ask for legislation on steam boil er explosions. Mr. Hugh Mason stated that during the last year sixty-seven |or sous wore killed and ninety-six wounded by steam boiler explosions, aud on ex amining the plates of the boilers, tbey wore found to lie worn to tlie thinness of l-32d part of an inch. Iu many other investigations cases were worse, the plates being worn to the thinness of 1 04th part of an inch. No explosion ever occurred without the boiler giving due warning. It would say: "I am going to explode unless yon stop work ing and repair me," hot such admoni tions were generally disregarded. He suggest**! periodical tusjiection as a remedy, and asked Mr. Cross to intro duce a short bill to enforce the investi gation. Mr. Cross promised to bike an early opportunity of consulting the Umrd of trade u]*>n the question, to sis* how far they could help him iu the matter. At our request Oragiu A 00., of Phil adelphia, Pa., have promised to neiid any of our readers, gratis (on reoeipt of fifteen cent* to pay postage,) a sample of Dobbins' Electric Soap to try. Send at onoe. * Pimples on the faoe, rough skin, chapped hail Is, ndtrhoum and all ctitansous affections cored, t.ie skin made soft and smooth. i v the use of Jiwim Takßoap. Thai made by 6a*well, Hazard A Co., New York, la the only loud that uau l>e i died on, aa Ultra are many umtationn, mads from common tar, which aro worthless. Corn. To avoid the danger ot infection, the linen of persons suffering frnrn akin di*eaes of a contagious nature should bo washed with G i.f.n n Mclpuub Soap, which is not only a retnodv hnt a disinfectant. I>epot, Cnuau lon'a, No 7 Sixth avenue, Now York. Hill's Instantaneous Hair Dys contains no metallic (loison. • A great mstiy people have asked us, of late : •' How do yoa keep your horse looking so "look and g'oesv 7" Wo tell theui it's the a*'oat tiling in liie world; give Sheridan's Cacairy Condition Poinlrrs two or three Hm< a week. • Liver Complaint. By R. V. Pie-roe, M. D., of Ui* WofM'a Dispen sary, Buffalo, N. fMiliar of " The I'eapla'd OfIMMMM HIIH Madia*l Adviser," etc , rta. Tli* livar 1* tho graat depurating (purifying) organ of ttia ay.unn, and liaa very aitprojuiataly U>ii lerm*d Uia " housekeeper of oor health I have observed In Uia diaeacluig-ruoti, and *l*-, to making (wtf-'Mfaai examination* of Ilia bodlaa of Ut<a who have diad of different disease*, llial. In a largo proportion of cases. Ilia liver baa given evidence of bavlug at some lima bnan dleeawuL 1.1 var affections area<|oal ly prevalent in tieaat*. Kvary butcher know a that Uia bvara of cattle, abaap and a*lM are tea Uinaa u freqtii npy diieaaad a* any other organ. K bealtby bvar each dry eon>taa i about tr j nnj u ...if po_. da of bita. Wuru II 1> .ootuaa lor pi J, oougnsM.il, or if, from any MIH, II la diaahlad in lb* performance of Ita dutoa. It la evident that Uia element* of Ute hue in oat remain in the blood, Uiua irritaUug, p-iiaoulug and perverUng everv vital process Nature atunnp',. to rid lb* ayateu of tbiae not oua Mi .la rusts by nieana of olber urgaua. j aa Uia kli-oja, lungs, akin, ale., which btoome j overt at nl lu | erforuinig Uien additional labor, and ell in she to Wllliataud Ibe pramt.ro The hi air, which la Uie great electrical Cell- | tar of all vitality, booome# overaUmulated witn uubra thy blood, and fail* to nortaally p I f iroi ita functl ma. Hence. It,cue ia dhilue*-, bead- : aclie, tin . airmenl of tbe iueuory. dikx.tiea*. gloom; fnrebudt ipa, and irritability of temper. <Vbeu tbe blond u dieeaaed, tbe akin manlleata t !wo noted a|Mita, pimples, bin obea. bulla, oar hune es anil act jfuiuua t annua Tbe atumacb ami bowata, auotier or later, taouue affected and oonaupatloti, plies. drupay, dyapejana. or (Uairl.ca, la tbe Inevitable reauit. Mart'iita or l.i vrn Coitrbaurr. A aaltne oulor of tbe kln, or yellowub biiiwn |*le nu tbe fee- and other |iaiu < f tbe , U, t* i nulneee and dtuia iim, wiUi fret|ueut i litididi , dlrrliieaa bitter Of bad teete In lb* 1 ui'iutb, Uiynta of tbe tbroat. and internal to at, plantation of lb* heart, a dry, taaaiug j cough. tufa Uiiokl, unsteady appetite wu ( etuiuaeb, raiatng of Ine food, and a clinking aeoaatiun I i tbe UlTnet nctliaaa and VuUu - ing, diatreaa, beat in***, and a Ideated or full fold.. ' ab-Ul tbe etomacb and atdee , aggie VaLug I a.ita in lb* ttde*. nack or breast an . at..til be ahoutder* , oultc patua and Buret,, m Luruagb tbe bowel* , c mat pauou, alternating j Willi diarrhea , ptlea, fiatuleuce, nervuuatiea* c-ildoaer of the ettreouuea, lueb of bluod to the bead, with *ympiotue of apoplexy , umnn neea of tbe limb* (.especially at night), and idiUla, aitaniaUng with hot ila.hea , kidney and other uri aary difficulties, duiit.c*#. b>w aptrlla, and tiioomy toietiuding*. Only a few of Uieet symptoms will be likely to b pre*eni in an; oaee at one time. 1 turxuT Take Dr. iWoe'd (roidex | Medical Discover*, with annul doae* of 111' ! I'lea* at i'urga'ive IVtieU, which act a* as< aiiriauve on the liver. For liver outaplaini and tbe varum* aff ucUona cauaed by a <li*c***C Uver, tboae remedies are unaurpaaawd. Tbe liuiden Medical Uaourary iloea nut aimply pal liate the diacaec, bat it pruduaan a ias-Uup effect. By tie uee, tbe liver and etomacb are changed to an active, bealtby atat*, tbe app* Ute n> regulated, lb* bloou panned end an ncbed aid the enure ayrtem renovated ami matured to health 1 tie Discovery ia aold b; drugguvt*. it V. i'.ervc M li , proprietor. World'* liiapeuaaiy, lluSaUi, S. X. Lone of Apiwlilr. In pereoti* of eedeutary and literaly pur suit* if tbe brain la overworked and lb* mus cle* underwuibed Uie appetit* ia vet; apt U. fail, from a general atony of tbe *y*t*m. Tbt Peruvian byrap reetarsa the tone of Uia digs* uva ryateni. end ooueeoueat'y tbe appetite, b; supp.yuig a pur* blood U> organ* bu weak h make it aitbout aaalatauoe. bold by *0 drug gists. * ( A gi*ntlm*ii ia tLo msU ra pari of tbt Stair, who ww shout having hi* leg ampu tated tat aoecKiUt of Ita being bent at right angina and aUff at tbe knee, heard of JtJua mms Am-dya* Limtnrml, Af.er living it a *h><n umi Uia leg tieaam* atralgbt, and ia now aa atrvtceaole as the other. * Vagetine baa newer failed to care tbe moat in 11*11 b.i aaae of canker. Maui Bko an niartui tea lb sited* oT iu want ewalhar aed an (W-tltUlwd. an ad Head by pip Win u Uka wiiMU WMaw of whlaiy two or lim lliai dorln* tea Oar. la a Utile ehna the** who adapt the ad due tnqa alii li rraaav Uia Burnt...- of " Ortua^**an-' ta Una haeoma aoukraad laabrialaa itmmvaiM eni e<4 oraata liitrat tor letoitaailua Ugaof*. aad wWiat la Ini*-.sl*4 npaciUlf tar Ua tiaaaOl OaUitttatac P-M.l. whathar it homo or abroad, la Dr. bchaockS r*t WaaO Tuela. Ooaialaiec tbo Jaioao af aiai daal but , U.M priaf*Uoe duaa lot emu an appoUW lor tbe i. l. iloalia# cup lb# noartablea and iifa-aai prllaa . n-.-ortiaa of maa) valaahlaaaittraiprudaeiv-ie* wtiliut iu U and waU iaova aa wadtr al maa Cava a B,.at - .alu*:..*a i.d *a<* A aiua> bauia at lb- Tsolc ati draauaatiafa tu raloahla gaahUaa. To, a*trflitr arlalu* traaa atetiiaaa. over mmmrUna (tea aa . *uaa ana var. a aln iwiawfal c t Aaa WaadTaaic late altar maab wI.J atraswlbae tba atumacb aed craata aa malll* lor atmlaaea lood. Ta ail vha an about laartaa tbair hoeaa. aa daatra la aai thai Ui aaaallaa ad., ta of IV babanci'a a awiealila naaadwa. baa WaaC Voola and Maadraka IhUa, an parUcalarij" artdae wtiaa Uh aa by thaaa abu an lajarleual) adaelad b a ahaaw* ol aalar aed dlat Ho penoe abeeld laawabew an bun i taklo a aapplr of Unai aalaawerda aloaw Far ■ab Pj ah hnaruta The Mbrkr's. aaw TO a* net r Cattle-iTtuie tc S vtrw Bullock* t'T ij A 10), Oerunioa to Oeod Te* -a. Wllrti Oca* *D *OOI Hon*—!.iv* Wi'v-4 id% Drwaaid. 4O Bberp UVff Wit t*mtw b.t Tv fVtlou- Middling l *# 1* kioor—Kxtra t 7X, , tie T- tie Extra t W 0 t 09 Wbaal--lied Wranaru. hi 0 I 0' Ho. t Sprtna PI 0 1 il ftve-iitalr. A* l* *1 Barley->ai t.l at Usrlr; -Malt 1 *1 at 1 ft (tai*-M led Western...... -I at *> Ooro— Mixed Wea1ecu.............. l< an Hay. par curl *0 # 0; <fraw, per earl ....... U e 01 Ilcp* ..Ilk-la J ... oida M 0 H Pork—Meaa It 10 git ail bard I-Sal HIS F*b—Mackerel. So. 1, new ..IT DC AIT " Ho. t, new Vto A * Dry Ood. OM- cwt 0 op At. bernug, bcjM-.1. pre ex X) A IWrc4rnm—Orodr . ICS *I"M I r-CDPd, I Ttnl-ikillaniin aa... It A U Tex** I< 0 S AeMealtaa " *S A 41 turner —etato B> A *' Waaiern littry g gil Wpaaern Ta110w...... 'it A W Western Ordinary II A Ohaeac—Mat* Pact0ry.............. 01 A OPS Plat* Hklranwl n* A 14 Wrwterr C A tt ffW -St* • 1 A :X WIMIA PT 0 10 A>o WSeal—HP. 1 I It All* Ooro—MIXMI... 49 A 4> ->ala MAM by* TO A TO Bnrny A rnu.Ai-M.rsia. Ihrl Oattie— Kxlra MA <* V Hhecp or V A tt\ H'Wv -Prawaed (WSA 10 Floor—r*4.:i.-rtTinl* Extra I ITS A * p° Wheal—K*d Wwtern w | I 1 Hyp ...... 1 A •< Oora—TtJ'.ow tt a > M1iPt1...., I- A Oil*—Mtxel 14 A M Petroleum—Crnd*. If> S .*! i S B-flned, IT\ WATSWTOWW, SAM. IWf I mile—Poor to ObAor I T A I 00 Bbecp J to A T 00 lA-ita ) >u A * a- A4 KXTFMHIAI WOHDKK few a S-rrwl aUmp II FS OFri' H. VlaaUed.H J •k*'bu w. iiA Uia (Sou-lie ramady. •I .1 llpor bo* by mail.sold by drasavaaa Ad** D lasul ApAa Craat.i I I V>r*omwie, PMaaant wort • nuaanm* on* amprare-t I fißßdmti mm aaald S H l.'VXl.i,, Rrl*. Pa >. . Mm. .r, ,-u-t mal* A faoial. Soad eI " lump ir clrraun F M. Hodta>.lodiaQap'a,lnd. PlllHinrit -iav ijpiti aaoled. Oatll aad farm* wlwirm A-ldnas rKVK *IXI . Anrnat*. Mains. $5 to S2O Ik.) orTFIT KKKB. RaA Uhaao* Tab Wrtia . —•< Onre . (II ll\>.l , .. * , JHetno Ptaaa.R Y sprriiip lad Is tk* Warld. rmtMwiia ASTHMA - • eiiriv, I IMTUAW a up. its wi k.rah,rv Femele lealMalr. CnarioUas n \ a . riaar \ traioU l'a|.*r.fy 1(1 h osSoa ' c 1 " F.VIb S*pt t.i ,*a-tl'-r. S,-! .1 f r fatai-wo* ?A.¥PAIGN r- ATfw 1 B-kk(i u Aa-uia. J. 11. *il kM)klTl SONS. It Ml RAAMon* Why KBTU- I J. Ttldma whoa Id bm l*otd A Jf4 R.v>k. HI c*a pwr o*w TVn ooi|AA to (WiuikAtc.) I 'luiA. 1 I Pb ITKM irii c, ViDAUod. N. J. rcnrarrrn , n th f ' "* c * .u*d umpl sfruo. 1 TfII s M s i' ' ■ h.W. VV.*tilnctoa M .Ko-u-n AdIKHTM .VTKD.-Twwo Hilt Moooted i*. Ohrnmoa for fi I. if urupl*. by mail.,Hiat-(-aid.ffUo. OoWTQiUkiAI.Ciiu.-reo t . .37 KaaaaoM.. Haw York. A A H 17*' '!' * llrwat NaoaaUoa btpH y. "v Fiilrl -, - f ,V*f St ,/r.. f„ A ami*. Bailer Ilu Oold. Add.ua* A.IXiUbrKKAOO.. Oblcaso Jut I * WUHTII and trurAlna aipanaas pud CVA-awe) (or nnlrm-ra. No paddien aan tad Add rem. MONITOU Mirr"u Co, OtnctnuaU. Ohio. C OKA A Tleelb.- Asaouwaotad 36 boat sail Jboou Wanted To Borrow rir a! a modorAt* rAlv of lrtwr .on ftrAt cIAA# Kimi llllaola. U Ml KOtUHlH.Toalas.lS S A fl TTHHIfT If yon want lb* bat aalllnc artlci* A lTr.il I \ '<■ " * world and a solid (old palaul XIUUIV 1 kj lever ea-cft. free of wwt. write U onoo 10 j 1.1,1.1 A IX).. 7BA Broadway. N V ATITTTVP *"d llorpblte tl.ibll abaoluteo and I 1 U I IIM ri'—eltly onred. PUnlaaa , no publiolta. II g 111 In Band - tamp (or Partloulara. Dr. Cain ■ BWMe Tl'N, ls7 Wa*f.l-,xlon St.. Otllo***, HI. 1 nniTltr All IVant II- tboa_nd. at lira* and A 111 l M I V mllßowiof propartMred bytt-fortnnm HIT Pin 111 mat* wrtii |r i-irftc-.1-rm free. O. M. AAUAAAI i ..sivoToy r - .HaaVorvA rtileaao. (WapA A MONTI! Asanta waalstl amn >l J full wtian. Hn: as bouorabla and ttruV laAllll clan Fart .jtarv eoat fro*. Addras* wWW vv--Kl-I nia. Mo. PKNNWI I.VAMA .! I I.IT AK Y A' A DEMY. I 'heal IT, IViin.. He psriv Hepterobar 1.5. I Tnorouah lostrnotlon in Ulrtl and Mlnlna Ktnrinearlur. Ilia UUa.lca and Fnatiab Brancbaa For Circuian j apply ro < XIL. THKO HYATT, Praa. F. M. A. SIQS2 r ! ifR F!...J( ■" JTe-. | TloUFFolu>%ka4. ,I 'rM> , , GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, T.i Uorr Imnm KiTOoni. HutDT KVKK OrrmiucD TO TUB Pt'BblC. (iunnr'a BCLPHI k HOAP mret with wondrouA rapliiily all LOOBI Dtoraec* and IrriUtioo of liic Hkin, remodii* and prcvenu Kbrumatkm and Gout, rrmovea Dandruff, PrerenU tlie Hair from Falling Out and Turning Gray, and it Dm lw-*t poMible protection againal diacanm cotumunicab-d by con tact (oMPi-KXioNAi. DEPKCTO are r* MANBHTbv KBMovKD >y ita uw, and il ctcru a m*i BKAirrirviso IBFLC KHCB upon the facw, nock, anna, and, indeed, upon tbe emir* cuticle, which 11 endowt Willi KBMAKKAIIbS POKITT, fa ihhana and aomrmw. Tbi* iNKXPKManrs and oontehikxt OPBCIFIC BBHDEBa CHMM'IUMAKV TUB otrrbAT ATTBXDiMu hulphor fUtile. Il Utorougbly -IWnfrcU contain I uaiml clotliing and llnim. PHTSIGIAHB ADVISE ITB USE I'KICKA. 8S AND SO C'EHTW PKB CA*B, FEB Bos, (BCABI*,)MC. and $1.90. I k By parobaalag lb* larf* **• al W reel* you (al lilyda Ik* guantWy. " Hlirt Hair and Whlakc" Dye, 1 ' lilnck wr Brown, Mr- C.lCtmmihm'r.lMh.ll A FOMTI NK aaa ba meda wtUnrol a*M w i* A Oombtno-bu, lu ailaa Hirtkat.m frua. Artdrvr IB BUB-QBE. Maaaeut. Kaeßaa OWr. W| ilaa. Yum ewa llkaa am la all ailna. la abow oar wort. imiriiad oo aaovu, llyltk lea a aeaaarrupk or 1 naiyy*. tnm wse Uaa W*u* im o***l. 91 t.Mt a pa*< Sample al our wart and aapi'.larmi 1 ■ •*. ia, *i. 11l era I. T I t'THKK kfuTvth w , 1 Bffled Meudlag. Fiyrkiwaau. IWerleallwa. J1 Mal (Sanwiaw. UamaUas. a*o Uoeurw* CuM*. ibnwlra boa attbm aaa may faaataai* aed vi* tea Ire, zgttfjs.'gzrsi • PAEEKIS AND GUARDIANS. Tea aaboal aed Outlaw* 18-act..-, tor 1N76 f l mw< uauia avatyreieg itm nckada far fsf-cdl- a Parwow* Ti riiw'Billjwial- fcxrraaa rain b* IT Baeaaa fur r-y uaii leermr* Warn 7 - ult.r WOBTM , Baudbr*. N Y A NOVELTY. JRR&ZC&L < erde, aaa'ai .Itw * eaaaa abas bald U> tkabrbl (to dmocev), ami |*nj-n*ito lor 0A aaeM. I eaeka. $ ua*. • I ■* ocimr card urtaim baa Ibaumi baaala rraated : ouUlt lUa Card Prleim. Leak Baa D. Aaeiaed. Mam PENSIONS ACRTTATGG; tad Male 11 urtm or rwalr wldaau aed arp-iaaa. aaa •>- rata paa.mn* Moaaito. aiao obiaioed. Adrbm lam. kddrem TIIdMAH M> BK'MAtI, Piealia and Hoaai Claim AMarmay. K* TU7 Mmo Wx. Pbiladelpeu P. A BOOK for the MILLION. MEDICAL AOVICEiffiaWSU-as; Cmarvh. BieWWi- 'JpomUabq. a*.. AAJfTrBEE e nae|* """"A* tmSCliawramiy bUI MIW.txLMa.Ma F\ A'L' r ED FOR THE GREAT CENTvJ-.i'.IAL HISTORY U **ua (aobar men aay nUar baak asm pebtakiil Oe* A***! *., d6l inpiw la ee* day Sued lay a- r earn term* 10 Am.ta Banuaxl. Pcwuawtka Oox rajfx. PnllaAalpbta. fx ~A_ Everett House, ■ Haytk Mda Uadae Keoan. Hae Via* Or-. S On I law aed Most Caee-al b.*M* lu U * '1 xny KatM ae Ik* fw im. rtso AJtBHEM A WKA'. KB. Clarendon Hotel, faarU Avaerm. smear Baal lets Pm Hae T< I U H f**4B An. f BURNHAM'S 1W74 Turbine WATER WHEEL Ma* dhliarrd baud red- of rr ba* Tuitilam. bet Ilea arm brrw ll* eetf doplarad. hepiM free. M. F. BI'BHHAM. foax.Fa. TO A.OBNTS t CAMPAIGN PORTRAITS -OF- I —OF— HATES. TILDEN. Puparti Urwyse lJlbeuawb*. Mi* leaks*. Far artmr* balshaed laiiafn I am._ikm* pmtauw ooaaoi W -a JT^niiV*^'xad^T ihti Rs?iratSiv 1X 1.37 Noaoau Ml kM. M*e Terk._ DTT NN ANEKES,E Il I DB. SILBBfUTB u V External PILE Eemad; \ Tbo oly Man Our. Mr PUe. ■ ■ ■ Ila order u. praa Mlty per,- a I 11 1 M Ik* putiWt Ibai '' Xaakuei, - | Ilex, w* oiaba MrM.ua wi. AAJmJ Br a* raaedpl o< a MOar slam aaad fa> auy suCarer a aaaapi* <d Ue "AiO.au," Im .4 ■ akarwu F. NETMTABMTKK A lU* (tola Maautaexunn f Aail aWa, Mas :t46, Wwm Tewfc. Farms and Homes in the Near West. Tea kmxrkraynl aad aaa reel Fa-mlaw beads saw la Ibe mark*! an t*e Mdu IVI A 9f. Paal Bai raad baada, ta bill TUKKV W>t-UTAe4 VOKTIUKN IOWA. Tbay an oWmad mi tb moat (avorukls lanes, at a low nto aflat i*ei. **>4 let * ua* it aml rail Free railroad tan le parr flea, • Writ* Mr parttoalare. It ami bm aa* es.tta eemd a a imaiai card, abb year addraaa. aed yae will leaalia. by mure malt, rtrouian with full laro-a.ime F. S taylor lm h I m*r. jkhl|Y^V Tbe uaa ad. vtaM the VHeer-l "wrtwifai ban aed abroad. *od apaed tkommade ol dotlan IB matck .0* baa]lb. ohaa a torn doam ->f Tarrant 8 Seltser Aperient would eaeomydl h -be sane rmotie. el Ik* coot *4 e lew o*ola II k* bam triad lor a gaarler ot a eeelun ar-t m-.-r aad erlt-j lerarUbMcrod reaulla H doe* in wtrr yaally. fed taormybly. elnnfuy ax m n yoaa,aad laarra BOLD BT ALL PEOOOMTB. TO PARENTS. If your child in snffcriug from Torni", one DR. Wirh ART'S WORM SCQAB DROPS, EQ old and reliable remetiy, that igi' f faiit in thoroughly externunabug the- e penta of ohildbood. Being made ia tl i form of Sugar Drops, bariug neither tl <* taste or smell of medicine, no trouble is experienced in inducing children to tsie 1 them. Sold by all Druggist* st 25 ote. r box, or sent by mail on receipt of pric •, at tho Principal Depot, 916 Fiibcit Street, Philadelphia, P. TEE Pit IDTOiL Life Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS. - - lurarparalrd I. 1547. Purely .Wulael. 1 Annual Vvah Dtrkkedeavallabl* to redooaPiwmlti.'. Uw aaoond yaar. PoUdm noa torfrtlabl* hr tbati vai • Endowment Pollolm la-ur-d at Ul Rata*. SAMI'KL C. UI'EY Prmtdent SAMI Kl. K Vlrr Proeld— , JAS WK,R AUSTIK. S*anXxr\ * p.. Apply 10 Mutual B-Uldm* Fklkdflflile. Pa. aaa Millions Electrified! ' SoMnc* bold* th# lttbtntaA In bar hvnd. Wht *■* one* lb* larror of million* U now the mlnletortn* aa**l I of other million*. Wb*t killed, now mm. Klrr-ti i clly. a* a rrand cure-tr* and rea'oretlra ayant. la uot *a**llby any otb*r *t*m*at or madioloeln lha blab' y I ol the healiny art Unlem tb# rltal spark baa lied lb - body. rmtoraUon by moan* of alactrtclty U pomtbl*. It ' Is tb* last resort of *U pbjwlolaaa and euryeou, lu inx ponded animation, and ha* raoeaodad In rmtortac mt - oular action and Hl* whan tb* breath bad appa-en y laft the body. Tb# rain* of ttak creat alamenl In li a troa'ineut of aocb dl.aaee, ae Kh.aaieU m, Paraly !-, i HI Vitus' Dana*, lntUmmeil-o of lb* Kidneys, r-c . | remains nnqaa*'W>nd b- tba blybvat nadtoal aatl-i-,- lis* But bow apply tt Ui any part of tbe teidi renlln eealy, ruuvrnlrntly. and i runemirallv t 'I h i Invention of fwlllea' Voltaic lMaalrr mo-U 1 la o(*at p ipular want, and furnlebo# aluolrlclty to mllii a ot unhappy InvaUdv In so perfect e meaner a- to cbv- Imas lb, admiration cf lb* medical facultr. ("aliii,..' Volutin Pl taiere consist of silver and siau plat-e, oaralully attached tocet- or. and inwddv 1 in a ntc'.ly uiedloalad p n-ne p'.ae sr. For Luoal Pains. Lserii. - , Korenms. Nuabnu, VVe-ikness. sod lutLmmstlo' f lb* Luaa-. Ltv.r. KMney*. bpbniu. Bouais, Bind . , Heart aed Mnscles. lel'tl--' Vohalc flualrre o tba most speed-, sale end effeotlre remedy ervr ofl .1 > tb* affllete .. and are warranted .apart- r to erery 11! r plmtar bolc-re tba public. Pit's 05 ciD'i Valla,' ui ■ raaeipt of pric .and warranted, by Wr.KKS A 1 TKR. Proprlelera, li .eton. Ark for COLLINS'VOLTAIC PLASTEF^j _ H Y M U So lxr, tK v WKITINO Tlf ADVRe-!-,!® vv p > uee an, that fm tawttr ndurH u.ci.l la tbi* uuncr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers