—' i, 'i Centre Reporter, *- . vUBTZ EDITOR. CENTRE HALL, Pa., Aug. 31, 187t. 1 F.RMS.— s2 per year, %n advance, 2,60 %ohen not paid in advance. Advertisement* 'iX' per line for three in sertions, and for 6 and 12 months by spe ai contract. FOR PRESIDENT : SAMUEL J. TtLDEN, of New York. FOR Vtnt PRESIDENT : TltOS. A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. ARSKMW.V .- JAMES f. "WEAVER, Mitwburg, W. K. ALEXANDER, Perm. ASSOCt ATE JVPORS : JOHN DTVKNS. Walker, M.VJ, SAM L FRANK, Miles. JFRT COMMISSIONER. JOHN RISHKL, of Gregg. IMPORTANT TO VOTERS. To secure the right to vote in Penn sylvania, all persons must l>e assessed two months before the election and have paid a State or county tax (either will do I within two years. In case the tax is paid this year, it must bo a month before the election. Foreign Kirn citizens ishing to vote next November must take out their nat uralization papers a month before the election. They must also be assessed two months previous to the day of vot ing, and must have paid a tax as above. The election will be held on Tuesday, the 7th day of November. Wed'say. September 6, is the last day fbr being assessed. Thursday, October 5, is the last day for securing naturalization papers. Thursday, October 6, is the last day on which taxes can bo jvaid in legal time to vote. The above dates should K> carefully remembered and acted on by all voters. Gen. James Brisbin, who succeeds the dead Custer as chief of Gen. Terry's j cavalry under the now reorganization, but who, wlilie acting on the staff of the | general commanding, w ill retain the im-! mediate command of his own column, the Second United States cavalry, is a citizen of Centre county. Gen. Brisbin used tol>e one of the Reporter'so! J sub scribers, and was a student at the Aa ronsburg Academy (under Rev. Burrell,' where he received his education. The Mollie Maguires are on the ram page, and what is left of them, and not convicted of murder, last week engaged in a disgraceftil riot. 'The old man at Ilarrisburg," llartranft—who a Mollie said, "dare not go back ou us" should look after his friends and quiet them down. After ail the Huntingdon county re publicans are not over their troubles and the split is not healed. The leaders of the two opposing factions, a short time ago agreed to bury the hatchet, but it appears from late developments -that the rank and tile will not foil into the un derstanding. Intelligence from Hunt ingdon, 22instsays that the'. republican county committee, of which Alex. Port was chairman and A. L. Guss secretary, met in Huntingdon, on Monday last, and after electing W. F. Cunningham chair man. and Samuel G. Isett secretary, passer! resolutions severely censuring Port and Guss for attempting to sell out their party organization to those politi cal tickstcrs, Wood and Orladv, without the shadow of authority, and without ever consulting the committee and or ganization they represented, and direct ed that Chairman Cunningham issue a call for a republican convention to be he'd in Huntingdon, Sept. 12,15T6. The other wing of the republican par ty, now represented by Guss, Woods and Orladv. held their convention yesterday and nominated a ticket but are fearfully demoralized on account of this independ ent movement. "We append the call for the new con. vention. 7b the Independent Republitant of Hunt ingdon County : The true and honest re publicans of the county are requested to meet at their usual places of holding elections an Saturday, September 9,1870. and elect two delegates in each borough ward and township to meet in county convention at Huntingdon on the 12th day of September, IS7O, at one p. m. to nominate a county ticket, or to take such other action as may be deemed best to preserve the integrity and organization of the republican party. Delegates will be elected in the town ships from five to seven p. m. and in Uie wards and boroughs from seven to nine p. m. W. F. CrSSIXGHAM, Chairman Rep. County Com. S. G. Irrr, Secretary. The Democratic House of Representa tives reduced the expenses of the Gov ernment thirty millions below what they were last year, and fifty millions below what was asked for this year. This reduction is ten millions less than it would have been if the Republican Senate had not added this amount to the bills as they received them from the House, Can we wonder that a people overburdened with taxation have deter mined to extend the power of the party which lias done this ? It is the duty of every Citizen to take a part in deciding in whose hands shall be placed the administration of the Gov ernment. No one can bo excused for negligence in this respect, and all wLo have hitherto foiled in this duty will do well to study and follow the example ot Governor Tilden, who, as we all know speaks truly when, in his Letter of Ac ceptance he says: "Educated in the belief that it is the first duty of a citizen of the Republic to take his fair allotment of care and trou ble in public affairs, I Lave, for forty years, as a private citizen, fulfilled that duty. If under the Presidency of Gov. Hayes, tranquility is to be restored to the South, how is it that Senator Mor ton, who has done more than any other one man to stir up strife in that section, and who has made so much political capital out of tho outrages that he has either actually caused, or has invented, is among the warmest and most eager advocates of his election ? After the House of Representatives has saved the country thirty millions of its expenditures, why is it that the Re publican party, which desires the con trol of our affairs for the nextfour years, can only speak in condemnation of what the House has done ? Schuyler Colfax, pronounced Dishon est by a committee of tho Senate of which he was the presiding officer, is working hard for Hayes and Wheeler. What must be the character of an ad ministration which can find in him an act^ptable co-worker? "if Hayes is a reformer, why did the whisky thi fives prefer himto Bristow at Cincinnati ? It is much easier to believe that Hayes is not a reformer than that the fellows who nominated him dtdn t know their man. The Detroit Free Press Buggests that when voters go again to the .polls they should put Bvtoe crackers and cheese in ji<7j;k§ts_fvrth© soldiers, HA YES. The character oftlio Republican can didate is in most respects the exact op posite of that of the man whom the Democrats support. Rutherford B. Haves is so dependent upon the whims, caprices, and designs of those who have him in their hands, that he cannot move speak, or even think, except in the grooves which they may choose to mark out. Ho has sold his birthright, and ho bought but a me* of pottage in ex change. He is a man without enemies, and without sufficient energy to make one. It is astonishing how often these men who have no enemies are praised for their good qualities, when the smallest amount of reflection would show us that they have no positive attributes what ever, The Ohio Governor is one of these, lie has no energy, no originali ty, no independence ; he could not possi bly l>o wicked, any more than he could ho good; and the latter quality la-conn s attributed to him because eftln al -etu e of positive vice which he has no alnlitr to practice. This mental vassalage is the uie-ff d. graded and ignoble serfdom in which it is |*>ssil>le for a man to be enthralled. The shackles of physical slavery, which the nominee of the Republicans prof - • ses so thoroughly to detent, ate as the ensigns of royalty when compared with the fetters that bind and In Id entrain melcd thought. The groans and lamenta tions of the physically Ivumd areas i lit strama of sweet music, when a compari son is made with the heart-rending criminallohs of the mat: who h->- sold his birthright; who dares not icsist the oppressor, or gi\e vent to his own opin ions upon matters of gravity and impor tance, even when in him is vested the right to their solo control. Governor Hayes is not the master of his thoughts, lie is encircled with the chains of tueuiai slavery, and conse quently, he cannot truthfully lay claim to mental purity and uprightness, lie dittos not move except as he is instruct* od; he may not write but as his keepers dictate; hois not even allowed to think for himself. He nevor has keen a leader and never can he be. He is found ; he has no freedom ; he must always, as a slave, do the bidding of some master mind. He is absolutely tu tho hands of those who have brought ruin upon his coun try, and discredit upon its executive. He is but an automaton whose every move ment is regulated by those who hold the strings, and they are they whose exis tence and well-being depend upon his dancing to the time which Grant has taught them. His election, were it not impossible, would insure to the country an era of evils of a nature more serious, even, than those under whose weight it is now groaning and suffering. Not long'sinoa Mr. D. IV. Muun, of Chicago, asked ex-speaker Blaine to procure a favor for him from Grant. In answer to this request Mr. Blaine in formed Mr. Munn that he had no influ ence with grant, in the following plain language: •"I have no influence with the pro-cut Administration. Not-a;i has i. to .- ••• >' - thief by uutinct. J- G. Bt UNI. ' It was the men who have influence with the present Administration who nominated Hayes; If Gov, Tilden be a "wrecker of rail roads," how is it that the men most in terested in the welfare of those mil roads urc among his most ardent admir ers and zealous supporters? If the Republican l'urtv. during the past eight years of its administration, has brought one misfortune after an other upon the country, until it is near ly ruined, what must be its opinion of the people, if it expects a continuance of its evil opportunities? It Governor Hayes be a reform candi date, how is it that we find, among those working for his election, every man who has been an ardent supporter of Grant? „♦ ♦ ♦ Those fellows who would prefer to sully Mr. Tilden's character and make him out disloyal are referred to congress man Hcwett's speech in another column of the Reporter, where all these and kin dred falsehoods are set at rest. Judge Pearson has decided that Wed nesday, September Oth, is the lx-t day on J which registration can be lawfully made. Persons not registered, and entitled thereto, should give this matter imme diate attention. FIGHTING SITTING BILL AND TIIEFOSI TRADERS. It would appear almost too incredible for belief and yet tho proofo are not wanting that since the commencement of open hostilities with the Sioux under •Sitting Bull the savages have been sup plied with arms and ammunition by post traders who are carrying on busi ness under the immediate protection of the United States government. The protest of army officers against the joli cy of supplying a nublic enemy with arms to Bhoot the soldiers sent io sub due him is unheeded by the Indian ring who are reaping a harvest of profit from the necessities alike of the civilized and savage armies that are confronting one another upon the battle field. A Herald correspondent at the front says that 20,(100 rounds of ammunition we're sent from Carroll to Sitting Bull's party after the massacre of Custer. Gen. Gibbon gives notice to the governor of Montana as late as August 5, that 138,000 rounds of small arms ammunition and several cases of breech loading arms were ship ped on a recent trip of the steamer Ben ton to the post trader at Fort Benton and asks him to prevent their distribu tion. The same correspondent says ".Sitting Bull, though notoriously hostile, has been for years allowed to provide himself with ammunition at the Fort Peck Agency, in which C'asselberry. Bonnalin and Orville Grant arc or w ere chief partners." Ammunition trains in tended for the Indians have been stop ped by officers of the army and after ward allowed to proceed upon direct in structions from Washington that they were not to be interfered with. The protests of the army against this outrage have been entirely ineffectual to stop a traffic which affords large profits to trad ers. The peaceful Indians who get arms turn them over to the lighting tribes with whom they secretly sympathise and they are constantly supplied on the pre tense that unless they have arms they can kill no game. The real reason for the sale of arms lies in the gain which the traders make from their savage pur chasers. And for this sordid considera tion the whole exposed frontier is plac ed at the mercy of a foe made danger ous by the possesssion of the deadliest weapons used in civilized warfare and millions of public treasure are wasted in attempting with one hand to subdue an enemy whom we arc arming and feed ing with the other. In a suit for damages for the falling of a wagon and team into an excavation at the side of the road, where the defence was that the horses were "skittish," the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has held: "It [the highway] must be kept in such repair that even skittish animals may be employed without risk of dan ger on it, by reason of the condition of the road." Campaign hint to voters —Honest T— is the best policy. "Pull down your West" is the Demo cratic slogan in Louisiana. "Bloody shirts" should next come in vogue as campaign symbols. The totul value of the Centennial buildings and their contents is estimated at a hundred aud four uiiiiou*. The radical county ooiivi ntion met >n . last Tuesday afternoon and made the ,'' following nominations Senator SpearThonip-on. Congress: .las. MiUiken \ inhly Win. M'Farlane of Feii us ..ml i Icr of Philip-bury. AsMH'istte Judges Geol . i ' U-nkii L .'f ; Centre Ilall,and Mr. Bakei - til > ml. Jury Coniniis i- iier lleniy Keller. Hat ris. M s I If J. Til HI V " ! IIONKsr 1.1 l'l lu.ti \ N M . v :>*' ... I 111 M. New \oi U l lines. Vtl I, 1-1 There were a lew indignant ptoti -; - t ar aiu-t the s, hetne 1 I weed'-- chatter , I 1 New York city] uttered bj tutch high* ' toned Ik'iuocrata as Samuel t ilden and others ol" hi- character, hut tin \ were without efleet, lot lwn 1 and -weeny had the vnti r- aha .;,ly t Hn u. I From the New N>■ iK ltn - \ 1*71.) If anything iv.n ui -> tin New \- k public to that pit !> of ind at- n w hi* !i alone beeotl 1 - thetll ill the | !e-eiit . •. It is the it* iollUts w liieh we publi-h I d,i\ Here we have, thank- t the 1,. bos of Mr. >-umn 1 J I'il.Uii, I II ..ml , conclusive \. <-m< that Willi.,m M l'weed dilieis niilv t; nun tn a tint in hf-vin ' >!' hoi t - of tl. to the at!id '.v it ot Mt 1 thh-n t i . i . ed Recount of how tlie dis; << 1 > f the j | nionev was traced. , New Vi ik I iuu .Nov The \otii-i of the 1 ightcculh \s- i sembly lfistiict i ught t ' i-tei t i i ..o i honor aiula privilege t* el\t s.iiuu 1 .1 , Tilden to Ihe l.egf-hduri lie ha- ( shown him.-et!.. gallant. ii... oi i efficient t e t-- corruption. W. appeal to every Rep iU;con to v.-te and i i \ for him, ami to do -o the nn-ie i he,rail- g lv as WO make this appeal lu .at- i e , 1- ail tlvin -t l>e;i;u. t. t. New York i tine-. .1 ay, i -, i I et us then leave Mr. t'tk-oi a 1 tie , while and turn t- i .ii.thi.ait -f an other kind -Mr. Tilden. The ri RBOD we wish to draw the attention of . or n ul- ' ers to him i-, that he is l-eing tin iiti-oi ed pretty goto rally. the Km r.itn- ( candidate for G vein, r thi fall. Mr. L'ildcu has t in.le ' tc.-nti :i 1 bl own name, because h< ha 1., .i a , i time in politic.-,and he i- well aware that a man may -peak t-• • - n, as well . too late. This we will -ay: that Mr. Til den w, uhl make a v> ry c > I candidate, for he i- a gentleman, an able man. and a tn an of very high character. Mr. Tiiden Um t iuu. 1. !. !by the U ss reputable portion of the Democralie party, and jwrhaps there are men even m Tammanv Hall who <! > not exaelly love. . . . lie is at any rate a lVm r.c. of long standing in the jarty; a man of unsullied honor, public and private a good, public spirit, t mail, wjio wuu,d 1 > no discredit but ur,!, h the rt verse to . nr State. Thi- we niav -ay witli per; sincerity. Nevertheless, if Mr. 1.1 1 were to ask us, as his ,!1 friei.d- and advisovs whether he should f, >'! it • tr duty todi-suiule him from that . We should lke s much to -co him hap. • but would it render him s.. t undergo a signal defeat? If the Republicans nominate Gen. Dix. Mr.Tilden i n! 1 n ran Hucxs6fully age.iust him lit" leu tally he would do Ibis party a gieat ilea! for he would impr. ve its moral , toue. KK rKKNCH.MiiN f- A RKDI yiiiN' Gt f ' t i:tM LAST Yl A ICS AITRGPRI \ IK'N. PEMOCS.VTI, REFORM X- . A Ml ' 1 1- mus ot: mm k, m . v • THE tei r t:nv-:,t:i of tiu: ip-i -e. [SjH-eiul to the G nrid. j Washington. August P. I'ho retrench-j 1 ment and reform which the Dent • ratio House has secured in the expeu lltur, of the Governmert begin to how in j ' stalwart figure- a.- th. ■ - - >f< .. r, - . draws to an end. With the npj . i . tion bills that have j .1, ntu! tho-e which are in shape to go through, quite an accurate statement of the an.- unt of the reduction of the ,mates oft In Ad ministration, and the amount f the i, - ' duetions from the bills of last year,p.e 1 by a Repubii, .nil t.,n b< i The t >tal redaction of the e-timatt as submitted by the various departments, amount in hills as tin v nav, p. dl! House to the enormous sum > ' ? ' h i - <">72 ltd. The amount of ret!u ti.-o- m.lc ! by the House ,>ti last year's hill is ? v -910,118! Ot'. Tho amount of t< : r, in - tions from last year's bill- will reach a grand total between fo'-V''' • ' 1 (33,000,01 H '. (tft-jurse theex.i' t licur,- cannot be given until the Indian, River ' and Harbor, ami lagi-'ative 1 dis are passed, but the reductions in, n: retire of the former and latter are already agreed on, and can be quite a -iiratelv approximated for tho g >n ! t, *.il. Itwd! lie noticed that in the total reduction < : nearly (39,000,000 bv the Hn-e th< Re publican Senate has n->t sucec, ded in cutting that amount down more than (.">,000,0') or (o.'Nsi.tH (>. It is denbtfnl if the official figures, which are yet to I • evolved from a tm. - of htabstic., v. .11 not reach that amount. This is th, r- - cord on which tho Hou >• g c t > ti.e country. It is not one of mere pr if, sions and pretensi uis > f retrenchment. Why don't the Republicans nr vver the fails of Tilden's great letter? There isn't a single one of them that dare- at tempt a controversion of I m !c Santucl charges that during the past elcv n years the people <>f the United htate oave jstid in the form ,f federal ta\ - no less than four billions five hundred millions of dollars; that within the same norif'd fully tw,-thirds a- much m -<• has been paid by them in the shape > ( local taxation, and that the a •cregate of federal and local taxation to which i! • country lues been subjected during the 1 period named lias been -< v, n billioi.- five hundred millions, or more than j three times as much as the whole na-', tional debt.—Philadelphia < 'hi ni< !". Seven years ago, Or her , Horac-Greeley wrote u open letter ad-1 1 dressed to Mr. Tilden. and said ; "This I : w ill say for you, that 1 am confident yon have never sought to enrich yourself by ! politics or at the expense of the public ; that whatever of wealth you have a, quired or enjoyed was earned in your profession asa lawyer, and that vour in- i stincLs and your intlu<nee, part, .n-hip I apart, have generally been teen felt on the side of economy in public i vpendi-j' turesand uprightness in the conduct of public affairs." A GLORIOUS Vli TORY FOR GEN-1' ERA L rt 'HERNA YEFF. London. August 2".—The sj <, i.il <lis patch to the I'ail v New- from Belgrade g.ivs: General 'l'cht rnayetf has tele- ( graphed to Prince Milan that the Si r- . vians won a great victory on Thursday. General llarvntovich abandoned the | pursuit of the Turks at Tresihahaandat- , tacked the rear of the Turkish right 1 wing. Tchornayefl'at the same time at- 1 tacked the Turks in front. Tho Turks were routed, with a loss, according to " Tehernaycff's dispatch of lo.UM) killed, wounded and iiriaoners. Thirty-one j Russian officers were killed in the hat tie. t MOLLY MAGUiKKS. DRU NREN N ESS. ST ARV ATJoN, ARSON AND MI JUJEK. : t! Depredations in the Lackawanna Coal Keg ions—Citizens Handing to Protect Their Lives aud Proper <7- J Port Richmond, Pa.. August 23.—The Inwlcsancsn whicll hut been prevalent in tho Wyoming and Lackawana coal re gions sinco tho trouble between tho oner- '< ntors and minors began, has result d in " bloodshed and other terrible outrage . At '' the clo.o of lust week tbo operatives oftlio 1 Pennsylvania Railroad (,'onipany vver,- paid. From that time forward the di - ol tricts in tho Pittslon re .-ion where the oi Company's works arc located, has been the sesno of lawless acts. On .Saturday pi night in a light between two factions of w Molly Maguires nL Yate-villo, near Pitts burg, Charles Foy, Joseph and .Matt J Green wero frightfully stabbed Foy was s stabbed thirty live times, and died ,-oori at afterward Tho murder caused intense vi excitement, and will probably end in th more bloodshed, as Foy's friends huvo PC sworn to annihilate his murderers. On tho th lime nigiit an altercation, which after- br ward resulted in a general combat, took th place between Thomas Phillips and Wii- |>, I inns Lightning, alius "Yorkshire Bill, un it Plymouth. Both men were terribly in- tin ured, und tit lust ueeounl- wort ezp. eted tin p) die. Hytlu Park, a nvKtivuz vl y. Molly Mitguirc . lint 1 HI tin toot t u- INI ROTI" .MI(R#C tn UIIJH.V, thn livun it••'ii-l Fh-irt li nt thn; •>l:t 1 w i-ntf ,i,| tut.l the wholo into!i. r touri ■ tl. Tli o In ■ Ultix tii-iii w • 1 till .:i 11 1 -1; 1. i !' I .... ! liOli tl. t t- hold nil V Jlti 10 t'l Vis oi ill till' ; church. T'lto pastor has alto hdnn roiillo.l to ijuii Hi. ln l'ark within two w..1. time or i.ti. r tin , , ~( n 1 Kittok' s ol inaraudcK hava perpclialetl - ft'tirihl i'tttra(r*, mid the whole country 1- 111. us .1 hv tlio 1 corntiti -ii tli. ir n.: ' 1 11 l; 1 Mifttlow l!r. .. ww all:., 1., ! I ■ I .Si, 11 1 : '' ! hull. 11 d tit, mi,l Mo Uallon who WlO 1 al . • l w . . 1: • 1 1 latly woundi.l. I'hc SHIOO 1 ill. itodt.l 1 ill ' l.oi,- ■ : .1 1 1 t not . , .1 r 1.1 ,t! ,i, nthir •; . 1 vn IB - Hv. Y and proneriy. ' I 1• ■ \ - ■-'. - ■ ; 0i1..: . t1: . !i ~i i'1i...!., Ji •.a 1. -nulitic, M - ; (' ilri.'H, I'.itrn k 1 .iou ittoi j I. . : 1 .. 1 . --: • 1 ~ -. ! ' - - 1 . . v. \■V • • - . ! ■ ■ 1 . ~! 'toil-: ' -....1.; ■ ' . I ll ' I j ln:iu lUlt -ii * ■: ..v.! ■■ v,. ■ kill.-! ii- : a br.iwl al !•:,:!>L. .\ \ crtli :of ttCiplltttt!; < w.oit :i-il ami i .Irouu l mst By thcji jiciiciu! ptißiic. But the Mollies iltvitl- - 1 lltc-lichof Li. :•!, 1' . while tcisiliiiir,, h:tr Ist : jit, uic, ho wa* shot atui killc.l! By one Thomr.- Hurley. UAYON 1 Is IN I iil 1 i EC! I<.\. tiKAN 1 - FIRST NO\ EMKN 1 l" M A 111) SlI \( u K 1,1 Nti I ill. ,t 111 Makii 1 1 , -11 ..t 1. .. K ti a the I'rctCAt 1 r ami th Ha.-ir; of ft M ;i-1n a- ami Do ji dif Mili tary 1r lor E' ii :. t > be Car ' rieu with ti.e SworJ ami llayont-L \ ■ al work, bef.ro C ntfr.-s. . i ~rr,J. in of fret that I■' 'onr w juld tin- - -,>!. rtn: t: *i I'li .?. :.t (Irani w .. -r ! - the ar ujy to he cci eontralc 'i in the m>uth am! ! ruYo it during the campaign with the! - hcon fully dc.-ri . ■ . 1 1 : n, t A i'. wn j never droiuned that the Kxc.utlve would: a,u !1 . i \ r, ' ' ' i.. 1. • 018 ... o , t ti:i the loth iait Mr Scott Lord, n \en-1 erahli'im n.hor of the IBsu-.i :i eld.-r it. { the I'r. -hyterian t him K, and : rm.-rly -i nior lis 1 a rtn ir 1 Set mr i'.'tit.' ; t g ehv: 1-i n i'■ i. ..t 1 oi t Ni . Yi'k 18,-;.;:. 11--'.f|Cl >h k. lit ' 1 all , ..'.sitoiri .0 .1. mil, *..* <!•• • ..... 1 : nr, - :ut. • c : . ,* a.! k.tnl- 1 : violence, -r 1 -ut then ulve. o# t cord. 1 The -iu.pl • ... .- agret.l to ; .: gal. Of *t.... - troti *t|.. N it- .Slot oota | . ; : , ' 1 :i .*.l * v oriii-r g '' : * 4 cant, hold ail the at,.i a bio !->rv.- umlv: r, .din,: S to Be us, .1 upon the call or rcju.- -itiou of such Governor- a Hi . ,gg or' 1 **'.ti 1 . r! . a Then . e dir... Gen Sin - man txu 1 .y f. r. and an. nah, t srracl - haro hit force diir;hut.-d r.t w ill br, the mo-'. nvenient to buxom : th- Sou*.to 1 • -- then informed that such siluii nnl ,:• dersns may be nr-.r. 1 cariy out tin ; pur|Ki.- . 1 thr-e instructions w ill I ■ giv ■ : from time •.•i.uio af.. r<h i-ltal. 1. w h< the law ortlceri ot the govern mart. li. other word-, ob. d once fir.-:, d. euti, i, af terward :.. - - - \ ■ ■ Lord's r. oli.t. m .- a joint r ami it nmst ho rospectfd as law. llavo till head of the nation and the B nerai ■ ! th arm v both contpir.-d .-guin-l the libcrtii ••f th.- j> pto : T.too - .-mil <1 1' n :: w .'. . V. .' The followi: g i> the text ot the order . V. ar Departui. Nt, Wssnlto - t'l li. A g 1 . 1570 To Gen. W T S . Tinan, fmn auding 17: i: ! Slat Armv Sit: T - IB , - ' !Uj r '..tovi -, f i ........ vir • II ' , 'ft..- rigti' of iftr.ige pi, :il ' State ■I- it to '... I'll: nth Ann ail ment of •! e(' r. t : ;ti - f tl. I'm: .1 States, which i a- follows : ART:, I.I: ISsCTtOM 1 --The r (hi ■ itizon- of the I'nited State- to vote thai! not 1. denied ur abridged By the I ailed St it- ■ or By any State, oti account of race, color, or previous c -ndition , : servitude. SKC 1 tOXI The CotuprtM shall have power to enforce thic article by appropriate legi-lation ; anil if .tm . The ri ■' I f ifir n tm> -c riheil and reyuhiH d should Be faithfully 'maintained and observed by the I'nited States, ami the ev-ralSta*. - and the ciii ;-en there, f ; and HVor. 1' . crt- d t it the ex ere - of tho right of snOaco is in - us-- of th iles, i . tv. ith-tan i ng the 1 " -r: of r. - good citizens to the country, re-i-ted and controlled By frnud, intimidation, and vi nlence, so that in-uch case- the object <•( the ntnenilmerd is def-ated ; and WVie vtis, All c listen*, without diatinc tion of race, er ell.-', or color, are entitled, to the protection conforred Bv such arti cle : Therefore be it resolved, by the House of Representative-, that all attempt* by force, fraud, terror, intimidation, or other wise to prevent tho free exercise ot tin right of -ult'rage in any State, should meet with certain, condign, and effectual pun ishment ; and that in any ca.-e which has:, heretofore occurred or may occur lierenf j, tor, in which violor.-- or murder lias been j or shall b -coiuroitteil by omi race or cino 1 upi n the other, the promt t pro i i-utim, and puni-liment of the eriminal or criini- . mil- in any having juri diction i impi ia- j lively demanded, w nether the 1 rime Be otto puni-hatole by lino or imprisonment, or •n. detiiandiiig the penalty of death The I'rc.ddent directs that inaccordanci with tho spirit of the above, you are ti hold all the available force under your ' • imioand, to . 111 1 -I in .!• ,uii .: 1 the savages on the wi-.-tern frontier, in rciulincsa to he used upon the call or re- . quisilion of the proper legal authorities for 1 protecting all citix Ins without distinction j of race, color, or political opinion, in the exercise of the right to voto as guaranteed ' liythe Fifteenth Amendment, and to n-- ' t sist in the enforci tuentol certain, condign, ' and i-tlei tual punislmicnt" upimail per < n ] who shall "attempt liy force, fraud, terror, ' iiitimidation, or 1 therwi-o to prevent the •' free exercise of tho light of -'.iffrnge," a-; provided by tho lawoftlio Hniu-d States.!: and have such force so distributed and stn-' tion. il ns to ho able to render prompt a-- ' aittanee in the enforcement of the law. Such additional orders as maybe neces- " sary to carry out the purpo-e oi tlie.- e m slrui'tions will ho given to you from time : > time, after consultation with the law of- . tie -r* nt tlio Government. Very rc. pcetfullyc your obedient ser vant, J. D CAMERON, Secretary of War. A CAUD TO THE AMERICAN ' PUBLIC. l"'or many yi ars we have mado two ined ieincs suited for tlio ailment- ofavastela-s t jf tuffi riTlioti iiinds of cure- have - ici'ii mail" by them, and in fact, the word | ailun uld never bo coupled with them. <1 Hut within the la-t two year* counterfeits [ if our medicines have sprung up, dutiger u in tlicir close imitation of ourtrndw e nark To .-ecuro the people we have 1 ilaei d upon each genuine box of Jloilo vay'- I'nls and Jlolloway't Oiiitment the i e .- 111 i 1 its of the signature ol our Agent, .Mr. Jos. llavdock. To counterfeit this u s a felony. \\ e shall releiith- sly pursue e ny one who imitates this with tho utmost B igor of the law. We most earnestly Beg t' hat the great mast of tho American c coplc will aid us in our efforts to protect c heir health, and lielp us in our task of B ringing those most unprini ipled men to f !iu bar ol ju liee. lliiiformly refuse to tl urcloi- : )B dieines jiurporting lobe our w 118 Mr. J" Hayil'.i i. i/uaturi i al 1 oiled to each l! '\ 'll'ilß ~r I'ot ol I tint ii, iei:l and the end w ill soon he rear lied. Ih- The public'.:ol'i-dient servants, 'ii UVLLG WAY diCU, tli THE MdI.EIE TRIAI.S. j \ 11 l \ \t \ T'l IBS ST A RTI.ING " CON ri'> -loN I V !',i 1,1 Ru;let on ilie S'taii,l M,,r. t SlMiliii • R, v Intitui- I low Ed ' wn i Iluike win Save,! A Moll} „ x I ' <1 it i.'iii 11 Intlucut,.sit 1 iur- 1 1 -l>tti: . j, in | uuß in . i iiiin. jiinei.J I*. It-vill Aug>i-l Iff It wax iipp.. ,-,I * B: the 1. unit at,al I lint the stiulßiig tie vol j , | 1 • . ,'ttin, | ' ' | 11 trutccl through , '!" . (t 111 orgHiiiiCMtton hail eotnej j to all ell, I, '• '.tod I eritlo heretofore til 1 kc. >vn all! tilt,. , iitintu I w. re revealed j' v. : '.itiiL Th, e, uiucl lot |. put up >n 1! " (land Patrick I - >1 .til, di tii.,laiits Being trod for " ~ 1 ; , to 11 ward tl e murderer >! * ■ ;. 111! e trut '1: nt had hi*own law' J ~: ■ ti-.,..-. that ho Joined I < rdet nl IBiXi-u It .a. All, 1 t Jo, !'•. , ,'lu Ituckeje ' I to, - - x I , Body master. Within a ' ... xi. l,_v lit- to.-dy tuK ter Donnelly to and there met Barney 1 *,- 1 oil til \ d o g .1, , Phi lp N Mill. I xll !r.f G, 1 .it 4v i lie, an ! a nuinher j * 1 lie then told that they had i i let : rf>• ; irp • of r.elce'.ing im-n io| ~ ii I . Iw, .l Bu: . and If ofaii dirc l 11 1 that 1 ■ wilm 1,1 i two others, being " glial membert of the ureenlnnllon. - lo .M do tl j. ; The lllti od. 'l X letini I' ! , ;.i 1 ... :lo pp. id, ,1 to do the jot I M . C , m id, 1 tl at the) ' ' .Sunk ; 1 !,• u. l, -s and the wit- * : ,1.4 ti • • .•tnaii ■ g one held consul-1. ■i.. 00 -1 ll . - w uld IPd Bel'' I•!• , ,1. .-ft 1 iiil! i'liii-i, tout lit or l n ..... r ofln halh xe| * t>'• • i "> •<1 it., it i.strut Sen* | • e „ '. tatßu k 1 lakiu (aof i earn not U hit him. This they did, audi* r I'dKcl • I!,) Do' ... ;ii, y had 11 lone ".heir lie;', ".Mini L iwltr I'luviug Sick. j About Ch rift ma* ol 1 ; 11... erilnaee at I'l ■■ I .11, hi- 1 ng at Michael ia!i... Muff ;M I wlvi 1 , i lor the purp. -e ol appoint- " ;ng II .. t■ 1 ill a ll,nil .it Jai 1.-,u'. I'at, h 1 1; B :• 11 1 M ulf Law tor xveieto be her to do the Job, but Barney * I fkiled to put in an appearance t th,- ap- 11 p< ii ted time nt, t Mun Law 1. r played fit L : •'■ '■ 1 th-ough. I•■ to Mtuuix'r 01 l j is: 1 p<xlan wanted the witnee* and * 1 .; . g . . Rav.-n - Run to uiurdat 1 1 r, xx 1..., v ;1, Willlaut I'rei " was 1:0 to -re4 in tin, Bt of September 1° i-.,\ lui : .h re-fused to go. This show- 11 ! th..: .' ■' murder of Thomas Sanger had ■' j'- -. iB-'.'fiiii: .I ui n By this orgatiira- - j'. ell., ax. ar lie -re ■r ' - H .. p iilflad that 1 * W..J i.p.iu-d for six months before!* '• . ' Vfti kll'e.l that MichaelP D • ; I t urns- Hurley, wno alter ' l , ,rd- J. ! kill Jam, w, rc seeking an op- j N at.. , to ki.l him; thai there 1,a,l ex J ' - i ■ > v to 1., I a man By to" I a M- Bt artv, at .r..„a. an thatj' ... 1. toot 1 - It: Ado to him for me:. ) to. ! Ij.'oto, 1! :;\, J, -eph Reese and 1 ! other. 1 toe \\ huli-ali !, M .... 4'.,'d that these mur 1 i , i at, ,i murder* all wen- 1 |c ' .1 In that p :ti :i of the county in Iwhicl the wltnoMmaided,and within tlio: .-'.'.l, - x at '.x 11 Be readily ssci, that ' ■ b a but av ry i.u.a!l por-r of tho w • i.. i luniiciacdexe-i ,t. .. ~h u tin h.tolish orgauiiation in • [tb ■wb to ..: t| with;:, tbaU*tlf* Vear* i t : w't ■ .wore that Ja, k K, hoe. Itba e-iui.tv d, !<-gat. : Upon Ins return fr„m| f Nat al I'-'Mi i.t! :i, held in the city| l N x ) ,-L : ! him that he k<-h ik 1 in, : Mi .a,D -yie, one ut ;!.i mar-j' •'.<nnol Bat at B;, -in .s, w Tartu ' ,: ..4 i ,le Be: r, the National ■ 11, ir-i, or c nvrntion, and told them that D v'.exvs .i. nil- - of the organination! iltd cr.n. • and that unto M they gax ,- ■ ,-v I ■ g, ; him out of tlio Country ha: w• .i !■ .rr, -1 • . and hung, wueuupon : <• li ,rdg ivoh -.. ut.- Hundred d,d!at>. .fcol s, ''. him Ir, and. Da\ id :v - . ~MI A * Ir,- W, Keho .t *' Itr 11, D i D : 5i...", K,-,-iian, Regain, Kern- T. .. t'larke. Hill G. rmli v. Hurley, r- to, Ho Donm-lly, John lyovo, Mc- K- i rM, I'arlen, :. d ( ni m, xicre at th- -nx nt. r.. v i,Hi wis held on the'J6tb; i Au. i-i. The convention met lo give n ret. tird . f h.inJred du'lar* for the' murder of G.uuer Jatue* : y D to>n M a Politlci— Barn.-v 1' ,n. Jack Kchoe'* predeee*-' •or i (' :r,ty I>, legate, xx \<• is referred l<x I ' xvit --r.- th" ini'.igator of , • II xx. >!.:, hern ijuite C-11-, ■pica ma la tba p ilttca >•: our i ~unty. A I v. a.- • l >■ . xx prominent caritli .. : t N i;.un,tu.g t'.invention ■ tb< ofl I Pratb notary, but ho was •in '•! C It i* ge:.. rally reported and t . • ! ! re I iii-nv c rru; : politi. al toarg-. ; 1 ,th with lit mey and larjon*.. iiw. ■ bi-. ti r I,!,- thr- jgh nun it i* not, x | ;: kt ti.isO Bargains w. re made 1-t . x. ith lioxert or liartranft, or even ati, bis knowledge. But with those -land-. • ■ x rx • ar to ! in p ■ t'.ica'ly at Harris-' : g ami through I, >al p >lit;. ians here i -testi'noj.y xv.i. elo •,ion h th aides •to: nfleri on, a- I the I' urS adjourned :• T . lav next, B",*Mot,day it txxid : r th, ar; it. for a new trial in the toil, t mm t.x.n th x- Munloy; , . , ted of llie mnrdi r„f The fang. r. • ■ .1 ir. the case against t'arroll, M,-(>ehan, it ,rll x and Boy!,- convicted - f the mur* d, r>l I' llceman V, t (in Tuesday tho :.e w ill Be given to the jury ahxl ended. TILDES S WAR RECORD Mr. 11 xx ill's E! jiieiit Reply I lam ia— A Silly Hlamltr Refuted Knr ever. In tic c..;! : . ii ~f M- n.lay, in tlio IB . . Mr. 1! x> i'.t, ,1 New Yot>., üßtain , It! . about ,'io'c. ck in the morning t rej.ly tMr K:isnn'* it!n, kon Guver : r 1.. !,-n. IB spoke of Mr. Ka-son - eh h- :i i :ii:.iul turpri-c ar.d a tuelar.-' ,ch ly ciporience. He x -uld hardly have believed that that. geritU tu;i:i. xx tli hi* inlell", tual endow-| - ild bava ao far abdiotad bia oval, Ir, ;•ct n ".. I; xx indulged in the par ti*an and malicloua statement* which hei' 1. ,d iiihd,-. 1! Mr. Hewitt approached!, ti... -lib;, tas ho would lake hold of a sli-i • mj nnke, with a desir? to get rid of il I I'l " fir-t charge w u that Govornor Tilder. l l.oi ben a liunirl- It wan possible) ■.lint Gov. Tildeu might, before the *trif"j ... ent,, • u in- ,1 xiew- in common with! .1 '!,t- ... Madi-un Jacks,>n and other'! great num. who had given construction to j the <'■ o to.ituti, n nr.d government of the , - in: ry. At the outbreak of tho rebellion 1 he. M i Hetfi-t i wat in daily and almost ! 1., .rly ~ iixiuunixin with <>> v. Tilden, and lie knew that no moro loyal or patriotic ! I. irtv.i heixtingin tlio United Stata*. When the !'rat rail for troop* e.inie, Tarn ;many llall. which had not then fallen in-;* to the hands of thn ring raised a regiment. 1 Tlio grand '"uchcm ,f Tammany llnll xxas'J , olonel of thai i,-gitnent. nml it wasoiliecr " , d by member ~f tho Tammany Society.)' 'ln ei ;;i tof his own Mr. Hewitt'slli health he had been unable to go, but he had -e: ! h;- nephew as one of the officers'' ~f that R giment- M. I.,phani N. Y i After tho fall of 1-, rtSumt r iidiiotMr. Tii,inn refuse to * ;' tin x >1! ! r thn great Coop, r Institute! • me, 'l„g, and refute to attend tho moot- ' ingl Mr. Hewitt. It; - riot true that lie refill I e , J 10-ign it. and he did attend the meet- ' 1 ing. (Applau-o on the Democratic side.) r Mr. 8 n tun el Sloan, then n member of the I ni,.ii i.tety , -miiiittei) of New York, ap plied to Mr. '1 il<l, it, a! a time when lie was engaged in the trial of n ca-o, to afll\ his name t" th" call, ami his reply xva.-, "I am very bu-yju-'. now; send mo tho resolu tions aft, r the trial of tlxi - ease, and ifthovl are entirely proper 1 xx-i 11 sign the call." I he call xxas never sent to him, but whan ( the me, tinjg took place lie attended it, arid ■ n thu re-,dull, HlS received his absolute Htid S uu'iualified approval. 1 ray now that Tarn- ,s many Hall rni < d a regiment tor the xiar, x and that Governor Tilden was a largo con- c Iribtitcr to that fund. ji Mr. Conger. How much ? I] Mr. Hewitt. 1 am not going to state dol- Inr- and cent*. Patriotism is above dol lars and cent* in some quarters. Mr Conger. It i< denied in tho public , pr< tl at >lr. 'l'i. len ever contributed Otpe , ~ nt fur any Mieh purpose. ( Derisive v ' laughter on the democratic side.) Will , the gentleman (Into whrn and wheto and J to what amount ho over contributed to the rui ingufa regiment? Hr. Hewitt. 1 slate when in stating that the Tammany regiment wa* raised, and 1 I tato where when I say city of N'exv York. Ido not slate the amount, because Donr- i oerats do not go carrying the hat around. I Laughter.] Mr. I)vv ( Rep., Nexv York.) I cuppos- J ,- l we had settled ail our difficulties, and J that this was a sort of lovo feast. '■ Mr. Randall (Item., IV) Tho lovo feast is to bo on the fill of March next. '• Mr Hewitt. Subsequently that period j no man in Now York was more frequently j railed into counsel there and in Washing- j' ton than Mr. Tilden. 1 know that ho was twice called lor by President Lincoln, and . x'atuo to Washington and held cheerful )' eonsultalioii with him. resulting in the enr ly and rapid tilling of tho quota from the '■ Tateof Nexv York, and I knoxv that,luring the whole of that trying time there never r " xva a doubtto the loynlify and patriot in ofhamuel.l. Tilden. As to the reso iti nof the Chicago Convention, quoted ,y Mr. Ixa on again t Mr. Tilden, doclar i-g tliu war a Ini!nro, he (.Mr. Jxtiseon) tiVUtvl liltYif bffWWU Ibftl WlttiiU H iUUUDi K( past n public ami |i..*,livn statement limi Been made By Mr. Maid ti Marbla, th, >, ,-retary of the e>>mmilton on residultanr, tl-ixt Hovernor Tilden opposed thn! rendu lion publicly and privately, and it was within his own (Mr Hewitt's) knowledge that Governor Til, Jen urged General Me. Cltrllnn (after lo- nomination) to make such a declaration in hi* letter ,f acetp'. ar,, ~ n would nullify that portion of the Chi, ago plat for tti Mr, Randall. Which wa "I'nion lit ull hamtdl." Mr Hewitt Thorn W ,-re the word* in sorted in tin, Chicago ('oiivelilion. (i,,v ,-rnor Tilden ilm lared t at the ailju-tnient .-I the controversy belv i ctt the South ato) North on any other basis than the restora tion of tin I nion Xx us impossible. Hint lie m mentally partv went out of the I'nlon the qi.i ito.ii must Be settled By War, and that the war riiu-t t, prosecuted until tho! quiition was settled. Th esc declaration* ~t his Were puhl lied I.i the New Y>-rL and ( to, ago pa| i- at tl.o time ■ f the ci - vention and il -■ t is my au-wur to tie stalelucnt of tl.n gentleman from low a that (iovcriior Tilden never made any derlar ixto-n in faxot ol the pioi.eulion ~f tlu war, and t! at Be whs a disuiiionist In regard to the In*.n al.i-i i nncetlrig G ,v --,*tr ■ ' T to id* i mew th that of William M Two I ke l!r H. xxitt -aid thai (too fiHleii h I for more than three years, like' a hound on the seei I, follow, d Hie in. m lier- "I the ring, patnttly secretly, ,nd ,l"lightei)ly. 11. t.iu w 1w t ,-d * untiring ' efforts day and Bight; in, kiexs how he in* k, 11 •••• pro la lo tbeii dai i m.l quitv and final V dragg.d item forth to! public eveia'i i. f Applause ) Mr Dav v ask. .1 xxhitlu-i, subs, tiuet tly to the , *l. .sure of Tsrf. -I. Mr. TilJ.-n i.sd '|■ -t met 1 xxe.- la, the tor., 1 ©.t,-r ( .-uvet. lion and not raised hit voice against 1 "i <f ,t . Mr I'.e, ..aw'win Jt- Hewitt yielded 0.l All M-uwcr) replied that there WHS m neees.ity tnr Ttldtn's d lfrg as 'fwo-J ws* not i i ti.e , .ftx at.l >n Mr lli-wilt, Ttte liare naked Ist t is this Thi xx a* war t jb knife, between (ton ernexr li' to. e an ■ i'wre.l, and it end, d irto thn defeat and "ills ..f [Loud applause Oil th llrUlocfatix- side ) Tiiat - ail thera Is abiiut i: I call the House to xs iim *s tisat 1 li.ive ai.swi-rtwl, arid am wil ing to atisw.-r every question Bearing on tho merit ot the , a-" No one will inti mate lli ot th* re xx us the slightest intimacy, peril rial or political, at any time. I ■ twei n v rimtnd J. Tilden ntn,l yy m. M Tweed I bar* never wry Them was thatassweia lion w! .ck v-.lues from the etifur.ed ap utituu :-t of men oi lommiUees fron their living in the same community and from Bv! ftgmg to the same party. Rut liie ine man stood in the community abovit ai d beyond suspicion, and the oth er was always an object of hatred and fi nally of detestation. ( defy the gentle man to lay ibuu hands upon a dishonest 1 to.llai u tba p. sxnssion of Samuel J. Til den. The people whom he served are hit friends tu day, and hi - be-t ; and it is the service xviiieh he rer,J.>red to them that xvi!!, n.-twliiistnnding the insinuations of the gentleman from L.wa, give him the v.-le of thosyj (wu great western Slate* w 'thin whole borders he res-ui.strux.le 1 highways which are l.> Ibeiu. to day '.he arteries of f. iiiou rre una Itoe.-iug* "*h ' value cannot be p,.>per]y estimated i hrtxigh tho v*e^eof remnrkntilo | reer 1 been the w oest of men, be has I Been the truest of friends, bo bus been the [ most zealous and >-arr o*i of patriot* ; he is i.'-day the wi- •-t yf,e most accomplished statesman ii; ti.,- lane, and he will, by the tdesslng , ft) J, be one of the greatest, t i-rhap- the greatwst of Presidents of the I !,iled States. Be. ause he will have the - pportuuitv to rescue tliis government jfroni tiie hands ut the incompetent and | dishonest men who I ,ve controlled it -o I long, ar.d have made it a rupnxaeh in the < yes of the civilized world. [Grcst aj>- plause on the Democratic side.] 'to.wi ix now nt Isong Itranch. lie , didii't Bwd a Y.irate.M to carry hi* rejt ulation. The Lungs- CONSUMPTION! This Ji-trc- .ng and dangir-us com i Uirto. and its (tremon itory sx u.pt .ms, neg '.eclid risugh. night sweat-, hursen,-s, wasting IB U : rer j i-rmanently cured By : Dr. tiwaync * Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry " BRuNDHITIS - A prtinoniuir of Pul monary Consumption, i* characterised By , alarrh, ,-r inilktnaliuti of the mucus mem brane of the air pa-xsg, , with cough and l ip, toratn i.. she rt breath, ha rKfiiCi*, I pain.- in lh,- chest. For al! Bronchial at- Ircte lls, Sore.tl,rval, loss uf x.i;c 1 , cougl.s, Ir. !IR ti) u**w (tiiii|Hiut)(i Syrup of Wild Cherry! it a tow-reign rem,-dv. Hemorrage, or Sp.urng of Blood, may ),r. xecd from the larynx, trachia, broti-' chia or lungs, and arise* from various! x auses, as undue physical exertion, ple tbora, or fu!ln*s of the vessel*, weak • urigs, overstraining of the v.-icc, tut,press- i od evacuation, obstruction of the spleen or| liver. Ac. Dr. Swaync'ti Compound Syrup ol Wild Chcrrj strikes at tho root of disease by purifying the blood, rwtunng the liver and kidneys to heaitby action, invigorating tho ner | vou* system. The only x'.anJarJ remedy fur hemor rage, bronchial and all pulmonary com plaint*-. Con-umptix e, iir those n red is pood to weak lungs, should n.t fail!, use this great vegetable remedy. It* marvelous power, not only over cvn-i -umption. But ever every chrotiit disease' xx here a gradual alt. ratixo aetixsn is need-i • d I ndcr its use the cough is liMorned, the night -w, atx diuiinished, the pain sub-. -u!e-, the pulse return* toil* natutal stand-, ;.rd, the stomach it improved in its power x > iligx -t ntid .-.-similato the (bed, and eve- J ry organ ha- a purer and better quality cdi Blood supplied to it, out of xxhicli roc rea j live and plastic mat, rial is mado. Prepared only by DR. BWAYNE A SON, M N -th Sixth Street. Philadelphia. ! Sold bv all Prom.ncnt Druggist*. ITCHING PILEs! FILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, Positiv,'v cured By the use of SWAIN E'S OINTMENT. Home Testimony. 1 Was sorely affix, ted with one of thr most distrx-ssiiig of ull dijea-es Pruritus or Prurigo, or mure commonly known a- Itching Piles The itching at lime* was almost intolerable, increased By scratch ing, a till not unfrcquetilly become sore. 1 Bought a box of "Swayne's Ointment;"! it* use gave quick relief, and in a short ! time mado a perfect cure. 1 can now f sleep undisturbed, and 1 would <lvi> al! who arc sutlering with this distressing complaint lo procure "Swayne's Dint-' incut" nl once . I had tried prescriptions! almost innumcratde. without finding any permanent relief. J OS. \V. CHRIST," (Firm of K,„ del Clirist.) Root and Shoe House, :t 14 North Secx>txl St., Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Swayne's All-healing Ointment is also a spec ill. for Tetter, Itch, Salt Kbeum, N, aid Head, Krytipelas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all Scaly, Crusty, Cutaneous Eruption*. Perfectly safe and harmless even on the most tender infant. Price, 00 cents. .Sent by mail to any address on receipt ol price. Sold by nil Leading Druggists. Prepared only by Dr. Kwaync A Son, 330 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Fhiladclpliia. Solo Proprietors and Manufacturer* SWA ) XE'S PANACEA Celebrated all over the world for it* re markable cure* of Scrofula, Mercurial and Syphilitic Complaint*, and in case* -where Syphilitic virus of the parent, onuses a do x oloomont of Svphillis or Sciofula in tho child, nothing liaicver proved loeffectual in completely eradicating every vestige of these dangerous complaints, and all di ca>cs arising from Impurity of The Flood. Describe symptoms in all rommunica- > tions, and address letters to Dr. Swavne * A Son, Philadelphia. No Cliargu lor ad- ' vice. Sont by exprc-s to any address. * Llr£, Qptivrlhi &Biuh 9 c v LONDON | A Scientific 1 Vegetable s HAIR COLOR Preparation '- of Rare RESTORER. j Ingredienta. your hair'A^ London Glossy, Luxu- Hair Restorer •! London Hair Restorer London riant Hair is ono Hair Restorer d Laadon Hair Restorer H London of tho greatest Hair Restorer - London Hair Restorer London of ull personal Hair Restorer s London Hair Restorer gj London Charms. Hair Restorer All that art can accomplish in beautify ng, strengthening, thickening nnd adorn tig tim hair is effected bv using "London lair Color Restorer. ' It stimulates and io brces a groxvth ; it gray restores its natu al color and renders it silkv and beauti ul ; cures dandruff; keeps the scalpclean ,>i hiul healthy. Price "6 cents. All ■, Iruggists and dealers sell it. Prim inal depot for the United States, ® W North Sixth direct, abovo Vine, l'hil ,d)ph!g, **METHODS**POINTSv ! METHODS OF BUSINESS-i POIMTS OF ADVANTAGE -i-h-IN THE PURCHASE OF-w-i -- CLOTHING-, -AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL^ To which we Invito too tnterntod Attention and Cxretul Scrvfiny et 1 -THE I'UItOIIASINQ 3'UBLIC.-^ METHODS: IWTg: WE U&TO but Oe Tr .-o > rAll axN'E Pete*wansr.f neeemtty thd TAW* VJ n* Price... ——' W' l > r i* •c*t*WMsneett<. J* * vi lwAftoAMiiii -.1..... WK gtxo a(juaraauw protecting Ail "7" * ~ ~ ~T~ 'f J!E On. rs-'> T r tnntathn tmyn who il tttey notbesjudeeof e<xd——. I(U* 1, i.trn Muoey when wo <oi ■ 'l " 1 * eon All ......... lAf - • ' tinmen*, ra> and am *at . VV tot:.l with a very small jwtreeut ■ t rty our I lu t first h i. l:i f ■ , , fur :.j Il.llto. l,so q.MalllUb?, O .d Ml tins __ prtueoKc CWi.~. TTUwTU>bt!j-i fns.stnr**!) erelreaUd Wit manufacture wtih nrtrrma tarn _ , k ,tUu K that every i-wnui ml wo *ll tm dcmod to other* WE lusp< ,t every yard of fuoOo lb.. -pvICKEBPfQ ar<l debars am done wsy yuo It.Ut our t-nru.i t.u XJ toy us.eYrrvftotlygtiUourliMl With _ _ <*ut b*V-ftg to IM*. luC ll _ WJi put a ticket n every prrrm it, ■ ■" 1 ■ showing plainly It* quutoi-.y m l /AIE larneevjwßcv.f!. capita) and ftcß price...._ \J niro wo uteturllie people'* twne&l ——- TI7K cut -rv, tf item of rante - .ry | " MpaadUm "IITK f!1 orders rwxMved t.ym*n Own all W* ® f ila tV.^egSk 0 ' ,!l ° luiU6utm ft 1,...... . .... 1 1 w*. n SagWfeUft In addition to cur Immense RioeV of T"r idr Made C!otLinr,ve hze a Magnificent Use c.f Men'* and B j"* Furnishing —rt* (of our cirii u~kx, and Lxulcrweur, aj si ibo guy Lowest I'rk-w. WANAMAKER & BROWN)- * " OAK IL&LX.^ S. E, COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. SHOiITLIDGK CO, COAL, LJMK.de., WILLIAM SUORTLIDGK. BOND VALENTINE SHORT! IDOE & CO, lit; mere and Sliippers of iht cclehraled Bollefonte r W|lll i lE| =LHfM§E. z j> .It athe very btet giadteof fANTBRAIJITB'"OOhiLj The only d i! i- <i' .iff County alio acll the W 111, K : • l: A UiltiE C<> A!L fma ihc old Bliimore rai-jer. AUo SIIAMOKIN AMI OTiIEII t.HADES <>f At '.• c . i . . n :. r 1.-use uf... n the loweat prieca D E .1 L /; ll S / G R A 1 jV. They j, a y th<- ; , ; j t . I .1 '.he t .< u.arl.- U will afford* WHEAT, (JOHN, It YE, ()ATS, CLOVER SEED &C., ; Bcu*ht* i. De • 1 i -i \'i n.i .. nil prim sutranteed. lat format ion c • . tl • irr . u. Ie * ,i c far • t! at all lime*, to farmer with phasiirc, :rt e i f h.irgo. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. riJIEIIUICK AM) GROUND FIFU: CLAY. DBALKILS IN CAYUGA GROUND HASTKR, which i ali.> v.i at . j; ~1 v.a raulcil in be i- 1 - j;cocl a fcrtilircr at an other platter. Defies Aili) TiAllD NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, THE NEW "DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. IT retain! .. I . . K ; ' DOMESTIC." irckiiinj tic Automatic Tension. *h.< h *ai ! i tin s <n t arllMK tl. .c.-t 1' 111 M HAKIM-M t COXtfAL I'EARIXCS on bcih the Macluao and Stand. Out new ami 1... - v . .: a. ' ht~n-l new Jtajnnery .1 1 at .t own aew work*, la the hutv hy of Nowan, Net t - t I MECHAXICAL EXCF.L LENCE. Mm mum Kins t. M..*na..:a >t 1> at.i :y, at. I rngc i nevet hcrctwioea teached in the he. * Mael.ine >>il.l. TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF We invite the attention of all, r*i->ccial)y those having high mechanical skill or rvatioo. N. !.'. Ail MJ IC* iul!) warnuitet! DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., IVOAV Vorlt and Chiong'O. LADIES. USE " DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. —~Wu would esteem it nn <■ pt in I l.i. vor if ovcry friend of tbe Hepnr: r v.. ;id •end us the namo of at leu : one ut .til > r, with the Cn-li for three month-, oOeonli ; six months sl,(x.t, and one your Jl'. Head* or, won't you try and d > us this little 11* vor. and will repay you by improving the Koportor.* Sana atthtbum >•! si\ riv subscribers, with the Cash, and we will sand you the K> porter < ii" ye ir free. BREONS' HOTEL, MILKOY. l'A. Tk be.*t table ai d bar. Mid e \ eel lent stabling for horses. Also a lino resort for summer bonrdo: . IJu.-s to depot, and daily stages to Centre county. Charges reasonable. <i EO. lilt HON, l'rop'r. J. ZEIXEK .v .SOI. DRUGGISTS *O6 BrockcrholTlvow,Bellcfoute,Pa in 1 iicietlcitls Perftiuicrj, I'Miiej tioinU de. It'. Turo Wiuoa and Liquors for medics iUfi>oea always key*. way 81, j NEW YORK BRANCH STORE, MoClnin' Block, Directly Opp. Bush House, Bellofonto, Pa. IS. 111:101 A.\ A CO., Prop'ra. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID KIUES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS & FAN CY GO OD S, STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. lielgw Uio llftuul ibices, i BEATTY (iRANI), SQUAIkI ANI> UPRIGHT. Prom #ta*. F. Regan, firm Regan & Carter. publisher# Daily and Weekly Tri bune. Jefferson City, Mo., after receiving a s7'*) instrument, my*! "Piano reached tin in good condition. I am well pleased with It It 1* all you rcp refill it to he." From Ji. K. BaMridxc, Bennington Fur nufo, I'.| after receiving a ♦7OO piano "iloatiy" received 4tb inat., all O. K., and comes fully up to your representation, and oxctedi our axpactationa. While I don't profaaa to he a Judge in tho matter, Mr# B. doe#, and pronounco* it of very wcet tone ; and Ia very much pirated with it." B.st InduremenU ever offered. Money refunded upon return of Piati" and freight chr?o l aid by roe (D. P. Realty) both way, if u ,B:itactory, after a test trial of live day* Piano* warranted for tlx year*. Agent# wanted. Bend for eala'ogtie Ad dreaa. 11. P HKAFTY. Washington, New Jersey, CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. • J. O. DKININGKH. A new. complete Hardware Flore hna been opened by the undersigned in Cen tre Hall, there he ia lire; bred to acll all kinds of Uttildir.g and Uoueo Furnishing Hardware, >' nil#. Ac. Circular and Hand Saw#, Tenron Saws, Webb Saw#. Clothe# Racka, a full assort ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture Frame*, Spikes. Kelloea, and Hub#. tabic Cutlery, Shovel#, Spade# and Pork*, Lock#, II in get. Scrowa, Sath Spring#. llor#e-SL<ea, Naila, Norway Rod#. on#. Tea Bell#, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Yarn iaiie#. Pietur -a framed in the fineatalyle. Anytli ng not on hand, ordered upon Uort"t notice. £■*-11' :netnbcr, all node offered cheap er than tlaewhovo Simon Haines, CBN THE HALL. Manufacturer of CltrrlntiCM. Baggie*. W neons, Ac. Of evc-y 4eription ; running gear for all kind# of vehicle*, wade to order, aod in Crtt c!a manner. Being a practical me chanic. I would WARRANT ALL WORK to give aaliafaetion. Repairing -•romptlv attended to at the lowett rate*. Undertaking, Coffins of nit tjl nadc on tborte#! notice. The business •f undertaking attended to in all branche#. Respectfully solicit* a share public patronage. 9 aept y \V. A. CURRY,. itilsikar, ii iLL.i' %. Would moat respectfully inform the cit cent of tbia vicinity, that he baa turned a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for n thare of the public patron age. B<ot# and Shoe* made to order and according to atyle, nad warranu bit work {to equal any made elsewhere. All kind* of repaying dona, and charge# reasonable- Giva him a call. fob IS lv RF.ATTY "*<>' Grand. Square and Upright. Prom Geo. E. I-etcher, firm of Win. H. Lew Lei A Bru . Backer*. Payette. Ohio. "Wc received the piano and think it a very fino-toned one out here. Waited a abort titae to give it a good teat- If you wish a trerd in favor of it we will cheer fully give it." J awe# B. Brown, Etq., Edwardtville, 111., say# : The Bcalty Piano received give entire aaliafaetion." Agent# wanted. Send for catalogue. Addrw*. D. P. BEATTY. Waab ir.gtop. New Jerter. Mark These Facts ! THE TESTIMONY OP THE WHOLE WOULD. IIOLIiOWIVK OUTTHEIT. Bad Lc£, Bad Brenxts, Sores and Ul cers. Ail U-seription of soret are remediable by the proper and dilligant use of thi# in estimable preparation. To attempt to ct re bad leg# by plastering the edge* of the wound together tt n folly ; for should the kin unite, a boggy diseased condition re main# underneath to break out with ten fold fur/ in a few day* The only ration a) and ucceatfui treatment, aa indicated by nature, i# to reduce the inflammation ■n ami about the wound aod to soothe the neighboring part# by rubbing in plenty cf the Oictiuent a* #alt is forced into meat. Thi# will cause the malignant humors to be drained off from the hard, swollen, and discolored part# round about tbe wound, lore, or ulcer, aod when tbeae humors are removed, the woo ad# tbemaeive* will toon heal ; warm bread and water poultice* ap plied over the affected part#, after tha OfaSMSt ha* been well rubbed in. w ill soothe and soften tbe tame and greatly at *ist the cure. There is a description of ul cer, tor < and swelling, which need not be named here, attendant upon the toUia* of youth, and tor which tbi* Ointment ia ur gently recommended a# a sovereign rem edy. In curing such poisonous sores it never fail* to restore tbe system to a healthy stale il the Pill* be taken accord ing to tne printed instructions. Dipthtberia, Ulcerated Bore Throat, aod Scarlet and other Fevers. Any of the above diseases may be cured by wml rubbing the Ointment three time# a day into the chest, throat, and neck of the patient s it wilT soon penetrate, and give immediate relief. Medicine taken by the mouth must operate upon the whole system ere its influence can be felt in any iocal pi.rt. whereas tho Ointment will do its work at once. Whoever trie# the n gueut in tbe above manner for the di seases nan cd, or any similar disorders af fecting the chest and thraat. will find thntuse!vos relieved a* by a charm. All sufferers from these complaints should en velope the throat at bedtime in a large bread tod water poultice, after the Oint ment has been well rubbed in; it a ill greatly assist the cure of tbe throat and phest. To allay the fever and lessen the inJamßiation, eight of ten Pills should be iaken night and mofning. The Ointment arill produce perspiration, the grand es sential .n all casus of fevers, sore throat*. >r wheto thare might be an oppression of .be chest, either from asthma or other tauses. I'iles, FietuUe, Strictures. The above cla## of complaint# will be re moved oynightly fomcntingthe parts with urm water, and then by most effectually •übhing in the Ointment. Persons suffer ng from these direful complaints should ose not a moment iu arresting their pro [toM. It should be understood that it is tot fuflicient merely to smear the Oinl nent on the atlecicd parts, but it must bo veil rubbed iu for a considerable time two >r three times a day, that it may bo taken nto the *y-tem, whence it will removo my hidden sora or wound as effectually is though palpable to tho eye. There igainjoread and water poultices, after tho übbiug ib of the Ointment, will do great ervice. This is the ouly sure treatment or females, cases of cancer in the siorn ich, or where there may be a general bear ing down. Ludiscretiona of Youth ; —Sores and Ulcers. Blotches, us also swellings, can, with ertainty, be radically cured if the Oint nont bo u#od freely, and the Pills taken light and morning, as recommended in he printed instructions. When treated n any other way they only dry up in one ilaco to break out in another; whereas his O.ntmcnt will remove the humor rom tho system, and leave the patient a igorousand healthy being. It will re luiro time with the use of the Pills to in ure a lasting cure. IKOPSIOAL SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS, AND BTirK JOINTS. Although th# ab-fTo compUioU differ widely la thlr rurin ana nature, yet they all reauire local tmatineat. laay of tho worst caaoa, oi auch dlaeaaee. will yield in comnaratlrely ahort apace of Uma when thta Oint ieot la diligently rubbed Into the Darta aJSccted, even fter every other meant hate failed. In all serioua laladiea the Pilla ahoald be taken according to tho rlnted directions accompanying each box. loth the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases .- ltd Left, Cone (Soft), ;Bcaid#, ad Brvaata, Caaoera, 'Son Nipples. >urna, Hunlona. Contracted an d Son Throat*. >lt of Sfeache- Stiff Joint*. '.Skin Ulaeaan, toea and Sand- Klephantiaala, iScurrv, Kiln. K'stuUs. (ioot. Son Beads, oco-bav. Glandular Swell- rumors. lilcao foot, Lumbago, [laf*. floor*. bUblaiaa, PUea, iWouaaa, Itapped Hindu. Rheumatism, Yawa, CAUTION I—None are genuine unless lie signature of J. HAYCOCK, HS agent for he United States, surrounds each box of 'ills and Ointment. A handsome reward fill be given to any one rendering such as may lead to the detection f any party or parties counterfeiting the lodicines or vending tbe same, knowing hem to be spurious. Sold at the manufactory of Professor toLLowfY & Co., New York, and bv all " ?spectable Druggists and Dealers in Med line throughout the civilised world, in oxes at 25 cents, 62 eents and $1 each. jro~T'iere is considerable saving iking the larger sizes. N. B —Directions for the itients ia every <li*or4? r * re uffixedfl icb bog. 26 my, e on*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers