THE CENTRE REPORTER- Pill* USD AY MAY IS, 1ST I *'. LODGE MEETINGS ( i vru iIM.I .Lew. rNo ttt <> .<O I mea's rverv H.,inn(nvftpnlii In tb Ooil v 1 , ■I. M un.i.u.,>D| Nrrt H.I Sssasc. A Ou> Four U>Mt, So. MI. K. V M.. M-oiitsj <-nliut. n or *ft-r ech full m,*>n In - M.UVIIono Hll. —„ w M (' r Hsri u-HKH, Snot. W. B. MiKOI K. rß.v,n*t>nMn*. I* M It. n,0..i or *•*"} * Ipnoor. .on or sfter orh full mooii, *1 V.M <• *" h. *• J*""*"/ of U* l.nthnrnn •hw'vh. • M '°T* , ,,, f iu, o oi)i Mr. i .n.l Oh I H U> 7>.Ur Vop*,. Mrv- W.rrn Mr*ri*c. M *a w r ™' orrnlMt Rvswsss MvntN. ,lh th trtiMS •> Ing olnll months hssUiaw** Fri.lsrs. Wn ,,. M DfMTWt. . ' W Pros! tent _ " LOGALI TKU^r It#- Standing announcements of candi dates yo.oo. Comm un ioatlona recom mending persons for office, sl.Coto s*2.iY j.jiovor enclose money in a postal card. Mind iktL Subscribe for tho Reporter tor the presidential campaign, it*you w ih to k ep pottad. Mingle and llrisbin supply U<t neighborhood with nice, ttvsh l oot now. Don't mi-s Rankin's drug store, when at Bellefonte. Purer and fieshor drugs than he keep* are not to be had. Strawberries at $1 per bo* in tlu eastern cities. Too high tor a Ceutre counlv editor. AN cli net cat ours now. —Mr Tiirone at Centre Mills, whose w'.oro whs destroyed by tire a short tim<, has a now building under roof a - ready on the old site. This is quick work —but then Mr. Throne i* a quiet go-ahead sort "of a man, and what he undertake goes right along. —lf you do not wish to buy a washing machine, then bo sure that you do not go where one of John 11. Milier a Complete Washers is at work, for all that seo it in operation, are charmed and buy it tan t help it they say—lt works so well, so < >-v. is so 1 litht and coots only Jtl.OO lie also ha- the be*t wringer ye; invented. The season for reporting bigitcakes killed is just now dawning. Centre coun ty lolks—and especially Reporter readers —will keep up their credit in this line. Don't let Centre county be beat for big sarpints. AVo'll kill the big snako in the mountains back of Aaronsburg, vat once was seen. Wolf has bushels of them. On Tuesday the demolition of the old church at Rebersburg commenced. This chuich was buiit about fifty-five years ago. The architect was Mr John krewiuer, Jec'd., of Piuo Creek ;n llaines township, who also built the old church a: Bealsburg. The Lutheran congrega tion at Rebersburg bought the old edifice —the joint property of the L-lh. and Re fornisd—for the sutu of $GtXi and will use i the brick and such of the material as is in good condition, in ihe erection of a new church. The Reformed congrega tion also intends erecting its own house of w, -rsiup in the alore-aid town. -A number of Centre Ha!! folks. Wm. Wolf, J. Spigelmver, Dr. Smith. Mrs. Sa r *b Uarpster, Miss Lucy Doining erand Mi** Flora Neff, were at the open ing of the v'entennial also Hugh Larri mer and S. F. Swan*, from ? otter. A subscriber of the Reporter, at KiJgely, Nob., writes, May 6: The order of the day is Black Hills. There was a party started here on the 2nd of this month, to seek their fortune in digging gold. If they are successful a great many farmers from this county will follow. Our farmers have already put in their grain, and we have good prospects for a plenti ful harvest. Our farmers are getting ready to plant corn. A great Centennial stock of goods, all styles, shades, pattern*, for men. women and children, has just been unpacked at lbe old stand of Wm. Wolf—and at the lowest possible prices. Ladies now is the time to get the ee itecoial styles at Miss Lucy Deininger* s who has just returned from Philadelphia with a large stock of millinery goods. Ceat-ten-nial, or Ten-cent-ial, yet they charge 50 cents to let you see it. Four hundred per cent profit—can't stand that. The people of Potters Mills and vi cinity should bear in mind that a centen nial snow is in their midst, admssion free of charge. A large show of the latest ar ticles at MeEntiro's store,— counters full, cellars full and garret lull of Centennial goods, at t rices lower than elsewhere. Sunday, 14, was a fine day; Monday several thunder gusts passed .over our county. Tuesday rain and cool. James Stover of Rebersburg, has the centennial timothy stalk—it already measures 18 inches. Major Reynolds, of Rebersburg. Las some stove wood in h's wood-thed, which might do for the centennial ; it was worked up in 1843, and as the major has a habit of nerer letting bis pile of wood run down to low water mark, this lot was nev er reached for fuel. —-The saw mill of Isett & Stokes, sit uate on Trout Run, near Osceola, Clear field county, was destroyed by fire, on Saturday morning last. —-It is not correct that Hugh Larriiner was killed on the railroad, be will not die, so long at he keeps selling the best and cheapest goods at Centre llill, and he is now unpacking a big stock. He has killed high prices by marking this goods down. He has a full line of goods and will sell at bottom figures. Hugh is a first-class man, every bit of a gentleman, and is one of the most fair dealing merchants you can find. He de serves encouragement, and a nicer assort ment of new goods can not be found. The Concert held at this place, on last Saturday evening, conducted by Prof. A. P. Meyer, was a success. Tbe reason the church was not crew led as it might have been, may be owing to tbe short nights, that people from a distance, espe cially working people, did not feel like leaving home after toiling hard all day. But with regard to tbe class, they did splendidly, as the majority were begin ners, and no singers from a distance were p resent. The citizens band of this place was in attendance, and discoursed some excellent music. The conduct of the audience was praise worthy ; no applauding in any form was indulged in, which showed respect for the house of God, and every one, as fur as bus been learned, was pleased with the even ing's exercises. The concert was closed by singing the L. M. Doxology, the class, band, organ and audience all joining in. The bene diction pronounced, the audience was dismissed. •* A large lot of fine Hungarian grass seed for sale by A. D. Rithel, near Centre Hill. Apply soon. 2t .pit-A new Golden Tongue Organ, one of the finest toned instruments made, for sale at this office. Also a Kynder organ, good as new. Either of these instruments offered at a bargain. Ladies of Centre Hall and vicinity, wishing to employ un experienced mantua maker at reasonable rates, by the week, should apply to Miss Alice R. Bollinger, whoso address at present is Potters Mills. Miss Bollinger will render satisfaction to all needing her services, having hud the best opportunities in gaining perfection at her trade. • 3t. J. S. MILLER, Fashionablo Tailor, Aa ronsburg. Shop few doors west 01 Dr. M usscr's 4may tf sending tbeir subscript ion to this office, can sec on the address on each paper, whether credit has been given—that answers same as a receipt. Young man! Don't waste your • spare change in frivolous amusements, but save it up and buy your mother or sister a new "Domestic." If you bavo no mother or sister, find some good-natured fellow that has, and he and the machine together may help you to a comfortable place in lh family if you thine up to the sitter TUK M'NDAY SCilOOl. CONVEN TION. 1. KXTKKTAUMKM'. The officers ofthe Centra O mtv S.tb bath Si-hot Aw* i huion desire u to **> that Inasimii h M mo*! of the touching in ; Sunday school i* done by fomalcJoßclior*, i and as 0 e Oon\. • :ion t> ! ' >''' lin C u irv Hall, June Cth and Ttli, is quit* spe cially designed for the encouragement < f , the teacher*, it i* earnestly doited that ; families in Centre Unit and vicinity will so i arrange their domestic duties during the Convent on shutver_\ tvmalc S. S ton It er can attend all the sessions of th Con vention. In erdei to realise the highest ImiU'dti •ought hy the meeting, l>is dinner* are unncoo saty, Wit'... ut J uto mu> .win! and physical comfort \> i.i he enjoyed; hut the delegates that will ho in attendance ut this gathering of christian worker* prefer plant, rather than sumptuous living. Kach school will ho invitel to send two delegate*, one et the n the superintendent it possible. 2 TKMPKRAXS 1 The following question is to he answer cd for the Convention by one of out f, ro iuot Suad ijr school men, either by letter or In person I* the Sunday achool u Scriptural agency for the prom. t -no! Tentt eranceThe au>wer will bo ac companied with a resolution on the sub jev-t and the singing of a temperance song or two front a e-dh-eti. n of Temperance Hymns and Song*, prepared t \ Prof. T K lVrVi.ns oi New York Mr .Crittenden' will lend copies prepaid on reeeipt ot two three cent stamp*, or iM) cts a doaen. 3. ScglPTl'RK LtS>ON. Member* of S. schools in Centre Hail and vicinity arc requested to commit to memory in order, the name* of the Rooks' of the Old and New T, laments and Hi s: t - . r co: ctrt rcc'.a; nat the T# .ng ! Folk's meeting on Wednesday p. m .June 7lh. KEBKR*-RURG AND VICINITY Frnit is g ur.g to he very plenty. The mowing field* look very bare. And at !*>t our young <o ks have started a Lodge in this place. It is an original get up. They call themselves "Free Born American Saturday Knights. " Undoubt edly their then e is "Popularity, and the! ease being fAii* we bid them "fair v.-ath er.' There are now two brick yards in oper ation. One is carried omunder the direc lion of James Stover, while T. H Ziegler superintends the other. Rev. Jacob Young, lately from Cleve land, Ohio, preached a powerful sormor. in the Kv. church a few nights ago. Some of the houses iu our town are still going forth to repair. James Mallory just finished his dwelling, while 11 Meyer is shout commencing. We wish some more would follow shit. Our side walks are in a miserable con dition. Who wiil lead us in repair ? The other week Philip tiramley fell and dislocated hi* right arm, while rolling seme saw logs. lie is doing right well at present. Tne ccal miners have resumed work near Wolfs Store. 'Prospects flattering. A Centennial Ba-ket Picnic is to come ffsometime in June, near Kreamenrille All the schools in the valley w ill partici ,>ale. HEW MOB. _♦ . . A new law affecting assignees was pass :d by the legislature. Under the old law, s-hen an assignment was made for the enefit of creditors, persons holding judg ments, against said assigned property, -ould issue an execution at once and sell under the sheriffs hammer ; but under :be nrw law this cannot b d. ne. When property i# thus levied nby the Sheriff, he assignee can go into court and have ;he sale stopped, the court i-suing an or ler of sale by the assignee, and setting a ;ime for said sale to take place. THE GREAT UNKNOWN. Ba-i, ban, colored folk*, Have you any wool 7 Yv. sir, yes, sir, Three Mates full. One for Morton. One for Blaine, And one forthe Great Unknown Thai's hiding in the lane. —St Louis Times. \ EDITOR'S NOTICE-In the Court of Common Plea* of Centre Co The undersigned an auditor appointed by said Court, to make distribution of the money arising from the Sheriff s *a!c of tho Persona! property of Burnside and Thomas to and among the parties entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment at hi* office in Bellefontc on Wcdnesday the 11th day of June, A. D. 187tt, at 2u'clook, p. m., when and where all parties interested may attend if they see proper. W. F. BEBER. lt> May 3t. XTOTICEOF APPEALS.- Appeals willbo held at the Office of the Couuty Commissioners, in B iiefunt" .IT the diff erent townships and boroughs of said County on the following days, to wit ■' On Thursday, June 8,51876, for the twps of Mile*. Penn. Haines .Gregg and Potter. On Friday, June 'J, for the twps of Har ris, Ferguson, Ualfmoon, College, Patton and Walker. On Saturday, June 10. for the twps o£ Boggs, Union, Huston, Worth ami the boroughs of Unionvilie and Milcsburg. On Monday, June 12, for the twps o: Taylor, Uurn-ido, Snowboc, Rush and the borough of Philipsburg. On Tuesday, June 18, for the tw ps of Spring, Benner and the borough of lfelle fonte. On Wednesday, June 14, for the twp of Marion, Liberty, Curtin, Howard and the borough of Howard. J. N HALL, 1 Attest, A. GREGG. J. 8. BSIVBUT, 11. A. MINGLE, i Clerk Commissioners, j gPRING OPENING OF Bonnets, Trimmings. Millinery. AT Miss Lucy IKi'nitiger's, IN CENTRE HALL. who has just returned from Philn. with the Latest Fashions, and a complete stock of New Bonnets, inew Hat*, elegant Trim mings, Ac., which will be sold or made up, at reasonable prices. Tho new styles are very pretty V Ladies call and see them early, first come, fir.-t served. lbmay 4t. Centennial Store. At Potters Mills. L. B. McENTIRE ha* just relurned from Philadelphia with a large and.well selected stock of Cheap Goods, which lie offers CHEAP FOR CASH or country Produce, nlso a largo stock of LADIE'S, GENT 3,.and CHILDREN'S , Shoes, Gaiters as low us $1.26 per pair, . and all other goods in proportion. Dry- Goods, Hosiery. Linens, Embroideries, White Goods, Laces, Notions and FAN* t CY GOODS, strictly first-class good* be low tho usual prices. His Grocery I)e --. partmcnt consists of Ilia Cheapest and Best Quality of Groce n Penns Valley. Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Syrups, Spices. Canned Fruits, Crackers, Cheese, and Dried Fruits etc. (Queens ware, Hardware Wood and Willowware and Oilcloths of every description. Huts, caps, Drugs, Oil and Paints, also Cigars, Tobacco and Confectioneries. All kinds Of' produce taken in exchange for goods g'so highest price paid. 1 thank the people of Penu9 Valley for liberal pAtroonge. bm PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Tlo*ch lulcom ihi tvnd to acomi. • to trnve - ! the O. nlcimial K\ll' bitten, (AN iMtnnwitlm ls>dty. rm Now Y -it. (•> Philadelphia forty-three ex press nnd accommodation train* ruu < vdi dav. The through train* t> and t'r at U ir ,t. lure nnd Pur burgh will number right tvu-h w iv per day, th< trait ileaving Pitts burgh n iking doe connect.on* with all \vo-to-: tr-i n*. and t'ie Hnrri*burg trains ' eenmv'.iiij. with the train* over the Phil adolphn, nut Krio, Cumberland Vnllej and Northern i ontral Railroad. The numbt : iX train between ll:irriiliut|( and Pliili ddphia w 111 n! bo increased it mat bo roijuir..! The reduction of fare on c\- curaion tickets >-'• per cent., making the fare from l.oiviif'ivn to go ami return - t'.s good for 15 day*. but no atop oil' is al lowed. K\ourion ticket* are -old at all -tatiotis on tlie main lino ami .branehe Uteist i . < tu, to. WON HI 1111 LFF.AI'IN PKDKSTIU- A N IS M l.otid m, Mni V twenty tour h ur Wnlk. gli alob was begun at o'clock !! ght ill .\ ;in ull. ral Hall, for a pur-c of in which ft>urteen Eugll-h pedea it nan* participated Onoofthem, named .Mile. completed fifty uitlea in eight 'hour*, fortv eight minutes and twenty '< ;t.t second-, w fetch is said to be the t*t .st tin on record. One ot the walker*, ...mod Yaugtmn, completed ninety-nine mile* in eighteen bourn, torn one minute* .■.d ta ntv ..coed*, which loft him twelve miniiti and twenty second* to beatO 1.-a --rv s b>*t time f>r one hundred mile*, lie completed h s bundredth mile iu ten win* utcs and fifteen seconds thu* beating Hi l.enrv bv two minutes and Ave second*. Later. \ aughan walked one hundred and twenty miles in twenty-threfi hour* and forty-rive minute* and then retired. IIOWM wa* ecv>nd, making one hundred and >i\t. on and sia-seventh* mile*, ami Ciossland third, making one hundred and thirteen and liresxrtolh uii'.c*. THE WHIPPING PG>T AND L'LL LORY. i Now Castle, Pelnware, May Id.--Ton in,-n were flogged at this place tosday and iftcrward* put *h lin the pillory W lis ' am Price at d Wilson 11, Smith (both colored 1 wore placed in the stocks from 10 to II o'chak. and afterward* tlog.ed, :the latter very lightly. Denni* Maguire ig '. twenty la-he-; James Dunbar i white) ton lathe John l'aylor, twenty lashes. ! James Trusty and Yfc illiam re-j ceived und whipping*, it being li nt m * second appearance at the whipping-post, j James truly wn heavily flogged, hut left the spot laughing. PI. Myers, A rather slightly built negro, was given no consid eration by the jailor, and cried piteouslv t for .platter. Henry Haden colored), he- Ung old and infirm, was treated very lon* i ieutly. Y it AT ILK BETWEEN TURKS AND INSURGENT* Ragusa, Slay 13.—Advice* from Scla vonic sources ,-iato that a battle was fought yesterday uear il .o in which 7tW Turks ami 100 insurgent* were killej. The Turks at Scutari had a celebration <-ver the murder of the German arid French Consul* at Salonicu (A SERENADE END* IN A TRAGE DY. St. Louis. May It —A most deplorable affair occurred in the little town of Dahl green, Hamilton county, 111., last Friday night. A party <t vmng men gave John Sturman, recently married, a serenade. Stunaan ordered the party off, but tbev not leaving at once he tired into them with a gun, kilfing \V ill is L wery and wound- : ing It.; 1 Buriot: nt 1 Frank Taylor. AH • the panic- are highly respectable, young Sturiua.. being a son of Judge Sturman, one of the zuoit prominent citizen* of the county. What remains of the Kcv. Henry Ward Beecher appeared at the Baltimore Acad emy of Music and deliver*' 1 what the Ga zette calls a "iuv sermon" on Religion in Education.' The house is said to have been about one-fifth filled with an audi ence consisting largely o! dead-bead*, ar.d the summing up of the affair is thai "it j was a dreary and lamentable failure." j This is very significant as showing bow ! completely the most eloquent preacher in the country has lost his hold upon the public. A nice lot of playthings in the for in of 5." i live ail : gators km arrived at the Na- | tional Centennial at Philadelphia. The hideous looking reptil*-* embraced all (titer, from the little tiny'thing six inches i long, just out of it* shell, to one 1 ■>i feet in ! length, named "billy.' The latter, a venerable rascal, with a rather repulsive countenance, is supposed to be nearly 1-*J years old. judging by mark* ho carries, as set forth by Audubon and other natu ralitu. These alligator* were captured by Mr. Thomas L. It >nd, in the vicinity of Pearl river, Louisiana, near its entrance into Lake Ponchar'.rain. During April 512 vc-'arrived at the p >rt of New Y rk, including 7'i steamers. 39 ship, 111 bark#, )7 brigs and 159 chooio-r- Of these, 230 were American, 151 British, 2"J German, 4'l Norwegian. 21 Italian, 13 Austrian, 5 French, . Dutch, 4 Portuguese, 4 iJweduh and 1 Belgian. On ly one armed vessel arrived, the Brazilian corvette Nichtheroy. Another attempt to fire the lumber yard* at Williams' rt was made on Saturday j night. The iMHdlkiy when czught, prov ed to be a crazy fellow named Carter, who, it ii supposed, caused tho di'nster of a fortnight ag-.'. Senator Morton talk* freely and hope fully about hi* rlir.ncoi of nomination nt Cincinnati!, and hi* friend* claim that he is rapidly gaining rtrength. AVintlow, the B'-ton forger, made an other application for h:s release on Satur day. Tho request was not granted, and the prisoner was roc uimilted lor ten day*. In view of po-ible trouble* in the East a Br:tih fleet has ha* been ordered to ren dezvous nt Smyrna. Two more Italian iron-clads have proceeded to Saloniea THE "MrsTKiuors ISLAND!"—We have just received Verne's last famous sto ry "The Mystori ous Island—Dropped Irom tho Clouds !" Iti*n intensely interest ing book, by the celebrated author of "20,- 000 League* under the Sots I" "Tour of the World in 80 days!" &c.. nnd gives the exciting adventures of live Union pris j oner* who during our late great war, es caped from Richmond. Vs., in 11 captured : balloon! They wore driven by a wild 1 hurricane across the entire continent, and I fell upon an uninhabited island in the I'a , itic ocean. Here they lived several years I unable t" escape. Finally a vessel up 11.cared, but proved to be at.irate ship, and instead of rescuing, endeavored to ; murder them. During the combat a mys -1 tcrious agent de-lroyeil tiieir vessel 1 The ! castaways had frequent exciting adven ! tures with wild animals, and also met with very mysterious in< idents that were nji- Iparently supernatural. Their ingenious contrivances to better thfir condition arc • highly interesting. In short it is Verne's i best bock, and that the highest poi-iblo i commendation. The ordinary price of "Dropped Irom | the Clouds" is fit*), but the copy before jus, The Lakeside Library" edition, hand somely illustrated, is sent prepaid for on ly 12 eta. Also sold by all Newsdealers. If you want a genuine treat, get it. Ad |dress, DONNELLY, LOYD I& CO.. i I'ubs., Chicago, 111. MARRIAGES. On May 4th, by Itev. James Caldcr, I), I)., Mr. Jacob Mart* and Miss S. limner, all of .State College. ■BnanaaaßMNmaaßaMam DEATHS. At the residence of her daughter, Mrs Susan D. Kerlin, in Lena, 111., May 3rd r of paralysis, Mrs. Ester Hike, aged 71 . years ur. 1 21 days, wife .f Wm. Hike, fur 1 merly of Aarotisburg. Her sickness last } ed 2 weeks and one Jay. She gave tie assurance that she was ready to die. Shi • said she trusted fully in Christ, and longe. • to be with Him, said all was clear. Six a her daughters were permitted to bo will < her during the greater part of her illnes. Mrs Shoemaker, wife of Kev. E Shoo maker, uf Thqo Springs, Huntingdon co. ' I'a., was tho only duughter that was nc . able to bo with her during her illnesi She was a good mother—none knew he but to love ; her end waa poace ; she die easy, having slept for twenty-two lioui . previous to her death, not a struggle, few gasps and her spirit returned to Oo who gave it. May her death lead us a to think that wo too have a God to met and enable us to prepare for that mcctinf FRIEND. ■ Watchman, Republican and Journal cop i On Clh in Ilaines twn., Diana Dormui , aged 12 years, 1 month and 18 days. On 7, Jos. C. Smith, of Millheim ur Miss Miss Sarah L. Mauck, ofSulona. 3k On 14. in the Loop, Mrs. Elisabeth Hi nor aged 79 i ears, 2 months and 12 duys. On the 9th, inst, near Zion, Mr. Jact fiWi nged 7 jfiMa and H uoalba. % MIUFANTILK AITKAISK. M KNT. I IST Ol \ KNDKUS Ol' Jj .!*■- subject to llcon •• within tin' ootinty of i't-ntrv for the year 1 NT**-. Ilollcfonta Boro. Class. \\ w \V> t. lor u *7 75; (John Powers 14 *t' I! Herman A Co .. U I• , • (.0.1 W Dow nit!);, Billiards 10 7' Soi !ih r A ('it I ' 10 . i I 1" Oroot. 14 77 . .1 It At' I" A In* under 13 10 F (' Kiehntd W 7 75 All Cdi > ll " -Jiortlolge A: Co 10, i 1- ho 11uggctihoiliter 10 20 7> l( F Hartley * 7To II 1' Twiimire It Jo John Umchbill '• do K t*t..hum A S..ii I' ilo \ lUuth 1 <lo John It Sweoney.t If J" Hotter A Klin.. - to 'Jo 75 D M Wagner A SOB to Jo . K Jmrpli A Hro ....I- U2 ■ S A A l.oeh I" 2075 Montgomery A Co It 7 ... J /•■ ■ I ler A Son .IB 107AI \\:n M. Clelland.. It "75 11 V Stiutr tt do K I* liUir -...11 do Harper A Brother* 10 51075 Mr* II D \ atmr II 7rt t De*chtier II do t. 11 lt>ik.n - II Jo I JUM Welsh It Jo S A lire* A San It 10 75 M: N It Dura It < T"i M Itnnkle —lt do | 1., on ACo 10 JO To j .1 A Cook 13 10 To II O Hotter, Billiards JO To J II S.u.,D -It 7 7o I' A 11 inks A Bro 'Jo 7 . S A Harrington It 77 > .1 I. It in. kto It do I. M Mi Undo It do KiU>tJ Brvt.ii It Jo WS \Y oil A Son It do | C Strickland It do A Suaaman It do It C Chiasmal. It do 111* Hotter It do A Schrotrer A Son It do G J Blackford 11 do Sessney A Aker* 11 do V J Cf.-iis.' It do JA J Harris 11 1> 7 1 Boggs twp. <' Curtin A 1 ; 1 1" 7 • J J Lucas -It .o McCoy A Linn ' > 1 >75 C Kaup 11 7To Thiol A Kabb It Jo Henuer twp. L Haas 0 27.75 F A J Beexcr 0 do Bornsitie twp. G K Uink It 7,0 rhiiipsburg boro. John Ha worth It 7 7ai Go. Modit It do DAy era - - It do [Campbell Brother* I 107'. St route, Lehman ACo —lt 775 Strouse, Lehman ACo It do W L Harper It do MO Book It do H Alport .....II do Geo 11 Zeigler 10 li'7o C G Hirlingur I > 10 To K Hav* It 775 GS FI eagle do Wll MiA' It do Mis J FUgle It do 1 It M Mutter It do J S Gray - —.lt do Ki ssjer A Co 1 • lo 75 K Itunk It 7To Hoot) A Irv.n I' do T J Myer* -It do J1 i \\ tgtnan .....It do MCondo II do C Munto-i A Son Id 30 75 Hoover, Harris Aco 12 1.1 26 S Milier 1! 10 75 TII Switxer It 77' Slt Kleok It do HobertAllport It do Tll Swiuer It do Perks A Parker It do Mr* C Duress...*. M do Oscar Adams It do HoworJ boro. H Weber A Co -....11 10 75 S F Kline It 775 K Co k 14 do Troxel A Swvera It do .lame* MehatYy ...... It do 11 B Grove It do II More —.14 d I.ucas A Bro It do John Diehl -..-14 d > WII Neir *-14 do Saml Brick lev -It do Liberty twp. J J Koont It do J A Co 12 10 75 Curtin twp. Wm Fingvr It 775 Half Moon twp. W S Gray A Co 11 10 75 J II 0rtfi0..... —lt 7 75 W S Gray A Co 11 do James Love A Son. 14 do I'atton twp. Mattern A Bro -It do G W Bumbcrjcer... 14 do Spring twp. II .1 Barnes .....It do G Haas 9 2575 [j F Mann - ..—l3 10 75 Miles twp. ticker A Kni<*rtck 1' 1075 S Frank A Son 11 do W F Bailey, agt -13 do .1 W Snook ACo 13 do ■.l W School ..—-It 775 : A Stover - It do 11 nine? twp. j Tho Harper ....It 775 , rh. s Yearick ...14 do |< It Spur Imyer A Bro 11 10 75 Young. Wilson A Diehl „_l3 do M M Mutt - r 13 do B F Phillips 12 13 2'. Peon twp. j W K Alexander -13 10 73 Snook, Smith Aco -13 d° J W Snook A C 0.... .....13 do G W Stover 0* 25 75 Geo L'lrich - It 773 jK C Campbell -It do John D Foot It do I> Krlle It do j.I F Chamber* It do i Jacob Kisenhuth It do Potter twp. W.l Thompson A- Bro a 13 10 75 Wm Wolf 12 1325 J( Glasgo It 775 I, II Mc Entire ——— M do 11 A Larritner -——..11 do Strom A Swarlr. 11 do Jerome Spigtlmyer . .—.—l4 do J a Boatman ........ —II do J G Dcininger 11 do Miller A Son ...It do Hatrie twp. I) Hess A son 13 10 75 SII Stover It 775 r J J Price - It do J T Stewart II do Geo B Jack l4 do Cl' W Fischer 11 do College twp. ; DF Taylor ....II 775 Murray Brothers .12 13 25 Jack'on A Calder 13 10 75 L M Hotiser 11 7 75 . John Neidigh It do J W Stuart It do Ferguson twp. i J C Campbell A Co. 13 10 7-' James Dniilnp ACo 13 do C B McWillinms ACo 13 do . Jlt Smith J It 775 M G Gray 1 • do , Thos Bollinger It do > Miletburg boro. • I, FW. trier 14 775 John Hibbler 14 do i MrClain Cook 14 do 8 T K Lvman 14 do • CII Elco A Bro 14 do • Isaac llaupt It do M G Ityman 14 do Snow Shoe. • Wolf, Potter ACo I*2 13 25 Herbert William* 14 775 May A Lobe . 12 13 25 K K Bible A Co 11 7 75 Wll Crissinnn II do I, Ilnrvey Wilhcright 14 do c Kush twp. John Nuttell 11 15 75 Wm J Jackson 11 do Wit Miller 14 771 E3l Sturdovont 14 do Taylor twp. 1. John Copenhaver *J 25 71 1 John T Fouler ACo 14 771 r Worth twp. t- I V Gray 13 10 71 in Hoovor A ltccco 13 do J G Jones 14 77( Huston twp. John I Thompson 14 77i 1 J F Williams 11 do Levi Womcr 14 do JO lioovcr 14 do Daniel Irvin 14 do Unionvillo boro. er A J A T K Grist 11 15 7 3,] Leathers A Buck 13 10 7 rg H A Martin 14 77 H LB Bathurst 14 do d Marion twp. 1,1 Holmes A Wilson 18 10 7 01 II Y'eariek A sen 18 do K WII Miller 14 77 .... Walker twp. p * H Brown 13 10 7 m. Sll Gi>< dhart 14 7 " David Soli 14 dt nd Gregg twp. ;it% JB Fisher 12 13'. ' BB Duncan 14 7' ob I IBM 1 Grenoble U d ' Pfalup fiik9ok U 10 j, Howard twp. It t ' Leathers \' • An appeal W, 'l l' lo iil >t the * '■ .ion.-.V ofli. jjni Iln. ! "to. ue •AHIi tl> of May T IT,, IHTS, and taxes hereby aM i tmit bapaidonor telwro the IMb |i*f•) utin Youcnti attend if you f.l ajt , * " JOHN W. UAHRNKIt, jbhyt A]i'in Mr. | 'll \ i it.- iki I.tut *. UanaHar owi(y w| > TuMilny nmrn'mK, ", destroy) 1 I'.! low I • I cattle, IU ho*d t'f and b.o > • 'jof arain, continued in a barn bolotialtijf t ■ , Itcv. Christian Hoiubcrgar. The tiro w • of incendiary origin, and the It • f<> •! i '* ijW.fiOU. • ♦ ♦ —~ M. Jt K KTS Ni' V<>rk. May II Wheal N• " Chi- Sprinv I I Vt, Wlt cat No 'J Mil i wnuko* I i l\' lata B Cam wcatrrn uinod >'4< .*i Halt wclem ,mi i.'d ilill'Vt" Coffoo lt'id. I','i. • -tC I' , tjftll fair to good refilling 7i l'e* , troleuiu rt'tinod 11. CHICAGO. Wheat, J tint) 1 <>U; seller July eil |Corn, .-l!jr June -o! May t J Oat• teller May; teller June tof. Rye M|, ' Uarley feller may IHIILADKLI'III A. J Flour ei -I 'Jftnid Tft; High grade. 7 Si*) W hent amber I 4*->y I£o d<> whin . 1 £st Corn white yellow tit J■ 4Wi -ti rn wMl' CENTENNIAL : A'J* D£i)T7l2 IJALL, AT Wolfs Old Stand. Magnificent Stock ofSi rin,j nuil Sum mer Goods. 0/j9 PrjD9 J Low Pmt* I POLITE ATTENTION ! llavingjml returnei tVom the Kst, and bought at panic price#, I am now prepared lu toll cheaper than ever before. Sly flock consist. in part of DRY GOODS, . GROCERIES, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, HATS A CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, SANDALS, etc., Ac. Ladies' ami Gouts' Underwear a spec iality. A I.A ROB STOCK 01" READY - MADE CLOTHING 1 constantly vu hand, Look at the fig ures : Good Gmimere Suits, $lO.tK), Gt KHI Outimere Cootr, §3.00 I Customers w ill fiud the stock com- I plete, and a call is all that is required to assure you that this is the bt-t place in tha valley to buy y ur gods Remember, xce have hut one pi ice fa everyone. Wm. Woi r. | Lc ri I la rd s T ob ac co s Wc ate ag'nts in Centre County! f<>r the sale of Lori!lard's celebiatfd a Tobaccos. They are known and used iu every county in the United States. A trial will convince any one of " their excellence. Scchler A Co. 4 Cheese. Cheese. i: PRIME, MILD. FACTORY CHEESE lit WHOLESALE OK RETAIL, AT Sechler A Co. Lime! Lime! Lime! '> LIME of the best quality always on hand 1j at the kiln, nr-ar (Vntro liall Apply t< 111 May, tf. *1 tchiirl 4'nndn. % EXTRAORDINARY Inducements to Cash Buyers. I 1 1 We wish lo say <o the people of Penns > alley, lliatwe t have just opened and are now ollering full lines ol all that we deal in at such prices that even defy com- ] meat, or competition. n IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK. % OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is full of Bar- Boots ailtl SllOO s. gain*, at from Five dollars for a full Suit of Men'sGlolli ' itig up to the tiucst Ready Made good* in town. Ladiea' Shoes at 1 dollar per pair. Misses' Shoes at i 75 cents per pair. Men'* Plow Shoes at $1.25. Men's Brogans at $1.25. In the ' i 1 DRY GOODS NOTION DEPARTMENT j . At such prices aa will astonish you, Calicoes at 5 cents. We have Ladies' llose at 5 oauts. Ladies' Hose at 10c. Muslin at 0, 7 and 8 cents. Dress goods iu all tin Men's Hose at 5 cents. Ladies' handkerchiefs at sc. newest styles from 10 cents per yard up to the best Kid Gloves at 50 cents. Clark's O.N. T., Cotton, tic, grades of Silk. jand all otlicr goods iu proportion. 5 6 6 a mn J\ call wnm YOU mm piaqz '6 , 5 —THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND OF Apr 27 f6 ) S. A. LOEB. TT A TJ T"\XAT A. "D "CI J C r n/*^T7Xr'Ci MA-tiJ-J j jancL 3.5. v riS THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO, (Kimwn 10 WIL80N" & HICKS,) will sell HARDWARE. STOVES, Saddlery Coach-makers' Material, Build ers Hardware, of all kinds, Paints, Oils, &c. Nails, Iron and Glass a spe cialty, at (lie LOWEST CASH PRICES. Child reus* Carriages, Shovel Plows, Cutting Poxes. etc. We have the best COOK STOV ES and RANGES in the Market, and warrant them to he good. We keep all repairs for same, and will sell lower than elsewhere. Anyone in this county, building, or dealing in this line of goods, w ill pav (hem to come and see us. THOMAS A. HICKS A BROTHER, JipJlpfnnfp l Pn The Tunkhaiiuisck Hupublicaii say* that i gentleman of that place has fifteen bun ked tiushel* of Very fine potatoes which he offers to tell at Jo cents a bushel. a ♦ a • We would esteem it an especial fa j vor if every friend of the Reporter would i Lend us the name of at least one subscriber, itb the Cash—for three months, 60 cunts; < six months SI,OO, and one j aar sl'. It<ad ■r, won't you fry and do ut this little la- 1 vor, and will repay you by improving the Reporter. Send us the names of six new •übtrrihers, with the Cash, and we will ;eend you the Reporter one year free. Mii-Kov Miixtrs, corrected weekly by ' [D BMniri • Clover Seed $8 00 to $H 60. L ; Beef S-'i t ' S7.UU per lirj lbs. Corn 46e to 60c. , Rye 15c to "0 |.- ft Nova Scotia Plaster $8 ; {ground i $lO per t>n. '< Win to YV heat 5 1 -• to Ir 1 30. Kim! " $1 'Si to $1 ut). ltarley 70c to "6. Timothy to - 60. i'laster in tstone $7 75 to $3. Salt 1 40 to 1 50. / flats 3*Je lo H6e. i'otatows 26c lo BtV\ f H KLLKFONTK MARKETS. White Wheat $1 'A) Red !>._. Bye 75 Ootn ears 40. 45. Oatalft—•Barlsy I*o. ' 70_....Clorerseed 6,60 Potatoes 3t' l.ard per pound 8 Pork per pound Oh I Butter' J.i, KggslY. Piaster perton! sl4 Tallow 8 Bacon 10 Ham 15 Lard per pound 8 cent* Buckwheat; 66eu.,. Flour per barrel retail 7,00...1, Nova Scotia plaster sll 611. Cayuga , fdast.-r J-'.i.00 per wio lbs. Shelled corn 46 t L to $U Dfj/irj&d & Dn&s] rPiiMs j of all kinds aud of the beet quality, '' alio i * Foreign Fruits, Green A Dried at - Hechler <£ Co. Don't Buy -A- / HARD COAL BASE BURNER , HEATING STOVE, until you have ex- c amlned the 1 -TllE- Iest & Handsomest STOVE IN THE MARKET. Call and see them at!the Store of | J. A. HEKNN iX. . t'xxTux HALL, PA. NEW YORK BRANCH STOItE,; t Mod ain't Block. Directly Opp. Bush 1 House. Bellefonte, Pa. 11. lli:ilTl%N A CO.* Irop*ns. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS A- FAN- C Y GOODS, STBICTLY FIBS T-C LASS GOODS, Below the I'sual Prices. h'oduce. Produce. Fvery kind of produce taken in ex change for Fine, Fresh Family Gro oeries at Sechler & Co. STORE, NEW GOODS AND Panic Prices. 11. A. I-A It RIM KB. at the old Centre Hill stand. J iiaioj,caiug a Stock of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED PJIICE6! A large variety of Ladies Dress Goods Great Bargains in Muslins and Calicoes. Heady-made Clothing Warranted to Suit, ilia Cloths and Car*imors, Cant be excelled His Crocery Department, Astonishes every one in assortment and low prices. Syrup, Sugnr, T.-a, Coffee. Canned fruit*. Domestic and Foreign Fruits, Choose, and every other article belong ing to the Grocery Depart in c u t Farmers, Mechanics and Laborers look to your interest One dollar saved is dollar In pocket. Then call and see at; what astonishingly low price*. Mr-No trouble to show UoOds.*W I Also the cboi ,it Family Flou* al ways on band. Apr. 16, jr. Miller & Son. CENTRE HALL. PA. DEALERS IN PUREDRUUU AM) MEDICISES, JHF.MR'ALH. OILS. DYE STUFFS, I'EKFCMKKY. NOTIONS, FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, PURE WINK AND LIQI OHS, for medicinal purposes. I'rucs £ Supporters iu great variety. Also, choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, md ail other article" usually kept in a hrstclass Drug Store. Prescription* carefully Compounded. Igocttf MILLER a SON. Headquarter, for Boots and Shoes ! JOHN I'HH I KS, BOOT .1 SHOE MAKER OF CENTRE COUNTY. DIPLOMA Awarded to John Powers for the . | best fine Bool* exhibited at Cen l tre County Fair for the year 1H75. J oa i • Opposite Hush House. BELLEFONTE, PA. lie keeps constantly on hand a full line of • II O T * A N II K II <1 K N. lie is .iust opening the largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought l<> Itellefor.te. for ladies, kept constantly on hand. Hoots and Shoe# for men and women, of all styles, quality and prices, from the most costly to the cheapest, constantly kept on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION ! either in quality or price*. Call and examine his new *lck of Spring and Summer Goods, and you will find it to your advantage. Apr2llv. \\ T M P. WILSON, Atumicy-at-Lww, If Bellefonta l'a. Office in Mrs. Ben , tier's Building, Heiielonle Pa. Excelsior Cement Th. umJ-rslgtiml oi.w intnuUrturr, Ometit Su nsud ola Mfvrfcir qualx;. at his SUaa, t.< ar l*ta< il'taak Mill*, la llitlm tap Thla issirnl La. all—all L*u u**4 in Ur* u**allltM B|ww lh I. t AS UK . and Las u-n t u*.l LtfDi saUa(act>T ap. a all ),!* L-rv It Haata-a ua-4. aai a. sqaal to aap!a. lorod l aar la CMSnt, >lm Pi;... u abator*, purpoa* a <H*l qunlltf of I'usral I* dntlrt lla Ttil* ( om< at La* afraadj (ar!> loalad far •< , a Ida. and raadrrad tba nUaiat aaUalacttol, Prfa ni ibaraf.ira cnatrurUad i lalarru. lajuis VValat r., O !Sc..*rlll Bad Hto tnalr a jrar.lVffr to baar tbta l I Bind aad alaa Uwl LavartaaU tint arUcta aa max asata.l . <1 MIVKK. maptl If Aarvtabont. Pa - "I 11 • cs k V MM mi sr w • tm BAR IRON 21 ctß. per lb. 'BURDEN'S IIORSE SHOES at $5 00 |>er Keg. NAILS, a* good as the Lest at $3 CO per Keg. LOCKS 38cU each. . F. G. FRANCISCUS. : Lewislown, war 30 y. a c t ( - - - 1 • - ■ i r pHE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE i RE-OPENED !| A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. The Bellefonte public and the people of the country generally will be pleased to ku iw that the old and well established DRUG STORE, | late the properly of James C. Williams,! f on Allegheny street, next door to Hicks' ) hardware <wporium, has been re opened for business and is be ing rapidly rc-stocked and 1 fitted out witb the best and moil popular DRUGS AND MEDICINES. PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, • and everything usually kept in a first-class Drug More PIKESt BIPTIOYBCAREFI'Ir Ij cotupou tided at all liourw . of the day or night, and particular and ' pr unpl attenuon given to the wants of I farmers and others who live in the c> uatry. Store never - clotod to those who medicines oi • anything in the drug line. - The undersigned hopes, by strict attention (to buitie*f, to merit and receive the pub i lie patonage. H M HEHBINGTOB. C av* ly_ Agent BUY r THE COMPLETE WASHER! The above cut represents the Complete Washer, fitted to a tub, with the tub cut out to sliow bow it it fastened for use. OYER lOO.OOtfoF THESE MA CHINES ARE IN USE. The Complete IViiMlier will WJI-II a < urpef or Bed Quilt or u Cine I,ace Curtain or Collar. Warranted For Five Years. Price Only SB.OO. JOHN 11. MILLER, Centre Hall. Proprietor for Centre County. Lt) apr t! D. F. LUSE. PAINTER, HAuui-i, offcra his services to the citizeus of Centre county in House, Sijcn ttiid Ornnmeutal Painting;, Striping, ornamenting and gilding, Qnuninp OAK,',WALNUT, CHESTNUT. Etc. Plain and Fancy Pnper hanging. Order rwpectftilly solicited. Terms reasonable JO npr tf. IMPORTANT TO BUILD EES. -The ui> dersigned is now prepared to soli Brick at hi kilns at Centre liall to suit purchasers, at reasonable rates, also to furnish or con tract Brickwork. S. S. FAKNKLT. 7 oct v JYT. A. J. OKMH)KF. DENTIST. . I- *'ill 1 -t. .1 B t Pini- tin.vp Mill, an !is now prr PAftM to tnvfll to the bamm pationUat a dUt*nc< , and render any deiirwl arrrtce in hit lint*, In the beat -t quality and at reasonable rate*, in <?rttoo of new denture* tnado a j>oclaity. Teeth e* traded w thi ut pain 21 jau 75 Harness. Saddles, &c. Ths undersigned, determined to nwc! the ponuUi demand fur lower prices. respectfully calls the at ten Uon of the public to hia stock of f BADOLEKi ' now offered at the old stand. Designed pec tally foi the people and the times, the larrnat and moat varied and complete assortment of Saddles. Harness. Collar. Bridles, of every description and quality: Whips. and _i In fact ererythlni to complete a tirst class establish I meat, he now uffemal price# which wiUsuit tliethnes I JAt.'UB ni.NtiKS. fentre Hall Chas. H. Held, Clock. UaU'iiiuakrrAJfiwelei Millheim, Centre Co., Pa. | All kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of lb. d 'latest styles, as also the Ma-anrlllo Patent Oalendei 1 Clocks, provided with s complete indo* of the u:mU < iaud day of the mouth eu-1 wee* on its race, which i *WSS; WJ .A* vrfwtiluie-keepcr. IINB , *SSSWIC B W TTGN W L GRAHAM & SON Dealer* in Boots, Shoes and SUISIBIM, Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Fine Gaiters. Ail Kinds of Custom Work Made To Order. Harm v> Leal Iter. Sole Leather, Calfskins And Shoe Finding* alwavs on band. Biafiou Street, Aim ay If lilWoato. Pa, ~C"E NYO hall COACH SHOP, LEVI MLBKiV, ml hit establishment at Centre Hall, keep •n band, and lor sala. at the most reatona* ble rai<*. Carriages, Buggies, &. Spring Wagons, Plaikam* FAKCT and vehicle* of every description made to order, and warranted to be made of tka 'best seasoned material, and by the moat .ki.lcd and competent workmen. Bodies for liiKgici and fprisg-eigoiu Ac., of tbe moat m proved pattern* made to order,also Gtaricg o(all tiadi uit4< to order- All kind* oi repairing done promptly and at ;fce lowest pot bit: ratf. Person* wanting anything in la* line are requested to call aud examine bit work, thev will find it not to be excelled for dur-* ability and wear. may SU. Sandalwood P Limaiiw a ***ct> gr—tm uuaw la raatotat to a b.'thj ,) la- ret*c%i a-f-alWoi* f Ibr an ihr. thaa > ttUHfuana ar ■ iqpaJba li ww aackaaaa. u ft,u mud i.. o4j la tu acttua It n Im mjmb- M.ltaf affM* -•>. ranindj ><nj t,oia • or# U> ui at *'b< dair X.. VloO u tat ess I lata I> B.U, Mak i i <>', bad Cat—hi* taetalatac OH ol baadata ft add ma II lit -*g IMnta*. ti to* clr • •*alar. or and to 11*4 XT Waaler Slrtrt. S V.for o. J. ZELLER & SON DRUGGISTS No 6 BrockcrbofTHcm,BeilefonU,Pa Dealer-win Drop*.• heuileals IN rhunerj, Fnnej Good* Ac. dr. Pure IVine* and Liquor* for medic* ' purpose* al way* kept. may 81. JL i . "QQQ Q '~JIOXKY~ YOV.~~ALIL. Only OOJ-J Ot.!j two Dtawt. "It U *|> nilot :al.m 1 aaj raadar wfca will aatrf m ram. la a. w. a-fll aaa* . boi ol Mr abtcb • caaraalra aill t>ai foa la Iba araj la Bait 4M a 4 matl. ud aot ul, hatfjwu u " >UW I" ma * or boyaar rt'W. aaj la aallrrtf an Tt>oua • a.tacan >a aacart BUIB* tauaw. and ooaa*Bt loc-MB* TIB It ll "iba- of a hlrtUar." whJ If fua atU*otaal<raoHlaU yowr frwada. for 11 la a 1 ortoaa for roar aortfej daaarriaa pare* b. naarf. a bali*a* I Uaao Id imlF j.b.-!<7 or tbar batata*, t-ol a Ml a and mu* aaataalafd twiaiaaaa ori.-ruuaUf. Ha*a ,l. boa. iwtUr, ft.. At M. arnl at oat. w taata, : mit la iatrudnc* l. Boar Ire*. aad Doer nortl rppb ar „ loa. 1 •••<■: aaot to taakr **-•* joai tloar. llt.lrMi *rrufctß*U*t,a4 W'ooaia aa) fWV atU aboa km AUUraas, et >iu a Of. Hinatlalr. • DOWN WITH HARDTIftJ&S Save Money ff^iZST^SUt K fViUr Sat*. XX /WftrM M H***. Ma*. . alaoa mhM*al<s*an4**alSS.**o yalrooa ll . Sort vrnr t rattgn *0- > *. -f Myla Uoada. ';roo#rics. . r.oola. I'clbiy. Ctaaa Waia. kr . ic at about tad orlco. aa i noli. < • •■•tiibla* a* onlj o< dollar. L\_. IJ.II lora Irura maottfadurara aod r srbl llxuu*. mt > ,<J uwlllMflabit .-oaaln doalora aai ti i. *1 fan rtua I* oo baabae. aa> llcae. ' ort'iiar, bo. ear . irvnlara. mod am 16a tbouiood. of aitrclra oflorad at on]} 41. Wo or* a Joraod bj Ib boa! t.apon of Boavoa. aad bjr pa* lona toe eat droolara. vl'o I ton aad a-UlaoUron *ooda at !(■ tbaa anj " e veil. , tbor ban. wo Med bf auii or oaprva. O. 0. U.. and lot roa aoo cool* iolor. barut*. W rrn; iomi not) abwa. So rbk. oo oa|>lta! noodod. I )na l*..n ! 17a a paatal rati bend a lor atl vrue v' 01 „ or oaaarv ctrralarv. and Uata Wa caa aad d. aoU #♦ *-•. loa t; booka. 4c . all for a alncladullai. Boaulllul Kia*a. Kim. Bracetrta, Mi. Pijwa. Vbdina <ialUra.Ca.tora, la 1.; I Jia artlrloa all • ■ 41. bond Soar, and aw moor, Vott can do It. .••rata to. A.i.liawall union U> H OKMIBTOX 4 wTK F. IKM.LAK SALK. SI Krc be. Hoalea. M ui, doc. 1< ■ • w. C. PECK'S The undersigned has opened es tablishment, at kit new hop*, foi the manufnetute of Carriages, , Buggies, r A Spring Wagons, Sleious asx> Si.kds, Plaix AXP PAKCT of every deacription . All vehicle* manufactured by him ire warranted to render talisuction, and 44 , equal to any work done i 'sew here. He uses none but the best .material, iad employs the most skillful workmen. Hence tney flatter themselves that their work can uol be excelled for durability ' and finish. Orders from a disUncc'promptly attend ed to. Come and examine my work before contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, f All kinds of Rcpuring done. i OKNTKEIIALL Furniture Rooms.' EZU4 KKIMBDE, respectfully informs the citizens of Centr county, that he has bough t out the old -tandofj. O. Deiningcr, and has reduced •he prices. They have constantly on hand .uid make to order BEDSTEADS. BUREAUS, SINKS, "WASHSTANDS, corner cupboards TABLES. &e., Ac. Their stock of ready-made Furniture is large and warranted of good workmanship •ind is all made under their own immed - ite supervision, and is offered al rates eheaiicr thun elsewhere. Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. . 26 feb. ly JL. SPANULER, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Offlco with Bush & .'ocurn. Consultation in English and German. Collections promptly attend *d to fobS-tf WOOD pumps c; JBl&tcLlcj'e Nta&flArd Cucumber AU* Graftoo C®.' PtzaiF*. vitk cupptrr liuluge.tdiaod aew tyle. aidaU valaabtotMToveiurau. Mau r<-uri':.'tariutii-a irr.aU 'if -tn-kjir . XsAHOE,SMALL. Dr*lriuu<l theTrad-ea ■iHXuUiy. RrvoordfAliv taviujU.wfaeti la tavo to the big Kxhlbitkoa. la aatl aad we us or *m& ftotftfialom*. ***.! t Hoe- aud lonos. CG.BLATCHlEri M aniifr, 506 Co--.St.,Ph:ii. Mauty if
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers