' jsm^ SHE |Jentre Reporter, rsumrs idttar. Caotre Hall, Pa., Nov 1873. fEJUf£-|f per pear, in m/tnarr, t* wktn notpoid % adrane*. AdorrHaemanU Xk rrr hnt for fArrr n aerTsona, and for 6W l Ay -pr cuU eomtratt. On tha I6tb of Dacambar tbe peo ple of this stata will be called ujhiu to vole upou the new Constitution. Thia inatrumant should le carefully read by every citirsn. ao that hi® vote can be eaat ioialligeutly. No one, for or ageinat, abould fail to vole, as it peruina to establishing tbe fuuda mamtal law for the atate. in our opiniou, tbt naw Gooetituiiou should receive tbe vote of every tnau alio deairea a wholeeome reform and cor rection of the abuace .whicb unprinci pled politiciaua have practiced lor year*. We are gratified that in tbt* opinion we are in accord with the houeal tuau of the democratic and republicau partiea in thia atate. We here reproduce tome of tbe section* which ere among the moat wholeeome fealurea of the u* lou.ti tutioa. Articla 2, aec. 7 strikea at the embetxlera. brthera and perjurers, disqualifying auch from holding of fice: Sue. 7. No jxrson hereafter cou victad of ambexxlemeut ol public uiott v*. bribery, perjury or other iulam ou* crimt, thai I b* e-igible to the General Assembly, or capaole of holdiug any oflSce of trust or profit in thia Commonwealth. Suction sth, it will be seen, provide* against salary grab*: Sac. S. Tha members of the Geu ami Assembly shall receive such sala ry and mileage for regular and star cm! seseione as sball be fixed by law, and no other com peuaatiou whatever, whether for service upon committee or other wise. No member of either House shall, during the term for which be may have been elected, re caive anv increase of salary or mile age, aniler any law pamrd during auch term. Article 3, neclioaa 1 to 6. iulertere with the old curie of hmtr aud snaky legislation : Section 1. No law shall be |>a***l except by oill, and no bill ahall be *o altered ir emended on it* passage through either House a* to change it* original purpoee. Sec. 2. Nobillhall be cuiwidereu unices refered to a corn ui it tec returned therefrom, and printed i'<r tbe use of the members. Sac. 3. No bill, except general ap propriation bills, shall be pasewd con taining more tbau one subject, whcb shall be clearly expressed in its ti tle. Sec. 4. Every bill •ball be read at length on three different day* in each Houee; all amendment* made thereto ■hall be printed for the use of mem ber* before tbe final vote is taken on the bill and no bill ehail become a law unices on its dual passage tbe vote* shall be taken by yeas and nays the nameeof tbe pers-ms voting for and against the same Iw entered on the journal and a majurity o! the members elected to each House be recorded thereon as vutiug iu its favor. Sec. 5. No amendment to t ilia by one House shall be concur*d in by the other except by the vote of a majority of the members elected there to, taken by jcas and na\s und the names of tboae voting for aud against recorded upon the journal titer*of; and reports of commitu-ea of ctnf.-i --•noe shall be adopted in wither House only by the vote of a majority of the members elected thereto takeu by yeas and nays, and the names of those voting recorded upon the jour nal. Sec. 6. Nu law shall be revived amended or the provisious thereof extended or oonfered by reference te the title only, but so much thereof as is revived, amended, extended, or conferred, shall be reenucicd and published at leofth. Section S, provides that notice of local bills must be giveu in tbe lo cality affected, 30 days beforehand, thus apprising every one of what is intended and preventing the passage of bills ia a secret maoner: See,B. No locator special b*iil shall be passed unless notice ol the ioten tion to apply therefor shall have been published in tbe locality where the matter or the thing to be effected may be situated, which notice ahall be at least thirty days prior to the introduction into tbe genera I assem bly of such bill, aod ia the manuer to be provided by law : the evideuce of tuch notice having been published shall be exhibited iu the general dhembly before such act shall >e passed. Section 11, provider against extra pay for services to any officer, em ployee, or contractor: Sec. 11. No bill shall be passe*! giving any extra com pronation to any public officer, servant, employee, agent or contractor, aftwr services shall have been rendered or contract made, nor providing for the paymeul of any claim against tbe Cuiuniouwealth, without previous authority ol law. Section 29, 30 end 31 interfere with the business of corrupt legisla tors, who went to Harrisburg to sell their votea to the highest bidder HI d for the most infamous legislation : Sec. 29. A member of tie General Assembly wbo shall solicit, demand or receive or consent fa receive, directly or indirectly for himself or for anoth.r, from any company, corporation or persona any money, office, appointment, Miploymeut, testimonial reward, thing of value or enjoyment or of persona! advantage of promise thereof for hie vote or official influence or for withholding the same or with en understanding expresaed or implied that his vote or official action shall be in any way influenced thereby or who shall so licit or deoiaftd any such money or other advantage, matter or thing aforesaid for another as the consider ation of his vote or official influence, or for withholding the same or shall give or withhold his vote or influence in consideration of the payment or or promise of snch money, advantage matter, or thing to another, shall )<e held guilty of bridery within the meaniog of this Constitution and shall incur the disabilities provuied thereby for said offence, and such additional punishment as is or shall be provided by law. Sfc. .*>(). Any j riMii who ahull, tlirtctly >r iiiiliifotU UVt, r prunii-e miy tiiutii v, 11.i,ik{ o value privilege t personal aft \ outage, to Htiy executive or judi cial officer or nicniltcr of tlic General Assembly, to influence lilru lit the performance tf uuv of bis public or official duties >hll l>e guilty of bri bery, tun! be punished in such tuauiier an shaft be provided bv In**. Article 7 iinp<-is mtli* ut<> i •nr public *ervnuts which none but the v i lest h ml most degraded * f men i h.ive the courage to violate : OATHS or orricK. sev t. Senator* Mlid Hepreaeittailv**- and *ll Judicial, State and counts **it,., r shall, before entering *n iho dull*- ol their respctive oMtn, !•.<' end sui'.crtb** the follow ing oath or artii mstlon Ido solemnly ,** o*r tor attirm 1 ihit I wiil support, oh* y and JolVnd tbe *'< n solution of lite I'liiletl Stale* and the t ■' solution of tit !• Ooiumonweallh. and thel I will discharge I In* dutie* of ui> office with fidelity ! thai 1 bare n,*l paid or , , n tributed. or promised to pay >r contribute, atlher directly or indirectly, ">' moisev or otbar xaluabte thing. to procure b> nomination ** r p'wlion (or appointuM-' i except for neceasary and proper exp<-hc expressly authorised by I*® ib.t; I have not knowingly * i.'taoti an* elee ia . ©fthis Commonwealth, or tr>-cured it to tie done by other* in ttiy India ! ll.al I will not knowingly receive, dirveity or ill directly, any money or other valuable tiling tor the performance or mu perform ance of way ai tor doty pertaining o my office, other than the compensation allow d by law." Thaforegoing -nlh >hull be aJinin*iu rJ py tome person authorized ta admilii* ter oatb*, aad tn the eae of .Htaie . 18. , - and Judge* of the Supreme Court, bail be filed in the odlee ol the Seeretar* oflhe Common wealth, and in tie ra.e of other judicial and eountv officer- in tha pro thonotary of the county In which ihesame t* taken ; any perwon refuting to take -aid oath or ofHrmalioti liaii forfe.l hi* 1 and any (>er*oo who hall be , in>* ieta*t|*f hating worn or affirmed falel> , or of having violated 'aid oath or off. nuai ion. *hall be gillttv of perjury, and be fore* r d(-qualified from holding any office ol lrul or profit willtin the (.ViiUlioiiWrallh Tha >th to tbe ntatuber* *'l the uie • n>l lloue t>f Kepresehtalive* -hall t*' •Jiniuttere(t by one of the ju*lK* • l>l 'i* Supreui* t'uurt or ol * Omit •>! w)W*ts* l'lea*. leartioU in the taw, ni the hull ol the tioute to which the tnetut-er- *ha'l tlKtrd. Article 8, sectious 8 and 9, brilwrv of voters, and candidates guilty of bribery and violation of election law s, is punished by disqualification tr evcr to hold office. See. 8. Anv t*erior. whe >h*U *'*e **r promise, or^'.'fiTer to *;ive t" an elector any money, reward, or other v.-luabW consideration f.r hi* vote at * election, or lor withholding tho *nne, or who Shall give or promise to give uch consideration to an.v other peron or party lor such elector'* Vote, or for il.e withholding thereof, ami any elnt. r who shall receive or agree to receive, for himself or for another, any money reward or other valuable consideration for hi* vote at an election, or for w ilhhoiding the same, shall thereby forfeit the right to vote at such election, and any elector whose right to rote >ha!l be challenged for tuch cause before the election officers, thai I be required to swear or affirm that ths matter ef the challenge i- untrue be fore his vota *h*!l be received. Sec. U. Any pcrsor; who shall, while a candidate for office, be guilty of bribery, fraud, or wilful violation of any election law, shall be forever disqualified from holding an office of tru-t or profit in ihi* Commonwealth; and any person convict ed of willful violation of the election iw>. shall in addition lo any penalties pro* ided by law, be deprived of the right oi *uf frage absolutely for a term of four years Relative to county officers we copy the following seclious. A mixed board of Commissioners is injured tn each county. oovxTy orrit-ras. Section 1. County offU-ers -hail consist of sheriffs, coroners, prothonotari-s, reg isters of wills, recorder* of deed*, ooia miaaioners, treasurers, surveyors, auditor* or controller*, clerks of ih court*, dis trict aU'irnajrs, and such others a* may from time to time be establish, d bv law, ! and no sheriff or trea-urer-hall beelegibfe ; for the term uoit succeeding the one for which ho may be electe-f. Sec. £ County officers shall be .-1.-c;.-d .at the general election*, and shaft hold : their office* for the term of three gears, beginning on the first Monday of January i next after their election, and until their ; successors shall be duly qualified : all *■ . cancies not otherwise provided for -ball i be filled in such msnncr as may be provi ded by law Bec 7. Three county commissioners and three county auditor} shall be elected tn each county when* such officer* ere chosen, in the year one thou-aud eight hundred and seventy-five, and every year thereafter ; and in the election if said officers each aualificl elector shall vote for no more than two per. on*, and the three person* having the highest number of votes shall he elected; any casual va cancy in the office of county ui>mmission• er or county auditor shaft be filled by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which such vacancy thai] occur, by the appointment of an elector of the proper county who tbttll have voted for the com missioner or auditor whose place i. to be filled. The following arc among tie wholesome restrictions placed upi u corporations: PRIVATE ('OHPORATIOXS Sec J. Aft existing charters or trr.nu of special or exclusive privilege*, under which bona fide organization shall nut have taken place and business been com menced in good faith at the time of the adoption of thia Constituti m, shall there after have no validity. Sec. 2. The General Aasgniblv shall not remit tha forfeiture of the charter of apy corporation now existing, or alter or amend tha same, or pas- any other gener al or special law for the benefit of such corporation, except upon the condition that auch corporation shall thereafter hold it* charter subject to tbe provisions ot this Constitution. Sec 3. The exercise of the right of em inent domain shall never be abridged or *o construed at to prevent the General As sembly from taking the property and franchises of incorporated companies and subjecting them to | üblic use. thesume as the property of individual* ; and the exer ciso of the police power of tha Bbtp shall never be abridged or a<> construed a* to permit corporations to conduct their bu*i ue in such manner •* to infringe the equal righu of individual# or the general well being of the State See. 4. In all election* fr directors or managers of a corporation each member or shareholder may cast tho whole number of his vote* for one candidate, or distribute them upon two or mora candidates, a- he may prefer. See, 5. No foreign corporation shall do any busioc** in this State without having one or more knov. n place* of business, and an authorized agent or agent* in the mine i upon ahem process may be -erv<d Hoc. 0. No corporation thai! engage in any business other than exjjn-|y autho rized in It* charter, nor shall it tako or hold any real estate except such m may be neceasary and proper for its legitimate buinesa. Sec. 7. Nu corporation siiaall issue stock* or bond* except fur money, labor done, or ujonoy or property actually received; and •II fictitious increase cf stock or indebted ness shall be void ; the-lock and indebted ness of corporations shall not be increased except in pursuance to gene*al law. nor without tbe cwnsent of tbe person holding the larger amount in value ot tin- stock first obtained at a Ultet jug lo bu held alter sixty days' notice given in pu'tij.ine to law. Sec. 8. Municipal and other corporation* •ml individuals invested with the privi lege ot taking private property for public use shall make just compensation tor prop •rty taken, injured or destroyed by the oOli*tructio>. or enlargement ol their works highways or improvement*, whicb com pensation sball bit paid or secured before such taking, injury or destruction. The General Assembly is her*by prohibited from depriving any person of an appeal from any proliuiinary ussessruent of dama ges against any aucii corporation, or indi vidual*, made by viewer* or otherwise: and the amount of such damage*, in all cases ot appeal, shall on demand of either party, be determined by a jury (ccording to tbe course of the common law. Sec. 9. Every banking law shull provide for the registry and countersigning, by an oAcer of tbe State, of nil notes or b.lla de signed for circulation, and that ample se curity to tho lull amount thereof shall be deposited with the AuditorGeperul forth*- redemption of such nose? or bifj, Sec. 10. The General AFembly -hull have the power to alter, revoke or annul any charter of incorporation now exUting an I revocuble at trie adoption of ihu Con stitution, or any that may hereafter be lo onted, whenever a their opiiilon it tun* tie injurlou to the oil' 'i* *'l ttii* t *mii inonwealth in -n* 1, it-■timer, howiter, I thnt Wo ltju*tii e rlull ' • d.uie to tha cor- , ; poraU'l* So law hereaflci enacted -h ill create, renew or aktelld the chatter ol i more than one corporation. i i See tl No corporate bo.i* to po*c, | banking and di* iunltiu privileges -hall ; be er ated or organised tn pursuance t ' -,ny law without three otolith*' pre* iott i public notice at the place of the intended : location, of the intention to apply forsueh pr vilegoa. In such manner a*ntnll be pte aeribed bv law, nor shall a charter tor , titeh privilege be granted lor >* longer | e * riod t it on twenty year- A lc-l f railroad* tIt• nt** is* ilelnu ton the iutei*t on their botal is given in the K'linnci*! t liroiiiele ritrv are fifty five t'i tiuinht-r, mid tltcir nggt cojtte huttih il debt di faulted oh Atuottuli I fi'2l i ,*lil',d 11, all it'll ia about lit pr cent t>i the lotul i tilt 'ud It itnle,l dehl of the e* tttilry, ta!lnntlcl at sl.7iHl.tlotl.thKl, TIN* ,1, faulting Ififty-fivu roads are made up ol two ! i l.t-ses those paying r->ad which jhiive been siul h ttly v. tt.iKeit hv tin |tatiic and nbligrd t<u|witil piyttt,- t I teillpot .it ll * I rttid those lluwi-ol * ' lo ate*' and c**.-tt* i ads, luiilt s|aiselv selllctl tg:oti. whtill rain. little or no profit v t their opera ? tti'g cvpi- Ihe ferttier .till diutllt HtMver froiu theii trii|aivaty discredit the lat'.c will, many "t tinm, have t,j 11, -old Milt A grwit malty of these latter toads have he-n huilt aliunat -ttlittlv **' th tll proceeds of tlt*i J Ikiiuls, aid have tltua c.-al about ute • quarter t uio ittir*! tupre than they ; woud have oat il hit ill with c.tsh I'hev icprceiit uuthtiig but their! debts., which nre more than lluii assets that is, nine thsn the roads| thciu-elvrs arc worth. It s the large amount of capital tnv-s e,l ill lks< I p tiou paving nod almost woithhsa bonds lbat assists to aggravate tht pi*-*,t t striiigenev of money. Tbe l.:tnoa*ter KxpresS lias eVi , dCOtiv diseoV.-red tbe tn.ttii s -lit e <l lite opt- >iti •!! t- ibe N*w ( oust it u tion. It observe*: ' The n ea'et of the 11- tt*o are a unit against lite i Constitution. If adopted, tbe pleas ant pastilles lo whieh they have so; often led the innocent sheep of tin j legislature will hecome its withered 1 desert a. With these sections aja: I •I of theatrgunio law, It will lis uucoiu fortablc for tbe auftly-atepping and low-voiced ngeiit of tbe railroad c->r p * ration to be seen moving like * r luniinan in regular orbit* around the [ sons of melt, sbedding j*e-uliar ligbt r u[too legislation, tven the haidclitd ' old debauchees who for years have I openly plied their shameless Vocation • on tho hill, will feel th -t the sworJ of r Damocles is uo plca*su( object to ( I contemplate even at a rare hast, > Those pleasaul little interviews in ; some committee room, to which , members are jaditely iuvittd wlo-n r new counties ir boom bills are being • considered, will be things of the past. ' The veterans of the Third HOUMJ wiil loudlv Jrnouuce the New C'ousiitution 1 ou the ground thut that bo*lv usurjied its functions, ami ilnl twice as much , work a* the people expecte*! them to • do when the Coostitutiuti was ordered " Uuder the New Constitution the Hade i of lobbyist would lc a- safe as 'uu niug contraband of war to the island of Cuoa under tho jus-til style o| f treating all piisoiters caught I • -* * , The (heat Coal Monopoly. The Heading Railroad com; an, my which "has gone so largely into mo nopolizing I'etmsylvatiia roal land-, wall Is ipiioii to a f lO.IKKI.IK'O - six jier cent, gold loan, whtcji |ra* ( ' put on the Isikil in mai Let on tbe'J'J.l ,of October. The transactint of this. company in land and transits are ' simplv enormous, and th' year the coinpany lias increased its net income I up to Sept 30, $1,109,729; its total ' earnings for the ten months Uiug ' $ 12.022.^21. against ♦.lfor • the sa tic |ei i-wl in 1572. It is a remarkable fact t.'iat lluee of nur great railr**ads, should the Reading get this l-an taleu in Dit ' dou will have mgitiated $10,000,- [! 000 each in England ihi* year. The ; | Raltifin,re and Ohio w.is the lit at, ami i ; at the very Ite-t rato?, and tlie [ Pennsylvania r-al claims to have! i j negotiated the same amount prior lo :jthe late panic on this side. Ihe Reading Railway is 70H miles in j . i length, with tracks and sidings • rpial j • j to 1.386 miles of (ingli. trn dt. The Philadelphia hihl Reading . : and Iron O mpany, tin capi al of which is held by the Reading | Railroad, owns 90,000 acres of coal >| lauds, c yhicli there arc 90 collieries , j pro-lucing annut ly tour million <>f tou? of coal and may l>e increased' double or treble this amount. It is stated that receipts f<r tbe current 1 ' year front rii hmil traffi will le i $15,000,000. ugainst $12,125,000 in ■ J872, and the entire gross receipt* of " ii c year from the two companies wiil be over $22,000,000. :j It is addbd that this increasing traffic requires increased facilities for . carrying and the opening of the mines i of coal. The scarcity of veaseU has i created a necessity for en addition to , the company's fleet of iron-screw colliers for shipping al Port Rich -j [ mond, which amounts to two uml a . hall millions of tons a year. Hence I this new loan is callwd for. It is; ' contended on tho one hand that the public is to be benefited in this mat-! I ter of the Reading Utilroad by the ! ' great?r combined facilities in coal; ! operation and tran&porlijtion. while on the other band it is held that iu-l jurious monopoly and control of the cal interests generally is to be the result. — Baltimore Sun. A Hloixlthirsty HufTalolan. Buffalo, November 2'). —Y< *terduy a German, named Kneclit, attempted| to kill his wife and then follow up the tragedy by -hooting himself, lie! was tinueesi-ful in both. He wounded j his trife twice with a pi-tol hall, and then turned and rfiot himself through! ihe face. He then retired to his room, intending to finish the job by cutting bis own throat with a razor. The police, however, appeared oil the ground and urrested hint before lie could carry out It is intentions. 'I he Bid Corpse. Chattanooga, November 20 —There j? a complete democratic victory in tlie municipal clectjon today. Dr.; P. D. Sims, mayor, and J'J Lowry.j marshal, ire elected. 1 his i- the! first democratic victory for city olfi-j cerssince the war. Paid Off —Ex-President Johnson, uho, it appears, ha i entrusted all his •pare fuiid-rS7S.OQQ —to the coin-j mercial Jay hawker Cuoke, last weeki receive 1 bin divi lend, $22,0( 0, about | 30 per cent. The balance, 70 per j gent., lias l*cn ganibletl away by, these' ci risMaii Lupfccyi." Andy uny thank his stars thai lie got any of ni-i cash back. * The deni cralic and it-puidieniij delegate* of A llcgjieny count j , have,] over their aigna'ure, nnuniiuousiy <n , dorsed the new constitution. l*iin(<a of (lur Di'iiiiintN on Spain. j t tic Itilltivv ure nii I to be the |H>intM o| u |*crwtn|ilury demand I |u t*cnlcil bv **ii i gov Ci mo tut to the Spanish citltiurl : Kim, I'll.- lot tint) tlelivery of the Vtrgitiiua lo tifliccia ol our govern no lit 111 it port of the l ulled StlllCM. Second, The id caw and rent oral ion to our |>iotcctiou of the surviving eitiili vca. riiird, A money indemnity In the lieu* ill a'l taken from on hoard (he Virgimti* ami put to death. Fourtii, The trial ami putiiahiuciil id ticncral itunicl ami all other re *|aiiiaihlc otherm I ilt It, Die iiiimriliate and uncoil ttilioiial nli.bin ui of slavery in Cuba as the a mrce of all the (nuuliug ditf cutliea itiill coiMltlainta. A UiNuauiNKT M Klll Mi. \\'a*lmiglou. Nov. 2'i. The Cabi net liitit'lig tii dnv was the lotigcat tbai hua b en hcbl aiuce the lute war, i-oiiiutetii'ltig at twelve 'o'clock linoii ll n*l lu>itiit* lour lutUia Sttrelary I-isli |t|eiilcit tlea|otU-hta Iroltl Mill lalt r Sickles irlaltve to the tlcmoti olr.ittons against the Aiit rican U-gu (ton nt .Ntadtiil which arc said to bate cattsVvl some feeling, but it was the opinion o| tnrmhcia lliut lite , Minim! liovrruiiirnt were not re* -pot nib c lor tbe wl't uiplt vl 'outrage, ttii! that it vva* gotten up bv the enemies of the Caatelar Ministry, j .Secretary liotwaviu made a state no 1.1 showing lite number atol • fticieltCy of tbe vessels ordered to Cuban wait 18, wbtcli gave great vifintulioii, and the S,-i-eelarv was COtltpiittlrtiled tor lite ettetgy he bad display v.I. A itt.t r; pmati'MT. Aflei tbe Cabinet meeting a Oietu* I Iter of tbe i'atunet was nskt-<l how things I taikrd now, and replied ' I bttig* l*rgtu to look very blue very M.tiiike. i should toil be surprised if the whole affair ended to a ditfi< u y. It ItKtks very much like that uow For nt) part 1 don't ec any other way to get out of H If war tinea come, i.ne thing i certain, tbe Government is litl-y prej*ated lor tl" I'KKLFAHAITNLL* ROK WVK. The chief otßccra for all iron clada ami other vca*li ileatined for scrviv*e nt Cuban wo ins aiuumlrr orucrs. ami the other vHicers will le orderetl wait iin a lW day*. The gr*lat activity vouiiou'# at toe Navy l)e* pa 11 on ill, and aiu e bia return retarv Kola sou has l>een in c!o*e ct-u -->1 fereuce with the brad* ot the diflt-r i cut bureau* relative to the work done, i and to la* perf. rated, by them 1 TtIKWAK KKVtK IX ILLINOIS A | rival* letter from a prominent giAitleman in Illinois slates ti>ere is . nothing *|>okrn of in l*ia section bet the Vitginiua alfutr, ami that tlic J war fever rui.s high. The Coveru nitut couid raise any number o| troops in liliuoi-, ami : is h-.tar I lite ■ .. 1 it GoVerutneiii witi tits si on its tie * mauds, evpo i! the r-stiit is a dcv lara ion of w ir. file Spanish objections to litis I have been sent for wan! by lit* American roiuister. •SPAIN Wild. CONCEDE NOTII - Minister Sickle* Not !v II w War Can be Avoided. , Mstirtii, Novcwibsr Jl>- [liera!<l sp-• 1 cial : Tlie tituatioa is grave Thers t a ,er*o * tni>untlrrstativling Vow-sen Mini - ' ter MckeU ami the Sp a ;i|*t) Cabiiigt 'Q .tbe arrival of the * <*f tba eapturs of t e Virgiiilu*, l*re*:il*ut Casle'lar caileil at the Ciiilett Stale* l.ega.ion. arvtl eiprrt*. Ed regrot, ami or<iara.| * u*psni .n of the •e.-tetice* When Seeralary Ki*h tele, graphed the new* of ihe elecution*. lien t-ral Sickle* sent • note at A M . tleinan. ding a lsv. The Foreign Secretary sli kvsrod i 4 ueftioD,t,g lit a of the if: fortnalion, and intimating that General Sickle*' action not authoncad. Theraupon Genera! Sickle*, in the name of the I'nited State*. addre*ad a formal prole-; agairitt the inhuman bulcherlet, snd the intuit to the I'nited State* Beg. old Jen.ended that Spain houU enforce obedience to it* order* in Cuba. *r-J ln*i ted on the ngiiu of Anterior aa* to treat under the trraty of !Tf9 lie rompleined itbat ths Anehc-an Coritul at Santiago 111 prevented from uing the telegraph to Ws*hingtrn. The *vpatiih Secretary en wered tliet ll.at niatier was wholy muni cipal affair between Spain and the Virgin iuv pirate* Spain will not tolerate Amer ican interference. The ittlarview ended ,by General Sickle, demanaing that Spain should enforce the order oi the Cabinet on Ouba for n *u*petition of the eaeculion*. The Span!.h Minister of Foreign Affeir* haughtily Jet lined t permit Sickle* to di- CUM the municipal atTair* of Cuba. The Interview terminated nnjijly, Sickle* say* Ing that he would hold no mot* personal but only official relation* with tbe Minis ter. Public feeling run* high. The Span iard* blame the United Stair* for the Cu ban inurrection, and av they will wel come war. MinUter Sickle* does not ee how war can be avoided, a* Spain wll j conceod notnii-g. ptjbllc opinion will prevent Ca*lelfar from making au> con ;ce*pn*. There is no u in the United State* trifling any mere on the subject ' Spanish tubbernne* making conceioti im possible. The extreme Raitublican* favor the views of the United Slate* in tba ! affair. The Cubftn Question Washington, November 20. —The I ak'itleitQc tjccutnitlalei that Cuban j matters will require much oorrea pondeuce und consequent delay. It i asserted in prominent quarters that no complication need be feared as the administration sees its way clear, and while war may be avoided, : the probability is that Cuba will lie ! free. We uevr though: there was much danger of a war with Spain. SNOW FIFTEEN INCHES DEEP. On Monday night 17th, llarritburg wai ' vi*ited by a rain followgd by light •now. In the northern part of the neigh* boring cvunly of Lancatter a tierce storm pre*ailed, during thecontinuancn of which fifteen inches of snow fell, and on Tuesday | Weighing inn meanuro took the place of wagon travel. At Adanmtown the ground wn covered to tbe depth ot a foot. A CAR LIST SUCCESS. Intulligein a ha* been received here of 'ho annihilation of a band of republican* numbering 400 man 111 the province of Al merit. All of them were killed or captur ed b> the Carlisle. It is raid that the new Constitution |of Pennsylvania has been signed by j- ne bundled and thirty <>f the one j hundred and thirty-three deli gates. APPLETONS' AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA New I!vised Edit ion. Entirely rewritten by tbe ablest writer* ' on every object Printed front new | type. m„;| jlliistrHted with Several Thou sand Engraving* and Map*. The work originally published under : the title of Til K NKW AMKHICAX CYLLO- J i-.VIM A WHr complete 111 Iftfifl, i-itice which time the wide circulation which it tia ,;'!ni! Ed in all |iart*ofthe United Htatcs. and thu signal uovelopnicDU which havo taken playe in every branch ot science, literature, MIHI art, have Induced tho ell* lorn and iiuhlUhcr* to submit it I > Mil ex- Mi l Mini t in-rough revision and In l*ue a new vd it inn infilled Tlim American Cyclo paedia \Y ilhin the la*l ten yeare the progrvi* til discovery 111 every department of know ledge has luada m new wmk til refer ence an imperative w*nt. The llnv rllU'lit nl political affair* ha* kept |>ar with lha dUi'nf arliai of Science, i ami their fruitful application to tlia in* dutrial and useful art* una llir conve nient e and refinement of social life I|feat wail Mini consequent revolution* Levi- -*• • t itrrad, involving natloiml change**f |HI• - uliar moment The civil wartifntirvati i • Ulitn . which * M at it* height tt h*n tin* I*.l v olume nf tlm talil appealed, ha* hap* I > i ly Urll t-lidtd. Mild a new Course ol i oiiiinrii >MI mid imltotria! activity ha* been t otiitiiem ed. Large accessions tu our geographical knowledge Ui i been made by the In dcfatlgable eiplorera of Aflti a Ibe great political revululion* of tlir la*t tlecade, with tbe nnloial I•-ait 11 of tbe lapre ofttlwr, bate brouglit Intti public view a multitude of new men, aluar Maine* are in every one • moutb ami ol wlio*e live* every otie i> curiuu* Ui know tbe |tarticulai*. Great battle* liave been feogbl antl important i*ge maintained, of w liick tbe detail* are a* yet prr**rvrd only in llie new*paper ur in tbe transient pulilit atiotia of tbe day, but whicli ought flow to take tb* it place iii permanent and authentic bi*torv. In preparing tbe prn*nt adition for the pie, it ha* aceoruiiigly been the aim l the editors to bring down tbe information tn the late>t pomible date*, and to form*). all at curate account of the ino.t ret a lit di* t-oveiiea in tcience. of every fre*h prmiuc lion in literature and ol lha newe>t iltveti lion* in the pucticai art*, a* welt a* to give a succinct and original record of the progress of political and hi.torn al events. Tb-- work ha* been hrgun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with the most ample re.ource. fur carrying it en to a succetafui termination. None of tbe original ttereoiype plate* have been ued, but every pegs l<a> been printed on new type, terming in tact a new Cyclopaedia, w.th the kaine plan and ; roinpns* a it* pro le. e.or, but with a lal greater pecuniary expenditure, ami with' >uch improvements in it* composition n* hate heen suggested by longer experieuce ami enlarged knowledge Tbe illustrations which are introduced for tbe tlm* in the present edition bate b-'t-n ad-led not t--r the U of pic torial effect, but tu give greater lucidity ami force to the axpianatiou in lite text . I'hey eutbrac - all bram-ha* of sjience and of natural historr, and depict the most! taiuou* and remarkable feature ofacenert architecture, and art. a* u- II aslhe \uriou pro- ease* of mechanic* and manufactures Although intended for instruction rather thaa rinbeltuhnieht, no pains h*r been •Pared to iinitre their artistic excellence the curl of their execution i enur.oou* ami it i* belieted lliev Wilitind a welcome rrception a* an adlliUabi* feature of tin Cyclopaedia, and Worthy of tl* high char acter Tbi* work i. *.ld to Sub.cHber* only, payable on deliver* of each Volume It will tie completed in sixteen large octavo volume-, each containing about HI) page, fu Ir iltu.liatcd w -a .averal tbou.ar-l W iH-d Engraving*, and with numerous colored I.libograph t Map*. I'rice ami Sty le of Itintiinj,' lit t-Xlra Cloth, per Vol.. .... |&,U) in library Leather, i-er vol. ti,V> In ItalfTuraey Morocco, per vol ".ii) In Half Ku**ia, extra gilt, per v 01.... h.'Ji tn Full UuiiH'Cti, antique, gill edge*. per vol ItI.UU In Fuil RUMIB, per vol 10.UU Three vo.urne* no* ready Succeeding volume*, ua il completion, will be luui-il -■ne* tn two moatb* Sj-ecitnen page* of the American I y - clttpaeuia. skua tug ly pe. itiuatrat n n* etc , will be sent gratis, on application First-Gla>* CatiVaxing Agent* wanted A-ldrevath* Publisher*, 1. A PPLKTON A CO . V4V A .* 1 Itr-mdway, N. A I liut 4u. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE ADOPTION OH REJECTION tF THE NEW OR AMENDED CON STITUTION WHISI**, In attd by an ordiname. ps**ej by the Convention far Attirnditig •be C -n*tltUtlon of the Commonwealth of P*nnylvitn:a. on tbe 3rd day of Novem ber, A D IIT 3, it is made the dutv of the Sheriff of eat h county to give nolle** of the Critiuii. to I y brid lor (he adoption or rejection of tbe Amended Commute n. proposed by *atd Convention, and by the • aw* of tbe Commonwealth In pursu ant-* thereof, I, Pr SHAFFER, Sheriff ->ftbe county 01 Centre, do iherefoi*. make known and give public notice t-> the electors ot said county ol Centre, that a special Kleclu n will be hcid on the I liIKD TUESDAA in l)e*nil>ernext, b-- litc tl * Hkh dav Of the month, in ti.r (i< n eral Electien I>itricl* tjterein. and I al*<> hereby ma kit two ai d give t. - ' lice that the place of holding the aforc-a J elect mil in the *eeeral iter..ugh* aid : Teanthip* within the County u? Ceu'.i* ' are a* follow, lo wit : For the twp . of iiains, at the l'ubi c House of J'lbll Lambert, Fr the tail., -f Half Moan, el tl.fi School House in Stormsloan. for the tjsp.. o' Taylor, at lb* hoyse ere* tad fur the purpose on the property ef Leonard Merry man For the_ twp . of Potter, at the house sd Uamfil Weidensaul. Old Fort Hotel, For the twp., of Gregg. at the public bouse owned by J li Fisher For the twp of Ferguson, in 'he school house at Pine (.lost For the twp , ol llarrls, In the school house at Hoa sburg. F'of the twp . ef ration, at the bouse of I'eier Murray. For the borough of Hellofoiste and the townsbitis fif Spring and Hsnr.er, at t! • Court House in Beliefontc. For the tap , of Walker, in the school hou * at llubirr<i>ui v F'oFlhe bfiro'atid lowp-Lip of Howard, at the school house in said borough For the twp , of Kush, at lbs Co d Jjt-cain school houso. For tiifi two., of Snow Shoe, at iheK-huvl house near Sstnuel Askey, For the twp.. ef Marion, at the house of Joel King, in Jacksonville F'or the borough o( Milesburg, at the school house in Milesburg F'or the tp., of Hut on, at the house of John Keed. F'or the twp. of I'eim, at the houfie of W L Mumr F'or the twp , of Liberty, in the tchouf haute at Eag-4f il)u. F'or the twp.. of Worth, at the school house in Port Mati'ds F'or the twp , of iiurnside, at the house late ef J K iksfik. F'or tke twp., of Curtin, at the school house near Kohl. Manns. F'or theboreugh of Untoiirille and I'nion twp., at tlifi new school house in Union w ill*. F'or the borough of Philipsburg, at the public school house in said borough. WIiKM K AS, Bv the act of Congresa of the United States, entitled "An act to amend [lie several acts heretofore passed, to provide for the enrolling and railing out of the National Forces, and for other purposes," and approved March S, 18IH>,! all persons who have deserted the military or naval service of the United States, anil who have not been discharged or relieved from penalty or disability therein provid ed, and forfeited their rights to citiaen- i ship, and their rights to become citizens, ami arp deprived of eiercising any rights, of citizenship thereof, and \VIIKKXAS, Persons not citizens of the United Stales are not, under the Constitu tion and laws of Pennsylvania, qualilml < electors of this Common wealth. Nee I Be itsnarted by thesanateand lieuse of Bepresvnlativps ol the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in general assembly met, and it is h< reby enacted by auihoritv ol ■he same That in all election* to be held heresftirin this Commonwealth it shall h* unlawful for the Judge or Inspectors of any such elrrtions| to receive any ballots front any f>trron or persuns embraced in Ibe pre* isions and subject to the disability I imposed by said act of Congress, approved March 8, 1808. and it shall be unlawful for , any suth person to offer t*> vote any ballot or ballot*. Btc. *2. Thi if my Judfo <r Invpoctor ot Klectin, or miy one of (httn, lill re reive, <r consent to ieceire mny such un lew fol bullotor beil'dft from unv tuch die ifuuiilled pereon, he or lliov eo offctidinff • Itnil be guilty of n iniademeHnor, end upon conviction thereof in nny Court of Setiiona of thU Conunonwetllh, rliell for ench offence, be aenlenced to pa) u tins of not leaa Ihmi one hundred dolUrt, Mfid to undergo nn inipriaonmenl in the jnil of tiie proper county for noff leet thou aiit.v doyi. Sec. 3. Tbot if on j perton deprived of ciliffetmhip end diaquoidled e oforetoid, aiioll ol ony election hereofler to be held in the Common wealth, vote, or tender to the officer* thereof end offer to vote a bal lot ir ballot*, any perton aooffending ahall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and ••li conviction thereof in any Court of (Quarter 2Sc**ion* of the Ceininonwealth • null, lot each offence, he puniahed in like Manner ' provided in the preced ing section of thi act, in the case of otfi cera of election rictivii g audi unlawful ballot or bulloi*. Sec* 4. That if anv perton thall here ifter pcraunde or adviae any perton or perrons deprived of cilisenihip and dl*. qualified at af'orctaid, to uffe? any ballot of ballot* 111 I III* nftli-Mii of any cloiloh] btti'tllrr in ln> In Id in tlita Ciinin tin-! wealth, rmli ptr.i|i n offending ilu'l h-- guilty of a mUilentealior, anil upon con v nlioii there. fln any Court ol tJunrterl St'ioii in tlna Commonwealth, liMllbj ! punished in Ilka manner aa is provided In ilia •••cud *-litvn of this B<-1, in the en*a ofnftU-ai* nfaui li • action receiving such' unlawful ballot Of I allot* A lid further, bv Ilia flrt taction of tlie at t uf Mart l! :>(I, IN.I Sec I lit it iinai'trtl by the Sttliati' Mild ol I *t-|trenaiit■ 11\ a* of the Common wealth of Penioyvania in General A- in jbljr mat, and it is hereby niat'lrtl bv nil tlo>ritv ol Hot same That the qualified i rim of the several rounlin ol tbii Coin loonuaullli at nil" general townalil|t, bor ough and |iat'|al election*,' art! hereby, hrraaltrr aullioricatl and required to voir lit in kn( printed or written, or partly (irintad and partly written, severalty classified MS lulltiai Our ticket all nll rm> brat-a the names of all Judgr* of court* voted lor, alid l e labelled uulnlf> "Jtldl i lar y one ticket at* all embrace Ilia naniea ol al> Slulr offi. rr* voted for. und lie lab**tled "Stale, one ticket shall ent hral e ttie name* of all retail* eflren vet ed fo Includlng office of Senator, luriii hrr-- f C ongrea*. if voted for, and be U lir'bd "County one ticket abatl embrac ikr name- ol all township olticer* voted for Mini be Inbrllrti "Township otlrj it. ..el *halt embrace tbe name* of bur -ugh ulllrer* voted lor, and be labeled "|1 r -nigh , and each rl** *balt be deposited in separate ballot b.tgrr And a* directed by -ai l 13th section of lie act >.f July, ItvV.t. I berettv giye in- lice that everv |-rr*on (excepting Ju*tl e • f ttie Peace) who shall hold any office or; appoir lioeni of prufli or trust under the (lovernment of tlie I nited State , 111 tin* Stale, •r of any city or iiieorporated tlt* ' ;ilet, w liethnr a commiione l tifl-rr or ; -tlierwi e a •üborjinate officer or agent, who i*or tiiall be etnpiojt-d under the' legtsialite, executive or judiciary depart-' mer. t of lht> State, or of tlie United Stale*. ! or of *nv city or incorporated district, and MISU that every member of t'otigre,*. and of ihe State Legislature, and of the Select or Common Council of any city, or com-' mis.loin r* at hiiv ii.c-t i-eruti-d distnet i* bv l>* incapable of holding or eiorcis- i llig at lite tune HIS* the Offi e Of a ipO.nt- Uiant lif Judge, liopt t f. r or Clerk of any election of till* Com nionvi ca Ith. and that' no ln*tiei-tor. Judge or other olfieerof any j uch election kbail bn eligible to nny of ( tic# 111 he then Voted for And further, lliut bv tbe 4ih section ol tbe act of April 10. IS4M, it i* provided that ihe afore.aid 1 tth set nun of July IKJO. j •hall not be o couilruted a* to pr. Tent any j ■uilitla offiter or t-orough t fflcer fruit ►erving a. Judge. Inspector or Clerk at any general or *perial vlwlion in lbi Com mo n wealth. \Viirr<' by the n't nf of lb I * in t >**t Ktal*#. • rit i (••<! "An Art I" onfurcr the > iff ill of til! •-(■ nf lli United State# ti> I'tiK i i lh State# <>f thi# Union ■ml for other purpo-a," llir Crtl and second irrtiiini of which >r at follow# • Sr.liJll I Br it enacted by lh# Senate antl House of ltf*ir#o!itiUv#B ol the I'ai* ted Slutrt ol America in t'nrf#u a*cui bird. '! liiil all > ili*en# if llir t iiiir i Stat## a ho are or shall be other Wle ijuat.Crd by taw lo voir any a'ecti 01 by the people, in any .Mate. Territory. district, couoty. city, pariah, township. school district, MUiiW cipatily, r oilier territorial tubdev tl >n, <i>all be entiled and allowed to vote at all ucb election#. Without distinction of rare. color, or previous condition of servitude. | an I onl*lM : ion, law, v u#tOOl. ua|{e or. regulation of any State ur Territory r ly ! or under its authority, to the contrary not' So- 1! Aiid t>- it further erierlej, Thai if by or under the authority of the Curtail , tulion or taar< of any Mate or the law* o any Territory, any act it or ehall bo rr •JU'lfd to le done a a I'trrequisitc ■ qualification for voting and bv uch con •tuulion r law twr„.n w offi-cr* are or! h*ll lie charged with the performance of dutie* in furtashtug to citizens art o|<|>r j tamtv to |tericirm uch prerequisite ..r t< | heCi-tne qualified to vote, it shall t>e slhc j duty f every such person *'iJ officer tut g \e to all cili n ot the I nilcd Stales the aatne and equal opjKirtunily to jwrf rn.' such requisite and I" become quahfled to] sot# without distinction of raec, o<loror| previoua condilioti of aeryitudrj and ilj any aoch t-crun or officer shall refuse w j knowingly unut to give full effect t > th<s section, he shall for every such offense j forteit and pay the sum of Fit# Hundred ; Dollar* to the person aggrieved thereby, j ito be recovered by an action on the ce with full cost and such allowance fo i counsel fee# as the Court shall deem ju-t j and shall also for every such oiense, bci deemed guilty of a mistirSNetner, and shall, on i ot,* u-ti.in thereof. b-- fine 1 I-"' j leas than Five Hundred Hollars, or b< imprisoned not less than one m -nth an I not mure than one j ear, or both, at th< j discretion af thy (V-urt And whereas. It is declared by the se - mid section of Articie VI of the Constnu lion of the Caited Mate, that "this C>sn-j stitulion. and laws of ti.e Untied Statu* which shall be made in pursuance thereof , shsll be the supr -n.fi law "f the land. * * Anything in the Constitution or *i any Mate lis the contrary netWilhsUnd-! ing Whereas. The F*ifkee<ah Amendment of. • ihc C naiilutiuo o! lb* Uni-ed States, a , folioyr#: S c 1 T * right f citizens of the In, 1 ted Stales to v.He .hall nil be dome*! ol i abridged by the United Slate, or by any e Mate, an irrount ot racfi, color or previ ous run i to-n • servitude c Sec.'J The Congress shall have powei I" enforce this article by appropriate log e islalion. Ar.d wh< r sv. TLq Legislature of th -i r Coniiiiona i a'lh. "n the f.th day -f April fA. !>. 1870, pas*e*l an act entitled "A fun ther supplement t ihe act relalmy t f elections in thi- Commotiwen Ith. lh( Tenth aectlua of which provide* as fol c lows SIT- 10. That so much of every Act o ,1 Assembly *► provides thai only whiti prerutan snail h* entitled t- vote or regis 1 tered a* votfin. fir a* claiming to vote a any general <r special electimi of thii •f Commonwealth, be and the same l here by repealed ; and that hereafter all free >• men. witln-ut distinction of color, shall h< a enrolled at.d regi-li-r*.l according to t 1 provisions of the first section of the B. 1 i] approved the 17th of April, Isflti. entitles "An act further supplemental to the *e , relating to the elections ol thi* Comniui wealth and when otherwi-e qualifies i under existing laws he entitled to vote a all general and S|ecial elections in thi 1 C"n;ni"tiw*'th f AN ORDINANCE. roa ARUUITTINU TIIK AMKXUKU CWKTI * TVTIOX or rEKXsYI.YAXIA TO A VOTE ol TIIK qUat.triKD KI.KI Tons TIIKUCor. f A* rAssKP SKCOXU RKADINO . Rr it nrdai is*/ Ay the (\tn*titutio.*al (ks rent ION of thr <'■ mm. nu-rnUh of l\nn j. 1 rylrtntfl, <ll follow • I. That tho aioondod Const itulioi 1 prepared this Convention, be submit led to the qualified elector* of the Com * monwcaltb for their adoption or rejection lat an eleciion to he held on the third I! Tuesday of December next; except a hereinafter ordered and direeled, the said i election shall be held and conducted by * .the regular election officers in the serrra [•lection districts throughout the Common s wealth, under all the regulations and pro. ! visions of existing laws relating to genera! I elections; and the sheriffs of the severs! ■ counties shall give at least twenty day , uotice "f said eWtin bv proclamation II "J. The Secretary of tho Commonwealth shall, at least twenty days before the said , j election, furnish t* the Commissioner* ol jeai-h county a sufficient number of prop lorly prepared circulars of instruction ! The Commissioners of the several countic thall cauie to be printed at least three | times as many ballots of affirmative vo ; tern as there are voters ill each county and the same number ol negative votes; ; and the said Commissioners shall, at least ] fivn days before said election, cause t •bo fairly distributed to the several election districts in their respective counties, the ■aid ballot*, tally-fists, returns, circu lar* of instructions, and such other b-*ok* and papers as may he necessary. The ballots shall bo printed or written in the following form: On the outside the words "New Constitutionin the in side for all per* in giving affirmative votes tho words "F'or tho New Con stitution," and lor all per-ons giving neg ative votes the words "Against the New Constitution." X- If It shall i"i*>r i >iat ■ ravjortly "I lite v-*ri ysxUffd irf fur Ih* rifiw un.>ii th#*n it •hallbs* t onalHuUow of t otnmntiwcillb sf IVnngjrlfa&U on and *ftr th first da> of Januftt). in >Mtr of our leortl oi tl)iuhnd wight hun frsw! and mot ant; four . Iv-st if it hbAil a|>|oarlhat a majority of tho vote* t ollosi w#r Matoat tha nan t/onatituUoti. than it ahai) IM n jrrtol and tea null and void 4 Klaa t Vsruiuiawiotiara nf Klaution, vifi . ICdvrtn II FlUnr. Kdafard Hrsionlnf. John r Vmrr+u. Ilanri W Blfad Mi JalM O JMMW, ar horoby ipptithM -> thia t ssnaaniion. who •hail Into diros-tion f thr rla* Uon uiMn this amnndod (*i>natttut4on in tho city of Philadalpbia Tlia aald t 'ominlaaiouara a hall !♦ dul) • wssrn ur afhrinast to parlortii tiHrir dutloa with imfnir tiaitty and Udaittjr I'hay ahali aias> hava |sow.*r to All aacanciaa in thatr own t.uiubar it ahall t*# lb# iut* of aald ( oiniiitaakotit'ra. >r a majority or thnm. an t th*> ahall baa* authority lA> innlm a rwfiatration of Totwra ftr tha •raoralrlaction dtataiona of aald city, and ts> fur limit tha iiata an rriada to tha •Faction ofßccra of anrh precinct aald iljr p.* oiud for by thia ordinancr to b uaod at llifi alacUoo .to appoint a }ud( and two tni>nctoni lot NAJTI •IwcUonliiaialon hv WIH*UI Vh election therein ahall lie held end oondm t"d. and to five neceaaarj inatructbma to tile election 'lttcra reanllnf thru duilea la Ituldlnf theelecUon end in makitif return* thereof. Nc* poraort ahall aarva aa an election officer who would bs* dlMiualttied under eection i&, article N. of the new t'onatltulion The fneial return of Uie elec Uon In the aaitl dtp "hell be opened, computed aud certified before tha wall romtirtaionera. aud with Ihelt appro*al.which aptrroVbl ahall be iinlora*MSupoii the return They aluul make r#|orl. directed to the Preai dent of this ton vent ion, of their official action glider thia ordinance and concerninf the conduct of Uie aald •ies tton within the aald city. The Jiidf<* and lna|M*ctdr aforuaaid ahall conduct th * election In all reapot tar .nforuiablj to the general leiectuinlawa of thia i^ruiuiouwealth, and with like Ewara ani dntura to those of ordinary election otffcera ich Inspector ahall apiediit one clerk to aaatat thr Board iu tin* parlortuam e of its dutiea. and all th>' electi(*tt oißoera ahall be duly aworn or aiHrtdd accord ina to lew, and ahail pof*a ell the quatlffcatlona re quiiei by law of election oiHtH-re of thi* ComftDni wealth M aeid election any duty qualified elector wbq shell bo unregistered, hell e pr nulltod to vote upon ureklnff proof of his rightt to ths election officers, ac Irt.rtllte ttt'i* tn*ral eleotea ta ri tit IS'* C'aauaoa <*,*|th Hewn lw|l*n *IMI (Mr elstk* tad SB |t*ttatl* roaal of ta* solo* .it. 11 I.# >t.a aaoot with. lat 1-. **re*er* of sta M-ot a*a* It* wlteial lor or j rot-locl b| Mitt KWllu. l'.to*nil,.l ..tt-r*. !.-**• 4otW* snrt i- o ers.lt,ll to tire ..to* *. ti-etr of nntreevr* ut slsction In **ltt till ttroltr •tlsiitig ,t*.lt..n |*w. sj-ytlrsUel liter*!.- It-ton it* nf the etfclitHi *li*il to n>*ee ia **M' . ll* •• lu Use -•*• of aa I telling tut ti.trrne, hat aj lrl|itaieaeaer*t reinrtt afr **ltf atlr *l|*U It* ISM. eat' *j I --art.,.l. 1 SaUse I'nwidMrt e-lilt* I 'onreeooe *l' l|*>rl*au>a •• H hereiaaf let iftiTlil- ,t la Otter*** ir retatraL j i S la if Site < eell-* *f the i -unaeeveatth • opt 1>...4e1| . u I tbe reta.it. tba ei—tu* ; .bell Ue rt-a i - -a wr fit. ea*e "I Sa elnutit ft# dm -. e .It. tart tbe r*Owa Jetlae* ta ...Aweatr .1..11 auk* tie ! e trlelt. .1* . .tealr retarn eae trtionul lit* uar ell it lu lit* iter, efter lb. elelbta, rilrm ted In Ibe runt deaf .tf title t uarettIIttn. *1 lierrtebary. |t-ta* lu tS.Ntri.ati.te tbi. Tbittl tier t.f Xernelnr, la r tbe r*** ef *t *r L#rd, utt* llutttea&.t elabl littttitred ead ; Mrrenly three JOttff || WALbKM. Ptc*ldM.t IP I t Mill It I ' ... A true - "ft el tndltteen* ttf eubwleelue M a yt'AV, A*, ret.ev tbe l ..1t........ * ..in. IT K SHAFFER. Shnriff. I. fiiiK£Wili<imer. EW ARRANGEMENT! ISAAC GL'UCRXIIEIMKK, it a V i U K |iurc-haacii tin* < lilirc stock of the late firm of Huoemaii Ai (lugydnbeimw.eg ■ •T-JRT THE I outlier ntitl SHM-fiuiiingi, IMM lillr>L IS J* HIA ahclvpa with a lot oi Wi'LLXMIt XI.W IKKHMI, embracing KKAUY MADKULGTHING, i PKO.H G'TOPB, •mot ;RIEM, . PItUV OIOXM, noon* &. fUtO&H HATH (V CA 1*, A X it KAXCV AHTICLLH .TTIIL ta NOW |ire|iaiod to accotuotlalcall 1 ILIA old CUSTOMERS, and to welcome all new ones who rnu)' FAVOR him with their fjatr-ITUTGE. tic feel* SAFE in MT- I:IO that lu- tun |Nisx*r the MOM faeliui .-U.V Call and MM-. ISAAC GUGGENHEIM EE. ! I'. S.—-Mr. ISIINATIIUII still continue* to ileal NT j LE VTIIKR AND SHOE-FINDINGS, CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS, tu the old roocs, where he tnav alway IRE found. I2p.tf. | VT KM" FURNITURE STORE. 1 000.1 nxi.OW LLORXKA'A liKLLKKONTE, FA. OKOHitE (T BRYAN, DEALER in tu;i ri j 't ii x z UL ALL KIND*. HLDSTKA D.S TA KLKS.I 11A IKS, , J Parlor and Chamber Set*, N(JFA N. L O UN <J L 6, BUREAUS, VV ASHSTAN DS, WARDS )BE3, SATTSESSES. te Particular AUENUON lo Ordered \N ..rk. , JtKi'A/Ul A u JtoSK J'UOMtTLT. I N Hl'.K'l' 4 H IM*. In AH LO lintucltce, UETALIC, I'AUitT, HUdKWOUD, AID COMMON CASK FT*. Always on Hand, and Funeral* Attended MFITT an Elegant H<wr>. |IW. Stoves! Fi re! Stoves! 1 At Andy lie* .toattV, Centra Hall, arc latest and hot atOvea OUL HE ha* jut received a large lot of I'.aik Suivet, the I'ioncer U/uok, the IXIIIAR Cook, the Reliance C*.k. I'.V H LOilS- "1 he iLailu.nl Ljjlit, tulf-fM (• Burner. National Egg, JcWcIL A. ;f.H< cllf rtn* u LOW u> in;wkm Mifflin < r Centre c*>. -&s TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE Tkr uuJcrngned li*ftb| inform* the cilixcn* of P. nnvalley the*. oe ha* pur ehatcd the Tiiohop heretofore farried on tjr the C. 11 Mfg Co., and will continue the anir„ at Hi* ..id stand, tW all it* braoch ea, in the manufacture uf STOVE PIPK A SI'OITIVO. All kind* of reps.ring done. lie ha* alWay on hand Fruit Cent, of all Site#, I- BUCKETS, CUPS, A DIPPERS, e DISHES.AC. ■ All work warranted and charge* reaton •> able. A *har* of the public patronage su it lirited. AND. RKKSM AN. !** 2*ep?ov Centre Hall • ______ ______________________ i . VKW HA ROW \HK STORK t *-1 a J A J. HARRIS, rt j No 4 BUQCKERUOFF ROW. A new und 'complete Hardware Stores • l 'ha* been opened bv the undersigned in ' BrockerbofT * new building—where they are prepared to *ell all kind* of Building and Houae Pumihing Hardware, Iran, Steel, Nail*. Buggv wheel* in ett, Champion >r Clothe* VVringer. Mill Saw*. Circular and Hand Saw*. Tennon Saw*. Webb Saw*, lie Cream Kreeaer*. Bath Tub*. Clothe* Hack*. * full ac.-ortmcnt of and * M irror Plate of all litvt Picture Frame*. Wheelbarrow*. Lamp*. Coal Oil Lamp*. I Belting. Spoke*, felloe*, and Hub*. >n Plow*, Cultivators, Corn Plow*. Plow t- Point*. Shear Moid Board* and Cuitiva - tor Teeth, table Cutleryr Shovel*. Spade* i. l and Fork*, Lock*. Hinge*. Screw*. >ah d . Spring*. Horaa Shoo*. Nail*, Norway i* Rid*, Oil*, Lard, Lubricating Coal dj Linteed. Tanner*, Anvil*, View, Bellow* yjScrew Plate*. Hlacktmilh* Tool*. Factory ■1 Bell*. Tea Be'l*. Grindstones. Carpenter i- ] Tool*, Fruit Jar* and Can*, Paint. Oil*. •-1 VarnUhe* received and for *ale at il j juneo '.Bt-tf. J.JtJ HARRIS. ;!THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. ! ' Nest iliKir to \\ ilmn A Hicks' Hani ware store. Allegheny St., BKLLKFONTK, PA., R. F. Rankin & Co., > * (Succc*or* to Linn A: Wilton.) I DKALE S IN ' PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS PAINTS. OILS, DYE STUFFS. VARNISHES, BRUSH ES. I KKFI'M KRY, NOTION'S, , AND FANCY ARTICLES , FOR TH E TO I LET, Ac. PUA2V*ISI£4LI©B©*B for medicinal purpose*. i SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES & SUPPORTERS in great variety, H Alao, Choice r CIGARS AND TOBACCO, ] mil all other article* usually luipt in firtt clan* Drug Store. t PRESCRIPTIONS CARKFU T COMPOUNDED. tf.tinn* R F. RANKIN A CO. BUTTS HOUSE. Bku.efonte, Fa. J. B. BUTTS. Prop'r. ' ,1 Has first class accommodation; charg es reason* fe*>r, tf. j NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! A. W GRAFF, ' CRNTBK BILL, CENTRR CO.. PA., Ha* Ju*t received a large Invoice of Fit ft Good / t*•#aiatitijf of the bwt assortment of READY-MADE CLOTH I NO! 11RE89 GOODS GROCERIES, PROVJHIONB, BOOTH A SHOES, HATHA CAPS, AND FANCY ARTICLES, tr brought to Pottertwp. • A lo, a large assortment of V A It l E T S! LOWEST ASH PRICES! ; ,*A* Produce taken in exchange at hi(heil . uiark at price*. A. W. GRAFF. ' myft-ly, <. PECK'S New Coach .Manufactory. CENTRE HALL. PA. The un<lerii|[ii) kx opened a new es tablishment, al !••• no* *h<p, fur the* nisnufartuic of Carritigtttt, OuggiM, di Spring Wagons. Hbciuaa AVT* HLCMI, Plaik A# t Pager I l uf ev.T)' dMcription . All vebic c manufactured by kirn r<- Warranted to render at Ufa (fieri, and a equal to any work don* eltewbere. " una* nuaa but the boat material, : and employ* the tue>t tkillfal workmen. . Heme they flatter tkeruieliM that their work can not be rtrelled for durability ' and flnish. Order* from a di-Lance promptly attend ed to. Come and examine toy arork before contra'.Unit rliewkr. PRICES REASONABLE. Ail kimlaof Reparing don*. Ho! Aentttion! SAVE MONEY! by purchasing Cl:can good* al WOLFS. ' who hca juwt unpacked a largo and plen did slock, which be hat determined to well very V'heap, consisting of DRY GOODS and j! Print*. Muslin*. Opera Canton, and S'ull I (Flannel* Ladies l>rw* Good*, such a* iDclaiA*. A!|at*i. Poplin*. Xin|irea* Cloth, haucn* I'atuewe, Uigethar with a lull stock of everything usually kept ia Lb* ' Ur.. Good* line. NOTIONS: A full slock. consisting part of Ladies and j Children'* Merino Uo*e, Collar*. Kid - jgiovra, bl quality aiik aad Licla (bread (ilorer, l| >lr, Nubia*. Breakfast shawl*. iAc. e: : HATS & CAPS. e •-j A full aeeortment ot n Men"* Hoy's tad Children'* rot the later* j le and best. CLOTHING, * Ready made a wholes mic tion of Men * and If-'y ol the cewrcat style* aad mo*t serviceable material*. : HOOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF. CENTRE HALL , Hardware Store. rj J. G. DKININGKV t A new, complete Hardware Store ha* . been opened by the undersigned in Cen tre Hall, where be i* prepared U> ell all j kind* of Building and House v urui*hing 1 Hardware, Nail*. Ac Circular and Hand Saw*. Tenron Saw*. ► Webb Saw*. doUra* Rack*. a full assort -1 nient of Gla** and Mirror Plate Picture . Fri-mea, Spoke*. Felloe*, and Hub*, table • Cutlery. Shovel*. Spade* ami Fork*, Locks Hinge*. Screw*. Sash Spring*. ' Hor*e-Shoe*. Nail*, Norway Rod*. Oil*, ■ Tea Bell*, Carpenter TouU, Taint, Varn s i*he*. 1 Picture* framed in the finest *tyle Anything not on hand, ardered upon hcru'i notice. Alao a full *tock of FURNITURE al wa.v* on han d. all ood* offered cheap-1 er than olsewhcc I aug 25' 75-tf N e w Cl( hi ng Store A. STERNBERG,! engaged to manage Air I. LM Roiaon* in, in the corner building. opi>oite II offer's I -tore. Hellefonlc, ha* established a new Clothing Store w here the be*t bargain* in t he county are offered. I $7.50 to sls for Suite of the tin es t Cassimere. HATS. CAPS I and a Ail) and complete assortment of ev ery thing in the line of Clothing. ticnl'K FuritiHhing Gowda all directly from their own manufactory. Atoo. Jewelry, IVatelieu, de. They have engaged their old clerk, Mr A. Sternberg, so well known to the people, and who will bo pleased to see nis old friend*. apotf. Piece good* of every discription, sold lowto UII ihlo everybody to have hi* clotli 'tigniadM to order J. ZELLER Sr SON DRUGGISTS No C Brockerhoff Row, Bcllefonte.Pa IFenlert* in Ikrup*. Chemical*. Perflnuery, Fancy <oimlm dc„ dc. Puro Wipes and Liquors for medical i purpoEus always kept. may 81. 72. \1 Shortlidgc & Co., i I'UOrUIKTOkS Q¥ THE Bellefonte Lime Quarries, ITha only Manufacturer* of Lime, burnt a exclusively with wood, In Central , 1 Pennsylvania. DULU* IV Anthracite Coal, EM White Lime, Da Font's Powder, j Spurting end Watting Powder on bend, Fuae lor Diluting, Fire Brick, Ground Fire Clay, Fertiliser*, laiplemenu. . ianßo 7S Office acd yard near South end ef the Bald Ragle Valley Railroad Depot, Bella fjnte. Pa. Jan 10.78 C. F. Merlarber N, Cmnmiller. f A2S W A SB 113 VAL or GOODS!!! HKRLACHKR A CUONMILLXK Wish to iafotm the ritlaeu* ef Potter that they ba v# opened an entire new •b>ck of good* in their eld quarter*, end will keep constantly on hand n hill aad good assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, contkliiif of i ALPACAS, Poplin*, PLAIDS, Lustres ' and all other kind* of DRESS GOODS, full tine of i NOTIONS and FANCY Goods llau A Cat*, Boole A Sboee CROCK Kit T. UUEINSWARI, i KTONKWARK, (TUAKWAKJt, BUG ARB, TEAS. COFFERS, FISH. 8A LT. It., etc , etc., , AM of which we offer at greatly reduced ; price*. ; Highest price* paid tor country produce. By strict attanuoe to busfaees we bene le merit and receive the patronage of the public ________________ ' CENTRE HALL 4 COACH SHOP, I L!:VI NI BRAY, at hi* twtab IMb meat at Centre Rail, keep* on band, and tor sale, at tba moat raaotna hle rate*. Carriages, Buggies, dt Spring Wagona, VI.AIHAUD FASCT, . and vehicle* of every description made to • order, and warranted to he made ef the best seasoned material, and by tba meet skilled aad competent workmen. Person* wanting anything ia hi* line are requested to call aad eiannae hi* work, they will And it sot to he excelled lor durability aad f wear. may 22 U. i ; LEVI Ml KKAY. .NOTARY PCRLIC, SCRIBNEH AND 1 CONVEYANCER. CENTRE HALL.P A J Will attead to administering Getha, Ae t knowlejgement of Deeda. Ac, wetting dr. liclesof Agreement. Deeds, Ac, BlS* lb w Gift & Flory's j New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL. ;They have now opened, and will constant ly keep on band, a splendid Hock ef sew fUoJw\ GAITERS. A SLIPPERS, fur men. women aad cbildraa. from Hie beet maaufhrtoriea ia tha eeoatry. aad new ef. fared at tba Lowest Price*. • BOOTS aad SHOES made to erder, upon "• short notice They invite the people ef this vicinity ta give them a call, aa they will strive to merit a share of their pat- JTowaas. mylOtf ] i. H- oar is. c. T stiltSDia. OR VIS A ALEXANDER, , AUornrymat-law. OAce cypesiu Ccurt . House, Belli lento. Pa. j p <SEPHART, with Orvt* A Alexander. aUsada, to Col lections and practice ia the OrphaaN Ceurt. Jan? 'TOtf J r. a. WILSOX. T. A. VICKS WISON & HICKS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Hardware and Slot c Dottier*. . Builders Hardware ( 'j CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS. .1 SADDLFERS TRIMMINGS. • ' ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND ,| HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS STOVES. SPEARS ANTI CLINE** STOVIS A DOU BLR HEATERS 1 *hi :b will heat una er two roouu down , stair*, and >tue number above. Cost very llule more thqn singla *tov*. Th*e > are the best parlor stove* made. SUSQUEHANNA COOK STOVE, Thi* stove ha* large eeen*. wltt him* i hard or *r>ft coal and wood, Xveey one | warranted to give perfect a:i*(hctiua. WILSON A HICKS, inarlb it Rellafonie, Pa. MILROY AHEAD AGAIN!! ■ Big Stock of Clothing, v lloots. u Sboee, Hah*. Cape, and Nntioua- A Z'B KrLoJfc Bm., with the people of Prmifvalley to know that thiy have un packed n Urge stock of Clothing, *uch as vesu. suit* for men and boys, end a biw stock of BOOTS A SHOES. for men and women, which they boast of selling cheaper tksu any other establish ment- Go aud try them, they offer the best bargain* outside tbe city. Remember. "* their motte i, CHKAP. octlS tf Y~OUNG'B HOTEL. Corner of Third and Chestnut Street, iliffiinburg, Pa. John Showers, Proprietor. Its Central Location makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town on business or pleasure. 11. A. Taylor's Livery Attucbe<L unfgl ly /1A UTlON.—Whereas, my sea Geo S \_y Long, ha* left home.aad i* out of my control, notice is hereby given, that I will in no inuniicr be responsible for bi* con duct, or p*ynn< debts of his contracting. LEVI LONG, 13nev-3t Gregg twp JAS. M MAitUS, Attorney at Law. Bellefonte, promptly attend* to all ! bullae** entrusted to bim. Jut2,'6Btx %
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