THE OR;;*MR: RK^KTKR pffITKStVAY MOVlfl. IST*. ;ij> LOCAL ITEMS. lhe school director* f TVMtcr a lb vs to state that tb time for ft per cent off on schotd tax, has been extended w tbv th ot Nov. Hocb a* Imva neglected to pay v. ili %*W this in ntiad. 2'. . I~,J Ih Frank. o< *illWS *** r *' ceiyed a patent for a Wtwculyvt.tor. Hope John will make a good Hung of it 6eo. Ddenkitk, of ti ***" * turnip in.hie garden, which weigh* lb* , and mea*uret 2* inch*, in circumference If neighbor Odenkirk would only vote Ae j dcnnw-WMe ticket, hi. turnips would do bettor yet. Mr. Jaine* MeNilt. of Mtffliu county | goent# ."-prune MiiU. U) take charge of Duncan's grist mill. The farm of Michael Kramer, dee d in Uatoet twp., will be offered at public aln, on Thursday, No* • t formerly of Millheim i, attendingr l*H Cure*, at the Cleveland Medical College This <***•• J*i*bc the studies of toe) Doctor. prof. C. W Hurd, is liable at any moment So call upon the P'*ple ,hi * nd adjoining counties offering the patent glass-cutter for sale. We wish here to make known that the instrument is no humkig, belter than any diamond, and <co*ts hut a trifle. No family should U without one. —-Master Oiey Heffiw, ton ot Geo. Hotter of tki* pl*ce. turned up the b'gged turnip oftb# tnason, and turned it over to the RepolGir office Th.v v egouble weigh. 7 pottndx and otwsuees. and ha* a circunt fo repot of S3 biches, wunJ tad hcalthyt Who con turn up a bigger one * The Baltimore coal mmpany's Wilkos-Barre coal htbe best in the mar ket, and Abet UidgoJt CoWare selling at tame price that ether doe L** charging for inferior ceai. __.\Vin. Woir* old ftsad, at thupUcvs will he filled up with new fall and winter goods. Mr. Well WU foj ThiU delphia, last week, and has all tha bene fits of low prices caused by the panic, which mcNbaias ht ' ,T|W ' ** not have. nstoik trill be one of the , reat and beat, and will bo .offered cheap, llo'd ** Wulfaww hcKT* buying ,'laewhere, aim you may f egret it when too lA te - I inch deep, MI on '* night, wkite as anv ever fell befo r - ThenewKvacgeU'alchumh. loth* place, U rapidly approach!®* cosuplet_ The steeple ia now up and is the >< in the place. Tbe church is si*e and altogether a credit to the v ougri I gatio®, as well as an ornament to the u? - Mr Lusc, ef near Rebewburg, U the builder We know where Sugar Valley is, but wlicre is Molasses Valley* emigrants from Yankecland. They were entirely raised upon and it bother* them to get along h-t* wttf>ut their cakes. They were early put to the trade of manufacturing wooden nutmegs and wooden hams, which are staph? arc tales up there. They afterwards Uled to make trout out of suckers, by altering theft a eutb.-. and pcklif their feodtws. with vet low paint—but they did not suc ceed *in Oat busings; they afterwards themselves tu rood "suckers" and now print a tadical pnpor- most convenient sewing cases, of every variety, *t,W *utd price, let them go to Welsh's model book store, opposite the Bush House They will be pleasod at tho nicety ol arrangement oftfca articles and be tempted to buy. Geutleiaen will find there handsome cases with razors, brushes and a doten of tcdlette articles all nicely together, convenient when you travel or at Lome, and of ewery price and style. Go mid see, and lake a look at the thou -1 ether articles kept there—the meat ' assortment of pocket book.-, S •** • ■" knives. aiw> UMA*. AC.. AC., equal nne ef statmtary, tliU^flwent . Tbis to any 1 hiladelphia . iUlu." Book i> all to bft seen at ffes Store, ep|Orite the Bush HouV. Froui the Lock Haven RepuMfc.*®* of hat week, wo copy the following farther particulars ra'ativeto the accidental shooi ng of Geo. M. Yocntn, esq., mentioned in the Reporter in our liM- Geo. M.l o cum, a leading member OJ the Bellefonte bar, accidentally shot himself in the wood* at Three Hues Clearfield county, about 1 o'cl.k Ust Monday arte ra wa,m.)d died at o'clock yesterday KosniDO. At the Fallon House, in this city. bad K*' on a bunting excursion in company with his brother. SetU H. Yocuns. Esq.. ano -i.her gentleman, nnd bad slopped in the inj the but of his fun upon a lojr. law** a the barrel a .Ton his left arm. WW* thrusting hio-idg"* l * h * nd snty "V*?® for a luncli, the gu° slipped, and the ham mar striking upon tl * lu * ed . 1 to ?*' charge. The whole ek'W. {•*# * sixteen buckshot, passed through Lla f ro arm. tearing away muscle# * l,l ** d severing the brachial artery. passing into the upper arm, tenfW lacer ating that also. A single shot Re - arrest the face upward, closing blackening the left eye. His coxnpan.'O'ts bound his asm as tightly as poesible with a strap, and together they started towards Sinnemahoning, walking three miles be fore a wagon cooU be secured. Then* ride of nine in ilea over a rough road brought them to the station. Here the services of Dr. Reese were secured, and lif ter the arm had been properly drassad, the party took the train for Lock Haven, Dr. ;E. accompanying them. They ar rived here at 10:16 p. in , and the wounded man was conveyed to the Fallon House, in a state of complete exhaustion, from the nervous stock that be had sustained, the long period of suffering, and loss of blood. Drs. Armstrong and Larimer were called and spent the night with him, in comruny with Dr. ROOM. doing#ll in t power to sarc him. Bwt surgical Jiclp came too late to rally his exhausted power*. He retained his consciousness re markably well, and after arriving .at tEc Fm ii o n House, was able to give an intelli stsi" <Mat> ot 1,14 w>d cnt He v " i " calm and CO.' 1 tu tbe " d death with that {"V.T.Tacter which so well accoru.'^*^' in'life. . , The remains were taken to *. Mlefon on Wednesday morning. A large , cession of gentlemen, including a delega tion of Knights Templar frppi Bellefonte, and members pf the Bar and Masonic Fraternity of this city, accompanied tbe remains to the depot. The funeral will take place at Bellefonte to-morrow at 2 o'- clock p in. Mr. Yocuni is remembered by many ot our citizens as a poor boy who cante from his native county, Montour, to Williams port, and graduated at Dickinson Semina ry in 1868. In the following year lie came to Lock Haven, and engaged as a teacher in the old Academy under Prof. T. 0. Rogers. He remained here till about the wild of the year 18C2, leaching and reading law with 800. C. A. Mayer. He was ad in it ted to practice at the bar of Clinton county, December 24th, 1862. During that term of court, D. G. Bush, Esq., ot Bellefonte, made inquiry 1 tor some young man of good Ammeter and ability, whom lie could entrust a partnership inter est in Ids law Upsincss, a#dCMr. Yuen in was recommended. Mr.lßush at once;call ed upon Mr.' focuui, artda partnership was consummated which lasted until the sad event which we here record. -A *Oll of Wu. llurtur, of near this pl*c<\ aged I ywrt, died on la*t Sunday morning fro* A mo-t aincular oauf, hn* • '!hg bird to •lentli from n cut in one of kit gums. The lad h*<l been eating an apple, and n rut In the gum front • piece of one of tb* hard coll* >f tho core; it would seem to bate been but n trilling terntch, from whtfh the blood began to flow and hafHed>very attempt of the physi cian to cheek it~tb# 'Weeding continued (You) Tlibrulay l*t, to Sunday morn ing, when Hie boy died from lota of blond. We know of no timdar instance of death mulling from to seemingly trilling caute. S. R. UcUig'a tale, Tm4y, Nev tsih. | Wc still hear report- about silver being found in Sugar Valley. The tnine, our iuibr.s ant says, is in Green's Gap, some leu mile* beyond LcgausvilW, ujion the lauds of the Lebanon Lumber Company. ' Anne il" the precious metal we* sent t Philadelphia, and found to be genuine silver, and rings and other articles made laont it Since then eight hundred weight of the ore have been er.t to the city to ha again tested TlieytulTl* taken from the solid rook f A radt-b of elephantine proportions, weighing lo (Hiuiids, was sent to the Ks routnit office by Jatue* A. Boat, of Kwr lystown It L a pcrt'ect monster and the largest we ever saw Mr. Bonl Wing a republican, it us to know why his radishes grow so largo, and the only way we can account for It is, that our party Laving elected him a sehool-director, the "good man ' must have mistaken him for* democrat. Mr. Elia* Hoy, of Nitlauy valley, ha* pnrcha*Kl seme real estate in Cumber land county, Virgiuia, and intends mov ing dowa there ia the spring. Mr. T. G. Karhartand John 7-tgglcr. of llaines town ship, alto have the Virginia fever, and tolk of going if they can sell out. | —Qui cum aponJeat send* u* the following .• ~ UajtrtTiKS.— Fottertwp.. expeud* mor money tor school purposes, than any other township in the counter Overcoats are an indepeu*ibl tteceusity these breeay day*.,..,,. Teachers alt prefer burning wood I to coal.-Sensible, to chop wood it require* muscle Decidedly "pbat,'' that "Scien jlific DeserUtioa' by "Shon,'" in the Beriohlcr The tnaa that will steal the last barn ol meat yeu've gel, hasn't more than about two quarts of the milk of hu njan kindness in his palpitating bosom | Rock UilJ was enjoying a protracted meet iiug last week kike. Snicher raised it, audit weighed -i lbs.,—biggest poULa yrj ....Itinerant Jake. Rhone, is home 1 again from hi* We*trn tour Ice froae to the thickness ofj an inch, on Tuesday night.of last week Tho members of a aorta •it church, not far from !>*•, have finally exhausted their patience, in trying te keep bummers away front : heir door* at the close of services, and will now try oth er means. They iutegd to bury a can of nilro-glycerina on each s nbt *. f li.rf door, and then ask fergivqpiess tor anytning that raiy happen Goj, speed the right What next ? w •> Lettfr from PWltMlelphia i'aiLATsHLMftA, Oct., 2dlU, WW MK. ED J row' -4rfrce I I#vl rethwr anxious sometimes to know how the folks are progressing in Centre county, I have reason* to believe that some of them would perhaps also like to know how I am gfttimt along. So if you will permit me to use but a short space of your columns, I will write a shotk, letter Cor all of your readera. Vary likely, my friends, you all know that 1 attend the Jefferson Med. College, which naw ranks among the best of the" Medical school* in the United Suites. Wo report about five, hundred students this sps*ion. A groat many trf your folks up there arealtogather i® error concerning the manner in which madicai schools are conducted, and therefore I will briefly explain it to you. I know that your hjeq that wo just come here and listen to a wkoU ry of dry lecture*, but tlits I* not the case ; w# am examined once And sometime* twice daily, by lha Professors and their assistants, usually the i latter. When I tell you Uiat we are kept lin college eight at d nine hours every day pou will nt of*4 tee that some work is j done here of some character J. fear I will I get my letter ux> long, and there are quite . number ef little things that I would like i total! you, bpt I will defer them until 1 Mine future time, Jnd grill conclude by saying that there ix very JifUch abou! eearelty of money, good*, appwrent ly, sell theapar than for a long time; great many aoles are being protest ed daily, bank* break, and *ouie of the oldest flrm , re c!4#ed *> you see about I how thing* run here. \ours, Ac., I Mr. John Foresman, of Wat-on town, .ost a thousand dollar horse at Wii liam>port on Saturday. Mr. James \ an dyke was riding the horse in a running i*ce. when the horse fell, breaking hi* nek and injurlog V andyite quite severe ly, s ♦ _ A. ♦ ♦- ♦— - List of Traverse Juron> for let week Nov Brother Term. Bellefonte boxo—ltd land Gurtin, Simon Harper, Felix JMhlwfi, James Harris, "\\ V Montgomery. Mileehuiv b<ir—Gotirgc Gray, Jwnath. ® tlll ® c,, . ... , . 4 Phillpsbnrg boro—\V E Irwin. James p^rkf. Ben'ner twj—H J, Harvey, Isaac Pen nington, A J Shuer. Hoggs—Jsiues Tnomai Uurtin--A V Guar, David Bwhilol. J H Noll Ferguson—J II Mitchell, JamesLapoiU David Young Uaine*—Thomas W Ifostarman, D II itoto. „ . . , Mem*—Win Gohecu, Levi William*, GeorgeKline, Samuel Glenn, J Swine ilowirf—Jolni Hughe*, II Nel**. N Wolf. PaU<-|9B§orv Mattem. Penti—Jioob lianbuth. 1' :'.er— June. MTorinick. Joa Bitner. J Batchale*. Jonathan Beck, Geo. McGaflVy Snow Hboa—Mark M<KHOV, Dauial WHf, Abbs Campbell, J H Breon. * Spring— Maqfk Wllllami Tnion—Perry Lurw. Walker—Je** Stewart, Jacob Keber. Worth Jamc* M Pert!uo, Owen M'- Cann, J G Jonea luiet of Traverse Jurors for November Term, 2nd week. BellwfimUs-D Z Kline Phiiipsburgr—A J Graham, J 8 Gray, W R Fulton Boggt twp—Michael Hcaton, Robt. Bierly, John Dearnut Fergufofi—Jmrn*s I)unlap, Sidney Sholl Geo Keehline, J G Heaa Gre|—J"hri itiabel, Henry Duck, Jno Cold run, sfifhael No Bsc or Half Moom-J|ck*)n Tbonipaon, Isaac Lamburn Haitwa—Win Shaffer, Jno R Jycw ia Mencfe, Charle* Harru-John Guea*.. ,7-wartl-J"hn J9Ka, J*m<* Libert — OP '- B ? nu ' i, Bech * dol, ' - Penn—lereal C 0... . . McCor- Potter—John Snyde., J° hrt * raksk, George Kearick. _ C P Snow Shoe—Edward Poormatl, v. Stoneroad, Spring—-Jno D Miller I aion—Henrv Blake- Worth-J W Fuuat. Walker-eJwiah Johnaton. List of Crtttiil Jurors for November Term. Bellefonte boro'— Jauieall M Clure. Pbilipehurg—George 8 Flegle Benner—Martin Mi-esa, \ Stover. Bogg*—Samuel Charles, Richard GibU Burn aide —JSPO P Ziiumeinian. Gregg—Samuel P Herring, r Haines—Solomon Ettlinger. : Harris—Jacob Meyer, George Fortney, Jno W Stewart. : Huston—Wm Steel. Marion-W W Beck Mllea—John H Waite Pemi— Sntnticl Otto, Jacob Dutweiler Patton—M D Gray P^tper—Thomas fJngie, George Oden kiik Rush—Hamson B Ross Walker—W Snavely, Thomas Dunkle. Worth—Win B Beckwith. TilK INJI'K AND HAISKK I'roleM of Hi* lloHtifM Aguiu*t th* Treatment of Catholic* in Germany —Reply of Hi* Majesty, Accusing the IVicwl* ot Ticasou niul open Ke volt—the Kiuporor Determined to Maintain Law and Order Against nil Attack*. The following two Idler# recently pass ed between the Emperor ol tlcrmaiiy and I the Tope. Their con lon U aero briefly tin led h.v the cable a fbw day* ago; Vatican, Tlh August, Iff 7ft. Your Majety : The mcaauer* which J Itavc bcn adopted by tour Majesty t I Government for some time past all aim more and more at tho deetructionjof Callio | iicism. When 1 seriously ponder over the Ictuses which may base led to these very J hard measures, I contas* that 1 ant uu-| j able to discover any reasons lor such a j (course. On the other hand, lam inform ed that your Majesty duv* not countenance the proceedings of your Government, and does not approve the harshness of the (matures adopted against the Catholic re ligion. If. then, it be true that your Ma jrsty docs mil approve tbtrcof, and the loiters which your august Majesty has ad dressed to me formerly might sufficiently demonstrate that you cannot approve tbati which U now occurring—if, 1 say. y°urj Majesty docs not approve of your Govern incut continuing in the path it has chosen of further extending it* rigorous measures religiou of Jesus Christ, where by thalaUar is most injuriously aflWlvd will your Majesty then net become con vinced that these measures hare no other effect than that of undorminiug your Majesty* own tbroneT I speak with frankness, for my banner is truth. ] speak in order to fulfil una of tuy duties, which consists in telling the truth to all. even to those whe arc not Catholics; for every enc who has been baptized belongs in tome way or other, which to define more 1 precisely would by hereout of place, bo- i longs, I say, to the Pope. I cherish the i conviction that your Majesty will receive < my observations with your usual goodness and will adopt the measures necessary in i the present case. While offering to your 1 Most Gracious Majesty thb expression ot | my devotion and esteem, 1 pray to Ged I that he may enfold your Majesty anJ my- I self in one and the same bond of mercy. > (Signed) Pto. I His Majesty the Emperor replied as 1 follows : ' Berlin, September 51, ItCA I am glad that your lloline>s has, as in former times, done me the write ( to me. f rejoice the more at this since an opportunity")* thereby a*o, Jed >OO of cor recting errors which, as appears Iruw the contents ol the letter el' your Holiness of the 7th of August, must have occurred in the communication you have roceivedlrela- tivc to Uar<*s affair*. If the reports which are made to your Holw;#u respect- j ing German questions only stated the truth it would not be possible for your Holiness to entertain tho supposition that ■uy Ijuvefcipent enters upon a path which Ido not approve Accord,g to tbe con- atilution of my aUitos xqcb a <-eee cannot happen slnca the laws aud Government measure* in Prussia require my pon*ent as sovereign. To my deep sorrow a portion of my Catholic subjects have organised for the past two jears a political party which w endeavors to disturb, by intrigue* hostila to the state, tbe religious which has # existed in Prussia for centuries. Leading c) Catholic priests have unfortunately not only approsqid thjs movement, but joined in it to the extent of open revolt against existing laws. It will not have escaped A tbe observation of yonr Holiness that simi lar indications manifest themselves at lhe| present time in several European and iolj, some transatlantic state*. It is not my a mission U investigate the causes by which !,j the clergy and the faithful of one of the 1 Christian denominations can be induced { g actively to assist the enemies of all law; but it certainly is my mission to protect interna! peace and preserve the authority I ef the tbe state* whose government ha* been entrusted to me by God. lam conscteus that J owe hereafter an account h of the accomplishment of this my kingly f duty I shall maintain order and law in my state* against all attacks as long as 1 God gives me tbe power; I aiu in duty j 1 bound to do it a* a Christian monarch even i when te f uy sorrow J have to fulfil Ibis I' royal duly against servant* of a church i which I suppose acknowledge* no less ' than the Evangelical Church that the commandment of obedience to secular! authority is an emanation of tbe revealed vr:l! of God. Many of .tho pri u u in l'rut- 1 g sia subject to your Holiness disown, to my r regret, the Christian doctrine in this re- * spect and pi*v jny Government under the necessity, supported by Urn gre*t majority f of my loyal Catholic and Evangelical sub- , jwts, of extorting obedience to tbe law by t worldly means I willingly entertain the j hope &at your Holiness, upon being in- t formed of the true position of affairs, will c u#e your autliprity tp ppt an end ffl the t agitation carried on amid deplorable dis- ( tori ion of the truth and rbu*oof priestly t authority. The religion of Jesus Christ Jjas. a* I attest to your Holiness before " Got!, nothing to do with these any mere than has truth, to wliese banner. , invoked by your Holiness, I unrescrvC^'y'' subscribe. There is one more expression " Tu the {letter of your iL>)ipcu> which I can- j not pass over without contradiction, al though it is not based ujion the previous j information, but upon the belief of your { Holiness, namely, the expression that eve ryone that has received baptism belongs te the Pope. Tho evangelical creed, which, ; a must be known to your Holiness, I, | like uiy ancestors, and the majority of my suhjocG, profess, does.not permit us to ac- | cept in o*if relations to God any other roe- 1 diator than oqr |.iJ Jesus Christ. The J difference of belief dpp* not prevent me from living in peace with those who j do not share mine, and offering your Uoli aes* tho expression of my personal devo tion and esteem, I, &c., (Signed) WILLIAM. HERIOU* Jmt'l—Y eatcrday after soon Rev. W. 11. Oolwald an<) wife and Mr. Jos. Angstadt and wife were return-) ing to Milton from Mr. W. 11. Kemeior s, by what is known a* the hack road, hav ing a spring wagon to which were attached two horses not accustomed to the cars. A* the party approached the railroad on East Locust street, Mr. Angstadt got out of the wagon aud went ahead to see if tho track was clear. Freight train* were switching up and down tl# trite* j bpt as one of the Car Works tk'iiiu* started to on>s* at this 1 moment, Mr Gotwald started bis horses ahead. The noiee made by a locomotive frightened the animals, and they com ' mencod to rear and plunge violently. Mr. raised from the seal to get a better hold o the when a violent plunge of the horses to one side threw hifit ouL Atthcsanic moment Mrs. AngsUdt bocaiuu GiglHorH-'d. un<l < il '* thought, got up from her seat with tho in ' tention of jumping out, when sho was thrown to the ground heavily. One of her legs was ?*roken and she was considerably bruised. Mr. Gol-ahl escaped without broken bones hut was severely bruised. r Mrs. Gotwpld and a child, who remained sealod in thP Wek, escaped uninjured ; as, fortunately, the horses worp stopped by seme parties who witnessed the acci dent. The injured parlies were taken to i their homes and medical aid rendered a* soon a* possible, and we are glad to learn both are doing VP 11 Ihi* morning.—.t/if tonian. REPORTED IMPRISONMENT <>F DR. LIVINGSTONE BY SAVAGES. London, November 1. —A privuto letter from Bornoo, dSted August 12, says Dr. Livingstone is n prisoner in (Jentral Af rica. H<f LotJ by a Ravage tribe in tho inferior, and is uuiible to pay the heavy ransom demanded for his release. TKKKIItLK K.VHTHtR'AkK. Rom*, October ill.—A greHt *artlt<|U*k ha* occurred in Sicily, Tlio PropMls sul |thur mine lm* Inmii iliini,t*il Visitant eruption of Mount .Kin lint also taken place, causing much devastation in tlx* province* of Catania unci Taormlna. The people ro greatly alainied. The river Tiber b overflowed it* Lank* hu>l Ia id ii largo trnct of country under water. The l'artheoa i partially stile merited. Judge XoiUon, of llroaklyn, Its* ended the Knlbfli'xcb breach-of-premuu auit by deciding that a proiuifte of marriage ia a civil contract, and repudiation of that promt** i*, therefore, a breach ol contract. ■ living personally liable and no more, the individual breaking the contract ran be mulcted in damage*. Hut there being no actual injury of person on the pari of the her suit cannot follow the *ur vivl, by hi* estate, of the deceased de fendant. In other word*, that a cracked heart cannot he mended by ulay from the touih of a dead deceiver. Three colored children were burned to death at Washington, D. V , yesterday, They had been locked in a room by their mother while the carried her husband hi ' dinner. The mortuary report of Memphis for the twenty-four hours ending at noon yea larday shows five death* from yellow fever and oue from other causes. Psterson's Magaxiue, for Noi ember, i* on our table ahead of all others. Tito pria ctpsl stool engiaviug, "Grossing (be Hro*k," it vary baautifbl. Ho site islhv Mam moth colorpd ileal fashion piste. A prominent feature *1 this Magaiino i> lis copyright novelettes two of which appear' jin this number, "The°," hv Mi* Hodg *ou and the "Lost Inberilaiice," by Mr.- 1 ' Ann S. Stephana both very far superior to ! continued stories Us bo found in magaxiur: [generally. Hut s s coteiwporary say* the] stories, lb* fashions, the patterns, in short |everything in Peterson,'' is the host of it*, kind. The price o! this Magaxine U*> i* another thing in its layer, it is but 'faro' Dollars n year. The Prospectus for 1874 i* published with this number, mid we Ami that the prices toeiub* are Mtoniskingiy low, via: three copies for #4 60, with h superb Mexxotiat (19 laches by 24,)"M0t j Lost but gone before," to the person get [ting up the club, or six copiet for $9 00, and a copy of the Magazine for I*7l as premium to the person getting up the club or eight copie- f0r.512,00. and both an extra copy and the premium engraving to the person getting upthe club For large clubs the prices are even lower A choice of right splendid premium engravings, far framing Is given for Bfly cents extra i •uhscribers for "Peterson" for 1874 Spe cimen* of the Mugaxiuc are seul'gralir, if written for. Subscribe to nothing e!*e until you have seen a copy of this popular Mag mine. Address Charles J. Peterson. &)j Chestnut Street, Phiiadeipiiis, Pa ST. Nil ttot, Aß.— We are in receipt of the first number of a new monthly mg axiue, specially designed for girls and boys, call**! fit. Nicholas. It is published by Scrifeper 4- Co., pobhtbof ' f the well known Scribeer's Monthly. After look log through bt. Nicholas we come to tho conclusion that it is the best young folks magaxine published in the country. Tbe cover is a beautiful design, the engravings are well executed, the reading Is of such a character aU h interesting to old as well as young paople, while the pritflifig is very tastily done. Subscription price of s>t- Nieholas, $-1 per year. Addru*- Scribner A Co. Broadway, New York. - • -r Mndrid, Novtmber I. President UaU lar i* ill and not able to leave hi* bed. A dispatch he* born rvcei\rd announcing the total defeat of the Carlisle under Ju*- tany by the national troops. Tho iti*urj gent* tied in all direction*. -*-• Refined oil i* oflered at ten cent* ber gallon in Oil City, —The action of the ray* ef the *un on a lamp reflector *el Are to a number ef hat* in e bow window in Philllpeburg, iCentre county. I Tlirec bear* *hot In Centre county were told *1 the lleilefonlo market* in one ! week recently. e Prospectus for 1874 —Soveulb Year. THE ALDINE |An UlutratcJ Monthly Journal, univer sally admitted to be the Hand*on>e*t Periodical in the World. A Rep resentative and Champion of American Ta*U-. ! It it an elegant miscellany of pure light ■ and graceful literature ; and n collection ; .>f picture*, the rarest pe linen* of artiitic ak ill, in black *nJ white Art Dejiarthient, 1874. The illutraltun of The Aidino have won a world-wide reputation, and in tin art centres Of Europe It i an admitted fact that it* wood cut* nro example* of the highcat perfection ever attained. The I wood-cut* of The Aldlna io*p all lh (delicacy end elaboratellnin of the m*t Sca*tiy steel plate, while they afford a beV-i • tcr rendering of the artist'* original. 1 In addition 1* design* by the member-, lof theTfatlO'i*) and other noted I American artfrt*. Tho Aidino wHI feprd •lute ctemplo* of the bet foreign martor*. ' selected with a view to the highest artistic! •ucceaa and greatest general lnteret --1 Thu* the üb*enber to The Aldine will, at n trifling cost, enjoy in hi* own heme tho (pleasure* and refining influence* of true The quarterly tinted plale* for 1874 will, be by Tho*. Moran and J. 11. Woodward. The Christina* j**ue for 1874 will cojitainJ special de*ign* appropriate to the ea*on. by our bc*t arti-U, and will *urpa* in at traction* any ol it* predecessor*. Premium for 1874. Every subscriber to The Aldinu for the, ( veer lt<74 will receive a pair of chromoe. I The original picture* were painted in oil i' for the publisher* of The Auhne, by Tho*. Moran, WIICMO a real Colorado picture was purchased by Congrca* for ten thousund dollars. The subjects wero chosen to rep resent "The East" nnd "The Wen'M Ono is n The White Mountain*, i I New Hampshire; the other give* The Cliff* of firecn River, Wyoming Territory The difference in the nature ot the scene*: themselves i.i a pleasing contrast, and af ford* a good display of the artist's scope! and coloring. The cbrouios arc each I worked troin thirty distinct plate*, and, arc in size 12 xlO nnd appearance exact fac-simile* of .the original*. The presen tation of a worthy example of America'* greatest landscape painter to the subscri ber* of The Aldino w* a held but pecu liarly happy apd iU successful reali zation is attested by the following le.ti i inonial. over the signature of Mr. Moran himself. Newark, N. J., Sept 2Mb, 1878. Messrs. .lairc* Sutton 4 Co. Gentlemen.—l am delighted with the proof* in color of your chromoa. Thoy arc wonderfully successful representation* by mechanical process of the original painting*. Very respectfully, (Signed) THOft. MORAN. Those chromot are in every senso Ameri can. Thoy ar* by au original American piocess. with material of Anutricnu manu facture. from designs of American scenery by an American painter, and presented to subscriber* to the tint successful Ameri can Art Journal. If no lietter because of all this, they will certainly posses* an in terest no foreign production can inspiro, and neither are thev any the worse if by reason of poculjcr facilities of production they cost the publishers only a trifle, while equal In every respect to other bhrbmo* tlsat are sold singly for double tho sub -1 scriptlon price of Trie Aldtno. If any subscriber should indicate a preference for a figure subject, the pub lishers will send "Thoughts of Home."' a new and beautiful hrumo, 14x20 inches, representing a little Itsiian exilo whose I speaking eyes betray tho longings of hi* heart. TERMS. ' $5 per annum, in advance, with Oil Chro mo* frta. Jfur 60 cents extra, tho ehroinoa , will he sent, mounted, varnished, and pre paid by mull. 1 The Aldine wit I, hereafter, be obtainable i by subscription. There will be no reduced . or club rate ; cash for subscriptions must bp *ent to the publishers direct, or handed |to the local uinvuksCF, wfthoijt rcspunsi* jblllty to tho publishers, except in cases ? where tho cortlflcate l given, bearing the I fac-siuiilo signature of James Sutton 4 r! Co. CttiivHßwrs Wanted, Any person wishing to act permanantly u a local will receive full iihil prompt information bv applying to ' jAb. SUTTON 4 CO., Puutiihers, 58 Maiden Lane, New York. YELLOtt FKVKIt - Tho IHHOAHO Vol Raging ill MVIII i phis i Memphis, October 24.—T0-day lb t> Special I'-oiuiniUe of the liowun i A woe in i ion, in mllitig for addilioun aid for ettiferurs, nunounce llto alarm ing truth that "yellow fever is no r abating and ftoti only known whet ■ it will. Scares of now cams appea daily. Over l,lX)0 urn now sick.' I This muni uot, however, bo Inketi it I reference to tho entire city, for asidt ,1 from all that ha* been dona ley tht i Masons, (Mil Fellows, nud othei . Ireucvoletit societies, and nil that has been done by private charity, tht Howards have übout Ju thousand 'patients to care fur, ami employ IIJo nurses for this prrpuso at an average expenditure oi 8< r > a day for. caeh nurse. They nitnouuie also that they I I have not inotiey enough at command to lust six data lunger notwithstand ing all that has been sent to thorn by the benevolent from ull parts of the country. This is a sad slat* of alfair', but it is not the saddest, for what is immediately needed more than raouey is foud, the luck of which causes a vast amount of suffering among the poor and those throw n out of employ meat by the dearth of busintsa and the many accumulated misfortune* of the jenr. The Citizens' Executive Committee, organised solely for looking after the wants of the living, has its hands full of work, for the city is full of widows aud onrhaus There are now H,I)U families drawing ratlins from the Relief Comtnittoo'a jcommiasary. Exclusive of the or-' jilians who are differently cared farj land of families planning relief from, the Masons and Odd Fellows, there must, at tho leant calculation, bel 17,000 ptrsou* in the city who have to' ie ted by it. Nor is this all. That; | very source whence the obliteration of the fever is looked for--the cold weather—must bring eoffQty and, great trouble with it for the poor. For instance, the weather yesterday ■ was bitter cold; the Wind was from' the northwest, and the mercury stood' for a time oulv tlneo degrees abovt j freeling weather. They who have I been burned with fever aud pine hod i with hunger may now be obliged to undergo torture from the eoid, and what little of them shall then be left will not be worth much. There is much for the charitable yet to do. LA IKK. —The lecent cold weather ha* caused the fevejr to abate. A Murder iu Lycoming Williamaport, October 28.—John M'l.aughlii> aped thirty, wasinurdered yesterday while driving a team on thtfj publio road in Cascade toviuthip, tbi* cuuuty. lie was found ivittg iu the mud with hi* breast and throat horri bly mangled by a gun shot wound. Mi* cousin, James M.iuiughlin started out from hi* house in the morning with a run and is he is misniug it is' supposed that he did the dead a* there, had been ill feeling between ibetu tor acme time. Tbi* is the fourth murder that iiu* been committed iu tbi* county inside of six months. • ♦ • .\aa proof of the cost of rumjing ! the goverumcut under the Grant administration, the N. Y. World, after stating that iu I*7o duties were re-/ Jucad largely, and in 1872 nod cotfec and a host of other articles were put on the free list, remarks:'•Notwith standing this we lind that in 1873,- when our customs receipts were $l9O, 1938,400. the cn*t of collection was. $7,079,747, while in 1870, wheu our, revenue was $194,338,347, the cost o! collection was only $<>.237,137. or about $342,018) less than in 1873 Surely this Joes not show economy! iu 18G$-'t>9, under Mr. McCulloch,, the cusloiuj rova-ma amount to SIBO,- 054.42 C, aud the cost of oollecMug it was $-'>,370,738, and yet noadtninis tmtiou was over charged with being: more extravagant or corrupt than was that of Johnson. If we compare the; expenditure fur tjie collection of cus-i tome revenue during the last year of] Mr. Johnson's adminielrn ion with that of the fiscal year just passed we diail find the following result:' Increase, in cost of expetiditute in 1873 over 18t)8-'m).25 per cent." The Radical party is wasteful, reckless and corrupt, and no reduction of ex penses need be hoped for by the iwople while thev arc in power. TiIBCRISIS Ik" fKANCI. Psris.l Nor ember 2.—The Orlen* Prin ce* have united in a formal declaration that thejr will not arcept the Lieutenancy of the Kingdom, and tbi* they *lo Uavoid all ajipuarKiioo of competing with Count Jf Cbauiborii All faction* f the High I i haro eooasqusatly agreed to move the prolongation ot Prtiilwit MaeMabon't power*. There is a difference of opinion aa to the leng hof time Some lavor making MacMahon President for life, and other* are for extending hi* term ix or ten year*. All arc determined to continue' the existence of tho present Assembly,! and a motion will probably bo introduocd j postponing its dissolution throe year* It j is rumored that an attempt will be j made to arm the government with dicta torial power*, similar to those granted in , 1852, and to Introduce a bill prohibiting I election* for vacancies In the As-! I seinbly until tho doctoral law 1* amend ed. The Left have resolved to I demand immediate elections toj ; fill the vacant seats. It is staloc that Mac-j Mahon's forthcoming message to tho A*-' Isembly will ask for an extension of hi ; ' term of office for so long a time as may be' required to strengthen the authority of the j government in order to inspiro the nation, with confidence. • ♦- ♦ Rev. C. G. Erlenmcyer, Lutheran j minister, of Frecburg, Snyder county, ha* i been in the ministry forty year*, anil dur- ; ing that lime has baptised 4,UNj children j 'and 147 adults; confirmed 1,788 cateouv ] mens; attended I.UBII funerals, 1,200 wed-i dings, and it still active in the performance of his pastoral duties. d ♦ .a j The Juniata Republican says: "Dead ) eels are floating with iho current in both thccanal and river. (Ifthe likesofsuch an epidemic old fishermen have no knowledge." i ———— SCHOOL TAX NOTICE.—The cßUwis of Potter township are hereby notified, agreeably to law, that on ull School 'Tax - paid over to the undersigned on or before November 25th, next, thero will be a de duction of 5 per cent; and on all paid within ono month after said date the full sum will l>e claimed, after which all such , Taxes rpmainitig unpaid, will be placed : in Iho hands of a Collector tlonofsporcontuin. jAs & DO A Is, i4aug2m Treasurer. poURT PROCLAMATION. Wherae> the Hun. Chertee A Prtdee* of the court of Common I'leaa. l #• 110 JttdkUl Ok tr!ct„ eon slat Inn of the ©oentlea of Centre Clinton, and i lMrrtoiil, and Ue Honorable W. W. lota and ike liiinnraMa Henry A—ocUln Jud#ea. 11l Ueutr* county. haviac inuod fWr prnnfl, beartu* date the 4th day of January. A. D., Iln3. to inc directed for hold, inn a court of Oyer and Terminer and (ienerwl *Jall He livery and Outrtor of the jLt iin c'uunijr of Genii*. iml to eAifcrtenen ti lh 4t h Monday of Nov nait, the 34tii dajr of Nor. I*? 3, and to continue iw> wouka. Nutlet la horchy #lran to tho OflNMr. JwUflffl of the Peace. Alderman and (*otiatblaa of the aald county of i Cantrc. thnt thay ha then and tharc In thatr proper 1 paraona, at lo o'clock In Uta forenoon of anid day. with j their recorda, tn<iutal(in!i, c* train at lona, and their own : rrarrobrurroe, |odo Uwm thli)E tP Vhfir ucc kfipertaVna w be n.*ia, aha (Una# who am bound in it s .gr,iiancc to proacrut* §nalnat the prleonera that am r tHall be I* |be jail of Centre county, be Un and them to immeout* atftlnet them aa ahall bo Jnat. tilvcn under my band, at Ucllafante. the 4tb day of ' Jan. In the year of our IHTH, and to the nittntj i fourth vrtr of tho Independonoo of the United Ktatoa ! 11. r. HI!AtXK iMtertfT. CEMENT) CK.M KNT!--Meyor Sc Hof fer'a Excelsior Cement for sale by the un dersigned. This Cewwut ¥ w V , ? u VS i when worked bv any experienced hand. Apply at the lime kilni, to GEO. KOCH, VJtil IOK Nuiu'ti it beteby given thill the Arm •( Mt*i A Uo#ei watnm . irntllv illiidirtxl, Sept. liMh IH7II, j ■" which dale (li buftMMe •>( manufacturing' (■Vmmt, litimbor, Flour, (ho,. U carried oiijulwNMn and nl tbo tame ptaca, I !in llaiuti" Ivwi.tbip, by the IH'W firm of ,' Mkykk, Jlottxa a Co. il *'Mov it. M EVER, HOFKKIt A CO. I o MITH SilOJ' HF RKST. , n oncoftli* host Rlaoltarallh Stand* jin tho country U afferod tor rent by Uia 1 undo re iff) ml 'I "bo shop It I< > at< <1 in Mad. ", itonburg, baa two fire*, and if desired, the 1( I vglt (in 11110 b leattal with tbn shop. Kvory thing i in thi> brat order for tba • butinott, and tbt< tluiid always full ol r work. I' - tion .*u be Lad at any time. 1 Apply to WI M.I AM NoLL. " This aland ia alao ofiVrad lor ale, with 8 d (tolling bouae and lot. ) 0 llov. Vim Madltunburg, Pa. ADAH HILD, I PAINTER, I otfore hi* tervlce* to the cftiien# of Mi lllin Centra and adjoining counties, In Hoiim*. blfu ami OrnisitK-iiitlal GRAINING Oak. Walnut, Maple, Ab, • Mahogony. Ac , • I Plain and Kancv l'aperhanging. Or dare ropvctAilljL to'iciteil. All tine work done for otln-r painter*. 4 nor if. Excelsior Cement- I The undersigned now manufacture Ce-' ' uieiit WARRANTED OK A SUPERIOR .(iI'ALITV, at their kiln*, near I'm# I ("reek Mill*, in llainua two. This oement ha> already been uted In large quantities upon the L. C. A S C. K K , anil ha* been found highly satisfactory upon |!| lob*J 1 wham it hat bean uted, and a* equal to any now manufactured. The uodersign eJ now tnka pleasure in recommending, and Warranting it to all, for u-e in C'lß - WATER PIPES, or whatever .purpose a good quality of f;tuent it dmi i able. Thu f'emitot Ear air t ai}y baen , teated (at and w ide, and rendered the ul ; mutt *ati*fanti. Pereont, therefore con structing Oialerus, laying Water Pipe*, die., will find It to advantage to bear tin* in mind, and alto, that they warrant the article at repratentad. For further par ticulars, addret* MEYER, IIOFPER, 4 00. JOdeetf Aaroz.tburg, I'j*. TTPLHTONS AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA New Revised Edition. Entirely rewritten by tbanblatl writer* an every subject. Printed from new type, and ill nitrated with Scvepal Thousand Engraving# and slaps. 'Hie work originally publitbad under the tide of Tun New Aw tan** Crrt-o rJtpt* wat complete in 1&63, tinea which time the wide circulation which it hat attained In all part# of the United Stale*, ! and the lgnal daTelopmant* which have ! taken place in every branch of tcleoco. I literature, and ait. have induced the edi -1 tor* and nubin-ber* to submit It to an ai. ; act and thorough revision, and 10 itaue a I new edition entitled The American Cyclo ; paedia. Within the list ten year* the prog ret* of discovery in every department of knowledge has made a new work of refer ence an imperative want. The movement of political aflhir* hat , kept pace with the discoveries of tcieaca. and their fruiUul application to the in duttrial and uteiul art* and tba conve nience and refinement of tocial life. Groat ware and consequent revolution* hava oc curred, involving national changes of pe culiar moment The civil war ol oar own country, which wa* at lu height whea the iatt voluuto of the old appeared, hat hap pily been ended, and a new couree of! commercial and industrial activity ha* been Commenced Large accretions to our geographical knowledge have been made h> tne io dafatigahieerpb.rare of Africa Tbo grunt political revolution* of the lael decade, with the natural reeult of the lapse of lime, have brought into public , view a mulliludo of new men, whoa* name* arc in every una'* mouth, and of 'whose live* every one is curious to know , tbo particular*. Great battle* hava bona (ought and Important tirget maintained, of which the detail* are at yet preserved only in the newspaper or in the transient publication* of the Jay. hut which ought, now to taka their placv iu permanent and authentic Littery. 1 In preparing the prevent edition for the: pro#*, il ha# accordingly been the aim of the editore to bring down the information to the latest possible date*, and to fornish an accurate account of the matt recent dU eoverte# in acieuce, of every freah prodoo tioain literature, and uI theueweat inven tion* ir, the ptsscthwl arts, a* well at to I give a succinct and original record of Ihe progress of political and historical events- The work ha* been begun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with the : most ample rreour. e* for carrying it on to a tucceasJul termination. None of the original stereotype plat*# ; have bf*.n used, but everv }tage tins been 1 printed on new type, forming In fact a new Cyclopaedia, with the tame plan and jounipat* a* it* predecessor, hut with afar {greater pecuniary eipenditure, send with tuch imprevemenU in ita compotition a* , have been suggested by longer egperieace and enlargedknowlosfgo Tby illuarationt which are introduced 'for the first time in the present edition have b-en added not for the take of pic torial effort, but u give grertcr lucidity and loroeto the esplanatten in the lest Tlicy embrace all branches of ecu new and of natural history, aud depict the most (itm out and remarkable feature of scenery, architecture, and art. as well a* the various processes of mechanics and manufacture#. Although intended for instruction rather than embellishment, no pain* have been spared to insure tbeir artistic excellence; ihccoslvif their execution is enormous, and it 1* believed tbey will fiud a welcome reception * an admirable feature of tha Cyclopaedia, and worthy of its high char acter. Thi* work is aohl to Subscribers only, pavablo on deliverer of nach volume. 11 will he completed in sixteen large octavo volumes, each containing about tM) page*, fully illustrated with several tboutand , Wood Engraving*, and with numerous |colored Lithographic Maps. I'riee gnd Btyle of Binding. In extra Cloth, per v 01..56,00 In Library Leather, per v 01.,.._ 6 00 In HaUTurkey Morocco, pet t01.,... 7.00 lti Hall Russia, extra gilt, per r0t.,... 8,00 In Full Morocco, tnlique, gilt edges, per v 01.,.. 10,00 In Full Russia, per v0L...™....-—... 10,00 Three volume* now ready. Succeoding vuluinee, until rwmipleikm, will be issued one* in two month*. %• specimen page* of the American Cy clopaedia, showing type, illustration* etc., will he sent gratis, on application. First-Clasa Canvassing Agents wanted. Address the Publishers, I). APFLKTON 4 CO., 64u 4 551 Broadway, N. T. | nov 4m. TTTICA STEAWGII ;Fon*X*i I WOOD ft Msxa.) STATIONARY t PORTABLE Steam Engines. The llcat 4 Moat Complete Assortment in the Market. TIMWO K (urines have always maintained the very hlffhoit ptMulml of noflUiKM. ® titAke tlm i manufacture of Bnghwa, Boil' r* an.l Raw Mill** ' specialty. Wa have thelrr*t ami m<t rotnr4<-te 1 works of UM kind la Ui country, with raachnwry I JtrStm-*. which ws thrni-h t tiMVMT ** P'*"** . iiaJf cm tha ohortml notice. We buiU twines ■peetally adapted "if hsaa. 8a wMflKOrtrt Mills, | Tanaorwa, (xaton Qins, Thrrshara aad ailclanms ' Oir ovlcbtatad Lane dm* | Inr Raw best and wost cmpkw saw mill manufacture of Baw M.ll outAU a ' spec'U fi-.'iura of our bunlnma, auJ can furnish 1 complete on tlieahortcet not ice. , Our mm in all raws is to furnish th best ma chinery in the market, snd work üboolutely un tjonaiod fr beauty ufd.ashsn, economy and ktfogth. Beud fur Circular aud t'rioo LiaC UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. sKICA", W. V. 'R MARRIED. On aotli uIL, by Her. Grub. Mr. J. C. Dole, of Woodland. Clearfield county, ami II Ue Kate, daughter of Peter lllfer, of Cantre Hall. Ou the 2nd liiaL, by the tame Mr. John Cronohlo and MIM Nancy Hhuey, both from Pennsylvania Furnace. On 21st lnt., David WUman to MUs Isabella Maine, both of Millheim. On the Oth Inst,, Mr. Jacob Muurr to Miss Mary J. (lonian, both of Haines township. i tin the IKb ult., Mr. Jusenh Grossman u> Mis* Emma .Stephenson, both af Potter township. DEATHS. .In Potter township, on the 2d Inet, Alfred C., Son of Wm llerner, aged 7 years, 2 months and 'JHdaya. On lbs ttOth uIL, In Potter two of Ty phoid pneumonia, Reuben M. Shirk, aged 86 rears Wfr b often compared to a stream upon > which we are gliding to Htarnity. la tbia case it WM a rapid straaiu wbtcb carried our friend to bis eternal home In tba print* of life. Truly "the flower flourUbeth la jtb* morning and la the evening is cut down end wttheretb." A few oays pre- ! vious la hit death ha WM well, and, wa darn say, had no premonition* of UM change so soon to take place. Hut '*s* ha* gone the way of all flash" and it! with a sad heart we chronicle the event. Hie death hat cast a gloom over thii entire neighborhood—hie wife has lost a derated husband, hit parent* an obedient, dutiful son, and the community a kind and gen erous friend Ue WM aa honest mag. The I O. O. P., oi which be WM a mem ber. rendered all necessary assistance and •Mended faithfully to *)! incumbent du ties. A. A K. H KLLEPONTE MARKETS I Whit# fi'heat $1 au, Red IflU ... Rye. •A Con 60 ....OflU Sißark, no UlajursMd 6,80 .. Potatoes 60. Lard per pound 8...^.P0rk per poundo4 • . U s l * r . ! f 6 ' i,®**! ®- prW> 118 Tallow 8 Baton 1(1......Ham lA. LEWIBTOWN MARKETS White wheat 1,36.... Rd wheat 1 HUU.Ryc st Corn 46 Oats 36 Barley G0...... TiwuUiy****, m T® JI amVaZ:; ButteisyJ Egg* 20 PI Miter J 60 CaCTIov to lIuKTKM. —The undersign ed hereby ceutioa ali person* against hue lin( upon any (round* owned by them, a* keuoefhrih they ere determhied to prose cute ell offender* to the full extent of re cent ecu of Aitembly enacted In this olale P. Siura. J At. laxuut Oct.att.3t Centre Hall. BARLEY WANTED. ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS ef Barley wanted by the undermined, to be delis red at Milroy. Price rrotn attc to Ufa per i bu., Oali, according to quality. URNttY BOSSINOER. 0c130,9t Lowittown, Pa. Fall Opening of llonnrta, Trl turning*. MHllme ry, i MISS LUCY DEININGER'S, it> Centre Hall, I who he* juit returned from Philadel phia, with the) LATEST FASHIONS, and a complete rtock of Now Bonnet*. New Hal*, elegant Trimmiagt, Ac., which will ho told or made up. at reasonable price*. Alto, old ladle* Urea* Cape. The new (trie* are eery pretty. Ladies call and *ee taern early. rir*t come, ftr*t *enrod oct4t Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. OILS, DYE STUFFS, PEKKUkKKY. NOTIONS, FANCY ABTICLBS FOR THE TOILET, Ac.. Ac.. Ac. PIRi: WIYE A Alt LIQIORh, for 'medicinal purpose*. Truaaes Ji Supporter* in grant variety. Abo, choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO. and all other article* usuelly kept in e flr*t claw Drug Store Prescription* carefully Compounded. 28oct tf mi*ller;a SON. PRICE LIST. BURNSIDES & THOMAS. JOBBERS! A COMMISSION MER CHANTS • 1 Salt per Barrel -M® Salt per Sack 226 | Best Rio Coffee per lb —. 40 W bite Sugar per A - —— '* i Men * Slog* Rootle 4T>; Mooee Boot* per pair—. 4 4® ) Horso Blanket* per piece 176 [ Mvn'e Shirt*, a pieee..—.— —— 100 ' Army PanUlooas- . 276 l Beet double thick tobacco 46 j Bel N *ry Tobacco ~ 50 We are Wanamaker* A Brown'* . and will furnith cu*tomor with any kind of clothing you want at Philadelphia prico*. end will *how you largo *emplee to choose from. , Wcare harple*** agent* of Philadel phia and will ftirnbh customer* with any kindofdrcM good*. hawU, Ac., at cKy . rr atock of MejvhamUae ever brought to thi*town. Cellar, Room and up Stair* all full. Call and *ee for your selves and ave from 20 toßo percent. The highest Market price paid for but ' kind* of men_*elore*. BURNSIDKS A THOMAS. JURM FOR SALE. The well known farm of Samuel Spang lor, dee d, situated in Potter twp., Centre countv, Ps. i offered nt Privete Rale, containing about JOO ACRES OF TUB BEST LIME STONE LAND. About 170 acres being in a high state of cultivation. The Ibalance being well aet with a FINE GROWTH OF LUMBER, conaiating in part of White.Oak, Cbeatnut and Cheatnut Oak. The Buildings are good, large and commodious. Wntcr A Fruit second to none in the State. A never failing well and alao running water near the door. Any person desiring a good farm and pleasant home, as alao a profitable invest ment. can address MARGARET SPANOLER, on the promises, or E. L. SPANOLKB, Joliet, 111, 7augSra Executors THE MOST VALUABLE FARM IN BUFFALO VALLEY, Kuown as the WHITE SPRING FARM, Will be offered at PUBLIC SALEii Ou Wednesday, Nov. 5, 1873. This Farm comprises 170 ACRES. JAMES CHAMBERS, RWB'T B. BARBER, Adin'rs cum te*tau)utQ anaexo. ect 5t N E PLUS iU LTRA. | No Better Place ! i > Tit* subseriber ia Ju*t reealvlag from the •astern cities a Kali Stock of \ Hl7 M M K K GOODS which ho >uu determined to soil Tory i chcop, ( ungating of DRY GOODS and Print*, Muslins. Oners Cantons. nod Woli rlonncU. Ladle*' Drew Goods, sueh o* Detains, Alpacas, Pop Una, Kinpm* Cloth, hateea*. Tamsiss, together with o fall * lock of everything usually kept in tht Dry Good* lino. NOTIONS: A foil *tockooa*UUnr port of Lodio* end Children ■ Merino <>,*, Coiior*. Kid gfoves, U.t aualHytilk and Lisle thrond Glove*. Hood*, Nubias, Brook bat ahowia, Wo HATS & CAPS, A foil assortment of Mod* a Dot'a oed Childraa'a of the iotoat atyla and boat CLOTHING, Ready made a ehoiot aoloctioaaf Moa'a ond Boy *of tea aowaat atyla* and aaoat tsrvkaable material*. BOOTS & SHOES, WML WOLF. C.PECK'S New Coo oh Manufactory. CENTRE BALL. PA. * The uodotaignad ha* opened a now es tablishment, ot hi* now shop*, for th* manulactuta of • Carriages, Buggies, A Spring Wagons, Smoat ova SLIM, 1 FLAX* AMD P*JtCT Of every description . Alt vehicle* manufactured by htot ore warrantod to reader Malefaction, and a* equal to any work dona elsewhere. lla uaoa nona bat the beat malarial, and employ* th# moet okillfat workman, ilaoce th ay tatter themselves that their wark con eat bo excelled for durability ond finish. Order* from a distance promptly attend ed to. Come and examine my work bofora contracting eliewherr. PRICES REASONABLE, Ail kinds of Ropariog doss. followinc acoonnta hare bam as ■mined and Ipassed by ma and remain fltad on record In this office. far tb* in spection. of hair*. legatee*, creditor*, and oil cohar* in any w*y"interested, ond will be praaantod to the Orphan'* Court of Can- ; tre county, on Wt-one*doy, the 98th day ' of November, 1873, for ceufirmaito* and! allowance •" The acoount of Jeaeph Devtmg. guard! on of Mary C. Lucas, lota of Centre coun ty The acoount of Joseph Deeling. guardi an or Millie B Luce*, late of Contra coun ty- The account of Joseph Do ling guardi an of John N Luca* late of Centre coun 13The final account of D. J. Hillibiab. one of the admiaiatrator* oi the Hoa. Samuel J Strawbeoker, late of Mile* twp., dee' A j The account of Bobart Oraaa, guardian of Daniel Bailer, minor child of Jama* Bailey, lata of Ferguaoa twp., der'd. The guardianship account of Amot Al exander, guardian of Bnstna Alexander, . minor child of June* Alexander, lata or ' Potter twp. The account of Ml Grove, admintr- ' tratorof Wiiliam Grove, lata of Gregg - twp., dec'J. The account ef George Long and Thee- , Miller, administrator* of Mary Parker, late of Howard twp dec d. The account of John Morgan and Hugh i Glean, Adminiatratoraof William Clarke, , late ot BeUefoota burtmgb, doc'A . \ The acoount of David Biahal. adminia- \ tra tor of Solomon Biahel, lata of Gregg \ twp.. deed. The *eeond account of Joaiah Naff, axe- j cuter of Ma). John Neff, late of rotter , twp., dee d. The account ot!Denial Kuakla and Cy ru Conde. adininiatrator* of Danial Coo- , do, lata of Gregg twp- dee d, aa filad hy , Daniel Runkle the acting administrator. , The acoount of B. F. Leather* and J David H. Ford, Executor* la the last will and testament of Jane K. Beam, late of rnieaville borough, dee d. The account of Ws. M'Fariaaa, admia utrator of John Coble, late of Harris twp., dee'A The first and final account of Haary , K. Nearhoff, and Samuel Balaton, admin- Orator, of Andrew Nearhoff, late of Tay lor twp., dee'd. The guardianship account of Burdiae Butler, guardian of Aiioa A Brown. Sarah 1. Brow a and Augeliaa Brown, minor children of Thomaa Brown, late of Centra J. H. MORRISON, ocflO lagbter. £JROCEBY STORE:— Woodring & Co., At the Grocery Steve on Allegheny Street. Bellefoate, Pa., opposite Hoffer Bro't inform tha public generally, that they have now ana keep at all time* one of tee best and largest stocks of Groceries, auch as COFFEES, i TEA, ■ l . SUGAR, MOLASSAS, ffio.,' Ae„ Ac., I • ' CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS OF ( ALL KINDS, ' consisting of canned peaches. cberrie*, I o matoe*. plums, green own, dried apple*. . peaches, oherrie* Ac. In briaf they have everything usually kept in a Brat claw Grocery Store. Call in ladies and gentlemen. Our prices are Jensen able We aim tc plea**. octt'tf OCSKALOT PGR SALB.-A two story dwelling house and good lot, in one of the moet desirable portions of Aaronsburg, is offered at private sale. With it are all necessary outbuildings auch a* kitchen, woodshed, smokehouse, a shop stable, cistern, Ac. Choice fruit of all kind* on the premises. Apply to MRS. JOANNA KURTZ, oct23 tf Aaronsburg. JOHN P. POTTER, Attorney-at-Lew. Collections promptly made and special attention given to those having I lands or property for sale. Will draw up and'have acknowledged Deed*, Mortgage*. Ac. Office in the diamond, north side oi the court house, Bellefoate. oct2?69tf. wis!e Pennsvalley ! Banking.Co. CENTRE HALL, FA." RECEIVE DEPOSITS, P Lad Allow Interest. Discount Note _ Buy and Sell Goverameat Securities, Gold aad I Coupons. PiTga Herrxa, Wm. B. Mism t. , _ \ Cashier. [ D. M. RiTmsotnK, WITH ROOU M hwabea <*©. Flak, Cheese anif^roiismi*. Tfct Chamoion of the World. Th# new Improved America* Buttoo- Hole Ovw-aruing and Complete Sawing J/acbine—Tb great- Mi machine of the Age I 81 oa pi city, Durability ft Cheap net# Combined. guaranteed All order* promptly at(< id ad to. A. L. BA&TGKr Agent for Centre Gsunly M amsok a c au. Pa. hall Rotel: V/ J* BfAvaMM, Proprietor. iagea arrive aad depart daily, for alt aetata, north, aouty eat and wc*t, *• a at-UsTica fiNUt. axATKR. M'ALLISTER ft EEAVER, ArronXETS-ATLAW, lallafonte. Can tra oo„ F,. apMtf aiasar aaocgggjiorr, j, u. aat-gaT, OENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. (ytnafmfltoa.Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEFOSfTK, Aad Allow iaterasl, Diaoaont Nates, Bar aad dell. Co vara men t HeeurittM, Gold ft •pWMtf Coupons*TS*r, ai"t*7. a Batiafonte, Fa. Oftca over Ry a bank maylJ oatf MM HM SEWING MACHINES. Tbaaalea of Sawing machine* in 1872, a re(?rtod under oath, in 1F73 to own era of the Sewtag Machine Fotenu ■how that the SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. Last Year Sold 2 19,758 uZKIM C 3FBEI OR 08,498 more than In 1871, Ninety par eeoL of tbem being for FAMILY ISF Tuu ta Otxb 4 5,000 Mora Sewing Macbioes than were aold by any other company daring iba same period, and over ONE QUARTER of all the Machine* sold in 1872. jVimifnf o§m 0/ The Slßger Manufacturing Co. 84 Usiojr Squart.. Philadelphia, offlce, 110fiCbe.-tnut St juctf 26 . T>EOCKKKHOFF HOL" Allegncoey Street, Bellefontc, Pa. D. JOHNSON ft SONS, Proprietor*. A rtMTCs.Aae OTXL. CQMroar aaut aooua PROMPT AITENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN OONVENIES CES-AND REASON ABLE Charge* The proprietors offer to the trawl ing public, and to their country fi lends, first clas< accommodations and carefol atten tion to the want* of guests at ail times, at ftirmtoa. Caiufolboatlera and good üble ling for horn*. Aa excelleat labia well •ervod. A Bar supplied with fine Uguore. Servants well trained ouisile in a fim class Hotel. Our location f in tb* business part of the town, near the FoaffOftea, ft# Court House, the Chur ches, the Banks, aad the p iacipal pteM* of business, render* it th# most enribia place for those who visitßeUefoetcon busi or pleasure. An Omnibus will carry passengers aed baggage to and front all trains free of charge _ _ Chas. H. Held, Clark, B alehmaher A Jeaelrr MUibeim. Centre Pa. Respectfully talbrm* hi* friend* and the public in general, that he ha* ju*t opened at his new e*ublishment, above Alexan der's store, and keeps constantly on band, alt kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of the !■.!♦'* style*, as also the Maranvilfe Patent Calender Clocks, provided with a complete index of the month, and day of the inonib aad week on its fece, which is warranted • a perfect lime-keeper. WjLClock*. Watches and Jewelry re paired on short notice and warranted. sepll'6B ly FfIHE undersigned, determined to meet 1 foe popular demand for Lower Prices, respectfully cells the attention of Bie public to hia stock of SADDLERY, ' now offered>i the old *Uud. Designed es > peciatly for tho people and tbe times, the > largest and most varied and complete as sortment of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, of every description and quality ; Whips, and in fact everything complete to a first class establishment, he now offers at prices which will suit the times JACOB DINGES, Centre Hall. lAAtJfI6N.-AU persons are hereby Vy cautioned not to meddle with the ar ticles named belew, which were bought by tee undersigned at Sheriff's tale as tee property of J. R 80It, and and which I will leave in hit pes session et my pleasure, via : One sorrel horse, 2seta tug harness, a 1 home spring wagon, 1 cook stove and utensils, 1 pair bedsteads, I barraL*>iegar 1 iron kettle, 2 tub*, shovels, spades and i> picks, axe and balance or defendant's P.O. MIFF, . Br. Crooks Wins of Tar ■ft Contain* fsseWH* i SHI Kftß jvmto value oomoiu. i ' with the rich meolcinal 1 HH quaUUee or Tax, wtaieO e cause It to build up f iSVSk tbe weak aad deblf ■Vkttated awd rapidly ■ - Hn ** , I dig •■ - Siomach, relaxes ■BlfO M" T 11' %*d to digest, r IFMlßCPeHnlEflß"moving Dyspcpala llTfliiftßl Kadlgi atfon. It '• ■Biisiffl'lSiiite a Superior I onic. !i re*tores tUe apwclUo D VwRPtPmIkhHH a l * 4 atrcagtbeas the ■ system. Kor raiaa in I Breast, tUde or Bach. Gravel or Kid- MMMlmt disease, dlaaaaea . optho Crluary On £ '• 1.,..... d IHIMMiSiSHH ha* no equal. It ■■■■ tv.a'lvcure-.a !Ceugb<; a l'aMf*. l'aMf*. and all dlaoaMO P jjßMjWßiffl of tbfiTßtßWA* aad M •ro^'*tie." V 7E Vl^' L "*'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers