tfKXjgfiNTßt^iroariH. ....E4itr. Centre Hall. Pa., Oct-, TERMS.—The RrroaTt* is pubtuheJ * .skiv st *2 nor year, in adv n **- when n.< psiiin adrance. For six months linos) for throe Insertion. Advertisements for S, 6 an.t 12 months, at reduced rate. Anr person sending as the names of uv new suMeribesr, with ethea-h, will tw csivo the ltxronTxn one year free. For Preaident HORACE GREELEY. i For Vice Preaident B. GRATZ BROWN. Electors. sXKATOaUL. K.tsnr Cowan, of Westmoreland. (leorgc W. Skinner, of Franklin. arrawtsTATtvx. Felden Marvin, of Kris. JohnS Miller, *f Hunlinfdoa. S. Gross Fry. or Philadelphia. District*. t Thorn. J. Barger. IS P. Loweaborg. It S. l>. Andcr-on. 14 J. M'Knjght 3 John Moffat. 15 Henry IV ekh. 4 Geo. R. BerrelL 16 Hen. J. Stable. & Not agreed upon. 17 It. IV. Christie. 6 Isaiah B. lloupt. 18 W. F. Logan. 7 Samuel A. liver. 19 Ka*las Brovva. 8 Jee G. Hawlev. SO F. M. Robinson. 9 H. B. Swarr. 21 J. R. Molten. 10 B. Reilly. 22 T. 11. Stsvemon. 11 John Kunkls. ! 2:5 John B. Bard. 12 F. \Y. Gun'ter. 124 Geo. VV. Milbr The frauds and corruption in Phil adelphia have deieated Buckalew aud the democracy of the state. Tho Building commission ring, which is robbing the taxpayer* of Pbiladel phia in a legalised way, lonsmhed thousaud* of dollars —stolen mouey— to the radical corrupliou ftiud. This building commission ring, which has it* heel upon the Philadelphia demo crats would have been crushed, had it not been for the treachery of two dem ocrats in the legislature, who sold out to the radical cut-throats of Philadel phia, and killed the repealing bill in committee, after it passed the senate. This treachery of the two democrat ic members of the house, i* now tail ing annually upon the democracy of the state, in the defeats we are sustain g- Jxo. 11. Ortis.—We are pleased to notice from the reeult of the recent election, that Mr Orvis has received at the polls, what the Reporter lias been a-king for him, and what he to well deserved, a vote ahead of the ticket — his majority stands highest, notwith standing he was cut by a few in Penn and Ferguson. Mr. Buckalew ? ma jority is 420, Mr. Onris' majority, 506. There is only one instance in this ounty, for a long term of years in which the democratic legislative can didate ran ahead of the candidate for governor —this was in 1866 when we had the honor of being re-elected by 502, Clymer's majority being 471. How Straight! The O'C'ooor tod Adams ticket is called a "straight" democratic ticket. Now that's about as straight as a hoop for Adams, like Greeley, formerly be longed to the opposi'e party. Any democrat that can't tote for Greeley and Brown because it ain't ''straight-out," and then goes for O'Conor and Adams be cause that is straight, must himself be assiraight as the letter Z, or a gridiron -truck by lightning. Greeley and Brown stand upon a democratic platform, were nominated by a straight democratic contention,; and few democrats will be led astray ' ty so crooked a "strighl" ticket, as O'Conor, and Adams, put in the field by men who favor Grant and who were paid by him. lore Fraud. Lancaster county is brimfull of raJ ical fraud, and a number of arrest* hare already been made, in addition to the arrest of Cameron's brother-in law, who ofiered a judge #2o> to *tuff the ballot-box. Captain McMeleu, member of the Select Council and a member of Ibe Republican County Committee, and John Withlinger, a prominent broker and Radical, bate been arrested and held in $1,500 eacb, to answer a charge of issuing fraudulent naturalization papers. McMelen made a strong ef fort to have the charge against him withdrawn, but Mayor Pyfer declin ed, stating tbat justice mutt be raetcd. There is considerable public excite ment here oter this arrest. Cameron is after Forney, A Wash - ington dispatch of 11th inst, says : Senator Cameron arrived here last night, and has been engaged during the day in efforts to injure Col. For ney, whose scalp, he says, he is de tcrmined to have. The Senator had an interview with the President to-day and represented in effect that he had done everything in the late Pennsylvania contest and had shown his strength in the -State, while For ney, had only shown his weakness. Cameron wanted the Administration to no longer recognise the editor of The Press, but to help him (Cameron) to drive Forney out of the party, as Sumner, Schurz, Trumbull and Fen-< ton bad been driven out. The Sena-1 # tor was listened to attentively, but the President was "reticent. He then went to the various Departments and demanded that the. Government ad vertising should be taken from the Press, but with what success is not , known. He also endeavored to leara if Col. Forney had any appointments, and demanded tbat they too should be taken from him. Altogether the Senator manifested a good deal of the old vigor which gained for him the name of master of the Pennsylvania Ring. "We will put down the cursed Cop perheads of Centre county, in Novem ber." Bo say some of the radical leaders of this county. Democrats what do you say about it, will you - stay ut home and let the rads carry uut their boast of defeating you in our county V No, No, Never. Up, and send them up Salt River so far as our good old county is concerned. Democrat!* rc juejawr their impudent boast. To (lio IViihnv alloy Democracy. 1 lemocMD of IVnn- valley, and of Biuh valley,* you made n proud i co ord for iomwlvmi, at lb# ntwl sleo- fion, by tlc increased majorities loll ed up f.<r Ruck'alcw ami honest gov-1 eminent ami in opposition to the plun dering Camcron-llarlranft ring. It was a vote that you can ever be proud of. although fraud, and bnllol-hox stfliuing in other localities have de feated your wishes and the wishes ol the honest people of Pennsylvania, who yearned for reform in the election of the noblest statesman of our eoiu monweailh, Cha. U. Uuckalew, aud displacing the rogue* who do the biddiug of the i/arrbborg ring, that has for years been robbing the treas ury. To you, democrats of this side, be longs the honor ol saving our county, although uot a man from this section was upon the ticket, thus no blv evincing your disinterestel patri otism. and determination that a good ticket should be elected, without re gard to locality. AU the greater is the credit dm our noble democracy, for the patriotic work done on ihc Bth inat. IkthM iau of this side,- aye, demo crat- of the entire county, —on the sth of November, is another and greater battle. Brave incu you have been in the jiast ; you never faltered under de feat heretofore—has the late defeat, brought alwut by foul means, dUbaaft encil you, for the sth of November battle, ami w ill you jwrrnit that great | contest to go by default ! AVilI you allow ada-tardly enemy to vide over the cour-e, and grasp another four years of power to practice usurpation and tyrwuny, and to plun der our debt ridden country, without offeriug resistance at the ballot-box ? No ! again, No ! we answer iu your name. We say that you will do your, duty as meu and denuS-rats, on the sth of November, as nobly as you per formed your duty in years pat. Democrats, the eoutest is uot hoje leas, as we exhibited in last week's Reporter, although Pennsylvania was bought up by the ring. Go to the polls, and do your duty as men. If the states that went democratic this summer, show the same result io No* vember—and we have every reasosi to believe they will—it makes Greeley's election certain without Pennsylvania. But let u> do our duty, and fight the plunderers again, even though we believed the content was hopeless. The radicals arc boosting they will carry the oouuty iu November, be cause, they say, the democrats are dis heartened. Do not let Centre couuty be digram! by a radical victory. If all the rest do go worshipping false gods, determine that good old Centre shall not he disgraced by being car ried by the minions of Grant. Keep old Centre pure, fellow demo crats. Let every democrat appear at the polls, on sth of November, and vote the democratic electoral ticket nom inated by the democratic convention at Reading. Every man upon it is a sound old democrat. Let not a single democrat go back upon the electoral ticket of the con vention that nominated Mr. Bucka lew. Mr. Greeley's speeches, during his late tour, are those of a patriot and a statesman, and his enemies can pick no flaw in a single utterance be made. Democrats of this side, and the en tire county, do your whole duty on Tuesday, Nor. 5, and show lire rads that you can keep them down at home. Is there a siogic democrat, willing to see the county carried by the rads, in November, which they now boast they will ? Arouse, then democrats, for the No ' vember battle, and lei's give the enc my, in Centre county, a worse defeat than we administered to 1 hem on Bth hint. I *♦• ■ - The Uonveiilioit. The constitutional convention, ; which meets at HarrUburg ou 12lh of i next month, will be composed of 69 republicans, and 64 democrats. In the convention will be some of the most distinguised men of the com monwealth. Among them will be G. W. Woodward and William M. Mere dith, who took an active and promi nent part in the convention which j formed the constitution of 1838. Jere-' miah 8. Black, A. G. Curtin, Frank lin B. Gowen, John 11. Walker! ami 11. N. M'AUister are among the i delegates at large. Besides these W. j ! -I. Baer, 11. A.T-arabcrton, B.C. Dodd, Linn Bartholomew, A. A. I'urman, ..'antes Ellis and others will bring much ability to the deliberations of the convention. In the delegation from Philadelphia are Theodore C'uyier, Henry C. Carey, George M. Dallas and Geo. W. Biddle. The rest are, like the legislators of that city, men of no note, and mere ring nominations. The delegates to the constitutional convention will meet in the hall of the house of representatives on the 12th of November. Preparations for their reception have already commenced. As there will be a body of one bun died and thirty-three delegates, addi tional desks will be placed in the ball* The convention will be able to occupy the hall for nearly two months, when the? will be obliged to make way for the members of the bouse on the meet ing of the legislature. By that time much of the work of tho convention | will be completed, and for the remain der of the session the delegates will probably meet in Philadelphia, unless j accommodation can be provided for : them in one of the large and coinmo | dions churches of this city," (luilty of Murder in the Second De cree. JlarrLsburg, Pa., October 14.—1n the eaEO of K manual Shaflher, on a new trial to-day, for the murder of his j two wives and John Sharlock by poi-1 toning, the prisoner plead guilty of > murder in the -eeond degree, and was ' sentenced to the Eastern Penitentiary lor thirty-six years—twelve years on each indictment. More Fraud A .4 /VtuMy'iaNKi (oogt • .vmm and S. Bevenue Official* Art >■ sled on (barges of Brio in if Voter*. i r New York, October IT, -A dU-j I natch from Wilkeabarti . Pa.,says tlmi Internal Kerenue Collector Hovt, L. ! 1), Shoemaker, candidate for Con- t i grew, ex Mayor Lories, of Seranton. j and Revenue Assessor Cia nee, have bceu arrested on a charge nf bribing t . voters at the recent ehvtio i. The Mayor and Postmaster of Seranton. Pa., was a so arrested for •] ; bribery. Advices report the arrest of g the Mayor and Postmaster of that ci- g tv, with that of several oruminent of ficial*, on a charge of hallol-box stuff- , iugund bribery. These men are al- , leges! to have bought voter* aud brih- { jed judges. Affidavits in tho cam's are already in hand. , > ♦ ♦- <• Another Brother In Law. , The New York Tribune makes the i following statement: The Associated I'rew dispatch which aunouuees the order for tho ar- ' rest of Dr. Muhlenberg, Cnited States Collector of Internal Uevenue at Lan- i caster, Pennsylvania, ior an attempt to bribe the Kleclion Judge to slufl the halhg box against Uuckalew. would have been fairer if it had told the j whole truth. The l T uited States Col- ( leetor, thus puuisbed for au effort to bribe an Klection Judge to aid in the fraudulent defeat of Uuckalew, is the brother-in-law of Simon Cameron! How many of Cameron's agents suc ceeded in efforts like this in which his brother-iu lavr failed v And in face of a deuioustiatiou like this, of the i way in which Pennsylvania was car ried, how much longer will reputable men, who would be ashamed to be I caught in dishonesty to the extent of; 'a dune, coutinue to rejoice over the gigantic corruption that, iu one dis honest way ami another, reversed the will of a State! How much lougor ■ will houest meu shut their eyes to j sights like this of Simon Cameron's brother-in-law under arrest, for at tempted ballot-box et tilling, and re peat the stale answer. "Oh! I don't miud these stories of fraud. The de feated party always calls out fraud." That is what no used to hear in ans wer to every protest against the out rages of the Tammany King. By and . by there came an earthquake, and the name of Tweed isuow as infamous as, one day, that of Simon Cameron will ! be. •- * • . To be Brought to Justice —Attempt to Bribe on Klection Judge. Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 14.—Com plaint was ruade today, before Alder man Amweg, Utiuhnrdi Reiner, Klec tion Judge of the Eighth ward, of , Ijincnster, against Dr. If. K. Muhlen berg, United States Collector of Ueve nue, and a brother-in-law of Siaion Cameron, for offering said election Judge S2OO if he would stuff the bal j lot box to reduce Uuckalew majority .to one hundred iu said ward, A war- I rant has been iasurd for the arrest of I Muhlenberg. Mark this, from the Lycoming 'Standard' of yesterday : Some fifty or sixty negroes were colonized iu ' Lock Haveu withiu twelve days be ' fore the election. All voted. The next morning after the election they were all at trie railroad depot with their carpet bags, and took the first train for their homes. We have this 1 same account from nearly all the i tow ns in the State. Especially was . this the case in Bellefonte and other towns where some prominent honest Republicans took ground against the Treasury ring and its candidate for Governor, the object being to disgrace these men by showing au increased Radical vote at their own polls. That purpose will fail, and the fraud will recoil upon its authors. The radicals polled many nioro fraudulent votes in the State than they can count majori ty. GRANTS BEEF-EATERS IN THE CUSTOMHOUSE. Frenchman's Bay is a custom "house district in Maine. The wholo for eign trade of that district for 1871-2 was : Imports s'xS Exports Nil This immense busnes* was superintend ! cd by the following officials: Salary. N K Sawyer, Collector 91,310,10! I M llale, Special Deputy 1,3.0,00 D 11 Mareycs, Deputy 730.00 i John I) Ilill, Deputy. fluO.OO! j H D Coombs, Deputy...... GOO.OOj Samuel Dutton, Jr 600.00 j ' W 11 Peters, Inspector 1.1 M.OO ! S A Holden, Inspector .700.00 . M McFarland 800.00 Total- o,utC 10 ! EIGIITEENTIfcONGRESS DIS TRICT—OFFICIAL Sherwood—l>. Roes —R. Potter 846 1,084 Tioga 2,582 5,316 Centre 3,713 3,318 i Ciihlon 2,588 2,057 Lycoming. - 4.8J-8 4,666 ' Tola! 14.627 1 7,041 i 14,672 Ross'maj 2,414 ' OFFICIAL VOTE FOR DIS TRICT DELEGATES. M'Cullorh, Sterrett, Hniley, Reed. Huntingdon- 3485 2041 2385 Juniata 1440 1.741 ltXkj 158,7 Centre 8277 32H0 SC4B 3092 Mifflin 1584 101.7 1700 1608 ToUl 07V2 0413 WSt>7 0577 The three highest are eleetod, name ly Messrs. Bailey and Recti, democrats i ami M'Cullocb, radical. The Next Legislature. The next legislature will stand as follows : Senate, Radicals, 18 " Democrats 14 " Lib. Rep. 1 Republican majority 3 House, Radicals, 60 J " Detnorrats, 39 -Lib. Rep. | Radical majority 20 or a majority, on joint ballot, of 23 for the radicals. Stupendous Robbery. Rank Bur gulnrized Over SHfohiHU) Troy, Oct. 14.—The Saratoga coun ty bank, at Waterford, was robbed at an early hour this morning, of over three hundred thousand dollars, by a gang of ojjip desperadoes, disguised in ku-klux uniforms, ff bp jobbers se creted themselves in the house of the cashier early last evening, and after wards bound and gagged the entire j family except the cashier, who thsy j compelled to opeu ibe vaults of the bank. The loss to the bank is about I eight thousand five hundred dollar-*.! Special depositors will lose about three' hundred thousand dollars in JL T , S. 1 bonds and stocks. < or the National Democrat Ic ContHiltkf < \tU jt u Mattjul St> uggU fui /-•/- Tty, (in Cnlainlrtl Hallut Hox an<l an Uuitftt Adininitlralian f (Ac (iotarn- [ nrnt. Tltc tuliowiug addics* ha* been i**u h) by the Chairninu of lite National Democratic Committee: AilJrtv - of the national democratic • mmi(tr<* t t!ic pci |l* of the I'nitcd #talc#. The October tlccUotia are over, They enable u* to form u tolerable accurate idea of the true political aim atiou of the country In we have to recount a victory for the Liberal ticket o unex ampled as to take her out of the lit of doubtful State, aud practically to pronounce in advance the d teuton of at le*#l one hundred and twenty five vote* in the Klectoral College. To thU number it is only necessary to add lixty votes to elect (treclcv and Brown. In Pennsylvania the distinguished Chairm M in of the l iberal ("oinmillce ha* eloquently chaructcriaad the meth mis bv which the result of the election there was accomplished. We com mend hi* atatcmeut to the thoughtful attention of the country. In Ohio, despite moat unpreceden ted gains fo the Liberal-Democratic licked, the Grant uiauagera have car ried the election by a reduced majori ty, having brought to the poll# their entire reserve vote. Had our demo cratic friend# in certain localities of that great Common wealth shown the tamo camestnest and activity, and en abled u- like our iiiemic* to record our entire ptriugth, they would now tie exulting over a brilliant victory. In Indiana the Democratic and Lib eral force- have achieved a mo#t im portant #ucce-s over Pennsylvania lac ' tic* most uiii-crupuloutly employes! by ! the administration .uid it* ttllie!*, show | iog thus that a free people when I aroused know their light* and dare niaiatain them. Indiana ha* fairly j demonstrated that she can neither be •'bought nor bullied." The moral of lhe>e rcault* is that victory i# still in plain view for our national ticket, ami that energy and courage wiil assure it That victory must be won. It we meau to preserve free iurtitution* on thi* coutineut we luuit assure it. The evcut in Pennsylvania, on Toe* day last, when considered iu it* caus es,"is the most appalling political ra , tastrophc that ha* ever taken place in this country. Should the *y#teiu through which this catastrophe was brought about Ik- coudoned by tin . people atid foisted on the other StaU - I it seal* Iho doout of freer! om in Amer ica. A sad contrast i; is surclv that the city iu which our Itenuldic was born, amid the anthem* of a free poo lile, should now he the first to toll the well of its liberties. It is for the fret and uubought people of all the States to calmly review the fearful crime against sntfrage in Pennsylvania, and to decide whether it shall lie rej>csted within tbeir own border#. For the fir.-t timo the system of free and the sanctity of tlx ballot arc really uu tiial in the Uni ted State*. From this hour forward, the preservation of the franchise in its integrity dwarfs all other issue*. I*t our friends in each of the Slates catch inspiration from the heroic con duct of our fellow-citisen# in Georgia and Indiana ; cud from now till No i vember let their struggle be manful 'and unceasing for liberty and an uu i tainted ballot-box, for leforni and an i boucst administration of the govern 1 ment. At'CYSTCS SCHKIX, Chairman National Democratic Cora mittce. PK\NSIL VA NIA—OFFICIA I. TOTE OF 18* ft WW 1872. IW.. j UOV tca.NOH loOVKHM-S .11 51: 1 " 7 3i*" coi'XTti:*. J * r ! 1 i fir I : i I : Adams... U7>'* W8 3122 Alleghenx . 25771104'J0 15301 17858 Armstrong. 44 t SttiD 8079 3439 Hoavcr 24T2 .Urtf. Bedford IW7B 2877 2832 218-5 Berk* -TttOWW" 13581 0971 i Blair 42W :f-M4 1773 ".484 Bradford. .. 711-'! 44.-4 3686 <> VI Buck* 7278 7658 T0*1 G506 Butler 8540 'JIM 3258 Cambria.. . 2>23 36- 318? 2628 Cameron 572 631 423 47 J Carbon 2444 26377 217*26 1940 Centre 32W "712 34*74 3102 Chet.r N ftJJO 6446 HSlp Clarion 2727 3588 2831 1786 Clearfield 1986 3432 3015 1700 Clinton '-Ola 2G2 25T0 IK Columbia 2110 8K 3714 1846 Craford TtWI *74*73 48(V. 6107 Cumberland 117*1 4*714 44*16 ."►*►4l Dauphin 7460 6113 4-128 6*760 Delaware 122* 2*778 2206 3632 Klk offi 11743 7J68 476 Krie 78 627*2 4H-.8 f.498. Fayette 7?.64 4631 4229 83401 Forrest 418 :tH 298 365 Franklin I**6 418*2 4U*7 36061 Fulton 7'.'7 1125 1*87*7 iT-ho | Greene 1795 34V1 2992 1542 Huntington. . 7249 2890 23*78 2825 Indiana 72 2149 2970 -4*! Jefferson 24**7 2247 7JO 1%71 Juniata 1352 17:79 1(712 1254 Lancaster 17774 9064 831*7 12NM UtiMm 1428 1108 1488 8817 Lebanon 4285 2824 2t9*. 4<rJ7 Lehigh .V7-V7 (TK.'.j 111 33 4-Vis Lucerne 12311 144:71 *.B7*. al 8*7'.l Lycoming. 1*739 ttk'*, t>7 p.V! McKcati 1U26 950 *7l*7 BH> j Mercer 6572 461*8 1786 4629 Mifflin 178*7 1765 19**3 1640 Monroe 958 2889 27*72 069 I Moatgxnnerj 8464 84*'. i >U7 7888 Montour 1378 1621 1656 lt*s*7 Northampton. 4*Bo 8121 7419 4023 Northuiubd... 4314 43*73 P**t 34**7 Perry 2762 2611 28* 243*9 Philadelphia.. ('*27B 48841 418<r2 Si'JKS Pike 24*7 1124 1054 816 Potter 14*7*7 1042 708 13714! 8990 1*378 8901 7992 bnvdfr 19**7 1372 1316 1719 Somerset -fsJ 1002 17**) 21*40 Sullivan 471 741 Susquehanna, 42713 8403 21*82 4064 Tioga 6604 387*1 182,'. 4636 Union 20*79 1374 1207 178 Venango 6071 4415 4241 877(17 Warren 3170 2333 1679 343(1 Washington... 6294 41*40 4(732 4476 Wayne 2119 :iofto 2715 227S Wnstmore 14. 56ftl *7476 fit W 48/31 Wyoming J.Y.I I,l*l 1772 1462 York 0400 8388 8-TJi 6545 Total vote 363398 817858 285856 280654 317861 28596(7 Bap . niaj 35540 469(1 i Tlic Money. Proui Juno 30, J($G7 to June 30,; ■ 1809, l>eit)g t thc two last jea of presi dent Johnson's term, the expenses of I Congress, including books, amounted J to $G,G51,074. One would really sun pose that this was enough to pay the way olour law makers very generous ly ; but tjie jpc.ecoding Congress, the -j first uoiler the aiuruirigl/ ppcnotnical regime of Gen. Grant, succeeding in -j wasting on their own expenses just; ♦11,223,042. In the Executive Department the j increase was still greater. The IHSI two year* of fjte Administration of President Johnson, who /-'piled all - sorts of ugly nanus by the radicals,; y cost for this departinent sl2,BfG,2tX> ! —llio first two years of that piuk of radical perfection, Grant, cost 418,- 709,472, exclusive of the two millions T expanded in compiling the returns of j the Census. So it get - through each and every a department ; uiid yet the newspapers I retained in dvf- ml (irant, a lawyer# , are retained to di l- ml more obscure | critnluu!*, pir*i*t from day to day in holding the present Administration up n# a model of economy. (•I II (itltlil . III* I ■ OJioM V OS' 1 HUTU , Hik'l tWf llir tli's ill tie w-r tii'iicral I lirant suffered himself in 1- dthwn into a> s 'dilemma from which l,<-\ia* sUrioitsil ' with extreme discredit \l 'the lime when Ih* Teiture-of-olttct hill conflict raged and Secretary Stanton m* suspend- 1 til front his |ho it ton nt the head of the;. W*r Department ly l'ri >.-lvul Johnson, - (Irani was put by th* President in Stan- . ton's place. The Senate threatened tra-|. Instate 511 Stanton, ami Grant • kept > < in by Hits l*iesblent with the express un- i dersiandiny thai he would either return | the office to the I'rr-idctil' - pwotlan in order to enable the Picsideut toa| point u | | successor before flnal union by the Senate. . or WtNihl remain at it I- ad awaiting a de cision 'l the -location by judicial proceed illgs. In disregard o| the understanding < and tiis distinct promise to the President, Isr: lit vacated the office when -Stanton do- ■ ' ' iiianded it, and wlllroul gix ing Mr John-i | son i otico of hi intention!"do so. When . 4srant attempt, d to make d appear 11-at he had Mot luod" the specified promises to j • President Johnson, he was confronted by , ■ the pe.sonsl a- ev-ration* of member*of i ■ the Cabinet, who testified to hating-, • Arm*/ li(in promise ckectiy as lliePresi-' dent said he j-rotn-o-I. Then* wa uoJ, • <|Uetiuii in any mind, at ilalo-c of the f oorrcijn-ndeiu - ail ln- subject, ibattJranl's j' recollection of what be said had utterly failed him.^ [ ills 1 tr.-i '.il. iiaKlTa. f The ijues'. >n of tin.lll s ft cCJUCIit- j ly aroe during tin- war ami after, aud tbej answers were generally unfavorable, ji Among the ii:rc t MnU in-ill* mad# wa> 1 one from an ey e-w .in - who alleged that , "individual in-taiu.- if lirant's bi-astiy drunkannest were not of rare occurrence." This witness gave the paiticulursof tieiier ai (irant - InUsiicalio . at t!ie Si. Cliarlet lloiel, Cairo, alleged that h<- wu- drunk on a "flag-of-truce"' t .ii to Columbus, s £ | and sjHikc of hi "disastcfou- reu al i Foil Uoiielsoi- President Johnson said I Is rant had bet-u in his n- nat the While! House "so drunk that he couldn't stand j straight on h. leg- Wendell Philips. 14 i in the 'Aiiti-Msvrry standard' of Februa " ry I, a id, ' New lutuun reach us i troni \\ ashingion, •--mil g fn-m different and irustworthyr -urces, tiial (it-ncral '* ! (irant has been unmistakiagly drunk in l " , the street* of that city v th in a few- weeks, II , The 'lndependent,' .lanuaiy 23, IN>, said u he had been "fuddled in Ike streets." The s 'Kervlulion -aid. "Ueiteral (irant is drunk ® half the time, and has tieeii seen steadying S himself in another • arms in Pennsylsa '• jma avenue. The l'hiln-lelphia 'Poit,' iu t the face of all tbr allegation#, said that i* j "the cbargi n-iw* amounts to deliberate al ►*! legation which the political friends of C General ti rant at.- bound to meet. But e the charge ba- m rr be met by an an sa tborilativ c Jei.ial, ani ba- bern reju-atcd 0 j from time to tain) up to the present day. (I ; M-KCIMEJ-# or Ills KLOSICKXCK. J; President.Grant lias never pretendrd to. 'be aapeech-maker, and tii- rs-tic-nc* ba u been gat.iially ri-pocu u. htill it is sur e pristr.g that n roan brought before the j.! pub.ic so ofti nba never betrayed tho | lightest spark of originality, or wit, orbu % ' rnor in any of the mam roua little addreas • c-i he has delic #rcd, and of which the fol • ( i lewing ara fair apec.iuen- I. j At the great dciuonstration to sustain t 1 Andrew Johnson at tlx Cooj er lnttitule, .. June 7, IMS, he said j I 1 thank you for tbia reception. If 1 were in the habit of speaking, I am to im pressed by it that I w wild not be able to respond as I should like to do. You w ill have to excuse me.• His >|>ee<h at the dinner given to him at the At-r Hoi -e, 7, |N><, was as follow* Gatitlet.icn I Ir.ow y.uj ill excuse me i (Vout atteinptir.g to reply to your very flat j trring remark-. At Kalanw- " ' Micliig it, Aug 19, l#ti j lie said - * I' lam not going to reply to the aJdrc-s, gentlemen 1 could n--t do so if ] should try. • After a long and Cat It-ring sddtSil front i the chirf orator al tho Union l.eaette - j Kociiis, January f.. ISUi, (irant -aid : Gentlemen I bid v ; good-night. 1 lam much obliged to you for this recep- I tion. ! Following i hi* *pc<- h ! (he lliibllo ~ H-iuao, Detroit, Aug. It's lf'i 1 bid y au all g-awl-night y His Speech at Toledo, Ohio, Aug. IM, i! I Wid, show-show natural it has always been j for Grant to lean on someh >dy'sshoulder : j Gentlemen and fellow-elliacns . Rev. , ;l Mr. Vincent. wh- ha c.-me out on the , -. train from Chicago has kit dlv consented , imin irvin * nan kiiiiii cnurraiea > to return mv thanks for theheam welcome 1 which you have given m< , Tlie following is an > vampie of a speech very much mixed, in which Grant .peaks 1 of a tiling done and not done in the same | breath. It • dolls-red at N*fgnr Falls: My model* compel- me to turn •. it that written s|*ce<h to Mr. Hall, vslio will deliver it for ine whenever it i written. In this way Grant .bided the responsibili ty of his speeches upon other people, just as he used to -hid ihe responsibility of a ! decision in timeof baltl. .pon l.i.taffof j fleers. | Be. ently, on his pn--.iv, ill rough Wafer-* j town. X. Y., (Aug. 2.) in company with j Senator Conkliug, he made one of the I longest of hi- life. Mark it : After an ab.onco of moro than twenty years I fail to recognise a single one of all the faces 1 now see before mo as familiar to me then. Your city has altered very much indeed si nee 1 last saw it. At that time 1 was a lieutenant stationed Rt Sack ett's Harbor, which i lace 1 expect to see j before | return. When President Grant ■ nmc into office, ] the first thing he did was to app<dnt a . Cabinet o! which one member, at load, I (Mr. A. T. Su wart) sra* appointed oontra- j ry to law, and had to be withdrawn. I TBI) ONI,Y PLACE TO BUY good Hoots iy Shoes. j BURMSIDI& TfJQM4§ Have jus! receivedso ruses of Boots t nod Shoes. BURNSIDK* THOMAS J Sell the cheapest and beet lk>ota'„ and Shoe*. o a BURNSIDKx THOMAS Are the only onea in Centre 00. that'" have Lester Bro's & Co., Iloots (" Sines. Lwter Hro's A Co., Boots and Shoes 11 arc warranted. t l BURNSIDK, & THOMAS . N Sell them at Cash pricca. ii r THOMAS ,i Boots and Shoca never leaK orcijek.," ' I w BURNSIDK & THOMAS Boots and Shoe** always give satisfac- r , tion lai Thousands in this county ntul out oil ll it have tried these Boots & Shoes. They intvo been tested nnd tried for 1 "> .h years and always hftve given K*tra, satisfaction. .)i [f you want to save doctor hills buy i K your Boots nnd Shoes from Bnrnsidc *Y A Thomas. ',' l i ho Yoll cut) b;iy tjie host articles ofTu-,wl haeco and cigars t half pl'iiV :I Buriisides A' Thomns. flic reason you can get micli l*:uj,'iiiux joi nt Buinijitlt; A* Thomas, tlicy sell forJ*' C'ABH. uri Presidential Flee,- '■ lion Tnd'v Nov. 5. !| e ti I r i> Lot *VI l*t' ni.ieFxi * '1 lie undersign- ! a pit will --tfirnt public -ate, oil tho preltli*]h •i. Nt Centre Hall, on Tuoaduy, N'"\ I2tbjc •t 1 o'clock, e TII It It K ACHK* OF GROUND of which tu-arly d lots front th<'Mnin! r ' Strn t pa-sit g through Centre Hall. This j tract will be sold in lots, or a a whole toL suit pur- baser#, and tp. tonus to suit buy- j ' ers. ALK\. HliA NNoN, 1 octll.ut. Ag- til for J. B. Kvans c J/LKCTIOX PUOCLAM ATION. \ I, D W. Woo-lrlng, High Sb--ritl of [ Centre county, Commonwealth of Penn hereby tiiukn known ami give J notice to the electors of the county aloTO said, that an election w ill be'he! J in the taid t ouuiv of Centre, on TUafIDA Y the sth day of'.NttV MIIKit, 1872. for the pur- , |m u of i-lecting 2U |H-rsons to the electoral , i-oih gc for the election of a President and Vice jPraeidaat of tki I t-it<-<l Stai--- I also herehy make known and give no- ( lice that the place of holding the aforesaid ' election in the several bur.-ugha and town- { ships within the county ot Centre are as follows, to wit: t For the towusbiu of Haines, at tho pub lie house of John Limbert, in the t< wn ot ( Aaronsburg. For lb* tow nship of Half M-h-ii, at the " school house lit Storriist-.w n. For the township of Taylor, at the house [ erecteil for llie purpose, on the property of Leonard Mervmau. For t!o towusliip of Miles, in the *claml a hoti-e in the town ot Kcbersburg bor the tow nship of Potter, at the house of Ctia- Smith. Old Fort. F>ir the t -wnsbip of (iregg. at the jsutdicL house owned by J. 11. Fiher, Fur tho township ot Fergu on, at the] | - 1..50 l iiou-e in Pin.• Grove. For the t -wusbip of Harris, atlhc'chooll house in Boatshurg. For the township of I'alton, altha bouse' i.f Peter Murray. For the borough of Bulb-font--, and;, spring and Benner n>wiithi|<s, nt the . Court House in lk-llefontc. For the township of Walker, at the]] house in llubtershurg F'ortlie le-rotigh and township of Hs-w- t nrd at the school house in said l-orough. j, Foi the township of Itush, at Cold j, j Stream school houtc F"or the township of Snow Shoe at the , -cl. ol liouae o( SaimieS Askey 1 r the t<>w-ns|iii> of Marion, at the ' -chool house in Jacksonville. For the borough of Milesb.irg iu the j chool house at Milesbtirg. For tho township of Hoggs, at the now ~ hoijl In-use in Centra! City. F -r the loWl shin r.C tf ~ ] liOtts* f John iteed. For the township ui Penn, at lh. K-- tc '! - f W. L M uaser. For tho township of Liberty, at lbs , School lloU-c ill F.aglevitle For the township of Worth, at tb< ; -i hool tiouse in Port Matilda. F'or the township of llurmidc, at th<- , house of John B-ak. F'or t!k lownshipof Curiiu til. m ImmlL 'lo use near ltohen ktatin'#. For the borough of I'uioiivllle and I'ni on low nship, at rnionvilb-school house. ; The g(-ri--ral Election in all the Town . -flip*. Ditriels ami Boroughs of the court- ■ tjr i to h# oponed between the hours of , •iv niul seven o'clock in the forcn. u, and ( >hull (ontinur without intcrrotitu-n or ail ' iournurnt until wvio o'clock its thsurn- j ing, v hen all p-lh disil clots-1 I'ur-uant to the provisions contaim-J in , the 70th section or the act the iudgc of dis-11 tri.'.-hall respectively take Charge of the , c. rtificntes or return of the eba Uon of' t their r.-S|ective districts, produce them al , a meeting of ona judge front each district,;, at the Court House, in the Borough of , BcllefontO, on the third day after the elec- , tion. being for the pre,,-rd yv*r, rot Friday j ■ ti. lislitli Jay ofXovtnbcr next, at 2o'- ( . !->ck I'., M . then and there to do and |.t form those duties required by law of said | judges. Also, that when a Judge, l-y sick m -s or unavoidable accident, u unabla to attend said inoctine of judges, then the', certificate or return shall betakes charge , of by < ne of the inspector*, or .Sorkspl , the election of said district, who shall do! and perform the duties of said judge un | able to attend. j, Given under my hand and -s*K at jny i joflice, in BcllvfonLi. vhwhth'day . r Nor .in the year of #iii Lord ona thousand , light hundred and saventv-two, and in the , ninety sixth year of the "lnd(|-ctol#ncoof , the 1 nit ad States. D W WOODKIKG, Sheriff ot Centre county | Bcuisthv Law. I abo give official notice to the elector* ' of Oentr- county, that, by an act cptilled 1 An A-1 further aupnlcroajlalto thctct rcl- ! ativc to the election* of thi* Common-1. \,| altli." approved April 17, A. D. 1 Pwt, it i t-rov ided a* follows : Sgc. 1 lit it marled by tkr -ci ft <adj! J{ ii*< nt Itrp s-rsrn tmtire* of tbr Commom i itth of I'rinty/ronti IN ilrnrral .(vids j! s'y surf, and i( is btrtby rnactrd bv tbr nu-l tknrity of Ib* tame, Tnat it -ball be the ' duly of each of the *uc*or* within ihijj' 't'otuinonwealth, or- the first hi i dav In ; June of each year, t" take up the trans- J cript he has rcr eived from the county Coin-!, niis-i. ners under the eight section of the | act of fifteenth Anril, eightin-n hundred ( and thirty-four, and proceed to an imuiedi- ( ate rev ition of the same by striking ihcre irotn the l atin- of every person who I* , ksown t-y hiin to have died or removed , • irice tlu last previous a*e*-meut fro at the , •i. tri t of which he i* the assessor, or , whose d'-ath or removal f>oni tho same:, -hall l>e made known to him, and add to;, the same the name of any qualified voter', who shall he known by htm to have nor*- . cd into the district since the lait previous • a-esmont, of whoso removal into the j -.i:ne shall have been made known to him ... .1 ik.- ~r .n w-k,. -itnti : 1 anil aSo the name* or all whurhall make i idaim to bin* tube qualifi*.) voter, therein. A aoon a* thi* reviakm i compl, ted be -ball every dwelling home in hi* div trict, and make careful inquiry if any per -on whoe name i. on hit I:t liav died or removed from the Ji.trict, and if ao, to take the Mine therefrom, or whetl t er qay jualitu-d voter re.ide. therein who*e name' i- not on lii. li.t, and if wi, to add the name theret.i, and in all caaea where a name i. adilini to the li.t a tax .hall forthwith be a--e-M d again. t the peron : and the ...en-: .or .hall in all ca.e* ascertain, by inquiry,' u]Kn what ground the pcrwin so an aaiod cfaiiu. be a voter. Vjx-n the cortiple tion of the work, it .hall be the dutrof each :>*esor a aforesaid to proceml to make out a li.t in alphabetical order, of the white fr-emcn alsive twenty-one year, 'of age, claiming to be qunlificd voters ini the ward, hiirough town.liip or di.trict of w liich he it thea.os.or, and oppo.iie each Of "aid name* state whether .aid freeman , i. or i not a housekeeper, and if he is. the number of its residenee, in town, where ' j the same are numbered, with the street, al- , lay or ciHirt in which .ituated and if in a town whom there no tiumbcrs, the | name ofthe street, alley or court on which , • aid hou.c fronts; also the occupation of , the perw n, and where lie is not n house-!, keeper, the occupation, place of boarding ! and with whom, and if working jor anoth- . er, the name of the employer, and write', opposite each of Miid names the word "vo- J t rwhere any porum claims to rote by , reason of naturalixatiun, he shall exhibit , hi.certificate therooftothe assessor, unless , ho ha. been for five consecutive year* next i preceding a voter in said district; and in , all case* w here the person ha. boon natur- , alir.ed the mime shall be mark<-d with the , letter "N where the person ha. merely . deelar- d his intention, to become a citizen ( and de-igns to he naturalized before the , next election, the name shall be marked , "D. I whore the claim is to vote by row- , .on of being between the age* of twenty- , one and twenty-two a* provided by law, the wnd "we slmll be entered ; and it a , person bus iftoved iuto Iho flection di.lrtct!. to reside since the la-t generarclection, the letter "R ' .hall be placed oppos'te the . name. It shall be tho fulber duty of each p asses or as aforesaid, upon the completion i of the duties herein imposed, to make out t a separate list of all new assessment, made by 4*iin, and thf amount assessed upon each „ and furnish tpp lapie immediately to the c county comnuuloneri, who shall add the . nine# to tax duplicate of the ward, bor- „ ough, township or district in which they „ have been assessed. Mice. 2. On the list being completed and t . the assessment, made as aforesaid, it shall „ forthwith be returned to the county com- n missionera. who shall cause duplicate cop- „| ies of said lists, with the observation and .] explanation* required to be noted as afore- r laid, to be made but ns soon as practicable ' i"d iilaced in the hand, of the assessor, n Who, H*ali p.icrto the first of August in •ach year, put one copy thereof on the t, loor or on the house where election of the ■esiiective district is required to he held, , M ma retain the other in his possession, for he inspection, free of charge of nnv per- n , on residing in the said election district 1M rlio shall desire to see the same; hik! it '. t hail be the duty of the said assessor to add ol ro ti'qeto time, on the personal upplica w loii of any oneclminiug the right to vote,' f„ hi> name of such aiifdieant, anil mark op- ,j,, losltecnch name "C. N." nnd immediate- (j, y asses, him with n lux, noting, ns in nil nn ther eases, his (M-eupation. residence, fl,, hether n hoarder or housekeeper; if a ,| r oariler, with whom he.boards; and hether naturnlixed or designed t) he, ( . r , *'• rking i'i all uch cases lh letters or>po-l ■ tf lhti n*mi>, I), j." J the csc! c it mv be. It the per-oii claiming to be h. : tin •SM'd he raturalized, he.hall exhibit tothe' t , r . ..CsHor his certificate of naturalization; |u, id if lie claims ibat lie dosiugs to bo nnt-ieai raltzed before lbs next ensuing election, jin i mrnmmmmmmmm a——a—s m to shall ethil- .( the ccrtificateof hi# dec la- i atiou of iiitcjtiou fin all caaoa whare any j vrd, Isorotigb, township or slsrtln dis- * i let is divhied into two or more precincts, i he assessor shell note in all hisassnaament* ho i-luctin prccinot in which each elector i reside* and shall make a separate return for each to the county coinimsaiouera, In til cases in which a return is required from liim l-y the provisions of this act; and the I'oonly commissioners, in making dupli cate copies of all such return* shall tuake duplicate copies, sepcratoly and shall ftirn ish the same to the assessor ; and the copies required l-y thia act to he plaied on the door* el or on election places on or before the flrt of August in each your, shall be placed on the door of or on the election place in each of said precinct*. Hue. 8. After the assesmenb have heeo completed on the tenth day preceding th* second Tuesday in October of each year, the assessor shall on the Monday immedi ately following, u-ake a return to the roun ty coroniiasioner* of the names of alt per sona assessed by bltn ai nee the return re quired to be made by bitn by the second section of this act, noting opposite each name the observations anj explanations required to he noted a* afuit-raid ; and the county commissioner shall thereupon cause the sain# to he added to the return requirrd by the second section of thi* act, and a full and correct copy thereof to be made, containing the name* of all person* = • returned a* resident taxable* tn said ward, borough, township, or precinct, and | furnish the same, together with the neces sary election flanks, to the officers of the election in said ward, borough, township, or precinct, on or before sit o clock in the meriting ol the second Tuesday in October, and no man shall he i-erutilUiJ to vote at the election on that day whose naroa it not . on said tUt, unless he shall make prool i of hit r-ght to vote, at hereinafter requir ed. Hec. 4. on the -lay of election any per- < son whose name it not on the list, and claiming the right to vote at said election, shall produce at least one qualified voter of the district * a witness to the residssncc, of the claimant in the district of which be! claims to be a voter for the period of at least ten day* neat preceedtng said elec tron ; which witness shall take and aub- I scribe a written or partly written and prin- i led affidavit to the fact stated by nim, which Affidavit shall define clearly where tin- residence is of the person #o claiming to Im a voter, and the person so claiming the right U< * te shall also lake and aub scribe a writ-n or j-srliv written arid part ly prints*] affidavit, -tailing to tbe beat of ! his know ledge-and belief, where and when 1 he w at horn; that he it a ritisen of the Con-nronwaaith of Pennsylvania and of i the United hlat--, that he has resided in i the Commonwealth one year, or if former- I ly a ell-sen therein, and ha* moved there- j from, that he has reaided therein six, ii. -i-ths next pre< ceding said election, that i he ba* ro-t moved into the district for tba purpose of voting therein j that he has paid a State or county Ut within two years, which was assessed at least ten day# before -aid election; and. if a naturalised citigen, shall also state wchn. where, and by what court he was nalurntiaed, and shall also I produce his certificate of naturaliaation for, examination ; the said affidavit shall also •late when and where th* tax claimed lobe paid by the .affidavit was assessed, and when, where and to whom paid and the < tax receipt thereof shall be produced for i examination, unless tbe affidavit shall state i •>n hi* Affidavit that it has been lost or de- 1 -troyed, or that he never received any, but I •>f the person so claiming the right to vote i -hall lake and rubseribc an affidavit, that n he is a native born ciiiaen of the United State-, or If born el-ewhsre, -late the fact! in hi-hfiiant, and shall t-r.-duce #vidctiy*|i that be has been naturalised, or thai ho is cut i 11..? to cdiciuxhip by reason of hlafhth-' I cr's naturaliaation: and shall further state i in hi-affidavit that he is, at the time <>f taking the affidavit, between the age ot i twenty-one and twenty-two years; that be has resided in tbe State one year and in ele-lion district ten days next proceeding -uch election, be shaii be allowed lo rota, although he shall not have paid tgxea ;tae said affidavit ot all person* (.taking such claims, sod tit* affidavit of ike witness to their, shall be reserved by the -lection board, and at the close oflhe elec tion they shall bo enclosed with the list of voters, tally list, and other paper* required by law to be filled by the return Judge! with the ProthonoUry, and -hall remain < on file therewith in the ProthonoUry * of-; fice, subject to the examination, aa other, (lection paper* are; if the election officer* -ball find that tb* applicant or applicant# posse#- all the legal qualification* uf vougw iho or tbey shall he U v<He, and the name tr tsaffiu* thaU be added lothe lot of tixabie* by the electi-i •Bears, th* word "tax,, being added where the claim ant to vote on age, tha same word* being added by theclerks in each eae raapeet-; ively on the list* of persons voting at tuch elections. Sac. 5. It shall be lawful lor any quali fied citicen of the district, notwithstanding ; the name of the proposed voter is contain ed on the list of resident laitbiit to thai* 1 lenge the vols <>f st,vb peisdr,; wnereupon the sama pjoof of the right of suffrage as is 1 now required by law shall he publlcly ■uade and acted on by tbe election board and the vote admitted or rejected, accor ding to the evidence; every person claim ing to be a naturalised citizen shall be re-1 quired to produce his naturalization cer-j tificati- at the election before voting, ex-1 cept where he ha# been for ten vutta ton- i secutively a vote,* iu the diffiyict tn which j be offers his vote . and on lb# vutsi of tuch person being received, it shall be the duty , of the election officer* to write or tump ouj ; such certificate the word "voter," with the 1 month year: and if any election offi- i cor or officer* shall receive a second vote!' on the same day. by virtue of the um;< certificate, excepting where sons are esdi-i' tied to vote by virtue of the naturaliaation; i of their fat bur*, tbey and the person who,! shall offer lurh second vote, upon *o of- ' fending shall be guilty of a high misde- 1 mcanor, and on conviction thereof, be (In- I cd or imprisoned, or both, at the discre- < tion of the court; but the fine thai] sot ox- ' eeed ope hundred dolh-r* in each case, nor ' tho imprisonment one year; the like |>un- 1 lihuient shall be inflicted, on conviction, < on tbe officer* of election who shall neg- ' lect or refUse to make, or cause to be made the indorsement required at aforesaid on said naturalization certificate. ; Bki'. 4. If any election officer shall re fuse or neglect to require Such proof of the right of suffrage as is prescribed by this !:• or the laws to which thl* it a supple ment, from any person offering to rote! whose name is not on the list of assessed voters, or whose right to vote t* . hsleuged i by any qualified voter present, and wall admit such pcraon to rote without requir ing such prvmf, every person so offending shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a high l misdemeanor, anl .hall be sentenced, for 1 every Mich ofience, to pay a fine not ex- j i ceding one hundred dollar*, or to under goati imprisonment not more than one year, or either or both, at the discretion of, the court. Sk .7. Ten days proceeding every elec tion for electors of President and Vice; President of the United State, it shall be the duty of the assessor to attend at the! place fixed by the law for holding theelec- 1 tion in each election district, and then and thero hear all applications of persons 1 whos name* have l>eu amitn-J from the list of assessed voter*, and who claim the right to vote ; or whose rights have origi nated since the same was made out, and hailadd the names of such person* there to, as shall show that they are entitled to theright of suffrage in such district, on the per-opal application of the claimant only,' and forthwith assess them with the prop er tax. After completing the list, a copy thereof shall he placed on the door of, or 1 on the house where the election is to he! 1 held, at least eight days before the elec tion : aud at the election the sanio course; shall be nursuod, In all respect* as is requi- j 1 red by this act and the acts to which it u a M sunlemcnt. at the general elections in 00-] tofer. The assessor shall also make the same return* to the county commissioner* J of *ll assessment* made by virtue of this section: and the cnimfy commissioners shall fhrnith copies thereof to the election officer* in each district, in like manner, in all rospecta, a* is required at the general election In October. •' •SBC. fk The sanio rule* and regulations shall apply at every Ipecial election, and every sepcrale city, borough or ward elec lion, in all respect* as at the general elec tion in October. Skc. 9. The respective assessors, in spectors nnd judges of the election* shall citch have the power to ad minister oaths to any persons claiming the right to b* assess ed or the right of suffrage, or in regard to ' nny other matter or thing required to be done or inquirodfuto by any of said offi- , cers under this act; and any willful false > ■wearing by any porson in relation to any mutter or thing concerning which they ! •hall be lawfully interrogated by any of : the said officers shall be punished as perju ry- Sxc. 10. The assessor shall each receive he same eoinpensation for the time neces- I rily spent in performing the duties here )y enjoined, ns it provided by law for the icrfottuance of their other duties, to be mid by tho county commissioners as in 'ther cases ; and it shall not bo lawful for my assessor to assess a tax ngainct any lerson whatever within ten days next pre- a ceding the election to be hela on the soc- ei lid Tuesday in October in any year, or (ithin ten Jnys next before nnv election or electors of l'resident and Vice I'resi ent of the United States; any violation ol tiis provision shall be a misdemeanor, nd subject tho officerk so offending to a *' no, on conviction, not excecdiug onehiiu- rol dollars, or to imprisonment not ox-' ceding three months, or both, at the dis-! ret ion .fthe couii. Hue. U. On the petition of fire or more . itizens ofthe county, stating under oath A ■at they verfly believe liiat frauds will be ?' racticed at the election about to be hold in ay district, it shall be the duty of the , mrt of compaou plea* of mid county, ii }2 session, or if aot, a judge thnrgof fa T |in •Sfißs l®J<lloioua, sober and iintelligent ctUeens of the county to ado* *haU bo aelecled from different tmlitiml parties. whom tho inspector* b~ to different partic*. and where botbol •aid inspector* hiloug to tha aero* nol Mica! party, both of the OTersoer* shall U uken from tho opposite political party: aaid "rSP4*J™ ' to be pres ent with tho iifloan of the election, dur ing tho whola Utno tho aono la hull th vUee counted and the return. made out and signedl by the election oflfoen, to hoop a lid of volar*, If they aoo proper; to chaf •nge any to vote, and In terrogate bitn aod bis wfinea* under ooth, in rogard> -hi. right of suffrage at Mid election, and to as amine hi* paper* pro duced ; and the ojirora of aaid election arc required to afford to aaid overseers ao #o lectod and appelated avery convenient* fo '} b f dUcharee of their dutio*; and II •aid election ffit. r* ahall reftue to permit jaaid ororaoora to ho present, and perform their dutio* a* aforesaid, or if they .hall h. 1 dri . T# W *??• 0,9 I* l '* b T violence and | intimidation, all the rotoa polled algae* id action district nay be rejected by any tribunal trying a contest under aaid alec l {n: Providad. That no poraoo aingioa .the petition aha.l tc apj.nii.icd an over jaoor. 8c. It. I f any pruthonotory, elork, 01 the deputy of either, or any peraon, ahall, affli the teal of offce to any natural ixetior paper, or porwtt the tamo to he affixed, 01 g vn out, cr cause or permit the aae to be given out lo blank, wherry It may be fraudulently used, or furnish a naturalisa tion certificate lo any peraoa who ahall not hare been duly examined and eworn in open ©our, in the pretence of tome of the judgee thereof, according to act of Coo* greaa. or ahall aid in, connive at, or in any way penait the issue of any frmdulent nat uralisation certificate, he ahall be guilty •>f e high misdemeanor; or if any one shall j fradulontijr u* any auch certificate of nat uralization, knowing that it waa fradulent* ly iaeuod, or ahall rote, or attempt to rote tbereon, or if any one ahall rote or attempt I to rote on any certificate 0 f not issued to bLa, he ahall be guilty of a high misdemeanor; and either or any of the peraon., their aider* or abettor*, guilty of either of the misdemeanor* aforesaid, .hall, on conviction, be fined in a ion not oae thousand dollars and im prisoned u the proper penitentiary lor a |.erid not esceeding three year*, j Nx<\ IS. Any peraon who on oath or af firmation. in or before any oourt of thia State, or officer authorised to ad as in Liter oaths hall, to procure a certificate of nat uralization, for himself or any other per •on, willfullly depose, declare or aftrta any matter to be fact, knowing the aama to oe fale, or ahall in like manner deny any matter lo be fact knowing the earn# to , he true, thai Ike deemed guilty of perjury: and any certificate of naturalisation issued l in puraugnce of any auch dpoaition. dec i Isietton or affrmatK. >UII be null and j void ; and it ahall he the duty of the court truing the tame, upon proof being made befoie it. that it waa fraudulently obtained to take immediate meaaurea for recalling the aamai for oanoallation, and any peraon who .hall vote, or attempt to vote, on any paper ao obtained, or who thai! la any way aid in, connive at, or hara any ngwncy whatever in tha, circulation or uae of OMr ftndulmtt naturalization certificate*, .hail be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ; and upon conviction thereof ahall undergo an imprisonment in the penitentiary for not more than two yam, and pay ft too of not more than one thou mad dollar*, foo I every auch offence. or either or bulk, at the : discretion of the fou;V Bsc. IS Afcy, election ><fi. cr ,or person appointed a* an overaoer, who •hall nagioct or refute to perform any du ty enjoined by thia act without any reason, able or legal cauae, hall be subject to a penalty of oae hundred dollar*, aad if any aseeeaor shall assess aay person aa a voter who ia not qualified. C anal I refuse lo a*. •ess any opt who ia qualified, ho shall he SMiu tf misdemeanor of -dfice, and on conviction be euahbed by fine or impris ioniucm, and also he subject to an action for damage* by the iwrty aggrieved; and l if any person shell fraudulently alter, add to. del ace or destroy any list of voter* made out as directed by this act. or tear down or remove the name from the place | where it has been lied, with fraudulent lor mischievous intent or for any improper purpose the peraoa ao offending ahall U j guilty of a high misdemeanor, and oa oo vietion ahall be punished by a Ine not ex ceeding one tiuodrpd dollar*. or impriaon- I Sac. 14. All alectiona for city, ward, borough, township nod election officer, •hall hereafter bo held on tho aeooad Tues day ot October, subject to all provision* of the law* regulating the election ot anch of j ficer* not inconaiateol with thia act; the person elected to such 'offices at that time .hall take their placa* at the expiration the terms of the persona >.~.4i4 it, same jat the time efappb el tut ta ; but o etec tioti fur Ike pffiyia of assessor or assistant a ucsior snail he hold under thie act until the year one thousand sight hundred and sev enty. Sxc. IA At all election* hereafter held under the law* of this Commonwealth, the poll* ahall he opened-between the hour* o| .ix and aevoa o'clock, a m., and ebced at I seven o'clock, p, m. j 8c 17. (1 sUli U tha duty of tho See : rotary Cf the Common wealth to prepare I form for all the blank* mad* necessary by i this act, and forniah copies of tho tame to the county commit-.oner* of the several counties of tho Cmimonwealth ~ and the commitsioners A each county ahall, at ' soon as may he neceetary after receipt ot the same, at thi proper expaase of the county, procure a nd forniah to nil election j officer* of tha elm tion district* of their re ,>nxuva counties lopirn of uch blank*, i uch quantities aa n-xy be rendered neces sary for the discharge of their duties un der this act Sxc, 18. That tho c iiUena of this State temporarily in tbaeervicvof theritalogov ernmsat on clerical or other duty, and who do not vote where thus employed, -hall not be thereby deprived of the right to tote in their aevornl election district* If otherwise duly qualified. FURNITURE! I Grand Opening FOR 1872. AT JOHN CAMP'S j MILROY, wbera he hat opened with a TWJ Iff# -look of the latcet styles, both fancy and common Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni ture. CHAIRS, of all kinds. All hind* of rewairing dona with neat ' ne* and dispatch having four good wor - | man at tba bench. I am prepared to do all kind* of custom work, fine or common Thankful for past favorr. 1 hope by striet attention to butineas you and evervbody alae will ahow smiling farm at my new ware room*. • JOHN CAMP. janlitt New Clothing Store A. STERNBERG, engaged to manage for 1. L. Reiaenttein, i in the corner building, opposite Hoffer'. < store, Hellefonte, ba established a new Clothing Store, where the beat bargain* in the county are offered. $7.50 to sls for Suits of the tin i est Cassimere. 1 H4TB.C4PB | ind a foil and complete assortment ofer- 1 ry thing In the line of Clothing; !a • til directly from their own manufactory. I lists. T >• m Jewelry, Wuichew, dir. s They have engaged their old clerk, Mr. r k. Sternberg, so wall known to the people, i, nd who will be plf*<ed tp *ev his old:* riend*. apotf. Piece goods of erery discriptioh, '(ol<u,. )w to enable everybody to have his cloth-lc 9g made to order. I . o. Bsistiftega. wt asm. ] '• HILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS. j Naw Firm—Now Kntcrpr*?. 3 DEiNisar.n & mtvsseh, fSuooftasora u> 8.0. Dr.utnmtu) ' Wo would moat roapmdAilly iufbnfttho T public, that they have taken charg* of Ihla old and *ur< tfoi ftafobltokmrat. and ' propoaa to carry on the name under re-|ft . newod auaplctM. " Thoy have on hand, an 1 • I r i ,k< | J oftftoe, K MOHUMRNTH, a core ii ks. ♦ TOMBS ft *! . BSADSTONKS. ill®' pofeihio design, and price. It Wo u*o tho beat grade, .f m;ble— -1; IrtLUI, •* Cat sna. ' { AMEfticaxSrart abr. . . „ XmsKßdii. f and aay with perfect asantanre, t,ir ' i work is our reference." *i Shop, |east f firldgw, Mlltbeim. \*l> * J- ZELLER &' SON \ DRUGGISTS 1 1 I ONo 6 Brockerhpffßbtr.L'clltfoute.Pa * 7 : J l *S£ 1 * r " 1 " DraSbCkenkak, \ Prrfhuaaery. Fancy botda Ar„ ' 4c, % t Ture Wine* and I -iquor* for medical t purpose, always kept. may 31. 72. 1 o r a wilm.x KM, f* TTAKOWABS HTOEKiI Hi ' x" ■ 1 J ~ WIIAON & JIICKS; * C BellefonU, fa.. J • (Mucceasora to Irwix a Wttapx.,) 5 Eoapectfully inform the eitixcti* of 2 . 2 Coutre and other ouwoti- ". that they *** 1 < have one of the largos! and best sp-J? r ft. lected stock of Hardware tt bo found, . u tarnsi*ting of Iron, Ktcei. Nail*.!® . S tterse Hhoes, Axek, Spring Wagon - 1 rikein* and Bozas, Comple • etc kol • 1 m oarpoater touts sad builder* hard- C 1 r Q ware, locks, oils, painu. giar>. var > Z, ftiahe*. brushes, cucumber pnm|u and j £ J ; -HuUrig Lamp*lif alt Linda, scaled, £ A | i 'cutlery, m ; WOOD ASD WILLOW WARE % | Full line of saddlery end c- ><m h ma- -flfl ' Iter* gucd*. wood work f.. bugrie* J .end wagon*, piougba, harrows,:hi- ' V vator* and gnndHon. leaking >-f " M glasses and mirror id*: t. Picture j )Lf OftftMa mad* to order. They alsol* 1 ! have the cokbnriod cook su-ae. r© SUSQUEHANNA, > r ® every one warranted to give perfect 2 ; F aalaafectiot. All kind, of parlor 7, m* hM. We are determined to sell ' < at the lowest price* for cash, or en & [ ft. *horl credit—not to. exceed three 2 month*. Call and see a cm* we tale J M 3 plaaauM in showing onripMvds. * •!2 WILSON ABLCKB. g r marlfitf B<I!< forte, p, :S ;2j .. IS -I I Gift Sc Flory's j New Shoe Store ! ' AT CKXTRX HALL. r They have now opened, end will conateai r ly keep on hand, a aplendid ttock of now i MiOKS, OAITKKST A BLIPPKBS, for r men, women and children, from the beat a OUftufkruirie* In the country, and now . fered at the J Lowest Prices, j BOOTS and SIIOEB made to order, upon short notice. They invite the people f thia vicinity to give them n cell, a* they t will atrive-to merit a there of thuir j*t . ronage. my lotf f -* • - JJ*W rURNITUEK STOUE. 1 ooox nxbow Horrfix'a ; BELLEFONTE, PA. . 1 -I- OEOIiGE OLE VAN, J e' Dealer in ? u ii in Y i) ;i ■£ ij OE ALL KIXDT, f > BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, J 1 i Parlor and Chamber Seta, SOfAS. LOUNGES t J • BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WABBKIISI. MATTRESSES, ftc J Particular Attentkm to Ordered Work. f t MKPAtniSO DOXE PROWTLr. I'M OIIKTIkI.VL'. , In All Its Bnuiclice, - MET A LIC, %'ALSCT, l*EWOOI, AND !j CQIIKOX CASKETS, -! Always on Hand, and Funeral* Attended 1 J i Stoves! Fire! Stov's! f At Aodyr lieeemnne, Centre Hail, am latest and best stove# out, he ha* ju-t . { ,j received a Urge tof ' ' 'Cook Stoves, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Rettamre Cook. IPA RI.ORS The Radiant Light, self-(Vo der, Ga* Burner, .National Kgg, Jewel*. Ac. tS.Hr sU* stove* a* UIW a- anywhere la Miflm or Centre co. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE j The undersigned hereby informs the dttaen* of Pennavallsty that ne ha- pur chased the Tim-hop heretofore •arriesi on {by theC. H. Mfg Co., and wilt continue the tame, at the old stand, in all its branch j ea, in the manufacture of STOVE PIPE A SPOTTING. All kinds of repairing done. He has * J alwaysonhand * { FtnitCww, of all Sites, I Buc "uite, DIPPERS, • „ . DISHKS, AC. P All work warranted and charge* reason able. A share of the public patronage to- J ; licited. A XL), fi KEN M A X, 2*ep7oy Centre Hall • Railroad O. K. NEW GOODS. Herlacher & Cronmiller. CENTRE HALL, PA Have just received, *k Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hard ware, Queenswarc, Wood and willow ware Iron, Salt, Fish and in fact, a magnificent assortment of everything and now offered *1 pSricra lower 4 til* lowest- Dress Goods A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelttes of the season, white goods, embroideries, hoon skirts, BALMORAL SKIRTS, 4R we ask that vou will CALL AND EXAM INK OCR STOCK ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, silver plated and Yankee Harness double and single, bridle* and halter*. ajr 1 - J. & J. HARRIS. M NO. 6, BROCKERHOFF ROW V A new and complete Hardware Store hat M been opened by the undersigned inßroik erkolT* new building— wherethevare pre parad tosellaU kiadfrofßuildingandHousc FinmUWrnr Hardware, %n, see!, Nitill. BigKyWbeWs in setts,'Cham,doi,Clhe s Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws, AVcbbSaws, IceCroair Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Hacks, a fol assortment ofGlass andMlrror I'lafo of al sixes, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows, Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes, rs. Corn Plows, Plow Point", Shear Mold Boards and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov el*, Shades arid Forks, Locks, Hinge- Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoe*; Niitl- Norway Rods. Oils". Lard, Lubricating, "*■ Coal, Linseed, Tanner;. Anvil*. Vi-rs, Bel low*, Screw Plates, Biuck loiths To.-Is. Factory Bell*, Houit Bells, Dinner Bells, Uong Bells. Xeaßells,Grindstones C'arpen •% ;§T Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paints, Oils, Varnishes received and for sale at • JtSaofi B,ly. J. A J. HARRIS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers