A < anfton. Love hailed a little maid Romp, rig through the meadow ; Beedlei-e m the euu ahuplarel, Bcornfnl of the sbadofl. "Come with me," whugered he ; m " I.ietcn, love and reason, " Bv-and-hy." hmclfrd reply, "EoCt's not in aetuMja." Tear. west, tears came, L'ght mixed with shadow, Love met the maid again Dreaming through the meadow. "Be not eoy, urged th# imy, " List in Until to love ami reason. " she mueyd reply, "Love's still in .vasoh." • * * kg Years went, year* canve. Light turned to shadow ; * Low saw the m.td again. Waiting in the nwadon. " Pass no more, tny dream is o'er; I can bston now tore.em" •' Knep thoe rao-tol the boy ; " Loves out or season." ■| \ ' * The Organ-Blower, He voidest of my Sunday (Honda, The patient organ-blower bends ; I see his figure sink aud rise, (Forgive me, ilea von, my wandering em!) A moment lost, the neat half seen, His head above the scanty screen. Still measuring cot hi* deep salaam* Through quavering hi tuna and panting psalm*. No priest that pray* in gilded end*, To save a rich man** mortgaged sou!; No sister, fresh from holy vows. Bo humbly stoop*, * muddy iww* ; His large ot* jaance put towhame The proudest geuudecting Uame, Whose Easter bonnet low descend* With all the gieee <kvotft>a lend*. O brother I wfth the sn) p'.e spina, How mueti wo ows those bows of thine I Without thine arm to lend the brsSse, How vain the finger on the key. f Though all unmatched the player"* skill. Those thousand throats were dumb and still . Another' art may shape the ton*, The breath that fills it i* Unue own. Six days the ulent Mention wait* Behind his temple"* M.W gate*; B"t when the seventh day's annshiec tall. Through rr.iabowed unlaws on the walls, He brrathce, sing*, ho shouts, he fllfc „ The quivcrmg air with rapturous thrill* ; The roof rcsoands, the pffiar* shako. And all the slumbering cob or* wake I The Preacher from the Bihie-text With sesiv wards my soul ha* vexed; (Some strtfrger, TumlvUag far astray To find the lesaou for the day ;) He tell* us truths too plainly true. And reads Hie service all askew- TkjwA* the- mbebfef-cant h look Bc fomdmd in the aervfex-book ? But thou, wtfh decent mien and fXce, Art alwwfs ready iu ffie plaoe ; Thy MmMtou blast. whataVr (h. tan*, A* .toady a* the siroT motsoou; Thy wnly t*rvl, a leathery creak. Or aawli jrnsidwal extra squeak. To tend aieag ttwsshaAiwy ami** A *ut.hk natv of oimprtd aauiew. Not all lh preaehfctc. O in y frit ltd! Cotnca tram th church's poftt end, N .vaail thai heari th* kn*e sad V*w Yield snivfee half to tree as tboa. One simple tack peffwrncd aright. With aft ndgr skill, hut ail thy aright. Where honest* labor dots it* b**t. And leaves the rlaver all the rvsst. . * This many maxe. Through which the btwath of h*fcg strays, Whcee music makes our earth divrue, Has work for mortal hands like mines My duty Be* before me. Lo I The lever there! Tsl. hold ami blow; And We whose hand i* on the keys Will play the tune a* He shah please. A IIASTT WORD. " nagry." said I, to our little five-year old. "will you ran and tell Bridget to , have warm bison its Aw tea ?" , He started quickly, and as he started Bis to Ot caught in a little stand upon which I had placed a rare Parian vase, with a ' roeebotfjw* unfolding its crimspn petals initl * -The -tried tefi over, and the vsse (agift from mr mot hen was shattered. " You Jmnghly hoy," I e.-iod, angrily, "yottdpoaeve to bo whipped. Pick up , those xiw* inaiantly ar.d put them in the coal hod. He stooped, carefully picked np The fragment*, carried tfcera away and ■ was Htte for some time. When ho re turned it was with something tightly claimed is his hand. i . COBBMP to me ho placed a fiv-ceut piece in my hand, saying, timidly: " WiU that buy anew vase, mamma?" WJprt oii dyruoa possessed nie to take the f cherished treasure a kind neighbor had given hum, and throw it tmm me f Vtiow not. ~ Marry picked it wp with tears running sod MU daws upon his stool with his kanilt folded ao roeakJy. Presently be •rid : at . . " Algpuaa, mar Igo and play with Eddv Potter V' . %, I d6n Vc.ire where you go/' said I, crtw| v, *♦ as Jong as yon keep out of my • -UiWry went to the closet whefe his coat and. iiat hang, put them on and came and stood by my aide. " Mamma, will yog please forgive me ? Pm *o sorryand he put up his lips for alias, " , "OJ Odd forgive me. I pushed the lit tle firlWw away-. TTe stood by the door a momenllo<dring pftifully fit me. It is twwite-hve vent* ago bo-day since he - . atoad there; hut I can see Hun, with his bine org* and red and gray.Worsted skat ' io f the Ijltle fret wpgt slowly down the stairs. 1 heard him go out and un fasten fhe ga'e. hooking out of the win dow I sari thfi Tittle fellow Tift his face witbawnileas he saw me, which gave . place to a pitifal ativeri'nf the lipa as lie C'w I Bipk no notice of him. I watched , e dar'ipg dowp the street with a strange ". 'undefined ft-ellng, till fhe little coat and red ' mittens were no longer visible. Twice a ' sudden impulse moved metoeailhhn beck, I LubAerasAid n down. Obi would V. .< God i had. Well. I sewed all through ■ the winter afternoon. At tour o'clock 1 ,- (fut away or work and sat by the window. began to reproach tne for my conduct. "I don't care," said f, "my bearrtiTn! vase Is in ruins." - What is the value of *ll the Tases in - the world compared with your ehildt Hare von rot spoken crossly to that dear Jitlle Carry, who is always so cheerful and obedient? And this is not the first time, eiuier ; and yon call yourself a Christian MsOther, top. Suppose ITarry should be suddenly tkken away froth you, would not your ftrpef words haunt you forerer ? *' I efoold bear tins no longer. I rose and 7 picked up the stray litter about the room to give it • mora tidy appearance. Then I went to the window, peering mraionslj through the glooin, bnt seeing nothing of my boy, my heart became tcr Wily heavy; this suspense was unbear ' sMe.' Hastily throwing- n shawl over my head, I rap into kLa>Potteils. .nJUßfTttfg&l&dildtOas the qnes- Ai W Ol- ® 1 enured rootq,. " Have yon see* Harry ?" ''He was over here at'liqjf-paat two; he and Eddie went over to Joeie Gray'a I think " * What she thought T never knew, for at tljat moment the door flew open and Ed die rwhed in breatldeaa, soreaming— r'Oh! mother, mother! Jlarry Ltring is drowned. We were sliding on the mill xiqnd, and thgce .wap a Jmls jn the ice wjdh >|Jr si?jan||y ijn't see it, iofw' . I ln . rw,m . V broken only by the blithe, sweet voioe of a eanary, and the purr. <jf a Maltese cat. ■ "Presently Mrs. Potter carpe towards me, • and placet! her hand softly on my shonl y der, saying. " EHn, biygieor child." , ' But I never moved, but sat gazing with . ialtt&tdtM* eye*.upon Aa awfnl picture. A cold gray afternoon, a pond, and a little figure well known to tne disap pearing through the treacherous ice, down, down, the little hand, griping at the Jtygcheroes weeds, the sweet month full of water. And those wicked, einful words v*W*iiig tlirough my ears;—" I don'l cara where you go, so long aayea keep oat of my eight.'-' There was a- toist before my eyes, a ringing in my ears. I remember {paring the boas# with a bllod Miof flf FHED. KURTZ, Editor ami Proprietor, VOL. V. 'going where my Harry wa*. Then MM< * horrible HUM of the earth breaking away at my foot, and t knew no more. A pleasant feeling of warmth, • languid wnso pervaded my whole system. 1 opened my e e* end glared around the room. A trange woman by the tire; at the foot of the bed my husband, with hi* band* over hit eyn 1 tried to think w hat had happened, but in rain. Then my at tention was arrested by a little tigure in a red tlanuel night dress cuddled up in a big chair—my Harry. Then it all flashed across my mind. I sat up straight iu bed j with a taint, * Why, what is it f " Yon must not talk ; lie down. Oh! j darling! " and the strong man Wept like a . child. And the little figure came and jumped on my bed, and, putting his arms around my neck, cried too. And 1. pux tied to know w bat it all meant, cried also i The strange figure came aud took llarry away, saying:— " Be careful now, air. I.oring; every thing depend* upon quiet. 1 ' "Tell me all now,** said I; "1 don't know. 1 had such a horrible feeling. Ob, Harold, 1 dreamed Harry was drowned." lii* face grew white. "He wa* near death. George Gray got him out of the pond. Gray sent down to the office for me. I went after Dr. Hopper and came right up. There was but a spark of life, but we succeeded at; last." " How many days ago was it, Harold I" •aid I. "Seven weeks ago, jeaterday,'' aaid be smiling. ••Seven weeks!" aaid I. " Inqwieaible!" "You have been rick with the brain lever, Ella. You were very near death; for daya we despaired of ever seeing you conscious. You would aay, Harry is drowned, and 1 made hitn drown himself! Last night l)r. Hopper aaid, ' The crisis is at hand; if she lives through the night she will get well.' Oh, Ella! 1 am so thankful yon are spared to me." " I have been weak and siuful, Harold," said 1, and then (old him all, not keeping back anything. He heard me through, stroking my hair in a gentle fashion. When 1 had finished he said: "It has taught yon a lesson, Ella, dear." And that was all. 1 soon recovered. For a long time 1 could not bear Harry out of my sight. It seemed as if I could not do halt enough to atone for my wicked conduct. The thought makes me shudder now as it j ;t had beeu that Harry had never coins • !>ack to tne, and that the las', words he j had heard from his mother's lips were so j unkind. 1 have had three children since, and not one of them has ever received s cross or hasty word from me. Oftentimes jmy patience is severely tired, but one thought of that horrible death to which | Harry came so near, drives the demon sway. Mothers, bear patiently with these lit rtie innocent ones. Are there not many whose eyes, resting upon this simple < story, are filled with tears at the reool ! lection of the unkind words, and even | blow*, U> little children laid awajr forever, i who would give all their worldly pos- I sessions, yea, years of their lives, to recall those hasty words whicli made their lips ! quiver pitifully, and the clear eyes dim with tears! Ah! yon cannot have them i baok. They are gone, and yohr sin re- I maius. * A Chapter on Women. A wop;an, notwithstanding she is the best of listeners, knows her business, and it is a woman's business to please. I don't say that it is not her business to vot®,'bwC 1 do say that the woman who : does not please is a false note in the har monies of nature. She may not Lave j | youth, or beauty, or even manner, but | she must have something in her voire or expression, or both, which it makes you , feel better disposed toward your race to lixAAsror listen to. She knows that an well aa we do ; and her first question ! ifter you have been talking your soul I ! into her consciousness is, Did I please ? | A worn.<u never forgets her sex. She I would rather talk with a man than an ; angel, anv day. Womanly women ore very kindly critics, except to themselves, and How and then to theirown sex. The j lest there is of sex about a woman, the j more she is to lie dreaded. But takp a real woman at her best moment—well' dressed enough to be pleased with her self, not so resplendent as to lie a show md a sensation, with .the varied outride influences that ret vibrating the har monic qotcs of her nature -tirring in the air aliout lier—and what has social life to compare with ODC of those vital inter hang s of thought and feeling wilh her that make an hour memorable ? What ■en equal her W-t, her delicacy, lior subtlety of appreL nsion, her quickness to feel the changes f temjioraturc as the warm and cool currents of thought blow by turns ? At one moment she is mi ! .roecopmallv intellectual, critical, scru pulous in judgment as an analyst's bal ance, an 3 the next as sympathetic as the open rote that sweetens the wind from whatever quarter it finds its way to her bosom. It is in the hospitable soul of a | womah that a man forgets he is a strang er, and so becomes natural and truthful, at the same time that be is mesmerized by all those divine differences which | make her a mvstory and a bewilderment. —O. 11. llolntt. : Frr Pujutoss Btrwrj) TO DVATH.— In New Scotland, Albany Co., NY.. a two story building, occupied by Mr. Volrner, his wife, and five children. Volmer's mother, and his wife's stepfather, took fire. Yolmer, his wife, and ODC child were on the first floor, and escaped. All the others perished in the flames. A few days since the old gentleman, Mrs. Volmer'B stepfather, went to Albany and drew out of a savings bank some S3OO or S4OO which he had kept on deposit, in tending, it is said, to go to Wisconsin nt an early day. When the fire reached tie second story the old gentleman, in his anxiety to save his money, kept back the others in the room with him, and wou!d not permit them to open the window and jump to the ground. A HLEEFT TEOISLATOK.—Not ong Isince a sleepy member of the lower branch of the legislature requested a fellow mem ber to wake him when a certain bill in volving Ihe interests of lumbermen came up. This agreed upon, the sleepy mem ber was scon in the lianpy land f dreams. It so happened that a certain' bill upon tbeftand perjury rame up that day. So when the latter bill was fairly underway, the sleepy member was aroused. He rubbed bis ryes arose and addressed the speaker : " Mr. Speaker, I wish to say a few wofds upon the bill, tor the faet is, the most of the people up our way make their living by tliis trade." It is needless that his remarks were appreciated and highly applauded. —Springfield, (///.) Journal. A Loon CALL. —A Texas editor pro claims that, ha<l he a voice which could be heard from the Lakes to the Rio Grande, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, he would concentrate its whole volume upon the great City of Washington, and plead with the author ities there for a mail at lea-t three times a week in the City of Gatesville. THE shiprights at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, struck for 82 50 per day recent ly, the day's work to consist of nine hours, an (j the employers consented. , ll'l #l*l*l / JfllL * ■j• • - **.. 5/ * . * THE CENTRE REPORTER * , !# I * Li***? it t if ? B i' # ■■ */• a 111 it .# 1* i sd., idJ i n.wi.4 ♦vdii ,Jft 4 ' ♦ A Childish Fancy. Oh mother) *ei> how pile sud wet The fluWura on father.', grave a'* Ijmg '• It must be watching you has act The little daisy-buds to crying ! Poor child? and do you thiuk the earth Sorrow* because our hearts re achltig ? i Look, then, with what a carrloa* mirth That sunlight on his Ixd is breaking I i Yes, but yju called the great blue air Clod'* home, to all Ills angels given ; And so perhaps the sunbeam there Is father smtliug up IU heaTeti I TIIK SPRIGS or SUBTLE. The banns were published three times j iVom the pulpit, the clergyman was Im spoke, and the bridal-dre* made. The bridal trousseau was ready ; it consisted of nothing costly or splendid, but every thread of it had passed the mother's lin ger*, first through the spiunlng-w hew), and then through the loom. Many hours had been apnn up, and mauy thoughts lieen a oven into the modest marriage jHtr tion. The marriage day came, and the morn ing sun blued on the window* of the widow's house. Everybody wa* up am! doing. The old lady wa* already buy in the kitchen, the young girl *at at the win ' dow gazing auxiouriy hut hap|iily down j the road whence her bridegroom u to come. The three little sisters lay wide | awake in their little ooU; they had hard ' ly closed theireyes the whole night, think i ing of the splendor which the day was to ; bring. • : In the forenoon a young girl came down t to the bride from the manor. It was the ! S gardener's daughter, her dearest, friend. . She had a darling little basket on her : arm, which she half-opened with a roguish . smile, which made the young girl oast ; do*in her eyes and blush. The tiny has ' ket was filled with sprigs of myrtle, (ot : which the bridal wreath is made in l>eu tnark). At noon the three little ones - were seen standing on the little hillock at I the end ol the garden. They were dress ! Ed in their Sunday clothes, and kept watch to let their sister know when the mail \ coach should coins in sight on the hill, or 1' report the first blast of the conductor's horn. But they got tired of waiting, and : one after the other would run back to the house to ask if he would not soon ootne. "Yes," said their mother, "yon won't ; have to wait long now." Still, they had to n ail so long that they at last began to 1 I cry. In the course of the afternoon a storm i rose, the sky darkened, and the rwin best • against the panes. The little ones had to • stay in the house. " lint why doesn't he ;! come f" they inquired eagerly of their i j sister. " 1 hope that nothing has happened to J him," the young girl said, faintly, and turned her face against the wet pane in order that they should not perceive that her eyes were wet also. At dusk a letter came to the widow. ' When she had read it she was crying too j It was a sorrowful time, and a dark night closed the day which should have beeu the | marriage day, hut was not. The mother, : i the young girl, and the three little sisters wepi all of them together; hut seventy 1 years have passed away since that sad I evening, and in these years we have lived i through so many gloomy hours and sor- i { rowful days that we cannot afford tears ' j for ail of them. Therefore we do not j weep with those whose tears flowed so ! long ago. Tears dry soon. The next day the j young girl wept no more. She was seized ; with a fever. Wandering in her mind, she dreamed that she was a bride, and all her youthful friends brought her wreaths ! —she waaso unspeskably happy. And the ! dream came to pass. Her illness increased, i ; and eight days after she was dead. All i her youthful friends brought her wreaths j i —garlands of box and winter-green. Nor did the mother weep the next day. I She tenderly consoled the little girls. but ! gave vgpt to her wrath at the world's wickedness, and the men's falseness, while talking about her great calamity to her I neighbor's wife. The sprigs of myrtle she threw angrily out of the window. The little sisters recovered soon from j their disappointment. Each of them had received a large piece of the bride-cake, which they were contentedly eating sit ting on the gra>s in the sunshine. •' Oh! look at the pretty, green things fAcrr," they cried, pointing at the discard ed myrtle sprigs; "let us make a wreuth of them," said one. " No, let us plant them in the sand, and p'.ay at garden with them,'' said another. " I say let n plant them regularly, plant them in flower-pots," proposed a third ; and her proposition was agreed to. The children procured a bottle with the neck broken off, an earthenware pitcher without a handle, and a cracked flower pot, which they mended with twine; and in these three vessels each of the little girls planted their sprigs. " Now. if we only have patience, they will grow np to he big trees, and bear beautiful flowers," said the little ones. " Don't be too sure of that," said the neighbor's wife. "Why shouldn't they bear flowers?" asked the children. " Because there is no luck in these twigs. If you want that kind of plant to take root, you must plant it in a golden pot, and not in such poor potsherds as these." The sprigs ot myrtle were, however, more willing than the dame had thought; they took root and grew, all three of them. Ten years, twelve years, more than twelve years passed away. The little cot tage at the road was torn down, and a beautiful villa was built in its stead. It had a slate roof, veranda, espalier, oolor ed panes in the doors, and geeen window blinda; bnt the owner and his family let it stand empty in the winter, and during tile summer they frequently traveled abroad. But what had become of the widow and her children? The old lady had fol lowed her daughter "yonderby the church wail, beneath the lilac bnsh," answered the neighbor's'*wife, when folks asked where they BOW lived. The three little girls ha/1 grown np; when inquired for, she could only tell that " they had all three left and gone ont into the great wide world.' Each had taken her myrtle with her. The oldest of the girls was the hand somest ; for that reason an old rich uncle had taken n fancy to her, and adopted her. He was in a good social position, and kept house on a grand scale, fully as grand as his means would allow; and he spared no expense in the edncation of his adopted daughter. She was tanght to dance, and sing, and to play; had masters in French and Knglish, and a maid to wait npon her. Her myitis experienoed a similar good fortune. It grew now In a golden pot, perhaps not of genuine gold, bnt still a gilded porcelain pot. It was watered each morning by her maid with rain water, and each evening by the yonng gentlemen with complirnenta. They all had something gallant to say about the flourishing myrtle. And what had they not to say about the young girl f She was so very beautiful that they could not afford to think about her, and" so they did not think any more about her than just for the time they saw her. But when they beheld her they sighed; the more charming she grew, the more they sighed, whereupon she again would try all her power of fas cination to bo still more bowitoblng. Iter CENTRE HAI.L, CO., Fill HAY, MAY 24, 1872. head was wrontbed with gloriou* auburn lock', hut to tusk* herself still uioie eu chsutiuy, she decked I belli with garland* <>f tlowrra, the one inorw uinguitieent tb*it the other. First she w ore oue of forgA' me not*, then of rotehuda, then of I'ro \ence ro.os, then dahlias, then poppies, and at last, grapc-vitic* and leavea in all the gorgeous tint* of autumn. And while the olio wreath gave place to the other, the one year paed awray after Ih* other. At last site wore a wreath of mire gold leaves; but there were now stiver line* in her beautiful tre****. She had not had time to atteud to her myrtle. It had meanwhile pined away, withered, aud died. "That is the way with all of ns," the sighed, glancing at the mirror. The myr tle was then thrown out Into the yard autoug the rubbish, tvmie little boys found it; they coaled the twig# with bird lime and caught aparrowson them. These were the tlowera that the first sprig of myr tle grew lo bear. The second of the widow's daughters was not exactly handsome, but a neat, pleasant little girl enough. Good-uatured and yielding, she accepted cheerfully whatever lot might be In store for her. Wheu her mother was dead she Went to the house of her aunt, why was also a widow, aud her myrtle she brought with her. The auut had a son, who was the apple of her eye, but that was, too, about all be was, and he never got lo be anything else. From hi* mother he received food nnd clothing, light aud warmth, a neat little room, and as much pockst-money as his doating mother could possibly spare hits ; in short, he got everything he wont cd excepting his college degree, which he had to work for himself, that he found really too troublesome. YVbsu he became tweuty-five years of age he wanted a sweetheart, and he got her too. Aunty assured the young girt that he was such an exceedingly nice young runti and loved her so very much that it would be a shame to say to him no, and the girl would of course not have the burden of a refusal upon her conscience. Consequently they were engaged, which wa* both nice aud convenient. Now the old lady had both her darling* at home, and there was billing and cooing from morning till evening. Hi* room aas the only one which laoed the sun, lor which reason the myrtle was left there. Ah. how many sweet word* were murmured and sim fa*red over that myrtle by tk>- young couple, and yet they never got tired of repeating what they had sain so often before. It is curious enough that myrtle oannot ; be made to thturiah in a bachelor'* apsrt lueut. Whether it I* the heat frum the I ctoae stove iu winter, or tha drought in i Mitnmer, whether it is Uretobweco smoke, l or for what other reason, one thing is ; sore, that myrtles do not thrive very sat isfactorily. particularly when '.hag hare to continue the struggle for half a aeons of ycurs, like this poor mry tie. There is a kind of disease called honey dew, fur the reason that all tit* leave* of a tree which it attacks become covered with * sweetish adhesive juice like hooey or syrnp. That disease ac>w sailed upon the myrtle of the engaged coople. The leaves got stuck together, and dust and dirt covered them. In tiin# it became im possible to decide whether they were green or grey, it was a pitiful eight. The lor era dually did not know any nsor* what they were to do with it, but then the old woman died, and they got something else to think of. They had to separate, and bowrr hard it *■• to confess it, they were both convinced that it was for ever. No such an engagement could of course ctene to auylhitg. lie got a ita j tion at a u niow's—as her bushand, in fact, after having been for a lung time bcr bus iness manager. She became boosekcetwr , to a widower, and when he found out that she was clerer and economical and pleasant to get Hong with, be concluded that he might as well marry her. an ar rangement to which she had indeed no objection. The myrtle was really teo unfit to be used for a nuptial wreath, but the bride groom sab! it didn't matter much, a he was but a widower, and the ceremony was to take place quietly at home. The third daughter was Tar from being handsome. That she had soft, clear and earnest eyes, a delicate complexion, and sound white teeth, everybody wan willing to admit; hut she bad also a thick, rungh. red h*ad of hair, and a great abundance of freckles, and therefore everybody agreed to call her very homely, and when every body once comes to such a conclusion, it remains an undisputed fact. Neither un cle nor aunt invited her to their homes; she went out amongst stranger* after her mother's death. She got a situation on the manor of a rich squire; that is, she was engaged to attend the lady as maid and seamstress, and to serve the squire and hi* steward as a target for their clumsy wit and jokes, not very choice, but a great nispy of them. Country air is wholesome and fresh. The young girl soon felt herself at home in her now place. There wns more to htar and more to do than she had been used to, hut a willing horse draws a heavy load, and ivhst cornea through one ear may pass out at the other, which two old sayings she laid to lissrt, and felt tolerably contented with her lot. Her myrtle had a good deal better time than she had. It was installed in a little turret chamber, which went by the name of the maiden's bower. There it stood the livelong summer day on the sill of the open window, and looked down into the garden, rejoiced in the morning sun and evening dew, heard the songs of birds, received visits trdm bets and but terflies. No wonder that it throve and shot out twig after twig on all sides. There were jovial times at the manor daring the summer vacation. Strangers and acquaintances arrived from the capi ta), and among them a young student, the gayest of the gay. He teased the young girl a little too, bat uot exactly the same way as ths others, lln rather amused her. One day he eoneeived the clever joke of stealing her myrtle and replacing it with a cactus. The door to the maiden's bower was of course locked, but the windows of the bower were conveniently open. Ho procured a long ladder from the gar den, and raised it against the wall. lie had already gained the topmost round with the cactus pot on his arm when the ladder slipped and he was precipitated to the ground. There be was lying with one leg broken and the ankle of the other sprained. Even that was at the expense of the poor governess. In addition to her othsr multifarious duties, She had now to as sume that of sick nurse also; bat she performed that office with such care and assiduity, that the poor yonng man, lying crippled in a strange house, neither miss ed his home nor his sister's care. " If von are equally tender to the next who breaks his neck or leg, I propose to jump out of the window myself sometime next winter when J have leisure," said the steward. " II i were you I wouldn't risk it," ob served the squire. ,4 trur charming gov erness has heart-plaster for no more than one wounded knight." The steward laughed, as in duty bound, at this clevgr remark of his superior. The witty re mark of the squire was, however, not en tirely withont its little grain of truth. As a real sister of heart bled for every suffering being, and the young man suffered very much; but it is there fore pot impossible that be obtained some- I'mlk hiru'lin^iiS/ w hat more than a brother'* share of her lo'lst.; HI If <, U a *ccref When he began to recover, and a*siire<l Lit ••*! <Uy how muph hi Iml %> thank nef for, ill* l*lt ■* Imppt thirAoL urwely dared to oonfeaa it to heraelf, ami each time she looked at her myrtle *lw wa* con.cion. of a strange but i)elieiou ieel> lag. it wa* the myrtle which had been Ue *uo*w of the disaatlf. aud she choke lv founder it a* Uie c*u*e tf hr own hap piuea*. At last, having fully recovered, lie left the manor and returned to the city. He waa to read for hia examination de gree. The place wa* very lonely aftttr he wa* gone, but he had lett many pieplant memories behind lout. • I When the govern*** was alone In her little turret-chamber and a butter- My would com* iu through Ike window, lliittcr about amongst the I Wig* of her myrtle, and then *aU oil again, It would always remind Iter of the student H*> had suggested to uiuah in look# and tone of hi* voice, to which he seemed U) be afraid < f giving utterance, that thought* w onld visit the governess which she like wise shrunk from following to their 'ogkal conclusion. . Each tlma the squire returned home from a visit in the town, he seldom failed to briag the governess • kind remember- 1 anc from her patiaut, the student adding —" I say nothing, for I |ve no permis sion to say what I might aay, but I know what Iknuw;" and each time'b* delivered lomself of ibfa sententious remark, a blush would mantle the young girl'a freckled cheeks. A couple of year* had gone. Thfi stu deul had prospered in tho t are*r-he had chosen, and (had already become a pro fessor. Hnring the snmraer \ alalioa h* intended to pay a vt*ii to hit old friaud its the manor. • ** It ia not for iu miiA, I ua aura, Ural he entries," said thu iteward. "Nor for mios, 1 believe," reru*rkad the squire. " lie b.TA BOW a POMTIMT M the world. It nail be you that lie . Ut waited bar, m J dear governess, If I w ere you 1 would let him lake the myrtle In the usual way. It would be a pity If ha should kill hiuMlf Par the secpoU time in trying to get at H through tu WINDOW," insinuated the squiro. u i It waa stick a capita! joke that they botb, bum out laughing. Tdajroui* pruUmur made hi* ajyewranao in uoc tian.> The young girl sat in her turret-cliatnbcr, and gated wistfully on the high load. far awajr ahe diwctied tbw diligent* and the redstoatinl p-wtHßon. A strange. balT-de lined re-membrane* from be* ebUdbnud Hushed through her thought*. She 4wi not exctuuge my many word* with brut the f.r*t evening, but atdl em.ugU Uieaus her to aleep bnt little that night- N< *t evemug a little ball waa impruTiwd. Some frwo-ts, and ttnoog I licet the tetter off the •quire 1 * lady, an acknowledged belle Hot* the capital bad arrived in the couite aff the dir. At a reiguing ball queen, anal near it-fat ion to the lady of the manor, the professor deemed t hia duty to open the ball with her. He wiabed to dance the M-eond dance with ti>* governess, but vln dd not danc*; be valtaed again with bt- ! beautiful lady fn>w toiru. That Bight i the ggrcrues# ak-pt atil! lota. Saw tune after she was sitting again alone em- evening tn her twrrrt-howsr. It was a lovely mooqltg'it. had e* and gen tlemtn were sauntering about In u- gar , icn etyo> ug the balmy evoking. The ouud of gay laughter and many voces ;ose up to her, but hia auier ska oohM not ! distinguish among the O(lK**. IVawntly she leeameaw*re of a whispering toame ' diatrly below brr at the loot ul the tow. | <r. A young couple had separated from ' the rest of the company , it was the pro- j feasor and tha lowly city lady. hat tbay whispered about—alas' that the i*Kir ! governess understood but too well. That tjijbt abe did not slei-p *T all. ( In the fall of jibe same year a grand marriage took place in the aid manor. A , lovitcr brido than the protestor 1 * bmtaev i icr been arm bote*. Tko goveenaaa had. made the bridal wrest h ; ef her myrtle ' nothing tint I be stems and stalk* remained; | the bride wore all the green part ig hep ( hair, at she stood belore the altar, It * Indeed a evwily wrcatu—it > park led a If it wee full of diamonds. One year followed after I lie ether, and the one jtn! Tike the other. The vpyrtlt did no? perish o>r all the many cuttings it had u(Tired; next apring ft sUot fortn a host of light green leaflet?, and in due time it expanded uito a glorious verdant eeoww,. richar and more vigorous than evev be'ore. lint it was now a to., rtle in it# beat year#! —lu'vond tho fcrtie*. The owner huraelf waa not far from fifty. It m apt considered a girlw l*wt age, but it really seems that our poor governess' best age was now to com mem* J. Her red hair tnrted grey, the freckles dis appeared, but her soft mild eyes iriwajtx-d unchanged. Kvcrt body agreed now that the was a remarkably handaomv dd tiauL (>no day a letter with a black M*l canto to the manor. It waa addressed to Ibe old mldfrom the professor. His wife was dead, blatselT not well, and his happy littlo uaes neuded womanly i •<* and care—be appealed to her fpodnes* in this his great grief and trouble *Ht tnind was-made up at once as to what 4*a* ttvbe done. 9lu resigned her position, and pre pared to leave the old hoOae, which had sheltered her for so long. There wsstcal grief in the manor the day she left. Neith er the squir* nor his steward e*uh) lind anything witty or rmart to say nn they accouipanv*d iter to the carriage in which her great myrtle was already towering up on the baek seat. In the professor's house she wal received by seven little girl*ln blac4f. " What is that beautiful tree Jon hnve brought with you f n inquired the young est. ~•!< " It it your mother's mvrtle," nhe said, stooping down to kit* the little on*. Time went on, nnd the iittle ones grew up to be young ladle*. And now it appeared that there was good )wk with th<> old myrtle after all. Each of the girki wore* wreath from their mother's myrtle, and the oklAiuaM I made them all. ' When she in her youthful day! !■ sprig* for the first wreath, she befit#® that It never would bear groto k§| again; now she cut one crop of I sprigs after the other, and the plant flour ished ever alresh and with renewed vigor. It seemed to her that bar happiness grew more and more each time. Near the eastern rampart of the city liea a row of low, bright little houses, mostly inhabited by old people and lonely families; in most of the winaoga yon will notice a good many flowering plaqp 41 ; pots, and carutry birds in gay cagea. 11 on© of these little houses, through whose centre window a kplemHd myrtle is plain ly visible, lives an old maid of near eighty years of age. She resides there alone, bat it is a rare thing to pass her honse with out seeing the faceaof yonng girls and the golden heads of young children peeping through the bright pones. They are the professor's grandchildren, who come m see the old lady and the famous tree, which has borne their mother's and grand mot!tar's bridal wreaths, and stlU bears plenty of sprigs for their own. Not long ago I went past that nlaqr.. Outside It was bitter cold; It froze hari* but summer reigned in the room within. I beard the songs of the birds and the happy langbter of young children. 1 caught a glimpse of the old lad/ sitting behind her myrtle, through the network of whose shining leaves her snow-white hair was visible—just as if the old tree vu in full blossom, • The Haiti na<lo. 1 aaw a matt bastinadoed in Turkey. 1 had heard much of this, a punishment existing otify 1° the Hast, but I had never acen ft inflicted Itefoto, and 1 fervently hope I never shall see it again. I fount! the little -< inferior standing at on* end of the large hall of entrance, inn n<* In tig, and trying camm. A crowd am gatherad around, ami Ix fore hup was a poor Arab, pWding mid bmuHi'hing must pifeoualv, while the big testa were rolling down his cheeks. Near htm waa a man whose tew • Jute aad somewhat angry *xpraani<>m marked Itiaa as the aoruner, seeking veu >' goaniv ratisur then justice. L khi4J<*uly I lei <i"V*nmr made a gwutle i inovetneiit with lua uandj all noise ceasod ; all stivtihwl their pecks and turned their caper eves toward hitn ; the' accused cut short his crying, and stood 'with his month wUte open, and his eyes fixed upon the Uovwmor. Tho Utter spoke a fsw words in awry low voioe, of oouraw unpttidligible to me, and indeed j acurcely audible ; but they aeetnod to fall; | apvn the quick ears of the culprit like j bolts of thunder. The spotty of suspense J was over, and without a word or a look, I he laid himwlf down on his faoe at the feet of the (iovornor. A space was im j mediately cleared arountl , a man uo , eaflh soil' took Itttti by the hand, and •.trctrhiug out his arms, Lutx-lcd upon and held thnu (J°wn, while another seated iuutwdf across his neck and shoulders. Thus nailed to the ground, the poor fel low, knowing now that there waa no pos-' aildc chance of escape, threw op hit feet from the lmo.-j.dtit, ao as to prmMl the ; sole* in ahormoatel(>oaatto(i. Two men sutia forward wttit a pmr of long, stout laws of wysl, aUadted tiafuther bv a cord,, bp|wMtt which limy pL.-. J Utc fact, drawing lUcia together with ths cord, to fix them In their b>nitontal position, and leave the whole flat snrfaoe ex|>oeed te i t*- full force of the blow, la the mean 'Siaao, two etci>Bg Turks were standing ready, one at each ante, artued with long whips, much, t#w utbang our own com mon COS skm. hut louder and thicker, Itud utudc of tlu.* tough hide of the hip imp. damns My ectiribilftios iw no# particularly acntc. bo* they yielded in this tuatance. I had watelid mU the preliminary *r- < i cnagemwste, a- rrvng mys-df for what wa I to twinei t>ul vtinot 1 board the toourg* whicxiag tVroufu the sir, eud when the first blow njton tlie naked feet, saw . tlw cunvnlst v movememenpt of the brafv, T sud heard fhd fiwt load, picrciog shriek, f* could stend }t bo longer; I broke f through tlie fflvribl, #r>rgMiagevi*rvthu>* t except the aguuinir.g M uods from wbtoit 1 wres osnmiwg ; bat the Jamrary follow - I oil close at my h- els, tfad, lajfing tiislmod ttgam my arm, hauiwl me Lack to Is* a witm-m pf the aJniiuiatmtkm of Tnrldth jusliee. ft I had cousultivl nicrrly the TjwpTTtieof feeling, 1 riiquH have eon < dgucd him ami the (foverww and the i whole nation of Turin to the lower re gions. llut it was all unpiurtent not to offend this sumniary disposer of jitaUoe ; and I novel made a greater t-aeriflec of fcliug b> ctjedicncjp than when 1 re chtcrwl his prvdrtice. The ahrteka of i tiie nnlrappr crirttal were rujgtug through the chambt-r, but the Oorcroor rtmwd ins wish aa nisi asMtle at if he had beet! aiUia* oo bin i* damn, iiston tug only b tiot Strmna of wutie pleasant :nuia.y hU< Isuexl with my u-cth clcnch cdata fell the polpryath of tho victim "ami heart the *\rhixXftig fif the acruned, Whip as fr fell ayido -und apsm upon kti tifedisn tit i have beard me* crj out • ia ugiityr—wbea the *ea waamging, ami the drowning man for thoiaaf time, upon the mouwtaan-waves, turned hisfniplor iug Wok wward q* and, with his dying brtwdh, oiiicd in vain for hclj—towl i nmcr Vtud nch iKttrt-ccn.fiugauunda as U*>mi from file poor bastinadoed wrcMt IfldoTc mo. ' • Tire cs.r wccacpcd wrstrb was aiknt. He had found rMisf i* lwp|iy inaeurTTilli ty. I oast one hok *ptu> the acnaclcm tlody, and saw (go JoakUid open f g*h ca, and the idood strcsmiug down Hie leg*. At ill at moufrut the bars were taken y, ilnd thy manulcd #aot irll Tike lead npon the floor. I had to work my wav through tlte crowd, aad before I oouljiswcnpy, I saw tlia jiyor fellow re vive, and, by Che first natural iifipnlse, rw upon hii fort, bgt fail again, as if he had >tcp|cd imon red hot iron* lie crawled |>on hi* fumda and knees to tbe .loor of the hail, ami bore 1 rejoiced to t wee tiiub iMUsrabli* and pour, and do Sdcl as he was —he yet had friends flk* hearts veartted toward kins. Tlicy tool hitn in their arms, idii carried htm fly. . ... Nneh is UiO lutsflhdto. And of the jotimpphctts of thekpony which ita ii.ilic lion one tiaa only* to think of tbe congeries, or plexus of delicate norvea which have their tefminus in the feet. Liven " tickling " the aolca of the feet has often produced death ; what then must he the excrumriiag pain when ntid vio lence in done to tlx sc moat neneil uvxifm • bcrs ?—feref/s (erfw/wstert. ' ■ > ic> it tHtMrmrivt PRICE*. Kjercft fears ano savs a New York paper, a good article orfloUr Vrtri sold ftvi* 85. "Jit pef barrel Ist wholesale). Tae highest price reached for the brsftd was in 1867; who it anld for Slft.to. fn 1870 the same brand was worth only 84?3tt. In 1881, yellow Corn was worth G7 cents per bushel; in 1887, 61.40; in 1&72, 74 cent*. Anthracite coal m 184k by the carat, 84 75 per ton. It rraeße<rftshighwt point in 1805. selling fhr fK; sod now self* for f4 25, daHrarwt on board Towels, **T at Blirabethport, M. J. In IcGl. middling upland cotton was worth 1-1) cents per pound ; in 1864, 83 -eenta; in ls7 \ 123) ccats; to-dqy, 23| cent*. Mew Orleans molasses, which acll* to dayfok 7D ceahvper gallon, waa worth 32 cent* In 1861, and 81.10 m 1865. Mca* pork is 54 12 cheaper per barrel now than it was elcTen year* ago ; good batter cota twice as much as then, and sugar just double; teas from .5 to 35 cent* mora nar pound, depending upon the kinds. In 1861 eo.umon wool wis quoted at 32 cents per A QrwmoN rem PH YSI CIAJTS. —Judge Ball, who is collecting facta for a history of Haoaick Falls, furnishes the follow ing ; " In the yew JZl® eeyeaii eaaea of small-pox oreujgtV p Hit and a dwelling near the village ofTloosvck fella was used as a Seventy years afterwards the m*M\ having beou oacu- j npti alj, tfrftdjMP *8 a dwelling, with no luHre Wiw'U r or other unusual sick ness' was repaired. One o(tbc workmen employed on the repairs was taken down with a disease which proved to be malig nant small-pox, to which he bail not been otherwise exposed than by working on this old pest house." If small-pox virus •ran be retained for seventy years in the' walk, floors, ceiling or furniture of a dwrilm# hcxmr.tflaMMr <s and more stringent measures will be necessary to J insure protection from this loathsome disease.—Firmf frm. ' ii': II rains have repaired damage to the vine yards caused by the froet, and the vin tage this year will be largei than that of M L if if \BotrroN requires 1,000,006 tons of cool per annum, or 4,000 cargoes, an average of 20 per day, fro April to October, The lienrtaUen of l'ftroleaa. Tho recent development of Um repro ductive power of peti oleum wells that had bee it .for tua year* abandoned U>- rmuse thev were behnvod to be exhausted, is tiot aluna a matter of value to flie owners Of the tetrrtn ty gist VM UNTIL ! tely prrauwod to be incapable of further production, but it affords • more trustworthy bmue than any tin* world hue hitherto been abki to obtain for fuming an approximately correct opiaiou ooti oerniug tbe chemical process whereby Cdroieaia is k*u rated. Until wilbfa a w days, a popular opiniuu prevailed that petroleum, in apite of ita name, waa the product of Mai; aad ao nearly waa this idea general among a majority of people, thrt maor foreign receiver* of petroleum are still accustomed to order itaa "o<wd oil." The belief, however, that the terrene oil of Tuunsylvauta and Canada ia exclusively a product of bitu minous eoel lusy ix.w safely be pro uouoced to be an error, Tbore ia eer tamly no evidence that coal ia not one of the auheUiicoa from which petroleum in distilled ; but, at the *ame time, it ia a somewhat strange fact, allowing a proper degree of credit to tbe belief that coal doea not enter into the composition of petroleum, that no coal bedasuaeept*- ble of being worked are known to exiat within fifty miles of the oil-producing territory. Again, it is a manifest snd reoogtiizod fact thai carbon does pre dominate as an integral essence of peitro leuw ; and the other fact that the oil territory of Peunrylvttii* is surrounded by beds of bntiusinoai cost, readeiw it eminently reasonable to believe that coal ••nters largely—if not, indeed, more largely titan any other subsiaiias—into, the ptue. as of distillation whereby pe troleum is produced. Petroleum ia certainly a mineral oil. l But whatever may be the number and, chemical variety of the minerals fruin which It ia formed, the distillation of tt ia more iotimstel y associated with hute I •lists than with any other mineral, title fateit a aho found in boring oil well*, hut it ts from tlte porea of lime stone that, in the altemical procom of extracting oil front the mtosrals found in connection with its production, the greatest qnantitv of pakMswm is taken. It is singular that, in boring fur oil, no osskl has ever been found, even in the smallest qsatttilu-a, white sand, ssndvt nc I and hntsalotie abound. The itrfareuos, i therefore* caunot be esaixd that petto 1 Icttm La the product of ths disttllaton of 1 it least two, aid probably of more that! three, distinct mineral properties. 1* I the terMesp of raaunfactar.ng rsfluM oil, I the eru ie article j ieUa three diffbrrtjt liroducti—naphtha, kerosene and rwei dun as, a Uft whieh ceriiualr supports j the brhef that crude oil is uie product :of three different minerals. So far as i concerns the contribution by coal of an , integer in the chemical pnwsw* by which j jx-truleum is produced in and from cer ! tain geological strata, ft may be remarked i that the "shade" ti) psodaood from bi tuminous coal in England ia very differ - ent from American petroleum ; la that the American naphtha must be used in order that the latter may ba Immrd in lampa Aaothes fact that favosa the Inference that petroleum ia mainly pro duced from or generated through liiat dotte, is that petnileua has Ixx-a tx track*! from limestone foand ih the ncighlxndiooda of t'hicagw and of Terr* Haute, fad. fa regard to the reptodm tiva powers recently developed in the i'snnsylvasiia tern lory believed to have I boat! exhausted, it afiwrda two favorable I presumptions : First. ;.a a p&rtisd sssur ' juioe that the distillation of petroleum is [a cvutinu us pwtu ; and next, that the formerly ihtndonrd territory was | given np lestutr the machinery for ex tracthsg petroleum from the eirth x i , cmM in it* powwr of exhausting the dual the generative power* by which it | is produced.—/Vcriesas Jfcjal&fy. I A Clerk*! Jakw. The lata Oder Jon n Smith, of KentoekV, who died recently at as advanced arr. was ana of the cnoat eooeotrle wits Routh of the Ohio River. IK* * familiprly toova tbroughoutKentuckv u "Raccoon Smith." While at ill in the Baptist ministry, aud attending one of the annua! meeting* of that body, a tall, lank, green specimen of humanity presented himself before the Asoci*t K a* aoandtdate for the ministry, lie was not regarded aa being of entirely sound tnind, and labored under the hallu cination that lie wa especially *' called to preach,*' and kept constantly importun ing the Association to grant Idm theoeee*- ! .nr license. In addition to hi* particular j If unbalanced minil, young Meek* was the possessor of a* huge and ungainly a pair of feet ee ever trod shoe-leather. Tired of Ida importunities, and not being disposed to grant the license, the Association band ed him over to Smith, with instruction* to make aft end of the case, and between them took place the following cotrversa tient • Bmith-H&k, Brother Meek* you think yon hare 1 special call to preach ? Meek*—Yoa, the Lord has called am to the work, but the Association refuses me tm license, "'i '< „ Smith—How do you know you are call ed f Meets—Knftwitl I fttrl it In my heart of heart*. 1 want my iioeuse. Smith—Do TOO believe the isibic. Brother Meekst Mneke Certainly I do—every word of it, [Smith— If Imm prove by the Bible that you are not called to preach, wiU you be satisfied to drop the matter, and not further importune the Association for a liceulef Brother Mocks assented to this, and Raccoon Smith deliberately opened the Mew Testament at Romans x., 15, and in a grave tone read: " How beautifhl are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peeoet" Ac. Then, glancing at MeekV large feet, he remarked: " You eee, Brother Monks, that the/ar I of tlie proach er are beautiful. You, sir, have the most monstrously ugly feet of any man in the State of Kentucky; therefore, by this Bible, it Is clear that yon have not been especially called.* Aa Smith finished his remarks, the en tire Association went off into paroxysm of laughter; and Meek* really concluding that he had not been " called," bolted from the meeting house, and never after annoy ed the Association for a license. The Earthquake la Syria. Particulars of the late earthquake in Syria, which caused such a tenible low ol life, are now corning to hand. It ap pears tliat Ute fatalities were not the greatest in the City of Antioch, aa the Hrst diNpatehes intimated, hut were heavier in the country in the vicinity of that city. A. letter mrm Antioch, under date of the #h of April, says: " The American Protestant church waa severely injured, and four of the American com munity were killed. All the members of the families of the missionaries are safe. The number of persons killed in the Citv of Antioch is lews than three hundred, hut it is known that sixteen hundred peo ple in the surrounding towns and coun try—where the shocks ware as severe if not greater than here—were killed, and this number may be increased. Tfaedis tress of the people will be only tempo rary, as the crop prospects are good. The supply of provisions on hand is moderate." The correspondents of the London papers praise Rev, Mr. Powers, on American missionary, for his assiduity In ministering to the relief of t}jts afflicted people, t w . • ■ it Ti11,..! ,*fo Urn' .lis, Jf if TERMS : Two Dollars a Year, in Advmnoft. engltsk Farm Inkers?*. The strikes among the English farm laburars are atUscting mush and serious attention. Agricultural laborer*, it Is etaariy shown bv these strikes, can eaer flbm,if combined in n trads* anion, an im uenae power over their masters: and the masters know this, for they know thst seed-time end harvreMime we* lor uo man, and if the laborers rtduae to work at a critical mason the aeeeon lost forever. •' 1 A eonwpendewt of a London paper bs made has way into the iwnseeof some of the Warwickshire laborer* ,n *be neigkliprbood pf WelUlxmrne, where a large labor nnwn is fn prooess of forma tion, and where it would seem some each MM was needed. In one family there weie, besides the father and moth er, five children. The eldest boy earned three shillings s week by driving plough- ■ hor*s *, none of the other mMMn* I brought ant thing in. The father's wag es. alter paying the rent, were twelve shillings a week. Here was the weekly | sooonnt of the family : w SSSRUS!t* i-i'i "" * Ssatftiss:t'±:l S i Bent <C XkuMsat <ea ctastw . SSI I Lotm (or Meter-* M. Ma. sugar. aca*. •use. r, wsdMasa, eeS pastel SISOBW,^ yunrt ... „., f ,..J1 I * Thefoodof this family was for break fast dry bread and weak tte—"a fiuul in \ which a lively imagination," j the correspondent, ** might reoognis* a die taut flavor of tea. 1 ' Dinner nomeUm** toowtetod of potatoes fried is a little 1 bacon fat; sow-tut** then was a salt | herring added to the potahoee; oflefl : only dry bread. " Boiaetitnee it eon ■ data of a cksftfervtr* in cooking known ias • tea-kettle lm>tbWaautHx*cti aof hot i water with a few arcane and herbs and a i tag end or two WDieoh. Mpprr erik- Isi *ts of Iwea i and bolted potatoes. *ut of tins kind, the oonasjnmdent points | 2& wore.- than this—thai of a Harford nan newn Months to fill ami bat IS Riflings |a week. Wages ; :■ <., ii id ~ ~; j — . It if ( (j ] c son p w*.,.. o * • * |m> is a*"*.at Ixi.aa •• • • it . ss . j tfcMdiws at m*ml . C Mparuit Ifcm. tor Ml etasr psipasss. U I * An# worn fbene taen grow aid. biter i wising families sad after imug psst work, what do the* do f Goon the par ish—that is, feewn-e three 'dbMaga a week an J k flinepenny loaf. The ocrrwe ponJent from whom we craote has met i with saeh an fastener. and supplies the ! following report u as oh a nan's finan ces : it N psr w5ak.......... ............JM it • f Snasdnatas: I BeatTasoas* sr It S SgMowti* raw s re wmioss Mv wa i as > nnasTte. par wwk .. t W w ' , ... • I • 1 Lea tor :<awe. losS U>*r Ikas pari* i._ j toal, iwll sad ma<rtos U fe # The lesson which than figures teach , can be need by any one. li not wad ll ( is felt by the laborer. A (tupler oa Uwjm, tMiwr Wendell Holmes. thus discourse* j w lawyers aa 1M tad* them i "The law vers are a picked lot, 'Ani scholars,' and , lh. like, bat their busiueas i> U psibetic aa Jack Ketch'a. There is uoth ' itip humanizing in their rvlatkns with their fWhro crcatoree. Thrv go (or the ' 4de that retain* them, thrj defend i the man tbey know to be a rogue, aad ot very rarohr throw aa*picion oa the tooa they know to be innocent Mind yjQ, I am not finding fault with th< m . every side of a eaee has a right ter the : !>eet tat meat it admits of; bat 1 say it i doea not tend to make tkea gynipatbet. j Suppose in a ewe of Fever vs. Patient, {the doctor Should side with either party ■ according to whether the aid miser or ( ht* expectant heir era* hi* employer I Suppose the minister shonkl woe with the Lord or the Devil, according to the , salary offered and other incidental ad vantages whore the soul of a sianer waa lin question. You can see what a piece I of work it would make of their eympstb- I ice. But the la wren are quicker wilted , than either one of the other pr Inasirn and abler'men generally. Tbcy are goodnatmed, or, if they qnarrrt, their • inarrul# re above-board. I don't think t hey ore *<voupiiahed as the minister*, but ther have away of cramming with special knowledge for a ease wbiehleeves a certain shallow aedimeat of intelligence in their memories about a great many tilings. Tbey are apt to talk low in mixed company, ami they have away of looking round when they make a point, as if they were addressing a jury, that is migfaty aggravating, as I had oecarion to are when one of 'em, and a preKy.fw moua one, put tae on a witness stand at a dinner party once." Brrum or Maemsanoax, Gx.vrrs.— Not withstanding the stale complaint that mechanical gem us has to struggle against. prejudice, and often dies poor and. aegtected.lfca invsaoiee wbteh u rente PMoaitt d valuable apprors to be very handsomely paid for. Ifae profits of "some patent* for medhapical inventions in ose in this oountrj are enormous. The ScimU&c American enu merates a fewi The right to a portion of Ward's patent shingle machine was re cently sold in Albany for $36,000. A portion of Uolertsun s sowing aaaeliine has also been sold for s3o,f">oo. This is an Invention which can be carried in the pocket, and will enable a sesmetreea to do in one day the ordinary labor of a week. Howe's patent sewing machine yields, it is said, 860,000 for license to use it, and dinger's machine pats $75,- 000 into the pockets of the owners. Rights to the nse of a corn planter have been sold to the amount qf $1)0,000. A portion of the right to an apple paring machine, $2,000. Creamer'* patent car brake, $200,000. Knob rewards aa thaae are certainly stimulating to mechanical genius, and the only wonder is that there are not ten mechanical inventions where one now exists, when there is so wide a field for its ex erase in almost every de partment of business. FAKHKATSD.— NiIsaon ia popular in Syracuse. No donbt about it Among oat-of-town people who came to hu her wit a bevy of girls from Welta Fe male College' at Aurora. Only those who were in the dam of voce] nmsie were allowed to be of the party. They desired to be, and were presented to the warbler. As they took leave of the ob ject of their admiration they were af fected to tears. One pretty girl, evident ly " far gone/' was heard to exclaim, " I can't see Nilsaon, bnt I kieeed he trunk !" THE eruption of Vesuvius has entirely ceased. The villages in the surrounding country, however, nave suffered severely from a' fresh misfortune in the form of a hurricane of terrible violence, wlycfc has swept over their farms, completely destroying the Houses and cropa the lava had spared. K -U.I -> ; ' ■ " " J . * * . S A SOB VET of the United States steamer Mohican, at Mare Island, California, shows her to be so rotten ae to be uosea worthy, NO. 21. pit bid genteel. Tbf gqmbieri ia *m w masks while dealing. " •"* Three low* f*Hiti* have lady County Superintendent aUßebeoie. ATetaphi". tM*; pnie ate* of 93,80 'jfcgmons in. Stone— iftjjmt Kill Swipes says .ha prefer* r oi In qji*rU. [ Trade Mem—* great hut year learnt, the art of Frrjioh polish ing. ,■ . Xutn-an-Senee is what n Troy tobae oonlst calls the Indian in front of hie store. m acquitted boreKtklef fiMW to retrieve We repetetioe. • ***>,■ The Webster Ilaoe> MarthheM, ia advertised to 1j sold at sndtlon for non payment of taxes. What is the difference between Johnny Homer and e printer t Johnny loved pie, and a printer don't The men who by mistake dieesed We heir with eroten oil, finds his new wig very comfortable and bceomfag. A Warning to would be IHondins—-It is not every tight-rat* denoer who oM keep his beienee -at We beaker's. , a An lew* groom wee ee dtfighted with tin mirriuM ceremony that he m-iatod on having it repeated eleven times. the Saginaw (Mich.) valley produced daring the hut** ream J,M1, 309, 719 teat of Jamba* and *,03,i5 barrels of •all. The priest Janqaa has held a confer enee at Bergerar on the Svflabn*. 1,300 people were prainafi, lnetnding several priests. * * ' TLe American Consul at Kingston, Jaraates, ia tafdvr of the Edgar Stewart expedition on the charge of piracy. White cashmere jackets lined with light color* d silks an a made with revert, are pretty and stylish for .riding and yachting. ■* ■>' * Ya ■— m'i dsi—i *m mlmaes liwwifijLiiL n #Wsn naWe 111 *' I Hl"* ** ■-sVv eTggA'ww *U ™lS'* sew* eat style is a mosaic of gold ; small oe tagooal forms, of three and four colors of gold, being jawed together, forming a teaselated pattern. - A taw -baa jast bean paassd which will make tbom who S*b in any of the streams , of the interior of lowa liable to a |8 fine -dl |L !i :-' 1 ■' w n.iaw wi.m lOT wwwtj aHII WW Bmmm fflWil* than a hook and line. It ia aaasrted that sinew the introduc tion of nasi jwinsrisa along the bank of ha* greatly Aeteriureftft " ' *' Maggie jfltitiiW* ta lusty years of ..ig% and has bran . the "stage ever w<* she ooaig walk She married Mr. Paddock in Itißfi, tfWr a fourteen years* oaortidrip, aad haatwo ehilfiswn. A Kansae ereek marksman was lately soouiOed on charge of asaaolt with in tent to Ull by showing in fhe-baek yard that if be had fired aft flu man intend ing to WU toft, he would asreiy have done it Thtt* are 215 cadets at the U, 8. Nav al Academe, 99 of whom -Were appointed fag the Pgr'iilHiJ idfft nIW apprwntie ea, 3 Japanese etud<uu one is Irons tha District of CofomWa. and 169 from the wsricmaStates. iiriw .> " Pwd," mad a father to his son, T hear thgf yog and yoor wife qnerrel end wrangle every day. "Whoever told yon thst, father, was totally mistaken; my i wife mdf haven't spoken to < are another l f at: a month. * u - J • la I—whuwHw, wMMtttiy. there was a wedding in which the hndegraa*, a widower of nearly seventy, named a lady whom he and his former wife had brought np Iran raimnrv, sad win had lived ia hia family as a daughter hgf.wty yean. ~ It would be no groat abutter, says Mr. Puuffe, a Pans:*:: thmtrical manager on the witnsas stand, to write of an actress that aba an salaamed, mof a jndgn rhe was bandy legged; bat sonfwsfag ■ w ere to eatf the judge unlearned, and the actress bandy-legged, than would be the ating. A gentleman visited a theatre at Dan ielaoDTille, Ct, the other night, ia com pear with a voting lady, and uneon •caoualy seated himseif diroetly in front of hia wife, who, not (dishing the aitas tion. proceeded to lake down the young tadv'a hack hair, ate) remove sundry article* of jewelry and Wearing apparel from her person, withont the formality of an intmdnatioa. It ll not stated who mm the wife's escort Mr. Jages* PseMßeboiw, who lives in found a JQClfltt Clf fatttßUQ boMS the ashes, together with a knife, a razor, some buttons aad other articles, which had the appearance of having been ex |H**d to fire. About the same trine he discovered Hois' Kumar bonea buried in th* garden adjoining the house. He has occupied the Ipsp* for shoot a year. Us# authorities are invoetigstiEg the : A Warn gtoram—A U4j is New York, of French parentage, bright, wittt, and good, became the wife of a guutloraaa whoes business- called him to routh his pace had been rapid, and the lady's leisure* gave many Shakes of the bend When talking of the marriage. He tokl her very frankly that he had been Of haughty hahitaTbat promised to be peeper. And he made a very good hus- Upd, On each Paris he brought hex some meo lime present — sometimes a bonnet, sometimes a dozen of Alexandre's, sometimes • drew. But IMP this, his eighth, return, be surprised her hv j in her hssds a mugum ccnt £**■ skawh the cost of which could ncrt hiiW need less than seven or eight hundred dollars. Wed might ber bright eyes sparkle, aa tbey did, oTer the ex quisite gossamer-like gift. Putting an arm tenderly around hi* neck and giving him a soft, sweet kiss, she said : " Ah, what a good, kind husband yon are to bring me auch a beautiful present! "But, ThkrifeV afar,"* (with a roguish smile,) '* how hid you mtrst bare been this laat time 1 She knew him! 7t< ,b 1 0 A lloan YTEK.-—The San Francisco Morning GcM thus adda another to the nuaaerwna remedies for a " bnlky" bone: "Recently a hone drawing a grocery wpgpu UJ> Pacific street took a notion into his lean bond that he had gone far enough, and, in spite of urging, coaxing, and whipping, stood stock-mil, with Sun legs braced and his ears drawn back. The turns] crowd surrounded innumerable treatments were suggested and triad with no avafl. Tbey sawed his forelegs with a rope, stopped his breath ing, twisted his tail, said pulled and pushed him ; but he only braced himself the harder, and looked at the crowd with an eye of contempt. At last a toll Piker came along, and picking up a large handful of mud from the gutter crammed it into the brute 1 * month. There was a scattering of the crowd aa the old home kicked ana rowed, and the acene ended in an exciting race by the young man after his horse and wagon, M they tore up the street at a pace they never equalled before." ! We publish the above because we have seen it tried, and have tried it, and m both instances it waa successful.— Godey * Lady's Book, TH* labor tenable* continue in Berlin. The builders and master-masons have joined the master-carpenters In the Inc.; ont movement. Thousands of working men are thrown ont of imployment The discharged journeymen of all trades have united in am appeal to the public for support. They discountenance the use of force or threats te prevent others from working. A HAW ont West undertook to play with a lujn at the menagerie the other day- He says he finds it mighty hard to wmte with his left hand, but that he missee hit eye more than anything else. Hie BOM was always a frwW* to him.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers