THE u\s;*r;iß REi'OxTSR FRIDAY, NOV. I*7l. LOCAL ITEMS. (,)3AI SUTi. -Our friends will obligi u* be staling in anv item* ot local inter .•st, including death*, marriage*, Ac., a such are eagarly rend by your friend* ir tiiu west, many of whom gel the Reporter W'o would esteem ita favor if our kind pa iron* would occasionally mail a copy el the lie (sorter to relative* and acquaintan ~, who formerly lived in Centre county „nd removed to other pa; ts, which would i .-. luce many to become subscribers. Impost axt to Hraist*.* Mkn.— The circulation of the Rkpuktkk, ou this khia of the county, is now greater than that of any two paptrr in the county, hence business men who wish to reach the Peunsvalley travle. wih advance their own interests, by niivcli lisiug in the Uepohtkr. Our suhscrir lion list is open to the in*petion of *l/ who wish to advertise. —— —it—— tioh&KX PoCNTJkIX PliN —Something new and novel. Be sure and read the ad viTtisemont in our paper, headed "Great e. Invention of the Age, ' We believe in • Golden Fountain I'en is unsurpassevi. A . >d pen is a necessity to every man, w. i:i and child. Agents, here i* a chance to make money in introducing a good and saleable article. jan Iff y. ii 11 ■ ... rpAX NOTICK. In accordance with 1 an act of Asssamblv, notice i* hereby given to the citiacns ot Potter, from w bom taxes for school purpose* for the present yeir arc due, that on all such taxes pint to the undersigned Treasurer, at hi re-i>iencc on or before loth ot November noxi there will be a deduction of five per centum, thi all taxes paid within one month said date no deduction will be made, and that upon all school taxes re unpaid after December loth next there will be an addition of five per cen tum Bv order of the Board. FRKD. KI'RTZ, n-.igdo.Sm Treasurer Fooplehavo beenso humbugged with dirty, jwisouous knir preparations, that thtv hail with delight the new article styled Nature's Hair Restora tive. Clear as crystal, and it does the work most eflecluall. See adverlis ment. 2'- lvtroßrAxrNKws.--KKAi'lt! In Jan uary, aext, the welt kown firm of Hirsii A Br*v, will leave Miltvy for Ku rope. and therefore they must and w lil seii otf their large and w ell selected stock of Clothing, at the very lowest figures. They therefore advise their friend* and ou*t->aiers in Centre county, not to let this rare opportunity to pass, a* there ate real ly good bargains to be had. They make it jis object to offer such inducement* to their patrons, as will enable thesu to find it profitable to lay in two or three suits at a time, as they must dispose of the stock between this and next month. Their stock complete in at. kinds of Cloth ing. and the price* are so low that people in that section are making large purchas e- . and Centre county people are advised of tui* chance for bargains too. Come one—Come alt—Men and Boy*— for the goods must be sold. llißscu A Bro. •ovlT.St Milroy. On Sunday, December 3rd, Rev. Salmi, D. I>., will administer the Lord's Supper, in the Luthern Church, at Aaronsburg. Frank & Haines, at Rebersburg, have dissolved partnership. The store is now carried on by S. Frank d* Son. Mr. Jatncs M'Cormiek, our staunch democratic friend down the toad a pieoo. raised 2J40 bushels of corn oH of 17 j acres. Should the branch road at Milroy be extended so as to connect with our r ad, it wouiti make the distance to Harrisburg, via., Milroy, 24 miles shorter than byway of Lewisburg. Waiier Grahaut, of Milroy, convict ed for selling liquor to minors and ou Sunday, was stutcnced to pay £lO ami be imprisoned ten days ; but the Gov ernor remitted the imprisonment. DEDICATION*. —The Lord willing, the i.tuly erected church at Woodward, Centre Co., Pa. will be dedicated to the worship of God, on Sabbath, Dec. 10th, 1871. Rev*. Kearick,Sweugel and Aurand are expected to assist m the occasion. E. TAMBACII, nov24 2u Pastor. The coming age —Saus-a^e. At what age must ail people have bt-eu preachers ? During the parson' age. DEATH BY SHOOTING. —On last Monday afternoon the body of David F. Smith, was taken through this place, for Potters Mills, where his father, Mr. Geo. D. Smith, reside#.. Young Smith was killed the day be fore, in Clearfield county, by the dis charge of a gun. The bail took ofl the thumb and fingers of his left hand, entered side, passed through his body, and out on bis left side, kill ing bim inslaully. One supposition is that he was killed by the accidental discharge of his gun as he stepped from his wagon upon a stump to shoot a deer i while the father thinks that it was the work of another who had a grudge against his son. The father was telegraphed too, and at once start ed for the body of his eon. His age was about 20 years. The communication from Yeager town is unaccompanied by any uame. Besides, our price for inserting it would be 32 dollars, upon receipt of which the letter will appear. Dr. Black intends leaving our coun ty. Sorry to lose so good a democrat. His sale at Centre Hill, on lit, Dec. A sou of William Br icht, of Penu twp., had one of his arm i broken about the elbow, a few dayi ago, by a kick from a horse. THE ADVERTISER#' GW/.KTTE, a IKXW O over 100 pages. sent by mail fa any address 10r25 cent*. Published by Geo. P. Row ell & Co., Advertising Agents. No. 41 Park Row, New York. The Washington (D. C. ; Standard say* : "It puts the advertisers on the track of saving money by judicious outlay, acd give* infarction and advice that the oldest and experienced as well a* new beginners, may find profit in perus ing." School directors will confer u favor, wml greatly facilitate the work, by for. warding as soon as possible to the Co* Supt., the Fall Report, containing the names of teachers employed, salary jiaid, etc. The County Institute will be held during holiday week, as usual. The programme will be announced as soon as fully arranged. Will directors pleuse lend a help ing hand by making an effort to have all their teachers attend during the en tire session ? AMERICAN SUXDAT SCHOOL WORKER, St. Louis.—The November number of this Magazine is a good one. An effort was made to get all the different denominations and Sunday School Journals to follow One Course of Lessons—but we learn that Schools will have the choice of five or six courses oi Lessons nextyear, instead of be ing restricted to one. The number before us < ontains 'THE WORKER" List, with an able Fditorial article thereon, which we commend fa the attention of all who are asking the Questions, What Course of Studv Shall \Ye Adopt Next Year in our Sunday School ? The Publisher is J. W. Mcintyre. St, Louis, Mo. On Wednesday morning tlip ground ■was covered wiJJisJiuw. Six 2-horsa !< ad* of powder in kegs, paased thMtiph Centre Mull, this week, intended tor blasting on the railroad east of this place. For thf UtiH>rU % r. 'Tronip* TheSutulay School Pouy. For about *ix year* thi* ponv ha* carved me faithfully in the .Sunday school worj. Shelta* never refused to perfom any task required of herin thi* service The neces sity i* now laid upon me to part with thi* faithful servant, "t'romp" is not perfect any more than other folk, ar One hab it he ha* of sometime* turning up to churcbe* and tchool-hou •*. ThU will | not be considered a \t ry eriou fault by the man who will buy such s horse "Protttp i* also in the habit of darken ing her pe< d upon meeting a company of children by the road-side, especially it'the driver begin* to talk to them, and ii he ha* picture paper* to give out, pouv will Mop quite Mill. Hy reason of age. "Promp" i* getting lea* prompt, than lormerl.V The met i, he i* too old to endure the long driv** and hard road* incident to an i tionary service. She tnut ho told and a younger hore secured for the work "A mercifUt man Arc ," can have her, at any time for le*i than her real value by application to It. Crittknokx, S. S Missionary, ltellefonte. Teachers' Institute*. Centre Halt, Nov. IS, ISTI A meeting of the teacher* of Potter township wa licld at Centre Hail, Saturday, Nov the IS. h, tor the purpose of organising a Teacher*' In stitute. The organisation of the meeting wa> completed hy the election of I*. J. Fred rick, President and \\ illiai.i Kutiklr, See ntary. A list of the name* f teacher* then prvaent aa* ordered am) taken by the ee rrtarv a* follows: T. J. Fredrick, Levi Garbrick, J. L. Spangler, Daniel Mitter ling. Wtn Kunk'u, Kilts B. Hosterman. Ueckie Lauver, Mollio Beningtonand J as. B. Strom. Views on the utility* of a teachers, uieet ings, truit-uionihly. w* thru earnestly do bated by mcli one All pledged a faithful attendance and expressed their hope the wrak-knetd brethren of the pro fession would join them. Ily request the president then presented a programme for our future meeting, which, after a few changes, was adopted. Pr nnineuce is given in this programme to school govern ment. Under this head all cases of pun ishment, parental interference &0., will be considered. The most promising part of the programme is the tiuic and opportunity given to the discussion of questions in men tal science A class in this study has been organized, of which J. L. Spang or was se lected leader, to b regularly studied, re cited and debated before the Institute The topic for next ui< eting i the "Origin of human knowlege.'* After a few remarks touching the man ner and place of holding the meeting, ad journed to convene on Saturday Dec. 2nd, at Centre llall, 1, p. tu. M il. B. RVSKLK, Sec, I*. S. Directors and parents are respect fully requested to attend. We do hops that all the teachers of the township will join ns. Wo mean earnest work. Tlii Count's Little Daughter: A I.EtiEJtD OK KLBKMBKHO O'er the gray old German city The shadow of mourning lay : More tenderly kissed each mother Her little child that day. With a deeper prayer each father Laid his hand on his first-born's Jiead, For in the calle above them Lay the Owlnt's little daughter, dead. Slow moved the great proc> >ion Down from the castle gate To where the blsck-dra|ed cathedral ■ Blazed in funereal state. And they It4 cue Ijtle child down, In bet robes of satin and gold. To sleep with her dead forefathers In their stone crypt, dark and cold. At midnight the Count*** lay weeping Neath her gorgeous eonopy, Slia beard a- it were a rustling. And title fee! <.i<tiic nigh. She started up in the darkness. And with yearning ge-ture wild, She cried, "lla- the Father heard me? Art thou come back, my child?" Then a child's voice, solt and pleading, Said, "I've come, O mother dear, To s*k if you will not lay me \V hsr* the little birds I can hear ; "The little birds in thetr singing, And the children in their play. Where the sun shine* bright on the flow er# AH the long summer day. "In the stone crypt 1 lit- weening. For 1 cannot choose Let f(?*r. Such wailing 4 dire and cnuele From the dend Count#' coffins I hear. "And J* nj all alone dear mother, No other child t there; Oh, lay me to sleep in lliu sunshine. Where all is bright and fair. "I cannot stay dear mother, I must back to the moans and gloom ; I must lie there, fearing and weeping. Till vou take me from my tomb." Then ths Countess rou*ed her husband. Saying. "Give u> are, J pray, That pot of green by tliw deep fw>{<?, Where the children lovo to play. "For our little one lie* weeping. And asks, for Christ'* dear sake, That 'mid song and sunlight and flowers, Near children bar grave wc make." And the green pot was made a garden. Blessed by priest* with boon and pray er. And thev laid the Count * little daugh ter Mid flower* and sunlight ihcre. And to the children forever The Count and Counte*# gave I As a play-ground, that smiling garden ' By their little daughter'* grave, ' —Mri. R. 8. (Jreenough, in Scribner'* for Deeembei. For the lie porter. Going Home with the Girls. The entrance into society may be said to to take place immediately after boyhood ha* passed away. Yet a multitude take an initiative before their beard* are presen table. It i a great trial, either at a tender or rough ag<-. For an over-grown boy to go to a jjoiTi knowing that there are a dozen girl* inside, an'! to knock or ring with absolute certainty that in two minute* all the eyes will be upon him. i* a severe test of courage. T go before thee girl* and make a u#vfactt>ry tour of the room* without stepping on their te. and dispose of one# hand* without putting them in one* isookstz, i* nn achievement which few boys can boast of. If a boy ean go o far a* to measure off ten yards of tape with one of the girles. and cut it short m cuui. epd. be may stand a chalice to pa** a pleasant ev ening. but let him not flatt-r himself that all the trial* of tho evening uro over. There comes at hi#t the breaking up. The dear girl* don their hood* and put on their shawls, and look as saucy, mi*chevious, un iuipi essible, and independent, a* if they didn't wish any body tog., home with them. Then come* the l.inch, and the boy who hu the most pluck makes to the prettied girl his hear! i throat, and hi* tongue clinging to th.- F"<f f l>" mouth, and crooking out hi* elbow, stammer* out the word*. "."Shall I see you homo." tquphc* her flnger to hi* arm, and they walk home H hot apart, feeling a* awkward a* to gosling*. As soon as she I* afe Within her own door, he strut* home, Hnd really thinks he has been, and gone, and done it. Sleep comes to him at last, with dream* of Caro line and calico, and he wake* in the morn ing and finds the door of life open to him, and pig* squealing for breakfast. lIXKOUTOIIH NOTICE,-- LettMf Te*- 'j tamcntary on the Estate of John Em art late of Harris township doe'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them nruuerly authenticated far settlement, propany ;?. JOSIAH NEFF, nov2C6t. gf ecutor NOTICE.— Notice is horuly given, that the books and notes of the Centre ii II Manufacturing Company, have been D laced in the hands of Ale*. Shannon, Ht Centre Hall, far settlement and collection. All persons having accounts in said books, are requested to call at his office, in Centre Hall Centre County. Pa., before the first dav of January, 1812, and settle the same, | ot i, er wise after which time they will be proceeded against according to law. ; v. Br ORDER or THE BOARD. The Rochester Union fall* attention |to the detent of Fred IXxigtnw for the Assembly, and the fact that he rnn Ivchinii the re* I of the Uepublieau tick et, as iitt illustration of the dtferenee between Radical nod prao lice. While Democrat* there, it anya, have always treated him with eon aid* ration ; the Radical* have always given hiiu the cold shoulder. It is now coming to light that the Tweed "ring" in New York embrace* more Radical* thnii iHunoeratfi. l.iw not for thvself alone, but for tliv" gooil of thy lei low-men Ihe sight ut tho mind is dm kcticd by errors. Envy cannot see, ignorance cannot judge. To lie had at Hcrlnchcr vV C'romillor's Furniture. A lot of giK'd new Furniture oil hand, SUc i a- , lie tturenll, Bedsteads, \V ash stand*, Ac. e Gloves. A kp'eitdid lot of Buckskin tilovc*, driv ing Glov i , dres* Glove*. ■'■■■■ ■ nh*' i Li , i ui.v Notice is hereby given ttial the partnership ot the tlrui of tlanhA Haillt-*, herotol.<re I-visting at Ke bcrsburg, Was unsolved on the SlHh day ot October, last All per-OUs knowing Ihe 111- se.ic* ilideited to said linn are requested to come and make settlement. Fa ink A 11 .vINK*. 0 N -i lea i. hereh* given that the mer cantile business i> continued at the old -•.aids* heretofore under the firm of S. Frank a Sou. ThaukAil for pat natron age, they invite their old friend* anucusto nil r* tor a continuance of the same. S Frank *V Son, lTnov .lt. Hobershurg, l'a. Iy KtiISTKHs N UTiCKS. —The follow- V tag account* have been clammed and pa*-t-d by uie and remain tiled ot re cord i* this olHce for the inspection of heir* Legatee* Creditor* and uti other* in any way interested, and will be presented to the Orphans Court of Centre county to be held at ticliefoute fur allowance ami con tinuation on \\ ednesday, the 'AKIi day of November A l> ls.l. I The account of William 11 Mengle, administrator of all and lingular the good* and chatties rights and credit* which were of John Frank, late of the township of ilxiue* in the county of Centre dec'd. - The account of James \V. San key one of the Kxcutor* of the lust w ill and testa uu tit of John N,nkey late of Centre eoun ty ill the State of Pennsylvania, dee d. •'. The account of George Jack Kxecutor of mid ot \\ illiam Wagner late of Harris township dec d, I. The ae.-ount of Henry Zeigler Guar ilian of K. Km ma lloy, (now intermarried with J. K Tibbius) M inyr child of George H">", late of Mariou tow nship dee d. o. Guardianship account of Jacob C \V Gu.vrdian of Constan*. Satnue! Michael anil Sarah Jane Minor children of John Walker late of B<>ggs towtishsp dee d. 6. The Guardianship account of \Y iliiam Poorman linarviiau of George W tiar brtck and Elizabeth A. Garorick Minor children of Henry Garbriek late of the township of Benner dee'd. 7. The account of John C. Zimmerman Guardian of Nancy Ellen Segiu-r and Francis Laura Segner Minor children of Simon Segner late of Centre county dec d. & The administration account >: Heury Keller and Robert Gohceit administrators ot and of James T Jobn-tou late of Harris tow n-hip dec d. tt The accountoi John P. Harris Execu tor in the last will and Testament of Eliza beth Carey late of the Borough of Belie, faille dec d 10. The account of James 11. Linn ami W in. P. Wils>n acting and surviving Executor* of the last w ill and Testament of the Kev Jaiues Linn I'll late of tile B r ugh of Bellcfonte dec,d. 11. the account of William U. *l.> * ad ministrator of and of Catiisreu tinman late of llaiues township dee d. J. 11. MoUUlsoX, ltegi.ier. List of Jurors. |jk*i of lofiitJ Jiw 4ns fug Mu.oilmn Uro ct Court A. D. Kl. COOUMKUIE lU> of X-.-* Sa-*uur Gvutjiiick, > Husri Jaa A KmcAv/, Ji JKm. Jm tUm*. A Aitilrr X .1 AMkcr. W K Liberty .> tLrviJUG J atttatiArxlner UlkMoU It ftUciut/i Poiwr An J l| Cra(Nr4. I) I. K**t Uklit* JOo V .uda. X U UiUiitt, J DO llvtfef foitu h. Wcuurr. || rr|uvMt II il Kk AvtU* Jm i iiumjuul, Uregg Jo* Aitr WiUrr AtUtu <• rtnus Alt..-a. ur* S M Grtna li>t id Mil Jttron dn* fur Sot zmbjr Tjm of Court A. U. Ulft. cuutMACiiti lib Muodij N Hair* CftkM lio*trman. H A U.u|W Ultert; J U Ganlarr, HoiU'f. D bUarr II 1. Hane). M J J VVUium* WAiger A iry. ¥ Kid; l-aioo • HUtft ftftusrarl ft PleL bar, J K Moalguaicrj CartlQ J HrtcftL, ft Hchd"l Urc|. Wj W M w. || Jkpt Hartii luac kb aatrf, s lUtU:.s5 Patloa A HU E*. O Maltrr* iteAWfooic M iliuxklo. X Mock, \V I" Doac-oa. D Kaat*. M If.llsrr. Wm Bml. J Boat. Jao Pourmia Ibdlorl, JJ Stream. U Klun *auiitb, I V KeiUr Marino H Vranrk, Jnu Mojr, Jr., I f iuottun, <• A Hojr t niooulls W II hmltu, 1 vr<a-"e P Uacb. heu SlitiMr. S Ellcober|. So A L"*,JfTT*n tWs.* JC * l unf. J Ijru**'. M Tri#U Mu.-.ou r* J M i.runn Ntrng ta Utl* *! Joseph Hkflj list of f'ottt Juran drawn for SotemlM-r Terns of Court cotnawni lax Moods) MM* 4lb of i>oc. A 1) Ki. BrllefttD i V Tbmajus, W (•albrnth. K (iruvr, 8 A-lama Pcaa K KrrsMlrr, Wui Aletonde? Taylor a Copa.i**r Krrgtuno A Umplr. Hons** If &rt*t*r Howsrl if Isioi, II Diipp, H ( f Hoitar Hilfmnm T Koo;< Potter 1 D Rhbal. Ju H#ato.w>4. Phllipsburt A MtHil4P>tnrrw. I 1. Way I'aiU'i. A kalian. W T Tbop. U>CH*. DC Awmanoo, W II krapi Wort :*. ila Jonas Hstrta. J* htano. HSIDM Adam I* Woavar Mutton. a Vtompvtm. H W Host. Waihr. ioollfrsHiv lilorlf, Ul orwiilar. Milci. jnnath Rrsmar. it K Poost. h!M.(ieo Jm.*tn ioa Millar.J (> M.Wtrarg. J * urtjr JjiowsbiM l . BK Ifuwtao. M*rV*to : 8 Halls WAR! WAR! Oil Prices. GREAT EXCITEMENT. 11. It. NMITII, of Potters Mills. N E W <i 0 01)8! We would most respectfully i-.from hi* friend*, customer*, and th<* public gener ally, thut liu }ih* taken possession ->f Th 'injon*# old quarter-, which l;av b'-en remodeled and improved, and i* now pre pared to accommodate all who may favor in in by calling. NEW GOODS! He ha* just received one of the large*t stocks of all kind* of Merchandise ever bn.ugbt to Centre county, which he intend* to t-ll ut scull llgure* an will make it an ob ject lor all person* to purchase. Jfaitjjjips laving in winter supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, <fcc., should not fail to give hint a call, a* he feel* confident hi* price* and superior quality f good* will amply satisfy all. Hi* tock of GKOCE R I E 8 consists of Coffees of the best quality, Teas, Sugars of all kinds, Molasses, Pish, Halt, Dried Fruit. Spices. Provisions, I Hour and Feed, Ac., Ac. Our stock of I) II V Q QO 1) S is large and varied, and we will just say can supply any article in that line, with out enumerating. READ Y M A DECLOT H I N G a large stock of ready-made Clothing for Men and boys' wear, which we will dispose of nt a very small auVahPfi op cost. Hoots and Shoes, Hals and Cups, Hard ware, Wood and \\ illow Ware, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpels, Oil cloths, Wall Papers, Window Shades, &c., oeiy |y. JTiP'Aiiy person sending us eight sub scribers with the cash, SIC, will receive the Reporter 1 year free; and for four names uud SB, the Reporter 6 mouths free. i| The corn crop of the Weal, the prct i | out aciuoti, li i- proved the beet liurveat* 11 w! fur youi.i. in many portion* of lit' • | iliuiia, Invvn, Mi umri, Nebraska, and ■i Minnesota t i n in offered in the crilw int fifteen ct lit- u buahrl. In Illinois , and Kentucky the yield has been bc vond all ptvi nt, fh wheat crop . I Im." al<> I <t'ii wry largo. In Europe, on the contrary, there appeal* to have botii a 11 aw <b licit in the grain hat• vt>l in n irlvall countries. In Kng la lid the ccmn ul failing nil' bun been variously i "iin;u! cd at from fifteen to ' I twenty percent; while in Hungary, the Danuhinii I'riiitipnlitica, portion* of Austria, a. t| iii Southern liunaiu— wll eouutt tt t have usually export ed !ui„ j ...;.tit u of gruin -there ha* l*ii a real decrease from the a\iii.; . j duct; n. l'he ravages of the potato i. : rod the cattle disease in ( lb itain wilt increase the de mand (iu .'iaiii ami animal f<iod, ami the I oil I Stat* . will be able to sun ply b !.: in :*sty j tautity at reus .liable j price". ;t ci •ap bacon and pork, nr tic!. * . >. i ii-dely c'otiaumed every where, ui the natural couscquence of ' cheap corn. To n akehu -1 . y Tie their legs to-! get! •. t!i i *tand up.—dree h I Piu y hil no father than your j sleeve will i aeh. MA RRIAGES. I'w th t 1 U ••!. bv It.-. K Stambach,' M* 1' !t t, Mi-. VuiiliM Vouujt. i belli ,'<• only. I'll it- I i t nt ibe tt.uiUhurg(larson-! I age, h\ U>-,. \\ U.tirob, Mi David Hohni and Mi Jul;: t' Coney, both of Walnut Grove. Hit the I .iil:-t, by K.-V. C. It Keller, j a'- ti r ... n. ni Aar->ii*burg, Mr. Ben jamin t . i.fnlld Miss Amalldn Kllt..dn r ov. : b ib u! Hume* twp. On << •: K. Wesson No lan !V. - Mr. J.ihl. Coble and Mrs ' Caiburi. ■ W. Tv , all of Harris Township i Centre county. DEATHS. Gn the I lib ii. >t ,in Harris twp, of Con-1 SUIUpf Mr J ,n f Wesson, aged 2.'! years tt niulh, uid 'J day*. 1 . i. Milts Mrs. Sarah W., mis of Dr It. ii. Van \ slash, aged 'dj years. At P i!-l' :rg . t:,>> morning of the loth I iu! , Mr. J Kiiler, at flip advanced age of Ut)years, 1 1 ill '.lii* ami |"J day*. I .M i I.KitY MAKKKTS. C. t ly John M Dow ,11. \\ bit .. II Itt.i w i.eal l,tU Kye j 7" c nil .u. to ttartev Co | | Ctov 11 • • .Tiu Hhy-. Ed, iSO ! Sail "J iOj> r t.i. j Bacon I ...It >:; ilb flutter at).. Kgg j2O Piaster yUi ..KI.l.Ki -N i IM AKKKTS. I led by Keller A Mutter. . ■ > >t ■Co > l|< ! iii . Bye ~ 7U Corn •>>... :.i to Barley Kip t". - Potatoes :!&,< Lard pr pound * .... Pork in-r poundtK) p Iluiier •*' ... K.-. Plaster per tonji el.i Tallow 10 Bacon BY....Hum at), p ■*- ;-.*— i ■ii ■—a——mmmm I AS i \Oilt .. N"l!i i ii luTrtiv J iv. 11 • •!!<•<•: >r of t outity AMI Slat* 1,11 <m C , . county, who have not i *ettup tin .rdupbcule*lor the year* pre-1 viou* t ■ I-T1 t > < ■ rue in and cttlc •aid; dup'. -.t ml make pay men! of balance* due, i'ii i'!■ : :io twenty .*evrnth day! ti! NV' " .,id balance* will tie j phu <*u t:i ' ii. d of MI attorney, witvj in* tuct, t-'eolh et the ame without dhl lay h* n.i h'i ; r .•diligence call he given ; I nor, alter th date, i!l any Mrrrata|M| or cx< i ratio i" allwicd. By order of Coin tu '.■ \VM FUUKY, flrrk Farmers Head! KiitijiV .Nuw W'aguu, with a ph'iidni nowrUntnl of g'od* will JM appear It Vot r l) urn, ua< i with j - :variety of Good*, auch a* {' Mini i atiey Cawiuirro of tho la* teat Fail and Winter Styles, Beaver t Tr ■ >:, Duoakin. Satinet*, i • •' UW, waterproof Flahlv IN. i HI AIM "t en .lie "• vari ety of Flannels. Fiao, Medium tutd t'oarao. Stocking' Yit!n* oi' a'i i.iiid-, liinnkrh, white gray, and horse Blanket*. Striped Carriage Blankets. Tin-1. .wilful ftripi'd carriage blan ket*. made in tho tpoat *uperior Qraor, and for :tlo at a r. i-unable figure. CAHPKTs, heavy Duma*'., Fi acred, Ingrain and Strip <1 Furl atni Stair Carpel*, all *u-< peri'.r, bright fust color*. WHO 1., I. A KD, und SO A F taken in ex change lor Go !-. Goods, of every varie ty, alway- on hand at hi* residence. John C. Kemp, Centre Hill, Fa. '• It. Agent for Halfpenny'* Young Men! "working MEN I ! YOUNG WOMEN ! I ! Xj'. ml! to I'tU thr foundation of your fortune. Lei.,i i/i, net of Hook-keeping, at t night i>;/ I'rcf. I big. Principal of 1 Dot'; - { '/i,i i t itl tollrye. In everg ( city if :!>■ L'nii d St ile* there i* con- , tl uii <!< :. fir llook keeper*, boOt , male andfo.i i/td !> Pr'.f. !>■ ' i method the whole art of L /• j -"J ' taught in one *hort\ eat //. oi, a that any pcrcon of ordi nary inl'-Uiyt net ci i learn it in leu j than our tcrrk Mndy. This valuable inetrnelion will be tent h HEE to any J addre," upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR. ■ 0 Copies to one addre** $5,00. Addre.-.* EUGENE DOTY .* i Bal 3| ? U xi r) J "J* 1) xi £ i AT REDUCED PRICES! A LI. K*N DSOF FIT R N ITU It K AT Til K "MAMMOTH" Furniture Store! OF THOMAS LINN, Or, Allegheny Street, Hcllefontc, Pcnn'a. IAIbDPT thi* luutiii' l of iiifofinlng tpy friend* tiiat I have iMtrchu-ed the entire intore-t of Henry P. llarri* in the above named • tublMnnent. Mr. llarri* hnving retired front the llrm. Will Contlnuo tho Business of Manufacturing all kind* of Furniture at hi* old htaml on Howard St. lie al*o make- a specialty of Ibid# Hi) King In all il- branehe*. Tho bet of Collin*, h Good Hear-1-at all time* on hand. Every funeral will be attended to by him in per son. Hi* many year* of experience will recommend him us one of the OLDEST AND BEST UNDERTAKERS in the State. All order* PROMPTLY KILLED. Order* for Coffin* can bo loft at my *toreon Allegheny -Street, THOMAS LINN, .Bcllefoute Pa. oct' '• Good News for the Ladies. 111,1. BPIvMMi UF i* Hounds, Trimming* .Millinery, ill l MRS MARY E. SHOOPE S * In Centre llul). * Mi:. M K Nhoope, lot jti 1 returned - from !'hiliidrl|diin, with the LATK.ST ( KASHIONH. and a complete st< I. ,(' New IbiutitdD, New Kntr, Klegaut Trimmings, Ac, 1 which a ill be sold or mud * ilf in ii * tlist at reasonable prices. Aim, old Indies Dress Cups, i The now styles are very nretty Ladies , call and see ibem early, rir>! , "ine, first i served. no v.llt. To Advortisors Alt per*.,ii n li,* eon template making contract* witli newspa pers for the insertion <>( Adveitiaomenlsj should scud to Geo. P. Rowell 6r Co. for a Circular, or inclose 1! > I enta -r llieir One Hundred Tags Pampblot , mti ingi Lists of H.llttl Nuurspapcrs and • stlntataa, I showing the cost ol advertising, also iiianyj Useful bints to advertisers, and some ac count of the experience, of nun who are know nn. Successful Advertisers, t his tlrm are proprietor* of the Aiu iictm Newspa per Advertising Agency, 41 Park Row, N.Y. and are posses,, I ol une<|Uiille(| facilities) for securing the insertion ot udveriisenieiitsl in all New-papers and Per. „i,, sis a! low | est rales. It'Uov.dt GREAT FLOOD! Tuns of Dry (too,is, Groceries, No tion*. Hardware, Uiiy-inoUe Ciotliiug, an I lii, it. ml* of other article* CAItRIKD OKP AND LASDKD AT VIL-ibe Cheap Store of Herlachar & Cronmiller. CENTRE HALL, PA and How title red at price, lower that) the lowest. Dry Goods, No's >:i, <sr. cries. Hard ware, tjueens ware, Wood and willow ware ''' Iron, Salt, Pish and in fact, a magnificent ■ assortment of everything GOODS VKBY NKA KAT THE (Mill PRICES. Dress Gauds A most beautiful vuri, !• > ou*i-! g fall 'the novelties of the sea- Ul, white g,Kds, embroideries, ho >j skirls, BALMORAL SKIRTS, Alh we u*k that vou will CALI. AND EXAMIN E Ot Jt STOCK ALL KINDS Ol It HtN l>s [silver plated and Yankee Harncs- double: and single, bridle* and baiters. Apr 1 j Prospects < I HIGH PRICES FOR GRAIN,' The undersigned have taken p ',c*ion of th<- Warehouse at the Mill, in Milroy, jt formerly oecupie 1 bv It, ed A i hoiirson, and arc now pmpartwl 1,11 uy ail kinds .u. Grain and Seeds, at the ! .'best murk,, price*, for Cvit t'>Ai Pi orrit and] SALT, constantly ON hand F T *!< as low as the lowest Farmers <>t Centre cmi,tv ar. r, -|Kw-|- fully invitd) to give U- a ca ; \Ve guarantee to give , in al! ca.. MCMA NIG AL A BItO W N srpt^Ltin. T AND AT PBITATV SALK. A lot of land, lying in Gr> ,•< t wit*bip. ( on the hatlk* of Feint* I r -.-k, between Feun Hall and Spring M i*. U oil ere,! at private ale. It adjoin* and* of Geo Buchanan and L. It M Iniir. . laming 24 AC!tK< more or le** About *> rw coni*t of firt cla while pine tiutio*r. the balance rleared Bld under t ulliv att 'll -o acre* arc meadow. For farther particular, apply t<< C. II hexNICK, ISochtf Gregg tap. HOUSE AND LOT i oil •* AJ.K The undcriftn I <•:!-r, at pruale >ale lit* hou*e and lot. .!.i ile en Churmi ;rict, Centre liali Th "> , „ now two *try frame building, .c of the fine*! . in the nrighborh'**d, ami >•! of {he j beJ location* ill tho l*wn Tne: ei* a new liable upon the lot F-r : it'tr pvrtieu lar*apply U AlK\ v, ll kX.vOj*. ipt2£t£ : I I . • , The First l ami (lie Best!! Tlie Largest & CHEAP ESI stork' oj . FALL GOODS! JUST UNPACKING at KELLER <t J IVSSEU, In .Irukerit JX • bio k, 8.-lo, Street, Bollefonle, whore . liavo jut opened the b -t, cheapest large* n well a* the bct a*irted *lock ofGeou* ,n llellefolito. HE HE LA DIES, . Is the place to buy your Silk', Mohair ; MoCHiiibniut't, Hop*, Alpaca*, Delain*. Lan, Brilliant*. Mualitu, Calico**. nek ing, Flanel*. Oners Flanel.*, Ladief Coat ing. tionta' Cloth*. L oin - Marque*, W hilt I'ckay. Linen Table Cloth*, Counterpanes Crib Counterpane*. A\ bite and Colorec Tarltoii. Napkin*, ln*crting* andKdgings White l.acc t'urtin*. Zephyr & Zenhvr 1 at tern*. Tidy Cotton, Shawl*. Work Basket * iiOOl* SKI IMS, Thread Hosiery. Kan-. Bead*, So wing LADIES ASD MISSES SHoKg FANCY GOODS on NOTION LINK FOIt OEX TL EME\, Roedyuiacle Clothing of Every Ii aoription, for Men nmlßoya. Their *torU ifQC K K NBffij Alii. A< • It' > CERIES cannot I ex, led in quality or ' VCI l in at the philadidjdiiaStore and con vince ynumolve* that KELLER A M t'S SKK have any thing you want, and do bu *inu** on the principle f "tjuick Sale* and Small Prottt*." |pAO,tW ORAtX AMD PHODUC* AR TAKKM T he V lace TO BUY e HEAP SCHOOL BOOKS. IS AT LIVINGSTON'S WUDLKSALS BOOK STORE. aug2l>.Bui ilullefonte, Pa. Stoves! FirelStov's! ' At Andy He stnatiV, Centra Hall, are latest and best lv out, he lias just received ll lurge lot <tf l'. Cook Stoves, th< l'ionter Cook, lit, Eel ipso Cook, t the ltd in not) Cook. PA Ul.OitS II," K„ >; >nt Lighi. self fee : dor, Gas Burner, National Egg, I Jewell, Jeo. k-O- He sells st ~• s it, L<) W a* anywhere ! , in Mifltin or Ccitli , TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undersigned hereby informs the' cltUens of Penn*v <■ ley lliat ho lu* pur ultased the Tiii'lioj, Ii retof irc carried on by til* C 11 Co., and wit, cuiilinur j the same, at the ~id' . o|, in all its branch |os, in the mnnufaeluroof mtovi: .. "ipotnxc. AII k it.,is f ■< w , i JJe l,a> always "ii hand Fruit Cittm, of all Bi*ts, BPCKKTS, CC B DI PPKItS, DI *IIKS, &C, All work warran 1 ml ,-harg, , reas.m. \ able. A share , tae - i !<lie iiatrofiage so- [licited AND HKLsMAN I ] -itepTOy Centre 11*11 I iclT "*• j 1 * ( •' I . ,;tf. and i K p. to. i Pin! > in,.., Ju e 13th, 71. 'I N" ; ' ! : the first in sUlinent Of five tloilvs per share, to thi-i •apital stock of the I.en burg, CYntreandi • Spruce Crock Rail Itond Co.. übs<-ribed| ii the t„wh>li,|i< ,i Harris. P., tier, Gregg. Penn and Ua nv ' .ot uaiv wlll b. payable oh the lit -: ,!ay of July |7l, and sub , (juent (nstallti -s Of five'dollars pel j- share, will ha do .if 1 payable on the firs! day "I each sin,-ceding month until the whole is pahi P.* . it* >,f the nb-.rein-' stalments are hereby rmpifred to be made I to the treasurer of (he I'ompany, ut the' office of the Cent ro County U, nking t 'OIII- i puny Reliefoiit l'a. i JOSEPH LESLEY. . Treasurer.] V B Any per* i > •••iri-.gcan pay the! wrhtdootfa! onee. D paymenb ar n.H t punctually tnnde llio law allows one per] cent pel month to be charged in addition, j Attention Farmers of CENTRE COUNTY rotix M IX)Wf LL *' having lea.eJ the Warc-j hiis. ofC-opLn & • r,it,k in Milnty. is now j I prepared to lay the highest cash prices for all kinds set Grain. Coal, Plaster and Sail, ! constantly on hand. ina.VJO.ttni! CEX TK ! lit 1. I. Coach Maan r ao co cy. . Lc v i M urr ay, let kit establish) .! Ce'.fro llgtl. Pa..:' k,*eps ~|i hand, a:. 1 f,r vile, at the mast , j reasonable rates ■tck of I Carriages, Dußßiex, tfc Spring Wagons, t L*L.A I X AND PAXCT, . and vehicieofi cry d ri/li >l W*J to • >rder, and Warratslod, i-> he mado of the le: M-iutiril in;;!,-rial, ainl by the inot •killed and com, t>. rrkrnct. Fcr*on wanting any thin? in hi* line are rwjuete*l U> call and In* work, they will 6ijd it aot to he excelled for durability and larrar. apr3My- VKWHAIUi VI ORE J. & J. HAKBIS. NO. ft. IlltOt iiKUIIUFF ROW A i.-.i INI ■ l! are store lia been opened hv tli under.igne*| iu erhofT . new hu;i i x" where ti.ev arc pre par.-d to*cllall!. *f B nldingand ll >u>t rurii!-!,lnc Hard n, 8k Nnil* Buggy A%> • !". • 1 ' iwipi 'ii Clothe Wringer, Mill Saw r■-.liar .ml Ham Saw •. Tennon S iv\ \\ ebb Saw*. IceCrean Pre ">-r*, llatli T k - !*• k, a ful, a*> •rtinent of G! <■ and Mirr-.r Flate of al. •ite*. I'icture Prnn h beelharrow* Lntttpt. Coal Oil I.< il Iting. Spoke*; Fell."-*, and II ;ib FI *. Caltlator, ©rr t Flow*. Plow P ' "r K*M ll.ard* and Cisllivator T -sh. Tablet itlery. Shoe els Spade* and Fork*, h*i, Hinge*. Screw *. Sa*b Sp: • . 11 or -Sh<t<*. Nail*, Norway H'" • 1-ar l. Luliricating. t'oal, Linaecd.T iii'i r \nviU. Vie, *. Bel low*. Screw I'lv Riacs*niith* T'*ol, Factorv" Bell*. I! • Delia Dinner Dell*,: Gong Bell*. Tea lb G-imlttmie*. tkirpen terTol. Fruit .!:> • I Can*. Faint*, Oil*, Varni*he re< I for tale at June-, i.s.l, .1 A.I II A UKTS yELLKR A J ABDETT dealer* in DRUGS, MEDICINE, CHEMICALS aliioaH the STANDARD PATENT M KDIOINES.' A very large a*, siotltncnt of Tot iv;r Vmt i.k*. FA SEX OOOD* Sea- . Ae.. Ac., The fiu"*t qual ity of It x * o a ■- r KNU, POCK KT KM: K*,S:l**.)R* and K.ttOU. WAI.I. P XPKR IN GUR AT V AKIETT. PHKSCEIPTIONS. 1 impounded by < >'in p-tentdruggi-:* nl til hour*, day or night. | Niffht cuatomi r- pit 1 night hell. ZF.LLKU Je d AKKKTT, Hi'i ipSt.. H -llefonte Pa. 1 . lunlS 1 CENT HE IIALL Tan I avd. The under- d vottld rc-pectfa'l .* In form the citir.c'.- <>f Centra county, that the above Tan Yard w ill again be put in full operation, in all it*branehe*, by them. HIDES AND BAKU WANTED. The highc-i market price will be paid for Hide* of ulI kind Die bighe't mar ket price will td ' lo paid for Tanner'* IJark. The p-.v ( itranaga i toHcitni Sati-fiietion RE Hl'. ■ ! dekwr MII.LKU 4 BADGKK. CHEAP MUS C. ScnacHiiiKna to PRTUU-I' Mt *ICAI. MONVHLV get. all the late*t and boat Mu*ic atone and two cent* a piece Kveiy num ber contain* from $1 to s' worth of new Mtuic ; and it cat be In 1 for 90 cent*. The duly and Atigu-l number* contain Thirty Piece* of MU-ic, > T'i p ige*. heet-mu*lC{ •lac.) and will be mailed mrsocent*. Ad dre** J. L. PKPKKS, ,V.n Broadway, New- York. 25ugdm. YTTT >CK KRILOFF HOUSE. Allegtieqev Street, BcHefonUt, Ph. D. JOHNSON it SONS, Proprietor*.{ A rtKHTCI.AR- lIOTRI- <'OMrOt|TABI.K ROOM*, PROMPT ATTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN OONVKNIEN CKS—AND REASONABLE Charge*. The proprietor* offer to the traveling) public, and to their country fiiends, tlr*t> clft** accommod.ition* an I careful atten tion to the want* of guc*D at all time*, at fair rate*. Careful h >*tlor* and good table! [ling for hor*o*. An excellent table well -erved. A B tr-applied with line liquor*. 1 Servant* well ir lined and everything re-1 i quudta in a or*t ela* Hotel. Our location j li* in the bu*ine-. part of tho town, near the I Pelt office, till- Court l{ou*e, the Chur-j !eh<;*, the Bank , and tho p iqcipal place* i>f bttsino**, reader* it tln> nio*t eligible place fbr those who vult Bollefootoon busi ir pleasure. Aii Omnibus will carry passenger* .tad baggage to and from all trains free of charge. jYouiigamd ? l tiug, CITY s r roini. WHOLESALE AND BI Lii The largest uu,l be-; , i J Ilrv (mmmls CloUiiu^ (iroceri* Hoots. & Shoes. ; ! Notions iu the county, give u* ait .} t t : 1 an front 15 to 20 {< r cent, i n r ptir chaeeo. itily2B. Hi I 7 (irahani tc Son, . Boot&Slioe Makers; ' Next iloorUi Wna'.* ri.urv; B* Defeat*. I ' j W<- mar. ufacture ia order, tt ir work i* neit and hir. Ou: j.rice* are very in- i -r *, VVc warrant to ~ ve i. We have tl. LARGE* * t i BEST stock <>f Lvdie** and t'iii'l ,*ii' *io % in! 'town. We are receiving p.■■ 1 . ••. v•. ' j Wo wiih am examination fir y,i.e.L. i' The FenMtralloy trade i* ••, -* .'uij> in v ipi evil and - - ■ ihm., wc can Jtl,.f alt wh. " ; . **^ylo, s , <|uali:y, and pric *. We , - - mlef! I*t.-fttcti'i!i a .1 nit.. * i at extended trado fir yc ,. . never giv in a cuto®T cai.'- * .< .1i *. roptlft tf. AttAUM, xv> ■ . t v .utx .a raost, iii*i! !'.>nt*. W1 N K.S AN I> L ! i )U* The luWrilKf iw}i> .fv , jii* tho al* tontion of tho publi, t L. . m.i US, where fae i* itrcpated t ii,i For. gli It I. at the low* t ca*h pri-. v . • irrau* >d to be th- he,, ijuahi. * to theit rutpe. tiVo | rice . 11 . j£ tf Kj v t -ii ix|xhrl . h ■ i. f otbci IWhukic*, all kind* i f Hollaud Gin, Fort, Mndch. I >erry and other Win -?} •; at a % reasonable rate* a* ca'j In . .1 < iti e cite, • Chainpagtsi. 4 . and Cam Way Mrai m.. : 'A and New Knjrland Rum, C He would particularly i ~r .era, 11... trl keeper* and other s .1 .;:*d examine 111* large *upply, to jt. i ; >r tt. m* sve ■ and be certain of ppoctirii-g wb it they hue, which can *cldt in be. n . u'rcliw** njt in the city. 5 n r [-quoted o give hi* liquor* * in*!. apIO Wall Pap •fust;i frotu 12 to Mm! - ; <-r 1. ■ta I I. r HI i I Al/i " i'A Ls, m:| intkf from 4 lb* u;> U I'.*:,- Wl u., I aplO'flß. fnw:*. Wtuoy. nKY 'Ai!ii \P V. f-'f ale J'V 1 : '< .*• • ns. I 08, (Sboss-CUT ANi> MILL SAWtj i ,/makoat It.-: WlU'iS. ' aplt'6> PI.M IS! Wooden Pumps, AND PI PINO. Tho un-leriig.-o d •> . .f ill;, call iho attention.-uh' il iUc< uinty. and Pen n* valley in t r. i j , (act that he if manufacture.;; 7>J£ 3£3Y . made at homo or el t Hot I .* -none; hut the b- • mater,.*!, HI: - . -rnxit to give ali-fac: i.a, iub( - tl. > : la*t- : Unit and avrcaiog TO tuu out] woodjn pump, being nrtri: :to lot the I water off and prevent Irtx mg in vinMr. I'llie. Ji '}•:.r t>T • ,' . .\ - on baud. Hi- rnaliriixl : - ;• .. .- .% i* all •awed from inrgo t,.., r. ! • tba* Securedngaii:.-tClu .C. kin- All order* !v t ; .ntlv filled. l'l PI NG, m.ido of t •. i: .terial, <>l five inch a titling, jo;: . t '.her w lb] Coupling block*, ).!- .; , it., iided, and; rrai ranted to Stand any .re required! for ordinary u-•. 1* - fpi ing range from 12to fScefll* p, f ■•!. y i. r.ler* to' J. i r,I.I.Kit : _• il:ieimrg, Pa li uvi a i i' as c s AND CASKi TS. A I it- RUI II TAM I M ).. .I cri UL I: ! FUU Protecting and l*n rvir - the Dead.! The undersigned tak pit iMire In en nuncing that he ha- <••<•?. ! the* alußgtm* cy in this count} ..r MKT A L Lit I.V U CL A JSS Iluraal Cas iiitd Caxket-i, which are *o widely kn>u , .torcouirc n>> SlMtcial COMMENDATION ' K*METALLIC! IM'KIAL CASK, v:P ■■. i :< •• at im proved sivU and Bni*h. i'"entire harmony with the feeling- of t I. it* per fected adjuUiictiD and appointment* iuj whatever rela*< to tli* , notion mil protection of the boJt . ;cr death, confirm it* utility and entire nd :,tm * to the pur pose* for which it i* dc-i ru |, COFFIN?ot all <1 : furnished nt the h<rte.-t notice; tin i all orders filled promptly night or day. . ■ l>ead laid out with care, and tuner*;- ..1 ■ ct> super intended in person. HKNltl HARRIS novlt Ucllefinte, Pa. MILLER'S HOTEL. W lwurd, Pa.j Stage* arrive and depurt daily. "i'llis favorite hotel i* now in every re-pict! one of the most pleasant country hotels in f central Pennsylvania. The 1 ravuiuig com uiunity will always find the best accommo dation. Drover* can at all times be accom modated with stable* and pa-ture for any numborofcattle or horses. .iulyß'6Btf ti KO. MI LLKR. S~ PIN DLK SKEIN'S f>r wagons, all si ees, nt the sign of the Am il. aplO'iwt. IRWIN & WILSON. I" AM PS OK EVERY VARIETY and J kind at nilo'.iS IE WIN & WILSONS. CLOTHING Owfoor.ts, i'aTtt*, Vc-ts, and Dress Coats, cheap, at Wolfs. ThOCK ET 0, TLKR ike e I iincet at IBWIN A WILSO* 1- OOKING-GLASS PLATES ofalDix J for sale by IRW IN A WII.IMIN. a i 10*08. TAPA N N K1 T(M LET E TVS. AN I> other Japanned ware, ntthe A m il Store. apltftiS. i WILSON. C'Yuffin TUI.M / mental lit WIN * WILSONS A t!ARI).-~W( litre mintAml opposit (<• tli" li i li Ifoo#* and are i' lling out ou i Mock lft from lit* flr ni bargains. W< ini sett! nig up mir books mid McrotiuU 111 be much til.lljikl t ot ,|i M )| to cl -HI J settle their account*. W* would ny in ,<uf uumcrotw friends and customers, t , ii.itii accept <ur ii H . n< thank* for lb# (> m-rou* patronage they have always he. towed on u*. BURNSJDK ATIIoMAH. <KM> J) NKWBF<>IITIIKPEOPLE, (treat Attraction and Groat Bargainsl 'I'IIK undersigned, dotermind to meet th X popular demand for Lower Price#, re -peetfully call* the attention of the public i to hi* itock of HADDLKIIV, now offered at the old stand. Designed es ,H-ia)l. for the people and the titii'*, the Inr rt ami most varied and complete assort* i.ent of •Saddler, Harnea, Collar*, Bridle*, if every description and quality; Whips, niid In fait everything complete to a first ■ la establishment, he now offer* at prices which w ill suit the times. A better variety, a better quality or finer t> le of Saddlery has never before been of >l t" the public. Call and examine our u*\ tnd b Wforc Bufcbftxliicf \fr whfr#. Determined to please my patrons and thankful for the liborai share of patronage heretofore enjoyed. I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, A CO It DINGKK. Centre Hall, \TRW FIRM, NEW GOODS AND Panic Prices* ! ( >BTKR DEVLIXG & WILBON, IJ r.v iiij- purchi md the extensive ntsrs of it" (iillilm, | A Co., and added to thetn it pai.u- price*a h'g* ai last-tit of NEW (MM IDS, Fhcjr are ettablad to sell at OLD FASHIONED PRICES! V large variety of IsftditV Drcax Cii#oc> Grral Bargain* in Musitua ctnl Calieoce. itoadr- Made Clothing W'arrgeted to Boil fur Cloilu and Caasitners, Caul be c*celld. Ti!F.Il: GROCERY DEPARTMENT, A *t'>ci#he*every one in ax*orttnent and low prlnm fyt up Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Canned i:uits, | Jellies, Domestic aud Foreign Fruits, Cheese and pmirit* of a>: kinds, and every other r.tticlc bc iongittg to the Grocery Department. 77wy II r ho!cmxfe at I*hiladelphia Rate*, ■if Farmer., Mechanics and Laborer* >,, Liu your interest. One dollar saved is a dollar in pocket. Then call and see at what astonishingly low price* DEVLINU & WILBON, \r< oiling their Dry C ood* and Groceries. Lif No trouble to show Good* "W5, If they are not a* represented, we will ,-ajr j • ."for your trouble. Don't forget the P CrTURNKR Bl'tLDlNGtbfi aplf.'U" Allegheny St., Bcllefonte Pa. iiWIN & WIL?oN are constantly ra ceiving new goods in their line ii A II 1J W r A Jl K (every description at rcdtLCV prices- na ' ' < ope nod every day apKFCK *tr J. B. KTTELK S IT HOLES ALB WINK A LKjUOR STO K E Bishop street, Beliofontc, in the Sum* bujl d . ..g iortweriy oex upied by the Key stone Bakery fslosjilnisurs in informing the public that , t.e k. i ps constanllv on hand a supply o, ■ boice Foreign andDoBUWk Liquor*.' AU MurrWa, AVg# and CuaAa carraafed ta comlitim tkt quantity reprt+fntoi. The attention of practicing physicians is ' • ailed to hi* stock of IT UK LIQUORS, • uitable for meditai pur|Moe*. Bottles, llugt, and demijohns constant I v on hand. It, h# the ONLY PURE NECTAR WHInK Y in town. All liquors are warranted to giva satis faction. Liquor* w ill be sold by the quart, barrel, or tierce. He ha* a large lot oi BOTTLED LIQUORS Of ib< finest grade* on hand. Confident tliat be can nlotsse customer* he r -jiectfully solicit* a snare of public pa* tronace invUtf COACH MANUFACTORY. II AH DM AX PHILLIPS, 4 T UIS manufacturing establishment at "in. YeagCrinwn. on the Lewisiowc and Bvllcfonic Turnpike, has now on hanc K FINE -lock of Carriage*. Sulkies a4 Spring Wttow, which he now uffen far to'e a* -upenor in oualiiy and styles tc .mv manufactured in the couatrjr. Thay .re made of the very bent seasoned stock by tint class pntctk-a! workmen, and finished in a style that challenge* comparison wilt any work out of or iu the Kastern cities and ran be sold at lower prices than tboas manufactured in large towns and cities, amidst high rents and ruinous prices of liv ing Being master of his own situation, anxious to .-seel in his artistical profeaaior and free front any annoyances in his busi ness. he has li.ue and ability to devote his . entire attention to his profession and hi* customer*, rendering satisfaction alike tc alt patrons, operatives, his country, nnc himself, ('alt and examine his stock and learn hi* prices, and you cannot fail to be satisfied. K i: P AIRING •fall kinds done neatly, promptly, its reasonably. Yeageriown. June 12.1868 —lv. nSoUBLK AND SIXGLK BAHKKL fowling pieces at [lplOtW. ! KWIN& WII-SON CIKNTKK lIALL HOTKL. Jous Sr vxoL**, Proprietor. Stages arrive and depart daily", for all I points, north, south, east and west. ThU favorite Hotel has been refitted and furnished by iu new proprietor, and is now ■ in every to.poet one of the most pleasant country ii-4t>ls in central Pennsylvania. "Hie travelling community and drovera will !*. v - find the hc.t r. room mod at ions. Per -OTJS tr<>m the city wishing to snend a few w-ek* during the summer in tne country, will find Centre Hall one of the tnoal heau tiful '■• cations and the Centre Hall Hotel j all they could desire for comfort and con venience. aplo 6Mf. N A TUBE'S Contains no LAO SULPHUR—No sue* Ait OF LEAD-NO LITH ARC.E-Nu NITRATE of sil- YElv, and U entirely free froftt the I'oisouous and Ileal th-deatroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Tranpaient and clear as crystal, it will not soil tr.e finest fabric,—perfectly BAFK CLEAN and EFFlClENT.—desidera tum- LONG FOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST! It restores and prevents the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy ap. pea ranee, removes Dandruff, is refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling -•ff, and restores it to a great extent when prematura!/ lost, prevents Headaches, cures ail humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS A DRESSING FOR THE HAIR IT IS THE BEST AR TICLE IN THE MARKET. DR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. I'reputed only by PROCTER BROTH ERS, Gloucester, Mass. The genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it. with the name of tins aiticle blown |ia the glass. Ask your Druggist for Nx- TI'RK'I* Hath RgSTonAitVK, and take no other. : if Send two three cent stamps to Proc ler Brothers for a "Treatise on tne Human Hair." The information it contains is worth $ot)0,l)0 tt< any person. For sale at Centre Hall by Win. Wolf aud Herlacher Hi CroutuUlwr. ""■" " Important Notice. To th Public—TV Wilton Now tin* filer ■feed Shuttle Hewing Machine. Bear in mind this fart, that the Wilson sewing machine company are the pioneers r in Introducing a ftrtt-rlss* Shuttle sew in .• , i machine at a reason abb and low pric- This machine romhines all the elogniw . ,! simplicity, durability and strength possible f<>r any ,-ming mai fiiio- to altsin. and ibi I are the first and on!v first-class low-prie* .1 . machines put in the market. Mimhim # , without cover $4->. It is also adapted to cv - try variety of fkmily sewing and light manufacturing. It embrace# ail of the im portant and essential elements embodied li machines patented within the past twr-i. y years. Attachment* for <Mng alt kind# I 1 wo. k arc I, ado fur the macbine. J The Public have believed for a long titc !that a good reliable sowing machine could be manufai-tured and sold at a IMMMIIS price, which, we have found the Wilson Sew I*mter-feed sewing machine to be. All we ask to convince the im*t sketdi <•! that we have the beat searing machine. * is a critical examination of the new Wilac r i Under-feed marble**. Machines will be delivered anywhere In Mifflin or < retro countie* All machine warranted for five yean. Zkbulox F. KxutkUts A. au fS: Agent#. Milroy. Fa On Marriage. Essays far Tsaag Km, on CHAT ICC 111 ETIU and AEVCEfi which intarfar* wi jMarthaf*. and ruin the bapptaes* of limit 'and#,—with sura mean* f relief f#r tb- Krrtag and Unfortunate, diseased and d - bliiuted .Sent in sealed letter envelop* free of charms. Addrass, HOWARD ASSOCIATIO*. No SSouth Ninth St.. Fbiiadelphia, fa j T DM IN lirniATtllHliOTl€C" L# IA tec* of admiaiatration to the estate f Michael Wiaiand, late of Harris twp . Centre county, dec* d .having been gcar;iod to the undersigned, all persons indebted u> the said estate see requested to make Im mediate settlement, and those having . claims to protect them duly authenticate' ;for payment. D. T Wuuxn D. HESS. ' > Administrators T? Xexter* Xj latere try to the estate of D* Kerr, late of Peter township. twttrroai.- tly, dee d . having been granted to the Wi der# igned, all person* indebted to lb# mid . estate ar* requested to make initosdia' seltlrlcinent. and those having claims U. . preset.t them duly authenticated f>r joty ment. Jscoi Sea xut, sept-TT <w. Executor ThOA LTS tor Buggies and •'r, XJsvj.-* in use; Fire Bolu, ditto, at pUffi* I maris a Wtiistg THE ONLY Monthly Gift Enterprise mOOOCMb snd Valuable Eric* . December 11. 1171 Capital pri*. ... ...11,600G01d. Ticket# fl—eix for s.*. Send fortrculara. ABW. TA Yl-<1; * ., P. O. box 1401. Cin'ti, <. |p"ci 1< CENTRAL HOTBL, CimrM Tl I anl Chotnut Street, Miffiinburg, J' -Tnbit Showers, rroprittmr. Its Central Location make* It particularly ■: desirable m persons visiting Town >•& business or pica#nto. .j H. A. Taylor'• Livtrr Attach#d. faaSfi-ly ! Dr. Crook's Wi:,s Ci'. i * ptsastt 1.4 M - % i ha. t..#f I Mi's# W #• sear■ . Throatr.'rL tHris-f gin I *snr m Dr. Crook's WIKE CF TA. ' t t # t#vr -esc*. . Uwwne I *w< ' iJI-i - Cecf&x fttamytla ;■• ♦"•"l-jm- p"r--c #sS#Soa# Shk *Srv , Dr. Crook's || a - V •' issMUK <Mta I - - : . I, |i Mill of Atthsa. Sroaehitia. ' . fi ■ yen..Am: ' i er- v . Dr. crooks WI:;E :r ti - t-r- n ■ smuxT. Dr. Crook's WOT* OF T. K* atttl'W |lt# *u , _ - tlGliEfhtaa Hem Appebta. Sicsach. - Jdrar. ' •*" ■>., , m •-H Dr. Crook's WIFE OF TL. • sew are t. St. ( #>.. DIUSSTW. •' X'. , "*J s-fM.#a an- s <!, r p-w rtai o•ar* tt c* Dr. Crook's WIITE 0F TAR! .■ ti *. U#e jre-* ■ u* , 3rekw fiowx , ' • as <#t mainuMw* CaoLStit i'.lrtt. ■••>*!? 1 sn> was. *| §m IV rbhi i. % * vinHw ■yiiiiii l i i ' rcclr's WTo#E OF TAEt !%. ...... saua te Brads'. IT'li'.-filA, Rr%- *s siwta# ♦##• • Be,-u- Ut.. j# tlss Uwr. k" Crock's WXVE OF TAR? J .■.♦sr.fos HHf fOOj|(l ■#<*wa • ■ toaltfiy 'j ' f> 1 1 —a uiw>a.u, b* i .... • .. -, , -#tk • fears |j : - •#-* T-xaats kesem essay sm4 •*. t>r—a nr>g gm|in lUes lltst ly li I. _ I m TV w t, ~f- ♦•••* Tun** fw*"i' nit. cud<;^ % SY JR. TJ or POKE ROOT: MskilUt the Ie|, r*l slf'ivfft fa tbe lot ts t, (• nf*Ty/Nr yq Tents kunwii t--> %(W>aMr fcralhla, Scrafikr Tumcrt, £*:u. d|W/'R Dtaaaiaa of tii : j.; • / • 1 ah refhriar 'rsr Chronic tisoas as. Vflß tiona. or raqtu;:.. ,S~ ten '• SBa u rtaady to pur-;. tarlch the sicca, /find Dr. CEOCES C: /pctujd SYSU? of FC. I oOCT to ho eon; 5 r-"' i 1 v'T g^g cured use c. \ Anydisesse <te| \ " ifSKF# ml Jr on * depr# twl • - *7 of the Bio I NAwfiri/ fr} , w cured bv it 1 * TV* A? 3 bottle. w.|.t In Ji C m gisis. Pie|>"rwi ■ &$/ OliTsr Crook ' > \V Daytui:. ' r.f xv.tssuits HJN I i l r "■Our Own I'lrt ddc.' ii An llloslrale#! I'np?r. Sit ;• c j llshnl Monlklg. XuUmtu.i - - ; Kverg Muttaeriboe <?-!* . * "• 'hhHie Trnias. A fruit t'i< . a i' m'lls Fee (UL Rests! A ee*t f .'V p ! Nnn*|Ug sad Vrswgtwm -•. • r ' w. E. ti iiiuib ffiUttarv I■-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers