Ii El _ t ;!rialing it3l tinz;xlitriiin... t PIIDISPIDORIC ACID AND PIIIIPER. i riHrotsPir4re. spiierloi excellence of the coin ereliki, manure known ac super-plus, lode, Alepen ds largely on the amo nt of qmsphoric acid contained in it. Thls • d is oue of the most valuable fertii ders that can be employed. It Is - °red up in the bones of the latter, iCre, in combination with lime, It ;is the priucliiitTpart i of their moor knlc or earthy portion. The 141(4- e acid - and lime together consii, pliosphate of lime, which consists definite proportions of acid and ; this form the acid is moderately sol " Lie and may be absorbed by the roots "pinata with , considerahle readiness. it Is found, however, that If we dds- I Slve_the bodes In sulphuric +tent (oil that the sulphuric arid c oitus a,th two-thlrdiof the dri jilag-mkt LIN 14108W/uric acid there win into the other third of the lime. w hich, with_this triple portion of the It hosplioric acid, constitutes super posphater Ity this means the whole of ie phosphoric) acidismadeimmedlatc- SoluiLle, and consequently sets very sickly-upon the plants. Its effects e indeed so rapid that In practice it better not to convert the bones wbel - into super-phosphate, as otherwise o effect Would be too powerful at the egimalng of the season, when ammo iTlit is most required, "but would be hnost spent at the end, when the for • iition or ripening otthe seed demands veal - est supply of phosphoric acid. '.bout out pound - of sulphuric acid to txo pounds of bones will generally be mnd - the most proper proportions in , eking super-phospitate, but the uantity' - ot sulphuric acid may be di iln ished or increased according as tile , rtitizer is desired to exert a more or ..xls Cupid - etreetupon the plant. ' PLOIUGIIIIM - 15P RAW COIL. We sometimes - hear farmers remurk, c i t they get Iros \ rain ; that liiinOng up the new yel .snil, their crops suffer. It would strange trellis were not the mute ; for hits soil, even if mellow, le raw, Just Ike menure when it Is "green," or A long." It In not yet converted or hanged-into plant-food. It needs just hat the long manure needs—to be itianged by the heat and the atr—that di, decomposed or rotted. I'W hen'the top-sell Is Ices fertile than it used to be when The land was first ed, you may rest euumred that this anderls al ways better than the upper t oi I, lK cause the upper has deteriotated, Fhi:e the under has lint, but rather 11. is, therefoitt; unadvisatilsaey, sub ' Heal in sonic molls, to turn Wdeeply !he underground In the spring or In 'the fall at sowing time. The cold, nheerleas ground will not help the Jain, and were It not for the other .oil mixed with it, an almost total fail re would be the result. ]tut turn it up in the full, anti let the "rost amt the elements take hold of it, l ind you will have another soil; It is ned into manure, a good part of it. t little limo m - Tked with It, scattered, tint harrowed in, or manure, or both, Cs•ould facilitate the process. In the -awing sow, either with or without 111 tnother plougiOng, and you will Hod rto more ocuasion to complain. We > lave great fertility to draw upon fora below, but it requires managing. '*—Xvcning Post. EARLY ROAR POTATOWEIL 'nitre le a general agreement in this steal - On_ about the earliness and pro. I luetlveness of this potato. John 'staler, in this vicinity and not far lirom DStdia, Delawate county, planted I,leven poutidaand gathered ten bushels ef fine potatoes, some of them crlret WO specimens weighesi 11 lbe., 4 eaeh, -und several It. We haveseen nOw.here •Ise so large .peelmens. Only ordinary cultivation was given them. The Freund waa wanured all over, and then ploughed, the sets being dropped in • 'troughs three feet apart and eigh m Inches in the row, So extutoidl ry a yield as this, without any ap mance of rot or disease, speaks well Ir the Early Those, and IBA cfnifirma lon of accounts elsevihel,e.—Nsirker. SAUSAGE. Housekeepers will do it to preserve the following first-rate ipe for sausage: To every twelve iundaof meat take three tablespoons tut of salt, not much heaped, three ablespoonsful black pepper, eight ta lespoonsfut-of stege, and a teaspoonful , f red pepper. Good sausage is splen id with buckwheat cakes iu winter, ' I got this recipe from a friend sausnge is always good as long it lasts.—Erehonge. '1.1_14: FOR EABACHR.—Take a small ootton batting or cotton wool. a depression In (tie centre with Anger, and till It up with as much and pepper as will rest on a five it piece; gather It Into a hall and it up; dip the ball into sweet oil, d insert it in the cur, covering the ter with cotton wool, and use a baud or cop to retain It In Its place. Al- Instant relief will be experienced, 111 applreation is so gentle that infant will sot be injured by It, but ficrienee relief as welt as adults. STOI' TILE FLOW t)l7 BLOOD.— ,ke the fine du.t of tea and bind it me to the Nv ou n d —at all times aeces de and ea.,y to be obtained. After blood has ceased to How laudanum , y be advantageously applied to the aid. Due regard to these 'untrue-. us would save agitation of mind, . running for a surgeon, who probs.. ly would make no better prescription be were present. '9 ...REMOVE FREOKLM—COOMeties to remove freckles are often dun "us,. The best plan Is to make a tott - trf a teacupful of sour milk' and )all quantity of horse radish ; let stand from alz to twelve' bouts ui use it to wash the freckles two tea a day. BURN CURE FOR WARTS. Take Free cents worth of sal•ammontsc, ieaulv - e-At la a gill of softerateri Wet wiitta-f.kesuelitly wit ft' the solutfon, ten they wilt disappear to a week Itie_ actor, on his benefit night hay - a sxery limlted undicnee, when he le to the often quoted passage, '"Tis to mortatattot. conimand success; I do tnotef the‘phionius—we'll de heavid a deep sigh, and pub- Wed , foir Ikl last, live, “Vicht do '..iietnphrouttts—itiill do without Ipaldeildnotadopting Sunday as 3t4 / 41iltAttitud;fibaa bun started didutuadronbY a Tewlett writer. ' ltsar Yonic laptilady pays $lO,OOO aqd ellashges $lOO weeK for =III COE'S, couat 14.L8A111 /VIM lone tried and p..ptilar Remedy Is .ttraln't alle.l to tit.. :ittention of the pu As oiten as the yew rolls around, the proprie tors antstmily make their bow to the people, •tni mated. them that atnompa thu many things rNulted far tho Ii filth, comfort awl sustmmuce of the Mnitly through the long and tedious months of winter. Cloe's Cough Bal sam slums); not he forgotten. For 3 ears It has tarn a household mothers anxious for the safety of their children, and 14110 Marv.' front any disease of the throat, first and 'unto, rannot afford to be without it. In whin IS to the ordinary four ounce no long in the market, V. e now furnish our maxu moth tautly size bottles, whirl, will, lu corn tiia lth the other sl2e, be found at all Drug FOR =OUP, tP Ilelmant will he found Invelanble, end y nl wa)a be relied upon in the inn,t ex- WHOOPTAG couarc. The testimony .it all who have usr.l it for tis terrilrielllsenm• during the but ten years , that it invariably relieves and cures it. SORE THROAT. Reep your throut wet with the 11:1Nun— taking little mid Often—and )ou will %cry noon nud HARD COLDS AND COUGHS Ylr at nnee to a siondr use or thkgreat rent d . It will numeral In giving tellef a here all el ter reinedle.s have fallul. sORENEBB OP THE THROAT, ("BERT AND LITROs. Pb not delay proem lug and intinediat, ly taking t oe'a 0..04 It.thekta, When troulded alt any or tite ale.% e named dint. They are nit prornordlory at filinollin of eon aumption, and If not arrested, will -.muter or inter sweep you away Into Lin- valley 01 shad ows from wpieli none can ever return. / In Oansuinption MAUIy R eare•worn milb•rrr lu.. found relief anyl bbilay r.•Jolrar that her Ilb• haa 1..... made may and prulouged by the bar or OK•'S COURiI Balsam. In short, Tlio people know the article, and IL neadx no 1 •ut ftmet um. It Is for sale by every lirugabit. I li.•uler in M. divini 8 in the Slllt,ll. TM? (1. G. CLARK wile Prop lelors, New en, l't Read what your own Druggi3t says. GETTY4III . II4I, Y t., Oct. 19, INIIS Th , C. O. Chet* OM, %CYO Harr'', [ban . , Gentlemen-1 have now been 'wiling Coe' Cough 'labium for the past 3 yeara.aud tak thin opportunity to say that it has given tun venal satisinalort, and as a remedy for al Pulmonary (kunplaints it stands uneumallet I always keep myself well supplb4l with tht truly valuable medicine, and earnestly M. conscientiously recommend it to toy cue tomes. Yours s errtruly, A. P. BUEILLEft, Druggist, Gettysburg, Pa. Read ! Read I Read tI 1 • THE ATTENTION OF TOR. PUPAE IN CALLED ' World's Great Remedy, COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. This prepitratkdou LI pronounced by Dysrap tics as the only Known remedy that will sure ly Cure that akgravatlng and fatal malady. For years 11 aW,ypt yn 14m Gmrint tide. carry I ng before IttalatrillakineW igarw‘ltit millions of sufferers. Cos's Dyspepsia fun has seals to the Dame. Indigestion,.lyhr , s, Sint Beath:tele, Sour nest or A of the litomneA, 121 snag /hod, teary, Lossduck, Marinas, "ally. ar Pah*/ sa .DeaLlt, r e e ur,elfriphy A t i ltagort mr t ie , az hefoes , al ;Irks/ 41 . tlibritallict of the moose.? I ear what Lester Sexton, of Mil waukee, frays: t [Frain Loder Sexton, of Milwaukee.] 3111.wA Kim, Tan. Si, .181C1. Ilekisrs. C. G. chkrk & CAL. New Ilaven,Oonn. . - Both myself and wife have used Coe's Dys pepsia Cure, and It has proved perfectly satis factory as a remedy. I have no hesitation In staying that we hive torah/ea groat belied; from Its use. Very reapeetful le. (Signed) L&Wrlff* BEATON. . 7 .."1 J '4. A Groat Blessing [From Rev. L. F. Ward, Avon, Loeutu op., 04 Ide.wrs. Strong& Armstrong, Drugglnia,Cleve land, 0.: Gentlemen—lt given mu great, ,plweure to state that my wile tinsAgailved InWitilenent from the use of Coe'. llyaiwreda Cure. She has been for a number of years greatly trim- Med Afthl).l6Peollln. occetspenfidipith vio lent paroxysms of mum I patios. which so pros trated her that he won all the while, fur illYlthl o 4 l Wrinle 4 gliono.l%lllog.". - She took, at your instamv, Coen byl.pepola Cure I and haft RA derived 0 ET BENEFIT FItUM T, and In now comparatively well. She resmr.l4 thin tnedleaue ass Brent, 41w...tug. Truly you Jan. 12, L. F. WARD. Clergymen The 'tee. ismie Aiken, of Allegheny, test) lice that it has eared lant, utter all other rem eaten hatllalltal. • DraggistA. • "'any drovoirtEr irr Vbetibthi try 1-)11 . `i41 you; If yea take the trouble to Inquire. that to ery one ttkr,44 3l /Ta litiVgett COe'alkeoper.la Cure trent- soma. , afektul ley the .abootonquall era prates of its great medicinal virtue. 2 . 'A Read what your own Druggist says. • tikiblco G ., etYlM t qa l664 ' dents-1 have now been selling Coe's Dys pepsia Cure for thepast three yui'ind take this opporisinltyanktagythat In all Clil.ll It has given grent 'satisfaction as a remedy, and Is mg4ti p tt . %til tr ti o lsl== ‘ ;iy=ls, fri numerous cases—gs a certain and spool; car t e l of l il atAeAs kaarti o o t p *, L 7, :a . tte: l -7 , 11 . 17 : • er aria Ague, " iiilious Derangements and in admits/1.1ga% a theqrgiseisit con dition Of litOndMh O' BowelA. shears keep myself well supplied with the Artie!, And ma4rheerf4tx .sodesimmientiostely re commend it to my customers. Yours very truly, A. D. EILTEtiIiER. Druggist. Gettysburg, Pg. Cee's Dyspepsia Cure Will Mr. be found invakable in idi - Nees of Inurrhom, Llynentery, Celle, Z..(1111111Cr l'orn eon dithirtortbst plalnlpllzipilx, Ind layout, , ee dry ' dUuniered eoSb "..- bold by Dunn:Yin l enn n city or country every. Whey 1 t 0f 494 1 ViTeZttiC° tin lour Ib Ai ntrt. wia * * WA; B. B Npeuvfor 7. Oet. 30, 1868, tJtarN, neatoy BEE THE GETTYSBURCi FRIDAY D. M'eDEAST. . 1 " est always*Clie'alieSt." T ir n,...,,(TampeNt 6A rib LER, BRIDLES, COLLARS an/ HARNESS urn!! kinds, lu the County, are always to he (amid ut the old and well known eland, Baltimore i.t., oppoelle the Preebyterlan ChurrlV -31eCREARYS'. .Our llidTni and Wneun Saddles an, the mad sal,slant,dly bath god 110ktelit Our Barnette, iplain um., agree mount ed.) are complete every respora and war- ranted to he of the very best materlai and workinanahtp. Our upper leather Draft Collard cartrrOT am nr. tr. They are the best FIT TING and mast dt.raid,. Our Heavy 1)rull b"e"en" are Made to or.fer, cheap as they eau be ulnae anywhere and hn the meet substantial "manner. ••• • • • . , Riding liriules, Whips, I,n4hes, Draft pantos,Fly-n. te, and c Vorythlng in the Ulet one baler or Cheaper . Our pricco ( haveibemll,ll,roElvto the lowest living stand- iatialIMMMM amount Intl' to f o - st n't . We work nothing bet the best stork end will warrant every nrilefe turned out to be In every respect av r, prt , vented. Thankful for pavi flavors we In vtteattentles to our present sto .k. *l - thee us a oatl and examine PRICES and QUALITY. iff=Mll CHEAPER THAN EATER E. ,}ittrssxzw., TIAVING tilspovodef hie Hcore Howie smd 11 stock of Goode to GLUES/ . Q DOWERS, and being determined to votittee hie stook du ring the summer and fall months, will give GREAT BARGAINS before Invoicing. I[y stock of ALL KINIX3 OF mEncrrArtnizE Is full and corn to lu every department, and will b closed out at reduced yr/oes. E. HITESILEW. York timings, July 17,1A5. tt SerAll perstms knowing thertisolves Indebt. 1,41 to oe aro reoupsull to coign forward and make settlement. THIS GREAT AMEBIC IN COMBINATION BUTTON-HOLE, OVEBSEAMING SEWING MACHINE la Warranted to exe,ule In the loot every ‘ariety or S. Hennaing, olllng, Cording, Tucking. ring, stain, Ing, eraeatning joiliiolderhigun theedge, and In addition tkt a beautiful Hutton and Eyelet {Lulea in iii MI Ir /I V 4 Nt, BEING 24.1:.11117TELY THE BENT 7.4.4f1LY .41.1 CHINE AND INTHINi-ICA LLY THE CHEAPEST. ky r .1(.0, ill e mabined it WM by ti sun rile and bAntillful nurhomerd terroacreownt. ;trillium with soil p Irtletilera and I.lllpl of work dime on 1111. Machine, ran bn had ou application sit the unce or the Aplit, at A. It, Pelstel's Conte, Fluttery awl \ 14114 tyY Stare, thallium,' et., (lel t sham IL. U. W. ItAMISION, Agent. LTSII Ntaelnu.. warrant.' one year, and nstruetions given gratuitously to all pun:lnt ent. Aluy '31,1h171, t REMOVAL! lirm of ?.ICC&RTNEY Itece removed to North Baltimore street,. tiear the Diamond, rail &Me, In tho room foruterlY cto upled. by Uavdt Nitzmillee. We nave on nand a choke ne.urtate M. of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JE Tl E_L R. , ,fal VrincL4 and httog Myles. ha, prim ed Warr; nlru, MTV Gld, Silver fljbl slxt. 8 P E C T ACLES. of the best mnnuilirt ore. Also, Violins, Oak tarn, Aeeordeonsyltlt,,Flfoi, de., Violin and Guitar Strinsm, Ail kinds etf Reintleing n our line done af as men nnbie c, and tnareoied. Thankful for p tnt i.Lvors, we solicit n t illtlarlet of tisi. r.).'1111, A NIcCARTNEY. June 19, IW6B. t BOOTS AND SHOES. IF E undendaned bill treated a new build ing, fora Root Mid Shoo PaßtablinteMent, OD Owlish, street, near the Railroad Shalon, to Gettyabitrg, wize.yLo now Offen for aal0; Boole, Slioes,' dailcrs, ;54ppare,"&c., for men, women apt children, of different styles and prices. lie has a fine toeslrtment to select from, and will sell every article at iffeCtiMaTIVIR prOnta. . . WORK MADE TII , ItDF.R. of the best ma terials and work mansOltp. Everyegfort made to render satisfaction. The patronage of the public in sollylted. Call In, and select* from Ms stock <a least !Nu' laNkkire. In elate} ease you cannot till Pi he pleased. JOIIN ILEILLING. July slsq. New Boot and Shoe Store. D. KITZMILLER & GRIT ispllß42, PA., YORK EfiRkt4OIO4IFIPPYIIK BANK Siga of the' Big Boot. THE undentlgned have opened a new Boor and Shoe Store, on York street e CiettyaburK, In the room rermtiv twcupled by !toper dr. McCartney, and have iota reeolved from the , I. I BOOTS c y-SHNsg arfr EZ, for aentleinen's, Ladles' and 19. rrh;y of (1)1GaWAIII) „El 1,46444.4.4veTt14, WO Mon _MANUFACTURE TO ( IRDER, ell ♦;lndaM WitYnt As 411014 ti-the work being made up of lat.t fiat. ttals auttby first-chow workmen. The +wish,. partner h. been in the bualnesi fur kn.cr I; years and per•on ally soperintend4 a:I work mule up. We respectfully Ins tie t:tc attention of the nab lie to pill. cat alblTATllitilltnnd Toprturirrrek.t attention to busino. , <:ind by lowest cash prices. to give entire satisfaction. D %VII) KITZMILI.EII ' A. F.111.1111.1.14t. June./4121/8, v..; -I DR. R. HORNER, PIIPSICLIN AND DAUGOLYZ 011100 and Drug sb,re, CSlAmnFalsuurta ST. or 1:m ~ittacti. Ml4iittli :Ott it, Without, charle. DRUGS, MEDICI N TENT MEDICIN STATIONERY, PEIt , OMEILY, SO.k.PS, TOI LET ARTI('LES . DYE STUFFS, SPICES, RAKING solLt, CREAM OF TAR TAR, LAMPSi:9OII. l„114, &C. PURE LIQUORS for mettleinal purposes, Dr. R. Hornets 01,1E2tr, n re/table remedy for chapped 1101104,rangt1 akin, *t. ' All scrticies warrants pore and gonntue. Dec.l7, 1861. tt .1(.1 PBl/ . - PLANING MILL.' trif a inn.lortplol cntntill•hed n PLAN, fic , ca Get ' aurg # , I 'LA tio6las ANA Ttaini."Fr..2 ; wiN.TxM BA/511 Ala , 1 , 10)1t13:ti, Wr..l 4110.1i4.14NG • C 140 r and Wa..11 11.,.r.1t. With everything else made al tuell .4 I• 4, id,. and tomized In talk building line. Me I.e,t °flu:abet willalwal a be used, all tpdrqdghlylrldd, pf kilt. Lavin% I ,been pµtrup for tp,i...cd, 0.... , i (maws souenks, dtv .11r9mptly attended •to. Prioqa as lovnt, Ilia Jo=skad vro . et toll tumid id rtterunhlt.Ve utdis. JOHN D PPpirt. May I. :SC. , . ly lttinfltetttt4."t HqN CaLLESPIE et CO'S. Robpit D. Armor • C}AB FIVTER, .PLUMREIIO. AND BELT - FrANOUR,, End 3thtlic It.,"harr 11 viii & from 'Ai (I P. 1 . Y-15 1 111PrI OF, .74 • Ani r l wl4, l , i tirryVa k etZda s til t =e . ra ti i: factory manner, and at prices as low as min paaidtdr.bo ediligrrd q wildintli *1.11114 14 : OAS tali forairdied,=, ide- Item iirrop, Id litop,,Taw fl.a: In ,hort, everything be=gaggiauker "11:111174;4, /OLIN V. iIIeOIIISAIIY HAIR RESTORE Et- will quickly roctoto Wu) , hair to it, uolors a•lur and beauty, and prodded huusslant groirtli. it tavern:eV trermleas. and la pm forred over every other preparution by ticoe who have a nllO head of hair, as well as thaw who wash tv reeiore it. pie heatt i lt• g ol, gloom and perfume imparttd to the Pair E= make It Mad rable for old and young HAIR VIGOR, For the Renovation of the Hair. THE ti HEAT DEe , 4 II3EitATILII °ETRE A dressing whteh is at dnee Agee., tee, healthy, and effettmei ear presses Ink the hair. Ituled or grey hair ft sons restored to ite onilaa/ caw and the plea and freshms, o youth Thin hair ❑ thickened. falling hair I= ((.01,1rn11 Sliver) IMM EMEEM =EI 0411,11ING,SpCia . , .4.lrs. S. A. Allen's FAVU/lI,TE HAIR DRESSING New. Style, in .one Bottle, Fur Sale by an Dregslda. Depot, 198 Greenwich Street, New Yer.r riutsiosk D011.1A.11 Feb. 2d , LOS. 17 A.Y. E R ' S = ways, cured by its use. Nothing can rueore the hair win re the fo'th•h•s are destroyed, or the :-„l..nds ntropledlind decayed. But such as remain MU be tared for usefulture by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a patty sediment, IL wIH keep it cicala and vigorous. Its occasional use will pirrent the hair hum torninigaTay 6r judyng anc-on. sequently prerint baldness. Free from l'iose deleterious Rubstaktices Kld.ti m.tke Emmy prevaratiottti dangerouolid 114111A04141 to the lour, the Vigor ran only bearit but` not - Ctrtu IL If wanted 11/PAAY for HAIR DRVSSING, nothing else eau be found co dealmble. 1. 'on talnlng neither oil nor dye, It does, not sail alai, cambric, and yet lacds burger on the ilYttut tt a rid% g easy lustre a nal a gratefdl -perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ca., Practical and Analytical ellenaLsta. LOWELL, ITARS. Price ,11.00. Fur Sale by A. D. BUILIILEE., Agent, act OEM Oct. 2, I. Iy uor rysßunG LIME KILNS. Tlii: niidenigned -NW b:lstiht,eut hie former partner, Wm. Guinn, and non continued the 7.11. E LI11.11:-EUALNL.'sal BljalsTßig hlrosoll—nt the Gettysburg Lime Kilns, on the Oottytt of the hallsoad surd NbrtiStio t tun Btreel Thankful fur past patronage, lee will endeavor to denervelts eontlnuanae.bY Prone mating the business AD vigorously and op as •LLtge smto possible—ohms% sulliog a good artk•lo and givins goat measure.— Alrmers aria otheritanay look for thePromPt filling ofordeni. Ile also con tlnues-the r,OAL I,3U6I,NESS, offering the moat popular kinds. Idati.e -krisainillot,heraatrighl~iy9lll— . Coal a:Leta:lffy Oti 'think Atme and Clint deiltereil anytalier in 6Lttyk,bung JACOB 11EILEY aittp.ihrot,.:l44m , ..l6; 190170 tt t •'l l HUBER'S DRVG: 'STORE, Porneg's old Stoooki 7 .l3o,ipoore Street,. GETV:243U4G,PA. T_TAVING purchased this old and pop alar JR Stand, and •101.1 In an taltlrelp new and fresh Stork, oiler a lull assortment, consisting 111 parlor .• DIM, , AND F,IMILY 111.1iDIcLNLI9. PATENT .11FDICINESLA LARGE AnAC•ET Parditi p ßt )11+4 FOR m}rn SPICES AND FLAVORING EXTRACT 3. DYF4 AND DYE STUFFS-HOW & STE DYES, XXEC,EISIOR DYE. 3, AN'D 'ME A:4IIMT E'DIAFA-Tlig CHAS.A.2I , -IT AND TILE DINT IN THE MAI-Li:El'. ALL , TIFF NEW AND. •ELE6ANTA , Ina FLIMES AND TOILET ARTICLES. ILX/LOATIVII,' ANIL) *rum- ORTPRIAZOR SOAIN, HAIR frovn 6th Oct!' IL FORNEY'S HORSE PO W DERS-T FIE . p EST AND CHEAVE , . 1. T; ALSO, 41H117. 8, DELL'S, DAZIICSPILWALA-N,l6TOrikiii K FIR'S AND ROBERTA'. I=l CRIA UR, TOBACCO % AND SNUFF- 5.11. E Rae lIlitA.E . ; PRESCRIPTIONS AND V AM ' ILT •RISPEIPTS -'icaitnrur.ve 47/0.11. POUNDED. PLITSICIANS A .NEt tTIeNTITt 111411'`H. ANTS SUPPLIED AT/M.:DUI:ED J.LATETA Medicine. furnished AT ALL 110111111 OT 11IL f' J x 1 41 4 11110. b4114,,the gel k April 3, WM. If NE W ILARDWARE STORE, ~,,,,kv,•Erwrrziy,srowAl • TA, fut.44 1 ) 0 4 1, half° creme, .ais wen sire Hardware Store in Littlesiown, Mania county. Ps.. fui4 LavinikidVicksai4 we ir stock from Eastern Manufacturers, ars use 4greil 4P .geMIKP O4OI t 1, 4 1 P4T *Ube EST cash prices. Their aaaortment is lampus Men Mt melt, and eipbradin %bar 4An ont j' enumerate part in an advertisement) the 151- 10wing.:,,,, , r •„, • 2,4 11,- "STEM thiteths4 1 ,NA/„_149_,,,,. "neral PAINTS, mi' sum:Aim - • •e i rlifl l f...l er V ei.aualery Findings, , SCYTHW. FORKS, feet' Sole Leollter, siittt: HOES, te. of ipo ff gt 4ttbe most town agt countis—to ` cali and he suited. 1,144 are confident of pleasing, both as to gbeds; and pilots. Meetantfts, fortnets, and all talent to hall4Age,specie,l4lt,giMitd. icyttome. mn'ddtrithNiugholc it irlgt other &Uwe tbeottionty‘ ; Is• , C/ ,Wrw. " lAttiLwtown, May A IS6. ly • 1rt.40 Alit/ Iftefee, , ',. ltteeet=ltra!p i 4 , geila ri gge‘4.., .Itritt...ditii..l‘ • - - .., eiltietemeenle the V.enintne tie de- W ASH iNG CONTrO7ND.—Jaelzeonl e , t.:,..e . f . glIt t inza i ita vi ret wi - : elt r at e li of wtnerl i gaNZlMML ' ine .. &Wee. , rarremnibv "finttr rtgoon6!s— E 1 eln the trestananner, for sale at GILL 07 1 / 4 ..1 3 .... i.. ...n0 jrftrortiw is r m.. , K ~. Eritinketaltrik 1/71.° I 'ne • vaukt, MOW ireelkr et end fene. , oven' le n . _ NEW FORWARDING po*rd lipuo,E, HAVING purchased the extensive Ware house, Cern, of Culp & Earn...ha*, the underehtrual Intend to carry en the heel nese, under the than .of 131,ctiarn & Co. at the old stand. on thdeurner of \Vied) Weir and Illialroal streets, on a more ex teuell. eee e t triers ht. P OD MJ RUC E. morn end FEED, SALT, and nil kinds Of UROCERIES ‘ kept ismistantly on hand and for salt, cheaper than they eau be Lad an) - where else. PLASTER, and all I:lndh of I.l:lt.TlLt7.Erts, constantly on hand, or turuL.he.l to order. A IthrfarL.Alt I.ISI, OF I RE2cair CARS will leave our Warehousenary MOUSING, and neeorouttxlation trains will he run as occasion may ri..cotre. 1:y this ar anterlYnnleat we la.rneetru;,itt'rtatlttl'lroxre'..e)Alfebiett.. nehs of this 1.11.1 entru..ted to us, urill be prum play attended to. Our cars ran to the Warenouse of literthisou ea Sono, P.", North Howard street i ll.....lilmore. ing ,erantni .1 to pay wood pr cite,p end Seal fairly, tt a (win. avulqualY to give tu, a call. NV )1 Ttl./I.\ \l, ALL\ (1h1 , 4:....' INi 111.‘“IA.M. Jan. IT, 1361 tt CHANGE OF FIRM nill P. nridertatrne,l three leteted the Wrtre. un Wes mak r 01,111111,1 Mtta t and the Rettrotul, In thtlty,lizirg, where they will carry on the ' Grain and Produceißusines4 In all its branches. The highest prices will always.he paid for Whcat, nye, Corn. Oats, Clow r and Timothy :seeds, Flaxseed. sumac, Hay and fttntw, Drivel Fruit, Nuts, Soap. l4ams,9honiders and Nide, tomtmo, with everything else In the country prodooe line. Groceries, of all kinds constantly on hand and for sale.:-Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Tenn , lliplces ‘ lialt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, 3lustard, fftnrch, Brooms, Buckets, Marking, Soaps, -.to. AlsoC'OAt. LiOAL OIL, Fish WI, 'Par, he. FOOT of all kinus; Sidlo s owl Nails; Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. They are alwaye able to sapply a nod. rate article of Floor, with the different kinds ol Food. Ahco Ground Plartor, with Guano., dint other ferttlizerit. COAL, hr the bunte I , ton or car load. ffi==l Lines of Freight Cars to No. 77 North tdreet,BALTLMORE, and gll Market ntreet, PIIILABELPMTA. All good/ sent to either otthe aims e lane, will be re eels • d nn4 Mrwarded . promptly. Ooodbehould be marked 'Mluimer•l'Cur..” 1111211= Aprlllo. Md. tt Farmers, Attend to Your Interests! GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. rV IF. subs Mbar n "111.1 pifLsria It, rivito j, men and officer', Ull2 be is .111 roqnuta..- Slums various kills of enstines and Ma chines, made to order, on short notice, sneh as - THRE4HF.I:4 AND POWERN, Dive ditYment wiz , s or p.n.,...) MED HULLERN AND CLEANERS, CoHN SkIELLE/*4 AND SITARAToiI,,, FOTIDERCUTrIifin,hTRAWANDHAYCUT TEus ; CURN PLANTER,; 122a1tia23 - . , such an Cant Ploughs, Ilarshuar Ploughs, Side- Ltll and Onm Pletetlel; the . . • , HUIISE RARE. the balm*. improvement; alro saIitEMAN'S MELD-DISCIIARGENU IWltriE HAKE. Ile will Ilkewbge mnnufnetnre MOWEIL4 AND REA I'FILR. METAL ',CREW , : for culer MON RAILING lur u.rt terlk s with OSOI) thing LIA,e Iu isle Rue, all at rah, 1.4 qt W.wpn. DAN/ D Aptlllo, If rite cri.ti-sitr SKY-LIGHT GALLERY It pi underslgnedtakt..4 pleuxuretunnnoutte x nu; to the edaretot of (:e tt whurir and le public generally that Ott has removed Irons ho. old rooms on Wctaltddle ...trot, to MAUl more Street, and nearly °pp.-Ale the shore of Fabnetitock flntthrrt. The rt.oh. ho 110 W CUrile% bola 1101.11 loPOntly Hitt ,ly for tiM 9 Y :a locAtlott I. JD admiral to cnntill ',ilin to t pull., , ii•Olt (WORM,. 11114 i with n eorrctno , .In. ny where etc. LIFE- LIKE, 4T4 WM. of every 448 P anti tir.,n•tptlon, tiltl in the finest style. PArtleolar ..,t, nl.on 11 to the V -1R tS: visar, 0.1 to AMIiROTYPEs: anti I,..IIO.II.:IIII,EAJ'IYPF- , 01 tieeeoaed EL= a new stqlo Of pietorre, tyiw i/ h., 11,0111 C very popular with Ilkepu hl in, notonly their I,...tutv, hut for ohrnphopm hod ounveniene, 131X'CirEN thr ONE. YN,I.I)AIt onlv. Alut —TAR PtIItrELAIN PICTIAtr., whlelt for .lwir bcatity and 11,,rnbIlltv are utoinri.~l. We are illaltftrOli re carry on the brialner. In all ILO 'melone bran, he., I having hail t. , 11- 1,1,14.rab1e experleneewerun no !lock to I,UAIt- ANTRINNI - 4 - pFitvE‘rr SA'II.IFACTION. Our tor a full display of our xkill are unequalled by any other On4lory m toe county, WO WO .011)d therefore ills lie every One to eatluttale NEW tiliriTtillUllo rsk.l - GALLERY. Call and .•x - nuano our :wee Immet nn 1 jrnit t e fir you 1416h:(1.1. LEVI ItUISIPIgt. MEM McOURDY & HAMILTON, c=im FLO UR, GR.VN, R OCE IE.S, at a 111 HE Li tlder,lol6ll are pap{ Ih. it 1 ituLleriLitt stivetl6itumix.4 I%a , h• ler'w Hall, the Ilightut pt levw-fur FLOUR , WHEAT, RYES,. CORN, OAT H • BUCKWHICAT; CLOVER. AND • • TIMYEMY 14.1rA• T0E.11,•16.C. aky. 1nv14..e prodocerii to xive them ti eon be tore selling. They have constantly ea har.Ll for tole A WIGS FitlltY OF GROCETUR4 340 1 dt to'+, .Symlal,trbea,SOgara, alith FY It, nob, Oh, Tar, :Warm, Baron aka Laid, TObocona. ale. Also tho boat brands at b`LOUlt, Pith FEED oran kinds. They Lima/Ise have SYVVM4I. TALITAItVP. rgttTILIZER. s,ululle PuleMe ' , Guano, Rhodes Phosphate Jul.! A it Ite-xlcau Guano. 1111Oht they pay the blebeNt loarkel. prb forall the_ , y they sell at the khroA Us lag profits. whey u.k „ t v of public patrewage, ,rubolN.ci sive 1141kiii .bou Ita every <aa.e. ROBERT w‘t. S. ILLMII.TON. .Gett.yeburg. July I, hs.7. , .I%IcGUIRE'S SPANISH'. HAIR • DRESSER, Inn Promoting the Grocrilljteantlrrlog the Hair, and rendering it Mirk and No other compound I,os ti the pet ohm properties which so exactly cult the %/mi. - do conditions of the human hair. 'llia use oft Ins oil as shair dresser has boron univened ht UV, rs. section of the country - in the Spanish Main kir centuries No prepartitioli of art couldgi ce that elesm , t luXurnmee and abundance ..1 . _ . hair which have SO often been the Wing of &ravels.% in Suain. This oil I , highly mid delicately perfumed, forming an mil, le un 'filial in execilencerind upon which the Sipin nth people fot many years lucre art its sent of enduring upprol, al, EMMEEM " Weriraa •Wlld Flowers 'Shampoo Lalion, For ;mewing .daiklruff and scurf from the head, whitening and prrfii ink the skill. This article Is entirely dlifinent from nnything the kind ever oficced in this cuntry. and is, warranted tree from all poisonous substabees. This valuable lothon was tined by the Emperor Alazindllan,and Empress CarlOtta, of Mes,leo, and tudversellY need by Mexicans for three hundred p.m, ..1.11 a wash for the Lead—it lv rouuug, cleansing, nod retre4Llng... When thus usod it /Lt. once relieves Lemlaelte. 2.1.031111 LES • Wild Flowers for the Teeth. All three. who are in favor of white teeth aid a.ploasanSeini perfumed breath, would at ones Ilse McOutre's Wild Ron ers for the Teeth. All these prepandlotn, ore Pet UP In the most clegatit and ornamental manner. We make no etteeptioln Ist saying, t hat they are up ornament to a lady's toilet table, mut none cm:at:dee 'Without thrust. ' Warranted satbilhortnry or men qv refunded. Pealent Inn bear thlsritr mind - (lard d hy all te- Mreetabh.l..rugesta In the United States and Cpttadas. Address ordete ter • RICHARD AteHUIRR, De and Mwoultietort, '29,lNort teltuid ht. , 11111 a. Pa. , , ' 4.lept.. 1,1, I , 3tAlt. ly • NF~P-COACtr SOPS. YANTIS, ADAMS S CO., WrLI,FO4I PA. E ntcOvad or , -* tura:ming Ole pun, te,,dist we, hkre eq,stillsbe4 itow (loath y ¢antAeinre to no l f t l i pe At' an,7, Vet = acronfl at lento. 'Oar luind•ChaTe been procured from f3allimore, au t, as we use none but , choice material, we an put up awl: to edrupate w i t h ~13.) in the State. Old work re , .'Augur..r n et 3 l . 30, , for plc.. • nOR ittee . "17714.4, CLeckS: Gingham% _Minn tn r .ROW Woflps' .M ii J~ N~Y~~ 1 tl) y.. 11~YID4Y8l8.'1 ... 11:=LIE=111!11:!=i1 G, p4CLAIBER EXCELSIOR GALLERY. TIPTON & MYERS, SL CTS.NUIL% TO C. J. TY.SOZZ. PIIOTOGRAPIIS, Photo Miniatures, AM-PROTYPES, &C., - Ste4oreopie 'View., of the BA TTL STER POSCOP,BB. PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, AN D IJ T,T M =I AND AT (DtEATLY REDUCED PRICEA 44-We Ilea] In nothing but the lint of Its ki r t. IXII and oxalates our stock. eatt be furnished ill= NOPle th es ever talteu at the Gallery. xvsoN's ciLt) srAsi) I=IEN 11 E. 4 p- QV IRTB RS G, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Every Kind of Gentlemen's Wcar, IMIIIM LINEN C6I,LARI., P.l rErt CCTF*B, COTTON STO4JKINGS, MESE TIAN PK,1 , 112C11 I tiFfi tiIIIDEZIEM I= C.l Sta, Sl'., tC keep Gent'. men'6 Wear of all kinds and will. tied {lmp at. the Lowest Cash Prices BOYS' HATS AND SOUS, =9 &V.-Lille rue a OJI before purcLaellej clue MEE I=3 April 21, 1963. tf NOTICE- G G ' 8 .TILL I WILL I. 111 Gi.(l3 ~.Iputg ,11.11 FLOUR, d..-c op e‘cry 3I01:11.11 - and 11:11).\ 1", of each we. k. • l`k.r•eeo. o Ito Ina} %lustre the to fur th. to wttlielther Fl our or Fecal iitaff trill hate their : Mb nt.elther with : loll4 ate or Danner S Zlegh.r, statifig the kind and coantlli, 'TWO Übe salhe viler !! t their dwelling,. GEVROE GI NG ELL IMMMII]EI JOHN C. ZOUCK, . NEW OXFORD, ADAMS couAT, 1) 0.1 IMILME : VA4H.gii; MILL -1.) 1 FoUNDICI sIl OPA I= Avirtr. sTAICvs, TOWN Rfopms & toe§ T i.ENIPSVIA^AOSTA, vArdrlimNb ;A,ND =! Persons w.hing to purchase as wells to iteLlyrreify well to tilvo me, a mill t iii my orCid l red by lei tel., ‘ nl• tlleit RIU find Rio thelr adynntage M.y ly E. H. r MINNIG 011. A NUlSEltriaUßli STREET, RIVT DOOR TO TILE Ji ISIBIE: IVAPM. G . L''PTI,'SE CVO, PA., Cafection,Pariodjca,l #OWB Depot ALL KINDS OF 01,NFFATION9, ('AND 733 LEMONR, NUL', constemtly oi hand. ICE . (11111A.11T` 1!) teAR'S sqppned to ftoutltos and' parties at shattent 12=1 TilEf . DAUNT PAPERS OF ,RAGTiIdORE, PHILADELPD3I4 NEW YORE, AND CHOICE MAGAZINE'S supplied t osubsertbers at lowaet rates 4 ir; CALL AND EXAlrtNr. Tote. 44. i3bs., t M VEEN Or JF.IIIGLANO ROA p QUEEII'OP MAMA?: It SOAP. hliN tiOAP. • d Washing the brat. and hanapihn,nsaawm. Goarnnteed nous; battle world I gas aallaastawrkitth soap with the mild and tat hilt.; nn fjoal I es of nebulae Castile. Try this splendid `yep. -told Lira ALDettl eII£NfICAT. WORKS, .18 North Front'iftreet; Sept. th PSIS. ty _ Er:7 %Pro x . P. 4 CMIG RAILROAD BONDS. MEI Firit-tistieittilla4o33llittysburi r , agent fps' the 411 of the FIRST MORT-, (LlGEtn'ArtOt! 41tti11 1 77 WAILROAD Eirl cE.M.„.G0L:41:2(4,R,Eg BO\Dfi.i at Atifkkrateirstn•l Interatt. t 61- Interna l para. • • senti-emnasaix at the earastaa.— - Aninitikaarii • 4 • ; ft* rMPR. c4bur..." 04440'alegii0 WNW • 130 0 I I 61113 OILEa FOR CASH! NEWSTOILE , . anorrzur..q, LIQUOVA, &C. Tne uniterslgned tortlta litsttynharg, and oponed a new kttolv, tat Ball 110111. rest, no,t. for to the Podt (an, and neark op- Ptaita Una 4Lourt , where he on, re tar sale. cuteAr CASII, a largo and clanks aelsortakent ed . Grocerlen,— soil.uv,s, currzEs, TEAS. MOLASSES, STRUTS, SALT, &C., with FISIT, BAOON, LA ILD, &t. WINES, BRANDIES, GINS WII/SIiIES, Rhona, and everything else In the line. Able, env. trnAntlty of Notlona, to cult any and evvviltodY. Recollect thts la the place to boy CHEAP FOR CASH. April 2.4, Pet. GARRIAa- MAKING BUSINESS, THE enaenNnect have re,umea' the Vat leyie-hinktug Inislnese, AT 'MLitt OLD STAND, In Eaa MALIIe Street. C , ggobarg, .111.. where they are pettpstrett to pot up nor]: In tile 111101 futtltlytualtit., and ttuper tor manner. A. lot of new And settonklfitand caxTu.ura, BUGGEn:A. ac., cI,N tbeFlVUldlotpempte of :a tlx low.t prioefq: mad all milerat will b, Nupplled as promptly mot sitlAnfstetmily pumn We. REPAIRING DONE wan twsrATor, eat tt cheapest rate.% A large lot of net. and old lIARNDiS ou hand and for aule. Thankful 11, theln.ral patronage hereto fore enjoyed by them they and will endsatvt W.l.:serve *large /thane Inet3 le future. July 10, law;, a CABINET-MAKING LIAVING located In the town of :` , 71-:\V OX FUffO, A(fornas enonty, wift o.rly on tho Inusine”. of Cabinet-making, fu all Ito branches. ==! FURNITURE kept on band and via le to order. He will also , keep for dale a thine.) assortment of CIiAIRS. lie Invites Um cltlzt•na of the town and murroundlng country to give him a call, as ke;a111 sell as low us can he pur•haa.sl at any other place. Ito will gnatante. Me work to ho matte op in the heatlintuner, and of good materlala. Nev tisfor.l, Jan. 31, 1.4 a. tf TO THE - BLTILDLNG COMMUNITY, LT 311111EL1.11$ WHO TVJSII TO IHPROVE 91111: tindershotrit reSpectfttP, Inform, the public that 114 ~,1111,,•htilttlk v Ulu CARPENTERING BUSINESS, at .1.1 .toad, in West &Excel, itv.hurg, unlit lor, ,t ly at all to a. ~ onlmodatt th,-c wanting any , I.lng 110111. In itl, line, [lei,. pre pared to furnkli all kind. of work for building purpos.,s, of the IMNi, material, and no m,.tly and ettearly as it van be done at any other en btbilshinent in the count V. Experienced hands always in readiness and work executed with promptness and dispatch. Thankful Mr plod favors, he hopes, by atten tion to hutdoet., to receive n linernl share of public patronage. June 17, lout. tf HARDWARE AND GROCERIES hneriberu vejnst ret rn.l from t u lle cities with an 4mmenhe bapply of I= ehldt they are offering at their old steed In Bultlldure streetda, prime to snit WO Wines. Our *Luck consistent part of 111.111.111N0r IiATFIRTA.I44, CADFENTER's T 01/4, BL.tcKsALITIUS TOOLS, - coAca. INDINus '-'llifi t7 3 .l. l-12. 4. 191i1CFH12".1!TOOLt , Ir AAA . INAIIP.F.s, AAA. KINirA OF iltoN, GRoVENI ES OF ALL, li l N Ds, 6tc There is no art I, 1,• lurlud. in tfie sererni l l :t. ' •ea r li ' 1111 1' 11: 4 s ' h%'!! "' ; 1 11:1 " 1 1 1 ‘ :1..s 1,0 t 1 •1 ‘ . ' Stt!ll ' .::1 " - tes ean Reto,rnmorinteri here with tool., and ft s, rtnd, ITonsekeepers eon fluid es•rry or it lA' in theft line Clive us roll, Os we aro pi Mllt , Lle ,Il i 1.4 POW iVi ash 00 any I/41. i Tut tht eity -301'7, TS. TIiICNT:R. -•• ' Clettysbut g: 1:i, I.wi. !I:I ,I !AftQ4I , INs wz - vzr 'l6itS' (*Es.; & SON I AVE °pencil n new UROCERY, In (h t• I."lrla*g, on tia, ittul.lt-West cyrnoi 1.4 the W4U 3 gt• g4J iml or .ii , %%. I rikviVad a hl - 1 entlla nallorllncut nr FIR*..II ' - 011,UCEBIES, including Sugurs,lsA , N, Syrups, Tens, :view., Tulknevo,S4it, Also, QUI:ENsW IRFT, (INFECTIONS, Nuts, Frults, Fan, y AI [Wit, amt., No- Man tetierall. Nt - e - w,(11 also keep on luktul EIMER And I I.:F.11-'411U Fs, - • . /laving purchased for CA4III, we arer re pared Co sell very' cheap. Clive on a c all :1 holge fur yourxls es. • • : JOHN J. GREEN RIDGE, STORE. I'E ung*FT,gr'Ert i y h tf'fflY,lr7o.s. STORK, la Green Ridge, iLsotlfton township, Adam. uoun'Y Ilintifea•uki at , ani.) on the Catlisle Turnolas, to whirl! he utvites the attention of the public generally, illastoek corm:xis of SI.ICARS,TOFFEE9', TEAS; ' SYRUPS,' SPICES, OILs, 1y.E1)11.7124F; MEN'S AND wrarr.Ys nosE. I.3LONFII. SE:WENDERS. IT , T. TIEU. If .INI , KI , It.;L/11.4. - 8, TIIILEADs, BRIJ eiffES, IC., IC., SC., SC, In tihort, a full osoort merit of everything ustl- Ilv found in It •toi of thc hl 1,1 II IN stock wWl‘..ays he towna tr,,h mid full, and hill prt among the very Inwegi. enort spated to Min** all Itlnr 'nay patronize April VI, LMt . 1y E.A.401 - 11111 , 6 ! ! ! WRY TUE ALTA. yEL,s. PHOSPHATE! T Id Minpogra pane:rally of the eviebrated ALTA VELA. Contains three per ceuL of AMMONIA, an amp% gtuutttl• to give activity (without in jttryYto she vegetation, ands large quantity pf soluble BONE PIioRPHATE OF LIME, together with Potash and Soda, the es's.mOitl elements of a 00iIIPLE.TE MANURE The high estimation In which At Is held1)1 the many thousand tanners who arewant It. in preference to all other kiwis, Is a tare guarantee of ita *Arse, PRICE 1130.00 PEli "TON OF 10 P..M3S, MO lb. EACH. Send -for a porn pidet. Address THE ALTA VELA GUANO CO.. 57 1 r0,...t..1way, New York. July 21:144. LEI' ALL fHE PEOPLE COMEi Paltry G'oods 8 Conji•elioneiy Slope. floulry=fZlio ... ll . lli294 ' l7:rTeZ nti eteM.V i o e :;- peeito FatniertoeinO Step% Clettyabone, vl tap, thepubneeppnren Largo (I.teril I rol the Mock' ht/4en; no collo% will he i to - render It gn N i! thekte Astro v 1113:11, tive nod 41,,,ra ge now oliQrs V. rittrig Moil) bp opt", Yirnett BoSes, Mosey (10., Portfonoo, Plek lee, .S.Atehebs. • noOks, • Sara ' et • Febbetere. - f.'lll opt 'Fors, ninny-endow, Pocket 'en tie rT, •F OOO S Mk , Jevretry; ,- "Ferent enteirt , rs, uheeo, Vine niorolus p iinii-ii , a. ble. , lronn do., • Perfumery,- Fine Works, Soaps,. Pt ns & Pewits, Onnlss, ' , V. I.tmg rapers, Praha, • • T Ilavi lopes, Nuts, Toesooo &Solemn, Sr MI p 4, de. de, the. 7 ,TOO FtP 4 l9(-)U,StinNIENT 'I,- N.” .1 e altenr. to ..el 7, eryth ng at the lowl Nt. pessitio: pritett,belleCtic that - small profits" firma "fuel: sttlef," a . tel :tre therefore ,. h , ea. tcfr.l4,e lottli t nire e sit.lV E. March 27, 1430, tt ( - IL ASS-WARE—Tumbler:, Flasks, la-ip94 assortment, vel Yt t .t• tint AISGMata, TiVeishmultitaemilMsi. F,Ve Letirlurvlae7g."4l'..t.re'aiiitg „g o ..sallux4l. 3: daisy la 00,8 matter. • )11.. D. 130LTZU ORTIi, Aura 8 *ea gar af Adams couaty, Ei 11, _lBOB. Also, Ltonors,— I= I= Wm. It. PO Idler, ME= ,ir Title =I El= NAJ , OEM JQB - P4INTIN,G. THE CIEFFTEBERO COMPILER OFFICE bk now ono of the moot oonxpleto Job Printing Eatablisliniento In remaylranto outside of Pella&1phlo. h tho boot mooltUtori , to bqbad--a 'POTTER DRUM CYLINDER POWER paiisa, • ciou- DOR JOBBER, a PosTER HAND PRESS, Sc, —and the neweat Wed most thenlouable style■ or types and borders, with hussy Inks and Una different laopzen, wn cannot fall to solid), every Weir. Tltes amply empinletl, beside" having go.lowertaiti*,;we cul#lsll4 ins Hu Jobs of oil hl4ck7 2 asters r Pery 0W111444'4 Oren 'ars, Legal 211anfis, EMI uh cc Iv, Oilic Ps. :11l I I - 1/ervis, LirMr- 8 . , ads, !Bari :less Ca Pas. 01.1 . d.e, h?thiby Cardst INS itatioms. Lecture 'tickets, Zabel', etc., .te linieed.everTining . entering lulu the print- Ing line. All done with dispatch, and at rya twuyble krlcos OrCant by mall lull reeot , e 1,01110. nu,,,t, I=2 H. J. STAIILE, COMPILEIL 01 rlck., Cißr?lSl2l.:liti, I'S July 34,139'.8. GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK =IIZOMMEEI Mat=MlM SEV EN-THIRTY BON IA wawa-ft .1 Into F I V 1,-T W ENT Y without chat go. COMPOUND INTEMDTT NOTES CASILEI Thu 11101.111 . 3 T PILEMILTM paid on (101.1) awl !SILVER. bTorliti and BONDS, of all kinds, hooght for PerliolllB Without (111. k ItCIINO CcoM- M16:51027. ORDEILS ricompTLY ExEcuTrz. =I == 5 per rent. (or 1 year, 4 wr neat. for 6 months, 2 pre cent. for a months Persons wishing Inilainstlon IL ri,gsrd to U. S. Bouds,, and Stocks of all kinds, are 12.; vital to give un Et call, Rod we will give all Inlormalon chcor run). I , 4l,taci my it : v.. 1, ivr (h OM. 21, is riubT NA 7 IIONAL BANK UN 0 ETTY:-.1115110- \Vt =now LoDopows, 10. S per emir. per annum %U I jest.. 1:1M:iE=1 I==ll 3 " " 3 11,1 • • ' 1 W*ll c.A.SLE COM N 17 1NTE14,1...•31', NOTIY tua4 LX)Cr()NS. Will nlmd Pt aiuuse of melt RVVa.'s and ISON'INTO; eveYthir; fraa' kittharacidka ram. adbakal, and w:Plat uII palm pay Um 111(i1t- EST FAUX , far 60144 and aILV/lIR, and will, with' pleaaurr, tranaaot all ha:Autos irrufarpr„, as b extfatirti, itartaluing tua regulated Bazar. of7O:"ARNOLD, eaxhte; (34.tnxIsurg, NoB. 8, 067 Akq 4 l . 'ffEß BAKERY. T UE undo gnolA haloponeti a Bakery at the corner of Washington anti .11101 strtota, Gotilyillturg,' and Invitis the rat- = FRESH DREAD, •` 'ROLLA, TM'Urr, ' CAKV4, PRE j rZraii, E YE ' l2 DA Y. lly 0010i1,44. tryst of lloug mop, other materi als, and doing hopeo to filet satisfaction. in every eliksa.. Call at or send zoor ortlerito the ilikery, corner or Wit.ll Inhtot dna ‘l,l444:Unitithitie,' 4 . 14; Fe male Iwitituto dPoqiers's Grailhe Yard. 'lk t t Jll i• •, , , t i ff em m s morrmA , x . Aiikritli, /803, if N *PI* §/ [° P. 0 N P• th le ' !, 1 41 • RI DING EIADDLEA, WAGON CARRlitit ftAItHF.M.O DRAUGIIT lIARNMS. BIDING BRIDLES, BLIND ilnlnr,Fl4, OOLLA QS, FLY 1 4 a;TS.. *e 12=1 .1. M. IiONC V.. Jane 24, 407. tr ,PIICYTOGRAPIL' ALBUMS, ~- . LADLM"459.1f...P1N/0.14 % , . , ••,% TOITT . gMt`f-s, ! )17311TING„DW8, =EEC PE R V' 11 k"1? r, leancy listonim NIL*, QC., "C., . AT „A., R.FEISTEL'S, Oppodte alinegtotics' Store, gel trabittilitated a. ISCA. cm White ,Goode, Angling, Eaglngs and U Trinunftwa. so to. ROW dl Wool)4. MINCE. PIES. I T tk. *31..T. 4. W11Uy0n anintill the • neetnettcy , Zor * 'intod /Mince ir,Ltilk . _ 4... c. . ES BEIM a„t.- ~* y. BEIM OM JISINOPK , VEGETABLE AMBROSIA = I FIN VINE II .1 llt Iths'lliß.4.ll E,elaLtig- IL tog th.o • Light, Red or Fadva t, tha park, Leatrons whirik no advl uN,Y , ..uth or age. IL Nvll I eitattl- Cate II mot., and Dall.troft front Ma tp anti ullere Viet, is IIIt II t gland., WU' ciIII*O a Io w gros% tit OP /la, to put tilt do I.ala Spot.. Thoosatt,6 at.] tehtifyit/tt 11l the 1a.% e. no 17:II liorrr,il I:tit 11.1:111 Aent,.;,llp.borg—ontl tutle n t n•Litilbs all Fah 11, 1 , 4 , : I y Hanover Branch Palilrozul. (II F.l ITIZA lti 1k 111 !Can't` IltiltoWN•Rt NAV A, :%1 Nllll p.,., York ,14n111 ttttt and 1111 S., 'll and 11 rp4 'AWN km,” 1,1111 :IL 10 It) A. M.. von. 111 . 0111: , Nk ;Pe : , ..111h, ( 0 1 th, , , iiN It 11/ 4.1,4$ Ai /1,611114,' Jl , N,,114 tt , olliiii IL I , N1.,.1 111111 N•.I I?ii.l'. it. II 11..,41 . .11 11.41 NI., Pl:pi art IN •••• utl,l P.l koNI , _ XL. 4. 1 UT , /,'• 11.. .1 to., t.O at I NI outimn 111x11 m. It !I Ow Mtkll T 1.0•1 SOlllll, sI 1.i.1r tuns. , nt rr 1 I . NI. l'an.,11011„ thl• Irwin for 1 I• 1 ON I I al 11111111;.111'. N. SJ Th IS ' CI it in 1• turn• to iltinnver nt 1,411'. wr,ll (tetthourg and I liil4..ton tr. 1.,51114 timer, Uctt~ - 1 tog 11l I NI , . ll,il l WI/ r it I:t I t. , t I 10, al 12 1..1...1 - Jut- I 111 1.1.111, Agent. i Penzsy iv inia Contra' Railroad. D 017., 11,1. minitaglwt try.% Phil miovia., .21 I'lttotur,., Trains leuvlui: 113 rhtli it nun he 'fie ft.lioV/111g t..lllll.lcli•nx Willi ll+. 'I rout. 1111., 1e.1v, , 31f 1311. In. uu.112.-16 p. ll:trh.v•cr Juiw unit 2 Ityti '435 .4 Iran 10,1 tl.lll `• p tit. 12.45 " 1L11,.. .1.10 P1•11.“1.41•Itin. On!) R " 7.1)1 Ilan ?nui It.no 1.15 pia,.! tug “triNe 1.:" 1 In. 11.41 •' At rilitltdoTritin einv.mhticell.ma tire maul° srlth the 11,i In, for :Sow Iffrls, l / 4 . 11411, 11.1ui out ii:agtert, One.. At rith.ohtlnt enuneetillum are MR .14. In the N, tr l`rann iteput x ith UT , ttaitol for all W. NI , In point Sal • For !Ural, ullut ion( 1111:4V to EDWARD 11. N‘ 11.1.1ANIS t Oen. su Altootm, Va. lirrxxv W. WRIT - SLR, 0,11. I'ILN.A.% JUL.: 3. I , Lo. If ME= ADAMS COUNTY • .11. 1. flu, L.N61"11.,17Nc1: COMPANY I. ola, L., N♦scuaig,lssl 0F1,C4/11. rrkteitlent-li,llg, Sq.,pl.. N , it 4•i:. "Ntmit . I IL Howell, t..) t. G. . it .t-I.llti„t —E. G. Fidatt ht. k. o CononliO t —Robert MeCrtly, I A 1 . 10.11,0 . , 31,,h Eioz Mllll, 1/4-1.1,,r,c, D. A. , tt.t. it. nut, rohmstot It, A. It. liurffi , r, It. It. Slit .< t. Illy, (40')10,111c, .larolt Kink., Stotts; towttOlip; Frt..lt•ro It Diehl, Pt.tnltlln • 'Mn,. U. Moot*, Ntov oxford; 11 to El. NS lison, liouttersvlllto, It. A, hokittg, stratum; John Latlawre; 4.1,1, Held toa..Kaat Iln ; A.tutl T. V. rII4IO, Ittustet - toullo; ..Atlatlol F. tittt, Now Ox fart'; Slataltall,, HUM 11- 1011 ball .1.,1111 ( . 11111k;11,41,111, I.r. edont; JoLn llorner, Al Joy ,'4'w Ito,. W1 , 114%111,, rt y. aty Tina Tompans• is limited In its maga.- t lons to Me wutto. oI Atl.lllt.. It lat. lit,u In alo'rotlto.l j ut hhom 0.1111 17 yeat ,, , tool to that putt. I.as 'nude loot o a r 1110,1105 001,1 lu.n,nin the during Ht. t tat atonooting to llPt,ttoo. Any rOrson Ile sirrau, Insttrattro Otto Apply to either tot tolloa lUC ututtlettion • It. A. Buehler, littttyslturg. 17. U. Folmruttot :Muth King, Stns tat n to% • J.. Plt•ktotr, Fr, 'lotto!: 111.1,1, Prooklltc 1N gt.llos‘,ll•llfr, Ltiatrty 11. 1 . insTtirt I •,t Of the. I 5 . 1111p4115 , oil II r: lan, W an, y. dal In eN vly innllt 11, kl .2 Wetnek., Y. W.. .111fIr 11', 141 S, tt 463i,e Co., 111 V 'MTN UT , STligii:ll „yitmulgtrurA,, • ELASTIC K.VBSTIVITE. FUR URLED HAIlt ►ok Ar.r. VrifOLSIERY Put:Po:s.Es I.EATtinv...4 OR 11,k.111 .1N I, t AIL :AI P1,1:14)1L tali. nt uuJ n 1.4 1'.1.11e Dumbly flitil.r4llfor - DIATTIiESSI TI -1 . A .}.OIB,fIAIL AN ft 111 rilltrely I nett mtruetlbtit, perrtAlltr rt. 4,1 Witt (me trtott . . rr DO'N.`4 NAT AT 7.1.1 rs fowu). tree traml t1..-•I III.': to tw•rnvtlr prattlmanetieer he elek to reth t jhidedt., 111 tiny our, eh), to. retetroted eke'realtl rattler thou httyt,ntlwr 3 , listtrend. Spevial ntimitlon gis I l'ltNl4lllMi RI Railroad men nee r.lO elan) Inr lied to ex.- tp.•,the t.3l4llofiSpenaw. , IATIHIO.% OTION L. 1.1.0W1.14 - Cli.1:1). The Tra to supplied.• lowa 21 . 1,./Obti. ly MONEY SAVED ri ar lat vonVa m n i t i ly . li d .1 orchas I n 1 , 11 1 Milan of DNA' AND. FANCY GOO ' lB •61/,,R,il,er- TONS,„11001All AND KlitaNki, Idb , D11,F,63- DO/1.14,11C: Which Wear. actually ealljatg at an g% a prig:earl/me Dollar teeutak article. Um sale. being striaLly tor matt. and our trial, ntnati larger than that et any , other hbail.tr soneuni,enablee tie Le gibe ttor bargolDe tiwA be obtained of be •uy other bout.., • THE LA It I I..:ti are speetailp I n vhellio give lie a trial •8I!f, FORAeritrilLnii AVID M:XCRA74,I4 I,T, . . Our club Loreto ofoollluß tklus followx t reFr.- 4 ,,s we aced pnleittpeolonnteiro, and ohpek tloterthfiut Ltu dm twtlt orsirint to he 06141 toe A &War eftell : 10 for tor $6; toe r ripe, d.. Sent b. ii , .111 (loot ii trlon.i tro, urn. moo. c ' fa r . d h ' inu a l ' e l' l.M h.". ntteritn u reVerZ i rp .i tn e. ;,;.. l !Ante owl lean le itgen t 6 wanted. Mold (too. In Itettionerrd Letters. Mond urn trod etch, and Ton will neknorkdire that you eon. not ellthrtt to hey inxl,4 of may other hou.t. thereafter. V A 4TMAN A KENDALL. 11a11o\Cr11L, liostua, Abuts. Ott_ PA, 1 , 4. :4n A SERVANT FOR ALL ement for Opening, cip.• s..tdking hand,ln ati,T ele/ilred direetion om the gab• opened wad cloned from onepoint, at $ll, distance twin the gate. This Improvetneni Is simple and cheap, yet perfect and strew . will not be ilhiarrittijseit by the inaglagor t lip gate. nor by the front rnthing the pots; ma% be made nt n country blacksmith's, /111 , 1 enmity attached to El. gets. Th e undersign. d haring - the Main tor Attains tonnty, will Township and I arm Rights of this . . Abok• ROTH dt SHANE'S AMER/CAN T.E VEILHATE,--wialvh wlll hR (9440,%41nui,1, , al.lconwnlvla to alru ho have gatew to dris theough—ae they n. 1114,404 their trant,,Ten, elae,a wail lakh a gate, ivithout the ne, of getting In Ito art or thud. I , ,er teeth, InfothtatlOtt, R, , rohlreFei 'BUICK grt May k. 3lcusaittn P. 0., Adams op,„ Pa Manhood: How Lost, How restored. •• • Crt prlMleltrO. w eclition or th t:tt erut,iht( 444 ,t 4,1 • Mat , tie cureit .10,110110, hyr rruatprr `4%. r —non, or Weakto.n, Itnolloyf lic= — Okto7Tr. 1 eines., Italie.: coca', illeutoi god Mg 404 Jrnop _iropLiliptento to . i llioniage, eic ; ono, 1 , 4,110p0T, okutk lutiuLett Kell:111.101g; nee or e•ex oat ektlitro gall - O. jrt Arlin! kw9e, only el rent The celebrated ituctictr,to nen acirn noble tor;hlerit . ly demonst rang, irognagitirty yeet,r,' - once-enrol pr.:toffee; thRf;1110-olar*iq; - iikeorinf OT getToloo.o.tmo be r.n.141)144r...1 Withotifttlte clatigrann use og.lutierog4 ~efneur tkeftrialentlon of the koile0:-polilltieg o coedit cmeal ournotataißlo,qurtaln,A,,,i - offer er 01..1 every Ountrer, 10) matter what his comfit lon Eno T.be t FtAY et o hi 1n• ,, 1f cheaply. 1111% and laak.”/(y. This .14,(114fr0 pima hi It, ,tho honor of ev,ry p.A91'41411 es ell . eglncjoAlte hind. S. 0.1 under twat, In a plain env. tone, to an. pia,Vopt, .ppelpata, 011 colt , Ipf of r. 13 cents, or tIVO popC st„tut,p6. In.„„Volitsrvreli "Marriage Gfittle," , orlee gi cents ,` Adtiftwo the . _ , eiTAR, T. C.K 1:INE at 00. ftr ItOcricry, New York, I'. 0. /knc 4443. Out. Peg 'Mo. GIILOCEITTP7S, &C.-4'mm I • y merchanho sup whaipm..ly utt il ..114P1 Cirtwertex le. la I I &CO S. THE HOUSEHOLD GAS OCHRE! FOR SUPPLYING DWELLTIZOS, STOR FACTDHLFS, AND PUB. 1,112 HULL DINGS WITH GAS: GrafERATEW.GAS WITHOUT FIRE 4)/r. HEAT! rpHE isimplicity and ease b) this 31s t. claim Is Illapaged, as itso (IA eeflaomy and gr. at merit, recommend It to public nisi:M— t:till as i see .0110 , 14 the 10 Opel a /lon at the Flare! 31,VNI:FACTillisH ANDSoLE AGENT, DAVID .10NEVS, I Tin Furulatn rig Store. No. Tai Green ArirSend forMustrated Circular. pa& itsea. Snlt cc= EU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers