r b i ittipsbt!rg i atnpile;: rnmer, mAr s, 18as CIRCULATE THE TEETH I Let it be borne In Mind that any one of 4 7ur Rreaeng subseribees rending in the names of four new subscribers, with the cash In advance (.88 for the four,) *HI re ceive a credit of one year's subscription on his own account—ln other words, . for each new subscriber sent in, arcom • 4.smird by the cash, a PREMIUM OF FIFTY CENTS is allowed as a eredit on , prrment subscription's. A number of sub scribers have already paid themselves sheaf in this way, and 'patty others could do the same-with very little effort. Itemeniber, that the most Important Presidential contest in our historY Is up - launching, and that a proper enlighten ment of the masses as to Radical negro- Ism, corruption and tyranny, will surely defeat that party at the polls. Time Dem osrm ie newspapers will do this, If prop erly ens:tainted. Thestliwrit.mt, always n rile troatline of duty, will be found sets earmsit Nod faithful as ever. Demo- t strata anti COnierstitives, to spread ') its influence In Tnn CAUSE OE THE PEIT- The Comp Her for the feaspelset S WHITE MEN, TO THE RESCVE 1 In order to place the COMPILER within the means of erw voter in Mc ?minty, we have concluded to offer it lin the campaign—from this time until alter the Presidential election, in Iklovendier—at the following low rates: single Sula.crlhers,. 4 .1 - Q 0 each. Ten eopie9. $l , l 00 or 80 cenia " Twenty 00 or " Thin will barely cover th‘cost of white paper, _and We must therefore ask pay merit in cuiranrr fn all raver. The paper will be sent immediately upoiereceipt of order, either through the mall or other- OE 7 lloa,e-Ki , ptrs.—Voung folks and others, who are preparing to go to lmase-heeping this spring, will do well to make u rail at Col. C. H. lluEntEß's Wale-rooms, near the Depot, tlettys hut g, Pa., where, In addition to a large \ l etV of the most approved Cow:lst; StovEs, Sitang Doom and Chamber Stoves, can be found a very large assort , ment of every kind of TIN-WARE, Hol low-Ware, Japan - WILCO, Toilet and Chamber Sets, Bread and Spice Boxes, Tea and Coffee Canisters, Waiters, Coffee Mills, Wader Coolers, Spittoons, Pud ding Moulds, Flour Sieves, Candle Stick,, Smoothing Icons, Egg Beaters, Fruit Cana, Jelly Moolda, mid n thtm ',Nand °trier artielealti the house-keeping line—a , l of which will be hold nt lom,est ea,lciwiees. Call and examine. tf ('ii .%(p, ILL., .Nluy t Sll.llllOlO, 4near Gulesburg,) fourteen Louie. wpm blown down by a tornailo.yestertlay and Lao clitirclic - s unroofed. Four per -I.OIIIC wcre killed and forty injured, a number of wliom It is leered will die. E:=l Gettysburg RVF: FLOUR,. ..... Witin: WHEAT, RED WHEA'r,.• •• CORN, ....... ...... ()All, BUCKWHEAT, MAY, l'hiE=l:El3 FLA Yr:SEED IZIEI 10=1211 . 10 30 0 11 25 . 00 0 3 30 .7 206 (4 1 /0 . 111 0 12A Wll FAT,. ENE, IBM CLOVER-BRED 7 50 €4 8 50 TlBlolllv-SEED,.. ..... ....... 2, 75 Cy 300 16 1Iuus, 111tund 12 00 14 00 BEEF' CATTLE, e e 8 59 60 21 50 HAN% tio 6 23 00 (i 4.1.1), Phila., M.IIIRIED. tlw "Atli ult., at the reahlenee of thr inth:•r • ontr York tiring& by Rov. D. M. Mark o ~ t h•r, Mr LEAN ER M. BREAM to Mho, 1.1/./.lh T. ZUG, both of Huntington towneliiii, county. • I n the 'Alt 11. to, J. A. 8011, mr. AN 111•XKER, of 'Now salem, to NW. SUSAN 11.1:, of Buchanan Valley. un the :Ali utt., tit the B. Pursonair, Rl Cluttn. hcirhurn,b) 11. T. Iturnmelhangli, Or. Till. Nl* Ant, N. McKlllll, Iteuderiwille. Admits county, In Nlipt CATIIAItINE E. t'REA HEE, of 3Lanor:Franklln county. =! in the .Ind Ingt., Lt Strnban township, Aliti.t ELIZABETH, dauphterot Eptinuni and Martina Sin trer, agsd a years 3 months and 5 days. on Monday lax!. ANNA CE:cELIA; Wire John Brady, Jr., a Llnchakan Valley, ngrd , ut . 213 mre. lit the 16th ult., nonr Nl'ank's School !Immo 1110. o+,UA+.lll.l NAIIAB, wig., C'ortrad Weaner 1111.1,1)eats B fuoutbs and I day. ()it tLo.lth ult , Mrs. ANNA MARY 'MICKLEY, I, earso ntouttt and '22 day.. Site lltest to Pll it rOM PI lag to the fourth generation. , SHERIFF'S SALE fr ltl .tg;•ll . tVl r : a j i te . ..t r re ' r t rin " ,A A da i t ' n E : .4 te n tl i t,y l. wid *seemed on wr:I , Nr>;DAY, the 201 ' h da' ot MAY that., at le o'eloek, A. M. The I)ltinitk SI Al., will be at wholesale, or in smqi 11 lot,. aA ' test Suit. A credit of els too the would be given the purchaser of the rd. ;ye aecepted eecuritv. lIANNI ShertreGflice. Gettyrtbrieg, 31~p1t 1 pit, la DIVIDEND. OrIT NATIONAL BANN or OEITTAIRIING,} v 4 a bleet and tareitaraortrla i llr •ha e 44/.13/1, AND OblltrkitaW m l42 gable 1 11. drty declared at ae ex at dtvid k ended .nor after the Itch Inst., tree Mita all General Governntent Taxed. IiF.O. ARNOLD, Slay 8, PIK it . Cashier. DIVIDEND • - MAI - 5, inn. - President ann,, Directors of 111e"GETrl - NATIONAL HANK" lutee tilts day a semi-MIMS! dividend of 141 X l'Eft CF:NT. on Capital B rock, clear Of .OUAL Text., priyable on and after tfre Mb boo. .1. E3IOItY 11,1.11 t, Canner. Mare; leek SI U S. INTER NIL VOTlCE;The.Anhavid Aaeleitmeat. for Adams eon Oaxaca b.e goal ageted.isla attend to tAismthirlioilotaa,ll Text...at the railie Hotel, 1 In atiliplitAuw, on FRIDAY and BATUNDAY, the faliaad Nth of RAY, hat. Yerseasnot puy tug al that time vitt have a kanatty added. A. 81112011. Colfaatpr Hattliba. PO. May - 0,141L ;t. Three-Nab Reward. DAN away from the aubsetilier, In Highland townslt Ns the night of the •3tl tek.o/1011 3l about 13 years of age. The public ere w not to trust hint on Boy ae. count.thwartwill be paid tut no thanks Pirlie=na. Jt/lIN D. PFOVT7,-. /dry 8, Isom .at.. -- - - - Water Oompany Election. looms la hereby given to the BtheithoMiera in ill the °Myriam% Water thsapamy that as eseettan Ms at WA Oomi'pony I n be held stlbe lease W. birCle finvaNtit. MATINIDA Nab o f y that o tarilieliti ilkwidsors fits I;ad 4 dela* P. By omit 4441448eerk Mart, OIL B. R. arßell244.l3yey. - r.' --- iv ., LLESPIE b. CO., T tit:: old tend of Joseph n. Glneepte, next an d , „tter " te t t te " pn i Ze l :n n innin k e= '3"v-- Sagnrs, Syrups, Molasses, Wares, nails, apices Salt, am; the BM' BR NT* OF morß tu the market. With Mauls, Sleaililers, elutes, Flab, Dried Frulid, Couteettous, ece, Also, MOTIONS, In great variety; Cedar' and Vt'lllom-anrc, Bare. het*, Seams, Tabsetne, and • thouland and one other article.. EHTTER AND suus., rare and trails, always in wale. Co. wit, w.ure no csii gni to PfrajP, and are ooldldont of Wm' able to do so hy Cott imintly• Weeping a full and cholas Week. and Sell ing at the verylowerit prone. COUNTRY PRO DUCE wanted, caner for theesali or in exchange for good., blitherit market priee allowed. 7013 :PR 8. OILLYNPIE, DANIEL CARIf MAN, May e, lAM, ti TO BRIDGE BLILDERS. n w..-.0,44.1.0; will be received by the Colman,- j - stoners of Adams county new TIIFADAY, ihn'tetk day of •MAX Ina.. for building a Con er ect NVOOPEN across tAtrufwego cr ee k. et tinytlent fording. ott the rood front ficinterstown to L lormbUrg. The bridge to to be bunt apes the CY h. of Ithirr's'rat - m.4 , 0( the lostt River - willed phis, two open,, . cat% IS feet long. ttneuevan be bad ',cattail a wale egad a tattier the. rate of the bridge. Plansand specifications tan be writ on the day of letting. or by application to J. M. Walter, Clerk to the Contiolseloners. SAMUEL WulAc, NICHOLAW WIER-MAN, JAWB 1A177, Cboamlasloners. Attest—J. Wouralt Clerk. :Vey lin OK :It • BOUNTY ACCOUNT. FINAL STATEIIENT esuloactug three An nual PHltlent rut:, ut the Won ty Atrwu n IA 14 TOWNSIIIP, up to 3hutth IJ, lette—for the cult of Septetabee,lB64 =3 Interest to k'utorutry Isoil r ittl 44 W. nt Exix•nr,e , l4corin liter lat ilarristrurig -- for it , ,arl, travel ow! XL:IMPS ... . 421 20 Trar•rettt to Marell, - 2 1 21 tra Stindr3 V1p , 11141.1.1 . lot E.g., tor . tollouttag aYlr ..... , ...... . r la Five (lnyt; ree hll,lltlng.. . 1 • ---- t!onli141 .. \horny r.•fundol to I.lilluuk Tretotaror'm ..... School Merton' Pea • ..... Sid vt AnTuut levl.l for 34,010 14 " " 8,400 Iq S/0,330 11 Exonerallollo on kia1cat00f.11106 , 14.11452 • . - Collectors' 1F+11...... . . ~.,, . S 1 44 _ Exonmitlonx on dnpllX ... lee of /13211 MO SO voile/ 10m' fora.— .__ . . _... ... .. - 143 21 I,'S SO Tresourcr reeelrod from Cod — ectors Tor ' .. . . . i M. - . Laid ISII .•. —. . —.. ... .--....-....... 16,1111.1 by Interest paid to February . , 11111t1 — 10. 115 NV ..-.. 110 11 Itserivell subscript tons,..—___. ........ ...._ 3,M*4 Oil litt,rst to March, ISMS' .„.- 215 Bs ln tersst on Squires doctet ' 5 jr2 Trcasurvr reeelyed of Collectors of IStl7 ..- 2,521 Oa RectiVed extra subscriptions ..... - ..-.—... 111 11 ARE:Is:DT, Prod,lent of School Board. J.tur.. 11. Nl'At-Tt - We, the uhrlenenned, Andltorg or Butler town nil tn, hot ,• atnic,' the above account nod Lr l lyre 1l to be correct to the beet of oar k nowleage SOIAINItIN S.INII."EL 11. II A 'MIS, • JO/L\ F tiTkIINGIII2, Jt• . BOUNTY ACCOUNT. QTATEM ENT of the Bounty Account of CUM -17 REPLAN') TOWNSHIP, Athono county, Pa. FR AN( IS BREAM, Eau, Treaourer, in account with Bounty Fund : DR. To I utlatic.. Duplicate 1.. Busitrnan, IW4i.. /1/01 II • U. Shrlver, .. 1,354 I. Deardorff, Ito . utlt 72 1.111% I , llplil.lie John Keefav,r,lBEr.....-. Ixotti A. ........ . •• Julia 200 00 CuL la ha of Trerugurer tui tar report of Auditor. appointed by Court ..... .1.140 +lO lat erekt front Sept.. 11, lam, to tint, of audit , -JO el 13 c I,atilace of aubitituli• ADD/WY P.M 81011'00 Loam. paid itiliviii‘iais . - 1,4108 00 Interest . Loons poldllatik, I otervid and stall dil Bank. ' /lit 'II .nter.....--.laps pak Attorntoe tern....... .. .. . .., _. 3900 Printing ...4... . . .... -...._ .--... ..... ... ....„... .;.V 75 Expemien of it udit ordered by C0urt...,... 131 37 ENo.bdry orders . • :.. .. ..... ..- 11l 19 Exou.•ration% C. Shrivcr, 14.41 Fe Exonvrations 1. llegtriltorlf, lee% Aniouut outstanding ou Duplicate of J. 11t22231=1 jizLlnist t.m lotildw of ireliagaior v 1 62. 1 , 2 fcrArklmENT OF' INDEBTEDNESS. The debt as reported by Auditors ..... . „5R,145.1 sulottltn re Inoneyptijd J no. T. Hoffman, Jamb E. thalver. Peter D. elerleberand John Hocaleranath, and allowed by the etbrt. ... .......... .. .. ,200 &glance entettitute Money pahl Wm. E. Myers . tio 12 .)9 9 (Xi (30 2 40 (4 , 2 04 ' - 1 10 1 70 S 10,15.1•21 Of which has been paid daring the year.. 3846 IL Graving present debt at 91,366 16 Mons follws: Jonas Hebert . , -ALM 01 1 00 8 00 @ 10 130 6 00 2 00 , 10 00 Pgdlp Snyder... _ = Cash in Transurar's. 22,989 04 Eidlance tali-standing lkoplionte . lotin Ksefauver The Auditor., in submitting the abovestat a nima as to the eatiditiou of the Bounty Fund of tbunberiand tow nohlp, report that the apparent ly large linfount of exonerations granted on Du plicabw 010Sr/end h u e , IMP oceaeloned by eases.- Mg a large number M persons who were exempt by reason of service In the tinny. They would oho report that the snit brought by the township for the nvovery of money paid for men never credited to the township has been decided In favor of the Sownship. If the money ran now be made there will be 51,500 now expense. of suit) towants reducing s4ll further the township 87 (t, • • 2)..11r1D MARINO, LFNI 141.ANOLEtt, l'ETtilt D. itwomEn, Xltty I, ISCS. 3t Auditors LEM A SERVANT FOR ALL. Roth'. Irprimeneeat fw Opeed ow, ClemMg and laasebimeir dates. AY be attached to any gate and operated ill from balmy, team or mtate, by one hand, In tot) desired direction troll, the gate—opened and closed from One point, at any installer from the gate. This ItapouNement, Is alropb3 awl cheap, yet perfect and - strong ' will not be ill.rninged by the wigging urine gate. nor by the frost rubditg the posts; may be made at a country Mack annul*, and eually attached to a gate, The um dcrentucd. having the Hight for Adams county, will sell Township and Farm Rights of this Int pro% ene lit Also, 'WITH Ik SR A'NE'S AMERICAN I.II:VER GATE—which , s lit be found 'valuable anti votive- Went to all who have gates to drive through-vs they remain by their teem, Open, close and latch a gate, a itikout the nemealty of getting in the wet or mud. For further In fortuation, de., adarcvt 1,1t.'. fiItICKF:R, MenaHot I'. 0., Acim. en.. Pa May 1. 1 "Mar" ropy GREEN RIDGE STORE 4 "'"V,EZVa°Z;V:4 6 ‘yrrox FrroßE. at (r on hider, Iffunnton tow•nwhlp, Adorns county, f Ifeagy'a old ntatold on frbe Carlkde Turn pike, to which hehof the , attention of the phblle gguarally. H t. stock conalste of SUGARS, COFFEE N, TEAS, SYMMS, MOLAMES K,S , SPICES, 1138 ENC, OILS, MEDICINES; MEN'S ANY) WOMEN'S ITOSE. ER.OVFM, SUSPENDERS, NECK T/FA, RAN DintERCLUEFS, BUTTON* TU READS, BRUSHES, .11C., *C., • In short, a hall assortment , of everythi tonally bawd fa a M ng Ala stock will always he found fresh and full, and his De ems moons the very lowest. Ne Mks% spared to please all who may patronise him. J 0112( U. RUFF. April :M, SG& ly Auditor's Meport. In Common Pleas of Adams on, Pa., } April Term, UN& IN the mailer of the Report of We A uditor ap pointed to distribute ilia Won= in bands of FAq.,Seqncietratot of the tiettysburit Ilrond Cloutpany,,ou his sixth IWCOUiI adidn. It Mad and hearing had, it was ord n by the Court flint tberteport of Auditor be referred bock for farther ljaroovedialtti - NOtke Isher eby siren to nll peritoato in any say • that the uudernigned, Auditor • 111 Mt In obedience to Ibis onter of (Dart, at his Mace. W Gear/ARAM ea FRIDAY, the Lith of MAY, WA J. C,PIXPaLY, April 21,18115. 4t -AtyNlpq Auditor - is Radice. (IRIS Auditor appointed by the Orpban'e Cairn of Aflame apatite, to report the distriba t of the nuisance in the hand. of Henry W. Hendee, Adrainistratorof the another AndrestJ. dressed, to and enemata the parties ly oelltled thereto, will meet all person% inter ested, RIC thepothook. of his appointment, at th e thane et IL it W. McClean, in Oettoldearg, art WISDNFISDAY, the 113th or MAY, Mt. at O'- clock, A. hi., WY . MCCLEAN, April 2i, Nth to ' Auditor. Panaylnnis College. T ar. 81111111 Pit lIPARKLIC of Pennsylvania Oat / lace win cominevisSint' ,, THWISDAY. the tab aIpAY hnd sconthlhie Thirteen weeks. r portkidpre, • W. L. errorvkik , Ph. D.. Artieor, - or ' RET. C. Sen El ior MELLA ms RT April 491 1 ..224 . NAL Prep. trigialafger nmelq),' '4! , - .11.!. =awls =Mt ;mot= Dfil3lB4llLE I= ta,E" ou ..... 24 al IMEIM -.. O,AIO I I 11.1 $ t 1,11311 Pi 113:1 . NI 11 64, rql - .111 113:211 1,47.1 5,528 15 17=13 CEEI DRY G(X)DS I whroll Assortampois IBELA. nu' wen , small profild, and Wad at "ling • eery lunge business. FAIMIONAEILF. NIIILDFA OF FINE SILK FOrLINIC FASIIIONABLE R I AI OF FAMCCTI WOOL tWkoiJ PASHIO,ABLE OF ALPACA POP. - - - - - - LINN. FRE.NeII CIIINTZF tA N P WN 14.IQUNN, PERCALIDi AN'D BLACK SILFD4, PLAIN INIL/CA, PLAID HILK.N. METSLINR, JAODNET MI'SLINS, CAM 1114TVP. BLACK ALPACA, COLORiD ALPACA, BLACK' ALL WOOL DELAIN. . . RISTONI I.ANIIIIIiIII.I SHAWLS, 'rum& HBAWIA. eAssIMERLN, eLOANINGS, LINEN DRILLING, (orroNADE. TABLE. COvElls, TABLE LINEN, NArKINA , TOWELS. • - • RA GMOKAIL • mil Erns, Hoof , mu: Nre4. PLAIN T.TI‘INN ANDKYROICI MM. EMBRI DERLD 11 A N DKNHCIN, 31,ENtsTITCID ED lIANDKEIENS. lIEN LA DIM, iits.sw AND CDILDRIEN'S GLOVES AND STOCK !NG*. I am rontauntfyreeehlua the latest styles of Itmett and fraucy tiotata. .aock e01.1. 1 .' 1 U(•r, thing UMILIIiy foUliti In a lirmt-clans liltY 111.1 STI /Rh% to winch I Invite the attention of the palllte. feeling towured that I am wifely ehallynge rompariaou with all other gam ln quality at ipxxls and !Dynamo of vriee. J. SCUICIL. oettyabtrir, May ].l». 1t FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. SPRING GOODS. We are constantly receiving new and desirable tyl of RILK.Ft, POPLINS, PERCALFI4 MU - ES, SPRilktO CLOAXINGS, ALPACAR DELAINEFS, CALICOS, LAWNS, •e. Also lathe ruldttluus to - our ur.uul .upply of MEE MEM= CLOTHS, CAI4IIII MIN, JEANS, with every variety hf Clouds Ow Mn' and wear. We have added constderaldy to our us- 12:1=EI CA R PETS, whali we are foeithag at grostJy reduced prices. I= C/rEENR-WARE ieecon.plete. L. HARD-WARE, I= IFILDTICO MATIFaIIA/Ji we feel unwired we can make It to the Mtemat of the purchaser to purchase from as IRON AND NAILS at reduced plum yell.S AND PAINTS at Itatritattat GROCERIES, of all kluttx, (live tig n enn and be convinced FAITSV , v'MC7C BRMIF:IL.I Riga of the Red Front Ckttyabunr„, May I, 18114 I/ ROW & WOODS, GETTYSBURG SUMNER STOCK DRY omit; DRE4IO aootA, NOTIONS. LADLES' HATS, LADIES' SHOES, CM LDRESII SHOEK, HATS FOR BOYS. FIATS FOR MEN, HATR FOR CHILDREN; MACHINE' 001" Pena, ma good tug Coates'a, at much loot price floor SK-11011, hi great varlaty I= MEN AND Dors WEAR: at Wet prices. TRUNKS ALL SOLD CHEAP. May I, liaa, U lIITESKEW43 NEW GOODS FOR 'WRING AND 141J1ILNIER. TTAVIND Just Ee_teriscl_from the city with • ItY un OIVIALZT T reo7 l"°cll of (3 ROCEttal4, DELUCA, QUEE24I.I-WANKHAHDATAHH. SHODN AND HATS, I call the utte . atitni of myeustomers and the community' to my large stuck of ()coda, which I am now offering at lower rates than they have been slum the war, and at prices which cannot fall to strike the purchriser an cheap. With every facikitY for Ptirekasing lioode at aglow figures as auy In the trade, I am also prepared to meet eumpetitions in low prices frees any and all quarters. Prompt conformity to the lowest market prices is my established rule. E. ritmemiEw. Petersburg, (Y. &,) /gay 1. MK It THE LATEST STYLES OF SPRING 3 SI:II3MR Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Jeer received b 7 ROBERT C. GOBLIN, Cho ntherstortg EL, Fed &pare. GETTYSIMAO3, PA., Where the public can find a fare and varied air aosinteuf; whit.* he l aching eheap.' Be also manufactures cud repairs 'HARNESS OF ALL HINDS, proiriptly on notsonable Wow - Bridles, Halters, wisps, Trunks, Valleys, Ponseeo, pus, and a great variety of Notions. Give sne call. Notes 1, Giv e it ANOTUR BAKERY. pilE uudendgned has opened a Bakery at the corner of 'Washington and High streets. Gettys burg, and invitee the public's patronage. ' I FRESH' HILHA V, • BOLLS, TWIWr, CAYES, PRESIGIU, &C., p By taloa liar best 4t dour 11114 other material; and doh:wham/rat. . aawse- Uon Won In every put. Call at, dll•aendynar order{ to the Bakery, comer of Warkingtou and Risk street., oppcitte the Pentode Institute and Pow. era's Grath* Yard. calturulirlrotne,A2r Aprl 17, VIM II MahitrrUies TN ANIEL STltati *their-4,44p orm. ji, =lnbar/mew with the will arinertei we the * estate &d., Menke, tateentatiertir Adonis co., deed., baying hewertiniedlothil - ea, mediugin Shemin. townshiip.she ea notice twill persons indebted to said to make Immediate pigment, end there .having eaten Rohm the sante bp eat thee: ptoper ty outbenikated ter settlement . • HANNAH LENTY., April 10, l Adiathili St tentrlz With Hamill &Imaged. siki. riLEAN FACYl4.—Juirt. received anotbes supply t Lc at iiltrom Broads Mid Ilov,Zir p= to pissia.. carat kirth;A'Eft,i,l44(444*l POl6 CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS BOOTS 'AND SHOES Every Kind of Oentfenien's -Wear, =I Ulf MC COLLARS, PAPER crrrs, ' PAMIR MftlolN4 cmaTolt.ferchmln - os, otovra, naociatslocniEps Pou IX)' TRAVELY24O !ACID, CAN} 4, &t., ehtlilhOtli Weise of ill VlLA.hind will sell them lit the Lowest Cask Prices. , CM BOYS' HATS AND SHOES, la great variety u r ,..(ll‘c luta cull bchweiburclututsigelwwlAnry • THEO. C. NOR Us. April 21, VW. U SPRING AND SLIMMER CLOTHING. GEORGE sI.R.VOLD - Ham pow ora;neal a large Mock of READY-MADE eLontING, m0.c14 , of h OICIN conglailug of AIL mizeß of PANTS, VESTS, COATS, Sill RTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, lloodery, le, te., at prices to holt the times. Call, examine and judge fur youreelVeL April 21, lAA. ti DUPHORN & HOFFMAN; NORTH-WEST CORNER, I= GETTYsBURa. ALPACCAk, I:MI.1:01.4 CLOTHS. DV:LAD:n.I, CALIDIO3 &lITNOLIAMS U AIANLQU L SU:LUTA, HUOP SICIUTB, SAVKINGS, '3 LEA W LB, MOTOR ADEti, MACK CLOTHS, TRICOT CLOTHS, FANCY CABBIRERE9. HOSIERY, GLOVES, ' SUSPENDERS. COLLARR, JEANS, FIE CARPETS, QUEENSWAR,E, KNIVES AND YORKS, LIMIRESLLAM, WINDOW BLINDS DON'T FORGET THE PLA CR April 17, 111101 . , U U.N7O.A" PaCIFIC RAILROAD BONDS. TUE First National Bank of Gettysburg pits agent for the sal" of the FIRST MORT &LION UNION FXCIFIO RAILROAD SIX FEZ CENT. 00W LitMan' acelrsl At !par and Intereet. s e .lntereat payable aend-annually at Mr=l/92 All neeensary Information given OEO. ARNOLD, (31ishler. Gettysburg, Nov. 0,1847. NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS ! Persons deßlroas of Investing and realising nearly NINE VER CEST., are requested to oil at the Gettyaburg \ Natiohal Bank, and obtain Circulars of the Valois PeeMe and ale° Coateall !saille ltalbreat.Coasigial, =I Mum trivalent:lents are tally prowling In favor and alas Increating. Bonds nbe had st all Indies al (I Bank, where ell rtirjeiskeribbirdeSeelnipd rid Invest meats will obeternits heighten. 7. Oftylittilti Dee. $O,l$C. MILLINERY. 1.4, • M MeVREAUY t ) rims Nat ratur l3o4 frUpithe city frith a large assortarent atatelif SONNETS' AND DAYS Wrara,VAL E at t =e b rarilf=ll fancy and Toilet Goods,. rLe tiraoomine4 to ■ett at the verb' Wires& cob Weak READYIKADE ESONWET9 and .. . . Vlll'elat:ntr4.,..d' d Bonnets made to order Winners supplied with goods to bin Vida on Illas tnnst favorable terms, and pations with lte. 'inactions gratis. April IT, inlO. Pm s. Administrator's Notice. MARGARET Git.ll3WEhLiali2TATra-.Letters of adnainh.A / 4r5t 10624 1 n on tin Wd' ale Mamma% ' w el l . iat•° °I . 1 N Adams deed., tavins beengranted to WP, In the aline townsktp, he beret*ves natio& Mall perseekalndebted tomidealatetomake immediate payment, and those hating against the nutte to present them tbrIWICI far vettlement. ALUM. April 8, LYS& n4Y ____...----.....-.., . A te m - 60 — to 121114NARX.._ A_PMT/IshlM MAW! ..4.." 4 1111=GU: Paw*" READY-MADE CIPTHING. r guderilgitert,)eiN log tones the aline of F. PliC eking, on Matt:wire street, Gettysburg, Vs.. opposite the "She it &wider' office, resPeet • Ralf Inforins . bbi friends Gist ho Is prepaied to Ready-made Clothing OP ALL ZINO'S, =I PAN'IfS, SHlltrek lOL4.WEJIN CARP SAt.ICS, IMBUip 1044, BUYVALO AND GOM wow •e. All of which will WOW at tallier!' CARD DATES.' FRANCIN CUNNINGHAM AprRTI, MR HUBER'S DltUq I , l3rtziy ) '4 ald Stadd—Aaitimore':SYrect, GETTYSBURG, PA H A XI N III pnr In an entr;tr l iV il lfrltl= l • Orr a full souort t, come:Ling In pan of ANI) AILIUMOS. I= MEN?. PURE LIQYORS AND WI NIA FOR 31-EDICIN AI. I'LIPOSFI4, SPIVPS AND MANN - MOM EXTRACTS. DYE• 3 AND DYE STI'FFS—How & siTENT:NB' DYES, I:X(1.3.1410R DYES, AND TILE ANI LINE DYEs—TIIE CHEAI'EsT AND THE BEsT IN THE MARKET. ALL THE NEV.' A?I'D ELEGANT PERFTMIA AND TOILET ARTS - TF-4. OOLG.ITE'S. AND OTHER SUPERIOR SOAPS, HAIR lIIIIISHER—TOOT/I BRUSHES from 5 to 51:mea ts. = .k.SI) ell ; A hno, F0UT7.14, DALE'S N. IiTONEBItAK ER'S A ND sTATION'ERY OF ALL KIND,f4. I= BRANDS. PHYSICIANS' Pali>3eß/PTION§ rirAsi ILY RErEIPTS CAREFULLY MMINTUNDER PliTslciANs AND COUNTRY SIERcHANT24 SUPPLIED AT REDUCED RAM's. Nt.'dlobul furnt , thed AT -Au, _norm , OF_ tux r. sight bell ut the door. Aprll :I, I. NEW GOODS. Cheaper than Ever. ItEBERT 4• ELLIOTT, the Cburt-hove, Ortlysburg, HAVI: just opened n LieW uptl Latta awsort nu to of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS Gele -ILL, KLNDS, 01122132 CASSINI FatEM TWEILIA, $1 LKS, G INC ITA LAWNS PRP.4714; SKREILik44,, AMSLINS, &C., &C. to which they invited' tention—being determined to 'celiac thdlowestenahlwinift k • A prit 10,1301. tf - - ME NOTICE_ GLVGEL.CB .1(1-.LL I WILL befo Gettetharg with FLOUR, &c.. o n every MONDAY arid YltipAY, of each week. Person. Who mnY'dmare me td furnish them with either Moor or Peed Atuff will leave their orders either with John L. Tate, or Demmer * Ziegler, stating Me "kind and quantity, when The 'mine will be delivered at their dweWnirs. • OtX3RUIC OTNOELL. I= DIAMOND SEWN-R. STORE- fA ' A' MO PA L The under/lig - lied bun removed bb Heger filen, I!E3 Nearil- laden OF TIM DIAMOND, tiETTYABIJItti here l, e asks a continuance of the public's pa , teenage Ifni neeffOration la one of the most ..`ENTRAL AND OtIONV6P4II3NT, and hie Moak of Seamen among the Moat choice and sell •meter?. He will keep on hand the beat IFIRANDS, and will smakittfaledure jor someral erste Iht , twithert the essostr. He 'will sell et the lotreet hying Prleee, and at whokaale and retail. Remember the place, In the Dialntend, between Brln kerhoff's Store arid ilictilßanrs hotel. • • w A si il B,gs l Ff i f' wEri- Aprlt 8, Oak t.t EXCELSIOR GALLERY. - r PHOTOGRAPHS, Photo Minigturo, , AMBROTYPIEB, &C., ' 8/ereoteitpic ries , : of the BATTLE-FIELD, arsAxoseoPsi. PIIOTOGRA:TIr FRAMES, AIM • .4 ra 41441.1411411110' ' AKO S AT tillitiatrY EIME!NEE!I catt atkal.x4ll44e oarirtbekt =ln I. TY:SaI!, Proprietor. April 3,11111 P.• tf - ' , rwm cLurro ' wun mu t• — th e ostoto or Lowid onus, Wig . f itAkkaka„.• • Ins uem irrioal4)? n 'jr . 144 t f.STAZ ' eatr Dv.% and &TAX ma ft ke dalms t a rgrea t tZ af=a:ir Pr°PePtY 4 HPW4 I IIAAFINCHAV, l ot 0 4% , ftErfart_ S & MOWERS. McCOBEIGIC'S ) MOWERS & REAPERS. I,ODGEs' 1'.1:1::, r [ . . OAi4 and Bvi:Ap . : rzi . :: : large 11134 0 - 111 - ...lit 111 OM, OF E. BALI, .t l'1.:*1 PAN y s , MINOR, lot Ilan t .1111 g Slachluea, and the Lion of the ertem. of leo Legion of Honor Warki.'. , Reapcs• (mil ifurecr. I w ., ...11,4,0.1 ,401..11.ti it.. mucult.llle.g, 0,...i , • I tilt 1311.111 t eocupetttott., at the Purls ' , elevation In 11 t . ' ; ' ,. N ,„ " „ " .„ ' ,1;;., ' „ - , t , ' ,; . ,:, ' „ .4 :.. ' „ v t1 ' , r . ' r„ ••,',' ', I " : 1 ied„, n .A. t. e ;nt, t zt...:A7:,, ` , 1 ::N.,V,. " : ‘ t70 4 nr .1 lext f.or 3 ~,,,,, I ./;,., ~,,,,I, it 7, ' ,0 . 111 . 1 . 10 1 , 11;1 111 ' , tl/0 NLEVCIN Y.1'111 . 1A1.. NIED,I 1.14, /eager and t 0... Id tie 1, inc LIMA 1 MILL 11 1/1 n't \trlmlt char- more ‘oltutltto ,hair 1.41 01113 lo ii"li m 11000 al ought) leered mu ek. nind te.h....ttiant„tiol hunt, to the e , ttnint tan or I lot In th t.,,,,,tt ~.1 , 101 . h“,e , 11,11.101 the lieeney far ell but haul I re- , tatruottl,nt..Q mall. of .le,i 111 11/.1 , for t hell nip. ' surd filo vory In .1 lii the 111.k1 lc. I I not, tiller to ' rerleeeNeellemie, it. 01 lki•Whit' 1.1 1 / 1 1., Ind hither ' the fainter the , 111/Ulll,l ...mem, two of N 1 Intl 1 1..1 111 111 IN, eat,l,l. r th. le/N1 m 0 11. e. kk , .1 tt , e: Loot 1.0 •,1 I -r , ... ,i. , c,f 1110 101`11,1 1 ,/,' 'll-tellin, 1/0.1 MI, 5011 Ilall 1.3 , 11VN1C11 Om lIH It /.1 '/1 :1 K 1,1 }' pd . , nt, /WO 1.1'11 , 11111 ti 11, 01 :IC, I 1....% 'Flit 11 .\ N 11, and WhINII LA% 1. 3ti.,. I nute tat,i... tun, ...‘lll 1(111- 3 / 1 1 1.1 1,1 k .0 Ilre4. are te , ... plieikarmi: a 11Nrge. ,Chtsto lifts Itt, n rettu n. I, Delili.r lute. 111, e loon 1. Ile , / k•kk /I 1111,0'. ii, eirtit emee elopet font let. any 01111,1111. o,th ;my oee 1.. 1.101/1 1111/3 01 tl, pt. • /se II 1511 tar 1.1. 1 .11.4 , 11 .4 1., 11, ,/,/,, 1,1. ~ hold-,11 1 aying for their hue: 111 .... Prolthttl) ate Imo,/ ,r flat on!, le , ii, , ,,• COM 111.• ettnkniet eertill, gals htt.,t z„,,. 0 t„,', „ put, t 0 „.,,,1 eouid i ea.°, correct prieoityli tt -to it...10.s which re lit be procured. Lit I ......to It IttithoeceeiY^ bet for .1 , .• 1 . , .i1101“1 lon 111 nll (110 .4 , 1, 1 in% 111/1 , • In too intartnution ...Add lit. r 111,,,•../.1111,/, 111 0 1 1., • ." 1 ' Ol. l ~ 1, 11 / 0,1 . 1 1 I. •• 11 , 1111 , 11 1 01, 1 1111 ,1 , .. 1 Many at thefollowllnrgentlecten Whit [to tht,..t.ctl In I II , " '' ,, t'llen , " of the tudt•trtal , ih,...1 . , and the and 1111, c 6 , .11 11.111 1 (11, •i , 111 t , llllll r: . milt taken In chtttl r ~. .n., c tictitm The mn"in, 4 Jat olio ktattli‘n•iteraer, haeettl W„thtto I, lat µlel II .111 , 1 'lllll I , 1.11•111 , . 1 1,11. h., glniet, , l, .111C01/ Fl/11.T, 3,,,m, I w,0,,,,,,r or new-tainzletl/appentlade., that mlllllll,lll, .111.1 Willi/aln Wert, Jr, 4,,1,„ it, ~,/,„ ,1,,m, N 1 .11,11 a mhdade, Si : 1 , 1 It t th. t I. IVO ON ON • 11,11.11111111 i ,11.•11) , N 1 11 1,1 11 1:4/1, ,m, thh, neee;:.c.re, rtr ~.-. It ,1, „ hi t t..... 1, New tun Horner, Hu,', Itt.thain, a ht, t in dl is , t .• . .11111 , 1.111 01:11111C, them a• Slim. flora. r, I h ..01.1,11. , ,,,,,,,,M, 'NI VII 21. :In 11 . 1, •,1•11 11,11 , I' ~1,1,1 \ ..111111.11 1 , In Jolla kitTl't, 11 , ttr, :v....tie., / ltl eb11.1'03,11 4 .1 1+ lib nil 1111,3 A 011 II" , 04,0,011111•. 'Joseph (iellaingli. 1,kt...A 11.r. , ,11/,11, i eltsffitnt t 1.111 ft nellOn tot.l ..npfu lot it." nt` ft n I• 11. JUN plill'ultn.. Mon, Itmaettok !melt, c, ; a• o t IIto:-.3.. the 11,010,1 .0141 1.. net 11,11111 ~uric George Huntley, Iletto Weil., rt, the, I. in 0. Daniel Start It, 11. ~ o, 11 , 111, / iki„.„.,,,0h, 1ttrv.r,....-.N.1.th,..e....hrt don't I,IIIV. 711115 machine ha ,, th t n 1....1 I.lell in..1,,1s aml their itill 11111,. 'III, it 11,. 1WIt• niill Ir. It 1., flret Pretatums it, the Penn, h.tnia, 1011.1 told i )o,o , .h 0113 , 01 ". 1 Ihr''.4./' I t Le Ite l rtc l l , `Atli , 1 111 Nrwr I'QT/4:347 , 11;4u ~,, alt,/, t,t Ottedre,lo. of Colin- ' Mtn 0 to:whole you 01111 not, tn. l koop tt•Illelno. CC ly Ftilataln all flint tilts antry,ltuiudinn the ; ,I .0 lil ,. ht. , ' - so conic , . tt 1 oil l lth oi Itth k.\ Adattar (Wanly .Meal, 1111 N ter 0001 111x1 t:,,umt i Brun. that ant machine taws task., ( (A, beat lit Irt ttilllnt at 'lenders, ille In the 101 l of 1..0u nod tht, country at Get4elatre In 1417, 11/. the In .d. ou 00111414,0 h, i The ',11...50t - 11., I 4 .Ik,ll I for its t0i1....f lit, Nlt•- Thllt Illut.hlne ham met et•ltli the nto..reemplete 1 . 1 111 \IICK MONS fticsi.,AN It RP, ‘PF.It.4 in Allntu. atterea.... In et 4.r .o , tloli lilt, roll Inv' beta In- tont . 1 ol k „tooth •-, Vt.., and .. 11l he ph 1.... tl, ragl,tt troduet d, It Mot tal, :Lim ~ ~ i t 1,, , 0., m , H., 4 on .hititanat 11, M.,, 1/4 n htt..rtual I. at alanitott. wino* home lorrntantre ina t ilatd a, trat,..ll{,,ta r . In ' Tat tarn hilt, errnutlttifitot ti fol. a Ylniplo minpertnttrae Ilehlto to el etl.lff , 1 1 /1,110/1”1 . 1 r/1111 ~. ....1 . 0 1... r • , ..1.11 , To .hullo, 'I. A e1,,,,n0... of N, of 1, 1,,,,,h 1 4 , ~,1 1,,,1.1,, ~,,010,10 1 ., 1 ' ‘ll a. ,11,. 1 / 4 1 1 / 1 an and toy tad ...vent. wh it. with 0.,,,p1- „,,,,,,,k, „,,,,I ~,,,,,,,,,„,,,, „I I ~,,,,i, 1 31 tll ie !mount In ut 1. nails to on N r.p.'lrt. 111,11- ttl Nod. II sill "oirps, a,, Imo:bill. 11e1 otoror, l ,l - 1 / 11 LW,* 1,44,..., krt., r.Art•ls tbovltr, nth rvtl 10 the Lire., ri..- --. tl-r. 1...,a iii,, flit.- 1 .11 ,- . , - , 1 , .. vinsi• 111\ N, I 11111, 1t,.,, 11,11 ilo.,ilit, dri, .0,111"0 1 ,1 In 111, I I/II ill NM.. li, \ 'loin , t•tt , ('ml, /WO ttesteon, tent In It at eon LI ,14. 11.,1'1,atntr..1 • at- ' A rril 111, 11t.' 14 . Am' Iltfitrt lon or no or , le. MK WOULD Ls Mt/ \VI -li AND It EAl'Elt. t ' Th/q I. 1011 ,/1111,11 . 1/1.11 //14/011//0, 1/111 Jnolgi//a I li L I Isi ( ; 11,''1,8 retielts emifftl. tnot .111 1 tlit 1,..111118/11101% a hat , reeei.ed It - will i., 111. I. t.ltattr, 11118.11,00• n T 11. • -• W./tri11...1 ./. eat t tut ..I ...oh' it u, ht.{., lot .I 1 ,h 1 • BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, elieolaml - tr.eertiet,llllm, on clt ,, .nnt , r""o 4, ' ' BAL'IliN1()111.: STItEE'l', 114 Um/ ie. I, , 1/i, k, h. It otstkt -, t h,t to o Moe i nitielt 1,,1t., 11l ,Imfl, /11111 WI // 1 11118 flf 111, ", I‘% it 111,111:, ',l a (11 11 1 Till: l'ltl `Oil rv- Vu tr. Tll.. /..., ~1 111, I. 111 eh,. ,1 10 ~ I 10,1 . ~,, i 111 1N I 111 111 It. ' h....M. ' . ''' " 0111 • l nil' is ' ‘' 1114 " . - , "'"'', • I rilliE ,n,d , ~.1m,,...1 i, I. j‘,..1. r, tuna.' from Ho dirt. or Witot.. anti that •ti I".\ t o,''',, r,.., "II , : ! j I. 11, 0111 the 1 , . •I .1101 •1, /tilt •I •01 fell Ol 111111 1.1 1,111 ula Led to 1,01 , 1•1j111 11111 , 11/ 1111 Illt, ' 1„„,,,,,,,,.., "„ I ~,,.., ri, Mesll,lll,llll.lSolniottr, 0/11Inetl. 'l'll oil, 1.11, .-J.,,t0 I 111, ~ tho 11.1 NI 1,111 , , ~,, ~,/, 4 , ,1 ,„, ,„, ,/, ~i,u,g, 1 1 ~,,„1,/ , /,. ~../,,,,,,,, 1,1 11111 01.• 0111114 pl., . • 111. • ‘1..,,, t 1 1111 , "lit. 1111 111- 1 I 1 DI/ 7 1 .' I:ONG/if:XS 11A1T101.4 ly oiled. Ihe Into.. *IV 11 11 11-11,11/1,41 / 11, man,' a.. i tile ge.11:111g and tot 11i 1110 Cilnie UM.% eii.l N. tem -1, % 1/I 1 S' I: 11,311 1 1: \I. It \ I Flits, on., thtlilent .1 tltth it, th he 1,1 l ilt tha, 1 of hot-- 1 kitti•s txt:a \lOl. ..kilt tt,r , , Ing lteme, tt, 10. lbe van.- 1.1111 oer to.o latt-,.. i ' , It "'II `l` l l' ' ll 1 1 '1.7 ' l'''t ' ll ' .,l. "'t I. \ 1.111.• 111/WHIN / lIA I. \lit% \1.., Titer...Pun , ' 111, uol 11 .. 11 • 11 . l' , 1 : 1 e :I , il 11/l• machit.e, with prm,...r 'a... alt I te,i I. heal 11 111. , „ ~1. 1 .. 4 , 4 4" 1 4 41 " 1 .3 V,-, 1 U 1 . 1. 1 1 ,1 :,• ~,,, . time, alit. hI. a thattere, tttt thrto, ..1.0.11 , 1 I..tke , 1 ,.. ' J . \ Z2,,' 1',",,L, - ! 1,'“, v ", Li . i; ,„ 1 :`,„:, into ...,." , t.i..r.,t im,. 1,, tort bill tog dt It;, to, -..dit '. • •-, tr• •tt - t,t ' • • ' - • t 01 \ I , 1,11. 1 , W. , Mat µrut. at Imo Iwo. I:I.. hi"... I tINI 1111.1, .i . ‘rir.aq, Th . :1'111(0NY I_IF Itl .0 ~1 At .111 I/ T1U1:...r1,F.:. k;1 , .?..1,.' ( ‘s.l' it ki.m.lt +.l.s. kx.....4soitc, Frt.l'k . ..., AltL, it prim- . No , . I ~,, 1., .111 l.! H.,. „t 1 ..„, t,, (le. ‘l it. 1/. a.c.e•- lon ,earl le reettittte I/11.• or 01. N'l's liltt.i; \ o s, A ' ..,...y.L j .l. 1t. 1 1 1 . 0 .1 1 , 011.1,,s 111.,1 elltll.`l, end ~, , ,1 if 1,..1 1 .kt itsKCI., g(I \ • liti 1 , 1 , ILI ...1.11. PP, ' 1,,,,,,,1 111 1 011111, ni V .10 II fit 1111 1111 , 1 ,i,rie , , , , mei 1 5111,4.r41 141 Nltilt tI. 1tA11'1t.13... - • - 1,01111 1 (41 lil3 itt•4613 1 4,15*, mid La.,. no li 1,1 00,/, 0/ mi...... 1 ‘.., 11,,,p ~ „ 1.. ‘ I,m, ill \ 1,. anytna that It a.", Ina 101/re nall4/14111 , 41 /1, 11 i Al', Ar AI . . 1 1: etorlellille.l Imiellfile than any f lidett ex CC u.., it, I 11l t 1 ',4 tlihllltlt. , -.14 I/A ITT IN, although I ha. I. tried ..111It ',VI 11 111 I 1 / 4 111 11111111 1 1,111 , I''' I II \I, \WIZ \ lA, Inattlonett. I reevedlt Illt. 11x.1. 11111.1111, 111 111 a, 1 1.1 1 1 ,' 111' 111 . \l , , tli',. At'. kit, and do not le, t i ne to n. 0111110 1,1 II ..-. -li.lll 1 IN l'A wr,7 Hu, tiN. got ity tot, . to any letnou WOUII/114 11 111 41•111,1•• 111 i ll Mlle ,N 1 kt too• v.A tiff-/, . . Your, a I ~ J. I ' l " t ' 1 Aillo , MCA Pr 1111.1 , 1 0. 1, 11l Ilk im li mantifie fahl eat. Moo forlikli 11.11.1- /kl 0111. , to tlotse h till. 1 tone....thtl) 4,41 11,111 , 1. 111 g IWO fllncllllll. . All WI!! Le roes nt the Ihwit.t.r Itelnat crotliot I I ,111 i tiiile , 11 !h.... , ant, %hp .In suit fa no et., i,,,,,,.„ . ~,„,, 4 , ‘ ,„„ „yi „,„„„,. „„, ,„,,,,,,, „, and 16 1/ .1‘ It .1 , ettitete „aoht rt. ott cent tin.tl,AL , f call mitt es Oath. ;tont. z.nd t.rtt, h. 1., lair chines at. Alowert.--rake-lltilitT.rako-1 r.p.. 1 ,„,,,,,,, 01 „, ~, i „.,„ . , q , 11110 ~,„a a, u „ ,,,,, I halt per-r Drop,. raid Hand, Ild eatiti ,Il 41 Lon 1 , p b . i„,11,„ I, ~,,, „„ii . alan agent tar icontt'S DIU trUhllt, erl.leh nun It.' . 1.„,. ,( s 1 i.„„ 1 I Ki...i.„, l o f 11,,,,,, , ,h,,,,,„, 011 ,1 11l melted I, at, miiket.l itee ale.' '1 !ie./ 1i,..11114 I ~,,,,,, 4 ,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,tm , ,,,,,,, i ,,,,,,,r ., ,,,,,,, old M. Illm , ,11 11,0111, 11111 1,,•:111111 It limpter / n „, 1,,,,,,,.. It, p.,l,itt, d o , ~,, ..!„„, n,11“,,.. I'. .11 1/,..1111 4.1.1110/11/14./I I,i -., mllim L. 1,, 11 ~r.l.•ee „ t o,„ i„, „.,,, ~,,, ~,,,,,,,i.,„ ~,,,,,,,,, „. ~,,,. early gild i1.m.1 , 114 Me Lae; , k 1 ln I. 111 no 1., , 111 11 ' •', , „ ,i 4 4 4 , , „ 4 , „ . 4 1 4 ,„ 4 4,,,, 4„, , 444 ,,,,,,_ the," Ullll 1 llotn In. Ite atinen ,, l. It, 0••- i t. 111 , 11, 1 1131. /1 1 , li t , , ~ • I 1, I. , t,.;. ,tt, t . ~..- L ."1 , 1,. marlin. i all 1.. •, ,11 .11 1/1 r, ./.1. 11/,- .4 " ''' ''' y r "hY"," 0.111 ,', ti11 ' u " ;: 444 ,,, , , n 444 1 4 , 4 .'2,, , of the .tute.ertber, two 11/11 , 1, 1 11 0 0 1, 1 , 1 ,1 / 1 1 1 11, 111. i i e . " ' "" ) ""1 I ' l ' o tin' „ 11 ,Tr!:, " , r , g „.7., ' , 1 .', ( , ' :.„: ' ; , ,„! h0 W"r' h ' ' ' loo '' 'r j 'fit:ad:Ml ha µact lut.otg, Ite hull, Its 11. 1 , 0- , 1 11111.111, a PaLlk µartinaZe. 1 111.0 ir<vp 1/11 liontl P. IT, NT.INC;I:T. Wllll-I,,wii ii (VII \ I:1. 4 11l 1.1 PIA ll t;IN, [ 11:1411 Cl ITI Wt. :\ ND I \ll 011011 111• P 1.1.01 - h 10 1,1.11 11.1 LI \- Farm , is ...•10.1 ,In et II to all I.ltl Illy huh chi ot r'. hofore Int,t 'no . l''on hero, ill I keep noth ing: Litt 11., I, , Extras vowtsitilly tot hand, marl I 11, 1. 1111111 artangetarnte to hare ittphlrlntZtlttne In lint Itch piedide tnni.n. r at • trot t fintu, nod 111.x141111. there., \l' A WI 111.1 Effl lEZZI E=l I, I•.•, in 4 Ret.zister'a Notices. tl ilkt I tit:. giva•i* In) It:1 411111 1111,1, 1113- ti item Aer4,lllth ntraal tile MI Conn of Ads , for ~m111111.11!On VII Tv I -.1..1 Y. U J,'l. of 31.11". 1 1 •; lo ~ A.. )1 11/ • , LI: , ///,. /./1, / 1 1114./ I/I/ 'lt p 1.1 11%13 N4llllll 1 , 1 - I / 11 rlf I" T r 1 1,1,/ • `l, 1.1 ....n 1 1 1. m 1"..1 9Lr n^r /int tt.1!..! •.z. Irt, \ . 11.2i1111. derv:lsla, to Itit II 111. 11,11,111 to I. r, trix of I. , 122. Thv t.ry matt e,l Itg I I:1V, ‘ , llllllll/.tratni U/ the Ligu.lL ulAbralittot tlevOsv.ll. hr. The hrwt il,onot of A`,/thini Atl toino..halcu of 10,i...A ._. Art mutt ..r 7.v0L5i..0.. Iro 1 f,r lbw of the heal I,t,kto 0: J., o h 11 01f....0 , . .1. . 1,. -tt he flr :it.!nirtil .rt, • Iltit%it )T , yrc Mv.. 0, of U, Henry J.:11)1TX, utor of 11. Dry EX. The fleet and final 1101,11111 1,1 flour) K.lrp /Wm InWtru (or% thy ...Amy 01 X Ail. ix .7iik• “IPWL Maul mAlit I nl..Ton. 1.1100 ti A.IIII Mkt rulor eNI.III. 01 14. Roland, . • iltsts mid el mil pftenlaL .1 . 41 Hautesii.llol. Atlntlulstrator of the estate of I , .ts Id rsaurlmugit der. ,awl, IN portal wee of en Order of the Court of COW mum Pleas of .Wane county, Pe.. the under *hated, Trusted at the F....Attie a Itrittuis ithiek, e fti ...11 ut public :-.01 , , on'. MIRO kY, the Muth of iI•NE nest at 12 0 el, lc, \I, on the preinl., a, that \.11..\111.4.1: b. \ 104 eltuate to NtoutoJoy t... n• 11111. Adam i (4.llntv, en , thliottutut land. of Wilt. You., Adon \V. I t, Al t... I bluer and other. 4, eon tolulus Oh ACILES,III“Ten of whirlt ore eN eelleut. V. ['offload. The Improvement.; eotedst fri or ” 00, m 1 tn..-.loly I.; a;-- 1 , Wf..1.1,1NG, • log Baru , nod vain , outellulldute, tr. lth u ,.., ‘,5.11 or water 11.111. file 414. r, owl an W. !!' 1 (11.,1. Ib. land loin g.... 1 or, r, nod Ink. `. ferielng hem preentb beet. lief 't• ft will toe go 4.1 10.1.-1 her or ill parte roo may 110,1. cult purehaN. 1... I''i-.air C Mil ng 141 vie,, the 1 - 111n1k*KV Witt I,looo' Call On the undersigned, Iv -1 budlne tuner In .. I Att. nth.o e u.ll be gni .II and term.; made ... . . . ktteryrU.rn day of ..‘l. I.s ltd. The ...rood 01.11110 d a. evont of Prealertek • . .1; .11N 11:1\..,. , , Trwtee Qulekel. surviving Adtrunlenttor of the e.tate April 21, 1.4 , .. I+ of Si ... WI thiillittiti, ill., t. LI. __ . . - 12!... The Argil and 60./.1 ACCOIIat. of rete-r Fehl Exei ulor of the lint will and lL•staah at 1•1 - Vol hl, t cett•ell. • I.W. Flat awl tlurl oftmo,ot of jtwoli G. M 4 ll drnny, Aftmintßtratot 'of JntpL Taughlikbaugli devesah.4l. 131. First and Snot ficvottul of r. ter 01114.1.1 ti ether 13', Ad uthristrslors of *SOY. (Y.,~.Ra•a•..A.. • . I:f.'...lceount of .ltdrow Ex, odor of SAIMUei Ihnirttortl,dtwenfttl. • SOL'olla 'ant a 1,111 , chug 1.:Kt...t0r of the 1a..! will rth.l I,,,zautent of S.till uvi fit.rman, Jai. First account La John .1:4iutoll Phutlt,Ex- Mittnrof the Ina will and c. , dnatent of John U. rhink, 13. Sanond and u ,l nu•nuut of P. 1.. r 11. 1111111. auth • lHntt Exerntor of Ow !Oat µI I I and teatatoent of ALr..l.atu Brown, den .11,ml. Ut7. Find tux. 14.141 eqUILI or .T..lili SWOVY Adualnislratbr Morumn ' , .. 4 t• W. D. 1101.TZWultf1I, April 21. IbCg. --- - - _ GRAND JURY REPORT. rpo the Court or granter S.1.10.1"114 of the Parr nu hod for the comity of A,hnonti: The Grand inuttent, Inquiring within and for the .1,1 county of Adam., Inll 1, pont That they hose vouu,kl thy Publc ill/i1111112.4 the eotmly—thtit they are Whin to report fas,non bly of tine eotolitunn of tine Jnil, thullog In on good Order. Th;t the Mute elm h,• nab] of the AlrhA 1101.1 except as to the apartment.. ahstatted to the In sane, the ea Its In the lithantrlnthpti al Wing damp and nnwholeortme, enleutatell to thlratttt the t forts and hers lees of the Pits sleben anti the Stele aril and his fatality In Latlialf ut toga' union°. atates,lstrut we wolarti starnestrr reettstrrnenti that more suitable act.httnnuhlatiotth be pros nied Gar them. We would add that we lomat one of to.. fors nowt to Walt - artier—la [tact . into oat, gloslrrt putt favorably with reirartl Folttenaggltte.l kao ortattlarhtnr, lo u laom It pia st, win ocher It may hull thee°. ettlt ate of the ofil• cers has log its mat It r Iu dlts.. JUAN 1.. JF.N INA, Fos. man. Adam Ainnetnuu.l, \lirhucl I.'t Jost ine, tiro. Hagarm to, J. W. Neely Junes Lino, Cleo. stonfeOfer, Isom,. F. TtatMr, \V. W. ittewart, base J. Wris!it, . 'Martin, E. Soltnotfrr. LnulFlPecker, John .!.1c.%. r, Iklarnhull Ul=6llEffl EM=M AGENTS WANTED FOIL THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, Us Gtrttt p r ew, tb.tuoi6it /4.0 , : sr prole. A - z. It /a . m./lEllli. A Rook for nll hertlons and nll .Parllew. gnu , : asest n.trk prenettl, the only elan ph_ to 111111 I tapnrttal anal( 110 id the Causes of the War y, pniti ght es those t otprtur and sb slows of flee greet colt tact hilly I.nowit to UlnaeOrn ,, who a ntelesi the nod-tole of e Z Von' its, I,ml. tido •tprt au+, and which were ,o neeesslitie to Mr 5L(.3 , 110114 tram he, po sitton us u rotund °laver of the t oar, h ettey. To tt public that has la,. surnatril w,th SINIII..1,1: I'litll.4:CfloNS e pronthte chnsnpabi lake, both agreoadt mid sal. utnry, and no Intelleetnul to It of the highesd order. The tilt at Ann clean War has AT LAST found a 1111F1011ail wut,lp of Its Importance. to/ tat, wtstwe bands It will rece/t, e that modern , and Inavatial treatment %hie' truth a n lattice FO urarul le demand. lbe Intense de/Ore everrwbere mantreatal 10 obtain this work. Its OM lit charts ter and readr 8010, of.?saulatwl pith It tut:rooted tastuuttnetbon, make it the best subscription book ec or pan ' tailed. One "Went 111 Pastan, Pa., reports 72 sotiseri bers lu three day 4. One I* novena, idssun, 19i subseriber's la 4inur days One Arealphist, Taub, led nub's Oben" 1P Axe days. Send for Pirehlars .11e1 We one terms, and a full description of Abe Work. with Vas. mother 'of adtmitre aheetr de. AddressNATIONAL P17111,1SIIINI: 2to South &vent li St., Philadelphia, fin. May 1, MK It TURNPIKE SUBSCRIPTIONS Molts chi 'irelleerWrone lb the "43Pital Pelt ofAkk( zioy,Eß Aril) mouNT ROCK , RNPIKI9 pro n ow open, at. Mount Mock, ln Mountpleasont township, AA anr,oun ty. end the Commlosioneeininsrendib• to receive such subseriptions. i f ttetif "AN:. E, k 5. REILY, S. ER, ti:siEEMING 1). CIEISEI.MAN, GB). KNUTH, hiP4l l o, l l ',l lMi Al. AAMFMgdai;„.,. • • '• -NOTICE. • Ttifig aernupt of Jen to lab Sh..ly Amlgnec of fowl% tihrdef nerd 119.1 C. or Huntington from- a p. AIiAISIN county, In tru..t for cr. - 4114.1-o. Ac., bnts.been Med in , tlse Cost. 4 tlasounon 14.4,1 Adams county ono n 111 to. confirm. d by plurt on TIikiSPXY. 0544 1 .1 01. . 44 e)t iens caltie - be shown to A.•, on I ru ry. S. KlTzatsuell, Prctit y. April2l. ISO. • • WISTERWPINEMIPTION LANDS. ,LI:AVWcia . habit brae. 1, b., COrtli hand, pre-emption lwated 11.1 , 111 roads, County Towns, Oe.; 1p , s.itgled neighborhoods, which I will sell or exchange al a fair price for Real Estate In Adia 'aunt ylioLD Pa. ( AAGE itll. set.'" U • .• • G, itysi,ur“. 41.11117, MORE NEW CLOTHING = STACKS OF TII I.:7%1! . r t , , r ,, 1,./1 ; 1 . 11 , , n i t;l 3 l 1111 .11/1“..U!, t!, n, .1 !,. iII 1:.(i I Lat !'if FAH. , 4,11 Niro+, ,'ilillOt 111 111 !111 Judy, , onmith es. 34 1001, exc.lli ii •rial, 1,4(410+,11,1g r IIIO) ILI It I,,,utitul 10' , , lk •,k 111 , 11 t' tltt it Intet- MIEME=M2=11!!!!!Ill! d Ail n , l/slll l l , 1 ,1 <M.N. ifitlltiker lilt “11111.44, 1.141411 4111 ii rap I 1 111 1.11111.: I, 1,. 12 . 1,,,5111 , A,114A111,1 I w;,1. 4 %.1l t!..ms.tn.Litmt ono olak. r Anti. lefi, enttt, Ly n,u 11111 n or nl. lir Inv i.u1.11.. It. 111, in NV 1.1111111. hit 1n.,. -nll.l no one %11l voll vlov.kh Or. iion't tore, er.rTtor of Intl: Ftrtet alltl the In.LMolld, ii, I- Iyvlnn =9 Aprll 17, I , IS. U A FARM I= ' 5.,1L1;; r 1I! PI stilinerne ric, ha,ln it 1).0,1,5,1 from 1100. no l.ugeyol tiun oi f;h.+l - .In, in Iliunilltirafilout loWniflifr. Adams ounty, l'o„ m 11l ion the ...tone pI Sale on IiATITALLAY 111 14111 .la'' of next, la 11, o'elock, A. NI. 'l'lll ee lands has.. 15 en ours of nt into lute ninging from 5 to to .t('1t1i. , 14.w.11. sun, nren'llhln n half Mlle of the 01,1 Purimee. tint a iea rodx from Ole main 1.141, unit n g‘ehl rood Lonelitnn nll Loh*. The TI'WH PR lot all enutng 11.1 tIIII,IIIK tI , IIIUI lunl Inn 11x1 (Ma Iri culAsom (,IMI toa,Uon tulip unit trout eu to . 110 Loviiwit 1,01.114 Ito (114. n. re. Attend:nu, will he µhell and terms inntle knovn flit An :elle by I. 11. 1 . .% XTON, - J. K. W1'14761G lA'. 1,11 1•41 , , FARMS!. LUtMS! FARMS! sALE BY William IL Newton. Atlornra.(it-f,rtu , a /Id 'if E,latr I:rol,c7r, 11.1.1.T11Luit1.., MD. n. 1,-141W W0itf)4, 4 14 NkrigAhte whirr, . 4 1.0 • • Wel conles(Ille .o latter. TWO DWlide 1.1 NOS, g0..1 bum. (In 1111 e ord 11111 Wed. Prin. 41 OW. • , ;,rell eg•i. hal• ant t• fu 14.1111.1L1A1 111,111111111114 NO.. At 1/I_, 00.0A1•001. 10 n O I — YllTittia. in fill! vleaf 01 anlipaluto n‘wk ,yelmillboat landln,4 Nvltlytn otm. mil, or the 'llrm. .2 - A.to tht ier , . ttn.ler tilt nn 1100; tutlantw In White Oak, Ite.l llnk, lileknry and i.rnb I .v.,11111,, and 11101 0 thOn usual nitnll.er of ontbull.lnipt. In a cunt ytt.• of the tiaras elttut.. ghtla. Pr!. 5,000 taut], balance to salt. No. 4.-400 Al' lo l\ Vest nun eLand ro., Oareatina riVrr. 44.0 d. I to tals:ol4a Yrita WAA L N.. 4 —ll4 AI 'IZE. , 4 anis ration: nplrn dad land.; one tulle liiver front. Ortrati 11D- Prien to Nil .t. N.., ,5-500 younly, . from V:IN tumt trice , $6,0110. No. 6.-:-.4 - 41 wane ronniy. 220 area in jon-4. Rupert dinenia ordinary. Privy No. 7.—MO),foleat, em Navigable reek. near Ramilianti...ek ri‘er. L 1111,11... ter ell., 'Y ICIIOIIIIO. line land; Food Ilu iwovoloonls. rleuly of oysters eoot enlent. rrlee ge,i/Ull In instalments. I have about 111 farms in 31ari land, Virginia and Tenuassex, g Web I can sell at low agora" and on terns to suit. April 17, MS. If MILL PROPERTY, A BARGAIN, FOR HALE. co rrITATO In ITarford county, Mitrylnlo. on line 17) of Railroad now being constructed, six lUIIr nom ltel Air, (county neut.) 2.lmilen from Aunt more—n tirst-eistis ytgal SAW MILL, built of sh:ineocctvat4 with state, doing o splen did business; also nt Inched to same. A NO. I FA,lnki LW lUI ABitk24,l.plendldl r reek labilAnS large STUN i DIVELLI Nil. foore Hopsit,Fl otiliMildlogn, de. AU !!! itnr.lp I , pH** only *tipelll use- Ili third MY, M ghee to sulk Also, 00 FA,8.W.4 In thirford county, alt sim& and prima. - Address, en( losing slam , ,W444ASk IL NEvrrozr. Attorney A Brnker, 23 Lekb;igfou&i., o*l9muare,g.id. Apill it; VINI. " • - 'BOB. "fletritrili, - 1 1868. . . . t .41,01dAtli": Irurrlat.ttOlonia. 411 d Mitfirtetry tytettittem in VO HIINTIMMIIIIVWX, and lartitig Contruel /non Melly, is idtquiritt to do Ony ten! in elm 4.1411 AnuuNlz.wts at tbeinteticioito, A3so,Batarll3onn:4lllJll - todoxobiciii teeing beeti.garelisetel eactutelo triti Imo sold cheep.. Liberal deduction autdeto those bwititocittecii lodic.' k and M, 11 II e CAPS nlJdr to order; nlionteull oddi,Atci Is, 6.r., all of In• LATFIsT tintidle t rititto,tutak,bointratid Meet e ratternm. April 21. I.ln W4WTEI), rivriftro Vr.)ter, übr i zyelrorktutige•sstiN Sreft FRVWbarr 1 1 , P as* 'rem; t R 47tiONSRVV • • THOSE BEAIITIVIL NEW WEE: SILICATE 1300 E SLATES, 3.4 poblinli , 4l In Ow nunt nttrnetive Paylen. t U 4 TLLA Isto,r JTIVSMTIONS OV T/1110 • 1111:14C111,IPTITE PIVICIE LIST. (‘)//eur, S'ehoot 4...{trrocultile Book Slater, ~,,:. II I erl.r.rl4olll iii:outr.us.l Evor Uhtiiireil. jairKET 130t1K 141,A Tr.; ' ;; I eta in i orb at vil, and with calendar for WS,' with tiontottine tuition, ..... Adze. 0),,2.1), , b 1 25 00 QI , AII.I•Z 1101,'K fol.. \ Tt.', Our colliallkyll 1.11001 US% with iloaliatottel I I apal.., . .... ..., vilze..".iii. l .ll 110 00 CRY:4T A L Di tfiK . t41,A711, 7 1 1 t , ~,,.,11.0. ~.,11,....11144.11, with oonpototie ; 1 , .•11-11 . ol,c, 10. x Ili 40 CO 1.11 U A Itiki(i. tithATte. - l,l ...Iliterl,,ii id, at iilide *Urfa eev,) Lori 1 sittiool,niercatittle and general parboiled) ' ii li li 0t..1 lobate peuob . ~.. ......./SW•Ushi 00 00 V 11. 7 -2 ;infix - :41 - , \ Tr, Into r/i avivt, oil x aLiiii ournievia,l fur offlivit i awl olio i tilit ,:e Poi woe v, a II h soitpittOliei ....,- . Ittre,ll , stlo , - 00 oi'l'y Nll lila tls ••••1..1 11,., .r 73 , , • • Into Hotrod ; let, ..11.14 , ...Vitr,. .4, otr l 4 ; 0t41404410 of4ltl stoluitiorl. 44, wit to ionsotobinoil I '' tent 11, . n. . . moo, 411174 IX 1311' kilt Al. 114411 K si ATV' , lot., tell i.d, , six 11.ite tail foci,. for ~,,A.,, It-tor, iica.tetistes and 1 4 1..ft , 5.i1.11r11 wioo, , Ni. Ilia tompolttno pen011,..-..... . Mae, 7211 tlllll 00 11.1 NT 111301: SI -ATI:, ;; IlltPrlrlftv.44l, iota ollo.o4.4llrflietia.i for tlic't deal., atom ui nionhaie, With awl b; I aloe ren-11, . sire, to I, ~ 4 WO tot A ixy 4.3.00 of U.a above Ifter 4111114p1•4 Welt Ile 0001, 40rrit.4141 141 14.411, 4 tin ria•-•11.t oi lb,' otnale prior. licuryttotl3- wan ft; everybody kept to quick as hoot. JIINI the f 11111$r for fintefleal Mlnlarora. A good man Want.* llir alio noulitY; lIPPIT or at 41414.4, Now York SiWelt iloortiuttr rotpftgl,, 0) OM n4ll I reof, yuck April ill, 1%, Iw THE ME BENG WHIM MANUFACTURED 11:k Na.til..llNt Ett 114 11. wt., Sy. not M V, l'I,AttlaU.:HP 7'll H f;". 1 , :.1 7' I) ZL' , Expooll rioN 17N1 ix, 1.% itt,, Ate $01..4 we,' TILE 1.114A111 - 11, Tho only Cross of Hie Legion of Honor AND 1 101.1. 311,1 1 11. en 1,1 , 1,131‘..AN 1434 a. P l,- 0,10 r. 1n1.16111, Ill s •. Alt•nlit ur k i Wl4 lal Juue nal ol !Ito /I*tielt Sm 11/111.,1 211,1 3111), 1.4:, I" theme u oi Millrikulitte A. 31i, nth. 4 etku , lrn r - I hlitilithiplOtel of Sowing , 7 Mot. r. 9t h" LW* , 5 , ,u"+4 Jinvit,llft 'qv% oelehnord tvw Ott.hg the h• +1 hot . t, -tug g buttlller two the INIO6 , thrrail 1111111. any 0011 . 1. Ina- Ltsle. Th., One fliii11411•1i 111 nIl II ItAIR of rukottv 014,4. Lot 11 Fidew or ill, Itritole mottl, inttl Will !wither till nor ruvel. 1 4 . 0 b PP near prf WI the he'd mtlettlikprf rtriCit vrhetd emetthtto Mr yap.* opr.. 11. Ull3l put ;Mill. 6Y , roptiwk , (l. TAO (11.1311.1 r ,I‘ll rupl, 4 4, 3kw ,S, v w inv...,e/1 ratollr p 'WIWI' 406 \ VIIIInIII lt I 010 I Ail.) In. M 1110111.4,1 114.110W1•1, /0../or, 4,t rrf M 17.1 tiitlip L 1,1 1 .1111 0 , 11 ALkii lulu. Lit Eel k 114.4 v. flityirm ofmet,Mlt \ hi/4,411(4111re , - " 1/1:14,U.J111 Apc1411.4 • ti 4.11011..11./- ..",... tA rh,.Jj 1,4.3}1Y(11111 ken. vlint***/ .ot ‘I It, 1 , 1111“ :ttt , r qkvtlly ,Li 56,311- o•till•St.l. to flBlBt. 1101111.1•11r1 Oft The iJnlfth. Its 1/... lin IN. = . 1. I;. W. WO .11P1.41110 , Nwil, Turk Cr. an. an.l n.lt s.n,r or ~,ii.jo(lOc tool hohlt•r 043.11/1111.d, oar 'WWI* '' fo.llsF.Llif • WILN.)110, .I..aKen to f..r 1111,1,1111i1L.,%.“ Jutory, ott• Wrgi N'lrglolu. to Vhom all .por,.. Lll.loi AgelltiVOl ollleit.r of r. lov, 111: 0.1.10, • • 0.1 II 1 1 10,th 14mq, patent., No. Nolan I Al I vet, 1 . .•,,u,)11.0n10, or Ica NI•Uot k , New .:1, =1 Pl.l .I'Q PORTE =I Wurr-r00m5,714 /prerherlitrol, "Air Ynrk VS Yearn Efitablishml. wood 27 Prigs JIM el. A ssurdc4). Onr Mind olitetrui lIIIR drr.nlh P 011)... - 1 1 p t ., . 4, 4 1' 1 ) f " 1 . 1 L l!! " 4 '. 1 " „„.. ""1 .1. NIV , I 114,1, K.• are root fren •n 6 na t., 00,1, I), pre-t 111111 l 1111:, th,{ , 01 ~1 Oft Until era riful f.,,,111 111,. gr. .1 • 2444 .“111)110,,, in - ovoicter.t. Innele try 11. 111 th. ri.ll rirtF. 111/or.l Nt!i/ lk )N4:101,11141 ' 4 1 (0 1 , 1 - , 150 ks. than a 4 1n1111tr , ne, an tw yvGly Et . (l - 4/ i'ionoludg !Purr 10/47(/ . 10, jrearo, (c, ! (o ict , kSiat.filefotnai. or Plop.. ore lenge to 12..1 the conferral. u+.l In,: 13 port urnAhn; opeltl% ep,pripd,inot t IP• vers. petit !hitt ott lopepr.,l. jan M. t, ktlgtteptl; P tint thp print!: eve might ret•od r, al neer our Igninnlnn %%nue Pat. Ineldn and Out, IA inninnntle, uulhluih y and thew. othois wade, eo [lilt It %111 heir the newt mi nute exam Inpllcm. Ih.y .1111. r rob the lut,pl, pewee tase• at meet iblenne, h Ir hull In the lo,lPplu r ".4.tpl grow, a pre*: 1.% IX.) 411 y.) n,aato W II en fitted and nterinme, litre In lIS Vllll . ll. ,triJghtful In Ito Ml aging capacity. and lion nll the poWnr ileveneary 1,. In dailren easel. They ate, wiatout •lonht tho bed, the moat l.ti rig, and ColooNillellt iill••//1 . 111,11IL We are emttetit with a lair yratit. Out prie,sruugoin , nl $3OO ri 1181111. April 21, Me. 31e Schntze & -Ludolff, (EATATILDIIIIIET DCVO Mitroufartvirera of the Nilo Patent smx run YLATIi DOUBLE IRON FRAME P1..1.V0 FORTES 1 . 0.1144.1.11. PIM ',NON At/AINIIT %VIM CVIL,p new I . I.IIIFATM. (Pittento I February 711th, IM I WARRANTED Fu6 F/Vb: VRAIK. {Par!-r00m.., 433 Itreoute PIL,, SaW York. The Pau nt hfunltor their flu eulinrtn Ott ruction lutluttPrtior co all lb. Ir merit ennspay I. I lip Vll. plunk LWlllgt nopoort. if by the trot, [romp ralnlvlttu n itirKer up 14 4 , tin Ibe 1..111111 Ing board t Ittal VOtlittVlNlPti "3' anv other kind of pout, fryv nth, menM th.. u vo nAnilt, u ell on thethetigutllt 3 of 1.to• Lop* w. tru.'l) I remoonl. Tip ..,•• i t i.ll.l 1111, f been prtsllol.lllo44l by the to be um tv0n...1 for Power and ,S . ,oertaess of Tone, Easy and A anrrable Touch and 'leanly of fil'nfith. Moo/ tlaitty Hog ..orilltrotto eirvllottoe from Tb Old rg, bitaki hulk, SI rakuscli, an. 3 n h., iititolo-ri of thm rimed' dlrltliorObatoll I' , wkiwors tol,..lmaLouoi. From 1011. Kiser! - et ariprlinr Mnouracturluir, wo nw onalilio4 to odor ovr £llllla. rF No lOW prives n% ate s.heil by illlcrior Junkrr'i. r Wild tor elrenlor litrulPrke Llot. April 2.1, am • I ,11.01VE'S .. S RD SWILES rvFltypE.swittminNA,FSCsl.6 4 4 WA_43IANT -4.1, .IV4 M.Nrne'e rimy trirto.f. "mom' *.r limeorpl-t484.1t3r14,60f othrr motif. Iv, taker. frf rt pity for norm, fur rain . MG CALE CO., New YcWks 131 Fojrralsf., A pril 1,44. Osborn Mnunfaotaring Compaq, 106 Bleocker Ktreell, Yo. ovUOILN BIRD A:NI) ANIMAL CAMS. Manufactured .lely by this Compto/ at , Badge. port, Conn.. under L, Item of Patent of the Uni t.' Mahn. • Tlne (Algos are of a great variety of atdrlan end Onlan, and 111C111lie Chnora,, /terra, Mocking MAI, Aguirre, 446 They an. finialled In a auperlor manner; no rhatrr or ANY Isom airrian—W hick Is fetid to bird., and animate—Lein; used In their construc tion. They was Vrittlitt Pittsir. bird Flintiest, ulll appregaute Olean point, of encelleripe. bin' found In no othereagcre. They reeelved the hp4h eat premium at the American juallutheend York State Falra of lira. twral tb.eount to the Trade. Rend for Circa lantantl Price Litt. • I April 14, baki. tin NEW YORK PIANO FORTE C-OMPANY, festmoratrg aARCa, 1881 J • Aimmlhrturrm GRAND AND ORUA.Rit eitsralle Pia-no—Pbrtes, ' Iftw Ste and SIS (coax= oft WM Ititim"). NEW,. liOll.X. mend fnr tlerrnipt4ve 4:NUR2rtte and Peke List, April 24, Mt ttm 'raw/woes Crirwu Crhs.liwis Ate C'srso . l ns for 14bsrita4 Themsea's Crows. Crinolines. • Are Itopertor ter Elasticity eri;" iiue; r . " 1 " ." v ltt i n ° llediarvunautisy. T 7....77... t , .ffit" ... , tO a reN t gant i lirttatt i llegl ia d. "4 / TllO/DION, %:s °PON a. OM. • tot utomehnir 'I I‘ow Yttarw April 0, 48 V. 3,aa liORfaBLE! HAVE WITH CAT AINI4I/104.- tyy pear.; It hal deatnverl lax gr%an awl metllua,lmpaired may attest and lailldWip Sit all weeks I have been entirety tun& tf i rhr tnaoltra make I will send the tratreVor i pia remedy YMCA, POITT4O.IL WiKKINIO 4 ,41 fhnmi' wllihrog or nee/Illor the mune w adllrew, .lAS. T. HOLIMM Amu% r"r,_ A prll V, MK 310 • 131 1 / 1 0 Howe, N. Y. NOTICE' filifK find sad anal teatAtet lON.**fsfaaer. At.sacuee usdor decd.of. v oissira meat sr John Gttna sad Vittla,arrinl atastagy ds easa thnitWert f ds ed hilt iratt i ot 'b Mt .t al= Adonis onanist, awe Via bar etantraAl YI" Court on TIII,XDAY, the alAipilita)(.lWkele muse be Omni to Use t S. A. 10 MA. rrtAlq• A pit 31,11111111 V 411, 4 • ' • ' rtt4riirvi;Pr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers