Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, December 13, 1867, Image 1

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    Tllll6 Gmirciraarze commune
ItY 11..1. RT.IIII.E.
Tre vs.—Two llot.zatini per annum in rut orc—
Two Ilobbakil AXO Ft Calera II not paid
in whores, No •entwerlptlon tlheltitithined,
v 01.,. at the option of the publisher, until all
rearview ore paid.
ilri-d.ttarrs inwrted nt the usual retest
torte reduetioo to those who adeertlae bg
ritrellNG, of every description—from the
rovllest label or reed to the hugest handbill
paver—done with dispatch, In a workman.
like manner, and at the /await /lying rates.
((Itit r. on Baltimore street, a few doors above
the CourtoHonee, oti the oppoalte side, with
"I :attrnburgl'ampflerflffiee - on the
Attornies, Physicians, tic.
Will proraptly attend to nil
1:14,11 ?madness; truoted to him, Including the
1,, ming of Penatosui, Bounty, Dock Pay, and all
In* minima the United Water and Mate
inlet weld corner of Diamond, Getty,-
rg. Pl.llll * N.
April 15, •
.7. C. NEEL I,
.11,. Particular attention paid to
col:,tion of reclaim!, !Monty, and Hack pay.
, ~l ive In the N. E. corner of the Diamond.
t ~• t tyaburg,Aprild, OWL tf
\Vltl6.Wttatlydly and prompt.
11 attend to all Imminent entreated: to him. He
11 - tir AIL, the Gannon Idwituage. Othoe at the mune
p 1...., In South Baltimore ittreet, near Forney'.
,1% 044,re, ant nec6rll oppoothe Choler d =rig
Its hint fg, litirtoll 20. •
14. 3f-r OPi .1 047/1 I', JOHN UTH,
I - 1 tN A r oily essoclated JOHN M.
ti It A Esq., I u the Practice of the Law,
u[ los °Moe, one door west a Buehler's Drug
Chautheriburg street.
"Ocotillo given to gulls, collections and
• eatat.. All legal business and
Ponsions, Bunty, Buck Pay, and Dam
, nutnt toiled Sfatea,set all times, promptly
01.• ten (Iv attended en.
lVorratita located, and choice Farms for
• It uI lawn and other W.vstern states,
IN. I wri,
() I"! .ND 1./WELLING,
'A ten' doors from the
r r or Baltimore end it lati atrrrie. near
Pr trrlau Church, Giettynburg,
ali] 1.1. 1107,
Jr g perrnanentle located In NeW Oxford, will
preitesscon de s iri n g s brszwinal. His
ri. I. and all °Her' llls professional
e e. are reienwt.l to rail and consult him at
1,, —,f11 , 4., 1u liana) ox street.
,i," 20,1.4,7. If
Dr, D. N. PEk'FER,
lontlnno4 the
profewdon In nll Mtn hrnneb., and
r..peettully Invite nII pernonn nttlnrled
an, ,nd n;nlnling <linear.% l• null Mid eon
I (, ,
I I \ 1.(4 .1"1 1:1) AT EAST 131-:LiI.IN, AD
li , ko r tLut br Mittel tat...doll to Wm prote4mlnnal
0, h.• rhti merit es nature of the nubile pal.
Nl.lli P.Ortt
1I \ I:1 , 1 M t he Prartler of Sfetllelne In
1,11P11.N. and °Men+ Ids not StIOOI to
lOW .ring ,, at I I non,.. coiner of loom.
, t . 111.1 roundly nlley,
d 1111 011011 Neon to skin pt
Noy. s, INTL
d i 4WREVrE BC P.,
°MIT IMO door st ost 01 the Lu
lit, In liatial,..l,6nrit , •trftt,
101 Ilvrner Al hen. Tito. 1411111 g
), 'u loulcy nrntlnn twrformeil ore
r ' l l 11$, .(,•,1 oil' Itmvniticsicr.s: Horner,
It s 11 T. linuglier, 1). 14, lies. Prot. N1..14te01.,
IP I , M.l , :to.l rr
I p,mln I.llll,,Aprii
I )1 I;1•1::-IFillt(i - Syr-, I:En - 1 , 4311UL PA
1.3. new led up In the moat np. '
1., Vie 11. 10,111i011 014.14%111,1,111111
rr,l.lfry arrangement liiy! been
111.• 1,V1H111111041-IIIOf I 011,11 Collifflrt Of
ciit.le will ttlway4 intim the Itel.torthe
1 . ./' I 1. , ,,11111 blur the be.t of winvoand
1.111,11110.110U1l stubbing IlltAVII(43,
p .4 ,iniodotlng ,ethler Lawny,. on bumf.
hl. 11 !lOW. I wen for the entertninntent
I • ' , I ~1. anol a -11.111 . .1 patronav Nollcitetl.
N.. ep. n 1 is 1:1 b, •petri.,l to render antfrjfte:lon.
'1,1.17. 11
gill undersignod would most respectfully in
-I,llil his numerous friends and the public
tee that he has plin:141111.1 that long ..stab-
I and well known lintel, the "Globe Inn,"
in Yolk •oreet. Gettpdalrg, and will spare no
• 11 , , In u manner that will not do
t loon it , termer high reputation. His table
Ili has the best the minket ran afford—his
elm , hre mpaelous and somfortable--und he
na• hod 111 Syr Mc bar,al full stoek of wit.. and
Hot, 'lherl large stabling attached to the
Ilk!, will he attended by attentive ttt
lers 'it v.lll be lac constant endeavor to render
t oslbot •tati,l'artiorl to his guests, making his
bou,• as :mar a home to Went us pnaglble. lie
1,,k. a ohms of the public .1 patronage, tletermln
,l h.', Le a large part of lc. Itelll.llll-
oor, In fork street, but near
the of Public square.
11.111 I, LS6I. tf
NOVER, 11)11.K. t'OI.ITY
Inelersignea would respectfully friforra
hig noniernua friends and the public generally.
I/41a 110 has hear l the Hotel In llanover, DM/ the
taa, formelly kept by Mr. Jere:algal Kobler,
...lei Nllll spare nI7 hurt to conduct - ft inn manner
[het .v. 110,, a general vials:action. lila table will
t -heat uu. rtiarketa can affortl—hho cheru
b, a :ine spaelona a n d eomfortahlo—and he hai
1,1 , 1 i n for 1i la bar a stock of choice Wince and
IN there Is stabling for homes attached to
foil It will lie his constant endeavor to
ruoter the full.t xottsfactiou to his gtouts, ma
k na uis hougrag neara homett3fhtemas possible,
mr ogitt , a chore of the public patronage deter.
II In, O s. he is to dowry. , a largo Fort of It. Re
-11, eine.. the Railroad House, near the Depot,
t, t, 1 , kill . t f
\gin 11111)ADW AY, NEW YORE,
srEvENs l• well and widely
L mown to tho trit• riling public. The locution
Jaily soltahlt to Igivrrliontx awl biletineful
, o lii powitulty to the routine. part
Its I. ,m the Muliway of Southern and
- n tt.liet—Arei Ulljttellit to all the principal
I: ..In sub end Steamboat depots
1 , 1: 1101'Sk: low lateral accommo
o o Lti mrr ttO gto,ts—lt It, well furulabed,
tn err 1110 , Iterll ImproNenistit for
arta entertainment of Its Inmates.
ore /pie lout and well ventilated—pro
\ +lvt 1 '1 and Watel—the Attvnalative in
pt n tal—and the taupe Is sonorous
]. 1 , 1, Ite fi welt dellmoy withr• Vell.Ket —at
lis o
tip r I.FO. K. I'HASE
It-% 1, 10,7. dm - „ Proprietors.
ilr.rTl Central and Battlranne h Obtoltallreed
IL luta twain refitted and ootnfertan/Y
• n, 41 for the eonvenlenoe and the entertain
-111. IIL tthet.N.
l'h7F;rath'ul'inmaluarantem to
Dr. P.. Moron'. 1421 and MARS.
ID EA MIXTURE, for all dleetines of the etomach
und newele.
e.I.IEN for Chapped Halide. -
t av hug the ti to and Mr Ma (dine =dna
and tattle, are eoporior to any In the
Prlth" 11QTTOM9 for medical aim. Prescrip
t one tw.refully
Medlrwl advice without charge.
1un , 110,1157. tf
South WfulMitgksi at.. 041U:satin'', P.
July 9,1607
John W. Tipton,
rtstIIONABLE HAM M, Northeast corner
of the Diaroond,Osaat door to liteCh3hsin's Ito
tel4-Gettrsburg, fa., where he eau at all time* be
round ready to attend to all business In his line.
Ile has also excellent assistance and will ensure
cot/3s•c. 4 B la tt. . Give him a eall.
• •-;_.IYIS
T m.o.'s some valuable WRSTERN LANDS
j which I will trride for one or more FARMS In
this county. The lands ore well located, ands
devintble tbr firming, Fairly &jug
_Mallon desired
Gettysburg, April 8, VMS. tr
to:order to prove Me assertions made In favor
f procuring PROTOORAPIIS at the Excelsior
ley. oali and alt for your PICTURE. !to
change frill be made unless yoe employed with
the remit and choose to Mem your order.
WOR aloe Prints, Cateda, eistualkitudins.
&c.,ge RA oons%
' -
444pe' '
v ' 1121 .4z
as eo.
, Act- •
LaAn _g
T NAVE assodated with me, /a Madam!. my
JI. son, John F. AirCreary, under Me firm and
style of D. McCreary & goo, and I donee to say to
my old blends and the public generally that afnee
the war, the manufseftre of gaeldiel, Harney.,
Collars, IC., has been revbed at tile old mate
limbed and well known ideation Baltimore street,
oae square south of the Court Roam, Getty.-
burg, Fa.
Having had an entwrienee of *years In this es
tablishment, I feel awned, that, with renewed
attention to business, we can mill further merit
and receive a full *hare of public patronage.
With Increased facillties for conduct Ind eur
elnema, we are better prepared than aver no marry
the wants of all those who ma need anything In
our line. We especially mil the attention of
Farmers and other* to the superior quality of out
Plain or Quilted Reatallde Leathers
Born Saddles, , Rames, all glade, with
Plain or Quilted Seat or witNiut fasterdnga
no 1f0rn,....
hide nddlre, •• (ticking,'
Plain or Fancy Saddleillo Berm Collars,
Wagon Noddle., ) Best Welt HartICIA
Hiding Bridi., of all Patent Leather Collars,
kinds, fair or black, stitched or unstitched,
rounded or flat, , Scott Leather Wagon
Martingale, Whips, 4, HI and 5 met
Carriage Harness, all long,
aty lee, 'diver or black Plaited Team Whlpe,
mounted, ' Trotting Whips,
Maw, Draught Harneas, Lad lee' Riding Twigs,
Blind Bridles, Whip Limbos,
Oirtha, Home Blatiketa
Cruppers, _ dm , atc., go„ ' dm.
In align, everything that pertains to a newt-clay;
general horae.iurnlahing catobliabment maiden t-
Iy on hand or made to order promptly, of the very
twat material, nnd by the moat expertenced work
men in the country, (two having worked In the
establishment for the lent thirty years.)
We are now manuf a ct u ring an excellent lot of
Heavy Draughtand Ramses Collars for those who
prefer our own to elty made work.
Relnala of all kinds done at short notice and
012 reaeo le terra..
All are cordlally Invited to call and examine for
themaclvea, us our work cannot tall to recom
mend !tacit. - • IttceREART & MON.
Feb. 5, Md. If
E lake this tact od of Informing the public
we have tahllahed new Coach Shona
3Y4111r..t0v.v.11.nt we are prepared to mann
factune to order all kinds of lit'f;Olß.9, ( AR
RIAORS, fr4l:Lli.lFFl,atc., on tho shortest, notice
and most taw - nnual:111m( terms. Our hands
bus, , been procured flux' Bali brume, mu!, as we
flee none but clioleet material, We COO put up
work to compete pith any shop in - the store.
Old work repaired and taken Ire eachanae fee
Aug. 30, Dig 7. If
MIIE tindt.rvignoil hnee 14.11,11 , 4 i the C'tcr,rlnge
Ire iir •f -VAlie Mreet, (;ellyaburg,
where they are pheptned to pot up veldt in the
most Mon loimble, UM and superior moo
ny:. A lot of new and seemid-hand
131:0(i1F.S, &C., ON RANI),
Whieh 'they will ,IPAprwie of at the lowest price":
alai all nnient will be alapplled as promptly and
wattaftwnwily an ponalblc.
and at elteupevt rates.
A large lot of new and old EIARNEaIi on hand
and for /tale.
Tlutnialal for the liberal patronage heretofore
to enjoyed by them, they oolldt and will endeavor
detterve a large bhure In the future.
July 14, 1801 tf
TAT a mix
are nog building a variety of
of the latest and roost approved !Pyles,
end constructed of the best material, to which
they inane the attention of buyers. Raving
built our work with great care and of materiel
selected with epocial reference to beauty of style
and dunibility, ous coaridently recommend
the work as unaltrpassed by any, either lu or out
of the citing.
All w e ask In an inspection of our work to con
vince those in want of say kiwi of vehicle, that
thin is the place to bay them.
dove at short notleeand on resaiinable temin
Gtre uu a (all, at. our Furtory, near The corner
of 4'l'4ol4lton and ChaMberuburg .troet4, Get-
P. J. TA.TF.,
][arch 19, 1546. ti
T HE onderligned amtbrdes the
In all It. branch*.
E ffnisr.v at hts oldstand 1n MST Nom.
NEW W DL. otaTnwukci•
ORK inude to order, and REPAIRING
done Pro oPay and at, lowest prima
- 44-Taro first-rate APRING WAGON! for Rale.
17ec.7. 1968.
On linlttmore Street, opposite the Court;Roane,
Err de•crlptlon of weal; psorutoito the.
\III. 4, Igeri. I
r HR
:',..lzr.",rdrk,r,',lti tz„roen,Ahyi,-
n 3 t. Mill," on Mandl Creek, la prepared to do
GRINDING nati KANVI',7(4 afavery kind at short
notate. 110 aaltrita the patronage of the neigh
borhood and uill guarantee eallainetion. Giva
hint a call ttEOttlin itj ?WELL.
Suite Id, Imo, tr
Great National Telegrapgo
COMMBECIAL ra - wr TirrE;
Yes. SOO sad ill Chestnut Alfred,
= l =
To Me noes. c.akt MoO/ON• gam OW.
Pert of the Seeend and the *be et the Third'
and Fourth Floors of
RINK OF aszvauc BC/LDViCiel,
nearlypposite the Continental BOWL
Tbe beet onnixdatel and inanneted BOWDON
C Th. C ollege ln the city.
.0.. of Tatehers by enperler.
iAtteatkma for the, Contrialpstaddl In the .barb
eat possible thud oondlotterit with the Interests or
the st udent.
Send lin 6rcalar.
Oct. Z. LC.
Manhood : Now Lost, Natured.
TVS? pabt=a new alitica of
< en Dr. Cale °abbe/dad sow
the rode:Mews cwitbOatinedicine)
of hpareaterrbmko rSeminal iletmlnal - Weak.
nem, Invoien Lome',
m• • Cl. Mental and Isicaasel Inie•
te to Marriage, ete.; also, 00/1/01114.04 •
. unity, end Pita, induced by belf-indaleetece or
mrpctos, bi • sealed envelepe„only ...meta
The cek.brated author, la this aoraece mar.
=denswatranie, from a thirty years. me-
Practice. that the Warming ocasequenore
e f ~if..bu. may be radically eared *About the
dangerous use of Internal medicine or the awn
cation of the irtille--peur= oft a We. ofehre
at once simple, certain, ellbalaust, by means
of which every imilmer, no Matter what3y con
dition may be, may cure himself cheaply. pri
vately, and rodiceam
7Th Lecture should be in the hands of every
youth sad every ma t n . Ws: land.
Sent ondeeseal, In a envelope, to any n -
dreen, pagpakt, clo Of Mx OrnbiLlM .... ty2
wet Marone, Also, Dr. Cul vervain;
Guide," price M cents. Addrese the Puite7 .°
axes a . O KLLNE • OD,
127 Bowery, New York, P. O. Boa 4fidd,
Nov. V. lie. im
WE Mee just received a new sarertment
Questuiware, to which ye Irsvite theAtteir.
Shea of borers soprr t mom
rtheEIONB wishing PHCMX)RAPRi of their
children will Dad it to their Meshing to call
C. I. TYSON, Otdirbsirs, Pa.
JIIIitIVICERBOTF corner of the ThamOndand
. York street, has i ltast returned from the city
with an unusually a tractive assortment of
which he will .all et inch ricer se cannot full to
take them err very rapidly, fall and Judge for
yourselves. To lot* at the excellent material,
tasteful rutting, and neat and substantial sewing,
and then to get his low priews-eallers cannot twin
but buy, when they see It so much to their inter •
eat to do so.
Hats, Boots and Rhos,;
Shirts, of ad kinds, Hosiery, Gloves,Handkar
chiefs, evk-tics, Cravats, Linen and Paper Col
Bus, Suspenders, Brushes, Combs;
Titankx. Viallls4o, UmbreUax, Pocket Kttl•es,9*-
gam, fituoklng and Chewing Tobsecoa, Pipes, Am
uonerv, der
. , .
Clocks, Watchen,Jewelry, with a thousand and
one other articles, entirely too numerous to de
tail In a newspaper advertisement.
lie asks the attention of the public to his new
stock, ronfldent that It will please—and no one
ran or will sell cheaper. Don t forget the place—
corner of York street nod the Diamond, Get
April 29, 19t7. tt
Corner of Carlisle Street and the Rattread,
124 order to give the puhlie aolnethlna like an
adequate Meow the In/ mense stork of Lumber,
4oad, Stoves, Tin-pare, rte., de., on hand nod for
sale by the under:darted, at Mx eritahlkhment, In
t ntreet, 11.17 C. the Railroad from the Pao
eenger Station, he Would enumerate an far ror the
Matta or rime repairer advertisement will allow:
Bair,ls and Plank of every grade, front millings
to panel, Joints 14/111Scantling, pine and hem hick,
Hiding, planed and unplowed, Flonring,Nl,lnooles,
Shingle Laths, Plastering Laths, Pickets rinds -
'made Doers and Bash, Blinds and Wilirdiers,—in
feet, everything Used for building purposta.
Shamokin White AtiL and Lykens' Valley Red
A‘b, these two varieties being the purest and heat
Rs all domestic, purposes. Also the very best
Drawl-top and Allegheny Smith Coal
Waverly, Noble Cook, Royal Cook, Barley Sheaf,
Oriental, fitewart's Cook, Ornamental. Excelsior,
Prince Royal and the Emerald Cooking Stove..,
all for coal or wood. These varlet ure a twev,
lion from the best and most popular Cooking
stoves the market affords, and are all warranted
In give entire mdisfartion. Also, a very large
variety of Parlor, Saloon and shop Stoves, for
coal or wood, including the celebrated Morning
Glory, the Vahan, 0% Id Meteor. Round Meteor,
DIM, oenr, Regulator, Comet, Eta, N. w
Egg, Parlor Cook,,te.,,te. Fire Ertel:end Grate.,
for coal or wood, al ways un hand.
The assortment embraces everything necessary
for kitchen or household purposes, Including a
large number of convenient yet cheap articles of
new design which must be seen to be appreciated.
The stock is so large and varied that those who
have not visited the establishment bare no con
ception Of Its extent. In addition to the ordina
ry kitchen utenalls, It Includes Bathing Vessels,
Toilet Chamber Sets, plain and dairy, Chamber
Buckets, Bread and Spice Bore., Tea and Coffee
Canisters. Deed Boxes„Spittoons, Tumbler Drain
ers, Bill-head Boxes, Walters, Ale Gangers, Water
Coolers, Slaw Cotters, N time Lamps, Jelly Moulds,
Pudding Moulds, Patent Nutmeg Graters, Comb
CaSea, Gen, Grunt Mate and A B C Plates, Ash
Buckets, Flour Sieves, Bird kluges, Spout /leads,
Coffee Mills, Lantern., Basting Spoons, Large
Forks, Candle Sticks, Candle Moulds, Copper Dip
pers. Wrought-I rou Frying Pans, Smoothing
Irons, Foot Scrapers, Coffee Roasters, Waffle
Irons Snuffers, Dinner and Auctioneer Belt.,
E(a Beatera Oi ler., noted Funnels, Cool Sieves,
Glawetop Fruit Ulna, Plain-top Fruit Cane, Self
sealing Jars, 6.0., ay. Tin-stare made to order.
arid reader:id promptly attended to, by the best
of workmen,
ekitciron Pots, of every size and variety, for
stove*, Porcelain Kettle*, for cooking and pre
sarvl tin-need Kettles for ditto, lkst-iron
Stew Fans, of every size and variety, Porcelain
and tinned, with a thomand mid one other arti
cles impomible to enumerate in an advertise
Attention in specially directed to three valua
ble patents for which he la agent, and about
which there L no humbug, ea can be attained by
soon.* who have tined them vim THE UNIVER
MACHINE and the re ebrated DISMOND
The public are In fled to call and examine
good< and prlees. Ile gnarnMeeo to sell even:-
thing lu his line at exceeding low Bores, Come
and Me , ', to gratify eurimilty, If on do
not want to bn3-, troutde to show good,
July 1, Au
Corn Sheller, separator and Cleaner.
THE iinfierAgned would inform th e larlenlin
rat pnhile that he hnv pnrehiteed from the
Patentee of this eat moral ry machine, the Pat
ent Bight for the htritm of Penneyleant t end
klainkerhof's Corn Sheller, Separator and
Cleaner, is ,prtesoonced the beNt machine of the
kind La tine country. And In proof, It may be
mentioned that the "Advisory Committee p
panted to selectplementa for exhibition at
the Universal Ex Uon In Purls, In DM, have
selected thin She Ler as the best In America,"
sad at the repast of J. C. Derby, U. S. Agent,
machine has been skipped to Paris for exhibltam.
The faet also be stated that at the great
tzim mmienseeta, at Anburn_.l4.
Y, In July laatoinder the onspices of the New
York State Aarimdtural Soci ety , the Brinkerhoft
fkma IWaUer deparatorand 6 .ner was reported
by use Mike roost competent Committees as the
besiegers Ithelierpot. They "We ham owe
Silly examined and theroogWy tarred this ma,
Mane, and have
_na basitatino in pronouncing it
tae aim own MM.' WI ev saw." The report ill
deed by verb men as John Stanton Gould,
Praddeni N. N. Mute dtrienliMMSOblety; B. P.
Jolutson, Secretary to sem e • Solon Boblnson,
Agelettitorsr Mb tor If. Y. TrlborM; S. Edwardi
Tudd, Agricuilaral Editor N. Y. Thad.
Arran among many eemplimentary newspa
per makes, the following. from the - New York
Garreer, to deemed suMMent:
rtll the Bend Corn Sheller' made to
New York And Albany—and one elzigle Inn
manufactures more than 10,000 annually—not one
pin enter the eirele with the Sheller Nat lament
ed by .7. Brinkerboa, Autaum, New York. It
ghetto, separate" sod Mesas, rapidly mid easily,
melte operaidoo, ISA writhe Maroon bs pot In-
S l . Thet " Cal IiOW
utsolig TS, Wur r V e v a e U
rolog , for sale in the mune Ma mo'th's time.
'All lettere te be oarsmen to
P. G. Box 3M,Gettysl4sa.
Merck 11.190.. .
underetised reeepeettelly Inbred the pub.
1 he thaa he Matt esettasee the
as his ad stand, on West street, Hedywbung. and
is reedy Mon lloanoonsoodaloglionearnalt•
leo atlYthlng d omenhts line. He Is proposed so
turn oil Wads of wort for baftelftwittpollea,
of the WA soallialtal, and as swaths
as It an be done at any other establish=
the esnisty. Stsparbaseett bandsalways to MOW
nes. and owls nrecated with panspinsos and
tenths" as matoL„ 111111 ro I sts4a l ita lig Hltt
Palle,bl Sit
Ilata Coady,
Maw do., ...
'Nur . l e; f 4
1 Inltttmems, '
Ild, Wino Blocutts,
rignoon do., p ....
1 1440 , owes, 1 at
i, g
rumen. n e• -
I Monitor, :. S ,
1 ; 1 Lorna., 6Z . 4
1,ch0w.c..„, l e c ,
irue if, . .
iPoek - etiohm, el 0
,144W-bela, e ' 0 0
I Portfoi 101 i6,
I work Baia, ; I• 1
!Mimi TOYS. ti ' ../
!Maim, 17 ' r i ;
• Pt
l EVI.MII cl Le,
.2 1
. Pocket °Way,
Jvireley•, 0 •
, wmtima /*mink 1 . , 0
' 'PAZ opa l' 'Pe % war s. In
c. TT. TlTEFtt.rft
ot,at,i, i ttiokisl
500 WC:I::3C.ES
itetnisir West Musa Ouraia
rhUnite Facia , Railroad (brnpany have
bullt a loager line of rallmed in the bat
teen months than was ever built by any oth
er company in the same time, and they will con
nate the work with the mine enemy until It la
completed. The Western Division is being posh
est rapidly eastward from Sacramento by the
Central Pacific Company of California, and it I.
eapected that
to the Pacific will be open for t,naieeaa in IS7O.
EVER BEFORE. More than
have already been expended by the two power-
Nl that ha, e uudertaiten the cuter
prime, and there is no lack of funds for Ito moat
vigorous prosecution. When the lotted States
Government found it necessary to secure the
construction of the 1 Mora Pacific Railroad, to
de•elop and protect Its raw n interests, it wise the
Companies authorized to build is such ample aid
ra should reinter It., NS, /13 1110111pletIon 011,1 0
doubt The a, tillable means of the Union Pa
cific Railroad Company, deris eat from the tkiv.
eminent and its own stockholders, may be brief
ly summed up tut follows:
Haying thirty years to run and twisting sit per
rent. eurptincy Interest at the rate or illif,nti per
mile for al; miles au the plait's; then at the rate
of $414,000 per mile for no tulles through the
Rocky Mountaius; then et the rate of Et,ouo per
toile for the remaining distance. for which the
Cnited Stated takes a second lien as security.
The interest on them bonds is paid by the United,
States government, which also pays the compa
ny one-hall the amount ut lus hills In money for
transporting its freight, troops, hodls, to, The
remaining half of these bills is placed to the com
pany's ci edit, and mutts a slificing fund which
may finally discharge the whole amount of this
lien. The claims against the gosernntent since
April of it,, urretit year 111110Ullt to four and
oue-half times this Interest.
By its charter the Colupan,,, Is permitted to Is
om. its ou 11 First 'Mortgage Bonds to the Nan.' the howls 1.61 , 1.1.41 by the got ernment,
anti so more, mid win/ di the rood progresses. The
Trustees for the Is oldholdem are the Hon. E.
mu N .sn, t , S. Sesa/1/1. (SAM New York and the
Hon. Oakes Ames, Member or V S. Howie of
Rep/VW/1140X, es, w ho are responsible for the de.
lIN ery oft hese to the Company in strict ac
eortianee with the terms of the law.
Thy T'utore Rallrowl cronpany has a
II lid grant or demotion from the govern
uu•nt of 12,1400 .u•res to the villa on the road,
hlelt will not be worth leu than SI 50 per acre
at the lowest what fait. .
The nothortrod capital ffh e
Railroad Vornpany In $100,000,9110, of whiell ovor
Ji.M.0, 0 110 I,lt 10 en Paid all 111, NN isireatly
contraet... for the entire work of building 914
miles ot tits[-class abroad west of t naahu, vont -
prlxlng much of the most tildieult mountain
work, and etubraciitg every expense except stir
\ PO nit, hat e been made with responsible part lee
(who have alnsuly finished over WO tu11e,,,) at the
average rate of sixty-eight thousand and fitly
eight dollars 4424,1P. - .81 per mile. This prier in
eludes all necessar) shops for ocinstruction and
repairs of ears, depots, elation', and all other In
eidental buildings, and also Inenntotis es, passen
ger, baggage, and freight ears, and other requi
site rolling-tarsi:, to ail :amain! that shall nut be
less than 95,1100 per toile Allowing the toot of
the remaining nue hundred and eighty-111x of the
°les en hn udrea miles .suitted to be built ht the
Part Cinnpuly to is . .19o,nts , per mile.
144 %die., . , $132.32.;,018
Ist 11111, , , at td.),tou.
Add ttliscounth cm bombs, surve)x, Ac 4,100,000
As the LOlltb , art. wlmJ to Mont, the
Conipuity $ own I , lrNt Mortgago lionas Lave a
really market, we hw,e at. the
Fleet Mortgage Boutin
Co vital ett.ock paid ow work dour—. :,,.It4/.7.51
Lama ru , Ivow9,ooOacres, !I 50 per 4. MAO
tnii.truetion. Thin may P. done uh o ll) or in
part he ruldit4 , notnulewriptlnnx eapital Woek.
A , the inquiry ham alreati been made tor a
Isma id these lamb, anti arrangements are
now proposed to tier a pal I of
1,, sale.
While their whole lithe'. not be available for
Koine years to conic • they in remain a very Int
radian t +mire of t evenue to the Com late). The
Laurin of the Illinois r•enirnl lialtreei ebiapauy
are nellins at frost f 6 t. 01.! per tier and other
lurid-gratit 111 tie Wed ore retvll, /
equal pi IL., lot nlMllur pi opt Olt,
The most idtcptlud have never ex premien a
doubt that when the Union Pacific Railroad II
finished the immense totaluea4 that moot flow
over it, oa the only railroad corinoeting the two
grand divialont of the North .tmerltan conti
nent, will be one of the wonders of railway tram.
portation ; and an It wfll hat e no competitor it
te n always charge remunerative rates.
During the (tutu - ter ending July 31. au overage
of TJ", miles of the Urilon parlor Railroad w. In
operatlun. ".1 he Superintendent's Report shuts
efollowing result •
Paqwneers, Freight, Telegraph, Mails, $7`4,733 34
Transportation of Contractors' Materi
_ .
Fuel. Reptile., Ofliree, Conduetorn,
Train. ..,
E.Aitirr;gc. to balatioe.
Total -
. . . $141111.038 Ofi
The net operating expenses on the rotnniereial
litwinewt for the qnartix were I=Pa The se
count fur the LOMMERCIAL 131.7g1NE1.8 stands
as follows :
• .
Earnings for May, Janson .0:44,766 64
Expenses, 1017,006 60
The amount of Bonds the Company can issue
on 325 miles, at sie , ooo per mile. lo 1i6,24,000. In
(erect In gold three months, ate pet cent., On
this mm, is 474,000; add 40 per cent. Prelnitinite
correspend with currency ol l2 ),M- -
showing that the net earnings for this quarter
were TN, than four time:the interest on the First
31 arlircae Bonds on title tenet of road.
who PripetPal lo , v , ;omP/y provided for, eod
velvety illtere4 I, ho t horougul!, secured, mutt
elaie.ed a Inollg t 110 Allfrel Inveetment, They pay
/11,d Dre offered for the pre4ent ut NINr.TY
E.NTii ON TH 1.1 130t,i, I R, and accrued tnter.t,
nt sLt Per Cent. in Curren, from Jab I.
Many - part/a.. flee tnking .alvantoge of the prim
en t high prim of Uot eminent staiiii to exchange
for th vtie are UN er FIFTEFIN Ph H.
CENT. CH EA PER. and, nt the current late of
pr. annul on gold, poi,
5t11 1, ..; 1 . , 11 ,, r,q In 111 1, , r I.l‘ 041 FTTYS
-131 HO. by CiElllBlll'ltG N ATIOti• BANK
N \ZION 1.1. B \ ,n 1 In New
York M rh, compeny M 'Mn', No. 20 SRARRII
roet, situ! by
sou stn•et.
CLARK ,Ixdsi F,A (V. , Pdinkers, No. st.,
.1, 'UN J. CIS('O h RON, liankers, No. ti Wall of.,
and by the Company'', advertised Agents
throughout the Clitted Mates, of whore maps
and descriptive pamphlets rosy be obtained on
application, Remittances should be made In
drafts or other funds par In New York, and the
bonds will be sent. free of charge b) return ex
JOIIN J. CUSCO, Treasurer, New York.
Nov. M. 188 7 . mni
- - -
os BM se Adrieure
bail nude arrangesnente to get fresh sups
ry week from the c ity and Is determined to sell
cheap. Ile invites ad to give him a eall. Hie
stock conaiete of GROCERIBS, NOTIONS,
FLOUR, Corn Meal, enolflaid Feed, (bra, Oats,
Fish, &Leon, Lard, Cheese, Crackers,Tobeerm He
wn and Snuff, SUGAR, COFFEE, Toot, Spun,
Hollows, Candled, OW 011, Flab 011. Tar, Bid
Cider Vinetotr, and a great variety of Noticsis,
Cash or Trade will be enrols for country
FrOdnee, inch as Flour, 'Corn, Oats, Butter, Ewi,
Potabowhas" he. •
April S. lea. tf
ItAVM received for the celebra
ted DR. Elawilar. TIMMS
Tat for_Adents, Franklin. Cum
berated, Beaked and Fulton ouffentes, pa., arar
jui ng h, r , weekington and Frederick comities,
hid.. we can reoenniend It SI being equal 111
power and praseento ISOM saVita=uur an
estoterpd wheelln nee. fiend tor MW
Gearing, Shafting, Mangers and Fulton, rullittli.
YeDOWELL ed Weeds..
& BAECHTEL., Agent.
Oct. 4, IW. IDn itairendown, Md.
A NY_ pinyon taming stood FARM tor sale, Sad
j•A willing to take M part paymentone or more
tracts of choke Wartitern Land, located m weal
willed neighborhoods, near County Towns,
Ball Roads, etc., will dud a purclumer by en
gattin at this ats.
/*pc. 0, 18 1 #. er
riosartArrur on hand, an aamagt_zonnkt of Ma
sad rOgrams teem UN. BNlAMOdi•tli.
P =2=w Cienerils sad other Ws
.tithe Ereelsiar=,
C. J.
nrRANK trig guinm sod_
___ v
eesa be bid eV +,
“Whiell dial/ it be r Which &hall at DO”
I looked at John, John looked at me.
(Dear patient John, who loves me set,
Aa well a.s rho( my locks were Jet!)
And when I round that I must speak,
Ify voice seemed strangely ow and weak,
“Tell me again what hobert said,"
And then I, Int:Ming, bent my head
"I will give
A house and lands while you Mall lire,
If in return from out your wren,
One child to me for aye Is given."
I looked at John's old momenta worn,
I thought of all that. John had borne;
Of poyert:, , and work, and care,
Willett I, though willing, could not share
I thought of seven little months to feed,
Of seven little children's need,
And theu of Mb.
"Come, John." said I,
"We'll choose among them as they lie
Asleep so walking hand in hand,
Dear John and I surveyed our band.
Pint to the cradle lightly stepped,
Where Lillian the baby slept,
A glory 'iminst the pillow white.
Softly her father stooped, to lay
His rough band down its loving way,
Whendream or whisper made her stir,
And huskily he said, "Not her—not her."
We stooped beside the trundle bed,
And one tong yay of lamplight abed
Athwart the boyish faces there,
In sleep so pitiful and felt;
I saw on Jamle's rough young cheek
A tear undried. Ere John could speak
-He's but a baby too," said I,
And kissed him as we hurried by.
Pale, patient Robble's angel face
81111 in his sleep bore suffering's trace.
"No, for a thousand crowns, not him,"
Ile whispered while our eyes were dim.
Poor Dick ! bad Dick! our wayward son,
Turbulent, reckless, idle one—
Could he be spared? "Nay, its who gave,
Did us befriend him to the grave;
Only a mother's heart can be
Patient enough for such as he.
And eo," said John, "I would not dare
To send him from her bedside prayer."
Then stole we softly up above,
And knelt by Mary child of love.
"Perhaps for her 'twould better be,"
I said to John. Quite silently
lie lifted up a curl that lay
Across her cheek In wilful way,
And shook his head. "Nay, love, not thee,"
The while my heart beat audibly.
Only one more, our eldest lad,
Trusty and faithful, good and glad—
So like his father, "No, John, no—
I cannot, will not let him go."
And FO we wrote in courteous way,
We could not give one child away;
And afterward toll lighter seemni,
Thinking of that of which we dreamed.
Happy In truth that not one face'
We missed from its accustomed place;
Thankful to work for all the seven,
Trusting the rest to One In /Leaven.
"Was there ever such a jealous follow,
always contriving some new test to sub
ject my affections to !" said Julia Har
vey to her sister, Mrs. Fanny Markham,
as she handed her a letter.
• It was from Julia's lover, Captain Paul
Wilcox, an officer In an Infantry regi
ment, who wrote to her to prepare to re
ceive him. lie told her she would find
him much changed, for he had been
wounded in the leg and lost his left arm,
and he had felt it his duty to say that
he should not hold her to her engage
ment, though he loved her as devotedly
as ever. Now it happened that Julia had
a correspondent in the army, from whom
she discovered that the Captain had re
ceived no injut les, and that his story was
concocted purely as an additional teat of
the devotedness of the (atone.
"We'll pay him MT for this trick, Ju
lia," said Mrs. Markham. "Come, and
I'll lubtruct you how to give him change
in his own coin."
Shortly after the ladies had retired,
Captain Wilcox, pluming himself on his
strategem, was alone lu the drawing
room. He buttoned his arm up in his
coat, and left the slemie hang empty,
while he counterfeited a baiting gait,
and put a large piece of plaster on his
left cheek to cover an imaginary sabre
In a few minutes Mrs. Markham ap
"Returned at last!" cried she, warmly
shaking his hand. "My dear Paul!"
"There's not much left of me—little
better than half," said the soldier. "I
left my poor arm in the West Indies."
"Poor, dear Paul," said the lady. "And
how is your leg ?"
"Very poorly ; I am troubled with daily
exfoliation of the bone."--
479,M1 41
$1,293,038 9,
.'Poor Julia!" she sighed.
"She will be much affected by the
change in me, will she not?" asked the
brave Captain.
"Oh, dear no; I was thinking of the
change in her."
"Change in her?" '
"What! haven't you heard?"
"Not a word."
"Ah ! I see—she was afraid to write It
to you. She ham lost all her beauty.—
Th—yon know she never was vacci
"Never vaccinated ?"
"No—and she has had the amall-pox
very badly. Poor Julia.- She has last
the sight of her right eye. Her face is
very much discolored. Her nose is ter
rihiy red."
"A red nose?"
"Yea- R 'doesn't matter so muck
about her eyes—she wears blue specta
"Blue spectacles and a red nose?" ex
claimed the Oaptain.
"But you don't mind that. Beauty is
nothing," said Mrs. Markham, who was
ravishingly beautiful herself. "You love
Julia tot/her heart; you always told her
so. As you are mained and disfigured
yourself, why you can sympathize with
each other. You will be a very well as
sorted couple—three eyes and three arms
between you:"
"A red nose and blue spectacles!"
"Hush l here comes Julia," said Mrs.
Markham. "Don't appear so shocked.—
Julia, my love, here's the Captain."
The door opened, and Jullaentered.—
She had painted her face most artistical
ly, a pair of blue spectacles concealed
her fine black eyes, but the marvelous
feature of her face was her nose—it
glowed with all the brilliancy of a car
"Oh, dear Paul," sald she ; "poor dear
Paul, how much you must have suf
"I have ontarm left for you to lean
upon," said the Captain.
"But you are lame. We can never
dance the Schottische more?"
"I don't know, but I can manage it all
but the aide steps and hope," said the
Captain ruefully.
"But don't you And me hideous?"
asked the fair one.
"Not exactly," said the poor OaptaLu.
"The tip of your nose Is rather a warm
color, to be sure."
"Oh. the doctor says it will settle Into a
purple by-and-by."
"Oh, be does, does he ?" said the Cap
tain abstractedly.
"Do you ,think I should Louk WM:
with a purple nue?" asked
"Speak not of it," said the Captain.
"But tell me, when you heard of my in
juries, were you Inclined to relinquish
my hand Y"
"Not for one moment."
"Then forgive my deception," said the
Captain. "Here is my left arm as sound
as ever; I have no wound upon my
cheek, and I can dance from dark till
"How could you be so cruel," said Ju
lia. "It is now my turn to ask if you
are willing to fulfill your engagement 7"
"With all my heart," said the Captain.
"I am grieved for the loss of your beau
ty, I confess; but your heart and mind
are dearer than your person."
"Excuse me for a moment," said the
lady. "I must retire for a few minutes."
In an instant she returned, radlautoin
all the glory of her charms.
"Paul," said she, "how do you like me
now ?"
"You are an angel," said the Captain,
holding her in hill arms. "How could
you treat me so cruelly with the red
nose and spectacles?"
"Sot a word of that," said the beauty.
"We have friends in camp who exposed
your jealous folly, and. it was only 'tit
for tat.'"
"I deserve it all," %aid the Captain,
"and here I vow I am cured of Jealousy
When they were married, which fol
lowed as s matter of course, they were
pronounced the handsomest couple that
ever submitted to the matrimonial noose,
WHAT 18 A CORNSTALK?--"What is
this God about whom you have been say
ing so . much?" said an unbeliever to a
preacher, after hearings discourse about
"God is a spirit," reflied the preacher.
"What is a spirit?" asked the skeptic,
"What is a cornstalk?" rejoined the
"Why—why—why—a cornstalk is a
"Yee, slr," said the preacher, "a !Wit
is a spirit; and if you cannot tell me
what a cornstalk is, which you have seen
a thousand times, and know has an exist
ence, why do ask me to tell you - what
the Infinite Spirit is, or why do 'you
doubt Ills existence?"
The skeptic was dunib, as-all skeptics
will be when they stand to be judged by
that God whose name they blaspheme,
and whose word they despise.
"Err any butter here," asked a coun
try customer, who walked into a dry
goods establishment in a neighboring
city, and looked much like a character
who knew a great deal more of himself
than he cared to tell. "No, sir," replied
the merchant, "we don't wish to buy
any." "Will you buy any eggs?" "No,
sir; we keep a dry goods store here."
"Sol- well mnybe you'd like to buy some
chickens, fat as little pigs, and a mighty
sight nicer too." "No, sir; I tell you
we don't deal in anything but dry goods."
"Couldn't I sell you a nice fat shoulder
of pork ?" persisted the countryman.
"I tell you, air, we deal exclusively in
dry goods here." "Well, what will you
give for dried peaches 1"
A LADY residing on "Hemlock Side,"
went out shopping, promising her little
son she would get him a cocoanut. She
procured one with the husk on, in which
state he had• never seen one. Ou arri
ving at home, she gave It to the boy, who
looked at it curiously, smiled, and laid it
down. Presently ho said, "Mother,
where's my cocoanut "I just gave it
to you," she replied. Taking it up again,
he viewed it contemptuously for a mo
ment, and exelaimed—"That thing a
cocoanut! I thought it was a waterfall !' '
A very natural mistake.
A LADY found occasion to call upon a
dentist and have her teeth filled. Among
those tilled were two front ones, and
when In a pleasant mood the lady's face
shone with smiles, the polished gold
glittered from the upper incisors. These
were observed with admiration by her
little niece, who, by the by, seriously re-,
marked,— _
"Aunt Mary, I wish I had copper-toed
teeth like yours."
&MOULD like that beautiful spotted
little tiger est," said a lady, while visit
log a menagerie, recently
"What for?" said her husband.
"Oh, to have it for a pet, and to sleep
with," said the lady.
"What do.yon want to sleep with such
a thing for?"
"Why just to see the difference be-
tween that and sleeping with a bear."
The husband suddenly proposed to
take a look at the monkey.
"So you are going to teach a school,"
said a young lady to her aunt; "well, for
my part, sooner than dO that, I would
marry a widower with nine children."
"I should prefer that myself," was
the quiet reply, "but where is the wid
A LADY, having accidentally broken a
smelling-bottle, her husband, who was
very petulent, said to her: "I declare,
my dear, everything that belongs to you
is more or less broken." . "True," replied
he lady, for even you are a little
A ws-rnror paper publishes the follow
ing wonderfal description: "Lost or
strade from the Scriber a sheep all over
white—one leg was black and half his
body—all persons shall receive five dol
lars to bring him He was a she goat."
A NEGRO returning from church was
in ecstaciee over the sermon, declaring it
was the beet he had ever heard. Some
one asked him to repeat a part of it,
when he scratched his whoolly head and
replied, "neber mocks de preacher."
A FASTER in MISSOUSI, on beingasked
the number of hie children, hesitated,
and referred the questioner to his wife,
and she replied "ten ;" but when in the
course of covareation, the farmer was
asked as to tbrn am ber of hogs he possess
ed, he replied promptly, "seventy-one."
THE local edltorof a Western exchange
Informs his readers that he has no sweet
heart now—he's married. A friend of
ours says he knows another editor who
has no sweetheart now--she's married.
MEs. Lim Conn has prosecuted de
tettive Baker for perjury, based upon his
testimony before the Impeachment Com
mittee. Baker evaded the service of the
warrant, however, sod cannot be found.
VIE people of St. Thomas have voted
is favor of annexation to the United
50TH YEA.II.-NO. 10.
HONOR TOl.lll sciarma
It is a good sign when a man Is proud
1 1 of hie calling. Yet nothing is more cow-
I mon than to hear men finding fault con
stantly with their particular business,
and deeming themselves unfortunate be
cause fastened to it by the necessity of
gaining a livelihood. In this spirit men
fret, and laboriously destroy all their
comfort - in the work ;or they change I
their business", and go on miserably,
shifting from one thing to another, till
the grave or, the poorhouse gives them a
fit grip. But while ootaalonally a man
Ogle In life because he is not In the piaoe
fitted for his peculiar talent, It happens
ten times oftener that failure results
from neglect and even contempt of an
honest business, A man should put his
-heart into every thing that he does.
There is not a profession that has not its
peculiar cares and vexations. No man
will escape annoyance by changing bus
inesa. No mechanical business is alto
gether agreeable. Commerce, in its end
less varieties, is affected, like all other
human pursuits, with trials, unwelcome
duties, and spirit-tiring necessities. It
is the very wantonness of folly for a man
to search out the frets and burdens of his
calling, and give his mind every day to
a consideration of them. They belong
to human life. They are inevitable.—
Brooding, then, only gives them strength.
On the other hand, a man has power glv-,
en to him to shed beauty and pleasure
upon the- homeliest toll, tf he is wise.
Let a man adopt his badness, and iden
tify it with his life, and cover it with
pleasant associations; for God has given
us imagination not alone to mate some
poets, but enable all men to beautify
homely things. Heart-varnish will cov
er up Innumerable evils and defect..
Look at the good things. Accept your
lot as a man does a piece of rugged
ground, and begin to get out the rocks
and roots to deepen and mellow the soil,
to enrich and plant it. There is some.
thing hi the most forbidding avocation
around i which a man may twine pleas
ant fan6se—out of which he may devel
op an honest pride.— ET. S; Economiot.
In the early days of the State of Indi
ana, the capital was Corydon, and the
annual session of the General Assembly
usually brought together as wild a set of
mad wags as could be found in the State,
who had to rely on their own resources
for amusement, for there were then few
theatres, conceits or shows. These lov
era of mischief had established a mock
Secret Lodge, into which they would en
tice such of were a little green, and take
them through a variety of ridiculous cer
emonies to the crowd.
On one occasion, It being understood
that a good natured, athletic young man,
about half a simpleton, was to be initlat
ed, the room was crowded. Judge Grass
(it being a character in which he was pe
culiarly happy) had consented to act the
role of the Devil, and, to make the ser
vices more impresalve, had pot on a false
face, awl a large paper cap surmounted
with horns, and with some chains in his
hand, placed himself behind a screen.
after taking the candidate through a,
variety of ceremonies, Le was brought to
a stand before the screen, and then told
that be had to eonfeesall the crimes he
had committed during his whole life,—
The . candidate cool's/wick some trivial of
fences, and declared that he had disclos
ed all the crimes lie had ever committed.
At this the pretended devil became furi
ous, the chains rattled and he s hook them
in the face of the terrified candidate,
who, starting back in alarm , cried out :
"Hold on, Af-m-m-mister if
I m-m•must t-t-t-tell you, I d-d=did kiss
4-j-j-judge G-g-grass' w-V-wife c-e-cou
ple of t-t-ttines I"
The groaning ceased: .
GENERAL LTA N, of Illinois. one of
the itinerant stump speakers employed
by the Radicals, recently "came to grief"
In this wise: At one place, it is report
ed, while he was making a speech in
favor of Radicalism, a lady arose, and
said, substantially : "Did you not, John,
offer my husband money If be would go
and join the Southern army? Did you
not offer to equip him out for that pur
"No," replied Logan.
"Yon lie, John," was the response of
the lady. "I am your sister, and the
man you tried to get to Join the rebels
was my husband."
Fancy the General's feelings after that,.
THE Alexandria (La.) Democrat re-
Isles the following: Among the notice
able incidents of the late election farce,
we werean eye witness to the following:
An old and faithful servant of one of
our oldest citizens had just been ushered
oat of the back door of the voting room
in the Town Hall, when he was accosted
in the street by his boss, and asked the
question : "Well, Peter, have yon voted ?"
Old Pete looked up wisely and remark
ed, "No, fore God! Masser Joe, they
took my ticket from me and put it in a
candle box, and wouldn't let me vote."
WASHINGTON CITY.—The speedy con
struction of the Railroad from Washing
ton City to the Point of Rocks, there
connecting with the Baltimore and Ohio,
is now a fixed fact, beyond peradventure
or dispute. The contracts for the con
struction of the road have all been award
ed, and the work is being actively and
energetically pushed forward. The pro
posed road will connect with the Balti
more and Clio Railroad, but a few miles
east of Weverton, the point of Junction
of the WashlngtOn County Railroad, and
when completed then) will be nearly an
air line communication by railroad be
tween Eagerstown and Washington
City, and a chole between two routes of
nearly equal length to Baltimore.—Free
—A special despatch to the New York
Herald from Nashville, Bays : Governor
Browniow, in a published card, gives
a flat denial to the testimony ofDetective
Baker before the Impeachment Com
mittee, wherein Browniow is said to
have been cognisant of a letter written
by Andrew Johnson to Jefferson Davis.
The Governor further says that he does
not believe Mr. Johnson ever wrote &
letter to Jefferson Davis or any other
man giving aid and comfort to the rebel
"Ow, my dear," said Mrs. Bumble to
her daughter, "you must base some
thhag warm around you In theicardego,"
Miss B. mentioned the mime: to her
`p u, and be ImmeadlatekY complied
with St.
Abraham Lincoln was uniformly, and
to the last hour of hie life, eteadfiuitly
hostile to negro etiffhga. He swim
abandoned the belief that it would be
Improper and dangerous to inoorpwate
so large a mass of ignorance to the body
politic., On the very last day of his life
the question of reconstruction was dis
cussed In a Cabinet meeting, and a plan
partially arranged, looking to the adjust
ment of the difficulties. There was
no clause incorporating negro author
in it. At a Cabinet meeting held very
shortly after the accession of President
Johnson, the same subject came up, and
the Cabinet were a unit then against
negro suffrage. Secretary Stantou, In
his evidence before the Judiciary Com
mittee, says:
The President expressed his views
very clearly and distinctly. I expressed
my views, and other members of the
Cabinet expressed their views. The ob
jection of the Prekident to throwing the
franchise open to the colored people m).
peered to be fixed, and I think every
member of the Cabinet assented to the
arrangement as it was specified In the
proclamation relative to North Carolina.
After that. I do not remember that the
subject was ever discussed in the Cabl
The insane project of making voters
of all the barbarian negroes of the south .
came from Congress. That body fa alone
responsible for the Iniquitous and de
structive system which Is now working
ruin In the South. Stanton and some
others who where members of Mr. Lin. ✓
coin's Cabinet, after the adoption of ne
gro suffrage by Congress, supported it.
But it never received the sanction of
Mr. Lineoln.—Lane. Intel.
HELPER, the author of the "Impend
log Crisis," is out lu a long letter, de
nouncing the Radical Congress and peaty
In the most unmeasured terms. The fol
lowing extract from the. letter will hid!.
este the views of Helper upon the effbrta
now making by the Radical party to
Afrieanize the the country. It is proper
to remark In this connection that Helper
still claims to be a member of the domi
nant party of the nation. He says:
We insist upon it that the enfranchise
ment of the negroes, and the disfran- -
ehisement of the whites t - whereby the 4
supremacy of the negroes has already
been established, or is about to be estab
lished in almost every Southern State, is
I a consummate outrage, an unmitigated
despotism, un unparalleled infamy. and
an atrocious crime, We insist" upon It,
that our Federal government and oar
State governments are, as they ought to
be, republican in form, and that the mil-
Way authorities ought at all tinies t ex
cept only in cases of actual war, in the
future as in the past, to be held subordi
nate to the civil authorities. We further
insist upon it, that the whole drift of
Radical legislation, for the last eighteen
months and more, has been, and still is,
unedateemanLike, unrepublican, vindic
tive, and despotic—perilous to all the
principles of enlightened self-govern
ment, and alarmingly degrading and
inimical to the white civilisation and
progress of the entire New World.
WILSON, of Massachusetts, has under
taken to lecture the Alabama black cud
tans. He has written a letter to Gen,.
Swayne, in which he declares that "the
policy pursued by the convention, In
legislating for divorce, and in other ways
transcending their authority, and the 01-
Ira speeches of Bingham, and men of
that class, are doing great injury to re.
construction, and bringing odium on tn.
Republican party." If, as this implies,
the Rads are themselves sick of the gor
gon they raised up to "reconstruot" the
State, how must the people—who are the
victims of the convention—feel upon the
LAST winter the Rump Bade made an
extenelve bid for "God and morality" -
popularity, by the abolition of the "Hole
in the Wall"—a place in the Capitol
building where "liquid damnaticin," as
.they called It, was dealt out to the mem
bers. Since then there has been estrange
revulsion. On Wednesday week the
Honorable Vienna Schenck ottbred
resolution, which was referred to a com
mittee, to renew the contract with a ne
gm who keeps a restaurant in the Capitol,
and that "he be allowed to sell beer and
malt liquors." That le Radicalism With
the mask off.
THE standing army numbers 68,900
men and coots seventy-seven million
dollars a year. More than three-fourths
of this expense Is caused by Radical "rr
construction"—that is, bytheproJeot of
Africanizlng ten States of the Union en
ai to keep the Radical party in Niko
and power against the wlshes of the peo•
Hratuir Wenn Biatcnits, In a dis
course,said that tome men will net shave
on Sunday, and yet they spend all the
week in shaving their fellow men; and
many folks think it very wicked to black
their boots on Sunday morning, yetthey
do not hesitate to black their neighbour
reputation on week days.
A MINISTER, in a highly elaborated
sermon which he preached, said, sewers!
times, "ale commentators do not arts
with me here." Nest morning a poor
woman came to see him with sane
thing in her apron. She said "that her
husband had heard his serroob, and that
it was a very line one, and as he said
'the common tators did not agree with
him,' he bad vent some of the beet kid
JOINES has been telling Robison one of
his splitting •tortes.)
Robison—"Y a-as its very funny!"
Jo n —" Then, why the deuce don'tyou
laugh ?"
.Robison—"My dear fellah, would
with pleasure, but I daren't display any
emotion—these trousers are so tremens
dous tight!"
Youxo limb of the law, lately married,
to hie wife—"My dear, here is tamighlt , s
paper; I Sill tired ; if there is any news,
please read IL" Wife reading—"An ex
change paper says: The girls in Penn
sylvania are so hard pp for husbands
that they sometimes take up with prin•
tare and lawyers."
"BILL, did you ever p to sea?"
"I went to see a red-headed girl, ben I
only called there man."
"Why so?"
"Because her brother had an planer
ant habit of throwing bootelarkli aid
smoothing-Irons at people."
T. ADAMS, of Watertown, New York,
walked 100 wilco In 22 haunt add II oda"
utes, on the 4th and 6tll, far spunhaot ,
$lOO. He did not atop to Weep dark%
the tack. The Last two solids Wert/par.
formed In 22 minutes,
VALIJAAIA deposited vane haveleea
tilocovered In South Cacoliaa„ etreh i leA sg
IA • thick substratum her ego An;
th e A s hl e y River. A Imagieni otlikirth 7
e r n es pitinste are about, to WON .. r„the,
tilaeavery. miceacer vs 4-
WHAT ties become of MIL
that "bactle*" Radlealhortere; On!
ur .
of °cOrleans?We 'bear aothb
since the eleekiitia, Whir
Mends keep Was en sicadet itstihPiet,
no more use far him 1'