Tllll6 Gmirciraarze commune ISVPIRY Vlttr tY, ItY 11..1. RT.IIII.E. Tre vs.—Two llot.zatini per annum in rut orc— Two Ilobbakil AXO Ft Calera II not paid in whores, No •entwerlptlon tlheltitithined, v 01.,. at the option of the publisher, until all rearview ore paid. ilri-d.ttarrs inwrted nt the usual retest torte reduetioo to those who adeertlae bg ritrellNG, of every description—from the rovllest label or reed to the hugest handbill paver—done with dispatch, In a workman. like manner, and at the /await /lying rates. ((Itit r. on Baltimore street, a few doors above the CourtoHonee, oti the oppoalte side, with "I :attrnburgl'ampflerflffiee - on the Attornies, Physicians, tic. WIC A. DUNCAN, TTORNEY AT LAW, Will proraptly attend to nil 1:14,11 ?madness; truoted to him, Including the 1,, ming of Penatosui, Bounty, Dock Pay, and all In* minima the United Water and Mate romentn. inlet weld corner of Diamond, Getty,- rg. Pl.llll * N. April 15, • .7. C. NEEL I, TTORNEY AT LAW, .11,. Particular attention paid to col:,tion of reclaim!, !Monty, and Hack pay. , ~l ive In the N. E. corner of the Diamond. t ~• t tyaburg,Aprild, OWL tf P!DWARD B. BVXMLES, XTTC)II:NV,Y AT \Vltl6.Wttatlydly and prompt. 11 attend to all Imminent entreated: to him. He 11 - tir AIL, the Gannon Idwituage. Othoe at the mune p 1...., In South Baltimore ittreet, near Forney'. ,1% 044,re, ant nec6rll oppoothe Choler d =rig .tore. Its hint fg, litirtoll 20. • 14. 3f-r OPi .1 047/1 I', JOHN UTH, ATTORNEI(I4 AND COUNCIMiLOBiI. I - 1 tN A r oily essoclated JOHN M. ti It A Esq., I u the Practice of the Law, u[ los °Moe, one door west a Buehler's Drug Chautheriburg street. "Ocotillo given to gulls, collections and • eatat.. All legal business and Ponsions, Bunty, Buck Pay, and Dam , nutnt toiled Sfatea,set all times, promptly 01.• ten (Iv attended en. lVorratita located, and choice Farms for • It uI lawn and other W.vstern states, IN. I wri, =1 () I"! .ND 1./WELLING, 'A ten' doors from the r r or Baltimore end it lati atrrrie. near Pr trrlau Church, Giettynburg, ali] 1.1. 1107, Dr. N. J. JIrCLUER, 1 )11 YmICIAN, fiVEGEON AND ACCOUCLIEUR, Jr g perrnanentle located In NeW Oxford, will preitesscon de s iri n g s brszwinal. His ri. I. and all °Her' llls professional e e. are reienwt.l to rail and consult him at 1,, —,f11 , 4., 1u liana) ox street. ,i," 20,1.4,7. If Dr, D. N. PEk'FER, PIO VVINTOWN, ADAMS MUSTY, lontlnno4 the profewdon In nll Mtn hrnneb., and r..peettully Invite nII pernonn nttlnrled an, ,nd n;nlnling