. MU • M= GATITSRZTO, PA., C 1., • CAVE TIM AND CONTRACTOR, t- REM oonatanny on nand and Manufactures tatlllear, DOOM, ElDArrrir,RU; MINI" SABU. DOOU .ottiVitnitiow plume», ounmicE. Doott Ii WINDOW BIiIiCICIMS, Axel imy other Ankle In the Wilding Line liaasoinal sugar - tat conatanitly on hand, exPn. gleaned woilunen alive In recidliwoo. and wnrk e Xecuted with disimatwh. in - Orden prompUy atOmided to. lUtte It. IPM: it County Treitsurer. A l r the toDeiietiee of Malty ..irilmils, I offer thyself a candidate tor COUNTY TREAS. .il, At the next election, suh)..c• to the de cision of the Democratic County Convention. Should I be nominated end eketed, I will perform the dutiee of the &Ore f athfully. . ItuitlittT D. AlUtuß. 'Jose 17, 1147, _ ... - .. _ . —_—_____ County Treasurer. YELLOW -CITIZENS :—I offer myself it candidate for the oMee tit COUNTY BEAM: HIKE, and respectfully solicit your support. Should Ibe uontiuitted and elected, I pledge myself to put a new Town Clock (end a good one tooj on the Douse in the Borough of Gettysburg. Ltespectfully yours, Cluek or no Clock? ' IL D. 'WATTLES... Key 27, 1867. Colltllty Trt4taturer. URGED by uu.s..eroua Mende, I o ff er my self as a. ecindidate for COUNTY A stinEu. at the next eleetion, subject to the decision of the Llet4crstic County Con vention. 'Should Ibe nowbotted ami f leeted, I e ieage myielf to discharge the duties of the othtm faithfufty mud to the heat of my ability. • - IVII. J. MARTIN. )fay 27, 1847. - • County Trentacurer. AT the eolTitetion of Imlay tiiends, i of fer .eyfelf is IL C Lodi.] ate fol. CotnCl'lr T.t4 tiUtt rt the Hell election; enhject to the - ducieion of the if 141 ofr 'tic County CJo t eution. If now in.tte,l nip! electe 1, I-will die hArge the ditries Jr the oak* trititfully. JACOJ iIItINhERLIUFF May, 27, 186; SOMETIIING NEW • IN GETTYSBURG. TIIR andereigned hes the picAsure of la. funning the citizens of Gettyst . iurg and vietgi y, that he is now preparedto supply thew wiui the feinnud _ . CREAM SODA, . drawn from Dow's Soda Fountain, *bleb hag beentne dU popular iu the eitiea. If )uu nave never witted dais detietous drink, you 'tithe; know what yon hnre missed. Tay it. On *tasted, you will became a regular patron. luta alga opened my ICE CREAM SALOON, with accommodations for Lathan and Gentle men', and am elite totsupply private ia_uilteg, -Parties; eke., on rengonalde terms. Also, eop - etantly on hand, tikeli - • • CONFEC'IONS, CAKES, &C. Cog Kt the old eetAlilished stood OD Chaut berphorg street, oppiontt the College Chinch, edjoviing the iCeystoue /loupe. E. . Jtine 3 ! 1867. Itm Dr. R. Hornelt. T‘IILTGS, riTATIoNERY AN) NOTIONS, UETTTSIAIRG, PA. Ilia own preparntiona are all guaranteed to 'answer the parpwca intended. or. R. Ilornees duti-Cholera and Diarrl.tra twitare i for 41/ tiiietwen or the aLoakauls aue boielis Olien for Chapped If.nels Fragrant Myrrh, for prefqrving and beauti fyiug the teeth, awl' tor all discuses of tlaa gums. Ilia Tonic and Alterative , powders, for :Neves laud Cattle, are superior 4o any iu the IDni ket. Pure Liquors for hied/till u 4. r rescrip Cons erretully li.ted. 2, Ite.fical advice witt.out charge, June lu, 1867. tf - - - - - - ---------- Notice. ; I'l 4 TA Z A KAPP'S K6TATK.—Letter of 4 ministruiwn on the e.tute Elizabitth slip, lute ul Latiniae tow tiNftln r Adams deceased, listing been grtiil4 to the undersigned, the first mimed residing /if Reading township, and the lastuNined reeiUing in Latimme township, they bent by g ive no tice to all persons indebted to Said - Prirfe, to make iininedate psymeut, uud Allure haring claims agitinst the same to present thew pro perly.uutheukicated for &ebb went. HENRY. KAPP, JIJILN AduiluLttrutors. tune 10. MU. 6t Ai Wipe. . • MITE subseriber, having thoroughlif repair " ed hir Grirtand Safi Mill, lurinerly Hill," on liar.h Creek, is prepared to do GILINHING and SAITING of every kind at short notice. He solieLs the patronage of the neighborhood, and will guarantee katiefac tiou. Wee him a call, Jane 14Y, 1110. tf GEOLIGE QINGELL Notice. DAY ... • 'RENEW WEISENSALE'S ESTATE. i —Letters testamentarj . m the estatc of m Ileury Wet - sensate, lute of Union town.. _ ship,' Adam,' county, deceased, having been -granted to .the undersigned, residing in the same township, he Lercby gives notice to all persons indebted to said state to make imme diate payment, and those having claims amain:it the satue•to present thEiu properly authenti cated lot settlement. JiIiCIIANL B. KiT7.IIII.LEE, June a, ict. 61* Executor. Notiee. PiAltigL M. COS It KOEIT'S ESTAIH.:—Lat - tera of Administration on the estate- of anellif. Gobreuht, late 'of Union twp, Adams county, deed.,having been granted to the un dersiimed,-resldtog in the same township, she hereby give notice to all p'ersons indebted to a lid' estate to make immediate payment, and thetas having claims against the same to pie !met them pi operiy tilt Lb entibalttd for it ettlena rut. LOUISA GOIMECIIT, Tune 3, 1861. et* . Admintstentrix. j4tin6s wanting a good article of Perfu mer), Fancy Soap, or Hair Brio•lire, ,en .lupplied at J. L. NCIIICK':,. LA rtc; F; I LARGER I ! LARGEST !II stock of jteady-ivade Clothing in the eonnir.4 PICKING'S. T RiAtS, Vaiiiao,dtc., at , NOP.EIS'. 9.99 if , FS .W ANTED—To bay Casa mere backs. Cloth Sack', Collar Sacks, latets , Sacks, at . 7 PICKENG'S. . NVrit araralways glad to see our friends nt the Excelsior. It - still stastdain the ' 4 , 4 ie told place, on York street, opposite the ABra, Oattyabtrg, Pa. ' .C. I. TYSON. cT.,...,NCURB for bard times Is to make your purchases where yod get the most,..g,tiods for the least money, Consult ' PIONING. r.arISION is our motto; to please all 'L °Ur *lO3 - ; and to render. satisfaction, in err'littit,l,Wr, our determination. ' C. J. TYSON Gettysburg, Pa. a4.D10- Trwals Excelsior Gallery for your , I*MVAVit , You 'mit glie• rim yoga G. " 46Prifit - lOW .S, Canes, Ilre., et - ' 1 . ' ' NORRIS': flettysinuttiationpillank. Goviammi BONN 0-.41.18813W sErEW-,lftriloirs. Alm • , CO,4II 3 OUSD INTERESST lIVTES; • loughs: aud void. • - Orders fisr put e es* sold snits of STOCKS, .110; DR AND GOLD, prompLly execited ' ger ifiTgßlitt allowed on SPECIAL DE; POSITS at Si 4 and per.cent., aceotding.to leogthiof time of deposit. - I 11310SY BAIR, Cashier. ApAl 8, 180., The Fitst National Bank GHTTYSlitillti ALLOWS INTERAST ON DEPOSITS AS USUAL. - Buys mid Se!kcal kjoidis of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, G'OLD AND •SILrER Cent/vile 7410 Voles into 5-110 L S. Boodd Orders solicited nod pr.mptly attrad ed to. • GEU. ARNeLL/0, Costner. Ap`rit 15, - COAIS. O. WIISTOOTT. 1. LOCIS cr:ouGht Wait Cat & George, seccososs TO k lIIPORTKRII AND IMALKUS GUNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, &kart and Base Ball Intplementt, FISIiING TACKLE, SKATES, Otoutrin, ARCHRRY, Ar.CTN No. 409 Chestnut sheet, Philadelphia. May 13, 1)3;67. NEW GOODS REDUCED PRICES! ELEGANT CALICOES A7' 7' 11' .1; L A.YDA HALF CENTS! GOOD AWSONS 4 T 7'IrEL VR-IND A HALF CE 7W'! ALL KINDS OF' GOODS AT PRICES MI FYING-COPETITION. Call At once and buy, Rome of the Chenp Gouda now opening at • FAHNESTOCKS' April 8, 1867. - - _ To Bridge Builders. itROPOSALS will beret:vireo by die COM -1,. tniaabitiera of Adnina coonty, until ) "HURSDAY, the 20111 day of .. .ll'NC next, for BUILDING A COVERED WOODEN BIGDCE ACROSS UPuS:74.IAI (JIWEK, nt lirieliJr's 11111, on the road leading front firicknr a Mill to (lender's Church. The Midge in to .be built alter the style of "Burr's Patent,' one titian one hundred and three leer long—to lie built of the beat niountain.white pine. Stone can be hal near the site - of the Bridge. Plana and apeotfientiona can be act n by persons wishing to bid on the tiny of lettiitt ; br by noplinnt,on to J. N. Walter, Clerk tJ the Cohonisnioners. 4 . ABRAIT.III KRISE,• SAVUEL WOLF, IkIPHOLAS WIERMAN, Commi.eioutra Attest—l. IL WALTEU,CIerk. Y. 4,3 27, 180. tl New Drug Store TN NEW O FORD VFin undersigned hue openo.l a f)rns• Siore in New Ostotd, Alttnitt 'county, and re .inectiulty calls the attention of the public to (tie eock of uNTs ; vths t vAnsisnEs, . DYE-STUFFS, WINDDVIT GLASS. Patent Medicines and a. full assortment of DRUGS; in a word a. complete 'stork of (limits generally kept in a first-e Liss Drug Store. All of wliieli - have been purchased during the past two vreeks, and will b• sold low. All the articles formerly manufactured at the old establishment in cast Berlin can be hail here. Understanding his busine.4 perfectly, and .eleeting his goods himself, he is able to warrant hi's Drugs pure and as represented. The public are requested to give him a trill, - D. L. MILLER New Oxford, May 6, 1867. Gm • - Notice to Tax-payers. %VIE County Comtni.sioners take this I method of informing the Tsrx•payers of Adams county that the State Authorities no longer allow abatement fore trly payment of State Taxes—but a , 1.1 five per cent. to he' quota of each county that does not pay by the Ist of August. The Commissioners therefore give notim., that in order to meet this demand, Tax-payees throughout this county vs ill he txpec.ed - to pav on or before the 15111 DAY OF JULY NEXT—otherwise five per cent. must be added by the Collectors in all caieS. lly Order of CommiscionerA, ' J. Jt. WAL±EIt, Clerk. 2.7,'lect. ti F. K. Chilling, lIOLTSERNISEIL AN b MOVER, GETTYSISURU, PA fir kVING returned tram 011;C ego, , will ItA,ISE, or MOVE BUILIN.N.OS, any where in Adams conbty, on short notice,-and at reasonable rates. lie eau be found at Om (Pope May 27, 1867. 6w* Gotods. _ /pint undersigned uuuldinlorm the, to es 1 of tattle...down and vicinity that vhe ha. just returned - from thr city with a hinge stock of lIILLINERA. - GOODS, such as ittits and Elonn..ts of the , latest, styles, with" Itil.bons, Flowers, also of latest fa-Lions, which he will .li.tpose of at cattail piofitv. .She hopes the lopes of the towu and neigh borhood will e4ll, feeliog assure.' as she dues that her goods .nit rice.; viii pig tee. MART yi. SLUTHOW_EIt, . . • Frederick street. ' Littlestown, May 20, 1807. Notieg , „ TORN ROSENBERGKR'S • ESTATE.—Let eI ter! testurnentary on the estate of John Rosenberger, late of Itointileasant township, Adams county, decertard, having been grant ed to the undersigned, residing in the same township, thiy hereby gist notice•to all Per sons indebted to said estate, td make hurtle -dicta payment, and thdie having thtims against the same to present them properly, authenticated for settlement. JOHN SA*VEL J. t , HORP, June 9, 1801?..- , et* Executers. , ffijoittee. • ANDREW WOLF'S * ESTATE%—Letters of administration on Abe estate of Andrew -Wolf Sr , late of Oxford _township, *dame county, eiteesved, having been grunted to s.he undersigned, residing in Tyrone township, he hereby gives n o tice to nil persons indebted to said Isotte to wake immediate payment, 'and those having claim's against the.srinte to pre sent tapas pruPerly antheatie.ord• fur settle ment. . H. J. XYKUS, Adm'r. IMRIM .N 9NE but first•rate PICTURES ere allowed , to be 4.,then from the Exerlsior Gallery. zeuiples shown before the order is flied. C: J. Tlbt.l/t. 'TS!I FITS I - FITS I !-L.To get Cloth lo to look well and make yo u look well, tIEI 1700, nits Prints, Check'', Cliagisain SUP' 1 3 1016,-46., go to 11,01 V -4 WOC11:18% • I ROTO .11INIATURE8, at the Zzadeior Gallery, are 'superb sad tarnished at one third city pricce. Call aad exataistr geed -1111104. C • .F. TY6O/ii . Call at the.Naiv Store, OPPOldrfE THE COURT-HQUSE, Gicl/tobtuv; Penn'tt. • NEW GOODE; AND LOW PRICES: The undersigned have opened d new Dry Goode Stare, Is . Kendleherts building, dire t; ly opposite the-Court-bouse, Baltimore sit vet, Gettysburg, end alert with a splendid stock, embracing everything to be found irt.a first class establishment. Bonen for can!, and at the latest decline, we eau Oa. barge us .lint must aston•Sh every one. Come and see for yourselree, and you wilt And what we here say verified. With good Goods, small profits, had lam and square deulitir, we shall endeavor to deserve, what we most respect fully ask, a liberaNtarrof public patronage - . We off:r a fine, assortment of CLOTIIS. GASSUIEUES, Jeans. Cottonedes, Vt stings, Gloves, Suspenders, Neck Ties, and ev'ery thing else in the Gentletn, , o's line- For file Ladies we hare SILK.:, ALPACAS, POPLINS, Bereges, lamas, Delnines, Ging hams, Calicoes, Gloves, ?arawls. !loop Skirts, Corsets, Hosoary, 6100114, with what eves else may be called for. Also, a large stock of MUSLIVS, S TiAings, CARP STING. Q E ENS-W A RE, Umbrellas, Window Shades, kc., ke. Cali it the New Store,-opoosite the Court house, and eremitie far: stock, before pur chasing elsewhere. , 'RELIERT a ELLIOTT. April Ili, ISTI. Ell N.EW STOUE! I N connection with their 11.1 T and SHOE SO Jr & WOODS have Opened out a full and entirely new flock of For t' a LADIES me have all the LATEST STYLE• ut DRESS GOODS For Men and Boys wa hare Cloths, Cassimem Jeans, Tweeds, Cott')Lailei, Nankeens, Brine, Uealma, Ace March 25, 13x7 Look to Your Interests. AT the south end or Main street, Fataleld, Atoms county, Pa., can be found an se noc.utent of N E 0.0 D 8 nt reduced prices. LAMES' DIIESS GOODS of all ; Calicoes at 16 cents per yard, 124 ce , os per yard; GENTLEMEN'S WE .a proportiqnute4 che.tp. ALSO CHEAP GROCERIES, Sugar at 10 , cents pet-pound, and other things in proportion. Determined not to be under sold, end eutteoletin); it a pleasure to show Goods, we extend. ad ntvitatiou to all. Conte and see ourtetock, as we believe it will be to your interet to call before purebaNing else- wLerr, I.LINAEIi k SIIIELDS April 22, 1867, 3m , New Spring Goods. r L. SCHICK . invites the attEntion of his his friends and ensforners to his large and well selected stork of DICY CIOODS, Comprised in part a French Ilerinocs, All Wool Poplino, All Wool Detainee, All Wool phatis, Plain Poplin., Black and-Fancy Sake, T.intise Cloths, ,ck and Colored Alpacas Black Cloths at.4l Casshnerek, Fancy Cassim.•res, Cassinets, Jeans, •Flaanels of all kinits, Moves •wd Sto,•kings. Also, a fine lot of Ladies' FURS AND SI(AWLS, as well as an abundant variety or Notions, all of which will be sold elle in for the eltsli We have on hand ilie very hest-'and most durable SEWINC NI ACA'S ES, and are alwayi. reAtly to tP. it on porChasers. Full satisfac tion Fit en us to °per mini machines. Call and munitie. We ttatrani them to be the STACKS OF THEM: Leo' , io use. Ilito. April 15, 184. ' New and Cheap Clothing 1111110rEIWOFFS. - B T RINFERITOFF, corner of the Diamond J and York street, has just returned !rota the city with an unusually attr.watve assort ment of CLOTHING FOR SPRING & SUMMER WEAR, a-bich Ire will sell at such prices as - cannot Gil to tike them nit very rapidly. Call and judge tar yourselves. To lonk t ot the exe..l - tuaterial, tasteful cutting, and neat and substantial sewing, and then, to get his low ptices--callets cannot lit 1p but buy, when they see it so much to their interest to do so. lie has Coats, Punta, Vesta, of all styles and materials; flats, Boots and r Shoes; Shirts, of all kinds, llosirry, Gloves, Hand kerchiefs, Neck , Ties, Cravats, Linen Paper Collars,!Strspenelers, Brushes, Combs; Trunks, Vatices, Umbrellas, Pocket Knit es, Sega - rs, &muting and Chewing Tobaccos, Pipes, Stationery, &c.; Clocks, Watches, Jewelty, with a thousand and one other articles, entirely p. o`ii um eruu to detail in a newspaper ad% ertisement. Ile asks the attention of the public to his new stuck, confident that it will plenss—and no one can or will sell cheaper. Don't forget the place-3orner of York street and the Diamond, Gettysburg. JACOB BRINKERHOF F April :9, 1867. It AT PRIVATE SALE —file undersigned offers his property, the WHITE SWAN HOTEL,Iit south Wa4iington street, at Pri vate Sale. The house is a NEW TWA-STORY BRICK, with Back-building, and an extra Building adjoining for a Bar-room. Also on the premises a gOod Stable, a never-failing well of water, a cistern, and choice fruit The property is a very desitaLle owe, and should command the attention of buyers. This is the house that was so terribly shelled during tile battle of Gettysburg, and will always be looked upon as a u object of interest on that accout.t. The tertr:s can be learned by calling on the aubscriber, residiug thereon. JACOB STOOK. April 29, 1867 FOR.RENT.—The undersigned, because of death in bis family, is compelled to change his business, and therefore .offers bis TAVERN STAND, in iltimmasburr., Adams county, FOR RENT. It is • desirable stand, and our one wishing to rent . it in requested to•ranke immediate application. Possession can be bad at an early dry. JACOB EiCHOLTZ. Idar2l, 1861. tf • New, Goods. 11\TORRIS has just returned troilf the city with a largc assortment at Clothing. Call and cuisine them., I May tf,''B7. TAK VIRGINIA M I LLS, with Eiller's Finale, and other privileges, one mile from Fair fieidf Adams county, for rent. Enquire of MO. John Iltisseissan, near Fairfield, or of IL JI W. IIeCLRAN, Feb. 11, 1867. Gettysburg, Pa. rk.:lll. 4 lG'S. ABIIYMILT,Oft quality of the but Louden Dealt HAUS, with or without &stew lags; firie Lite by D. McCall/JAYA SOS. . G U La?. C. Sink" for par Clothing. , a. ANOTHER GETTYSBURG DRY GOODS A ND NOTIONS AND D ogEsTICS. Row & WoODS J. L. SCHICK Town Property Tavern - Stand For Rent. The National R EAPERS AND MOWERS% Hoff hrtin." Palest, I he No. I 11.1cliine has too Lith lug Wiled , ' Hinge 'Joint and Folding Bar, making it veil convenient to more from one pinto to another; is very simple in its construction, .tttrenely light draft and dorsible, cuts 4 feet 10 inches in Artiss and 5 feet 2 inches in strain; is a Belt. [Later and Side Delivery, and 3 capable of tutting a wholetield without hinding tt shea r and does the most sAliifocto ry work ' This Shwhine can also be need as a Wind Machina without. injuring its qualities as a Reap.r.. The Machino is warranted to .:at brass as well as any Single M.iwer thst cots the Frinir width. It fe a strong two horse Machine—thee or four can he used, it required, in hillr ground. Sur, tT 1111'ItoVESINNT3 have been made for the coming season. ' The Maclaine is ari) perfectly billaneed, no weight on the !attires' itels an Mowing or Always remember thnt at the Mowing trial last simmer in Get•ystra.rg. in romp-talon with 6 other 31.schturg, the abaye named Machine was :awarded the Firm Pre oilcan. This way it Jon want the best Ma chine. No. 2 i 4 n two-hotwe Machine. and itt differently constructed, cutting, on the right hand side ; and in front of Driving Wheels is Self-Ituket iund ti;ite Delivery. The differ etwe in the width of cut is 6 incites. The ,hitting lever and the raising. it nil low ering levers ate Loth :it the driver n right side, and with Irs right toot upon a pedal and his left atom a foot-step, he 'has the p.Pniatr nut] rouitr.ii of the whole machine, he eau raise or er the y 1.11,4111 trout thiee to fourteen inches, can throw the in tehine oat of gear, And regulate the rake So as to make the @heat es I trge or small, and all this at the saute time and without ietarding the motion or speed of the mat bins. Keep it before the people that at a lair mow tog trial 7 different leading Nrichiaes were prevent at Dillsharg, York vitality, last Sum taer and Cie National )Lachine was awarded rite first premium. , All gat:Wm. - a Iva'rranted to eire satiAte tioa I For further itiluratation apply to LE NIS 111.P6:111AN, A•rent, 3 milcs s uth of Getty.ourg. March 4, IE6I. tf 8111ItEMAN'S NATIONJLSELP•IIISCIUHGIXG STEEL SPaIXG TOOTH Horse Rake! • Patented Sytember 91h, 1562. and Re-issued De- muter 611, 1!i64 This Rake is au Independent Steel Sp•;ng Tooth Rake, and hits proven itself to he the most perfect HORSE RAKE now in c-c. Wilt this Rake the Horse dues all the work, both the Raking and klasclutreiJg, by the dri ver moving a lever a le* inches, which thiows it in gear, and as the horse moves forward it raises the teeth and ttischarges its load, and then shifts out of gear itself, the ttetit drop ping down ready to rake again. By tilts ope ration it is easily understood that the Rakrt has hardly any work to do al Important imp.ovetueutt have been made of late, making it very simple •tud durable in iis c mail action. Thuusauds of them h ire been sub: in the few last years, and given the best kind of satistaction. lE2r Circulars giving a-fuller dem iption of these Machines can be had by applying to the Agent." Apply to LEA'; C 3 3rSIIIIAN, .keent, 3 miles, loath of Gett3.,buig Nardi 4, 1867. tr. New Goods! C 4 HEAP—CHEAPEU—CHEAVEST! P ,you wish to buy good and cheap Go , d 4, call at JACOBS Sc BRO'S. STORE, mar 113 ers' Hotel, in Cnautbetsburg street, Gettysburg. They have the very he-t selec tion of goods, such as CLOTH ", C..1."1- St EHES, TWEEDS, k., the market can pro duce, and nre determined to sell them as cheap us can be sold anywhere in tun n or country. An:' person wishing to hate th‘ ni cut ont, can have it' done free of elmige. Tnose desiring Goods made up, ean Also, be accommodated. We want-ant the hest work and the best tits to be had anywhere. NO humbug in what we sty. April 8, 1887 1867. RemoVal. FE,I - STEL, A. R Dealer in Cocks, iratefics and Jeine umAS removed his Store to York Stieet, next door to Boyer Son's Grocery, a'nd dir,caly opposite the Gatt)shurg National Ihkok, a here he has on hand, and is constant , ly receiving, large'supplies of C . . I. 0 C K 5 , from the best Manufactories in the United States ; aft 5.1 . 01.5, Regulator, Office, tight.. day and Ta eat.) -tour Hour Clocks, with and without Alarm Attachment—all warranted, and will be soli; cheap. Paces from $3 50 to $9 id: W A TCFIES, of American and Foreign manufacture; Hold and silver, Hunting-case and .open-faeed Le vers, Detached Levers, Straight Line, White Movement, Lepines, Railroad Time•keeper.s and 'fitniug W.tiche,t, all icarr.tuted—atritrietts rati,ring from $l3 00 to 00, J W R Y. A splendid assortment of Rings, chased and plain, Wedding Riugs ' Rings suitable for Gifts, Silver Rings, and Gotta Perelia Rings, Ladies' Breastpins and Ear-rings of all st)les and prices, Gent's Pius of all kinds, Masonic, o,ld Fellows. Red Men and Templar's. Gold Pens aid Pencils, Napkin Rings, Silver Thimbles, Spectacles, silver, plated and steel, a large variety of Gold and Silver Vest and Curb Chains, Gent's -Bosom Stuis, Sleeve Bi:ttons, Lt. kets, Charms, he., hi., sold CUFACIIR rxza •rne en tier r. Ser'Cloas, litr”tehes. Jewelry and Musical Instruments or every description REPAIRED to order, and satiefaction guaranteed in all Thankfnl for the liberal. patronage hereto.. fore.txtende.l to him, he hopes. by doing gaud work, at reasonable prices, to luerit the con tinuance of the smile. A. R. FENNEL Gettysburg, April 15, 1867. . Green Ridge! N EW STORE AND NEW GOODS! JOIIN. WORLIRC Has commenced StOre-keeping at Green Ridge, in Hamilton township, Adams eounty, on the Hampton turnpike, and would iuf. rm the public that he has just returned from the city with an excellent assortment of DAY GOODS, GROCER:RS, HARD-WARE, QUEENS-WARR, CEDAR-WARR, .TIN-WARE, CANDIIS, NOTIONS, Tobaccos, kc., kc.—indeed, a' full and erm plete fine of Goode, to suit the necessities and tastes of all. - - HIS prizes are as low us the very lowest—Calicoes at 10 cents uml Muslims nt 11 centi, - iie instances. He feels that his goods and prices will be satisfactory to the pal.lic, and therefore in vites a large shire of to ,custo, from near and for. Don't - forget the advice—the Gruen Ridge Store is the rlace to get the full worth of your money. April St, 18dt. tf $9O forA !With just out. Address- O. T. GASSY, City &Miring, Bid- Word, 11. s. tlity 31, 1868. lily S PhINII CLOTfinki fast rftebred Ilubbstrit's SELF -RAK E alms undersigned are vigils rot this cele brated Combined Self•raking Reaper and Mower. This machine has two driving . wheels, hinge-joint and folding-bar, is very simple in constrtimiun, and is considered by those who . hare used them to be 'ea dal in grass to any THE PREM IU light machine made (or mowing bulb. It cuts MOWER AND 11 E.tIPER. 4 feet 8 inches to grass, and 5 fee, 0 inches in DODGE 8 ILA RVESTER. grain, is a rear-cut side.delivery, capable of cutting a whoia 6e.1 of grain without binding A WARDED the Special Diploma . ` • nnd a sheaf, and dijes the in , at sstiafactory work it. Grand Medal of Honer as the hest cum in lodged grain, to he worked w i t h two lined Mow , r, Hand-Liking limper and horses. We claim ibis Self-rake- to be the raking i,edpet —on exhibition at the great flit best in existence. Farmers reading over the of the St. Louis .Agricultural Lull Mechanical different adverti4ements will collie to the Aseociollou, October Gth, 4 964, conclusion that all nre best, tint we trill give Cllbi AND BUCKEYE PATENTS. , ! them oar reasons fur calling ours the best t At the greatlrial ef Reapers and Mow - tr 3 at Ist. This lirill-raker• I as four rakei (on Aultine N, 1., in July last, he -the New York blanks or fling). Th • driver, by means, of A State AgriellitUnd SUCley,4lllB %II bine arms Mali lever in trout or him can make either awarded the - pretereeee over all others in rake sin cep the platform at his will. You will Ciass No. 5. - This class was the molt hamar see by this that it mikes no difference how tent of any, :is it embrar e I Mon hie' and Hand far you have to drive, you can alarms have-a and Self. rakin,r Reaper in the same Machine. full sheaf, theeeby eating binding, gathering This Nlaelaine has been awarded Medals and or dividing sheaves. • first Premiums Lt- the Perios,lY.mia. and Itrwa 2n.1. If your grain is one thickness en that State Fair., iiiial by !numb.. de of Couto) I..iir. it will permit rat making a sheaf each revoln- in all parts of the country. This 11 idliii.e lion of the Rake or yon wish to put the driver took the first Preminut at Ilia . A jailni (UIIIII• on the ho..ses,•) on ran do au by sinipir dirtw- ' Agiientriltal Fair held at Itenderaville, Sei;- ir.g one blr, and still keep the-rakes nil oe to tember, !MX. Also, ' drop into the halJed or tangled grain. 11-re is 1 BALL'S 011104 r. RUSSELL'S SCREW P C WER. one •aziut to ;which tea wish to data your itttenliun, Take notice a here all these rakes Both first-class Machines, tidying sold a rum• strike into the grain end thin compare them her cat the..... Machines in the last three years. with blanks or reels on other Self--aker3. I They have given general sarista..tion a le revel 3.1. Ilion a lab your oats on a swath, tie 111-4,1. Wt . ask frillier.. to call and ex amine guar lever fast, and it hill 1/0 its work per- these machines before puretiasiug t Isewhere. featly and you a ill he safe fur wet weather. :as they ,e ill he able to m eke ri better aerie:- 4th., All mei know that in a hand-raking tiou. We could produce quite a number .it Reaper that the reel mnst be changed for die- ceitilicates !ruin some of the best brrmers in Serest kinds of grain to make it reel on plat• , the owlet), but deem .it inineeeSsar), as we 10..za, and ao inns; i 4 Seit-raker .o make perlert. , warren, lilea.. in , I hill, 9to give sail-bit rim. Wtffk in extreme tall or short grain. This , with a fair trial, or no sale. Inaurcd for our. Rake has this most desirable and ineispensa-' seaseu. ble iTprovenur nt, which ro other rak e . h is. 1 Extras nlwar)s kept on hand. We have Tui-. is done by changing two set screw.: in made arrangements to have repairing done rat e read a hielt works on a pit it. With a %lieu needed at lity time rind on moderate cam .iriation id these four d;ainible points, it; terms. ' hits been unnuiluously ecknoWfedged by ail' NVitli the above we have for sale a numbed disinterested \ and pra. lien! machinists to be of valuals'e Varinittz Implements. decideuly simple and durable iti its catistrec- I SULKY CORN ri.orcir, Lion. . I Can be n tan e ...,. it for ploughing and cultivating At the treed! 'National Field Trial, held at turn—finiglii.r , unif run at a time. Can also Anbure, Near Yrikk, l!" July' whi ' l l i '," 11 " be used toe loosenitig rip corn ground or put ee.lNl to It rye been the largest and severest 0 ,, itt se,,ii ,„ 4: Ira rising the front-shovels trial ever held in 00., -Culled State., lasting: it cairn he used for_rairrking out torn ground— several- week:, strider Zlry entire management , marking two ro..vg at a tone. A (ornplanter of the New York Stat . * A,. rianituratSo..ret), • csn elan Le attrithed ptanting two rowa at a this machine 14:313 aw n lad the Gold Nle.lal ~ _ ittnthed, fur the beet Combined \Sell -raking Reap. r. time. "i and Mower_ '('lass No. 4)\ Since the gir:at! C 0 R' CRITSIIE It M 3 , trial, different' machines ara.\r larintitig Medal.,' For crushieg corn in the ear or, shelled. aud must persons are in a fo4 , about it. We I SITE!, COMPOSITION BELLS, - will explain There wcre abrart 50 different For Schools, Churches, Farms, A:e. machines enlaced for this ditfe!rent, Medals, ) STEEL , 11,011 G ILS',. 5.111711 . 8 PATEN7'. and they were classed as fulloWa: The hest . 11 .1 Y It .1 li E S, machine in each el..ss w..s awarde a Medal, and the second beat a p:ize cal $ll5 An artiele, every farmer slicoild hare—the CI .S 3 No. 1, Light Mowers; No. 2. •eapers, ! best in the market, bah., or self-discharging. Ritual Rake, (tor gratin only): No. 21, PoNiper , , i GRAIN DRILLS, (Willoughby a Pateut,) Sell - rake, (tor grain oral) ); No. :M. Culu'liii.ed , with Croaell'a (Ilan° attar:buena It. riper nod Mower, tlland-.eke); No. 4, Com- ' Ilarrisleirg GRAIN FAN, (Reynold'e, Pat tined Reapiir and 1104er, (..melerake) Illib- eat,) considered the best will ever in tine in laird's; N... 5, Coniliined Hand and Self\ this county. . inking Reaper rind Slower, (thrown out on Any of fire snore machines can he heal b) account of inferior work ) 1 rtlling on or %dares-hug the eulasariber, 2 At the Field Trial bald by the Center !Ales from Get'yslaitrg i on tl e Ilarri.liarg County Agricultural 'Society, on Me &hist, r's , rue , where specimon 11111tAlitleA can he t een. farm, last July, Iltiblird's Combined Sell- I Wm. %VICI.E. Agent, raking Renner and Mower was aw irded the! Ap i,l 8, 1867. tf Geatysburg., l'a. highest premium fur the best work done, ---' . , See Cucuta:a for report All we ask is farm-i . l' I, A)( l', I) 1).1: • T ! ••• era to come Lundsee Ins machine for them- T_Tiott iticEs for Clothing. Call, 'en selves. We warrant them to give entire IFI await, and he convinced -o( 'he tact at satisfaction in all respects. Sample machines PICKING'S. on hand. Pattras always on haul UraueN Shop at Yo: k, Pa. Add re.,s Grmuite hill Post office, Adams citing, g6ir.klao Pratt A: Smedley's P.tteu. llorse Rakes on-bau.l, built by Geo. W. Brunt it Cu., Columbia. Pu. 'l'vrsono to purehase (land• ra.lvent hod at'erwaids have the rake attaehed, can be supplied 6 2 .,11 , ; slco M 0 tV erS to Le had ready to nttlielt to rube lier Patter. HEN TIW3I-1S Sr. SUN, Agents. May c, 18ii7. tf MOUNT/QV T,W ;Star, Apel 2 ttli, 1987 YES4ItS. IVILLI,tIIi, W•LI.ACE: k li:lt'VC:t I porch:tied one 01 )onr Combined Sett RakerS, and I pr.unounce it it first class lletthine. Can cut and hind or Grass net or dry, at a rely slow w .Ik, and never chokes. The Self Riker works oery well. I believe that it can ,bri-ax up lodged. Graiu that no other. Mach:lnc eau at) with 61.tliks. nod C.tli I e changt d for ditlertnt hinds of Grail:, whirl' is a great aticantage. Yun rs trn! , 1867. entnENLAND Tovvstitt.. pril III). l SG7 ILES , R3. !WILLIAUS, WALLACE & CO.—I bought one of your Coo.bissed felt Raking Reapers and Mowers, and CAR recuntruend it A.: a splendid Mower. Never, chokes., and of drstught, nut the Rake dues till it is re d snineadcd to do. It is a-great adtaittage to sts. the slteaves any size y - ott .urs iii Iy , . dellY SOCKS, Sr. JUAN SUCKS, Jr. IU/us Towssnip, April 24th, 1807. MEssa.. WILLIA/AR, WALLACE & Co.-IVe, the under soled, having used and fairly test ed the tictiii ird Combined Re per anJI Mow er, (Rand !It ke.) con recommend it an of light draticirt. - mud tree, from side cir.sught, and beliete it is he the most storable Mach;ne in our locality, and has given 114 general sat isfactiun. Yours truly, JOHN' 1.. BIUSIMWOFF, JOHN STALEY, ISA CF. BRINKERHOFF . GERM‘Ny ToWN 4 iiir, April a:4.h, 1867. MISSES.I WILLIAMS, WALLACE k Co.-14.ur chased one of tour Combined Machines after gout g to see Caret, d.fle vent Sell lt.tiers %cok ing. 1 itnmediately put it to the test - in grain that leaned away from the Slat-bine on two sides, and it gave entire satisfaction. I then cut tuy imp crop, and cut a l.rrge quit °- Lily f Grass, and wilt say for the Hubbard that it will not olioke,in any kind of Grass, wet or dry, standing or lodged, let the slowest gait yoiritorses will walk. la tree trout ,side draught, no weight on horses' necks, and is light work to two horses. The Sell hake is witledit a doubt tne best Self It.iker out; It has tour Rakes, (1.0 bkitics,) and edit bring op lodged Grain MAL 110 duos iht;ier eau and can 'regulate the shelves the size you wish—changing the Rake tor any kircil of Grain. That it will make nice work iu the tallest Rye or toe shortest Clover seed, and if the (Iloilo is one thlekriess, can nralie sheiteeneh revolution of the (taker without any aid trout the driver; elm also swath Otis. which is -anuther great advantage en other .11.ichine has. - Yours truly, SAMUEL WEANT. GEI.M.ANV TOWN 4 UIP, Atoll 24th, 180. II SU CS. yi L LI,I ltB, WA LLACE A Vo.--1. pll r. chased One . of your Conthined Self Rakers from your Agents, JIMMY Tuogsi k Sox, and can cnnststently seentaniand it as a very good /lower or •light draught, and the Self Raker eau bring up Grain that is down better than soy Handßaker can do. Yours truly. JACOB KING. Ten 4ndor3ft the above revomnrendstion of Mt. King, us T nava one of the SAIIIC' lin- MEE ' r EttitißLß reaITER in the prices of all kinds al Ready-made Clothing t ' To be couvieeed yeti Gave but to call at 'PICKING'S. CLEAN FACES.—Just received another saintly of superior Razors, Strops, Brush es and Soap, at ROW k WOODS'. WIRE rnah h for the Excelsior Gallery.. _AI are waited upon in rotation and with die pitch. C. J. TYSON. itVIDIODY MI have soft baud, by supine , Dr...R. Hornet's *LIEN. (IWO HAMS, int qindity, and teasoaa r, 4110 #1 price, can be h i ll at RALBFLEISCa'S. HENRY W. SWARTZ J ROYER ___ T Mint 1/10WSef the B ttie Pield,ssitsgt,h. 1 . 4 or in sets, vet 'Also, STERITC• bi:GPIC VIEWS of i Yield at the ' Eseelaior Gallery. 1 o see them. [ J. TYSON. r . keep dry, buy 'ern's at ...PICKING'S. ',/ 10 to DITPSOBN 4 KOFFMAN'S, ..t b:y kj your Dry Goode, No.ions, titneensviare, le., on the northwest Corset of Diamond., Gettysburg, Pa: ~,, ' IL- 4AVIC goes aver tbe entire stock rit'AL-. PENS sad FRAMES; at the Exceinior. 'allery t itad warted them down to within e `(rushee of Cost. Plow' iii yonr dine for bar pine. • " 0. J. TYSUN. r.t•r^ Itedttetion I N 1 It I • E ! Ti'tiliderAigil Like groat yle.tsure io j lluti JC,T RECEIVED' a: large snick ut N guitalile for Spring owl slimmer Wear, W they will sell at VERY I.OW- prices. We can sell 11le:trht•d Marlins, t y.trd aide, at 18 vents, n hieli was sold at dO cents a few weekr ago ‘Verlatve re4iited the pi ices of ALL OTHER Gift tOS IN PROPORTION. , ilEvptEm WEAR a , f o lio ws Cloths, Cdsrinieres, Vestings Lim/tacky Jeans rottouitdcs. Line;,r, tinspettilers, llult Hose, lilot es, toll .rs, tc., St c. I. DIES' WEAIL-I.3tuths and Cusrirneres, for 'circitiars • and sucks, Alien:as, Mohan Plaida,Deldities ill sty (lingli.llll,, Cali cues, Glutec'all.binds, Hosier), bt., No truubl.: to chow Coods. Citens a call. DUPIIORN .5i HOFFMAN. Getty sburg, April S, 1101, Important T() ALL PERSONS! . ENDRICKS SL WA - nns have pot chnseg the Store lumerly occuptt .1. A Gunge:4,and' latter ly 4.. y G. 11. Swope, w hert they will lc( ep constantly o.i hand c‘tueletu ussurtineot of GROCERIES, Including S.)rtipa, Coffees, 'Sugars, Teas, ligt coo, Hour, Feeil, Rive, Potatoes. gait, Tub te en, fa'., vital -iftery artide to =e found in a lirst•ebtss Grocery. Ate° L 4 FI:CTIONS, NOTIONS and,FASCY ARTICLES. They hot.e to receive v share .of public pa tronage, and earnestly solo it a eonlintiane , of the custom heretofore given tr, the estah lishtueut. JOHN HENDRICKS, HIRAM. IVA FILMS Gettysburg, April 8, 1867. ivied, the Place TO OET YOUR GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, SC. — The undersigned Immtig Ito tight taut W. II:- lls Wisotzkey, (formerly Strichltuuser Wisotzkev.) will continue the G OC V, PRO V I I (IN k NOTION business, at the old stand, :n Baltimore street, a few doors south of the COIIrt-hou:e. Getty s tam, w here it will elf:, 1 hi n great pleasure to ,respond to the calls of the public. His stuck will nla tys be- A Ppt fresh and full, so that buyers may at all times rely. upon gettitsg, the hest of everythi lig. Ilia COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, TEAS, ,SPICF.S, Halt Cheese. Smrch, Soaps, Candles, shacking, Matches, Tubs, Rut kers, Brooms, lied -Curds; CONFECTION:3, Fruits, Nuts. Segal : ls, Tobaccos, STATIONERY,. kc. , ke., taut be beat. He asks everybody, from Wan and COLllltr, to give him a call, convinced that gods and prisms will please. kerOyatersuud Fresh Fish iu their seash it. S. H. OlLligla. April 8, 1867., Another Wt. N 0 R It I S B Y C L 0 TII I N G , HATS AND CAPS, , BOOTS AND SHOES, A#•EHEAP AS BEtPottE THE WAIL •LSO, AP„ythlitg„is the Oeullensen g i Furnishing • line, Caa.be foond'ltt the Chrtip Store of T. C.-NORRIS. April IS, 18th tf .MI 4 . 11 , 40 x tito lir* 0 iridol Brinkerhoff's COIN SHELLER, sEPARATba AND CLEANER. The underilgoe.l woolil in'ortu"tbri Agri cultural public that he has pnrchised from" the Patentee of this estraordittars mitchiney the Patentl:Wit for the States of l'ennsyirn Ilia and Mary lard. Brinkerhors Coin Sheller, 9eiltarafor and 1."1-t niter, is pronotincei the opst ...A.e i r the .kind in this country'. An I - in ftrutd, ill linty - be tneotiot.cd that the "A.111.-orreaern. tili!tee onnointod to select finitleotents fee ells uilosion At the rtiarerml Ex p‘,..-ili tt n in Paris i . in 181;7, hive seleuted this Sheller as the hen. in Am rico'," and at the reornest of J. P. De.- hp, U. S. Agent. It machine had been shipped' to Pit - is for ex - iiibiti on: The fact rnoy also he dated that At the vrcot trial or Agricultural Implements, at A lOnirn, N. Y., in Jillylast, under I.IIE andifi• vei or Ihe New York ht tie Agrieultural $O. ciety, the Brinkerhoff Cu, ii Sh«.ller,;..'elatrator and Clenuer Wad reported by one of the ntassf, 't Ong cunt Ceniinillet a sa the nest Corn:ooler out. They Sly, 'We ' nate raretnily exuntiord ,nd thorulbsitly tested thii machine, aid have no lieqtation tit prunounetitg it - toir hest OM .tihrllrr we erre sow." The rt port in sioned by, ~,,,,i, ~,..n :is John Stanton Gould, Pr , w dent ° N. liY. Sinte Agrietilturi So..iety ; 1-1 1 0 ., Win. 1. ! So, ''0..4. wary to same; Solon Itnhitso , Agi• rienitorn! FA for N Y. Tribute; Y. Edwirde Todd, .11.tl1od1tint! Editor N. Y. Times. Eton, anlot.g ni.ln) rcruotimentary newilta per notices, ilt follows g, from the NewriYork to',•r, err, is tit eintol flliii lent: “Amang nll the hunt Corr. Shelters made in New York and Ind one single lit in inniintactutei more than 10,min annually —uot one in cider the t ilele with Utc Shelter jest invented by J. 11.,inkerlit./1, York.' it.t.hclls t sopsoutes and c:enneel, rap idly and e tsili , nt one oper idiom, as fasted the ears Lan ho put into the The uudtrsttned is now prepared to dispnee of l'olol ry• tut:ll N. lie a ill Vice fillßG l.lsltS reedy lur smile iu the course of tt utuoth'e time. All letters to be addressed to WM. Win& P. 0. Mos 24G, liett)sburg, Ps. March 11, 1861. • RING -PS VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 18 THE MIRACLE OF THE ABE! Gray-headed People halo their locks restored by it to the dark, hotono, ai/Len tresses of youth, and are happy! ' Young People, with light, fastest or red Hair, have these unfashionable colons:booed to a beautiful auburn, and rejoice! , Pilo* whose heads are covered wkk Dopiruir and Humors, uSe it, and have clean coats and clear and healthy scalps I Bald-lleatled_ :Veteran's boys their remaining locks tightened, and tko bare spots covered with a luxuriant growls of Hair, and dance for joy! Young Gentlemen use it because k le richly perfumed! Young Ladies use it because it keeps their Hair in place! Everybody must and trill uubi It, because it is the cleanest and best article in the mark et ...For Sale by Druggists generally. Price ;41 du per trutwe, sole by A. I)..llisehler snit R. iicr ner, Gettysburg, and A. F. tiltrier,,Littlitstnwis. Aiiril 41, 1867. tiia ' Grocery it Liquor More. LAILUE itsEarGnent ut tine /IL Gtt Peas, Coffeen, White 4ug.ra of all kinds, and Rrow4 Suigni'e ' etii!np, 'mite ntw crap Ort , ihns Mulds4es, and all grales cif ; lIENS NIACKtiaIL, hest itiquarket. All kinds vi LIQUUIt,S, wholegnie and retail. prime Wine, Brandy, Bye Whiskey., Ice., for medieicutt and other parpoiea, iu nny quan-icy. iguirit. Ili3hier's Herb Bitters, and she .•G teat, Zinguii WM. J. )1 ART 114 , italtimuse St., Gettysburg. April 1, likG7. if New Arrangements. HE'SitY on the //ill tii lialunture tut made arrangements ti get. fresh A.ippllPS ,•very week from the eity nod is tletvcipined to sell cheap. fie it1V121.4 011 to Jere bib a call. life et nett tuns'ats IGItOCE.IIIIf,,S, NOTIONS, FLUL'It, Corn Beal; Chopped Feed, Corn, Oak., Ffsjir, Baron, Lori, CherPt, rragkere, TobACCo,'Segars and 3nuli , ReCkft, CUP? fah:, Teat, Syrup, Molasses, eandlei, Coal OIL Fish Oil, Tar, Best rider Vaneg fr, twit 0, great 7.,riets of Notious Candice, kc., ke. . War ihe C %Ph ur Trade nal be given for COUutty Produce, goth no' Flog', Cora, (rota, Battl..r, Eggs, Putative*, itergs, Au. April 8, 1867. tf air FARM - ER:4, ATTEND TO YOUR INjEItEt4T6I Gettysburg Foundry.' MITE Fuhocritier.vrobil I ivforco custom+, nod others, that lie it+ fftitl tuoilufacti a riag ri yg 0113 kinds of C..sting3and ids io Oen& notice. h as ANII POWTMS, (are dittured size& of Poweiv.,) Clover-see hullers and CleAnera ' C.)rn 'Shelters ittol Sep oratori, Cornfo4dcr Cutters. Straw, cud Hoy tutterl - P L• 0 6 6 11 S .t..1,1i Atli:lst !nought'. B tr4liear Ploosho, hill attid Coro Ploughs; the WI ticatmg RAKR, the late4i improiement ; also Stets' Serowe for Cider ['reales; ICON It A U.l N : for Cemeteries. or Porebesk *id& rtrifbing elsetnibiq (loc o all at low !atoms., FOE: SALE.--A light Tao-horse Waists, One-horse Wagon, and a :31.014 Wagon. all DA Vll3 l SPIRNea. April 30, ISOC tf Tin Ware sad Mtevear Mint subscriber respectftilty infOrms the 1 politic that he still edsthstertiuslitielurse of making ALL KINDS( OF 0000 TP.VIPATtn." at the old stand. (formerly Andre W Philit) l l,) in York street , Oettysborr, where be Its/ the largest, assortw.eut of tin ware in ihe;rounty with masy other,aricelts fat kitchen use. kr. Attn. COMM() SIC, tit biL. i4TE STOVES, at the very, beat-kilida.. Mar.l2, 18C5 - . tf QUiENSIVASS, !tot4otn, Diljr-eikulsoke. in gramallaftety,at 9911110,101-10111011'. iI A ,1 , 13. sePtlmatiO vori,st 4si Oa tyd berg, t's.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers